Coding Theory

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Consulting Editor

Robert Gallager

Other books in the series:

Digital Communication. Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt.

ISBN 0-89838-274-2.

An Introduction to Cryptology. Henk C. A. van Tilborg.

ISBN 0-89838-271-8.

Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers. Robert J. McEliece.

ISBN 0-89838-191-6.


Scott A. Vanstone
University of Waterloo


Paul C. van Oorschot

Bell Northern Research


Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data

Vanstone , Scott A.
An introduction to error correcting codes with applications / by
Scott A . Vanstone and Paul C. van Oorschot. .
p. em. - (The Kluwer international series in engineering and
computer science. Communications and information theory)
Bibliography : p.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-4419-5117-5 ISBN 978-1-4757-2032-7 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-2032-7
I. Error-correcting codes (Information theory) 2. Data
transmission systems. I. Van Oorschot, Paul C. II. Title .
III. Series.
TKSI02.S.V32 1989
OOS.7 '2-dc20 89-31032

Copyright © 1989 by Springer Science+ Business Media New York. Eighth Printing 200 I
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 200l.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 200 I

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical. photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior written permissionof the publisher,Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

This printing is a digital duplication of the original edition.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction and Fundamentals

1.1 An Introduction to Coding Theory 1
1.2 Applications of Error Correcting Codes 4
1.3 Fundamental Concepts 5
1.4 Some Questions 15
1.5 Exercises 17

Chapter 2 Finite Fields

2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Irreducible Polynomials 28
2.3 Properties of Finite Fields 29
2.4 The Minimal Polynomial 32
2.5 Examples of Finite Fields 35
2.6 Zech's Log Tables 39
2.7 Exercises 42

Chapter 3 Linear Codes

3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Generator Matrices and the Dual Code 51
3.3 The Parity-Check Matrix 57
3.4 Hamming Codes and Perfect Codes 65
3.5 Decoding Single-Error Correcting Codes 67
3.6 Standard Array Decoding 69
3.7 Step-by-Step Decodingt 78
3.8 Weight Distribution and Weight Enumeratorst 81
3.9 Exercises 95

Chapter 4 Some Special Linear Codes

4.1 Introduction 115
4.2 First Order Reed-Muller Codest 115
4.3 Self-Dual Codes and the Binary Golay Codet 130
4.4 Exercises 139
t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

Chapter 5 Cyclic Codes
5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 Rings and Ideals 148
5.3 Ideals and Cyclic Subspaces 152
5.4 Generator Matrices and Parity-Check Matrices 159
5.5 Encoding Cyclic Codest 163
5.6 Syndromes and Simple Decoding Procedures 168
5.7 Burst Error Correcting 175
5.8 Finite Fields and Factoring xn-l over GF(q) 181
5.9 Another Method for Factoring xn-l over GF(q)t 187
5.10 Exercises 193

Chapter 6 BCH Codes and Bounds for Cyclic Codes

6.1 Introduction 201
6.2 BCH Codes and the BCH Bound 205
6.3 Bounds for Cyclic Codest 210
6.4 Decoding BCH Codes 215
6.5 Linearized Polynomials and Finding Roots of Polynomialst 224
6.6 Exercises 231

Chapter 7 Error Correction Techniques and Digital Audio Recording

7.1 Introduction 237
7.2 Reed-Solomon Codes 237
7.3 Channel Erasures 240
7.4 BCH Decoding with Erasures 244
7.5 Interleaving 250
7.6 Error Correction and Digital Audio Recording 256
7.7 Exercises 261

A: Review of Vector Spaces 267
B: The Division Algorithm and the Euclidean Algorithm 269
C: The Chinese Remainder Theorem 275
D: Field Representations and Zech's Log Tables 277

References 283

Subject Index 285

Symbols and Notation
[n,M]-code 5 block code of block length n with M codewords
LaJ 12 largest integer smaller than or equal to a
IXI 19 cardinality of set X
Zn 22 integers modulo n
a-I mod n 22 multiplicative inverse of a, modulo nj a·a- 1;;;:1(mod n)
Zp[x] 24 polynomials in indeterminate x, with coefficients from Zp
[g(x)J 25,149 equivalence class containing polynomial g(x)
Zp[x]!(f(x» 25,149 set of all equivalence classes in Zp [x] under
congruence modulo the polynomial f(x)j
sometimes denoted Zp[xJ/f(x)
GF(q) 28 Galois field (finite field) with q elementsj
q is a prime or a power of a prime number
ordeal 30 order of a field element
F* 33 F\{O}, the set of non-zero elements of F
mQ(x) 33 minimal polynomial of a;
sometimes mi(x) is used to denote mQi(x) or mpi(x)
(with a or (3 implied by the context)
(aOala2) 35 vector representation of polynomial aO+alx+a2x2
z(i) 39,277 Zech's logarithm of d j ct<i)=l+d
~ 39 ~=O, by notational convention
Vk(F) 45 set of k-tuples over F
(n,k )-code 48 linear code of block length n and dimension k
(n,k,d )-code 48 linear code of block length n and dimension k,
with distan'!e d
0.1 54 orthogonal complement of linear code 0 ("0 perp")
detD 64 determinant of matrix D
e 211'i/p 89 cos (21r/p )+i sin (21r/p ), where i 2=-1
R{l,r) 115 first-order Reed-Muller code of block length 2r
R(k,r) 144 kth-order Reed-Muller code of block length 2r
hR(x) 163 reciprocal polynomial of hex)

°i 181 cyclotomic coset (of q modulo n) containing i

C 181 set of cyclotomic cosets (of q modulo n)
gcd 187,269 greatest common divisor

lcm 205 least common multiple
u(z) 216 error locator polynomial for BCH decoding
w(z) 216 error evaluator polynomial for BCH decoding
S(z) 217 syndrome polynomial for BCH decoding
(n,k)-RS 237 (n ,k) Reed-Solomon code
o-(z) 244 error-erasure locator polynomial for BCH decoding
>.(z) 245 erasure locator polynomial for BCH decoding


The field of Error Correcting Codes had its roots in Shannon's development of
Information Theory in the 1Q40's. Research on coding was very active in the 50's and
60's and most of the major results known today were developed in that period. Most
"practical engineers" of that era regarded coding as useless and impractical, while
many of the researchers despaired of the field ever becoming more than an academic
Applications for error correcting codes started in the 70's in very expensive com-
munications systems such as deep space probes. As hardware costs dropped and as
development engineers saw the benefits of real coding systems, applications expanded
quickly. Today very sophisticated coding is used in ordinary consumer compact disc
players, in storage technology, and in a broad range of communication systems.
This text develops the topic of error correcting block codes at an undergraduate
level. It manages to do this both by being rather selective in the set of topics covered
and by having an unusually clear organization and style of presentation. There are
some sophisticated mathematical topics in the text and the authors develop them
honestly, but the arguments are made accessible by using insight rather than excessive
One might wonder about the merits of an undergraduate course on error correct-
ing block codes given the intense pressure to include more and more material in the
curriculum for undergraduates in engineering, computer science, and mathematics.
Wouldn't it be preferable to have a course covering convolutional codes as well as
block coding and also covering many other communication topics? The type of course
represented by this text, however, has many important advantages over a survey type
course, not least of which is that survey courses are invariably boring. The major
advantage of studying error correcting codes is the beauty of this particular combina-
tion of mathematics and engineering. The student, even if never involved with the
field later, gets an example of applied mathematics and engineering at their best.

Robert G. Gallager, ConSUlting Editor

Fujitsu Professor of Electrical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


An Introduction to Error Correcting Codes with Applications is a text intended for an introduc-
tory undergraduate course in error-correcting codes. It should be of interest to a wide range of
students, from mathematics majors to those in computer science and engineering. The book deals
almost entirely with codes that are linear in nature, and the necessary algebraic tools are
developed, where necessary, to make the presentation self-contained. It is intended for students
who are familiar with the fundamental concepts of linear algebra (solution of systems of linear
equations, vector spaces, etc.). Background in abstract algebra (groups, rings and fields) would
be of use, but is not assumed. In general, interested students with reasonable mathematical
maturity will fmd the material to be at a suitable level.

While the underlying mathematics is completely developed, the book emphasizes the practical
considerations of efficient encoding and decoding schemes for various codes. Most books in the
area either emphasize the theoretical aspects of the subject (to the exclusion of practical con-
siderations), or go to the other extreme, presenting implementation details at the circuit level. It
is the purpose of this book to fill the void between the two, considering codes of practical
interest, but stopping short of hardware-level implementation details. Codes which cannot be
efficiently implemented are given little emphasis, and the temptation to discuss non-practical
codes with "cute" mathematical properties has been resisted.

The book covers the basic principles involved in error-coding, and presents a thorough introduc-
tion to linear codes. It introduces cyclic codes in general, and progresses to the more sophisti-
cated BCR codes, and the very practical Reed-Solomon codes. Applications of error-correcting
codes to deep-space probe communications and to the increasingly popular compact disc players
are emphasized. The goal is to provide a basic understanding of practical error-correcting codes
and the principles they rely on. The development of an appreciation for the elegant mathemati-
cal concepts making efficient implementations possible is a most welcome byproduct.

The majority of the material presented is widely available in standard references, in various
forms. Many of these we have included in our list of references; a most extensive bibliography
can be found in [MacWilliams 77], although this of course does not contain the more recent
results. Some results which we have included are less widely available, and are perhaps worth
singling out. These include the results by van Lint and Wilson on bounds for cyclic codes
(§6.3); the material dealing with coding techniques used in commercial compact disc players
(parts of Chapter 7); and some factoring techniques (§5.9, §6.5) due to Berlekamp, which can be
found in [Berlekamp 68] but are not typically included in other coding theory books.

Because of the importance of finite fields to a serious introduction to algebraic codes, the text
provides a basic but thorough introduction to finite fields, assuming no prior knowledge of field
theory. With the exception of a few sections which may be omitted at the instructor's discretion,
the material can be covered in a one-semester course (thirteen weeks of lectures). It has been
taught at the University of Waterloo for the past eight years to junior and senior undergraduate
mathematics, computer science and engineering students. To aid instructors, we have denoted
with a dagger (t) those sections which we feel may be omitted safely, if time is short. Inclusion

of these sections, together with some of the theory developed in the exercise sets (eg. further
bounds for linear codes, higher-order Reed-Muller codes, shortened Reed-Solomon codes),
makes the text suitable for an introductory course at the graduate level, or for advanced under-

We have made a conscious effort to limit the amount of material in this book to that which one
can reasonably expect to grasp in an introductory course. Unfortunately, this has meant that
some areas meriting discussion hav!) been left out. Perhaps the most notable of these is an intro-
duction to convolutional codes, for which we refer the reader to [Blahut 83] or [Lin 83].

The text contains over 300 exercises, which range from routine to very challenging. We feel this
is an essential component of an introductory course. A separate solution manual giving com-
plete and detailed solutions to all exercises is currently being written.

The authors would like to thank the many people who took the time to constructively criti-
cize this book in its various stages of development, point out simpler proofs to several standard
results, and provide us with further sources of information. Among these people are Robert Day,
Dieter Jungnickel, Therese Lee, Stan Lipshitz, Peter Manson, Bill McCuaig, Haluk Oral, Alfred
Menezes, Ken Rosen, Doug Stinson, and Dan WeYrick.
We would also like to thank the editorial board of Kluwer Academic Publishers for many
helpful suggestions. In particular, we gratefully acknowledge comments by R. Gallagher and R.
McEliece. We would be remiss not to acknowledge the encouragement and support of this pro-
ject by R. Holland, the publisher.
Finally, without the skillful typesetting of Christy Gillin, Joan Selwood and Marg Ward,
the book would not exist. We thank them for all of their help and give special thanks to Joan
Selwood for a great deal of extra effort during the final hectic days of preparation.

Chapter 1


1.1 An Introduction to Coding Theory

The theory of error detecting and correcting codes is that branch of engineering and
mathematics which deals with the reliable transmission and storage of data. Information media
are not 100% reliable in practice, in the sense that noise (any form of interference) frequently
causes data to be distorted. To deal with this undesirable but inevitable situation, some form of
redundancy is incorporated in the original data. With this redundancy, even if errors are intro-
duced (up to some tolerance level), the original information can be recovered, or at least the
presence of errors can be detected. A small example serves to illustrate the concepts.

Suppose the information we are to transmit comes from the set of symbols {A,B ,C ,D }.
For practical considerations we associate sequences of O's and 1's with each of these symbols.
C -+ 01
Hence, if we send a 00 sequence, the receiver is to interpret this as the message A. The process
can be represented by the following simple schematic diagram.

source source
encoder channel decoder

The source emits symbols from the information set which in our example is {A,B,C,D}. The
source encoder associates each piece of information with a binary (0,1) sequence and then
transmits it. The channel may be any information medium. For example, it may be a radio wave
channel, a microwave channel, a cable, a digital integrated circuit or a storage disk. The source
decoder receives the binary sequences from the channel, converts them back to the source alpha-
bet and then passes this data to the user.
2 Error Correcting Codes

If the channel were 100% reliable, that is, if whatever the source encoder put on the chan-
nel was precisely what the source decoder received, then there would be no need for error
correction. Unfortunately, most channels are not entirely reliable and there is a certain probabil-
ity that what the decoder receives is not what was sent. If the source encoder sends 00 and the
source decoder receives 01, then a single error has occurred. The decoder has no way of know-
ing this since 01 is a valid piece of information. The decoder has no choice but to pass the sym-
bol C to the user. The challenge is to improve the reliability of message transmission. We do
this by adding redundancy to each message. A major problem in coding theory is to determine
how to add this redundancy to messages in order to detect and possibly correct channel errors.
In our example, we might make the following associations.
A -+ 00 -+ 00000
B -+ 10 -+ 10110
C -+ 01 -+ 01011
D -+ 11 -+ 11101

Now, if the receiver reads 01000 it knows that an error has occurred, since this sequence is not
one which the encoder put on the channel. If we assume that errors are introduced randomly to
the binary digits (bits) of the sequence, then it seems reasonable for the decoder to assume that
the transmitted sequence was 00000, since the received sequence can be obtained from this by
the introduction of a single error. At least two errors would have to occur to transform anyone
of the other three sequences to 01000. One can easily check that altering a single bit in anyone
of the above 5-bit sequences results in a unique sequence. Hence if (at most) a single bit is
altered, the resulting sequence can be uniquely identified with one of the original sequences.
Thus our simple example has the capability to correct a single error. The following diagram
schematically illustrates the new coding process.

source source
encoder decoder

channel channel
encoder channel decoder
Introduction and Fundamentals 3

One of the problems to be resolved then is to determine how the channel encoder should
add redundancy to the source encoder output. Another problem is to determine how the channel
decoder should decide which sequence to decode to. We shall address these problems and others
in later chapters. In § 1.2, we indicate some specific applications of error-correcting codes, and
in §1.3 we formalize the concepts just introduced.

The study of error-correcting codes is one branch of coding theory, a more general field of
science dealing with the representation of data, including data compression and cryptography.
These three areas are related in that they involve the transformation of data from one representa-
tion to an alternate representation and back again via appropriate encoding and decoding rules.

The objective of data compression is to transform data into a representation which is more
compact yet maintains the information content (meaning) of the original data, to allow for more
efficient use of storage and transmission media. This is possible by removing redundancy from
the data. The traditional goal of cryptography has been to ensure privacy in communication by
transforming data to render it unintelligible to all but the intended recipient. This is achieved
through the use of an encoding scheme that relies on a secret key known only by the sender and
intended recipient. As discussed above, the purpose of error-correcting codes is to increase the
reliability of communication despite noise in the data medium, by adding redundancy in a uni-
form and efficient manner.

It is interesting to note that whereas cryptography strives to render data unintelligible to all
but the intended recipient, error-correcting codes attempt to ensure data is decodable despite any
disruption introduced by the medium. Data compression and error correction also contrast one
another in that the former involves compaction and the latter data expansion. In this book we
will be concerned mainly with error detecting and correcting codes.

If data compression and cryptographic encoding were to be used in conjunction with error-
correcting codes, then the coding process as outlined in the above diagram would be modified
slightly. A data compression stage might precede or replace the source encoding stage, and
cryptographic encoding would be best performed just prior to channel encoding. Corresponding
decoding stages would then be necessary at the appropriate points at the decoding end. Note that
the removal of redundancy by data compression and subsequent addition of redundancy during
channel encoding are not contradictory, as the redundancy that is removed by data compression
serves no useful purpose, whereas that added by the channel encoder is of use for error control.
4 E"or Correcting Codes

1.2 Applications of Error Correcting Codes

The increasing reliance on digital communication and the emergence of the digital com-
puter as an essential tool in a technological society have placed error-correcting codes in a most
prominent position. We cite here a few specific applications, in an attempt to indicate their prac-
ticality and importance.
The use of a parity-bit as an error-detecting mechanism is one of the simplest and most
well-known schemes used in association with computers and computer communication. Data is
partitioned into blocks of n bits, and then to each block, an additional bit is appended as a 0 or a
I, so as to make the number of bits which are 1 in the block, including the appended bit, an even
number (for even parity). If during transmission then, a single bit-error occurs within the block,
the parity of the block (i.e. the number of l's in it) becomes odd, and checking the parity thus
allows for detection of single errors.

Many computers now have error-correcting capabilities built into their random access
memories; it is less expensive to compensate for errors through the use of error-correcting cqdes
than to build integrated circuits that are 100% reliable. The single error-correcting Hamming
codes, and linear codes in general, are of use here. These will be considered in Chapter 3. Disk
storage is another area of computing where error-coding is employed. Storage capacity has been
greatly increased through the use of disks of higher and higher density. With this increase in
density, error probability also increases, and therefore information is now stored on many disks
using error-correcting codes.
In 1972, the Mariner space probe flew past Mars and transmitted pictures back to earth.
The channel for such transmissions is space and the earth's atmosphere. Solar activity and
atmospheric conditions can introduce errors into weak signals coming· from the spacecraft. In
order that most of the pictures sent could be correctly recovered here on earth, the following cod-
ing scheme was used. The source alphabet consisted of 64 shades of grey. The source encoder
encoded each of these into binary 6-tuples and the channel encoder produced binary 32-tuples.
The source decoder could correct up to 7 errors in any 32-tuple. We shall discuss this system in
more detail when we consider Reed-Muller codes in Chapter 4.

In 1979, the Voyager probes began transmitting colour pictures of Jupiter. For colour pic-
tures the source alphabet needed to be much larger and was chosen to have 4096 colour shades.
The source encoder produced binary 12-tuples for each colour shade and the channel encoder
produced 24-tuples. This code would correct up to 3 errors in any 24-tuple, and is the Golay
code discussed in Chapter 4.
Introduction and Fundamentals 5

The increasing popularity of digital audio is due in part to the powerful error-correcting
codes that the digitization process facilitates. Information is typically stored on a small alumin-
ized disk as a series of microscopic pits and smooth areas, the pattern representing a sequence of
O's and I's. A laser beam is used as the playback mechanism to retrieve stored data. Because
the data is digital, error correction schemes can be easily incorporated into such a system. Given
an error-coded digital recording, a digital audio system can on playback, correct errors intro-
duced by fingerprints, scratches, or even imperfections originally present in the storage medium.
The compact disc system pioneered by Philips Corporation of the Netherlands in cooperation
with Soily Corporation of Japan, allowing playback of pre-recorded digital audio disks, is an
excellent example of the application of error-correcting codes to digital communication; cross-
interleaved Reed-Solomon codes are used for error correction in this system. These ideas are
pursued in Chapter 7. Digital audio tape (DAT) systems have also been developed, allowing
digital recording as well as playback.

1.3 Fundamental Concepts

In this book we shall be primarily interested in block codes. We begin with a few defini-
tions, in order to develop a working vocabulary. Let A be an alphabet of q symbols. For exam-
ple, A = {a ,b ,c ,... ,z} is the standard lower case alphabet forthe English language, and A = {O, 1 }
is the binary alphabet used in the example of § 1.1.

Definition. A block code of length n containing M codewords over the alphabet A is a set of M
n-tuples where each n-tuple takes its components from A. We refer to such a block code as an
[n,M]-code over A.

In practice, we most frequently take A to be the binary alphabet. We often refer simply to an
[n,M]-code. the alphabet A being understood. We reserve round brackets () for special types of
codes. the linear codes, to be introduced in Chapter 3. Given a code C of block length n over an
alphabet A, those specific n-tuples over A which are in C are referred to as codewords. Note
that while the channel encoder transmits codewords, the n-tuples received by the channel
decoder mayor may not be codewords, due to the possible occurrence of errors during
transmission. We use the terms vector and word interchangeably for n-tuple.

In §1.1, we constructed a [5,4]-code over a binary alphabet. That is, we constructed a code
with 4 codewords, each being a 5-tuple (block length 5), with each component of the 5-tuple
being 0 or 1.
6 Error Correcting Codes

The code is the set of n-tuples produced by the channel encoder (as opposed to the source
encoder). The source encoder transfonns messages into k-tuples over the code alphabet A, and
the channel encoder assigns to each of these information k-tuples a codeword of length n. Since
the channel encoder is adding redundancy, we have n > k and hence we have message expan-
sion. While the added redundancy is desirable from the point of view of error control, it
decreases the efficiency of the communication channel by reducing its effective capacity. The
ratio k to n is a measure of the fraction of information in the channel which is non-redundant.

Definition. The rate of an [n,M)-code which encodes information k.,tuples is


The rate of the simple code given in §1.1 is 21S. We will consider rate more closely once we
have introduced various other concepts. The quantity r =n-k is sometimes called the redun-
dancy of the code.
A fundamental parameter associated with an [n,M)-code C is the Hamming distance for C.
Before we can define the Hamming distance for a code, we must define the Hamming distance
between two codewords.

Definition. The Hamming distance d(x,y) between two codewords x and y is the number of
coordinate positions in which they differ.

Over the alphabet A = {0,1}, the codewords x and y
x =(10110)
y = (11011)

have Hamming distance d(x,y) =3.

Example 2.
The codewords u and v over the alphabet A = (0,1,2), given by

u = (21002)
Introduction and Fundamentals 7

v = (12001)

have Hamming distance d(n,v) =3.

It is easy to show that Hamming distance is a metric (exercise 4). That is, for all n-tuples
x, y and Z over an alphabet A, Hamming distance satisfies the following three properties.

(1) d(x,y) ~ 0, with equality if and only if x =y

(2) d(x,y) = d(y,x)

(3) d(x,y) + d(y,z) ~ d(x,z)

Property (3) is often referred to as the triangle inequality. We can now define the Hamming dis-
tance of a code. Note how it is related to the Hamming distance between codewords.

Definiti.on. Let C be an [n,M]-code. The Hamming distance d of the code Cis

d =min (d(x,y): x,y E C, x¢y}.

In other words, the Hamming distance of a code is the minimum distance between two distinct
code words, over all pairs of codewords.

Example 3.

Consider C = {CO,CI ,c2,c3} where

Co= (00000)

CI = (10110)
C2 = (01011)
C3 =(11101)
This code has distance d =3. It is the [5,4] code constructed earlier. The reader may find
it instructive to compute the distance between each pair of codewords.
8 Error Correcting Codes

Example 4.
Consider C = {Cl,c2,c3,C4'cS}' a [5,5]-code over the alphabet A = {a,b,c,d,e} with
cl = (abcde)
c2 =(acbed)
c3 = (eabdc)
C4 = (bceda)
Cs = (adebc)

For j:l:-j, we have d(cj,cj) =4; the reader is invited to verify this. Thus d =4.

As seen from these two examples, if one wants to compute the Hamming distance for an
[n ,M]-code C, then it is necessary to check (~) pairs of codewords in order to find the pair with
minimum distance. Note that there may be many pairs which give this minimum. In Chapter 3,
we will see this work is simplified when the codes in question are linear codes.

Suppose we have an [n,M]-code C with distance d. We need to adopt a strategy for the
channel decoder (henceforth called the decoder). When the decoder receives an n-tuple r it must
make some decision. This decision may be one of

(i) no errors have occurred; accept r as a codeword.

(ii) errors have occurred; correct r to a codeword c.

(iii) errors have occurred; no correction is possible.

In general, the decoder will not always make the correct decision; for example, consider the pos-
sibility of an error pattern occurring which changes a transmitted codeword into another code-
word. The goal is that the decoder take the course of action which has the greatest probability of
being correct (see discussion below). We shall make the assumption that errors are introduced
by the channel at random, and that the probability of an error in one coordinate is independent of
errors in adjacent coordinates. The decoding strategy we shall adopt, called nearest neighbour
decoding, can then be specified as follows.

If an n-tuple r is received, and there is a unique codeword CE C such that d(r,c) is a

minimum, then correct r to the c. If no such C exists, report that errors have been detected,
but no correction is possible.

By nearest neighbour decoding, a received vector is decoded to the codeword "closest" to it,
Introduction and Fundamentals 9

with respect to Hamming distance. Again, we note that this strategy may on occasion lead to an
incorrect decoding. We also note that this strategy sometimes leads to a decoding procedure
which fails to decode some received vectors. Such a scheme is called an incomplete decoding
scheme. To modify this scheme to a complete decoding scheme in which received vectors are
always decoded (correctly or otherwise), in the event that a received vector is not closest to a
unique codeword the vector could be decoded to anyone of the code words that is at a minimum
distance from it, say one selected at random.

We rationalize the nearest neighbour decoding policy through the following considerations.
Suppose the code is over an alphabet of q symbols. Let the probability that an error occurs on
symbol transmission be p; the probability that a symbol is correctly transmitted over the channel
is then 1 - p. We assume that if an error does occur, then each of the q-l symbols aside from the
correct symbol is equally likely to be received, with probability p /(q-l) each. This hypotheti-
cal channel is called the q-ary symmetric channel.
Now suppose the vector r of block length n is received. The nearest neighbour decoding
policy can be justified by the decoding strategy known as maximum likelihood decoding. Under
this strategy, of all possible codewords c, r is decoded to that codeword c which maximizes the
probability P(r,c) that r is received, given that c is sent. If d(r,c)=d, then

P(r,c) = (1- p )n-d (---E-l )d.


To see this, note that n-d coordinate positions in c are not altered by the channel, and this occurs
with probability (1- p )n-d. In each of the remaining d coordinate positions, the symbol in c is
altered to that in r, and the probability of this is p/(q-l) in each position.

Suppose now that c 1 and C2 are two codewords, that r is received, and that

Without loss of generality, assume that d 1 ~d2' Now consider the conditions under which

If this holds then

10 Error Correcting Codes


( P /rdl < 1.

If d1 = d2, this is false, and in fact, P(r,cl) = P(r,c2)' Otherwise, d2 -d1 ~ 1 and the inequality is
true if and only if
p (q- I)
< I, i.e. P< .
(l-p)(q-l) q

Hence if the probability that the channel transmits a symbol incorrectly is p, where p < (q-l)/q,
then the codeword maximizing the probability that r is received is the codeword at a minimum
distance from r. We leave the casep ~ (q-l)/q as an easy exercise (exercise 20).

If we assume that 0 Sp < (q-I)/q then, the nearest neighbour decoding policy appears rea-
sonable. (See exercise 21 for a further discussion.) We discuss the reliability of this technique at
the end of this section.

Example 5.
Consider the binary code

c = {(OOOOO), (10110), (01011), (11101) )

and suppose that the symbol error probability for the channel is p = 0.1. If r = (11111) is
received, note

per, (00000» = (0.1)5 = 0.00001

P( r, (10110» = (0.1)2(0.9)3 = 0.00729

P( r, (01011» = (0.1)2(0.9)3 = 0.00729

per, (11101» = (0.1)1(0.9)4 = 0.06561
Since the probability P ( r, (1110 1) ) is largest, r is decoded to (1110 I).

It may be that we are interested only in detecting when errors have occurred, without trying
to correct them. If errors occur infrequently, and the source has the capability to retransmit on
request, then this may be desirable. In other situations in which neither correction nor
retransmission is possible, the knowledge that errors have occurred may nonetheless be useful
Introduction and Fundamentals 11

(e.g. in digital audio systems as discussed in Chapter 7, where interpolation or muting can be
used to conceal errors). A decoder used for error detection functions by simply reporting the
occurrence of errors whenever a received word r is not a codeword.

A code is said to correct e errors if a decoder using the above scheme is capable of correct-
ing any pattern of e or fewer errors introduced by the channel. In this case, the decoder can
correct any transmitted codeword which has been altered in e or fewer coordinate positions. The
significance of the Hamming distance for a code becomes apparent with the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1. Let C be an [n,M]-code having distance d =2e+1. Then C can correct e errors.
If used for error detection only, C can detect 2e errors.


Let Cj, 1~i ~ M be the codewords of C. Let S be the set of all n-tuples overthe alphabet
of C and define

SCI is called the sphere of radius e about the codeword Cj. It consists of all n-tuples within
distance e of the codeword Cj, which we think of as being at the centre of the sphere. We
first show that for Cj:;!:c,' we must have Sc.nSc.
• I
=0. Suppose (by way of contradiction) that
X E SCinSCj' Then d(x,cj) ~ e and d(x,cj) ~ e. By the triangle inequality for the Hamming

and hence

But every pair of distinct codewords have distance at least 2e+1. Thus we conclude
, I
=0. Hence if codeword Cj is transmitted and t ~ e errors are introduced, the
received word r is an n-tuple in the sphere SCi' and thus Cj is the unique codeword closest to
r. The decoder can always correct any error pattern of this type.

If we use the code only for error detection, then at least 2e+ 1 errors must occur in a code-
word to carry it into another codeword. If at least 1 and at most 2e errors are introduced,
the received word will never be a codeword and error detection is always possible. 0
12 Error Correcting Codes

The notion of a sphere of radius e about each codeword provides a useful geometric model
of the process of error correction. This model is particularly appealing with respect to perfect
codes, which we mention briefly in Chapter 3.
In general, the distance of a code may be even or odd. The case for even distance is argued
in a similar manner (exercise 7). We summarize both cases by stating the following result. As
notation, let LaJ denote the largest integer smaller than or equal to a. For example, L3/2J= 1 and

Theorem 1.2. Let C be an [n,M]-code with distance d. Then C can correct l(d-1)/2J errors.
If used for detection only, C can detect d-I errors.

Let us examine the case d =2e+1 a bit more carefully. Suppose we can correct e errors. If
we form the spheres SCi of radius e about each codeword ci, 1 ~ i ~ M, it does not necessarily
follow that every n-tuple of S is in one of these spheres. In fact, this generally does not occur,
and hence there are n-tuples which are not contained in any of these spheres. If a vector u of this
type is received by the decoder, it knows that at least e+ I errors have occurred. In general, no
correction is possible but at least e+ 1 errors are detected. If C has distance 2e+ I, not all patterns
of e+ I errors are detectable if the code is being used simultaneously for error correction, since it
is then possible that e+ 1 errors introduced into a codeword Cj produce a received word in some
sphere SCi' j:#:-i. In this case, the decoder would correct to Cj, and not only would the (e+I)-error
pattern go undetected, but a bogus "correction" would be performed. Hence if d =2e+ 1, the
code can correct e errors in general, but is unable to simultaneously detect additional errors. If
the distance of the code is even, the situation changes slightly.

Theorem 1.3. Let C be an [n,M]-code having distance d =2k. Then C can correct k-l errors
and simultaneously detect k errors.


By Theorem 1.2, C can correct up to

errors. Since the spheres about codewords have radius k-l any pattern of k errors cannot
take a codeword into a word contained in some sphere about another codeword. Otherwise,
the codewords at the centres of these two spheres would have distance at most
k + k-l=2k-l, which is impossible since d = 2k. Hence, a received word which is
Introduction and Fundamentals 13

obtained from a codeword by introducing k errors cannot lie in any codeword sphere and
the decoder can detect the occurrence of errors. The decoder cannot detect k+ 1 errors in
general, since a vector at distance k+ 1 from a given codeword may be in the sphere of
another codeword, and the decoder would (erroneously) correct such a vector to the code-
word at the centre of the second sphere. 0

We illustrate the preceding concepts in the following example.

Example 6.

Cl =(00000) C2 =(10110) C3 =(01011) c4 =(11101)

C has distance d=3, and hence can correct 1 error. The set S of all possible words over the
alphabet {O, I} consists of all possible binary 5-tuples. Hence, I S I =32. The spheres about
each codeword have radius 1.

SCI = { (00000), (10000), (01000), (00100), (00010), (00001) }

SC2 = ( (10110), (00110), (11110), (10010), (10100), (10111) )

SC3 = ( (01011), (11011), (00011), (01111), (01001), (01010) )

SI:.! = ( (11101), (01101), (10101), (11001), (11111), (11100) )

These spheres of radius 1 cover precisely 24 of the 32 5-tuples in S. Let S· be the set of
5-tuples not in any sphere.

S· = (11000), (01100), (10001), (00101), (01110), (00111), (10011), (1101O)}.

Suppose the decoder receives r =(00011). The distance to each codeword is computed.

Since there is a unique minimum distance, r is decoded to c3. Notice that r lies in the
sphere SC3.

Suppose the decoder receives r = (11000). Distances are computed as follows.

14 Error Correcting Codes

The minimum distance is not unique. Since r is not at distance at most 1 from some code-
word we can conclude that r is in no sphere and that at least 2 errors have occurred. Note
that r is in S·.

Suppose the codeword Cl is sent and 2 errors are introduced so that the received word is
(10100). The decoder would (erroneously) correct this received word to C2' Note that
2 > L(d-l)/2 J= 1. This code cannot detect all patterns of 2 errors if it is being used simul-
taneously for error correction.

If we are simply using the code C to detect errors with no intention of correcting, then we
would be able to detect up to 2 errors. On receiving the vector (10100), the decoder would
report the occurrence of errors.

This brings up an important point in the design of a code. In practice the code should be
designed appropriately depending on the expected rate of errors for the particular channel being
employed. If it is known that the probability that the channel will introduce 2 errors into any
transmitted codeword is extremely small, then it is likely not necessary to construct a code that
will correct all 2-bit error patterns. A single error correcting code will likely suffice. Con-
versely, if double errors are frequent and a single error correcting code is being used, then decod-
ing errors will be frequent.

We now return to consider the reliability of nearest neighbour decoding. To be more pre-
cise, consider an [n ,M]-code C having distance d over an alphabet A where I A I = q. Suppose
the channel introduces a symbol error with probability p, where 0 5.p 5. (q-I)I q. What is the
probability that a codeword c sent over the channel is correctly decoded at the receiving end by
the decoder? To determine a lower bound on this probability, note that c will certainly be
correctly decoded if the decoder receives any vector in the sphere of radius e = L(d-I)/2J about c
(i.e. in the sphere Sc of radius e). The probability of this is

1: P(r, c) = 1:e(.)p'(1_p)n-,
n' .
re Sc i=O I

giving a lower bound on the probability that a transmitted codeword is correctly decoded. Note
however that using nearest neighbour decoding, if the channel introduces too many errors, the
decoder will decode incorrectly, i.e. decode to a codeword other than that sent.
Introduction and Fundamentals 15

Example 7.

Consider the probability that nearest neighbour decoding applied to the code of example 5
decodes a transmitted codeword correctly. The decoder will certainly decode correctly if
the channel introduces at most one error to any codeword (recall d = 3 here). For a given
codeword, and symbol error probability p =0.1, this occurs with probability
(0.9)5 + <i)(0.1)1(0.9)4 = 0.91854

Suppose now that the channel error rate changes so that p =0.4. The probability then

Note that nearest neighbour decoding becomes less reliable as the symbol error rate
increases. This is as one would expect.

1.4 Some Questions

From this brief introduction, a number of questions arise. Given n, M and d, can we deter-
mine if an [noM] code with distance d exists? Assuming such a code does exist, how would one
be constructed in practice? How should information k-tuples be associated with codeword
n-tuples to facilitate efficient channel encoding? How should channel decoding be performed?

Let us examine the issue of channel decoding in greater detail. We have outlined a simple
decoding procedure in the preceding section. It involved computing the distance from the
received word to each codeword, requiring M comparisons. While this might be acceptable for
small M. in practice we usually find M quite large. Suppose a code C is used with M =250
codewords, which is not unrealistic. If we could carry out I million distance computations per
second, it would take around 20 years to make a single correction. Furthermore, it would take
('1.) computations to determine the distance of the code, if we compute this distance by consider-
ing all codeword pairs to determine the pair with minimum distance. Clearly, this is not toler-
able and more efficient techniques are required. Wishing to retain the nearest neighbour decod-
ing strategy, we seek more efficient techniques for its implementation.

The chapters which follow shall be concerned with constructing codes for various values of
n, M and d, and the consideration of appropriate encoding and decoding techniques. Most of the
best known codes are algebraic in nature. In Chapter 2, we present a brief introduction to finite
fields, which prove to be most important to the study of algebraic codes. Chapter 3 introduces
the general class of linear codes, and Chapter 4 investigates two linear codes of particular
16 Error Correcting Codes

interest. Chapter 5 examines some general characteristics of the more structured class of cyclic
codes, and Chapter 6 introduces BCH codes, an important subclass of cyclic codes. The BCH
codes known as Reed-Solomon codes are considered briefly in Chapter 7.
Introduction and Fundamentals 17

1.5 Exercises

1. Detennine the rate of the code used by (a) the Mariner, and (b) the Voyager space probe.

2. Compute the distance between the following pairs of codewords.

(a) (0142), (3132) (b) (aabca), (cabcc) (c) (ayPAYX), (ypaAp",)

3. Consider a code C with x = (1001001) and y =(1011100) among its codewords.

(a) What is the Hamming distance between these codewords?
(b) What can we say about the distance of any code C containing these codewords?

4. Prove that Hamming distance between n-tuples is a metric.

5. Let C be an [n,M]-code of distance d. Suppose the codeword c is transmitted, and at most

l(d-1)/2J errors are introduced by the channel, resulting in the received vector r. Prove
that d(c,r) < d(c',r) for all other codewords c' E C, c';te, and hence nearest neighbour
decoding will correctly decoded r to c.

6. Consider the code C = (11000), (01101), (10110), (00011)}.

(a) Construct a table with rows and columns indexed by codewords in C, and entries
specifying the distance between each codeword pair. Hence determine the distance of
(b) Decode the following received vectors, using nearest neighbour decoding.
(i) rl = (01111) (ii) r2 = (10110) (iii) r3 = (11011) (iv) r4 = (10011)

7. Let C be an [n ,M]-code having distance d =2t.

(a) Prove that C can correct any pattern of t - 1 errors in a codeword.
(b) Prove that if used for error-detection only, C can detect 2t -1 errors.

8. Let C be an [n ,M]-code having distance d. For (i) d =2t+ 1, and (ii) d =2t, state

(a) the maximum number of errors that C can correct in general

(b) the maximum number of errors that C can detect in general, if used for error-detection

(c) the maximum number of errors that C can detect in general, if used simultaneously
for error-correction

9. Consider the code C of example 5. Redo the example "by picture".

(a) Draw the spheres of radius e = 1 about each codeword. That is, about each codeword
draw a circle (with the codeword at its centre), and within the circle put all n-tuples
that differ in at most 1 coordinate position from that codeword.
18 Error Correcting Codes

(b) Verify that no n-tuple is in more than one sphere.

(c) How many n-tuples are in each sphere? How many n-tuples are in no sphere?

(d) Decode the following received vectors, by locating them within a sphere if possible,
and correcting to the codeword at the centre of that sphere (Le. assume at most 1 error
(i) rl =(00011) (ii) r2 =(10100) (iii) r3 =(11000)
(e) Why could we not correct r3?

10. Discuss the relation and tradeoffs between rate and redundancy in an error-correcting code.

11. Is it possible for an error-correcting code to add sufficient redundancy so that a received
vector can be correctly decoded to the transmitted codeword regardless of the number of
errors occurring during the transmission? Explain.
12. Define the Hamming weight of an n-tuple x over an alphabet A to be the number of non-
zero coordinates in x, and denote this w(x). Suppose the coordinate alphabet is A =Zm' the
integers modulo m, and addition and subtraction of n-tuples is componentwise.
(a) Prove that d(x,y) =w(x-y).
(b) Determine all values of m such that d(x,y) =w(x+y).
13. For binary n-tuples x and y, and Hamming weight as defined above, prove the following.

(a) d(x,y):.= w(x+y) = w(x) + w(y) - 2s, where s is the number of coordinate positions
in which both x and yare 1.

(b) w(x+y) is even if and only ifx and y have the same parity (Le. both have even weight
or both have odd weight).

14. (a) Construct a binary [8,8]-code with distance 4.

(b) Construct a binary [8, 16]-code with distance 4, or prove that no such code exists.
15. Construct a [6,9]-code over the alphabet A = {a,b,c} with distance 4, or prove that no such
code exists.

16. (a) Construct a binary [8,4]-code with distance 5.

(b) Construct a binary [7,3]-code with distance 5, or prove no such code exists.
17. Prove that a binary [n,M]-code C of distance d=2t+l exists if and only if a binary
[n+ 1,M]-code C' of distance d' =2t + 2 exists.
Introduction and Fundamentals 19

18. Prove or disprove the following statement. A t-error-correcting code is incapable of

correcting any pattern of t + 1 errors.

19. Let C be a code with distance d = 2t + u + 1. Determine the maximum number of errors
that C can detect if used simultaneously to correct terrors.

20. In this question we further examine the maximum likelihood decoding strategy.

(a) Prove that if the probability that the q-ary symmetric channel transmits a symbol
incorrectly is p =(q-l )Iq, then the probability that a vector r is received is the same
regardless of the codeword e sent (and its distance from r).

(b) Prove that for p > (q-l)lq, the probability that the vector r is received is maximized
by the codeword e at maximum distance from r.

21. Suppose codewords are not necessarily sent with equal probability.

(a) Show that nearest neighbour decoding does not necessarily maximize the probability
of correct decoding, i.e. does not necessarily decode to the codeword e which maxim-
izes the probability P(el r) that e was sent, given that the vector r was received. An
example will suffice.

(b) The probability of correct decoding is maximized (the probability of incorrect decod-
ing is minimized) by a strategy called minimum error decoding. By this strategy, a
received vector r is decoded to the codeword e which maximizes the conditional pro-
bability P(el r). Show that minimum error decoding and maximum likelihood decod-
ing are equivalent (and both correspond to nearest neighbour decoding) if and only if
all M codewords have equal a priori probability 11M.

22. Let Vn(A) be the set of all n-tuples over an alphabet A. Let f be any bijection from A to
Zm. Define a mapping $: Vn(A) ~ Vn(Zm) by $«Xl,X2, ... ,xn» = (f(xl)J(X2), ... ,f(xn».
Prove that $ preserves Hamming distance, i.e. d(x,y) =d($(x),$(y», for all x,y E Vn(A).
(Note: this result establishes that we can, without any loss of generality, think of the alpha-
bet of m symbols as the integers modulo m whenever we are considering the Hamming
metric on Vn(A).)

23. Let x,y E Vn(Zm) and let X = (u: d(x,u) < d(y,u») and Y = (u: d(x,u) > d(y,u»). Prove
that IX I = IY I, where IX I means the cardinality of the set X.

24. Suppose C ~ Vn(Zm) with the property that if x,y E C then x - y E C. For each x E C,
define the set Ux = (u: d(u,x) < d(u,Y) for all y E C, Y ;t x}. For x, y E C, X ;t y, prove
that IUxl = IUyl.
20 Error Correcting Codes

25. Prove that the result given in exercise 24 does not necessarily hold if IC I > 2 and C is not
closed under vector subtraction.

26. Let C be an [n,M]-code over Z2' Suppose that the decoder does nearest neighbour decod-
ing with the additional rule that if the minimum distance is not unique then it will decode to
a codeword by randomly selecting one of the codewords at minimum distance. Show by
example that if we use this scJ.teme with a channel symbol error rate p = Y2 then decoding
can in fact be worse than simply having the decoder randomly choose a codeword.

27. Consider the binary code

C = ((0000101),(0011101),(11111oo),(1111111),(0101011)}.
Suppose that the symbol error probability for the channel is p = .25. If fl = (1101001) and
f2 =(0110101) are received, decode fl and f2 by maximum likelihood decoding.
28. Consider an [n-l,M]-code C over an alphabet A having a zero element. Suppose we add
an nth component, xn ' to each codeword x E C such that

xn -
if w(x) is even
1 if w(x) is odd.

Let the new code be C'. Suppose the channel has symbol error probability p. What is the
probability that errors go undetected?

29. Let C = (Cl,C2 •... ,~.} be an [n ,2n] binary code such that the Hamming distance between
ci and ci+l' 1 S; is; 2n-l, is 1. (This is known as a Gray code.) Construct an [n+l,2 n+1]
binary code C' from C so that C' is also a Gray code.

30. Let x be a codeword of an [n,M]-code over an alphabet A with q symbols (A has a zero
element). Suppose the weight of x is / (Le. w(x) =I). Determine the number of vectors of
weight h which are at distance s from x; this number is denoted N(l,h;s). (This shows that
the number of vectors of weight h at distance s from a given vector of weight / is indepen-
dent of the given vector.)
Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction
In succeeding chapters we shall make extensive use of the algebraic structure known as a
finite field. The reader already familiar with the elementary properties of finite fields may wish
to proceed directly to Chapter 3. As the material regarding minimal polynomials (§2.4) and
Zech's log tables (§2.6) is not referenced until §5.8, other readers may wish to bypass these sec-
tions until that time. For a more complete introduction to finite fields, the reader is invited to
consult [McEliece 87], and for further details, the definitive reference [LidI84].

We begin here by giving a formal definition of afield.

Definition. Afield F is a set of elements which is closed under two binary operations, which we
denote by "+" and ".", such that the following axioms are satisfied for all a, b, C E F.

(i) a + (b+c) =(a+b) + c

(ii) a + b =b + a
(iii) there exists an element 0 E F such that a + 0 = a

(iv) there exists an element -a E F such that a + (-a) =0

(v) a·(b·c) = (a·b)·c

(vi) a·b =b·a

(vii) there exists an element 1 E F such that a·1 =a
(viii) for each a "1= 0, there exists an element a-I E F such that a ·a- I =1
(ix) a·(b+c) =a·b + a·c

Informally, a field is a set of elements closed under two operations we usually refer to as "addi-
tion" and "multiplication". Both operations are associative and commutative. Additive and
multiplicative identities exist, elements have inverses with respect to both operations (with the
exception that 0 has no multiplicative inverse), and the multiplication distributes over the addi-
tion "in the usual way".
22 Error Correcting Codes

More concisely, properties (i)-(iv) establish that the set is an abelian group under addition,
with additive identity 0 (see §3.6). Properties (v)-(viii) establish that the non-zero elements fonn
an abelian group under multiplication, with multiplicative identity 1. Property (ix) is the distri-
butive property.
Examples of fields are the rational numbers, the real numbers, and the complex numbers.
Each of these examples is a field with an infinite number of elements. If the field contains only
a fmite number of elements, it is called a finite field. It is easy to establish precisely when the
integers modulo n, denoted Z", under the operations of standard addition and multiplication mod
n, fonn a fmite field.

Theorem 2.1. Z" is a finite field if and only if n is a prime number.

If n is not prime, then n has a nontrivial factorization n =abo In this case, the element b
has no multiplicative inverse, since bc == 1 (mod n) would imply abc == a (mod n), and then
o== a (mod n), contradicting the factorization of n. Hence if n is not prime, then Z" is not
a field.
Conversely, if n is prime, then all field axioms are easily verified, with the exception of
the existence of multiplicative inverses. To establish this existence, one may employ the
Euclidean algorithm for integers (see Appendix B). Given an element 0 < a < n, since n is
prime we have gcd(n,a) = 1; thus by the Euclidean algorithm, there exist integers sand t
= =
such that s'n + l'a 1; that is, t'a == 1 (mod n) and t a-I (mod n). Establishing the
existence of multiplicative inverses completes the proof that Z" is a field if n is prime.
Since Z" has a finite number of elements, Z" is a finite field in this case. 0

For example, Z2 and Z5 are finite fields, but 29 is not, because 3 has no multiplicative
inverse in Z9' Much of the fundamental theory of error-correcting codes can be developed using
only the finite fields Zp (p a prime). However, we shall see shortly that fields besides these
exist, and many of these others are used in practice. Hence, we proceed to consider finite fields
in general.

Definition. Let F be a field. The characteristic of F is the least positive integer m such that
Finite Fields 23

l: 1 = 1 + 1 ... + 1 = 0,

where 1 E F is the multiplicative identity of the field, and the summation "represents addition in
the field. If no such m exists, we define the characteristic to be O.

For example, Z2 has characteristic 2, and Zs has characteristic 5. It is easy to see that the
field Zp has characteristic p. It follows that in a field of characteristic p, any element added to
itself p time yields 0, i.e. any element multiplied by p vanishes. For example, in F=Zs,
l:i~I1 = 5·1 == 0 (mod 5), and indeed 5'a == 0 (mod 5) for all a E Zs. The rational, real and com-
plex numbers are examples of fields of characteristic O.

From this definition, it follows that the characteristic of a field cannot be a composite

Theorem 2.2. If the characteristic m of a field F is not 0, then m is a rime number.


Suppose m is not a prime number. Then m =ab where a > 1 and b > 1. Now, if we con-
sider the field elements t and s, where
a b
t=l:1 =1+1+'" +1, s=l:1 =1+1+'" +1
i=I i=l

then ts = l:i~ 1 = l:!:11 = 0 since the c1mracteristic is m. Now tE F and SE F, and neither
is 0 (since a, b < m and m is the characteristic), but ts = O. Since t;tO, we know t-1 exists,
and hence r 1ts = rIo = 0 implies s=O. This contradicts the minimality of m. We con-
clude that m is prime. 0

If F is a finite field of characteristic p, then F contains a subfield (i.e. a subset of elements

which is a field in its own right) having p elements. To see this, we consider the set of elements
1, 1+1, 1+1+1, ... , l:1.

Note that last element in the list is 0, and the first is 1. These elements are all distinct, closed
under addition and multiplication, and the additive and multiplicative inverses can be shown to
exist for the non-zero elements. This subfield is essentially the integers modulo p and so we will
assume that any finite field of characteristic p contains Zp as a subfield. Zp is referred to as the
24 Error Correcting Codes

ground field of F. A convenient way to think of F is as a vector space over the ground field Zp.
(For a review of vector spaces, see Appendix A.) That is, we think of the elements of F as vec-
tors with the scalars being from Zp. Under this interpretation the elements of Zp are both vec-
tors and scalars. Since F is finite the vector space must have finite dimension. If the dimension
is n, then there exist n elements {(X1'~""'(Xn) of F which form a basis for F over Zp, and hence
F = { 1:A.j(Xj: A.j E Zp }.

This implies that F contains pn elements for some positive integer n. We state this result as the
following theorem.

Theorem 2.3. If F is a finite field of characteristic p, then F contains pn elements for some
positive integer n.

This tells us that any finite field contains a prime or prime power number of elements.
Hence, for instance, there can be no finite field having 6 elements. We now show that for any
prime number p and any positive integer n there exists a finite field having pn elements.

For n = 1, the integers modulo p provide fields on p elements. For n ~ 2 we start by con-
sidering the set Zp[x] of all polynomials in x over the field Zp. where each polynomial has finite
degree. For example, for p =2,
Z2[X] = {0, 1, x, l+x, 1+x2, x 2, x+x2, 1+x+x2, ...

is the set of all polynomials in x of finite degree, with coefficients from the field Z2' Under
polynomial addition and multiplication Zp[x] forms an algebraic system known as a commuta-
tive ring with identity, which is one property (viii) short of being a field. (We examine rings in
greater detail in §5.2.) From Zp[x] select an irreducible polynomial f(x) of degree n. Recall that
a polynomial is irreducible in Zp [x] if it cannot be written as the product of two polynomials of
Zp[x] each of positive degree. It is, of course, necessary to prove that it is always possible to
select such a polynomial. For the time being we will assume that such a choice can be made
(and pursue the matter further in §2.2). Then using Zp[x] and this selected irreducible polyno-
mial, we will shortly be able to construct a field with pn elements. First. a few more definitions
are necessary. Let F =Zp' and let f (x), g (x) and h (x) be polynomials in F [x ].
Finite Fields 25

Definition. hex) is said to be congruent to g(x) modulo [(x) if and only if there exists a
polynomiall(x) E F[x] such that

hex) - g(x) = I(x)[(x).

We write hex) == g(x) (mod [(x».

The definition implies that hex) and g(x) are congruent if [(x) divides their difference.
Equivalently, hex) and g(x) leave the same remainder when divided by [(x). This definition is
valid for any polynomial f(x) in F[x], not just the irreducible ones. It is not hard to show that
this congruence is an equivalence relation on F[x] (exercise 13). An equivalence relation parti-
tions the set that is defined on into subsets called congruence classes.

Definition. For a given [(x) E F[x], the equivalence class containing g(x) E F[x] is

[g(x)] = ( hex) E F[x]: hex) ==g(x) (mod/(x» }.

[g(x)] is the set of all polynomials which leave the same remainder as g(x) does when divided
by f(x). The use of an equivalence relation to define congruence classes is common, and we are
perhaps more comfortable with the idea of congruence in the integer domain or among the
integers modulo p.

We define addition and multiplication of congruence classes of polynomials as follows.

