New Teaching Quality Standards
New Teaching Quality Standards
New Teaching Quality Standards
Teaching Quality
Teaching Quality Standard
Teaching Quality
Whereas Whereas
Alberta’s teachers, students, parents, educational leaders, the Teaching Quality Standard provides a framework
and members of the public have a strong will to ensure for the preparation, professional growth, supervision and
all Alberta students have access to quality learning evaluation of all teachers.
experiences that enable their achievement of the learning
outcomes outlined in programs of study. Whereas
students, parents and other partners in education should
Whereas be confident that Alberta teachers demonstrate the
Alberta teachers provide inclusive learning environments Teaching Quality Standard throughout their careers.
in which diversity is respected and members of the school
community are welcomed, cared for, respected and safe. Whereas
it is important to recognize the value of a consistent
Whereas standard of professional practice for all teachers in the
Alberta teachers play a fundamental role in establishing province.
the conditions under which the learning aspirations and
the potential of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students
will be realized.
quality teaching occurs best when teachers work together
with other teachers in the common interest of helping
all students succeed in diverse and complex learning
Alberta Education 2
Teaching Quality Standard
1. In the context of this document: (e) “school authority” means a public school board,
(a) “competency” means an interrelated set of separate school board, Francophone regional
knowledge, skills and attitudes, developed over authority, charter school operator or accredited
time and drawn upon and applied to a particular private school operator;
teaching context in order to support optimum
(f ) “school community” means students, teachers and
student learning as required by the Teaching
other school staff members, parents/guardians and
Quality Standard;
school council members;
(b) “inclusive learning environment” means a
(g) “school council” means a school council established
classroom, school, on-line learning environment or
under the School Act, or a parent advisory council
other educational setting structured to anticipate,
established under the Private Schools Regulation;
value and respond to the diverse strengths and needs
of all learners; (h) “student” means, for the purpose of this standard,
an individual enrolled in a school or required by law
(c) “indicators” means actions that are likely to lead
to attend, and includes a child younger than 6 years
to the achievement of a competency and which,
of age who is enrolled in an early childhood services
together with the competency, are measurable and
(i) “teacher” means an individual who holds a
(d) “local community” means community members
certificate of qualification as a teacher issued
who have an interest in education and the school,
under the School Act.
including neighbouring Métis settlements, First
Nations and other members of the public;
3. All Alberta teachers are expected to meet the 4. The Teaching Quality Standard is described
Teaching Quality Standard throughout their by the following competencies and indicators:
careers. In any given context, reasoned
professional judgment must be used to
determine whether the Teaching Quality
Standard is being met.
Alberta Education 3
Teaching Quality Standard
Alberta Education 4
Teaching Quality Standard
(a) planning and designing learning activities that: - health and well-being;
• address the learning outcomes outlined in - emotional and mental health; and
programs of study; - physical, social and cognitive ability;
• reflect short, medium and long range planning; (b) using instructional strategies to engage students
• incorporate a range of instructional strategies, in meaningful learning activities, based on:
including the appropriate use(s) of digital • specialized knowledge of the subject areas they
technology, according to the context, content, teach;
desired outcomes and the learning needs of
• an understanding of students’ backgrounds,
prior knowledge and experiences;
• ensure that all students continuously develop skills
• a knowledge of how students develop as learners;
in literacy and numeracy;
(c) applying student assessment and evaluation practices
• communicate high expectations for all students;
• foster student understanding of the link between
• accurately reflect the learner outcomes within
the activity and the intended learning outcomes;
the programs of study;
• consider relevant local, provincial, national and
• generate evidence of student learning to inform
international contexts and issues;
teaching practice through a balance of formative
• are varied, engaging and relevant to students; and summative assessment experiences;
• build student capacity for collaboration; • provide a variety of methods through which
• incorporate digital technology and resources, students can demonstrate their achievement
as appropriate, to build student capacity for: of the learning outcomes;
- acquiring, applying and creating new knowledge; • provide accurate, constructive and timely feedback
on student learning; and
- communicating and collaborating with others,
• support the use of reasoned judgment about the
- critical-thinking; and evidence used to determine and report the level
- accessing, interpreting and evaluating of student learning.
information from diverse sources;
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Teaching Quality Standard
Alberta Education 6
Teaching Quality Standard
Adhering to Legal
Frameworks and Policies
6. A teacher demonstrates an understanding of
and adherence to the legal frameworks and
policies that provide the foundations for the
Alberta education system.
Achievement of this competency is demonstrated
by indicators such as:
(a) maintaining an awareness of, and responding in
accordance with, requirements authorized under
the School Act and other relevant legislation;
(b) engaging in practices consistent with policies and
procedures established by the school authority; and
(c) recognizing that the professional practice of a
teacher is bound by standards of conduct expected
of a caring, knowledgeable and reasonable adult
entrusted with the custody, care or education
of students.
Alberta Education 7
Alberta Education, Office of the Registrar
2nd Floor, 44 Capital Boulevard Building
10044 - 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5E6