Audio-Frequency Generator PDF
Audio-Frequency Generator PDF
Audio-Frequency Generator PDF
TO SAY THAT B O T H H O M E A N D PROFES- just a "twist of the wrist." for TTL or CMOS logic \vork.
sional sound installations have become Well, look no further, because the au- One unique feature is a built-in fre-
extremely sophisticated would be an un- dio-frequency generator described in this ~ l u e n c ycounter that continually monitors
derstatement. For example, a %-octave article has all the above-mentioned desir- the output frequency. The device can also
band equalizer as well as lowpass and able qualities and a few more. Let's look be wired so that the counter can be used to
highpass filters are integral parts of vir- at some of its features and specitications. measure external signals. That frequency
tually all professional sound systems. In It has a frequency range of 10 Hz to 5 0 counter not only allows you to make pre-
fact. these days equalizers. tone controls. kHz. That range is continuous, which cise frequency settings, but also elinii-
and iowpass and highpass filters are con- eliminates the need for range switching. nates the need for usual large,
sidered to be necessary even in home or For increased precision. two controls are cumberso~nedial with its myriad of marks
auto systems. used to set the frequency. The COARSE and numbers. Generators using that type
Today's consumer demands more in the FREQLIENCY control is used to set the ap- of fsequency "readout" have a l w ~ y been
way of performance, which means niore proximate frequency while the FINE FKE- difficult for the hobbyist to build and caii-
precision is required when servicing au- Q U E N C Y control is used to zero it in brate.
dio devices and circuits. Because of that, precisely. The frequency counter itself features
old-fashioned frequency generators often The amplitude of the generator's sine- autoranging and a large, four-digit LED
prove to be inadequate. Among other wave output is adjustable from 0- to 6- display. For frequencies up to 9,999 Hz,
things, they suffer from inaccurate fre- volts RMS into a high-impedance load or the display reads out in Hz with 1-Hz
quency dials. require range switching, 0- to 3-volts RDAS into a 600-ohm load. resolution. For higher frequencies, the
and often their o ~ ~ t p level
u t changes as the The device's output impedance is 600 counter auto~naticallyswitches to the kHz
frequency is varied. What we need. then, ohms. The sinewave has a distol-tion figure mode. which features lo-Hz reso!ution.
is an audio-frequency generator that has of less than 1% (THD). and its output level You can tell which niode the generator is
an accurate output-frequency indicator. a doesn't vary more than a few tenths of a in the by the absence or presence. of the
"flat" output level as the frequency is dB as the frequency is changed over the decimal point. in the kHz mode, a deci-
varied. and one that is free of any range entire range. The unit also boasts a simul- mal point appears after the first two sig-
switching. thereby allowing the operator taneous squarewave output with a low nificant dipits.
to "sweep" the entire audio range with source impedance and a fixed 5-volt level All of the components except the power
FIG. I-SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM of the audio-frequency generator If you want to use the built-in
frequency counter to measure external signals, jumper JUl should be repiaced with a SPDT swltch
(see text). and ~ t assoc~ated
s components make up a
voltage-to-constant-current converter, the
transformer, potentlometers, d~splay,and reslstor R3 Depending on the settlngs of current of whlch controls the output fre-
output connectors mount on a s~nglePC those potentlometers. some voltage w11l quency of funct~on-generatorIC2. The
board The completed project can be be fed to the non-~nvei-t~ng Input of op- slnewave output s~gnalfrom IC2 (pi11 2)
housed ~n a small, metal cabmet. amp IC1 through realston R? and R4. feeds the S I N E AMPLITUDE potentiometer,
In short, t h ~ s1s an aud~o-frequency Note that a very small voltage will reach R49, through capacitor C4. Dependtng
generator that provldes h~gh-qual~ty pel- that same Input t h r o ~ ~ gR6
h In conjunction on the settlng of the potent~ometer.some
formance at a low coat, along wlth some w ~ t htrimmer potentlometer R45 (labeled voltage will be fed to the non-~nverting
unique features L F L I M I T ) That alrangement sets the 111putof op-amp IC3 That op-amp ampll-
low-frequency 11inltot the generator when ties the s~gnal.w h ~ c hIS then fed to the
How the circuit works the C O A R S ~and I-INLFREQUENCY potent]- S I N E output b~ndingpost through reslstor
A schematic d~agramof the u n ~ tis ometeis are set to t h e ~ rlow-frequency Rl9
shown ~nR g 1. Let'5 3tart with the aud~o- pos~t~ons. whlch, of course, I S when both Note that the slnewave s~gnalfrom IC2
frequency-generator sectlon Positive wipers are all the way toward ground. also feeds the base of trans~storQ2
voltage IS appl~edto the COARSE FRE- Tr~nimerpotentlometer R44, In settlng through a jumper wire and capacitor C3.
