Meditation: Follow The Narrow Path in The Middle
Meditation: Follow The Narrow Path in The Middle
Meditation: Follow The Narrow Path in The Middle
the Narrow Path
in the Middle»
“O Kabir,
Follow the narrow path
In the middle.
My dear brothers and sisters,
I have the privilege to see all of you. Today’s subject is very beautiful. Spirituality
really is not occultism! If we understand the subject which will be given today, I assure
you that your angle of vision will be changed. Once you know the very pur- pose
of your human life as taught by Christ and all other competent Masters in the world,
I assure you, you will not be deluded because the purpose of human life is very definite
indeed. But we are not conscious about it. If we select the wrong way, not the right
way, we are misguided once for all. So for that purpose we have to disscriminate:
We have to discriminate between the Creator and the creation. We have to discriminate
between the outer man and the inner man. We have to discriminate what are the functions
of gods, goddesses and avataras, and the negative powers, against the teaching of
the Christ and all other competent Masters of the world. Beside this we have to
discriminate between the body and the indweller of the body. We have to know about
the astral, causal and this physical plane, and we have to know also where the world’s
philosophies end because our way will start from there.
Today’s subject is: “What is meditation?”. If you hear it and live with it, you will
have a wonderful life and you will not be bewildered in the world, and you will not
be deluded by anybody. Meditation, or you may say, the real purpose of human life,
or the development of this consciousness within, or you may speak of the development
of the soul – that is our subject, because we have a direct and independent contact
with God. To discuss this – what is meditation – we have to discriminate a lot of
things. This subject is a very long one but if you understand fully, you will have a
gift of life within you.
The first question arises: Why should we meditate? How to meditate, where to meditate?
The answers to all these things will reveal you the truth. Some people meditate to
fulfill their wishes, some meditate for peace of mind. Some people meditate to acquire
supernatural powers, some meditate to influence others, and some people meditate
for salvation. Only few people meditate out of yearning and love for God. Rabia Basri
was asked, how she meditated, if God came first or whether she meditated first? She
said: “No, I do not meditate first. It is my inner Beloved which comes first and then
I meditate.” She explained the signs of the appearance of the inner Beloved. You know,
if you really see the beautiful vision of your inner Beloved, that is called the Christpower,
you will leave all other kinds of meditation. There are thousand ways of meditation,
which are merely a heap of dust, they would not take you anywhere.
So today we have to differentiate and you have to discriminate, what you need. (You
must know) how you prepare your life and how you have to meditate. For that reason
I will not tell you about any sect or “ism”, but I will verify those negative facts with
the positive facts. I must discriminate what are the negative facts and what are the
positive facts. If you know the positive facts of life, naturally you will discard all the
negative facts of life and you will have the higher values of life. The purpose of human
life is to meet good end, and to meet good end, everybody needs to have the higher
values of life. Only with the higher values of life, with higher consciousness, you
can meditate. Otherwise meditation is mere itching.
I take you back to the very original criteria, to the very original path taught by Christ,
Guru Nanak and Kabir. And that is your subject. If you do it, well and good, if you
do not do it, then nobody can help you, only you have to do it. And this is a reality,
I tell you the truth.
Just to begin with it, I will tell you on whom to meditate, who is the Master, who is
the Christpower in the world. People all over the world are bewildered. I will tell
you what is the play of the mind, what is going on, where it is going on, how it is
doing, and regarding the astral and the causal plane. All these things we will discuss
today, and you will certainly come to a conclusion.
This teaching which I tell you, that is not from me, that is from the holy scriptures
and that is the experience of all the competent Masters who solved the mystery of
life. They practised it and they preached this very truth. And their experience must
become our experience. If you be very attentive and listen to everything, you will
get something, that is for sure. Your soul will get some food today.
“I shall never leave thee, nor forsake thee till the end of the world.” These are the
words of Christ and not of Jesus. Christ lived before Jesus. Who is Christ? Christ is
the Power, God-into-action-Power, who has created the whole creation and has created
this holy body. And we have a direct and independent contact with that Power, and
that will never leave us. Our contact with Him – God – is unbreakable and ever fresh
and it gives us everlasting life. We leave the body, but that Power does not leave us.
So before we come to the subject we must know why to meditate, on what ground
we can meditate and what are the pre-conditions for meditation.
