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Translation and Technology

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

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Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting

Series Editors: Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers, The Centre for Transla-
tion Studies, University of Surrey, UK
Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting bring together the most
important strands of thinking in a fast-developing field. Volumes in the series

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are designed for Masters students in Translation Studies and Interpreting, as well
as for upper-level undergradutaes considering a career in this area. Researchers
and practitioners keen to refresh their knowledge of practice across the field will
also find new material not readily accessible elsewhere. The series will include a
core theory book and a number of individual volumes on specific topics covered
in many MA courses.

Titles include:

C.K. Quah

Forthcoming titles include:

Ann Corsells

Palgrave Textbooks on Translating and Interpreting

Series Standing Order ISBN 1–4039–0393–X hardback 1–4039–0394–8 paperback
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C.K. Quah

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Translation and Technology

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© C.K. Quah 2006
Preface © Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers 2006
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For Paul

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List of Figures, Tables and Boxes ix

Series Editors’ Preface xii

Acknowledgements xiv

List of Abbreviations xvi

Introduction 1

1 Definition of Terms 6
Machine translation 8
Human-aided machine translation 11
Machine-aided human translation 13
Human translation 14
The localization industry 19
Conclusion 20

2 Translation Studies and Translation Technology 22

Translation theory 22
Academic and professional groups in translation 26
Linguistic theories in machine translation systems 30
Translation studies 36
The translation process 43
Conclusion 55

3 Machine Translation Systems 57

Major historical developments 58
Architectures 66
Hybrid and interactive machine translation systems 84
Online machine translation systems 85
Commercial machine translation systems 87
Reasons for using machine translation systems 89
Conclusion 91


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viii Contents

4 Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 93

Workbenches 93
Translation support tools and resources 106
Localization tools 113
Commercial computer-aided translation tools 117
Standards for data interchange 119

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Conclusion 128

5 Evaluating Translation Tools 129

Machine translation systems 129
Computer-aided translation tools 131
Stakeholders 133
Evaluation methods 135
General frameworks for evaluating translation tools 139
Conclusion 151

6 Recent Developments and Future Directions 152

Machine translation systems 152
Computer-aided translation tools 156
Translation systems with speech technology 157
Translation systems for minority languages 162
Translation on the web 164
Machine translation systems and the semantic web 166
The localization industry 170
Conclusion 171

7 Translation Types Revisited 172

Relationships between topics and translation types 173
Machine translation systems 191
Computer-aided translation tools 193
Conclusion 195

Appendices 197

References 204

Index 218

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List of Figures, Tables and Boxes

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1.1 Classification of translation types 7

1.2 Machine translation model 9
1.3 Machine translation system based on usage 10
1.4 Human-aided machine translation model 12
1.5 Machine-aided human translation model 13
2.1 Chronology of translation theories 23
2.2 Translation process model 29
2.3 Example of sentence representations 31
2.4 Holmes’ schema of translation studies 37
2.5 A schema of applied translation studies 42
2.6 A model of the translation process including
pre- and post-editing tasks 43
2.7 Example of an English SL text and its pre-edited version 44
2.8 Unedited and post-edited Spanish machine
translation output 46
2.9 Example of natural and controlled languages 48
2.10 Example of original English text and its AECMA
simplified English version 50
2.11 Example of natural English, simplified English and
simplified Arabic texts 51
2.12 Example of an English controlled language text
and its translations 53
2.13 Illustration of the translation process using a
machine translation system 54
3.1 Chronology of machine translation development 58
3.2 Example of structural representations 68
3.3 Machine translation architectures 68
3.4 Direct translation model 70
3.5 Interlingua model 72
3.6 Interlingua multilingual machine translation
system model 72
3.7 Transfer model 74
3.8 Transfer using tree-to-tree parsing 75
3.9 Transfer multilingual machine translation system model 76


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x List of Figures, Tables and Boxes

3.10 Statistical-based model 78

3.11 Probabilities workflow in the statistical-based approach 80
3.12 Example-based model 81
3.13 Translations by online machine translation systems 87
4.1 Example of HTML code in a web page 99
4.2 Example of the web page without HTML code 99

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4.3 Example of a translation workflow using a
translation memory system 102
4.4 Example of an English source text 102
4.5 Pre-translation 1 103
4.6 Database model in translation memory systems 103
4.7 Reference model in translation memory systems 104
4.8 Flowchart to illustrate how to build a parallel corpus 109
4.9 Example of a text header in a corpus 110
4.10 Example of part-of-speech tagging 111
4.11 Example of a concordance for the word ‘round’ 112
4.12 Types of tool used in a localization project 114
4.13 Example of the translation process using a
machine translation system, a translation database
and a terminology database 117
4.14 Example of TMX data-sharing 120
4.15 Example of a header in TMX 121
4.16 Example of a body in TMX 122
4.17 Example of a header in TBX 124
4.18 Example of a body in TBX 125
4.19 Example of XLIFF in the localization process 126
4.20 Example of a header in XLIFF 127
4.21 Example of a body in XLIFF 127
4.22 Example of an alternate translation element in XLIFF 127
5.1 Example of a glass-box evaluation 138
5.2 Example of a black-box evaluation 139
5.3 Example of an evaluation process 141
5.4 Standardization projects for evaluating machine
translation systems 142
5.5 EAGLES general evaluation framework 145
6.1 Future-use model of translation technology 154
6.2 Speech technology in translation 158


1.1 An example of a table for describing translation types 8

3.1 Example of a word entry in KAMI 67

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List of Figures, Tables and Boxes xi

3.2 Imitation in the example-based approach 82

3.3 Semantic similarity in the example-based approach 82
3.4 Classification of commercial machine translation systems 88
4.1 Example of perfect matching 95
4.2 Examples of fuzzy matching 96
4.3 Higher and lower threshold percentages for

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fuzzy matching 97
4.4 Examples of matching suggestions for ‘bow’ 98
4.5 Example of segments 100
4.6 Example of translation units 101
4.7 Example of English-French translation units
from a database 102
4.8 Classification of commercial computer-aided
translation tools 118
7.1 Degree of automation 174
7.2 Human intervention 175
7.3 Integrated tools 175
7.4 Application of theory 176
7.5 Application of theory in machine translation systems 177
7.6 Source-language texts 178
7.7 Target-language texts 180
7.8 Stages of the translation process 181
7.9 Types of text 182
7.10 Language dependency 185
7.11 Types of source language 186
7.12 Data interchange standards in translation 187
7.13 Translation groups and data interchange standards 188
7.14 Levels of evaluation 189
7.15 Methods of evaluation 190
7.16 Features in a machine translation system 191
7.17 Language coverage in machine translation systems 193
7.18 Texts and computer-aided translation tools 194
7.19 Language dependency in computer-aided
translation tools 194
7.20 Number of languages in computer-aided translation tools 195


1.1 A translator at work 14

5.1 FEMTI evaluation framework 147

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Series Editors’ Preface

Recent years have witnessed momentous changes in the study of

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Modern Languages, globally as well as nationally. On the one hand, the
rapid growth of English as a universal lingua franca has rendered the
command of other languages a less compelling commodity. On the other
hand, the demand for intercultural mediators including translators and
interpreters has grown as a result of many recent social, political and
economic developments; these include legislative changes, the emergence
of supranational organisations, the ease of travel, telecommunications,
commercial pressures raising awareness of local needs, migration and
employment mobility, and a heightened awareness of linguistic and
human rights. Today, linguistically oriented students wishing to pursue
a career in which they are able to further their interest in languages and
cultures would be more inclined to choose vocationally relevant courses
in which translation and interpreting play an important part rather
than traditional Modern Language degrees.
Thus the possibilities for professional work in translation and inter-
preting have been extended, particularly as a result of developments in
technology, whether as facilitating the translation process or as a means
of dissemination and broadening access to communications in a range
of media. The role of translation is, for example, becoming increasingly
important in the context of modern media such as television and
cinema, whether for documentary or entertainment purposes. And the
technological possibilities for providing interpreting services, whether
to the police officer on the beat or to the businessperson on a different
continent, have extended the previously physically confined nature of
mediating the spoken word.
Not only do these new vistas open up opportunities for the profes-
sional linguist, they also point to expanding areas of research in
Translation and Interpreting Studies. Practice and theory are of
mutual benefit, especially in the case of a relatively young discipline
such as Translation Studies. As a result, the first aim of this series,
written primarily for the MA and advanced undergraduate student, is
to highlight contemporary issues and concerns in order to provide
informed, theoretically based, accounts of developments in transla-
tion and interpretation. The second aim is to provide ready access for
students interested in the study and pursuit of Modern Languages to


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Series Editors’ Preface xiii

vocational issues which are of relevance to the contemporary world

of translating and interpreting. The final aim is to offer informed
updates to practising professionals on recent developments in the
field impacting on their discipline.

Linguistic, Culture and Translation Studies GUNILLA ANDERMAN

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University of Surrey MARGARET ROGERS

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah


I am indebted to three individuals for their contributions. This book

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would have taken more time to complete if it had not been for Chooi
Tsien Yeo who researched background information for me. Words
cannot express my gratitude to Stephen Moore, in between translation
deadlines, for putting his experiences as a professional translator
into writing. I am extremely indebted to Paul Marriott for his comments
and suggestions, particularly on helping to visualize a new way to
depict the multidimensional classification of translation types in
Chapter 7.
I would like to acknowledge especially the Duke University Libraries
and Institute of Statistics and Decision Science at Duke University in
providing me with the environment and research facilities where most
of this book was written. Also my thanks to the National University of
Singapore Libraries, George Edward Library at the University of Surrey,
and the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University
of Waterloo for their help.
I would also like to acknowledge the following authors, publishers
and organizations for allowing the use of copyright material in this
book: John Hutchins, Harold Somers and Elsevier (Academic Press Ltd)
for the classification of translation types in Chapter 1; Eugene Nida and
the Linguistic Society of America for the translation process in Chapter 2;
John Smart and Smart Communications, Inc. for the controlled and
simplified English samples in Chapter 2; Francis Bond and Takefumi
Yamazaki for the KAMI Malay–English dictionary entry in Chapter 3;
Paolo Dongilli and Johann Gamper for the building of a parallel corpus
in Chapter 4; Tony Jewtushenko and Peter Reynolds of OASIS for
XLIFF in Chapter 4; Enrique de Argaez at Internet World Stats for the
statistical figure on the Internet population in Chapter 6; Michael Carl,
Reinhard Schäler, Andy Way, Springer Science and Business Media, and
Kluwer Academic Publishers for the model of the future use of transla-
tion technology in Chapter 6. To António Ribeiro, Tessadit Lagab,
Margaret Rogers and Chooi Tsien Yeo, my most sincere thanks for
translating from English into Portuguese, French, German and Chinese
respectively. I am solely responsible for any translation errors that
occurred. A special thank you goes to Elsie Lee, Shaun Yeo, Angeliki
Petrits, Mirko Plitt and Ken Seng Tan for answering some of my queries.


10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Acknowledgements xv

To Caroline, Elizabeth, Gillian and Lyndsay, thank you for helping out
with keying in corrections on the earlier drafts. Lastly, to my ‘sifu’ and
friend Peter Newmark, a big thank-you for all the translation discussions
we had during our coffee–biscuit sessions years ago.
If it had not been for the series editors, Gunilla Anderman and
Margaret Rogers, this book would not have been written. I am forever

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grateful to both of them for their feedback and comments. Thanks to
Jill Lake of Palgrave Macmillan for her patience and understanding due
to my ‘country-hopping’ from Southeast Asia to North America during
the writing of this book.

Waterloo, Canada CHIEW KIN QUAH

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

List of Abbreviations

ACRoTERMITE Terminology of Telecommunications

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AECMA European Association of Aerospace Industries
AIA Aerospace Industries Association of America
ALPAC Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee
ALPS Automatic Language Processing System
ALT-J/C Automatic Language Translator Japanese to Chinese
ALT-J/E Automatic Language Translator Japanese to English
ALT-J/M Automatic Language Translator Japanese to Malay
AMTA Association of Machine Translation in the Americas
ASCC Automatic Spelling Checker Checker
ASD AeroSpace and Defence
ATA American Translators Association
BASIC British American Scientific International, Commercial
BLEU Bilingual Evaluation Understudy
BSO Buro voor Systeemontwikkeling
CAT Computer-Aided Translation
CAT2 Constructors, Atoms and Translators
CESTA Campagne d’Evaluation de Systèmes de Traduction
CFE Caterpillar Fundamental English
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CICC Center of International Cooperation for
CRATER Corpus Resources and Terminology Extraction
CTE Caterpillar Technical English
CULT Chinese University Language Translator
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DBMT Dialogue-based Machine Translation
DIPLOMAT Distributed Intelligent Processing of Language for
Operational Machine Aided Translation
DLT Distributed Language Translation
DTS Descriptive Translation Studies
EAGLES Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering
EARS Effective, Affordable Reusable Speech-to-Text
EDIG European Defence Industries Group


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List of Abbreviations xvii

ELDA Evaluations and Language resources Distribution

ELRA European Language Resources Association
ENGSPAN English Spanish Machine Translation System
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
EURODICAUTUM European Terminology Database

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EUROSPACE Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of
EUROTRA European Translation
EVALDA Infrastructure d’EVALuation à ELDA
EWG Evaluation Working Group
FAHQT/FAHQMT Fully Automatic High Quality (Machine) Translation
FEMTI A Framework for the Evaluation of Machine
Translation in ISLE
GENETER Generic Model for Terminology
GETA Groupe d’Étude pour la Traduction Automatique
HAMT Human-Aided/Assisted Machine Translation
HICATS Hitachi Computer Aided Translation System
HT Human Translation
HTML HyperText Markup Language
IAMT International Association of Machine Translation
IATE Inter-Agency Terminology Exchange
INTERSECT International Sample of English Contrastive Texts
ISI International Statistical Institute
ISLE International Standards for Language Engineering
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JEIDA Japan Electronic Industry Development Association
JEITA Japan Electronics and Information Technology
JICST-E Japan Information Center of Science and Technology
KAMI Kamus Melayu-Inggeris (Malay-English Dictionary)
KANT Knowledge-based Accurate Translation
KGB Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti
LDC Linguistic Data Consortium
LISA Localisation Industry and Standards Association
LMT Logic-based Machine Translation
LTC Language Technology Centre
LTRAC Language Translation Resources Automatic Console
MAHT Machine-Aided/Assisted Human Translation
MANTRA Machine Assisted Translation
MARTIF Machine Readable Terminology Interchange Format

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

xviii List of Abbreviations

MASTOR Multilingual Automatic Speech-to-Speech Translator

MAT Machine-Aided/Assisted Translation
METAL Mechanical Translation and Analysis of Language
METU Middle East Technical University
MLIR MultiLingual Information Retrieval
MT Machine Translation

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NAATI National Accreditation Authority for Translators and
Interpreters Ltd.
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards
OCP Oxford Concordance Programme
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OLIF Open Lexicon Interchange Format
OS Operating System
OSCAR Open Standards for Container/Content Allowing Re-use
PaTrans Patent Translation
PAHO Pan-American Health Organization
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PESA Portuguese-English Sentence Alignment
RDF Resource Description Framework
RFC Request for Comments
SALT Standards-based Access to Lexicographical & Terminological
Multilingual Resources
SGML Standard Generalised Markup Language
SPANAM Spanish American Machine Translation System
SUSY Saarbrücker ÜbersetzungsSYstem
SYSTRAN System Translation
TAP Think-Aloud Protocols
TAUM Traduction automatique à l’Université de Montréal
TBX TermBase eXchange
TEMAA Testbed Study of Evaluation Methodologies: Authoring
TGT-1 Text-into-Gesture Translator
THETOS Text into Sign Language Automatic Translator for Polish
TMF Terminological Markup Framework
TMX Translation Memory eXchange
TOLL Thai On-Line Library
TONGUES Act II Audio Voice Translation Guide Systems
TS Translation Studies
TTS Theoretical Translation Studies

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List of Abbreviations xix

WebDIPLOMAT Web Distributed Intelligent Processing of Language

for Operational Machine Aided Translation
WebOnt Web Ontology
WWW World Wide Web
W3C WWW Consortium
XLIFF XML Localisation Interchange File Format

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XLT XML Representation of Lexicons and Terminologies
XML Extensible or Extensive Markup Language

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For over half a century, the demand for a variety of translations by
different groups of end-users has enabled many types of translation
tools to be developed. This is reflected in the systems that will be
discussed in this book, ranging from machine translation systems,
computer-aided translation tools and translation resources. The
majority of books and articles on translation technology focusing on
the development of these systems and tools have been written from
the point of view of researchers and developers. More recent publica-
tions written with translators in mind have focused on the use of
particular tools.
This book is intended as an introduction to translation technology
for students of translation. It can also be useful to professional trans-
lators and those interested in knowing about translation technology.
A different approach is taken in that descriptions of particular tools
are not provided, and the development of different machine trans-
lation and computer-aided translation tools and their uses are discussed.
Programming details and mathematical equations are not considered,
except in the discussion of the statistical approach to machine trans-
lation where minimal essential formulae are included. Descriptions
are given to allow readers to further investigate specific approaches
or issues that might interest them, using references cited throughout
the book. It is also important to note that no particular approach or
design is deemed to be better than any other. Each and every one has
their strengths and weaknesses. In many cases, readers will find that
examples of systems and tools are given but this does not suggest
that they are the best; they are simply examples to illustrate the
points made.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

2 Translation and Technology

While researching this book, I discovered that the majority of publi-

cations from the literature on translation technology are about the
development of machine translation systems, primarily involving
experimental systems developed or being developed at a number of
universities and large commercial corporations across the globe. The
book will show that many of these systems never achieved their

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commercial potential and remained as experimental tools, while some
others served as tools for other natural-language processing applications.
By contrast, not much literature seems to be available on computer-
aided tools such as translation memory systems. As we shall see in this
book, most computer-aided translation tools are developed by commer-
cial companies and, as a result, progress reports on these tools are rarely
published in the public domain. Furthermore, to cater to different
needs and demands, a tool like a translation memory system comes in
many versions from the most basic to the most advanced. Insights into
the use of these tools can be found in translator magazines and
occasionally also posted on the World Wide Web (WWW).
The evaluation of translation tools falls into a field that is well-
researched. Again we will see that most of the literature focuses on the
evaluation of machine translation systems. Furthermore, the extensive
use of translation tools and translation processes involved in the locali-
zation industry tend to be discussed separately, giving the impression
that they are not related to translation. These two areas are, however,
directly relevant to translation technology. Hence they are also included
in this book.
Essentially, the book contains what is felt should be included in order
to provide an overview of translation technology. In order to keep the
book at the given length, the topics have been carefully selected with
some described in greater detail than others. In some chapters, an
abbreviated historical background has been deemed necessary in order
to provide a better understanding of the topics discussed, especially in
the description of the development of machine translation systems and
their evaluation. However, in all cases, references have been provided
which readers may choose to pursue at a later time. Suggestions for
further reading are provided at the end of every chapter (Chapters 1 to 6).
The first chapter discusses the definitions of terms referring to the use
of computers in translation activities. Some of the terms can be confusing
to anyone who is unfamiliar with translation tools. In some cases, the
same translation tools are given different names depending on what
they are used for; in other cases, a tool may be differently classified
depending on the perspective of those who have developed that tool.

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Introduction 3

The aim in this chapter is therefore to clarify these terminological and

related matters. An alternative perspective to the four basic translation
types – fully automated high-quality machine translation, human-aided
machine translation, machine-aided human translation, and human
translation – first proposed by Hutchins and Somers (1992) is introduced
to reflect current developments in translation technology. This will be

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explored in more detail in the final chapter where the four translation
types are reviewed in relation to topics described in the book.
The second chapter discusses technology within the larger framework
of Translation Studies as a discipline, focusing on the relationship between
the engineering of translation technology, on the one hand, and
Translation Studies including translation theory, on the other hand. The
relationship between academic and professional groups involved in
translation is also examined. This in turn leads to a discussion of the
involvement of a particular approach in linguistic theories – known as
‘formalisms’ in natural-language processing – especially in the design of
machine translation systems. A different perspective on the translation
process involving pre- and post-editing tasks using a special variety of
language called ‘controlled language’ is also presented. This translation
process is described using the translation model proposed by Jakobson
(1959/2000), a translation model that differs significantly from the one
proposed by Nida (1969).
The third chapter gives detailed descriptions of different machine
translation system designs also known as ‘architectures’. The develop-
ment of machine translation over several decades, its capabilities and
the different types of machine translation systems, past and present, are
also included. Both experimental and commercial systems are discussed,
although the focus is on the experimental systems. Even though
machine translation has been well-documented elsewhere, a discussion
is deemed to be important for this book. It is felt that modern-day
professional translators should be informed about machine translation
systems because there is every reason to believe, as we shall discover in
Chapter 6, that future trends in translation technology are moving
towards integrated systems where at least one translation tool is combined
with another, as is already the case in the integration of machine trans-
lation with translation memory.
The fourth chapter describes the architectures and uses of several
computer-aided translation tools, such as translation memory systems,
as well as resources such as parallel corpora. Unlike machine translation
systems, which are largely developed by universities, most computer-
aided translation tools are developed by commercial companies. Thus,

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4 Translation and Technology

information about such tools is harder to obtain. This chapter will also
show that computer-aided translation tools are becoming more advanced
and using different operating systems, and so ‘standards for data inter-
change’ have been created. Three different standards are described.
Currently available commercial translation tools are also discussed. In
addition, this chapter presents an overview of other commercially avail-

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able tools such as those used in the localization industry.
The fifth chapter touches on the evaluation of translation technology.
The discussion focuses on different groups of stakeholders from research
sponsors to end-users. Also included in the discussion are the different
methods of evaluation: human, machine, and a combination of human
and machine as evaluator. The choice of method used depends on who
the evaluation is for and its purpose. It also depends on whether an
entire tool or only some components are evaluated. Also described in
this chapter is the general framework of evaluation offered by various
research groups in the USA and Europe. The literature on evaluation
concentrates on the evaluation of machine translation systems either
during the developmental stage or after the process of development is
completed. Less information is available on the evaluation of computer-
aided translation tools. What is available is found mainly in translation
journals, magazines and newsletters.
The sixth chapter presents some recent developments and shows the
direction in which translation technology is heading, in particular
regarding the future of machine translation systems that are now
incorporating speech technology features. The integration of speech
technology and traditional machine translation systems allows transla-
tion not only between texts or between stretches of speech, but also
between text and speech. This integration is proving to be useful in
many specific situations around the globe especially in international
relations and trade. This chapter also looks at research projects in
countries that are involved in the development of translation tools for
minority languages and discusses the problems encountered in developing
machine translation systems for languages that are less well-known and
not widely spoken. Another form of technology called the ‘Semantic
Web’ that has the potential to improve the performance of certain
machine translation systems is also described. Included in this chapter,
too, are issues such as linguistic dominance and translation demands
on the WWW that are already shaping parts of the translation industry.
The book concludes by presenting an expanded version of the four
basic classifications of translation types as suggested by Hutchins and
Somers (1992) and introduced in Chapter 1. It is concluded that the

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Introduction 5

one-dimensional linear continuum originally proposed is no longer

able to accurately reflect current developments in translation techno-
logy. Translation tools today come in different versions and types
depending on the purposes for which they are built. Some are multi-
functional while others remain monofunctional. An alternative way
must therefore be found to depict the complexities and multidimen-

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sional relationships between the four translation types and the topics
discussed in this book. It is not possible to put every single subject
discussed here into one diagram or figure, and so, in order to gain a
better understanding of how the issues are related to one another, they
are divided into groups. Topics or issues in each group have a common
theme that links them together, and are presented in a series of tables.
However, it is important to bear in mind that not all topics can be
presented neatly and easily even in this way. This clearly shows the
complexity and multidimensionality of translation activities in the
modern technological world.
At the end of the book, several Appendices provide information on
the various Internet sites for many different translation tools and trans-
lation support tools such as monolingual, bilingual, trilingual and
multilingual dictionaries, glossaries, thesauri and encyclopaedia. Only a
selected few are listed here, and as a result the lists are not exhaustive. It
is also important to note that some Internet sites may not be
permanent; at the time of the writing, every effort has been made to
ensure that all sites are accessible.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Definition of Terms

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In translation technology, terms commonly used to describe translation
tools are as follows:

• machine translation (MT);

• machine-aided/assisted human translation (MAHT);
• human-aided/assisted machine translation (HAMT);
• computer-aided/assisted translation (CAT);
• machine-aided/assisted translation (MAT);
• fully automatic high-quality (machine) translation (FAHQT/FAHQMT).

Distinctions between some of these terms are not always clear. For
example, computer-aided translation (CAT) is often the term used in
Translation Studies (TS) and the localization industry (see the second
part of this chapter), while the software community which develops
this type of tool prefers to call it ‘machine-aided translation’ (MAT). As
the more familiar term among professional translators and in the field
of Translation Studies, ‘computer-aided translation’ is used throughout
the book to represent both computer-aided translation and machine-aided
translation tools, and the term ‘aided’ is chosen instead of ‘assisted’, as
also in ‘human-aided machine translation’ and ‘machine-aided human
Figure 1.1 distinguishes four types of translation relating human and
machine involvement in a classification along a linear continuum
introduced by Hutchins and Somers (1992: 148). This classification,
now more than a decade old, will become harder to sustain as more
tools become multifunctional, as we shall see in Chapters 3, 4 and 6.
Nevertheless, the concept in Figure 1.1 remains useful as a point of
reference for classifying translation in relation to technology.

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Definition of Terms 7


Machine Human

Fully automated high Human-aided machine Machine-aided Human translation

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quality (machine) translation (HAMT) human translation (HT)
translation (FAHQT/ (MAHT)

MT = machine translation; CAT = computer-aided translation

Figure 1.1 Classification of translation types

Source: Hutchins and Somers (1992): 148.

The initial goal of machine translation was to build a fully automatic

high-quality machine translation that did not require any human
intervention. At a 1952 conference, however, Bar-Hillel reported that
building a fully automatic translation system was unrealistic and years
later still remained convinced that a fully automatic high-quality
machine translation system was essentially unattainable (Bar-Hillel
1960/2003: 45). Instead, what has emerged in its place is machine
translation, placed between FAHQT and HAMT on the continuum of
Figure 1.1. The main aim of machine translation is still to generate
translation automatically, but it is no longer required that the output
quality is high, rather that it is fit-for-purpose (see Chapters 2 and 3).
As for human-aided machine translation and machine-aided human
translation, the boundary between these two areas is especially unclear.
Both classes are considered to be computer-aided translation as indicated
in Figure 1.1 (Tong 1994: 4,730; see also Slocum 1988; Hutchins and
Somers 1992). However, in Schadek and Moses (2001), a different
classification has been proposed where only machine-aided human
translation is viewed as synonymous with computer-aided translation.
Human-aided machine translation is considered as a separate category.
The reasoning behind the view offered by Schadek and Moses is not
difficult to understand. At least theoretically, the difference between
the two is obvious. For human-aided machine translation, the
machine is the principal translator, while in machine-aided human
translation it is a human. In practice, however, it may be less easy today
to draw a distinguishable boundary between them. The blurring of
boundaries is further complicated when human-aided machine translation
is considered as a subclass of machine translation, an approach chosen
by Chellamuthu (2002). Since human-aided machine translation has

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8 Translation and Technology

the machine as the principal translator – a feature that is closer to

machine translation than to machine-aided human translation – it
makes little sense to include it under the category of computer-aided
translation. Consequently, this book adopts the distinction suggested
by Schadek and Moses (2001) in which machine-aided human translation is
synonymous with computer-aided translation and human-aided

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machine translation is a class on its own.
A decade ago most tools could have been placed in these individual
classes. A linear continuum, however, is no longer suitable for describing
many integrated systems of today as they contain features from more than
one class (see Chapter 6). An alternative way of presenting the current
state of translation technology is now required. As implied by the linear
continuum, these four translation types are not entirely separate and
distinct, and they now share many more similarities than when they were
first presented by Hutchins and Somers.

Table 1.1 An example of a table for describing

translation types


Topic A
Topic B

MT = machine translation; HAMT = human-aided machine

translation; CAT = computer-aided translation HT = human

One way of presenting these changes is to use a series of tables in order

to show the relationship of these four translation types with the topics
discussed in this book, as illustrated in principle in Table 1.1, where the
four translation types are reviewed in relation to selected groups of topics.
The series of tables will be described in detail in Chapter 7 when all
relevant topics have been discussed. Each table adopts a different perspec-
tive in order to show different kinds of relationship with respect to transla-
tion and technology.

Machine translation

The term ‘machine translation’ itself can be misleading. It has a long

history and, as a result, many interpretations. The term originally referred
only to automatic systems with no human involvement (Sager 1994: 326).
The European Association of Machine Translation defines it as ‘the

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Definition of Terms 9

application of computers to the task of translating texts from one natural

language to another’ ( while the Interna-
tional Association of Machine Translation (IAMT) defines machine transla-
tion as taking ‘input in the form of full sentences at a time [sic] and
generating corresponding full sentences (not necessarily of good quality)’
(Hutchins 2000a). These definitions are essentially variants of the same

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concept focusing on source or ‘input-language’ texts and target or
‘output-language’ texts.
Neither of the definitions above includes human intervention.
Others, such as Arnold et al. (1994: 1), mention some form of human
intervention: ‘the attempt to automate all or part of the process of
translating from one human language to another’ (my italics). When
some form of human intervention is mentioned in a definition, it often
becomes ‘murky’ (Balkan 1992: 408). This view is echoed by Archer
(2002: 100), according to whom scholars and researchers still disagree
on the definition of machine translation with respect to the involvement
of humans. However, since no other term has been forthcoming, it
continues to be used to refer to systems that are fully automated as well
as those with human involvement (Somers 2003b: 1). Figure 1.2 shows
how a source-language text can be processed by a machine translation
system. If the target text is produced automatically there is no human
intervention; however, human intervention may be employed before,
during and/or after machine translation (see also Arnold et al. 1994).
Further distinctions are also made. A machine translation system,
according to Hutchins (2000a), can be classified as operating on one of

SL text TL text

Human intervention

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 1.2 Machine translation model

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10 Translation and Technology

three levels: basic, standard or advanced, each level having its own
detailed technical definition given by the IAMT based on the size of the
dictionaries and the syntactic analysis used.
A basic-level system typically has the following characteristics. It

• has less than 50,000 entries in its largest dictionary,

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• has restricted dictionary expansion,
• is restricted to single-clause/basic sentence translations, and
• is suitable for home use.

A standard level system typically has the following characteristics. It

• has more than 50,000 entries in its largest dictionary,

• allows dictionary expansion,
• allows more than single-clause/basic sentence translations, and
• is suitable for home use and stand-alone office use.

An advanced level system typically has the following characteristics. It

• has more than 75,000 entries in its smallest dictionary,

• allows dictionary expansion,
• allows more than single-clause/basic sentence translations, and
• is suitable for offices with networked facilities.

Dictionaries as well as syntactic analysis and synthesis components

are important parts of a machine translation system (see Chapter 3).
The size of the dictionaries and the capabilities of the syntactic analysis
and synthesis components generally indicate how good a system is.
However, the levels indicated above may not necessarily be reflected in
commercial systems (Hutchins 2000a). An alternative perspective based
on usage is offered in the compendium compiled by Hutchins, Hartmann
and Ito (2004) and shown in Figure 1.3. The type labelled ‘Home’ refers
to machine translation systems for home users who have few or no
translation skills. The second type of machine translation labelled

Machine translation system

Home Online Professional Organization

Figure 1.3 Machine translation system based on usage

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Definition of Terms 11

‘Online’ is designed specifically for the translation of electronic documents

obtained from the Web. The third type is designed for professional
translators, and the last for employees of large companies.
Examples of successful commercial machine translation systems
include SPANAM (Spanish American) and ENGSPAN (English Spanish),
which were developed by the Pan American Health Organization

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(PAHO). Since 1980, both systems have processed over 70 million words
(see http:/ / These
two systems are licensed to public and commercial organizations in North
America, Latin America and Europe. In contrast, examples of experimental
machine translation systems include the ALT-J/E (Automatic Language
Translator Japanese to English), and ALT-J/C (Automatic Language
Translator Japanese to Chinese) systems, both developed by Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT).

Human-aided machine translation

A generally accepted view of human-aided machine translation is ‘a

system wherein the computer is responsible for producing the translation
per se, but may interact with a human monitor at many stages along the
way’ (Slocum 1988: 5). In other words, the machine carries out most of
the work but it might need human assistance either at the text-preparation
stage or the output stage. The former process is known as ‘pre-editing’
and the latter ‘post-editing’. The main task of pre-editing is to discover
any elements such as odd phrases or idioms and typographical errors
that may create problems for the machine translation system during the
translation process. The human editor or translator amends the source-
language text accordingly. Post-editing involves correcting the translation
output generated by the machine translation system, a task performed
by the human editor or translator in order to bring the text to a certain
pre-determined standard in terms of language style and appropriate use
of terms. These processes will be described in further detail in Chapter 2.
Human intervention is also possible during the translation stage –
when prompted by the system – to provide appropriate equivalents for
ambiguous or unknown terms. Figure 1.4 shows where human inter-
vention [H] is possible.
Many human-aided machine translation systems are designed to
operate on a limited number of types of source-language texts, for
example, those written with a restricted grammar and vocabulary in a
so-called ‘controlled language’ (see Chapter 2). This limitation on the
types of text used as input to the system is similar to that on inputs to

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

12 Translation and Technology

Unedited SL text [H]

Pre-edited SL
text [H]

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Machine TL text
Controlled translation
language (SL) system
Text [H] Post-editing [H]

Pre-editing [H]
Machine and human
interaction [H]

SL = source language; TL = target language; H = human

Figure 1.4 Human-aided machine translation model

machine translation, for example, technical texts such as legal briefs,

manuals and laboratory reports are particularly suitable. A source-
language text may come in different forms: pre-edited, controlled or
unedited (see Figure 1.4). As we have seen, a pre-edited text is one that
has been edited by a human, in most cases by someone other than the
author, prior to the translation process, whereas a controlled-language
text is usually written following certain strict linguistic rules. Sometimes,
a source-language text can also be edited using the controlled-language
vocabulary and linguistic rules. Ideally, pre-edited and controlled-
language texts are free from ambiguity and complex sentences.
Unedited text, on the other hand, has had no editing prior to translation.
For systems that have an interactive mode, a human is allowed to
correct or select appropriate equivalents during the automatic translation
process (see Chapter 3). Otherwise, corrections can only be performed
at the post-editing stage, which is after the machine translation system
has produced the translation.
The literature on human-aided machine translation is very limited.
The reason for this is that the difference between this category and full
machine translation is blurred since some definitions of machine transla-
tion also allow for human translators to carry out pre- and post-editing,
as indicated earlier. Examples of human-aided machine translation

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Definition of Terms 13

systems are MaTra Pro and Lite developed at the National Centre for
Software Technology based in Mumbai, India, that translate from
English into Hindi. Human-aided machine translation systems have
been implemented at Schreiber Translations, Inc., Foreign Language
Services, Inc. and Ralph McElroy Translation Company, all companies
that are employed to translate patents for the United States (US) Patent

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and Trademark Office.