For g(x), hex) E Zp[x] define

[g(x)] + [hex)] = [g(x)+h(x)]


[g(x)]'[h(x)] =[g(x)·h(x)].
We often omit the multiplication operator ".", and simply use juxtaposition to indicate multipli-
cation. If Zp[x]lf(x) is the set of all equivalences classes in Zp[x] under congruence modulo the
irreducible polynomial f(x), then it is not hard to show that the operations above defmed on this
set of classes form a finite field. Most of the field axioms follow immediately. Axiom (viii) is
the only difficult one to verify. Since [1] is the multiplicative identity we need to show that for
any [g(x)]:F- [0], there exists [hex)] such that [g(x)][h(x)] =[1]. This requires that g(x)h(x) == 1
(mod f(x». Since f(x) is irreducible and f(x) does not divide g (x), the greatest common divi-
sor of g(x) and f(x) is 1. By the Euclidean algorithm for polynomials (see Appendix B) we
know that there exist polynomials sex) and t(x) such that
26 Error Correcting Codes

s(x)g(x) + t(x)/(x) = 1


s (x)g (x) == 1 (mod/(x».


[s(x)][g(x)] =[1]
which establishes that every non-zero class has a multiplicative inverse.

We also claim that Zp[x]I/(x) contains pn elements. Consider any class [g(x)]. By the
division algorithm/or polynomials (see Appendix B)

g(x) = q(x)f(x) + r(x) where r(x) = 0 or deg r(x) < degf(x).

Hence [g(x)] = [r(x)]. r(x) is called a remainder polynomial. Since r(x) = 0 or

deg r(x) < deg/(x), no two distinct remainder polynomials can be in the same class. Since
r(x) = I:ajx j , aj E Zp

there are p choices for each aj and so there are pn distinct remainder classes. This shows that
Zp[x]lf(x) contains pn elements, and we can now construct fields with pn elements for n ~ 2.
Together with the knowledge that for n = 1 Zp is a field with pI elements, this shows the
existence of finite fields with pn elements for every prime p and positive integer n.

Example 1.
We construct a field with 4 elements. We use /(x) =x 2 + X + 1 E Z2[X], which is irreduci-
ble over Z2' This polynomial defines the field

F ={[0], [1], [x], [l+x] }.

Addition is ordinary polynomial addition over Z2' For example, [1+x] + [x] =[1+2x] =[1]
since 2 == 0 in Z2' the field having characteristic 2. Construction of the addition table is
Finite Fields 27

+ [0] [1] [x] [1+x]

[0] [0] [1] [x] [1+x]

[1] [1] [0] [l+x] [x]
[x] [x] [1+x] [0] [1]
[1+x] [l+x] [x] [1] [0]

Multiplication is perfonned using ordinary polynomial multiplication in 2 2[x], and then

reducing the product by computing the remainder modulo f(x). The reduction can be done
by long division or using the relation x 2 == x+ 1 to reduce the degree of the product below
the degree of f(x), which is 2 here. For example,

[l+x]'[l+x] = [1+2x+x2] = [1+x2] = [1+(1+x)] = [x].

The multiplication table is listed below.

[0] [1] [x] [l+x]

[0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

[1] [0] [1] [x] [1+x]
[x] [0] [x] [l+x] [1]
[l+x] [0] [l+x] [1] [x]

For the sake of convenience, we henceforth take the liberty of writing g (x) in place of [g (x)].

Example 2.
We construct a field with 9 elements. Take f(x) =1 + x 2 E Z3[X], which is irreducible over
23 as required. The field is

F ={0,1,2, x, 2x, l+x, 1+2x, 2+x, 2+2x }.

Addition in the field is standard polynomial addition with coefficient arithmetic in Z3' For

[2+x] + [2+2x] = [(2+x)+(2+2x)] = [4+3x] = [1].

The addition table is once again straightforward, and hence omitted.
For multiplication, we reduce the product polynomials modulo f(x). Note here that
x 2+ 1 == a implies x 2 == -1 == 2, and we may replace x 2 by 2. For example,
28 Error Correcting Codes

[lxHl+x] = [(lx)(l+x)] = [lx+lx2] = [lx+4] = [lx+!].

The multiplication table follows.

0 2 x 2x l+x 2+x 1+2x 2+2x

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 x 2x l+x 2+x 1+2x 2+2x
2 0 2 1 2x x 2+2x 1+2x 2+x l+x
x 0 x 2x 2 1 x+2 2x+2 l+x 1+2x
2x 0 2x x 1 2 1+2x l+x 2+2x 2+x
l+x 0 l+x 2+2x x+2 1+2x 2x 1 2 x
2+x 0 2+x 1+2x 2+2x l+x I x 2x 2
1+2x 0 1+2x 2+x l+x 2+2x 2 2x x 1
2+2x 0 2+2x l+x 1+2x 2+x x 2 1 2x

If F is a finite field with q elements, we usually denote it GF(q), and refer to it as the Galois
field with q elements. Note that q must have the form pn , i.e. be a prime or a power of a prime.
As noted earlier, a field GF(pn) is afield of characteristic p. The field Zp is similarly denoted

2.2 Irreducible Polynomials

In order to construct a finite field having pn elements using the method of the previous sec-
tion, we require an irreducible polynomial of degree n in GF(p)[x]. The first question we might
then ask is whether or not one always exists for each positive integer n. We begin to answer this
question by considering the case n =2. Let us try to prove that there always exists a quadratic
irreducible polynomial in GF(p)[xJ. In fact, let us look for a monic irreducible polynomial. By
monic we mean that the non-zero coefficient of the highest power of x is 1. There are p2 monic
polynomials of degree 2 in GF(p)[x]. If one of these is reducible, it is the product of two
degree-! monic polynomials. There are precisely p monic degree-! polynomials. Using these
we can construct (~) + p reducible monic quadratic polynomials. (We can choose any two dis-

tinct monic polynomials or the square of any particular monic polynomial.) Hence the number of
monic irreducible quadratic polynomials is

This proves the existence of irreducible quadratics. In a similar but slightly more complicated
fashion we can count the number of monic irreducible cubic polynomials, 13 , There are p3
monic cubic polynomials in total. Reducible monic cubics can be constructed by multiplying
either a monic polynomial with an irreducible quadratic, three distinct irreducible monies, a
monic and the square of another distinct monic, or the cube of a monic. Therefore
Finite Fields 29

and hence at least one such polynomial exists. It is possible to derive a formula for the general
situation and deduce that the number of monic irreducible polynomials of degree n is positive
for each n, but this is considerably more difficult than the simple cases above, and is beyond the
scope of this book (see exercise 7).

2.3 Properties of Finite Fields

In this section, we consider primitive elements in finite fields, and the order of elements.
Let F * denote the set of non-zero field elements, F\ {O}.

Definition. An element (X in a finite field F is said to be a generator of F* , or primitive element

ofF if

That is, if (X generates all non-zero field elements.

Example 3.

In example 2, GF(9) was constructed using the irreducible f(x) =x 2 + 1 from Z3[X]. To
find a primitive element, we proceed by trial and error. Note that (X=X is not a primitive
element here. However, if we try (X = I +x, and use the multiplication table given, then
(1+x)O=1 (1+x)4=2
(1+x)l = l+x (1+x)5 = 2+2x
(1+x)2=2x (1+x)6=x
(1+x)3 =1+2x (1+x)7 =2+x.
Hence, (X = 1 + x is a generator for GF (9) *.

We now show that every finite field contains a primitive element. First, we require a defini-
tion and a few preliminary results.

Lemma 2.4. For every non-zero element (X E GF(q), (Xq-l = 1. Furthermore, an element
(XE GF(qm) lies in GF(q) itself if and only if (Xq = (X.
30 Error Correcting Codes


Let the distinct non-zero elements of GF(q) be aI'~' ... ,aq-I' Consider aaI' aa2' ... ,
aaq-I' These are all distinct, because otherwise for some i¢j, aaj=aaj' which multiplied
by a-I yieldsaj=aj' Hence {aaI,aa2, ... ,aaq_d = (aI,~, ... ,aq_d. This implies

which yields

This proves the first statement. Hence ae GF(q) implies a q = a, and every element of
GF(q) is a root of the polynomial x q -x. To prove the second statement, we must show
that aq a implies ae GF(q). It is easy to establish (exercise 17) that a polynomial of
degree n over GF(q) has at most n roots in GF(q). Here, we have n q, and the elements
of GF(q) provide q distinct roots of the polynomial xq -x. We conclude that this polyno-
mial has no other roots, and that aq = a implies a e GF(q). 0

Definition. The order of a non-zero element a e GF(q), denoted ord(a), is the smallest
positive integer t such that at = 1.

Example 4.
Using GF(9) as given in example 2, it is easy to verify that ord(l+x) = 8 and ord(x) = 4.

Lemma 2.4 shows that the order of every non-zero element is well defined. We now make
a stronger statement.

I Lemma 2.5. For every non-zero element a e GF(q), ord(a) divides q - 1. I

Let t = ord(a). By the division algorithm for integers,

q - 1 = It + r, 0 S r < t.

Finite Fields 31

But dI- 1 = 1 and d = 1 implying cl = 1. Since t = ord( a) we conclude that

r = 0 and that t divides (q-l). 0

We are now in a position to prove that primitive elements always exist.

Theorem 2.6. In every field F=GF q there exists a primitive element.

Let).. be an element of GF(q) which has largest order t. If t = q - 1, then).. is a
primitive element and we are done. Suppose t < q - 1. Suppose also that the
order of every other non-zero element of GF( q) divides t. Then every non-zero
element satisfies the polynomial equation
yt _ 1 = o.

But this equation has at most t roots in a field and since t < q - 1 we have a
contradiction. Hence, there is some element (3 E GF( q) such that c = ord((3) does
not divide t. Thus there exists some prime p and integer d > 1 such that pd
divides c but not t. Let e be the largest power of p that divides t, so 0 ~ e < d.
Consider a =V', and let k = ord(a); then k = t/pe, and gcd(k,p) = 1 Consider
also, = f3Clp d, and let b = ord(T)j then b = pd, and gcd(b ,k) = 1.

We now prove that a, is an element of order bk >t which contradicts the state-
ment that t is the largest order of any element. Suppose ord( a,) = s. Then
(a,)8 = 1. Since (a,)bk = 1, it can be shown in an analogous fashion to Lemma
2.5 that s divides bk. We proceed to show that bk divides s, implying s = bk.

and so k divides sb and b divides sk, as a has order k and I has order b. Since
gcd(b ,k) = 1, k divides sand b divides s implying bk divides s. This establishes
that s = bk. We conclude t = q - 1, and the proof is complete. 0

It follows from the definition that a primitive element a for a field GF(q) has
order q-1. Hence d/-l=dl=l, and we see that exponent arithmetic is computed
modulo q-l.
32 Error Correcting Codes

The following lemma is often of use in dealing with finite fields.

Lemma 2.7. If a, Pe F and F has characteristic p, then

(a + Pf = aP + 13"

By the binomial theorem

(a+Pf = f (~) aP-ipi = cb)aP + p£(~) aP-ipi + (p)13"

i=O ' i=1 ' P

Now (~) is an integer, and for 1~~-1,

(~) = p(P-l) ... Cp-i+l).

, i(i-l) ...2·1

Since p exceeds all factors in the denominator, and p is prime, p in the numerator goes
uncancelled. As a result, (~) == 0 (mod p) for 1 SiS p-l. Hence all intermediate terms
vanish, and the result follows. 0

As a corollary, it is easy to see that (a+p+yY' =aP + pP + f, and (a+PY'"' =aP"' + pp". We
say that exponentiation by a power of the characteristic p is a linear operation over the field.

2.4 The Minimal Polynomial

The minimal polynomial of a field element shall prove to be useful in §5.8, when we con-
sider factoringx n - lover GF(q), and in Chapter 6, where we consider BCH-codes.

Definition. Let F be a field of characteristic p and let a e F* be a non-zero element. A

minimal polynomial of a with respect to GF(p) is a monic polynomial m(x) of least degree in
GF (p )[x] such that m (a) =O.
Finite Fields 33

Theorem 2.S. The minimal 01 nomial of an element a is uni ue.


Suppose P = GP(q) and P has characteristic p. It follows from Lemma 2.5 that a satisfies
the polynomial x q- 1 _ 1 in GP(p)[x]. Since there is some polynomial in GP(p)[x] for
which a is a root, there must be one of least degree. This establishes that a minimal poly-
nomial m(x) exists. Suppose there are two monic polynomials ml(x) and m2(x) of least
degree having a as a root. By the division algorithm for polynomials

ml(x) = l(x)~(x) + rex) where deg r(x) < deg m2(x) or rex) = O.

Since ml (a) = 0 and m2(a) = 0 we have rea) =O. But m2(x) has least degree which implies
rex) =0, and hence m2(x) divides ml(x). Similarly, we can show that ml(x) divides m2(x)
and, since ml (x) and m2(x) are monic, ml (x) =m2(x). This completes the proof. 0

Because of the preceding result we talk about the minimal polynomial of an element a. We
denote it ma(x). For the remainder of this section, let P be a finite field of characteristic p, and
recall the notation p* =P\{O}. We first note that the minimal polynomial of an element is an
irreducible polynomial.

Theorem 2.9. For a E p*, the minimal polynomial of a, ma(x), is an irreducible polynomial.


If ma(x) is reducible, then

ma(x) = h(x)l(x)

for some hex), lex) E GP(p)[x] having deg hex) ~ 1 and deg lex) ~ 1. Hence,
maCa) = h(a)l(a) =0 implies that at least one of hex) or lex) has a as a root. This contrad-
icts the minimality of degree in the definition of ma(x). 0

We now proceed to show that the minimal polynomial, with respect to GP(p), of an ele-
ment aE GP(pn), is a polynomial in GP(p)[x]. First, we make use of the following definition.
34 Error Correcting Codes

Definition. For a e F. let t be the smallest positive integer such that a!" = a. (Note that such a t
exists by Lemma 2.4.) Then the set of conjugates of a (with respect to GF(p» is
_ P p1 p3 pH
C(a)-{ex.a.a .a ..... a: }.

It is not difficult to see that C (ex) = C (a!' ) for all i. for a field P with characteristic p.

Lemma 2.10. Let F be a finite field of characteristic P. let exe P*. and let C(a) be the set of
conjugates of a with respect to GP(p). Then

m(x) = n (x-f3)

is a polynomial with coefficients from GF(p).

Let m (x) = r.!=o mjx j . The coefficients mj are in P; we need to prove that they are in fact in
the ground field GF(p). First note that

m(xf = n (x-f3f = n (x P _f3P)

~EC(a) ~EC(a)

I .
= n (xP - 13) = m(xP ) = I; mjx'P •
~E C(a) j=O

with the second equality following from Lemma 2.7. and the third since

(f3: f3e C(a)} = (f3P: f3e C(ex)}.

On the other hand. note that
I . I .
m(xf = I; (mix'f = I;m/ x'p.
i=O j=O

Hence mj = m/. implying by Lemma 2.4 that mj e GP(p) for 0 SiS t. This completes the
proof. 0

Suppose ma(x) = r.!=omjx i where mj e GP(p). By definition. ex is a root of this polyno-

mial. But now. note that a!' is also a root. as
Finite Fields 35

t . t .
ma.(a!') = I:,mja!" = I:,m/aP' (m/ =mi' since mj E GF(p»
i=O i=O
t .
=CEmiex']P (by Lemma 2.7)

since ma.(ex) =O. It follows that all elements in C(ex) are roots of ma.(x). This result, together
with Lemma 2.10, provides a proof of the following theorem.

Theorem 2.11. For ex E F*, the minimal polynomial of ex is given by

ma.(x) = n (x-P).

In the next section we illustrate these concepts by example.

2.5 Examples of Finite Fields

In §2.1, we constructed multiplication tables for finite fields with 4 and 9 elements. Here,
we consider a few more examples of finite fields and determine for each element its minimal

Example 5.

We construct a field F = GF(23 ). First, we need an irreducible cubic polynomial over Z2'
Take f(x) == x 3 + x + 1. The elements of F are [0], [1], [x], [1+x], [X+X2] , [x 2] , [1+x2],
[1+x+x z]. For simplicity, we drop the brackets which formally denote equivalence classes.
Multiplication of elements is modulo the polynomial f(x). Since x 3 + x + 1 == 0 (mod f(x»
we have that x3 == -x - 1 =x + 1 (mod f(x», since I =-1 in Zz. Thus for example the pro-
duct of the field elements 1+x2 and 1+x is

We find it convenient to write (ao£lla2) for the field element ao + alx + a~z. Note that we
have adopted the convention of ordering coefficients from low order to high order. Using
this notation, the elements of Fare
36 Error Correcting Codes

0=(000) x 2 =(001)
1 = (100) l+x2 = (101)
X= (010) x+x2 = (011)
1+x = (110) l+x+x2 = (111)
If we take a =x, then it is easily checked that a is a generator of F. In fact, in this field
every non-zero element other than 1 is a generator. This is not the case in every finite field
(recall example 3). Suppose we take p=(101) and compute l7Ijl(x). Perhaps it would be
better to use the indeterminate y instead of x for the minimal polynomial so as to avoid
confusion with the polynomial in x used to define the field. By Theorem 2.11,

since /38 = /3. We compute

To make multiplication easier, we determine the representation of each non-zero element as

a power of the generator a, in this case using a x. =
aO (100) = a4 (011) =
al = (010) as = (111)
a 2 = (001) a 6 = (101)
a 3 =(110) a 7 =aO=1.

Since13 = a 6, then 132 = a 12 =as and 134 =(%24 = (%3. Note that exponent arithmetic is done
modulo 8-1 =7, the order of the cyclic group generated by a. Hence

13 + p2 + 134 =a 6 + as + a 3
= (101) + (111) + (110) = (100) = 1

/3/32+ /3/34+ /32/34=/33 + /35 + /36

Finite Fields 37

This is also the minimal polynomial of 132 and 134• The minimal polynomial of a is also the
minimal polynomial of a2 and a4 . It is

ma(y) =y3 + y + 1.

Example 6.

Consider constructing F = GF (24). Take f (x) = x4 + x + 1 e Z2[x]. In this case a = x is a

generator of the field.
a O = (1000) a8 =(1010)
a l =(0100) a 9 =(0101)·
a2 = (0010) a lO = (1110)
a 3 =(0001) all = (0111)
a4 =(1100) a I2 =(1111)
as =(0110) a l3 =(1011)
a6 =(0011) a l4 =(1001)
a7 =(1101) a iS = a O = 1.
The minimal polynomials of the elements are as follows. Let mj(y) denote ma/(y)' Then

mI(Y) =y4 + Y + 1 =m2(Y) =m4(Y) =ms(y)

m3(y) =l + y3 + y2 + Y + 1 =m6(y) =mI2(Y) =m9(y)

ms(y) =y2 + y + 1 =mlO(Y)

mO(y) =y + 1.

Example 7.
We will again construct GF(24) but this time we will use the irreducible polynomial
f (x) = X4 + x 3 + x 2 + X + 1. In this case a = x is not a generator of F but a =x + 1 is.
38 Error Correcting Codes

a.o =(1000) as = (1001)

a l = (1100) a 9 =(0010)
a = (1010)
2 a lO = (0011)
a 3 =(1111) all = (1101)
a4 = (0111) a l2 = (0100)
as = (1011) a l3 = (0110)
a6 = (0001) a l4 =(0101)
a 7 = (1110) a lS = aO = 1.
The minimal polynomials are

m3(y) =l +y3 +y2 + Y + 1

ms(y)=y2+y +1

ml (y) =y4 + y3 + 1.

Notice that the minimal polynomials of example 7 are the same as in example 6, although they
have "different names". This is not a coincidence. The two fields are isomorphic. They are
identical from an algebraic point of view, but differ in the matter of the naming of elements.

Example 8.

We construct F =GF (32) using f(.x) = x 2 + X + 2. In this case a =x is a generator and we

a O =(10) a3 = (22) a 6 = (21)
a l =(01) a4 =(20) a 7 =(11)
a 2 = (12) as = (02) as = aO= 1.
Note that over Z3, -1 = 2. The minimal polynomials are

ml(Y) =(y-<X)(y-a3) = y2 - (a 3+(X)y + a 4 =y2 + y + 2 =m3(y)

m2(Y) =(y_a2)(y_a6) =i - (a2+(X6)y + 1 = i + 1 =m6(y)

m4(Y) =(y_a4) = y + 1
Finite Fields 39

mo(y) =y-1.

2.6 Zech's Log Tables

We have seen that multiplication of field elements is easy when the elements are
represented as powers of a generator, For the field GF(q) with generator a, the product of aa
and ab is aaab =aa+b(modq-l), However, addition of field elements is not so easy when ele-
ments are given as powers of a generator. Conversely, whereas addition is easy when elements
are represented as polynomials, multiplication is not. It would be convenient to use a single
representation in which both operations are easy.

For small fields, to facilitate addition of field elements represented as powers of a genera-
tor, we set up the following table, called a Zech's log table, For each integer i, 0!5;iSq-2, we
determine and tabulate the integer J=z(i) such that l+ai =aZ(i). Then

and z(b-a) can be obtained from the table. We illustrate this by example.

Example 9.
Consider GF(23) defined by the irreducible polynomial [(x) =x3+x+1. A list of field ele-
ments as polynomials, and their corresponding representations as powers of the generator
<x=x, is given in example 5. Using this we can easily determine for each i, 0!5;i!5;6, the
integer J=z(i) such that

We get
1 + aO=O
1+a l =a 3
1 + a 2 =a 6
1+ a3 = a l
1 + a 4 =as
1 + as = a 4
1 + a6 = a2

For example, 1 + a 3 =(100) + (110) =(010) =aI, Defining a OG

=0, we summarize this
40 Error Correcting Codes

information in the following Zech' s log table.

i z(i)

00 0
0 00

I 3
2 6
3 I
4 5
5 4
6 2

With this table, representing elements of F =GF(23) as powers of the generator a.=x, both
multiplication and addition are easily performed. For multiplication, we simply add
exponents and reduce modulo q-l =7, so for example
a 4a 6 = alO(mod 7) = a3.

As an example of addition, to determine a 3 + as as a power of a we compute

a 3 + as = a 3(1+a 2) = a 3(a 6) = a 9 =a 2,
using the Zech's log table to look up l+a2 =a6•

Example 10.

Consider the field F=GF(24 ) generated by the root a =x of the irreducible polynomial
f(x) =x4+x+1 E Z2[x], as in example 6. The Zech's log table for this field is given further
below. The table can easily be constructed once the representations of all field elements as
both polynomials and as powers of a generator are known. Alternatively, the table can
often be constructed more rapidly in an ad hoc manner, illustrated as follows. Since a is a
root of x4+x+ 1 and since + and - are equivalent in Z2 we have a 4+a+ 1 = 0 and


This equation also implies l+a4 =a, providing table entries (i,z(i»=(1,4) and (4,1).
Squaring both sides of equation (1) and using Lemma 2.7 (with p=2) produces the relation

which yields entries (2,8) and (8,2). Now squaring both sides of (2) returns us to relation
Finite Fields 41

(1), giving nothing new. However, mUltiplying through (1) by a-I gives

a 14 + 1 = a3 (3)

from which we derive entries (14,3) and (3,14). Squaring both sides of (3) provides entries
(13,6) and (6,13). In a similar manner, multiplying through (1) by a-4 provides entries
(11,12), (12,11), (7,9) and (9,7). The entries remaining to complete the table are those for
;=5 and ;=10. Since (5,5) and (10,10) clearly do not satisfy the Zech's relation, the only
remaining possibility is the set of pairings (5,10) and (10,5).

1 + a i = az(i)

; z(i) ; z(i)

00 0 7 9
0 00 8 2
1 4 9 7
2 8 10 5
3 14 11 12
4 1 12 11
5 10 13 6
6 13 14 3
42 Error Correcting Codes

2.7 Exercises
1. Determine whether or not finite fields exist with the following number of elements:
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 17 (d) 21 (e) 27 (064

2. Determine the characteristic of each of the following fields.

(a) GF(2) (b) GF(8) (c) GF(29) (d) GF(81) (e) GF(125)

3. Is Z2 isomorphic to GF(2)? Z4 to GF(4)? Z7 to GF(7)? Z9 to GF(9)?

4. (a) Verify that f(x) =x 5_1 E GF(31)[x] can be written as the product
(x 2-3x+2)(x 3+3x 2+7x+15).
(b) Determine the congruence class of f(x) modulo (x 2-3x+2).
(c) Computef(x) (modx 5); x 7 (modf(x»; andx 6+5x 3 (modf(x».

5. Let/(p,n) be the number of irreducible monic polynomials of degree n over GF(p).

(a) Derive an expression for I (p ,2), i.e. the number of polynomials x 2 + bx + e, where
b,e E GF(p), which are irreducible overGF(p).

(b) Using this expression, write down an unsimplified expression for I(P,3), the number
of irreducible cubics x 3 + bx 2 + ex + d.
(c) Write down an un simplified expression for [(P,4).

6. All linear polynomials are irreducible by definition. All quadratic and cubic polynomials
are either irreducible, or have a linear factor, and the latter can be ascertained by using the
factor theorem, which states that f(x) E F[x] has a linear factor (x-a.) if and only if
f(a.) =O. A quartic polynomial is either irreducible, has a linear factor, or is the product of
two irreducible quadratics.
(a) Find all irreducible polynomials of degrees 2,3 and 4 over GF(2).
(b) Find all irreducible polynomials of degrees 2 and 3 over GF(3).
7. The number of monic irreducible polynomials of degree n over the field GF(q) is given by
the formula I (q ,n) = (lin )Lc I nJ.1(n/e )qC, where the sum is taken over all distinct positive
divisors e of n, and J.1(n) is the Mobius J.11unetion, defined on the positive integers by
J.1(I) = I, J.1(e) = 0 if e = a2b for any a > 1, and J.1(e) = (-1/ if c = P1P2",Pk' where the Pi
are distinct primes.
(a) Determine the number of monic irreducible polynomials of degrees 2, 3 and 4 over
(b) Determine the number of monic irreducible polynomials of degrees 2,3 and 4 over
Finite Fields 43

8. (a) Construct the addition and multiplication tables for a field with 8 elements; represent
the elements as polynomials. (Hint: verify that f(x) =x3+x2+ 1 is an irreducible polynomial
over GF(2»
(b) Find a generator in the field.
9. (a) Verify that a = x is a generator for the field with 8 elements constructed using the
irreducible polynomialf(x) =x3 +x2 + lover GF(2).

(b) Represent each element as a power of the generator a, and give the corresponding
polynomial representation of each element.

(c) Construct the multiplication table for the field, representing the elements as polyno-
mials within the table, but using the correspondence from (b) to simplify the multipli-
cation operation.
(d) Construct a Zech's log table for the field.
(e) Find the minimum polynomial of each field element.

10. Consider the field with 16 elements constructed using the irreducible polynomial
f(.x)=x 4 +X 3 + 1 overGF(2).

(a) Verify thatf(x) is irreducible over GF(2)[x].

(b) Show that a = x is a generator for the field, and represent each element as both a poly-
nomial and as a power of the generator.
(c) Construct a Zech's log table for the field.

(d) Find the minimum polynomial of each field element.

11. In the field with 16 elements generated by the root a of the irreducible polynomial f(x) =
x4 + X + lover GF(2), find the order of the following elements:

(a) 1 (b)a1=x (c)a4 =1+x (d)a 5 =x+x2 (e)a 6 =x2+x3

12. (a) Verify thatf(x) = x2+x+2 is irreducible over GF(3).

(b) Construct a Zech' s log table for the field with 9 elements generated by a = x.
13. Let f(x) E GF(p)[x]. Prove that congruence (modulo f(x» of polynomials in GF(p)[x] is
an equivalence relation. That is, for all a(x), b(x), c(x) E GF(p)[x], prove
(a) a(x) == a(x)
(b) if a(x) == b(x) then b(x) == a(x)
(c) if a(x) == b(x) and b(.x) == c(x) ,then a(x) == c(x)
44 Error Correcting Codes

14. Consider the Zech's log table for the finite field GF(2 5) given in Appendix D, with genera-
tor a.
0.2 + 0.4
(a) Detennine ~ as a power of a, where ~ = 0.5 + 0.23 + 12 •
(b) Find the two roots of the quadratic equation a 3x2 + a 18x + 1 = 0 in GF(25). (Hint:
Let x = (0. 18/( 3 )y, yielding an equation of the fonn ay2 + ay + 1 = 0 = a (y2 + Y + a-I).
= =
Then letting y = ai, observe y2 + Y Y (1 + y) a i aZ(i).)

15. Consider the Zech's log table for the finite field GF(25) given in Appendix D, with genera-
tor a.
0.7 +0.23
(a) Detennine 0 as a power of a, where 0 =0. 10 + 4 9 + 1.
a +a
(b) Find all roots of the equation a 7x2 + (0. 3 + ( 9)x + (1 +40.) =0 in GF(25).
16. (a) Construct the Zech's log table for GF(24 ), defined using a root a of the irreducible
polynomial I(x) =x4 + x 3 + x 2 + X + 1.
(b) Let ~= 1 + x be an element of this field. Find all values z in the field which satisfy
z2 + (13+ l)z + (1 + 132 + 135) =O.

17. Prove that a polynomial of degree n over a finite field F has at most n roots in F. (Hint:
apply the division algorithm and use induction)
18. If k is a positive divisor of m then prove that GP(pm) contains a unique subfield of order

19. Determine the number of subfields in

(i) GF(2 12), (ii) GF(3 6), (iii) GF(5 18 ).
Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction
In this chapter we introduce linear codes. The algebraic structure of linear codes provides
a framework from which efficient encoding and decoding algorithms can be constructed. Many
error-correcting codes in use and under investigation are subclasses of linear codes defmed by
imposing additional structural constraints. The cyclic codes of Chapter 5 are a prime example,
and the BCH-codes of Chapter 6 are a further refmement of these.

We suppose that the set of all messages that we wish to transmit is the set of k-tuples hav-
ing components from some field F with q elements. We denote the set of all k-tuples over F by
V,,(F). Then there are q" messages. This set is a vector space. (For a review of vector spaces,
see Appendix A.) We refer to it as the "message space". For example, if the letters of the
alphabet are assigned to a subset of the set of all binary 5-tuples, then we can transmit letters of
the alphabet as 5-tuples. Our message space consists of all 25 binary 5-tuples. Of course, we
only use 26 of these.
In order to detect and possibly correct errors, we will have to add some redundancy.
Hence, the message k-tuples will be embedded into n-tuples, n ~ k. Thus, we will set up a one-
to-one correspondence between the l messages and q" n-tuples in Vn(F). An algebraically con-
venient technique is to make sure that the q" n-tuples fonn a k-dimensional subspace in Vn(F).
We recall that a k-dimensional subspace is detennined by k linearly independent vectors in
Vn(F). There are many such k-dimensional subspaces from which to choose. This number can
be easily enumerated as follows.
We can select k linearly independent vectors in


ways. The qn - 1 comes from the fact that we can select any non-zero vector. The (qn-q) tenn
appears since we can select any vector which is linearly independent from the first vector
chosen. There are precisely q vectors which are linearly dependent on a given vector. In gen-
eral, if i vectors are linearly independent, they generate a subspace of dimension i which con-
tains qi vectors. In order to select a vector which is independent from these i vectors, we have
46 Error Correcting Codes

exactly qn - qi choices. Thus, (3.1) follows. Expression (3.1) is not the number of
k-dimensional subspaces since it just counts the number of ordered sets of k linearly independent
vectors. We need to know how many sets of k linearly independent vectors generate the same
k-dimensional subspace. By reasoning similar to that used in determining (3.1), we get that a
k-dimensional subspace contains precisely


ordered sets of k linearly independent vectors. Therefore, the total number of k-dimensional
subspaces in Vn(F) is

s = (qn_l)(qn_q)'" (qn_q"-I) = (qn_l)(qn-l_1)' .. (qn-k+l_1) .

(qk_l)(qk-q) . .. (q"_qk-l) (q"_I)(qk-l_l) ... (q-l)

Hence there are many k-dimensional subspaces of Vn(F) from which to choose.

Example 1.
Consider the number s of subspaces of dimension 3 in V S(Z2)' We have k =3, n =5, q =2

s = (2 s-1)(24-1)(23-1) =155.

The number of subspaces of dimension 2 in V S(Z2) is also 155.

If we select anyone of these s subspaces, we can define a one-to-one correspondence

between the vectors in this subspace S and the message space M. The most convenient method
is to select fIrst a basis B = {vl,v2' ... , vk} for S and then defIne the correspondence

f: M-+S

f(m) = l:mivi

where m = (mlm2 ... mk) is a message k-tuple, i.e. m E M.

Linear Codes 47

Example 2.
Consider a message space M of 4 message 2-tuples,

M = {COO), (10), (01), (11)}.

We select a subspace S of V4(Z2) of dimension k =2 defined by the basis B = {vI,v2},


VI =(1100)
V2 = (0110)

Then f maps M to S as follows.

(0 0) ~ (0 0 0 0)
(1 0) ~ (1 100)
(0 1) ~ (0 1 1 0)
(1 1) ~ (l 0 1 0).

S = {(OOOO), (1100), (0110), (101O)} .

Example 3.
Here, S is a 2-dimensional subspace of VS(Z2)' The message space is as before,

M = {(OO), (10), (01), (11)}.

If the basis for S is chosen to be B = {vI,V2} where

VI = (10111)

V2 = (11110)

then the mapping is

(00) ~ (00000)
(10) ~ (10111)
(01) ~ (11110)
(11) ~ (01001)
48 Error Correcting Codes

s = ((OOOOO), (10111), (01001), (11110») .

So far, we have not been too concerned with the value of n and the particular
k-dimensional subspace of Vn(F) selected for the correspondence. For fixed k, the larger n is,
the more check digits there are, giving greater potential for error correction. Hence for fixed k,
as mentioned earlier, choosing n typically involves a tradeoff between error-correcting capability
and the rate of the code. However, once k and n are both fixed, note that not all k-dimensional
subspaces have the same Hamming distance. which we saw in §1.3 affects the number of errors
that can be corrected. Note that the subspace S of example 3 above has distance d = 2. It is easy
to verify that had we chosen the basis vl = (10000), v2 = (01000), then the resulting subspace
would have had distance 1, and had we chosen vl = (10110), v2 = (01011), then the resulting
subspace would have had distance 3. Here we should simply choose a subspace which provides
the greatest Hamming distance. As the choice of a k-dimensional subspace is important, a study
of subspaces with respect to Hamming distance is necessary. This leads to our definition of a
linear code.

Definition. A linear (n,k)-code over F is a k-dimensional subspace of Vn(F).

We reserve round brackets to denote such codes, and hence often omit the word "linear".
We sometimes refer to a linear code as an (n,k,d)-code, to include specification of its distance d.
In Chapter 1 we observed that in order to compute the Hamming distance in an arbitrary code of
length n having t codewords we must check all (~) pairs of codewords. For linear codes, we

shall see that the work is reduced to calculating a related parameter, the Hamming weight of the
code. We make the following definitions, analogous to those for Hamming distance in §1.3.

Definition. The Hamming weight of a vector ve Vn(F), denoted w(v), is the number of non-
zero coordinates in v.

Definition. The Hamming weight of an (n,k)-code C is

w(C)=min{w(x): xe C,x:;tO).
Linear Codes 49

Example 4.


SI = {(OOOO), (1000), (0100), (1100)}

S2 = {(OOOO), (1100), (0011), (1111)}.

Sl and S2 are both 2-dimensional subspaces of V4(Z2)' The Hamming distance and weight
of Sl are both 1, whereas for S2 they are both 2.

In the example above, note that the Hamming distance of each code is equal to the weight
of that code. This is not a coincidence.

Theorem 3.1. Let d be the distance in an (n,k)-code C. Then

d =w(C).

By definition, the distance of the code C is given by

d=min{d(x,y): x,ye C,X;1!:y}.

It is easy to see that d(x,y) = w(x-y) since component i of x-y is non-zero if and only if
components i of x and y, which are elements of the field F, differ (see Chapter 1, exercise
12(a». Since C is a linear code, and subspaces are closed under addition, x - y E C.

d = min{w(z):ZE C,Z;1!:O} = w(C).

Hence computing the distance of a linear code reduces to computing the Hamming weight of the
code, which is the weight of the "lightest" non-zero codeword.

Let C be an (n,k)-code. Since C is a k-dimensional subspace, C is completely determined

by k linearly independent vectors. As noted earlier, once such a basis is selected we can set up a
one-to-one correspondence in a natural way between the k-dimensional message space and the
code C. Since we can select
50 Error Correcting Codes

ordered sets of k linearly independent vectors in C, there are t one-to-one correspondences we

can establish between the message space M and a fixed k-dimensional subspace C. (There are,
of course, many others but these mappings corresponding to the different bases are the most
natural.) For a fixed k-dimensional subspace C, there are advantages in selecting one particular
basis over another.

Example 5.

The vectors vI = (10000), v2 = (11010), and v3 = (11101) form a basis for a (5,3)-code C
over Z2' The code C consists of the vectors

(00000), (10000), (11010), (11101), (01010), (01101), (00111), (10111).

For convenience, write

VI [10 0 0 0]
G = V2 = 1 10 10 .
v3 1 1 1 0 1

If m =(mlm2m3) EM, the message space of binary 3-tuples, then the codeword in C asso-
ciated with m is

For example, if m = (101), then

1 0 0 0 0]
mG = (1 0 1) [1 1 0 1 0 = (0 1 1 0 1).
1 1 101

Suppose that instead of VI' V2' V3' we select the basis ul =(10000), u2 =(01010),
u3 = (00111) for C (note that this basis does indeed generate the same 3-dimensional sub-
space), and let

U1l !1 0 0 0 0]
G' = u2 = 0 1 0 1 0 .
u3 0 0 1 1 1
Linear Codes 51

Then, using a', m =(101) gets mapped to the codeword (10111). In this codeword, the
first three positions are precisely the in/ormation symbols or message. Therefore to retrieve
the message, one needs only to take the first three components of the codeword. The basis
Vl' V2' v3 does not have this property and hence decoding is more complicated.

3.2 Generator Matrices and the Dual Code

As illustrated in example 5, a linear code can be characterized by a generator matrix.

Definition. A generator matrix a for an (n ,k)-code C is a k x n matrix whose rows are a vector
space basis for C.

The codewords of a linear code C (over the field F) with generator matrix a are all linear
combinations (over F) of the rows of a, i.e. those vectors in the row space of a. We say that C
is the code generated by the matrix a. In addition, we may associate with any k' x n matrix a'
(over F) the (n,k)-code C (over F) consisting of those vectors in the row space of a'. In this
case, k ~ k'. If some rows of a' are linearly dependent then k < k', and a generator matrix for C
fitting the definition above can be derived by the removal from G' of the rows causing the
dependencies. We may on occasion speak of such a matrix a' as a generator matrix for C,
although this is not technically correct when k < k'; however, the meaning should be clear. In
either case, the dimension k of the associated code is the number of linearly independent rows in
the defining matrix, i.e. the rank of the matrix.

Since the basis for a k-dimensional vector space is not unique, neither is the generator
matrix G for a linear code C. Elementary row operations (multiplying a row by a scalar, adding
a scalar multiple of one row to another, and exchanging two rows) performed on G give matrices
which also generate C. As the previous example illustrates, one generator matrix may be more
useful than another. For example, if we can find a generator matrix having the form

where I" is the k x k identity matrix and A is it k x (n-k) matrix, then the information symbols
will occur in the first k positions of a codeword. Such a matrix a is said to be in standard/arm.

Unfortunately, we cannot always guarantee that such a G will exist for C. However, we
shall see that this problem is easily overcome. It is not hard to see that permuting the coordinate
positions of a code C gives a subspace C' having precisely the same Hamming weight and dis-
tance. In this sense, C and C' are essentially the same code. This motivates the following defin-
ition. Recall that a permutation matrix is an identity matrix with rows or columns permuted.
52 Error Correcting Codes

Definition. Two (n,k)-codes C and C' over a field F are said to be equivalent codes if there
exist generator matrices G and G' for C and C' respectively and an n x n permutation matrix P
such that


The matrix P permutes the columns of G, and thus permutes the coordinate positions in C
to produce the code C'.

Example 6.

Let C be the (4,3)-code having generator

G= r~ ~ ~ ~].
[1 0 1 1

Let C' be the (4,3)-code having generator matrix

G' = r~ ~ ~ ~].
l~ 0 0

We can show C and C' to be equivalent codes as follows. By row operations on G (add
row 1 to rows 2 and 3), another generating matrix for C is

G= r~ ~ ~ ~].
Now, if we select the permutation matrix

001 0
o10 0
P= 1000
000 1

then G' = GP. P interchanges columns 1 and 3 of G, and hence interchanges coordinates 1
and 3 in each codeword of C. Thus the two codes are equivalent. Note, however, that
these codes are not identical. To verify this last statement, the reader is encouraged to con-
struct the codes explicitly using the matrices G and G'. (Each code consists of 8 code-
Linear Codes 53

The definition of equivalent codes thus easily leads to the following result (exercise 8).

Theorem 3.2. IT C is an (n,k)-code over a field F, then there exists a generator matrix G for C
or for an equivalent code C' such that

G = [/A; A].

An interesting and useful way to characterize an (n,k)-code C over a field F is in terms of

another subspace, called the orthogonal complement of C. Before defining this subspace, a prel-
iminary definition is required.

Definition. Let x =(XIX2",Xn) and y =(YIY2°o.Yn) be vectors in Vn(F). The inner product ofx
and y is
X'y = r,XjYj

where the sum is computed over the field F.

A few words concerning this inner product are in order. IT F is the field of real numbers,
then =0 implies x =O.
X·X This need not be the case when F is a finite field. For example, if
F =Z2 and x = (101) then

x'x = 1 + 0 + 1 = 0

yet x is not the zero vector.

It is easy to see from the definition that the inner product is commutative. The following
properties are also easily established.

(1) For x,y,z E Vn(F), (x+y)·z = x·z + y·z.

(2) For X,Y E Vn(F) and A. E F, (A.x)·y =A.(x·y).

IT x'y = 0, we say that the vectors x and y are orthogonal to each other.
54 Error Correcting Codes

Definition. Let C be an (n,k)-code over a field F. The orthogonal complement C.L ("C perp")
ofC is

C.L= (xe Vn(F): x'y=Oforallye C).

That is, C.L is the set of n-tuples over F that are orthogonal to every vector in C. C.L is
sometimes referred to as the dual code of C.

We now give a fundamental result relating a linear code and its dual.

I Theorem 3.3. If C is an (n,k)-code over a field F, then C.L is an (n,n-k)-code over F.I

We must prove that C.L is an (n-k)-dimensional subspace of Vn(F). We show that C.L is a
subspace by verifying the vector space axioms. In fact, we need only show that C.L is
closed under vector addition and under multiplication by a scalar. Most of the other
axioms follow by inheritance, C.L being a subset of Vn(F). Clearly the zero vector is in C.L,
and the existence of additive inverses will follow from closure under scalar multiplication
(by the scalar -1).
To prove closure under vector addition, we proceed as follows. Let x,y e C.L. Then
x·z = 0 and y·z = 0 for all z e C. Consider the vector x + y.

(X+Y)'z = x·z + y·z = 0

and thus x+y e C.L. Hence C.L is closed under vector addition. Now for x e CJ. and A. e F,
consider the scalar multiple Ax. Since x·z = 0 for all z e C,

(Ax)·Z =A.(x·z) =0
and thus Ax e C.L. Therefore C.L is closed under scalar multiplication. As argued above, it
follows that CJ. is a subspace of Vn(F).

To complete the proof, we now show that C.L has dimension n - k. Let G be a generator
matrix for C. We suppose that
Linear Codes 55

If no such matrix exists for C, then use an equivalent code C'. If the result is true for C', it
is true for C. Consider the matrix H = [_AT In-k]. Let span(H) be the subspace generated
by the rows of H, i.e. the row space of H. Now GHT =lk(-A) + Aln- k =0, implying that
the rows of H are orthogonal to the rows of G, and by the simple properties of the inner
product, span (H) ~ C..L. We now show that C..L ~ span (H), which then proves that
C..L = span (H).

Consider any x E C..L where x =(x,x2 .. .xn ) and let

y =x - l:Xj+kfj

where fj is the ith row of H. Since x E C..L, and we have just proven that rj E C..L,
1 :s; i :s; k, it follows by closure that y E Cl.. We now examine the structure of y. By con-
struction, components k+ 1 through n are 0, so y = (YIY2 ...YkO ...0), Yj E F. But since
y E Cl., GyT =0 which implies Yi =0, 1 :s; i :s; k. Therefore, y =0 and
X = l:Xj+krj.

Hence x E span(H) implying Cl.. ~ span (H). Thus C..L =span (H) and Cl.. has dimension
n-k, since the rows of H are linearly independent. This completes the proof. 0

The above proof reveals a method for constructing a basis for Cl... We state this important
construction as a corollary to Theorem 3.3.

Corollary 3.4. If G = [Ik A] is a generator matrix for C, then H = [_AT I n- k ] is a generator

matrix for Cl..

Example 7.
Let C be the (6,3)-code over 22 generated by

G= l~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l·
100 1 1

By applying suitable elementary row operations to G, we obtain a matrix G generating the

same code, where
56 Error Correcting Codes

100111] 111]
G = 0 1 0 0 1 1 =[/3 A],
o 0 1 010

A generator matrix for the orthogonal complement C.1 of C is

1 0 0 1 0 0]
H = [-A T 13J = [1 1 1 0 1 0 .
1 1 000 1

As a check, we verify that GHT = 0, and note that H has n - k = 3 linearly independent

Example 8.
Let C be the (7,4)-code over Z3 having generator matrix

2 101 100
G= 2102020
1 1 000 2 1

Subtracting row 3 from rows 1 and 4, we obtain from G a generator matrix G for the same
code C, which has among its columns those of 14 ,

G= 2102020
200 100 1

In order to construct a generator matrix for C.1, let us first construct a generator matrix G'
for a code E equivalent to C such that G' = [/4 A]. This is easily done by permuting
columns of G, selecting, in order, columns 5, 3, 2, 7, 1,4 and 6 (which corresponds to post-
multiplying G by the appropriate permutation matrix P).

1000021 021
0100012 012
G'= 0010222 =[/4 A], A=222
0001210 210
Linear Codes 57

Now, a generator matrix for E1. is

0 0 1 1 1 0 0]
H' = [_AT 13] = 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 .

By rearranging the columns of H', restoring them to their original order by the selection 5,
3, 2, 6, 1, 7,4, a generator matrix for C1. is

1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
H= 0121102.

As a check, note that GHT =0, and that H has the proper number (n - k = 3) of linearly
independent rows.

3.3 The Parity-Check Matrix

From the previous section, we see that a vector x e VII(F) is a codeword of an (n,k)-code C
if and only if HxT = 0, where H is a generator matrix for C1.. This leads us to make the follow-
ing definition.

Definition. Let C be an (n,k)-code over F. If H is a generator matrix for C1., then H is called a
parity-check matrix for C.

If G is a generator matrix for C and H is a generator matrix for C1., then H is a parity-
check matrix for C and G is a parity-check matrix for C.l. In particular, if G = [1A: A] is a gen-
erator matrix for C, then H =[-A T III_j;] is a parity-check matrix for C, and a generator matrix
for C1.. It follows that we can now specify a linear code C by giving either a generator matrix G
or a parity-check matrix H.
Some explanation for the choice of the term parity-check matrix is in order. Suppose
m = (ml"'2 ...mj;) is a message k-tuple which we are going to embed in a codeword c of length n.
Suppose further that the information symbols occur in the first k components of c. Then c has
the form

The Xj, 1 S; is; n-k, are usually referred to as the check symbols since they provide the necessary
redundancy to possibly detect and correct errors. Since H cT must be the zero vector if c is a
58 Error Correcting Codes

codeword, given the mi' 1 ~ i ~ k, the xi' 1 ~ i ~ n-k, can be uniquely detennined from the sys-
tem of equations

Therefore, the check symbols xi are detennined if we are given a parity-check matrix H for the
code. For the simple case n =k+l (a single check symbol) in the example below, H is such that
the check symbol is a parity bit.

Example 9.

Let H = [1 1 1 1 1] be a parity-check matrix for a (5,4)-code Cover Z2' A generator matrix

for Cis

o 1 001
o0 0 1 1

Notice that the infonnation k -tuple (10 11) is assigned the codeword (10 111). The check bit
is detennined by H to be a 0 or 1 so that the resulting codeword has an even number of 1's.
Thus, the check bit ensures that the number of l's in a codeword is even, i.e. establishes
even parity.

Example 10.

H = r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l
lo 1 1 0 0 1

be a parity-check matrix for a binary (6,3)-code C. Which codeword carries the infonna-
tion m = (101)? This, of course, depends on the basis chosen to generate C. Suppose we
would like the infonnation to appear in the first 3 components of the codeword. We must
find check bits Xl' X2' X3 so that c = (1 0 I xl X2 X3) is a codeword. Thus,
Linear Codes 59

1 + 1 + xl = 0 or Xl =0
1 +X2=0 or x2= 1
1 + x3 =0 or x3 =1
Hence c =(l01011) is the desired codeword. In general here, the relation HcT =0 deter-
mines the check bits xi of the codeword c =(mlm:z!n)Xlx&X3) corresponding to a given mes-
sage m =(mlm2m3) to be those Xi satisfying the system
+ =
+ =
+ =
Each check bit xi is a function of some subset of the message bits mj' and conversely, row i
of H specifies a subset of codeword bits on which to perform an even-parity check. Hence
H is called the parity-check matrix.

As explained earlier, we could also determine the codeword c corresponding to the message
m =(101) by finding the generator matrix G for C where G =[13 A]. This is easily accom-
plished from the given H, writing H =[_AT 13], Then

1 0 0 1 1 0]
G =[13 A] = [0 1 0 0 1 1 .
001 101

Now c = mG =(101011).
Much can be said about a linear code C by studying a parity-check matrix H for C. An
important example is the relation between the distance of C and linear dependencies among the
columns of H, as indicated by the following theorem.

Theorem 3.5. Let H be a parity-check matrix for an (n,k)-code Cover F. Then every set of
s-l columns of H are linearly independent if and only if C has distance at least s.


First, assume that every set of s-l columns of H are linearly independent over F. Let
c = (cI c2' .. cn ) be a non-zero codeword and let h lo h2, ... , h n be the columns of H. Then
since H is the parity-check matrix, HeT =O. This matrix-vector product may be written in
60 Error Correcting Codes

the fonn
HeT = 1:cjhj =O.

If w(e) ~s-l, then we have a nontrivial linear combination of less than s columns of H
which sums to O. This is not possible since by hypothesis every set of s-1 or fewer
columns of H are linearly independent. Therefore w(e) ~ S, and since e is an arbitrary
non-zero codeword and C is a linear code, it follows by Theorem 3.1 that w(C) ~ s, imply-
ing that C has distance at least s.

To prove the converse, assume that C has distance at least s. Suppose that some set of
t ~ s-1 columns of H are linearly dependent. Let these columns be hil,h i1, ... , hj,. Then
there exist scalars A.jJ E F, not all zero, such that
1: A.jJh jJ =O.

Construct a vector e having A.iJ in position i j , 1 S j S t, and D's elsewhere. By construction,

e is a non-zero vector in C since HcT =O. But w(e) =t S s-1. This is a contradiction since
by hypothesis every non-zero codeword in C has weight at least s. We conclude that no
s-1 columns of H are linearly dependent. 0

It follows easily from the theorem that a linear code C with parity-check matrix H has dis-
tance (exactly) d if and only if every set of d-l columns of H are linearly independent, and
some set of d columns are linearly dependent. Hence this theorem could be used to determine
the distance of a linear code, given a parity-check matrix.
Theorem 3.5 is also a useful tool for constructing single-error correcting codes (Le. codes
with distance 3). To construct such a code, we need only construct a matrix H such that no 2 or
fewer columns are linearly dependent. The only way a single column can be linearly dependent
is if it is the zero column. Suppose two non-zero columns h j and h j are linearly dependent.
Then there exist non-zero scalars A.,~ E F such that

This implies that

Linear Codes 61

meaning hi and hj are scalar multiples of each other. Thus, if we construct H so that H contains
no zero column and no two columns of H are scalar multiples, then H will be the parity-check
matrix for a code having distance at least 3.

Example 11.
Over the field F =Z3, consider the matrix

H= 0 2 00 1 .
o0 1 10

The columns of H are non-zero and no column is a scalar multiple of any other column.
Hence, H is the parity-check matrix for a (S,2)-code Cover F of distance at least 3. We
can easily construct C if we know a generator matrix G for C. One can be found from H
by constructing another parity-check matrix H' of the form H' =[/3 A]. Using row opera-
tions on H, we get

H' = 1o0 01 002
1 1 0
=[/3 A],

G =[-A T Izl = [20210]

11001 .

To check we compute
2 1

HG T = I~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ I~ ~l·
Since HGT =0 and G contains 2 linearly independent rows, then G must generate the
orthogonal complement to the space generated by H. Thus, G is the generator matrix for
C. C will contain 9 codewords. We list the codewords and their weights.
62 Error Correcting Codes

Codeword Weight

00000 0
20210 3
11001 3
10120 3
22002 3
01211 4
21121 5
12212 5
02122 4
It is easily verified that every pair of codewords has distance at least 3.

If the code C is over Z2' then constructing H becomes even simpler, if we only require a
distance 3 code. In this case, the columns of H need only be non-zero and distinct. This follows
because in the binary case, the only way that one column hi can be a scalar multiple of another
column h j is if hi =hj or hi =0, as 0 and 1 are the only scalars.