Q U ~ N C Ypotentlometer. R47. through
trimmer potentlometer R44 (labeled H F.
the maximum voltage that is appl~edto
R17, In turn sets the genelator's high-
That transistor is configured as an emltter
follower and acts as a b~lfferbetween the
L I M I I ) and reslstor R1 In a slmllar man- frequency 11n11twhen R47 IS set to mruc- aud~o-frequency generator section and I
nei. posltlve voltage is applted to the FIN^ ~nium the frequency-counter sect~on. (D
FREQUENCY potentiometer R48, through Op-amp IC1, along wlth transistor Q1 The squarewave output signal from
function generator IC? (pin I I ) feeds the quency to be coitnted is equal to or greater 10-iiz signal is also fed to the input (pin 2 )
base of transistor Q 9 . That transistor is than 10 kHz. That serves as the detector of iiivicle-by-ten counter 1C8. T'nc o~itput
configured as an ernitter follower and that determines which mode the auto- of that counter ipin 6). with its frtquency
serves as a level shifter, buffer. and impe- range system will settle on. The oi~tputof of 1 Hz L ~ Cperiod
I of I second. is iiiso fed
dance ~i-latcherto provide a squarewave that counter (pin 14, IC5) feeds the input to the resistor1dic)de system to ultimately
level of 5 volts from a low-impedance (pin 3 ) of flip-flop IC6. That device. and bccomc the timebase for tlie Hz n:ode.
source at the SQLIAREoutput binding post. its associated components, serves to de- That latter siynal is also fed to the reset
Trimme~potentiorneter R46 (labeled termine whether I-second- or .I-second- points un IC4. ICS, and IC6.
IIISTOK~-ION)Sets the sincwave distortion period signals from the timebase (to be The regulated DC power supply is
to its lowest possible point. Tlx other cliscussed shortly) ~ ~ l t i ~ n a t ereach
l y the mucie up of rwo half-wave rectifiers con-
capacitors and resistors associated with latch and reset points on the inain four- tipuretl in such a way as to produce both
1C3 set its frequency range and sinewave- ciigit counter. tC9. positive and nezative voltages from the
aniplitude levels. Transistor Q3. IC10-b. EC10-c, and 12-volt seconclary of power transfor~ner
Let's now turn to the frequency-counter their ~lssociatedcomponents makc u p TI. The positive voltage is fed to the i n p ~ ~ t
section. Sinewave signals from the output pulse generators that supply the latch and of voltage-regulator IC11, which pro-
of emitter-follower Q? (actually the junc- reset signals for the fi)ur-digit counter. duces at its O L I ~ ~ ;IL stable
I ~ I?-volts DC
tion of resistors R17 and R1X) are fed to IC9. that powers the audio-frequency-genera-
the i n p ~ (pin
~ t I ) of one of the six Schmitt T h e circuit composecl of ICIO-d. tor section. That same I?-volts DC is fed
triggers contained in ICIO. That stage IC10-e. Q8, and their associatecl compo- to the inpui of voltage-~segulator 1C12.
"squares up" the sinewave signal and nents make up tlie gated decin~al-point- which produces at its output 5-volts DC,
feeds it to the input (pin 11)of the four- drive systern. That system works with sig- which powers the freque~icy-co~~nter sec-
digit counter IC9. That IC counts or totals nals from flip-flop 1Ch to clispiay a deci- tion. AC power is switched o n or off with
the scluarewave "events," and because the mal point only when the frequency power switch S I .
counter is reset at I- or Ho-second inter- counter is in the ~ H mode.L We mentioned earlier that the frequen-
vals, it causes the readout to display in Next we turn to the timebase for the cy counter could also be used to lnonitor
either Hz or kHz. Resistors R37 through frequency counten AC voltage from the an esrernal signal. That is where jumper
R43. along with transistors Q 4 through secondary of power transformer TI is fed JLll corries in.