Machine-aided human translation

Machine-aided human translation has been described as the use of

computer software by translators ‘to perform part of the process of
translation’ (Sager 1994: 326). Integrated machine-aided human
translation systems are sometimes known as ‘workbenches’ or ‘work-
stations’, as they combine a number of tools. These are described in
Chapter 4. Below, Figure 1.5 shows that the focus in this type of
translation is on the human translator, who uses an assortment of
tools such as spell-checkers, electronic glossaries, electronic diction-
aries, terminology databases and collections of previously translated
texts and their originals, that is translation ‘memory’, to support the
translation process.
Some examples of commercial machine-aided human translation systems
are the Translator’s Workbench by Trados GmbH, Transit by Star AG,
SDLX Translation Suite by SDL International and Déjà Vu by Atril.

Tool 2: Electronic Tool 3: Electronic

glossaries dictionaries

Tool 1: Database Human

of previous SL TL text
and TL texts

post-editing [H]

Tool 4: Terminology Tool 5: Spell-

databases checkers

SL = source language; TL = target language; H = human

Figure 1.5 Machine-aided human translation model

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14 Translation and Technology

Human translation

Nowadays, it is common to find professional translators using some

kind of computer-aided translation tool in their work. A description of
such a modern-day human translator at work is presented here, written
specifically for this book by a professional translator based in Singapore

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and Sydney, Stephen Moore, who translates between English and Japanese.
With Moore’s permission, his piece was edited; explanations have been
added in square brackets for further clarification. His description of a
modern-day translator at work is as shown in Box 1.1.
The account is from a translator who is highly computer literate and
willing to learn to use new tools in order to improve his translation
service. His attitude guarantees that he is not being left behind in the
competitive environment of securing translation jobs. This may not
necessarily be the case for every translator. Researchers such as Gaspari
(2001), Yuste Rodrigo (2001) and Bowker (2002) have discussed resistance

Box 1.1 A translator at work

I have registered with a number of agencies for the language pair of

Japanese and English specializing in the chemical-related field. Various
companies and organizations in the chemical industry also know
my capabilities due to my work as a journalist in this area and have
been working with me on a regular basis for some time. Part of my
regular work involves translation of newspaper articles on a daily basis.
I receive Word documents via email in the late afternoon, and generally
I am committed to returning the translations within two days.
The first thing I do is to ascertain whether the material is based on a
press release. If so, there is a likelihood that an English language
version of the press release can be found on the Internet. The next
best scenario would be that the Japanese language press release is
posted on the Internet. This can help as background material.
Whilst working I always maintain a broadband connection to an
online dictionary to look up technical words and the search engine
Google for words that cannot be found in the online and the bilingual
(Japanese–English) dictionaries. Other dictionaries that I use include
one for chemical-specific terms and one for the names of organizations.
For words that cannot be sourced using online or conventional
dictionaries, I may employ a variety of search engines. There is a
technique, however, to finding English equivalents of Japanese

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Definition of Terms 15

Box 1.1 (Continued)

words through the Google search engine that comes with experience.
Sometimes some ingenuity is required. Just typing in the Japanese
word and the word ‘English’ into the search field [where a query

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word or phrase is entered for Google to perform the search] is
unlikely to produce any useful results. A good first attempt for a
difficult technical term is to guess one of the component words
found in the term. As an example, I would type in the Japanese
term in the search field and then add the
English word ‘film’. This may lead me to the English equivalent,
which is ‘anisotropic conductive film’ (a type of material used in
the electronics industry).
One point I might add is that even with transliterations from
English to Japanese I have to be careful. One example is ‘shiito’
[based on ‘sheet’] as in ‘polarization shiito’, which can appear in
English technical material but the proper English term is really
‘polarization film’. Sometimes there is no English equivalent but
enough examples of its use in the source language can be found to
pinpoint the meaning. However, I would never use this method to
‘hazard a guess’. If unsure, I have to seek help either in a mailing
list I subscribe to or go back to my client. It may turn out to be a
term that only my client’s company uses.
With the growth of the chemical industry’s interest in China, it
is advantageous to have the knowledge of the Chinese language and
capability on my computer to assist me with tracking down names of
places and organizations. Although the Japanese pronunciation
and character style are slightly different when compared to the
Chinese characters, I sometimes have to revert to a Chinese dictionary
to look up the relevant characters and pronunciation, and then
input the Chinese characters into a search engine such as Google.
As Japanese characters are derived from old Chinese characters,
there are many similarities, even with the simplified characters
that Mainland China [the People’s Republic of China] now uses.
[Simplified Chinese script has fewer strokes per character than
Traditional Chinese, for example compared to for ‘horse’
and compared to for ‘treasure’]. For example, I tried to look
up the name of an obscure Chinese company (written in
Simplified Chinese: ) found in a Japanese
language press release. Hence the search was unsuccessful. So I took out
my Chinese dictionary, and systematically looked up each character

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16 Translation and Technology

Box 1.1 (Continued)

from its radical. [A radical is a semantic classifier. It categorizes

words based on their meanings rather than spelling since Chinese is
logographic in nature – written from left to right or top to bottom –

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where each character stands for a single word or a single syllabic
morpheme (Boltz 1996: 191, 199), for example, the character ‘moon’
is the radical of the word , which means ‘shares’ in a company.]
The Pinyin romanization of the obscure Chinese company name
is ‘Ningbo Lianhe Touzhi Konggu Youxian Gongsi’. [Pinyin
romanization is a form of spelling based on sound in Mandarin. It
is also known as Hanyu Pinyin, which literally means ‘Han
language pinyin’. Romanization refers to the phonetic notation and
transliteration to Roman script. This is not anglicization.] Thus I
typed the Pinyin romanization letters into my Chinese-capable
Apple Macintosh computer and converted them to the appropriate
characters in Chinese. I then conducted an Internet search using
the Chinese Yahoo! search engine, but alas, I could still not find an
English equivalent. I ended up having to go to the Japanese
company that had issued the press release to ask.
Another useful link while translating is company websites. They
contain proper nouns such as specific company departments and
product names, which are useful as background material. When all
else fails, I consult my peers on the Japanese translators mailing list
for help. This has never failed me so far. At the end of the day, the
less I trouble my clients with requests for assistance, the more likely
I am to receive more work.
I was using the offline version of the online dictionary software
when I was using OS 9.2 [operating system for Apple Macintosh
computers] on my Mac, but when I upgraded to OS X [read as OS
‘ten’]. I found the software to be too unstable when running in the
Classic mode [a choice of operating setting for Apple Macintosh
computers]. However, now that OS X has been refined to a higher
version (10.2.6), the software is working fine. This allows me to build
up a custom dictionary, and it is particularly useful when I am on
the road, where Internet dial-up connections can be slow and costly,
thus precluding extensive use of the Web. For some clients who are
version (10.2.6), the software is working fine. This allows me to build
up a custom dictionary, and it is particularly useful when I am on the
road, where Internet dial-up connections can be slow and costly, thus

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Definition of Terms 17

Box 1.1 (Continued)

precluding extensive use of the Web. For some clients who are Micro-
soft Office savvy, I use tags [hidden comments or remarks which are
inserted in the translated text by the translator] when I am unsure of

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my translation or want to clarify it. The client or the client’s proof
reader will similarly use tags for questions and clarifications.
I have also started to experiment with a translation memory tool
called WordFast. The shareware program is a Microsoft macro that can
be used on any version of Office and on any operating system. [A
macro in Microsoft is a saved sequence of commands or keyboard
strokes that can be stored and recalled with a single command or
keyboard stroke]. Initial tests with my laptop (processing speed at
400 MHz) indicated that the software runs excessively slow to the
point of being impractical. Once I have my desktop computer
configured to 750 MHz, I plan to retest the software before deciding
whether to purchase a license. An interesting point with this program
is that translation memories [see Chapter 4] can be set up for each
client and shared with them. Memories can also be imported/exported
to/from Trados Translator’s Workbench and other similar software.
One thing I am slightly concerned about is how applicable a
translation memory will be to my line of work. For manuals or other
repetitive work, memories are great, but for translating newspaper
articles and other creative work, overreliance could result in boring
news items! I might also lose a bit of my creativity. Therefore, it is
good to exercise the mind a bit and think about what English word
to use for a given Japanese source word. In my experience, Japanese
news stories can be a bit mundane in that they tend to follow a fixed
style and repeatedly use the same words. One example is the word
‘kyoka’ which literally means, ‘make strong’. However, in English, I
could use ‘augment’, ‘enhance’, ‘enrich’, ‘reinforce’, ‘strengthen’ or
‘build up’. Sometimes the best choice is found in the context and
sometimes the context might allow me to use a word I would never
have thought of. My point is: I feel that overreliance on spell-
checkers, grammar-checkers, and thesauri would adversely affect my
capability here. The same may be said for translation aids in certain
cases of creative translations. It could dull our creativity as well. I feel
that in order to remain a creative translator, I have to continue to
exercise my brain. Note that for a lot of translation work, particularly
manuals, this technology is great.

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18 Translation and Technology

towards embracing translation technology and why in their view this

attitude needs changing. The absence of input from translators in the
development of machine translation and computer-aided translation
tools, whether due to the lack of knowledge or interest, is probably the
main reason for this resistance.
The tension between humans and machines developed as a corollary

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to new technology entering the translation process. According to Yuste
Rodrigo (2001), a high proportion of translators-to-be are concerned
about the impact of machine translation on their profession and have
admitted that they do not know much about translation technology.
The main fear of some professional translators was ‘not to be seized by a
machine’ (Yuste Rodrigo 2001: 1). This fear is yet to be completely elim-
inated since, historically, many machine translation systems have been
presented as a means to dispense with human translators (Bennett and
Gerber 2003: 185, 189; see also Tsujii 1991). It is, however, unfounded
and results from high expectations with respect to the potential of
machine translation systems (Tsujii 1991: 3). Nevertheless, some profes-
sional translators still find technology that demands changes in their
translation routine and performance within a very brief time-span
distressing. Others, who have been using translation tools in their work,
acknowledge that the quality of their translations and the level of
productivity have increased. What they still find difficult is to articulate
and quantify the benefits that they have gained from using translation
Through translation technology training, perhaps the negative
mindset held by some professional translators may change (Robichaud
and L’Homme 2003). It is difficult to imagine a translator who could
not usefully employ some form of technology, be it online dictionaries
or search engines, regardless of the type of text s/he works with.
Moore’s account illustrates that even for non-technical texts, resources
such as online dictionaries, are extremely helpful. With increasing
demands for rapid translation and the new working methods of many
translation companies and clients, human translators today are more or
less forced to use computer-aided translation tools; in rare cases,
machine translation systems are also used. And whenever a machine
translation system is used, professional translators need long-term
commitment and positive attitudes, innovative responses and creative
problem-solving ability (Koby 2001: 16).
Lack of information has also played a part in forming negative attitudes:
‘Many professional translators, and their organisations, have proved to
be remarkably ignorant about the progress made in machine translation

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Definition of Terms 19

technology’ (Haynes 1998: viii). Similar preconceived notions are said

to have spread even to the use of computer-aided translation tools
(Gaspari 2001). These reactions may have originated from a lack of
understanding or desire to learn the use of other tools apart from word-
processing software, or from conflicting stories of the success and
failure of different research and commercial machine translation

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systems. The lack of success by developers of translation technology
may have been caused by not adhering to a set of simples rules: identify
what technology can do best and what humans can do best, keep the
technology simple to use and adapt the technology to meet the needs
of professional translators (Hunt 2002).
Professional translators today are required to have ‘professional and
linguistic skills in connection with the increasing use of new technologies’
(Archer 2002: 87). With extended exposure and further education in
translation technology, translators are increasingly becoming familiar
with the necessary technology. In recent years, many universities have
started to offer courses in the use of translation tools to trainee translators.
For example, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dublin City
University in Ireland, Kent State University in the USA, Rand Afrikaans
University in South Africa, the University of Surrey in the UK, the
University of Joensuu in Finland and the University of Ottawa in
Canada (see also Robichaud and L’Homme 2003).

The localization industry

In any discussion of translation technology, the significant role played by

the localization industry cannot be ignored. Traditionally, the localization
industry has consisted of two sectors: the manufacturers of hardware
and software, and the localization service providers (see the website of
the Localisation Industry and Standards Association or LISA at http:// Today, however, other sectors such as telecommunications,
language service providers and even universities are involved in the
localization industry as businesses try to reach out to a wider audience.
Much has been written about this industry, and therefore, only a brief
description will be given in this book. Detailed discussions of the localiza-
tion industry can be found in Esselink (2000 and 2003) and Pym (2004).
Localization is the process of changing the documentation of a
product, a product itself or the delivery of services so that they are
appropriate and acceptable to the target society and culture. It concerns
the changes required to cater to the needs of a particular ‘locale’ (Esselink
2000: 3), that is a group of people tied through a shared language and

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20 Translation and Technology

culture. An example of the process is the translation and adaptation of

Time magazine into Portuguese and Spanish for Latin American readers
(Sprung and Vourvoulias-Bush 2000). The Latin Portuguese and Spanish
readers form two locales, both different from the European Portuguese
and Spanish locales. A different locale is also likely to require changes to
a number of items, including the currency and the way in which the

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date and time are written, all of which may vary according to the
particular country (Esselink 2002).
From a translation point of view, localization is mainly but not
entirely a linguistic task that involves transferring the text as naturally
as possible into the target language, to make the translation ‘linguisti-
cally and culturally appropriate’ for a specific market (Esselink 1998: 2).
However, localization goes beyond the mere linguistic and adjustments
to measurements: target audiences may perceive colours, icons and
symbols differently. Thus organizations have to tailor their products to
match the language and culture of the countries they intend to do business
in, including countries with different varieties of the same language.
Sometimes the same word or symbol may have different meanings for
different groups. Indonesia and Malaysia, for instance, use different
varieties of Malay, resulting in possible misunderstandings. Hence, in
Indonesian Malay, the verb ‘butuh’ is common and means ‘need’,
‘necessity’ or ‘want’. In Malaysian Malay, however, the word falls under
the noun class and is a vulgarism referring to human male genitalia.
Moreover, the long colonization period of Indonesia by the Dutch and
of Malaysia by the English has also resulted in different loan words
being assimilated into the vocabulary such as ‘karcis’ from ‘kaartje’ by
Indonesian Malay from Dutch, while Malaysian Malay uses ‘tiket’ from
the English ‘ticket’. Borrowed international terms from English also
differ such as ‘situs web’ in Indonesian Malay and ‘laman web’ in
Malaysian Malay for ‘website’.


Until the early 1990s, the time when the Internet began to be used
worldwide, the translation types given in Hutchins and Somers (1992)
were certainly applicable. More than a decade later, the boundaries of
these four translation types have become more blurred. Although many
writers in the field still make clear distinctions, these have become
harder to maintain as technology becomes increasingly multifunctional
and more multitasking. The pace of change in the development of
translation technology is extremely rapid; what is current today may

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Definition of Terms 21

become outdated tomorrow. With this development in mind, only two

chapters of this book are loosely based on the classification proposed by
Hutchins and Somers (1992); machine translation is discussed in Chapter 3
and computer-aided translation tools in Chapter 4, while the remaining
chapters will cover other topics relevant to translation technology.

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Suggested reading
Austermühl, F. (2001) Electronic Tools for Translators. Manchester: St Jerome
Publishing. See chapter 1.
Hutchins, W.J. and H.L. Somers (1992) An Introduction to Machine Translation.
London: Academic Press Limited.
O’Hagan, M. and D. Ashworth (2002) Translation-Mediated Communication in A
Digital World: Facing the Challenges of Globalization and Localization. Cleveden:
Multilingual Matters.
Pym, A. (2004) The Moving Text: Localization, Translation and Distribution.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Somers, H.L. (ed.) (2003a) Computers and Translation: A Translator’s Guide.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Translation Studies and Translation

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This chapter is concerned with the relationship between Translation
Studies and translation technology. We begin by discussing translation
theory and describing the professional and academic groups who are
involved in translation. In addition, the schema of the applied branch
of Translation Studies proposed by John S. Holmes (1988/2000) is
explored to show the areas of Translation Studies that have direct rele-
vance to natural-language processing applications. A description of
several stages in the translation process follows, involving pre- and
post-editing tasks. We also consider the idea of a ‘controlled language’,
frequently used to author texts as input for machine translation systems.
The semiotic classification of translation models introduced by Roman
Jakobson (1959/2000) is used to illustrate a different perspective on the
translation process, involving editing tasks and controlled language.

Translation theory

According to Chesterman (2003), the notion of translation theory is

‘fuzzy’. It is also said to be ‘a misnomer, a blanket term’ (Newmark
1981: 19). A translation theory may refer to many different things such
as hypotheses, models, assumptions, beliefs, concepts and doctrines. It
has numerous interpretations but only one aim: to increase the under-
standing of translation phenomena. Even the notion of translation
itself is not entirely clear. However, the core notion of translation is
generally accepted to be the transfer of a message written in one
language into another. Translation theory is, therefore, in one view an
attempt to create a model of how messages are transferred from a
source-language text into a target-language text by giving ‘some insight


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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 23

into the relation between thought, meaning and language’ (Newmark

1981: 19). It is concerned with what is transferred and why.
Figure 2.1 shows the approximate chronological continuum of trans-
lation theories (see also Gentzler 1993; Munday 2001) ranging from ‘word-
for-word versus sense-for-sense’ prior to the early twentieth century to a
number of different approaches emerging in the 1970s. We see here

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that translation theories evolved from simple word-for-word versus
sense-for-sense or ‘literal versus free’ approaches into something
considerably more complex. The debate can be traced back to Cicero
(first century BC) and St Jerome (fourth/fifth centuries AD). For centuries,
until the second half of the twentieth century, the word-for-word approach,
which refers to the replacement of one word in the source-language
text with another in the target-language text, was pitched against the
sense-for-sense approach, more concerned with preserving the meaning
of the source-language text rather than its precise wording, but without
being completely ‘free’. The translations of Greek texts and the Holy
Bible into Latin, the translations of Greek scientific and philosophical
texts into Arabic and the Chinese translations of Buddhist sutras from
Sanskrit influenced these early writings on translation theory (Munday
2001: 19–20; see also Delisle and Woodsworth 1995).
In the first half of the twentieth century, translation theory was
heavily influenced by the German literary and philosophical traditions
that can be seen in the works of philosophers such as Walter Benjamin
and Ezra Pound (Venuti 2000: 11). The period between the 1950s and
the 1960s saw the dominance of linguistic theories that focused on the
description and analysis of translation procedures, for example Vinay
and Darbelnet (1958/2000), and typologies of equivalence, for example
Catford (1965). Vinay and Darbelnet’s work identifies a number of
different strategies and procedures of translation. Although their analysis
was restricted to English and French, the seven procedures that they
introduced, ranging from simple borrowing of a source-language word

<20th century 1900–40s 1950s–60s 1970s–

Word-for-Word Word-for-Word Linguistics Linguistics

Sense-for-Sense Sense-for-Sense Dynamic–Formal Cultural Studies
Systems Theories
Functional Theories
(e.g. Skopos Theory)

Figure 2.1 Chronology of translation theories

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24 Translation and Technology

into the target language to the more complex procedure of adapting

cultural references that do not exist in the target-language culture, have
had a wider impact.
The same period also saw the return of the dichotomy of oppositions
similar to that of word-for-word versus sense-for-sense such as ‘formal
versus dynamic’ as proposed by Eugene Nida (1964), where the former

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leans toward the source-language text structures while the latter adapts
the translation more closely to the target language in order to achieve
naturalness. In the late 1970s, another similar dichotomy was introduced
by Juliane House in the form of ‘overt versus covert’. While in ‘overt’
translation, it is clear that the target-language text is a translation from
another language, ‘covert’ translation does not show that the target text
originates in another language. In the early 1980s, Peter Newmark
introduced the dichotomy of ‘semantic translation’, which follows as
closely as possible the semantic and syntactic structures of the source-
language text, and ‘communicative translation’, which is focused on
the reader and ‘attempts to produce . . . an effect as close as possible to
that obtained on the readers of the original’ (Newmark 1981: 39),
recalling Nida’s well-known ‘dynamic equivalence’. All these dichotomies
are in a way reminiscent of the word-for-word versus sense-for-sense
debate, documented earlier in the history of translation theory; however,
they are not identical since these new dichotomies were often influ-
enced by linguistics (Venuti 2000: 122).
With Syntactic Structures and Aspects of the Theory of Syntax – published
in 1957 and 1965 respectively – Noam Chomsky introduced ‘transfor-
mational grammar’ or more specifically ‘transformational-generative
grammar’ and, as a result, changed the way language could be studied.
Here, the grammar attempts to define linguistic rules that can produce
an infinite number of grammatical sentences in a language from a set of
finite rules and a lexicon. With his original transformational-generative
grammar, Chomsky proposed that a sentence has two levels of
representation in the form of an underlying deep structure and a
surface form which can be mapped onto the semantic deep structure
via ‘transformations’, such as passivization, pronominalization and
In the early days of translation theory, Nida’s idea of the translation
process as working from the source text to the target text by reaching
down to an underlying level of meaning as the means of ‘transfer’ between
the languages resonates with Chomsky’s model, as we shall see below in
Figure 2.2. The phrase structure rules used in some rule-based machine
translation systems are also derivative (see, for instance, the transfer

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 25

approach in Chapter 3). However, since Chomsky’s transformational

generative grammar was first introduced, notions such as deep and surface
structures have been abandoned and newer aspects of the transforma-
tional grammar were introduced in the 1980s and the 1990s.
Although linguistic theories remained influential, by the late 1970s
other theories had begun to emerge in order to explain phenomena in

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translation that had not been addressed in linguistics. One such example
is ‘Skopos’ theory, one of a number of so-called ‘functional approaches’
to translation that had developed in Germany. The emergence of Skopos
theory is seen as part of a general shift from predominantly linguistic-
based translation theories to a theory that has an orientation towards
the way a translation functions in the target society and culture. In Greek,
skopos means aim, purpose, goal, objective and intention. It is a technical
term used by Hans Vermeer (1996) to refer to the purpose of a transla-
tion, which determines the strategy to be used during the translation
process (Munday 2001:79). Skopos theory also allows a source-language
text to be translated into a number of different target-language texts
depending on the purpose specified in the so-called ‘translation commis-
sion’ or brief.
Vermeer’s Skopos theory draws heavily on the ‘translational action theory’
developed by Justa Holz-Mänttäri, which represents a function-oriented
approach to the theory and practice of translation. A source-language
text is an ‘offer of information’ (‘Informationsangebot’) made by the source-
language author to his/her recipients. The translation of the source text
is then characterized as an ‘offering’ of that same information to another
culture in its own language. The way the translation is performed is
determined by many factors such as the needs, expectations and culture
of the target-language text recipients. Thus, translation is seen as a
process of intercultural communication where the translated text is
capable of functioning according to specific target situations and uses
(Mason 1998: 33). With respect to machine translation, the intended
use of the target-language text will decide, for example, whether the
source-language text gets pre-edited and/or the target-language text gets
post-edited in line with quality expectations. In other words, transla-
tion is guided by how the target-language text will be used by its
intended readers.
Common ground between Translation Studies and translation tech-
nology – and machine translation in particular – may be found within
functional approaches to translation. According to Trujillo (1999: 3), the
Skopos theory of translation strategy, for example, ‘arose as a response
to the growing need for non-literary translation’. The focus on the

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26 Translation and Technology

purpose of the target text in relation to its translation setting resonates

with a common definition of translation quality as ‘fitness for purpose’.
In addition to influencing whether a text submitted to machine transla-
tion is pre- and/or post-edited depending on its intended use, it is also
appropriate to consider how the purpose may influence the decision to
choose human or machine translation in the first place. As we shall

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see, a ‘dirty’ machine translation output may be perfectly adequate for
information on the topic of a text, but not for the annual speech by the
chairman of the board.
Owing to ‘the very nature of translation as a complex human (and
machine) activity’, Chesterman (2000) has argued that there is a need
to explore different translation theories in order ‘to build a general
empirical theory of translation that is both rich and robust’. Thus far, no
single theory is able to explain every translation phenomenon. Instead
theories of translation have been influenced by different disciplines and
the philosophical backgrounds of translation scholars. Consequently, the
definition of a ‘translation theory’ depends on the ideology subscribed
to by the translation scholar (Chesterman 2000). Perhaps for scholars
who are involved in developing natural-language processing applications,
in particular machine translation, a translation theory that could guide
computer programming to enable the translations of controlled
language texts in restricted subject fields may be needed (Melby and
Warner 1995: 157, 165).

Academic and professional groups in translation

The next few sections will discuss the often uneasy relationships
between four professional and academic groups: linguists, professional
translators, translation theorists and scientists, and how each group
approaches the phenomenon of translation.

Translators and linguists

According to Halliday (2001: 13), linguists have introduced nearly all
known translation theories. To most linguists, translation theory is about
‘the study of how things are’ including ‘the nature of the translation
process and the relation between texts in translation’ (Halliday 2001: 13)
and ‘why translations are the way they are’ (Mossop 2000: 44). The
perspective is descriptive in nature (Mossop 2000: 44). The goal is to
provide explanations by describing linguistic usage as it actually is
(Crystal 1993: 100; see also Shreve 2002). This is a departure from the
prescriptive perspective propagated by earlier generations of scholars

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 27

whereby linguists sought to prescribe norms of usage (Crystal 1993:

275; see also Riccardi 2002b). The change in linguistics has also
influenced the way translation is viewed by linguists. As viewed by
many, translation is an extension of language studies (Neubert 1996:
88) or a sub-field of applied linguistics (Baker 2001: 47); hence the
dependence on linguistics as a descriptive and explanatory discipline

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is inevitable.
To most professional translators, on the other hand, translation theory
is about ‘how things ought to be: what constitutes good or effective
translation and what can help to achieve a better or more effective product’
(Halliday 2001: 13). For translators, translation theory is a ‘solution
provider’ to problems they encounter during translation (Chesterman
2000). Professional translators continue to view translation theory from
a prescriptive perspective expecting theory to take on a problem-solving
role. Thus the two groups have very different ideas as to what embodies
translation theory.

Translators and translation theorists

The ‘antagonism between “practicing” [sic][professional] translators and
“theorists of translation”’ (Lefevere 1996: 46–50) runs deep because
each camp has its own traditions and holds the firm opinion that their
method is best. Newmark (1981: 23–36) states that translation theorists
are concerned primarily with meaning and the varieties of meaning. They
are also concerned with the appropriate general method of translation,
every type of translation procedure, specific linguistic problems such as
cultural terms and metaphor, and with ensuring that no linguistic or
cultural factor is ignored during the translation process. For translation
theorists, solving the problems of professional translators is a matter of
interest only when the approaches they have suggested are involved.
It has been said that professional translators do not always produce
convincing theoretical explanations for their translation decisions.
They are also said to be only interested in ‘workplace procedures . . . in
order to help them improve’ their translations (Mossop 2000: 46).
However, translation theorists as well as linguists often have little
interest in providing specific guidelines to professional translators and
to translation trainees, with a few exceptions such as Malone (1988)
and Vinay and Darbelnet (1958/1995). Their research focus is to describe
and explain the processes and products of translation (Fawcett 1997;
Chesterman 2000).
One professional translator (Moore 2002: personal communication)
finds that his lack of knowledge of translation theory considerably

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28 Translation and Technology

reduces his ability to explain to his clients the reason why he translates
in a particular way (see also Ulrych 2002). Noguiera (2002), also a
professional translator, captures this sentiment when he states that
there are many bright and brilliant translators who could but do not
contribute to translation theory. Since they are practising translators
they can ill-afford to spend the time or effort working on theory. Thus

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most of what they write is usually found in the form of short e-mails in
discussion lists for professional translators. As a result, the majority of
written contributions come from the theorists. The existence of two
groups among professional translators, the translators of creative texts
on the one hand, and of specialists including the translators of technical
texts on the other hand, complicates the matter further, with the former
subscribing to literary- and/or cultural studies-based theories, and the latter
favouring linguistic-based theories, according to Lefevere (1996: 45–55).
Given the contradictory functions of translation theorists and profes-
sional translators with respect to translation theory, Newmark (1981: 36)
offers a suggestion about what translation theory can do for professional
translators: it can show what is or what may be involved in the translation
process, offer general principles and guidelines, and stop translators from
making mistakes. He cautions, however, that no translation theory can
turn a bad translator into a good one.

Linguists and translation theorists

In its concern with the study of language, linguistics has produced
numerous theories about how language works. As a language activity,
translation can be seen as part of linguistics. Thus a theory of translation
drawn from linguistic theory must be viewed as a logical outcome (see
also Catford 1965). For example, by studying linguistics it can be shown
how language varies in relation to social status, age, gender and so
on, and this can help to inform translation decisions. The relationship
between linguistics and translation theory could, however, be more
mutually beneficial, something that has continued to be reflected in the
literature (Fawcett 1997: 1–2). This was anticipated by Bell (1991: xv, 21)
when he pointed out that translation theorists had made limited use of
the techniques and insights of contemporary linguistics and, at times,
have demonstrated their lack of understanding of the principles of
linguistics and its methods of investigation. Linguists, on the other hand,
have been either neutral or, at times, even hostile to the notion of a
theory of translation because they have failed to fully understand its
objectives and methods.

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 29

The concept of translation as a ‘science’ and at the same time, an ‘art’

or ‘craft’, may have something to do with the view held by some linguists.
The notion that translation is a ‘science’, or perhaps a ‘discipline’, is
acceptable to linguists, who strive to make objective observations and
descriptions of linguistic phenomena. It is the notion of translation as an
‘art’ or ‘craft’, as influenced by literary theory and criticism, philosophy

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and rhetoric, with the creative aspect as the focal point in translation
(see also Savory 1968; Biguenet and Schulte 1989) that is a notion less
easily embraced by linguists, as it is not open to objective description
and explanation. As a result of these contradictory views, a theory of
translation is often not taken seriously (Bell 1991: 4).

Linguists and scientists

Another group that exists almost independently of the ones discussed
above are the ‘scientists’, including computer scientists, language engineers
and computational linguists, who write computer programs and use
linguistic theories to develop the language component of machine trans-
lation systems. Computational scientists have applied linguistic theories
to enhance the performance of machine translation systems because
linguistics offers ‘a range of observations, techniques and theories that
may be adopted and extended within the MT [machine translation] enter-
prise’ (Bennett 2003: 157). However, scientists do not in general contribute
to the body of linguistic and/or translation literature. Acknowledgements
or references to translation theory are also scarce even in relation to the
architectures of rule-based machine translation systems, which contain
linguistic applications (see Chapter 3). Although rule-based architectures
rely on linguistic approaches, they also resemble the three-step trans-
lation process introduced by Nida (1969: 484) as illustrated in Figure 2.2.

SL text TL text

Analysis Transfer Restructure

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 2.2 Translation process model

Source: Nida (1969): 484.

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30 Translation and Technology

For the scientist, the main issue is not whether linguistics is prescrip-
tive or descriptive; a more important criterion is that the particular
approach applied must be computationally tractable (Bennett 2003: 144).
This means that to be useful to the building of a machine translation
system, the computer program implementing the linguistic approach must
run at a practical or acceptable speed on a standard computer. Linguists,

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on the other hand, are more interested in language from a human
perspective and since many obstacles are encountered in the process of
studying and describing a single language, it is not in their interest to
even consider studying and describing two languages involving trans-
lation. This is compounded by their misconception (like many others)
of the real purpose of the development of machine translation systems
(Hutchins 1979: 29), which is not to replace human translators.
In the absence of a real human brain which can provide immediate
insights into the processing and generation of texts, to the scientist,
machine translation is a good alternative that can be used to test
linguistic theories through simulation. However, the reluctance of
linguists to venture into experimenting with simulating brain processes
via machines may be due to the fact that there are still many uncertain-
ties as to what goes on in the brain. As speakers of a language, linguists
can always rely on their own intuitions about what is correct or gram-
matical and what is not in order to conduct linguistic testing. This is
based on the assumption that a language user must ‘know’ the ‘rules’ of
his/her language system in order to use it. The user also ‘knows’ when
mistakes are made. The same, however, does not apply to a machine
translation system. The programming code is at best ‘readable’, that is the
machine can read and execute it, but it is not capable of ‘understanding’
its purpose (see Chapter 6). Since the first attempt more than fifty years
ago at building a machine translation system, translation problems such
as lexical and syntactic ambiguities still have to be solved (see Chapter 4).