Example 12.
Suppose we wish to construct a parity-check matrix H for a single-error correcting (7,4)-
code Cover Z2' Since C is a (7,4)-code, then Col is a (7,3)-code and H must be 3 x 7. If C
is to have distance 3, then the columns of H must be distinct and non-zero. There are pre-
cisely 7 non-zero 3-tuples over Z2 and so each must be a column of H. Therefore,

H= [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 .
o0 1 0 1 1 1
The order in which the columns are written is immaterial. Any other ordering gives an
equivalent code. Again, we can easily construct a generator matrix for C. Since H = [/3 A]

o 1 1 1
Linear Codes 63



G =[-A
14] = 1
10 10 0 1 0
1 1 1 000 1

Suppose that we want to construct a parity-check matrix for a 2-error correcting code. The
code must have distance at least 5, and hence by Theorem 3.5, no 4 columns of the parity-check
matrix can be linearly dependent. Unfortunately, there is no simple condition guaranteeing this
as in the case of a single-error correcting code and our task is more difficult. We will conclude
this section by constructing a parity-check matrix for a 2-error correcting code. The construction
is not an obvious one, but we shall see later that it is part of a very important general algebraic
technique for constructing multiple-error-correcting codes.

Example 13.

Consider the matrix H given below, over the field F = Z7. Note that 3 is a generating ele-
ment in Z7. That is, Z7\{0} ={3 i : 0 S; is; 5}.

1 3 2
6 4
161 6 1 6 .
142 142

We claim that H is a parity-check matrix for a (6,2)-code Cover Z, and that C has distance
5. We must prove that no 4 columns of H are linearly dependent. We could do this by
checking all (~) = 15 possibilities. Instead, we look at the general situation. Take any 4
columns of H and form a matrix D.

3i Y 3k 31
32i 32j 32k 321
D = 33; 33j 33k 331 where i < j < k < I.
34; 34j 34k 341
64 Error Correcting Codes

If the columns of D are linearly independent, then the determinant of D must be non-zero
and conversely so. We compute detD. Recall from linear algebra that if a matrix D' is
derived from D by multiplying a column by the scalar s, then detD' = s detD. Using this,
we get
1 1 11
3 3k 31
detD = 3i :V3k31 2i
3 32i 32k 321
33i 33i 33k 331

Now we multiply row 3 by 3i and subtract this from row 4; we multiply row 2 by 3i and
subtract from row 3; and so on. Recall that adding scalar multiples of one row to another
does not affect the determinant. (For completeness, although we do not use it here, recall
that the third elementary row operation, the exchange of two rows, causes the determinant
to be negated.) We get
1 1 1 1
o 3L 3i 3k_3 i 3/-3 i
detD = 3i +i +k+1
o 31(31-3' ) 3k(3 k_3i ) 3/(3 1-3 i )
o 32i (:V-3 i ) 32k (3 k _3 i ) 321 (3/-3i )
= 3i+i+k+/(:V_3i)(3k_3i)(3/_3i) :V 3k 31
32i 32k 321

= 3i+i +k+1 n (3 X -3Y)


where the product is over x;y E (i J ,k ,I), x > y. Since 3x - 3' :# 0 for x :# y, it follows that
detD :# 0 and no 4 columns of H are linearly dependent. Therefore, H is the parity-check
matrix for a (6,2)-code over Z7 with distance at least 5. The code C will have 72 code-

The technique of the preceding example will be considered in greater detail in Chapter 6
when we discuss BCH-codes.
Linear Codes 65

3.4 Hamming Codes and Perfect Codes

In this section, we will construct a very interesting class of single-error correcting codes.
These codes are known as Hamming codes. They will be defined in tenns of a parity-check

Definition. A Hamming code of order rover GF(q) is an (n,k)-code where n = (qr -1) / (q-l)
and k = n - r, with parity-check matrix Hr an r x n matrix such that the columns of Hr are non-
zero and no two columns are scalar multiples of each other.

By Theorem 3.5, it follows immediately that the Hamming codes have distance d =3 and
are hence single-error correcting. Note that qr-1 is the number of non-zero r-tuples that exist,
and q-l is the number of non-zero scalars. Hence if any additional column was appended to H r ,
this column would be a scalar multiple of one already present, and this would be undesirable if
we want a single-error correcting code (by Theorem 3.5). In this sense then, the codewords have
maximum length, and hence carry a maximum number of infonnation symbols, for a given value
of r, giving the code a maximum number of codewords for such r.

Example 14.
The Hamming code of order r = 3 over F =GF(2) is defined by the parity check manix
H3 = 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 .
o 0 101 1 1
This is a (7,4)-code with distance 3. Re-ordering the columns of H3 would define an
equivalent Hamming code.

Example 15.
Take r =3, F =GF(3). Then Hr defines the (13,10) Hamming code of order 3 over GF(3),

H3 = 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 .
o 0 101 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 2
66 Error Correcting Codes

The Hamming codes are interesting because every n-tuple is in a sphere of radius one about
some codeword. They are an example of a perfect code.

Definition. A perfect code is an e-error-correcting (n,M]-code over an alphabet A such that

every n-tuple over A is in the sphere of radius e about some codeword.

In a perfect code of block length n, the spheres of radius e about the codewords are not
only disjoint (since the code is e-error-correcting) but exhaust the entire space of n-tuples. We
see that it is easy to prove that the Hamming codes are perfect.

ITheorem 3.6. The Hamming code C of order rover GF(q) is a perfect code. I

As noted earlier, the Hamming codes have distance 3 so that e = 1. Consider a codeword
CE C. We first determine the number of vectors in the sphere of radius one about c. Vec-
tors of distance one from c are produced by choosing one of n coordinate positions in c,
and altering that component to any of q-l values. Hence including c itself, the sphere of
radius one about c contains 1 + n(q-l) vectors. Since spheres about distinct codewords are
disjoint, and since there are qk codewords, where k = n-r, the total number of vectors con-
tained in all spheres is

But this is precisely the total number of vectors in the entire space of n-tuples over GF(q).
Hence every n -tuple is in some sphere and the code is perfect. 0

Examining this proof, it follows from the definition that an e-error-correcting [n,MJ-code
is perfect if and only if it meets the sphere-packing bound (Hamming bound)

qn ~ M ~(7)(q-l)i

with equality.
We conclude this section by mentioning that the parameters for perfect codes over alpha-
bets having a prime power number of elements have been completely determined. The proof is
beyond the scope of this book.
UnearCodes 67

3.5 Decoding Single-Error Correcting Codes

Linear codes such as the Hamming codes are by far the simplest types of codes to decode.
In this section we outline one decoding procedure for linear codes capable of correcting a single
error per codeword. We begin by introducing the concept of an error vector, providing an alge-
braic way to manipulate errors.

Example 16.
Suppose c =(0 1 0 1 1 1) is a binary codeword which is transmitted and

r= (100111)

is received. We can represent r as


where e = (11 0000). We call e the error vector introduced by the channel.

Let H be a parity-check matrix for a linear code C. Suppose wee) S 1 for any error vector
introduced by the channel, so that a single-error-correcting code can correct all error patterns
introduced. Suppose c e C is a transmitted codeword and r is received. Write r = c + e. Com-

HrT =H(c+e)T =HcT +HeT =HeT

since HcT = O. If e = 0, then HeT =O. Hence if HrT = 0, we accept r as the transmitted code-
word. If e ¢ 0, then e contains one non-zero coordinate. Suppose this is the ith coordinate and
its value is <X. Then HeT =<xhj, where hj is the ith column of H. This observation gives us a
decoding procedure.
68 E"or Correcting Codes

Decoding Single-Error Linear Codes.

Let H be the parity-check matrix, and let r be the received vector.

(1) Compute nfT.

(2) If nfT = 0, then accept r as the transmitted codeword.

(3) If HfT =sT ljI!: 0, then compare sT with the columns of H.
(4) If there is some i such that sT =a hi' then e is the n-tuple with a in position i and O's else-
where; correct r to c = r - e.

(5) Otherwise, more than one error has occurred.

Example 17.

Consider the single-error-correcting code C over ~ having parity-check matrix

1 0 0 1 1 OJ
H= 0 1 0 1 1 1 .

Suppose the codeword c = (1 1 0 1 0 0) is transmitted and the channel introduces the error
pattern e =(0000 1 0) so that the receiver gets r =(1 1 0 1 1 0). Compute

Since this is the 5th column of H we conclude that the error occurred in position 5 and the
error pattern is e =(0 0 0 0 1 0). Note that over Z2,


Example 18.

Consider the single-error-correcting code Cover Zs having parity-check matrix

1 0 0 2 4 1 OJ
H= 0201022.
003 1 4 1 2
UnearCodes 69

C consists of S4 codewords. Suppose the codeword c =(4 4 3 00 1 0) is transmitted and

the channel introduces the 'error pattern e =(0003 000). The receiver gets
r = c + e = (44 3 3 0 1 0). Compute

ST must be a scalar multiple of some column of H. By examining each column of Hand
taking scalar multiples we see that sT is 3 times column 4. This gives us the error pattern e.
The codeword is c =r - e.

There is an interesting extension of the above technique for the binary Hamming codes.
Suppose H is a parity-check matrix for such a code. Since the columns of H are all of the non-
zero binary r-tuples, Qrder the columns of H so that column i is the binary representation of the
integer i. Now in the preceding algorithm we need not compare sT with each column of H. The
integer which sT represents specifies the error location.

Example 19.
Consider the binary Hamming code with parity-check matrix

H= I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~].

Notice that, for example, column 6 (011f, representing the integer

0'20 + 1.21 + 1'22 =6. Suppose that c =(0 1 1 1 1 00) is a transmitted codeword and the
error e =(0 0 0 0 0 1 0) is introduced. The received vector is then r =(0 1 1 1 1 1 0) and
HrT =(0 1 I)T. The binary interpretation of this vector reveals bit 6 to be in error.

3.6 Standard Array Decoding and Syndrome Decoding

The decoding scheme of the previous section is efficient for single-error-correcting codes,
but fails for linear codes that can correct more than one error. In this section we describe a gen-
eral technique for decoding any linear code.

Before we introduce standard array decoding, we recall some basic concepts from group
theory. A group is a set of elements together with an operation, such that the set is closed under
the operation, the operation is associative, an identity element exists, and all elements have
inverses. Formally, we have the following definition.
70 Error Correcting Codes

Definition. A group (G,*) consists of a set of elements together with an operation * such that

(i) if a,b E G then a*b E G

(ii) if a,b,c E G then (a*b)*c =a*(b*c)

(iii) there exists an element e E G such that e*a = a*e = a for all a E G
(iv) for each a E G there exists an element a-I E G such that a*a- I =a-I*a =e.

If, in addition to these properties, a*b = b*a for all a,b E G (the operation is commutative), then
G is called an abelian group. We will be interested in finite groups, i.e. groups which contain
only a finite number of elements.

Example 20.

Take G to be the vectors in Vn (F) and * to be vector addition. This system satisfies the
axioms of a group. For example for n=2 and F=GF(2),

G = {(OO), (10), (01), (ll)}

is a group under vector addition, with

e =(0,0)
(OOr l =(00), (lOr l =(10), (01)-1 =(01), (llr l =(11).

A note regarding notation is in order. We often distinguish a group as being either an addi-
tive group or a multiplicative group, if one seems more natural than the other (although from a
group-theoretical point of view, the two are equivalent). For an additive group, we call the
group operation addition, and use + instead of *. The inverse of an element is denoted -a
instead of a-I, and the identity element is denoted O. When viewed as a multiplicative group, the
operation is referred to as multiplication, and we frequently write a·b (or simply ab) in place of
a*b. We denote the inverse of an element by either a-lor lIa, and use 1 to denote the identity.
As examples, for an additive group, consider the integers mod n (under addition), and for a mul-
tiplicative group, consider the non-zero integers mod p, p a prime (under multiplication). Exam-
ple 20 above may appear more familiar if the inverses are denoted in additive notation.
A subgroup H of a fmite group G is a nonempty subset of G which is closed under the
group operation. In other words, H together with the operation in G is itself a group. If H is a
subgroup of G we denote this H ~ G. We can use such a subgroup to define a relation between
elements of the group as follows.
Linear Codes 71

Definition. LetH be a subgroup of a group G with gl' g2 E G. We say gl is congruent to g2

modulo H, and denote this gl == g2 (mod H), if and only if glg2- 1 E H.

In the additive notation, gl == g2 (mod H) if gl - g2 E H. Just as in the case of congruence

modulo a polynomial in §2.I, congruence modulo a subgroup is an equivalence relation which
partitions the elements into disjoint equivalence classes (exercise 51). For H ~ G the
equivalence classes for congruence modulo H are called right eosets of H. The right coset of H
which contains the element g EGis dermed to be

[g] ={x E G: x sg (modR)}.

Since x == g (mod H) means xg- 1 E H, there is some element h E H such that xg- l =h.
Hence x = hg, and we see that an equivalent definition is

[g] = (hg: he H) = Hg,

or in additive notation,

[g] = (h+g: he H) = H+g.

H itself is a right coset (it is the coset He), and if G is an abelian group (as it will be for all of
our work), the right cosets are simply called eosets. With this, we have that gl == g2 (mod H) if
and only if gl and g2 are in the same coset of H.

Example 21.

Consider the group

G = ((oo), (10), (01), (11»)

with group operation vector addition mod 2, and the subgroup H = {(OO), (10)}. The cosets
of H are H+(oo) = Hand

H+(OI) = ((OI), (11») = H+(11).

Since (01) and (11) are in the same coset of H, they are congruent modulo H. Working
straight from the definition, (01) == (11) (mod H) since (01) - (11) = (10) E H.

The order of a group G is the number of elements in G. The following theorem is funda-
mental in the study of finite groups.
72 Error Correcting Codes

Theorem 3.7 (Lagrange's Theorem). If G is a group of order n, and H is a subgroup of order

m, then m divides n.

Let Hg 1 and Hg 2 be two cosets of H. Let H = (hl,~, ...,hm)' We define the mapping
!: Hg 1 -+ Hg z by !(hig 1) =hjgz, 1 ~ i ~ m. If! maps two elements of Hg 1 to the same ele-
ment of Hg 2, that is, if !(hjg l ) =!(hjg l ), then hjgz =hj g2• Hence hj =hj' implying
hjg l = hjgl> and the two elements are in fact the same. So! maps distinct elements of Hg1
to distinct elements of Hg 2• Also, it follows directly from the definition of! that each ele-
ment of Hg2 gets mapped onto. Thus,! is a one-to-one mapping and Hg 1 and Hg2 have
the same cardinality. Hence, all cosets of H have cardinality m. Since congruence modulo
H is an equivalence relation, the cosets of H partition G. It follows that

n = m x (the number of cosets of H)

and that m divides n. 0

We are now in a position to construct a standard array for an (n,k)-code Cover F. We can
think of C as a subgroup of order qk in the group Vn(F). (C is, of course, also a subspace.) C
has t = qn/qk. = qn-k. cosets. Denote these cosets by CO,Cl , ... ,Ct - l where Co = C. For each Cj ,
o ~ i ~ t-l, let Ij be a vector of minimum weight in Cj • The Ij are called coset leaders. Note
that 10 = O. If Co = (10' CI' c2•... , cql_ 1} are the codewords of C, then form a qn-k. X qk. array S
where row i+l, column j+l contains the entry Ii + Cj. Hence the entries in row i+l are the ele-
ments in coset C j , and the entries in column 1 are the coset leaders. Note that S contains all vec-
tors in Vn(F), and Cj is the coset C+l j • S is called a standard array for the code C.

Example 22.

Table 1 gives a standard array for the binary (5,2)-code with generator matrix

UnearCodes 73

Coset leaders
00000 10101 01110 11011
00001 10100 01111 11010
00010 10111 01100 11001
00100 10001 01010 11111
01000 11101 00110 10011
10000 00101 11110 01011
11000 01101 10110 00011
10010 00111 11100 01001
Table 1. A standard array for the (5,2)-code of example 22.

Example 23.
A standard array for the binary (6,3)-code with generator matrix G and parity-check matrix

! !
H, where

1 1 0 1 0 0] 100101]
G=011010, H=010110
1 0 1 001 001011

is given in Table 2. The codewords are the vectors in the fmt row of the table. Note that
this code has distance 3.

Coset leaders
00000o 110100 011010 101001 101110 110011 011101 000111
000001 110101 011011 101000 101111 110010 011100 000110
000010 110110 011000 101011 101100 110001 011111 000101
000100 110000 011110 101101 101010 110111 011001 000011
001000 111100 010010 100001 100110 111011 010101 001111
010000 100100 001010 111001 111110 100011 001101 010111
100000 010100 111010 001001 001110 010011 111101 100111
001100 111000 010110 100101 100010 111111 010001 001011
Table 2. A standard array for the (6,3)-code of example 23.

An important property of standard arrays, providing the basis for a decoding algorithm, is
given by the following result.
74 Error Correcting Codes

Lemma 3.S. Let C be an (n,k)-code over GF(q) with codewords Cj' 0 Sj S qk_l. Let S be a
standard array with coset leaders Ii' 0 SiS q,,-k_l, and (i+lJ+l)-entry Irt-cj. Then for each i
andj, for all h, 0 S h sqk-l, we have

d(li+cj, Cj) S d(li+cj' ch} .

Expressing the distance between vectors as the weight of their difference vector, we have

Since the coset Ci = C+li has coset leader Ii' and li+(CrCIa} E C i ,

The result follows. 0

In other words, if r =li+Cj is a received vector, then the codeword Cj is as close to r as any
other codeword. We observe from the proof of this theorem that if Ii is the unique vector of least
weight in the coset Ci , then Cj is the closest codeword to Ii + Cj' so that by nearest neighbour
decoding, r should be deCoded to Cj. (If Ii is not unique, then Cj is still as close as any other
codeword Ch.)

Of interest now is knowledge as to when a coset leader is the unique vector of minimum
weight in its coset. This brings us to the following important property of a standard array.

Theorem 3.9. Let C be a linear code with distance d. If x is a vector such that
w(x}s LTJ,
then x is a unique element of minimum weight in its coset of C and hence is always a coset
leader in a standard array. for C.

Linear Codes 75

Suppose w(x) ~ L(d-l)/2J and x is not a unique vector of minimum weight in its coset Ci .
Then there exists some vector y E Ci such that w(y) ~ w(x). Now since x and yare in the
same coset C j ofC, x == y (mod C) and x-y E C. But

This contradicts the distance d of the code, unless x-y is the zero vector, i.e. x = y. The
result follows. 0

The preceding properties of the standard array suggest the following decoding scheme.

Standard Array Decoding for Linear Codes.

Precomputation: Construct a standard array S.

Let r be a received vector.

(1) Find r in the standard array S.

(2) Correct r to the codeword at the top of its column.

Since r is in some coset Ci , then r =Ii + Cj for some codeword Cj. Correcting to the top of
the column can be accomplished by subtracting the coset leader from the received word. That is,
Cj =r -Ii. We notice that any error pattern which corresponds to a coset leader will be

corrected. If C is a distance d code, then Theorem 3.9 says that every error pattern of weight
less than or equal to e = L(d-l)/2J appears as a coset leader in S. Thus, S will correct any e or
fewer errors. The decoding scheme outlined above will also correct those errors of weight e+ 1
whose patterns appear as coset leaders.

Example 24.

Consider the (6,3)-code C and standard array given in Table 2.

(i) Suppose r = (1 001 10) is received. r occurs in row 5, column 5. We correct r to the
codeword (1 0 11 10) at the top of column 5. The error pattern which occurred is the
coset leader (0 0 1 0 0 0), assuming at most one error occurred.

(ii) Suppose C= (01 10 10) is the transmitted codeword and r = (01 10 11) is received. r
occurs in row 2 column 3. Row 2 has coset leader I = (0 00001), which is the error pat-
tern. r is corrected to c = r - I.
76 Error Correcting Codes

(iii) Suppose c =(0 1 1 0 1 0) is the codeword transmitted and r =(11 1 0 1 1) is received. r

occurs in row 5, column 6 and so following the above scheme, r is decoded to the code-
word (11001 1). The decoding in incorrect in this case. The error pattern (10000 1)
has weight 2, but the code, having distance 3, is only l-error-correcting in general. It can-
not correct every error pattern of weight 2, and since this error pattern is not a coset leader,
it is not correctable.

(iv) Suppose c = (11001 1) is transmitted and the error (001 100) occurs, so that
r = (11 11 11) is received. We locate r in row 6, column 6 and correct it to c. Since in
this case the error pattern, although of weight 2, is a coset leader, it is still correctable.

We see that the standard array of Table 2 corrects all error patterns of weight 1 and one pattern
of weight 2.

The decoding scheme given above, although very simple, is quite inefficient. Storing the
standard array is impractical for large codes, and locating a received vector within the table is a
nontrivial task. We can improve the situation with the aid of a few observations.

Definition. Let H be a parity-check matrix for an (n,k)-code over F. For x E Vn(F), the
syndrome s of x is defined to be s = HxT.

The decoding algorithm of §3.S made use of the syndrome. We shall use it later in this sec-
tion in a more general decoding algorithm.

Example 25.

1 0 0 1 0]

is the parity-check matrix for a (5,2)-code over Z2' The syndrome of x = (0 0 1 1 0) is

1 0 0 1 0]
HxT = 0 1 0 0 1
o0 1 1 1
Linear Codes 77

Theorem 3.10. Let H be a parity-check matrix for a linear code C. Then two vectors x and y
are in the same coset of C if and only if they have the same syndrome (i.e. HxT ::;: HyT).


If x and y are in the same coset of C, then x::;: I + Cj and y::;: I + Cj for some codewords Cj,
Cj and some coset leader I. Now

sinceHcr ::;:0. Similarly,Hl =HIT. HenceHxT =Hl.

Conversely, suppose HxT =HyT. Then HxT - HyT = 0 and H(x-y)T =0 implying x - y is
a codeword. Hence x == y (mod C), and x and y are in the same coset. 0

The word syndrome is from the Greek meaning a running together or combination. It is an
appropriate name for the common vector associated with the vectors of a coset.

We can use syndromes to simplify the standard array decoding scheme given earlier, by
establishing at the outset the one-to-one correspondence between coset leaders and syndromes.
The revised algorithm is as follows.

Syndrome Decoding for Linear Codes.

Precomputation: Set up the one-to-one correspondence between coset leaders and syndromes.

Let r be a received vector, and let H be the parity-check matrix.

(1) Compute the syndrome s = H rT of r.

(2) Find the coset leader I associated with s.

(3) Correct r to r -I.

Example 26.

For the (6,3)-code of Table 2, we establish the following correspondence.

78 Error Correcting Codes

Coset Leader Syndrome

00000o 000
000001 101
000010 011
000100 110
001000 001
010000 010
100000 100
001100 111

By Theorem 3.9, we know that all weight-l vectors must be coset leaders, and hence the
only leader not immediately obvious is the last, (001100). One might discover this leader
by trying all weight-2 vectors until one with syndrome distinct from the ftrst 7 syndromes
is found. Now suppose r (10001 1) is received. Then HrT =(01 of Since (0 1 0) is
associated with the coset leader 1= (0 1 0 0 0 0), we correct r to

r -I = (1 000 1 1) - (0 1 0000) = (11 00 1 1).

If C is a binary (70,50)-code, then C has 250 codewords. The number of cosets is

270/250 = 220. One way to implement the revised algorithm would be to store 70 bits for each
coset leader and 20 bits for each syndrome (see also exercise 31). This would require

70 x 220 + 20 x 220 = 90 x 220

bits, about 11 megabytes. We can cut this storage down using the step-by-step decoding method
described in the next section.

3.7 Step-by-Step Decodingt

In this section we describe another decoding technique, called step-by-step decoding, which
is based on standard array decoding. For simplicity, we describe the algorithm here in the binary
case; it can be generalized (exercise 53).

With step-by-step decoding we need only keep a one-to-one correspondence between syn-
dromes and weights of coset leaders. For the standard array of Table 2 of §3.6, we set up the fol-
lowing correspondence.

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

Linear Codes 79

Syndrome Weight of coset leader

000 0
011 1
110 1
001 1
010 1
100 1
111 2

Then received vectors can be decoded using the following algorithm. Let ej denote the binary
n-tuple whose only non-zero component is component i.

Step-by-step Decoding Algorithm for Linear Codes.

Precomputation: Set up the one-to-one correspondence between syndromes and weights of the
associated coset leaders. (This is determined by the chosen parity check matrix.)

Let H be the parity-check matrix, and r =('1 '2"" n) be the received word.
(1) Set i = 1

(2) Compute HrT and the weight w of the corresponding coset leader.

(3) If w =0, stop with r as the transmitted codeword.

(4) If H(r+eJ has smaller associated weight than HrT , set r = r + ej.

(5) Set i =i+1 and go to (2).

The algorithm essentially processes r flipping one bit at a time, and determines whether this
action moves the vector into a coset with a lighter coset leader. If so, the bit is left in the altered
condition, and otherwise the bit is restored. Throughout the algorithm, the associated weight is
non-increasing. When the vector is moved into the coset with leader of weight 0, the coset is the
code itself, and the vector has been decoded to a codeword.

Example 27.

Consider the (6,3)-code of Table 2 with parity-check matrix H. The one-to-one correspon-
dence between syndromes and weights of associated coset leaders is given above. Suppose
the received vector is
80 Error Correcting Codes

r =(1 I I 0 0 0).

Il with associated weight 2.

HrT = (1 I Now r + el = (01 1000), and
H(r+e1l =(0 1 Il which has associated weight 1. Since the associated weight has
decreased from 2 to 1, update r to

r = r + el = (0 1 1 0 0 0).
Moving on to component 2 of r,

r + e2 = (00 1 0 0 0).
H(r+e2)T =(00 1)T with associated weight 1. Since the associated weight has not
decreased, r remains as it was, and we move on to component 3.

r + e3 = (0 1 0 0 0 0)
which has syndrome (0 1 0) and associated weight 1, which is not smaller than the current
value. Moving on,

r + e4 = (0 I 1 I 00).
H(r+e4 l = (1 0 1) with associated weight 1. We move on.

r + es = (0 1 1 0 1 0).
H(r+esl =(0 0 ol with associated weight O. We set r =r + es =(0 1 1 0 1 0), and this is
the transmitted word.

To understand how the step-by-step decoding algorithm works, we define a lexicographic

ordering of vectors. We say vector (ala2 ... an) precedes (b 1b2...bk ) in lexicographic ordering if
ak+l = 1, bk+1 =0 for some k, 0 S k S n -1, and aj =bj for all i S k. For example, (1 0 1 1 1 0)
precedes (1 0 1 10 1) since they agree up to component 5, where the first vector has a 1, and the
second a O.

Example 28.

The lexicographic ordering of all 3-tuples over 22 is as follows.

Linear Codes 81

1 1 1
1 1 0

We may view step-by-step decoding as a special version of standard array decoding in

which a lexicographic standard array is constructed by specifically choosing as coset leader for
each coset with non-unique minimum-weight vectors the vector of minimum weight in its coset
which precedes all other such vectors with respect to lexicographical ordering. Table 1 of §3.6 is
already in this form. Table 2 is not, since in the last coset of the given standard array, coset
leader (001100) is preceded by the coset vector (100010). Changing the last row of Table 2 to be

100010 010110 111000 001011 001100 010001 111111 100101

satisfies the lexicographic constraint. Step-by-step decoding then corrects received vectors as
standard array decoding does, with the correctable errors being precisely the coset leaders in the
lexicographic standard array (exercise 59).

3.8 Weight Distribution and Weight Enumeratorst

Let C be an [n,M] code, and let Ai be the number of codewords of weight i in C. Then the
vector (A o ' AI' ... ,An) is called the weight distribution of C. In this section, we first see how
knowledge of the weight distribution of a linear code can be used to determine the probability of
improperly decoding received vectors. We then introduce the weight enumerator of a code, and
discuss the well-known MacWilliams identity, which relates the weight distribution of a linear
code to that of its dual code.

Let C be an (n,k)-code over F =GF(q), and let the symbol error probability on the q-ary
symmetric channel be p. Suppose the code C is used exclusively for error detection. The proba-
bility that errors go undetected by the decoder can then be determined as follows. Without loss
of generality (since the code is linear), we may assume that the zero codeword is sent. The pro-
bability that a given codeword of weight i is received is then

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

82 Error Correcting Codes

i (l_p)n-i ,OS; is; n .
Let the weight distribution for C be (AO.Al' ... ,An). The probability of errors going undetected
is' the probability that the error vector moves the transmitted codeword into another codeword,
and this probability is therefore

Hence knowledge of the weight distribution of the code is of use here.

Now consider the situation in which C is used to correct errors. Suppose C has distance
d =2t + 1, and the decoding scheme is that a received vector whose distance is at most t from a
codeword is corrected to that codeword. (Note that this is an incomplete decoding scheme, since
in general not all received vectors will be within distance t of a codeword, and hence not all
received vectors will be decoded, correctly or otherwise, by the decoder.) The probability of
correct decoding (see discussion in § 1.3) is now exact! y

i=O l

note that this probability is independent of the size of the alphabet. However, in this case, with
both error correction and detection, the determination of the probability of the decoder making a
decoding error is somewhat more difficult. We now derive this probability.
In order to proceed, we define a quantity N(i,h;s). If there are not codewords of weight i,
then N(i,h;s) =0; otherwise, N(i,h;s) is the number of vectors of weight h that are at distance s
from a fixed codeword of weight i. N(i,h;s) is independent of the given codeword of weight i
(see exercise 98), and is hence well-defined. For s S; t, spheres of radius s about codewords are
disjoint, and hence the number of vectors of weight h at distance exactly s from some codeword
of weight i is

Ai-N(i,h;s) .

Now received vectors which will be improperly decoded are those which lie within a sphere of
radius t about some codeword other than that which was sent. Again, without loss of generality,
assuming the zero codeword is sent, the probability of receiving a particular vector of weight h is

Therefore the probability of receiving a vector of weight h which is distance exactly s (s s;r) from
Linear Codes 83

some codeword of weight i is

Now if the zero vector is sent, the received vector will be decoded to some codeword of fixed
weight i with probability

If i ~ 1, a decoding error has occurred. Hence the probability of a decoding error is

n n t n
1: 1: 1: A;N(i,h;s)(-£-)h(1_p)n-h .
;=} h=O .1'=0 q-l

Again, knowledge of the weight distribution of the code is needed to apply this probability for-

In addition to being of use in applying the above probability formulas, knowing the weight
distribution (Ao.A}, ... ,An) of a linear code allows one to determine the distance of the code
immediately (recall Theorem 3.1). For any linear code with distance d, it is clear that Ao = 1,
Ad ~ 1 and A; = 0 for 1 SiS d - 1, and hence if the A; are known, d can be determined.

As one might expect, something as useful as the weight distribution is not easily found.
For codes with only a small number of codewords, it is an easy matter to obtain the weight distri-
bution by brute force - simply list all the codewords along with their weights, and tabulate the
results; however, this is impractical for large codes, and in general, weight distributions are not
known. To facilitate the study of these numbers, a special polynomial is introduced.

Definition. Let C be an (n,k)-code over F with weight distribution (Ao.A}, ... ,An). The weight
enumerator of C is defined to be
n ..
Wc<x ,y) =1: A;xn-,y' .

For each vector U E Vn(F), we also define P(u) =xn-w(u)yw(u) where x and y are indeter-

minates. Note that

84 Error Correcting Codes

n ..
1: P(u) = 1: A jX n -,y, = Wc(x,y) . (3.3)
ueC j=O

Example 29.
For n = 2,
P«O,O» =x 2 P«O, 1)) =xy
P«(1,O» =xy P«(1,l) = y2 .

One of the most important results in this area is the MacWilliams identity which, as men-
tioned earlier, relates the weight enumerator of a linear code C to the weight enumerator of C.l.
Hence knowing the weight enumerator of one of these codes enables one to determine the weight
enumerator, and hence the weight distribution, of the other. This is useful in practice if, for
example, one of C and C.l is substantially smaller than the other, and the weight enumerator of
the larger is required. One can determine the weight enumerator of the smaller code, perhaps
even by exhaustive methods, and then, from this, obtain the (more difficult to determine directly)
weight enumerator of the larger code by using the MacWilliams identity.
The MacWilliams identity is valid for any linear code over F =GF(q), where q is a prime
or prime number. We shall prove the case where q is a prime power. We actually give two
proofs, one handling exclusively the case q =2, and a second for the case q ~ 2, q prime.
Although the proofs are very similar, and the second subsumes the fIrst, we believe that inclu-
sion of the flrst is warranted for those interested only in the binary case, as this fIrst proof is
somewhat simpler.
We begin with the binary case. Let Vn =Vn(GF(2» denote the binary vector space of
dimension n. For U E Vn , define

gn(U) = I: (-l)U'VP(v) ,

where u'v is the inner product as defined in §3.2. We use this definition in the following two
lemmas, which are used to prove the MacWilliams identity.
UnearCodes 85

Lemma 3.11. If C is a binary (n,k)-code, then

~ P(u) =ICI ~ 8,,(U) .
ueC.L ueC


~ 8,,(u) = ~ ~ (-l)U"VP(v) = ~ P(v) S(v)

ueC ueC veV. veV.


S(v) = ~ (_l)u'v, v E V" .


We fIrst prove that

S(v) = {,~,
This is most easily done by using some group arguments. For v E V",let

Co(V) = {u E C: u'v=O} .

It is easily checked (and the reader is encouraged to do so) that Co(v) is a subgroup of C
(and in this case, of course a subspace also). Now if wI' w2 E C and wfv = 1 and w2'v = 1
then ( wI - w2)'v = 0 and wI - w2 E Co(v). This implies that

C1(v) = {u E C: U'V= I}

is either the empty set or a coset of Co(v), with C 1(v) =0 if and only if v E Col. Now for
v E Col,

S(v)= ~ (-I)o=ICI, VE Col.


For v eo Col, then ICo(v)1 = IC(v)1 , and since C = Co(v) u C 1(v), we have

S(v) = ~ (_l)u-v + ~ (_I)U-V = 0, veo Col.

ueCo(v) ueC 1(v)

Returning to 1: 8,,(U), we have

86 Error Correcting Codes

1: gn(U) = 1: P(v)S(v) + 1: P(v)S(v)

ueC veC.L v~C.L

=ICI1: P (v).

The result now follows. 0

Lemma 3.12. Let U e Vn =V n(GF(2». Then

The proof will be by induction on n. By definition,

gn(U) = 1: (-l)U"VP(v) , U e Vn .

For n = 1,

= 1+y. =(0)
l-t-y ,
U = (1)

_ J(x+y)l-W«O» (x_y)w«O» , U=o

-l(x+y)I-W«(l» (x_y)w«l» • u=l

=(x+y)l-w(u) (x_y)w(u) , U e VI .

Hence the statement is true for n = 1. Now as inductive hypothesis, assume that the state-
ment is true for n =k, and then consider the case n =k + 1. Let

Linear Codes 87

=L (_l)u"V'Xk+1- w(v')yw(V') + L (_I)u"v'+ui+I Xk-W(V')yw(V')+l

v'eVi v'eVi

which now by the inductive hypothesis is

=(X+y l-W(U')(X_y)W(U')(X+Y (-1 )Uhl)

which is easily seen (consider uk+l =O. uk+1 = 1) to be
=(x+y)k+l-w(u)(x_y)w(u) .
Hence the statement is true for n = k + 1. to complete the induction. 0

We now use these two lemmas to prove the important result by MacWilliams (for binary
linear codes) that shows how. given the weight enumerator for a code. one can obtain the weight
enumerator of the dual code.

Theorem 3.13. (MacWilliams identity over GF(2». If C is a binary (n.k)-code with dual code
Clo. then
WC.L(x.y) =k Wc(x+y,x-y) .


Let the weight distribution of C be (AoAl' ...• An)' Then

L P(u) = ICT L gn(u) by Lemma 3.11
ueC.L ueC
= _1_ 1: (x+y)n-w(u)(x_y)w(U) by Lemma 3.12
1 n "
= ICT ~ Ai(x+y)n-,(x-y)'
=ICT We (x+y ,x-y) by equation (3.3).

Hence. by (3.3) again. we have

88 Error Correcting Codes

WCJ.(x+y) =ICT WC(x+y.x-y),

Example 30.
Consider the code given in example 10. C is generated by G and has eight codewords. Cl.
is generated by H and, in this case, also has eight codewords. We list the codewords of C
and Cl. along with their weights.

C wt Cl. wt

(000000) 0 (000000) 0
(1001 10) 3 (101 100) 3
(0 1 00 1 1) 3 (1 1 00 1 0) 3
(001 101) 3 (011001) 3
(11 0 1 0 1) 4 (0 1 1 1 1 0) 4
(0 1 1 1 1 0) 4 (1 0 1 0 1 1) 4
(1 0 1 0 1 1) 4 (110101) 4
(1 1 1 000) 3 (000 1 1 1) 3

The weight distribution of C is (1,0,0,4,3,0,0), and hence the weight enumerator of C is

WC<x,y) =x 6 + 4x 3l + 3x 2y4.

From the vectors of Cl. listed above, the weight enumerator for Cl. can also be written
down. This latter weight enumerator can also be determined as follows. Compute

=(x+y)3«x+y)3 + 4(x-y)3) + 3(x+y)2(x_y)4

=(x+y)3[x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3 + 4x 3 - 12x7

+ 12xy2 _ 4y 3] + 3(x+y)2(x_y)4

=(x+y)3[5x3 - 9x 2y + 15xy2 - 3y3] + 3(x+y)2(X_y)4

= (x+y)2[(x+y)(5x3 - 9x 2y + 15xy2 - 3y3) + 3(X_y)4]

Linear Codes 89

Now by Theorem 3.13,

WC.l(x,y)= ! Wc(x+y.x-y)=x6+4x3y3+3x2l.

In this case, C and CJ. have the same weight enumerator. Note that C :F- CJ..

We now consider the slightly more general case q = p ~ 2, P a prime number. Let a be a
primitive complex pth root of unity, ie. a = where e21tilp denotes cos (2rclp ) + i sin(2rclp),
e 21tilp

and j2 = -1. (Note that for p =2, a::: e1t; ::: -1, yielding the proof in the binary case). Let Vn(F)
be the n-dimensional vector space over GF(p). As before, define

with x and y indeterminates, and now define

Rn(U) = L aU'Vp(v) , U E Vn(F) (3.4)

VE V.(F)

Lemma 3.14. If C is an (n,k)-code over F::: GF(p), then



where now

S(v)::: L aU'\', v E Vn(F) .


As in the proof of Lemma 3.11, we first prove that

90 Error Correcting Codes

ICI if v E Col
S(v) = { 0
if v f Col


CO(V)={UE C: u'v=Q}, VE Vn(F) ,

Then Co(v) is again a subgroup of C, and is in fact a subspace, Now as before, two ele-
ments wI' W2 E C are in the same coset of Co(v) in C if and only if wI - w2 E Co(v), that
is, if and only if (wI - wl)'v = 0 or wl'v = wl'v, This implies that

Cj(V)={UE C:u'v=i), O~i~p-I

is a coset of Co(v) if and only if Co(v) ~ C, which is true if and only if v f Col. If v f Col
then ICo(v)1 = IC;(v)1 for 0 ~ i ~p - 1, and C = Co(v) u C1(v) U '" u Cp_1(v) is a dis-
joint union of cosets, so that
S(v) = l: l: a U' Y
;=0 ueCI(Y)

p-l ,
= 1: 1: a l

;=0 ueC/(v)

=p k-l - -
using the fonnula for a geometric progression; note a ~ 1. But now aP = 1 implies
S(v) =0 for v f Col, Furthennore, for v E Col,

S(V) = 1: a U 'v = 1: a O= ICI ,

ueC ueC


1: gn(u) = l: P(v) S(v)

ueC veV.(F)
Linear Codes 91

=L P(v) S(v) + L P(v) S(v)

veCl. vEel.

= lei L P(v).

The result follows. 0

Lemma 3.15. Let U E Vn(F) where F =GF(p) andp is prime. Then

The proof is by induction on n. By definition from (3.4),

gn(U) =L a,U'vP(v) , U E Vn(F).


For n = 1,
L P«i» , u=O
gi(u) =
p-1 .
L a,1 P«i» , u:;t':O

= { x + (P-l)y , u=O

x-y. U:;t':O

where the last line follows since

1 + a, + ... + a,p-1 =- - =0
p-1 .

implies L a,1 = -1 .

In both cases,
92 Error Correcting Codes

gl(U) =(x + (P_I)y)"-w(U)(x_y)w(U) ,

and the statement holds for n =1. Now assume the statement is true for n =k, and con-
sider n = k + 1. Let


gk+l(U) = 1:: aU"'P(v) + 1:: aU'vp(v)

ve Vi+!(F) ve Vl+!(F)
Vl.1 = 0 Vl+!otO

= 1:: a U"V'xk+1- W(V')yw(v') + PI! 1:: aU"v'+illl+1xk-w(v')yw(v')+1

v'e Vl(F) i=1 v'e Vl(F)

p-l .
=X gk(U') + y 1:: a 'ill.! gk(U')
p-l .
=gk(U') (x + y 1:: a 'lll+!)

which now, applying the inductive hypothesis, becomes

=(x + (p_I)y)k-w(u}(x_y)w(u), (x + y pI:- a'IlA+!)



and is easily verfied (consider Uk+l =0, Uk+l t:. 0) to be

=(x + (p_l)y)k+l-w(u)(x _ y)w(u) •
This proves the statement true for n =k + I, completing the induction. 0

We can now state the MacWilliams identity of Theorem 3.13 for codes over F =GF(p).
Theorem 3.16 (MacWilliams identity over GF(p». If C is an (n,k)-code over F = GF(p),p a
prime (so that IC I pk), with dual code C1., then
We.J.(x,y)= ICI We (x + (P-l)y ,x-y).
Linear Codes 93


The proof follows from Lemmas 3.14 and 3.15, just as the proof of Theorem 3.13 followed
from Lemmas 3.11 and 3.12. 0

Again we note that Theorem 3.16 and its proof eliminate the need for Theorem 3.13 (and
Lemmas 3.11 and 3.12), although for reasons previously mentioned, we feel strongly that their
inclusion is worthwhile.

We now apply Theorem 3.16 to some of our previous examples of codes over prime fields
other than GF (2).

Example 31.
Example 11 constructs a (5,2)-code Cover GF(3) having generator matrix

G= [m~?l
The code C has 9 vectors as listed in example 11. From this list, the weight distribution of
C is seen to be (1,0,0,4,2,2), and hence the weight enumerator for C is given by

From Theorem 3.16 we have

We.l(x,y) ="91 We (x+2y,x-y)

=.l(9x5 + 36x 3y2 + 72x 2y 3 + 108xi + 18y 5)

Note that C.l is a (5,3)-code with 33 = 27 codewords, and hence determining the weight
enumerator for C.l by the naive method of listing all codewords and determining their
weights becomes more difficult than doing so for C. As a quick check, note that the sum of
the coefficients in We.l(x ,y) here is 27.

Example 32.

Example 13 constructed a (6,2)-code Cover GF(7) having distance 5. The dual code C.l is
a (6,4)-code having 74 codewords. It would be tedious to determine the weight distribution
and construct the enumerator for C.l directly. Hence we use Theorem 3.16 to find this
94 Error Correcting Codes

weight enumerator indirectly. We first require the weight enumerator for C. A generator
matrix for C can be derived from the matrix H of example 13 as

1 04236]
G= 014652 .

Consider the following codewords in C.

(146520) .

Taking these six codewords, and the two codewords which are rows of G yields eight code-
words; the remaining non-zero codewords of C are obtained by taking all non-zero multi-
ples (over GF(7» of these eight. Since a non-zero multiple of a codeword has the same
weight as that codeword, from these eight codewords we can obtain the weights of all 49
codewords in C. The weight enumerator of C is hence found to be

Applying Theorem 3.16 now gives

WC.L(x,y) = ICT Wc (x+6y,x-y)

= 4~ (49x 6 + 5880x 3y 3 + 17640x2y4 + 47628xyS

=x 6 + 120x 3y 3 + 360x2y4 + 972xyS + 948y 6 •

The statement of the MacWilliams identity for the general case of any field F = GF(q), q a
prime or a power of a prime number, is identical to that of Theorem 3.16 withp and GF(p) from
Theorem 3.16 replaced by q and GF(q). The proof of this result requires a more general defini-
tion for gn (u), and we do not pursue the matter here.
Linear Codes 95

3.9 Exercises

1. (a) Find a parity-check matrix for the code corresponding to each of the following gen-
erator matrices. G I , G3 and G4 are over GF(2); G2 is over GF(3).

10011] o10 1 1 1
Gt = [1 1 10 1 G2 = 1 0 2 1 1 1
00111 o1 0 2 1 0

1 0 101 1 1 1 100 1 0 0 000

001 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
11010 1 o 1 1 0 100 1 000
G3 = 1 1110 1 o 1 0 1 1 000 1 0 0
100011 o1110000 0 10
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 000 1

(b) Is the code with generator matrix G3 very useful? Explain.

(c) Prove that in the code with generator matrix G4• all codewords have even weight.

2. (a) Determine the distance of the codes specified by the following parity-check
matrices. HI and H4 are over GF(2); H2 is over GF(7), and H3 is over GF(31).

0 1 0 1 0 1 1 100 1 1 1
HI = 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
o 1 0 1 001 101 0 1 1 0
~2 1 0 6 1 0 0]
H 2 = 0 1 304 3 2

H3 ~1 1 0 0 0 1 0]
= 0 111000
o 1 0 101 1
1 000 1 1 1
H4 = 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
00011 1 1 0

(b) Of the codes corresponding to these parity-check matrices, which are useful for error
correction? Which are useful for error detection?

3. Let C be the code generated by the matrix

96 Error Correcting Codes

1 1 101 1
G= 101101

(a) Determine the number of codewords in C.

(b) Find a parity-check matrix for C.

(c) Determine the distance d of C.

(d) Determine the number of errors C can (i) correct, and (ii) detect.

4. Let H be a matrix such that the span of its rows generates the orthogonal complement for a
binary (n,k )-code C, where

110 100 1
H= 1001110

(a) Determine n, k, the number of code words M and the distance d ofC.
(b) Find a generator matrix G for C.
(c) Prove that C.l c C.

(d) Decode the following received vectors; state any assumptions made.
(i) rl = (1 1 1 0 1 0 1) (ii) r2 = (0 1 1 0 1 0 1) (iii) r3 = (11 1 0 1 1 1)
(iv) r4=(l11 00 11) (v) rs=(l11 000 1)

5. Determine the smallest integer n for which a single-error correcting binary linear code of
block length n carrying 62 bits of information per codeword can be constructed.
6. A source encoder assigns binary 4-tuples to symbols as follows:
space ~ 0 0 11M ~ 0 0 1 0
E ~ 1100 P ~ 1101
H ~ 0110 u ~ 1010
L ~ 0100 A ~ 0101
Given a message 4-tuple m, a channel encoder uses the matrix G to construct the codeword
mG, where
Linear Codes 97

000 1 1 101
100 1 0 1 1 0

Decode the following received sequence of bits, correcting each vector to the nearest code-
11010110 10001011 10011000 10101101 11110100 01000110 10100101

7. Assign characters to 4-tuples as follows.

space -+ 0000 M -+ 1001
A -+ 0001 N -+ 1010
B -+ 0010 0 -+ 0101
C -+ 0100 R -+ 011 1
D -+ 1000 S -+ 1 110
E -+ 0011 T -+ 101 1
F -+ 0110 U -+ 1101
G -+ 1100 Y -+ 111 1
These information 4-tuples are encoded using the binary generator matrix

G= 0101010'

Assuming that at most one error will occur in any 7 bit transmission, decode the following
received sequences.

(a) 1110001 1100011 1001100 0100111 0110000 1000011 1000000 0101011

(b) 1110011 1000111 1111001 0011111 0010110 1000000 11001100100111

0001111 0000001 1100111 1100011 1101001 1001111 0010110

(c) 1010110100001100000110001000 1101111 0000101

1110101 00000oo 0011110 0100101 1100101 1011010
8. Prove that given an (n,k)-code C, there exists a generator matrix G for C or for an
equivalent code C' such that G =[Ik A].
98 Error Correcting Codes

9. (a) Prove that the even weight vectors in a binary linear code fonn an additive group.
(b) Prove that in a binary linear code either all codewords have even weight or exactly
half have even weight and half have odd weight. (Hint: consider cosets of the group
from (a»
10. Prove that in a binary linear code, either all codewords begin with 0, or exactly half begin
with 0 and half begin with 1.
11. Prove that if the rows of a generator matrix G for a binary linear code all have even weight,
then all codewords have even weight.

12. Let the matrix whose rows span the orthogonal complement for a binary (5,2)-code C be

H= !~o ~ ~ ~ ~l
0 101

(a) Detennine whether or not C is a perfect code.

(b) Construct a lexicographic standard array for C.

(c) Construct a one-to-one correspondence between coset leaders in (b) and syndromes.

(d) Decode the following received vectors.

(i) rl = (1 0 1 0 1) (ii) r2 = (0 1 1 1 1)
(iii) r3 = (1 1 1 1 1) (iv) r4 =(1 1 1 00)
(v) rs = (1 0 1 1 1)

13. Let a parity-check mattix for a (4,2)-code Cover 23 be H = [~ ~ ~ :].

(a) Detennine whether or not C is a perfect code.
(b) Construct a lexicographic standard array for C.
(c) Construct a one-to-one correspondence between coset leaders in (b) and syndromes.

(d) Decode the following received vectors.

(i) rl = (2 2 1 1) (ii) r2 =(2 2 2 1) (iii) r3 =(2 2 2 2)
14. Consider the binary code generated by the matrix
Linear Codes 99

0 0 1 1 0]

(a) Construct a I-I correspondence between syndromes and weights of the lightest vec-
tors in the corresponding cosets.

(b) Decode the following received vectors, using step-by-step decoding:

(i) rl =(100010) (ii) r2 =(100001) (iii) r3 =(010100) (iv) r4 =(111100)
(c) Which of the vectors in (b) were decoded to a unique closest codeword?

15. Consider the binary (5,2)-code C with parity-check matrix H =

IIr~ ~ ~ ?8]
0 0 0 1

(a) Display a generator matrix 0 for c.

(b) Construct a (lexicographic) standard array for c.

(c) Construct the one-to-one correspondence between coset leaders and syndromes.

(d) Using this correspondence and syndrome decoding, decode

(i) rl =(11101) (ii) r2 =(11011)
(e) Construct a table of syndromes and the weights of the corresponding coset leaders.

(0 Decode r3 =(11100) using step-by-step decoding.

16. A binary (n,k)-code C has generator matrix

G = II rg?~
A? gj.
(a) Determine n, k, and the number of codewords Min C.

(b) Construct a parity-check matrix H, and determine the distance d of C.

(c) Determine the error pattern associated with the vector r= (1111 (010), assuming at
most one error has occurred.

(d) In a standard array for C, determine the number of cosets with coset leaders of weight
greater than or equal to 2.
100 Error Correcting Codes

17. Let H be a parity check matrix for a binary (n ,k )-code C, with n ~ 4. Suppose the columns
of H are distinct and all columns have odd weight. Prove that C has distance d ~ 4.

18. Let C be an (n,k)-code over GF(q), and assume that no component is identically 0 in all

(a) Show that if all the code vectors in C are arranged as the rows of a matrix, then each
field element appears precisely q"-1 times in each column. (Hint: show that the set of
all codewords with O's in a particular component forms a subspace, and then consider
cosets of this subspace)

(b) Using (a), show that the sum of weights of all codewords in C is n(q-1)q"-I.

19. (a) Let C be a binary (n,k)-code with generator matrix G whose columns are precisely
the 2" - 1 non-zero binary k-tuples. Prove that all non-zero codewords have weight

(b) More generally, let C be an (n,k)-code over GF(q) with generator matrix G whose
columns are precisely the q"-1 non-zero k-tuples over GF(q). Prove that all non-
zero codewords have weight q" - q"-I.

20. Show that if the columns of the generator matrix G of a code consist of (q"-l)/(q-l) vec-
tors, none of which is a scalar multiple of another, then all non-zero codewords have weight
q"-I. (Hint: see problem above)

21. Let H be the parity-check matrix for a linear code. Show that the coset whose syndrome is
v contains a vector of weight w if and only if some linear combinations of w columns of H
equals v.

22. Let C be a binary (n,n-m)-code, 2m - 1 S;n < 2m , whose m xn parity-check matrix H has
as column i the binary representation of i, 1 S; i S; n. Prove there exists a vector of weight 2
or less in every coset of C. (Hint: recall that each coset has a unique syndrome)

23. Consider the parity-check matrix

100 0 101 1 1 1
1 I 000 0 1 001
H= 0110 111001
1 I 010 I I 0 I 0

(a) Determine the values n,k and d such that H is the parity-check matrix for a binary
(n,k,d)-code C.
Linear Codes 101

(b) Find a generator matrix G for C.

(c) Set up a one-to-one correspondence between syndromes and coset leaders. (Use the
parity-check matrix H given above.)

(d) Decode each of the following vectors.

(i) rl =(11101 10000) (ii) r2 =(01001 10010) (iii) r3 =(10111 10010) .

(e) Determine whether or not this code is perfect.

24. Let C be the binary code in the problem above. Extend each codeword by appending an
11 th bit. If C E C has odd weight, let the new bit be 1, and 0 otherwise. This is called
adding an overall parity-check bit.

(a) Determine the distance in the new code.

(b) Construct a parity-check matrix H' for the new code by appending an appropriate row
and column to the parity-check matrix H.

25. Let d be the weight of a linear code C, and let t = l(d-1)/2J. Suppose d is even. Show that
there are two vectors of weight t + I in some coset of C.

26. Find the largest n such that there is a binary code with distance d = 5 and at most 8 check

27. Define the probability of error, Perron for a particular decoding scheme to be the probabil-
ity that the decoder decodes a received vector erroneously. Suppose we are decoding using
a standard array. Show that
n. .
Perror =1 -1: Clj/J'(1-p)n-,

where Cli is the number of coset leaders of weight i, and p is the symbol error probability.

