Curiculum Framework
Curiculum Framework
Curiculum Framework
In some states, curriculum frameworks have been adopted based on traditional academic
standards rather than outcome-based constructivist standards, but many frameworks were
originally or still based on student-centered learning and constructivism such as reform
mathematics, whole language and Inquiry-based Science which have been controversial
in some states and communities. High school graduation examinations tie awarding of
diplomas to demonstration of meeting the standards set out in the frameworks.
The intended or specified curriculum has a focus on the aims and content of what
is to be taught – that is, the curriculum which is planned and expressed through
curriculum frameworks and other formal documents and which may have the
authority of law.
The implemented or enacted curriculum relates to what is actually put in place for
students in schools which may represent local interpretations of what is required in
formal curriculum documents. Here curriculum and instruction are seen as being
closely interrelated.
The experienced curriculum refers to the formal learning actually experienced by
students. This is more concerned with the learners, what knowledge and
perspectives they bring, their ability to learn and their interaction with the
The hidden curriculum refers to student experiences of school beyond the formal
structure of the curriculum, and in particular the messages communicated by the
school or education system concerning values, beliefs, behaviours and attitudes.
The messages contained in the hidden curriculum may complement the intended
and implemented curricula or they may undermine them.
The null curriculum refers all those areas and dimensions of human experience
which the curriculum does not specify and which are not addressed through
Normally an intended curriculum framework and related syllabuses are designed and
implemented, but then evolve and change as they are interpreted and implemented at
different levels and in different contexts.
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