Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 1

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Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 1

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency:

Explaining Mathematical Thinking to Help Students Attain Grade Level Proficiency

Luissette M. Lopez

University of South Florida

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 2


Classrooms are full of diverse learners. Teachers rarely go into a new school year with a class

full of high-achievers that know all the benchmarks of their previous years. I realized during

my internship that students do not always begin the new school year with a solid understanding

of what they should have learned in their previous grade. Considering the packed curriculum,

as well as the limited time teachers are allotted to teach daily, it seemed impossible to re-teach

previous standards, along with new concepts of their current grade. I found this to be especially

challenging with mathematics. I began to wonder, “How does requiring students to explain

their mathematical thinking enable them to learn previous grade standards they do not

comprehend?” I started my inquiry by collecting observational data on those students who

struggled with new concepts due to their lack of understanding of previous concepts. To help

with my data collection, I began to research the benchmarks established for previous grade

levels, as well as those required for the next grade. Throughout my inquiry, I focused my

efforts on teaching students the current standards by finding and using strategies that could help

them build a conceptual understanding of math problems. I have learned that although it may

be difficult and more time consuming, it is not impossible to help those students achieve their

benchmarks in math. Building on students’ conceptual understanding will help with their

procedural fluency and send them to their next grade better prepared.
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 3


For as long as I can recall, I have always been passionate about helping others. I was

drawn to situations where I could use my personality and my abilities to assist those who

cannot help themselves. I served in the military for 20 years and enjoyed my role as a leader the

most. It is extremely gratifying to be able to train, coach and mentor individuals you are

responsible for, and witness their level of improvement as they grow to become leaders


Working with elementary school students is also an extremely rewarding profession, as

I have experienced throughout my internship. While studying my practice, I have encountered

many instances where I know, without a doubt, I love teaching. Sometimes, however, there

were moments where I felt helpless and disillusioned at the progression of my students. I

decided to concentrate my practice on finding out what I can do as an educator to meet the real

needs of my students. As I navigated through my classroom during my Level II and III

internships, I was perplexed at how some students have fallen through the cracks within the

education system.

Now, during my final internship, I quickly realized that my classroom was full of

diverse learners. There were several students who grasped concepts quickly and with little to no

help from me. There were many more who seemed confused and did not understand what my

collaborating teacher or I were teaching them. I realized my mission to educate these students

would be great. Some of my students were promoted to the 5th grade simply because they had

been held back in prior years. A few had visible and diagnosed learning disabilities, and others

simply did not know their 4th grade benchmarks, which inhibited them from learning their 5th

grade standards.
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 4

How can I help these students grow? I am determined to work with my CT to focus on

some, if not all those students who, for whatever reasons, tend to have been forgotten or left

behind. I would like to find out where the failure lies with these students and what I must do to

minimize the problem.

What stood out to me the most was in the content of math. While reviewing the

concepts of factors and multiples, a 4th grade Mathematics Florida Standard, MAFS.4.OA.2.4, I realized many

students did not know their basic multiplication facts. I quickly decided I needed to work with

my students on their multiplication facts, so I created some flashcards with my index cards and

placed them in a plastic bag and told certain students to work on those at home and I would

time some time to review the flashcards with them the following day.

I knew my impromptu strategy would not solve the problem. I decided to consider how

I could help my students, so they did not fall behind when the unit went into multi-digit

division. Throughout my internship I researched and found several strategies I could use to

help, specifically geared towards math instruction, which was their greatest struggle.

Depending on the lesson, I was able to incorporate several different strategies that I thought

would help my struggling mathematicians.

Multi-digit multiplication was not a problem for the students when they learned how to

use array models or partitioning numbers by hundreds, tens, and ones. When using standard

algorithm, however, they made common mistakes, such as when required to regroup. I chose to

try to build the students procedural fluency from their conceptual understanding. I found a

resource in the book, Principles to actions: ensuring mathematical success for all (2014), that

stated teachers should build their students math fluency by having them explain their approach

to solve the problem. While the student explained, she/he could visualize other strategies and
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 5

understand how it relates to solving an equation. I was able to pinpoint where some of the

misconceptions were for the students, and in some instances, I was able to learn new strategies

myself. This strategy also allowed me to hone in on the way certain students think. I continue to

use this strategy throughout my internship, since I found it to be enlightening for the student, as

well as for me.


How does requiring students to explain their mathematical thinking enable them to learn

previous grade standards they do not comprehend?

Methods and Procedures

To gain insight into my wondering, I gathered formative data on student learning,

specifically in math, through daily observations, questioning my CT, literature, Florida

Standards websites, student assessment scores, and student homework/assignments. I gathered

this data by taking notes as I graded assignments and assessments and speaking to my CT about

possible strategies I can use to help my struggling students catch up in their 5th grade math

benchmarks. I also found literature related to known gaps in elementary math and strategies on

how to build conceptual understanding of mathematics. I focused my literature search on

building procedural fluency using a variety of different strategies.

