Dykes Haleigh
Dykes Haleigh
Dykes Haleigh
Haleigh A. Dykes
that this would be a good place to for two-minutes after which we circled yes or no on
start when working with my student. whether he stayed in his area for the full time or 80%
not. If he received a yes, he got one goldfish,
pretzel, or animal cracker.
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3. Roorda, D. D., Jak, S., Zee, M., Oort, F. J., & Koomen, H. Y. (2017). Affective Teacher-Student Relationships
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Engagement. School Psychology Review, 46(3), 239-261. doi:10.17105/SPR-2017-0035.V46-3
Haleigh Dykes 0% 4. Steven T., P. (2009). The Effects of Teacher-Student Small Talk on Out-of-Seat Behavior. Education And
University of South Florida 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/12 3/13 Treatment Of Children, (1), 167.
hdykes@mail.usf.edu 5. Wolf, M. M. (1970). Timer-game: a variable interval contingency for the management of out-of-seat
(813) 469-1452
Sample Data Dates behavior. Exceptional Children, 37(2), 113-117.