Linguistic theories in machine translation systems

Until the late 1960s, the method used to generate translations in nearly
all machine translation systems was the ‘direct translation’ approach
(see Chapter 3). This approach is based on the assumption that one
target-language word can be generated from one source-language word.
It also requires a minimal syntactic analysis, for example, recognition of
word classes such as noun and verb (Hutchins 1979: 29; see also
Chapter 3). One of the original systems built was the Georgetown
University System. The poor quality of the translations produced by the

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 31

system highlighted the complexities of language and the need for a better
analysis and synthesis of texts (Hutchins 1979: 31; see Chapter 3). Hence,
in the subsequent system known as Systran (System Translation), linguistic
and computational components were divided into separate modules in
order to resolve the problems encountered in the Georgetown Univer-
sity System. Even with Systran, the underlying linguistic component

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was not based on any specific linguistic theory (Hutchins 1979: 32).
In subsequent machine translation system designs, two linguistic
approaches or grammars are considered useful: the formal and the
functional. The formal approach puts emphasis on the description of
morphological and syntactic structures. The functional approach, on
the other hand, is concerned with the use of language and the ways words
and sentences are combined to produce well-formed texts (Bennett
2003: 144). Of the two, the formal approach is easier to compute and
therefore to incorporate into machine translation than the functional
approach, which takes the pragmatic view that language is a form of
social interaction (Crystal 1993: 146). Thus the formal approach has
had more influence on machine translation research and development.
However, it was not until the appearance of Chomsky’s transformational-
generative grammar that the formal approach became the mainstream
method of describing language.
The focus of the formal approach is to establish rules for the formation
of grammatical structures: how phrases, clauses and sentences are
generated (Finch 2000: 99). The grammar is used ‘to provide a rigorous
and explicit framework that can produce (or generate) from a small
number of general principles, or rules, all the well-formed sentences
of a language’ (Finch 2000: 99).
The representation method of formal linguistics involves the conver-
sion of a sentence into a representation that consists of its structure and
meaning. A simple example of a representation is illustrated in Figure 2.3

CS: The mechanic repaired the car.

^ mechanic (noun), repair (verb), car (noun)
SR: predicate: repair (past)
subject: mechanic (singular, definite)
object: car (singular, definite)

CS = complete sentence; SR = sentence representation

Figure 2.3 Example of sentence representations

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32 Translation and Technology

(see also Bennett 2003: 146) where what can be called the ‘complete
sentence’ (CS) is stripped to show the syntactic structure that describes
its actions and properties; one way of displaying a sentence representa-
tion (SR) of the sentence ‘The mechanic repaired the car’, is as shown in
Figure 2.3.
However, according to Hutchins, transformational grammar was

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found to be unsuitable for machine translation purposes, as it required
extensive and complex computer programming (Hutchins 1979: 33).
Chomsky himself probably never intended for his transformational-
generative grammar to be employed in translation, although others such
as Nida modified deep structure analysis for the purpose of representing
the translation process (Fawcett 1997: 65; see also Figure 2.2 above). An
alternative approach – arguably better-suited to machine processing –
was offered by so-called ‘formalisms’, some of which are linguistic
formalisms while others are found in logic, mathematics and computer
science, which can also be applied in machine translation systems.
Some formalisms are syntax-based such as Chomsky’s transformational
generative grammar, while others are lexicon-based, as we will see below.
Formalisms – or ‘formal grammars’ – were developed as a departure
from descriptive linguistics in the 1950s. However, since the formalisms
of the early 1990s, several changes have been introduced whereby
formal grammars have been combined with logic, computation and
statistics to create stronger formalisms that would allow them to be
written for computational programming (see also Hutchins and Somers
1992). According to Zaharin Yusuf (1989: 319), ‘a formalism is a set of
notations with well-defined semantics (namely for the interpretation of
the symbols used and their manipulation), by means of which one
formally expresses certain domain knowledge, which is to be utilised for
specific purposes’. In other words, it is a specific rigorous mathematical
method known as ‘formal grammar’ in which language, in this case, is
treated as a mathematical object. A formal grammar is a set of rules that
describes a formal language (a set of finite words) which is able to
represent the syntax of a given sentence. The formal nature of the
grammar enables the sentence to be completely analysed by the
computer. Thus, after the direct translation approach, which had much
in common with a word-for-word approach to translation owing to the
central role of dictionaries in the system, the next generation of systems –
known as ‘rule-based’ systems – make use of a number of formal grammars
in the design of machine translation systems.
By the mid-1980s, a variant of formal grammar stemming from the
‘lexicalist approach’ – different from the syntax-based ‘constraint-based

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 33

grammar’ or ‘unification grammar’ – was applied in most rule-based

machine translation systems (see also Kay 1984). Unification or
constraint-based grammar is the general name for a number of linguistic
approaches or ‘models’: ‘Tree Adjoining Grammar’, a lexically-oriented
grammar that imposes mathematical formalism to capture the syntactic
properties of natural languages developed by Joshi, Levy and Takahashi

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(1975); ‘Lexical Functional Grammar’, a theory of grammar (syntax,
morphology and semantics) by Kaplan and Bresnan (1982); ‘Generalized
Phrase Structure Grammar’, a framework that describes syntax and
semantics by Gazdar et al. (1985); and ‘Head-driven Phrase Structure
Grammar’, theoretically influenced by other theories of syntax and
semantics, and an immediate successor to Generalized Phrase Structure
Grammar, developed by Pollard and Sag (1987). All four models rely
heavily on logic and computations to encode human languages into
mathematical codes. It is important to note that since their inception,
many aspects of these models have undergone changes and refinement.
The aim of unification or constraint-based grammars is to reduce the
transfer rules – in this case the computational processes of analysis,
transfer and synthesis – to simple bilingual lexical equivalences. In
Lexical Functional Grammar, a formal description of grammatical units
via the ‘constituent structure’ and ‘functional- or feature-structure’ is
provided (Hutchins and Somers 1992: 39). The constituent structure or
‘c-structure’ consists of groups of phrases analysed as hierarchies. In
short, it represents a sentence structure. In c-structure, the rules that
identify the grammatical functions are called phrase structure rules. An
example of the English phrase structure rules for a simple sentence like
‘Jane kicks David’ would be:

NP → N
NP → N

The NP (noun phrase) and its ‘lower hierarchy’ (noun) represent ‘Jane’,
while the VP (verb phrase) represents ‘kicks David’, which has a lower
hierarchy of V (verb), that represents ‘kicks’, and the NP and its lower
hierarchy of N that represents ‘David’. The f-structure (feature structure),
on the other hand, is used to represent the internal structure of a
sentence; its properties can be encoded with sets of attributes and
values in a matrix-like diagram: [attribute value], where ‘attribute’ refers
to the grammatical category such as gender or a syntactic function, and

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34 Translation and Technology

‘value’ is the corresponding feature possessed by the constituent, for

example, feminine: [GEN fem]. The f-structure integrates the lexical and
structural information from the c-structure.
Using the same sentence ‘Jane kicks David’, the f-structure below
shows the hierarchical attribute-value matrix that represents underlying
grammatical relations. In this example, the predicate – the present tense

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of the verb ‘kicks’ – is grammatically related to the subject (‘Jane’) and
the object (‘David’). The attribute-value matrix for the subject (SUB)
relates the attribute or the grammatical function of the predicate (the
verb ‘kicks’), to the value, ‘Jane’. The subject ‘Jane’ in turn has the
attribute indicated here by NUM (number) that has the value of one or
singular (sgl), which falls under the category of the third person (the
attribute is person, the value is 3). The part of predicate that contains the
object (OBJ) ‘David’ also has the same attributes as ‘Jane’ (see Kaplan
and Bresnan 1982).

PRED kicks <(_SUB) (_OBJ)>


NUM sgl


Present tense


NUM sgl


SUB = subject PRED = predicate OBJ = object

NUM = number PERS = person sgl = singular

One of the major advantages of constraint-based grammars for

machine translation systems is the reversibility principle, a feature that
allows the same grammars, in theory, to be applied to both language
directions. This has the potential to reduce the effort needed to construct
a different grammar in the reverse direction for the same language pair.
Clearly this is particularly desirable in developing bidirectional machine
translation systems.

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 35

In formalisms, linguists and computational linguists address the same

issues. However, their focus is different as the latter group are more
interested in formalisms that are computationally viable. Formalisms
exercise an important influence on the development of and progress in
natural-language processing research. Since formalisms allow human
languages to be mathematically coded, the computational features of

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these types of grammar are attractive to researchers in machine translation
systems. As we have seen, the major contribution to rule-based machine
translation systems has come from linguistics and different types of
formalism, not from translation theory.
Although a number of early linguistic and translation procedures had
seemed promising as the basis for machine translation rules, there is
little evidence that these are computable for use in machine translation
systems. Examples include Catford’s (1965) translation shifts where a
target-language text is reworded as a result of structural (grammatical
or lexical) incompatibilities between a source and a target language
(Shuttleworth and Cowie 1999: 152), and Vinay and Darbelnet’s (1958/
1995) taxonomy of seven comparative translation procedures mentioned
earlier in this chapter (see also Fawcett 1997; Munday 2001). The
machine translation literature does not seem to indicate that any of the
translation procedures suggested by translation scholars have been
implemented in the linguistic component of any machine translation
This almost non-existent contribution is unfortunate since linguists,
scientists, translation theorists and professional translators all have
similar concerns such as: ‘how translation can be best performed’ and
‘what it means to translate’ (Balkan 1996: 121). The statement by
Rajapurohit (1994: 12) that ‘there are in fact no theories in automatic
translation’ may contain some truth. The different paths chosen were
largely due to the lack of early involvement of linguists, translation
theorists and professional translators in the development of translation
technology, especially machine translation systems. Linguistic researchers
such as Peter Toma who founded Systran (System Translation) in 1968
are rare, machine translation research being ‘initiated [mostly] by
communications and information theoreticians, and not by linguists or
TS [Translation Studies] scholars’ (Wilss 1999: 141).
As for professional translators, there are two possible reasons why
they have had little interest in machine translation development
(Wilss 1999: 141). First, machine translation is seen as a distinct area of
research. Second, there is a lack of knowledge among many professional
translators of programming languages, artificial intelligence (computer

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36 Translation and Technology

programs that can solve problems creatively by making computers

behave like humans) and neural networks (systems that simulate
intelligence on the computer to imitate the way a human brain works)
needed for the development of machine translation systems. The
absence of translators’ input in the development of machine translation
may also be a reason for their resistance to using the technology (see

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also Chapter 1). In many cases, translators’ contributions occur only at
the end of the development process when a machine translation
system is ready to generate outputs (Bédard 1993: 254). However,
translators’ experiences of translation processes and strategies have
the potential to provide invaluable insights into the development of
machine translation systems. A more translator-friendly machine
translation system could be the outcome of a closer kind of collaboration,
which in turn would make machine translation more acceptable to
In a way resembling the tendency of the machine translation literature
not to discuss translation theories, many accounts of translation have
also been written without any mention of machine translation systems
or computer-aided translation tools; for example, Gentzler (1993) and
Riccardi (2002a). Brief mention of machine translation systems can be
found in Bell (1991), Robinson (1997) and Munday (2001), while some
attempts have been made to relate both human and machine transla-
tion within a narrow field of discourse such as those described in Hatim
and Mason (1990) (Gentzler 1997: x; Matthiessen 2001: 42). These works
give the impression that both machine translation and computer-aided
translation tools belong to a separate field of studies, having very little
to do with Translation Studies. These assumptions are not helpful to
students of translation, since learning to translate specialist and in
particular technical texts tends increasingly to involve the use of certain
translation tools as part of the training.

Translation studies

In a seminal paper at the Third International Conference of Applied

Linguistics in Copenhagen in 1972, John S. Holmes put forward a concep-
tual schema that described various elements of ‘Translation Studies’. It
is generally accepted that his paper turned Translation Studies into a
distinct discipline (Gentzler 1993: 92), now acknowledged as an
interdisciplinary field (Riccardi 2002b: 2), although it was Nida (1975)
who is widely considered to be the founder of the field of Translation
Studies as the first to lay down methods of translation in a systematic

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 37

fashion (Robinson 2003: 13). A wide range of disciplines is involved,

including linguistics, sociology, cultural studies, neuroscience, cognitive
psychology and computer science (Wilss 1999: 133). In the following
sections, we shall explore Holmes’ (1988/2000) schematic description of
Translation Studies, in order to place technology in this context.
The schema proposed by Holmes had simple categories, which were

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hierarchically arranged. The entire schema is shown in diagram format
in Figure 2.4. There are two main branches: Pure Translation Studies
and Applied Translation Studies. The Pure Translation Studies branch
has a larger number of levels and sub-branches, consisting at the next
level of Descriptive Translation Studies and Theoretical Translation
Studies. The Applied Translation Studies branch of the schema has four
sub-branches to do with training, ‘aids’, policy and translation criticism.
Holmes’ classification allows the areas of Translation Studies to be seen
clearly but it should not be taken as ‘unidirectional’ as different areas
can still influence one another (Holmes 1988/2000: 183). Descriptive
Translation Studies, for example, encompasses a host of approaches and
disciplines in translation research (see also Ulrych 2002). The schema is
also flexible enough in our case to allow changes and developments to
occur when technology is involved in both the Pure and Applied
branches. The italicized branches in Figure 2.4 indicate where in
Holmes’ scheme we could locate a strong possibility of a relationship

Translation Studies

Pure Applied

Descriptive TS (DTS) Theoretical TS (TTS) Translator teaching Translation Translation Translation

& training aids policy criticism

General TTS Partial TTS

Principles, theories, & models building Lexicographical & terminological aids Grammars

Product-oriented Function-oriented Process-oriented Rank-restricted

A study of translation functions Text type-restricted

A study of the translation process Time-restricted

Text-focused translation description Area-restricted

Comparative translation description Problem-restricted

TS = translation studies; DTS = descriptive translation studies; T TS = theoretical translation studies

Figure 2.4 Holmes’ schema of translation studies

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38 Translation and Technology

between translation and technology, either during the development of

various translation systems or at a later stage when they are in use.

Descriptive translation studies

The objective of pure research is to describe translation phenomena
(Descriptive Translation Studies) and to establish the principles (Theo-

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retical Translation Studies) that explain these phenomena. Describing
phenomena and establishing principles increases the understanding of
questions such as ‘why are translations they way they are’ and ‘what
effect do translations have on their readers’.
Three different types of research are found in Descriptive Translation
Studies: product, function and process. Product-oriented research
concentrates on the description of existing translations. Function-
oriented research focuses on the description of the impact a translation
has on the socio-culture of the target readers. Process-oriented research
is concerned with the process of translation itself: what really goes on
in the mind of a translator during the translation process? Think-aloud
protocols (TAP), for example, are one technique used to investigate
what comes into the mind of a translator and the actions performed in
the creation of a target-language text (Shuttleworth and Cowie 1999:
171). Of the three, product- and process-oriented Descriptive Translation
Studies have a higher possibility of technological involvement. The use
of translation tools such as terminology databases and translation
memory and/or linguistic tools such as spell-checkers during the trans-
lation process can provide much material for research. We shall return
to the subject of translation memory, a kind of database of previously
translated texts and their corresponding target texts, in Chapter 4.
Product-oriented research focuses on existing translations and comes
in two forms, text-focused translation description and comparative
translation description. Text-focused translation description involves
describing individual translations of a source text, whereas comparative
translation description involves comparing and analysing a number of
translations of a single source text. Technological developments in the
1980s and 1990s mean that corpora of texts can now be stored and studied
using techniques such as concordancing (see Chapter 4; see also Bowker
2002) in order to carry out linguistic analyses in this product-oriented
In Theoretical Translation Studies, the focus is on theoretical work to
establish general or partial principles, theories and models. The concept
of a ‘partial’ principle is based on the assumption that a translation
theory is limited to researching only certain translation phenomena

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 39

and can be restricted in more than one way. An example of this would
be the analysis of novels and short stories written by Gabriel García
Márquez, which is restricted to language and culture (Colombian
Spanish into English), genre (novels and short stories) and time (1960s
to the 1990s) (Munday 2001: 12, 192–5). While the ultimate goal of
Translation Studies is to build ‘a full inclusive theory accommodating

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so many elements that it can serve to explain and predict all phenomena
falling within the terrain of translating and translation . . .’ (Holmes
1988/2000: 178), Holmes’ restricted research types allow translation
problems and issues to be studied in a manageable way.
The first type is medium-restricted theories, referring to the medium
that is used to present a text, that is oral (interpreting) and written
(translation). When Holmes (1988/2000: 178) first described his
schema, interpreting only involved humans, while translation involved
humans as well as machines. Nowadays speech technology has developed
to the point where it is possible to interpret automatically using machines
(see Chapter 6), thereby opening up new research possibilities in the
area of interpreting. It is also possible now for translations/interpretations
to be made automatically between written and spoken media (see also
Chapter 6). In addition, written texts, which used to be handwritten or
typed on a manual typewriter, are now more commonly produced in
electronic or digital format, facilitating the processing of such texts for
research purposes.
The second type is rank-restricted theories, which is concerned with
translation from the point of view of linguistic ‘ranks’ (a Hallidayan
term) or levels of linguistic analysis: sentence, clause, group, word and
morpheme (Shuttleworth and Cowie 1997: 138). Translations may be
compared with their source texts at any level to establish correspond-
ences, that is whether there is a correspondence at the lowest rank
(morpheme); for example ‘Freund’ (‘friend’) as corresponding roots
(here: words), and ‘freundlich’ (‘friendly’) as affixes or bound
morphemes. As Holmes points out (1988:179), ‘[t]raditionally, a great
deal of writing on translation was concerned almost entirely with the
rank of the word’; this is also reflected in the direct translation
approach used in first-generation machine translation systems, where a
word in the source text is matched to an equivalent word in the target
text (see Chapter 3) in a kind of ‘rank-restricted’ way. Since Holmes
first proposed his schema, his prediction that the upper rank limit of
the sentence would give way to the text, has been realized. Further
examples of analysing translation with respect to ranks are described in
Matthiessen (2001).

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40 Translation and Technology

The third type is text type-restricted theories. The study of text types
such as those discussed by Reiss (1977/1989) shows the functional
characteristics of three text types and how they can be linked to transla-
tion methods. The informative type of text ideally uses plain language
to convey information, facts and so on in a logical way; examples of
informative texts include operating instructions and reports. The

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expressive type of text uses creative language to express aesthetic form
from the author’s perspective; examples of expressive texts include
poems and plays. The operative type of text uses a dialogic language to
induce desired responses from readers; examples of operative texts
include advertisements and sermons (Munday 2001: 73–4). The use of
translation tools such as machine translation systems is currently
mainly limited to translating technical texts, often falling into the category
of informative texts. Text typology is therefore helpful in restricting the
research object, that is the type of text which tends to be translated
using electronic tools.
The fourth type concerns area-restricted theories, which Holmes
interprets as restricted by language pair (e.g. translation between
French and German) or language group (e.g. translation within the
Slavic languages), on the one hand, and by culture (e.g. within the
Swiss culture or between the Swiss and Belgian cultures), on the other
hand (Holmes 1988/2000:179). Close proximity between the source
and target language within a language group or ‘family’, for example
between Romance languages (Spanish and Italian or Spanish and
Catalan), usually means fewer problems for machine translation
systems than if the language pair is not closely related genealogically,
suggesting that the analysis of family-based similarities may generate
better translation quality (Hajic, Hric and Kubon 2000; see also Altintas
and Cicekli 2002). Holmes warns against the danger of cultural bias in
so far as ‘some aspects of theories that are presented as general in reality
pertain only to the Western cultural area’ (1988/2000:179). We can also
observe cultural bias in the development of machine translation and
other natural-language processing systems – often dictated by socio-
economic or military reasons – so that languages such as Fongoro, for
example, spoken near the Chad-Sudanese border, are unlikely to be
explored from the point of view of translation technology, owing to a
lack of commercial viability or demonstrated need.
The fifth type is problem-restricted theories. This sub-type is concerned
with investigating specific linguistic phenomena such as grammatical
errors. While translators use tools like spell and grammar-checkers,
dictionaries and glossaries to produce their work, particular types of

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 41

error may still occur and provide a fruitful area of research which could
inform translation practice as well as translator training and the design
of checking tools.
Finally, the sixth type, time-restricted theories – which may be
focused, according to Holmes, on contemporary translations or on
translations from an earlier period – could also be developed using elec-

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tronic corpora and tools. However, older texts would need to be
converted from paper into digital form, using, for example, an elec-
tronic scanner or optical character recognition (OCR). Issues of copy-
right may be relevant here, depending on the date and provenance of
the texts chosen for analysis.

Applied translation studies

Let us now turn to Applied Translation Studies, as outlined in Holmes’
schema. As we have seen, this second main branch has four subcategories
in which the respective objectives of each category are: to improve the
quality of translation by developing effective methods of translation
teaching and training; to develop better translation tools (or ‘aids’); to
establish principles and regulations for professional translators (policy);
and to critique translations. In the context of our theme of translation
and technology, we can interpret this last subcategory as encompassing
the evaluation of translation tools, products and processes.
Among Translation Studies researchers, opinions differ about the rele-
vance of Applied Translation Studies and its relationship to Pure Trans-
lation Studies (Ulrych 2002: 200). The relationship between them is,
however, important for today’s translation needs, as I am attempting to
show in this section. Pure Translation Studies research aims for a better
understanding of languages, cultures and translation phenomena.
Applied Translation Studies can use the information obtained by Pure
Translation Studies to train translators, to enhance the use of translation
tools and to critique translation works (Ulrych 2002: 200). Similarly,
findings in Applied Translation Studies can help researchers of Pure
Translation Studies to advance their own areas of research. The sub-branch
translation criticism ‘is an essential link between translation theory
and its practice’ (Newmark 1988: 184), which can contribute to the
development of translation theories. Applied Translation Studies is also
useful for the localization industry, discussed in Chapters 1 and 4.
With his interest in Pure Translation Studies, Holmes did not describe
applied areas of research in great detail (Munday 2001: 13). However,
our concern here is primarily with the applied areas, specifically what
Holmes calls translation aids. A detailed description of this sub-branch

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42 Translation and Technology

is given in Figure 2.5, building on Holmes’ original schema. It is

important to remember that the four branches under Applied Translation
Studies are not independent but feed material to one another. Consider,
for example, the relationship between translation training and translation
criticism where critiquing translations is one good way of learning. Note
also that I have replaced the term ‘translation aids’ with ‘translation

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technology’ and suggested all the sub-branches below it in order to
reflect contemporary developments; these are no longer confined to
lexicographical and terminological aids as originally suggested by
Holmes (1988/2000: 182).
In my updated and revised model of Holmes’ schema, the sub-branches
of ‘translation technology’ are automatic systems and computer-aided
translation tools, which will be described in Chapters 3 and 4 respec-
tively. The branch called computer-aided tools covers a wide range,
which I have further divided into translation, linguistic and localization
tools. The translation sub-branch includes tools such as translation
memory and terminology management systems while localization tools
are used to localize products including software and documentation.
The linguistic tools sub-branch includes tools that are language-
dependent, such as dictionaries and glossaries, and tools which are
language-independent, such as optical character recognition (OCR) and
concordancers. Although Figure 2.5 neatly divides the tools into their
own classes, we need to be aware that many of these tools are now

Applied Translation Studies

Translator Translation Translation Translation

training technology policy criticism/evaluation

Automatic translation tools Computer-aided translation tools

MT (stand alone) MT (network) Translation tools Linguistic tools Localization tools

TM TMS Language- Language- Document Project

dependent independent management management

Dictionaries Glossaries OCR Concordancers

MT = machine translation; TM = translation memory; TMS = terminology management systems;

OCR = optical character recognition

Figure 2.5 A schema of applied translation studies

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 43

multifunctional. In other words, some tools may be integrated into a

single system made up of several different applications as we shall
discover in subsequent chapters.
The evaluation of translation tools – the fourth sub-branch of Applied
Translation Studies as interpreted here – is discussed in Chapter 5.
Translator training and policy are not dealt with in any detail in

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this book.
Having extended and interpreted Holmes’ Applied Translation
Studies schema in the modern idiom with a particular emphasis on
technology, let us now turn to the translation process, classified by
Holmes under Pure Translation Studies. Our perspective will, once
again, be rather different.

The translation process

In his discussion of process-oriented Translation Studies, Holmes had in

mind the investigation of mental processes. In the context of translation
technology, we can interpret this rather differently as the stages in the
automation of the translation process. The description of the translation
process given below and illustrated in Figure 2.6 is also viewed from a
perspective different from those commonly used, for example that of
Nida (1969). Here, the tasks of pre- and post-editing texts as input to
and output from machine translation systems, and a language variety
known as controlled language are described. Pre-editing is carried out
on a source-language text while post-editing is performed on an output
(target-language text) generated by a translation tool. Pre- and post-editing
are not always necessary but might be required owing to a number of

SL pre- Pre-edited input output TL post- Post-edited

text editing SL text text editing TL text

Intralingual translation Interlingual translation Intralingual translation

(e.g. English–English) (e.g. English–Swahili) (e.g. Swahili–Swahili)

SL = source language; TL = target language; TrTo = translation tool

Figure 2.6 A model of the translation process including pre- and post-editing

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44 Translation and Technology

factors such as the linguistic quality of a source-language text, the type

of translation tool used and the required quality of the target-language
text (fitness for purpose).
In Figure 2.6, Jakobson’s (1959/2000: 114) semiotic categories of
translation are used to characterize the pre- and post-editing tasks
performed when using a translation tool. One of his categories is

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intralingual translation, which is ‘an interpretation of verbal signs
by means of other signs in the same language’ or, in other words,
‘rewording’, for example, the translation of a poem into prose in the
same language (Jakobson 1959/2000: 114). Here we understand intral-
ingual translation as pre-editing or post-editing. The other is interlingual
translation, which occurs when a source-language text undergoes a
translation process, in this case carried out by a translation tool or
a human translator using a tool, to generate a target text in another
language. Interlingual translation is also known as ‘translation proper’
(Jakobson 1959/2000: 114).

Pre-editing may entail restricting vocabulary and grammar before the
translation process can take place. It can also simply mean checking the
source-language text for errors and ambiguities (Gross 1992: 98). Based
on the translation process shown in Figure 2.6, an English source-
language text undergoes a pre-editing process to produce a pre-edited
source-language text. This is still in the intralingual stage since the
languages of both texts are still in English. As an example, Figure 2.7
shows an original English text and its pre-edited version, which is easier
to read and understand than the original.

SL text in English Pre-edited SL text in English

Let the water run hot at the sink and 1 Turn on the faucet at the sink until
then pull the connector from the the water runs hot.
recess in the back of the 2 Pull the connector from the recess
dishwasher. in the back of the dishwasher.
Upon the completion of the above 3 Press down on the thumb release
task, lift the connector to the faucet and lift the connector onto the faucet.
by pressing down the thumb

SL = source language

Figure 2.7 Example of an English SL text and its pre-edited version

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 45

Pre-editing of source-language texts is becoming more widespread as

a form of cost and quality control, and is particularly frequent when the
need arises to translate it into several target languages. This task becomes
especially crucial when a product needs to be launched simultaneously
or in quick succession over a short period of time in a number of countries
with different languages. We can see this happening in the localization

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industry where documentation accompanying a product undergoes
translation into several languages. For example, the source-language
documentation of the N-Gage QD by Nokia, a gaming platform and
mobile telephone set, had to be treated as a single product even though
it appears in different languages after having undergone the localization
process (see Chapter 4; see also Chapter 1).
Pre-editing a source-language text may reduce or eliminate the post-
editing task. It is an unattainable goal to input a natural language text
directly into a machine translation system and expect it to produce a
high-quality output without pre-editing. Current machine translation
systems have yet to produce acceptable quality translations of general
and specialized texts even when source-language texts are well
written (Koby 2001: 7, 12). Nevertheless, a machine translation
system may be able to generate a good-quality output without much
post-editing if the subject field of the source-language text is highly
restricted, the system is built specifically to handle a particular subject
field, and its source language is written in a ‘controlled’ manner
(Koby 2001: 5).
A text written in a natural language may contain ambiguity, a word
or a sentence having more than one meaning. Therefore, a language
that only contains a restricted set of terms, all of which can in turn be
processed by a computer efficiently and accurately can simplify the
translation process. Such a language is called a sublanguage (see also
Sager 1994). The best-known use of a sublanguage is in Météo, a machine
translation system that translates weather forecasts, which are linguis-
tically and textually highly formulaic, from English into French
(Somers 2003e: 289). Another type of language known as controlled
language is a carefully constructed variety of a language which is used
to pre-edit a source-language text (Gross 1992: 98) or to author original
texts. The critical difference between a sublanguage and a controlled
language is that the terms, syntax and semantics of the former evolve
naturally (within a specialist group), while in the case of the latter they
are artificially constructed with certain restrictions imposed (Somers
2003e: 283). We shall return to controlled language in the last section
of this chapter.

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46 Translation and Technology

It is said that the post-editing task is not confined to machine translation
output but also applies to translations produced by human translators.
The term ‘post-editing’ is, however, normally reserved for outputs
generated by machine translation systems (Allen 2001a: 26). Editing a

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human translation is more commonly referred to as ‘revising’ (Somers
1997: 199; Allen 2003; see also Chapter 7). Post-editing, according to
Laurian (1984), is not a rewriting, revision or correction task but a
method of considering a text and working on it for a new aim. Allen
(2003: 297), on the other hand, defines post-editing as a task of editing,
modifying and/or correcting translated text that a machine translation
system has processed and generated. Post-editing is essentially a special-
ized skill, which tries ‘to preserve as much of the machine’s output as
possible and “zapping” the text at strategic points rather than redoing it
from scratch’ (Vasconcellos and Bostad 1992: 68).
In order to follow the translation process (as in Figure 2.6) through
its stages, the pre-edited controlled language text previously shown in
Figure 2.7 is now shown in Figure 2.8 as the output of a machine
translation system in Spanish. The machine translation output contains
sentences which are more freely formulated and the choice of words is
not suitable for a user’s manual. Therefore, post-editing is required on

TL text generated by a machine TL text post-edited by a human translator

translation system

1 Dé vuelta encendido al grifo en 1 Abra la llave del agua del fregadero

el fregadero hasta el agua hasta que salga agua caliente.
funciona caliente. [Turn the faucet on at the sink until
the water runs hot.]
2 Tire del conectador a partir de 2 Jale el conector del hueco que se
la hendidura en la parte encuentra en la parte posteriora de la
posteriora del lavaplatos. lavaplatos.
[Pull the connector from the recess in
the back of the dishwasher.]
3 Presione abajo en el 3 Oprima hacia abajo el liberador
lanzamiento del pulgar y manual y levante el conector a la llave
levante el conectador sobre el del agua.
grifo. [Press down on the thumb release
and lift the connector onto the faucet.]

TL = target language

Figure 2.8 Unedited and post-edited Spanish machine translation output

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 47

the Spanish output by a professional translator as shown in the right-

hand column of Figure 2.8.
Post-editing is almost always required if the output from a machine
translation is for publication purposes (Nirenburg et al. 1992: 11). Several
techniques of post-editing, from rapid post-editing for information-only
purposes, to polished post-editing may be applied to make a translation

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look like a professional translator has translated it. Rapid post-editing
aims at producing a correct text by taking into account the content but
not the style. A translated version of minutes of a meeting to be circulated
to board members of a corporation is an example of an occasion when
rapid post-editing might be called for. Where only obvious spelling,
grammatical and stylistic errors are corrected to make the translation as
comprehensible as possible, the amount of post-editing is minimal. The
type of translated texts that undergo rapid post-editing are restricted in
use to specific target readerships and times (Laurian 1984; see also Allen
2001b; Krings 2001). Polished post-editing, on the other hand, usually
results in a high-quality translation. However, it is only applicable
when a machine translation output is good enough to warrant it. In
other words, the quality of the output cannot be so low as to make it
necessary for a human translator to retranslate it from scratch. Even
unedited output has its uses, especially for those interested only in the
information provided by a source-language text (Newton 1992b: 4).
This is evident in the use of free translations offered by online machine
translation systems, often found in search engines.
Based on the current development of machine translation technology,
post-editing is likely to be a fixture for the foreseeable future. As a result,
in 1999, an initiative called the Post-Editing Special Interest Group was
set up by a number of members of the Association of Machine Translation
in the Americas (AMTA) to provide post-editing guidelines and training
for the American Translators Association (ATA; see also Allen 2001b).
The aims of this group are to develop specifications for an optimum
post-editing environment, to educate relevant groups in the translation
industry about post-editing, to organize and promote post-editing
workshops and to develop post-editing courseware for translation
programmes. Controlled languages have been developed for a range of
text types by groups of users or organizations such as the European
Commission Translation Services, General Motors and PAHO, all of
whom have developed their own post-editing guidelines. As a result, no
one governing body has ever been established that could standardize
different versions of controlled languages (Allen 2000: 24–5, 44–5). In

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48 Translation and Technology

the future, it is possible that pre- and post-editing tasks may be included
as part of a programme of translation training for those translating tech-
nical texts and using machine translation systems (Koby 2001: 11–12).

Controlled language
A controlled language can be defined as ‘a subset of a natural language

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with an artificially restricted vocabulary, grammar and style’ (Kaji
1999: 37); one of its goals is to improve the quality of translation output
by humans or machines. It is also employed to restrict the inconsistent
use of words and of odd sentences (Wojcik and Hoard 1997: 238). In other
words, the maxim of a controlled language is to use simple vocabulary
and sentence structures in order to convey complex ideas in writing to
ensure rapid reading, understanding, and ease of translation.
A controlled language has three important elements: vocabulary,
grammar and style (Kaji 1999: 38). The size of the permitted vocabulary
is usually restricted to limit the occurrence of lexical ambiguity. The
grammar restriction occurs at two levels: phrase and sentence. For
example, a noun phrase should not consist of more than four nouns, a
sentence should not exceed 20 words in length, a paragraph should not
exceed six sentences, the passive voice must not be used and the future
tense must be avoided (Nyberg, Mitamura and Huijsen 2003: 247).
The sentences used as an illustration in Figure 2.9 are written in both
natural and controlled language. The controlled language sentences are
shorter and more precise than the natural language sentences, only one
instruction occurring per sentence and in the proper order of sequence.
As a result of the restrictions imposed on the controlled language
sentences, the risk of errors in translation is reduced, thus reducing the
burden of post-editing (Allen and Hogan 2000). Essentially, a controlled
language is not expressive and requires some introductory training
before a technical writer or professional translator is able to use it.

Natural language Controlled language

Remove screws holding the blower 1 Remove screws from the blower.
and pull the blower from the 2 Pull the blower from the cabinet.
cabinet. 3 Push a new blower into the cabinet.
Before the screws are installed to 4 Secure the blower with screws.
the blower, a new blower is
pushed back into the cabinet.

