Lesson Modification 1
Lesson Modification 1
Lesson Modification 1
English 2.3 The student will use oral communication skills c) Participate as a
contributor and leader in a group.
English 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. j)
Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency, accuracy, and
meaningful expression.
English 2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations. a)
Generate ideas before writing. d) Revise writing for clarity.
Description of Unit:
In this unit, my class will study poetry. We will begin by exploring poetry as a class
(English 2.8 j). We will explore poetry from poets of different cultures. As a group,
they will also work to create poetry and create a display for their work (English 2.1 a;
2.12 a, d; 2.14). This is a good unit for multicultural education because the short nature
of poems will allow us to explore many different poems that come from different
cultures. When students create their own poems, they will be able to write about the
things that matter to them and that they want to share with their community. I know
poetry can be tricky for EL students because of the use of figurative language, but I
also think it can be a way for them to learn to express themselves. Poems do not need
long, drawn out sentences, and students do not need to worry as much over grammar.
They can just be a series of descriptive words or short phrases, which can make poetry
accessible to all students.
2. What key concepts will students learn, and what strategies will be used to teach
The student will be able to will read and discuss the meanings of poems.
o Strategy: Read-Aloud Plus
I have selected this strategy because it will allow the whole class
to look at poems together, gain a deeper understanding of the
meaning, and learn how to read poems effectively. I will be able
to use visuals to support the meaning, students can illustrate,
they can act out the poem to help feel the emotions, and we can
paraphrase the poem. This will support the meaning and text
reading strategies (English 2.8 j).
o Strategy: Read, Pair, Share
After we have worked on poems as a class, I want students to
work with a partner to try read and discuss the meanings of
poems. I think this is a good strategy because it will allow
students to discuss the poems in a non-pressured environment. It
will allow the EL students to have more of a contribution. I will
have the list of questions in English and in their native language.
Because there is often an odd number, there is usually a group of
3. I will place my Level 1 EL student in the group of 3 so they
can hear what the discussion should sound like but still
participate when able. This will support comprehension for all of
my students (English 2.8 j).
The student will be able to identify acrostic, rhyming, concrete, and free verse
o Strategy: Attribute charting
I think this will help students see the similarities and differences
between the types of poems we will look at. It will also be able
to serve as a guide for when students are trying to identify
poems and write poems. I think it will serve as a support for
having the appropriate vocabulary for each type of poem, which
will support my Level 3 students. This will support my Level 1
student by allowing them to point to elements/types of poems,
which will be illustrated.
The student will be able to write and illustrate poems.
o Strategy: Cooperative Learning
I chose cooperative learning to help support this goal because I
believe it will allow all students to contribute, no matter what
their English proficiency is. I think this will be a successful
strategy to help EL students and struggling students. It will allow
students to work together and share their knowledge to create a
project that is meaningful and important. Everyone will be
assigned a job based on their strengths and will work together to
create and illustrate poems about topics that they feel are
important. This will support my students’ oral communication
skills (English 2.1 and 2.3 c), as well as their writing skills
(English 2.12 a, d)
3. What background knowledge will students need? How will it be activated?