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Kaelyn Cleevely

February 16, 2023

Assess Learning P-2 Classrooms

Observation Log
Child One: Damen (general education classroom)
CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen 1-29-24 Math: Math Books: Adding - Reward systems work very well with him. My
Weaknesses: mentor teacher was passing out sour patch kids to
Student started to act out and make a the students were engaged in the lesson, and he was
scene due to his book not being placed one of the students that received a sour patch.
on the top of the stack when the math However, when the student doesn’t get his way the reward
lesson was over. Student started to system does not help when it comes to calming the student
throw his shoes and shout very loudly back down.
at the other students from across the - Started to notice that the reward system is the only thing
room. in place from keeping him under control. He tends to lean on it
too much.
Leading up to this moment, the student
was on track during the lesson with
little to no guidance from the teacher.
Students is very good at math and did
very well when working on the math
Handout on simply addition problems.
Child 1: Damen 1-31-24 ELA: Heggerty - Reward system did not work in this case.
Weaknesses: My mentor teacher keeps a smile/frown face tracker
Within the Heggerty lesson that took to track his behavior and she told him that she would
place on the carpet, Damen refused to mark him down for a frown and it got him more
partake in joining the other students. upset.
Instead, he wanted to color his - One-on-one and verbal conversation helps the student gain
dinosaur picture that he received from more understanding of his actions that are being shown.
the school psychologist. When the
teacher said no, the student started
to act out and scream very loudly and
some of the students even covered
their ears when he started to do this.
After talking with the mentor teacher,
the student was able to agree that he
could color the picture later during
the school day. The student then went
to the carpet and slowly started to
participate with her peers.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Math Additional Thoughts:

DATE: Strengths and/or

Child 1: Damen 2-5-24 ELA: Heggerty - Student has a hard time regulating his emotions
Weaknesses: and controlling them when his high.
Within this lesson - Tends to go from 0 to 100 very often.
the student started to throw his shoe
- When students reach this high most of the time
his shoe across the room which
he is removed from the classroom or taken home. He has
almost hit a student but instead hit a
been acting out more frequently and appears to be doing it
box of crayons that flew across the
to leave school.
whole room. This happened due to
- Student works well one on one especially when
the student not participating and the
upset and frustrated.
teacher asking him if he could
please do the work like his peers.
The student was able to apologize to
The teacher after this happened
and also give an explanation as to
why it was wrong. This has been the
hardest part for the student to do
when he is reaching this level of
frustration but the school
Psychologist has been working with
him on apologizing.
Child 1: Damen 2-6-24 Math: Math Workbooks Tens Frames - Student was able to understand and read the
Strengths: emotions of the other student which is something
Students were asked to work in them that they have been working on with him.
workbooks with a partner, however the - self regulation and controlling emotions have been getting
student refused to work with his partner better with school physiologist.
due to him wanting to work with a - Students was also able to express sorrow to student
friend. The other student was upset by about hurting his feelings. He appeared to truly mean it by
Damen throwing a fit. He started to yell and his facial expressions and words that were spoken when
explain to my mentor teacher why he apologizing.
didn’t want to work with that student.
Damen gave the student an apology
Once he realized that it hurt his

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen 2-12-24 ELA: Reading - Student does not like to be told what to do, he tends
Weaknesses: to disregard directions and when told something.
During the reading lesson, the student - He works well when you separate him from whole
refused to read his book in whole group. group.
The teacher then asked him to sit at
- Appears to act out sometimes due to attention from
his desk if he wasn’t going to
other peers within the room and even teachers
Read with the group and he got very
- Frown face behavioral system worked within this
upset because he wanted to sit with his
lesson and it didn’t appear that he was acting out due to
wanting to go home.
Once my mentor teacher told Damen
that he was going to receive a frown
face, he began to read with his peers.

Child 1: Damen 2-15-24 Math: Workbooks(addition) - Student has been not working well with
Weaknesses: Same reward systems. He does good when
During the math lesson, the students It is first introduced but it does not last very long.
were asked to work in their work - Student gets removed from the room very
books and complete the page as the frequently.
mentor teacher went through it with
them in whole group. However, - Students screaming appears to be affecting the
the student did not want to stop working other students with the room as well.
with his blocks and do the work. The
student began to throw a fit and had to
get removed from the room due to
throwing his shoes and trying to
run from my mentor teacher.
At the end of the day, the student
was able to see his wrongs and
apologize to my mentor teacher for
not listening and running from her
during whole group lesson.

