Draft Parking Policy For BMR

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Policy Paper for Parking

In the Bangalore Metropolitan Region

Directorate of Urban Land

Transport, Bangalore
Date: 14.10.2008

(Document/DULT/P/01/14082008/Version 01)

Prepared by:
Ides Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore in association with
Urban First System Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore
ADT : Average Daily Traffic
AQI : Air Quality Index
BDA : Bangalore Development Authority
BBMP : Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
BMRDA : Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority
BMRTL : Bangalore Mass Rapid Transit Limited
BMTC : Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation
BWSSB : Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board
CTM : Chief Traffic Manager
CDP : City Development Plan
CRS : Commuter Railway System
CTTP : Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Plan
DULT : Directorate of Urban Land Transport
GOK : Government of Karnataka
KSRTC : Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation
KSPCB : Karnataka State Pollution Control Board
KUIDFC : Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development Finance
LRT : Light Rail Transit
LSGIs : local self government institutions
MSL : Mean Sea Level
ORR : Outer Ring Road
P & SP : Public and Semi Public
PT : Public Transport
PHPDT : Peak hour peak direction trips
SPM : Suspended Particulate Matter
STRR : Satellite Town Ring Road
T&T : Traffic and Transportation
Parking Policy –DULT

Chapter 1 – Introduction .................................................................. 3
Key Concerns related to Parking: ....................................................16
Parking issues: An overview ..........................................................17
Summary: ................................................................................19

Chapter 2 – Principles of Parking Policy: ..............................................20

Strategic intent: ........................................................................21
Strategy matrix to achieve objectives: .............................................21
Pricing: ...................................................................................23
Policy Recommendations:.............................................................24
1. Planning and Design............................................................24
2. Transportation ..................................................................28
3. Engineering and Technology..................................................31
4. Finance: .........................................................................32
5. Governance and institutional ................................................34
6. Awareness and sensitisation: .................................................35

Chapter 3 – Recommendations-phase-1 ...............................................36

Recommendations for promoting organized parking in Phase-1: ...............36
On-street Parking ....................................................................36
Short-Stay Parking ...................................................................37
Parking in Residential Areas .......................................................37
Parking in Public Institutions, Cinema Theatres, etc ..........................38
Heavy Vehicle Parking ..............................................................38
Parking in Railway Stations / MTC bus Terminals ..............................39
Off-Street Parking Lots and Multi level Parking ................................39

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Chapter 4 – Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities: ................................40

Directorate of Urban Land Transport / Government of Karnataka ..........40
Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority: ...................40
Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike : ...........................................41
Bangalore Development Authority: ...............................................41
Bangalore City Traffic Police: .....................................................41
Transport Department: .............................................................42
Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation .................................42
Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation:................................................42

Chapter 5 – Timelines for implementation............................................43

1. First Phase: 0-3 years:.........................................................43
2. Second Phase: 3- 6 years:.....................................................43
Annexure – 1 ...............................................................................44
Proposed parking fees in Business areas: ........................................44
Annexure.2 .................................................................................45
Roads identified by BBMP for street side parking....................................45
Annexure- 03:..............................................................................47
Proposed Multi level Parking Plazas....................................................47
Annexure- 04 : An overview of Parking Planning, standards and Structures. ...48
Annexure- 5 : ..............................................................................73
Existing Parking - images ................................................................73

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Chapter 1 – Introduction

1. Bangalore, the Capital city of Karnataka is fifth largest metropolis in India and
is the fastest growing city of Asia with an annual growth of 3.25 %. The city
population is approximately 7.0 million contained in an area of 800 sq.km. The
larger region of the BMRDA is around 8000 sq.km with over 13 Million
population. See Fig.1.

2. The City will reach the 1.0 Crore mark by 2020 A.D.

3. The Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority has earmarked

areas for development of five townships in its plan and has prepared Interim
Master Plan for five towns – Kanakapura, Magadi, Hoskote, Anekal,
Nelamanagala and Ramanagara

4. Bangalore city structure is a radial & concentric one with a series of proposed
Ring roads – Peripheral Ring Road, Satellite Town rings, Intermediate Ring Road

5. Bangalore city has a vehicle population of about 3.125 million while the city
population is about 7 million (Transport Department, 2008).

6. The vehicle to person ratio is less than 1:3, which is, by far highest than any
other city in India.

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Fig.1: BMRDA – STRR, IRR , BMICAPA and 5 Planning areas

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7. The working population in Bangalore is around 2 million and according to the

recent estimates, there are about 2.238 million 2-wheelers, 0.505 million
motor-cars, 0.092 Million auto-rickshaws, and 0.29 million other vehicles
totalling to around 3.125 million vehicles on road.

Number of Vehicles

Two Wheelers
2.94% 9.28%
16.16% Motor Cars

Auto Rickshow

Fig.2: Vehicular - Percentage breakup

There is a considerable rise in the number of two wheelers, which constitute

about 71% of registered total motor vehicles. The steep increase in this
transportation mode can be attributed to the increase in income levels, change
in life style pattern, as the preferred mode for the 20-40 year age bracket. The
absence of an effective transport system has further encouraged this trend.

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8. In the last year, on an average about 500 new vehicles were registered every
day and during the same year, there were about 10000 new 2-wheelers
registered every month.

Fig.3: Vehicular Growth trends.

Fig.3 : Growth – type of vehicles

Trend-Vehicular Growth

Number in Lakhs

20 21.3
1.68 2.77
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008


Fig.4 : Vehicular Growth trend

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9. The Public transportation is predominantly dominated by the BMTC as service

provider operates with 4887 schedules, 5071 buses, 68,885 trips, carry 3.8
million passengers, earn Rs.25.6 million per day and pay Rs.1.413 million to the
Govt. as taxes (BMTC, 2008).
The split between the private and public transport is as follows:

Mode of Transportation

16.3% 41.0%
1.7% Car
Two Wheelers

Auto Rikshaw

30.4% Bycycle


Fig.5: Modal split

10. City Structure: The road network in Bangalore has a star-like structure where
all the major roads converge on the centre of the city. The absence of
transverse roads coupled with the non optimized public transport leads to
severe congestion in the city’s core area. It has led to increase in accidents and
especially loss of time. See . Fig. 6
The total road length in the BBMP limits is about 4,500 km of which about 320
km form the important roads as arterial and sub-arterial roads. The existing
road length in Bangalore is much less than the normative road length as per the
prescribed standards of 17.33 km per sq. km (KUIDFC, 2006).
The Relatively small addition of road space to the system when compared with
the extent of spatial expansion of the city and lack of measures to overcome
the restrictive radial/convergent road structure has not helped the city from

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In addition, the extensive development of urbanization and separation of

functions forces a dependence on private means of transport.