Before I began to collect my data, I listed student names on my field notes of who

required extra help on math content based on lesson. I realized many students who struggled

with math content were lacking the procedural knowledge of benchmarks they should have

learned in 4th grade. I decided to review the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade Mathematics Florida

Standards at

to become acquainted with the benchmarks my students should be at and determine which ones

from previous grades they could use a refresher in.

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 6

As I continued to collect data on my students, I realized two very important things.

First, only about 4 or 5 of my students, mostly the high achievers in math, understood the step-

by-step procedures when solving math problems using standard algorithm. Second, I realized I

felt very uncomfortable teaching conceptual understanding in math, because I did not learn it

that way. The next appropriate course of action was to find out why I was so hesitant to teach

math using methods that would enhance my conceptual understanding, as well as that of my

students. I found and read an article about how teachers’ attitudes and anxiety towards math

can disadvantage students (Geist, 2015). In the article “Math anxiety and the 'math gap': how

attitudes toward mathematics disadvantages students as early as preschool”, I gained an

understanding of why teachers avoid teaching math, especially when they do not feel

comfortable with teaching for conceptual understanding. Preparation is key. Before my math

lessons, I began to read through guides and lessons and perform the work I expected my

students to complete. I watched videos on the internet and studied concepts. The more I was

able to teach myself, the better prepared I felt to teach my students.

While I continued to search for an effective approach to teach math, I came across

several strategies that I could incorporate into my class to test their effectiveness on my

students. Turning teaching upside down was one strategy that allowed students to wrestle with

a math problem before they are taught how to solve it (Seely, 2017). I quickly began to

incorporate that strategy at the beginning of each lesson. I used the teaching upside down

method to allow students to explore their conceptual understanding of a problem first. I also

came across another strategy called Number Talks, where students do not use pencils and paper

to solve math problems, which will allow for the development of mental math (Berger, 2017). I

was hoping to incorporate this method daily, to allow students to share their strategies and
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 7

consequently, they could decide which method works best for them without the teacher telling

them how to solve the problem. I continue to use these strategies for every math lesson I teach.

However, as I graded math unit assessments, I realized many of my students were

making simple mathematical errors that prevented them from solving problems correctly. I

decided to interview my CT with specific questions geared towards math progression in the 5th

grade and how much time I had as a teacher to teach specific concepts. She provided me with

documents listing 5th Grade Year-at-a-Glance (Appendix A), which defined the benchmarks

required for students by quarter. The data helped me calculate the pace I would need to follow

to teach my students the standards. I realized I was rushing through lessons when I could take

more time to teach more complex areas of content. I was also made aware of how to locate

future assessments and noticed I was not teaching everything on the test. I quickly acted to

review future assessments prior to teaching new lessons within the unit, so as not to exclude

any concepts that students will be tested on.

Over the course of six weeks, as I incorporated many of my newfound strategies and

continued to review student work and assessments, I was not convinced that my student’s

procedural fluency had improved (Appendix B). I searched for information on the importance

of teaching math principles focusing specifically on either procedural fluency or conceptual

understanding. According to Burns, Walick, Simonson, Dominguez, Harelstad, Kincaid, &

Nelson, (2015), conceptual understanding could provide the basis for procedural fluency. In

fact, the literature recommended that interventions for lack of procedural fluency be

administered using conceptual understanding and vice versa. The only way I could see tackling

this enormous task was to identify and group the students who lacked either procedural

knowledge or conceptual understanding into small groups for differentiated instruction.

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 8

Currently, my students are arranged in flexible ability table groups of four students. It

has been my belief that the more advanced students can help those who struggle with math. As

I continue to research my inquiry, however, I question if small group instruction based on their

conceptual understanding or procedural fluency could potentially benefit my students more. I

had not thought to use differentiated small group instruction and flexible ability level groups as

an intervention strategy until I found literature on the impact it could have on a diverse group

of learners. Mainini, & Banes, (2017), offered an action-research project that studied the

increase of conceptual understanding and engagement in mathematics using differentiated

instruction. According to the literature, strategies such as small group instruction, flexible

ability grouping, and teaching math problems with multiple entry points, were all instrumental

in student engagement and growth of conceptual understanding. I have not initiated this method

yet but would like to incorporate small group instruction once a week.

Upon reviewing the data I have collected, I noticed most of it connected to strategies I

could use that would help me teach math to all my students. Most of the articles I collected for

my inquiry were based on teaching strategies for conceptual understanding. I found, based on

student assessments and homework, that I was rushing through some lessons. Many of my

students could have benefitted from more time, yet I simply did not know that I could stretch

out the lesson a day or two longer. I have already implemented many of the strategies I read

about in the literature sources. I will continue to do so while adhering to the guidelines

established by the state, the county school district, and my CT with the goal of implementing

effective strategies that produce positive results.