Who is the Master of the whole creation? There is only one Master! It is from all
competent Masters that the Christpower, Masterpower, Godpower, God-into-action-
Power is our Master. That is also called the radiant form of the Master. It is called
Guru Dev by Kabir. He is our Master. He is the Master of all human beings. But there
are hundred thousand other “masters”, and I will certainly tell you what they are, who
they are, what their function is. All these things we have to verify. Those who claim
themselves as Master, those who pose themselves as Master – as per holy scripture
and as per all competent Masters – they can never be the Master. Because there can
be no doer in the world. God is the doer, Christpower is the doer. No son of man can
be the doer. So those who came, those who were commissioned from above, they
said, they are the slaves of God. They are the borrowed servants of the Christpower,
the Godpower. They never claimed themselves as Masters, because if at one time
they claimed themselves as Masters, their contact with God would be broken for all
the times. They cannot claim this because they see that Power working everywhere.
They see this Power working in themselves, outside and inside. So they love all human
beings because they love that Power and they see that Power in all human beings.
Take it for granted – it is from the holy scriptures – those who claim themselves as
Masters and pose themselves as Masters can never be the Masters; and nobody should
believe them. Who is the Christ? His teaching is the Christ, and if you follow that
teaching by learning and yearning, you will get more in contact with that Power, because
that Power is innate in the soul, and you have to learn it within – not outside. Whatever
you hear today – if you live with it, you will have the yearning. When you have the
yearning, you will develop a ruling passion in your life, and that Power which is very
close, that will detach you from the body, that will detach you from the world and
the worldly attachments. Thus you will begin to live unattached in the world of
attachments. Your angle of vision will be changed. So far your angle of vision is not
changed, there is no meditation (possible) and you cannot find your own Self with-
in the body. When the house is burning, you cannot make a house in the house. (Before
we can explain what meditation is) we have to discuss so many things, that are very
important. This is why in the beginning I told you, if you follow what you hear today
and live with it, in a month or so your angle of vision will be changed. I assure you for
that because I tell you from my practical life, and I tell you from the experi-ences of
the competent Masters.
It is from the holy scriptures: There is no Master in a million, maybe one in a bil-
lion. When Christ came, how many came along with him? Many, many came along
with him who claimed themselves to be a Master. Jesus was crucified by those who
followed the religious teachers of that time. Kabir came and He was also given lots
of punishments because He told that there is only one doer. You know who Kabir was?
Kabir said of Himself: He came in all the four ages, as Sat Sukrat, Muninder, Karunamae
and then as Kabir – in Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Age. Kabir was asked, when
He became a devotee. He said: “There was no moon, no sun, no earth, no gods and
goddesses, there was nothing in the world, then I was to meditate.” He was asked to
work for It (the Godpower). So this is the Power that is called the Christpower. They
are not two, they are all one. We say: “Christ is different than Guru Nanak or Kabir.”
No, they are all one. It is like that – now there are so many bulbs (in this room) – our
attention is in the light and not in the glass. They (the Masters) are all one, they are
all positive, though they come with different dressings. So all the competent Masters
– whether they came in the East or West, came at different places and different times
– they taught the very same truth with one opinion.
If you go back to your holy scriptures, this one opinion is there. So all the competent
Masters had one opinion, and they spoke with one opinion. Whereas those hundred
thousand masters who so far came in the world, their experiences do not agree with
each other, because their ways are different. Their way was within the world, in the
astral plane or in the causal plane. Physical, astral and causal world, however, they
are all matter. These regions belong to the negative power. The so-called mas-ters
work for that power which is the controller of the astral and causal planes. So all those
who meditated on the astral and causal plane, Kabir says that they are the evildoers.
He said: “Don’t sit by an evildoer, because sin will cling to your soul and your soul
will fall down like the petal of the flowers.”
So who are the evildoers, what they did in the world and what they are still doing
that is open for everybody. If you read the holy scriptures very minutely, you can
find everything there. Problem is only that we neither go back to our holy scriptures,
nor do we search the consciousness in this manbody and so we remain ignorant. The
question is within – the answer is also within. The disease is within – the remedy is
also within. This manbody is the true church. It is the true Bible, it is the two-paged
Bible. Open it and the whole teaching is there. Macrocosm is in the microcosm. What-
ever exists in the physical plane, in the astral plane or in the causal plane, that all exists
in this body. There is nothing that is not in the body. Whatever God has created, that
exists in the manbody. This is why it is said: “Man is the prototype of the whole cre-
ation.” These are basic things.
