Final Measurement Lab. Manual

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Techno Main Salt Lake

Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Corse Name: Electrical & Electronic Measurement Lab

Course Code: PC-EI491
Semester: 4th

Sl. No. Experiments List

1. Calibration of dynamometer type Ammeter and voltmeter by Potentiometer.
2. Measurement of Low Resistance using Kelvin Double Bridge.
3. Measurement of frequency by Wien Bridge.
4. Measurement of inductance by Anderson Bridge.
5. Measurement of capacitance by De-Sauty Bridge.
6. Study the Static Characteristics of a Measuring Instrument.
7. Study the Dynamic Characteristics of a Measurement System.
8. Acquaintance with basic Structure of Digital Multi Muter and Measurement of
Different Electrical Parameters.
9. Wave and Spectrum Analysis using Q – Meter.
10. Study the static and dynamic characteristics of VCO.
11. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course a student will be able to –

1. Identify different analogue & digital instruments both AC and DC, source and sink devices,
their specifications, constructions using basic knowledge of electrical measurement.

2. Perform the experiments, interpret measured data and compare the measured value with
the true value of a quantity, calculate error in measurement, draw calibration & error curve
using appropriate techniques.

3. Develop the concept of calibration and understand the limitations of the different measuring

4. Review and analyses different methods of measurement of frequency, self-inductance,

Capacitance and resistance using AC and DC bridges and provide valid concluding

5. Learn the necessity of safety measures of using different instruments and handling of high
voltage AC.

6. Work as a member in a team, communicate with each other, and share their independent
thinking to perform the experiment successfully
Name of Department: Electronics andInstrumentation Name of Subject with code: Electrical &
Engineering Electronic Measurement Lab [PC-EI491]

Name of the student: Roll No :

Name of the experiment:


Quality/Score Excellent(4) Good(3) Fair(2) Poor(1) Marks


Lab Participation
Lab Report
Interaction with
Cleaning / Rearranging
Total Marks with grade
Mark Evaluation : Between 20-16 O (5)
Between 15-11 E (4)
Between 10-6 A (3)
Between 5-0 B (2)

Signature of Teacher with date:

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.1


OBJECTIVE: - To calibrate moving iron and electrodynamometer type
ammeter / voltmeter using potentiometer.

Theory: A potentiometer is an instrument designed to measure an unknown voltage by

comparing it with a known voltage. The known voltage may be supplied by a standard cell or
any other known voltage i.e. voltage reference source.

Advantage of using potentiometer to measure the voltage is as follows:

1. This measurement by comparison may ensure high accuracy as the result obtained does
upon the accuracy of the reference voltage.
2. As the potentiometer makes use of a balance or null condition, no current flows and hence
power is consumed in the circuit containing the unknown emf when the instrument is
So the determination of voltage by a potentiometer is independent of source resistance.

As the potentiometer measures voltage, it can be measure current by measuring the voltagedrop
produced by the unknown current passing through a known standard resistance. To begin a
measurement with potentiometer it is to be standardizing with a reference voltage. This is done
by adjusting the series rheostat in between potentiometer supply and potentiometer terminals.
When a null
point is obtained, with the jockey placed at the positive end of potentiometer, the voltage across
the potentiometer = reference voltage.

Total length of a ten wire potentiometer is 1000 cm.

So the voltage drops per unit length = (reference voltage / 1000) volt/ cm.
General purpose potentiometers cover a range of approximately 0 to 1.6 volts in case of American
instrument and 0 to 1.8 volts in case of British instruments. If higher voltage is to be measured, a
precision voltage divider called a voltage ratio box is used. It is having terminal for 300 volts, 150
volts, 75 volts, while output for potentiometer is 1.5 volts.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

When a voltmeter is to be calibrated, say, a null point is obtained at 𝐿 cm from the ground terminaland
voltmeter is connected to 𝑃 volt terminal of voltage ratio box.
Then the voltage across voltmeter =

Reference voltage being 1.2 volts. When an ammeter is to be calibrated. Say a null point is obtained
at 1 cm from the ground terminaland ammeter is connected in series with a standard shunt of say one
ohm. The current through
ammeter = (Resistance of shunts)

Potentiometer resistance = 20 ohms
Potentiometer power supply = 2 volts
Series resistance with potentiometer circuit = 25 ohm
Reference voltage = 1.21volts, shunt = 1 ohm. Current capacity 10 amp.