28. Prove that the binary (23, 12,7)-code is perfect.

29. Determine whether or not an (11,6,5)-code over Z3 is perfect.

30. Consider a linear code with distance d =3. Can any errors of weight 2 be corrected using
step-by-step decoding?

31. Let C be a binary (n,k)-code for which the maximum weight of a coset leader in a standard
array is w.
102 Error Correcting Codes

(a) Explain how the correspondence table for syndrome decoding can be implemented
using an (indexed) array holding only coset leaders.

(b) Show that coset leaders can be stored using at most m = min {n, W' po~n l} bits.
Hence deduce that the storage requirement for syndrome decoding can be reduced to
m2n- k bits.
(c) Suppose n =70 and k =50. Using the above results, determine the storage require-
ment in bits for data structures associated with the syndrome decoding algorithm,
assuming (i) w = 12, and (ii) w = 8.

32. Let C be a binary (n,k )-code for which the maximum weight of a coset leader in a standard
array is w. Show that the storage requirement of the correspondence table for step-by-step
decoding can be reduced to po~w l2n - k bits.

33. Discuss how the results of the previous two problems change if C is an (n,k)-code over

34. Prove or disprove the following statement. In a standard array for a linear code C with dis-
tance d, every coset leader has weight at most t + 1, where t = l(d-l)/2J. (cf. exercise 25)

35. Suppose that we want to construct a binary linear code with block length 7 which will
correct the error patterns
0000000 0001111
0000001 0011111
0000011 0111111
0000111 1111111
Determine the largest value of k such that a (7 ,k )-code of this type exists.

36. Let C be a (q+1,2)-code over GF(q) having minimum distance q.

(a) Determine whether or not C is perfect.

(b) Prove that there is exactly one codeword of C which contains "(e GF(q) in positions
i and j for any choice of i and j, i ¢ j.

(c) Prove that each non-zero codeword contains precisely one zero coordinate.

37. Let the generator matrix for an (n ,k)-code Cover GF(3) be

Linear Codes 103

20022 2 1 0
1 022 1 200
o1 2 1 1 222

(a) Determine n, k and the number of codewords M in C.

(b) Find a parity check matrix H, and determine the distance d of C.

(c) Find the error pattern associated with the vector r = (2 1 220022).

(d) Determine the number of coset leaders in a standard array for C.

(e) Is every vector of weight 2 a coset leader? Explain.
38. Let H =[/5 B] be the parity-check matrix for a binary linear code C, where
10000 1
o 101 1 1
011 101

(a) Prove that all the codewords in C have even weight.

(b) Determine the distance d of c.
(c) Assuming the first 5 components of a codeword are the check symbols and the last 6
the information symbols, determine the codeword which contains the information
symbols 110011.
(d) Assuming that at most one error occurs in transmission, list the 6 information bits
corresponding to each of the following received words.
(i) VI =(11100 101000) (ii) v2 =(11011 110000)
(e) If V =(01110 001111) is received at the decoder, what can we conclude? Explain.

39. Let the parity check matrix for an (n,k)-code Cover OF(3) be

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
o 1 0012 1 2
H= 00101120.
104 Error Correcting Codes

(a) Determine n, k and the number of codewords M in C.

(b) Find a generator matrix G for C.

(c) Determine the distance d of C.

(d) For each of the following received vectors, indicate the number pf channel errors
introduced and where possible, correct each to the nearest codeword.
(i) rl = (0022 0211) (ii) rz =(0002 1110) (iii) r3 = (1002 1122).

40. H = [B T 14] is a parity check matrix for a binary (12,4,6)-code C where

1 100 1 101
1 1 1 1 101 1

By the weight 0/ a coset we mean the minimum weight of all vectors in the coset.

(a) Determine the number of eosets in a standard array for C.

(b) Determine the number of cosets of weight 2.

(c) Can a coset of C contain both a vector of weight 2 and one of weight 3?
(d) Using the partial list of coset leaders and associated syndromes given below. decode
each of the following vectors:
(i) (1100 1000 0001)
(ii) (1101 1110 0100)
Coset Leader Syndrome
(1010 1000 0000) +--+ (01010010)
(1000 0100 1000) +--+ (10000101)
(111 0 0000 0000) +--+ (1010 1110)
(0110 0010 0000) +--+ (0100 0011)

41. Let C be an (n,k ,d) binary code such that there is at least one codeword in C of odd weight.
Let S be the set of odd weight codewords in C. Show that C' = C\S is an (n,k-1,d') code
with d' > d if d is odd. (This technique is called expurgating a code.)

42. Let C be the code given in problem 41 above. Show by example that it is possible that
d' > d+1.
Linear Codes 105

43. Let the generator matrix for an (n,k)-code Cover Z3 be

1 020 1 212
022 1 020 1
G= 10221200
022 1 1 002

(a) Determine n and k, and find a parity check matrix H for C.

(b) Determine the distance d of C.
(c) Find the error pattern associated with the vector r = (0022 0122).

44. Let C 1 be a binary (n,k)-code having distance d 1 and generator matrix G 1 = [Ik A]. Let C2
be a binary (m,l)-code having distance d2 with generator matrix G2 = [II B]. For any I x k

binary matrix K fonn the m x n matrix UK = [~;]. where S = KA. T = BTK and

R =BTKA. Let V = {UK: 'v'K}.

(a) Prove that V is a binary (nm,kl)-code where vector addition is matrix addition.

(b) Prove that V has distance d 1d2•

45. Let C 1 be a binary (n,k,d1)-code with generator matrix G1 = [A Ik ] and let C2 be a binary
(m,k,d2)-code with generator matrix G2 = [B I k ]. Show that

is a parity-check matrix for a binary (n+m, k, d)-code C where d ~ d 1 + d2.

46. Let C 1 be a binary (nl,k1,d1) code with generator matrix G 1, and let C2 be a binary
(n2,k 2,dz) code with generator matrix G2. Let C be the binary (n,k,d) code with generator

G = [~l ;2]. Determine n, k and d.

47. Let C be a binary (n,k)-code whose generator matrix G contains no zero column. Arrange
all of the codewords of C as rows of a 2k x n matrix A.

(a) Show that each column of A contains 2k- 1 zeros and 2k- 1 ones.
106 Error Correcting Codes

(b) Using (a), prove that C has distance d S (2 k- 1n)/(2k _l).

(c) Is it possible to find a binary (l5,7)-code with minimum distance greater than 7?

48. Construct a parity check matrix for a (l0,6)-code Cover GF(11) which has distance at
least 5. How many codewords does C have? (Hint: recall example 13)
49. Let S be a k-dimensional subspace of Vn(F) where F =GF(q). Determine the number of
I-dimensional subspaces of Vn(F) which contain S, over all I ~ k.

50. Explain how to alter the standard array decoding scheme of §3.6 so that for a I-error-
correcting linear code, all errors of weight I are corrected and some errors of weight 1+ 1
are detected.
51. Prove that for a group G with subgroup H, congruence modulo H is an equivalence relation
on the elements of G (cf. exercise 13, Chapter 2).

52. Let C be a linear code with distance d. Prove that every coset of C is a set of vectors hav-
ing distance d.

53. Generalize the step-by-step decoding technique to non-binary fields.

54. Let C be an (n,k)-code over a field F with distance d. Suppose codewords are transmitted
over a channel which introduces erasures rather than errors. A component is either received
as transmitted (without error), or received as a blank (erased by the channel). For example,
for F=Zs, a codeword (01234) might be received as (0_23_) if two erasures occurred.
Note that the position of an erased component is known.
(a) Let u be the maximum number of erasures that C can decode in general. Determine u
as a function of d. Justify your answer by proving that codewords suffering u erasures
are decodable, but those with u + 1 erasures are not.

(b) Outline a technique for decoding a received vector which has suffered u or fewer

55. Suppose the code words of a binary (n,k)-code C are transmitted over a channel which has
the property that only the first s coordinate positions of any codeword are subject to error
(for some fixed s <n), but all error patterns of weight s or less within these positions are
equally probable.

(a) Prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for C to be able to correct these error
patterns is that all such patterns occur in distinct cosets of a standard array for C.
Linear Codes 107

(b) Describe how to modify the syndrome decoding (i.e. revised standard array decoding)
technique to properly decode vectors from a code C satisfying this condition, which
are transmitted over this channel.

(c) Does a decoding technique that corrects errors over this channel follow the nearest
neighbour decoding strategy? Explain.

56. (a) Construct a parity-check matrix for a (7,4)-code Cover GF(3) which is single error

(b) Determine the number of codewords in C.

(c) Find a generator matrix G for C.

57. In the decoding algorithm of §3.5, why will step (5) never be encountered when decoding a
Hamming code?
58. Let C be a linear code having C j as one of its cosets. Prove that if the coset leader I of C j
has weight w, then d(x, c) ~ w for all XE C j and all CE C.

59. Prove that using step-by-step decoding on binary codes will correct precisely those errors
which are coset leaders in the lexicographic standard array. (Hint: see exercise 58)
60. Prove that

01010 101
1 0 I 0 0 1 0 1

is the parity-check matrix for a binary linear code of distance 4. (Hint: prove the more gen-
eral statement that a binary code whose parity-check matrix has columns all of which are
nonzero, distinct and of odd weight, has distance at least 4)

61. Suppose that we want to construct a binary linear code with block length 8 and distance 3
which will correct the error patterns:
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 000 100
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 000 0 0 1 0
100 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 001
100 0 1 000

Determine the largest value of k such that an (8,k)-code of this type exists.
108 Error Correcting Codes

62. (This generalizes exercise 61.) Let C be a binary linear code having block length n and dis-
tance 3 which will correct the error patterns:
1100 00
1010 00
1001 00

1000 10
1000 01

Detennine the largest value of k for which an (n,k )-code of this type exists.
63. Consider a binary (7,3)-code C with parity check matrix

o1 1
H = 14 1 0 1
1 1 0

(a) Construct a 1-1 correspondence between syndromes and weights of the lightest vec-
tors in the corresponding cosets.
(b) Decode each of the following by step-by-step decoding:

rl = (11111 0 1)

64. Prove or disprove: There exists a binary (2m,2m-m) single error correcting, double error
detecting code, m ~ 3.
65. Suppose C is a linear code over GF(qm), m ~ 2. Let S be the set of codewords such that all
components of these codewords are in GF(q). Show that S is also a linear code over
GF(q). Is S a linear code over GF(qm)?

66. A repetition code is a code such that the parity check symbols of any codeword simply
repeat the information symbols (i.e. all codewords take the form
(Xl ,x2,···,xk,x1 ,x2,···,xk,···,x1 ,x2,···,xk)·)·
i) How many codewords are there in a repetition code with k information symbols over
an alphabet A?
Linear Codes 109

ii) Construct the parity check matrix for such a code.

67. Suppose x = (Xl.x2' ... .xn), y = (Yl,y2, ... ,Yn) E Vn (Z3)' Show that w(x+y) = w(x)+w(y}-2c
where c is the number of 2's in (XlYl,x2Y2, ... .xnYn).

Bounds for Codes

68. (a) Prove that a t-error-correcting (n,k)-code over GF(q) satisfies the Hamming bound:
qn ~ lLf=o (7)(q-1i. (Hint: consider the spheres of radius t about each codeword)

(b) Determine whether or not a binary (12,7,5)-code C exists. Explain your reasoning.

69. (a) Prove that in an (n,k,d)-code C over a field F, d ~ n - k + 1. This is known as the
Singleton bound.
(b) Prove that an (n,k)-code C capable of correcting t errors must have at least 2t check

70. Let C be an (n,k,d)-code over a field F where d = n - k + 1. Such a code is called a max-
imum distance separable (MDS) code.
(a) Construct two examples of MDS codes.
(b) Which of the Hamming codes are MDS codes?

71. Prove that there exists an (n,k)-code Cover GF(q) having distance d provided that
r.j~(?(q-li(nil) < qn-k. (This is the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for q-ary codes.)

For problems 72-76 let C be an (n,k)-binary code. This sequence of problems leads to the
derivation of what is called the Elias upper bound/or binary codes.

72. Let Mi denote the number of codewords of C in a sphere of radius t having the ith n-tuple
as its centre, 1 ~ i ~ 2n. Show that r.i~lMi =2kr.}=o(j).
73. Prove that there exists a sphere SM of radius t around an n-tuple x that contains M code-
words where M ~ (r.}=o(j»2 k- n.

74. Let A be an array whose rows are the vectors Cj-X where Cj E SM II C, 1 ~ i ~M, and x
and M are given by problem 75. Let aj be the number of rows in column j of A. Show
that r.;=laj = Mt-~ and r.;=lCX} ~ (Mt-ll)2/n , for some ~ ~ O.
110 Error Correcting Codes

75. Let dr denote the sum of the (~) distances between the rows of A. Show that

dr S tM2(1-tln).

76. Let dmin be the minimum distance in SM n C. Prove that the distance din C satisfies

d S d min S 21(1--;)( M-l ).

Problems 77-80 are all concerned with what is called the Plotkin bound/or codes.

77. Let C be a binary (n,k)-code. Let d be the distance of C. Show that d S n2k - 1/(2 k _1).
(Hint: See problem l8(a) and consider a lower bound for the sum of all distances between
pairs of distinct codewords.) This is the Plotkin bound for binary (n,k)-codes.
78. Let C be a binary [n,M,d]-code.

(i) Let s denote the sum of the distances between pairs of distinct codewords in C. Show
that s ~ (~)d.
(ii) Arrange the codewords of C as rows of a matrix A. Let Xj denote the number of l's in
column i of A. Show that s =l:t!'l xj(M-xj).

(iii) Prove that

d< nM
- 2(M-l)

(This is the Plotkin bound for binary [n,M,d1 codes).

79. Let C be an (n,k)-code over GF(q) having distance d. Prove the Plotkin bound
dSn -'-~'--.:...

(This generalizes problem 77.)

80. Let C be an [n,M,d]-code over GF(q) having distance d. Prove the Plotkin bound for C:

d S n(q-l)Mlq(M-l).

(This generalizes problem 78.)

Linear Codes 111

Weight Distribution and Enumerators

81. Let C be an [n,M]-code and let (ADA).··· .An) be the weight distribution of C. Ifx E C
let d j denote the number of n-tuples at distance i from x. Prove that (do.d) • .. , .dn ) is equal
to the weight distribution of C for all x E C if C is linear. Is the result true if C is not

82. Let C be a binary code with distance d ~ 3 and block length n with weight distribution
(AoAI' ' . , • An)·

(i) Show that there are exactly iA j binary n-tuples of weight i-I at distance 1 from code-

(ii) Show that there are exactly (n-i)A; binary n-tuples of weight i+l at distance 1 from
codewords of C,

83. Show that for a binary Hamming code the weight distribution satisfies the recurrence
Ao= I.A) =0,

and. hence. that

iAjx;-) + i
A;x; + i
(n-i)A;x;+) = O+x)n ,

84. Let C be an (n.k)-code over GP(q) with weight distribution (ADA).'·' An) and let
(A~.A;. ' , , •A~) be the weight distribution of C.L, Prove that

n-j n-i _ k-j j n-i . ._

1:( . )A;-q 1:(·_i)A j • J-O,l, .... n,
;=0 J ;=0 J

85. Let C be a binary (n.k)-code which contains the all ones vector. If (AoA) • .. , An) is the
weight distribution for C then prove that A; =An-; for 0 ~ i ~ n.

86. Let C be an (n.k)-code over GF(q) with weight distribution (ADA) • .. 'An)' Define
, n .

Prove that
112 Error Correcting Codes

,1 ,1-z
W c" (z) = - k [1 + (q-l)z t We ( ).
q 1+(q-l)z

(Hint. This is easily deduced from Theorem 3.13).

87. Let C b a binary (l0,7)-code with parity check matrix

[1 () () 1 () 1 1
H= oI0 11110
o 0 1011011

Determine the weight enumerator for C.

88. Let C be a binary linear code and let E be the set of all even weight codewords. Recall that
E is itself a code. Using the definition in exercise 86, prove that

89. Let C be a binary linear code and let C' be the code obtained from C by adding an overall
parity bit to each codeword (see problem 24). Using the definition in exercise 86, prove
, I , ,
Wc(z) = 2"[(1+z)Wc (z)+(l-z)Wc (-z)] .

90. Prove that a(x,y) =x 5+3x 3y2+9x 2y 3+ 14xl+y5 cannot be the weight enumerator for a
linear code over GF(3).

91. Prove that f(x,y) =x 5+ 2x4y + 2x 2y 3+ 2xl + y5 is not the weight enumerator for a binary
linear code.

92. Prove that there is no (6,4 )-code over 23 having weight distribution (1,0,5,18,36,12,9).

93. Construct a binary (5,3)-code C having weight enumerator

(Hint: Construct the dual code Cl. first.)

94. Construct a (6,4)-code over 23 having weight distribution (1,0,6,16,36,12,10).

95. Does there exist a (6,4)-code over GF(3) having weight distribution (1,0,4,18,36,14,8)?
Linear Codes 113

96. Let We(x,y) be the weight enumerator for a binary linear code. Prove that We (1,-I) equals
either 0 or IC I.
97. Let C be a linear code over GF(q) having weight distribution (Ao.Al, ... ,An). Prove that q-I
divides Ai' I ;5; i ;5; n.

98. Let c be a codeword in a linear code of block length novel' GF(q), and suppose w(c) =i.
As in §3.8, let N(i,h;s) denote the number of n-tuples over GF(q) of weight h which are
distance s from c. Show that

N(i,h;s)= L

and hence that N(i,h;s) is independent of the particular codeword c of weight i. (Hint:
Consider changing j of the zero components of c to nonzero elements, changing k of the
nonzero components to other nonzero elements, and changing I of the other nonzero ele-
ments to zero). See also Chapter). exercise 30.
Chapter 4


4.1. Introduction

In this chapter we describe two special classes of linear codes. One reason for our interest
in them is the fact that they both have been used in space exploration projects. The flrst class we
consider was used to transmit photographs from the Mariner 9 spacecraft in January of 1972.
The second class was used to transmit colour photographs of Jupiter in March and July of 1979.
and of Saturn in November 1980 and August 1981 from the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft.

4.2 First Order Reed-Muller Codest

Let H, be the parity-check matrix for the (2'-1.2' -1-r)-binary Hamming code. as dis-
cussed in §3.4. Its 2' - 1 columns consist of all possible non-zero r-tuples. Defme B, = [H, 0].
i.e. H, with a column of O's adjoined. Let VI' V2•...• v, be the rows of B, and let 1 be the row
vector of length 2' consisting of all l·s.

Definition. Thejirst-order Reed-Muller code, denoted RO.r). is the subspace generated by the
vectors 1. VI. V2 •...• V,. (For a definition of and some results on kth-order Reed-Muller codes the
reader is referred to exercises 28 through 42.)

R O.r) is a binary code with generator matrix

We begin by establishing the parameters of RO.r). It turns out that the distance of the code is
half the length of the code words.

Theorem 4.1. R(1.r) is a (2'. r+l. 2,-I)-code.

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

116 Error Correcting Codes

Let the parameters of the code be (n ,k,d). Since the generator G has 2r columns, it is clear
that n = 2r. Note that G has r + 1 rows. In fact, these rows are linearly independent,
because the r x r identity matrix can be found within the submatrix B r , establishing that the
last r rows of G are linearly independent, and certainly the fIrst row is independent from all
others. Hence k =r + I, and R(1,r) is a (2 r ,r+I)-code. It remains only to show that the
distance is d = 2r- l . We do this by showing that every non-zero codeword has weight 2r- l ,
except for the all-ones codeword 1. It then follows that the minimum non-zero weight is
2r - 1 and the distance is the same.

Any non-zero codeword c has the form

where Tj
is the i/h row of G, 1 ~ h ~ r+ 1. Suppose no Tj
is 1. Considerthe matrix



Now component t of c will be 0 if the t column of A has an even number of 1's, and 1 if
that column of A contains an odd number of 1'so Note that for each distinct column ~ of A,
the number of columns u of Br whose i/ component, 1 ~ j ~ h, agrees with component j
of ~ is 2r- h , since each of the remaining r-h components of u are free to take on 0 or 1
(and by defInition every distinct binary r-tuple appears as a column of Br)' Hence each
distinct column of A appears precisely 2r - h times in A. But every distinct binary h-tuple
appears as a column of A, and since there are as many even-weight binary h-tuples as there
are odd-weight binary h-tuples, it follows that exactly half the components of c are I 's, and
thus w(c) =2r- 1 (cf. exercise 19, Chapter 3).

If some =1, then consider c -1. The above argument, which was valid for any non-zero

codeword, then gives w(c-l) =2r - 1, as long as c:# 1. It then follows that w(c) =2r- 1 by
changing 1's and O's in c - 1. This completes the proof. 0
Some Special Linear Codes 117

We now give an example of a first order Reed-Muller code R(l,r) for r =3.

Example 1.

100101 1 ]
H3 = 0 1 0 1 1 1
[ 1
o 0 101 1

1 °° 1 ° 1 1 000]
B3 =[H3 0] = [0 1 0 1 1 0 1

100 1 0 1 1 0
G 1
= [;, = [H: 0 = 1 o 101 1 0 1 0

G generates R(1,3). All vectors in the code have weight 4 except 0 and 1. R(1,3) is an

For the code R(l,r), to decode a received vector r we shall make use of what is called the
Hadamard transform of a vector R derived from r. The Hadamard transform is related to a spe-
cial type of matrix, called a Hadamard matrix. Before presenting the Hadamard transform and a
decoding procedure for R(l,r), we briefly introduce the Hadamard matrix.

Definition. A Hadamard matrix Hn of order n is an n x n matrix with integer entries +1 and -1,
whose rows are pairwise orthogonal as real numbers.

By "pairwise orthogonal as real numbers" we mean that the inner product over the real
numbers (as opposed to over another field such as Z2) of distinct rows is O. Regarding notation,
the context should rule out any possible confusion between the Hadamard matrix Hn and the
parity-check matrix H, for the Hamming code of order r discussed earlier.
118 Error Correcting Codes

Example 2.

Hadamard matrices of orders 1, 2 and 4 are given by

1 1 1 1
1 -1 1-1
H4 = 1 1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1 1

An equivalent definition to the one given above is that Hn is an n x n matrix with integer
entries +1 and -1 such that

The following properties of Hn are easily established.

(1) HI' =nH;;l and so H!Hn =nIno It follows that whenever Hn is a Hadamard matrix, so is
H!, and that the columns of Hn are orthogonal as well as the rows.

(2) Exchanging rows or columns changes one Hadamard matrix into another one.

(3) Multiplying rows or columns by -1 changes one Hadamard matrix into another.

Given a Hadamard matrix H n of order n, we can construct the matrix

It is easy to verify that H2n is in fact a Hadamard matrix of order 2n. Using this construction
and starting with Hi =[1], we can construct H2 , H4 , and indeed, Hadamard matrices H2, of order
2' for all r ~ 1. We shall see that these particular Hadamard matrices of order 2' are of use when
we apply the Hadamard transfonn to Reed-Muller codes.

The above construction can be viewed as a Kronecker product of matrices.

Definition. Let A = [aij] and B = [b ij ] be square matrices of orders m and n respectively. The
Kronecker product of A with B, denoted A x B, is the mn x mn matrix

obtained by replacing the (i J)-entry of A with the matrix aijB, the matrix B with each entry
Some Special Linear Codes 119

multiplied by aij.

If we let n =2,-1. then we see that the above construction can alternatively be specified

the Kronecker product of r matrices H2 (with H2 as given in example 2). We reserve the nota-
tion H (2') for the Hadamard matrix of order 2' of this particular form.

We now consider a second construction. First. we define the proper ordering on binary

Definition. The proper ordering P, of binary r-tuples is the ordering defined recursively by the

(1) PI =[0.1]
(2) if P =[bit b 2•...• b2d then P +I = [biO. b20 •... , b210. b l l, b21•...• b 211].
j j

for 1 ~ i ~ r-1.

Example 3.

PI =[0,1]
P2 = [00, 10,01, 11]
P3 =[000, 100,010, 110,001, 101,011, 111].

Now let n =2', and let uo, UI' .•. , Un-I be the binary r-tuples in proper order. If we agree
that the leftmost bit of an r-tuple is to be read as the least significant bit, then the components of
Uj are the r-bit representation of the integer i. Consider constructing a matrix H with entries +1
and -1 as follows. Index the rows of H by the integers 0 through n-l, and the columns likewise
(rather than the standard 1 through n). Let H be defined by H =[h jj ] with (i,j)-entry

A small example serves to illustrate.

120 Error Correcting Codes

Example 4.
Consider r = 2. If we index the rows and columns of a 4 x 4 matrix H with the binary
2-tuples in the proper order P2' and construct H =[h ij ] with hij =(_l)U(Uj, then

1 1 1 1
1 -1 1-1
H = 1 1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1

Note that this matrix H is the same as the matrix H2 x H2 where H2 = H(2 1).

Using induction on r, it is easily established that the matrix H so constructed is always a

Hadamard matrix (exercise 1). In fact, it is the matrix H(2'), and the two constructions produce
the same matrix.
Before proceeding to define the Hadamard transform, we introduce the following notation.
Let r be a binary 2' -tuple. To each component of the vector r associate a distinct binary r-tuple.
Since there are precisely 2' binary r-tuples, this is possible. For the binary r-tuple u define the
scalar r(u) to be the component of r associated with u. From r we construct a real 2' -tuple R
where the component of the vector R associated with u is the real scalar

R(u) = (_l)r(u).

R is then a vector with real entries ±1, and since r is a binary vector, r(u) is 0 or 1.

Example 5.
For r = 3, consider r =(1101 1100). The 8 distinct binary 3-tuples can be found as the
columns of B3 from example 1. Associate the 3-tuple from the ith column of B3 with the
i th component of r. For example, (11Ol is associated with the 4th component of r, a 1.
Then r( (110) ) picks out the component of r associated with (110), i.e. the 4th component.
Hence r( (110) ) = 1. Now from r, we derive R. The component of R associated with
(110) is defined to be

R( (110» = (_l)r(llO) = (_1)1 =-1.

Hence the 4th component of R is -1. Computing the other components, we get
Some Special Linear Codes 121

R=(-I,-I, 1,-1, -1,-1,1,1).

We see that to derive R from r, we simply map O's and l's in r to l's and -1 's, respec-
tively, in R. The preceding example makes use of our notation to express this mapping formally
through the association of distinct binary r-tuples with unique components ofa 2' -tuple. This
association is a concept necessary for the Hadamard transform. With R derived from r as out-
lined above, we can now proceed to define the Hadamard transform. In this section, we shall use
the abbreviation V, for V,(Z2)' the set of all binary r-tuples.

Definition. The Hadamard transform of the 2' -tuple R is the 2' -tuple 1\ where the component
of 1\ associated with the r-tuple U E Vr is

1\(U) = 1: (-l)u·vR(v).

With the components of R being integers +1 and -1, the components of 1\ will be integers.

R(v) = (_l)r(v),

we have

I\(U) = 1: (_l)u,v+r(v).

Example 6.

For U = (11 ol, using the association of components to vectors as defined by B3 in example
1, we compute 1\( (110) ) as follows, for r = (11011100).
1\( (110) ) = 1: (_l)(llO)'v+r(v)

= (_l)(llO)'(100}+r(100) + (_l)(llO)'(OlO}+r(OlO)

+ (_l)(llO)'(OOl}+r(OOl) + (_l)(llO)'(llO}+r(llO)
+ (_l)(llO)'(Oll}+r(Oll) + (_1)(llO)'(101}+r(lOl)
122 Error Correcting Codes

+ (_l)(llO)'(lll}tr(I11) + (_l)(llO)'(OOO}tr(OOO)
= (_1)1+1 + (_1)1+1 + (_1)0+0 + (_1)0+1

+ (_1)1+1 + (_1)1+1 + (_1)0+0 + (_1)0+0


Since u = (11Ol is associated with the 4th component, we have that the 4th component of
t is 6. The remaining 7 components could be determined in a similar manner.

An alternate definition of t is

where H = [hv.uJ, hv.u = (_l)v'u, V,U E Vro is a Hadamard matrix of order 2' with rows and
columns indexed by the 2' distinct binary vectors of V,. The two definitions are easily shown to
be equivalent (exercise 25). The order of indexing vectors is that the r-tuple associated with
component i of r indexes the ith row and column of H. By convention, we associate r-tuples to
coordinate positions using the ve.ctors of V, in the proper ordering, so that H = H(2').

The following theorem provides the basis for a decoding scheme for R(I,r). Let the
ordered columns of B, be used to associate the distinct binary r-tuples with the coordinate posi-
tions in r, Rand t.

Theorem 4.2. t(u) is the number of O's minus the number of l's in the binary vector
t = r + LUivi

where u =(ul' u2• ... , u,)T is a binary r-tuple and vi is the i lh row of B,.


Let vi =(ail' ai2, ... , ain), n =2',1:5;;:5; r. Consider the binary n-tuple

where Ij is the jth column vector in B,. Now since we are using the columns of B, to asso-
ciate binary r-tuples with components, we have by definition
Some Special Linear Codes 123

t = r + LUjVj = (u·l t + r(lt). u·1 2 + r(12) ••..• u·l n + r(ln) ).


Now from the definition of the Hadamard transfonn we have that

d(u) = 1; (_l)U"V+r(v).

Since the columns Ii' j = l, ... ,n of B, are all the distinct r-tuples, i.e. all v e V" this may be
written as

d(u) = 1; (_I)u·IJ+r(IJ).

Hence d(u) counts +1 for every component in t that is 0, and -1 for every component that
is 1.0

Using this result, we now develop two equations to be used in a decoding algorithm for
R(I,r). We may compute the numberofO's in t as
, ,
to = 2' - wet) = 2' - w( r + LUjVj) = 2' - d(r, LUjVj).
j=1 j=1

From this, the number of 1's in tis

'1 = d(r, 1;UjVj).

Now d(u) = to - tl and so

= 2' - d(r, 1;UjVj) - d(r, 1;UjVj)
= 2' - 2d(r. 1;UjVj). (A)
j=1 j=1 j=1

Another way to detennine d(u) is as follows. The number ofO's in t may also be computed as
124 Error Correcting Codes

, ,
to = w(l+t) = w( l+r+ I:UjVj) = d(r, 1+ LUjVj).
j=1 j=1

The number of 1's in t is then given by

tl =2' - d(r, 1+ I:UjVj).

Then since ~(u) = to - tl'

~(u) =2d(r, 1+ I:UjVj) - 2'. (B)

Rewriting (A) and (B) we obtain the equations

d(r, I:UjVj) = Y2 (2' -I\(u) )

and (C)
d(r, 1+ I:UjVj) = Y2 (2' +~(u) )

We now discuss how to use these equations in a decoding scheme for R(l,r). Recall that
the Vj are rows of B" and

G= [;, 1
is a generator for R(1,r). Now for any binary r-tuple u = (Ul' ... , u,),
uB, = I:UjVj.

Suppose r is a received vector. We wish to decode r to the codeword closest to r. Message

(r+l)-tuples look like In =(uo,u) where u is some r-tuple and Uo = 0 or 1. The corresponding
transmitted codeword is

The two equations in (C) consider the two cases Uo =0 and Uo = 1, respectively. To find the
codeword closest to r, we find the codeword c minimizing d(r,c). Note that (C) gives us pre-
cisely d(r,c) (as a function of I\(u» for c =I:[=lUjVj and c = 1 + I:[=lu;Vj. Computing I\(u) over
Some Special Linear Codes 125

all u E Vr , together with these two cases, is hence equivalent to computing the distance from r to
every codeword. From (C) we see that this distance is minimized by u which minimizes

i.e., by u which maximizes the magnitude of 1\(u). Suppose we find a u maximizing 11\(u) I,
and this maximum is unique over all u E Vr . Then there is a unique codeword c closest to r. For
such a vector u, if ~(u) > 0, the minimum distance occurs in the first equation of (C). If
1\(u) < 0, the minimum distance occurs in the second equation. A decoding scheme for the frrst
order Reed-Muller code now follows.

Decoding Algorithm for first-order Reed-Muller codes.

Let r be a received binary vector of length 27.

Let the columns of B, be in the proper ordering Pro
Let H be the Hadamard matrix H = H(2').

(1) Compute R and~, where R(u) =(_l)r(u) and 1\ =RH.

(2) Find a component 1\(u) of 1\ whose magnitude is maximum;

let u =(Ulo ... , ur)T.
(3) If~(u) > 0, then decode r as 'L[=lUjVj.

(4) If ~(u) ::;; 0, then decode r as 1 + 'L[=lUjVj.

We illustrate the decoding technique with an example.

Example 7.

We construct a generator matrix for R(1,3), using

83 = [H !i~ ~ ::1 = [::]

Notice that we have ordered the columns of B3 so that they are P3. This B3 differs from the
B3 in example 1 (although the codes from the corresponding generators G are equivalent).
The generator matrix corresponding to B3 here is
126 Error Correcting Codes

10 10 1 0 1
o0 001 1 1 1

Using the proper ordering P3 we construct the Hadamard matrix H =H(2 3).
1 1 1 1 1
1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1
1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1
1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1
1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1
1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1-1

Suppose r = (0111 0110) is received by the decoder. Then

R = (1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1,1)

and by vector-matrix multiplication,

a=RH =(-2, 2, 2, 6, -2, 2, 2, -2).

The largest component magnitude in a occurs in position 4. This component corresponds
to column 4 of B 3 , so we set u = (1lOl. Since this entry a( (110) ) = 6 is positive we
decode r to
C= I:UjVj = l'vI + l'v2 + 0'V3 = (0110 0110).

Observe that and (C) allow us to compute the distance from r to each of the codewords.
For example, component 1 of is -2. This component corresponds to (OOOl. By (C), r is
distance 5 from the vector 0 and distance 3 from the vector 1.

Working through the preceding example, we see that computing A by ordinary vector-
matrix multiplication, even in a small case, is time consuming. The situation can be improved
considerably by using the fast Hadamard transform. We first require a result on the Kronecker
Some Special Linear Codes 127

Lemma 4.3. For A = [aij], B = [bij]' C = [cij] and D = [dij)' the mauix product of (AxB) and
(CxD) is

(AxB)(CxD)=AC xBD.


A x B = [aijB] and C x D = [cijD]. Hence (AxB)(CxD) = [eij] where

using mauix block multiplication. SinceAC = [(ij] where/ij = r.::lajkCkj, we have

AC xBD = [fijBD] =(AxB)(CxD).

Now using H2 =H(2 1), we have the following result.

Theorem 4.4 (Fast Hadamard Trans/orm Theorem). For r a positive integer,

The proof is by induction on r. First consider the case r = 1. The claim is H(21) = M 2\l>.
and we check to see

Therefore, H(21) = M.P> and the result is true. Assume the result is true for r = k, i.e.

Consider r =k + 1. Note that

using the fact that the Kronecker product is associative. Now noting that by definition,
128 Error Correcting Codes

Using Lemma 4.3 repeatedly, this is

= (/2xMfl)M{l-) ... M2Cf»(H2xl2i)

=/2H2 x H(2 k)I't

=H2 xH(2 k )


This completes the proof. 0


Consider H = H (23) and the following matrices. We use the convention that matrix entries
not shown are O.
1 1
1 -1
1 -1
1 1
1 -1
1 1
1 -1

10 1 0
o1 0 1
1 0 -1 0
o 1 0-1
M1.2) =/2 xH2 x/2 = 1 0 1 0
o1 0 1
1 0 -1 0
o 1 0-1
Some Special Linear Codes 129

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
MJ3) =H2xI4= 1 -1
1 -1
1 -1
1 -1

It is now easy to check that H = H(23 ) = MJ1)MJ2)Ms(3). Notice that each row and column
of M,jp has precisely 2 non-zero tenns.

Returning to example 7, we had R =(1, -I, -I, -I, I, -I, -1,1). We can now compute
1\ =RH via RMJ 1)MJ2)Ms(3).
RMJl) = (0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 2, 0, -2)

(RMJl)(MJ2» =(-2, 2, 2, 2, 0,0,0,4)

(RMJl)MJ 2»MJ3 ) =(-2, 2, 2, 6, -2,2,2, -2).

Note the order of multiplication. We choose to repeatedly multiply the vector with a
matrix, and avoid multiplying two matrices directly (which would be more costly).

Let us compare the number of operations required to compute RH directly and as

RM2~1)M~2) ... M2C(). Let an operation be a multiplication or an addition. Suppose we multiply

out RH by the ordinary method. Consider R multiplied by the ftrst column of H. There are 2r
multiplications and 2r - 1 additions which are required. This is true for each column and so the
number of operations to compute RH is

Now, we count the number of operations if we use the fast Hadamard transfonn. First we com-
pute RMfl) which will require 3(2r) operations (i.e. 2 multiplications and 1 addition per column,
since there are only 2 non-zero entries). We must perfonn this many operations for each M2~)'
1 :os; i :os; r. Therefore, the total number of operations is 3(2r)r. Hence computing 1\ via the fast
Hadamard transfonn requires
130 Error Correcting Codes

as many operations as by the ordinary vector-matrix multiplication RH.

R(1,5) was the code used by the Mariner 9 spaceprobe. The code consists of 64 codewords
of block length 32. Each codeword was associated with shade of grey numbered 1 through 64.
A photograph taken by the craft was blocked off into a 600 x 600 grid. For each of the 360,000
cells the shade of grey would be determined and assigned a 32-bit codeword. This· codeword
was then transmitted to earth.

Since the code has distance 16, it can correct L<t 6-1)/2J=7 errors and detect 8 errors.
R(1,5) has good error-correcting capability, but has the disadvantage of relatively few codewords
and a very low rate. In order to transmit colour pictures many more codewords would be neces-

Note that to decode R(I,5) by the standard array method would require storing information
for 232/26 =226 coset leaders.

4.3 Self-Dual Codes and the Binary Golay Codet

In this section we consider a very interesting class of codes, the self-dual codes. From both
a practical and a theoretical viewpoint, these codes have found many uses. We begin with a

Definition. A linear code C is self-orthogonal if C ~ C.L.

A self-orthogonal code is one in which every code vector is orthogonal to every code vec-
tor. In such a code C, it is possible that C is smaller than C.L. If they have the same size, then it
must be that C =C.L. We can easily determine if a code is self-orthogonal by studying its gen-
erator matrix G, as the following result indicates.

Lemma 4.5. A linear code C with generator matrix G is self-orthogonal if and only if
GG T =0.

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

Some Special Linear Codes 131

Assume C ~ C.L. Let rj be a row of G. Then rj E C, and C ~ C.L implies rj E C.L. Since
G is a parity-check matrix for C.L, Grr = O. Since this is true for every row rj of G,
GGT =0.

Now assume GG T =O. Let G have k rows rj' 1 S; i S; k. Since the rows of G generate
(form a basis for) C, rj E C. Since GGT =0, r(rj =0, 1 S; i,j S; k. Suppose clt c2 E C (not
necessarily distinct). Then cI' C2 are linear combinations of the rj. Consider cI·~. By the
simple properties of the inner product (§3.2) and the fact that r(rj =0, it follows that
c}"c2 = O. Hence any two codewords are orthogonal, and C !: C.L. 0

We now define a more specific class of codes.

Definition. A linear code C is self-dual if C =C.L.

Clearly, a self-dual code is self-orthogonal. However, the converse is not necessarily true.

Example 9.
The matrix

[1 0 0 1 0]
G= 10111

is a generator for a self-orthogonal code C, because GGT = O. G does not generate a self-
dual code, since C is a subspace of dimension 2, and C.L is a subspace of dimension 3, so
C :f. C.L. No (5,2)-code C can be self-dual, since for any such code C, C.L is a (5,3)-code.

Example 10.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 1 0 1 0

is a generator matrix for a binary self-dual (8,4)-code C. To show that G is self-dual, we

verify that GGT = 0 and C has n = 2k. (Check that G has k = 4 linearly independent rows.)
132 Error Correcting Codes

Example 11.
o =[/6 B] is a generator matrix for a self-dual (12,6)-code Cover OF(3), where
2 2 1 201
022 121
220 1 1 2
1 222 1 0
1 2 1 022

This follows since OOT =0 and Cl. has the same dimension as C. Note that to check that
OOT =0 we need only check that BBT =-/6,

Example 11 illustrates the following general result for self-dual codes.

Lemma 4.6. If 0 = [Ik B] is a generator matrix for a self-dual (n,k)-code over a field F, then
BBT =-Ik.

Since 0 is self-dual, OOT =0 and

implying that BBT = -Ik' 0

Note that for binary codes with generator 0 =[Ik B], we will have BBT =l/t.
An important self-dual code is the binary (24,12,8) extended Oolay code. It is the code
with generator matrix 0 = [/12 B] where
Some Special Linear Codes 133

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
and dots in B represent O's.

Theorem 4.7. The bin extended Gola code is a self-dual (24,12,8)-code.


Let C be the binary code with generator matrix G =[112 B). It is clear that C is a (24,12)-
code (since G has full row rank and 24 columns). It is easily checked that GG T 0, so C is
a self-dual binary code. It remains to prove that C has distance 8. We prove this byestab-
lishing that the minimum non-zero weight is 8.

Using the facts that C is self-dual and that every row of G has weight divisible by 4, it is
not hard to prove that every codeword has weight divisible by 4 (exercise 11). If we can
prove that C has no words of weight 4. then the minimum non-zero weight is 8. We
observe that the first row of G has weight 12 and the others have weight 8. Hence any sin-
gle row of G has weight at least 8. Label the rows of G by '1,'2, ... ,'12 where w('I) =12
and w('i) =8. 2 S; i S; 12. Consider a codeword

='1 + rio i e {2.3..... 12}.


It is easily checked that wee) =8. Next, consider a codeword

e='i+'j, i~j, i,je {2,3,... ,12}.

If we check all such codewords, we find the weight is 8. There are (~) = 55 possibilities to
check but the work can be reduced to only checking 10 pairs. If we compute
134 Error Correcting Codes

e =r2 + rj, j E {3,4, ... ,12}

then this will suffice, because the last 11 positions in rows 2 through 12 of G are cyclic
shifts of each other. So the sum of any two rows has weight exactly 8.

Suppose now we consider codewords of the form

and suppose wee) =4. Let x be the first 12 positions of e and y the last 12, and denote e by
(x,y). Since wee) =4 and since G = [/ 12 B], we have that w(x) =3 and w(y) = 1. But C is
self-dual, and hence H =[B T Id also generates C. The vector e =(x,y) must be a row of
H since e must be a linear combination of rows of H and any linear combination involving
2 or more rows of H would force w(y) 2: 2. We know that the weight of each row of H is at
least 8 (by looking at G), and so wee) '# 4. Hence the sum of any 3 rows of G has weight at
least 8.

Can 4 distinct rows of G sum to a vector of weight 4? Let e =rj + rj + rk + rh be such a

vector. As above, we can write e = (x,y). It follows that w(x) =4 and w(y) =O. But H
contains no vector of this type in its row space, so wee) 2: 8.

Finally, suppose a codeword e is the sum of 5 or more rows of G. If e =(x,y), then

w(x) 2: 5, which forces wee) 2: 8. We conclude that wee) 2: 8 for all e E C. It follows that
C has distance d =8. 0
From this result, we see that the binary extended Golay code can correct up to 3 errors and
detect 4 errors simultaneously. We now present a decoding algorithm for this code, assuming at
most 3 errors occur.
Some Special Linear Codes 135

A Decoding Algorithm for the binary extended Golay Code.

Let G = [/ 12 B) be the generator matrix.

Let 11' 12, ... , 1}2 be the columns of B and rI' r2' ... , rI2 the rows.
Let 0 denote the 12-tuple of all zeros.
Let x(i), y(i) denote binary 12-tuples in which only component i is non-zero.
Let r be a vector received by the decoder.

(1) Compute s = OrT.

(2) If w(s) ~ 3, then set e = (sT ,0) and go to (8).

(3) Ifw(s+lj) ~ 2 for some Ij' 1 ~ i ~ 12, then set e = «s+ljl, y(j» and go to (8).

(4) Compute BTs.

(5) If w(B Ts) ~ 3, then set e = (0, (B T sl) and go to (8).

(6) If w(B Ts+rT) ~ 2 for some rj, 1 ~ i S12, then set e = (x{i), (B T sl+rj) and go to (8).

(7) At least 4 errors have occurred. Retransmit, and restart at (1).

(8) Decode r to r - e =c.

We now give a brief outline of a proof that this decoding scheme corrects all error patterns
of weight 3 or less. Note that since the code is self-dual, the generator G is also a parity-check
matrix, and the 12-tuple s = GrT is the syndrome of the received 24-tuple r.

Let e = (x,y) be an error pattern where x and y are each binary 12-tuples. Let c be the
transmitted codeword, and let the received vector be r = c + e. For w(e) ~ 3, we have the follow-
ing possibilities.
(a) w(x) ~ 3, w(y) =0.
(b) w(x) S 2, w(y) = 1.
(c) w(x) ~ 1, w(y) = 2.
(d) w(x) = 0, w(y) = 3.
Since r=c+e, GrT = GeT =s. If w(y) =0, then GeT =II2xT =xT =s. Hence
e = (x,y) = (sT ,0). This type of error pattern is found in step 2.

If w(x) ~ 2 and w(y) = I, then y has precisely one coordinate containing a 1. Let this coor-
dinate be the illt, Then
136 Error Correcting Codes

x =(s+ljl and w(s+lj) =w(x) ~ 2. All error patterns of this type are found in step 3.
If w(y) =2 or 3 and w(x) = 0, then s =GrT =ByT = Ij+lj or Ij+lj+lh , and since
BBT =BTB =1 we have

It follows that w(B Ts) ~ 3, and BTs is a vector with 1 's in positions i and j, or i, j and h depend-
ing on the weight. The error vector is e = (0, (BTsl) and all such error patterns are found in step
Finally, if w(y) = 2 and w(x) = 1, then

GrT = I12XT +ByT = s,

and if the non-zero component in x is component i,

Thus yT =BTs + rT and e =(x, (BTs+rT)T). Any error pattern of this type will be found in step

Example 12.

We decode the received word r = (1000 10000000 1001 0001 1101) as follows. Compute
GrT =(0100 1000 ooool = s.
Since w(s) :s; 3 we take e = (sT,O) and decode r to

r - (sT,O) = (1100 0000 00001001 0001 1101).

Note that this is the codeword which is the sum of rows 1 and 2 of G.

Example 13.

We decode r =(1000 0010 0000 1000 1101 0010) as follows.

Compute GrT = (10111110 1O11l =s.

Since w(s) > 3 we try to find Ij such that w(s+l j ) :s; 2.

We see after checking columns 1 through 4 of B that
Some Special Linear Codes 137

s + 14 =(0000 0110 ooool.

This has weight 2, so e =(s+1 4 , y(4» where y(4) =(0001 0000 0000). We decode r to

r - e = (1000 0100 0000 10011101 0010).

This is the codeword which is the sum of rows 1 and 6 of G.

Example 14.
To decode r = (1011 00010000 1100 1111 0001), we proceed as follows.
We compute GrT = (1100 1010 1011{ = s.

Since w(x) > 3 we see if there is a column Ij of B such that w(s+lj) ~ 2.

Trying this we find that no such column exists. Hence we compute

Since w(B Ts) > 3, we must check rows of B with BT s to see if for some rj, w(B Ts+rr) ~ 2.
We see that for i = 1,

BT s + r[ =(00100000 1000l =yT.

Thus the error pattern is e = (x,y) where x = (1000 0000 OOOO), so

e = (1000 0000 0000 0010 0000 1000)

and we decode to

r - e = (0011 0001 0000 1110 1111 1(01).

We can check that this is indeed a codeword, the sum of rows 3, 4 and 8 of G.

As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the Golay (24,12,8) self-dual code was
used on the Voyager space mission to transmit pictures of Jupiter and Saturn. The code contains
212 =4096 codewords allowing for colour transmissions. As we have seen, while the code is
only 3-error correcting, its rate {Y2}is much better than the first order Reed-Muller code R(1,S}
of §4.2. Again, we mention that the suitability of a code for a particular application depends not
only on the properties of the code, but also on how these match the requirements dictated by the
characteristics of the transmission medium.
138 Error Correcting Codes

The Voyager 2 spacecraft was sent on to Uranus, and made its closest approach in January
of 1986. From Uranus, the coding scheme used was a Reed-Solomon code (see §7.2). Voyager 2
is expected to encounter Neptune between June and October of 1989 (12 years after its launch).
Some Special Linear Codes 139

4.4 Exercises

Hadamard matrices.
1. Let H be a 2' x 2' matrix fonned by indexing the rows and columns of H by the proper
ordering P, and placing the entries (_I)u'v in row u, column v. Prove that H is a Hadamard
matrix and H = H2 X H2 X •.. X H2 = H(2').

2. Let Hn be a Hadamard matrix of order n > 1.

(a) Prove that n is even.

(b) Prove that n is divisible by 4 if n ~ 4.

First order Reed-Muller codes.

3. Consider the first order Reed-Muller code R(1,4) with generator matrix
o 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 101
G= 0011001100110011
o0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
o 0 0 0 0 0 001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
rHs Hs]
and associated Hadanlard matrix H = lHg -Hg ,where

rH4 H4] rH2 H2]

Hs= lH4 -H4 ' H4= lH2 -H2 ' H2= 1 -1 .
[1 1]
(a) Compute the Hadamard transfonn 1\ of r = (1110 111001100110) using 1\ =RH,
and decode r to the nearest codeword.

(b) Compute Ml~), 1 SiS 4.

(c) Decode r using part (b) and the fast Hadamard transfonn to compute A.
(d) Decode the following vectors, using the method of either (a) or (c).
(i) r l = (0000 1010 1011 0000) (ii) r2 = (1101 1011 1101 0011)
(iii) r3 =(1011 1011 1000 1001) (iv) r4 =(1111 1000 00011001)
(v) rs =(1010 1100 1100 0011)
140 Error Correcting Codes

4. (a) Construct the generator matrix for the fIrst order Reed-Muller code R(1,3).

(b) Construct the matrices MJi), 1 ~ i ~ 3.

(c) Determine the Hadamard transform of the received vector r = (1011 0101), and
decode r to the nearest codeword.

5. Consider the (n,k,d) fIrst order Reed-Muller code R(1,r).

(a) Express n, k, and d in terms of r.

(b) Determine the number of errors that R(1,3) can correct.

(c) Construct a generator matrix G for R(1,3), with the columns corresponding to rows 2
through k of G being in proper order.

(d) Suppose the vector r =(1001 1110) is received, and a trustworthy friend computes its
Hadamard transform to be I\ = (-2 -2 -2 -2 222 -6). Determine the transmitted
codeword, assuming at most one error has occurred.

6. Determine the rate of the fIrst order Reed-Muller code R (l,r), in terms of r. How does this
compare to the rate of the Hamming code of order r?

7. Determine all values of r (if any) for which the first order Reed-Muller code R(l,r) is per-

8. Describe a method for encoding a binary information (r+1)-tuple (uOUl"'U,) to a codeword

of R(1,r) which does not require storing the generator matrix for the Reed-Muller code.

9. (a) Determine the storage requirement (in bits) for the Hadamard decoding scheme given
in §4.2.

(b) If one can tradeoff time for space, can this storage requirement be reduced? If so, to

10. LetR(1,r) be the fIrst order Reed-Muller code having 2,+1 codewords. Suppose we use the
naive decoding method described in Chapter 1, i.e. we compare the received vector to each

(a) What is the storage requirement of this scheme?

(b) If each comparison is an operation, how many operations (in the worst case) are
required to correct a received vector?
Some Special Linear Codes 141

(c) Having corrected a received vector to a codeword, how does one recover the infonna-
tion symbols?

(d) Compare this method to that given in §4.2 using the Hadamard Transform.

Self-orthogonal and self-dual codes.

11. Prove that if the rows of a generator matrix G for a binary linear code C have weights
divisible by 4 and are pairwise orthogonal, then C is self-orthogonal and every codeword
has weight divisible by 4.

12. Let C be a self-orthogonal binary linear code. Prove that the weight of every codeword in
C is a multiple of 4 if and only if there exists some generator matrix G for C whose rows
all have weights that are multiples of 4.
13. Prove that in a binary self-orthogonal code, either all the vectors have weight divisible by
4, or half have even weight not divisible by 4, and half have weight divisible by 4.

14. Prove that an (n,k)-code C is self-dual if and only if C is self-orthogonal and n = 2k.
15. Decode each of the following vectors using the decoding scheme for the binary Golay code
given in §4.3.
(a) rl = (1110 10000000 1001 0001 1101)

(b) r2=(111100000000001110100111)

(c) r3=(00111ooo00000100 1100 1110)

(d) r4 = (0000 0000 0011 1111 1101 1001)

16. Let R(I,r) be the first order Reed-Muller code.

(a) Prove that R(I,r) is self-orthogonal for r > 2.

(b) Detennine all values of r (if any) for which R(1,r) is self-dual.

17. Give a generator matrix for a binary (l0,5)-self-dual code.

18. Prove that there is no binary self-dual (l0,5,4)-code.

19. Prove that there is no binary self-dual (12,6,6)-code.

20. Modify the decoding algorithm of §4.3 for a self-dual (n,k,8)-code over GF(3).

21. Let G = [[6 B] be a generator matrix for a (12,6)-code Cover GF(3) where
142 Error Correcting Codes

2 2 120 1
022 121
B= 101111
1 222 1 0
1 2 102 2

Suppose it is known that d =6 for this code. Using essentially the algorithm devised in
exercise 20, decode each of the following vectors:
(a) rl =(1100 2022 0022)
(b) r2 = (0201 00220021)

(c) r3 = (1000 0101 2122)

22. Prove that the code given in exercise 21 has distance 6. (Hint: observe that we can pennute
rows and columns of B to get

oI 1 1 1 1
202 1 1 2
221 120

23. Let C be the (12,6,6)-code over GF(3) having generator matrix G = [/6 B] with B as given
in exercise 21.
(a) Detennine the number of codewords in C.
(b) Detennine the number of coset leaders in a standard array for C.