City structure:

Fig.6: Existing Road network

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11. The developments in the city are diverse and have taken place over a period of
time sometimes without any planning at all. The formal development is largely
restricted to interventions of BDA, KHB and private approved layouts. Informal/
revenue layout developments have been substantial in terms of supply and
geography. These developments most often have poor infrastructure facilities
such as roads, parking, parks and civic amenities. This has further aggravated
the situation. Refer. fig. 7

12. The revised Master Plan 2015 recognises these typologies and based on function
accommodated these typologies as zones for planning and zoning Regulation.
The main zones are :
a. Residential Main : Predominantly residential character
b. Residential Mixed : Areas where activities are linked with
c. Commercial ( Central ) : this comprises of areas such as Pettah
d. Commercial ( Business) : The Central business district areas
e. Mutation Corridors
f. Commercial Axes : Mixed uses based on street in residential areas
g. Industrial ( General)
h. Industrial ( Hi- tech ): High traffic generating uses such as IT, BT, ITES
i. Public and Semi Public
j. Traffic and Transportation
k. Public Utilities.
l. Park and Open spaces
m. Agricultural Land zone

13. The Central business district of Bangalore and the key activity areas are
separate. They are located predominantly in the south, east and the
northwest portion away from the CBD. The CBD and the corridors leading
to the CBD suffer from congestion. The presence of large open spaces
such as Parade grounds, Race course, Golf course, Cubbon Park, Palace

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Grounds, underutilised industrial lands & institutions is an opportunity

for creating parking.

Fig.7: Patterns of Development comprising of both public and private

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Key Parking drivers

Fig.8: Activity centres and drivers for Parking

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14. The Master plan recommends that the development in the city will be spatially
organised through the ring structure and radii concentric structures and will
occur at certain centres or focal points at the intersection of the important
transportation hubs. The revised Master Plan is based on this structure for
growth and development. Such hubs are opportunity areas for integrating
transportation with land use development.

Fig.9: Structure plan – organisation of growth in the city

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15. The Master Plan designates “transportation and communication” zone as

the total area for roads, rail, and transport infrastructure accurately.
The break up of the areas for various land uses are given below.

Fig. 10. Land use percentage in the RMP 2015

16. The unprecedented growth in number of vehicles, population and

household income has generated large number of trips. Additional
disposable household income for buying in more vehicles coupled with
weak public transportation system has led to use of private vehicles.
This has impacted in form of severe congestion and increased demand
for parking.

17. On several roads that are available, the number of vehicles plying on
these is greater than the carrying capacity of the roads.

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18. Developing a Multi-modal Public Transportation System. The present public

transportation system is inadequate to meet the future needs of the city. In
view of Bangalore’s specific context and existing situation it is imperative that
a multi-modal public transport system that offers facilities for collective travel
against individual modes of transportation is considered. The multi-modal
transport operating systems consisting of road and rail systems, Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT), Metro Rail, Mono Rail, Circular Rail and other proven mass rapid
transport systems, must respond to all travel needs of households of the City.
The multi-modal transport system also would be integrated in such a way that
there would be seamless travel across the city. The opportunities to structure
urban development offered by such a multi-modal transportation system must
be built upon and this particularly includes optimizing the land use pattern
along the proposed transportation networks and transport hubs.

19. Keeping the above issues as priority, the Comprehensive traffic

transportation studies for Bangalore were carried out by KUIDFC and a
fresh CTTS for the entire BMR region is being formulated by Bangalore
Metropolitan Regional Development Authority.

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Fig.11: Multi modal systems and proposed integration.

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Key Concerns related to Parking:

1. Growth in number of vehicles:

Given the addition of vehicular population to the city – the supply of parking is
inadequate. In the long run, the demand will outstrip the supply and will lead
to extreme hardship leading to poor quality of life. A policy to minimise and
reduce the dependence on the private vehicles is the need of the day.

2. Need for effective Public transport:

The shift from private vehicles to the public transport needs to be facilitated
by offering effective transport solutions. Multiple modes need to explored for
offering and devising an effective public transport.

3. Co-ordinated operational urban planning :

There is a need for bringing about change through co-ordinated
operational urban planning with active support of the institutions
involved in Planning. The current planning tools adopted by the city are
largely inadequate. The creation of parking and shift to public transport
needs to be inbuilt within the statutory and operational planning of
projects. This requires a renewed approach to planning.

4. Enforcement of parking restrictions

Though the Building byelaws mandate the provision of parking in the
basement and adequate number of car parks in the buildings, there has
been rampant violation.

5. Slow creation of parking infrastructure to meet considerable demand in

the dense areas.

6. Effective funding for the creation of parking facilities, transit oriented

7. Policy framework to address wide range of parking issues and problems.

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Parking issues: An overview

1. The Parking issues of Bangalore are intricately related to the city structure,
infrastructure, traffic and management.

2. The One way system proposed for speedy movement within the city and
streamlining the traffic had facilitated clear carriageways with removal of
parking from the roads. These have resulted in moving the “on street parking”
to the other roads and spaces available surrounding to these roads.

3. The practice of “Pay and Park “has been tried for a few years for about 71
locations, this has been discarded since 2005. Though the Pay and Park has
been discarded, this has resulted in the haphazard and unregulated parking,
often some illegal collection of fee for parking.

4. Carriage way – road side parking: Unregulated road side parking is being
resorted to by vehicle users as the owners and visitors prefer to park the
vehicle close to the work place for easy access and safety of the vehicle.
Parking of this type must be prohibited.

5. Foot Path Parking: Parking on side walks or foot paths is prohibited by the law.

5.a. The Parking on foot path by house dwellers: This limits the foot path space
for pedestrians and is wide spread in both residential and commercial
areas of the city.
5.b. Parking in front of the shops: Basements which are meant for parking are
put to commercial use and the shops/commercial establishments are
forced to park their vehicles on roads.
5.c. Parking by Automobile dealers and repair units : repair vehicles and goods
are parked on the road and the sidewalks.
5.d. Parking of vehicles around schools and colleges: School buses and auto
rickshaws used to transport the school children are indiscriminately
parked on adjoining spaces including roads around the schools creating
utter chaos and confusion.

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5.e. Parking around choultries and Business establishments: High intensity uses
such as choultries, kalyana mantaps have very little parking space within
their property , a majority of the users park their vehicles on the
adjacent sites, roads and foot paths.
5.f. Visitor parking for apartments and multi dwelling units are not available
and visitor’s park indiscriminately on adjacent areas, foot paths and on
the roads.

6. Parking at defined lots: The defined parking lots in the city are not effectively
utilised as there are no management staff available. At the time of “pay and
Park programme, there were parking contractors and their staff available for
management. Today, at some places unauthorised fee collection is carried out.

7. PPP initiatives not fully effective: Under the PPP initiative, the development
of commercial use was allowed as a concession for improving the viability of
the project. Though a novel concept, it has resulted in generation of traffic
and private vehicles by the commercial space. This has not served well for
meeting the demand for parking.

8. The creation of parking envisaged by BBMP will result in about 2000 parking
spaces; these are miniscule numbers compared to the overall demand.

9. Commercial vehicles such as the Lorries, mud tippers and others have no space
for the parking in the city. The transport Lorries are parked along side the
highway such as the NH4, NH7, etc.

10. The lack of truck terminals and associated facilities allows the vehicles to
enter the city, adding to the congestion.

11. Small & non-motorised vehicles such as push carts, hand carts have no space
reserved close to the communities. The EWS and informal sector are forced to
park their vehicles on the road, side walks.

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12. Auto rickshaws park their vehicles as per their convenience and short parking
also impacts the smooth flow of traffic and creates accidents. People are
allowed to take a rickshaw anywhere and alight at will.

13. The private bus stand in kalasipalyam is unregulated and the space
requirement for buses is inadequate. The “spill over of the bus” leads to
crowding the Majestic / KG Area. The Private buses now stop at Hosur Road,
Tumkur road for users. The location of the bus parking is not convenient to the
user or to the vehicles passing on the road.