Figure 2.9 Example of natural and controlled languages

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 49

The concept of a controlled language itself is not new. In 1932, Charles

Ogden introduced a form of English known as ‘Simplified English’ via
the publication of BASIC English (British American Scientific Interna-
tional, Commercial). The Simplified English of BASIC had several hundred
words; the aim was to promote a type of English suitable for use in
science and commerce (Macklovitch 1999: 75). In the 1970s, based on

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Ogden’s BASIC English, the Caterpillar Tractor Company introduced for
commercial use a new version of English for technical writing known
as the Caterpillar Fundamental English (CFE). In the 1990s, Caterpillar
developed Caterpillar Technical English (CTE), the successor to CFE.
Today, the aims of CTE are the standardization of English terminology,
better comprehension of English documentation by native and non-
native English readers, and easy translation into other languages (see also
Nyberg, Mitamura and Huijsen 2003).
The best-known and most widely used controlled language, however,
is AECMA (European Association of Aerospace Industries) Simplified
English, a joint effort between AECMA and AIA (Aerospace Industries
Association of America). An example of a text for the aerospace industry
in AECMA Simple English and its original English text is shown in
Figure 2.10. In 2004, when AECMA merged with EDIG (European
Defence Industries Group) and EUROSPACE (Aerospace and Defence
Industries Association of Europe), AECMA Simplified English was replaced
by AeroSpace and Defence (ASD) Simplified Technical English. ASD
Simplified Technical English contains a set of writing rules and a dictionary
of several hundred basic words that can be expanded to express technical
concepts in the aerospace industry in the English language.
The idea of Simplified English has also been adopted for the creation
of Controlled English for non-aerospace industries such as automotive,
healthcare, semiconductors and telecommunications. Controlled English
is said to use only 1 per cent of the English language vocabulary to
reach readers around the world (Smart Communications, Inc. 2005b:
1). It has many advantages including clarity and concision designed to
prevent any confusion, as this may cause legal problems resulting from
product liability legislation which in some jurisdictions includes
packaging and documentation as part of the ‘product’. As English is the
common language in worldwide communication, short sentences are
used to enhance the readability, comprehensibility and usability of a text
for global readers. Training and development costs notwithstanding,
the use of a controlled language also involves less writing time and
lower costs. The most important advantage of using Controlled English
is the clarity of the text, of obvious importance when the text needs to

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50 Translation and Technology

Original English text AECMA simplified English text

The Model ADI-999 Attitude Indicator The model ADI-999 Attitude Indicator
(Photo 8) provides a visual display of (see photo 8) has a display for pitch
pitch and roll attitude and both enroute and roll. This display also includes
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)/Very these indicators:

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High Frequency Omnirange (VOR)/
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)/ • Course Deviation Indicator
Flight Management System (FMS) (CDI)
navigation aids and precision approach
• Very-High Frequency
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
Omnirange (VOR)
information. The indicator may be
used as a long range standby attitude • Distance Measuring Equipment
reference, during a primary power failure, (DME)
when coupled with an emergency • Flight Management System
power supply. After complete loss (FMS)
of power, nine minutes of useful • Instrument Landing System (ILS)
attitude information is presented.
When there is a power failure, the
model ADI-999 can supply an
attitude reference for the next nine
minutes. After nine minutes, obey
the emergency procedures.

Figure 2.10 Example of original English text and its AECMA simplified English
Source: Smart Communications, Inc. (2005a).

be translated into many target languages and both commercial and

safety reasons are uppermost.
Figure 2.11 shows a sample from a manual for a water desalinisation
plant that was originally written by an engineer with English as his/her
native language for other engineers in natural English. The original text
may create problems of comprehension and translation including
(as indicated by the underlined phrases in Figure 2.11), for example,
understanding the meaning of a phrasal verb such as ‘take up’, the role
of agent and object (‘who does what to whom’ in gerunds or words
ending with ‘-ing’) and loss of meaning in long sentences.
Before the product is exported, the manual is rewritten in Simplified
English (a type of controlled language in English) for technicians who
do not have English as their first language. The Simplified English
version is easier to read and understand as a second language. The
manual is later translated into the local language based on the Simplified
English version, in this case into Simplified Arabic (a type of controlled
language in Arabic) which is different from the natural Arabic language
(Smart Communications, Inc. 2005c).

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

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Original English text Simplified English version Simplified Arabic version

(q) The lime must be mixed into a (q) Mix the lime with the water
solution before being added to the into a solution before you put
digester because dry lime would settle the solution into the digester.
to the bottom in lumps, which is not Add the solution to the
only ineffective but the lumps take up digester through the scum
digester capacity and are difficult to box. Add a small amount of
remove when cleaning the digester. solution each day until the
Use all the mixing energy available amount of pH (the balance
while liming and thereafter in digester between the acid and the
mixing. The easiest application point is alkaline) and the production of
through the scum box, if one is gas are normal.

available. Add small quantities of lime NEVER put lumps of dry lime
daily until the pH and volatile acid/ into the digester. These lumps
alkalinity relationship of the tank are fall to the bottom of the
restored to desired levels, and gas digester and are difficult
production is normal. to remove
(h) In any case, use lime only if (h) Use the lime only when
recovery by natural methods cannot be there is not enough time to
accomplished within the time available. correct the liquid in the
digester by other methods.

Figure 2.11 Example of natural English, simplified English and simplified Arabic texts
Source: Smart Communications, Inc. (2005c).

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52 Translation and Technology

Controlled English for non-aerospace industries has a larger number

of basic words and terms than Simplified English. It is important to
remember, however, that a technical writer or professional translator
who specializes in the Controlled English of one narrow subject field
in the aerospace industry is not necessarily equally proficient in other
subject fields within the same industry, let alone in other industries,

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as each subject field is highly specialized. For example, in the glossary
for pilots and air-traffic personnel, the term ‘interrogator’ refers to a
specific device known as ‘a ground-based secondary surveillance
system transmitter’ and, not as we generally understand it, a person
whose job is to ask questions. Similarly, ‘under way’ means specifically
‘the state of being on the surface of the water but not moored to any
fixed object on the land or in the water’, it does not mean ‘in progress’
or ‘in operation’.
Non-English-based controlled language can also be found in Chinese,
German, Spanish and Swedish. For example, ‘ScaniaSwedish’ is the
controlled language which is used by native Swedish-speaking technical
writers to author truck-maintenance manuals for the company, Scania.
The maintenance manuals written in ScaniaSwedish are then translated
into other languages. Controlled languages such as these are designed
to meet the authoring and communication needs of a particular subject
field or organization (Hartley and Paris 2001: 309). Often a controlled
language is used for technical documents such as procedures, descriptions
and reports (Wojcik and Hoard 1997: 238).
As mentioned earlier, controlled languages – notably Controlled
English – have been in existence for more than seven decades.
However, use their has never been so extensive as it is now, with, for
instance, different Controlled English versions each containing the
vocabulary of an individual subject field. Controlled English or indeed
any controlled language is created by a group of subject-field special-
ists to serve a specific purpose, such as Controlled English for the aero-
space industry, a unique variety language which is used exclusively in
that industry. With respect to vocabulary, instead of using the entire
English language vocabulary, Controlled English merely selects a
specific number of vocabulary items together with their meanings to
ensure that polysemy and synonymy are eliminated; as a result, one
word has only one sense and each sense is conveyed by only one
word. Even though controlled language commonly occurs in the tech-
nical field, emotional and aesthetic qualities should not be excluded
entirely because over-simplification may create other problems. In

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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 53

fact, controlled languages should be applied appropriately, pragmatically

and sensibly (Janowski 1998).
In the near future, translators could find themselves working increasingly
from controlled language sources regardless of the type of translation tool
used. Some original documents are destined for translation because the
decision to translate these documents was made even before the original

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documents were written. For such documents, authoring the original docu-
mentation in a controlled language could, to a very high degree,
improve translatability. Examples of tools that help with implementing
controlled language authoring include SIMPLUS: Controlled Language
Editing Tool by Lingua Technology, and MAXit: Controlled English
Checker by Smart Communications, Inc.
One of the objectives of controlled language is to predict translation
choices and to provide the best equivalents in the target language. In
some cases, more than one target-language text may be produced, as
shown in Figure 2.12 where the controlled English language text has
been translated into French and Spanish. From the translation perspective,
the use of a controlled language presents both benefits and chal-
lenges. The benefits are numerous, including: the reduction of product
support costs through better manuals and web pages; uniformity in the
training of technicians, customer support and management staff; the
prevention of common grammatical errors; and the improvement of
reader comprehension through the ‘one word one meaning’ idea (Smart
Communications, Inc. 2005b). Challenges for translators include having
a syntactically and stylistically rigid text that may be hard to work with
(Nyberg, Mitamura and Huijsen 2003: 272). To create a controlled

CL: English Translation: French Translation: Spanish

1 Remove the diffuser 1 Retirez les panneaux 1 Retire los paneles

panels on the hood. du diffuseur de la de difusión de la
hotte. campana.
2 Clip carbon filter 2 Agrafez le filter au 2 Enganche los filtros
onto the bracket charbon sur le support de carbon a los
of diffuser panels. des panneaux du soportes de los
diffuseur. paneles de difusión.
3 Reinstall diffuser 3 Réinstallez les 3 Vuelva a instalar los
panels. panneaux du diffuseur. paneles de difusión.

CL = controlled language

Figure 2.12 Example of an English controlled language text and its translations

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54 Translation and Technology

language for a highly specialized subject field can be costly and can
take several years of research (see for example The Scania Project at as vocabulary, grammar, punc-
tuation and general writing conventions have to be redefined, and
professional translators as well as writers have to be trained to use the
syntactic rules and the terms.

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To conclude this section, we present an example of the complete
sequence of a translation process (see Figure 2.6) in Figure 2.13. Here

Unedited SL text :
Let the water run hot at the sink and then pull the connector from the recess in the
back of the dishwasher. Lift the connecter to the faucet by pressing down the
thumb release.

Pre-editing [H]

Pre-edited SL text :
1 Turn on the faucet at the sink until the water runs hot.
2 Pull the connector from the recess in the back of the dishwasher.
3 Press down on the thumb release and lift the connector onto the faucet.




Unedited Spanish TL text :

1 Dé vuelta encendido al grifo en el fregadero hasta el agua funciona caliente.
2 Tire del conectador a partir de la hendidura en la parte posteriora del lavaplatos.
3 Presione abajo en el lanzamiento del pulgar y levante el conectador sobre el grifo.

Post-editing [H]

Post-edited Spanish TL text :

1 Abra la llave del agua del fregadero hasta que salga agua caliente.
2 Jale el conector del hueco que se encuentra en la parte posteriora de la lavaplatos.
3 Oprima hacia abajo el liberador manual y levante el conector a la llave delagua.

SL = source language; TL = target language; H = human

Figure 2.13 Illustration of the translation process using a machine translation


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Translation Studies and Translation Technology 55

the source-language text in English is pre-edited in order to ensure that

the machine translation system will be able to generate a better quality
output in the Spanish language than it could have done using an
unedited version. The pre-edited text has been edited through the use
of controlled language rules to ensure the elimination of ambiguity.
The output generated by the system is then post-edited for publishing

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purposes by a professional translator. Humans (marked as [H]) are still
required to perform pre- and post-editing tasks, although they now
have the use of tools such as spell-checkers that can assist them in their
editing process.


The discussion in this chapter has introduced a number of issues relating

to translation and technology. It has been shown that translation theory
has been overshadowed by linguistic theories and various formalisms in
the development of rule-based machine translation systems. Taking a
broader view, the evolution of translation theory over many centuries
and the views on the subject by different groups of scholars has
culminated in Translation Studies as an interdisciplinary field. We have
also discussed the often shaky relationship between academic and
professional groups involved with translation technology, owing to
differences in research focus and interests. This discussion has provided
us with an introduction to the major players in translation, while at the
same time the relationship between Translation Studies as a discipline
and translation technology has been explored. Where translation
involves the use of translation tools – in particular machine translation
systems – a particular approach needs to be taken in order to describe
translation processes, including pre-editing and post-editing tasks.
It has been shown that this translation process is more likely to be
successful when a special man-made language variety is employed, such
as a controlled language.

Suggested reading
Chesterman, A. and E. Wagner (2002) Can Theory help Translators? Manchester:
St Jerome Publishing.
Melby, A. and C.T. Warner (1995) The Possibility of Language: A Discussion of the
Nature of Language with Implications for Human and Machine Translation.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Munday, J. (2001) Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications.
London: Routledge.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

56 Translation and Technology

Newton, J. (ed.) (1992a) Computers in Translation: A Practical Appraisal. London:

Steiner, E. and C. Yallop (eds) (2001) Exploring Translation and Multilingual Text
Production: Beyond Context. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Wilss, W. (1996) Knowledge and Skills in Translator Behavior. Amsterdam: John
Venuti, L. (ed.) (2000) The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge.

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10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Machine Translation Systems

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Machine translation is an important technology socio-politically,
commercially and scientifically, despite many misconceptions about its
success or lack of it over the decades. The emergence of the Internet as
one of the main media of modern communication has turned translation
into a bridge that connects speakers of different languages. The endless
traffic of communication between different language groups requires
translation, but when instant translations are needed, human transla-
tors are not able to supply them fast enough. A highly skilled profession
like translation using human translators is expensive and also slow,
especially when a large number of languages and subject fields are
involved. In order to meet the growing translation demand, machine
translation systems are seen as a cost-effective alternative to human
translators in a variety of situations. Ever since the first system was built,
machine translation has been presenting scientific challenges (see also
Nirenburg 1996). It became the testing ground for many experiments
and applications for natural-language processing, artificial intelligence
and even linguistics (Arnold et al. 1994: 4–5).
Machine translation is an interdisciplinary enterprise that combines
a number of fields of study such as lexicography, linguistics, computa-
tional linguistics, computer science and language engineering (Whitelock
and Kilby 1995: 2; see also Wilss 1999). It is based on the hypothesis that
natural languages can be fully described, controlled and mathematically
coded (Wilss 1999: 140).
This chapter begins with a brief history of machine translation (see
also Slocum 1988; Hutchins 2000b; Nirenburg, Somers and Wilks 2003),
followed by a description of the components involved in a machine
translation system. These components and their configurations are
sometimes referred to as the machine translation architecture. Hybrid


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58 Translation and Technology

and interactive machine translation, online machine translation and

commercial machine translation systems are also discussed. In addition,
we also examine the different purposes for which machine translation
systems are used.

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Major historical developments

Machine translation is over five decades old, although the notion of

‘mechanical translation’ appeared nearly four hundred years ago. In 1629,
Descartes may have been the first to propose the idea that a language
could be represented by codes and that words of different languages with
equivalent meaning could share the same code (Pugh 1992: 15). It was
based on the hypothesis that a custom-designed machine might be able
to manipulate codified rules of natural language. This may have been the
precursor to modern machine technology (Wilss 1999: 140). In the early
years of machine technology, the common term used was ‘automatic
translation’ or ‘mechanical translation’ (Tong 1994: 4,731). However, it
was only after the Second World War (1939–45) that the possibilities of
language translation using stored-program computers, a recent invention
at that time, were explored (Somers 2003b: 4).
Figure 3.1shows the approximation on the time continuum of
approaches used in machine translation system development since the
second half of the twentieth century. Figure 3.1 will serve as a guide for
the discussion in this chapter, and as an indicator of time periods when
a particular approach was at its peak.

1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

‘Toy’ system

Direct approach

Rule-based approaches

Corpus-based approaches

Figure 3.1 Chronology of machine translation development

Pioneer years
The pioneer years began in 1949 with the well-known memorandum
from Warren Weaver that effectively marked the beginning of machine

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Machine Translation Systems 59

translation research. This memorandum focused on four issues: meaning

and context, language and logic, translation and cryptography techniques,
and language and invariants (Pugh 1992: 16). This memorandum, in
which Weaver proposed the use of cryptographic techniques to mech-
anize translation, was rejected by many, who felt that it was too
simplistic, naïve and perhaps presumptuous about the logical structures

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of language, its formalization and the complexity and subtleness of
translation (see also Chapter 2). However, it struck researchers as suffi-
ciently intriguing to begin experimenting although, at the same time,
not everyone took the memorandum seriously (Tong 1994: 4,731;
Somers 1998a: 140). In the memorandum, Weaver proposed crypto-
graphic techniques to mechanize translation.
The idea of using cryptographic techniques was a direct consequence
of two ‘highly specific programmed machines’. One was called Colossus
that was built in 1943 in London by Tommy Flowers, an engineer at the
British General Post Office; the other was called ENIAC (Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer). Designed by J. Presper Eckert and
John William Mauchly of the University of Pennsylvania, ENIAC was
built in 1945 by the US Army ( Unfortu-
nately, the techniques of cryptography were not found to be useful, as
deciphering coded messages and translating natural language texts
proved to be rather different. This would come as no surprise to any
translator, or even linguist, but most researchers who pioneered machine
translation research were not linguists and, as a result, may have been
naïve about the complexities and characteristics of natural language.
As they discovered, words cannot be treated in isolation. However,
their attempts seemed to generate serious interest in the process of
mechanizing translation (Tong 1994: 4,731, Somers 1998b: 140).
While in the USA high-level funding came mostly from the military
and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), in the Soviet Union the KGB
(Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti) provided most of the financial
support for machine translation research. The goal at the time was to
produce fully automated high-quality machine translation systems. In the
early days of the Cold War, the purpose of machine translation research
by both countries was to gather intelligence, in contrast to Weaver’s
original more altruistic motives of fostering peace through international
communication. In recent years, military funding for more advanced
machine translation systems has made a comeback due to security
threats around the world, particularly in the USA (see Chapter 6).
Research on machine translation was also undertaken in France,
Germany, Japan, the Soviet Union and the UK.

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60 Translation and Technology

First-generation systems
The first public demonstration of a machine translation system was
the Russian–English Georgetown University System, a collaborative
effort between IBM and Georgetown University, carried out in 1954
(Hutchins 1995: 434). Early machine translation systems, such as the

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Georgetown University system, often referred to as the ‘first generation’,
employed word-for-word translation methods with no clear built-in
linguistic component. Although the system was considered only a
‘toy system’ with 250 words, six grammar rules and 49 sentences, it
prompted the US government to fund large-scale machine translation
research projects (Goshawke, Kelly and Wigg 1987: 26). According to
Somers (2003b: 4), in the early days, the US government invested
between $12 and $20 million on machine translation research. The
sponsors and the general public were optimistic that high-quality
translations could be produced by fully automatic systems.
In 1966, a committee known as the Automatic Language Processing
Advisory Committee (ALPAC) was established to investigate the feasi-
bility of high-quality machine translation. The report concluded that
the machine translation systems evaluated were slow, less accurate than
human translations and expensive (see also ALPAC 1966). Thus machine
translation systems were deemed a failure in meeting their objectives
and ALPAC did not foresee any possibility of achieving useful results in
the near future. However, the ALPAC report was considered biased due
to the unrealistic expectation that machine translation is capable of
producing perfect translations of the highest quality. It also did not
include any study of the long-term needs and possibilities of machine
translation systems. Even Chomsky’s dominance in linguistic studies
did not have much of an impact on machine translation during this
period (Tong 1994: 4,731).
Instead, the report recommended the development of machine aids
for translators and shifted its support to research in computational
linguistics. It also brought about the realization that ‘language is too
complex and the task of translation therefore requires human capabili-
ties, which . . . cannot be easily simulated in a computer program’
(Somers 1997: 194). The after-effect of the report resulted in the demise
of large-scale research funding from government agencies in the USA
and across Europe, specifically France and Germany, although it flour-
ished in Eastern European countries such as the Soviet Union, Hungary
and Czechoslovakia which had little technological know-how,
according to Pugh (1992: 17; see also Somers 1998b: 141). The general
mood ‘changed from enthusiastic optimism to fatalistic condemnation’

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Machine Translation Systems 61

(Pugh 1992: 16). As a consequence, machine translation became the

victim of its own unrealistic expectations.
In 1959, Bar-Hillel argued convincingly that FAHQMT (fully automatic
high-quality machine translation) should not be the goal of machine
translation researchers (Nirenburg 1996; see also Melby and Warner
1995). He was highly critical of the machine translation projects then in

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existence, which were mostly theory-based. We can recall that the original
objective of machine translation was to build fully automatic systems
that could translate as well as human translators, potentially replacing
human translators with machines. It was arguably a grave error when,
in their enthusiasm to build the perfect system, machine translation
researchers failed to seek the views of translators. This later led to
antagonism among translators towards machine translation systems,
fearing that they would be ‘phased out’ by machines; as for their part,
they also did not understand the limited or highly specific capabilities
of such systems. This is a feeling that is still evident even today.

The quiet years

The ALPAC report brought machine translation research almost to a halt,
and as a result the first half of the 1970s was a quiet period for machine
translation, especially in the USA. Some groups continued machine
translation research under different names such as ‘computer-assisted
translation’, while others moved on and concentrated on research related
to linguistics and artificial intelligence (Tong 1994: 4,731). Only a handful
of research groups survived the aftermath of the report and continued
on a much smaller scale. Logos, a privately funded company set up in
1969, produced its first English–Vietnamese machine translation
system three years later in the context of the US military involvement in
Vietnam. In 1977 and 1980, two machine translation systems called
Weidner and ALPS (Automatic Language Processing System) were
successfully developed by Brigham Young University. Neither Weidner
nor ALPS, however, are machine translation systems in the real sense
but more like multilingual terminological data manipulation systems
(Ananiadou 1987: 176–80).
Outside the USA, the Traduction automatique à l’Université de
Montréal (TAUM) in Canada was one of the few research groups to
survive. In 1976, they successfully developed the TAUM-Météo machine
translation system to translate meteorological bulletins between English
and French. Météo continues to operate successfully to this day. Another
survivor is the SUSY (Saarbrücker ÜbersetzungsSYstem) machine trans-
lation system developed in Germany involving English, German and

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62 Translation and Technology

Russian (Freigang 2001: 20). Since 1995, SUSY can be accessed online
for German–English and Russian–German translation. Research activities
in the Soviet Union concentrated mainly on languages spoken within
the Union itself (Goshawke, Kelly and Wigg 1987: 28). Some other
European countries such as Hungary and Czechoslovakia continued
their research but with limited technological expertise (Somers

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1998a: 141). In Asia, the Chinese University of Hong Kong successfully
developed a Chinese–English machine translation system called CULT
(Chinese University Language Translator) in 1968. Initially, only a small
amount of machine translation research was carried out in Japan, but
by the 1970s machine translation activity had increased, particularly
at the Kyoto University research laboratory headed by Makoto Nagao
(see also Slocum 1988).

Second-generation systems
In the late 1970s, the USA saw a revival of machine translation research
with the development of SPANAM (Spanish American), a Spanish–English
machine translation system, and ENGSPAN (English Spanish), an English–
Spanish system by PAHO as well as METAL (Mechanical Translation and
Analysis of Language), a German-English machine translation system
built by the US Air Force at the University of Texas in Austin with
support from Siemens (Arnold et al. 1994: 14; see also Slocum 1988).
In Europe, between the 1970s and 1992, machine translation research
reemerged with the EUROTRA (European Translation) project based on
the work of the Groupe d’Étude pour la Traduction Automatique
(GETA) in France and the University of Saarbrücken in Germany. This
project covered all the languages spoken in the European Community
at that time. Although it was not successful in building a ‘working’
machine translation system, several EUROTRA-inspired machine trans-
lation systems were developed, for example PaTrans (Patent Translation)
in Denmark, a commercial machine translation system for translating
patent texts from English into Danish, and an experimental machine
translation system involving 13 languages called CAT2 (Constructors,
Atoms and Translators) in Germany. This era lasted until the end of
the 1980s, which saw the emergence of corpus-based approaches (the use
of bilingual or parallel corpora based on statistical- and example-based
approaches), and also the development of new rule-based approaches
using constraint-based grammars (see also Chapter 2).
Machine translation research continued throughout the 1980s in an
attempt to find better methods and techniques for translation. In the
1980s, the most active machine translation research took place in Japan,

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Machine Translation Systems 63

initiated by the Mu machine translation system developed at Kyoto

University. Another well-known project was the joint research project
between Japan’s Center of International Cooperation for Computerization
(CICC) and four Asian countries known as the Fifth Generation
Multilingual Interlingua-based Machine Translation System Project
(1987–95), which developed a system for translating in and out of

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Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay and Thai. At the same time, major
Japanese electronic and telecommunication companies such as Fujitsu
and Hitachi also began to develop machine translation systems for
commercial use (Somers 1998a: 142).
In the 1980s, there were also advances in computational linguistics
that allowed research into machine translation systems to develop more
sophisticated approaches to translation. A number of machine translation
systems adopted the ‘indirect’ approach to translation that was based
on certain linguistic rules. An indirect approach enables the source-
language text to be analysed and turned into abstract representations
using programs that can identify word and sentence structures in an
attempt to solve the problem of ambiguity. The abstract representations
are also able to generate more than one target-language text. We shall
return to this later in the chapter.
Most of the products developed at the time were software for
computer-aided translation between Japanese and English specifically
for the Japanese market. Most of the machine translation systems such
as Pensee by OKI, HICATS (Hitachi Computer Aided Translation System)
by Hitachi and Meltran-J/E (Japanese/English) by Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation are based on the direct or transfer approach (see sections
below). They all consist of only word and sentence structure analysis with
much of the lexical ambiguities unresolved. Their domains are restricted
to certain subject fields such as computer science and information
technology. These machine translation systems require extensive
pre-editing and post-editing by human translators (Hutchins 1995;
see Chapter 2). Other commercial machine translation systems, which
started out as basic research projects, such as METAL by Siemens and
LMT (Logic-based Machine Translation) by IBM, were fully developed
by the late 1980s (Somers 1998b: 142). Although they were simple in
design with limited performance capacity, they showed that machine
translation systems had potential for improvement.
Until the late 1980s, two approaches were used in machine translation
systems, the indirect and the direct approaches. The indirect approach
consisted of two basic systems, ‘interlingua’ and ‘transfer’. These systems
are described below. The best-known direct machine translation systems

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64 Translation and Technology

for mainframe computers (a term used to refer to a larger, expensive

and more complex computer that processes massive amount of data
such as censuses) are Systran, Logos and Atlas. The best-known transfer
machine translation systems are Ariane developed by GETA, a machine
translation project dating back to the 1960s, and EUTROTRA funded by
the Commission of the European Communities. Neither Ariane nor

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EUTROTRA, nor the interlingua machine translation system developed
by CICC of Japan with a number of Asian countries, performed as well
as many had expected.
Most of the machine translation system research during this period
focused on the rule-based transfer and interlingua approaches. The needs
of professional translators were overlooked and commercial companies
such as ALPNET, Inc. seized the opportunity to market a series of trans-
lation tools. One of them was an early generation of a translation memory
system (see Chapter 4).

The modern years

The early 1990s saw another major event when IBM developed a machine
translation system called Candide using ‘statistical methods’ (Brown
et al. 1993; see also Berger et al. 1994). At the same time, methods based
on corpora of translation examples were experimented with in Japan.
This method was later known as the ‘example-based’ approach. Neither
method, statistical- nor example-based, used any syntactic or semantic
rules, relying instead on large electronic corpora of text to establish
patterns of equivalence. Hence, they differ from earlier (prior to 1990)
methods such as rule-based approaches that employed linguistic rules.
The statistical-based machine translation system draws its idea from
communication theory, which had been suggested nearly six decades
earlier by Weaver in his memorandum. In contrast to the rule-based
approaches, the new corpus-based approaches used aligned texts – pairs
of source and target-language texts – meaning that the source and
target-language texts are structurally matched often at sentence level.
Statistical calculations are then performed on the aligned bilingual
texts to establish the probabilities of various translation equivalents, or
examples are extracted from the aligned bilingual texts by matching
examples (strings of source-language and target-language words, phrases
or sentences).
The older methods have continued even with the introduction of
these two new methods. At the same time, a shift in machine translation
research was seen moving from ‘pure’ to ‘applied’. This trend has
continued until today, along with the integration of machine translation

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Machine Translation Systems 65

systems with other translation tools, particularly in the area of software

localization, from stand-alone to network systems and from offline
to online.
By the early 1990s, the world also began to undergo dramatic changes
with respect to international communication. Advanced telecommuni-
cation systems and the Internet gave rise to a variety of translation

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requirements for different groups of people. At the same time, affordable
stand-alone personal computers (PC) became available for individuals,
and small businesses began to replace earlier more expensive mainframe
computers. In the late 1990s and the early years of the twenty-first
century, the use of machine translation and computer-aided translation
tools began to increase rapidly. The impact of the Internet on machine
translation research also had a significant effect as it created a new medium
for translation. As a result, in recent years a number of machine transla-
tion systems have been designed to translate Web pages as well as other
types of text such as e-mail and chat-room messages. The communities
of machine translation research as well as commercial companies also
began to realize that different types of machine translation systems
were required in order to fulfil diversifying translation requirements. Some
of these systems are:

• translation software for stand-alone and networked personal computers

for professional translators;
• machine translation systems for professional translators or
• online machine translation systems for home users and non-
translators; and
• portable hand-held audio-visual translation devices for non-translators.

Since the early 1990s, a significant development in machine translation

research has been in speech translation where speech recognition tech-
nology, which deals with the interpretation of conversation and dialogue,
has combined with machine translation to enable the conversion of
speech to text, a topic discussed in Chapter 6.
Active machine translation research is also found in China, Taiwan,
Korea, India and Southeast Asian countries, while machine translation
research in Eastern Europe was greatly affected by the political changes
and the lack of funding after 1989. While researchers from the former
Soviet Union progressed at a much-reduced rate, their counterparts in
the Czech Republic and Bulgaria adopted the approach of entering into
collaborative projects with organizations in Western Europe.

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66 Translation and Technology

In retrospect, the substantial military and government funding in the

early years of machine translation research in the USA and Soviet
Union contributed to its longevity (Pugh 1992: 16). The setbacks and
obstacles experienced during machine translation development do
not, however, indicate a lack of success. The achievements of today’s
machine translation systems are due not only to advances in computer

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engineering, but also to the realization that in developing such systems,
there are limitations. The limitations include the size of general and
specialized dictionaries, the type of text, the languages and the number
of language pairs in a system. As a result, most systems today are built
either for specific-purposes or general-purposes.
Subject field-specific machine translation systems are designed to
translate source texts of restricted and well-defined subject fields with
pre-established vocabulary and sentence structures; for example, the
Météo weather forecast system (English into French) and the JICST-E
system (Japan Information Center of Science and Technology – English)
that translates Japanese scientific and technical abstracts into English
(Vasconcellos 1995: 375–6). Wider subject fields are usually handled by
general-purpose machine translation systems such as online machine
translation systems, described later in this chapter. Atlas-II by Fujitsu and
HICATS by Hitachi were arguably originally subject field-specific systems
but have been adapted gradually to become general-purpose systems
(Vasconcellos 1995: 375). It has to be made clear that general-purpose
machine translation systems are still not suitable for certain types of text,
especially creative texts such as advertisements (see also Allen 2000).
The evolution of machine translation from mainframe, through
PC-based systems to free online systems has made automatic language
support almost a necessity (O’Hagan and Ashworth 2002: 39). Current
machine translation systems are considered to be the third generation
of hybrid systems that combine the earlier rule-based approaches and the
subsequent corpus-based approaches. However, the differences between
rule-based, knowledge-based and corpus-based architectures are sometimes
not easy to tell as a result of various methods of integration. Nevertheless,
it is still useful to understand the individual architectures from the first
generation to the current generation of machine translation systems, as
we shall see in the next section.


A machine translation system normally consists of several main compo-

nents, and two of these particularly associated with rule-based systems

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Machine Translation Systems 67

are briefly described here. The first component consists of a set of

monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, whilst the second is a parser, to
which we return below. The function of a source-language monolingual
dictionary is to present grammatical information (morphology, syntax
and semantics). A bilingual dictionary is consulted by the system when
a source-language word is subsequently matched to its target-language

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equivalent (Lewis 1992: 76).
As an example, the KAMI dictionary (Kamus Melayu–Inggeris; Malay–
English dictionary) contains eight fields of grammatical information for
Malay words. In Table 3.1, the word ‘gajah’ (elephant) is called the index
word (1). If the index word is a derivative, the original word of the
derivative is given in the root word entry (2). The index word ‘gajah’ is
a kind of animal, and the word is classed accordingly as a noun in the
field for part-of-speech (3). Field (4) gives information on any important
syntactic features of the index word which is used in the source-
language text. Semantic information is stored in field (5). The following
two fields are the English translation (6) and the definition of the index
word (7). Meta-tags (8) is a field for any additional information that is
relevant to the index word, for example archaic, vernacular or a loan
word, in which case the language of origin is indicated.

Table 3.1 Example of a word entry in KAMI

Field Explanation Example Comment

(1) Malay Index Word gajah required

(2) Malay Root Word — if index is a derivative
(3) Part-of-Speech Noun required
(4) Syntactic Features Classifier = ekor [tail] list of features
(5) Semantic Features mammal list of features
(6) English Translation elephant translation equivalent
(7) English Definition a kind of animal translation description
(8) Meta-Tags — list of relevant meta-tags

Source: Quah, Bond and Yamazaki (2001): 202.

The second main component of the architecture is the parser. A parser

assigns a structure to each string made up of a word or phrase in the
source-language text based on the stored grammatical information
already pre-determined for that language. The goal of the parser is to
identify the relationships between source-language words and their
structural representations. A structural representation provides gram-
matical information related to these words or phrases. The word ‘supplies’

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68 Translation and Technology

in the sentence ‘The instant hot air supplies the necessary heat to all
laboratories’ has the structural representations of a verb in the present
tense and in the declarative mood (see Figure 3.2). The grammatical
information is ‘attached’ to the words and phrases of the source-language
text by means of the parsing process. The closer a source language is to its
target language genealogically, for example Italian to Spanish, the less

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elaborate the parser tends to be (Lewis 1992: 77; see also Schwarzl 2001).