Along with it we must know so many things about what else there is in the body; to
start with the subject, there are so many things that cannot be explained in one day.
The teaching which will be told to you today is only little compared to that which
you have to learn. There is no end to the competency of our Father and there is no
end to our learning. One has to learn and live with it up to the last breath, because
one has to live with one’s Father for all the times to come, one has to live an eternal
life with one’s Father. So this teaching is not only that teaching which is written in
the holy scriptures, because that is very little. It is said: “Whatever is written in the
holy scriptures that exists in the manbody, but whatever exists in the manbody that
does not exist in all the holy scriptures of the world.” So this is why Christ and all
Masters said: “Tap inside, go into this holy body.” It is a wonderful house we live
It is said that here at the eye-centre is the seat of the soul (between and behind the
two eye-brows). All people say: “Here is the seat of the soul – meditate over here!”
But where is the seat of the soul?
It is a big problem – nobody really knows where the seat of the soul is. But we must
know it. If we know where the seat of the soul is, then there is no problem. Do you
know what happens at the time of death? We transcend from the lower extremities
and transcending the throat ganglion, our attention, the spirit or consciousness goes
to the root of the two eye-brows. From there it takes upward-trend, then it takes inward-
trend, and here is the seat of the soul. It is said, “Here is the seat of the soul.” But to
reach there and to locate there is very difficult, because just very close to the seat of
the soul there is the mind and there is the intellect. This body is not five-fold, it is
eight-fold. Five folds have to finish with it when we leave the body, and three folds
will never leave us: intellect, mind and ego. Those three are also matter and they reach
up to the causal plane. Physical, astral and causal plane are all matter. There is no reality
in them, these are the barriers for the spirit to go up.
Mind is the king in the body, mind is the king in the physical, astral and causal. All
rishis and munis, all gods and goddesses, they became prey to this mind, and could
not get rid of the tentacles of the mind. They could not get out of the attachment,
lust, ego, everything is still there. So what is there in the astral and causal plane? Every-
thing that is here in the physical form, that is also in the astral form, and everything
is above in the causal plane. It is all matter there.
So, what do most people do, when they meditate? How do they meditate? First they
have to overcome the intellect. Well, maybe they can overcome this, but they cannot
overcome the mind. You know, when you create a wish, your mind at once identifies
with it. Mind in this physical body is astral. Everyone has wishes upon wishes, and
our mind identifies with them – so mind always remains astral. So when we create a wish
to see something, at once our mind identifies with this and it will give you the light
over here. If you stress more, it will take you to the astral plane, it will take you to the
chakras. Mind will show you the light at once. Whereas the experience taught by Christ
and all the competent Masters, that starts from the darkness – but that we will treat
later on. First we have to tell all these things about the mind, because the activity of
the mind is very large, very vast and wide. To know the mind and its activity is the
foremost thing before meditation. Mind, matter, maya, nega-tive power, they are all
one. Everybody wants to be happy in the world. He creates a wish to be happy. Man
has to create a wish in order to be happy in the world. Without a wish, nobody can
remain happy in the world. He has to create his happiness. But when we create wishes,
we also create sin, attachment, ego, we tell lies, so many things we create. Every wish,
when it is fulfilled, brings us attachment and with attachment it brings ego. So after
some time the same wish, that has been fulfilled, becomes fake and void and we have
no interest in it. And so everyone has to create another wish just to be happy again
in the world. Thus throughout life man goes on creating wishes upon wishes and he
loses his life. That is the way of the negative power or the mind.
Now those who stress too much over here (between and behind the eye-brows) and
who try to meditate by themselves, they go into the chakras and into the astral plane.
Or they go down and their Kundalini-power is opened and it comes from behind to the
top of the head and that sound* begins from that place. What is in the astral plane?
There are the gods and goddesses and avataras. There are the cities of gods and
goddesses, and they are controlling their own cities. There are ‘riddhis’ and ‘siddhis’
– supernatural powers – miracles and there is excessive light. When the soul goes there,
This sound, that starts from there, is negative and has nothing to do with the sound-experience
it is just like a pitcher: you enter into it, but it is very vast and wide (and you are
caught there). There are constant ups and downs, because mind takes you there. It is
the astral mind which takes you there. Do you know what the mind is? Mind is called
a snake. Anyone who – by the blessing of the Master – was shown his mind, he always
saw a snake. Mind in the body is a snake. The outlook of the mind is always uneven.