Voltage ratio box,

Common to 1.5volts, Resistance = 150 Ω
Common to 75 volts, Resistance = 7.5 𝑘Ω
Common to 75 volts, Resistance = 7.5 𝑘Ω 7.5 𝑘Ω
Common to 150 volts, Resistance = 15 𝑘Ω
Common to 300 volts, Resistance = 30 𝑘Ω
Current source = constant current source 0 to 1 amps max.
Voltage source = 0 to 150volts DC max.
Galvanometer FSD current = 25 𝜇𝐴. Each side from center.
Indication = 3 digit LED display for voltage and current.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

1. Ensure power is not switched on.
2. Make connections as per the circuit diagram.
3. Put both current set and voltage set to zero position.
4. Check connections once more, ensure it is correct.
5. Switch on the power.
6. Connect ‘slide wire input’ to potentiometer supply positive(red) terminal.
7. Press ‘Press to calibrate button’ adjust calibrate pot to obtain null point.
Potentiometer calibration is over. Now the potentiometer supply is 1.21v v DC.
8. Connect ammeter as per the circuit.
9. Set current to say 1 amp. Set sensitivity to minimum. Adjust Jockey position to obtain
nullpoint. Put Sensitivity maximum make adjustment for null point (Fine adjustment).
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

10. Note wire number, and scale reading.

11. Repeat for other voltage setting.


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating


1. Ensure connections are perfect before switching on, wrong connections may damage
theequipment, and/or may cause accident to the attendants.
2. Turn both set pots. To zero position, before starting and end of the experiments.
3. Do not exceed the specified voltage and current limit. Exceeding the limit may damage
the meters. Recommended maximum limits are,
Voltage = 120v DC
maxCurrent = 1A DC max.
4. Set sensitivity to minimum, while searching for null point to avoid damage to
5. Do not keep pressed the jockey key if the galvanometer pointer exceeds the end limits.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Table: Ammeter calibration

Potentiometer wire length = 1000 cm

Sl. Ammeter Null point Reference Shunt Current in Error

No. Reading voltage in resistance Amperes
in Amp Wire Scale Actual volts (𝑽𝒓) (𝑹𝒔𝒉) from
no. Reading Reading potentiometer
W In cm L in cm reading 𝑨 =

Table 2: Voltmeter Calibration

Sl. Voltmeter Null point Reference Voltage Voltage in volts

No Reading in voltage ratio (𝑽𝑹) from
volt in volts (𝑽𝒓) potentiometer
Scale Actual length of reading
Wire no.
W reading wire 𝑳= (𝒘 − 𝟏) × 𝑽 = 𝑽𝒓 × 𝑳
In cm 𝟏𝟎𝟎 + 𝟏 in cm × 𝑽𝑹/𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎

Discussion: Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.2


OBJECTIVE: - To determine an unknown resistance using Kelvin double

Theory: The Kelvin double bridge is a modification of the Wheatstone bridge and provides
greatly increased accuracy in measurement of low value resistances. It incorporates the idea of
a second set of ratio arms-hence the name double bridge – and the use of four terminal resistors
for the lowresistance arms. The first ratio arms are P and Q. The second set of ratio arms, p and
q is used to connect the galvanometer to a point c at the appropriate potential between points
m and n to eliminate the effect of connecting lead of resistance r between the known resistance
R and the standard resistance S.
The ratio p/q is made equal to P/Q. Under balance conditions there is no current through the
galvanometer which means that the voltage drop between a and d, Eab is equal to voltage drop
Eamc between a and c.

Fig. Kelvin Double Bridge

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

For zero galvanometer deflection, 𝐸ad = 𝐸amc

Now, if P/Q = p/q then equation (1) becomes

Equation (2) is the usual working equation for the Kelvin bridge. It indicates that the resistance of
connecting lead, r, has no effect on the measurement, provided that the two sets of ratio arms
haveequal ratios. Equation (1) is useful, however, as it shows the error that is introduced in case
the ratios are not exactly equal. It indicates that it is desirable to keep r as small as possible in
order to minimize the errors in case there is difference between the ratios P/Q and p/q.