‘The instant hot air supplies the necessary heat to all laboratories.’
(tense present)
(mood declarative)
(punctuation period)
(source (*o-hot air
(reference definite)
(number singular)
(attribute (*p-instant))))
(theme (*u-heat
(reference definite)
(number singular)
(attribute (*p-necessary))))
(goal_to (*o-all laboratories
(reference indefinite)
(number plural)))

Figure 3.2 Example of structural representations

The following sections deal with the architectures of different machine

translation systems, and Figure 3.3 gives an overview. The systems
from the second-generation onwards were designed differently from


Direct translation Rule-based Corpus-based

(1st generation) (2nd generation) (3rd generation)

Transfer Interlingua Statistical-based Example-based

Figure 3.3 Machine translation architectures

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Machine Translation Systems 69

the first-generation systems using what is known as a modular structure.

Unlike the second-generation systems, the direct translation systems of
the first-generation could not be modified without the danger of conse-
quent unforeseen changes happening elsewhere in the system. A modular
approach means that when grammar rules and dictionaries have to be
updated or a new pair of languages added, this can be done without

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affecting the performance of the system as a whole, as the analysis,
synthesis, grammar rules and dictionary are separated into different
modules. Both later approaches, not only rule-based but also corpus-
based machine translation systems, are modular. In all this, it is clear
that a machine translation system is not really a machine in a physical
sense but a complex software program (Nagao 1989: 70–1, 126).

Direct translation approach

Direct translation was the first approach employed in machine transla-
tion development and is considered to be the first generation of
machine translation systems. Since the direct approach was the first to
be developed, its system was rather primitive and required a long
processing time. No linguistic analysis was carried out on the source-
language text before its translation was generated. Also, this approach
does not have the capability to resolve ambiguities, to deal with
metaphorical expressions or to translate sentences between unrelated
language pairs. This type of machine translation system is generally
designed to translate between two closely related languages.
In direct translation systems, the source-language text is treated as
a string of words, and a number of operations are performed by replacing
source-language words with target-language words, re-ordering words
until they end up with a string of symbols in the target language; for
example, standard contrastive differences such as the order of adjectives
and nouns in English (adjective + noun) and French (noun + adjective), for
example ‘the blue chair’ → ‘la chaise bleue’ can be taken account of
by the system (Jurafsky and Martin 2000: 817). A direct system is
essentially a dictionary-based system that matches each source-language
word to its target-language equivalent. The translation task is a single
processing operation that stores all data in one bilingual dictionary with
no separate grammar module (Lewis 1992: 79). The approach mirrors
early translation approaches of word-for-word translation (see also
Chapter 2). It is based on the principle of doing ‘simple operations that
can be done reliably’ and was designed to deal with only one language
pair at a time (Jurafsky and Martin 2000: 816). Sentences in the target
language are constructed by directly replacing source-language strings

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70 Translation and Technology

with target-language strings (Jurafsky and Martin 2000: 817; see

Figure 3.4). The operation consists of a matching of finite sets of lexical
items from a source language with limited context onto target-language
lexical items (Whitelock and Kilby 1995: 6).

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analysis + synthesis
SL text TL text


SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.4 Direct translation model

A direct translation system depends on well-developed dictionaries,

morphological analysis and text-processing software. This approach was
simple and cheap but the output results were poor and mimic – for
obvious reasons – the syntactic structures of the source language (Drakos
and Moore 2001). Furthermore, as mentioned earlier it only works well
with pairs of closely related languages that have similar grammatical
structures. The syntactic analysis used is very basic while semantic
analysis is rarely included. Input to the design of direct machine trans-
lation systems by linguists and translators was virtually nil since this
type of system model was designed and built by mathematicians and
engineers. A direct translation approach does not incorporate any
application of translation theory, and only contains a minimal applica-
tion of linguistic theory (Somers 1998c: 144; Jurafsky and Martin 2000:
818). As a result, the machine translation systems resulting from this
approach as originally conceived proved to be unreliable and insuffi-
ciently powerful, yet it was adopted in almost all machine translation
systems developed before 1966–67 (Jurafsky and Martin 2000: 817).
Early direct machine translation systems include Météo, Weidner, CULT
and the old Systran. The current Systran, originally designed to translate
from Russian into English, can now accommodate a larger number of
language pairs. This has been made possible by reconfiguring Systran into a
highly modular, modifiable and extendable system. In practice, however,
most working machine translation systems tend to combine a number of
different approaches as described below (Jurafsky and Martin 2000: 818).

Rule-based approaches
Ruled-based approaches involve the application of morphological,
syntactic and/or semantic rules to the analysis of a source-language text

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Machine Translation Systems 71

and synthesis of a target-language text (Carl and Way 2003b: xviii). As

noted earlier, there are two rule-based approaches: interlingua and
transfer. Rule-based machine translation assumes that translation is a
process consisting of analysis and representation of the source-language
text ‘meaning’ to enable its equivalent to be generated in the target
language. The representation must be precise and clear. On this

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assumption, interlingua and transfer systems were built to improve on
and modularize earlier direct machine translation systems. As second-
generation systems (Somers 1998b: 144), both types of rule-based
systems have abstract or intermediate representations. The interlingua
machine translation systems had a language-independent or ‘universal’
abstract representation, reflecting the aims of theoretical linguists in
the 1960s to identify features which all languages have in common at
some level. Transfer systems, on the other hand, had separate represen-
tations for source-language and target-language texts, with the system
moving from source-language text to source-language representation,
which was then converted into the target-language representation
before the target-language representation produced the target text. Let
us look at each of these architectures in turn.

The interlingua approach

In the interlingua approach, a source-language text is converted into a
highly abstract representation that captures all the essential syntactic
and semantic information that can then be converted into several target
languages. An ‘interlingua’ represents ‘all sentences that mean the
“same” thing in the same way, regardless of the language they happen
to be in’ (Jurafsky and Martin 2000: 812). Thus it is designed to be
language-independent. See Reeder (2000) and Bennett (2003) for
examples of interlingua representations.
An interlingua is intended to function in stages as the intermediary
between natural languages. During the analysis stage, a source-language
text is analysed and transformed into its interlingua representation. Target-
language sentences are produced from this interlingua representation
with the help of target-language dictionaries and grammar rules during
the synthesis stage (Lewis 1992: 78). Figure 3.5 illustrates this process.
Interlingua systems are highly modular in the sense that one part of
the system does not affect other parts. Modularity also allows the
addition of new modules without affecting existing modules in the
system. The modularity ensures independence; for example, in a Dutch
to Russian machine translation system, if the Dutch parser is being
upgraded it does not affect the Russian sentence generator.

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72 Translation and Technology

SL text Interlingua representation TL text

[SL–Interlingual translation–TL]

Analysis: SL dictionary Synthesis: TL dictionary

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& grammar & grammar

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.5 Interlingua model

Figure 3.6 illustrates a multilingual system using the interlingua

approach, which started with Dutch as the source language and Russian
as the target language. With modularity, it is possible to add three other
source languages (French, Italian and Russian) and generate three other
target languages (Dutch, Italian and French). In all, a total of 12 combi-
nations of language pairs (from Dutch into Russian, French and Italian;
from French into Dutch, Russian and Italian; from Italian into Russian,
Dutch and French; and from Russian into Dutch, French and Italian)
from four languages can be produced by such a system.
A more advanced approach, which displays extensive semantic and
pragmatic knowledge and also includes, to some degree, the ability to
reason about concepts, has been developed by Carnegie Mellon University.
This so-called ‘knowledge-based machine translation’ evolved from
interlingua-oriented systems which assume that translation goes beyond
linguistic knowledge. The method emphasizes the importance of a

SL text Analysis Generation TL text

Dutch Dutch Russian Russian

French French Dutch Dutch

Italian Italian French French

Russian Russian Italian Italian

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.6 Interlingua multilingual machine translation system model

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Machine Translation Systems 73

‘complete understanding of the meaning of the source text’ (Nirenburg

et al. 1992: 27). It requires a parser to map a source-language text into a
semantic representation, and also a generator to map this representa-
tion into a target-language text. The Carnegie Mellon University system,
which uses lexical, grammatical and matching rules, is known as
KANT (Knowledge-based Accurate Translation) and its newer version as

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KANTOO. Other similar types of systems are Mikrokosmos developed
by New Mexico State University, Pivot by NEC and HICATS by Hitachi.
Non-knowledge-based interlingua machine translation systems include
DLT (Distributed Language Translation) developed by the BSO (Buro voor
Systeemontwikkeling) Company in Utrecht, and Rosetta by Philips
Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. The DLT machine translation
system uses a modified form of the Esperanto language while the Rosetta
system uses Montague grammar as the interlingua. The Montague
grammar contains a syntactic and a semantic component in which a
new expression and its grammatical category is generated by using existing
expressions and their grammatical categories based on a set of syntactic
rules (Crystal 1993: 222).
The main problem for an interlingua system to overcome is how to
define a universal representation that can accommodate all languages.
Various possibilities can be explored for the interlingua, including
an artificial or a formal language; it could also be based on semantic
or syntactic dictionary-type information (Lewis 1992: 78). In reality,
however, it is difficult to build a truly language-neutral representation
that represents ‘all’ possible aspects of syntax and semantics for ‘all’
known languages. Just as early machine translation systems were based
on naïve assumptions about translation as a word-for-word process,
interlingua systems were influenced by optimistic research in theoret-
ical linguistics on language universals. Much has been written about
this approach but to this day there is no definitive methodology that
results in the building of a true language-neutral representation. The
advantage of an interlingua approach is that it requires less work and is
cheaper when a new language is added to the system, compared to the
transfer approach described in the next section.

The transfer approach

The transfer approach is less ambitious than the interlingua approach,
and consists of three stages. The analysis stage aims to convert a source-
language text into an abstract source-language representation. Following
this, the transfer of the source-language representation into its equi-
valent target-language representation takes place. The last stage is where

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74 Translation and Technology

a target-language text is generated. This approach is similar to the

translation process described by Nida (1969; see also Chapter 2). Specific
dictionaries are used at each stage: a source-language dictionary at the
analysis stage, a bilingual dictionary at the transfer stage, and a target-
language dictionary at the generation stage as illustrated in Figure 3.7.

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text representation representation text

Transfer : SL–TL bilingual

Analysis: SL Generation: TL
dictionary & grammar
dictionary & dictionary &
grammar grammar

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.7 Transfer model

This approach uses contrastive knowledge of the two languages. As an

example, Figure 3.8 shows the transfer stage where the source-language
representation of the English phrase ‘the beautiful little girl’ undergoes
a parsing process to restructure the English phrase into its Spanish
translation, ‘la pequeña muchacha hermosa’.
Like the other rule-based approach, the transfer approach is suitable
for building a multilingual machine translation system. However, unlike
the interlingua approach where only one interlingua is responsible for
all the language pairs, the transfer approach uses different transfer models
for each language pair. Figure 3.9 shows an example of a transfer-based
multilingual machine translation system of three languages able to
generate six language pairs (from Polish into Hungarian and Romanian;
from Hungarian into Polish and Romanian; and from Romanian into
Polish and Hungarian).
The transfer approach is not without problems. It relies on dictionaries,
which may not necessarily contain sufficient knowledge to resolve
ambiguities (Kit, Pan and Webster 2002: 57). Moreover, failure at the
analysis stage may result in zero output because the transfer process
cannot take place. Ariane by GETA and SUSY by the University of
Saarbrücken exemplify the typical features of a second-generation transfer
approach system. Other systems include METAL initially developed by

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Machine Translation Systems 75

SL representation TL representation


Det N1 Det’ N1’

the Adj1 N2 N2’ Adj1’

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beautiful Adj2 N3 Adj2’ N3’ hermosa

little girl pequeña muchacha

Transfer stage

N1 N1’

Adj1 N2 N2’ Adj1’

beautiful hermosa

N2 N2’

Adj2 N3 Adj2’ N3’

little girl pequeña muchacha

N = noun; NP = noun phrase; Adj = adjective; Det = determiner;

SL = source language; TL = target language
Note: ’ = translation (e.g. NP’ is the translation of NP).

Figure 3.8 Transfer using tree-to-tree parsing

the University of Texas in Austin, Atlas-I by Fujitsu and Duet by Sharp

(Lewis 1992: 79).
It is important to remember that all interlingua machine translation
systems to date are only of demonstration or prototype capabilities. The
interlingua approach is still pursued by many researchers for machine
translation systems and other natural-language processing applications,
but in reality the transfer approach is often the choice of preference
simply because it is the simpler approach (Bel et al. 2001). At the end of
the 1980s, even though rule-based approaches had been overtaken by a
number of successful experiments using other approaches, they had

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76 Translation and Technology

SL text Transfer TL text

Polish – Hungarian

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Polish Hungarian – Polish Polish

Polish – Romanian
Hungarian Hungarian
Romanian – Polish

Romanian Hungarian – Romanian Romanian

Romanian – Hungarian

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.9 Transfer multilingual machine translation system model

gained some new uses for web-based information technology such as

multilingual information retrieval and online translation (Streiter, Carl
and Iomdin 2000).

Corpus-based approaches
The early 1990s saw corpus-based approaches gaining popularity in
machine translation research. Statistical- and example-based approaches
are two different methods that make use of linguistic information in a
corpus to create new translations. All corpus-based machine translation
systems use a set of so-called ‘reference translations’ containing source-
language texts and their translations. Source and target-language texts
are aligned and the equivalent translation is extracted using a specific
statistical method or by matching a number of examples extracted from
the corpus (Carl 2000: 997).
This approach is not new to machine translation researchers. In the
early 1960s, experiments were carried out at IBM to investigate statistical
methods, but on the whole these were not successful. Another attempt
was made later with a newer stochastic technique called Bayes’ theorem
(Tomás and Casacuberta 2001) that, as a result, revived the use of stat-
istical methods in machine translation research. The example-based

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Machine Translation Systems 77

approach was first proposed by Nagao in 1984, but it was not until the
late 1980s that researchers began to employ this method (Trujillo 1999:
204). Corpus-based approaches provide an alternative to the intractable
complexity of rule-based approaches at the analysis and generation
stages (Hutchins 1994).
These two approaches (statistical-based and example-based) were

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explored by different groups of machine translation researchers on both
sides of the Pacific. While the IBM group in the USA concentrated on
experimenting with statistical methods with considerable success, at the
same time researchers in Japan also experimented successfully using
translation examples taken from corpora to generate new translations.
Unlike rule-based approaches, the two approaches do not apply linguistic
rules to the analysis of texts or to the selection of translation equivalents.

The statistical-based approach

Prior to the 1990s, attempts to use statistical methods in the development
of machine translation systems were unsuccessful. As we have seen,
working statistical-based machine translation came into being (see also
Berger et al. 1994) when researchers at IBM introduced the use of Bayes’
theorem in their Candide machine translation system. Candide was
based on what was at the time a huge corpus, more than two million
French and English sentences, of transcribed Canadian parliamentary
debates known as ‘Hansards’. The premise of this approach is that a
translation can be modelled with a statistical process. Bayes’ theorem deals
with probability inference and defines how to combine knowledge of
prior events, for example past translations with new data (new source-
language texts) to predict future events (in this case, new translations).
This method has, so far, been shown to work best in restricted subject
In the statistical-based approach, a source-language text is first
segmented into strings of words and phrases; the source-language segments
are then compared to an existing large aligned bilingual corpus consisting
of original texts and their translations, and a statistical method is then
employed on the aligned bilingual corpus to obtain new target-language
segments. From the new segments, using the theorem, a new target-
language text is produced (Carl and Way 2003b: xix). This approach is
clearly quite different from the rule-based approaches previously
discussed that employ pre-determined linguistic rules to analyse
source-language texts in order to generate translations (see Figure 3.10).
The principal hypothesis of this approach is that one source-language
sentence (S) can have a large number of translations (T), and each of these

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78 Translation and Technology

Aligned bilingual

SL text TL text
SL words TL words

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Translation Language
model model

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.10 Statistical-based model

has a varying probability (P) of being correct. The probability is calculated

using Bayes’ rule, which states that:

P(T) × P(T S)
P ( T S ) = ------------------------------------

where P(T⏐S) is the probability of T given the translation S; P(T) is the

probability of randomly selecting the text T, which is calculated from
the frequency in the corpus; P(S⏐T) is the probability assumed by the
translation model used by the algorithm assigned to S being translated
into T; and P(S) is the frequency of observing the text S in the corpus.

Using this hypothesis, the highest probability of the target-language

translation (T), for the source-language sentence (S), is calculated. In other
words the algorithm selects the translation it regards as most likely by
combining information from its translation model and information
from its language model, both typical components of statistical systems.
In the translation model (see Berger et al. 1994), a source-language segment
(a word or a string of words) is matched with, or ‘mapped’ onto, its
target-language segment. The model can be based on words, phrases or
sentences, such as those in the IBM1 to IBM5 translation models (see also
Brown et al. 1993). The translation model calculates the probabilities of
every word that makes up, say, the target-language sentence in T, based
on each of the source-language words in S. In most statistical machine
translation systems, the lexicon of the translation model is single-word-
based; that is, one source-language word corresponds to only one
target-language word. Here the word-for-word translation approach

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Machine Translation Systems 79

seen in Chapter 2 is the basic method of selecting a pair of segments,

often based on single words, which then get combined into sentences.
However, most pairings between a source-language word and a target-
language word are not one-to-one; the exceptions are certain technical
terms, such as the German ‘gefluder’, the French ‘flume’, as the English
‘flume’ (Newmark 1996: 56). Other forms of pairing commonly occur,

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such as: one-to-zero equivalent, for example the Malay word ‘songket’ is
a hand-woven fabric with gold and silver threads often worn during
official functions or ceremonies in the Malay community and does not
have an equivalent in English; one-to-many equivalents, for example
‘love’ has several equivalents in Malay – ‘cinta’, ‘sayang’ and ‘kasih’;
and one-word-to-one-phrase equivalent, for example the one-phrase
equivalent of ‘absent’ in Malay is ‘tidak hadir’ (not present).
The problem of pairing words in this approach is similar to a number
of translation procedures described by Vinay and Darbelnet (1958/2000)
discussed in Chapter 2. Consider, for example, that target-language words
sometimes appear in a different order from the source-language words;
in statistical-based machine translation this phenomenon is called
‘distortion’. The probabilities for distortion are also included in the
translation model; for example, P(3⏐4) in which the probability that the
source word in position 3 will produce a translation word in position 4, or
P(3⏐1, 3, 4) in which the probability that the source word in position 3
will produce a translation word in position 1 when there are three words
in the source language and four words in the target language (Somers
2003g). In general, only linguistic and contextual information such as
surrounding words, parts-of-speech and syntactic constituents are used
in the model. Semantics, however, is rarely included as part of the model.
The second component typical of statistical-based systems, the
language model itself (see Berger et al. 1994), is then used to compute the
likelihood of the results being a valid target-language segment (written
as P(T⏐S) as shown in the Bayes’ rules earlier), following the operation of
the translation model. The computation is best achieved through
employing an algorithm, which uses ‘n-gram’ statistics; an n-gram is a
string of ‘n’ letters. In practice, n is taken as a small number, for example
from one to five where n is the number of letters in each of the chosen
strings. Therefore, if n = 2 it is called a ‘digram’, and if n = 3 it is a
‘trigram’. For example, the text ‘the blue car’ can be generated using a
‘digram’ as ‘th’, ‘he’, ‘eb’, ‘bl’ and so on; or a ‘trigram’ as ‘the’, ‘heb’, ‘blu’,
‘lue’ and so on. Note that n-grams ignore any spaces between letters.
The process of calculating all these probabilities can be visualized in
Figure 3.11. The translation model, as we have seen, is derived from an

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80 Translation and Technology

Bilingual corpus

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Probable words:
xxx1 xxx2
Translation xxx3 xxx4 Language
model model

Other probable
Most probable

Figure 3.11 Probabilities workflow in the statistical-based approach

aligned bilingual or parallel corpus while the language model calculates the
probabilities of word sequences from the target language. Only the most
probable translation is usually suggested as the equivalent. Other probable
words can also be tried repeatedly to seek better equivalents if necessary.
These n-gram-based models lack contextual information such as
information on the words surrounding the target words, part-of-speech,
syntactic constituents and semantics. A statistical-based approach also
separates the monolingual and bilingual information. The monolingual
information is located in the language model while the bilingual
information comes from the translation model (Trujillo 1999: 210–11).
The probability calculations used to evaluate a desired target-language
text are vital to this type of approach. The goal is to harvest a list of
possible translation equivalents for a new source segment. In other
words, the task of a statistical machine translation system is to choose
the source-language segment from the corpus that is the closest to the
new source-language segment based on probabilities.
This approach is, however, not without problems. If the bilingual
corpus is too small, the system may not be effective in generating
good translations. The Candide machine translation system, for instance,
has so far worked well in an experimental environment, but it is unsure
if it will perform as well in a commercial environment. The move from
an experimental to a commercial environment needs to be considered.
Since 1994, attempts have also been made to include knowledge derived
from linguistics in the Candide machine translation system. This has been

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Machine Translation Systems 81

shown to produce more successful results than the simple use of statistical
methods (Bel et al. 2002).

The example-based approach

Example-based machine translation is also referred to as analogy-, memory-,
pattern-, case- or similarity-based translation (Sumita and Imamura 2002).

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As noted earlier, Nagao proposed this approach in the mid-1980s, and it
lies between rule-based and statistical approaches (Carl and Way 2003b:
xix). Matching rules that are used in rule-based machine translation
systems are dispensed with. An example-based machine translation requires
a bilingual corpus of translation pairs and employs an algorithm to match
the closest example of a source-language segment to its target-language
segment as the basis for translating the new source text. A matched pair of
segments is called an ‘example’. A segment can be of any length or operate
at any linguistic level (see also Arnold et al. 1994), but according to one
view, ideally, it should be at the sentence level (Carl and Way 2003b: xix).
Three main tasks are involved in the translation process of an example-
based system (see Figure 3.12): matching segments from the new source
text against existing pairs of examples extracted from an aligned bilingual
corpus, then aligning corresponding translation segments and recom-
bining them to generate a target text (Kit, Pan and Webster 2002: 60).

Aligned bilingual

SL text SL phrase TL phrase TL text

TL language

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 3.12 Example-based model

According to Sato and Nagao (1990), the basic idea of an example-

based translation is to ‘translate a source sentence by imitating the
translation of a similar sentence already in the database’. However, in
most cases, more than one ‘imitation’ may be needed to translate a
completely new source-language sentence. Table 3.2 illustrates this.

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82 Translation and Technology

Table 3.2 Imitation in the example-based approach

Sentence English (source) Malay (target)

Example ES3.1: The lady in the farmers’ market MS3.1: Wanita di pasar tani
is my cousin. itu ialah sepupu saya.
Example ES3.2: She sells flowers every day. MS3.2: Dia menjual bunga

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setiap hari.
New ES3.3: She sells flowers in the farmers’ MS3.3: Dia menjual bunga di
market every day. pasar tani itu setiap hair.

ES = English sentence; MS = Malay sentence

When an English sentence such as ‘She sells flowers in the farmers’

market every day’ (ES3.3 in Table 3.2) needs to be translated into Malay,
the database of examples is searched for similar but not necessarily
identical source-language strings such as ‘The lady in the farmers’
market is my cousin’ (ES3.1) and ‘She sells flowers every day’ (ES3.2).
Along with source sentences such as these, their Malay translations are
also extracted (see MS3.1 and MS3.2). By referring to these examples, the
new source-language sentence may then be translated by ‘imitating’ the
matching parts of the Malay examples and recombining them to turn
them into new target-language sentence (see EM3.3; see also examples
in Sato and Nagao 1990).
New source-language sentences can also be translated according to
the ‘semantic similarity’ of examples in the database as shown in Table 3.3

Table 3.3 Semantic similarity in the example-based approach

Sentence English (source) Malay (target)

Example ES3.4: Tigers born in the zoo for MS3.4: Harimau yang lahir sejak
the past 10 years were all males. 10 tahun yang lalu semuanya
Example ES3.5: The villagers who attended MS3.5: Orang kampung yang
the meeting were all males. menghadiri mesyuarat itu
semuanya lelaki.
New ES3.6: Sarah’s puppy is a male. MS3.6: Anak anjing Sarah jantan.
New ES3.7: The cooks are all males. MS3.7 Tukang masak semuanya

ES = English sentence; MS = Malay sentence

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Machine Translation Systems 83

(see also examples in Turcato and Popowich 2003). This can be used to
determine which target-language alternative is most suitable for the
translation of a noun such as ‘male’, that is potentially polysemous
when translated into a language such as Malay which distinguishes the
words used to indicate gender for humans and for animals. Unlike in
English, the specific terms to indicate a male animal (‘jantan’) and a male

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human (‘lelaki’) are not interchangeable in Malay. The term ‘jantan’ is
only used to refer to humans in the metaphorical or derogatory sense,
and the term ‘lelaki’ is never used to indicate a male animal. Therefore,
based on semantic similarity with the word ‘male’, the Malay translation
‘jantan’ in ‘Anak anjing Sarah jantan’ (MS3.6) must share the same
semantic feature of ( + animal) as the ‘male’ in the English example
sentence ‘Tigers born in the zoo for the past 10 years were all males’
(ES3.4). Similarly, ‘lelaki’ is the translation of ‘male’ that has the same
semantic ( + human) feature in sentences ES3.5-MS3.5 and ES3.7-MS3.7.
The example-based approach is very similar to that used in computer-
aided translation tools like translation memory, which we will consider
in the next chapter. However, while both allow translation examples to
be extracted from the bilingual corpora stored in the system, only the
example-based approach is capable of extracting more than one example
to create a target-language sentence (Trujillo 1999: 203; Somers 2003f: 5).
The other distinction between these two systems is that translation
memory is an interactive tool used by professional translators while
example-based machine translation is an automatic translation system
(Sumita and Imamura 2002; see also Somers 2003c and 2003f).
The example-based approach is unlikely to succeed if no close
matches can be found in the bilingual corpus or if the input sentences
are metaphorical in nature. Adding new examples to an aligned bilin-
gual corpus could either improve or degrade the performance of the
system. Similarly, too many repetitions of the same or similar examples
could either reinforce or jeopardize the performance of a system (see
also Somers 2003f). Other areas of concern include how to estimate the
size of the corpus, and whether the analysis of the corpus should be
carried out before or during the translation process (Sumita and
Imamura 2002). Lastly, the matching algorithm is based on the compar-
ison of words through their proximity in meaning (see Tables 3.2
and 3.3), but problems may still occur; for example, the kind of
numerous morphological variations found in languages such as Malay
which make matching procedures more complex. A high degree of
morphological variation is commonly found, for instance, in agglutinative

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84 Translation and Technology

languages such as Hungarian, Malay, Swahili and Turkish. Words in

these languages are constructed by ‘gluing’ together several morphemes
(the smallest units of grammar, such as a prefix) in a linear sequence.
Each gluing process would generally alter the meaning as well as the
part-of-speech of the word; for example, the Malay word ‘berkeseor-
angan’ (to be alone and feeling lonely) is made up of two prefixes

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(‘ber-’ and ‘se-’), a root word (‘orang’, which means ‘person’) and a prefix
and suffix pair (‘ke-an’). The process of ‘gluing’ the affixes to the root
word must also be done in the correct order. The first level of affixation
begins with ‘se-’ and ‘orang’ to form ‘seorang’, which means ‘a person’.
This is followed by affixing ‘ke-an’ to turn ‘seorang’ into ‘keseorangan’,
which means ‘lonely’, and the last stage is to add ‘ber-’ that once again
changes its meaning – ‘to be alone and feeling lonely’ – to produce
A number of example-based machine translation research projects
have been described in the literature including, for example, the
Chinese–English system for Hong Kong’s legal code and various
bilingual resources from the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) in
Zhang, Brown and Frederking (2001); an example-based system for a
German–Polish machine translation system in Gajer (2002); and an
English–French example-based system in Gough, Way and Hearne (2002).
Corpus-based approaches also have problems with scalability, which
means that a corpus can be either too small or too large for a particular
task (Bel et al. 2001). Corpus-based machine translation systems,
whether statistical- or example-based, should not, however, rely solely
on the information found in the corpus. Words and structures from
outside the corpus should also be included if it becomes apparent that
they might occur in other texts in the same subject field (Lehrberger
and Bourbeau 1988: 129).

Hybrid and interactive machine translation systems

A rule-based system is deductive in nature as it is based on a set of

linguistic rules set up by its designers. Moreover, it does not in principle
store any translation results or reuse previously translated segments. Such
a system is difficult to adapt for new subject fields. A corpus-based system,
on the other hand, is inductive in nature because the rules are derived
from a given set of translation examples and modification is achieved
through the addition of new translation examples. The rule-based
approach is often expensive, and may produce inconsistent results

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Machine Translation Systems 85

when new linguistic rules are added. In contrast, the corpus-based

approach is flexible enough to process sentences even if they are ill-
formed. However, when long sentences are involved, the processing
time tends to be lengthy (see also Carl et al. 2000).
Machine translation research is unlikely to progress significantly by
the refinement of one approach in preference to another. Instead, ‘hybrid’

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(Coloumbe 2001) and other innovative approaches may be the best way
forward. Many of these hybridizations combining two different machine
translation systems are still at an experimental stage; for example,
hybrids such as a rule-based CAT2 machine translation system and an
example-based Edgar machine translation system (Carl et al. 2000), or
an example-based engine and an interlingua approach in one single
system called Pangloss Mark II (Bel et al. 2001). Alternatively, different
types of tools may be combined or integrated in a new system, such as
Otelo, which is made up of two machine translation systems – IBM LMT
and Logos – with a translation memory system called IBM Translation-
Manager (Carl et al. 2000).
Another solution to compensate for the lack of understanding of
natural languages on the part of computers is to involve humans in
the process, that is to have interactive machine translation systems.
The human input or intervention feature is similar to that of human-
aided machine translation. However, there is one significant differ-
ence: interactive machine translation systems allow a translator to
have control over the translation process and the output, while
human-aided machine translation systems pause and ask the user (not
necessarily a translator) to resolve the problem of lexical or syntactic
ambiguity (see also Melby and Warner 1995; Macklovitch 2001).
Examples of interactive machine translation systems include LING-
STAT, TransType2 and WebDIPLOMAT (Web Distributed Intelligent
Processing of Language for Operational Machine Aided Translation)
from Carnegie Mellon University, and DBMT (Dialogue-based
Machine Translation system) from the University of Grenoble (Melby
and Warner 1995: 34–5).

Online machine translation systems

Machine translation was originally designed for formal written language,

but the demand for the translation of e-mail messages that contain less
formal syntactic structures has increased in recent years. Hence the
developers of machine translation systems have created different systems
to meet the needs of different end-users, for instance, client–server

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86 Translation and Technology

machine translation systems. In a client–server situation, an organization

or a translation company hosts the machine translation system on a
server. The ‘client’, either a company or an individual, can access the
machine translation system using user identification and a password
such as the client–server structure found in the European Commission
Systran machine translation system which offers translation services

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to translators, administrators and the officials of European Union
institutions and bodies. The system has 18 language pairs with English,
French, German and Spanish acting as the main source languages
(Petrits 2001).
Machine translation systems have also been made accessible to the
general public who may need occasional translations through the
Internet. Machine translation developers such as Systran, for example,
offer a free online translation facility named Babelfish, which is located
on the AltaVista search engine website (see http:/ /
Babelfish is reported to have received over 500,000 visitors and handled
more than four million web pages and a million translations of a wide
range of web pages per day at the start of the millennium (McKinsey
2001). The growing number of online machine translation systems and
improvements in their performance mean that millions of Internet
users can now read pages originally posted in languages that they do
not understand.
For end-users who occasionally require the translation of web pages,
small chunks of text and e-mails, free online machine translation
systems such as Babelfish, Promt-Online and WorldLingo are extremely
helpful. Since most online machine translation systems are for general
purposes, the translations generated may not be of the highest quality
but there is enough information for the end-users to at least understand
the overall content. As an example, a chunk of English text translated
by two online machine translation systems, Promt-Online and World-
Lingo Free Online Translator, into German is shown in Figure 3.13. The
two German translations have a few differences: the spelling of specific
words, such as ‘dass’ and ‘daß’; the identification of parts of speech,
such as ‘-unterstützungen’ (plural noun) versus ‘stützt’ (third-person
singular verb) for the English verb ‘supports’; and the non-translation
of words such as ‘nicknamed’ and ‘Pigmy’ in WorldLingo compared to
‘Spitznamen’ and ‘Pygmäin’ in Promt-Online. The German sentences
translated by these two online systems are not grammatically correct
and the terms used may not be accurate, but the overall message in the
English text is more or less conveyed to a German-speaking end-user
who does not read or understand English.

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Machine Translation Systems 87

English text: The famous skeleton from Indonesia nicknamed the ‘Hobbit’ does
not belong to a modern human pigmy with a brain disease. The study of the brain
supports the idea that it might be a new kind of dwarf, which is one of the human

German translation by Promt-Online: German translation by WorldLingo:

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Das berühmte Skelett von Indonesien Das berühmte Skelett von
mit einem Spitznamen bezeichnet der Indonesien, das das ‘Hobbit’
‘Hobbit’ gehört einer modernen nicknamed ist, gehört nicht einem
menschlichen Pygmäin mit einer modernen menschlichen Pigmy mit
Gehirnkrankheit nicht. Die Studie von einer Gehirnkrankheit. Die Studie
Gehirnunterstützungen die Idee, dass des Gehirns stützt die Idee, daß es
es eine neue Art des Zwergs sein eine neue Art Zwerg sein konnte,
könnte, der eine der menschlichen welches eins der menschlichen
Arten ist. Sorte ist.