*No school 2/19/24

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen 2-20-24 ELA: Reading - It appears that more now than ever the student has been
Weaknesses: throwing fits and acting out due to wanting to go home. It
The school phycologist came in to observe appears his behaviors are really progressing due to this and
student behavior and interactions during once he is told he is about to leave, his mood completely
lessons. During Heggerty student got up changes.
from his desk and kept shouting out, - Apologizing has gotten more detailed. Still working on
“How many minutes until I go home”? My Expressing emotions and self-regulation.
Mentor teacher ignored the student due to
Teaching the other 20 students during this
Time. The student began to throw a fit
which lead to the student getting taken out
of the room. It was very hard for me and
the other students to hear the teacher teach
and talk due to his distractions/throwing a
Strengths: Student was able to come in 10
Minutes before leaving to go home early
And apologize to me, school
phycologist and teacher. He was also more
detailed in his apologize than usual by
stating exactly what he did wrong instead
of just stating, “I’m sorry”.

Child 1: Damen 2-20-24 Math: Number Talk - Student appears to have a hard time sitting still for long
Weaknesses: periods of time.
Students were asked to participate in - Student works better with activities that involve a lot of
number talk at the carpet while going moment and various of activities.
over Tuesday’s question. Once this question
- Other students within the room were not distracted by
was over students were asked to answer
him going back to their seats and the teacher was able to
questions that were displayed on board, as
complete her whole lesson without any distributions.
she went through them the student started to
- He worked for the first section of the math and ddid
walk around the room. He then laid down
at his desk. Shortly after students were told
to go back to their seats but the student was - Movement activities incorporated more into
already there. instruction could be shown as beneficially for student.
The student was not displaying any
serious concerns or distributing the lesson
or the other students learning. He was
not listening still but he did it quietly and
sat at his desk silently.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen 2-26-24 ELA: Reading - Student hasn’t been putting up as much of a fight as
Weaknesses: in the first couple weeks of being here.
Students were asked to pick a book of them - Student understandings more when teacher hold those
choice to read, that they have been working one-on-one conversations with students when explaining
with. Students are usually able to read with reasoning.
partner but prior to this lesson, students
- Student was not distributive. Students were able
overall behaviors were not good. So,
to stay quiet during this time to reflect on prior behaviors.
students were asked to do this silently and
- Student did not read but he was also shown to listen to
independently. Student got upset that he
staying quiet and sitting at desk instead of sitting around the
was asked to read alone and explained how
he wasn’t reading unless it was with a
friend. Teacher explained to the student that - Student was rewarded a smiley for ELA lesson.
it wasn’t allowed and listed as to why this
was. Student sat down at desk but did not

Some strengths that were shown was the
student not talking back after she
addressed the student one-on-one. He went
back to his desk without putting up a fight.
Even though he didn’t do as he was told and
read, he didn’t give her a hard time.

Child 1: Damen 2-27-24 Math: Workbooks - Still is getting upset to leave room and go home.
Weaknesses: Within the math lesson on - No smiley was given to him during this time.
this day, the student appeared to be working
- His fit did not cause the teacher to fall off lesson, it was
on another worksheet instead of working in
more contained than usual. He wasn’t trying to run or
his workbook. I went over to the student
throw anything. Instead, it was more verbal and trying to
and asked him to work in his workbook and
show me when it was done. The student
- The time of behavior is starting to happen at the same
began to ask me and my mentor teacher
point every day which appears right before he must go
how many minutes he had until he had to
home and first thing in the morning when he is
leave for the day. We told him about 20
dropped off.
more minutes, but then he started to get
upset due to him thinking it was sooner than
20 minutes. The worksheet did not get done
in this time period.

Some of the strengths within this lesson
was calming down with his aid when
she took him out of the room to talk with
him one-on-one. Once he came back into
the room, his mood completely changed,
and even took the paper home with him to
work on.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen 3-11-24 ELA: Reading - Appears that when teacher ignores him, he doesn’t
Weaknesses: listen and when teacher gives him too much attention, he
Students were asked to write the words/ listens until that attention stops.
Letters that the teacher verbally spoke - He makes sure the teacher is watching him not
To try and complete a sentence to the listening, which seems likes he is seeking for that attention
Best of their ability. Student was not from his peers.
Engaged or listening and when I walked
- Frown face was given to the student during this lesson
Over to check his work, the student had
due to not listening.
Hardly anything completed. The student
Was only able to complete two words and
Then went over and lay on the carpet and
Disregard the teacher’s directions that was
Told to him repeatedly.
One strength within this lesson was, he
Didn’t yet or talk back to the teacher. Even
though the student did not listen to
directions, it shows he is taking smaller
steps into the right direction when it comes
to talking back to adults.