14. The cabs and taxis, private mini bus which operate on contract are found to be
parked at places convenient to the owners, often on civic amenity sites, park
areas or any disused private land. These will need to be regulated. Individual
taxi owners, etc park their vehicles on the road / sidewalks during the night.

The results of such unregulated parking of vehicles have led to the following
1. Congestion on roads and obstructing the smooth traffic flows.
2. Foot paths and side walks have been encroached leading to reduction of space
to pedestrians.
3. Extended Parking hours and indiscriminate parking: The Vehicle owners of
commercial establishments, the owners of cab taxis and buses park their
vehicles at places for long duration and mostly in haphazard manner.
4. Vandalism and safety: Most of the parking lots are unregulated and safety
provisions are unavailable. The vehicles can be subjected to vandalism and
5. Loss of revenue: The potential revenues accrual from Parking fees and charges
are unavailable to the urban local body/ Government. The unauthorised
collection of fees is rampant and is of nuisance.
6. The Parking and congestion, in general lead to pollution of air and increased
noise levels.
7. The Parking problem directly affects the “Quality of life”

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Chapter 2 – Principles of Parking Policy:

The total number of vehicles is growing at an alarming pace. The provision of

“parking” so as to meet the total demand for both short and long stay is
practically impossible.

To quantify the size of the problem, it is roughly estimated that nearly 8,000
acres of land will be required to park all kinds of vehicles at grade, at any
given place. Currently, this space requirement is met through parking on roads,
apartments, side walks, open spaces, tiny proportion in form of Multi storey
parking lots, office buildings and transport terminals (bus stands, terminals).
Not only do vehicles require street space to move about, but they also require
space to park where the occupants can be loaded and unloaded.

It is also roughly estimated that out of 8760 hours in an year, the cars runs on
an average for only 400 hours, leaving 8760 hours when it is parked. Every car
owner would wish to park the car as closely as possible to his destination so as
to minimize his walking. This results in a great demand for parking space in
various areas of the city, where activities are concentrated.

“The overarching principle for parking is to progressively reduce the

demand for parking and facilitate organized parking for all types of

The formulation of the Policy will be the starting point for the making of
programmes and specific plans. Parking demand emanates from consumer
behaviour and user requirements and location of markets, utility centres and
all public places.
The policy has been devised based on the discussions held with the key
stakeholders and review of international/national practices in respect of urban
parking problems.

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Strategic intent:

The strategic intent of the policy is to:

• Effective management of Parking demand
• Reduction of congestion especially at junctions, vantage points and
nodes, to avoid the diversion of open (Public) utilitarian spaces for
parking and eventually
• Regulating the growth of vehicle numbers (by framing appropriate

The Parking policy also attempts to cover the following objectives:

1. Relieving the congestion on roads
2. Safety of pedestrians
3. Safe and secure parking – this includes short and long stays.
4. Integration of Parking with the Public transport facilities
5. To promote private participation including private initiatives and project
6. To enable appropriate pricing for the various parking facilities.

Strategy matrix to achieve objectives:

Policy Objective Strategies
1 • Banning of parking on the roads
• Promotion of public transport
To relieve congestion
• Live work Play concept – integrated
on roads
• Regulated Mixed land use philosophy
2 • Preventing the misuse of footpath for
To ensure the safety • Ensuring that places for parking of
of the pedestrians vehicles are used for the purpose.
• Clear demarcation between parking
and pedestrian facilities through use of

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temporary and permanent structures

3 • Create organised and regulated parking
services to defined parking lots
Safety and utilisation
• Use appropriate engineering standards
– lighting, security, shelter.
4 • Licensing of the Parking lots
• Release the parking spaces which are
being diverted for other uses.
• Promote parking for short duration
To prevent misuse of
(hourly duration)
parking space
• Permit only authorised vehicle parking
certificate holders to park in
designated lots.

5 • Parking lot at every intermodal

transport point and at every metro
Parking facilities to station
help in mobility and • Bus services need to be extended to all
transit. localities such that people are required
to walk less than 250 m to access the
6 • Modify building byelaws to promote
private and public parking lots
• Promote establishment of private
parking lots, both on grade as well as
To promote private
at multi level
participation in
• Encourage land owners to establish
establishment of
facilities through tax, Transfer of
public parking facility
Development right for viability.
• Private land owners can be involved in
development of Transport hubs, Bus
stands, bus bays and truck terminals.
7 To use parking • Device suitable policies to promote the
management as a tool use of public transport facilities.
to reduce the demand • Promote use of shared vehicles
for private mode of
8 • To identify “zero tolerance zones” for
Awareness and
creating the sensitisation. Gradually
this can be scaled to the entire city.

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The Pricing of parking is an important and integral part of the policy
formulation. The pricing of parking can impact the vehicle travel patterns and
assist in streamlining the traffic flows.
• A variable pricing based on the location of the parking linked to land
price is a desirable model – Parking in the centre of city will be costlier
than parking in the periphery as the value of the land is different.
• Variable pricing based on hourly basis during the peak hours and lower
prices during the off peak periods is recommended.
• Fee collection can be through automated methods or manual means.
This must be carried out within the guidelines drawn up by the
• Variable parking fee needs to be based on the size and type of vehicle –
the larger the vehicle, the fee will be higher.
• The increase of tariff for the number of hours parked will be cumulative
scale with every increase of hour parked- the fee will be higher.

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Policy Recommendations:
1. Planning and Design

P&D/01. Integrate the land use and transportation at planning and

implementation levels. This should include interventions to reorient
land use to direct /influence transport demand.

a) The zoning of land use such as commercial business areas , Mixed land
use developments , high intensity land uses are to be centred around
the transportation hubs with adequate parking.
b) The Land use documents prepared by BDA primarily depend on the
management of the Floor Area Ratio. Transportation hubs such as Metro
stations, railway stations, transit centres must be accorded with higher
FAR within specified guidelines. .
c) Areas with high density of population must be serviced with public
d) Projects taken up by BBMP or any other agency (private or public) that
induces a large vehicular traffic needs to include transportation needs
(To make reservations of space for parking, commuter facilities, etc).
e) Periodic reviews of plans and projects are required to ensure proper
compliance of parking norms is met.

P&D/02. Emphasis on Parking in Planning and the regulatory documents to

allow multiple level and multi use parking lots at various transit
points, commercial centres, such as railway stations, Metro, etc.

(a) The Key transportation hubs with interchange facilities between

transportation systems need strengthening at the plan and
implementation. The air space and the below grade area should be
promoted effectively for parking facilities, for commuter facilities.
For instance- Bus station over rail station with public parking facility
above can be designed.

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(b) Parking facility shall be provided at transit management centres of

BMTC and Metro stations of BMRCL.

P&D/03. Mitigate the effects of the newly introduced High intensity/ Higher
FAR land uses
(a) It is recommended that authority responsible for implementing the
parking policy provide assistance to the project developers during
the course of design, engineering and implementation so as to
comply with the regulations.
(b) The approvals for such projects should be carried out through a
consultative approach.
(c) High intensity land uses shall provide mandatory accommodation for
additional parking facilities either at the basements, multi level or
through sharing of facilities (both Govt and Private).
(d) In case of non provision, the developers/ owners of the said
facilities shall pay an impact fee to BBMP.
(e) In such cases, BBMP and Police should facilitate parking for the users
through a co-ordinated plan.

