Field Wireless
Field Wireless Solution
Bulletin 01W01A13-01EN
Wireless applications are expanding.
Field wireless system assumes a large role in Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in case
of an incident.
Wireless system ensures an operation continuity during accident which destroys power
and communication infrastructure in the field.
Gas Oil
Flammable gas detection Oil cellar pit press. & temp.
Gas distribution station Pipe leakage monitor
Heat exchanger temp. Pipeline temp. monitoring
LNG temp. monitoring Press. monitoring (Gauge)
Natual gas extraction separator unit Tank level monitoring
Process monitoring Tank temp. monitoring
Separation water Vibration sensor
UGS well press. & temp. monitoring
Vibration sensor
• Support system
• Language barrier
applications • World wide availability
1. Redundancy
Yokogawa CENTUM
VP R5 or later
supports dual- Redundancy of Field
redundant network Wireless Management
Redundancy of Field
Wireless Access Point: Redundancy of
DUOCAST with zero communication path:
re-transmission delay. YFGW510 Avoids communication
path difficulty.
2. Safe battery pack
3. Security
Device Authentication Message Authentication
Preventing a spoofing device from Message authentication is a
joining a network is the linchpin of mechanism for checking that
a secure wireless network. messages are from proper
As countermeasures for a false partners and not falsified.
device and a false gateway, The message authentication code
ISA100.11a introduces a introduced into the ISA100.11a is
provisioning, which is a greatly effective for preventing
mechanism for sharing an falsification.
authentication key, and
necessitates mutual authentication
between a gateway and a device
using an authentication key. Protects field wireless network
from security attacks.
Encryption is an effective
countermeasure against wireless Protection Against Replay Attacks
sniffing. An effective countermeasure
The ISA100.11a uses the against replay attacks is to
Advanced Encryption Standard introduce the concept of
(AES) as an encryption algorithm. "freshness" into communication
The ISA100.11a uses a 128-bit messages.
key and it takes a billion years for In this concept, only messages
a billion sets of the fastest received within a certain period of
supercomputers to break the time after their transmission are
code. accepted.
4. Deterministic feature
It is essential for the industrial wireless
route change.
Gas alarm Safe alarm Reliable:
Interference avoidance
Cut-off prevents negative effects of
other wireless devices.
FN310 FN510
HART Solenoid
valve High performance radio
prevents noise and jamming.
Pressure Air
Closed loop
FN310 class 2
supervisory control
class 3 Open loop control
class 4 Flagging
Channel hopping
Continuously switches
between channels for
Improved success rate of
data retransmission with "hop"
to a different channel.
6. Sky Mesh
Sky Mesh is an innovative design method for wireless devices to
communicate using a 2.4GHz wireless network in plants. Our well designed
radio, which provides long distance radio links and stable communications
in obstacle dense areas, enables this advanced approach.
Cost effective.
Easy expansion and flexibility.
Easy maintenance.
Higher level system support ranges YFGW610
from a standalone RTU or DAQ to a
Maximum transmission
2 km
fully redundant DCS. distance
Up to 500 field devices can be Power supply 24 VDC 10W(Max.)
installed in the system.
Field Wireless Media Converter
YFGW610 converts communication media
between 100BASE-TX and 100BASE-FX to
extend the transmission distance
Field Wireless Access Point Field Wireless Management Station
Maximum number of field devices 500 devices
Power supply 24 VDC 3.5W(Max.) 24 VDC 10W(Max.)
Field backbone network interface 100BASE-TX/FX/WLAN 100BASE-TX
Field network interface ---------- 100BASE-TX/RS485
Redundancy DUOCAST:YFGW510 x2 Hot standby:YFGW410 x2
DCS connection Recorder connection
FCN/FCN-RTU GX/GP/GM Modbus client Application
software (GA10)
Field network
Easy instrumentation
Field Wireless Integrated Gateway Paperless Recorder Wireless Model
YFGW710 integrates the gateway function GX20W is a paperless recorder with built-in
between higher level systems and ISA100 ISA100 Wireless integrated gateway function.
Wireless field wireless devices, network GX20W directly receives ISA100.11a
configuration/management function, and signal and records field data remotely.
field wireless network communication Application example :
function into an all-in-one box, providing Visualize field condition
communication infrastructure for a small Substitute for daily check
scale field wireless system. Temporal monitoring
50 devices 50 devices Maximum number of field devices
24 VDC 10W(Max.) 100-240 VAC 110VA(Max.) Power supply
---------- ---------- Field backbone network interface
100BASE-TX/FX 100BASE-TX Field network interface
N/A N/A Redundancy
For more information, please refer to General Specifications for each product.