Child 1: Damen 3-13-24 Math: Addition - Works well with drawing activities and students
Weaknesses: interest based instructions.
Within this week, I planned an activity - Student worked collaborative with peers during group
for my math lesson which involved activity. He took turns and didn’t throw a fit. The group
animals. I included a dinosaur which that I was struggling the most with, wasn’t even his group
the student loves. I also had the students which is great!
draw an image of an animal, and he also
- His good behaviors helped the lesson go a lot quicker
loves to draw and color. There was only
and more effectively.
one weakness within this lesson and it
- He was more social with peers more than ever in this
when the students were asked to color
and draw. When the teacher asked
students to stop, the student didn’t - Student appeared to be super excited for each step
listen and had to be stop numerous of within the lesson which encouraged positive behavior.
times before stopping.
Strengths: There were many strengths
within this lesson, the student was
engaged, and working well with peers during
coloring activity. The student didn’t throw
any fits or even disrupt the class by
his actions. Student appeared to have
really enjoyed it and super focused on
completing every step that was asked by
myself in the lesson. Even though the student
struggled a little with his listening
skills, majority of the time, he as on task
and doing as he was told within this whole
math lesson.


CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen 3-15-24 ELA: Reading - Works well one-on-one with teacher and when
Weaknesses: Students were asked to read teacher is right beside him. He likes to prove how smart
and color a worksheet that involves he is. He loves that the teacher was also very involved with
butterflies. There was a sub within the him.
room and she spent most of her time - The sub was giving him words of encouragement such
right by the student. The only weakness as, “you’re doing such a great job”, and “wow, that Looks
within reading worksheet was wonderful”. Which was shown to boost his confidence and
constantly asking when he was going to engagement within the lesson.
leave when it got closer to lunch time.
- Student was able to have positive interactions with
Peers during these lessons.
Student was overall very behaved within
- Student interest instruction: student loves animals and
this lesson, student was shown to stay
He is very good at reading.
at his desk for most of the lesson, with
very few bumps. He was able to get
through both reading worksheets and
stayed at the same speed at the rest of
the class. The student was also shown to
walk over to a friend, and guide him
when reading the words that needed

Child 1: Damen 3-22-24 Math: Ten Frames(addition) - Student likes to grab attention from peers and make
Weaknesses: others laugh.
Students were at the carpet and working on - Student does not know when to stop and when being
adding when looking at little images of told and takes it too far.
objects in ten frames. Students did this at
- Students appeared to get a little embarrassed when he
the carpet. Teacher told students to count
called out and noticed his friends stopped due to them
how many more objects they needed to
listening to their teacher.
meet a certain number. During this math
lesson, the student called out numbers
without the teacher asking and shouting out
very loud(yelling). The teacher politely
asked the student to do it quietly but he
didn’t listen. The students began to think it
was funny and started to join in. The teacher
told the other students once not to do it
again, and they listened the first time.
Once the teacher redirected the other
Students that it wasn’t polite to yell out
And not letting other students have a chance
The student started to listen, while
Seeing his other friends stopped the first
Time when the teacher told them to stop.


CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 1: Damen ELA: Reading


Child 1: Damen Math:

Child Two: AJ (Inclusion Classroom)

5th grade

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ 1-30-24 ELA: Writing prompt - Student calmed down with a stuffed animal of the
Weaknesses: squirrel from Ice Age, which is his favorite move. This
Students were all given a writing shows the importance of understanding and knowing
prompt to complete about earth. When students’ interest and allows applying it to lesson and
the aid came over to assist the student, materials in which they work with on a day-to-day basis.
he started to cry and ask to take a nap
in the back of the room.

Some strengths within this lesson were, the
student was able to cooperate when given
a stuffed animal to place at the front of his
desk. The student then worked hard and
completed the whole worksheet with the
aid guiding him.

Child 2: AJ Math: student personalized math - Student appears to get distracted by items on his
Activity boxes Desk but they also provide him with emotional support.
Strengths: - When taken these items away, student gets very
Some of the strengths within this lesson upset until they are given back to him as a reward.
was the student being able to separate
the shapes and colors with little to
no help from the aid.
Some of the weaknesses that were
shown to affect his time performance
when completing the activity was his
focus. The student got distracted every
other minute by the items on his desk
or other things (ect. people) in the room.
The aid had to ask politely every other
minute to continue to separate the
pieces from one another.
CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ 2-8-24 ELA: Writing prompt - Reward systems and words of encouragement
Weaknesses: Work very well with this student.
The student started to cry during a - Works well when teacher softy helps him
writing prompt lesson during ELA due Understand instead of simply telling him no.
to wanting to take a nap in the back.
These naps are given to the student
very often but student allows has been
starting to ask for them a lot to avoid
doing the work.
Within this lesson, the student was able
To do the writing prompt after the
Teacher told him that they were going
To receive cupcakes at the end of the
day when celebrating one of the