P&D/04. Devise progressive Building byelaws by adapting regulations to meet

the ground realities – Old city areas, urban villages, commercial
centres, etc.
(a) Many of the Building renewal projects cannot accommodate parking
in their plans due to the constraints of space within the site. In such
cases, equivalent parking impact fee based on the intensity of the
use shall be levied and authorities will facilitate common parking
(b) The old areas of the city do not have enough open spaces for
accommodating at grade parking. Vehicle free zones may be planned
in consultation with different stakeholders. Wherever feasible multi
level parking /underground parking can be created.
(c) In case of old city areas – disused government facilities such as civic
amenities may be used for parking.

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P&D/05. Accommodate the Mixed Land use regulations and mitigate the
“negative externalities” by area level planning and introducing tax
for the impact of the mixed land use.
(a) The Area level planning shall be carried out to provide for common
parking, creation of pedestrian zones and mitigate the effects of
indiscriminate parking.
(b) The owner / allottee / resident / user of the plot / dwelling unit
under the mixed land use shall also be liable to pay one time
charges for development of parking and such rate for one ECS per 50
Sq. mtr. of plot area shall be as under.
Sl.no Description Amount (INR)

1 First Ring 1,00,000

2 Second Ring 75,000
3 Third Ring 50,000

P&D/06. Introduce planning tools to effectively respond to area level

(a) The current practice of preparing the Master plan is to serve at the
City level. As the scale is very large and restricted to land use
zoning plan, it cannot fully guide and serve the “area level
requirements”. It is necessary to introduce an intermediate level of
planning and this could serve for redevelopment purpose as well.

P&D/07. Insist on Safety and protection of Residential neighbourhood

character whenever community or private parking is provided in
these areas.
(a) Nuisance, Fire and Noise effects are to be dealt in a comprehensive
manner during sanction and approval of public buildings and
facilities in the residential areas. Continuous monitoring of the areas
and regulation is necessary.

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P&D/08. Insist on optimal Parking infrastructure and encourage management

in the new developments.
(a) All newly developed layouts by KHB, BDA, KSCB and private
developers shall make necessary plans for the parking infrastructure
and management.
(b) In case of large developments, where standards and norms are only
a pre-requisite, the provision and management will need to be
carried out in consensus /negotiation manner with project

P&D/09. Parking near notified or declared areas:

(a) Areas which are of historical heritage and archaeological
importance shall have stipulations for parking in light of the sites’ /
structures’ significance / importance. Visual, aesthetic and
environmental aspects shall be given importance.

P&D/010. Parking norms for Low income housing and EWS housing :
(a) As the low income and EWS housing need space for parking their
push carts, auto rickshaws, hawking carts, horse carts, tricycles,
etc, developments taken up afresh and existing developments shall
be provided with adequate parking.
(b) Relaxation on the parking norms shall be provided.

P&D/011. Bicycles parking lot

(a) Bicycle parking should be mandatory in all facilities
(b) Atleast 15 % of the two vehicular parking space reserved in all
building plans should be reserved for the bicycles.

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2. Transportation

Trans/01. Progressively move away from the concept of using road space for
parking of vehicles.

Trans/02. Adopt measures to enhance the services - the existing Sub optimal
Public transport system needs up gradation allowing for easy mobility
and less congestion.

Trans/03. Contain and regulate the addition and growth of vehicular traffic to
the city by Legislation, fiscal disincentives and traffic management

Trans/04. Identification of the zones in the city to be carried out to meet

transportation demand, supply and parking infrastructure in a
scientific manner.

(a) Based on the land uses, intensity and socio-economic conditions,

zones in the city will be delineated. The demand zone wise shall be
assessed for estimating the parking demand and detailed plan for
implementation drawn involving public & private participation.
(b) Suitable Large public spaces such as Parks, Race Course, Play
grounds, stadium and underutilised public amenities and land at
select localities can be utilised for off-street parking through use of
basements, under ground parking structures. Care must be taken not
to disturb the functioning of the space above.

Trans/05. Differentiation of parking demand –

(a) The parking demand in the city is not homogenous, different types
of commercial and private, public vehicles depending upon the size
and purpose are to assessed before implementation of the policy.

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Trans/06. Differential treatment of identified zones in the city:

(a) Identified zones in city require differential treatment while
according sanction, approvals, taxation, Transfer of Development
rights. The detailing for the same will be carried out after studies
and consultation.

Trans/07. Relocation of Bus stands, stops and private vehicles stops to assist
(a) The private bus stand in Kalasipalyam and the vehicles parked in
Gandhinagar area needs to move to better facility located in the
periphery of the city. This will reduce congestion of the centre and
better transit options.
(b) The bus stops are located at the critical junctions on the arteries.
The buses stop at these points creating obstruction to the smooth
flow of traffic. Bus bays and re-location of the bus stands are

Trans/08. Traffic restraining measures :

a) Limiting the upper cap of vehicles that can ply in the city.
b) Phasing out old vehicles which are more than 15 year old and
non compliance to pollution norms.
c) Levy of fees for deterring vehicles entering/exiting the city.
d) Discourage and using fiscal measures avoid permanent parking of
sick and unused vehicles occupying road space and other
potential parking spaces
e) Introducing area licensing schemes where vehicles other than
public transport vehicles are charged for entry into the area.
f) Earmarking the areas of the city into zones and restricting the
entry and exit of vehicles into these zones during specific hours
of the day.
g) The zones proposed are Zone.A , Zone.B, Zone-C
i) Zone-A: The areas include the central business areas inside
the core ring road where short term parking on hourly basis
will be provided between 9 .00 Am and 9 PM with high

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telescopic charges increasing with every hour of parking.

These areas will be provided with Automatic Mechanical
Parking (AMPs) and private parking lots. Beyond these
timings, the parking fees could be charged at a lower rate for
longer duration of time.
ii) Zone – B: Between CRR and ORR: In these areas a
combination of AMPs and CMP can be provided at selected
interchanges, especially at the TTMC and other identified
locations close to public transport corridors. Parking in these
areas will also be short term based but at a slightly lower
tariff as compared to zone.A.
iii) Zone.C: outside the ORR – large CMP may be provided at the
TTMC s and other locations adjoining the public transport
stations of Metro, Monorail / LRT, BRT, etc. These will be
long term parking lots of 8 to 12 hour duration at a nominal
tariff to encourage the vehicle owners to park at these
facilities and ride the public transport system to their
destination and back.

Trans/09. Identification, mobilisation of land for Parking in the Periphery

through Authority.
a) The truck terminals, bus stand for private vehicles requires
modern facilities. To establish these facilities, the various plans
have designated landuse at select places. However these lands
belong to the Private and compulsory acquisition of the same is
cumbersome. It may be recommended that a partnership where
land sharing must be encouraged through providing incentives
including TDR and other concessions.

Trans/010. Approval shall be accorded to designated parking lots – for auto-

rickshaws, Lorries, public/private transport based on actual studies
and in discussion with stakeholders.

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Trans/011. Large campus form of developments.

a) Large scale developments such as SEZ, campus styled, integrated
complexes require to provide parking- the provision of parking
space as per norms will result in allocating large areas dedicated
for parking. To enable better integration, provision for public
transport must be made and a commitment may be sought from
the developers on the provision and partnership with the

3. Engineering and Technology

E&T/01. Scientific determination of parking space requirement (Parking

Standards) for each type of vehicles requiring parking space and
separate determination of space required for manoeuvring at entry,
exit and pathways.