You know, a snake always goes very fast on a ground with ups and downs, it cannot
move on a very soft and even place. So throughout life the mind creates ups and downs
in the life of man, because its purpose is to take him back to the negative power. It
won’t let you go, because even in the beginning (when you start following the right
way) it will try to convince you that the way you are following is wrong. It does so
many things (to keep you off the way). It is called ‘thousand-headed cobra’. We cannot
control one head of a cobra – mind is a thousand-headed cobra. The whole world is
controlled by the mind. We do not differentiate whether we are mind or we are soul.
Just to differentiate I give you an example: If my mind tells me, “Gentleman, what
is going on behind you? Look at it!” I say, “If you have the power, you can look yourself
– I do not look!” I will not obey, because I am not the mind. Why should I obey the
mind? So mind, matter, negative power – they are all one. And what happens? We
create wishes, and who fulfills our wishes? All holy scriptures tell us: “Be desireless!”
So far you do not become desireless, so far you do not remain unattached in the world
of attachment, your purpose cannot be solved, because when you have to leave this
world, you have also to leave your attention from this world. If your attention will
remain in the world, you have to come back again into this world. So we created wishes
and negative power, mind helped us to fulfill it. Thus we strengthened the hand of
the negative power.
In the beginning there was no hell and there was no heaven, because the contact of
man was direct with the Godpower. Who created this hell and heaven in the astral
plane? There is hell, there is heaven in the astral plane and there is another high heav-
en that is still in the causal plane. This is called Baikunth and it was made by the
negative power. Master asked the negative power, “You have been sent into the world
with man to serve the man – how could you create such barriers for man?” He said,
“He created wishes and by that he strengthened my hand, now he has to give me back.
He has to pay me much.” So this negative power created hell for the sinners and heaven
for the pious egoist. Both are living there and they will come down again into the
world and they will go into the transmigration of souls. I tell you, no salvation is there.
When there was no sin, there was no prison. Prison was made later on – sin came
first. So of this hell and heaven all people say, “Let us show you the light, let us show
you this heaven!” But this is not that heaven which was preached by Christ. Christ
told, “Where the world’s philosophies end, there the religion starts!” So the world’s
philosophies do not end with the astral or the causal regions. You have to rise above
the astral and then to the causal. From there you see down and you can see the cause
and effect of the world. When you see the cause and effect of the world, you are
awakened. Then you can rise into the true Heaven.
So there is a big illusion inside which we are confronted with in the astral plane. There
are the “riddhis” and “siddhis”, which are called miracles. They are scattered on the
floor like so many flowers, very attractive flowers. You need not even pick them up,
if you only look at them, you will be affected. Then you will come out from the astral
plane with these miracles. And those who meditated in the astral plane, what have
they brought from the astral plane? – They brought the black magic, spiritual heal-
ing, they brought mesmerism, hypnotism, they did Kundalini-Yoga, they did lots of
things, just to influence others. What are the negative facts of life? These are all created
by the so-called people who got in touch only with the astral plane, because the astral
plane is fully controlled by the negative power and it is open for everybody. If you
want to go to the astral plane, then you do not need a Master, because mind itself
will take you there. It is said in the holy scriptures that there was one Saint and his
disciple. Both were sitting in meditation to enter into the astral plane. The disciple was
more receptive and he went more quickly than his master. It is open for everybody,
but it is a death-trap. Once you enter there, you cannot come out of it. Now there are
the references (in the scriptures). You read some scriptures from various rishis and
munis, who meditated for a long, long period. It is said that they meditated for thousand
years. They became the skeleton of bone, but they could not solve the riddle of life,
because they could not come out of this region. They lost their whole life. What did
they do? They lengthened their life by Prana-Yoga. To control the breath-system,
this is Prana-Yoga. In short: In a minute we normally breathe nearly six to eight times.
But if you control it, you can come down to even two or three, to four or five a day.
So much they could control their breath. As our life is based on the number of breaths,
and they could control the breath, they could meditate for a considerable long time.
However they could not solve the mystery of death.