YTA510 YTMX580
Wireless Temperature
Transmitter Temperature Transmitter
YTA510 can accept measurement from YTMX580 can accept up to 8 points of
thermocouples (8 types) or RTD signals (3 types). measurement from thermocouples (8 types)
The two input model can measure and process or RTD signals (3 types). It can also accept
each input independently. Extension coaxial DC voltage, resistance, and 4 to 20 mA DC
cables allow flexible antenna installation. signal input in non hazardous locations.
YTA510 YTMX580
Thermocouples, RTD, ohms, Thermocouples, RTD, ohms,
Input type
DC millivolts DC milivolts, DC miliamperes
Input channels 1 or 2 8
Update period 1 – 3600 seconds 1 – 3600 seconds
Battery life 10 years (10 seconds update time) 6 years (60 seconds update time)
Ambient temp. limit -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
FN 310-J, FN310-M
Field Wireless Multi-Protocol Module
FN 310-J and FN110 convert a wired device to a wireless device. The built-in batteries power
the FN110. The connected wired device can be powered by this module or external power
This module supports HART and Modbus protocol. Extension cables allow flexible FN110
Input channels 1 1
Update period 5 – 3600 seconds 8 – 3600 seconds
4 years (600 seconds update time)*1
Battery life 8 years (600 seconds update time)
8 years (10 seconds update time)*2
FN510 FN110
FN510 (+FN110)
Input output function AI (4-20mA) DI PULSE input DO
Input output channels 1 2 1 1
Update period 1 – 3600 seconds 2 – 3600 seconds
3 years
10 years
Battery life (30 seconds update time)
(10 seconds update time)
with continuous DO=ON
Power supply to
external device
Ambient temp. limit -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
ISA100.11a / IEC62734 is one of the most famous
industrial, open wireless protocols. Yokogawa introduced this Open, Secure
and Scalable standard to provide high reliable field wireless products.
features Devices can be purchased
from multiple suppliers
by many
The WCI (Wireless Compliance Institute) is a non-profit organization, which provides ISA100
related certification and verification support, and education and technical support.
As a WCI board member, Yokogawa is working with other members of the ISA100 WCI to
make a wider range of ISA100.11a-compliant products available to the market.
Yokogawa's Field Wireless Products are WCI certificated.
Please refer to "ISA100 Wireless Product Listing" for ISA100 Wireless Compliant™ products.
Open standard
The ISA100.11a / IEC 62734 open standard is important to customers in
that it allows best-in-class ISA100 enabled devices from many vendors with
compatibility ensured by WCI. Yokogawa supplies both ISA100.11a
compatible infrastructure equipment and field devices.
Control room
Power supply
Water pH monitoring
Tank level monitoring with HART pressure transmitter with SENCOM sensor
Continuous support
We support customers for all the phases from introductry study
to after-installation care.
Yokogawa understands industrial application thoroughly based
on long and substantial experience.
System configuration
Device setting
FieldMate is used for field device setting
and adjustment.
FieldMate is a PC based configuration
tool that performs numerous tasks, Initial settings for field equipment to connect
including initial setup, daily maintenance, to ISA100 wireless system. Device TAG,
troubleshooting, and configuration security key, and wireless network
backup for device replacement. parameters are set during provisioning.
Two setting methods are provided
1. Using infrared interface port
ISA100 Radio
(OOB:Out Of Band)
2. Using wireless interface port
(OTA:Over The Air)
Ethernet YFGW510
security key
network parameter
Network configuration
Setting wireless communication routes.
• Wireless Management Console function built in the YFGW410 is used.
• Easy to manage communication routes with graphical user interface.
• Definite routing make communication latency predictable.
Wireless network
configuration is performed
on the Field Wireless
Console function in the
management station.
No need for dedicated
application software
because this function can
be accessed via browser
on the PC.
Yokogawa serves its customers worldwide through a network of sales,
engineering, and service companies and manufacturing subsidiaries
located in the following countries and regions. Support is also
provided by sales and service representatives around the world.
Please contact the following Yokogawa company for support in your
North & Central East Asia
America Middle East Japan
Africa Asia Asean & Oceania
All brand or product names of Yokogawa Electric Corporation in this bulletin are trademarks or registered trademarks of Yokogawa Electric
Corporation. All other company brand or product names in this bulletin are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.