E&T/02. Segregation of parking spaces for two wheelers and other vehicles in
order to avoid congestion and minimise sub-optimal use of space due
to overlapping.

E&T/03. Engineering standards and codes for various parking facilities need to
be revised and standardised. Public parking should not be mixed with
other uses such as Commercial, etc for sake of viability/ feasibility of
the project. The decision making may be on case to case basis.

E&T/04. Provision of separate enclosures within the parking area for vehicles
requiring parking space for few minutes from those requiring parking
space for considerable time.

E&T/05. Building of boundary walls and other permanent structures for the
parking space to insulate the parking space from regular traffic and
unauthorised parking movements.

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E&T/06. Technology solutions and preferred development options (such as

MLCP, Underground) for various facilities to be adopted after
consultation with various players – Police, Fire, Developers,
Planners, etc.

E&T/07. Provisions made in the National Buildings Code (NBC) shall be

adapted for the design of Multi-level conventional and automated car

E&T/08. “Fast track” the provision of parking infrastructure for private

buses, commercial vehicles.

E&T/09. Special privileges for the physically challenged persons in the

matters of parking their vehicles as well as using of slots in the
parking areas should be provided.

E&T/010. Ensure implementation of engineering measures with an emphasis on

quality and safety concerns.

E&T/011. “No stopping zones” are to be introduced on all arteries and major
roads in the city.

4. Finance:

Fin/01. Parking charges and fee collected are to be considered as

“Disincentives” and not as “Earnings”. However the fees collected
should be deployed for creating the infrastructure, devising methods
and strategies for parking management.

Fin/02. Finance and incentives should be made available for creation of

parking infrastructure- for land based, multi-storey, Basements or
Bus, truck terminals.

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a) Facilitate PPP model with no compulsory land acquisition in

designated master plan reservations for public, semi public and
traffic & communication land uses.

Fin/03. Discourage vehicular registration through higher registration fees

(taxes). This can be done by mandating the rule of one car per
• An upper cap of one car per household should be stipulated and any
additional car could be charged a one-time fees of about
Rs.1,00,000 per car and higher municipal tax in terms of 10 % per
year of the assessed tax.
• The Transport Department can issue vehicle parking certificate
along with the registration of the vehicle. The fees collected will be
in accordance to the Zone to which the owner resides.

Fin/04. Encourage the sharing of facilities and Introduction of Transfer of

Development Rights, tax subsidies, capital subsidy, if needed.
• Plot owners are allowed for sharing the parking facilities, a
particular building owner can allow for the allocating parking in
another plot.

Fin/05. Levy of user fees or impact fee for the parking on roads/ public
spaces to ultimately release road space from parking totally). The
Fee structure will follow a Cumulative fee model based on the
number of hours parked, instead of providing a telescopic tariff

Fin/06. Differential pricing to be adopted in accordance with the zones of

the city –This can be in form of rings - in circular manner – the Inner
ring , Middle Ring and the outer ring for Bangalore.

Fin/07. Introduction of congestion tax in select high density and business

district (zones) of the city. Rationalisation of the fee in accordance
with the land use and price is to be followed.

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Fin/08. Creation of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for funding key

parking/pedestrian and associated infrastructure through SFC grants
(1% of the fund can be allocated for the above).

Fin/09. To enhance viability of parking infrastructure projects, the SPV can

assist in provision of guarantees to bridge the viability gap, etc.

Fin/010. For violations and deviations such as non provision of parking in the
buildings, KMC act provisions shall apply such as doubling the tax for
collection, till such time the structure is brought to comply with the
regulations. Such fees collected shall be kept in separate head of

Fin/011. In order to promote public transportation system, incentives may be

given to government staff employees and private sector for utilizing
the public transportation system.

Fin/012. Parking lots reserved for bicycles will be offered incentives such as
municipal tax waiver, capital subsidy. However these will be
regulated by the DULTA and BBMP.

5. Governance and institutional

Gov/01. Strict Enforcement disallowing deviation of buildings and Land use

violations must be insisted.

Gov/02. Private sector participation is to be encouraged and this should be

regulated. Individual plot owners must be allowed to develop parking
for 2, 3 and four wheelers subject to conditions.

Gov/03. Clarity on PPP projects for creating facilities is required for

overcoming difficulties while according sanctions and clearances.

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Gov/04. Need for Central regulatory authority for co-ordination and

management including enforcement and monitoring.

Gov/05. Need for creating a common implementation and roll out plan to
enable phase wise activity and effective co-ordination (release of
road space from parking in a progressive manner). This is to be
supported by the authority to tackle multiplicity of agencies and

6. Awareness and sensitisation:

AwS/01. Create a few zero tolerance zones with all infrastructure such that
no violations in terms of pedestrian, parking and traffic occur. Such
zones will serve as “model”. These zones can be expanded to the
entire city in the due course.

AwS/02. Need for Advocacy and awareness building – This should cover the
education aspects, training and influencing the user behaviour, to
inform the rights and duties of the users.

AwS/03. Conducting education and awareness programmes to spread the

benefits of organised parking and avoiding road space for parking
(resultant increased speed of vehicles and increase in productivity)

AwS/04. Awareness building and facilitation for enabling the shift from the
use of private vehicles to Public transport.

AwS/05. Facilitate Car-pooling and sharing of facilities.

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Chapter 3 – Recommendations-phase-1
Recommendations for promoting organized parking in Phase-1:

On-street Parking
• The On -street parking will be allowed on some important roads
wherever there is adequate road width and approvals of expert panel
comprising of the traffic police. As a policy the management of road
side parking will be assigned to the "shop keepers association" of the
respective road where Street parking is being promoted. 50% of income
earned from shopping will be given back to the associations to pay for
the facilities created and the surplus if any will be used for the
development of the road on which on street shopping has been provide.
• It will be ensured that while planning the on-street parking primacy will
be given for the functions that are expected to be played by different
kinds of roads - expressways, arterial roads, sub arterial road, collector
road and local streets.
• As far as the arterial and sub arterial roads are concerned, priority will
be accorded for traffic movement and elimination of parking at all
times will be considered as a long-term strategy. .
• On-street parking restrictions on local streets are necessary to improve
the quality of residential environment. On street parking in residential
areas wiII be provided only on cross rods and conservancy lanes which
are wider than 12 meters. However, this is to be done with consultation
of the residents.
• Provision of sidewalks will be considered as an integral activity, while
planning for on-street parking. This is proposed to eliminate conflicts
between pedestrians and vehicles on movement.
• While deciding the specific locations for on-street parking and the
number of parking spaces shall be provided, due consideration will be
given to loss in road capacity in permitting parking.

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Short-Stay Parking
Short-stay parking is preferably located in proximity to trip destinations and
protected from long-stay packers. Separate short-stay parking facilities may be
required for business users, entertainment and tourist visitors, office visitors,
visitors to residential unit's etc.
• A short stay parking (Road side, multi level, on grade, Private/ Public)
will be created according the area needs.
• Protection from long-stay parker will be ensured by means of time
restrictions and/or by appropriate pricing structures.
• Parking of vehicles by owners and employees of establishments in short
stay parking lots for long-stay purposes will be discouraged through
appropriate pricing mechanism.
• Parking costs will be uniform irrespective of nature of parking or
ownership in so for a street is concerned.

