The document provides instructions and examples for using the TI-30X II calculator. It details the calculator's display, navigation keys, functions for trigonometry, fractions, rectangular to polar conversions, and more.
The document provides instructions and examples for using the TI-30X II calculator. It details the calculator's display, navigation keys, functions for trigonometry, fractions, rectangular to polar conversions, and more.
The document provides instructions and examples for using the TI-30X II calculator. It details the calculator's display, navigation keys, functions for trigonometry, fractions, rectangular to polar conversions, and more.
The document provides instructions and examples for using the TI-30X II calculator. It details the calculator's display, navigation keys, functions for trigonometry, fractions, rectangular to polar conversions, and more.
2-Line Display: The first line displays an entry of up to 88 digits.
Scroll the line with ! and ". The second line displays the result after you press <. Previous Entries: After an expression is evaluated, press # and $ to scroll previous entries. Menus: Some keys access menus. Press ! and " to underline a menu item; press < to select it. ³ 12345%‚ F0123456789 2< 12345 12345.00 %‚8 12345 12345. Last Answer (Ans): Stores the last calculated result. ³ 2T2< 2+2 4. %iF< Ans2 16. Clearing and Editing: - Clears entry line or error message. J Deletes the character at the cursor. %f Inserts a character at the cursor. % Displays menu to reset the unit. &&- Resets unit without displaying a menu. %t Clears all data points without exiting STAT CLRDATA mode. %wY Clears all data points and exits STAT mode. Note: Resetting the unit clears all settings and memory.