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


1. Connect 230V A.C 50Hz – Mains supply to the module.

2. Open galvanometer input to get ‘000’ reading on display.
3. Ensure that low value resistance is properly connected to the set up.
4. Connect the wire as per diagram.
5. Adjust variable resistance S and find out null point.
6. Measure value of S by meter and calculate R by formula.


Serial no. Value of 𝑃 in ohms Value of 𝑄 in ohms

Discussion: Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.3


OBJECTIVE: - To determine an unknown frequency using Wien’s Bridge.

Theory: Wien’s Bridge is primarily used for determination of an unknown frequency. However, it can
be used for various other applications including capacitance measurement, in harmonic distortion
analyzers, where it is used as notch filter, and also in audio and HF oscillators. It has a series RC
combination in one and a parallel RC combination in the adjoining arm.

Fig. Wien’s Bridge under balanced condition

Under balanced condition, since no current flows through the detector, nodes B and C are at the same
potential. i.e, V1 = V2 and V3 = V4

(1+𝑗𝜔𝐶1 𝑅 ) ( 𝑅2 − 𝜔𝐶 )
1 1 2
At balance, =
𝑅3 𝑅4
𝑅1 𝑅4 𝜔 𝐶2 𝑅2 𝑅3−𝐽 𝑅3
Or, =
1+𝑗𝜔𝐶1 𝑅1 𝜔𝐶2
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Or, 𝜔 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅4 = 𝜔 𝐶2 𝑅2 𝑅3 − 𝑗𝑅3 + 𝑗𝜔2 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝜔 𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑅3

Or, 𝜔 (𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅4 ) = 𝜔 (𝐶2 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑅3 ) − 𝑗(𝑅3 − 𝜔2 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 )

Equating real and imaginary parts, we get

𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅4 = 𝐶2 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑅3
𝑅4 𝑅2 𝐶1
= + ----------------------------- (1)
𝑅3 𝑅1 𝐶2

𝜔2 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 = 𝑅3

𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2

𝑓= ---------------------------- (2)
2𝛱√ 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2

In most bridges, the parameters are so chosen that,

R1 = R2 = R and C1 = C2 = C

Then we have, 𝑓= 2𝛱𝑅𝐶

Sliders for resistors R1 and R2 are mechanically coupled to satisfy the criteria R 1= R2

Wien’s bridge is frequency sensitive. Thus, unless the supply voltage is purely sinusoidal, achieving
balance may be troublesome, since harmonics may disturb balance condition. Use of filters with the
null detector in such cases may solve the problem.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating


1. Connect circuit to AC supply.

2. Connect all required terminals as per circuit diagram.
3. Connect headphone between points B & C.
4. Vary 𝑅 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅 both to obtain the null point.
5. Calculate the unknown frequency.


Sl. No. Value of R2 Value of R4 𝑅1 = R3= R Value of 1

in ohms in ohms in ohms C=(µF) 2𝛱𝑅𝐶

Discussion: Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.4


OBJECTIVE: - To determine an unknown inductance using Anderson’s

Theory: AC bridges are most popular, convenient and accurate instruments for measurement of
unknown inductance, capacitance and some other related quantities. In its simplest form, ac
bridges can be thought of to be derived from the conventional dc Wheatstone bridge. An AC
bridge, in its basic form, consists of four arms, with the four arms being represented by four
unspecified impedancesZ₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄, an alternating power supply, and a balance detector.


𝐿1 = self-inductance to be measured
𝑅1 = resistance of self-inductor
𝑟1 = resistance connected in series with inductance to be measured
𝑟1, 𝑅2, 𝑅3, 𝑅4 = known non-inductive resistances
𝐶 = fixed standard capacitor

At balance, 𝐼1 = 𝐼3 and 𝐼2 = 𝐼c + 𝐼4
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Ic = I₁jωCR₃……. (1)
Writing the other balance equations

Or I₁ (𝑟₁ + 𝑅₁ + 𝑗𝜔𝐿₁) = 𝐼₂𝑅₂ + 𝐼𝑐 𝑟 ……. (2)



Substituting the value of Ic from equation (1) in equation (2), we have

I₁( r₁ + R₁ + jωL₁) = I₂R₂ + I₁jωCR₃r

Or I₁( r + R₁ + jωL₁ − jωCR₃r) = I₂R₂……(4)

Then putting the value of Ic from equation (1) in equation (3), we have

jωCR₃I₁ (r + ) = (I₂ − I₁jωCR₃)R₄


or I1(jωR3Cr + R3 + jωR3CR4) = I2R4 ------------------------------ (5)

From equations (4) and (5), we obtain,

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Equating real and imaginary parts, we get

An examination of balance equations reveals that to obtain easy convergence of balance, alternate
adjustments of r₁ and r should be done as they appear in only one of the two balance equations.