(c) Detennine the number of coset leaders of weight 2 in a standard array for C.

(d) Decode each of the following vectors:

(i) r 1 =(0112 2022 1010) (ii) r2 =(1000 01012122)

24. Let the parity check matrix for a binary (n,k)-code C be

Some Special Linear Codes 143

H= 00101110
001 1 100 1

(a) Detennine n and k, and find a generator matrix G for C.

(b) Detennine whether or not C is a self-dual code.

(c) Determine the distance d of C, and discuss the error correcting and detecting capabili-
ties ofC.

(d) Determine (if possible) the error pattern associated with each of the following
received vectors: (i) r1 =(0101 0111) (ii) r2 =(lOll 1011)
(e) In a standard array for C are there any coset leaders having weight 3 or more?


25. Show that the two definitions of the Hadamard transform ~ given in §4.2 are equivalent.

26. Let C be a binary (n,1I2(n-1» code, n odd. Suppose C is a self-orthogonal code (ie.
C !: Col). An augmented code C' is obtained from C by adding the complement of every
codeword as a codeword. Prove that C' = Col.

27. Let H be an Hadamard matrix of order n. Let v1,v2' ... , vn be its rows. Consider the set
of vectors {vltv2, ... , vn,-vt>-v2, ... , -vn }. If we change all l's to O's and all-l's to l's
we get 2n binary n-tuples. Show that these n-tuples form an [n,2n]-code C over A = {O,l}
having distance n 12.

For exercises 28 through 41 we will require thefol/owing definition and notation:

Let v =(v1,v2' ... , v,) andw =(w1,W2' ... , w,) be binary t =2m tuples for some m ~ 1. Define

Form an array B1 whose columns are all binary m-tuples and label the rows of B1 as
U1,U2, ... 'Um (B1 is an mx2m matrix). For each k, 1 ~ k ~ mform an (k)X2m matrix Bk asfol-
lows: For each subset {i1,iz, ... ,ik} of {1,2,... ,m} there is a row of Bk corresponding to the
vector UjlUj2 .•• Uj. where this k-fold product is defined in terms of the product above. Define Bo
144 Error Correcting Codes

to be the all l' s vector and let


Finally, we will refer to the columns of Bk and G by the corresponding columns of B l'

28. Construct G for each of the cases m = 2, k = 2; m = 3, k = 3; m =4, k = 3.

29. For each of the cases in exercise 28 detennine the parameters (n,l) for the binary linear
code generated by G.

30. Let B~ be a (~)X(~) matrix obtained from Bk by using only the columns labelled with
weight k columns of B 1• (There are precisely (~) columns of this type.).

(a) Prove that B: has exactly one 1 in each row and column.
(b) Prove that you can pennute the columns of Bk to obtain the identity matrix.

31. (a) For given m and k =m prove that the columns of G can be pennuted to obtain a
matrix with all l's down the main diagonal and O's below the main diagonal (Hint:
Pennute columns of G so that weight i-I columns of B 1 precede weight i columns,
1 SiS m. Then pennute weight i columns so that B j' is the identity.).

(b) Prove that the rows of G are linearly independent.

(c) For given m and any k, 0 S k S m, prove that G is a generator matrix for a (2 m ,/)_
binary code where I =Lj~O (7).
(The code generated by G is called the k'th order Reed-Muller code of length 2m and is
denotedR(k,m). This generalizes the results at the beginning of this chapter.)

Exercises 32-38 deal with the distance of R(k,m) codes.

32. Determine the distance in R(k,3) for k = 1,2 and 3.

33. Show that the weight of any row in B k is 2m - k •
Some Special Linear Codes 145

(Hint. If there is a 1 in row UjlUj2 . . • Ujl and column c then there must be a 1 in vector Ujl

in column cforeachj, 1 ~j ~k.)

34. Permute the columns of G, a generator matrix for R(k,m), such that row ul of Bl has the
form ul = (u,w) where u is the 0 vector of length 2m- 1 and w is the vector of all l's of
length 2m- I . Denote the resulting matrix by G'. Let G; be the matrix obtained from G' by
taking the rows of G' and the first 2m- 1 columns. Let G; be the matrix obtained from G'
by taking the rows of G' and the last 2m- 1 columns.

(a) Prove that the rows of G; span a R(k,m-1). (Notice that G; is not a generator matrix
since it has repeated rows.)

(b) Prove that the rows of G~ span a R (k-1 ,m-1).

35. Using exercises 33 and 34 and mathematical induction onm, prove that the distance of
R(k,m) is 2m - k .

36. For m = 2t + 1 > 0, determine the rate of an R (t ,m) code.

37. From exercise 33 we see that every row in Bk' 0 ~ k ~ m-1, has even weight.

(a) Show that any row from B j is orthogonal with any row from B j for 0 ~ i ~ m-l, and
j ~m-i-1.

(b) Using (a) deduce that the dual of R(k,m) is precisely R(m-1-k, m).

38. Compute the weight enumerator of R(m-1,m).

39. Compute the weight enumerator for the binary linear code with block length 16 generated
byB2 •

40. Compute the weight enumerator for the binary linear code with block length 16 generated
by B3'

41. Let v and w be two distinct rows of B k • Determine the weight of v + w.

Chapter 5


5.1 Introduction
One of the most important classes of linear codes is the class of cyclic codes. In general
these codes are much easier to implement and hence have great practical importance. From an
algebraic viewpoint they are also of considerable interest. Many of the codes we have already
investigated are cyclic or derived from cyclic codes. We begin our study by defining a cyclic

Definition. A subspace S of Vn(F) is a cyclic subspace if whenever

(ala2".a n-lan ) E S then (a nala2".an-l) E S.

In other words, S is a subspace and for each vector a E S, every cyclic shift of a is also in

Definition. A linear code C is a cyclic code if C is a cyclic subspace.

Since cyclic codes are linear, a cyclic code necessarily contains the codeword 0 and is
closed under addition.

Example 1.

(i) S =(OOOO)} !: V4(Z2) is trivially a cyclic subspace.

(ii) S = (0000),(1111)} !: V4(Z2) is a cyclic subspace.

(iii) S = {(OOOOOOO), (1011100), (0101110), (0010111), (1110010), (0111001), (1001011),

(1100101)} is a cyclic subspace in V7 (Z2)'

(iv) The following subset of V4(Z2) is not a cyclic subspace.

S ={(OOOO), (1001), (1100), (0110), (0011), (0111), (1011), (1101)}.
Every cyclic shift of (0111) is not in S. In fact, S is not even a subspace, as it is not
closed under vector addition.
148 Error Correcting Codes

(v) s = {(OOO), (210), (021), (102), (201), (120), (012), (222), (111)} is a cyclic subspace
of dimension 2 in V3 (Z3).

There are several questions which arise.

1. How can cyclic subspaces be constructed?

2. For a given value of k, can a k-dimensional cyclic subspace of Vn(F) be constructed?

3. How many cyclic subspaces does Vn(F) contain?

4. Which vectors in a cyclic subspace S have the property that the vector and its cyclic
shifts will generate all of S?

With respect to this last question, consider for example the 4-dimensional subspace S of
V 6(Z2) generated by the vectors vl = (111000), v2 = (011100), v3 = (001110) and v4 = (000111).
This basis can be obtained from vl and its three cyclic shifts. The vector v =(101010) is also an
element of S, but the cyclic shifts of v generate only a subspace of S of dimension 2.

These questions and many more can be best answered by introducing additional algebraic
structure to Vn(F). We do so in the next section.

5.2 Rings and Ideals

Let us first discuss some concepts briefly mentioned in Chapter 2.

Definition. A commutative ring with unity (R ,+, *) is an algebraic structure consisting of a set of
elements R together with two binary operations denoted + and * which satisfy the following
properties for all a, b, c E R.

(i) (R ,+) is an abelian group with identity e.

(ii) (a*b )*c = a* (b*c).
(iii) (a+b)*c =a*c + b*c and c*(a+b) =c*a + c*b.
(iv) There exists an element 1 E R such that a* 1 = 1*a =a.
(v) a*b =b*a.
Cyclic Codes 149

Since the only rings which we will consider will be commutative rings with unity, for our
purposes we will refer to these as simply rings.

Example 2.
(i) The set of all integers under addition and multiplication forms a ring (Z,+,*), usually
denoted simply Z.

(ii) The set of integers modulo a positive integer n form a ring, usually denoted Zn.

(iii) The set of all polynomials in an indeterminate x with coefficients from a field F form
a ring. This ring is usually denoted F[x]. The two operations are the standard poly-
nomial addition and multiplication.

From (iii) we may construct a ring with a finite number of elements as follows. Given any
non-zero polynomial I(x) E F[x], define two polynomials hex), g(x) E F[x] to be congruent
modulo 1(X) if (and only it) I(x) divides hex) - g(x), i.e. hex) and g(x) leave the same
remainder when divided by I(x). Then as in Chapter 2, the congruence relation partitions F[x]
into equivalence classes, with the equivalence class containing g(x) denoted [g(x)] and defined

[g (x)] = (hex): hex) == g(x) (mod I(x»}.

Let R =F[x]/(f(x» be the set of equivalence classes, i.e.

F[x]/(f(x» = ([g(x)]: g(x) E F[x]}.

Define addition and multiplication of equivalence classes in the natural way, by the rules

[g(x)] + [hex)] = [g(x) + hex)]


[g(x)]*[h(x)] = [g(x)*h(x)].
Then (R ,+,*) is a ring called the ring of polynomials over F modulo I(x). Any polynomial in the
class [g(x)] can be used to represent the class, and we usually take the polynomial of least degree
as the representative. Then the equivalence classes are represented by all polynomials in F[x] of
degree less than the degree of I(x), corresponding to all possible remainders after dividing by
f(x). When the context is clear, we omit the square brackets for the class and write only the
representative, g(x).
150 Error Correcting Codes

Example 3.
As a particular example of this ring, let us consider Z2[x]/(f(x» where/ex) =x3 + 1.

As an example of addition,

As an example of multiplication in this ring,

[l+X2] *[1+x+x2] = [(1+x 2)*(1+x+x2)] = [1+x+x3+x4] = [0]

since x4+x3+x+l =0 (mod lex»~. We observe that x 3+ 1 =0 (mod /(x» implies x 3 = 1

(mod/(x», and hence wherever we see x3 in an expression we can replace it by l.

We now define an important substructure of a ring.

Definition. Let (R ,+,*) be a ring. A nonempty subset 1 of R is called a ideal of the ring if
(i) (/,+) is a group, and

(ii) i*r e 1 for all i eland all r e R.

Ideals will playa fundamental role in our study of cyclic subspaces in Vn(F). In §5.3 we
will establish a 1-1 correspondence between ideals in the ring of polynomials over F modulo
xn-l and cyclic subspaces in Vn(F). This permits us to study cyclic codes through the rich
theory of polynomials.

One simple way to construct an ideal is as follows. Take any non-zero g e R and form the

1= (g*r: re R).

It is easy to verify that 1 is an ideal. It is called the ideal generated by g. It is not always possi-
ble to construct all ideals of a ring in this fashion. When the ring R has the property that for any
ideal 1 of R there exists an element gel such that 1 (g*r: r e R), then R is called a princi-
pal ideal ring. We now prove that F[x] and F[x]/(f(x» are such rings.
Cyclic Codes 151

I Theorem 5.1. F[x] is a principal ideal ring. I

Let I be an ideal of F[x]. If 1= (O) then I is the ideal generated by O. Otherwise,let g(x)
be a monic polynomial of least degree in I, i.e. the highest power of x in g(x) has coeffi-
cient 1. We prove that g(x) generates I. Consider any h(x) e I. By the division algorithm
for polynomials,

h(x) = q(x)g(x) + r(x)

where r(x) =0 or degr(x) < degg(x). Since g(x) e I, it follows from property (ii) that
q(x)g(x) e I, and by (i), h(x) - q(x)g(x) e I so r(x) e I. Since g(x) is a polynomial of
least degree in I, we must have r(x) =0 and thus g(x) divides h(x). This establishes that
g(x) generates I and F[x] is a principal ideal ring. 0

ITheorem 5.2. F[x]/(f(x» is a principal ideal ring. I

Let I be an ideal in R. If I = ([O]), then I is generated by O. Otherwise, let g (x) be a monic
polynomial of least degree which represents some class in I. Then [g(x)] e I. Let
[h(x)] e I. By the division algorithm,

h(x) = q(x)g(x) + r(x)

where degr(x) < degg(x) or r(x) =O. Therefore

[h(x)] = [q(x)g(x) + r(x)] = [q(x)g(x)] + [r(x)].

Since [q(x)g(x)] e I, it follows that [h(x)] - [q(x)g(x)] e I and hence [r(x)] e I. This
implies r(x) = 0, by the choice of g(x). Hence g(x) divides h(x), and g(x) generates I. 0

Example 4.
Consider R=Z2[x]/(f(x» where/(x) =x 6 + I, and the set

I is an ideal in R. It is easy to verify that (/,+) is a group (property (i», and somewhat
more time-consuming, but no harder, to verify property (ii). I is in fact the ideal generated
by g(x) = 1 +x2+X4.
152 Error Correcting Codes

We shall see that the concept of an ideal is central to the study of cyclic subspaces.

5.3 Ideals and Cyclic Subspaces

We know that Vn(F) is an abelian group under vector addition. We now endow Vn(F) with
the properties of a ring by defining a multiplication between any two vectors. The easiest way to
do this is to associate a polynomial in F[x] with each vector in Vn(F). If v = (aoal, then

In order to define a vector multiplication we select the polynomial f(x) =xn-l E F[x]. We
could in fact use any polynomial of degree n in F[x] to define a multiplication, but we shall see
that for our purposes f(x) =xn - 1 is most suitable. Now, for Vl,v2 E Vn(F), let
vI (x )v2(x) = v (x) where v (x) is the polynomial of least degree in the equivalence class
[vI(x)v2(x)] of F[x]/(f(x». In other words, vex) is the remainder polynomial when vI(x)v2(X) is
divided by f(x).

With multiplication defined in this way, and with our association between polynomials and
vectors, we can essentially think of Vn(F) and F[x]/(f(x» interchangeably. Thus an element of
Vn(F) may be considered as an n-tuple over F or a polynomial of degree at most n-l over F.
The components of the n-tuple represent the coefficients of the polynomial, from low order to
high order.
Let us explain the choice of the polynomial f(x) =xn - 1 used to define the multiplication.
Consider v =(aoaI E Vn(F).

Now xn-l == 0 (modf(x» implies xn == 1 (modf(x». Thus

and we see that multiplication by x corresponds to a cyclic shift of v. With this observation we
can establish a fundamental theorem in our study of cyclic codes.
Cyclic Codes 153

Theorem 5.3. A non-empty subset S of Vn(F) is a cyclic subspace if and only if the set of
polynomials 1 associated with S is an ideal in the ring R of polynomials associated with Vn (F).


Assume S is a cyclic subspace. To prove 1 is an ideal, we must verify the two properties of
the definition. The first is easy. That (/,+) is an abelian group follows from S being a sub-
space. To prove the second, that 1 is closed under multiplication by elements from R, we
proceed as follows. Let

Then by our association,

v(x) E I.

Since S is cyclic, (a n -laO ... an-2) E S, and thus xv(x) E I. Since S is a vector space, if
v E S then A.v E S for all A E F. We conclude that "-xiv(x) E 1 for all A E F, 0 ~ i ~ n-l.
Thus a(x)v(x) E 1 where a(x) = L~(lAjxj is any element of the ring R, and the second pro-
perty is verified. Hence 1 is an ideal.

To prove the converse, assume that 1 is an ideal of R. We must prove that S is a vector
space, and that S is a cyclic subspace. That S is a vector space follows from the facts that
(/,+) is a group and that scalar multiplication in S corresponds to multiplication by constant
polynomials. It is easily verified that S now satisfies all properties of a vector space. That
S is a cyclic subspace follows from the fact that 1 is closed under polynomial multiplication
by all r E R, and in particular for r(x) =x, and we have seen that multiplication by x
corresponds to a cyclic shift of the vector corresponding to the multiplicand. 0

In Theorem 5.2 we proved that every ideal in Vn(F) is generated by some element of the
ideal. We now make this more explicit. Recall that f(x) =xn-l is the polynomial we chose in
order to define a vector multiplication.

Theorem 5.4. Let 1 be a non-zero ideal in Vn(F) and let g(x) be a monic polynomial of least
degree which represents some class of I. Then [g(x)] (or less formally g(x» generates 1 and
g(x) divides f(x) =xn_l.
154 Error Correcting Codes


That [g(x)] generates 1 follows from the proof of Theorem 5.2. We must prove g(x)
divides f(x). Let

f(x) =h(x)g(x) + r(x)

where degr(x) < degg(x) or r(x) = O. Then

[f(x)] =[h(x)g(x) + r(x)] =[h(x)][g(x)] + [r(x)].

Since [f(x)] =[0] we have
[r(x)] = [-h (x)][g (x)] E I.

From the degree constraint on r (x), and the choice of g (x), it follows that r(x) = 0 and g (x)
divides f(x). 0

We now prove that this g(x) is unique.

Theorem 5.5. There is a unique monic polynomial of least degree which generates a non-zero
ideal 1 of Vn(F).

Suppose both g(x) and h(x) are monic polynomials of least degree in an ideal I. That is,
degg(x) =degh(x) and degg(x) is a minimum in I. Then g(x) generates 1 and so does h(x).
Since g(x) generates 1 and h(x) E I, then h(x) = a(x)g(x) for some polynomial a(x). Since
h(x) and g(x) have the same degree and are monic, a(x) = 1. Therefore h(x)=g(x), and
the proof is complete. 0

Having proven this, we will refer to the unique monic polynomial of least degree in an
ideal! as the generator polynomial. We note that an ideal may contain many elements which
will generate the ideal, but there is only one such monic polynomial of least degree, which we
single out as the generator polynomial.
Theorem 5.4 proves that the generator polynomial of an ideal 1 must divide f(x) =xn-l.
Consider the converse of this statement. Suppose h(x) is a monic divisor of f(x) and we form
the ideal! = (a(x)h(x): a(x) E R} where R =F[x]/(xn-l), and all polynomials in! are reduced
mod xn-l. Is h(x) the generator polynomial of I? Certainly h(x) is a generator for the ideal, but
is it the monic polynomial of least degree in I? We now see that this is indeed the case.
Cyclic Codes 155

Theorem 5.6. Let hex) be a monic divisor of I(x) =xn-l. Then hex) is the generator polyno-
mial of the ideal 1= (a(x)h(x): a(x) E R} of R = F[x]/(xn-l).

Let g (x) be a monic polynomial of least degree in I. Then g (x) is the generator polynomial
of I and by Theorem 5.4 g(x) divides I(x). Since g(x) E I, there exists a polynomial a(x)
such that

[g(x)] = [a (x)h(x)]


g(x) =a(x)h(x) + l(x)/(x)

for some polynomial/(x). Since hex) divides I(x), hex) divides g(x). Also, g(x) divides
hex) since g(x) is the generator. Both are monic. We conclude that g(x) = hex). 0

Combining the previous results of this section, we obtain the following important conse-

Theorem 5.7. There is a 1-1 correspondence between cyclic subspaces of Vn(F) and monic
polynomials g(x) E F[x] which divide I(x) =xn - 1.

Example 5.

Consider V7(Z2) and I (x) =X7 - 1. A complete factorization of I (x) over Z2 is

The monic divisors of I(x) are

g2(X) =x +1
156 Error Correcting Codes

g5(X) =(x+l)(x 3 + X2 + 1)
g6(x) =(x+l)(x 3+x+l)
g7(x) =(x 3+x2+1)(x 3+x+l)
gs(x) =I(x).
g6(X) generates the cyclic subspace

s = {(OOOOOOO), (1011100), (0101110), (0010111),

(1001011), (1100101), (1110010), (0111001)}.

g7(X) generates the cyclic subspace

s = {(OOOOOOO), (1111111)}.
V7 (Z2) contains precisely 8 cyclic subspaces.

The theory we have developed so far answers questions 1, 3 and 4 given at the beginning of
this chapter. We summarize with the following statement.

Theorem 5.8. Let I(x) =xn-l have factorization I(x) = pfl (X)p;l(X) ... PtQ/(x) where Pj(x)
are distinct irreducible monic polynomials over F, and aj are positive integers, 1 SiS t. Then
Vn(F) contains

cyclic subspaces.

Since the factorization of xn - 1 into irreducible factors is so important to the study of

cyclic subspaces, we include Table 3 giving the factorization of xn-l over GF(2) for small
values of n. The factorization of xn - lover GF(q) is discussed in §5.8.

We have seen that if g (x) is a monic divisor of I(x) =xn - lover F then g(x) is the genera-
tor polynomial of a cyclic subspace S. We now show that the degree of g(x) determines the the
dimension of the subspace it generates.
Cyclic Codes 157

Table 3. Factorization of xn-l over GF(2)

n factorization
2 (1+x)2
3 (l+x)(I+x+x2)
4 (1+x)4
5 (l+x)(I+x+X2+x3+X4)
6 (l+x)2(1+x+X2)2
7 (1+x)(1+x+x3)(1+x2+x3)
8 (1+x)8
9 (1+x)(1+x+x2)(1+x3+x~
lO (l+x)2(I+x+x2+x3+X4)2
11 (1+x)(1+x+· .. +xl~
12 (1+x)4(1+x+x2)4
13 (l+x)(1+x+ ... +X12)
14 (I+X)2(1+x+x3)2(I+x2+x3~2
15 (l+x)(I+x+X2)(I+x+x2+x +x4)(I+x+x4)(I+x3+x4)
16 (1+x)16
17 (1 +x )(1 +x+x2+x4+x6+x7+x8)( 1+x3+X4+x5+x 8)
18 (1+x)2(1+x+x2)2(1+x3+x6)2
19 (1+x)(I+x+x 2+ . .. +x 18 )
20 (1 +x)\l+x+x2+x3+x4)4
21 (l+x)(1+x+x2)(1+x2+x3)(1+x+x3)(I+x2+x4+x5+x6)(1+x+x2+x4+x6)
22 (1+x)2(1+x+x2+ ... +x lO )2
23 (1+x) (1+x+x5+X6+X7+x9+x 11) (1+x2+x4+x5+x6+x lO+x 11)
24 (l+x)8(1+x+x2)8
25 (l+x)(I+x+x2+x3+X4)(1+x5+x lO+X15+x20).

Theorem 5.9. Let g(x) be a monic divisor of xn - lover F having degree n - k. Then g(x) is
the generator polynomial for a cyclic subspace of Vn(F) of dimension k.


Let S be the cyclic subspace of Vn(F) generated by g(x). and consider the set of vectors
corresponding to

B= (g(x).xlg(x) •...• Xk-lg(x)}.

We claim that B is a basis for S. To prove this. we show that the set B is linearly indepen-
dent and spans all of S.
158 Error Correcting Codes

Consider any linear combination such that

1: AjXjg(X) =0, AjEF.

The only tenn which contains x n- 1 is Ak_lxk-1g(x). Since the degree of xk-lg(x) is less
than n, Ak-l =O. By similar reasoning we get Aj =0, 0 s: is: k-l, and thus B is a linearly
independent set.

Now consider any element h(x) E S. Since g(x) is the generator of S

h(x) =a (x)g (x)

for some polynomial a(x). Without loss of generality, we may assume a(x) to be of degree
less than k, since otherwise, dega(x)g(x) ~ n and for some q(x),

a(x)g(x) = q(x)(xn-I) + r(x)

where degr(x) s: n - I or r(x)=O. Now g(x) divides xn - 1, so g(x) divides r(x) and
r(x) = a'(x)g(x) for some a'(x), dega'(x) s: k - 1. We can then use a'(x) in place of a(x).
Therefore without loss of generality a(x) can be written
k-l .
a (x) = 1: AjX' .

h(x) = 1:AjXjg(x)

and B spans the space S. Since B is a linearly independent set that spans S, B is a basis for
Sand S has dimension k. 0

This provides us with the answer to question 2 which was asked in §5.1. To construct a
cyclic subspace of dimension k in Vn(F), i.e. a cyclic (n,k)-code over F, we require a monic
divisor of xn - 1 which has degree n-k.
Cyclic Codes 159

Example 6.

Suppose we wish to construct a binary cyclic (7 A)-code. Since g (x) = x 3 + X + 1 is a

monic divisor of x 7 - 1, g(x) generates a cyclic subspace in V7(Z2) of dimension 4.

Example 7.
Suppose we wish to construct a binary cyclic (15,9)-code. Since g(x) = (1+x+x2)(1+x+x4)
is a monic divisor of x I5 - lover Z2 and g(x) has degree 6, g(x) generates a cyclic sub-
space of dimension 9.

5.4 Generator Matrices and Parity·Check Matrices

Let g(x) be the generator of a cyclic (n,k)-code Cover F. From the previous section we
know that g(x) will have degree n-k, and each codeword in C will have the form a(x)g(x).
From the proof of Theorem 5.9, we may assume dega(x) ~ k-l. Knowing this, we let the mes-
sage space consist of all polynomials over F of degree less than or equal to k-l. The channei
encoder then encodes the message polynomial a(x) to the codeword a(x)g(x). Since a(x)g(x)
has degree at most n-1, no reduction modulo I(x) =xn-1 is necessary. A generator matrix for
C is then given in terms of g (x) by

G= x2g(x)

Consider I(x) =x 7 - 1. g(x) = 1 + x + x 3 generates a (7,4)-cyclic code over Z2' The mes-
sage space consists of all polynomials over q of degree at most 3. The polynomial
a(x) =1 + x 2 + x 3 encodes to the codeword polynomial a(x)g(x)
= 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x4 + x 5 + x 6. In terms of binary vectors, the message 4-tuple (1011)
encodes to the codeword (1111111). A generator matrix is
160 Error Correcting Codes

g(x) 1101000
19(X) 0110100
2g (X) = 0011010'
3g (X) 0001101

To encode a = (1011), compute aG = (1111111).

Now that we have a polynomial approach to describe a cyclic code C, we consider the
related polynomial representation of the dual code C.L of C. We shall see that C.L is a cyclic
code if C is cyclic.
Consider hex) = [(x)/g(x) where [(x) = xn - 1 and g(x) is a monic divisor of [(x), and
g(x) generates C. If degg(x) =n-k, then degh(x) =k. Since g(x) is monic, so is hex). It fol-
lows that hex) generates a cyclic code C' of dimension n-k. Now consider
Cl(x) = al(x)g(X) E C and c2(x) = a2(x)h(x) E C'. Then

Therefore, using polynomial multiplication mod [(x), any codeword from C multiplies with any
codeword from C' to give the polynomial 0, corresponding to the codeword O. Does this imply
that C' is the dual code of C? The answer is no, because the product of two polynomials in
F[x]I(f(x» being 0 does not imply that the corresponding vectors in Vn(F) are orthogonal, i.e.
have inner product 0 over F. However, we now show that the codes C' and C.L are closely
related - they are equivalent codes.

Consider two vectors


b =(bobl 1) E C',

and the product
n-l . n-l. n-l.
a(x)b(x) = ( l:aix' )( l:bjX') == l:CjX' (modx n -1)
i=O j=O i=O

for some ci E F. The constant term in this product is

Cyclic Codes 161

since xn == 1 (mod f (x». Now Co can be written as the inner product

Co = a'b,
where b is the n-tuple obtained from b by cyclically shifting b one position to the left and then
reversing the order of components. Observe that multiplying r.r:;/Cjx j by x n- t results in ct being
the constant term, and hence the constant term in the product

a(x) (x n- t b(x».


ct = a'b,
where b is now the n-tuple associated with the polynomial xn-tb(x). In tenns of b(x), b is the
vector obtained by cyclically shifting b t+ 1 positions to the left and then reversing the order of
the components.

Example 9.

Consider n =3, and the vectors a = (aOala2), b =(boblb~. Then modulox 3-1,

a(x)b(x) =(aO+alx+a~2)(bo+bIX+b2X2)
=(aobO+a lb2+a2bl) + (aobl+a 1bo+a2b2)x + (aob2+albl+a2bo)x2.
The coefficient of x O is a·(bob2bl)' (bob2bl) is obtained from b by shifting b cyclically
3-0-1 = 2 positions to (b l b2bo) and reordering the coefficients last to ftrst, yielding
(bob2 b l)'

Now since a (x)b (x) == 0 (mod xn - 1), the coefficient of each power of x must be O. From the
discussion above, this implies that a'c = 0 (Le. a and c are orthogonal) where c is any cyclic shift
of the vector obtained from b by reversing the components of b. Since hex) generates C',
(h(x), xh(x), ... , xn-k-1h(x)} is a basis for C' and
162 Error Correcting Codes



is a generator matrix for C'. Now G' generates the code C', which has the same dimension n-k
as Col. Furthermore, taking b(x) in the above arguments to be h(x) itself, we see that the reverse
of every vector in C' is orthogonal to every vector in C. It follows that if we reorder the
columns of G' last to ftrst, we obtain a matrix H which generates Col, and hence is a parity-check
matrix for C.

Example 10.
Suppose we wish to construct a generator matrix and a parity-check matrix for a (7,4)-
binary cyclic code. Since g(x) = 1 +x +x3 divides f(x) =x7 - 1, g(x) generates a (7,4)-
cyclic code C. h(x) =f(x)/g(x) = 1 +x +x2+x4 generates a (7,3)-cyclic code C'. A gen-
erator matrix for C is

1 1 0 1 0 0 0]
19(x) o1
1 0 100
- 2g(x) =0011010'
3g (x) 0001101

A generator matrix for C' is

G'= [1:~~1=
!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l·
0 0 1 1 1 0 1

Writing the columns of G' last to ftrst, a generator matrix for Col is

H= [0 1 0 1 1 10.

A simple check veriftes that GHT = O.

Since C' and Col can be obtained from each other by simply reversing the components in all
vectors, C' and Col are equivalent codes. C' is often referred to as the dual code of C even
though the dual is actually Col. h(x) is often said to generate the dual code even though it
Cyclic Codes 163

actually generates a code which is only equivalent to the dual. It is easy to see from the con-
struction of H that Col is also a cyclic code.

In order to describe Col in terms of a generator polynomial for a cyclic code C, it is con-
venient to make the following definition.

Definition. Let h(x) ='"Lf='Jajxj be a polynomial of degree k (ak';tO). Define the reciprocal
polynomial hR(x) of h(x) by

k .
hR(x) = :I:ak-ix'.

Note that hR(x)=x k'h(lIx), where k = degh(x). With this, we then have the following

Theorem 5.10. Let g(x) be a monic divisor of J(x) =xn-1 (over F) of degree n-k, and hence
the generator for a cyclic (n,k)-code. Let h(x) = J(x)/g(x). Then hR(x), the reciprocal polyno-
mial of h(x), generates Col.

The polynomial h(x) itself is sometimes called the parity-check polynomial.

5.5 Encoding Cyclic Codest

Let g(x) be the generating polynomial for a cyclic (n,k)-code Cover F. A generator
matrix G for C of the fonn [R I k ] may be constructed as follows. Divide x n- k +j by g(x) for
o S; i S; k-l. This gives

where degrj(x) < degg(x) =n-k or rj(x) =O. Then

x n- k+j - rj(x) = qj(x)g(x) e C.

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

164 Error Correcting Codes

If we take the coefficient vectors corresponding to X n- le+i - ri(x) as the rows of a matrix, we get a
generator matrix of the form [R lie]' where the rows of R correspond to -ri(x), 0 s: is: k-l.

Example 11.
Consider the binary cyclic (7,4 )-code of example 10, generated by g (x) = 1 + x + x 3• By
the division algorithm, we compute

x 3 =(l)(x 3+x+l) + (1+x)

x4 = (x)(x"+x+ 1) + (x+x2)

x 5 = (x 2+1)(x 3+x+1) + (1+x+x2)

x 6 = (x 3+x+l)(x 3+x+1) + (1+x 2).

A generator matrix for the code is hence

1 1 0 1 000 110
o1 1 0 1 0 0 011
G= 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 =[R 14] where R = 1 1 1
1 0 1 000 1 101

The rows of R correspond to the polynomials 1 +x, x +x2, 1 +x +x2 and 1 +x 2• A mes-
sage 111=(1011) would be encoded as c =mG =(100 1011).
Now consider the message polynomial
a(x) = Laixi.

We know that a(x)g(x) is a codeword but given a(x)g(x) the information symbols are not evi-
dent. If G =[R lie] is a generator matrix for C, then the message symbols (aoaI ...ale-I) appear in
the last k positions of the codeword. The codeword corresponding to the message a(x) can be
determined through polynomial operations as follows. Dividexn-lea(x) by g(x) to get

xn-Ica(x) = q(x)g(x) + t(x)


q(x)g(x) =-t(x) + xn-Ica(x),

Cyclic Codes 165

where t(x) =0 or degt(x) < degg(x) =n - k. Then q(x)g(x) is a codeword with the k informa-
tion symbols (aoal ...ak-l) as the last k components, and n-k parity-check symbols, the coeffi-
cients of -t(x), as the first n-k components.

Example 12.
Again, consider g(x) = 1 +x +x 3, which generates a binary cyclic (7,4)-code. Suppose we
wish to fmd a codeword c which has the information symbols (lOll) in the last 4 positions.
Let a(x) = 1 + x 2 + x 3• Dividing x 3a(x) by g(x),

x 3a(x) =(x 3+x 2+x+I)g(x) + 1


Therefore c = (100 1011) is the codeword with the information symbols (1011) in the high
order positions. Compare to example 11.

Let C be a cyclic (n,k)-code with generator polynomial

g(x) = gO+glX+ ... +gn_k_1Xn-k-l+xn-k

and generator matrix G = [R I k ]. The rows of R are the negated coefficients of the remainder
polynomials rj(x), 0 S; i S; k-1 where

degrj(x) < degg(x) or rj(x) =O. The n-k parity-check symbols for the information symbols
(aOal ... ak-l) are given by

In the binary case we can translate these observations into a simple efficient algorithm, suitable
for hardware implementation, for encoding the message m =(aoal ...ak-l) to the codeword
C =(soSl",sn-k-laOal ... ak-l)'
166 Error Correcting Codes

Encoding Algorithm for Binary Cyclic Codes.

Let g " =(g081 ... gn-k-l)'

Let the message symbols be (aoal ... ak-l)'
Let the parity-check symbols to be found be s = (SoSl ... Sn-k-l)'

(1) Set Sj = 0, 05. j S n-k-1.

(2) Set i =1.

(3) If ak-i =sn-k-l then
for j from n-k-I to I, set Sj = Sj-l-
for j from n-k-I to I, set Sj = Sj-l + gj.
So =go·
(4) i =i + 1.
(5) If i > k, stop. Otherwise, go to (3).

A brief explanation of the algorithm follows. Using the generator matrix G =[R Ikl, then
as discussed above, the n-k parity-check symbols corresponding to the message a(x) are the
coefficients of -t(x) where

xn-ka(x) = q(x)g(x) + leX).

To compute I(X), we computexn-ka(x) (modg(x». Now since

a(x) = ao+a}x + ... +ak_lxk-1,

we have

Nesting the multiplications, this may be computed as

( ... « ,ak-lx
I n-")x + a,,-iXn-")x + a,,-3Xn-k)x +... )x + aoXn-k .

Each parenthesized expression, starting with the innermost, corresponds to an iteration of the
algorithm. Reduction modulo g(x) is carried out during each iteration, and the current partial
sum, which corresponds to s, is always a polynomial of degree at most n-k-l. During the ;th
Cyclic Codes 167

iteration, s is multiplied by x (corresponding to a logical shift of s), and to this is added ak_iXn-k.
Now s may have degree n-k, due to the appearance of the term x n- k from either the shift or the
addition. To carry out reduction modulo g (x), the term x n- k is reduced by deleting it and adding
back g'(x) =g(x) - x n- k (since x n- k '5 g'(x) (mod g(x»). This is sometimes referred to as "using
feedback". If sn-k-l = 1 before the shift ofs, then the shift will produce anxn- k term, necessi-
tating feedback. If ak-i = 1, this also necessitates feedback. If both sn-k-l and ak-i are 1, then
xn- k + xn- k '5 0 (mod 2), and they cancel one another. Hence feedback is necessary during itera-
tion j if and only if sn-k-l ¢ ak-i' After the kth iteration, the (n-k)-tuple s corresponds to

xn-ka(x) (mod g(x», and provides the n-k parity-check symbols sought.
Note that using this encoding scheme, the generator matrix G = [R Ik ] need not be con-
structed explicitly or stored.

Example 13.

In the previous example, g (x) = 1 + x + x 3 generates a binary cyclic (7,4)-code. We encode

the message m = (lOll) as follows. We have g = (g~lg2) = (110), (aoala2a3) = (1011),
and start with (so8ls2) =(000).

o 000
1 110 1
2 101 1
3 100 0
4 100 1
The parity-check symbols are (100) and we encode to the codeword c=(100 1011).

Example 14.
Let g (x) = 1 + X4 + x 6 + X7 + x 8 be the generator for a binary (15 ,7)-code C. We encode the
message m =(1011011) as follows. We have a=(1000 1011).
168 Error Correcting Codes

s ak-i

0 00000000
1 1000 1011 1
2 0100 0101 1
3 1010 1001 0
4 01010100 1
5 1010 0001 1
6 11011011 0
7 0110 1101

The message m is encoded to the codeword c = (0110 1101 1011011).

5.6 Syndromes and Simple Decoding Procedures

Suppose C is a cyclic (n,k)-code over F and let g(x) be the generator polynomial for C.
From §5.5, a generator matrix is

where R is a k x n-k matrix whose ;Ih row is derived from the coefficients of
ri(x) =x n- k+i - qj(x)g(x), 0 ~ i ~ k-l. We write


A parity-check matrix for C is

If r is an n-tuple, then HrT = s is the syndrome of r. Of course, the syndrome of a vector

depends on the parity-check matrix. One reason for this particular choice of H as a parity-check
matrix is the convenient polynomial interpretation that it provides for the syndrome s =HrT of a
vector r, as given by the following result.
Cyclic Codes 169

Theorem 5.11. Let r(x) and s(x) be the respective polynomial representations of a vector r
and its syndrome s. Then s(x) is the remainder polynomial when r(x) is divided by g(x).

Suppose r(x)=aO+alx+ .. , +an_lX n- 1• Noting that column i, OSi Sn-k-l, of H
corresponds to the polynomial xi and column i, n-k SiS n-l, corresponds to rj-n+k(X),

s = HrT , so that
s(x) = ao + alx + ... + an_k_lXn-k-l + an-krO(x) + .. , + an-lrk-l(x)

= r(x) - h(x)g(x)

where h(x) =an-kqO(X) + ... + an-lqk-l(X). Thus s(x) =r(x) - h(x)g(x), which implies
r(x) =h(x)g(x) + s(x). Now since degrj(x) S n-k-l, it follows that degs(x) S n-k-l.
Hence by the uniqueness of the quotient and remainder in the division algorithm for poly-
nomials, we conclude that s(x) is the remainder when r(x) is divided by g(x). 0

Therefore the syndrome of a vector can be determined by polynomial division. Further-

more, the syndrome of a vector and its cyclic shift are closely related. Suppose

r(x) = q(x)g(x) + s(x),

where s(x) has degree at most n-k-l. Then by Theorem S.I1, s(x) is the syndrome of r(x).

xr(x) =xq(x)g(x) + xs(x).

Ifxs(x) has degree at most n-k-l, then again by Theorem 5.11, it is the syndrome of xr(x). Oth-
erwise, the syndrome of xr(x) is the remainder when xs(x) is divided by g(x). In this case, let
n-k-l . t.\- k 1
s(x) = 1: SjX' = S\x) + Sn_k_lXn- -, degs~x) S n-k-2.

Let the (monic) generator polynomial be

170 Error Correcting Codes

n-k .
g(X) = 1:giX' = itX) +Xn- k, degg"(x) S n-k-l.


xs(x) = xftx) + Sn-k-l(g(X) - g'(X»

= sn-k-lg (x) + (xftX) - Sn-k-lg'(X»,

where deg(xftx) - Sn_k_lg'(X» S n-k-l. Now by the uniqueness of the remainder in the division
algorithm, and Theorem 5.11, we see that the syndrome of xs(x) is xs(x) - sn-k-lg(X). We sum-
marize as follows.

Theorem 5.12. Let C be a cyclic (n,k)-code over F with generator polynomial g(x), and let
r(x) be a polynomial with syndrome s(x) =r.i~Ok-lsiXi. Then the syndrome of x r(x) is

(1) x s(x), if degs(x) < n-k-l, and

(2) x s(x) - sn-k-lg(X), if degs(x) =n-k-l.

Example 15.
Let g (x) = 1 + x + x 3 be the generator polynomial for a binary cyclic (7,4)-code. From
example 11, a generator matrix for the code is

G = [R 14] = 1 1 10 0 10 .
1 0 1 000 1

A parity-check matrix is therefore

H = [/3 _RT] = r~ ~ ~ ! ~ ! ~l.

Consider r = (1011011). The syndrome of r is HrT = (OOll = s. Now

Hwe divide r(x) by g(x), we get

Cyclic Codes 171

r(x) =(.x3+x2+x+l)g(x) +x 2•

The remainder polynomial is s(x) =x2, and as expected this is the syndrome which we
obtain from the computation H rr.
Let us now compute the syndrome of a cyclic shift of r. A cyclic shift of r yields the vec-
tor w = (1101101), corresponding to the polynomial xr(x). Now

Hw1' =(1lOl =t.

We can compute this syndrome using polynomial operations as follows. Since
degs(x) =2 =n-k-1, t(x) is
xs(.x) - l'g(x) =x3 - (x3+x+l) =1 +x.

The preceding observations lead us to an interesting method of decoding certain error pat-
terns in cyclic codes. The technique is sometimes referred to as error trapping. We ftrst make
the following deftnition.

Definition. A cyclic run of length kSn is a succession of k cyclically consecutive components in

an n-tuple.

For example, e =(0100 0101) has a cyclic run of three O's, and e =(0011 0100) has a cyclic run

We now proceed to describe a decoding strategy. Suppose C is an (n,k)-code with distance

d =2t + 1 and parity-check matrix H =[/n- k A]. Let c be a codeword and e be an error pattern
of weight at most t. If r = c + e is received, then the syndrome of r is

s=HrT =H(c+e)T =HeT.

Let Q=(sT ,0), where 0 is the k-tuple of all O's. Then HQT =s, and Qand e have the same syn-
drome, implying by Theorem 3.10 that aand e are in the same coset of C. Now suppose
w(s) St. Then w(a) S t, and it follows that e =a, since by Theorem 3.9, any coset of C contains
at most one vector of weight less than or equal to t. Hence the error is known to be e =(sT ,0).
Now suppose C is cyclic with generating polynomial g(.x). Let e be an error pattern of
weight at most t with a cyclic run of at least k O's. Then there is some i, 0 SiS n-1, such that a
cyclic shift of e through i positions is a vector whose non-zero components all lie within the frrst
n-k components. For this i, w(Sj(x» S t, where Sj(.x) is the syndrome of xje(x) (modxn-l). If
we compute Sj(x) as the remainder of xjr(x) divided by g(x), then when w(Sj(x» S t, for this i,
172 Error Correcting Codes

by the above argument,

Thus e(x) =xn-j(Sj,O), where xn-j(Sj,O) is a cyclic shift of vector (Sj,O) through n - i positions
(i.e. Xn-jSj(x) (modx n-l». Computing Sj(x) from Sj_l(x) using Theorem 5.12, this gives rise to
the following algorithm.

Decoding Algorithm for Binary Cyclic Codes (Error Trapping).

Let C be a t-error correcting cyclic (n,k)-code with generator polynomial g(x).
Let Sj(x) denote the syndrome of xjr(x).
Let e(x) be an error pattern, wee) ~ t, containing a cyclic run of at least k O's.
Decode the received vector rex) = c(x) + e(x) to c(x) as follows.
(1) Compute the syndrome so(x) of rex) from the division algorithm.

rex) = q(x)g(x) + so(x).

(2) i =0.
(3) If w(Sj(x» ~ t, then set e(x) =x n- j (Sj ,0), and decode to rex) - e(x).

(4) Set i =i+1.

(5) If i =n then stop; the error pattern is not trappable.
(6) Ifdegsj_l(X) < n-k-l, then set Sj(x)=XSi-l(x);
otherwise set Sj(x)=XSj_l(X)-g(x).

(7) Go to (3).
To use the above algorithm for non-binary cyclic codes, the computation of Sj(x) in step (6)
should be replaced by the more general form of Theorem 5.12.

Example 16.
g(x) = 1 + x 2 + x 3 generates a binary (7,4)-cyclic code C having distance 3. Consider the
code polynomial c(x) = a (x)g (x) where a(x) = 1 +x +x2. That is, c(x) 1 +x +XS. Sup-
pose on transmission the error polynomial e(x) =x 6 is introduced. Then
rex) = 1 + x + x S + x 6 is received at the decoder. We compute the syndrome of r(x) by
dividing by g (x).
Cyclic Codes 173

r(x) = (x3+1)g(x) + (x+X2)

S(X) =x +X 2.

Since w(s(x» > 1 we compute the syndrome sl(x) of xr(x). This is easily obtained from
s(x). Since degs(x) =2 =n-k-l, we multiply s(x) by x and subtract g(x) to get Sl(X) = 1.
Since w(sl) ~ 1 we determine the error pattern to be

Since for n=7 all error patterns of weight one have a cyclic run of six O's, and 6 ~ k = 4,
this technique will correct all single errors in C.

Example 17.
g(x) = 1 +x4 +x6 +x7 +x8 generates a (15,7)-cyclic code over Z2. Suppose the distance in
this code is known to be 5. Any error pattern having weight at most 2 must contain a run of
O's of length at least 7. Thus, the decoding procedure outlined above will correct all single
and double errors. Using this technique we decode the received 15-tuple

r =(11001110 1100010).
We first compute the syndrome polynomial s(x) of r(x) by the division algorithm.

r(x) =(x 5+x4+x2+x)g(x) + (1 + x 2 + x 5 + x 7)

S(x) = 1 +x2+x5+ x7.

We compute the syndrome Sj(x) of xir(x) until w(Sj(x»::; 2.


0 1010 0101
2 11100111
3 1111 1000
4 0111 1100
5 00111110
6 00011111
7 10000100
174 Error Correcting Codes

Since W (s7) S 2 the error pattern is

We decode r to r - e =(1100 11100100 (00).

Example 18.

g(x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x4 + x S+ x 8 + x lO generates a cyclic (15,5)-code having distance 7.

Any error pattern of weight 3 or less must contain a run of at least 50's unless it is
~ = (10000 10000 10000) or any cyclic shift of this. Thus, the decoding scheme of this sec-
tion will correct all error patterns of weight 3 or less except for ~ and its cyclic shifts. We
can modify our decoding scheme to correct these error patterns also. Note that the syn-
drome of t(x) is 1 +X S+ 'I(X) where 'l(x) is the remainder when x lO is divided by g(x).
So for a received vector r we compute the syndromes Sj(x) of xj,(x), 0 SiS 14, and now
check whether w(Sj) S 3 or w(sj-r l ) S 2. In the latter case, the error pattern is xIS-j(Sj-rl'

(i) Suppose the decoder receives

r = (11110 10100 11101).

We compute Sj(x) starting at i =O.

o 01100 00100

Since w(so) S 3, the error pattern is

We decode r to r - e = (10010 10000 11101).

(ii) Suppose the decoder receives

r = (11100 01111 00100).

We compute the syndromes Sj(x) of xj,(x), i = 0,1,2, .... We also compute Sj(x) - 'leX),
where 'I(X) is found to be 'l(x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x4 + x S+ x 8.
Cyclic Codes 175

Sj(X) Sj(x}-rl (x)

0 00110 10001 1101100011

1 1111011010 0001101000
2 0111101101 10010 11111
3 11010 00100 0011110110
4 0110100010 10000 10000

Since W(S4-rl) ~ 2 the error pattern is

e = Xl 1(10000 10000 10000) = (01000 01000 01000).

We decode r to r - e = (10100 00111 01100).

S.7 Burst Error Correcting

The codes we have considered so far have been designed to correct random errors. In gen-
eral, a I-error correcting code corrects all error patterns of weight I or less in a codeword of
block length n. It may be, however, that certain channels introduce errors localized in short
intervals rather than at random. For example. in storage mediums. errors resulting from physical
irregularities or structural alteration, perhaps flaws in the original medium or damage due to
wear and tear. are not independent, but rather tend to be spatially concentrated. Similarly.
interference over short time intervals in serially transmitted radio signals causes errors to occur
in bursls. There exist codes for correcting such burSI errors. Many of these codes are cyclic.
We briefly consider burst-error correcting codes in this section.

Definition. A cyclic bursl error of length I is a vector whose non-zero components are
contained within a cyclic run of length I, the first and last components in the run being non-zero.

Note that a cyclic burst may wrap around from the end of the vector to the beginning.

Example 19.
(i) el =(01010110000) is a burst oflength 6 in V 11 (Z2)'

(ii) e2 =(0000 0010 001) is a burst of length 5 in V11 (Z~.

(iii) e3 =(01 00 0000 100) is a burst of length 5 in V11 (Z~.
176 Error Correcting Codes

We can describe a burst error of length I in tenns of a polynomial as

e(x) =xjb(x) (modxn-l),

where b(x) is a polynomial of degree 1-1 which describes the error pattern, and i indicates where
the burst begins. For the examples above, the polynomial representations of the burst errors are

el(x) =x(1+x2+x4+xS),

e2(x) =x6(1+x 4), and

e3(x) =x8(1+x4).

Consider a linear code C. If all burst errors of length I or less occur in distinct cosets of a
standard array for C, then each can be uniquely identified by its syndrome, and all such errors
are then correctable. Furthermore, if C is a linear code capable of correcting all burst errors of
length t or less, then all such errors must occur in distinct cosets. To see this, suppose C can
correct two such distinct errors b l and b2 which lie in some coset C j of C. Then b l -b2 =C is a
non-zero codeword. Now suppose b l is a received vector. How should it be decoded? The
codeword 0 could have been altered to b l by the error b l , and the codeword C could have been
altered to b i by the error b2• We get a contradiction, since the code cannot correct both errors b i
and b 2• We conclude that b I and b2 must lie in distinct cosets. This gives us the following

Theorem 5.13. A linear code C can correct all burst errors of length t or less if and only if all
such errors occur in distinct cosets of C.

The result is true not only for burst errors of length t, but for any set of errors one might
wish to correct. In general, for any codewords Cj and Cj' if Cj+e I = cj +e2' then el and e2 are not
both correctable errors.

It follows that a cyclic code can correct all burst errors of length t or less if and only if the
syndrome polynomials for these bursts are distinct.

Example 20.

A (IS,9)-cyclic code C is generated by g(x) =1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x 6. C can correct all cyclic

bursts of length 3 or less. We check this by computing the syndrome of each burst error
pattern. The bursts of weight 1 are
Cyclic Codes 177

e(x) =Xi, O:s; i:S; 14.

The syndrome of each of these bursts is given by the following table. To facilitate check-
ing for duplicate syndromes, we include with each syndrome the binary integer correspond-
ing to the binary interpretation of that syndrome.

Burst Error Syndrome Binary Value

xU 100000
xl 010000 2
x2 001000 4
x3 000100 8
X4 000010 16
x5 000001 32
x6 111100 15
x7 011110 30
x8 001111 60
x9 111011 55
x lO 100001 33
XlI 101100 13
x12 010110 26
x13 001011 52
x14 111001 39
The bursts of length 2 and their syndromes are as follows.

Burst Error Syndrome Binary Value

l+x 110000 3
x(1+x) 011000 6
x2(l+x) 001100 12
x 3(1+x) 000110 24
x 4(1+x) 000011 48
x 5(1+x) 111101 47
x 6(1+x) 100010 17
x 7(1+x) 010001 34
x 8(l+x) 110100 11
x 9(l+x) 011010 22
x lO (1+x) 001101 44
xll(l+X) 111010 23
x 12(1+X) 011101 46
x 13 (1+X) 110010 19
x 14(1+x) 011001 38

We see that all syndromes so far are distinct, as none of the binary values has been dupli-
cated. The bursts of length 3 are given by the expressions
178 Error Correcting Codes

e(x) =Xi (l+X 2), 0 ~ i ~ 14

e(x) =xi(l+x+x2), 0 ~ is 14.

These bursts and their syndromes are given in the following tables.

Burst Error Syndrome Binary Value

l+x2 101000 5
x(l+x2) 010100 10
x 2(1+x 2) 001010 20
x 3(1+x 2) 000101 40
x 4(l+x 2) 111110 31
x 5(1+x 2) 011111 62
X6(1 +x2) 110011 51
x7(1+x2) 100101 41
x 8(l+x 2) 101110 29
x 9(1+x 2) 010111 58
x lO(l+x 2) 110111 59
x ll (l+x 2) 100111 57
x I2 (l+x 2) 101111 61
x I3 (1+x 2) 101011 53
xI4(1+x2) 101001 37

Burst Error Syndrome Binary Value

l+x+x2 111000 7
x(1+X+x2) 01 1100 14
x2(l+x+x2) 001110 28
x3(l+x+x2) 000111 56
x4(1+x+x2) 111111 63
x5(l+x+x2) 100011 49
x6(l+x+x2) 101101 45
x7(l+x+x2) 101010 21
x8(l+x+x2) 010101 42
x9(l+x+x2) IlOilO 27
xl°(l+x+x2) 011011 54
X11 (1 +x+x2) 110001 35
X I 2(l +x+x2) 100100 9
xI3(l+x+x2) 010010 18
xI4(1+x+x2) 001001 36

There are no other burst error patterns of length 3. The 60 syndromes corresponding to the
60 distinct burst errors of length 3 or less given above are all distinct. Hence we conclude
that C can correct all bursts of length 3 or less. Note that since there are only 63 non-zero
binary 6-tuples, this condition is not easily satisfied.
Cyclic Codes 179

We can decode this particular code by the error-trapping method of the previous section.
Recall that the syndrome obtained from polynomial division is the syndrome obtained from the
parity-cheek matrix H = [In-k _RT] where RT contains remainder polynomials as columns. If e
is a burst error of burst length at most 3 and the burst occurs in the first 6 components of the vec-
tor, then HeT = s is a (non-cyclic) burst of length at most 3 which describes the error positions.
If the errors do not occur in the first 6 positions, then as before some cyclic shift of e will give a
syndrome which is a burst of length at most 3, and from this syndrome, e can be determined.