Parking in Residential Areas

Public roads are a public resource intended primarily for the movement of
vehicles and not for parking. Vehicles owned by residents will not use the roads
in residential areas for long-stay parking.
• Building bye laws will be enforced to promote parking in residential
• Parking in private off-street locations will be promoted through
necessary amendments to the building bye laws.
• Option of providing exemption from payment of property tax will be
explored to promote private parking lots.
• By providing additional FAR steps will be taken to create more parking
spaces in residential areas.
• Parking of both owners as well as visitors 0 streets near flats will be
prohibited and enforced.

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Parking in Public Institutions, Cinema Theatres, etc

• Institutions (e.g. educational institutions), industrial establishments,
commercial complexes, cinema theatres, kalyana mandapams,
entertainment halls, hotels and restaurants will provide adequate off-
street parking facilities for employees, visitors etc.
• Adequate number of off-street parking spaces will have to be made by
the establishment to meet the demand of employees and visitors.
• Spill over of parking arising from these establishments to the streets will
be discouraged / prevented.

Heavy Vehicle Parking

• Overnight parking of buses, trucks, omni buses, tourist buses, vans,
water tankers, container Lorries etc along major roads will be
• Specific off-street parking facilities will be made available by the
owners/operators of the vehicle for night-time parking or when the
vehicles are not in use. Such vehicles will be discouraged from
occupying the road space of the major roads for long-stay parking.
• Over night parking of private vehicles will b~ allowed on notified areas
and such areas will be brought under the management of private service
providers. However, over night parking of commercial vehicles such as
Call Taxis, Light Commercial Vehicles, Buses, Trucks etc. in the
residential area will be discouraged.
• Long-stay over night parking will be avoided considering the possible
nuisance due to noise disturbance and safety hazards, associated with
such parking.
• The Vehicle Parking Certificate (VPC) will be made mandatory for all
vehicles in the future.

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Parking in Railway Stations / MTC bus Terminals

• Commuter parking shall be streamlined at the railway stations and at
the MTC bus terminals by the respective authorities to facilitate the
commuters to adopt the park and ride concept.
• Design suitable interface facilities enabling the bus and rails systems to
work in close co-ordination in respect of operation, fare structure,
comfort, convenience etc.
• Depending on demand, parking facilities will developed at railway
stations by the railway authorities on priority basis. This would
facilitate the commuters to derive maximum benefits of the system
• Development or park and ride facilities at suburban stations and at
BMTC bus terminals will be encouraged.
• Agencies operating the bus system and the rail system will periodically
review their functioning and if necessary revise, taking into account the
aspirations of the commuters.
• Wherever possible, Private initiatives shall be encouraged to achieve
the objectives.

Off-Street Parking Lots and Multi level Parking

• "Stand-alone" parking facilities will be promoted by BBMP. This includes
Multi Level Public Parking (ramp type and mechanical parking) facilities
will be planned and developed at suitable locations.
• Parking lots will be developed both by government agencies and private
developers on PPP model. BOT concept may be encouraged in
development of parking Iots.
• Private land owners shall be provided with licence for allowing
development of parking facility. This will have necessary waiver of
municipal taxes and other incentives like capital subsidy as it is an

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Chapter 4 – Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities:

As the policy attempts to cover the parking concerns in a comprehensive manner, it

will be useful to map the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders:

The main players are:

Directorate of Urban Land Transport / Government of Karnataka

• Will ensure that the parking policy is implemented by various stakeholders.

• It will co-ordinate activities at the department through a process of review and
• Will offer technical support in detailing any aspect of the Policy to encourage
adaptability and implementation
• Will assist in formation of SPV for funding.
• Will organise training and sensitisation programmes.

Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority:

• Will adopt strategies, measures and actions for integrating public transport,
high speed rail links between new developments and to the city.
• Will ensure that adequate planning norms and guidelines are built into the
statuatory documents for parking according to the needs of the township
• The integrated townships will have reduced dependence on motor vehicles-
alternate forms for mobility shall be encouraged in their planning and design
• In co-ordination with BDA, BBMP and the National Highways , PWD identify key
places for establishment of Truck terminals, high way infrastructure on the
proposed STRR. This will prevent the vehicles from entering the main city.
• Will adopt the comprehensive Traffic and Transportation study for the entire
Bangalore region.

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Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike :

• Will implement the parking policy for the BBMP area.

• Will carry out necessary studies for detailing and arriving at a consistent
framework for various areas- this will include area level planning and
development proposals.
• Will revise the bye laws to incorporate the policy recommendations
• Will set up the Special Purpose vehicle for funding, monitoring and
• Will propose a set of prices for different areas in line with policy.
• Will involve private participation for creation, management of parking
infrastructure and collection of fee/charges.
• Co-ordinate with Police, BDA, Fire department, transport department and
NGO, citizen groups for joint programmes.
• Will set up fast track cell for identifying “parking spaces” during special
• Will undertake measures for allowing incentives such rebate in municipal tax,
waiver and issue of Transfer of Development right.

Bangalore Development Authority:

• Incorporation and adaptation of policy recommendations in the zonal

• Creation of spaces for organised parking in the new developments
• Provision of Multi level car Parking facilities at their shopping complexes.

Bangalore City Traffic Police:

• The Traffic wing of the police department will regulate the traffic at on the
street parking locations.
• Enforce the parking regulations and rules by levying penalties, etc.
• Involve in training and educational programmes for road users such as BMTC,
auto rickshaws.

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• Work with communities, citizen groups, business houses for evolving various
action programmes.

Transport Department:
• Develop mechanism for issue of parking certificates on registration by
collection of stipulated fee.
• Phase out the old vehicles.
• Regulate the used car market.
• Levy of fees for the vehicles entering the city and exiting the city
• Provision and allocation of space for private bus stand and truck terminals.

Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation

• The TTMC and Multimodal hubs should encourage park and ride facility.
• The transport system should be extended to all parts of the city such that
“walk to the bus” should be possible.
• Adoption of pricing strategy to keep the parking fees optimal such that parking
becomes an easily available but priced commodity.
• Will advice and set up routing of buses to accommodate high density users.

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation:

• BMRCL will develop Transfer stations and multi modal hubs. This should
encourage park and ride facility.

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Chapter 5 – Timelines for implementation

The Policy is envisaged to serve as document for guiding the various stakeholders for
co-ordinated development.

The Policy identifies two phases:

1. First Phase: 0-3 years:

In this phase, the focus is responding to three aspects of the policy:

a. To progressively encourage the use of public transport.
b. To create common parking lots that can serve in the high density areas.
Initially, the list of roads in the appendix can be covered in the on street
parking and multi storey parking lots.
c. Private land owners and private initiatives to be encouraged.
d. Streamlining the fiscal incentives and enforcement.
e. Initiate adaptation of the zonal regulations and byelaws for consistency.
f. To create an awareness programme covering various players.

2. Second Phase: 3- 6 years:

a. To progressively discourage the “ On Street Parking”

b. Private initiatives and parking lots created require regulation and enforcement
c. Implementation of the various measures highlighted in consultation of the

The policy will be revised in regular intervals to make it more responsive.