As a result of analyzing my data, three important things I learned include:

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 9

 Learning Statement 1 – Not every student begins a new school year knowing all the

benchmarks of their previous grade. Teachers must assess their students’ abilities to

plan lessons that will benefit a diverse classroom of learners.

 Learning Statement 2 - Teaching mathematics, especially in the higher elementary

grades requires a conceptual understanding by both the teacher and the students, for

learning to occur.

 Learning Statement 3 - There are many strategies that can be applied to help students

attain the level of proficiency required to learn new grade-level content.

Learning Statement 1 - When a new school year begins, teachers do not know what students

they will have in the classroom or what knowledge they come into the new school year with. I

have learned that assessments are very important in determining the level of knowledge

students come into the grade level with. I began my internship collecting anecdotal notes and

data on how students performed during and after lessons. I used formative and summative

assessments to determine where the students had the most difficulty. I observed their learning

habits and work habits. Before I could understand how I could help students who struggled

with content, I needed to learn about them and their individual learning needs.

I was not sure where to begin my search. I struggled with teaching some students

division operations when they did not even know their multiplication facts. I asked my CT

where I could find data that would inform me of the current and previous benchmarks and what

students should know in the 5th grade. I administered a worksheet to my students that

encompassed benchmarks from all the 5th grade standards they have been taught as well as

those I hadn’t covered yet. I allowed students two weeks to complete the worksheet during

class time when they were finished with their individual work (Appendix C). I did not send the

worksheets home because I did not want the students to get help from their parents. I used this
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 10

data, along with 4th and 5th grade benchmarks (Appendix D) to determine where their

weaknesses with math concepts lie, and to see which students were already fluent with their

math procedures. I looked for different strategies they used to solve the math problems, as well.

I was able to use my students’ work, as well as the anecdotal notes, along with the 5th

grade benchmarks to pinpoint those students who needed enrichment in certain areas before

they would be able to learn the current fifth grade standards. Students who were below level

were given worksheets that would “refresh” their thinking so they could grasp the concepts

more efficiently. By analyzing the data, I was able to plan my lessons with all my students’

needs in mind.

Learning Statement 2 - Teaching mathematics, especially in the higher elementary grades

requires a conceptual understanding by both the teacher and the students, for learning to occur.

Since I was hesitant to teach math a way I did not understand, I noticed at the beginning of my

internship that I tried to “force” the way I learned math to my students. As I observed the

students working, I noticed there was a lot of confusion, specifically when I tried to teach

division using steps. I chose to allow the students to share their thinking by asking them to

show the class how they solved their math problems and why. Some students used models and

arrays, others used mental math, and others used inventive strategies that I would have never

thought to use. I began to read about conceptual thinking and noticed that students perform

better when they understand what they are doing, instead of just because they were told to do it

that way.

I decided I needed to gain conceptual understanding as well. It was obvious that my

hesitation to teach math a different way than I was used to, also affected my students. I could

not understand why they performed so poorly on their assessments when I took such care to

teach the benchmarks they needed to learn. Before each lesson, I made it a point to “learn” the
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 11

lesson myself through different avenues. I used the textbook, Khan Academy, and literature

sources identified throughout my inquiry to help me understand. The more empowered I felt

teaching math, the more empowered my students felt learning math. I noticed their assessment

scores steadily increasing

Learning Statement 3 - There are several strategies that can be applied to help students attain

the level of proficiency required to learn new grade-level content. As I searched for strategies

to use, I continued to observe student work and see the gains they have made. I incorporated

strategies that became norms in my classroom. For example, I used Seely’s (2017) “Upside-

down” teaching method as a daily math FSA problem of the day. I would promote excitement

over our new daily routine by stating, “Now it’s time for our FSA problem of the day!”, and the

students would respond loudly and excitedly, “Hooray!” It was my opportunity to allow my

students to figure out a random math problem that was not associated with our lesson and have

them share their solution with the class. Walking around the class allowed me to obtain data

that would help me call on students who used different methods of solving the problem.

Strategies quickly became norms and were almost transparent to the students, and to

me. I chose questions that encompassed problems I knew some students struggled with or

questions many students answered incorrectly on their assessments. Based on their difficulties

with assessment questions, I began to incorporate their use of mental math using number talks

(Appendix E). I was able to use the formative and summative data I had collected on my

students to help me assign flexible seating arrangements. I placed my table groups with one

student who performed math problems using procedural knowledge and three other students

who normally used different methods of solving problems based on their conceptual

understanding. I encouraged collaborative work, before independent work to allow my students

the time to share.