Q7 and their associated resistors, make LIP to the input ipin 9 ) of Schn-litt trigger That jumper should he wired as shown
the segment and digit-drive system. IC10-f through resistor R30. That stage on the schematic diagram i f you want the
Note that the "squared up" signal that "srluxes~up" the 60-Hz signal and feeds ST-ccluencycounter to always measure the
feeds the four-digit counter also feeds the it to the input (pin 1 ) of the divide-by-six output frequency of the generator. I f you
input (pin 1)of dual dec:ade-counter IC4, counter, IC7. The output of that counter would prefer that the frequency counter be
ancl that IC4's output feeds the input (pin (pin X), with its frequency of 10 Hz and able to also measure external signals. then
2) of another dual decade-counter. IC5. period of . I second, is fed to n resistor1 omit the Jumper. ;111d wire an S P D T
Those four countel-s connected in cascade cliode system that works with flip-flop IC6 >witchwith its pole connected to the input
make up a divide-by-10.000 counter that and transistor Q3 to ultiniately become of the frec;uency counter (the j u ~ n p e rter-
produces an output only when the fre- the tiniebase for the liHz mode. That saliie minal that connects to C3). Of the other
6-9/16 I N C H E S
FIG. 2-ALTHOUGH POINT-TO-POINT wiring could be used, it is recommended that the project be built
$ using the PC boare above. That board is shown full-sized.
each wire passes through the lug hole with
the wire being wrapped several times
arouncl the I i ~ gand soldered. Be sure that
when tinally soldering the wires to the PC
board that you not only make allowance
for the requirecl clearance. but that you
keep that clearance uniform for all three
potentiometers so as to have thein reason-
ably in line horizontally:
In a similar manner. the four-digit dis-
play is supported ~liechanically by its
twelve signal wires. The attaching of the
wires is best done by solderin,.cT '1 two- to
three-inch length of bare No. 22 solid
wire to each of the twelve appropriate
coniiectors on the display board. Note that
there are 16 total connectors on the dis-
play. but that four of them are not used. As
an aid to getting the wires soldered to the
proper points. tape or clamp the display to
your work table with the viewing surface
facing downward and the solder con-
nectors closest to you. The connector on
~ AJZ the left front corner can be considered as
connector 16 and tlie one on the right as
WAVE WAVE connector I .
OUTPUT OUTPUT ll7VAC Solder wires then to the following con-
J nectors: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 7 , 4 ,
FIG. 3-THE PARTS-PLACEMENT diagram for the PC board shown in Fig. 2 is shown here. Mote that 3 , and I . Be very gentle in soldering and I
even if you are using perforated construction board and point-to-point wiring it is recommended that handling the display because the foils are
you follow the layout shown.
very thin and breakable. When all the
wires have been attached, bend them
two switch contacts, connect one to the clad tips are highly recommended. downward (toward you) with the right-
.jumper terminal that connects to pin 2 of Use special care to properly install po- angle bends made close to th,e connectors.
IC?: the other switch contact becomes the larized components such as diodes, tran- The display with its attached wires can
"external" input terminal. sistors. IC's. and electrolytic capacitors, now be installed on the PC board. Insert
because those are very unforgiving when the display wires into the appropriate PC-
Construction put in backwards. If you follow the parts- board holes and be sure to hold the display
Several methods of,construction are placement layout shown in Fig. 3 you level with its horizontal center line about
possible. Y ~ LniayI choose to niount the should have no problenis. an inch above the PC-board surface before
components on perforated construction- Although IC sockets are not required, soldering the signal wires into place.
boarcl (with . I inch hole spacing) and use their use is recommended. If nothing else, After soldering, cut off any excess wire.
point-to-point wiring. A much better idea it will make servicing and troubleshoot- Wlien choosing your cabinet be sure
is to use n PC board. A foil pattern for an ing the instrument easier later on. that it is large enough to accolnrnodate the
appropriate board is shown in Fig. 2: a Note several things in regard to mount- board and the off-board components com-
parts-placement eiiagrain for the board is ing the three-terminal voltage regulators. foifably. Also, using a vented cabinet is a
shown in Fig. 3. I f you decide to use Tne I?-volt regulator. ICII, is mounted good idea.