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Annexure – 1

Proposed parking fees in Business areas:

The proposed parking fees need to be derived by carrying out detailed studies
and extensive consultation with the stakeholders both public and private. The
fee will vary according to the zone and will also be based on the duration and
time of the day. However, an indicative proposed parking fee table is given

Description Scooter/Motorcycle Private Car Lorry/Bus
For first 30
5.00 10.00
For next 30
10.00 15.00
For first 60
- - 30 50 (Bus)
For next 60
10.00 20.00 15 15
For every Subsequent hour over initial 2 hour
For the first
3.00 10.00 10.00 5.00
Upto two
10.00 15.00 15.00 10.00
For every
hour after
3.00 5.00 5.00 10.00
first two

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Roads identified by BBMP for street side parking

1. Hayes Road
2. convent Road : Residency road to Richmond Road
3. Residency Road : Bangalore Club to Bishop cotton
4. Residency Road : Opera circle to Mayo Hall
5. Residency Road : Aashirvadam circle to Brigade road junction
6. Residency Road : Cash pharmacy to st.Joseph college
7. Brigade Road : Wood street cross to All Saints signal
8. St.Marks Road : SBI to Cash Pharmacy
9. Central Street : BRV to Infantry Road
10. K.Kamraj Road : Parade ground to Dickenson Road
11. Kamaraj Road : commercial street to Veerapillai Street
12. Dickenson Road : Kamaraj road to Hasanath College
13. Dispensary Road : OPH road to main Guard Cross Road Jn
14. Town hall
15. Gandhinagar 3 rd main
16. Gandhinagar 5 th main
17. Ali Asker Road : Palace Road junction to Embassy
18. Sadashivanagar Swimming Pool
19. Coles Road : wheelers road Junction to Bank of Baroda
20. SJP Road : City market to Town Hall Junction
21. Vittal Mallaya Road : St.Marks Road to Tiffany Circle
22. Jothi Nivas Road to 5 th Main road
23. Jayanagar Shopping complex and surrounding area
24. Infantry Road and Main Guard Road
25. Hospital Road : Main guard road to Plaine Steet
26. Lady Curzon road: Bowring Hospital to Cubbon Road
27. Main Guard Road : Cubbon Road to Dispensary Road
28. Rest House Road : Brigade Road Junction to church Street
29. M.G. Road : Arts and Crafts Junction to Oberoi Hotel
30. Church Street : Brigade Road to St.Marks Road

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31. Museum Road : M.G. Road Junction to St.Joseph College

32. Cunningham road
33. Ashoka Pillar to Madhavan Park
34. South End Road to Madhavan Park
35. Jayanagar 8 th C cross : Canara Bank Circle to 38 th Cross
36. Jayanagar 27 th Cross : Canara Bank Circle to 11 th Main
37. Kumara Park – surroundings.

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Annexure- 03:

Proposed Multi level Parking Plazas

The major commercial areas in the city are proposed to have parking lots through
Private Participation BOOT route. The Parking lots are based on a mechanised system
or semi automated with basement and above Grade models of parking. The technical,
structural and financial structuring is taken care by the private parties. The Parking
lots are proposed to come up on a 500 sq.m to 9680 sq.m of land area. The details of
the same are given below:

Proposed Multi-Level Parking Plazas

No. of
Area in No of two
Name and Location Development Status
Sq.m ECS Wheeler
in Sq.m
Existing Flower Market,
1652 200 100 430
Gandhi Bazaar
Opp Sukh Sagar Hotel,
752 225 50 Nil
Old Central Jail Draft DPR
9680 1000 500 500
Complex, Gandhinagar & Tenders
Opp Russel Market, in
2140 400 100 100 evaluation
SP Road behind LIC
512 100 50 50
Opp Surana College,
5130 350 150 150
Opp Football Stadium,
1080 110 75 75
Richmond Town
Next to Ambedkar
College, Outer Ring 1180 120 75 75
Road, Nagarabhavi DPR to be
Opp RTO Office,
3300 250 140 140
Santhe Maidan,
3536 300 160 160

Total 3055 1400 1400

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Annexure- 04 : An overview of Parking Planning, standards and



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• A multi-storey car park or a parking

garage is a building (or part thereof)
which is designed specifically to be for
automobile parking and where there are
a number of floors or levels on which
parking takes place
• It is essentially a stacked parking lot
• It is limited to 5 till 6 stories with the
total capacity up to 500 cars per lot
• Apply multiple access and exit system to
avoid traffic congestion in and out.



• Safety in use
• Clear visibility
• Parking-space marking to enable drivers to
• Remember the location of their vehicles
• Integration into the context of town
• Clear views to the outside
• Good natural lighting and ventilation

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• Interfloor travel path completely

separated from potentially conflicting
parking –unparking movements
• Provide safest movement with least
• Preferred for self park design
• Feasible for small garage sites

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• Part or all of ramp travel is performed on

access aisles
• Requires less area per parking stall
• Twofold use of travel paths
• Feasible for smaller land parcel
• More susceptible to traffic movement delays
• Has potential in causing accident


• Vehicles rotate in the same direction

• Up and down ramps in opposite
• direction
• Required ramp surfaces to be opposed
• The operation is safer

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• Up and down ramp slope in the same

• Ramp surfaces are parallel
• Vehicles must rotate in opposite
• Cheaper to construct



• parallel parking requires experience, confidence, and patience

• Parking spaces (min );
• 7.5 meters long
• 2.75 meters wide.

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• Works well in extremely narrow, linear spaces

• Requires minimum pavement area


• Difficult maneuvering for most drivers

• Less than ideal visibility of adjacent traffic
• Inefficient use of on-street space

ANGLE 90°:
• Effective in low turnover rate or long term
parking areas, the perpendicular, or 90 degree
parking configuration is the most efficient and
economical since it accommodates the most
vehicles per linear meter.
• Standard dimensions for this configuration are:

Description Dimension
Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (2-way) 7 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 19 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear
meter double row 82

• Works well with either one-or two-way aisles
• Handles the most vehicles per square meter of

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• Handles most vehicles per linear meter

• Requires widest area
• Difficult maneuvering for some drivers
• Two-way traffic can create some visibility problems

ANGLE 60°:
• Ideal for a fast turnover rate or
predominantly short term use
• Often offset by difficulties of inefficient
circulation patterns and one-way aisles
• Standard dimensions for this configuration

Description Dimension
Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 5.5 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 16.5 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear
meter double row 65.6

• In and out of parking spaces
• Good visibility
• Lends itself to either one-or two-way aisles
• Most common short term parking

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Parking Policy –DULT

• Requires more pavement per vehicle than perpendicular configuration
• Handles less vehicles per linear meter

ANGLE 45°:
• The 45 degree angled parking configuration
displays similar benefits and limitations as the
60 degree.
• Standard dimensions for this configuration

Description Dimension
Parking space width 2.75meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 4.5 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 14 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear
meter double row 52.5

• Reduced width requirements for layout
• Easy maneuvering in and out of parking spaces
• Good visibility to the rear

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• Doesn't work well with two-way aisles
• Requires more pavement per vehicle than perpendicular parking

ANGLE 30°:
Standard dimensions for this configuration are:
Description Dimension
Parking space width 2.75 meters
Parking space length 6 meters
Driving aisle width (1-way) 7 meters
Two rows plus aisle width 19 meters
Vehicles per 100 linear
meter double row 39.4