Child 2: AJ Math: Number Puzzle - Student didn’t appear to do this in a negative way, it
Weaknesses: seemed that the student just got distracted and lost around
Student was asked to work on a puzzle, the room in his own thoughts.
That had number one each puzzle piece - The student loves to daydream and it appeared this
Which helped him determine were happened halfway through the puzzle.
Each puzzle piece went. The student
- Student doesn’t fall off when an aid or teacher is sitting
Started doing this puzzle and once he got
next to him making sure he is doing what he’s supposed
To the number 3, he got up and started to
Go over to the toy box and play with toys.
The aid went over and redirected him
To go back. The aid had to stay beside him
In order to complete the whole math puzzle.
Within this lesson, the student only needed
redirected one time, and once this was
done the student went right back to the
puzzle and even finished the whole thing
(Numbers 1-20). The student did not
throw a fit or state as to why he didn’t
want to do the puzzle.
CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ 2-13-24 ELA: Read aloud and questions - Student appears to try and get out of schoolwork a lot
Weaknesses: due to wanting to take naps.
Students were asked to listen to an audio - Student was able to comprise and not fight back after
tape of a read aloud book. The students being told not yet.
were told they were going to take a small
- Student has hard time staying still in seat without aid
quiz as a whole group. If they got a 70%,
or teacher right beside his desk.
then they were granted extra recess time.
- Appears that the audio book was hard for the student
During this activity, the student walked
around the room and did not listen to the to pay attention to.
audio book being read. Once the audio was
done, and the teacher played the questions,
the student did not engage or
collaborate with his peers during this. The
student then asked to take a nap once his
peers took the quiz.
The student was asked to re-read the book in
Order to go take a nap. The student
comprised with this and followed along the
second time it was read to him. The student
even did a great job getting a 60% on the
quiz alone.

Child 2: AJ Math: Counting Blocks - Student appears to fall off task very quickly. It even
Weaknesses: Student picked out build appears when the student is sleepy, it happens more
number blocks, during student-based box frequently.
time during math. Student was asked to - Student works well with hands on manipulatives and
build a city with blocks and each objects in which he can touch.
building he had to put a certain amount
- Student would benefit with working on becoming more
of numbers that matched with the number
Independent and tools on how to get there. It has been
on the small paper. During this time, the
shown that in order for him to be fully engaged and not
student didn’t care to do the actual math
off task, an aid or teacher has to be in his presence.
portion of this activity and instead just
played with the blocks. The aid tried to
redirect the student but he went right back
to playing once she turned to help another
It was great that the student was working
Hands on with blocks regardless of if
He was doing it correct. Student just
Appeared to fall off task but with the
Help and guidance, student could do it.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ 2-22-24 ELA: Letters - The student was able to see his own actions being
Weaknesses: wrong without guidance of a teacher having to explain
Student was asked to work on student as to why it was wrong.
based activities that he is able to choose - Student appears to get easily overwhelmed especially
from. Student picked a tracing letter when working on activities that are super repetitive.
worksheet. The student started to work on - The student was able to complete worksheet without
tracing the letters with an aid beside him. the teacher telling him to do so.
Halfway through the paper, once he - Brain breaks or movement during lessons or
reached the letter “R”, it appeared that the instruction could be helpful for the student to calm him
student got overwhelmed and tired of down when he starts to feel that overwhelmingness.
tracing the letters. The student crumbled
up the whole paper, and even took a
small bite out of it. The student realized that
was he did was wrong.
As soon as the student crumbled up the
paper, he knew what he did was wrong,
and even said sorry to the teacher right
after it happened. The student was able to
apologize on his own without any
scaffolding and understanding his wrongs.
The student uncrumpled it back up and
even finished traces the rest of the papers.