In fact, error-trapping can be used for any cyclic burst-error correcting code. It can be pro-
ven that a t-burst-error correcting (n,k)-code satisfies n-k 2t (exercise 22). Hence n-k ~ t and

n-t ~ k. Now a burst error of length t in a codeword of length n has a cyclic run of n-t O's,
implying that every burst error of length t or less has a cyclic run of at least k O's, which is the
requirement of the error-trapping algorithm. Hence we have the following modification of the
error-trapping algorithm, which can be used to trap all bursts of length t or less in any cyclic
t-burst-error correcting code.

Error-trapping for Cyclic Burst-Error Codes.

Let C be a code capable of correcting all burst errors of length t or less.
Denote by Sj(x) the syndrome of xjr(x).
Let r(x) be a received vector.

(1) By the division algorithm, compute the syndrome so(x) of r(x).

(2) i =O.
(3) If Sj(x) is a (non-cyclic) burst of length t or less, then e(x) = xn-j(Sj,O).

(4) i =i + 1.
(5) If i = n, then stop; the error pattern is not trappable.

(6) Compute Sj(x) (as in the original algorithm).

(7) Go to (3).

Example 21.
The code C of example 20 is 3-burst-error correcting and has generator polynomial
g(x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x 6. We correct the received vector r = (1110 1110 1100 000) as
180 Error Correcting Codes

rex) = (x 3+x2)g(x) + 1 + x + x4 + x 5.

So(x) = 1 + x + x4 + x 5.

Since w(so) > 3 we compute sl (x) = 1 + x 3 + x 5 and proceed. We list the syndromes in the
following table.
i Si(X)

0 110011
1 100101
2 101110
3 010111
4 110111
5 100111
6 101111
7 101011
8 101001
9' 101000

Since s9(x) is a burst of length 3 we determine the error pattern as

e =(0000 0010 1000000). We decode r to

r - e = (1110 11000100000).

Note that ss(x) is a syndrome of weight 3, but not a burst of length 3 or less.

As one might imagine from the computations necessary in example 20, many of the better
burst-error correcting codes have been found by computer search. The table below gives a few
examples of binary cyclic codes with generator polynomial g(x), capable of correcting all burst
errors oflength t or less, for some small values of t.

g(x) (n,k) Burst-correctability t

1+x2+x3+X4 (7,3) 2
l+x2+x4+x5 (15,10) 2
1+X4+x5+x 6 (31,25) 2
l+x3+x 4+x5+x 6 (15,9) 3
1+x+x2+x3+x 6 (15,9) 3
Cyclic Codes 181

A very simple and effective technique for increasing the ability of a code to correct burst
errors is known as interleaving. This technique is discussed in Chapter 7.

Analytic methods have also been used to find burst error codes. The analytically construc-
tible class of codes known as the Fire codes have very high rate and can be used to provide
excellent burst-error correcting capability.

5.8 Finite Fields and Factoring xn-l over GF(q)

Factoring xn-l over GF(q) is extremely important in the study of cyclic codes. We devote
this section to a discussion of this problem.

Let GF (q) have characteristic p. If nand q are not coprime, then n = hps for some positive
" " ,. Hence we shall assume that
integer s, where gcd(n,q) = 1; then by Lemma 2.7, xn-l = (xn-lf
gcd(n,q)= 1.

Let m be the order of q modulo n, i.e. the smallest positive integer such that qm :; 1 (mod
n). Then qm_l =kn for some integer k. Consider the finite field F =GF(qm). From Lemma
2.4, we know that every element of F is a root of the polynomial xq'" -x. Using the formula to
sum a geometric series, note that
xn + x2n + ... + x = xn(xkn_l) .

Hence xn-l divides xkn-l = x q'"-l_1. It follows that xn-l has all of its roots in F = GF(qm),
and that GF(qm) is the splitting field of xn-l over GF(q) (see § 6.1).

If 'Y E F is a root of xn -1, then i' :::: 1 and 'Y is called an nth root of unity. Suppose a is a
primitive element in F, so that a has order qm_l. Then a k :::: a(q'"-I)ln has order n and is a root of
xn-l; ci is called a primitive nth root of unity, since (a.k)n = 1 and (CJ.kY * 1 for all positive j <
n. We shall next require the following definition.

Definition. Given q and n, and a fixed integer i, 0 ~ i ~ n-l, the cyclotomic coset (of q modulo
n) containing i is defined to be

.. . 2 , ... ,lq
Cj = (1,lq,lq . s-l}

where the elements of the set are taken mod n, and s is the smallest integer such that
iqs :; i (mod n). We call C = {Cj : 0 ~ i ~ n-l} the set of cyclotomic cosets of q modulo n.
182 Error Correcting Codes

Example 22.

For n = 9 and q =2,

Co= {OJ

The set of cyclotomic cosets of 2 mod 9 is then C ={CO,C},C3 }.

Example 23.

Consider n = 13, q = 3. Then


If we define a relation R on the integers by the rule aRb if and only if for some integer j,
a == bqi (mod n), then for gcd(n, q) = 1, it is easy to show that this relation is an equivalence
relation on the integers modulo n, and the equivalence classes are the cyclotomic cosets of q
mod n (exercise 49). Hence if S, Tee and are distinct, then SnT = 0 and USeCS =Zn: We
will shortly proceed to show that the number of irreducible factors of I(x) =xn - lover GF(q)
is equal to the number of distinct cyclotomic cosets of q modulo n.
We first review some material regarding minimal polynomials, but now with respect to
GF(q) (as opposed to GF(p), as in §2.4). The minimal polynomial of an element pE GF(qm),
with respect to GF(q), is the monic polynomial m(x) E GF(q)[x] of smallest degree satisfying
m(p) = O. As in Theorem 2.8 and Theorem 2.9, this minimal polynomial is easily shown to be
unique and irreducible (over GF(q) now). For any pE GF(qm), the conjugates of p, with
respect to GF(q), are the elements p, pq, pq2, ... , pql-l, where t is the smallest positive integer
such that pq'=p. Analogous to the result of Theorem 2.11 then, such an element p has minimal
polynomial with respect to GF(q) being precisely
Cyclic Codes 183

t-1 I
mR(X) =
n (X-J3Q).

Let us now return to the problem of determining the factors of xn-l over GF(q). Again, let
a be a primitive element for GF(qm), and let qm -1 = kn, so that a k is a primitive nth root of
unity. First, we note that xn - 1 has n distinct roots over GF(qm). This follows because xn-l
and its derivative nxn- 1 (which is non-zero, since gcd(n, q) = 1) have no factors in common (see
exercise 50). Furthermore, these roots are precisely (ak)i, i =0,1, ... , n-1. Now if J3 =a ki is a
root of xn-l, then ~n = 1 and each of the conjugates of ~ with respect to GF(q), ~qJ, is also a
root, since (~qlt =(~nl =1. Hence mp(x) is a factor of xn - 1. The roots of mp(x) are the ele-

a ki ,akiq,akiql, ... ,0.kiqt-l ,

where t is the smallest positive integer such that kiqt == ki (mod kn). This condition can be sim-
plified to t being the smallest positive integer such that iqt == i (mod n). It follows that the
degree of mp(x) is the cardinality of the cyclotomic coset (of q mod n) containing i, ICi I. Thus
we can partition the set of roots of xn-l into I C I classes, each class being the set of roots of an
irreducible factor of xn-l. We summarize these observations in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.14. Let f(x) =xn-l be a polynomial over GF(q). The number of irreducible fac-
tors of f(x) is equal to the number of cyclotomic cosets of q modulo n.

The procedure described above will, in fact, produce the factorization of xn-l but it
requires that we do computations in the extension field GF(qm). We illustrate the method by
example here, and describe a more convenient technique in §5.9.

Example 24.
Suppose we wish to factor f(x) =x 15_1 over GF(2). Here n=15, q=2 and m=4. We first
compute the cyclotomic cosets of 2 mod 15. These are

Co= {OJ

C1 = {1,2,4,8}

C3 = {3,6,12,9}
184 Error Correcting Codes

Cs ={S,IO}

C7 ={7,14,13,1l}.

This tells us that xIS_I factors as a linear term, an irreducible quadratic and 3 irreducible
quartics. One way to fmd these quartics is to proceed as in our earlier discussion. We will
make use of the field GF(24) generated using the polynomial I + x + x4 (see Appendix D).
H a is a primitive element of GF(24), then a is a primitive 15 th root of unity, and is a root
of xIS_I. Hence a 2, a 4, and as are also roots, and

is a factor of I(x). Expanding ma(x) we get

Using the Zech's log table it is easy to evaluate

a + a 2 + a 4 + as = a(1+a) + a 4(1+a4) = as + as = 0,

a3+aS+a9+a6+al0+a12 = a 3(1+a6) + (as+al~ + a 6(1+a6)

=a+ I +a4 =0,

a7+aI1+a13+a14 = a 7(1+a4) + a I3 (1+a) =as + a 2 =1.

Hence ma(x) =x4 +x + I (as expected). In a similar manner, we can evaluate ma,(x),
ma,(x) and ma.'(x) to get

XiS - 1 =(x_I)(X4+X+l)(x4+x3+1)(X2+x+l)(x4+x3+x 2+x+l).

As an alternative to finding the minimal polynomial of an element p E GF(qm) byexpand-
ing and then simplifying the polynomial obtained as the product of linear factors
corresponding to the conjugates of p, note that given the vector representations of the ele-
ments of GF(qm) (as included in the Zech's log tables in Appendix D - e.g. a4 =(1100) ),
a less arduous approach is to seek the coefficients of the first linear dependence over GF (q)
of the powers pi of p (i ~ m). For example, to determine ma7(x), note
Cyclic Codes 185

(a7)1 = (1101)

(a7)2 = (1001)
(a7)3 = (0011)

(a7)4 = (1011)

from which it can be determined that

Example 25.
We factor x9-1 over GF(2). The cyclotomic cosets of2 modulo 9 are


C 1 = {l,2,4,8,7,5}

Hence x9-1 factors as a linear term, a quadratic term and an irreducible of degree 6. We
observe that

x 9 -1 =(x 3)3 - 1 =(x 3-1)(x6+x3+1)

= (x-l)(x 2+x+l)(x 6+x3+1).

This must be the complete factorization.

Before proceeding with the next example, we make two observations regarding the recipro-
cal polynomial introduced in §5.4. Let g(x) = ~f=oajxj be a polynomial of degree exactly t in
F[x], and let gR(x) =x' ·g(1/x). First, if a is a non-zero root of g(x), then a-I is a root of gR(X),

gR(a-l) = l;at-ja-i =a-I l;a,_iat-i =a-tg(a) =O.

i=O i=O

Secondly, if g(x) is irreducible, then so is gR(x). This follows since gR(X) =xt 'g(1/x), and if
gR(X) =a (x)b(x), then
186 Error Correcting Codes

g(x) =x"a(l!x)'b(l!x)

wherex dega (x)'a(l!x) e F[xJ andx degb (x)'b(l!x) e F[xJ.

Example 26.

We factor xlI-lover GF(3). The cyclotomic cosets of 3 modulo 11 are

Co = (OJ

C1 {l,3,9,5,4}

C2 = {2,6,7,1O,8}.

Hence xli - 1 factors as a linear and 2 irreducible quintics over GF(3). We could find
these quintics by working in GF(3 5) and proceeding by one of the methods illustrated in
example 24; however, these approaches require construction of either a Zech's log table for
GF(3 S), or explicit construction of this 243-element field. We may also proceed in the fol-
lowing somewhat ad hoc fashion. If a is an nih root of unity, then so is a-I, since

1 = (a1a-1)n =ana-n = a-no

Hence if ma(x) is a factor of xn - 1, then so is ma-l(x). It now follows with the two obser-
vations above that the quintics we are looking for are reciprocal polynomials of each other.
If one is

then the other is

b (x) =/ + ex + dx 2 + ex3 + bx4 + ax S

or a scalar multiple of b (x), say 'Ah (x) where A. = 1 or -1. Since

a(x) M(x) = (x ll -l)/(x-l)

we get the following system of equations.

M/ = 1
Cyclic Codes 187

'A.(ae+bf) =1
'A.(ad+eb+fc) = 1

'A.(ac+db+ec+df) = 1

'A.(ab+cb+dc+ed+fe) = 1

'A.(a2+b2+c2+d2+e2+f2) =1.
We can assume without loss of generality that a = 1. If we suppose 'A. = 1, then f = 1 and
the first 4 equations show that the only possible solutions are
e b d c
o 1 o 1
1 0 1 0
Neither of these satisfy the remaining equations. Hence 'A. =-1 and f =-1. From this, we
immediately deduce that e=O, b=l, d=l, c=2 is a solution and gives

a(x) = 2+ 2x +x2 + 2x3 +x s

b(x) = 1 + 2x 2 + x 3 + 2x4 + 2xs

a(x)(-b(x» = (xll-I)/(x-l).

5.9 Another Method for Factoringxn-l over GF(q)t

In this section we present an alternate method for factoring xn - 1. We require a few prel-
iminary results. The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two polynomials is defined in a manner
analogous to that for two integers. For polynomials a(x), b(x) e F[x], the greatest common divi-
sor of a(x) and b(x) is defined to be the monic polynomial of largest degree in F[x] which
divides both a (x) and b(x). We use the notation gcd(a(x), b(x» or simply (a(x),b(x».

The following result shall prove to be central to the factorization technique.

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

188 Error Correcting Codes

Theorem 5.15. Let /(x) be a monic polynomial of degree n over F GF(q). Let g(x) be a
polynomial over F withdegg(x) ~ n-I and satisfying [g(x)]q ag(x) (mod/(x». Then

lex) = seF
II gcd(f(x), g(x)-s).

Certainly gcd(f(x), g(x)-s) divides /(x) for any s e F. Now since gcd(a,b) =
gcd(a,b-a), gcd(g (x)-s , g(x)-t) = (g(x)-s, s-t) = I for s¢t. It follows that
gcd(gcd(f(x), g(x)-s), gcd(f(x), g(x)-t» = 1 for s ¢ t, and hence

II gcd(f(x), g(x)-s)

divides lex). By definition of g(x), lex) divides [g(x)]q - g(x). Now note (using Lemma
2.4) that

yq - y = II (y-s)

over F. It follows that

(g(x)]q - g(x) = II (g(x)-s)


and/(x) divides IIsEF(g(x)-s). But this implies that/ex) divides

II gcd(f(x), g(x)-s).

Since/ex) and IIseFgcd(f(x), g(x)-s) are both monic, we conclude

lex) =seF
II gcd(f(x), g(x)-s).

Example 17.

Consider q=2, n=7, /(x)=x 7-1 and g(x) =x +x2 +x4. Oearly g2(x) ag(x) (mod /(x».
Using the Euclidean algorithm for polynomials (see Appendix B), it is easy to compute
= =
gcd(f(x), g(x» I + x + x 3 and gcd(f(x), g(x)+ 1) (l+x)(1+x2+x3), and to check that
Cyclic Codes 189

f(x) = gcd(f(x), g(x» . gcd(f(x), g(x)+l)

= (1+x+x3)(1+x)(1+x2+x3).

We notice in Theorem 5.15 that if g(x) has positive degree, then the factorization of f(;x)
must be non-trivial. This follows since deg(f(x),g(x)-s) < n if g(x)-s ¢ O.
One question immediately comes to mind. How many polynomials g(x) are there which
satisfy [g(x)]q =q(x) (modf(x))?

Theorem 5.16. Let lex) be a polynomial over F =GF(q) which has t distinct irreducible fac-
tors over F. Then there are exactly q' polynomials g(x) over F of degree less than n which
satisfy [g(x)]q =g(x) (modf(x».


Let lex) have degree n, and let f(x) =nf=lPjai(;x) be the complete factorization of f(x) into
powers of irreducible polynomials Pj(x). Consider the simultaneous congruences

g(x) =sl (mod PIal (x»

g(;x) =S2 (modp:2 (x»

g(x) =s, (modp,a,(;x»,

where Sj E F, 1 ~ i ~ t. By the Chinese remainder theorem (see Appendix C), there exists
a unique polynomial g(x) having degree less than n which satisfies this system for any
choice of Sj's. Since we can select the Sj'S in q' distinct ways, there are q' distinct polyno-
mials g(x) satisfying the system. From (1) we get thatf(;x) divides nf=l(g(X)-Sj), for any
choice of the Sj, 1 ~ i ~ t. Since the Pj(x) are distinct irreducibles and hence coprime, each
factor g(X)-Sk in this product is needed at most once in order for f(x) to be a divisor.
Hence/(x) divides nse F(g (x)-s). But nseF(g(;X)-s) = [g(x)]q - g(x). We conclude that

[g(x)]q =g(x) (modf(x». (2)

(Alternatively, since g(x) =Sj (mod Pjo,,(x» , it follows that

190 Error Correcting Codes

for all i. since Sj E F. Then using the Chinese remainder theorem. (2) follows.)

We have established that there are at least l polynomials g(x) with degg(x) < n satisfying
(2). The above arguments can be reversed to prove that any g(x) satisfying (2) satisfies the
system (1) for some choice of SI. s2 • ...• St. Therefore. there are exactly l polynomials of
the desired type. 0

The set G of all polynomials g(x) such that g(x) satisfies (2) forms a subspace of Vn(F). It
follows from the preceding proof that this subspace has dimension t. This leads to the following

Theorem 5.17. Let gl(X).g2(X) •...• gt(x) be a basis for G. For pri(x) andptJ(x) with i ¢j.
there exists some integer k. I Sk St, and distinct elements s. t E F, such that prl(x) divides
g,,(x)-s but not g,,(x)-t. and ptJ(x) divides g,,(x)-t but not g,,(x)-s.

Once this is established. we are then assured that application of Theorem 5.15 with g,,(x).
1 ~ k ~ t. will result in a complete factorization. This will become more clear with the example
below. First, we give a proof of the result.


Fonn the txt matrix M = [mij] where g/x) =mij (mod Pi(J.;(X». Theorem 5.15 guarantees
that mij E F. First we show that M is non-singular. Suppose there exist scalars Aj such
that 'i:.J=IAjmij = 0 for each i. 1 :s; i St. Then

and so 'i:.J=IAjgj(X) =0 (mod f(x». But deggj(x) < degf(x) for each j. 1 Sj St. and thus
'i:.J=IAjgj(x) = O. Since the g/x)'s are linearly independent, it follows that Aj=O. 1 S j St.
and thus the columns of M are linearly independent. In other words. M is non-singular.
This implies that no two rows of M are identical. Thus for i ¢ j. rows i and j differ in
some column k, i.e. there is some k such that mile ¢ mj'" The result follows. 0
Cyclic Codes 191

Example 28.

Reconsider example 24 where we factor I(x) =x 1s_l over GF(q) for q=2. The cyclotomic
cosets are

Co= {OJ

C 1 = {1,2,4,8}

C3 ={3,6,9,12}
C7 = {7,1l,13,14}

Cs ={S,IO}.
Each coset corresponds to an irreducible factor of I(x). This tells us that the subspace G
contains 25 elements. In the special case where I (x) has the form xn -1, it is easy to find a
basis for G. We use the cyclotomic cosets to form polynomials as follows.

Now it is immediate that g?(x) == gi(x) (mod I(x», 1 SiS 5, since the powers of x with
non-zero coefficients form a cyclotomic coset. It is also easy to see that the vectors associ-
ated with the gj(x)'s are linearly independent, since each power of x in gj(x) is contained in
none of the others. Thus we have a basis for G.

With this, we first compute

I(x) = gcd(f(x), g2(X» . gcd(f(x), g2(X)-l)

It suffices to compute gcd(f(x), g2(X», since gcd(f(x), g2(x)-1) can be found by dividing
I(x) by (f(x), g2(X». Let a(x) =O+x+x3+x7) and b(x) = l+x+x2+x4+xB. We now com-
pute gcd(a(x), g3(x» and gcd(b(x), g3(x» to refine the factorization.
192 Error Correcting Codes

gcd(a(x), g3(X» = 1 + X3

gcd(a(x), g3(x)-l) = 1 +x +X4

gcd(b(x), g3(x» =1


We could now check g4(x) with each of these factors. But by inspection we note that
(1+x 3) =(l+x)(1+x+x2) and (1+x+x4) is irreducible. Let

Then we need only consider gcd(c(x), g4(X» and gcd(c(x), g4(x)-1).

and we obtain

Since we now have f(x) as the product of 5 polynomials and we know thatf(x) has exactly
5 irreducible factors, we are sure that this is the complete factorization.

The preceding example illustrates a general method for factoring f(x) =xn-l over GF(q).
A basis for the subspace G can always be found from the cyclotomic cosets of q modulo n.
Using the basis elements and appropriate gcd operations, the factors of f(x) can be separated.
Cyclic Codes 193

5.10 Exercises
Cyclic subspaces.
1. Verify that g (x) = 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x4 is a monic divisor of I(x) =x 7-lover F=Z2' and con-
struct the ideal generated by g(x) in F[x]/(f(x».

2. Determine the number of cyclic subspaces in each of the following vector spaces.

(a) V8(Z~ (b) V9(Z2) (c) V lO (Z2) (d) VIS(Z~

(e) VIg (Z2) (f) V3(Z3) (g) V4(Z3)

3. Show that VIS (Z2) contains a cyclic subspace of dimension k for each k, 0 ~ k ~ 15.

4. Consider the vector space V I7 (Z2)'

(a) Determine the number of cyclic subspaces.

(b) Determine all values of k, 1 ~ k S; 17, for which a cyclic subspace of dimension k

(c) Determine the number of these subspaces which have dimension 12.

(d) Give a generator polynomial for a cyclic subspace of dimension 8, if possible.

5. Determine the number of cyclic subspaces of dimension 9 in V21 (Z2)'

6. Determine the number of cyclic subspaces of dimension 5 in Vg(Z3)' Give a generating

polynomial for each one.

7. Let g(x) =ao + alx +...+ an_IX n- 1 be a monic polynomial over F of least degree in some
cyclic subspace of Vn(F). Prove that ao'i: O.

8. Let g(x) and hex) be monic divisors of xn-l over F. Prove that if g(x) divides hex), then
the cyclic subspace generated by g(x) contains the cyclic subspace generated by hex).
9. (a) Determine the number of cyclic subspaces in V 6(Z3)'

(b) Determine the generator polynomial and dimension of the smallest cyclic code con-
taining the vector v = (112 liD) in V6(Z3)'

10. (a) Determine the number of cyclic subspaces in V7(Z2)'

(b) Determine the generator polynomial and the dimension of the smallest cyclic code
containing each of the following vectors in V7 (Z2):
(i) VI =(1010 011) (ii) v2 =(0011 010) (iii) v3 =(0101 001)
194 Error Correcting Codes

11. Note the prime factorization of x 21 _1 over Z2 as given in Table 3 of this chapter.

(a) Detennine the number of cyclic subspaces of V21 (Z2).

(b) Detennine the number of cyclic subspaces of V21 (Z2) of dimension 9, and the (unsim-
plified) generator polynomial for one of these subspaces.

(c) Detennine whether or not any of the subspaces in (b) are self-dual.

12. Determine whether or not g(x) =2 + 2x2 + x 3 is the generator polynomial for a cyclic sub-
space of V S(Z3).

Generator matrices, parity-check matrices and syndromes.

13. The polynomial g (x) = 1 + x 3 + x 6 generates a binary cyclic (9,3)-code C. Construct a gen-
erator matrix G = [R 13 ] for C, where R is obtained from the coefficients of remainder
14. For the generator matrix G in the problem above, construct a parity-check matrix
H =[16 RT]. For each of the following vectors, compute the syndrome by two methods: (i)
by multiplying by H, and (ii) by dividing the associated polynomial by g(x):
(a) r 1 = (101 100 1(0) (b) r2 = (all 110 all) (c) r3 = (l00 010 (01)

15. Suppose a generator matrix G of a linear code C has the property that a cyclic shift of any
row of G is also a codeword. Prove that C is a cyclic code.

16. The polynomial g(x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x 6 generates a binary cyclic (15,9)-code. Encode
each of the following message polynomials using the encoding scheme of §5.5:
(a)l+x 2 +x 5 +x S (b)l+x+x2 (c)x4+x6+ x 7+xS

17. Consider the code in the problem above.

(a) Construct a generator matrix of the fonn G =[R Ik]' and encode the message polyno-
mials using vector-matrix multiplication.

(b) Encode the message polynomials so that the message components themselves appear
in the first k components of the code words.

18. A (7,4)-cyclic binary code C is generated by g(x) = I + x + x 3. Decode each of the follow-
ing vectors using error-trapping.
(a) rl =(1101 011) (b) f2 = (0101 111) (c) f3 =(0011 111) (d) f4 =(0100 011)
Cyclic Codes 195

19. A binary cyclic (15,7) code C of distance 5 is generated by the polynomial g(x) =
1 + x4 + x 6 + X7 + x 8. Decode each of the following vectors using error-trapping.
(a) rl = (11011 11011 10110) (b) r2 = (11111 10101 00110)
(c) r3 = (1011100000 01001) (d) r4 = (1010100101 10000)

20. Consider the code C of the problem above.

(a) Construct a parity check matrix of the form H = [/A; A] for C.
(b) Decode the received vector r = (l0111 11010 11110).

21. A binary cyclic (15 ,5)-code C is generated by the polynomial g (x) =1 + x + x 2 + x4 + xS+
x8 + x lO • Using the method described in example 18 of §5.6, decode each of the following
(a) rl =(01000 01110 11001) (b) r2 =(10010 11110 11100)
(c) r3 =(01111 1110101000) (d) r4 =(10001 11011 00111)

Burst errors.
22. Let C be an (n,k) code which can correct all burst errors oflength t.
(a) Prove that no non-zero burst error of length 2t or less is a codeword.
(b) Prove that C must have at least 2t parity-check symbols, i.e. n-k ~ 2t. (Hint: establish
that any n-k+l columns of a parity-check matrix H for an (n,k)-code are linearly depen-
dent, then use part (a». This result is known as the Rieger bound.
23. Let C be a binary (l5,10)-code generated by g(x) = 1 +x2 +X4+XS.
(a) Prove that C will correct all bursts of length 2 or less.
(b) Find the distance d of C.

24. For the code given in the problem above, decode the following received vectors.
(a) rl = (01011 00000 00010) (b) r2 = (10000 10110 10111)
(c) r3 = (10101 10000 10101)

25. Let C be a binary (15,9)-code generated by g(x)=I+x 3 +x4 +x S+x 6. Suppose it is

known that C can correct any burst of length 3 or less. Decode each of the following vec-

(a) rl =(10101 11010 11100) (b) r2 =(11000 01110 10011)

(c) r3 = (01000 00010 11111)

26. Prove that the code given in the problem above is not 3-error correcting.
196 Error Correcting Codes

27. Given a cyclic code C capable of correcting all burst errors of length t or less, suppose the
error-trapping algorithm of §5.7 determines, for some shift xjr(x), a syndrome Sj(x) with
w(Sj(x»:S; t, but where Sj(x) is not a burst of length t or less. Can any correction be made?

Factoring xn-l.
28. Factor f(x) =x 8-1 over each of the following fields:
(a) GF(2) (b) GF(3) (c) GF(4) (d) GF(5)

29. Factor f(x) =x 1o-l over GF(2) and GF(3).

30. Factor f(x) =x13-1 over GF(2) and GF(3).

31. Determine whether or not the linear codes with the following generator matrices are cyclic.
G 1 is binary; G 2 is over Z3.

101 1 1 000 2 002 2 2 1 0

11001100 1 022 1 200
G1 = 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 21212 1 2 1
00110011 o 121 1 222

32. A binary cyclic (15,5)-code C with distance 7 is generated by g (x) = 1 + x + x 2 + X4 + x 5 +

x 8 + X 10.
(a) Using error-trapping, determine (if possible) the error pattern associated with the vec-
tor r = (11100 00101 11011).

(b) Determine the maximum number of errors that can be corrected in general using
error-trapping on this code. Explain why the error in (a) was correctable (not correct-

(c) A generator matrix of the form [R Is] encodes the message k-tuple rn =(10110) to the
codeword c = (p,rn) where the parity-check symbols are given by p = (POPI ... P9).
Using the encoding algorithm for binary cyclic codes, determine p.

(d) Construct a generator matrix G for C of the form [R Is], where R is obtained from the
coefficients of remainder polynomials.

33. (a) Prove that g (x) = 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 6 + x 8 + xU + xl2 generates a binary cyclic (21,9)-
Cyclic Codes 197

(b) Find the parity check polynomial hex) for the code C of part (a).

(c) Suppose it is known that C can correct all burst errors of length 6 or less. Find the
burst error pattern associated with the vector r = (101 110 011 011 000 010 011).

34. (a) Determine the number of cyclic subspaces of dimension 3 in V9(Z2)'

(b) Give a generator polynomial g(x) for a cyclic (9,3)-code C.
(c) Display a generator matrix G for C.
(d) Display a parity check matrix H for C.
(e) Determine the distance of C.

35. Let g (x) be the generator for a binary cyclic (n ,k )-code C.

(a) Prove that if (x-I) divides g (x), then all codewords have even weight.

(b) Suppose n is odd. Prove that the all l's vector is a codeword if and only if (x-I) does
not divide g(x). (Hint: (xn-l) =(x-1)(1+x+x 2+ ...+xn- l ) over Z~
36. Suppose C is a binary cyclic code of odd length. Show that C contains a codeword of odd
weight if and only if the all ones vector is a codeword.

37. (a) Let xn - 1 =g (x)h (x), and let hR (x) be the reciprocal polynomial of h (x). Prove that a
cyclic code C with generator polynomial g(x) is self-orthogonal if and only if hR(x)
divides g(x).

(b) Give a generator polynomial for a self-orthogonal binary cyclic code of block length

38. Letxn -l =g(x)h(x). Recall by Theorem 5.10 that if g(x) generates an (n,k)-code C, then
hR (x) generates Cl..

(a) Prove that if hR(x) divides g(x), then C ~ Cl..

(b) Show that g(x) =(1 +x)(1 +x +x3)2 generates a binary cyclic (14,7) code which is
self-dual and has distance d :2! 4. (Hint: x 1 - 1 = (1 + x)(1 + x + x 3)(l + x 2 + x 3), and
note that (1 + x + X 3 )2 divides Xl4 - 1 but does not divide x' - 1 for t < 14)
39. The polynomial g(x) = 1 +x2 +x4 +x6 +x1 +x lO is the generator polynomial for a binary
cyclic (21, H)-code with distance 5.

(a) Use error-trapping to determine the error pattern associated with the vector
r =(1100 1110 1100 1011 00000), and correct r to a codeword.
198 Error Correcting Codes

(b) Detennine whether or not all error patterns of weight at most 2 can be corrected using

40. Let C be a binary cyclic (n,k)-code with generator polynomial g(x) =(x+l)p(x), where
p(x) does not divide x, - I for any t, I ~ t ~ n-1. An error pattern of the fonn
e(x) =xi + xi+l is called a double-adjacent error pattern.
(a) Prove that no two double-adjacent error patterns can be in the same coset of a stan-
dard array for C.

(b) Prove that C corrects all single errors and all double-adjacent errors.

(c) Construct a generator polynomial for a binary cyclic (15,1O)-code which corrects all
single errors and all double-adjacent error patterns.

41. A primitive polynomial of degree mover GF(2) is an irreducible polynomial of degree m

which divides xn-l for n =2Tn-1 and no smaller value of n. Consider the binary polyno-
mial g(x) =(x 3+1)p(x) where p(x) is a primitive polynomial of degree m, m > 2 and m
even. Let n be the smallest integer such that g(x) divides xn-l, so that g(x) generates a
cyclic code C of length n.

(a) Show that C is capable of correcting all single errors, double-adjacent errors and
triple-adjacent errors.

(b) Show that (a) is not necessarily true, if p(x) is not primitive.

42. Let (X be a primitive element in GF(2'), and let H be the parity-check matrix for a binary
Hamming code of order r with column i, 0 ~ i ~ 2' -2 being the binary r-tuple correspond-
ing to (Xi. Let C be the extended code fonned by adding an overall parity check to the end
of this code.
(a) Prove that C is capable of correcting all single errors and all double-adjacent errors
which do not include the overall parity check position. (Note: Adding the parity
check results in a code which is not cyclic.)

(b) Can the columns of H be rearranged in such a way that C can correct all single and
double-adjacent errors?

43. Determine the smallest block length n for a binary cyclic code generated by the irreducible
polynomial g(x) = 1 + x4 + x 5 •

44. Determine the smallest block length n for a binary cyclic code generated by the irreducible
polynomial g(x) = I + x + x 9.
Cyclic Codes 199

45. Let C be a binary cyclic code of length n with generator polynomialg(x), where n is the
smallest positive integer for which g(x) divides xn - 1.
(a) Show that C has minimum weight at least 3.
(b) Does (a) hold true for non-binary codes?
46. Let g (x) be the generator polynomial for a binary cyclic code C. The set CE of even
weight vectors in C is also a code. Is CE a cyclic code? If so, give a generating polyno-
mial forCE.

47. Let C be a (q+l,2)-code over GF(q) with minimum distance q. If q is odd show that C
cannot be cyclic. (Hint: see exercise 36, Chapter 3)
48. Let C be a Hamming code of order 2 over GF(q). Show that if q is odd, then C is not
equivalent to a cyclic code.

49. Given a field GF(q) and an integer n such that gcd(n, q) = 1, define the relation R on the
integers by the rule aRb if and only if for some integer j, a == bqi (mod n). Show that this
is an equivalence relation on the integers modulo n, and that the equivalence classes are the
cyclotomic cosets of q mod n. (cf. exercise 51, Chapter 3)

50. Let f(x) E GF(q)[x], and let f'(x) denote the derivative of f(x). Prove that f(x) has no
repeated factors if and only if gcd(f(x), f'(x» = 1.
51. Let C be a binary (15,9)-code generated by g (x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x 6• Encode each of the
following message polynomials using the encoding algorithm of §5.5.
(i) al(x)=I+x3 +x S (ii) a2(x)=x 3 +x S +x6

(iii) a3(x) = 1 + x 2 + x S + x 7 + xs.

52. Let g (x) = 1 + x + x 3 + x4 + x S + X 7 + XS be a generator polynomial for a binary cyclic

(15,7)-code c.

(a) Construct a parity-check matrix H = [/s RT] for C where R is the matrix formed from
remainder polynomials.
(b) Using the encoding algorithm of §5.5, encode
(i) 81=(1011001)toCl.
200 Error Correcting Codes

(c) Verify that CI and c2 are indeed two codewords in C using the H constructed in (a).

53. Let g(x) be the generator polynomial for a cyclic code Cover GF(q) of block length n.
Suppose gcd(q,n) = 1. Prove that the all ones vector is a codeword if and only if (x-I)
does not divide g(x). (This generalizes exercise 35 (b).)

54. Let C 1 be a binary (15,10) cyclic code generated by gl(x) =(x+1)(x 4+x3+I) and C 2 be
another binary (15,10) cyclic code generated by h(x) = (x+1)(x4+x+ 1).

(i) Is (11011 (010100000) E C 1 (\ C2?

(ii) What is the generator polynomial for the code C =C I (\ C2?

(iii) How many cyclic subspaces are contained in C I?

55. Determine the generator polynomial and the dimension of a smallest cyclic subspace in
V I5 (Z2) which contains both VI = (0100010101 00011) and v2 = (10110 10110 10110) .

56. Let C be a cyclic (n,k)-code over F generated by the polynomial g(x). Prove that C will
detect any burst error of length n-k or less. (Such codes are called cyclic redundancy
codes or CRCs.)
57. Let C be a cyclic (n,k)-code over F. Suppose each error pattern of weight less than or
equal to t contains a cyclic run of at least k O's. Let r = (rO,rl' ... , r n-l) be a received vec-
tor. For each vector x =(XO,xI' ... ,xn-l) define [X]k to be the k-tuple (XO,xI' ... ,Xk-l)' Let
G be a generator matrix for C which is in standard form. Consider the following decoding
algorithm: for each i, 0 ~ j ~ n-1, do
1. Compute Ci = [xir]kG.
2. Compute d(ci,r). If d(cj,r) ~ t then decode r to X-jCj.

Prove that the algorithm corrects all error patterns of weight t or less.
Chapter 6


6.1 Introduction
A monic polynomial g(x) E GF(q)[x] is said to split in the extension field GF(qm) of
GF(q) if g(x) can be factored as a product of linear polynomials in GF(qm), i.e. if we can write

where a.j E GF(qm). Here GF(qm) is called a splitting field of g(x). In general, we refer to the
splitting field of a polynomial g(x) E GF(q)[x] as the smallest field GF(qm) in which g(x)
splits, or in other words, the smallest field containing all roots of g(x). It is not difficult to prove
that the splitting field of a polynomial always exists (e.g. see [Lid! 84]). Indeed, the splitting
field of g(x) can be determined from the degrees of its irreducible factors over GF(q) (see exer-
cise 29). Note that g(x) may be irreducible over GF(q), but (always) factors as a product of dis-
tinct linear polynomials in its splitting field. For example, g(x) = x 2 + X + 1 is irreducible over
GF(2) and has no roots in GF(2); but over GF(4),

g(x) =(x + a.)(x + 0.2)

and has roots a. and 0.2, where GF(4) = {O,1,a.,a.2 } with 0.2 + a. + 1 = O.

We discuss in this chapter an important relation between the set of roots of a generator
polynomial in its splitting field and the distance of the corresponding cyclic code. We will see
that by constructing a generator polynomial which has a prescribed set of ~ts, bounds can be
put on the distance of the cyclic code it generates. In this first section we present some prelim-
inary ideas and examples to facilitate the introduction and discussion of BCH codes in §6.2. We
begin with two examples illustrating the idea of the splitting field of a polynomial.

Example 1.

Consider the polynomial

g(x) =1 +x3 +x5 +x6 +X8 +x9 +x 10

202 Error Correcting Codes

over GF(2). It can be verified that g(x) has no roots in GF(2) (check that for each
I} e GF(2), g(l}) ~ 0), nor any roots in GF(22), GF(23) or GF(24 ). Using GF(2s) as given
in Appendix D, generated by the root a of hex) = 1 + x 2 + x S, it is easily verified that a and
a 3 are roots of g(x). It follows that the conjugates of these elements, i.e.

are roots, that these are the only roots of g(x), and that all roots of g(x) are in GF(2s).

Example 2.

Consider the polynomial

over GF(3). It can be checked that g(x) has only one root in GF(3), namely the element I,
and no roots aside from this in GF(3 2). All roots of this polynomial lie in GF(33 ). Using
GF(3 3) as given in Appendix D, generated by the root a of hex) =1 + 2x2 + x 3, it is easily
verified that

are the 7 roots of g(x). We shall return to this example in §6.2.

Let g(x) be a generator polynomial for a cyclic (n,k)-code Cover F =GF(q). Then g(x) is
a polynomial of degree n - k. Let aI' Clz, ... , an-k be its roots, possibly in some extension field
GF(qm) of GF(q); we shall assume that g(x) contains no repeated factors. Let mj(x) be the
minimal polynomial of aj' with respect to GF(q), 1 SiS n-k. It follows, by an argument
directly analogous to that immediately preceding Theorem 2.11, that mj(x) divides g(x) for
1 Si Sn-k.

We know that a polynomial c(x) is in C if and only if g(x) divides c(x). Hence if
c(x) e C, then c(aj) =0, 1 SiS n-k. Conversely, given any polynomial I(X) e F[x] such that
t(aj) = 0, 1 SiS n-k, then mj(x) divides t(x), 1 SiS n-k, implying that g(x) divides t(x), and
hence t(x) is in the code. This observation leads to the following alternate specification for the
BCHCodes 203

Theorem 6.1. Suppose g(x) generates a cyclic (n,k)-code Cover GF(q), and has roots
al' ~ •...• an_Ie in some extension field GF(qm). Then a polynomial t(x) is in C if and only if
t(aj) = 0 for all i, 1 So i So n-k.

Consider the following matrix associated with code C described above.

al O all al 2 al
~O ~1 ol ~n-l


o 1 2 n-l
an-Ie an-Ie an-Ie an-Ie

H is an (n-k) x n matrix over GF(qm). It follows that the rows of H are orthogonal to each vec-
tor in C, for if e = (co' CI' ... , cn-I) and e E C, then the inner product of e with the ith row of H
L a/ Cj =c(aj) =O.

Conversely, if HeT = 0, then c(aj) = 0 for all i, and hence by Theorem 6.1, e E C. So we now
may state that e E C if and only if H eT =O.

Note that from H we may construct an m(n-k) x n matrix over GF(q), by replacing a/ by
the column vector corresponding to its m-tuple over GF(q). Now as the rows of H are orthogo-
nal to each element e E C, the rows of this latter matrix are also orthogonal to the codewords in
C, since each element a/ can be represented as a linear combination over GF(q) of m linearly
independent basis elements of GF(qm). It should be noted that the rows of this latter matrix are
not necessarily linearly independent over GF(q).

Example 3.

g (x) = 1 + x + x 3 generates a binary (7,4 )-code C. Recalling the argument from the intro-
duction of §5.8, since g (x) divides x 7 - lover GF(2), and 23 == 1 (mod 7), it follows that all
roots of g(x) lie in GF(2\ If we let a be a primitive element in GF(23), with GF(23)
represented as given in Appendix D, then a, a 2 and a 4 are the roots of g(x). Thus C is the
set of all polynomials in GF(2)[x] of degree at most 6 having a, a 2 and a 4 as roots. Of
course, it is enough to say that a is a root since a2 and a4 are conjugate elements of a. The
matrix H discussed above has first row
204 Error Correcting Codes

associating to each power of (X the corresponding binary 3-tuple. This is a parity-check

matrix for C.

Example 4.

g(x) = 1 +x3 +x6 is the generator polynomial for a (9,3)-code over GF(2). g(x) has all of
its roots in GF(26). If (X is a primitive element in GF(26 ), then p=(X7 is a primitive 9th
root of unity. (pi, 0 SiS 8 are distinct and p9=1.) Using GF(26 ) as given in Appendix D,
we see that p is one root of g(x). It follows that the roots of g(x) are p, p2, p4, p8, p7, p5

Example 5.

The polynomial g(x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 generates an (8,5)-code Cover GF(3). g(x) divides

x 8 - lover GF(3), and since 8 =32 - 1, all roots of g(x) are in GF(32) (recall §5.8). We
construct GF(3 2) using the primitive irreducible polynomial I(x) =2 + x + x 2 as in exam-
ple 8 of §2.5. We deduce that the roots of g(x) are (X2, (X6 and (X4. Note that the minimal
polynomial of (X6 is the same as that for (X2. It follows that a polynomial c(x) is in C if and
only if c«X2) =0 and C«X4) =O. The matrix H is

«X2)0 «X2)1 ... «X2)7]

H = «X4)0 «X4)1 .. , «X4)7 .
«X6)0 «X6)1 ... «X6)7

Recalling Theorem 6.1, the last row of H is redundant (since if (X2 satisfies the polynomial,
then so does (X6), and we can omit it in the characterization of C. Excluding the redundant
row, and replacing the elements in the remaining rows of H by their corresponding column
2-tuples over GF(3), yields the parity-check matrix
BCH Codes 205

020 1 020 1
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

From H' we see that C has distance 2.

In the next section, we apply the ideas presented here to construct a very important class of
cyclic codes, the BCH codes. As implied earlier, by employing generator polynomials which
contain a prescribed set of roots we obtain codes with good error-correcting capabilities.
Perhaps more important, efficient and easily implemented decoding schemes are known for this
class of codes.

6.2 BCR Codes and the BCR Bound

In Chapter 5 we discussed the construction of cyclic codes, but did not specify how to con-
struct a cyclic code having a given distance. As we have seen, distance is a critical aspect of any
code. With the ideas of the previous section, we are now ready to address this issue.

A very important class of cyclic codes was discovered in 1960 by R.C. Bose and D. Ray-
Chaudhuri, and independently in 1959 by A. Hocquenghem. These codes are now referred to as
BCH codes (Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codes). A formal definition follows. By
Icm{a(x), b(x), ... } we mean the least common multiple of the polynomials listed. Let mj(x)
denote the minimal polynomial of pi, an element in some extension field GF(qm) of GF(q).

Definition. A BCH code over F =GF(q) of block length n and designed distance Bis a cyclic
code generated by a polynomial g(x) =Icm (mi(x): a ~ i ~ a+0-2} E F[x] whose root set
contains 0-1 distinct elements ~a, ~a+l, ... , ~a+&-2, where ~ is a primitive nth root of unity and a
is some integer.

If n =qm_l for some positive integer m, then the code is said to be primitive, and if a 1 =
the code is sometimes called narrow-sense. Note that since ~ is an nth root of unity, !y is also an
nth root of unity for all j, and hence it is clear that (x - !y) divides (x n - 1), and that g (x) divides
(x n -1), as required for the generator polynomial of a cyclic code of block length n.

In the construction of a BCH code of block length n, to find a primitive nth root of unity,
we recall the discussion of §5.8. One determines the extension field GF(qm) of GF(q) defined
by the smallest positive integer m such that n divides qm - 1. If qm -1 = kn, and (l is a primitive
element of GF(qm), then p=a.k is a primitive nth root of unity.
206 Error Correcting Codes

Example 6.

In example 3. g(x) = 1 + x + x 3 generates a (7.4)-BCH code with designed distance 3.

Among the roots of g(x) are ~ = a and ~2. where ~ is a 7th root of unity in GF(23).

Example 7.

Consider the polynomial g (x) = 2 + 2x + X4 + 2xs + x 6 + X 7 over GF (3) of example 2. g (x)

divides x13 - 1. and generates a (13.6)-code over GF(3). Using the finite field GF(3 3)
given in Appendix D. ~ =a 2 is a primitive 13th root of unity and it is easily verified that
~o. ~l. ~2. ~3 are among the roots of g (x). g(x) = lcm (mj(x): 0 ~ i ~ 3} where mj(x) is the
minimal polynomial of ~j. since mo(x) = x-I. ml(x) = m3(x) = 2+2x+2x2+x3. and
~(x) =2 + 2x + x 3. Hence g(x) generates a (13.6)-BCH code with designed distance 5.

The following result explains the use of the term designed distance.

Theorem 6.2 (The BCH bound). Let C be a BCH code over GF(q) with designed distance ~.

Then C has distance at least ~.


Suppose g(x) generates C and C has block length n. Let a be a primitive nth root of unity
in GF(qm), and let aQ • a Q
+1, .... aQ +S-2 be ~ 1 distinct elements which are among the roots
of g (x). Form the matrix
(aQ)O (aQ)l (aQ )2 (aQt- 1
(aQ+1)o (aQ+1)1 (aQ+1)2 (aQ+1)n-l

Suppose we can prove that no ~1 columns of H are linearly dependent over GF(qm).
Then. replacing elements of GF(qm) in H by their corresponding column m-tuples over
GF(q). it follows that no set of ~1 columns in this derived matrix is linearly dependent
over GF(qm). or over GF(q) for that matter. Furthermore. then no ~1 columns of a max-
imum set of linearly independent rows of this derived matrix are linearly dependent. Now
by Theorem 6.1 and the discussion following it, the rows of this derived matrix are vectors
in C~ and a maximum set of linearly independent rows of this derived matrix yields a par-
ity check matrix H' for C. Finally, since no ~ 1 columns of H' are linearly dependent over
BCHCodes 207

GF(q), it follows by Theorem 3.5 that C has distance at least a, which is what we wish to
To achieve this end, consider any B-1 columns of H. They fonn a (B-1) x (B-1) matrix
over GF(qm). We prove that the determinant of this matrix is non-zero, implying the
columns are linearly independent. The detenninant of an arbitrary set of B-1 columns of H

(aQ)il (a Q )i2 (aQ)i.

(aQ+1)h (aQ+1)i2 (aQ+1)i.


where t =B-1. Pulling a common factor from each column gives

ail a i2 ail

D = IT (aQ)ij (a2)il (a 2 )h (a2)i.


This is a Vandermonde determinant, which can be evaluated as follows. Begin by manipu-

lating the detenninant to get a 0 in every row of the first column except row 1. Multiply
row h by ail and subtract this from row h+l, 0 S h S B-2. Having done this, expand the
detenninant along the first column. Since column 1 is all 0 except for a single I in the first
row, the result is a (B-2) x (B-2) detenninant with a common factor of a ij - ail in column
j - 1. This gives
a i2 ail ail

D ={IT (aQ)ij) IT (aij_ail ) (a2)i2 (a2)i3 (a 2)i.

j=l j=2
208 Error Correcting Codes

The resulting detenninant is also a Vandennonde detenninant of smaller size. By induc-

tion we get
t . ..
D = n(aQ)ljn(alj-all).
j=l j>/

Since a is a primitive nth root of unity a i} - ail:;: 0 for j :;: /, 1:S; / :s; n, 1:S; j :s; n , and
hence D :;: O. This completes the proof. (Compare to Chapter 3, example 13.) 0

This theorem gives us a method for constructing cyclic codes with a lower bound on the
distance in the code. (Note that the distance of the code may exceed the designed distance.)

Example 8.

Suppose we wish to construct a BCH code C with block length 15 and designed distance 7
over GF(2). First, we require a primitive 15th root of unity a. We can take a to be a prim-
itive element in GF(24 ). The cyclotomic cosets of 2 modulo 15 are


C 1 = (1,2,4,8)

C3 == (3,6,9,12)

Cs = (5,10)

C7 = (7,11,13,14).

From this we see that ml(x), m3(x) and m7(x) are irreducible polynomials of degree 4 over
GF(2), and ms(x) is an irreducible quadratic. If we take

then g(x) divides xiS - 1 and so generates a (15,5)-cyclic code. The set of roots of g(x) is

R={a i : ie (1,2,4,8,3,6,9,12,5,1O))

which contains the consecutive powers a, a 2 , a 3, a 4 , as, a 6 and so C is a BCH code with
designed distance 7. If we take GF(24) to be generated by a root a of f(x) = 1 + x + X4
BCHCodes 209


Since g (x) is a codeword of weight 7, the actual distance of the code is 7.

We could also have used g(x) =m3(x) ms(x) m7(x), as its root set contains the consecutive
powers 0.9 , 0. 10, aU, 0. 12, 0. 13 , 0. 14 and so the designed distance would still be 7. In this case
g(x) = 1 +x2 +xs +x6 +x8 +x9 + X10, and again the true distance is 7.

Example 9.

Consider BCH codes with block length 21 over GF(2). To construct such a code, we
require a 21st root of unity. Use GF(26) as given in Appendix D. Since (l is a primitive
element in this field, ~ =0.3 is a primitive 21st root of unity. Now the cyclotomic cosets of
2 modulo 21 are

Co= (O)

C 1 = (1,2.4,8,16,11)

Cs = (5,10,20,19,17,13)

C7 = (7,14)

C 9 ={9,18,15}.

Let mj(x) be the minimal polynomial of ~j. If we take gl(X) =m1(x)m3(x), then the root set
of gl(x) contains ~, ~2, ~3, ~4 and the code has designed distance 5. If we take
g2(x) = m1(x)m3(x)mS(x), then g2(x) generates a BCH code of designed distance 7.
210 Error Correcting Codes

Example 10.
Consider BCll codes with block length 13 over GF(3). We require a primitive 13th root of
unity. Using GF(3 3 ) as given in Appendix D, p= 0.2 is a primitive 13th root of unity. The
cyclotomic cosets of 3 modulo 13 are

Co = {OJ

C1 = {1,3,9}

C2 = {2,6,5}

If mj(x) is the minimal polynomial of (3, then g I (x) =mo(x) ml (x) m2(x) generates a (13,6)-
BCH code over GF(3) with designed distance 5, as the root set of gl(x) contains (30, pI, (32,
p3. The polynomial g2(x) = ml(x) m2(x) mix) generates a (13,4)-BCll code over GF(3)
with designed distance 7.

The code generated by gt(x) in example 10 actually has distance 6 (exceeding the designed
distance 5). The reader might like to prove this. (A proof is given in example 16 of §6.4.)

The next section gives a more general method for detennining the distance of a cyclic code.
The result given there will imply the BCll bound of Theorem 6.2.

6.3 Bounds for Cyclic Codest

Let C be a cyclic code of length n generated by the polynomial g(x) over GF(q). We will
be interested in the set of roots of g(x); hence as in §5.8, we will assume that gcd(n,q) = 1.
(Otherwise, if gcd(n,q) = pS, each root will have multiplicity pS.) This simplifies the discussion
without loss of generality.

Let F = GF(qm) be a field containing the roots of xn - 1 and define R to be the root set of
g(x) in F, i.e.

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

BCHCodes 211

R={reF: g(r)=O}.


g(x) = lem{ m,(x): r e R }.

In this section, we consider a useful result, distinct from Theorem 6.2, that establishes a lower
bound on the distance of C. First, we require the following definition, and provide an example.

Definition. Let S be a particular subset of F. Denote by Is the family of subsets of F dermed

inductively by the following rules.