What are those miracles? Miracles are only illusions. There you see something, and
you are influenced with it. Whereas the holy scriptures tell us that this holy light does
not appear or never so far appeared on the world or the sea. It will always appear
when you enter into the Heaven, taught by Christ. So these miracles, all these things
are purely negative. What is there? Only the astral light, the astral dust, appears on
the physical dust. We call him (who shows miracles): “He is a holy person!” He is
not a holy person. Kabir says, he is an evildoer; he has come to mislead you, he has
come to misguide you. What is there? You know, you play with fireworks. What is
there in the fireworks? You see very beautiful sceneries, but these sceneries are illusions,
because they have no essence in them and within a moment they will become dust, a
heap of dust. If you really want to see the sceneries, you go to the garden, there are
beautiful sceneries, but these fireworks are just like an illusion. So same thing is when
the astral dust mixes into the physical dust and we think he is a holy person. He has
shown a miracle, and those who take it to the heart, they are affected, they come into
the clutch of the negative power. Those who are not affected, they cannot come into
the clutch of the negative power. So this is what is going on in the world – it is all
negative facts. To know the truth, to know the right subject, you must learn and yearn.
And for that purpose, this is a very beautiful subject today. Now we have to know,
what this manbody is and what our relation with the world is. All these things – it is
a very big subject and I am going to cut it short, otherwise it will not be complete in
itself. For that purpose you have to remain in touch (with us). And you have to learn
it throughout life. There is no end to the learning, I tell you.
Once some man came to Kabir and said, “There is some master who maintains that
Christ can be seen, that this or that power can be seen – and he shows it to every-
one. You, however, say that self-analysis and self-knowledge are necessary in order
to gain God-knowledge, and that learning and yearning is a must.” Kabir replied, “Bring
this person here.” So Kabir met him and He told him, “That subject, which you are
telling to all, by this you are misguiding and misleading all people. Please do not tell
things like that.” So he compromised with Kabir to a certain extent. Kabir said, “It
is your mind which plays a double-role. It will let you see something within, and it
will show you the same thing outside also.” The man said that Lord Krishna also
appears to him. Kabir advised him, “When you sit in meditation and he appears, then
catch hold of his hand and don’t let him go!”
This was spoken by a competent Master. When he sat in meditation, Lord Krishna
appeared and he got hold of his hand. And while he was struggling, his eyes were
opened and he saw that he was holding his own hand. This is the way of the negative
power, I tell you. To know the mind, to know the negative power is very difficult.
How to get rid of it? For that purpose you must have the consciousness, you must
have the awakening – you must know what is what. If you know, what is what, then
you belong to Him. It is not so difficult, it only deals with your right understanding.
There is only one very precious thing in the world, it is a priceless thing in the world
– that is the right understanding. When one leaves the body, these our eyes do not
work. We leave this world. Now as our Third Eye is not opened, it is said that there
is utter darkness. One cannot move inside, one cannot even see one’s feet. And so
one is taken back by the negative power. One does not know where to go, because at
the seat of the soul it is utter darkness there. But when you transcend from the astral
and the causal plane, there this Third Eye is opened. How? – It is very practical. Now
I will tell you, where the Third Eye is and how it is opened. If you know it, then you
may go everywhere in the world and ask those “masters”, “Yes, here is the seat of
the soul, please take me direct from this place above!” And you will never be misguided
in the world. If you stay at this place, you will have the right understanding, you will
have the awakening, you will become the conscious co-worker of the divine plan. But
to reach there, you have lots of things to learn. Today I will give you a gift of life, a
priceless heritage, and if you know it, you will never be bewildered in the world, and
you will never be misguided by any “master” in the world. You have a direct and
independent contact with Godpower. It is your subject, and you have to solve it. You
need only a guidance. Those (true Masters) who came in the world, they were attached
with that Power, they were sent by that Power. And what did they do? They did not
attach any person with themselves. They helped others to attach with Him – God. It
is from the holy scriptures. So we are all reading in one and the same class, though
we are wearing the different badges of different religions, but our subject is one. Like
in a classroom, like in the college, like in the university. The subject for all human
beings is one and the same. So now we will come up to the very subject: What is
meditation, where to meditate, how to meditate, and who helps us to meditate?
It is said that the seat of the soul is here between and behind the eye-brows. But how
can we transcend there? It is said that there are three Nadis in the body – one is called
Ida, Pingala and Sushmana. Ida and Pingala are the physical Nadis, because they only
enter into the astral and causal plane, so they are physcial, material, whereas the
Sushmana, that is invisible (and reaches above the region of matter). Our soul has
to transcend from the central nerves. There is an opening. Where does that lead to?