Figure 3.13 Translations by online machine translation systems

Commercial machine translation systems

Much of the previous discussion has been about the development of

machine translation systems from a research perspective. In this section,
the focus is on commercial machine translation systems. Table 3.4
presents an indicative summary of the different types of commercial
machine translation systems currently available (Hutchins, Hartmann and
Ito 2004). The classification is based on the intended target market, for
example home versus professional, and the number of languages
The languages and direction of translation in machine translation
systems are usually pre-determined. The direction of translation for the
trilingual class varies from system to system and it is not possible to list
each one. Similarly, the directions are not listed for the multilingual
systems, which involve more than three languages. Almost all commer-
cial systems are said to have rule-based rather than corpus-based archi-
tectures. Corpus-based systems are now being commercially developed
and could make their appearance in the market in the future (Bennett
and Gerber 2003: 176; Hutchins 2003: 163).
The type labelled as ‘professional’ in Table 3.4 caters for individual
professional translators, while ‘client–server’ is primarily intended for
external contractor companies or translation companies in order to
support their teams of professional translators either in-house or working

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88 Translation and Technology

Table 3.4 Classification of commercial machine translation systems

Language Bilingual Bilingual Trilingual Multilingual Total

type (unidirectional) (bidirectional)

General 18 31 7 12 68
Home 8 36 9 16 69

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Professional 19 3 12 34
Internet (web, 12 25 6 45 88
Client-server 3 6 1 13 23
Portal, service 1 10 11
Mobile 2 3 5

Total 43 121 26 108 298

Source: Hutchins, Hartmann and Ito (2004).

as ‘suppliers’ of translation services on a freelance basis. The type

labelled ‘portal’ refers to machine translation companies that supply
machine translation systems to other companies or websites. The type
labelled ‘mobile’ may refer to plug-in systems; for example, a palm pilot
plugged into a networked computer using either a cable or wireless
modem to remotely access a machine translation system.
In Hutchins, Hartmann and Ito’s (2004) compendium, only two
commercial integrated systems are listed. They are the ESTeam Trans-
lator© developed by a Swedish company called ESTeam AB, a machine
translation system integrated with a translation memory system that
supports European languages, and TransPen developed by a Taiwanese
company called Otek International, Inc., a Chinese–English machine
translation system integrated with an optical character recognition
(OCR) tool. Most integrated systems mentioned in the previous discus-
sion are still at the experimental or prototype stages. Some originally
planned integrated systems did not even get past the experimental
stage, such as the integration of Trados Translator’s Workbench v1.07
for Windows with the Logos machine translation system (see also
Puntikov 1999).
One of the main commercial functions of machine translation is to
improve the productivity of human translators who are able to check
and polish translations (Graddol 1998: 144–5). Although a machine
translation system is unlikely to be as accurate as a professional

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Machine Translation Systems 89

translator, it is faster and cheaper. As we have seen, extensive research

in machine translation, using a variety of techniques and types of
technology, is now in progress at universities and large corporations
in many countries. The successful use of any commercial machine
translation system requires a large investment on the part of the
end-user such as being committed to create, maintain and update

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terminology and translation databases in order to maximize the
usability of a system. Training on how to use a machine translation
system is essential, while regular after-sales service and technical
support from the developers are equally important (Bennett and
Gerber 2003: 189).

Reasons for using machine translation systems

In reacting to the possibility of machine translation, professional

translators need to realize that today’s translation demands include
translation for many different purposes. For machine translation, in
particular, at least four purposes have been identified: dissemination,
assimilation, information exchange and access. With the exception of
translation for information dissemination, where almost all information
in the source texts is conveyed in the translation, translations for the
remaining three purposes tend to be tailored to the need of an end-user,
as we shall see below.
The type of text considered to be most cost-effective for machine
translation is the informative text (see also Reiss 1977/1989), usually
written in a ‘restricted’ form or variety of special language. As
mentioned previously, this type of text includes instruction manuals,
technical articles, abstracts, minutes of meetings and weather reports.
In fact, the function of a text is crucial to generating a good output
from a machine translation system. Informative texts have certain char-
acteristics. They do not present any conflict of aims; they should be
clearly written, objective, factual and neutral, and usually suffer minimal
loss of meaning during translation (see also controlled language in
Chapter 2).
Nearly all translations of this kind are meant to disseminate informa-
tion. In order to successfully perform this task, translations into multiple
target languages need to be accurate and well-written. When machine
translation systems were first developed, the intention was to have the
systems produce high-quality translation output for publication purposes.
Unfortunately this did not materialize for reasons we have already

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90 Translation and Technology

discussed, and hence the outputs generated by machine translation today

are often regarded as translation drafts that require humans to perform
the task of post-editing.
However, careful translation is often not required for the assimilation
of information, such as when, for example, the translation is required
for the purpose of internal monitoring and information filtering inside

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an organization based on a variety of sources. Once all the gathered
information has been machine translated, the output is manually sorted
and the human translators only post-edit the portion of the output that
contains valuable information identified from the raw machine translation
output (see Chapter 6). Translation of the latter kind need not be of
publishable quality; it is sufficient that the translation can be under-
stood. In other words, basic comprehension is all that is required as
long as the user understands the content or topic of the machine trans-
lation output. It is extremely effective for those who need to access
foreign language documents, in particular information downloaded
from the web. The goal of machine translation for assimilation purposes
is to produce large, inexpensive volumes of rough translation automati-
cally at a fast rate. Translation for assimilation purposes is cheaper and
quicker by far than for dissemination purposes, most of it achieved by
the cheaper PC-based machine translation systems. Keeping translation
costs low is the main goal.
In recent years, the demand for the translation of web pages or of
communications between two parties from different linguistic back-
grounds carried out over the Internet has increased. Human translators
are unable to meet this need since instantaneous ‘real-time translation’
is required to convey the basic contents of the message; the quality of
translation is not an issue for this purpose. The exchange of information
does not only involve the translation of electronically written texts
online but also of bilingual phrases on handheld translation devices
for tourists and to some degree, the interpretation of telephone
conversations and business negotiations (see Chapter 6).
Speedy access to information, in whatever language, is important in
the modern world, and in this context machine translation can facilitate
information search and retrieval. Online multilingual machine translation
systems retrieve and extract information from textual and non-textual
databases, especially from the Internet, operating in conjunction with
other tools to search and retrieve information from scientific and
technical journals, to extract specific information from newspaper
reports, to summarize reports and to listen to or view non-textual (audio-
visual) material.

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Machine Translation Systems 91


In the last five decades, the research and development of machine

translation systems has undergone great changes in many respects:
funding, evolution from mainframes to networks and the emergence of
artificial intelligence, neural networks, corpus-based approaches and

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the application of linguistics (see also Bennett 2003). However, the
results have been mixed. According to Tsujii (1991: 4), machine translation
is believed to be one of the hardest dreams to realize in information
science and is still likely to be difficult despite all the improvements
made (see also Bennett and Gerber 2003). Nevertheless, despite the
many drawbacks, machine translation is still important in the information
world of today and will become increasingly important in the future
(Haynes 1998; see Chapter 6).
In this chapter it has been shown that the development of machine
translation systems has progressed steadily. We now see a variety of
approaches used to generate if not the highest quality, then certainly
the optimal quality of translation given the available knowledge and
technology. For professional translators, the data-driven approaches of
statistical-based and example-based approaches may be of more use
than rule-based machine translation systems, because of the benefit of
using previously translated material and other types of textual and non-
textual data as corpora (see Chapter 6). We have also seen that online
machine translation systems, mostly general-purpose ones, are more
suitable for the general public who need to access information written
in languages they do not understand or to obtain ad hoc translations.
Historically, the involvement of translators with mainframe or
networked machine translation systems has largely been in the context
of large organizations where the decision to use machine translation is
made by the organization rather than the translators, who are then
mainly engaged in editing roles. Since these systems are large and
expensive, only organizations can afford them. Interestingly, when the
more affordable smaller PC-based systems were introduced in the early
1990s, they were marketed aggressively to companies or small businesses.
They were of little relevance to freelance professional translators as the
quality of the output was poor. As a result, most professional translators
did not consider PC-based machine translation systems as an option.
The percentage of professional translators using any machine translation
system may still be small even though in recent years their performance
has been significantly improved. It was the appearance on the market
of tools such as translation memory and the concept of the ‘workbench’

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92 Translation and Technology

which finally grabbed the attention of translators, as well as companies.

It is to such computer-aided tools that we turn our attention in the
next chapter.

Suggested reading
Arnold, D., L. Balkan, R. Humphreys, S. Meijer and L. Sadler (1994) Machine

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Translation: An Introductory Guide. Manchester and Oxford: NCC Blackwell.
Hutchins, W.J. (ed.) (2000b) Early Years in Machine Translation: Memoirs and
Biographies of Pioneers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Nirenburg, S., H.L. Somers and Y. Wilks (eds) (2003) Readings in Machine Transla-
tion. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Schwarzl, A. (2001) The (Im)Possibility of Machine Translation. European University
Studies. Series XIV, Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature. Frankfurt am Main:
Peter Lang.
Trujillo, A. (1999) Translation Engines: Techniques for Machine Translation.
London: Springer-Verlag.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Computer-Aided Translation Tools
and Resources

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The approach taken in this chapter is different from that of the previous
chapter. Instead of focusing systematically on a number of approaches, the
emphasis here is on translation tools, resources and standards that may
be useful to professional translators. Many professional translators of
specialist texts can benefit from using computer-aided translation tools
such as translation memory systems, terminology management systems
and the standards for translation data interchange such as translation
memory exchange (TMX). Certain tools, however, such as localization
tools, are only of interest to professional translators who are involved in
the localization industry. These tools are useful to know about but they
may not be needed for all kinds of translation and would be of little use to
professional translators working with creative texts. Some other resources
and tools, such as parallel corpora and concordancers, are extremely
helpful for professional translators in order to enhance their productivity
and the quality of their translations. Another important topic that needs
attention here is the standards that have been created to enable interopera-
bility of lexical and terminology databases, translation memory databases
and localization tools in the localization process. Since they are frequently
upgraded, tools and resources discussed in this chapter are only described
in general terms.


A ‘workbench’ or a ‘workstation’ is a single integrated system that is

made up of a number of translation tools and resources such as a transla-
tion memory, an alignment tool, a tag filter, electronic dictionaries,


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94 Translation and Technology

terminology databases, a terminology management system and spell and

grammar-checkers. Two major translation tools in a workbench, transla-
tion memory systems and terminology management systems, will be
described here.

Translation memory systems

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In the 1970s, one of the earliest computer-aided translation tools to
emerge was translation memory, yet it was only commercially
developed in the mid-1990s (Somers 2003c: 31). Translation memory has
been defined as ‘a multilingual text archive containing (segmented,
aligned, parsed and classified) multilingual texts, allowing storage and
retrieval of aligned multilingual text segments against various search
conditions’ (EAGLES 1996). Unlike machine translation systems, which
generate translations automatically, translation memory systems allow
professional translators to be in charge of the decision-making whether
to accept or reject a term or an equivalent phrase or ‘segment’ suggested
by the system during the translation process. Translators can also build
their own ‘memory’.
Virtually all translation memory systems are language-independent
and support international character sets that represent many, if not all,
alphabets and scripts digitally. For instance, the Arabic-based or Perso-
Arabic languages such as Avestan, the oldest Iranian language used for
writing the sacred texts of the Zoroastrian religion; the languages of
Batak spoken in northern Sumatra, Indonesia; and Newari, a language
spoken in central Nepal, have yet to be digitized for natural-language
processing applications including computer-aided translation tools.
Nevertheless, a tool like a translation memory system also has other
limitations, in particular the fact that it functions optimally with texts
written in some kind of ‘special language’ related to a particular subject
field and with certain genres which require frequent updates and
re-translation. Thus translation memory systems are extremely useful
for translating texts that contain large numbers of repeated words or
terms, extended phrases and even sentences. Legal documents, technical
reports and manuals are good examples of texts that can benefit from
the use of this type of translation tool.
Translation memory technology works by reusing previously translated
texts and their originals in order to facilitate the production of new trans-
lations (Puntikov 1999: 64). It can also interface with databases of stored
specialized terminologies that can be accessed and retrieved for reuse in
new translations. Some terminology databases are empty to begin with and
have to be filled or ‘populated’, while other databases may come with sets

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 95

of terms from specific subject fields, to which new terms can be added.
Clients are also known to supply their translators with terms often referred
to as ‘legacy data’, although the data may be presented in different
applications including word-processing software, spreadsheets or other
databases and structured in different ways.
Generally, a database of terms is known as a ‘termbase’; the tool which

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is used to build the termbase is a database management system which has
been customized for storing and retrieving lexical data and is known
as a ‘terminology management system’. This tool will be described later
in this chapter.

A translation memory system has no linguistic component, and two
different approaches are employed to extract translation segments from
the previously stored texts. These are known as perfect matching and fuzzy
matching. Other characteristics such as filter, segmentation and alignment
will also be discussed.

Perfect matching. A perfect or exact match occurs when a new source-

language segment is completely identical including spelling, punctuation
and inflections, to the old segment found in the database, that is in the
translation ‘memory’ (Austermühl 2001: 136). Table 4.1 shows an example
of a perfect match between a previously translated English source
sentence stored in the database or memory, ‘Close the filler cap’ (ES4.1),
and the new English sentence, ‘Close the filler cap’ (ES4.2). Therefore, the
previously translated Spanish sentence, ‘Cierre el tapón’ (SS4.1), can be
reused as the new translation without any changes (see SS4.2).

Table 4.1 Example of perfect matching

Sentence English (source) Spanish (target)

Old ES4.1: Close the filler cap. SS4.1: Cierre el tapón.

New ES4.2: Close the filler cap. SS4.2: Cierre el tapón.

ES = English sentence; SS = Spanish sentence

Fuzzy matching. Unlike a perfect match, a fuzzy match occurs when an

old and a new source-language segment are similar but not exactly
identical (Esselink 1998: 134). Even a very small difference such as
punctuation leads to a fuzzy match.

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96 Translation and Technology

Table 4.2 shows an example of fuzzy matching of two new source-

language sentences: ‘How to operate the appliance’ (ES4.5) and ‘There is
water in the tank’ (ES4.6) The tool searches in its memory for possible
matches and finds ‘How to assemble the appliance’ (ES43) and ‘There is
no water in the tank’ (ES4.4). The translator must now translate
‘operate’ into ‘operar’ to complete the translation (see SS4.5). In other

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words, the translator replaces ‘ensemblar’ (SS4.3) with ‘operar’ (SS4.5) to
produce a new Spanish translation. In the case of the sentence ‘There is
water in the tank’ (ES4.6), the Spanish word ‘no’ is dropped to produce
the new translation (see SS4.6). If there is more than one pair of fuzzy
matches, the translation with the closest similarity to the new source-
language segment is usually suggested as the first choice (Austermühl
2001: 137; see also Somers 2003c).

Table 4.2 Examples of fuzzy matching

Sentence English (source) Spanish (target)

Old ES4.3: How to assemble the SS4.3: Como ensemblar el aparato.

Old ES4.4: There is no water in the SS4.4: No hay agua en el depósito.
New ES4.5: How to operate the SS4.5: Como operar el aparato.
New ES4.6: There is water in the tank. SS4.6: Hay agua en el depósito.

ES = English sentence; SS = Spanish sentence

As the degree of similarity between old source segments in the data-

base or memory and new source-text segments currently being trans-
lated may vary, an algorithm is used to calculate a percentage which
expresses the degree of match. The higher the percentage of the fuzzy
match, the closer the similarity between the two source-language
segments. The threshold percentage can be set by the user at a high
level, for instance at 90 per cent, to restrict the retrieval of old source-
language segments to those containing only small differences from the
new source-language segment. In contrast, the threshold can be set at a
low level, for instance at 10 per cent, to allow the translation memory
to retrieve segments only weakly related to the new segment. Examples
in Table 4.3 show two thresholds for fuzzy matching.
For the higher percentage, only two English words ‘pull’ and ‘out’
(ES4.7) are different from the new sentence, ‘push’ and ‘in’ (ES4.8).

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 97

Table 4.3 Higher and lower threshold percentages for fuzzy matching

Percentage/sentence English (source) French (target)

High/old ES4.7: Pull the control dial FS4.7: Tirer le sélecteur

out to start. pour mettre en marche.
High/new ES4.8: Push the control dial FS4.8: Enfoncer le sélecteur

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in to start. pour mettre en marche.
Low/old ES4.9: If the drum does not FS4.9: Si le tambour est
stop moving, disconnect toujours en marche,
the electrical power. couper le courant.
Low/new ES4.10: If the washer does FS4.10: Si pendant le cycle
not stop moving when the d’essorage la machine est
door is opened during the toujours en marche
spin cycle, disconnect the lorsque le couvercle est
electrical power. ouvert, couper le courant.

ES = English sentence; FS = French sentence

A lower threshold means that there is less similarity between the old
and new source-language segments (see ES4.9 and ES4.10), with more
work for the translator to do. In some cases, more time is needed to edit
fuzzy matches than to translate them from scratch.
Segments that mean the same thing but differ in format such as dates
(30 October 1961/October 30, 1961/1961, October 30), measurements
(kg/kilogram), time (4.00pm/1600) and spellings (color/colour) all fall
in the fuzzy-match category although they are differently categorized
by Austermühl (2001) and Bowker (2002). Some systems also allow for
the automatic processing of such changes. Examples of English–German
fuzzy matches can be found in Esselink (2000) and Austermühl (2001), and
English–French in Bowker (2002).
Polysemous and homonymous words, that is homographs, always
need careful handling and present a challenge for all machine translation
systems. However, in a computer-aided translation system, a translator
can decide to accept or reject a match – either perfect or fuzzy – when it
is suggested by the system (Bowker 2002: 97). Table 4.4 illustrates just
such a case. Although three suggestions ‘proa’, ‘arco’ and ‘laço’ for ‘bow’
are given in the fuzzy matches, only ‘laço’, in ‘They tie the rope around
the tree in a bow’ (ES4.14) would be selected.
Most translation memory systems have the perfect matching feature.
However, a translation memory system that has the fuzzy matching
feature will enable a translator to optimize the use of previously
translated material by adjusting the threshold accordingly.

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98 Translation and Technology

Table 4.4 Examples of matching suggestions for ‘bow’

Sentence English (source) Portuguese (target)

Old ES4.11: The big wave has PS4.11: A onda grande danificou
damaged his bow and stern. a proa e a popa.
Old ES4.12: My music teacher PS4.12: O meu professor de

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told me not to hold the bow música disse-me para não segurar
too tightly. o arco com demasiada força.
Old ES4.13: The hunter is using PS4.13: O caçador está a usar o
his bow and arrows to kill arco e as flechas para matar o
the deer. veado.
Old ES4.14: They tie the rope PS4.14: Eles atam a corda com
around the tree in a bow. um laço à volta da árvore.
New ES4.15: She made a bow PS4.15: Ela fez um laço com a
with the ribbon. fita.

ES = English sentence; PS = Portuguese sentence

Filter. Some translation memory systems are equipped with filters for
the more common formats. A filter is a feature that converts a source-
language text from one format into another giving a translator the
flexibility to work with texts of different formats (Esselink 2000: 362).
A translation-friendly format contains only written text without any
accompanying graphics. In order to obtain such a format, an import
filter would separate a text from its formatting code. For example, a
web document can be formatted with HTML code which is normally
hidden from the end-user when browsing the web (to view the code,
select the ‘Source’ option from the ‘View’ menu). The code marks the
beginnings and ends of paragraphs, headings, text formats such as bold
and italics, the position of graphs and links, so that the document
assumes a certain appearance on screen. HTML is one of a number of
so-called ‘markup languages’ to which we return later in this chapter.
The HTML code for a web page is shown in Figure 4.1.
If the translator works on the document in the HTML format, there is a
danger that the code might accidentally get removed or translated as part
of the text, giving an incorrect translation. Furthermore, the translation
might not then allow conversion back to a web page owing to the
missing code. Therefore, when a web page requires translation, to make
the translation task easier the page is usually stripped of the HTML code
leaving only the text without any graphics or formatting information, as
shown in Figure 4.2.

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 99

<!-- Side bar structure ends here --><!-- End of Math Side Bar --
><!-- Allow menubars in non-printable versions --><!--
Secondary Menubar handling--><!-- End of Secondary Menu
Bar Handling -->
<div id = "CreatorContent"><!-- Content Section begins here --

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><!-- Math Body Prefix file ends here -->
<h2> Teaching Assignment Winter 04<br>
href = “”>
Empirical Problem Solving</a> <br>
&nbsp; <br>
Office Hours for STAT 231<br>
<li>Tuesday 10-11</li>
<li>Thursday 10-11<br>

Figure 4.1 Example of HTML code in a web page

Teaching Assignment Winter 04

STAT 231 Empirical Problem Solving
Office Hours for STAT 231
Tuesday 10–11
Thursday 10–11

Figure 4.2 Example of the web page without HTML code

When the translation is completed, the original formatting code can

be reincorporated into the translation using the filter. The ability to
preserve the format of a source-language text and apply it to the transla-
tion contributes to the robustness of a translation memory system
(Puntikov 1999: 64). Robustness is the ability of the tool to function in
specific conditions determined by a translator; for example, accessing a
number of databases or applications simultaneously.

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100 Translation and Technology

Segmentation. Segmentation is the process of breaking a text up into

units consisting of a word or a string of words that is linguistically
acceptable. Segmentation is needed in order for a translation memory to
perform the matching (perfect and fuzzy) process. A pair of old source
and target-language texts is usually segmented into individual pairs of
sentences. However, not all parts of texts, particularly specialist texts,

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are in a sentence format. Exceptions include headings, lists and bullet
points. As a result, different units of segmentation are needed. A translator
can decide the length of a segment but often punctuation is used as an
indicator. A segment is then allocated a unique number or tag by the
system as shown in Table 4.5 (see also Table 4.6).

Table 4.5 Example of segments

Segment English

4.16 the translation of English affixes into Malay

4.17 in Malaysia
4.18 the terminology committee
4.19 the planning of the Malay language
4.20 scientific and technological terms
4.21 the translation of English affixes

It is important to note that while segmentation is quite natural for Latin-

based alphabets, it is rather alien to languages such as Chinese, Thai and
Vietnamese, which are written continuously without any spaces between
characters. Thus, other methods of segmentation are required to determine
the beginning and ending of a segment in such cases (see Gao et al. 2004).
New segments can be added to the translation memory while translating,
an alternatively previously translated source-language texts and their trans-
lations can be entered into the memory through a process of text alignment.

Alignment. Alignment is the process of binding a source-language segment

to its corresponding target-language segment. The purpose of alignment
is to create a new translation memory database or to add to an existing one.
The corresponding pairs of source and target-language segments are called
‘translation units’ (see Table 4.6). Once the translator has loaded the parallel
texts – an original and its translation – into the system, the tool makes a
proposal for aligning the segments based on a number of algorithms
such as punctuation, numbers, formatting, names and dates, for which
the translator is offered various choices. The translator can then adjust
the alignment proposed by the system before committing the aligned

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 101

Table 4.6 Example of translation units

Segment English (source) Segment French (target)

4.16 the translation of English 4.16a la traduction d’affixes

affixes into Malay anglais en malais
4.17 in Malaysia 4.17a en Malaisie

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4.18 the terminology 4.18a la commission de
committee terminologie
4.19 the planning of the Malay 4.19a la planification de la langue
language malaise
4.20 scientific and 4.20a termes scientifiques et
technological terms technologiques
4.21 the translation of English 4.21a la traduction des affixes
affixes anglais

texts to the memory, either by creating a new one, for example for a
new subject field or new client, or by adding to an existing one. Transla-
tion units are usually numbered or tagged as shown in Table 4.6 (see also
Table 4.5). The collection of translation units is stored, in no particular
order, in the database for future translations. Most commercial alignment
tools allow alignment at the sentence level. However, in recent years the
attention of researchers has also focused on alignment methods for
translation memory systems below the sentence level (see Piperidis,
Papageorgiou and Boutsis 2000).
Reviews of specific translation memory systems can be found in
Esselink (1998), Benis (2003), Környei (2000), Austermühl (2001),
Gerasimov (2002) and Wassmer (2004). Helpful sources for the latest
information on translation tools and resources can be found on the web
pages of the Translation Journal (see, and
Multilingual Computing, Inc. (see

The translation workflow

A typical workflow of translation involving a translation memory
system is described in Figure 4.3. Suppose that an English source text
needs to be translated into French (see Figure 4.4). The English text is
then compared to a database of previously translated English–French
texts to find out if any of the segments in the new English source text
matches the segments of old or stored English source texts in the database.
At this stage, identical or similar segments in English and French are
identified and extracted by the translation memory system. The
extracted translation units (a pair of source and target-language
segments) may look like those in Table 4.7.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah


SL text

Pre-translation 1 Working file A


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database/ Pre-translation 2

Working file B Terminology

[HT] database

TL text

SL = source language; TL = target language; HT = human translator

Figure 4.3 Example of a translation workflow using a translation memory system

Translation in Malaysia has never been an important part of the planning of the
modern Malay language. The Terminology Committee set up to deal with the
borrowing of foreign words into the Malay language only focused on scientific and
technological terms. However, one persistent problem since 1973 has been the
translation of English affixes into Malay. Until today, Malaysian translators are facing
problems translating English affixes.

Figure 4.4 Example of an English source text

Table 4.7 Example of English-French translation units from a database

Segment English (source) Segment French (target)

4.22 in Malaysia 4.22a en Malaisie

4.23 the planning of the modern 4.23a la planification de la langue
Malay language malaise
4.24 the Terminology Committee 4.24a la commission de terminologie
4.25 scientific and technological 4.25a termes scientifiques et
terms technologiques
4.26 the translation of English 4.26a la traduction d’affixes anglais
affixes into Malay en malais

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 103

From these translation units, a pre-translation process takes place to

produce pre-translation 1 as shown in Figure 4.5 (see also Figure 4.3).

La traduction en Malaisie has never been un rôle important de planification de la

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langue malaise. La commission de terminologie set up to deal with the borrowing of
foreign words into la langue malaise only focused on termes scientifiques et
technologiques. However, un des problèmes récurrents depuis 1973 has been la
traduction d’affixes anglais en malais. Until today, Malaysian translators are facing
problems translating les affixes anglais.

Figure 4.5 Pre-translation 1

The remaining English segments which were not found in the database
have to be translated manually by the translator. This is shown in Figure 4.3
as working file A. At this point if a search for terms is required, the termi-
nology database can be accessed. The English–French translation units
which have just been translated are then stored in the database to generate
a second pre-translation (see Figure 4.3). This translation, the first draft of
the target-language text in French, then requires revision by the translator.
This is indicated in Figure 4.3 as working file B. At this point, the termi-
nology database can be re-accessed if needed. After the completion of the
translation task by the translator in working file B, a target-language text
in French is produced, which may undergo further revision by the trans-
lator to produce a polished translation (see Puntikov 1999; Zerfass 2002).
The principal workflow seen in Figure 4.3 is reflected in almost all
translation memory systems, but strategies can follow two models: data-
base and reference (Zerfass 2002). The model shown in Figure 4.6 has a
component that stores all previously translated material in one database.
The segments are context-independent, which allows matching to occur in
different translation contexts. Segments from a new source-language

compare New SL text

Translation create
store New TL text

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 4.6 Database model in translation memory systems

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104 Translation and Technology

text are compared to segments in the database, and translations are offered
to the translator if identical and/or similar segments are found. Once the
translation is completed, a new target-language text is produced and the
new or revised segments are added to the database.
In the reference model, the translation database shown in Figure 4.7 is
empty until relevant source and target-language texts are loaded into it in

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stage 1. For example, when translating an updated version of a source-
language text such as a newer version of an instruction manual, the
previous older versions can be aligned and segmented before being loaded
into the translation database. Segments from the new source-language text
are later compared to the old segments stored in the translation database.
Once the translation is complete, a target-language text is created in stage 2.

Old SL load compare

texts 1 New SL
load create
Old TL New TL
texts 2 text

Stage 2
Stage 1

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 4.7 Reference model in translation memory systems

Terminology management systems

For professional translators who specialize in highly technical subject
fields, terminology is a crucial component of their translation work.
A terminology – that is a codified collection of terms – can be defined as
‘a systematic arrangement of concepts within a special language. Concepts,
not terms. Systematic, not alphabetic’ (Bononno 2000: 651). In other
words, terminology is arranged by concept. Each concept has a label – or
set of labels if synonymous – called a ‘term’, which is a single word or a
string of words used to represent it in the language of the specialized field.
Concepts are arranged ‘systematically’ to reflect the organization of know-
ledge in a particular subject field, for example to exhibit a hierarchical

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 105

relationship of scientific classification or taxonomy. In biology, animals

and plants, for example, are hierarchically classified. The most familiar
one is the ‘genus-species’ hierarchy such as ‘Zingiber officinale’, the
scientific name for ginger where the first word, ‘Zingiber’, refers to the
genus (one hierarchical level above species, for which the first letter of
the word is upper case) and ‘officinale’ refers to species (for which the word

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is usually written with initial lower case). In practice, however, most
terminology collections do not exhibit a complex conceptual structure,
hierarchical or otherwise. Instead, terms which label the same concept
(for example synonyms, spelling variants, abbreviations) are grouped
together in the same entry (or ‘record’ in the database), whereas
polysemous terms (same form, different meanings – for example in
different subject fields) are recorded in separate entries (or separate
records in the database). This method of organization contrasts with that
used in lexicography, in which the form of the word or term determines
its position in the organization of the lexicon – usually alphabetical –
regardless of meaning. So, in a terminology, for instance, the linguistic
terms ‘subordinate clause’ and ‘dependent clause’ would be grouped
together in the same entry/record as synonyms labelling the same (or
very similar) concepts. The term ‘clause’, however, would have separate
entries for the subject fields linguistics and law, as the concept and the
system to which it belongs – and hence the definition – is different in
each case. According to lexicographical practice, both senses would appear
under an entry for ‘clause’.
Terminology is an important field of study and most professional
translators who are involved in technical translation know that termi-
nology is crucial to their work. However, most professional translators
prefer to use terminology without investing too much work in something
that would take them away from their main priority, which is to translate.
A tool like a terminology management system, therefore, helps profes-
sional translators to record and then integrate terminology into their
translation work. A typical terminology management system consists of
tools to structure the database according to need; a database, which once
populated is known as a ‘termbase’, and a look-up feature (see Wright
and Budin 1997 and 2001). The main functions of a terminology manage-
ment system are to maintain a database, to manipulate terminology
resources, to identify multiple equivalents, to establish terminological
resources for dictionaries and glossaries, and to exchange terms efficiently
(Galinski and Budin 1997: 397). If concepts are organized hierarchically,
these functions cannot be performed by spreadsheet software such as
Excel (Bononno 2000: 652).

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106 Translation and Technology

A terminology database can be designed and populated from scratch

during ongoing translation work. Additional information (‘metadata’)
such as definitions, context, gender and synonyms can also be included.
Most terminology management systems allow the user to define and struc-
ture the information categories needed for their work (see International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 37, which

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governs the standardized principles, methods and application relating to
terminology and other language resources). A detailed description of
how to build and manage a terminology database is found in Austermühl
(2001) and Bowker (2002).
Alternatively, terms for specific subject fields and languages can
be accessed by a translator via compact discs or online term banks. The
European Commission Terminology Database (EURODICAUTUM), for
example, currently provides terminology online for approximately
91 subject fields in 12 languages; it is now being relaunched as part of a
new interagency online term bank called the Inter-Agency Terminology
Exchange (IATE) which combines multilingual data from EURODI-
CAUTUM with those of other European Union agencies (see http:// Another well-known
term bank is the Terminology of Telecommunications (ACRoTERMITE)
containing data in six languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish) in the field of telecommunications. For a discus-
sion of termbases and term banks in the context of translation, see
Rogers (2005).
The database and look-up features are integrated in some terminology
management systems while in others they are kept separate. Professional
translators may prefer to use an integrated system that enables them to
compile a terminology database while translating with a translation
memory system. Systems that have separate facilities are more suitable
for terminologists. Examples of commercial terminology management
systems are Multiterm by Trados, and Termstar by Star, which can be used
separately from their translation memory systems (Translator’s Workbench
and Transit respectively) while TranslationManager by IBM and SDLX
by SDL International are integrated systems (Esselink 2000: 379).

Translation support tools and resources

The description by a professional translator of his working methods

provided in Chapter 1 shows the importance of other tools to the trans-
lator such as spell, grammar and style-checkers, dictionaries, glossaries,
concordancers and online search engines. In this section, we shall

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 107

concentrate on parallel corpora and concordancers for professional

translators while other resources such as dictionaries and glossaries will
be mentioned more briefly.
Most of us are familiar with spell, grammar and style-checkers as well
as dictionaries, and understand how they differ from each other. In the
case of dictionaries, it is coverage, not size that is important to professional

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translators (Bennett and Gerber 2003: 187). The popular and high-demand
languages of Western Europe such as English, French and Spanish and
of Eastern Asia such as Chinese and Japanese have dictionaries with
wider coverage than low-demand languages such as Singhalese of Sri Lanka
and Warrungu, an Aboriginal language of Australia. As for the spell-
checker, its main function is to compare a text against a large dictionary,
or sometimes a number of different dictionaries, for misspellings. A
grammar checker looks for grammatical errors occurring in a text such
as repeated words or ungrammatical phrases that do not conform to the
pre-determined set of grammatical rules stored for that particular
language. A style-checker looks at irregular sentence aspects such as
length of sentence, punctuation and other stylistic features, although
‘styles’ are generally not well-differentiated. The glossary, on the other
hand, is a little different from the rest of the tools. In many cases, glossaries
are custom-built either by a translator or a client. A glossary is a list of
terms belonging to a specific subject field with or without definitions. It
comes not only in text format but also in graphical format.