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating

Procedure for DC balancing:

• Connections are made as shown in the theory.

• D.C. source say Galvanometer or a multimeter is used here.
• Keeping the value of of R4(1K), R2(1K), R3(1K), the value of variable resistance 𝒓𝟏 is
adjusted till the galvanometer shows 0 deflection or multimeter shows 0 current. This is
the balancing point of the direct current (DC). Note the value of resistance 𝒓𝟏.

Procedure for AC balancing:

• Connections are made as shown in the theory.

• A.C. source say CRO or a head set is used here.
• Keeping the value of R4(1K), R2(1K), R3(1K) and 𝑟1 constant, the value of variable
resistance r is adjusted till the sound is reduced to a minimum value. This is the balancing
point for alternating current (AC). Note the value of resistance r and capacitor C.
• Repeat the experiment three times and calculate the self-inductance of the coil using
appropriate equations.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Observation table:

Sl Resistance R4 Resistance R2 Resistance R3 Variable Variable Inductance

No. (Ω) (Ω) (Ω) Resistance r1 Resistance r L1 (H)
(Ω) (Ω)

𝐿 = 𝐶[𝑅𝑄 + 𝑟(𝑅 + 𝑆)]

Where C = 0.01μF/0.02μF/0.03μF/ 0.04μF/0.05μF

𝑋L = 2𝜋𝑓𝐿

Discussion: Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.5


OBJECTIVE: - To determine an unknown capacitance using De Sauty’s

Theory: This is the simplest method of finding out the value of an unknown capacitor in terms of a
known standard capacitor. The unknown capacitor C 1 in the branch AB is compared with the standard
known capacitor C2 on arm AC. The bridge can be balanced by varying either of the non-inductive
resistors R3 or R4. Under balanced condition, since no current flows through the detector, nodes B and
C are at the same potential, i.e V1 = V2 and V3 = V4.

Fig. De Sauty’s Bridge under balanced condition

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

At balance, V1 = V2

The advantage of De Sauty’s Bridge is its simplicity. However, this advantage may be nullified by
impurities creeping in the measurement if the capacitors are not free from dielectric losses. This
method is thus best suited for use under balanced condition.


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating


The connections are made as shown in the figure. The resistance R3 and a capacitor C1 are in
seriesas current I1 is flowing through both the branches of the bridge and resistance R 4 and
another capacitor C2 are in series as current I2 flows through the other two branches. A resistance
is unplugged in R3 and the resistance R4 is adjusted till the sound in the headphone gets reduced
to zero level. The value of R4 is measured with a multi-meter and is noted down. Measurement of
the resistances should be done in open circuit condition. The above process is repeated for different
values of R3 and the values are noted in the table. When the hum in the headphone is at zero level,
then the time constants of the upper and the lower branches of bridge are equal i.e.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

RESULT: Capacity of Resistance Resistance Capacity of Standard

known unknown value of
capacitor 𝑅3 (Ω) 𝑅4 (Ω) condenser 𝐶1(µF)



Discussion: Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.6
OBJECT: - To knows about the Static Characteristics.

THEORY: - The treatment of instrument & measurement system characteristics can be divided
into two distinct categories i) Static, & ii) Dynamic. Important factors of static characteristics are i)
Accuracy, ii) Precision, iii) Hysteresis, iv) Repeatability, v) Linearity.

ACCURACY: - It is the degree of closeness or conformity to the true value of the quantity under
measurement. It is the closeness with when the instrument reading approached the value of the
quantity being measured. Accuracy of a measurement means conformity to truth. Accuracy can
be specified in terms of inaccuracy or limit of error and can be expressed in the following ways.
i) Point accuracy, ii) Accuracy as percentage of scale range, iii) Accuracy as percentage of true


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating


Sl. True Value (Volts) A Measured Value (Volts) A m Error % of Error

No. (A m - A) {(A m – A) / A} * 100
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

PRECISION: - The term ‘precise’ means carely or sharply defined. Precision is a measure of
productivity of measurements that is given a fixed value of a quantity precision is the measure of
the degree of agreement within a group of measurements or instruments. Precision is used in
measurement to describe the consistency or the reproductivity of results. Accuracy can be
improved upon but not the precision of the instrument calibration.