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 12

Building conceptual knowledge takes time and effort. There is not a fix all solution for

how to teach such a diverse group of learners. I was pleasantly surprised, however, when I

noticed an observable change in how my students constructed their responses using the

strategies that felt comfortable to them. Some students used multiplication to solve word

problems on volume, while most used division (Appendix F). The way they were able to build

on their thinking made me smile.


As I conclude my inquiry, I find myself compelled to continue to learn more about my

wondering and others I have thought of throughout my final internship. I have learned so much

from my CT, my professors, my supervisor and especially, my students. I do not think my

learning will ever end. The most powerful finding I have gained has been the realization that I

simply will not be able to teach content I do not understand fully myself. As I read and re-read

Geist’s (2015) research article on math anxiety, I found myself focusing on how imperative to

feel confident when teaching. Geist (2015) wrote about how teachers with negative attitudes

towards math rely on teaching facts and skills, which I interpret at procedural fluency, rather

than cognitive thought processing and mathematical reasoning. This anxiety about math

transfers from the teachers to the students.

As I continue to improve my teaching skills, I have decided I will learn the content I

teach, as if I were a student myself before I present the lesson to my students. It will be time

consuming at first, however as I continue throughout my profession, teaching students any

content conceptually will ultimately benefit them more and reduce negative attitudes towards

learning. My greatest struggle during my final internship, learning and teaching conceptual
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 13

mathematics, has also become my greatest achievement and I fully intend to continue to focus

on my continued improvement in that area.

As stated earlier, I have gained insight to new wonderings while I examined this

inquiry. I would like to explore how to change student attitude towards math into a very

positive and exciting part of the school day. I am curious about how I can integrate math into

all content areas. I would like to integrate other content areas into mathematics, as well. I

wonder, is there a way I can teach an elementary school class all the content areas integrated

with each other, instead of giving students a daily subject schedule? These are a few questions I

would like to research in the future that have surfaced since I began my journey as a pre-service


How does requiring students to explain their mathematical thinking enable them to learn

previous grade standards they do not comprehend? Students who are allowed to explain and

share their reasoning feel more empowered. They begin to take responsibility for their own

learning. The students who struggled with conceptual understanding progressively increased

their ability to work on math problems as they gained insight into other students’ mathematical

reasoning. That, along with the strategies I implemented by providing efficient and effective

assessment and differentiation of instruction, showed a positive increase in student

mathematical comprehension and assessment scores (Appendix G). It is important to note that

those students who lacked procedural fluency benefitted most from understanding the

underlying concepts, which helped all students’ metacognition.

I will inevitably encounter road blocks during my first-year teaching, as I adjust to

processes and procedures teachers are expected to perform, however I am confident I can use

what I have acquired to continue to learn in a manner that will make my students lifelong
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 14

learners and prepare them for a successful transition into their next grade. When I succeed, my

students will also, as well as their future teachers, who will begin the school year with students

who are ready to absorb the benchmarks established for them. Essentially, we will all be part of

a cycle of successful learning!

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 15


Berger, A. A. (2017). Using number talks to build procedural fluency through conceptual

understanding. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 751-7.

Burns, M. K., Walick, C., Simonson, G. R., Dominguez, L., Harelstad, L., Kincaid, A. and

Nelson, G. S. (2015), Using a conceptual understanding and procedural fluency

heuristic to target math interventions with students in early elementary. Learning

Disabilities Research & Practice, 30: 52-60. doi:10.1111/ldrp.12056.

Florida Department of Education - Math Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2017, from

Geist, E. (2015). Math anxiety and the 'math gap': how attitudes toward mathematics

disadvantages students as early as preschool. Education, (3), 328.

Mainini, M., & Banes, L. (2017). Differentiating instruction to increase conceptual

understanding and engagement in mathematics. Journal of Teacher Action

Research, 4(1), 81-100.

Principles to actions: ensuring mathematical success for all. (2014). Reston, VA: The National

Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc., [2014].

Seeley, C. L. (2017). Turning teaching upside down: Students learn more when we let them

wrestle with a math problem before we teach them how to solve it. Educational

Leadership, 75(2), 32-36.

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 16

Appendix A
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 17

Appendix B
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 18

Appendix C
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 19

Appendix C (Cont)
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 20

Appendix D
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 21

Appendix E
Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 22

Appendix F

Student Constructed Response – Division

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 23

Appendix F (Cont.)

Student Constructed Response – Division

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 24

Appendix F (Cont.)

Student Constructed Response – Multiplication & Other Strategies

Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency 25

Appendix G

Student Assessment Score Chart

Progression of Math Test Scores

Focus - Conceptual Understanding and
Explaining Thinking /Reasoning
100 89
Assessment Class Average

80 74



Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 3 Unit 4
5th Grade Math Unit

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