Child 2: AJ Math: Pizza (shapes) - The student tends to walk over to where he naps
Weaknesses: whenever he wants even in the middle of instruction or
Student was asked to work on student lessons.
based activities that he is able to choose - Student has been struggling with when being told no,
from. The student was working on counting and it takes a while for him to calm back down.
the number of shapes each pizza had. The
- Student did really well for first activity, but it appeared
student worked on this activity well, but
he lost interest all together.
went he went to go switch his activity, the
student went to the back of the room to take
a nap. The student got upset once he was
told after math he could.
The student was able to work for a decent
amount of time during the pizza activity
before falling off task. He was able to
complete each question that was being
asked to the best of his ability.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ 2-29-24 ELA: Writing/drawing - Objects around the room tend to calm him down but
Weaknesses: once they are taken from him, it takes him a long time to calm
Students were given a writing prompt that down. Sometimes the teachers give it back to him due to him
involved leprechauns. Student got very getting so upset.
upset that he had to write a sentence. The - Students likes to fidget with objects during instruction
teacher took his toys off his desk and he and lessons being taught. In most lessons, it isn’t a
started to cry due to wanting his toys. It distraction but for this lesson it was which is why they took
took the aid a long time to calm him back them away for a small period.
down and work on the craft/writing prompt - Words of encouragement work well with this student,
that was planned for him. as well as one-on-one with one of the aids or teachers
Strengths: within the room.
The student did a great job, communicating
with the teacher during this lesson as to
why he was upset. The student typically
repeats most of his sentences, but he did
a great job expressing himself which was
also verbalized back to him by the aid.

Child 2: AJ Math: Roll for numbers activity

Weaknesses: - The student needs more scaffolding at times when tired.
Student picked out a rolling dice game - It appears that movement games would strongly benefit
during math, which had him roll a dice and this student due to sleepiness and falling off task often/
draw the amount rolled. The student quickly.
brought this activity to his desk but did not
- The student also appeared to only enjoy the coloring
begin it until an aid came over to help him
section of this due activity due to his creativeness and
start. The student seemed tired and every
his enjoyment for coloring.
time the aid wasn’t focused on him, he just
sat there and waited for her to come back to
help him.
The student was super tired in this lesson
and he gave it his best effort while the aid
was assisting him.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses
Child 2: AJ 1-12-24 ELA: Read aloud/drawing - Student is able to understand as to why his actions
Weaknesses: Can be wrong at times.
Students were asked to listen to a read aloud - Does not like to be told at first but understands once the
about clothing and then draw an image of Teacher provides him with a better understanding as to why.
their ideal outfit. The student during this
- The student has hard time regulating emotions and
lesson wanted to take a nap and once told
sometimes has outbreaks due to not knowing what to do
not right now by one of the teachers, the
with some emotions especially when he gets overwhelmed,
student started to scribble all over his paper
upset and mad.
where he was supposed to draw an outfit.
Once the student did this, he did the same
thing as he did when he crumbled up the
paper, he apologized right after and knew it
was wrong. Once he did this he did not ask
for a nap again until the teachers offered it
when they thought he needed it towards the
end of the day.

Child 2: AJ Math: Name the shapes

Weaknesses: The student was asked to - Distractions and outside forces within the room tend
name the certain shapes made out of To make him fall off track during lessons and instruction.
different objects during his math lesson. - When the student takes naps, the other students do
The student started off good until he saw their computer time during that time because he cannot
another student in the classroom swinging have any distractions or noises.
in a chair. The student wanted to play and
started to throw a small fit as to why
he wanted to play as well.
Strengths: The student started off
naming circle, square, and triangle
correctly before he got distracted from
the other student.

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ 1-22-24 ELA: Echo reading - The student loves to move around and it is also very
Weaknesses: shown in gym class that he loves to be active. The student
Students were asked to echo read a short was able to take in the information when the teacher
book on the different planets. They have presented it with movement.
been learning about the solar system for - It appeared that the student ignored the teacher at
a few months now. Once they echo read, first, not to be rude, but due to him not knowing the
the teacher called on students to answer question.
some questions regarding the book that they
- When the other student answered, AJ seemed engaged
just read. When the teacher asked the
in what the student had to say.
student a question, AJ completed ignored
- The student appeared to get distracted a lot during the
her. So, the teacher called on another
echo reading and had to be reminded many times to read
student. The teacher stayed on the question
without everyone else.
and asked AJ to demonstrate the movement
of the sun with her.

When the teacher asked the student to
stand up and demonstrate how the sun
moves around the sun, the student was
appeared to be excited to partake. The
student listened to directions and when
the teacher redirected him to doing it
correctly and retired to correct himself.

Child 2: AJ Math: Numbers on animals

Weaknesses: - The student does well with reward systems when it
The student was asked to sort comes to behaviors. However, when used too often like
by number. During this math lesson, the his naps, he can tend do constantly preform negative
student was shown to verbally talk back behaviors to gain that reward.
to teacher due to him not wanting to do

The student and teacher compromised and
the student was given a coloring
worksheet after he finished his activity on



CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
DATE: Weaknesses

Child 2: AJ ELA

Child 2: AJ Math:
*No School:

- Spring break WEEK EIGHT: March 25- 29 (NO FIELD)

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