That transcends above the astral and the causal regions. On the right side, there are
the moon and the stars and on the left side there is the sun and the creations. So when
you meditate and you have a wish, at once your mind identifies with this and it will
take you either to the left side or to the right side; both are governed by the negative
power. There are the creations, and these are the barriers (for the soul). What will
happen? You will see the light, you will get emotional and you will drop down. That
is what is going on with every type of these meditations. Whereas the Third Eye is
a little opening, a very fine opening. It is said, it is just like one tenth of the mustard-
seed. But it is this opening that is the gate to the (real) Heaven. So all Masters tell
us that it is a very slippery way, even an ant cannot climb. Kabir says, “Even the feet
of the ant can slip from that place.” Whereas we go like loaded bullocks – how is it
possible? So what happens? When our soul transcends with the help of a competent
Master, He takes us direct to that place. And there is utter darkness. So the teaching
or the meditation prescribed by Christ and all other competent Masters, that starts
from the darkness and not from the light.
You know, Alexander the Great, whose master was Quazi Kidr. He wanted that he
should not shed tyranny and murder in the world. He wanted to show him the Truth.
He wanted to give him the Bread and the Water of Life. So Alexander was listening,
but not fully cooperating. Forcibly Quazi Kidr took him to the seat of the soul – and
it is said in the scriptures, that there was utter darkness and he could not drink the
Water of Life there. And he came back, and he started with what had been his intention.
So when it is said, “If your eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” – that
means, when our attention transcends from the lower extremities and from the astral
and from the causal region, it is not going this way or that way. First it transcends direct
above the causal plane and there is an opening – and this is the gateway to the Heaven,
taught by Christ. And what is there? There is the Bread of Life and the Water of Life.
There is a serene vibration, there is the music of the spheres. Once you come in contact
with it, you will be reborn. It is the same experience which happens at the time of death.
Then you are twice born. Once you are twice born, why you come into the world again?
When you take the Bread of Life, you will never feel hungry to come back into the
world. You take the Water of Life, and you will never feel thirsty.
This is not the subject which is being taught everywhere. Some people tell us, “Yes,
I am also initiated by a competent Master.” There are so many groups! After one
competent Master (has left the physical body) many people stand up and say, “Yes,
Master appointed me as spiritual successor.” That is what is going on. What they are
telling (about themselves giving the experiences), you can experience yourself. You
can enter there (in the astral plane) without the help of anybody. If you stress over
here (on the forehead), you can have that experience, but it is all negative. You must
be reborn, I tell you. You need the help of somebody who can guide you, so that you
can transcend over here. And once you enter there, then the purpose of your life is
solved. There you can meditate. Who can meditate there (on that plane of which)
Christ said, “I and my Father are one”? It is only, I tell you, to do it! To come over
here, it is very difficult. But sometimes you come here and you do not know it, you
forget it. Perhaps in your life you came to this place many times, but you could not
find through it. Nobody helped you, but you came over there. As for example, you
have been to a certain country, there you were given a very warm welcome, there
they loved you very much, they served you very good food. They helped you to see
different places. Now you are back home. You are cooking the food, you are serving
the food, you are talking with your friends, but your attention is going there. So far
your attention is going there, your whole work is going on, but you are disconnected
from the place.
Or somebody just passes by you and I ask you, “Well friend, have you seen this person
who just passed by you?” You say, “No, my attention was somewhere else.” Your
eyes were open, but you could not see that person. What is that due to? Because here
(between and behind the eye-brows) we die, here is the seat of the soul. And from
here our five doors are opened to the outside. This is called the five outside faculties
of the soul. Those five faculties are the ears, eyes, nose, throat, mouth and touch below
– five senses. These are the five doors. When they are opened, we are getting reactions.
Whether it is good or bad, we are getting the effects. But when these doors are shut
from outside, then they open to the inside. You know the example of New-ton? He
was solving his mathematical problem, when some drum-beaters passed by him. He
however said, “No one has passed.” He could not even listen with his ear, because
his attention was fully focused on his problem. His thoughts have become thoughtless.
So when these five doors close from outside, and they open inside, it is called inversion.
These are the inner five doors. So Christ tells us, “If you shut the ten doors of this
temple, you can see the heavenly light within.” In order to shut the ten doors of this
temple, you must rise above the intellect and the mind and above all what is going
on in the world. It is the same experience which happens at the time of death. So try
to understand.
