LECTURE 17 - Stakeholders in Curriculum Planning
LECTURE 17 - Stakeholders in Curriculum Planning
LECTURE 17 - Stakeholders in Curriculum Planning
Stakeholders are the individuals or institution that are interrelated in the school curriculum.
They are the one who put into action and give life to the curriculum.
They shape the school curriculum implementation
They are the very reason a curriculum is developed.
They make and unmake the curriculum by their active and direct involvement.
How each individual learners contribute to the realization of a planned curriculum would
depend on the interaction and internalization of the different learning activities.
1) Learners (Students)
They are the primary stakeholders in the curriculum.
They were classified according to there:
Physical, Mental and Emotional Development
Cultural Background
Aspiration and personal goals
2) Teachers (As Curriculum Developers and Implementers)
Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary role of teacher.
A teacher is a curriculum maker.
Teacher writes a curriculum daily through a lesson plan, unit plan or a yearly
Teacher addresses the goals, needs interests of the learner by creating experiences
from where the studies can learn.
Teacher’s design, enriches and modifies the curriculum to suit the learners'
The teacher is part of textbook committee, faculty selection boards, school
evaluation committees or textbook writers themselves.
Teachers therefore become architects of school curriculum.
3) Curriculum Managers and Administrators
They supervise curriculum implementation, select and recruit new teachers, admit
students, procure equipment and materials needed for effective learning.
They also plan for the improvement of school facilities and physical plants.
They have privilege to command but at the same time to lead the institution.
They are responsible for the final decision making in terms with the school
They are responsible to the kind of curriculum their school will offer and how these
are implemented.
4) Parents ( as supporters to the curriculum)
It simply means that the parents are the best supporters of the school, especially
because they are one's paying for their child education.
How do parents shape the curriculum and why are they considered as stakeholders?
a) Effectives parental involvement in school affairs may be linked to parents’ educational
program which is central to high quality educational experiences of the children.
b) Parents involvement extends from the confine of the school to the home.
c) In most schools the parent Association is organized