perSorated constri~ction-boardand point- with a 'fi? x 1Y2-inch brass bolt and a %- At some point. you will need to drill the
to-point wirins. it is recommended that inch hex nut. with the excess bolt length various holes and a rectangular opening in
y o ~ ilay out the co~iiponentsmuch as they extending upward. The bolt provides a the cabinet for the potentiometers, display
are in the P C , board Iayoi~t to avoid small but adequate heat sink for the volt- bezel. PC-board mounting bolts, trans-
ground loops, noise. and other undesira- age regulator. The 5-volt regulator, IC12. former. etc. Plan ahead and carefully
ble characteristics. mounts in a vertical position and it. too. measure everything so that it will all fit
If you plan to use a PC board, and will has a brass bolt mounted to it for heat- well. Although most cabinets have a thin
be dl-illing it yourself, yoit will tind that a sinking purposes. The excess bolt length coat of paint when purchased. tlie drilling
No. 60 clrill bit works well for all holes should extend toward the rear of the PC process usually puts some nicks and
except those for the trimmer potentioine- board. Be sure to install the regulatorwith scratches in it. Most find that re-painting
ters anci external wires. For those. a No. its bare-metal side facing the panel- at least the front panel and then applying
5.5 hit is needed: and. of course. the holes mounted potentiometers (see Fig. 4). press-on lettering gives the instrument a
foi- mounting the three tertniiial voltage The three panel-mounted potentidme- professional appearance.
regulators and the PC-board mounting ters connect to the PC board by means of Tlie PC board is supported about 1%
holes will require a larger bit. say !4 inch. short wires that hold their solder lugs inches above the bottom of the cabinet
After tlie PC board has been drilled. it about !4 to Yi inch above the surface of the with four 'fi: x [!&inch bolts. Each bolt
should be throughly burnished with steel PC board. That is done to allow the poten- has three 'fi2 X Yi-inch hex nuts attached:
wool or very fin; sandpaper to remove the tiometers some flexibility, so that when one holds the bolt to the cabinet and the
photochemicals and tarnish. That will they are finally tightened against the front other two sandwich the PC board at the $
clefiniteiy contribute to better solder con- panel they will align properly without proper height. n
nections. All soldering should be done breaking. It would be best to attach those When all the PC-board components I
with a high-quality rosin-core solder and a wires first to the solder lugs and then have been soldered in place, it's a good G
pencil-type iron. The newer type metal- solder them to the board. Make sure that idea to thoroughly check tlie parts place-
All resistors 'h watt, 5% unless other-
wise specified
R1, R3, R17, R31, R37-R43-100 ohms
R2, R9, R18, R20, R24-R28-10,000
R4, R15-1 megohm
R5, R7-2700 ohms
R6, R13-4 7 megohms
R8, R21-33,000 ohms
R10-8200 ohms
R11, R12-330 ohms
R14-1200 ohms
R16-470,000 ohms
R19-560 ohms
R22, R23, R30, R32-100,000 ohms
R29-470 ohms
R33-R36-820 ohms
R44-R46-10,000 ohms, trimmer poten-
tiometer, upright mount, thumbwheel
R47-10,000 ohms, potentlometer, panel
mount, audio taper
R48, R49-10,000 ohms, potentiometer,
panel mount, l~neartaper
R50-2200 ohms
C1-.O1 pF, 100 volts, mylar or polyester
FIG.4-THE COMPLETED BOARD is shown here mounted inside thecase. Note theorientation of IC12. C2, C4, C9-10 pF, 25 volts, electrolytic
C3, C8-.1 pF, 50 volts, ceramic d ~ s c
C5, C6-220 pF, 50 volts, ceramic disc
ment. and the solder connections to be and H.F. L I M I T potentiorneters, Rotate the C7-.O1 pF, 50 volts, ceramic d ~ s c
C10, C11-1000 pF, 25 volts, electrolyt~c
sure all is correct. When that has been COAIISE 17REQUENCY and FINE FREQUENCY
done. it's time to "fire up" the device to controls to their lowest-frequency posi- ICI-LM307 op-amp
test and calibrate it. Although that can be tions (fully counter-clockwise) and adjust IC2-XU2206 function generator (Exar)