Parallel corpora
A corpus in the present context is a collection of written texts in a
machine-readable format. In Translation Studies and linguistics, two
terms are used to refer to corpora which consist of original texts and their
translations: ‘parallel corpus’ and ‘translation corpus’. In the field of
computational linguistics the term used is ‘parallel texts’ (see Véronis
2000). Other design possibilities include corpora which consist of texts
in two or more languages and are selected according to similar pre-
determined design criteria, for example size, domain, genre and topic.
This type of corpus has been called a ‘multilingual corpus’ or a ‘comparable
corpus’ in Translation Studies. Multilingual corpora cannot, however,
be aligned as there is no source text–target text relationship. However,
this type of corpus is rich in useful information for translators (Bowker
2002: 46). The final type is the ‘comparable corpus’, which consists of
texts in one language, but offering a comparison between original texts
and translations into that language. Comparable corpora are useful for
researching possible differences between original texts and translated

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108 Translation and Technology

texts with respect to the distribution of words and syntactic structures,

for example. For a summary of the use of corpora in Translation Studies,
see Kenny (1998).
Belonging to the broad field of language technology, parallel corpora
are used as a linguistic resource for a wide range of applications
including the compilation of termbases (see, for instance, Ahmad and

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Rogers 2001). Based on pre-determined criteria that reflect the design and
purpose for which they are created, different corpora can be built for
use in translation, as we have seen, for a range of purposes. For European
languages there are many parallel corpora, for example INTERSECT
(International Sample of English Contrastive Texts) French–English
Corpus; English–Portuguese COMPARA; CRATER (Corpus Resources and
Terminology Extraction) in English, French and Spanish; Linköping
Parallel Corpora for English–Swedish; and the Scania Corpus for English,
French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Finnish. Parallel corpora that
involve at least one non-European language include TOLL (Thai On-
Line Library) Parallel Text via the Internet for Thai and English;
English–Turkish Aligned Parallel Corpora; Japanese–English Broadcast
News Corpus; PESA (Portuguese–English Sentence Alignment) Parallel
Corpora of Brazilian Portuguese and English; and the English-Inuktitut
(a dialect of the Inuit of the Canadian Eastern Arctic) Parallel Corpus
(see Godwin-Jones 2001).
Parallel corpora are beneficial to professional translators as resource
material in addition to their own previously translated material, especially
when there is a need to widen the search for the most suitable equivalent
of a source-language term or segment. Some parallel corpora are available
online, as indicated for example by the National Language Software
Registry which collects and provides detailed information on a variety
of natural-language processing software (see Godwin-Jones 2001).
Another source of parallel corpora is the LDC (Linguistic Data Consortium)
that collects and creates parallel texts such as United Nation proceedings,
and the European Corpus Initiative Multilingual Corpus.
In order for parallel corpora to be of value to a translator, the corpora
might have to be custom-designed. But it is important to bear in mind
that constructing a parallel corpus from scratch currently involves a
great deal of work, which most professional translators are not likely
to undertake. Automated support for compiling corpora from the WWW
is still at the research stage, and hence it is only natural that accessible
online parallel corpora are preferred. However, translators who
specialize in a narrow subject field or a less common language pair may
not be able to enjoy the advantages of readily available parallel corpora

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 109

and may be forced to build their own. A simple explanation of how to

construct a parallel corpus is given in Figure 4.8.
At the corpus design stage, the desired characteristics of a corpus
are determined. These include subject fields, language pairs, the size of
the source and target-language texts, authors, genres, dates, the origin
of texts (for example bilingual websites or printed bilingual materials)

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and copyright permission. Collecting texts such as web pages and previ-
ously translated materials, which are stored electronically, can save a lot
of time and effort when compared to collecting printed material that
has to be converted into electronic format using OCR.
When a printed document which is not available electronically needs
a translation, the first thing a professional translator would do is to scan
the document. An OCR tool is used to improve the scanning process in
order to recognize all punctuation and other marks such as ‘~’ (tilde), ‘\’
(backslash) and mathematical symbols in the source-language text and
transfer these correctly into the electronic version of the document.
Non-Latin alphabets and scripts are also supported by some OCRs but

Corpus design Parallel corpus

Text A Text A’
+ +

Structure information Structure information

Data information

Linguistic annotation Segmentation Segmentation


Segmentation Alignment of
parallel corpus
Lexical analysis

Part-of-speech tagging Lexical information Lexical information

Syntax and semantics

Text A = source-language text; Text A’ = target-language text

Figure 4.8 Flowchart to illustrate how to build a parallel corpus

Source: Gamper and Dongilli (1999).

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110 Translation and Technology

they are not necessarily as well-handled as the Latin alphabet. Therefore,

after the scanning process a word-proofing tool like a spell-checker may
be used for that language. OCR tools including Omnipage by ScanSoft
and Finereader by Abbyy support Latin and some non-Latin alphabets
and scripts (see Bowker 2002). At the pre-processing stage, the information
recorded about each text may look like that in Figure 4.9.

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<header type = “corpus” lang = “my” id = “krm-e
creator = “ck” status = “update” date.created = “2004
date.updated = “2004 = -10-15”
<title lang = “en”> Malay-English Corpus
<title lang = “ms” >Korpus Melayu-Inggeris

Figure 4.9 Example of a text header in a corpus

The corpus may or may not need to be linguistically annotated, that is

with a unique part-of-speech code provided for every word in the text
(see Macklovitch 2001). Certain text-processing tools may operate
without accompanying or hidden tags, but if annotation is required at
the data information stage linguistic information for the language pair is
selected for the purpose of linguistic annotation at the next stage. The
part-of-speech code system is used to represent a grammatical category
for each word. Examples of the Malay language part-of-speech codes such
as NUM for numeral and NNN for common noun are illustrated in Figure
4.10. A tool such as a ‘Treebank’ that consists of ‘a bank of linguistic trees’
can be employed not only for morphosyntactic and syntactic annotations,
but also semantic annotations based on a number of linguistic theories.
Several Treebank projects are available in European and Asian languages
such as the Penn Chinese Treebank, the Lancaster–Leeds Treebank for
English, the Turin University Treebank for Italian, the Kyoto University
Corpus for Japanese, the Prague Dependency Treebank for Czech and the
METU-Sabanci (Middle East Technical University) Turkish Treebank.
The type of coding illustrated in Figure 4.10 is carried out for several
reasons. For example, it allows the automatic extraction of an item
matching the part-of-speech in the aligned translation and the alignment
of bilingual sentences as a resource for professional translators (Gamper
and Dongilli 1999). Once the linguistic information is ready, linguistic

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 111

Lima NUM ekor NUC gajah NNN liar ADJ telah AUX memusnahkan VVV dua puluh
NUM ekar NNN ladang NNN getah NNN di PRE Johor NPR. Pengurus NNN ladang
NNN itu DEM menghubungi VVV Jabatan Haiwan dan Hidupan Liar NPR untuk
PRE menangkap VVV gajah NNN liar NNN ini DET.

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Translation: [Five wild elephants were found to have destroyed twenty acres of rubber
plantation in Johor. The manager called the Wildlife Department to trap these
NNN = common noun; NPR = proper noun; NUM = numeral; NUC = numeral
classifier; ADJ = adjective; AUX = auxiliary verb; VVV = verb; PRE = preposition;
DET = determiner

Figure 4.10 Example of part-of-speech tagging

annotation can be carried out at several levels. As an example, COMPARA

consists of bidirectional English and Portuguese texts (see Frankenberg-
Garcia and Santos 2003). In the case of the English–Portuguese corpus,
each English paragraph is aligned to its Portuguese counterpart. These
pairs of paragraphs are subsequently subjected to analysis using a corpus
tool called EasyAlign that aligns the corpus sentence by sentence. A unit
of alignment for COMPARA is an English sentence. The corresponding
units in the Portuguese translation, however, may contain more than one

A concordancer is an electronic tool which has been used in language
learning, literary analysis, corpus linguistics, terminography and
lexicography. It allows the user to select a particular word or phrase
and displays the uses of that word or phrase in the selected corpus in
order to show where and how often it occurs, and in what linguistic
contexts it appears. The output is called a concordance. The concorded
word is shown in the centre of each line displayed in the concordance,
so that the user can quickly scan the results. The example in Figure 4.11
shows two words appearing on the left and right of the concorded
word ‘round’. Other examples of concorded words can be obtained
from the Collins WorldbanksOnline English website (see http:// which has a corpus of
56 million words of contemporary written and spoken text in the
English language.
Concordancers usually allow the user to define the number of words
which they want to appear to the left and to the right of the concorded

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112 Translation and Technology

A walk round its garden

I came round, I was
he hopped round the kitchen
other way round. The book
your friends round to witness

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cloth wrapped round his head
the third round of the quiz
you this round-about route
needle spinning round and round
kids running round the back
she gets round to looking
twist Mary round with fingers
12-minute first-round win over
will buy a round, at a
to early-round matches, with
like going round the mansion
I’ll turn round and run
the opening round, he was
people came round to the
been all round the country
one more – to round it off
very popular round here and
the year round with these
face too was round, her mouth
for another round of peace
I’ll nip round and get a
other way round because I
the second round of discussion

Figure 4.11 Example of a concordance for the word ‘round’

word or phrase and to sort the results in various ways, for example
according to frequency or alphabetically according to the word immedi-
ately to the left or to the right of the concorded word. The tool has been
applied to areas of study such as translation, language engineering and
natural-language software development (see Wu et al. 2003). Concordances
were originally done by hand to show the use of all the words in the
Bible (see Tribble and Jones 1997).
While concordancers are strictly speaking used to produce concord-
ances, such tools often have other functions, including typically the
production of indexes (referenced lists of words from the selected
corpus showing where they occur and their frequency distributions)
and wordlists, which are like indexes without any indication of text

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 113

location. A description of monolingual and bilingual concordancers

and their key features and abilities is given in Bowker (2002).
In translation, a bilingual aligned corpus is a rich resource for profes-
sional translators. In order to mine this resource, two types of tool can be
used: a translation memory system as discussed earlier, and a bilingual
concordancer. Translation memory systems and bilingual concordancers

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are found to be more widely used in the academic setting where
translators-to-be are taught translation-related tasks using both tools; in
the professional setting, however, bilingual concordancers are less widely
used than translation memory systems (Bowker and Barlow 2004). One
reason for this is that many of the concordancers have been built specifi-
cally for particular research projects set up by universities and through
individual initiatives. Examples include TotalRecall, an English–Chinese
concordancer built by National Tsing Hua University and Van Nung
Institute of Technology in Taiwan, and also Multiconcord, which was
developed by David Wolls.
Commercialization of these research products is limited, with a few
exceptions such as TransSearch, an English–French bilingual concordancer
developed by the University of Montreal which is now offered as an
online service by a company called Terminotix, Inc. specializing in
computer tools for translation. There are, however, some concordancers
which have been developed for general and educational uses, such as
WordSmith and the Oxford Concordance Program (OCP) by the Oxford
University Press. Nevertheless, unlike translation memory systems,
which are marketed by commercial companies like Trados, the majority
of concordancers are not widely advertised to professional translators.
This is gradually changing, however, as bilingual concordancers are
getting more exposure in particular with Translation Studies students
training to become professional translators. The introduction of
concordancers to students of translation started in the late 1990s in
a number of universities and may eventually become a support tool a
translator cannot do without (Bowker and Barlow 2004).

Localization tools

Localization tools have been developed in order to support the transla-

tion of software applications, product documentation and websites.
Localization tools are used in conjunction with other computer-aided
translation tools such as translation memory systems and terminology
management systems.

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114 Translation and Technology

Figure 4.12 shows an example of how different types of tool fit into
the workflow of a localization process, divided here into two parts. The
first part involves the planning and management aspects of the process
while the second involves the translating aspects. The management and
translation tools are displayed individually to show their use. In order
to manage several languages at any one given time for the same source-

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language material, operational or management tools are used. Examples
of such tools are LTC (Language Technology Centre) Organiser and LTRAC
(Language Translation Resource Automation Console); these project
management tools can be used with any translation project, not just
localization. Translation memory, terminology management and
localization tools are used in the translation of source-language mate-
rial, while management tools are used to schedule and monitor the
entire localization project based on a pre-determined deadline, and to
test the product or check websites after the localization process has
been completed.
A typical localization process involves three stages, namely project
preparation, the translation proper and quality assurance. In the project
preparation stage, the hardware and software may need to be reconfigured
depending on the format of the source-language material, and references

Operational/management tools

Project Localization Workflow

management project management

Document/graphic Testing/
design validation

Translation tools
Terminology Translation
management memory

Alignment Localization

Figure 4.12 Types of tool used in a localization project

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related to the subject field of the material may also need to be collected;
translators may be required to get training if they are unfamiliar with
the subject or with hardware or software applications. In order to prepare
the source-language material of the translation proper, it undergoes a
process called ‘localization-enablement’ or ‘internationalization’. This
process entails, for instance, stripping all graphics from the text which

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is to be translated. The purpose is to make it easier to localize and translate
a document into a specific language (Esselink 1998: 2).
At the stage of the translation proper, a translation memory system
needs to be prepared by either creating a new database (that is, memory)
or using an existing database from another project. A similar step is taken
for the terminology database. In the first case, if no existing translation or
terminology database is available, the translator can store translations
and enter terms into a newly created database during the translation
process. In the second case, the translator may find that the source-
language material can be pre-translated by a machine translation
system or compared to an existing translation database. If this is the
case, the translation draft may contain some segments that have been
translated into the target language while the remaining segments are
still in the source language (see Figure 4.5). Once the source-language
material has been completely translated into the target language,
quality assurance is performed either internally by professional translators
and engineers or externally by vendors and clients. At this stage, the
translation is reviewed and checked for content accuracy, grammar and
spelling. If, for instance, the translation is of an operating manual, the
operating procedures of the product are also performed and checked.
Some writers on translation issues consider localization to involve no
more than is required for all translations if a functional view is adopted
(see Chapter 2) with the emphasis on fitness for purpose. However,
some translation jobs do require special attention in at least three
respects, and may therefore be considered as localization. The first issue is
language. Consider the case of Chinese, which has two different scripts –
Traditional and Simplified – used by different countries. Singapore and
the People’s Republic of China use Simplified Chinese, while Taiwan
uses Traditional Chinese. Therefore, the correct script for a translation
is determined by the country in which the product will be marketed. As
an example, Microsoft Xbox, a video game console, requires specific
descriptions, information and configurations of the product to be trans-
lated into many different languages for its consumers around the world.
The Xbox console sold in Singapore includes Chinese interfaces, and all
games (for example, Halo, Blix and MechAssault) have been fully localized

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116 Translation and Technology

with speech dubbed into Chinese. The Xbox documentation for the
Singapore market has been translated into the Simplified Chinese script,
while the Traditional Chinese script has been used for the Taiwan market.
The second issue is cultural. Icons, product names, colours, speech
and possibly sound effects have to be adapted to suit local users. At
times product names have to be changed for cultural reasons. For

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example, the 2003 Subaru car model called ‘Subaru Baja’ (pronounced
as /baha/) when launched in the USA would be likely to have its model
name changed if marketed in Malaysia but may be able to retain its
name for the Indonesian market. In Malaysian Malay, the term ‘baja’
(pronounced as /baja/, /j/ as in ‘jump’) means ‘fertilizer’. In Indonesian
Malay, however, this term could work quite well. There the term ‘baja’
(with the same /j/ pronunciation as the Malaysian Malay) means
‘armour’, which conveys the idea of strength and protection.
The third issue is technical. In order to support local languages (espe-
cially non-Latin scripts), online or print documentation may still require
redesigning. In Thai, additional typographical symbols, some of which
are ancient symbols, are needed to mark the beginning of a sentence,
stanza or paragraph when writing with a computer keyboard. Thai
letters displayed on a computer screen are of different sizes and written
on four levels (top, above, base line and below). This creates a number
of problems such as the position of the cursor when typing a character.
A wrongly positioned cursor could result in spelling errors (Kosavisutte
1996/2001). Adaptations are also needed for language scripts that are
written from right to left, with the exception of numbers which are written
from left to right, for example in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian and Urdu.
Some translation memory systems are integrated with other tools for
localization purposes. An integrated tool allows translation memory to be
utilized during the localization process, as already indicated in Figure 4.12.
Professional translators who are involved in the localization industry
prefer this type of integrated application or workbench. Some of the
products falling into this category include GlobalSight System by
GlobalSight, SDLX from SDL International and Alchemy Catalyst by
Alchemy Software Development. Reviews of specific localization tools
can be found in Wassmer (2000) and Austermühl (2001), while the uses
of localization tools are described in Esselink (1998 and 2000).
It is also common to find localization companies using both translation
memory systems and machine translation systems; for example, work-
benches that are integrated with several machine translation components
or machine translation systems that are integrated with translation
memory systems. In some cases, integration with other tools such as

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 117

SL comparing Translation pre-editing
SL text
text database

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TL post-editing Draft of output Machine translation

text TL text system

SL = source language; TL = target language

Figure 4.13 Example of the translation process using a machine translation

system, a translation database and a terminology database

terminology management systems can also be found. Figure 4.13 is an

example of a translation process accessing previously translated material
stored in a translation database to pre-edit a source-language text before
it is automatically translated by a machine translation system. The
terminology database can still be accessed at the post-editing stage if
the use of specific terms needed to be reconfirmed. The post-edited
target-language text is also stored in the translation database as resource
material for future translations.

Commercial computer-aided translation tools

The increased demand for technical translation has been the catalyst for
the widespread use of translation tools. Unlike machine translation
systems, computer-aided translation tools are language-independent,
allowing professional translators to use them regardless of the languages
they work with. Table 4.8 is a classification of tools currently available
on the market.
The usefulness of these tools varies greatly in accordance with the
translator’s needs. For example, if localization is only a small part of a
translator’s work, a translation memory system may be sufficient. On
the other hand, if localization is the only translation work a translator
does, a specialized localization tool would be needed in addition to

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Table 4.8 Classification of commercial computer-aided translation tools

Language tool Bilingual Bilingual Trilingual Multilingual Language-independent Total

(unidirectional) (bidirectional)

Electronic dictionary 1 15 55 36 57
Translation memory 39 39

Alignment 1 1
Localization 39 39
Terminology management system 22 22
Total 1 16 55 37 100 159

Source: Hutchins, Hartmann and Ito (2004).

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a translation memory system. If the bulk of the translation work comes

from a particular client, the tool preference of that client will have to be
taken into account by the translator. Other considerations such as cost
may also determine which tool a particular translator chooses to use. In
order to provide a range of choices, many translation and localization
tools come in different versions from basic to full systems. It is often the

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case that a basic version is the cheapest solution as it contains only a
limited number of features. The higher the number of features a version
has, the higher the cost. Most tools can also be upgraded when an
improved feature or a new feature is introduced.

Standards for data interchange

In this chapter we have seen that translation and terminology data can
be stored using a large number of tools in a variety of formats using
different operating systems. A similar situation is also found in the
localization industry where numerous types of tools are used. In order
for the translator to have access to translation and terminological resources
that are stored in different translation, terminology and localization
tools, several attempts have been made to support the transfer of data
between these tools – in other words, to introduce interoperability.
These attempts have led to the creation of a number of standards.
A standard is a universal format that has been agreed and approved
by either an international standards organization such as ISO or the
relevant industry such as the localization industry. In the case of data
exchange, the aim of a standard is to facilitate exchange using a common
markup language to structure the data in each document using a set of
agreed tags as annotations (see, for instance, the HTML code in Figure 4.1
above). XML (eXtensible or eXtensive Markup Language) is one such
standard – developed by the WWW Consortium (W3C) – which describes
the structure of different types of electronic documents and hence facil-
itates the sharing of data between different software applications in a
consistent way. It does not contain a fixed set of elements like HTML.
Essentially, XML defines ‘what the information is’, while HTML defines
‘what the information looks like’. XML is an abbreviated version of
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), an international
standard for describing the structure of electronic documents.
While XML is one standard in widespread use, there are different
standards or sets of standards for data interchange which are of
particular interest to any professional translator: the standard for the
interchange of translation memory data, the standards for the interchange

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120 Translation and Technology

of lexical and terminological data, and the standard for the interchange
of localization information. These are, in turn, Translation Memory
eXchange (TMX), TermBase eXchange (TBX), and XML Localisation
Interchange File Format (XLIFF), and are all described below.

Translation memory exchange

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Until recently, most computer-aided translation tools were not compat-
ible with each other, and as a result the import and export of files into
and from different software applications presented great problems. In 1998
this prompted OSCAR (Open Standards for Container/Content Allowing
Reuse) to create the translation memory exchange (TMX), an intermediate
format to facilitate the sharing of translation memory data. Having TMX
in a translation memory system increases its flexibility to combine with
other computer-aided translation and localization tools. One goal of
TMX is to maximize the reusability of previously translated material,
which may have been stored in different formats.
Figure 4.14 illustrates how TMX facilitates the sharing of data
between different formats. A text in Word format stored in Database 1 is
exported to the TMX format and then imported into an HTML format.
The HTML text is stored in Database 2. It is important for the import
and export processes to apply the same TMX specification to prevent the
loss of information during the importation and exportation processes.
In 2004, the latest specification of TMX version 1.4b was published,
describing the features of TMX in two parts (see also the 2005 OSCAR
Recommendation at The
first is a specification of the format of the ‘container’, the higher-level
elements where information about the file is stored. The second is a
specification of the low-level meta-markup format for the content of a

Database 1 Database 2

Tool A TMX specification Tool B

Word TMX format HTML

format export import format

Figure 4.14 Example of TMX data-sharing

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segment of a translation-memory text. These are known respectively as

the header and the body. A header contains information about the
entire document, and several required attributes must be included in a
TMX specification. In Figure 4.15, the segments in bold are the obliga-
tory attributes in a header. The attributes contain information such as
the date of creation of the text, the identity of the creator, and so on.

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<tmx version = “1.4”>
creationtool = “ToolA”
creationtoolversion = “123”
datatype = “PlainText”
segtype = “sentence”
adminlang = “en-BR”
srclang = “en”
o-tmf = “XYZ”
creationdate = “01-01-2005”
creationid = “PKM”
changedate = “21-03-2005”
changeid = “DD”

Figure 4.15 Example of a header in TMX

The body contains a collection of ‘translation units’ or <tu> elements.

This collection can come in any order. Each <tu> has at least one ‘transla-
tion unit variant’, a <tuv> element that contains the segment and the
information pertaining to the segment. One required attribute in a
TMX body is the language element: ‘xml:lang’ specifies the language of the
text using two-letter codes, such as MS for the Malay language. The
language code is adopted from the Internet Society’s RFC 3066 (Request
for Comments: 3066) – Tags for the identification of languages, which is
based on ISO 639 (Language Codes). The actual text of a given segment is
stored in a segment element, <seg>. Figure 4.16 is an example of a
body in TMX.
The display of a TMX logo in association with a tool indicates that it
has undergone TMX certification testing. Computer-aided translation
tools that have TMX certifications include Déjà Vu by Atril, MultiTrans

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122 Translation and Technology

tuid = “0001”>
xml:lang = “en-BR”>
<seg>The <bpt i = “1” x = “1”>{\b </bpt>fat<ept

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i = “1”>}</ept>
<bpt i = “2” x = “2”>{\i </bpt>boy<ept i = “2”>}</ept>
xml:lang = “MS”
<seg>Itu <bpt i = “1” x = “2”>{\i </bpt>budak<ept
i = “1”>}</ept>
<bpt i = “2” x = “1”>{\b </bpt>gemuk<ept i = “2”>}</ept>

Figure 4.16 Example of a body in TMX

by MultiCorpora, Prolyphic by Prolyphic, SDLX by SDL International,

WordFast by Champollion and Partners, and Wordfisher by Környei.
A detailed description of TMX can be found on the LISA website (see

Termbase exchange
Each day new terms are created around the world in various languages
to provide inventions, discoveries and new conceptualizations with
linguistic labels. For many years the terminology community has been
developing term banks or termbases to store and manage these terms.
However, termbases are created in different formats, that is using
different subsets of possible information categories such as linguistic
data, examples, definitions, sources, administrative data, and so on, and
using different data structures, that is the information is differently
organized or distributed between the different fields in the database.
Nevertheless, they may contain similar although not necessarily iden-
tical information. When users access these different termbases, a
problem of incompatibility may arise. Thus, a standard is needed to
provide a format that can facilitate access to all termbases regardless of
how they are stored.

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Between professional translators, sharing terminology is important,

and it is also beneficial to anyone wishing to upgrade his or her own
terminology databases. This sharing of terminology is called ‘terminology
interchange’. Since terminology management systems vary, standards
for terminology interchange have been created based on ISO 12620
(Data Categories). Such standards include:

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• MARTIF (Machine-Readable Terminology Interchange Format) –
(also known as ISO 12200 – Computer Applications in Terminology),
a format for platform-independent and publicly available termino-
logical data interchange. It functions as a channel for transferring
data from one terminology management system to another.
• GENETER (Generic model for Terminology) – a tool to represent
terminological data which serves as an intermediate format between
different applications and platforms.
• OLIF (Open Lexicon Interchange Format) – a tool that exchanges lexical
and terminological data. It addresses data management needs for basic
terminological exchange and lexicons for machine translation.
• XLT (XML representation of Lexicons and Terminologies) – a standards-
based family of formats that represents, manipulates and shares
terminological data. It is able to merge and extract OLIF, GENETER and
MARTIF, and provides the basis for the TermBase eXchange (TBX;
see below).
• Termado – a tool that manages and publishes term catalogues,
lexicons and dictionaries. It also imports and exports terms to and
from external applications such as other terminological standards

Given the variety of existing standards, TBX (TermBase eXchange)

is an XML-based standard format created to provide a common or
standard format to share terminological and lexical data among users of
different tools. TBX is a joint-effort between OSCAR and the SALT
Group (Standards-based Access service to Lexicons and Terminologies),
a consortium of academic, government, associations, and commercial
groups in the USA and Europe.
The terminological framework for TBX (LISA 2002: 6) was provided
by two international standards, ISO 12620 (Data Categories) and
ISO 12200 (Computer Applications in Terminology). A forthcoming
standard known as the Terminological Markup Framework (TMF),
which is being developed by the ISO Technical Committee 37 (Termi-
nology – Principles and Coordination), will be added soon. ISO 12620

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124 Translation and Technology

is used to describe a system of concepts, which is hierarchical such as

genus-species. The TMF specifies the structures and mechanisms that
allow terminological data to be represented in a computer. The main
task of TBX is to analyse, represent, manipulate and share terminological
data. There are plans that it should eventually support the extraction
and merging of other files such as OLIF files and TMX files (LISA 2002: 6).

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Similar to TMX, the interchange standard for translation memory
data, a TBX document also has a header and a body. The header usually
contains global information about the terminology such as the origin of
the data, the client, the language(s) involved, and so on. Figure 4.17
illustrates a typical TBX document header (LISA 2002: 9). The first line
indicates that the type attribute is a TBX document and that the
‘xml:lang’ attribute indicated is ‘en’ for English as the default language
based on ISO 639 (Language Codes). It can also have an attached
second language code taken from ISO 3166 (Country Codes), for
example ‘fr-CA’ for Canadian French. The second line provides the
information about the specific file and its source, for example the
company name and the file number.

<martif type = ’TBX’ xml:lang = ’en’ >

<p>Black Walnut Homes termbase</p>

Figure 4.17 Example of a header in TBX

The second part, or body of a TBX document, is shown in Figure 4.18

it contains specific information about the data in an entry in a concept-
oriented termbase, based on the data model in ISO 16642 (Representing
Data Categories).
The ‘id’ feature contains a unique value identifying the document (in
this case an entry for a particular concept in civil engineering in English
and Swedish). The document is divided up according to various informa-
tion categories in ISO 16642 which are labelled by description type
elements such as ‘subjectField’, which contains the description of the
subject field ‘civil engineering’, and ‘definition’ where the meaning of the

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 125

<termEntry id = ’BWH1’>
<descrip type = ‘subjectField’>civil engineering</descrip>
<descrip type = ‘definition’>A wide layer of load-bearing material laid at the
bottom of a wall or column so as to distribute its pressure more widely over the

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foundation </descrip>
<langSet xml:lang = ’en’>
<tig> <term>footing</term> </tig>
<langSet xml:lang = ’sv’>
<tig> <term>fundament</term> </tig>

Figure 4.18 Example of a body in TBX

concept is given. The term information group or the <tig> element

contains information such as the term ‘footing’ in English shown as <tig>
<term>footing</term> </tig> (LISA 2002: 9–10). The language section
element ‘langSet xml:lang’ begins with the English language code ‘en’. The
translation of ‘footing’ in Swedish – ‘fundament’ – is given in the line <tig>
<term>fundament</term> </tig>. Detailed information about TBX specifi-
cations can be found on the LISA website (see

Localization exchange
Not infrequently, many technical and logistic challenges arise during
localization, and one such challenge relates to the problems of transferring
texts between different translation and localization tools. Texts are often
stored in different file formats, some of which are proprietary, for
example reports belonging to a company, while others are commonly
shared such as HTML files. These files are not necessarily easily transferable
from one tool to another. In order to eliminate such challenges, a
standard called XLIFF (XML Localisation Interchange File Format) has been
developed by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards). OASIS is the largest independent, not-for-profit
consortium in the world that is dedicated to overseeing the standardiza-
tion of XML applications and web services. It has about 150 companies
and individuals in the localization industry as members including
Alchemy Software, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Novell, Sun
Microsystems and Tektonik.

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126 Translation and Technology

XLIFF is another XML-based format that allows the interchange of

localization information and is tool-neutral, enabling what is claimed
to be a seamless transfer of information between tools (OASIS 2003: 14).
One of its uses is to store texts that have been extracted from their original
formats and to move these texts from one stage to another in a localization
process without losing any information, as shown in Figure 4.19 (for

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more information on XLIFF, see
xliff). The extracted data can be in the form of text or graphics. The
advantage of using XLIFF is that it separates a text from its formatting for
translation purposes, enables the use of multiple tools and stores
information during a localization process.

XLIFF format XLIFF format XLIFF format

Documents Documents Documents

Tools: Tools:
Conversion Linguistic Translation Conversion
& filters Localization & filters

Documents Documents

HTML format HTML format

Figure 4.19 Example of XLIFF in the localization process

Source: Jewtushenko and Reynolds (2002).

Using filters, the text and layout in documents in HTML format are
separated. The section with translatable text is converted into an XLIFF
format while the non-translatable data (the layout) is kept in a separate
file. An XLIFF file consists of one or more file elements and each of
these has a head and a body section similar to TMX and TBX standards.
A head section contains information about the text such as project
number, contact information and so on, as shown in Figure 4.20.
A body section contains the main elements where localizable or
translatable texts are kept. It is called the ‘translation unit’ or <trans-
unit> element in the XLIFF format file. It contains an identity, ‘id’
attribute, to map where a segment is located in the source language
text. Figure 4.21 illustrates this. The trans-unit element has a source

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Computer-Aided Translation Tools and Resources 127

element, which is the segment that is to be translated, and a target

element, which is the accepted translated segment.


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<project-name = “Living healthy”>

Figure 4.20 Example of a header in XLIFF

<trans-unit id = “n3”>
<source>This is a good exercise.</source>
<target xml:lang = “ms”>Translation of “Ini satu latihan jasmani yang

Figure 4.21 Example of a body in XLIFF

Sometimes, a second translation element, ‘alt-trans’, is given as an

alternative translation for the source segment, as shown in Figure 4.22.
An alt-trans element also contains a source and a target segment. This
element can be matched from a translation memory, machine transla-
tion system or be suggested by a translator.
In Figure 4.22, the alt-trans element is matched from a translation
database of a translation memory system. Using specific matching algo-
rithms, an alternative translation is found but the matching, which is
not perfect, only measures at about 60 per cent (match-quality). This
indicates that the alt-trans element is a fuzzy match at best. Alt-trans is
also a way of keeping track of the changes made during the stages of the
localization process, a useful mechanism for keeping a record of what

<alt-trans match-quality = “60%” tool = “TM_System”>

<source>This is an exercise.</source>
<target xml:lang = “ms”>Fuzzy TM match for “Ini satu latihan.”</target>

Figure 4.22 Example of an alternate translation element in XLIFF

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128 Translation and Technology

the changes were, who did them, which tools were used to make them,
and so on (OASIS 2003: 13). Once the translation work has been
completed, the XLIFF format file is reconverted into the original file
format (HTML) and the non-translatable portion (layout) of the source-
language text is reincorporated. An XLIFF format contains only one
source language and one target language. It is different from the TMX

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format that is able to support many languages in the same document.


This chapter has shown that there is a range of computer-aided translation

tools and resources for the translator to consider. With such a wide
range available, it is important that professional translators carry out
careful research to discover which tool would suit them and their work
best and what type of resources would enable them to translate faster
and produce higher quality work. While most translators realize the
usefulness of common linguistic tools such as spell- or style-checkers
and electronic dictionaries, as well as the value of online searches to
solve translation problems, awareness of other tools and resources such
as bilingual concordancers and parallel corpora is often still low. On a
more technical level, the usefulness of understanding the standards
discussed here cannot be underestimated as they are crucial for the
management of translation memory data and terms. If the translator is
involved in translating technical texts and/or localizing texts in the
translation industry – even if they do not specialize in the translation of
technical texts – tools such as translation memory and terminology
management systems may still prove to be useful, especially since
companies that outsource translation jobs are increasingly incorporating
such tools into their workflow patterns.

Suggested reading
Austermühl, F. (2001) Electronic Tools for Translators. Manchester: St Jerome
Bowker, L. (2002) Computer-aided Translation Technology: A Practical Introduction.
Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Wright, S.E. and G. Budin (eds) (1997) Handbook of Terminology Management. Vol. 1:
Basic Aspects of Terminology Management. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
——(2001) Handbook of Terminology Management. Vol. 2: Application-oriented
Terminology Management. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Esselink, B. (2000) A Practical Guide to Localization. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins.
Véronis, J. (ed.) (2000) Parallel Text Processing: Alignment and Use of Translation
Corpora. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.

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Evaluating Translation Tools

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In the previous chapter, we looked at some of the technical and
operational aspects of various translation tools. This chapter is devoted
to the evaluation of both machine translation systems and computer-
aided translation tools. In other words, how well do they work? Atten-
tion will be given to the different groups of stakeholders involved in
the development of machine translation systems from researchers to
end-users, as well as to different translation evaluation methods. Finally,
sets of general guidelines or procedures designed by research groups
and government agencies as the basis for planning more detailed,
customized evaluations are considered. These are known as ‘evaluation
For anyone interested in evaluation, it is important to bear in mind
that there is still no standard method of evaluation that is reliable and
acceptable, as will be shown in this chapter. Nevertheless, it is generally
agreed that evaluation is important for translation tools. One reason for
the lack of any standard method is the existence of a wide variety of
tools; another is the range of groups with an interest in testing. So, for
example, ‘evaluation’ is the term used by machine translation researchers
and developers, while it is more common to find professional translators
using ‘review’ when computer-aided translation tools are tested.