Sl. True Value (Volts) Measured Value in degree


HYSTERISIS: - Hysteresis effects show up in any physical chemical or electrical phenomenon.

Hysteresis is a phenomenon, which depicts different output effects in loading and unloading,
whether is a mechanical or electrical system or any other system. Hysterisis is a system rising
due to the fact that all the energy put into the stored parts when loading is recoverable upon


Sl. True Value (Volts) Measured Value (Volts) Error

No. (Vu - Vd)
Upward Vu Downward Vd Upward Vu Downward Vd
(Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

REPEATABILITY: - It is a measure of closeness with which a given input may be measured over
and over again. It is defined as the variation of scale reading and is random in nature (more
repeatability indicates less hysteresis and hence the goods is better).


Sl. True Value (Volts) Measured Value (Volts) Sensitivity

No. A Am (A m / A)

Graph: -

Discussion: - Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.7


OBJECTIVE: Study of Dynamic Characteristics.

THEORY: - In variably measurement systems, especially in industrial Aerospace and biological

applications are subjected to input which are not static but are dynamic in nature, i.e. input vary
with time. The input varies from instant to instant therefore does the output. The behavior of the
system is described under such conditions is described by its dynamic response. The dynamic
input is of two type i) Transient & ii) Steady State

The measurement system goes through the transient state before it finally settles to its steady
state. Total time Response [C(t)] of a system is given by,

C (t) = C t (t) + Css (t)

C t (t) = Transient Response
Css (t) = Steady state Response

The dynamic characteristics are

1) Fidelity
2) Speed of Response
3) Measuring Lag
4) Dynamic Error
1) FIDELITY: It is defined as the degree to which a measurement system indicates
changes in the measured quantity without any dynamic error.

2) SPEED OF RESPONSE: It is defined as the rapidity with which a measurement

system responds to changes in the measured quantity.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Sl No. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

Component Rating



a) Change in True Value = Previous Reading- New Reading

b) Change in Measured Value = Previous Reading- New Reading

c) Error = Change in True Value- Change In Measured Value True Value Change in Measure Change in Error % of Error

True Value Measured Value
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Sl. no. True Value (A) Time Taken (t) Speed A/t

1 12

2 15

3 18

Graph: -

Discussion: - Written by individually

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.8
OBJECTIVE: - To Measure the Electrical Parameter.

THEORY: In the early age Analog Multimeter was used for measurement. But now, due to the
more accuracy, DMM is being used for,

i) High Accuracy
ii) High input impedance
iii) Smaller in size
iv) Better resolution
v) Capability to eliminate observational, parallax & approximation errors.
vi) The measured output of DMM can be directly fed to a computer for further
analysis and use.

In maximum DMM the, A/D converter is used. Often the converter is of dual slop integrating type.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

DMM is made up of

1) A/D converter
2) Circuitry for counting
3) An attenuation circuit


1) To measure Voltage
2) To measure Current
3) To measure Resistance
4) To measure Frequency
5) To measure Temperature
6) To measure Capacitance
7) To test Diode
8) To test Transistor


1) Power on the Trainer Kit

2) Adjust the DPM in 100mV as Ref. Input with the help of Multimeter.
3) Switch off the Trainer Kit.
4) Build up the Different circuit for Current, Voltage, Resistance measurement
respectively and also to the Diode part.
5) Switch on the trainer kit and check whether the input and output are same or


Sl. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

No. Component Rating
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering



DISCUSSION: Written by individually.