done with the PC board and transformer the L.F. L I M I T potentiometer (R45) for a IC3-LF351 op-amp
mounted in the cabinet, it is usually best frequency of I0 Hz. Then, rotate the IC4, IC5,lC8-4518 dual decade counter
to at least do the initial testing and calibra- COARSE F R E Q ~ E N C Ycontrol to its highest- lC6-4013 D fhp-flop
tion with the "electronics" out on the frequency position (fully clockwise) and lC7-7492 d~v~de-by-SIX counter
bench. adjust the H.F. LIMI.I. potentiometer for a lC9-74C926 4-d~gitcounteridr~ver
frequency of 5 0 kHz. Check the FINE FRE- lC10-4584 hex Schrn~tttrigger
Testing and calibration lC11-7812 voltage regulator
QLIENCY control by rotating it to its ex-
lC12-7805 voltage regulator
All you will need in the way of calibra- tretnes while observing the frequency DSP1-NSB-5881 4-d~gitLED d~splay
ticin equipment is an oscilloscope to change. It should have a total range of Ql-MPF-102 FET
check the squarewave and sinewave out- around 500-700 Hz. regardless of where Q2-Q9-2N3904 NPN or equivalent
puts. The tkequency-limit adjustments, of the C O A R S ~F R E Q U E N C Y control is set. Dl, D2-1 N4002
course. can be niade using the built-in That conipletes the testing and calibration D3-D5-1 N914
frequency counter. procedure. TI-117-volt primary, 12- or 12.6-volt sec-
Before applying power. set all the trim- If you experience some problems. here ondary, .5 to 1 amp
mer and front-panel potentiometers to are some troubleshooting hints that may SI-SPST, miniature toggle
J1-J3-binding posts
their approximate mechanical midrange. be helpful: Miscellaneous: PC board, cabinet, dis-
Connect the oscilloscope to the sinewave As experience has shown, most prob- play bezel w~thred filter, knobs, line
output and apply power. The oscilloscope lems in home-built instruments are cord, 6/32 nuts and bolts, etc.
should display a sinewave. although it caused by poor solder connections, solder An etched and drilled printed-circuit
may be distorted, and the frequency coun- bridges between two adjacent foils, or board is availablefrorn: EZVSI, PO Box
ter should display the frequency of the c o m p o n e n t s installed backwards. I t 72100, Roselle, IL 60172 for $21.00
waveform. Confirm that the frequency would be wise then to first check for those (check or money order) postpaid.
changes as the COARSE FREQUENCY and troublemakers. Shipping by UPS or best way 3-5 days
F I N E FREQUENCY controls are rotated. Set If you still can't traclc down the prob- after receipt of order.
the frequency at approxiinately I kHz and lem, the use of a lnultimeter is required.
adjust the DIS-TORTION trimmer potenti- With it, check the three major DC power- touch and the same holds true for the nialn
ometer (R36) for a sinewave that looks supply points at various points on the PC tour-dig~tcounter IC So. if the voltages
norlnal on the oscilloscope. If you're a board with respect to the ground foil. The ale normal, don't let that be a source of
purist you'll need a distortion meter or output side of the 12-volt regulator (IC11) concern
spectrum analyzer for that adjustment, should of course measure + 12 volts + .5 If a problem evlsts in the frequency-
but for ~iiostof U S , the eyeball method volt, and the output of the 5-volt regulator counter sectlon, some key points to check
works well enough. Next. check the ( l C 1 2 ) s h o u l d of c o u r s e measure 5 would be the 60-HZ, 10-Hz, and I-Hz
squarewave using the oscilloscope. It volts .25 volts. The negative voltage bus polnts on the time-base sy5tern and also
should look the way the name iliiplies and (the negative side of C11) should measure the squarewave signal that constitutes the
have a peak-to-peak value of around five around - 17volts. trequency to be counted Th'lt latter point
volts. It should be noted that the voltage reg- can be found at the input of the main four-
The next step is to adjust the L.F. LIMIT ulators normally operate quite hot to the d ~ g counter
~t IC9. at pln 12 R-E