(1) 0 e Is, where 0 denotes the empty set

(2) !fA e Is,A r;:S andb E S, then A u {b} e Is.

(3) !fA e Is ande e F, e ",0, then eA =lea: a e A) e Is.

Each member of Is is said to be independent with respect to S.

Example 11.
Consider F = GF(24) with a a pnIDltlVe element. Let S =tal, a 2, as, ( 7). Then
F\s {O, a 3, a 4, a 6, a 8, a 9, a 10, all, a l2, a l3, a 14 } and

(i) 0 e Is

(ii) Al =0 u {a3 } ={a3} e Is

(iii) A2 =a-'IAl u «(3) = {a2,a3} E Is since a-lA I e Is and a-lA1 r: S.
(iv) A3 =a-l A2 u (all} = (a l ,a2,all ) e Is since a-l A2 e Is and a- l A2 r;:S.

Theorem 6.3. Let h(x) be a polynomial over GF(q) and let S be the set of roots of h(x) in
F GF(qm). (It is not required that all roots of hex) be in F.) Then the number of non-zero
terms in hex), denoted wt(h(x», satisfies

wt(h(x» ~ I A I

for every subset A of F which is independent with respect to S (i.e. for all A e Is).
212 Error Correcting Codes

Suppose h(x) has k non-zero tenns, and

h(x) =AIX il + ~Xil + ... + Ak xit

where Aj E GF(q), Aj ~ 0, 1 ~ j ~ k. For any subset A of F define a set of vectors V(A) in

Vk(F) by

We prove inductively that if A E Is then the set of vectors V(A) is linearly independent in
Vk(F) and IV(A)I = IA I. Then since dim(Vk(F» = k, we have

IA 1 = IV(A)I ~ k =wt(h(x»,
establishing the result. To begin, if A = 0, then the result is true. Now suppose the result
is true for A. If A E Is, A ~ S, and b e S, then A u {b} E Is. Since b e S, h (b) ~ 0 and it
follows that the vector b = (b il , biz, ... , bit) is distinct from any vector in V(A), since
h(a)=0 for all a EA. Suppose b is an F -linear combination of the vectors in V(A). We
know that A = (AI' ~, ... , Ak) has the property that A'a =0 for all a E V(A). If b is a linear
combination of the vectors in V(A), then A'b =O. But this implies that h(b) =0 and be S
which is not so. Therefore V(A u {b}) is an independent set of vectors in Vk(F). Finally,
if A E Is and c E F, c ~ 0, then cA E Is and

V(cA) ={( (ca)\ (ca)i z, ... , (ca)i 1 ): a E A}.

Consider the matrix


Since detD ~ 0, D represents a linear transfonnation from Vk(F) to Vk(F). D carries the
independent vectors V(A) into the set V(cA) which implies that V(cA) is a linearly indepen-
dent set with IV(A)I = IV(cA)1. This completes the proof. 0
BCHCodes 213

We can apply this result to determine a lower bound, better than that provided by.Theorem
6.2, on the distance of a cyclic code C generated by a polynomial g(x). Since C is a linear code,
its distance is equal to the minimum weight among its non-zero codewords. If we can show that
every non-zero codeword (polynomial) has at least d non-zero terms, then we will know that C
has distance at least d.

Example 12.
Consider binary cyclic codes of block length 17. If g(x) is a generator, then g(x) divides
x I7 - 1 and the roots of g(x) lie in some extension field GF(2m ). Consider the cyclotomic
cosets of 2 modulo 17. They are

Co = {OJ

C I = {I, 2, 4,8, 16, 15,13, 9}

C3 = (3, 6, 12,7,14,11,5, 10),

Suppose g (x) =mI (x) where mI (x) is the minimal polynomial of a, a primitive 17th root of
unity. The BCH bound tells us only that g(x) has distance d ~ 3 (since only two roots are
consecutive powers of a). To derive a better bound on the distance, we proceed as follows.
Define the sequence (Aj: i ~ 0) of sets independent with respect to S = (aj : i E C tl by
Ao = 0, Aj+I = cjAj u (b j ). Through judicious selection of b j and Cj, we have
~=0 ~=~
Al = {a3 } CI = a l bl =a l4
A2 = (a4 ,a I4 ) c2=a4 b2 =a7
A3 = (a8,a l ,(7 ) c3=al b3 =a6
A4 = (a9,a2,a8,(6) c4=a7 b4 =a3
As = (aI6,a9,aIS,aI3,(3).

Since IAsl =5, wt(g(x» ~ 5 (by Theorem 6.3). Now every code polynomial c(x) contains
S in its set of roots. Hence using the above sequence A j , it can be shown that any polyno-
mial c(x) not containing any of a 3, a 14, a 7, a 6 among its roots also satisfies wt(c(x» ~ 5.
If c(x) contains a root from the set C3,then c(x) must be divisible by m3(x), and hence
c(x)= ml(x)m3(x) or c(x)= (x-I) ml(x) m3(x) =0. If c(x) =ml(x) m3(x), then
wt(c(x» =17. Hence in all cases, wt(c(x» ~ 5 for c(x) ¢ 0, implying d ~ 5 (by Theorem
214 Error Correcting Codes

Theorem 6.3 allows us to prove the following result.

Theorem 6.4. If h (x) has yai, 0 :s; i :s; k-l among its roots for some y, a E F, then either

(i) wt(h(x» ~ k+l, or

(ii) h(yai) = 0 for all i ~ O.


Let S = (p E F: h(p) = OJ. Suppose (ii) does not hold and let i = t be the smallest i such
that yat E S. (This may necessitate increasing the value of k.) Define the sequence
(Ai: i ~O) of subsets of F, where Ao=0 and for i ~O, Ai+l =a-1Ai U {yat}. Then
Ao, AI' ... , Ak+l are all independent with respect to S. Since IAk+11 = k+l, the result follows
from Theorem 6.3.0

Example 13.
Consider the binary cyclic (35,28)-code C generated by g (x) = mll,(x)'mp7(x) where
pE GF(2 12 ) is a primitive 35th root of unity. The root set R of g(x) is

By the BCH bound C has distance d ~ 3. Let c(x) be any codeword and let S be its set of
roots. If we take y= p7 and a =p7 and apply Theorem 6.4, then either wt(c(x» ~ 5 since
{(37, (314, (328, (321} r;;. S, or ai E S for all i ~ 1. This last possibility implies that (30 = 1 E S,
and if 1 is a root of c(x), then wt(c(x» is even. In either case, wt(c(x» ~ 4, so the distance
of the code is at least 4.

Example 14.
Consider F = GF(24 ) with primitive element a. Let g(x) =ma,(x) ma3(x) be the generator
polynomial for a (15,7)-code C. It can be established that C is a BCH code with designed
distance 5 by Theorem 6.2. We could also establish this bound on the distance as follows.
The roots of g(x) form the set S = {aI, a 2, a 3, a 4, a 6, as, a 9, a I2 }. We construct a
sequence of sets (Ai: i ~ 0) which are independent with respect to S. For each i, O:s; i :s; 4,
ciAi ~ S, b j E Sand Aj+I = cjA j u {b;}. We use Cj =a-I and b j = a 5.
BCHCodes 215

Al = {as}
A2 = {a4,aS }
A3 = {a 3,a4,aS}
A4 = {a2,a3,a4,aS}
As = {al,a2,a3,a4,aS}

Since IAsl =5, by Theorem 6.3 wt(g(x» ~ 5. Now since we used bi =as, and we require
bi E S, for any code polynomial e(x) with e(a5) ~ 0 the same sequence Ai yields wt(e(x»
~ 5. If as is a root of e(x), and a 7 is not (note a 6 is a root then - see example 8 for the
cyclotomic cosets of 2 mod 15), then a similar sequence Ai using hi = a 7 yields wt(e(x»
~ 5. If as and a 7 are both roots of e(x), then as in example 12, wt(e(x» = 0 or IS. We
conclude that d ~ S.

Theorem 6.4 and example 14 suggest an alternate proof of Theorem 6.2 (exercise 2).

6.4 Decoding BCn Codes

There are several techniques for decoding BCn codes. The method described here is
chosen because of its simplicity and mathematical elegance. We first consider the case of
narrow-sense codes (i.e. a = 1).

Let g(x) be the generator polynomial for a BCH code over F = GF(q) of designed distance
oand length n. Let aI, a2 , .•• , a&--l be ~ 1 consecutive roots of g(x), where a is a primitive nth
root of unity, and let mi(x) be the minimal polynomial of ai, 1 ~ i ~ ~ 1. As we have seen

g(x) =[em { mi(x): 1 ~ i ~ ~I }.

Suppose e(x) is a code polynomial and e(x) is an error polynomial with wt(e(x» = [ ~ t, where
t = L(8-1)/2J. Consider rex) =c(x) + e(x). Given rex), we wish to deduce e(x).

First we compute the syndrome sex) of rex) by dividing rex) by g(x), giving

rex) = h(x)g(x) + sex).

Define Si = s(ai +1), 0 ~ i ~ ~2 and compute these quantities. Clearly, s(ai +l ) = r(ai+l ). Furth-
ermore, r(x) = e(x) + e(x) implies r(ai+ I ) = e(a.i+I ), 0 ~ i ~ B-2 and
216 Error Correcting Codes

Note that Si can be computed by dividing r(x) by mi+l(x) and then evaluating the remainder at
o.i +1•
Now let

where 0 $ aj $ n-I and Aaj :;I: 0, and let Uj = o.aJ, 0 $ j $ 1-1. The Uj are called error locators
and the aj are error location numbers, specifying the coordinate positions of the errors (Le. the
non-zero terms of e(x». As a first goal, we set out to determine these error locators Uj as fol-
lows. Letting Yj = AaJ' 0 $ j $1-1 we have

We define the error locator polynomial a(z) to be

a(z) = j=o

Note that to distinguish this polynomial from others used previously, we make a point of switch-
ing to the indeterminate z. The reciprocals of the roots of a(z) are then the error locators Uj'
o$ j $ 1-1. We next define the error evaluator polynomial w(z) to be
1-1 1-1
w(z) = :EYiUi ~ (I - UjZ)'
i=O J.=f!

w(Z) 1-1 YjUj 1-1
- - = i=O
:E = i=O
:E YiUi j=O

a(z) (1 - Ui z)
1-1 &-2 .
== :EYjUj :E(Ujz)' (mod z&-I)
j=O j=O

&-21-1 . 1 .
= L LYjU/+ zl
j=O j=O
BCHCodes 217

8-2 .
= r,SjZJ.

Defining the syndrome polynomial S(z) to be

8-2 .
S(z) = r,SjzJ,

a polynomial in z with coefficients from some extension field of GF(q), we obtain the key equa-

w(z) == cr(z)S(z) (mod z8-I) (1)

where degw(z) =I-I, degcr(z) =I and degS(z) s; B-2.

Suppose now that given S(z) we can find non-zero polynomials w'(z) and cr'(z) such that
degw'(z) S; I-I, degcr'(z) S; I, and

w'(z) == cr'(z)S(z) (mod z8-I). (2)

Multiplying (1) by cr'(z) and (2) by a(z), we have

w(z)cr'(z) == w'(z)a(z) (mod z8-I).

But deg(w(z)cr'(z» S; 2/-1 S; B-2, and similarly deg(w'(z)cr(z» S; B-2. Hence

w(z)cr'(z) =w'(z)cr(z). (3)

From the definitions of w(z) and cr(z), it follows easily that gcd(w(z), cr(z» =1 (exercise 3).
Therefore (3) implies that w(z) divides w'(z) and cr(z) divides cr'(z). Since by hypothesis w'(z)
and cr'(z) are non-zero and degw'(z) S; degw(z), degcr'(z) S degcr(z), we have

w'(z) =AIW(z) and cr'(z) =~cr(z)

for some AI. ~ E F. Regardless, the roots of cr'(z) are the same as the roots of a(z), and hence
the roots of cr'(z) determine the error vector.
What we need now is an algorithm to provide w'(z) and cr'(z) satisfying (2), given S(z).
The algorithm we will use is the extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomials (see Appendix
B). Given polynomials a(z) and b(z) in F[z], their gcd G(z) can be computed by the ordinary
Euclidean algorithm. The extended Euclidean algorithm provides us not only with G(z), but
also with polynomials s(z) and t(z) such that
218 Error Correcting Codes

s(z) a(z) + t(z) b(z) = G(z).

The algorithm may be run as follows. Let

so(z) =1, to(z) =0, 'o(z) =a(z),

Then for i ~ 2,

where qj(z) is detennined by applying the division algorithm to 'j-2(z) and 'H(z),

with 'j(z) =0 or deg'j(z) < degrj_l(z). It can be proven that if dega(z) ~ degb(z), then fori ~ 1,

degtj(z) S; dega(z) - deg'j_l(Z), (4)

and that for i ~ 0


(exercise 27). We apply this method with a(z) = z&-1 and b(z) = S(z), continuing iterations until
deg'j_l ~ (6-1)/2 and degrj < (6-1)/2. Such a remainder 'j(z) exists since the degree of the
polynomials in the Euclidean remainder sequence decreases monotonically, the sequence ter-
minating with the last non-zero remainder being G(z) =gcd(z6-1, S(z» and by (1), G(z) divides
w(z), implying degG(z) < (6-1)/2. For the first such i, (5) implies that
Sj(z) z6-1 + Ij(Z) S(z) = 'j(z)

'j(z) == tj(Z)S(z) (mod z6-1).

If deg'i-l(z) ~ (6-1)/2, then by (4),

(6-1) 6-1
deg/j(z) S; 6-1- -2- = 2"
and this degree is an integer. This implies that W'(Z) ='j(z), o'(z) =tj(z) satisfies (2). Hence
<J(z) =Arj(z) for some A. E F and we have deduced a scalar multiple of the error locator polyno-
mial. By finding the roots of tj{z) we obtain the roots of <J(z), and can deduce the error
BCHCodes 219

locations. Knowing the error locations, the magnitudes of the errors can be determined by solv-
ing a system of linear equations over F; this technique is illustrated in example 16 below, and
discussed further in §7.4 (For an alternate method see exercise 30.). If F = GF(2) then solving
for the error magnitudes is not necessary, as we will see in example 15 below. These examples
illustrate this general technique for decoding BCH codes.

Example 15.
Consider the polynomial g(x)=1+x+x2+x4+x5+ x 8+ x lO which generates a
designed-distance 7 binary BCH code of length 15. If GF(24 ) is generated by a root a of
f(x) = 1 +x +x4, then

ml (x) = 1 + x + x4

m5(x) = 1 + x + x 2


Now a is a primitive 15th root of unity, and aI, a 2, a 3, a 4, a 5 and a 6 are among the roots
of g(x). Suppose the decoder receives


We first compute

r(x) = (1+x+x 6+x 8+x 9)ml(x) + (x 2 +X3)

Now, using the Zech's log table for this field (see Appendix D), and the appropriate equa-
tions above,
220 Error Correcting Codes

S2 = r(a3) = 1 +a6 = a 13
S3 = r(a4) = (r(a»4 = a 9
S4 = r(a5) = a 5
S5 = r(a~ = (r(a3»2 = all.

S(z) = a 6 + a l2z + a 13z2 + a 9z3 + a 5z4 + a ll z5.

Note that the coefficients in S(z) are elements of GF(24). In order to find the error locator
polynomial O'(z), we apply the extended Euclidean algorithm to z3-1 =z6 and S(z). Rather
than writing the polynomials, we list only the associated coefficient vectors in the follow-
ing table.

Sj tj rj deg(rj)

1 z6 6

° 1 (a6,aI2,aI3,a9,a5,al1) 5
1 (a,13,a4) (a4,0,a6,aI2,a8) 4
(a2,a3) (0,a11 ,a7) (0,a2,a3,a14) 3
(1,a ll ,(12) (a13 ,a4,a5 ,a) (a4,0,a) 2

We stop when deg(rj) < (8-1)12 = 3. The error locator polynomial is a field multiple of

The roots of O"(z) are the same as the roots of O'(z). We can find the roots of O"(z) by try-
ing all non-zero elements in GF(24 ). A more efficient technique for finding the roots of
quadratic, cubic and quartic equations will be given in §6.S. But here, by trial, we find a 2,
a 14 and all are roots of O"(z), and hence are the roots of O'(z). The error locations are
given by the reciprocals of these roots. They are a 13, a 1 and a 4. The error vector is thus

e =(01001 00000 00010).

We decode r to c =(11010 11110 00100).

In general, for a a primitive nth root of unity, the set of roots of a generator polynomial
g(x) for a BCH code of length n and designed distance l) contains 8-1 consecutive powers of the
fonn aa, aa+ 1, aa+2, "0' aa+8-2. The preceding discussion considers the case a =1 (i.e. narrow-
BCHCodes 221

sense codes). In the general case with a not necessarily equal to 1, our previous equation yield-
ing Sj becomes
. I-l .
Sj = s(aQ+I) = LYjutl, 0 ~ i ~ &-2 (6)

and we now define

1-1 1-1
w(z) = LYjUr .fI(l- UjZ)'
j=O J.=<!

The theory now remains as before. This generalization is illustrated in the following example.

Example 16.

Consider a BCH code C of length 13 and designed distance 0 =5 over GF(3). Take the
finite field F =GF(3 3 ) generated by a root a of I(x) = I + 2x2 + x 3 (as given in Appendix
D). Then p =a 2 is a primitive 13th root of unity in F. The cyclotomic cosets of 3 modulo
13 are

Co = to}

C 1 = (1,3,9)

C 2 = {2,5,6}

If mj(x) denotes the minimal polynomial of pj, then

mo(x) =x - 1
222 Error Correcting Codes

As a generator polynomial for C we may take

We can prove that C actually has distance d = 6 as follows. Since x-I divides g(x), it
divides all c(x) E C, and hence c(1) = O. Since the non-zero terms of c(x) have coeffi-
cients 1 and -1 and there must be at least 5 such terms (since 5 = 5), it follows that
wt(c(x» :i! 6 for c(x) ¢. O. Hence d :i! 6, and since wt(g(x» = 6, the distance of C is exactly
An alternate approach to establishing d is using the techniques of §6.3. Let c(x) E C and
define S = (p: c(p) = OJ. Clearly Co U C I U C2 !;; S. If S contains elements from both C4
and C7, then it contains all elements of both C4 and C7 and c(x) =O. If S contains elements
from one but not both of C4 and C7 , then it contains all the elements from that coset and
none from the other, and it is easily proven (as in example 14) that c(x) has weight at least
6. Hence, assume S contains no elements from C4 or C7• Define the following sequence
(Ai: i :i! 0) of independent sets where Ao =0, Ai+I =CiAi U {b i } and b i e: S. (For simpli-
city, we write only the exponent i of a i .)
Ao=0 bo=4
Al = {4} CI =-3 b I = lO
A2 = {1,lO} c2=-1 b2 = lO
A3 = {0,9,lO} c3=-4 b3 =4
A4= {5,6,9,4} C4=-4 b4 =8
As = {1,2,5,0,8} Cs = 1 bs = lO
A6 = {1,2,3,6,9,lO}
Since 1A61, we have wt(c(x» ~ 6 (by Theorem 6.3), and since wt(g(x» = 6, it follows that
C has distance exactly 6.

Now suppose the decoder receives

r =(220021 110 21 lO).

First, we divide r(x) by mo(x), mI(x) and m2(x).

r(x) = qo(x) mo(x) + 1

BCHCodes 223

r(x) = Q2(X) m2(x) + (1 + 2x).

The generalized equation (6) with a = 0 gives Sj = r(~j). Using the Zech's log table for
GF(3 3 ) in Appendix D,

So= r(~O) = 1

Sl= r(~l)= 1+2~+~2= 1+2a2 +a4 = a 14

S2= r(~2)= 1 +2~2= 1 +2a4 = a23

S3 = r(~3) = (r(~»3 = (a14)3 = a 42 = a 16.

This gives

S(z) = 1 + a 14z + a 23 z2 + a 16z3 .

We now apply the Euclidean algorithm to zS-l = z4 and S(z).

s·I tj rj deg(rj)

1 0 z4 4
0 1 (l,a14,a23,a16) 3
1 (a17,a23 ) (a17,a16,a13) 2
_(a 16 ,a3) (a I5 ,a3,a13) (a 15 ,a I6 ) 1

We continue until deg(rj) < (&-1)/2 = 2. At this point, we know that the error locator poly-
nomial is a scalar multiple of

Over GF(3), we can apply the standard quadratic formula to find the roots of this quadratic
equation. We get
-a3±-V (a3)2-4(2)a 15
z= 2(2)

= -0.3 ±-Va6+a15 = -a.3 ± -Va 12 = -0.3 ± a6•

Therefore the two roots are
224 Error Correcting Codes


The error locations are thus p-5 =p8 and p-9 = p4. Let e(x) =Yl x4 + y&X 8. To detennine
the error magnitudes Yl and Y2, which are elements of GF (3), we proceed as follows. Note

SI = r(~l) = e(~I) = YIP4 + Y2P8

S2 = r(p2) = e(p2) = Yl (p4)2 +Y2(p8)2
This yields the linear system over GF(3 3 )


giving Yl =2 and Y2 =2. The error vector is

e =(000 020 002 0000)

and we decode r to c = r - e = (220001 III 2110).

6.5 Linearized Polynomials and Finding Roots of Polynomialst

The previous section indicates a need to find roots of polynomials over finite fields. The
method of trying all possibilities (e.g. in example 15) will always work, but this is not very effi-
cient if the field is large. In what follows we describe an efficient method for finding roots of
polynomials over GF (2n) for polynomials of degree 2, 3 or 4.

Definition. Let F =GF(pn), where p is a prime. An affine polynomial over F is any polynomial
I (x) of the fonn
t i 2
lex) = A+ LAjXP = A+ A(}t + AIXP + AzXP + ... + AtXP'

t This section may be omitted without loss of continuity.

BCHCodes 225

where A, Aj e F, 0 SiS t. If A=0 then I (x) is a linearized polynomial.

Example 17.
The polynomiall(x) = 1 + x 2 + x8 is an affine polynomial over GF(2).

Finding the roots of an affine polynomial is relatively easy. It involves solving a linear
system of equations over F, as illustrated by the following example.

Example 18.
=1 + x 2 + x 8 in F =GF(24). We may take F to be
Suppose we wish to find the roots of l(x)
generated by a, where f(x) =1 + x + x4 and f(a) =O. The elements of Fare 4-tuples over
GF(2), with respect to the polynomial basis B = (I, a, a 2 , ( 3 ). Suppose p = (aOala2a3) is
a root of I(x), aj e GF(2). Then p =I:[=oajai where a =(0100), and since l(p) =0,
3 . 2 3 . 8
1 + (I:aja /) + (I:aja /) =0
j=O i=O

and, using Lemma 2.7,

Expanding this, noting a 16 =a, and collecting terms gives

Using F as given in Appendix D, a 2 + a 8 =(1000), a 4 + a = (1000) and a 6 + a 9 = (0110).

Hence we obtain

and the linear system

There are 4 solutions to this system: (0010), (0100), (1010), (100), i.e. a 2, a, a 8 and a 4•
We could have observed this right from the beginning, since lex) = 1 + x 2 + x 8 =0+x+x4)2,
but the method given here is more general.
226 Error Correcting Codes

Example 19.
Consider finding the roots of l(x) =1 + (X3x + (X5x S over F =GF(24), generated by a root (X
of f(x) where f(x) = 1 + x + X4. Let P = (ao'lla2a3) be a root of 1(x). Then

and l(p) =O. Hence

l(p) = 1+ a 3(ao + ala + a2a2 + a3(3) + a 5(ao + alaS + a2a + a3(9)

= 1+ ao(OIII) + al(Olll) + a2(0101) + a3(101O)

= (0,0,0,0)

and we obtain the system of linear equations

which has solutions (ao'lla2a3) =(0111) and (lOll). Therefore, the only roots of l(x) in F
are all and a l3.

It is clear from the definition that every quadratic polynomial over GF(2n ) is an affine
polynomial. Unfortunately, not all non-quadratic polynomials are affine, and hence the above
technique for finding roots cannot always be applied. However, in certain cases, it is possible to
transform a non-affine polynomial into an affine polynomial. find the roots of this transformed
polynomial (by solving the appropriate system of linear equations), and then from these recover
the roots of the original polynomial. We consider below the particular cases of polynomials of
degree 3 and 4 over GF(2n ).
BCHCodes 227

Consider the cubic polynomial

where a, b, c, d E GF(2n ), a ¢ O. If d = 0, then h(x) has 0 as a root and the problem reduces to
that of finding the roots of a quadratic polynomial over GF(2 n ). H d ¢ 0, let x = y + b/a. Then

h(x) = ax3 + bx 2 + ex + d
b2 eb
= ay3 + ( - + e)y + ( - + d)
a a
= h(y).

and yh(y) is a linearized polynomial. The non-zero roots of yh(y) are the roots of h(y) and these
will give the roots of h(x). Hence we have the following result.

Theorem 6.5. Any cubic polynomial over GF(2n ) can be transformed into a linearized polyno-
mial from which its roots in GF(2n ) can be deduced.

Example 20.

Suppose we wish to find the roots of h(x) =a 13 + a 4x + a 5x 2 + ax 3 over GF(24 ), where

GF(24) is generated by a root a ofj(x) = 1 +x +x4. Let x =y + a 4• Then

h(y) = a(y + ( 4)3 + a5(y + ( 4)2 + a4(y + ( 4) + a13


is a linearized polynomial. Let p =(aOala2a3) be a root of l(y). Then

l(p) = a(l:ajaj )4 + a 14(l:ajaj )2 + a 3(l:ajaj )

= ao(l + a) + al(l + a + ( 2) + a2(a2) + a3(l + a + ( 2)


Equating coefficients to 0 gives the linear system

228 Error Correcting Codes

There are four solutions to this system, and

So the roots ofyh(y) are 0, alO, a 9, a13. The roots ofh(y) are thus a lO, a 9, a13, and since
x = y + a , the roots of h (x) are a 2, a 14 and all.

For quartic equations, we have a similar situation.

Theorem 6.6. Any quartic equation over GF(2 n ) can be transfonned into an affine polynomial
from which its roots in GF(2n ) can be deduced.

To see this, consider the quartic equation

h (x) =ax4 + bx 3 + cx 2 + dx + e
where a, b, c, d, e E F, a¢O. We assume e:;o!{) for otherwise hex) =x c(x) where c(x) is a cubic
equation. We also assume that botO (since if b=O, then hex) is already an affine polynomial).
With botO, let x = y+r and h(y) = h(y+t), where t 2 =d/ b. Since we are working in GF(2n ), dl b
has a unique square root and t is uniquely defined (see below). We see that


c=bt +c

Now h(y) is not an affine polynomial, nor is y ·h(y). But suppose we let y = liz. Then

h(..!.) = a_I + b _1 + C_1 + d

z z4 z3 z2

BCHCodes 229

is an affine polynomial in the variable z. The reciprocals of the roots of I(z) are the roots of
h(y), from which the roots of hex) can be deduced.

To determine the unique square root of d/ bin GF(2n ), we may proceed as follows. Sup-
pose d/ b = oi, where a is a primitive element in GF(2n ). Letting a2d = ai, we wish to find
-{(;J = ad, i.e. we wish to find d such that

This is available directly upon computing rl (mod 2n-l) via the extended Euclidean algorithm
(see Appendix B).

Example 21.

Consider rmding the roots of hex) = a 8 + a 4x + ax 2 + a 8x 3 + X4 in GF(24), generated by a

where/ex) = 1 +x +x4 and/(a) =0. Let x = yH, where t 2 = all, implying t = a13. Then

hey) =y4 + a8y 3 + a lly2 + 1.

. 1
Setung y =- we get

which is an affine polynomial in z. Let

P = (aoala2a3) = ao + al a + a2a2 + a3a3

be a root of I(z). Then

0= l(p)

using the field representation and Zech's log table as given in Appendix D. This gives the linear
230 Error Correcting Codes


The only solution to this system is (0101). Hence z =0.9 is a root of /(z), and y =0.6 is a root of
h(y). This gives x = 0.6 + 0. 13 = 1 as a root of the original equation, h(x).
BCHCodes 231

6.6 Exercises
1. In example 8 of this chapter, do we get the same polynomial g(x) if a different irreducible
polynomial is used for the representation of GF(24 )?
2. Give an alternate proof of Theorem 6.2, using the idea of the proof of Theorem 6.4.
3. For cr(z) and w(z) as defined in §6.4, prove that gcd(w(z), cr(z» = 1.

4. For the codes of examples 15 and 16 of this chapter, describe briefly how decoding
schemes from previous chapters could be used.


5. (a) Give a generator polynomial for a double-error correcting BCH code C of length 8
and dimension 3 over GF(3).
(b) Construct a parity-check matrix H for C.
6. Consider GF(24) generated by a root ex of I(x) = 1 +x +x4. The polynomial g(x) =
mal(x) ma.'(x) ma 5(x)= 1 + x + x 2 + x4 + x 5 + x 8 + x lO generates a binary cyclic (15,5)-code
with distance 7. Consider the received vector r =(110 000 111 000 000). Given that

(a) Find the syndrome polynomial S(z).

(b) Find the error locator polynomial cr(z).
(c) Find the roots of cr(z).
(d) Determine the error pattern associated with r.
7. Note the list of minimum polynomials given with GF(25) in Appendix D.
(a) Construct a generator polynomial for a (31,11)-binary cyclic code which has designed
distance 11.
(b) Construct a generator polynomial g(x) for a (31,15)-binary cyclic code which has
designed distance 8 and is self-orthogonal.
232 Error Correcting Codes

(c) Determine the number of cyclic self-orthogonal codes of length 31 in V31 (Z2)'

8. Let g(x) = (1 + x + x 2)(1 + x + x 4)(1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x 4) be the generator polynomial for a

(15,5)-BCH code with minimum distance 7. Computations are done in GF(16) which is
generated by a root Cl of !(x) =x4+x+1. Determine, if possible, the error positions in the
following received vectors.
(a) rl =(100 111 001 011 101) (b) r2 =(111 111 000 101 101)
(c) r3 = (000 111 111 111 000)

9. Construct a generator polynomial g(x) for a (15,7)-BCH code over GF(4) with designed
distance 7.

10. Show that the extended t-error-correcting binary BCH code formed by adding an overall
parity-check to the end of a cyclic binary BCH code is capable of correcting all patterns of
t or fewer errors and all bursts of t + 1 consecutive errors which do not include the overall

parity-check position (cf. exercise 42, Chapter 5).

11. Prove that if g(x) generates a cyclic (n,k)-code over GF(q) having distance d, then g(X')
generates an (nt,kt)-code over GF(q) having distance d.
12. Let Cl be a generating element for GF(2m ) and let g(x) =lcm{mcx;(x): 1$ i $ 2t}, i.e. g(x)
generates a binary BCH code C of length n = 2m - 1 having designed distance B=2t + 1.
Prove that if Bdivides n then C has distance d =B.
13. Consider F ::;; GF(8) defined using the polynomial f(x) = 1 + x + x 3•
(a) Construct a Zech's log table for this field, using a generator Cl where !(Cl) =O.
(b) Construct a generator polynomial g(x) for a (7,3)-code Cover F having designed dis-
tance 5. (Note that C consists of 7-tuples over GF(8) [not GF(2)], and that the
minimum polynomial of an element of GF(8) over GF(8) is always linear.)
(c) Suppose that in each codeword we replace each component by the binary 3-tuple
which represents the field element of GF(8) in that position. The result is a binary
vector of length 21. Let C' be the set of all binary 21-tuples obtained from the code-
words of C. Show that C' is a binary (21,9)-code.
(d) Prove that C' will correct up to 2 errors and will correct all burst errors of length 4 or
BCHCodes 233

Linearized polynomials and finding roots.

14. Find the roots of g(x) =a 4 + (XX3 + x 1 in GF(2 S), where GF(2 s ) is generated by a root a of
f(x) = 1 +x2+xS.
15. Find the roots of g (x) =as + x + a 2x 3 + x 1 in the field of the problem above.

16. Show that any cubic polynomial over GF(3 n ) can be transformed to a linearized polyno-

17. Find the roots in GF(3 3 ) of each of the following polynomials, where GF(3 3) is generated
by a root a of f(x) = 1 + 2x 2 + x 3.

(a) a(x) =x 3 + a 2I x + a 2I (b) b(x) =x2 + aIOx +a 4

(c) c(x) =x 3 + 2a20x2 + a13x + 2a7
18. Find the roots in GF(S2) of each of the following polynomials, where GF(S2) is generated
by f(x) = 2 +x +x2 andf(a) =0:
(a) a(x) =4 + 3a2x + (XX2 (b) b(x) =a 3 + 2x + (XXS (c) c(x) =as + 4x4 + x24
19. Find the roots in GF(34 ) of each of the following polynomials, where GF(3 4 ) is generated
by f(x) =x4 +x + 2 andf(a) =O.

(a) a(x) = 1 + 2a3x + (XX2 (b) b(x) = all + 2a1x + (XX2 +x3
(c) c(x)=a9 +2x 2 +a2x 3 (d) d(x) = 1 +x2+X8
20. Let

be a parity-check matrix for a (13,k)-code Cover Z3' (H is a 6 x 13 matrix over Z3 when

a i is replaced by the corresponding column 3-tuple.) Note the Zech's log table given for
the field GF(3 3) in Appendix D.

(a) Determine whether or not C is a cyclic code. If C is cyclic, determine the generator

(b) Determine k.

(c) Prove that C will correct up to 2 errors.

234 Error Correcting Codes

(d) Find the error pattern associated with the vector r =(11210101 1010 0).

21. Construct a generator polynomial g(x) for a (20,6)-cyclic code Cover GF(3) so that C has
distance d ~ 10.

22. Construct a generator matrix for a 2 error-correcting (13,7)-code containing 2187 code-
words. Describe a decoding procedure for this code.

23. Construct a generator polynomial for a single error correcting (9,3)-code.

24. A code is said to be reversible if and only if (cOcl",cn-l) is a codeword whenever

(Cn-lCn-2 ... CICO) is.

(a) Prove that a cyclic code is reversible if and only if the reciprocal of every root of its
generator polynomial is also a root of the generator polynomial.

(b) Prove that if -1 is a power of q mod n then every cyclic code of length n over GF (q)
is reversible.

25. Construct a generator polynomial for a cyclic code C of block length 14 and dimension as
large as possible over GF(2) having distance at least 4.

26. Let a be a primitive 21 51 root of unity in GF(26). Then a is a root of X 21 - 1. Let g(x) be a
divisor of x21_1 such that for some integer b, a b ,ab + 1,... ,ab+d - 2 are roots of g(x).

(a) Prove that g(x) generates a cyclic subspace having minimum distance at least d.

(b) Using the result of (a), deduce that at least two of the cyclic subspaces of dimension
11 in V21 have minimum distance at least 5.

27. Prove the properties of the extended Euclidean algorithm given by equations (4) and (5) in
28. Prove that the binary Hamming codes are (equivalent to) cyclic codes.

29. Let g(x) be a polynomial over GF(q), and let its distinct irreducible factors over GF(q) be
gl(x), ... ,gt(x), with respective degrees nl •... , nt . Prove that the splitting field GF(qm) of

g(x) is determined by the integer m =lcm(nl' ... ,nt ).

30. Using the notation of §6.4 show that the error magnitudes are given by
Uk- 1 W(Uk- l ) -W(Uk- 1)
= 1-1 =
n (1-UjUk-l) cr

where w(z) is the error evaluator polynomial and cr(z) is the error locator polynomial.
BCHCodes 235

31. Find the roots of g(x) = (l19 + x + (l22X 2 + (l22X 3 + x4 in GF(25) where GF(2 5) is generated
by a root (l off(x) = 1 +x2+x5,
32, Find the roots of g(x) == (l + (l9X + (l7x 2+ (l14X3 +x4 in GF(24) where GF(24) is generated
by a root of f(x) = 1 + x + x4,
Chapter 7



7.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we consider a special class of BCH codes and several important techniques
available to enhance error correction capabilities. In particular, we introduce the well known
Reed-Solomon codes, and discuss the ideas of channel erasures and interleaving. While these
concepts are of general interest, we find it motivating to focus our discussion, bringing these
ideas together by considering their particular application in the digital audio recording industry.

7.2 Reed-Solomon Codes

Let ~ be an element of F =GF(q) and suppose that the order of ~ is n (i.e. ~n =1 but
W:I: 1 for any positive s < n). Let

g(x) = (x_~1+a)(x_~2+a)···(x_~&-1+a)
for some 0 ~ 2 and some a ~ O. Then since g (x) divides xn - 1, g (x) is the generator polynomial
for an ideal in F[x]/(xn-l), and hence generates a cyclic code in Vn(F). Since l3i E F for any i,
the minimum polynomial of l3i is simply x - ~i. It follows from the definition of BCH codes
that g(x) generates a BCH code with designed distance o.
In this situation the code generated by
g(x) is called a Reed-Solomon code, and is an (n,k)-code over F with n -k = 0-1, i.e. k =
n - 0 + 1. The difference here is that whereas for BCH codes in general 13 is an element of some
extension field of F, for Reed-Solomon codes 13 is actually an element of F itself. We will refer
to such a code as an (n,k)-RS code over F. Applying the BCH bound on the distance d of the
code, we get that d 2! o. In fact, we will shortly prove that d = o. Before doing so, we consider
several examples of Reed-Solomon codes.
238 Error Correcting Codes

Example 1.
Consider GF(24) as given in Appendix D, generated by a root a of f(x) = 1 + x + x4. The
element P= a 3 is a primitive 5th root of unity. Let

g (x) =(x-P)(x-p2)(x-p3) =a 3 + a2x + allx 2 + x 3 .

Then g(x) generates a (5,2)-RS code Cover GF(24 ) with designed distance a=4. A gen-
erator matrix for C is

and a parity check matrix is

C has 256 codewords. That the distance of C is actually d =4 could be checked by gen-
erating all codewords and examining their weights.

Example 2.
Consider the finite field GF(5) and let a =2. It is easily checked that ord(a) =4, and p=
a is thus a primitive 4th root of unity. Let
g(x) =(x-2)(x-4) =3 + 4x + x 2.
Then g(x) generates a (4,2)-RS code Cover GF(5). A generator matrix for Cis

r3 410]

and a parity check matrix is

!I 022]
H= 0 1 1 3 .

C has distance 3 and contains 25 codewords.

Digital Audio 239

Theorem 7.1. An (n,k)-RS code C with designed distance 0 has distance


Let g(x) be the generating polynomial for C. They by definition, there exists an element
a E F of order n such that
&-1 .
g(x) = n (x-a.')

where 0 = n - k + 1. We know from Theorem 6.4 that C has minimum distance d ~ O.

Since g(x) has at most 0 non-zero terms in its expansion and g(x) is a codeword, we have
thatd ~o. Henced=o.D

Now the distance of any (n,k)-code can be shown to satisfy the Singleton bound d S;
n -k+ 1 (exercise 69, Chapter 3); and linear codes which meet this bound with equality are
known as maximum-distance separable (MDS) codes (see exercise 70, Chapter 3). Hence Reed-
Solomon codes are MDS codes - and for fixed nand k, no linear code can have larger distance
than a Reed-Solomon code.
Using Theorem 1.2, Theorem 7.1 leads directly to the following result.

In practice, Reed-Solomon codes over GF(2m ) are of greatest interest, and we shall focus
here on these. This interest is in large part due to the burst error correcting capabilities Reed-
Solomon codes afford, and the ease of implementation of codes over fields of characteristic 2.

Consider an (n,k)-RS code Cover GF(2m ). Now each element in GF(2m ) can be
represented as an m-tuple over GF(2). Hence each codeword C E C, an n-tuple over GF(2m ),
can be replaced by an mn-tuple c' over GF(2) by replacing each GF(2m ) component of c with a
binary m-tuple. The resulting set of vectors C' is an (nm,km)-code over GF(2). This follows
easily from the observations that C' contains 2km vectors and is closed under vector addition and
scalar multiplication from GF(2).
We now consider the ability of C' to correct a burst error e of bitlength b. Let c be any
codeword in C with corresponding codeword c' in C'. Also, let ci be the i th symbol in c, and let
c{ be the binary m-tuple corresponding to Cj. By Theorem 7.2, C' will certainly be able to
240 Error Correcting Codes

correct the error e if e alters at most L(n-k)/2j symbols in c. Aligning the first non-zero bit in e
to the last bit position of c{ for some i, then C' will certainly be capable of correcting e if the

remaining b-I entries in the burst do not affect more than the next L(n-k)/2j-l symbols in c.
Hence if b-I < m (L(n-k)/2j -I), C' can correct e. This leads to the following result.

Theorem 7.3. An (n,k)-RS ~ode over GF(2m) implies the existence of a binary (nm,km)-code
with burst error correcting_ capability m (I (n-k )/2J- I) + I.

An example at this point may be helpful.

Example 3.

Let F = GF(24) be defined by a root a of f~) = 1 +x +X4. Then p= a 3 is a primitive 5th

root of unity, and P has minimal polynomial g (x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x4 (see example 6,
Chapter 2). Now

and hence g(x) is the generator polynomial for a (5,1)-RS code Cover F of designed dis-
tance 8=5. The generator matrix for Cover F is G = [1, 1, 1, 1, I], and

C = {(a,i , a,i, a,i, a,i, a,i): 0 SiS 14} u {(O, 0,0, 0, 0» .

Each codeword c e C is a 5-tuple over F. Replacing each of the 5 components of c by a
corresponding 4-tuple over GF(2) results in a code C' in which each codeword is a binary
2O-tuple. Any binary burst error of length 5 or less in C' can be corrected.

7.3 Channel Erasures

A channel erasure is an error for which the position of the error is known but the magni-
tude is not. An erasure in position i of a received n-tuple can occur as a result of the decoder
receiving insufficient information to decide on a symbol for that coordinate, or information indi-
cating that a particular coordinate value is unreliable. The task of the decoder here is to restore
or "fill" the erasure positions.

Let C be an [n,M]-code over an alphabet A. A received vector r having I erasures (and no

additional errors) is said to be correctable to a codeword c if c is the unique codewordiunong the
I A I' vectors which agree with r in the n -I non-erasure positions. IT there is no unique code-
word in this set then r is not correctable. A code C is said to correct u erasures if any received
vector with I S u erasures is correctable. With this, we have the following result. (Compare to
Digital Audio 241

Theorem 1.2.)

Theorem 7.4 An [n,M]-code C of distance d, defined over an alphabet A, is capable of correct-

ing d - 1 erasures.


Suppose r is a received n-tuple containing 1= d -1 erasures. Among the I A II n-tuples

which agree with r in the n - [ non-erasure positions there can be at most one codeword,
since the minimum distance in C is d. Assuming the channel admits only erasures, there
thus is exactly one such codeword c, to which r can be corrected. 0

For linear codes over GF(q), erasures can be determined by solving a system of linear
equations, as illustrated by the following example.

Example 4.

Consider the code given in example 1. Suppose the decoder receives the vector

where' '_" indicates an erasure position, and arbitrarily assigns O's to the erasure positions


for some codeword c. Since Hcr =0 we have that Hrl =H(ul OU2u3 ol, i.e.

This system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns has the unique solution ul =a3, u2=a9 , u3=a 12.
242 Error Correcting Codes

We are often interested in channels which admit both errors and erasures. The task of the
decoder then is to correct the errors and fill the erasure positions. An (n.M]-code C over an
alphabet A is said to correct t errors and u erasures if for any received vector r having I ~ u eras-
ures there is a unique codeword C E C having d(c,v) ~ t for some v E S, where S is the set of
I A II vectors which agree with r in the n -I non-erasure positions. In other words, if any code-
word c E C suffers at most t errors and up to u additional erasures, then the transmitted code-
word c is recoverable from this altered vector which is received.

Theorem 7.5. An [n ,M] -code C with distance d = 2t + u + 1 can correct t errors and u erasures.

Let r be a received vector having at most t errors and I ~ u erasures, and let S be the set of
vectors which agree with r in the n - I non-erasure positions. Suppose c1,c2 E C,
d(cl> 51) s; t and d(c2,s2) S; t for some 51,52 E S. Then by the triangle inequality,

Now d =2t + u + 1 and d(C1' c2) ~ 2t + u implies C1 =c2' This implies there is a unique
codeword c = C1 that is within distance t of some vector in S, and r can be decoded to this
codeword. Hence C can correct t errors and u erasures. 0

The remainder of this section considers decoding linear codes in the presence of both chan-
ne'! errors and erasures. The more specialized case of BCH codes will be discussed in §7.4.
We first consider binary linear codes here. If C is a binary (n,k)-code having distance
d = 2t + u + 1, then C can correct t errors and u erasures. In the presence of no erasures, C will
correct up to t + l ul2 Jerrors. Let r be a received vector having at most t errors and at most u
erasures. Suppose the decoder forms two n-tuples ro and r1' where rj is obtained from r by fil-
ling all erasure positions with the symbol i, i = 0,1. Then since C is binary, in one of ro and r 1
at least half the erasure locations now have correct symbols, and hence at least one of ro and r1
Digital Audio 243

has distance at most t + Lul2J from the transmitted codeword. Any standard error correction
technique will now correct at least one of these vectors to the transmitted codeword.

If the standard technique decodes both ro and rl to codewords, and these codewords are the
same, then this is the transmitted codeword. If they are different, then that one (and there will be
only one) requiring at most t changes to non-erasure positions is the desired codeword. The fol-
lowing examples illustrate these ideas.

Example 5.

Consider the binary (15,7)-code C of example 17 in Chapter 5. Since C has distance 5 it

can correct 1 error and 2 erasures, or 2 errors in the absence of erasures. Suppose that

c =(10011 01011 11000)

is a transmitted codeword and that

is received. Let

ro = (10011 00011 11000) and rl = (1011100011 11001).

Now the standard error-trapping technique of Chapter 5 decodes ro to c, and c differs from
r in only 1 non-erasure position. Hence, assuming at most 1 error (in addition to the 2 eras-
ures) occurred during transmission, r is correctly decoded to c. The error-trapping tech-
nique is unable to decode rl'

Example 6.
Consider the same code as in the previous example. Suppose the decoder receives


ro = (00001 0000000000) and rl = (00001 0011000000).

Using error-trapping as the decoding procedure, the decoder decodes ro and fl to the code-
244 Error Correcting Codes

Co = (00000 00000 00000) and c} = (10001 0111000000)

respectively. Since Co differs from r in 1 non-erasure position. and Cl differs from r in 2

non-erasure positions. r is decoded to Co.

Now consider linear codes over GF(q). Suppose C is an (n.k)-code with distance
d 2t + U + 1. and r is a received vector with I ~ U erasures and at most t additional errors. Let
S be the set of q' n-tuples which agree with r in the n -I non-erasure positions. The following
procedure could be employed to decode r.

Decoding with Erasures for Linear Codes.

(1) Select a vector S E S.

(2) Determine the unique codeword c such that d (c,s) S t + Lu/2 J•if such a codeword exists. If
no such codeword exists. select another S E S and repeat step (2).

(3) If c differs from s in at most t non-erasure positions, decode r to c. Otherwise. select

another S E S and go to (2).

Note that step (1) corresponds to filling values in the erasure positions. This algorithm is practi-
cal only for q" relatively small. For example, if q = 4 and u = 2. then S contains at most 16 ele-

7.4 BCB Decoding with Erasures

We now consider a procedure for correcting both errors and erasures in BCH codes. The
method is similar to the method for error correction of BCH codes given in Chapter 6. In place
of the error locator polynomial a(z) we now have an error-erasure locator· polynomiali}(z).
Suppose there are I} errors and 12 erasures; noting Theorem 7.5, we assume

a ~ 2/1 + 12 + 1 .
Then i}(z) =a(z)A.(z) has degree I = I} + 12 where
a(z) = n (1 - UiZ)
j=fJ '

is an error locator polynomial as before and

Digital Audio 245

is the erasure locator polynomial. The reciprocals of the roots of O'(z) and A.(z) detennine the
error locations artd erasure locations, respectively. Letting
1-1 1-1 &-2 .
w(z) = ~ y·u· n
j:{) , 'j:{)
(1 - u·z)
and S(z) = ~ SjZ'

as in §6.4, then as before,

w(z) == ~(z)S(z) == O'(z)A.(z)S(z) (mod z&-I).

Note deg w(z) = I-I, deg S(z) S; S-2 and A.(z)S(z) has degree at most 12 +S-2. Let

where deg T 1(z):s; 12 -1. Then

w(z) - 0'(z)T1(z) = a(z)i T2(z)

2 (modz&-l)

and hence
1\ &-1 1 1\ w(z) - 0'(z)T1(z)
w(z) == 0'(z)T2(z) (mod z r) where w(z) = - - - - -

and deg ~(z) S; leI. Now suppose we can find non-zero polynomials w'(z) and O"(z) such that
deg w'(z) S; 11-1, deg O"(z):S; 11 and

w'(z) == 0"(z)T2(z) (mod z&-lr1).


~(z) O"(z) == w'(z) O'(z) (mod z&-lr 1)

and both $(z)O"(z) and w'(z)a(z) have degree at most 21 1 -1 S; S-12-2. It follows that

~(z)O"(z) = w'(z)O'(z).

Now analogously to §6.4, we can prove gcd(~(z), O'(z» = 1 (exercise 5), and that w'(z) and O"(z)
are F -multiples of~(z), O'(z) respectively. It follows that the reciprocals of the roots of O"(z) are
the error locators. Knowing these locations, and the original erasure positions, the received vec-
tor can be corrected to a codeword by solving a linear system of equations. To find w'(z) and
O"(z), we apply the extended Euclidean algorithm to z&-Irl and (T2(z) mod z3-lr 1), continuing
246 Error Correcting Codes

until a remainder polynomial ri(z) is obtained with deg ri < (5-12-1)/2. As in §6.4, the
existence of such a remainder is guaranteed, here under the assumption that a~ 211 +12 + 1 (exer-
cise 6). A few examples should help to clarify the ideas presented here.

Example 7.

Consider a BCH code of block length n = 6 over GF(7) and designed distance 5 = 5 gen-
erated by

where 13 is a primitive nth root of unity. Then g(x) generates a (6,2)-RS code C and taking
13= 3,
g(x) = (x-3)(x-2)(x-6)(x-4).

C can correct up to t errors and u erasures provided

8 ~ 2t + u + 1.

Hence C can correct t errors and u erasures for (t,u) = (0,4), (1,2) and (2,0). Suppose the
codeword c = (4 30562) is transmitted, and

r =(33 _ 5 _ 2)
is received (Le. 1 error and 2 erasures occur). Filling erasure positions with O's yields

ro=(330S02) and ro(x)=3+3x+Sx 3 +2x 5•

Computing Si = ro(pi+l), 0!5: i !5: 5-2 gives

So =ro(3) =(330502)·(132645) =3+2+0+2+0+3 =3

SI = ro(2) = (330502)·(124 1 24) = 3 + 6 + 0 + 5 + 0 + 1 = 1

52 =ro(6) = (3 30 S 0 2)·(1 6 1 6 1 6) = 3 - 3 + 0 - S + 0 - 2 =0
53 =ro(4) = (330 S 0 2)·(142 1 42) = 3 + 5 + 0 + 5 + 0 + 4 = 3

Digital Audio 247

S(Z) =i=O
I:. S'Zi =3 + z + 3z 3,

Since the erasures are in locations 2 and 4, the erasure locator polynomial is

The error locator polynomial o(z) is not known. Compute

A(Z)S(Z) = 3 + 4z + 4z2 + 4z 3 + 3z 4 + 3z5 = TI(z) + zIZT2(z).

Now 12 = 2 (number of erasures) gives


~(z) == 0(z)T2(z) == 0(z)(4+4z) (mod z2).

Applying the extended Euclidean algorithm to a(z) =z2 and b(z) =4 + 4z we have:

Si Ii rj deg(ri)

1 0 z2 2
0 4z+4 1
1 5z+2 1 0

This yields o'(z) =5z + 2 as a polynomial whose roots are those of o(z). Now o'(z) has
root z = 1 = pO, implying the error locator (pOrI = pO, giving location number O. Hence we
know that positions 0, 2 and 4 of ro are in error. Let

and the linear system over GF(7)

248 Error Correcting Codes

This system has solution (YO,y2'Y4) =(6,0,1). Hence we correct f to

ro - e = (3 30502) - (6000 1 0) =(430562).

Example 8.
Using the code from the previous example, suppose the codeword c = (4 3 0 562) is again
transmitted and now r = (43 1 5 _ 2) is received. Let

fO = (4 3 1 502).

The erasure locator polynomial is

A(Z) =(1_~4z) =(l-4z).

We now evaluate the syndromes Sj = ro(~j+l), 0 SiS &-2.

So =(431502)-(132645) =6

SI = (4 3 1 502)·(124 1 24) = 6

S2 = (4 3 1 502)·(1 6 1 6 1 6) = 2

S3 =(4 3 1 5 0 2)·(1 4 2 1 4 2) = 6.


S(Z) =6 + 6z + 2z2 + 6z 3.

Since the number of erasures is 12 = 1,

We now find w'(z) and cr'(z) such that

Digital Audio 249

via the extended Euclidean algorithm:

Sj tj Tj deg(Tj)

1 0 z3 3
0 1 5z2+6z+3 2
1 4z+5 1 0

Hence a'(z) =4z + 5 yields z =4 as a root, implying the error locator 4-1 =2 =p2 and error
location 2. We know now that

To determine the error magnitudes Y2 and Y4' we obtain the equations

This yields the system

[! ~1tl = [:1
with solution (Y2,Y4) =(1,1). The vector r is corrected to

ro - e = (43 1 502) - (0 0 1 0 1 0) = (4305 62).