There is no concession – teaching itself is the concession. If you follow that teaching,
then there is the law of sympathy and compassion that plays the biggest role in the
life of the disciple. To the root of every hair, the skin is one. So with this subject,
you can solve all your miseries and attachments of the world. In this body, in the
astral body and in the causal body, our soul is mind-ridden, it cannot get free from
the mind. But when it rises above the causal plane, then the soul is pure. When the
Third Eye is opened, when it enters into the Heaven, then it is free from the mind.
When it is free from the mind, at once it gets the Water of Life and the Bread of Life.
It is a law. When you one time get the beautiful vision of your inner Beloved, you
will be lost there. You will have a ruling passion in your life. It is so easy a subject,
but people are bewildered due to ignorance. They are taught something, but they are
given something else. Everybody will say, “Yes, this is this, this is this,” but they
will not be able to give you this experience, because it is a gift from Him (God). Nobody
in the world says that He (God) alone gives it to you. If you know the competency
of your Master and you learn and yearn, He will give it to you. You know if you have
a worldly love, you give your heart. Where you give the heart, you also give the head.
What does it mean to give the head? You give your intellect and mind also. You are
wavering in the world, I tell you. It is a constant learning and yearning. There is nothing
that is to be put inside you from outside; everything is already there. This serene love
is there, it is wavering inside, but we do not go to that place. Nobody can help you
to go to that place, because this is your subject which you must learn. Otherwise,
there is no way out.
Better not to meditate than to meditate (in the wrong way). If you meditate only with
the help of mind, if you meditate to fulfill wishes, this is a death-trap.
Kabir says, “There are ten avataras and many gods and goddesses who have come
into the world. But they are of no use to you, since the weed is growing on their heads
and they cannot see the Water of Life.” When they cannot see the Water of Life, how
can they give the Water of Life? So man is the highest rang in the whole creation.
He is supreme in this creation – he is the first image of God. The child is loveable
to the Father and human birth is the right criteria to go back home. If this opportunity
is lost, who will save you? Our life in the world is very short, very short. All Masters
tell us, it from
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Dr. Harbhajan Singh
Masters tell us, it is only as short as one breath,
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Father inside. We are
All mantras, all practices
Are futile and false,
Let no one fall in their trap;
Without realization
Of the true Shabd
A crow cannot
Turn into a swan.
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District Nawanshar
Punjab INDIA
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Sant Kirpal Singh
leading this life for only one breath, it is so short, and in so short a time we have to
do a lot of work. Masters tell us, “Yearn for it, try to live with it, there are only two
things to learn from the lives of Masters: Live and do for Him! If really you live and
do for Him, your whole purpose is solved. You know, when Masters come into the
world, they live hundred per cent for others. Their purpose is differ-ent. At least we
must live for our Self. We only will prefer to live for our Self if really we live for others.
We create tentacles on others and then we say, “We are living for ourselves!” – No,
this is attachment. This leads to a further subject about our home and home-affairs,
how we can set our homes, how we can develop our children. This all leads to a very
big subject, I tell you. It is not a litttle subject – only a little is told to you. This subject
is so wide and that you have to learn throughout your life. Every time it becomes
more and more bright. When you become the conscious co-worker of the divine plan,
you will learn each and everything by yourself. Because you will read that very Bible
which is within. Everything came from inside. The question is within, the answer is
within. Suppose, you put me one question that is very import-ant for you, and if I
give you the wrong answer, you would never compromise with me, since you have
the right answer within you. So far you do not get the right answer from me, you
would never compromise with me. Because the right answer is within you. Everything
is within – not outside.
So please, all these things, which are coming out of various kinds of meditation, this
is not in your interest, but connects you with the negative aspect of life, rather Mas-
ters tell us, “It is a death-trap”. Go back to your holy scripture! If you follow the teach-
ing of the Christ, you are true Christians. To be a true Christian, a true Sikh, to be a
true Hindu, it is one and the same – these are the (outer) labels. We all have to become
human beings. He, who is a human being, he is a true Christian. Never so far in the
world any competent Master created a religion in the world. Rather religion came
into being only after the physical departure of those competent Masters, but by the
so-called followers of the faith. So God made man and man made religion.
I am not going to bind you in any religion, in any sect or “ism”; remain, but become
a true Christian. If you become a true Christian, you are a living example in the world
– you are a human being.