• Easy parking
• Reduced width requirements for layout

• Requires the most pavement per vehicle
• Doesn't work well with two-way aisles

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1) Straight ramp

• Usually rectangular shaped with

ramp well along the structure’s
longer side dimension
• more horizontal distance is required
to satisfy ramp grade criteria than
accommodate vehicular movement
between ramp ends
• Requires less floor area and simple
to construct
• Economical space on lot that is long
and narrow

• Cause difficulties to get on and off straight ramp (Sharp turn)

• Having two ways circulation lanes on parking floor may be hazardous
• Up and down circulation lanes intersect on the parking floor unless the
floor area is so large that each circulation can be kept within its own
half on one-way lanes

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Parking Policy –DULT

• Single surfaces that permits
vehicles to travel on a
continuous helical path
between parking levels
• Movement;
• Up-counterclockwise
• Down-counterclockwise
• Entrance and exit in the side
• Opposite side of ramp oil
• Directly above each other on
succeeding floor
• Should be clearway type
• Continuous-360º of rotation between two parking levels
• Located near corners of rectangular structure to minimize floor space
loss but required more space than straight ramp.(fit narrow site but
waste more spaces)

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Parking Policy –DULT

• Costly to construct
• Offer better traffic operation by providing gradual turning as compared
to sharp turning movement usually required at ends of straight ramp
• Super elevation at ends of straight ramp create undesirable wrapping of
floor areas
• No crossing of up and down traffic, even at parking floor connection
• Each traffic stream confined to its own ramp all the way from the top to
bottom of the building
• Diameter of ramp is controlled by required turning radiuS (min 45 ft)
• Driver have a clear view each way even there is a crossing of traffic at
each parking floor

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Parking Policy –DULT



• Floor levels in one section is staggered
vertically by one half story from those
in adjacent sections
• Applicable to small, high-cost sites
where maximum use of space must be

• Construction is relatively simple
• The design fits well on rectangular sites
• Efficient in terms of floor space per vehicle parking stall

• Frequent conflicts may arise between circulating traffic and parking and
un-parking vehicles



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Parking Policy –DULT

This staggered-floor system provides parking

on level floors and desirable one-way traffic


• Consist of sloping levels (full

width ramp/continuous ramp)
• Contains two adjacent parking
modules tilted in opposite
• Well-suited to self-park


• The relatively flat floor slope permits comfortable parking and

pedestrian walking
• Each entering customer has an opportunity to park in the first available
space as parking is adjacent to the interfloor circulation system
• Floor-to-floor travel distance is greater in sloping-floor garages than in
other types of ramp garages

• Cause congestion during peak out-bound movements

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Parking Policy –DULT


Automated parking is a method of automatically parking and retrieving cars

typically using a computerised system of pallets, lifts and carriers. Most
suitable on expensive sites and where land is very limited-too small for
economical development with a ramp parking.

• Increase capacity ; high space
• Due to lower ceiling height,
dense parking,
• And reduce space width
• No ventilation or hvac
required; saving
• Utility costs
• Eliminates stairs, elevators
and fire exits
• Enhance safety and security typically

• Cost: operation and maintenance
• Many structural and functional types of automated mechanical systems
exist, such as
• underground systems as part of the building foundation
• above grade where they can match neighboring buildings in architectural

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• Measure ability of the car to break over the steep ramp either climbing
or descending without scrapping (Min 10º)
• Can be altered through design techniques
• Transitional blend top and bottom of ramps composed of two or more
break point can multiply the steepness with workable break angles
beyond the normal capacities of cars or driver
• Having pad of asphalt or concrete each side of break point so that the
cars having low break over angle can negotiate potential critical points
without scrapping

• Min 10º
• To reduce incident of tailpipe
and rear bumping dragging

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Parking Policy –DULT

• Min 15 º

• Max 15%
• For slopes over 10%, transition at least 8 feet long should be provided at
each end of the ramp at one half the slope of the ramp itself


• Min 12 foot long = 1/2 of ramp grade

• One way straight ramp - min 12 feet
• Two way straight ramp - min 22 feet
• Circular ramp - min 14-18 feet

• Single lane helical ramp - min 32 -37 feet
• Must kept min to conserve space and reduce travel distance
• Very sharp can cause dizziness


• ½ inch/foot of ramp width at sharpest turning
• Ramp curves not too steeply

I. Slow driver-difficult to keep way from inside edge of ramp


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II. Fast driver-encourage to speed greater than conditions of grade and

sight distance safety permit

a) Ramp driveway exit rising up to public sidewalk
• Have transition section min 16 feet long at almost level before
intersecting the sidewalk
• Prevent hood of the car from obscuring the driver’s view of pedestrians
on walk

b) Property line wall

• Must not interfere with the driver’s view of pedestrian on public side
• If exit driveway is parallel and adjacent to the property line that
extends all the way to side walk, edge of the driveway should physically
establish by curbing or railing.
• Min 6 feet from the wall.

• Computed by : floor to floor height x 100
Ramp length
• Max ramp grades:
I. Self Park Design
- not exceed 15 %
- not exceed than 10% if had a pedestrian walkway on vehicles
II. Sloping Floor Self Park Design
- ramp grades max 4%
- angle parking 60º-minimizes gravity roll back of vehicles

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• Ramp wall
- Painted with stripes contrasting to wall color
- Parallel to ramp surfaces or at steeper angles
- Use paint marking in between vertical column and travel way
- Built structural features with architectural lines parallel or
perpendicular to ramp surfaces

• Ramp structures
- Open ; to provide sight distance and reduce closed in impression

• Ramp illumination

- Wall opening are restricted-distract the driver’s view

- Artificial lighting should take form of diffused illumination
- Reflector should pointed away from the direction of travel


• Color-coding, numbering, visual cues, music, and even machines for
marking your ticket with your exact location to locate your car for easy
• Locate signs in areas where driver can read in a timely fashion
• Clear, simple, and direct messages
• Floor coding can be useful
• Signage should locate all major internal pedestrian access points as well
as external major roads and buildings



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Parking Policy –DULT

• Fixed or variable charged pay on exit

• 2 barrier types available
- Rising arm
- Rising kerb
• Entry barrier: 400 vehicles/hour
• Exit barrier: 250 vehicles/hour

• Services illumination for public should be (lux);
- Parking areas - 20
- Driveways- 50
- Ramps - 70
- Roof - 20
- Entrance and exit- 150


• Open, glass stairwells and glass-backed elevators

• Security devices
- video, audio and emergency buttons that call into the booth or local
police station
- Public telephones

• Eliminate potential hiding places, such as under open stairs

• Handicap accessibility with vehicles close to stair and elevator cores

have a direct path to key movement patterns of the garage

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Parking Policy –DULT

• ventilation
- Avoid carbon monoxide build-up, designed adequate air flow for
through mechanical and/or natural
• Non-slip floor surface
- Ensure safety of movement of the man and automobile
• Energy efficiency in lighting
- Balance between day lighting, interior lighting and exterior control
especially on the exterior design of the façade while providing
adequate lighting within
- Lights should be vandal resistant and easy to maintain.




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Parking Policy –DULT


Traspark TM - Inside view

Traspark TM - Outside view

Turning Shuttle Ticketing System

Monitoring System and Control Room Entry Exit with Turntable

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with UrbanFirst Systems pvt ltd
Parking Policy –DULT

Annexure- 5 :

Existing Parking - images

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with UrbanFirst Systems pvt ltd

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