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment No.9




Q-meter: The Q meter is an instrument designed to measure some of the electrical properties
of coils and capacitor. The operation of this useful laboratory instrument is based on the familiar
characteristics of a series-resonant circuit, namely, that the voltage across the coil or the capacitor
is equal to the applied voltage times the Q of the circuit. If a fixed voltage is applied to the circuit,
a voltmeter across the capacitor can be calibrated to read Q directly.
The voltage and current relationships of a series-resonant circuit are shown in Fig. 1

Fig.1 Series-resonant circuit

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Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
At resonance, the following conditions are valid:

EC = IX C = IX L
E = IR

Where E = applied voltage

I = circuit current
EC = voltage across the capacitor
X C = capacitor reactance
X L = inductive reactance
R = coil resistance

The magnification of the circuit, by definition is Q, where

Q= = =
Therefore, if E is maintained at a constant and known level, a voltmeter connect across the
capacitor can be calibrate directly in terms of the circuit Q.
A practical Q-meter circuit is shown in Fig. 2. The wide-range oscillator with a frequency range

Fig.2 Basic Q-meter circuit

Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

50 Hz to 50 KHz delivers currents to a low-value shunt resistance RSH . The value of this shunt is
very low, typically on the order of 0.02 Ω. Its introduce almost no resistance into the oscillatory
circuit and its therefore represents a voltage source of magnitude E with a very small (in most
cases negligible) internal resistance. The voltage E across the shunt, corresponding to E in Fig.2
, is measured with a thermocouple meter, marked “Multiply Q by ”. The voltage across the
variable capacitor, corresponding to E C in Fig. , is measured with an electronic voltmeter whose
scale is calibrated directly in Q values.

To make a measurement, the unknown coil is connected to the test terminals of the instrument,
and the circuit is turned to resonance either by setting the oscillator to a given frequency and
varying the terminal resonating capacitor or by presetting the capacitor to a desired value and
adjusting the frequency of the oscillator. The Q reading on the output meter must be multiplied by
the index setting of the “Multiply Q by”, meter to obtain the actual Q value.

The indicated Q (which is the resonant reading on the “circuit Q” meter) is called the circuit Q
because the losses of the resonating capacitor, voltmeter and insertion resistor are all included in
the measuring circuit. The effective Q of the measured coil will be somewhat greater than the
indicated Q. This difference can generally be neglected, except in certain cases where the
resistance of the coil is relatively small in comparison with the value of the insertion resistor.

The inductance of the coil can be calculated from the known values of frequency ( f ) and
resonating capacitance ( C ), since

X L = X C and L = henry
(2f ) 2 C

So frequency (f) =

Now to measure frequency spectrum of unknown mixed signal, Q-meter connect can be used to
find out the frequency contents.

In this trainer kits we have used Q-meter concept to find out 2 different signal from a complex
mixed signal. 12 types of complex signal can be generated in our trainer kit. This signal feed into
the I/P of matching module to match with the Q-meter network.

Select some value for “C” & adjust “L” box until we obtain max. reading in digital high sensitive
meter. Again try to adjust next max. reading for another component of this signal.

This signal can be checked in our supplied software in time domain as ‘DSO’ or at frequency
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering


Sl. Apparatus/Equipment/ Specification/ Range/ Quantity Maker’s name

No. Component Rating


01. Power ON this kit.

02. Select 2 frequency to mix-up from ‘A’ group with ‘B’ group.
03. Power ON this kit.
04. Select 2 frequency to mix-up from ‘A’ group with ‘B’ group.
05. Observe output at CRO/DSO/FFT or pc-software.
06. There will be 2 frequency mix-up 1 high & max. amplitude & another is low & less amplitude.
07. Now feed this signal to the I/P of matching module.
08. Connect capacitance decade box at ‘C’ terminal.
09. Connect inductance decade box at ‘L’ terminal.
10. Connect digital meter input at meter I/P points & set meter setting 2-volt AC (400 K).
11. Just set ‘C’ box at 1 MFD. rest all in zero.
12. Try to gate max. reading by the change of X10 mH range in ‘l’ Box. Rest all in zero.
13. At max. null reading point, note ‘L’ & ‘C’ value to calculate the frequency.
14. Repeat this to find out another component of this signal, & calculate its.
15. SW. help can be taken to find out the frequency calculation.

Some calculated value for frequency wise different inductance value for fixed capacitance. In
practical there may be some value difference due to source impedance.
Techno Main Salt Lake
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering



--------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------

1209 1 17.3

1336 1 14.2

1477 1 11.6


697 1 52.1

770 1 42.7

852 1 39.9

941 1 28.6


1209 0.17 100

697 0.52 100

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