Examples 7 and 8 above, and example 16 of §6.4 illustrate a method for determining error
magnitudes once the error positions are known. We now outline the general technique. Let C be
a BCH code over F of block length n and designed distance I), with generator polynomial g(x)
having pi, 1 SiS I) - 1 among its roots, where pe F is a primitive nth root of unity. Suppose
c e C is transmitted, and r is received. Let ro be the received vector with erasures (if any) fllled
by O's, and define e by the relation

250 Error Correcting Codes

The error positions in r are detennined as discussed earlier and these, together with the erasure
positions (which are now treated as error positions in ro) specify I ~ 5- 1 location numbers
i lt i2, •.• , il • Let the corresponding error magnitudes in e be Yil , 1 ~ j ~ I so that
. . I .
e(z) = y. Z'l +
... +y'II Z'l = ~y.IJ z'l •

Now as we have seen before, e(~i) =ro(~i), 1 ~ i ~ I, and hence the set of equations

defines the linear system

~il ~i2

(f3i l )2 (f3i2)2

Now the coefficient matrix on the left is a Vandennonde matrix, and since the f3 il , 1 ~j ~ I are
distinct and non-zero, this matrix has non-zero detenninant (cf. example 13 of Chapter 3, or the
proof of Theorem 6.2). The unique solution (Yi l ••• Yi,) is obtained by solving the system, yield-
ing e as desired.

7.5 Interleaving
An important technique for increasing the burst error correcting capability of a code is
(codeword) interleaving. The technique is perhaps most easily explained by example. Consider
the binary single error correcting (7,4)-code C with generator matrix

10 0 0 1 1 1

Consider the code words

Digital Audio 251

Cl =(1100 001), Cz =(0011 110), c3 =(0111000).

Suppose we transmit cl' Cz and c3 in this order. Each codeword can correct a single error but
none of them can correct even a burst of length 2. The situation can be improved by sending the
ftrst bit of Cl followed by the ftrst bit of Cz and then the ftrst bit of c3' We would then send the
second bit of cl and so on. If we think of the codewords arranged in a 3 x 7 matrix

1 1 aaaa 1

then we would transmit the codewords by columns of this matrix. The transmitted sequence
would then be


where the three codewords are now interleaved. It is easily seen that any burst error of length at
most 3 will result in at most 1 error in each of the original codewords. Since these single errors
are correctable, the burst error is correctable. Essentially we have taken a (7,4)-code which
corrects bursts of length 1 and formed a (21,12)-code which corrects bursts of length 3.

In general, let C be an (n,k)-code over F which corrects any burst oflength b. Form a new
code C* as follows. For every collection of t codewords (ail ai2 ai3 ... ain), 1 ~ i ~ t. of C form a

all al2 al n
a2l a22 a2n

and using the columns of this matrix, form the new codeword

of C*. Any burst error of length at most bt will give rise to a burst error of length at most b in
any row of T. Since bursts of length b are correctable in the original code, bursts of length bt
are correctable in the new codewords. It is easily proven that if we form T in all possible ways
the resulting set of codewords is an (nt ,kt)-code over F which corrects bursts of length bt. We
252 Error Correcting Codes

say that the code is interleaved to depth t.

It is interesting to note that applying the preceding construction to a cyclic code results in a
cyclic code.

Theorem 7.6. Let C be a cyclic (n,k)-code over F=GF(q) with generator polynomial g(x),
capable of correcting bursts of length b. Then g(xt) is the generator polynomial for a cyclic
(nt ,kt)-code over F which can correct bursts of len~th bt.

Interleave C to a depth of t to obtain a new code C*. A codeword in C* is represented by
the t x n matrix


where the rows of Tare codewords in C and a (x) = Lt~lajxj is the codeword in C*. C*
has block length nt, has qk1 codewords, and by the discussion above, can correct bursts of
length bl. It remains to prove that C* is generated by g(xt). But note that a(x) may be
represented as
t-I .
a(x) = l:Aj(xt)x'


and Aj(x) is a codeword in C. Now since g(x) divides Aj(x), g(xt) divides Aj(x' ) for
o~ i S t-1. Therefore g (xt) divides a(x) and hence divides every codeword in C*. Furth-
ermore, since g(x) divides xn-l, g(xt) divides xnt -1 and g(xt) generates a linear code of
dimension kt. It follows that g(xt) is the generator polynomial for C*. (See also exercise
11, Chapter 6.) 0
Digital Audio 253

We now consider a variation of interleaving, known as cross-interleaving, which inter-

leaves several codes. Cross-interleaving is an important technique in practice. As before, we
find it most convenient to proceed by way of example.

Consider again the binary single-error correcting (7,4)-code C1 with generator matrix

Gl = 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

and now also the binary single-error correcting (6,3)-code Cz with generator matrix

Gz = 0 1 0 1 1 0 .

Suppose that we interleave C1 to a depth of 3, but instead of using each column of the 3 by 7
matrix as part of the new codeword as before, we now take each column as the 3 information
symbols for a codeword in Cz. For example, the C 1 codewords

Cl =(1 1 1 1 1 1 1), Cz =(0 1 1 1 0 0 0), C3 =(0 1 0 0 1 1 0)

would be interleaved using the matrix

T= 0111000 .

The first column is encoded to 1 0 0 1 1 1 using Gz, the second column to 1 1 1 0 1 0 and so on.
The seven columns produce the seven C2 codewords

110001 (1)
101 100
100 III

We could now interleave these codewords to any depth desired. Suppose we interleave to a
depth of 2. The resulting symbol string will be
254 Error Correcting Codes

110101101110111100000011110011110000. (2)

Since there is no codeword to pair with the seventh vector, we will interleave it with the fIrst
word from the next set of interleaved codewords of CI'

As we have seen, a code with distance d can correct d - 1 erasures, but can correct only
(d-l)/2 errors. Clearly erasures are easier to correct than errors. A decoding strategy for a
cross-interleaved code can take advantage of this fact by using the error detection capabilities of
the outer code (along with, possibly, some error correction) together with the erasure-correcting
capabilities of the inner code. The interleaving of the inner codewords has the effect of dispers-
ing errors (erasures) among inner codewords.
Returning to our example, using the error correction capabilities of code C2 alone, any
burst of length 2 can be corrected in the resulting cross-interleaved string. Now suppose C2 was
used exclusively for error detection, and C1 was used to correct erasures only. Having distance
3, C2 can detect 2 errors, and C1 can correct 2 erasures. When a received bit sequence (such as
(2» is de-interleaved to produce (supposed) C2 codewords (as in (1), the code is used to detect
errors in a C2 codeword; if errors are detected, all information symbols from that codeword are
marked as erasures and sent on to be de-interleaved to get C1 codewords. In our example, if at
most 2 successive sets of 3 information symbols (corresponding to a burst error of length 12) are
flagged as erasures and passed on - say the information symbols

from the fIrst 2 codewords in (1) - then de-interleaving results in at most 2 erasures in each
resulting C 1 codeword:

c. = C _ 1 1 1 1 1), Cz =C _ 1 1 000), c3 =C _ 00 1 1 0).

These erasures can then be corrected by C1 (providing there are no additional errors).

Notice that the outer interleaving (i.e. interleaving of C2 codewords) does not affect the
correction capabilities of C1 directly, but disperses a burst error over C2 codewords. In the case
that C2 is used for correcting a small number of errors (even a single error) and detecting further
errors simultaneously, outer interleaving improves the correction capability of C2 itself for short
random bursts.
Digital Audio 255

In actual implementations, interleaving may be done using a slightly different technique,

known as delayed interleaving. In this case, to interleave an (n,k)-code C to a depth n, rather
than interleaving fixed blocks of n codewords as above, the codewords are interleaved in a con-
tinuous sequence. If ci = (Ci,l ci,2 ... Ci,n) is the i th codeword of the sequence to be interleaved,
i > n, then for the purposes of interleaving consider the array

Ci-(n-l),l ci-2,l ci-l,l ci,l Ci+l,l

ci-(n-I),2 ci-2,2 ci-l,2 ci,2 ci+l,2

ci-I,3 ci,3 ci+I,3

ci-(n-l),n-l ci-(n-2),n-1

ci-(n-l),n ci-l,n ci,n ci+l,n

The interleaved string of symbols is now derived from the columns of this array. Since the code-
words from C are distributed down diagonals of this array, it is clear that some initialization
must take place to guarantee complete columns at the beginning and end of the process; for
example, the columns could be padded out with O's. Once initialization is complete, each suc-
cessive codeword of the codeword sequence to be interleaved completes a column of the array,
and hence completes an interleaved codeword or frame. Without the delay technique, a column
of the interleave array would be completed only after every n codewords. and at that time n
columns would be completed at once; the continuous stream obtained by delayed interleaving is

Note that if C is an (n,k)-code capable of correcting a single error (per codeword), then C
must be interleaved to a depth of at least n to guarantee that a burst error of length n is correct-
able. In the array above, this translates to having no column contain more than one symbol from
anyone codeword of C.

Using delayed interleaving as governed by the array above, consecutive symbols within a
codeword end up in consecutive frames (i.e. one frame apart) after interleaving. We call this a
l-frame delay interleave. To generalize this to a d-frame delay interleave, so that consecutive
symbols end up d frames apart for any fixed d ~ 1, rather than placing symbol Cij+l one column
over and one row down from Ci,j as in the array above, Ci,j+l is placed d columns over and one
row down from Ci,j'
256 Error Correcting Codes

7.6 Error Correction and Digital Audio Recording

Digital audio has been heralded by many as the greatest advancement in sound technology
since Thomas Edison's invention of the phonograph in 1877. The role played by error-
correcting codes in this area is by no means insignificant. Due to the vast amounts of data
required to represent audio signals digitally, and the resulting requirement of a very high density
storage medium for digital audio recordings, powerful error correction and suppression capabili-
ties are essential to make this technology commercially viable. In this section we will give an
overview of how errors are handled in one of the most popular digital storage mediums to date,
that of the Compact Disc digital audio system developed jointly by N.V. Philips of The Nether-
lands and Sony Corporation of Japan. We begin with a brief description of the system.

The storage medium used is a compact disc (CD), a flat circular disc resembling a conven-
tional phonograph record but less than 5 inches in diameter, aluminized (for reflectivity, as we
shall see is necessary) and coated with a clear protective plastic. Rather than representing an
audio signal as a continuous waveform, for digital recordings the signal is sampled at fixed time
intervals, quantized and stored as a sequence of binary numbers. The method of coding sound
for storage and playback is called (linear) pulse code modulation (PCM). At a given instance in
time the sound wave is sampled, and the amplitude is determined and assigned a discrete value
from 1 to 2 16 _1. This value is given as a binary 16-tuple. Actually two samples, one for the left
channel and one for the right, are taken. These samples are taken at a rate of 44,100 per second
(44.1 kHz). Each binary 16-tuple is taken to represent two field elements from GF(28), and
hence each sample produces 4 GF(2 8) symbols. On playback, the compact disc player will have
to process (44,100)(32) = 1,411,200 bits of audio data per second. As will be seen shortly, for
various reasons the number of bits actually processed per second is substantially higher than this.
For purposes of error correction, information is grouped into segments called/rames, with
each frame holding 24 data symbols. The code used for error correction is a Cross-Interleaved
Reed-Solomon Code (CIRC), obtained by cross-interleaving two Reed-Solomon codes. The 24
symbols from GF(2 8) from 6 samples are used as information symbols in a (28,24)-RS code C 1
over GF(2 8). The code is now interleaved to a depth of 28 using a 4-frame delay interleave. The
resulting columns of 28 symbols are used as information symbols in a (32,28)-RS code C2 over
GF(2 8), with 4 additional parity check symbols determined by each column. (We note that these
codes are actually shortened Reed-Solomon codes. Shortened codes are defined and discussed in
exercises 27-38). The symbols in a frame, which now corresponds to a C2 codeword, are then
regrouped to separate the odd and even-numbered symbols of that frame into distinct frames,
with the symbols in odd-numbered symbol positions of one frame grouped with symbols in
even-numbered positions from the next frame in time to form a new frame.
Digital Audio 257

At this stage the frame consists of 32 8-bit symbols (24 audio data symbols and 8 parity
symbols). One more 8-bit symbol is added which holds "control and display" information,
including information for the disc directory and unused bits (possibly for future use). In order to
complete the bit description of a frame we require some knowledge of how the information is
stored and read from the disc itself.
The disc contains a spiral track in which depressions or pits have been made. Flat areas
between pits are called lands. The audio information is encoded by the lengths of these pits and
that of the lands separating them. A transition from a land to a pit or vice versa (Le. a pit wall) is
read as a I, and distances along a land or pit are read as strings ofO's. For example, the follow-
ing three pits might represent the associated 0,1 string.

000 1000 10000 100100100000 1000000

These transitions can be determined by changes in the intensity of reflected light from a laser
beam tracking the sequence of pits and lands. For technical reasons, and to maximize the
amount of data that is placed on the disc, it is required that the minimum distance between tran-
sitions (minimum run-length) be 3 channel bits, and the maximum distance between transitions
(maximum run-length) be 11 channel bits. This implies that the data recorded on the disc be a
binary string having between 2 and 10 O's between successive 1'so The bits in the frame as
currently specified will not in general have these properties, so it is necessary to modulate the
data further. To this end each 8-bit symbol is assigned a unique 14-bit sequence with the desired
properties. This is called eight-to-fourteen modulation (EFM). Each of these 14-bit strings
receives an additional 3 bits to merge it with the next 14-bit string. Hence each 8-bit sequences
is mapped to a 17-bit sequence. The conversion is done by a table lookup.
A frame is completed by adding a 24-bit synchronization pattern and 3 additional merging
bits. The total number of bits for a frame is then

(32)(17) + (17) + (27) = 588.

These are called the channel bits, and are the bits actually recorded on the disc. Now since a
frame represents 6 samplings, and sampling is at 44.1 kilohertz, (44100/6)(588) = 4,321,800
channel bits are required for each second of play. Most CDs can hold about 74 minutes of
music, which translates to (74)(60)(4321800) = 19,188,792,000 channel bits. Of course, the
258 Error Correcting Codes

actual number of audio bits is about 113 of this number. Due to the effective use of EFM, these
channel bits require only about 2 billion pits on the disc.

Since each pit is only about 0.5 micrometers wide, and the length of a pit or the land
between pits varies between 0.9 and 3.3 micrometers (depending on the number of O's the pit
represents), fingerprints, dust, dirt and surface abrasions and irregularities can lead to numerous
read errors. On playback, after synchronization bits and merging bits are removed, and the
14-bit segments are demodulated, the 32 symbols of a frame are passed in parallel to be
de-interleaved. (Recall that the odd and even-numbered symbols of alternate frames were inter-
leaved when stored on the disc.) The resulting frames are then processed by the decoder for C2•
C2 has distance 5 and is hence capable of correcting 2 errors. However, the decoder is designed
to correct only single errors. This makes it possible to simultaneously detect the presence of 2 or
3 errors with certainty, and to detect the presence of 4 or more errors with very high probability.
The ability of C2 to correct any single error and simultaneously detect up to 3 errors follows
from the fact that it has distance 5. The probability that 4 or more errors will go undetected can
be determined as follows. The number of vectors in spheres of radius 1 about codewords is
(l)(1+n(q-l», where here n=32, k=28 and q=2 8• There are in total qn n-tuples over
GF(q). Errors moving one codeword into the sphere of radius 1 about another codeword will go
undetected. Hence the probability of errors going undetected is approximately

l(1 + n(q-l» = 32q - 31 _ 2- 19.

qn q4

Notice that if we would use the full error correcting capability of the code the probability of
undetected errors becomes approximately

lo + n(q-l) + (~)(q_I)2) = 32q - 31 + (16)(31)(q-l)2 _ 2-7

qn q4 '

which is substantially higher.

If the decoder for C2 detects the presence of a single error, the error is corrected. If the pres-
ence of a multiple error is detected, the decoder flags all 28 information symbols in the frame as
erasures, and sends these on to the decoder for C l' (The parity symbols of C2 are discarded at
this point.) Before reaching the decoder for C1, the 28 symbols are delay de-interleaved. C1 also
has distance 5 and hence can correct up to 2 errors or 4 erasures per C 1 codeword. The decoder
for C1 is designed to perform the latter. Due to the 4-frame delay interleave, the C 1 decoder can
thus correct burst errors that result in the decoder for C2 marking all symbols in up to 16
Digital Audio 259

consecutive disc frames as erasures. This corresponds to a burst error of about 4000 data bits
(audio bits plus parity bits) or 3000 audio bits, which translates to a track length of about 2.5 mm
on the disc.

We note again that code C2 is used to both correct short random burst errors itself and to
further detect errors and exploit the erasure correcting capabilities of code C l' The even-odd
interleaving (grouping) of symbols from successive C2 codewords enhances the capability to
carry out the former, while the 4-frame delay interleave facilitates the latter.

Even in the event that an erroneous sample value that has been flagged as unreliable by the
decoder for C2 cannot be corrected by the erasure-correction of the decoder for C I' the error may
still be concealed if the sample values from the sampling instant immediately before and
immediately after the sample in question are reliable. In this case the unreliable sample value
can be replaced by the value determined by linear interpolation of these reliable neighbours. To
maximize the length of the largest burst-error that can be concealed by linear interpolation,
before the parity check bits for a C 1 codeword are determined the sample sets (Lj.R j ), i = 1, ... ,6
(corresponding to left and right channel samples at 6 consecutive sampling instances) of the
frame are permuted to separate even and odd numbered (i.e. neighbouring) samples as far as pos-
sible within that frame, as follows:

The P's are then computed as the parity symbols (2 symbols each) for the C1 codeword the
frame corresponds to. Without going further into details here, we note that this permutation cou-
pled with the 4-frame delay interleave makes possible interpolation to conceal burst errors of
over 12,000 data bits, corresponding to a track length of more than 7.5 mm on the disc.
In the unlikely event that the decoder for C2 fails to detect an error but the decoder for C1
does detect such an error, then all 24 audio symbols of the word in question are flagged as being
unreliable. This highly improbable situation might arise due to uncorrected random errors, even
in the absence of long burst errors. With the scheme as described thus far, such a rejection of a
single entire frame by the C1 decoder would make error concealment by interpolation impossi-
ble, as at least one neighbour of each sample tagged as unreliable would also be unreliable.

For this reason, before the permutation of symbols within a frame (as described above) is
carried out during encoding, the odd-numbered samples (left and right samples numbered 1, 3
and 5) in each sampling frame of 6 consecutive sample sets are separated from the even-
numbered samples, with the odd-numbered samples of each frame grouped with the even-
numbered samples fit>m 2 frames later in time to form a new frame. Consecutive (Le.
260 Error Correcting Codes

neighbouring) samples are then 2 frames apart. This makes possible error concealment via inter-
polation from reliable neighbouring samples even in the event that the decoder for C 1 rejects two
entire consecutive frames.

In the case that both error correction and error concealment by interpolation are not possi-
ble, errors are concealed by muting the sounds associated with erroneous symbols. The
interested reader may find further details in the literature [Hoeve 82], [Vries 82], [Pohlmann 87].
Digital Audio 261

7.7 Exercises
Reed-Solomon codes
1. For each of the following fields F determine all values n and k for which an (n,k)-RS code
over F exists. In each case state the error-correcting capabilities of the code.
(a) F GF(26) =
(b) F GF(2 8) =
(c) F GF(29 ) =
(d) F GF(3 2)
(e) F GF(3 3 ) =
(0 F GF(5 2) =
(g) F GF(7 2) =
(h) F GF(73 )
(i) F =GF(37) G) F =GF(79) (k) F =GF(101)

2. Prove that the dual of an (n,k)-RS code over F is an (n,n-k)-RS code over F.

3. (a) Give a generator polynomial for a double-error correcting (l0,5)-RS code Cover

(b) Determine the distance in C.

(c) Construct a parity check matrix H for C.

Erasures and decoding

4. The decoding technique of §7.4 essentially involves the reduction of the error-erasure loca-
tor polynomial to an error locator polynomial, removing the erasure locator polynomial
A.(z) from consideration and thereby reducing the problem to that of §6.4. Suppose A.(z) is
in fact also an error-locator polynomial (of degree I~, i.e. no erasures occur but now 1=
11 + 12 errors occur. Can the technique of §7.4 be applied to remove A.(z) from considera-
tion now?

5. Using the notation of §7.4, prove that gcd(~(z), a(z» = 1.

6. Again using the notation of §7.4, and assuming ~ ~ 2/1 + 12 + I, prove that in the remainder
sequence obtained by applying the extended Euclidean algorithm to z~lrl and T2(z), a
remainder polynomial ri(z) with deg ri < (&-/2-1)/2 is guaranteed.

7. Let C be a linear code over F whose distance is d. Suppose a codeword c is transmitted

and the vector r is received with 1 S; d-l erasures, say in the first I positions, and no other
errors. Let ro be the vector obtained from r by filling the erasure positions with O's, and let
ro = c + (Yl Y2"'Y10 ...0). Let H be a parity check matrix for C, with i th column denoted hi'
Prove that the system of linear equations given by Hr6 =r.f:fYihi has a unique solution,
and hence can be used to determine the erasure magnitudes.
262 Error Correcting Codes

8. Suppose C is a (7,4)-cyclic binary code generated by g(x) = 1+x+x3 and C can correct up
to I erasures. Detennine the largest value of / which is possible.

9. Consider GF(2 6) generated by a root a of =1+x+x6.

The polynomial
g(x) =(x_a7)(x_aI4)(x_a21)(x_a28) =x4+a22x3+a26x2+a57x+a7 generates a (9,5)-RS
code having distance 5. Suppose that a codeword c is transmitted and only erasures are
introduced by the channel. If r = C a 57 1 a 35 a 7 a 22 _ 0 0) is received, detennine c.

10. A (7,4)-cyclic binary code C is generated by g(x) = l+x+x3. Decode r = (01 _ 00_ 1).

11. Consider the code given in example 8, Chapter 6.

(a) Detennine the erasure and error combinations that the code can correct.

(b) Decode

(i) rl =(0 1 1 0 _ 0 1 I 1 _ 1 1 00 1)

(ii) r2 =(l 0 1 00 _ 1 0 _ 1 _ 0 1 0 I)

(iii) r3 = (l 0 _ 1 _ 0 _ _ I 0 0 _ 0 I 1).

12. Let g(x) = ni~I(X-pi) generate a (lO,4)-RS code C where p = 2 is a primitive element in
GF(11). Consider the received vector r = (3 86_ 99 220).

(a) Detennine the error and erasure combinations that C can correct.

(b) Find the symdrome polynomial s(z) for r.

(c) Find the error-erasure locator polynomial &(z).

(d) Find the roots of &(z).

(e) Decode r.

13. Consider a (12,8)-RS code C generated by g (x) = ni~l (x_pi) where f3 = 7 is a primitive
element in GF(13). Decode r = (a 37_ a 1 8 c b 7 1) where a = 10, b = 11 and c = 12.
Digital Audio 263

Interleaving and decoding strategies

14. Let

1 1 0 1 1 0 0]
1 1 1 000 1

be a parity-check matrix for a binary (7,4)-code C.

(a) Encode the following information tuples

(0110), (1010), (1 000), (1 011), (0111), (0100), (0011).

(b) What will be the sequence of transmitted symbols using delayed interleaving to a
depth of7? (Fill sequence with O's where necessary.)

1 1 0 1 0]
15. Let G = [1 0 1 0 1 be a generator matrix for a binary (5,2)-single-error-correcting code

C. Suppose the following is a sequence of received symbols formed by delayed interleav-

ing codewords in C to a depth of 5 (where O's have been added accordingly):

From this sequence determine the transmitted sequence.

10 10
o1 10
G = 14 10 0 1
o10 1

is a generator matrix for a binary (8,4)-code C having distance 3. Three codewords were
interleaved and transmitted. Determine the error pattern associated with the received

11001 11001 1101001010 1101

17. Let C 1 be the code given in exercise 16 above and let C2 be a binary (7,3)-code generated
264 Error Correcting Codes

Suppose 3 codewords from C] are cross-interleaved with C2 and code words in C2 are inter-
leaved to a depth of 4. Determine the error pattern associated with the received sequence:
1000011101 1 I 1 0 10010 1 000 1
1100010101 10 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 o0 1 1 0

(Note: Spaces have been introduced into the sequence for ease of reading only.)

18. While concealment of errors by linear interpolation is useful in digital audio applications.
why is this technique not useful in the general context of error-correcting codes?

19. Determine the length (in bits) of the longest burst error that is always correctable by the
CIRC and error-correction strategy as outlined in §7.6.

Weight Distribution and Enumerators

20. Let C be an (n.k)-code over GF(q) having distance d =n-k+l (C is an MDS code). Prove
that C contains a codeword of minimum weight where the d nonzero entries are in any
preselected d coordinate positions.

21. Prove that the converse of exercise 20 is also true. That is. if C is an (n,k)-code over
GF(q) having the propeny that for any d coordinate positions there is a vector of minimum
weight having non-zero entries only in these positions then d =n-k+ 1.
22. For the code C given in exercise 20 prove that the number of codewords of weight n-k+l
is (q-l)(n-k+l)'

23. Prove that the MDS code C of exercise 20 has k distinct nonzero weights n-k+ 1.....n and
that C.l has minimum distance k+ 1.

24. Let C be the code given in exercise 20 and let (AoA ] .....An) be its weight distribution.
Recall from Chapter 3, exercise 84 the identity
n~· ,j'
L (n--:I)Ai =qk-) L (~~:) Ai', j =O.I ..... n.
i=O ) i=() .I

By exercise 23 we have that Ai =O. 1 ~ j $; n-k and A/ = O. 1 $; i $; k. Deduce that

Digital Audio 265

n-j .
(a) :E (n-:-l) Ai = (~)(qk-L 1), j =O,l, ... ,k-l.
i=n-k+l} }

(b) An-k+1 = (k-I)(q-1)·

(c) A n -k+2 = (k~2)«q2_1 )-(n-k+2)(q-1).

(d) A n-k+r =(k-r

n ) r~
I } q
'-j-l) , r >
- 3.
(Note: This problem shows how to determine the weight distribution for any Reed-
Solomon code since these codes are examples of MDS codes.)

25. Determine the weight enumerator for the code given in exercise 3.

26. Determine the weight distribution for the code given in exercise 13.

Shortened Codes

27. Let C be an (n,k)-code over F having generator matrix G in standard form. Let t be a posi-
tive integer such that k and let C' be the set of all codewords having O's in the first t
t ~

coordinate positions. Prove that C' is an (n ,k-t)-code over F. (If we delete the first t coor-
dinates from each vector in C' then the resulting set of vectors forms an (n-t,k-t)-code
over F which is called a shortened code.)

28. If C and C' are as described above and they have distances d and d' respectively,
(a) prove that d' ~ d;

(b) show, by constructing an example, that it is possible for d' > d.

29. Let C be an (n,k)-cyclic code over F. Let C' be an (n-t,k-t)-shortened cyclic code
obtained from C. Show by example that C' need not be a cyclic code.

30. (a) Construct a (6,4)-RS code Cover GF(7) using the primitive element 3.

(b) From the code C constructed in (a) form a (4,2)-shortened cyclic code and determine
its distance.

31. Prove that a shortened Reed-Solomon code has the same distance as the original code.

32. Let C be a cyclic code over F of block length n generated by g(x). Let C' be an
(n-t ,k-t)-shortened cyclic code obtained from C. Prove that there exists a polynomial
I(x) E F[x] such that C' is an ideal in F[x]/(f(x».
266 Error Correcting Codes

33. Let C' be an ideal in F[x]/(f(x» for some polynomial f(x) having degree n' ~ 3 and let
g(x) be a generator for C'. Prove that if C' contains no vectors of weight 2 then C' is a
shortened cyclic code.

34. Construct a generator matrix for a binary (13,5)-code which has distance 5.

35. Construct a generator matrix for a binary (13,3)-code which corrects 3 errors.
36. Let C be the (13,6)-code over GF(3) described in example 16, Chapter 6. Let C' be the
(11,4)-code obtain from C by shortening. Decode the following received vectors:

(i) rl = (1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0220)

(ii) r2 =(1 2 2 I 1 1 2 2 2 2 2).

37. Determine the weight distribution for both of the codes C and C' given in exercise 36.
38. Let C be an (n ,k)-RS code over F and let C' be a shortened (n-t ,k-t)-code obtained from
C. Can you determine the weight distribution of C'? Explain your reasoning.
Appendix A


A vector space V is defined with respect to a field F. The elements of V are called vectors;
the elements of F are called scalars. The vector space has two (binary) operations, which are
often written "+" and ".", denoting vector addition (for addition of two vectors) and scalar
multiplication (for multiplication of a vector by a scalar) respectively. The operations of addi-
tion and multiplication within the field F itself are in general distinct from these vector space
operations, although the same symbols are often used for both, and "." is often simply indicated
by juxtaposition of the two operands. As a formal definition, we have the following.

Definition. A vector space over a field F is a set of elements V together with two operations
"+" and "." satisfying the following axioms for all x, y, z e V and all a, be F:

1. x+ye V

2. x+y=y+x

3. x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z

4. there exists an element 0 e V such that x + 0 = x

5. there exists an element i such that x + i = 0

6. a'xe V

7. for the scalar 1 e F, l·x=x

8. a'(x + y) = a'x + a'y

9. (a + b)'x = a'x + b·x

to. (ab)'x = a'(bx)

The axioms 1-5 specify that (V,+) is an Abelian group under vector addition. Axiom 4
specifies the existence of a zero vector or additive identity. Axiom 5 specifies the existence of
an additive inverse for each vector; i is often denoted -x. Axiom 6 specifies closure under
scalar multiplication. Axioms 8 and 9 determine how the two operations distribute over one
another, and axiom 10 specifies that scalar multiplication is associative.
268 Error Correcting Codes

We now consider several examples. The set of ordered n-tuples over a field, for example
the field R of real numbers, together with the standard operations of componentwise addition
and multiplication of an n-tuple by a scalar from R, forms a vector space over R known as
Euclidean n-space over R, often denoted Rn. The field R here may be replaced by any field,
induding a finite field F.

The set Pn(x) of polynomials in the indeterminate x of degree at most n, with coefficients
from R, together with polynornial~addition and scalar multiplication defined in the ordinary way,
i.e. for f(x), g(x) E Pn(x) and r E R,

(f + g )(x) = f(x) + g(x)

(r-j)(x) = r-j(x)
forms a vector space over R. (How does this vector space compare to R n ?)

As a third and final example, the set of m x n matrices over R, with the operations of
matrix addition and matrix multiplication by a scalar, forms a vector space often denoted Rmn.

We now review some standard definitions and terminology related to vector spaces. If V is
a vector space over a field F and x E V, then x is said to be a linear combination of the vectors
Yl' Y2, ... , Ys E V over F iffor some scalars aI' a2, ... , as E F,
X = L a(YI·

A set of elements {YI' Y2, ... , yJ is linearly independent (over F) if the only solution to the equa-

is the trivial solution a1 = a2 = ... = as = o. Otherwise, these elements are said to be linearly
dependent. The span (over F) of a set of vectors is the set of all linear combinations (over F) of
the vectors in the set. A set of vectors {Yl' Y2, ... , yJ is called a basis for V if each vector x E V
can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of these vectors, i.e. if for each x E V, X =
a1·Yl + ... + as·Ys for unique scalars aI' ... , as E F. It follows from the definition that the vec-
tors in a basis are linearly independent, and furthermore, that any set of linearly independent vec-
tors whose span is the entire space V is a basis for V. All bases for a fixed vector space V over F
contain the same number of elements, and the number of elements in a basis is called the dimen-
sion of V (over F).
AppendixB 269

Appendix B


We summarize here the division algorithm, the Euclidean algorithm and the extended
Euclidean algorithm for integers, and the analogous algorithms for polynomials. While our
interest lies mainly with the algorithms for polynomials, the algorithms for the integer case are
perhaps already familiar to many readers, and in any case, can be easily understood, and general-
ize directly to the polynomial case. Further details regarding the material presented here may be
found in any elementary book on modern algebra, for example [Gilbert 76], or among other
references, in [McEliece 87].

The division algorithm for integers. Given positive integers a and b :F- 0, their exist unique
integers q and r such that

a = q·b+r where 0 S; r < b .

The quotient q and remainder r can be easily determined by standard "long division".

The Euclidean algorithm for integers. Given positive integers a and b :F- 0, their greatest com-
mon divisor gcd(a ,b) can be found through repeated use of the division algorithm, as the last
nonzero remainder rk in the sequence

a = q2· b + r2' 0 < r2 < b

if r2 =0, then gcd(a,b) =b. Furthermore, there exist integers sand t such that
270 Error Correcting Codes

s·a + t·b = gcd(a.b) (1)

The extended Euclidean algorithm for integers. The integers s and t in (1) can be found by
the extended Euclidean algorithm as follows. Let

So = 1. to=O. ro=a

tl = 1. '1 =b .

For i ~ 2, let qj and 'j be defined by applying the division algorithm to 'j-2 and 'j-l:

where 0 ~ rj < 'j-l . (2)

Then compute

The remainder sequence 'i is. of course. the same sequence defined in the (ordinary) Euclidean
algorithm. The last nonzero remainder 'k here determines the index k specifying the multipliers
s = Sk and t = tk satisfying (1).

Example 1.
Application of the extended Euclidean algorithm to the integers 81 and 57 yields the fol-
lowing table:

i Sj tj rj qj

0 1 0 81 -
1 0 1 57 -
2 1 -1 24 1
3 -2 3 9 2
4 5 -7 6 2
5 -7 10 3 1
6 0 2

Hence we see that gcd(81. 57) = 3. and -7 ·81 + 10·57 =3.

AppendixB 271

We now consider the case of polynomials in place of integers. As noted earlier, the divi-
sion, Euclidean and extended Euclidean algorithms generalize directly. The restatement of the
division algorithm follows.

The division algorithm for polynomials. Given a field F and polynomials a(x), b(x) E F[x],
b(x) ¢ 0, their exist unique polynomials q(x), rex) E F[x] such that

a(x) = q(x)' b(x) + rex) where r(x)=O or degr(x)< degb(x).

As in the integer case, the quotient polynomial q(x) and remainder polynomial rex) can be found
by standard "long division" of polynomials.

Euclidean algorithm and extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomials. The Euclidean and
extended Euclidean algorithms generalize in the same way as the division algorithm, with the
integer a replaced by the polynomial a(x). etc., and with bounds on the remainders applying to
the degree of the polynomial rather than the absolute value as in the integer case. For example,
(2) generalizes to

The multipliers s and I in (1), of course, also become polynomials sex) and I(X). Regarding the
computation of a gcd of two polynomials over finite fields, to ensure uniqueness of a gcd, by
convention we take as the gcd the monic polynomial of largest degree which divides both poly-
nomials. The extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomials is further discussed and utilized in

Example 2.

Consider polynomials in GF(5)[x]. Applying the extended Euclidean algorithm to the


a(x) = x8+4x7+4x6+4x5+4x4+2x3+x+2

b(x) = x6+3x5+4x4+2x3+3x2+2,
we proceed as follows. First apply the division algorithm to a(x) and b(x), yielding

a(x) = (x 2 + X + 2)'b(x) + (2x 5 + x4 + 2x2 + 4x + 3),

i.e. yields q2(x) and r2(x) for the table below. This facilitates computation of s2(x) = 1 and
t2(x) = _x 2 - X - 2 e GF(5)[x]. Next, applying the division algorithm to b(x) and r2(x)
272 Error Correcting Codes


i.e. yields Q3(X) and r3(x) for the table below. This allows computation of

= 0-3x'l = -3x

Continuing by applying the division algorithm to r2(x) and r3(x) yields

i.e. yields Q4(x) and r4(x). Now

= 1- (3x +2)'(-3x) = 4x2+X + 1


Finally, applying the division algorithm to r3(x) and r4(x) gives

yielding a zero remainder to terminate the algorithm. The steps in the algorithm can be
summarized by the following table.
AppendixB 273

i Sj(x) tj(x) 'j(x) qj(x)

0 1 0 a(x) -
1 0 1 b(x) -
2 1 -x 2-x-2 2x 5 +X4 + 2x 2 + 4x + 3 x2+x +2
3 -3x 3x3+3x2+x+ 1 4x4 +x 3+ x 2+ X + 2 3x
4 4x2+x+ 1 x4+4x+ 1 2x2+x+4 3x+2
5 0 2x2 + 2x +3

From the second last line in the table. we conclude that a greatest common divisor of a(x)
and b(x) is 2x 2 + X + 4. and that

The monic gcd of a(x) and b(x) is gcd( a(x). b(x» = 3·r4(x) =x 2 + 3x + 2.
AppendixC 275

Appendix C


We state and prove here the Chinese remainder theorem, employed in §5.9. The reader is
referred to [Berlekamp 68] for further details.

Chinese remainder theorem for polynomials. Given a field F and distinct irreducible polyno-
mials ht(x), h2(x), ... , hr(x) E F[x], where h(x) =TI[=thj(x), and given polynomials at(x), a2(x),
... , ar(x) E F[x], the system of simultaneous congruences

f(x) == aJx) (mod hj(x»

always has solutions for f(x). Furthermore, f(x) modulo h(x) is unique.

Proof. Since the hj(x) are distinct and irreducible, gcd(TIj""jhj(x),hj(x» = 1. Hence by the
Euclidean algorithm, there exist polynomials Sj(x) and tj(x) such that

S/x)· n hi(x) + tj(x)' h/x) = 1.


Let H/x) =Sj(x)·nhj(x). Then



Now define f(x) =r,[=l ai(x)' Hi(x). Then since hj(x) divides H/x) for i -:t: j, it follows

and hence by (1),

To prove uniqueness, suppose g(x) is another solution to the system. Then g(x) == aj(x)
(mod hj(x», implying
276 Error Correcting Codes

f(x)-g(x) =.0 (modhj(x)), l~i~r

and hence
f(x) - g(x) =. 0 (mod TIhj(x)) , (2)

since the hj(x) are relatively prime. 0 From (2) we have thatf(x) =. g(x) (mod h(x)).

Replacing the polynomials hj(x) in the above result by distinct prime numbers, and replac-
ing the polynomials aj(x) by integers, yields the Chinese remainder theorem for integers; the
same proof applies. Also, the polynomials hj(x) may be replaced by powers of irreducible poly-
nomials, hj (x )e;, as the proof relies only on the fact that the moduli are relatively prime.
Appendix D 277

Appendix D


The field GF (2 3) can be generated by a root a. of the irreducible polynomial

f (x) = 1 + x + x 3 E Z2[x]. The vector representation of each field element is listed, with (bob l b2)
representing bo + b l a. + b2a.2. Zech' s logarithms z (i) are also tabulated, where 1 + a.i =a.z(i).

GF(2 3) generated by a. wheref(x) = 1 +x +x3 andf(a.) = O.

a.i i z(i)
000 00 0
100 0 00

010 1 3
001 2 6
110 3 1
011 4 5
111 5 4
101 6 2

The minimal polynomials of the field elements are given below. mi(x) denotes the minimal
polynomial of a.i .

mo(x) = 1 +x
278 Error Correcting Codes

GF(24) generated by a wheref(x) =1 +x +x4 andf(a) =O.

ai i z(i)

0000 00 0
1000 0 00

0100 1 4
0010 2 8
0001 3 14
1100 4 1
0110 5 10
0011 6 13
1101 7 9
1010 8 2
0101 9 7
1110 10 5
0111 11 12
1111 12 11
1011 13 6
1001 14 3

mo(x) =1 +x

m3(x) = 1 + x + x 2 + x 3 + x4

ms(x) =1+ x + x 2
AppendixD 279

GF (2 5) generated by <X where f (x) = 1 + x 2 + x 5 and f( <X) =o.

<xi i z(i) <xi i z(i)

00000 00 0 11111 15 24
10000 0 00 11011 16 9
01000 1 18 11001 17 30
00100 2 5 11000 18 1
00010 3 29 01100 19 11
00001 4 10 00110 20 8
10100 5 2 00011 21 25
01010 6 27 10101 22 7
00101 7 22 11110 23 12
10110 8 20 01111 24 15
01011 9 16 10011 25 21
10001 10 4 11101 26 28
11100 11 19 11010 27 6
01110 l2 23 01101 28 26
00111 l3 14 10010 29 3
10111 14 l3 01001 30 17

mo(x) = 1 +x
280 Error Correcting Codes

GF(2 6) generated by a where I(x) = 1 + x + x 6 and/(a) =O.

ci i zO) ai i zO) ai i z(i)

000000 00 0 110111 21 42 010111 42 21

100000 0 00 101011 22 50 111011 43 39
010000 1 6 100101 23 15 101101 44 37
001000 2 12 100010 24 4 100110 45 9
000100 3 32 010001 25 11 010011 46 30
000010 4 24 111000 26 7 111001 47 17
000001 5 62 011100 27 18 101100 48 8
110000 6 1 001110 28 41 010110 49 38
011000 7 26 000111 29 60 001011 50 22
001100 8 48 110011 30 46 110101 51 53
000110 9 45 101001 31 34 101010 52 14
000011 10 61 100100 32 3 010101 53 51
110001 11 25 010010 33 16 1ll01O 54 36
101000 12 2 001001 34 31 011101 55 40
010100 J3 35 110100 35 J3 11IlIO 56 19
001010 14 52 011010 36 54 011111 57 58
000101 15 23 001101 37 44 11Illl 58 57
llOOIO 16 33 110110 38 49 lOll 11 59 20
011001 17 47 01 lOll 39 43 100111 60 29
I III 00 18 27 III 101 40 55 100011 61 10
011110 19 56 101110 41 28 100001 62 5
001111 20 59

ml(x) =1 +x +x6 m13(x) =1 +x +x3 +x4 +x6

m3(x) = 1 +x+x2+X4+x6 mlS(x) = 1 +x2+x4+x5+ x 6
ms(x) = 1 +x +x2 +x s +x6 m21(x) = 1 +x +x2
m7(x) = 1 +x3+ x 6 m23(x) = 1 +X+x4+xS+x6

m9(x) = 1 + x 2 + x 3 m27(x) = 1 + x +x3

mll (x) =1 + x 2 + x3 + x5 + x6 m31 (x) =1+ x5+x6
AppendixD 281

GF(3 3) generated by a wheref(x) = 1 + 2x 2 +x3 andf(a) = O.

o,i j z(i) o,i i z(i)

000 00 0
100 0 13 200 13 00

010 1 18 020 14 24
001 2 7 002 15 16
201 3 2 102 16 20
221 4 12 112 17 23
220 5 14 110 18 11
022 6 21 011 19 22
101 7 3 202 20 15
211 8 19 122 21 9
222 9 6 III 22 8
121 10 4 212 23 25
210 11 1 120 24 5
021 12 10 012 25 17

mo(x) =2+x

m4(x) =2 + 2x + x 3
ms(x) = 1 + 2x + x 2 + x 3

References 283


[Berlekamp 68] E.R. Berlekamp, Algebraic Coding Theory, McGraw-Hill, 1968.

[Blahut 83] R.E. Blahut, Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes, Addison-Wesley, 1983.

[Blake 76] I.F. Blake and R.C. Mullin, An Introduction to Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding
Theory, Academic Press, 1976.

[Gilbert 76] W.J. Gilbert, Modern Algebra with Applications, Wiley, 1976.

[Hill 86] R. Hill, A First Course in Coding Theory, Oxford University Press, 1986.

[Hoeve 82] H. Hoeve, J. Timmermans and L.B. Vries, "Error correction and concealment in the
Compact Disc system," Philips Technical Review 40, No.6, 166-172, 1982.

[Lidl 84] R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter, Finite Fields, Cambridge University Press, 1984.

[Lin 83] S. Lin and D.I. Costello, Jr., Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications,
Prentice-Hall, 1983.

[Lint 82] J.H. van Lint, Introduction to Coding Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1982.

[Lint 86] lH. van Lint and R.M. Wilson, "On the minimum distance of cyclic codes", IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory Vo!' IT-32, No.1 (1986),23-40.

[MacWilliams 77] F.I. MacWilliams and N.I.A. Sloane, The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes,
North-Holland, 1977.

[McEliece 77] R.I. McEliece, The Theory of Information and Coding, Addison-Wesley, 1977.

[McEliece 87] R.J. McEliece, Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1987.

[Peterson 72] W.W. Peterson and E.I. Weldon, Jr., Error-Correcting Codes, MIT Press, 1972.

[Pless 82] V. Pless, Introduction to the Theory of Error-correcting Codes, Wiley, 1982.

[Pohlmann 87] K.C. Pohlmann, Principles of Digitial Audio, Howard W. Sams & Co. (A Divi-
sion of Macmillan, Inc.), 1987.

[Vries 82] L.B. Vries and K. Odaka, "CIRC - The Error Correcting Code for the Compact Disc
Digital Audio System," in Digital Audio (Collected Papers from the AES Premier Confer-
ence, Rye, New York, 1982 June 3-6), Audio Engineering Society Inc., 1983.
Subject Index
affine polynomial 224 compact disc 5, 256
- transfonning non-affine polynomial to complete decoding scheme 9
affine polynomial 226 concealment of errors
alphabet 5 - by interpolation 259, 260
applications of error comecting codes 4 - by muting 260
audio bits 258 congruence classes (equivalence classes) 25,
149, 183, 199
basis 268 - of group elements modulo a subgroup
BCH bound - see bounds 71
BCH codes 16,205 - of polynomials modulo a polynomial 25,
- construction of 205 149
- decoding of 215 conjugates
- extended 232 - with respect to GF(p) 34
- narrow-sense 205 - with respect to GF(q) 183
- primitive 205 construction of single-error-correcting
bit 2 codes 60
block code 5 correcting e errors 11
bounds for codes 109 coset 71,176
- BCH bound 206 coset leader 72
- bounds for cyclic codes 210 CRC - see cyclic redundancy code
- Elias upper bound 109 cryptography 3
- Gilbert-Varshamov bound 109 cyclic code 16, 147
- Hamming (sphere-packing) bound 66, - bounds for - see bounds
109 - construction of 157, 208
- Plotkin bound 11 0 cyclic redundancy code (CRC) 200
- Rieger bound 195 cyclic run 171
- singleton bound 109,239 cyclomatic coset 182, 199
burst errors 175, 195 - set of cyclotonic cosets 182
- cyclic burst errors 175

data bits 261

centre of a sphere 11 data compression 3
channell decoder
channel bits 259 - channel decoder 2, 8
channel erasure - see erasure - source decoder 1
characteristic of a field 22, 28 decoding algorithms
check digits (check symbols) 48, 57 - for BCH codes 215
Chinese remainder theorem 189,275 - for BCH codes with both error and
CIRC - see Reed-Solomon codes erasures 244
code 6 - for binary cyclic codes (error-trapping)
codeword 5 172
coding theory 3 - for binary extended Golay code 135
commutative 70 - error-trapping for cyclic burst-error
286 Error Correcting Codes

codes 180 error location numbers 216

- for first-order Reed-Muller codes 125 error locator polynomial a(z) 216
- for linear codes with both errors and error magnitudes
erasures 244 - determination of 219,234,243,249,
- for single-error-correcting linear codes 261
68 error trapping for cyclic codes 171-172
- standard array decoding for linear codes - and burst errors 180
75 error vector 67
- syndrome decoding for linear codes 77 Euclidean algorithm (see also extended
- step-by-step decoding for linear codes Euclidean algorithm)
79 - for integers 22, 269
designed distance 205, 206 - for polynomials 189,271
detecting errors 10, 11 Euclidean n-space 268
- and simultaneously correcting errors 12 exponent arithmetic 36
determinant 64 expurgating 104
- Vandermonde determinant 64, 207, 250 extended Euclidean algorithm
digital audio 5,256 - for integers 270
digital audio tape 5 - for polynomials 217, 271
dimension 268 - properties of 234
distance - see Hamming distance; designed extension field 201
division algorithm
- for integers 30, 269 factor theorem 42
- for polynomials 26, 271 factorization
double-adjacent error pattern 198 - of x"-l over GF(2) 157
dual code 54 - of x"-l over GF(q) 182, 187, 196
feedback 167
field 21
EFM - see eight-to-fourteen modulation field representations 277
eight-to-fourteen modulation 257 finite fields 15,22, 182
Elias upper bound - see bounds Fire codes 181
encoder frame 255, 256
- channel encoder 2, 6
- source encoder 1, 6
encoding Galois field 28
- of cyclic codes 163, 166, 194 generator
- of linear codes 50 - matrix of a cyclic code 159
equivalence relation 23, 43, 71, 106, 183, - matrix of a linear code 51
199 - of non-zero elements of a field 29
equivalent codes 52 - polynomial of a BCH code 205
erasure locator polynomial )"(z) 245 - polynomial of an ideal 154
erasures 106, 240, 261 - polynomial of an interleaved code 252
- code capable of correcting erasures 240, geometric progression 90, 182
242 Gilbert-Varshamov bound - see bounds
error-erasure locator polynomial ~(z) 244 Golay code 4
error evaluator polynomial w(z) 216 - binary extended 133
error locators 216 - decoding algorithm for 135
Subject Index 287

Gray code 20 - interleaved to depth t 252

greatest common divisor (gcd) inverse of a field element 70
- of two integers 269 irreducible polynomial 24, 28, 184
- of two polynomials 188,271 isomorphic 30
ground field 24
group 22, 69-70
- abelian 22, 70 Kronecker product 118, 127
- additive 70
- multiplicative 70
Lagrange's theorem 72
lands 257
Hamming bound - see bounds least common multiple (lem) 205
Hadamard matrix 117 lexicographic ordering 80
- construction of 118-119 lexicographic standard array 81
- properties of 118, 139 linear codes 4, 5, 8, 15, 45, 48
Hadamard transform 117, 121 linear combination 268
- fast Hadamard transform (FlIT) linearly dependent 268
theorem 127 linearly independent 268
- numbers of operations using FlIT 130 linear interpolation 259
Hamming codes 4, 65 linearized polynomial 225, 233
Hamming distance
- between two codewords 6
- of a code 7 MacWilliams identity 81, 84
- of a linear code 49 - over GF(2) 87
Hamming weight - over GF(p) 92
- of a code 58 - over GF(q) 94
- of a coset 104 Mariner 4, 17, 115, 130
- of a vector 18, 48 maximum distance separable (MDS) codes
maximum likelihood decoding 9,19
ideals 150, 152, 153 MDS - see maximum distance separable
- ideal generated by element g 150 merging bits 257, 258
- principal ideal ring 150 message expansion 6
incomplete decoding scheme 9 message space 45
independent with respect to s 211 metric 7
information symbols 51 minimum error decoding 19
inner product 52 minimal polynomial 21, 32, 33, 35, 277
- properties of 53 - with respect to GF(q) 183
interleaving 181, 250, 262 Mobius IJ.-function 42
- cross-interleaving 253 monic polynomial 28
- and dispersion of errors 254 - number of monic irreducible polynomi-
- delayed interleaving 255 als 42
- even-odd symbol interleaving 256, 259
- I-frame delay interleave 255
- d-frame delay interleave 255, 256, 258, narrow-sense - see BCH codes
259 nearest neighbour decoding 8, 19
- (codeword) interleaving 250 - reliability of 14
288 Error Correcting Codes

noise 1 - shortened 256, 265

- weight distribution of 265
reliability 3
order - of nearest neighbour decoding 14
- of a group 71 repeated factors 200
- of a field element 30 repetition code 108
- of q mod n 182 remainder polynomial 26
orthogonal 53, 117 reversible code 234
orthogonal complement of a linear code 54 Rieger bound - see bounds
overall parity-check list 101 ring 24, 148-149
- of polynomials over F mod I(x) 149
- principal ideal ring 150
parity 4, 58 roots of polynomials (finding ... ) 224, 233
parity bit 4, 58 roots of unity
parity-check matrix 57 - primitive complex pth root 89
- of a cyclic code 159, 168 - nth root 182
parity-check polynomial 163 row operations (elementary) 51
PCM - see pulse code modulation row space 51
perfect codes 12,66 run-length
permutation matrix 51 - minimum 257
permutation of symbols in frames 259 - maximum 257
pits 257
Plotkin bound - see bounds
primitive codes - see BeH codes sampling 256
primitive element in a field 29 scalars 267
primitive polynomial 198 self-dual codes 131, 141
probability self-orthogonal codes 130, 141
- of errors going undetected 82-83, 258 separation of symbols in frames 259-260
- of incorrect decoding 101 shortened codes 265
- of symbol error 14 single-error-correcting code 65
proper ordering 119 Singleton bound - see bounds
pulse code modulation 256 span 55, 268
sphere of radius e 11, 12
sphere-packing bound - see bounds
q-ary symmetric channel 9 splitting field 182, 201, 234
square roots in GF(2") 229
standard array 72, 101, 130
rate 6 - decoding algorithm 75
reciprocal polynomial 163, 186 standard form (of a generator matrix) 51
redundancy 1,2,3,6,45,57 step-by-step decoding 78
Reed-Muller codes 4 subfield 23
- decoding algorithm for 125 subgroup 70
- first-order 115, 137, 139 subspace 45
- kth-order 115, 144 - number of k-dimensional subspaces in
Reed-Solomon codes 16, 138,237,261 VII(F) 46
- cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon code - cyclic subspace 147,152-153,157, 194
(CIRC) 5, 256 syndrome decoding 77
Subject Index 289

syndrome polynomial S(z) for BCH decoding

syndromes 76, 77
- and cyclic codes 168-170
synchronization pattern 257, 258

triangle inequality 7

vector 5, 267
vector space 24, 45,267
Voyager 4, 17, 115, 137, 138

weight - see Hamming weight

weight distribution 81, 111,264
- of Reed-Solomon codes 265
weight enumerator 81,83, 111,264

Zech's logarithms 21, 39, 185,277

zero vector 267

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