Machine translation systems

The evaluation of machine translation has a long research history. Early

evaluations were found to be difficult and at times misleading (White
2003: 211). The harshest evaluation of machine translation came in the
infamous ALPAC report mentioned in Chapter 3, which highlighted
the misconceptions about language, usage and the system requirements


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130 Translation and Technology

of fully automatic high-quality machine translation systems. However,

the report did illustrate the importance of evaluation.
For a number of groups, including researchers, developers and end-users,
evaluation is of crucial importance. For researchers, evaluation can
reveal if the theories applied yield the desired results; for developers,
evaluation is a means of showing how good the system is for potential

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buyers; and for end-users, evaluation can provide useful information as
to which system best suits their needs (Hovy, King, Popescu-Belis 2002a:
1). Since the ALPAC report, many large-scale evaluations of machine
translation systems have been carried out, some of which are briefly
described below:

• Van Slype (1979) established the methodology of evaluation which

was state-of-the-art at the time and made a number of recommenda-
tions concerning the methodology to be used to evaluate machine
translation systems and what research was required to improve the
efficiency of the evaluations. The study, conducted by a committee
headed by Van Slype, had three aims: to present an outline of
methods of evaluation, to provide a critical appraisal of the evaluation
methods and to make a recommendation to the European Commission
as to which evaluation method to adopt. To fulfil these aims, the
study was divided into three phases: the collection of relevant literature,
critical analysis of the literature and recommendations for an evalua-
tion methodology (Van Slype 1979: 20–1). The evaluation report
included a survey of the definitions of evaluation and a survey of the
measurement scales of ‘intelligibility’ (comprehension) and ‘fidelity’
(message) conveyed in the target-language texts generated by machine
translation systems.
• Lehrberger and Bourbeau (1988) developed three forms of evaluation
methodology: evaluation by the designer of the system, linguistic
evaluation by the end-user, and cost–benefit evaluation of the system.
• JEIDA (Japan Electronic Industry Development Association) or JEITA
(Japanese Electronics and Information Technology Association) as it
has been known since 2000, developed comprehensive question-
naires to evaluate machine translation systems in 1992. A total of 14
categories of questionnaires on economic and technical factors were
given to end-users, and questionnaires on technical factors were given
to developers. Evaluation of the economic factors is concerned with
the economic benefits of introducing a machine translation system,
while the evaluation of technical factors sets out to investigate
which system best fits the needs of a group of end-users once the

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Evaluating Translation Tools 131

decision has been taken to introduce machine translation. Evaluation

of the technical factors by developers measured the performance
of a system that fulfils internal development objectives (Hovy, King
and Popescu-Belis 2002b: 45; see also Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis
2002c; White 2003).
• DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) compared the

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performance of three machine translation prototype systems from
French, Spanish and Japanese into English. An evaluation exercise
was undertaken to measure intelligibility and fidelity. Intelligibility
measured how well the target language had been translated linguisti-
cally using a scale of one to five. Two other evaluation exercises
measured fidelity involving ‘adequacy’ and ‘informativeness’. Adequacy
measured the faithfulness of a source-language text to the target-
language text using a scale of one to five, while informativeness
measured how much of the information contained in the source-
language text was found in the target-language text. The DARPA
evaluation of machine translation conducted between 1992 and 1994
was said to be the largest and most expensive project in the area of
evaluation of translation tools ever carried out (White 2003: 236).

In the past, there has been a tendency to concentrate on only two

aspects of evaluation for machine translation: intelligibility – the quality
of the translation generated by a system, and fidelity – the closeness of
the translation to its original text. For researchers, if a system is proven
to produce syntactically and lexically well-formed sentences, then such
an evaluation may be considered sufficient. For end-users, on the other
hand, this type of evaluation is often insufficient as other measure-
ments such as coverage (specialization of subject field) and extensibility
(the ability to add new words and grammar rules) are equally important
(Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis 2002a: 1).

Computer-aided translation tools

The results of evaluations of computer-aided translation tools are not as

easy to obtain as those for machine translation systems, as the commercial
companies that develop these tools do not make their findings public.
These types of tools are aggressively marketed to professional translators
and the unique features of a tool are usually highlighted. Reviews are
normally undertaken by the translators themselves and can generally
be found in translation journals, consumer and professional magazines,
in newsletters and on the web. To add to the complexity of evaluation,

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132 Translation and Technology

computer-aided tools are available on the market in different versions,

as indicated in the previous chapter. For example, SDLX Translation
Memory is available in three versions: elite, profession and standard,
catering for different types of end-users. Also, each version is frequently
updated, making reviews of previous versions less useful.
Evaluations by researchers, developers and research sponsors often serve

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the purpose of improving the systems being developed. For computer-
aided translation tools most such evaluation reports are available only
to researchers and developers. Since competing companies develop their
own tools, evaluation reports on the performance of the tools they have
designed are considered highly confidential. Thus publicly available
reports only appear once the tools are ready to be released or are already
in the market as product reviews for end-users. Normally, these reviews
of computer-aided tools are based on specific types of texts, language
pairs and tool versions. The benefit of such reviews is, therefore, restricted
to professional translators who share the same needs and criteria. Other
evaluations of computer-aided translation tools are available but scarce,
and are limited to reports such as the evaluation of translation memory
and translator’s workbenches by EAGLES (Expert Advisory Group on
Language Engineering Standards, 1996) and Rinsche (1997), and the
evaluation of an integrated machine translation and translation memory
in the software localization industry by Bruckner and Plitt (2001). Another
review by Whyman and Somers (1999) uses Trados Translator’s Work-
bench as a case study, demonstrating how to measure functionality and
usability, and reviewing the performance of the tool by executing fuzzy
matches. Schmitz (2001), on the other hand, focuses on assessing the
criteria for evaluating terminology database management programs,
that is terminology management systems. The criteria include:

• terminological aspects – the suitability of the software to perform a

terminological task;
• technical aspects – the hardware and software environment required
when using a certain tool;
• user interface aspects – documentation on how to operate a particular
• organizational aspects – compatibility with existing hardware and
software; and
• economic aspects – purchasing and operating costs.

There are other ways in which a translator can find out about evaluations
of translation memory tools. One is by joining professional translator’s

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Evaluating Translation Tools 133

mailing lists and another is by testing a demonstration version of a tool

(Zerfass 2002; see Somers 2003c).


In the evaluation of machine translation systems, there are at least four

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groups with an interest in the matter, each with their own set of criteria
and goals which may or may not overlap. The groups described below
are largely based on those suggested by Trujillo (1999) and White (2003).

There has always been a close relationship between researchers and
system developers; the former build prototype systems based on certain
approaches or models (see Chapter 3). A prototype is an experimental
design of a partial or a whole system that is used for testing purposes
before a complete system is built. Experiments based on a variety of
criteria are used to investigate the performance of prototypes at various
stages of development. Usually evaluations performed by researchers
are reported in the form of papers written in academic or research
journals, in books and/or presentations at conferences and workshops.
Amongst researchers, evaluations of this kind serve as a platform for
testing, benchmarking and discussion.

A developer (an individual or organization) normally decides on which
prototype is to be turned into a complete system. The quality of the
system built must comply with the relevant ISO (International Organi-
zation for Standardization) software standards, which are described
later in this chapter. When a prototype is selected, a detailed study
of economic viability is carried out on the capabilities and limitations
of the system. Based on a series of different methods of evaluation, the
performance of the prototype as compared with systems built by
competitors is also obtained.

Research sponsors
The funds to build prototypes and complete systems are provided by
research sponsors. Usually research organizations, government agencies
and large corporations are the main sponsors. One issue that concerns
a research sponsor is deciding which research project to fund or which
prototype machine translation systems to fund. Ongoing progress
reports play an important role in helping to show that the hypotheses

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134 Translation and Technology

and methods employed have produced the expected results. The

research sponsors also need to know if the system is able to meet
projected translation demands. Other information of importance to a
sponsor includes the organization and management of a research
project at different stages of the development process, and the rele-
vance of the project to other areas of natural-language processing

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End-users are made up of several groups, the major ones consisting of
translators and translation managers. The evaluation criteria that interest
these groups include the ‘hows’ and the ‘whats’ (Trujillo 1999: 254).
The ‘how’ questions include:

• how easy is it to operate a tool;

• how user-friendly is a tool;
• how long does it take to learn;
• how compatible is it with other hardware and software applications;
• how good is the design of the working environment (the layout of
the interfaces and display of windows);
• how good is the support for Latin and non-Latin based languages; and
• how easily can a tool be extended or upgraded.

The ‘what’ questions include:

• what is the processing speed;

• what are the linguistic capabilities;
• what is the required operating system;
• what is the performance reliability; and
• what are the costs and benefits.

The suitability of a certain tool is not universal to all types of text; it is

important to investigate if tool customization is possible in order to
meet the required needs of a particular translator. Translation managers
also need to discover if the tool they intend to purchase is compatible
with the equipment already installed in the company and if their
translators will be comfortable using it. Evaluation of system perform-
ance and the overall performance of the translation team are equally
important to translation managers.

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Evaluating Translation Tools 135

Evaluation methods

There is no doubt that evaluation is the driving force behind the devel-
opment of natural-language processing technology (see Hovy, King and
Popescu-Belis 2002b). Previous work shows that evaluations have been
carried out for a variety of reasons by different groups of people and

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organizations, for example governmental campaigns (ALPAC and DARPA),
industrial forums (LISA) and joint research institutes (EAGLES). A survey
of the literature on the evaluation of machine translation systems by
Church and Hovy (1993) suggests that the success of evaluating a system
often depends on the selection of the most appropriate approach.
Another aspect is the scope of the evaluation. This includes cases of
humans evaluating machines, that is translations generated by machine
translation systems; machines evaluating humans, in which tools
like spell or grammar-checkers ‘evaluate’ the performance of translators;
or machines evaluating machines, in which fully automated approaches
are applied to assess the performance of machine translation systems.
Comprehensive human evaluations can be extremely time-consuming
and costly, such as those by ALPAC and DARPA. In recent years, researchers
such as Elliott, Hartley and Atwell (2003) have investigated the use of
partial or fully automatic methods to conduct evaluations. Below some
of these methods involving humans and machines are described.

Human versus machine

In the early days, human evaluators were used to evaluate translations
generated by machine translation systems. As I have mentioned
previously, intelligibility and fidelity are the two main criteria used in
evaluation. One example of human evaluators judging the intelligibility
and fidelity of machine translation output relates to a number of early
Russian–English machine translation systems evaluated in the ALPAC
report. To measure intelligibility, 18 English monolinguals were selected
to judge six translated texts (three by machine translation systems
and three by human translators) using a scale from one, ‘Hopelessly
unintelligible . . .’, to nine, ‘Perfectly clear and intelligible . . .’ (ALPAC
1966: 68–9; see also White 2003). The higher the score, the more
intelligible the translation.
In order to assess fidelity, two groups of English native speakers were
used. Members of the first group, who were bilingual (English and
Russian), were asked to extract information from the English transla-
tions and compare this with the information in the Russian originals.
The second group, English monolingual evaluators, were asked to assess

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136 Translation and Technology

the informativeness of the two sets of English translations (one set

translated by machines and the other by humans) using a scale from
zero, ‘The original contains . . . less information than the translation . . .’,
to nine, ‘Extremely informative . . .’ (ALPAC 1966: 68–9; see also White
2003). The higher the score, the more informative the translation.
Although helpful in some respects, the ALPAC report showed that

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human evaluation could be very subjective. This subjectivity stems
from the fact that the method relies on evaluators who have variable
levels of language proficiency, resulting in different evaluation
scores. Furthermore, different scales, such as those reported in Van Slype
(1979: 57–9), have been used to measure intelligibility, for example
three-, four-, five, seven-, eight- and nine-point scales, while fidelity is
measured on five-, nine-, 25- and 100-point scales. Sometimes non-scale
methods can also be used to measure intelligibility, for example the
Cloze test (in which blank spaces at regular intervals must be filled in by
the evaluator), multiple-choice questionnaires and knowledge tests. For
fidelity, the methods include the correctness of the information
transferred, retranslation and direct questioning. A quantitative evalua-
tion performed by machines is often seen as preferable and is considered
to be more stable, reliable and cost-effective. Developers especially are
interested in inexpensive automated evaluation methods that are fast,
language-independent and comparable to evaluations performed by
human evaluators.
One of the automated evaluation methods that has been designed is
BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy), the thinking behind which
was that ‘the closer a machine translation is to a professional human
translation, the better it is’ (Papineni et al. 2002). In order to show that
BLEU is a reliable and objective evaluation method, two criteria were
used: an evaluation of the ‘closeness’ between a translation produced by
a machine translation system and a translation translated by a translator,
and an evaluation of a translation produced by a machine translation
system using bilingual and monolingual human evaluators. Here,
‘closeness’ was measured using the n-gram algorithm (see Chapter 3).
The human evaluators, on the other hand, evaluated the translation using
a five-point scale of measurement. The automatic evaluation performed
by BLEU was shown to be quite close to the evaluation performed by
the monolingual human evaluators (Papineni et al. 2002).

Test suite versus test corpus

A test suite consists of a carefully constructed set of examples that represent
some pre-determined ‘linguistic phenomena’, meaning lexical and

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Evaluating Translation Tools 137

structural components such as nouns and clauses further classified as,

for instance, types of nouns (proper noun, pronoun or common noun),
types of utterances (interrogative, imperative and declarative), word order,
and so on. A set of examples is usually annotated according to their
specific linguistic categories. Normally, an evaluation is carried out on
selected linguistic phenomena, which can be tested one at a time, or

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alternatively in combination with another phenomenon, giving the
evaluator full control at every test point (Elliott, Hartley and Atwell 2003).
A test suite is the most suitable evaluation tool for researchers and
developers because it enables them to see how a system performs using
a range of controlled examples to discover where errors occur. They can
also test the system’s performance after changes have been introduced
to rectify any errors. A test suite can be used on a single linguistic
phenomenon such as pronouns in an exhaustive and systematic way.
Syntactic and morphological phenomena are structurally easier to
characterize than semantic and pragmatic phenomena as they can be
divided more easily into classes and levels. The fact that segments may be
broken down morphologically and syntactically makes them ideal candi-
dates for testing using the test-suite approach. The same cannot be said
about semantic and pragmatic phenomena, as they tend to be context-
dependent and ambiguous. A test suite, therefore, is more useful for the
evaluation of systems that have large syntactic and morphological
analysis components (Balkan, Arnold and Meijer 1994). As a result, it is not
always easy to construct an appropriate test suite that can test precisely
what needs to be evaluated in a translation, where message and meaning
are important. According to Prasad and Sarkar (2000), a test suite also has
some weaknesses. While it has to be constructed manually to achieve
systematic variation within a particular range of grammatical phenomena,
there is no standard method for constructing such a system. And since
the same lexical items can be used repeatedly, findings can be misleading,
resulting in an inaccurate evaluation (Arnold et al. 1994).
In contrast to a test suite, a test corpus is essentially a collection of
texts which attempts to represent naturally occurring linguistic data.
The test corpus methodology is based on the assumption that if a corpus
is large enough, it is possible for any linguistic phenomenon of interest
to occur at least once. Moreover, a test corpus can be used numerous
times to test a variety of linguistic phenomena, and is usually also cheaper
to construct than a test suite. Furthermore, a corpus can be compiled to
reflect a user’s needs (Elliott, Hartley and Atwell 2003). Note that both
these evaluation methods are complementary rather than competitive
in nature as exemplified in the work of Prasad and Sarkar (2000).

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138 Translation and Technology

Glass-box versus black-box

The evaluation of natural-language processing tools can also be carried
out using either a ‘glass-box’ or ‘black-box’ approach (see Arnold et al.
1994). A glass-box is sometimes referred to as a ‘white-box’, ‘structural-
box’ or ‘clear-box’. Its purpose is to test the structural components of

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a system by looking inside the box. To illustrate this, let us imagine
that a system is a rectangle, made up of smaller rectangles, as shown in
Figure 5.1. These smaller rectangles are called components or modules.
A glass-box evaluation is performed in order to test specific components
of a system (rectangles highlighted in solid lines).
The glass-box approach to testing requires intimate knowledge of the
programming code and algorithms in the selected component in order
to examine its performance. The approach is very useful to researchers
and developers because they can identify the components that are expe-
riencing problems. It also allows researchers to access each component
and to evaluate its performance, while providing an understanding of
how to tune, extend and maintain the tool (Trujillo 1999: 256; White
2003: 225). An example of a glass-box evaluation would be the testing
of one or more components such as the parser, lexical look-up or
semantic interpretation in a system (Palmer and Finin 1990: 177).

Figure 5.1 Example of a glass-box evaluation

Black-box evaluation, on the other hand, is more suitable for end-users.

It is also known as functional or behavioural testing. The evaluation
focuses mainly on the overall performance of a system by looking at
only the input (the source-language text) and output (the target-
language text), according to White (2003: 225). Imagine again that a system
is a rectangle made up of smaller rectangles as shown in Figure 5.2.

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Evaluating Translation Tools 139

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Figure 5.2 Example of a black-box evaluation

A black-box evaluation is carried out in order to test the performance of

the system as a whole (rectangle highlighted in solid lines).
Often a system that is about to be released or has already been
released onto the market is tested in this way to discover any incorrectly
generated output or the reasons why the system does not work. Other
characteristics of a system such as portability, maintainability and usability
are also evaluated in this way (Palmer and Finin 1990: 176). One example
of assessing the performance of machine translation systems in this way
is the evaluation of the quality of target texts from three different
machine translation systems in the European Commission. The aim was
to compare the translation quality using certain linguistic criteria and
then decide if the systems satisfied the needs of translators and admin-
istrators of the European Commission (Yuste-Rodrigo and Braun-Chen
2001). The linguistic criteria used were defined on two levels, sentence
and text. At the sentence level, accuracy was rated taking into account
factors such as punctuation, morphology and syntax. At the text level,
the accuracy of elements such as coherence, intelligibility, fidelity, read-
ability, style, terminology and usability was rated. Rather unsurprisingly,
the evaluation experiment showed clearly – using a scale of one to five on
both levels – that if a machine translation system is tailored to the needs
of a specific group of users, the quality of the translations is usually
better than a system that has been built to meet the requirements of ‘all’
users (Yuste-Rodrigo and Braun-Chen 2001).

General frameworks for evaluating translation tools

The idea of creating a general ‘framework’ for evaluating translation tools

came into being as the result of evaluators having to design their own

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140 Translation and Technology

evaluations from scratch. Over the years, a great deal of literature has
focused on the purposes, criteria and measurements in machine transla-
tion evaluation. Each time an evaluation was required, the evaluation
literature had to be extensively searched to find suitable evaluation criteria,
measurement and methods. Hence the non-existence of a standard
evaluation method available for use and/or adaptation to all evaluators

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has been viewed as a serious problem (Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis
2002b: 44). As a result, a number of projects have been initiated to
establish some form of general framework, method or set of guidelines
to evaluate natural-language processing tools.
Most of the frameworks described here incorporate software standards
from ISO as the foundation for a general evaluation framework. ISO is
the world’s largest developer of standards with the aim of ensuring that
the development, manufacture and supply of products and services are
efficient, safe and environment-friendly. In ISO, the quality and evaluation
of natural-language processing tools is regulated by two series of
standards, ISO 9126 (Software Product Quality) and ISO 14598 (Software
Product Evaluation). Machine translation and computer-aided translation
tools fall under the large umbrella of natural-language processing tools
and, therefore, are required to achieve the standards set by these series.
In order to fulfil the standard requirement of software quality, most
evaluation frameworks existing today are based on these standards.
Each series is briefly described below.
The ISO 9126 series (Software Product Quality) provides definitions
of six key characteristics used in evaluating the quality of software
products (see Trujillo 1999; Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis 2002a and

• Functionality: meeting stated or implied needs of an end-user when

functions of the system operate under specific conditions.
• Reliability: maintaining the level of performance by the system when
operating under specific conditions.
• Usability: the ease of operating, understanding and learning each
task of the system as a whole.
• Efficiency: the performance of the system in relation to the amount
of resources available.
• Maintainability: the capability of the system to undergo modifica-
tions such as corrections, improvement and adaptations for different
requirements and working environments.
• Portability: the ability to transfer the system from one environment
to another such as to different operating systems.

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Evaluating Translation Tools 141

The ISO 14598 series (Software Product Evaluation) provides guidance

on the practical implementation of software evaluation that takes into
consideration different points of view. It can also be used in conjunction
with the six key characteristics described in ISO 9126. The evaluation
process may include the evaluation of specific components within a
system or of the entire system, a process broken up into five stages as

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shown in Figure 5.3 (see also Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis 2002b: 50).
The evaluation requirement stage of the process shown in Figure 5.3
is where criteria are identified for evaluation purposes. The criteria are
for measuring the capability of a specific machine translation system in
which its strengths and weaknesses are discovered. It means that an
evaluation is performed either on selected components of a system or
an entire system. A list of criteria includes adequacy to evaluate user-
friendliness, efficiency to evaluate the consumption of resources, and
linguistic quality to evaluate the coverage of the lexicon, syntax and
semantics of the source and target languages of the system (Vertan and
Hahn 2003). Since it is not easy to measure quality, the characteristics
suggested in the ISO 9126 series are used as a quality measurement.
In the specifications stage of the evaluation, the type of measurement
used is often dictated by pre-determined criteria and quality characteristics

Purpose, Product Plan,

product, quality description method

1. Evaluation 2. Evaluation 3. Evaluation

requirements specifications design

5. Evaluation 4. Evaluation
conclusion execution

Report, review Measurement,


Figure 5.3 Example of an evaluation process

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142 Translation and Technology

such as scale-based scores, to measure items that include word or sentence

errors in the target-language text (Tomás, Àngel Mas and Casacuberta
2003). Based on the description of the components undergoing evalua-
tion, plans are scheduled and methods are selected in the evaluation
design stage that include the length of time to complete an evaluation,
the order of components being evaluated and appropriate methods

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such as test suite or black-box. All these will be determined by whether
the evaluation is for end-users or researchers. Once the evaluation
design is agreed upon, the actual task of evaluating can take place.
Measurement refers to the scores that are obtained from the metrics
defined in the second stage. Rating concerns the interpretation of the
scores, and assessment is the written summary of the ratings (see Tomás,
Àngel Mas and Casacuberta 2003). Upon completion of the evaluation, the
reports of the findings are written up. In addition, a detailed description
of the problems occurring in the system during the evaluation is also
given. In some cases, the whole evaluation process is reviewed to ensure
that the initial objectives of the evaluation are met and the problems
encountered are confirmed (see Vertan and Hahn 2003).
As I have mentioned previously, ISO evaluation standards were used as
the basis for producing this kind of standard for machine translation
evaluation. A number of related projects were involved in this process
over time; these are all described below. The sequence of development
started with EAGLES, in which ISO standards were adapted to the transla-
tion environment; the resulting new standards were later carried forward
by the International Standards for Language Engineering (ISLE) and the
Test-bed Study of Evaluation Methodologies: Authoring Aids (TEMAA).
Another initiative was the Framework for the Evaluation of Machine
Translation (FEMTI), an extension of ISLE. The way in which these project
extensions relate to each other is shown in Figure 5.4. Most of these
projects were collaborations between European research organizations
and US government agencies.

ISO software quality




Figure 5.4 Standardization projects for evaluating machine translation systems

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Evaluating Translation Tools 143

Let us now consider each of these projects in turn. As we have seen,

one of the earliest efforts to provide evaluation standards for machine
translation was through the EAGLES project (1993–96) funded by the
European Commission in response to the lack of standards in language-
technology evaluation. Since no general framework or set of systematic
procedures suits all evaluations, it was felt that creating an evaluation

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framework that can be flexible and modifiable might be the answer.
One of the initiatives taken by EAGLES was to define the means of
evaluating resources, tools and products. A general quality model for
natural-language processing systems was created which contained a
hierarchical classification of features and attributes. From the model,
specific features and attributes can be extracted for evaluation purposes
to match the needs of any specific end-user (Hovy, King and Popescu-
Belis 2002b: 47). In other words, EAGLES aimed at producing an evalua-
tion package in which different features and attributes could be combined
to reflect the needs of an end-user.
As a user-oriented evaluation system, the general framework proposed
by EAGLES has three main components. The first is a set of attributes
that fulfils specific conditions in order to evaluate a translation tool.
There must, for example, be sufficient attributes to express all require-
ments that have been listed by an end-user. The attributes must also be
general enough to enable repetition of similar evaluations by different
groups of end-users. Attributes identified will determine the second
component, that is the requirements. These are concerned with the needs
that the system is designed for. The requirements can be divided into
two categories, functional and non-functional. Functional requirements
are about specific tasks that the system needs to support (see function-
ality under ISO 9126), while non-functional requirements are about
constraints the system encounters when performing certain given tasks
(see efficiency under ISO 9126).
Once the requirements have been listed, the third component, which
is the method of evaluation, can be selected. The methods have three
sub-components: test types, instruments and test materials. The test
types are usually determined by the motivation behind the evaluation,
for example, whether to assess the usability of the system in daily work,
to examine the behaviour of the system under strict working conditions
or to check the functionality of the system in general. In response to
these motivations, three types of testing can be carried out, scenario
testing, systematic testing and feature inspection.
Scenario-testing involves using the environment of the end-user as
the basis for carrying out the evaluation. This can be conducted in the

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144 Translation and Technology

field or in a laboratory. A field test uses the actual working environment

of the end-user and it is only applicable for a system that is already fully
operational. A laboratory test uses the task-based environment where
each task is tested in isolation and this type of test is only appropriate
for a system that is only partially operational. Systematic testing
involves testing under very specific conditions and the results are

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usually as expected. There are three ways to achieve this: task-oriented,
menu-oriented and benchmarking testing. In task-oriented systematic
testing, a pre-defined task in an actual working environment is given to
a system to perform. The system is expected to produce the expected
results. This type of test can also be used to evaluate components of a
system during the developmental stage. Menu-oriented systematic
testing involves testing each function of the system in a pre-determined
sequence. It can be performed regardless of whether the system is still at
the developmental stage or already fully operational. In benchmarking
testing, the performance of individual functions, system modules or the
entire system can be evaluated. In contrast, the last type of testing,
feature inspection, is about describing the technical features of a system
in detail. The purpose is to allow an end-user to compare the system
with other systems of a similar kind. For the comparison of systems, a
feature checklist is provided.
Evaluation data can be collected manually or automatically. Manual
collection of data involves the use of questionnaires, checklists, inter-
views and observations, while automatic collection of data consists of
recording the interactions between the end-user and the system that
can be printed or replayed at a later date. The type of test material is
usually made up of a collection of naturally occurring texts in electronic
form. However, the type of evaluation carried out is still influenced by
factors such as the reason for the evaluation. The description of the general
framework by EAGLES can be summarized as shown in Figure 5.5.
ISLE was a transatlantic project (2000–3) between the European
Commission and the US National Science Foundation. One of the main
aims of ISLE was to propose standards, guidelines, recommendations for
evaluating resources, tools and products, building on the results
obtained from EAGLES and ISO standards. Under ISLE, a working group
called the Evaluation Working Group (EWG) was set up to concentrate
on formulating such standards (Calzolari et al. 2003: 6–8). The EWG
worked in a sequence of phases beginning with a state-of-the-art inves-
tigation. In this phase, relevant technical, scientific and engineering
literature was studied, also including reports on systems and their require-
ments in past evaluation exercises as well as the problems encountered

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Evaluating Translation Tools 145


Attributes Requirements Methods

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functional non-functional test types instruments test materials

motivations data collection

manual automatic

scenario-testing systematic testing feature inspection

field laboratory task-oriented menu-oriented benchmarking

Figure 5.5 EAGLES general evaluation framework

during the evaluation and their solutions. At the stage where the
proposal for a standard evaluation methodology and framework was
being elaborated, the end-users in the working environment were invited
to become involved by providing feedback on the proposal. The EWG
worked on the principle that when end-users feel that they are part of
the making of a standard, it is much easier for them to accept it. For the
validation phase, the proposal was subjected to testing in a controlled
actual working environment. The results, in turn, were used to improve
the proposal for the benefit of both end-users and developers. In the
maintenance phase, the refinement of the proposal was carried out by
the EWG with input from end-users and developers. Although not
‘final’, the resulting proposal is at least a ‘consolidated’ one among all
parties involved and will be valid for a period of time until further
modifications or additions are needed. The proposal will continue to be
maintained even after it has been turned into a fully-fledged standard.
The activities of the EWG were published in what is known as the
dissemination phase. Collaborations with related projects with other
bodies were also encouraged (Calzolari et al. 2003: 10–1).

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146 Translation and Technology

While EAGLES focused on the evaluation of several application areas

such as translators’ aids and writers’ aids, the EWG of ISLE concentrated
on methods and metrics for machine translation evaluation. Instead of
using a committee of experts to suggest a general framework, the EWG
runs workshops as the main means of refining the evaluation method-
ology and framework. The purpose is to provide a training platform for

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practitioners and to test the evaluation methodology and framework on
actual evaluation tasks. The feedback from the workshops, in turn, enables
EWG to improve on the evaluation methodology and framework.
Like EAGLES, the EWG realizes that the framework they have worked
on remains very general, so much so that an evaluator would still have to
customize the framework to suit the purpose of the specific evaluation
to be undertaken. The reason for this is that machine translation
evaluation ‘is characterised by a severe degree of complexity and by
many local contextual difficulties, which together have until now
caused many different evaluation approaches and techniques to appear’
(Calzolari et al. 2003: 15). As the ISLE project shows, further work is
needed to discover the strengths and the weaknesses of evaluation
systems as well as to establish correlations between evaluation metrics
such as rating scales, or between evaluation attributes such as intelligi-
bility. In addition, it remains necessary to choose relevant metrics and
to understand the amount of work and costs involved in applying each
metric. And finally, as pointed out by Calzolari et al. (2003: 5–16, 21),
there is a need to understand whether the rating scales used would be
appropriate and acceptable to those who requested the evaluation.
Within the duration of their projects neither EAGLES nor ISLE
produced a complete evaluation framework. As a result, FEMTI was set
up to continue the research – as an extension of the EWG and the ISLE
projects – funded by the Danish and Swiss governments and the US
National Science Foundation. FEMTI was established to organize all
methods of evaluating machine translation systematically. It aims at
assisting end-users in choosing the machine translation system that suits
them best, assisting end-users in comparing several machine translation
systems and assisting developers in upgrading an old machine translation
system or designing a new one. It also has a structured collection of
methods and serves as a platform for discussion among evaluators
(Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis 2002b: 44).
In FEMTI two important questions have been asked: why is an evalu-
ation needed and what is being evaluated? The answer to the first question
ranges from a researcher wanting to assess what a particular set of proce-
dures or algorithms is supposed to do, to an end-user wanting information

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Evaluating Translation Tools 147

on which system to buy. The answer to the second question may be for
a researcher to evaluate a component in a system or for an end-user to
evaluate the performance of a system (Hovy, King and Popescu-Belis
2002b). FEMTI is made up of two sets of criteria, evaluation requirements
and system characteristics, which are related to these two questions.
The first set defines the intended context of use (types of task, user and

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input) for the machine translation system that is under evaluation (see
King, Popescu-Belis and Hovy 2003). The second set is related to the
first and is concerned with internal and external characteristics and
with the corresponding metrics associated with quality. Box 5.1 is a concise
description of the framework and the groups of stakeholders who will
benefit from each requirement and characteristics. A detailed description
of FEMTI can be found at,
although it is still an on-going project at the time of writing.

Box 5.1 FEMTI evaluation framework

1 Evaluation requirements

(a) Evaluation purpose: to enable decisions to be made

• Feasibility evaluation: to discover if the approach used can

be successful after further research and development. The
stakeholders are mainly researchers and research sponsors.
• Requirements elicitation: to obtain reactions from potential
stakeholders via the prototype system. The stakeholders are
mainly developers and end-users.
• Internal evaluation: to perform periodic or continual evalua-
tion at the research and development stage. The stake-
holders are mainly developers and research sponsors.
• Diagnostic evaluation: to discover the causes of a system not
producing the results as expected. The stakeholders are
mainly developers.
• Declarative evaluation: to measure the ability of a system to
handle a sample of real text especially the linguistic capa-
bility. The stakeholders are mainly researchers, developers
and research sponsors.
• Operational evaluation: to discover if a system serves its
intended purpose. The stakeholders are mainly researchers,
developers and research sponsors.

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148 Translation and Technology

Box 5.1 (Continued)

• Usability evaluation: to measure the ability of a system to be

useful to the intended end-user. The stakeholders are mainly
developers and end-users.

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(b) Evaluation objects: to identify the context of use, for example,
a system that translates weather bulletins.
(c) Translation task characteristics: to discover from the end-
users’ point of view the purpose of the translation output. The
stakeholders are mainly developers, research sponsors and

• Assimilation: to supervise the large volume of texts produced

in more than one language. The stakeholders are mainly end-
• Dissemination: to deliver translations to others. The stake-
holders are mainly end-users.
• Communication: to support speakers of different languages.
The stakeholders are mainly end-users.

(d) User characteristics: to identify different groups of end-users.

• Machine translation users: interactions between end-users

and the system. The stakeholders are mainly translators and
• Translation consumers: end-users who use the translations.
• Organizational user: organizations who provide translations
such as translation agencies.

(e) Input characteristics: to identify the format of the source-

language texts and information about the authors.

• Text types: genres, subject fields.

• Authors: level of proficiency in the source language and level
of knowledge in the subject field.
• Sources of errors: linguistic errors and typographical errors.

2 System characteristics

(a) Machine translation system-specific characteristics: components

in the system and process flow of the system.

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Evaluating Translation Tools 149

Box 5.1 (Continued)

• Translation process: the underlying methodology (see rule-

based and corpus-based approaches in Chapter 3) behind
the development of the system. In other words, how the

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knowledge of the translation process is represented and
acquired in the system and when a particular type of
knowledge is applied during the translation process. This
also includes the language coverage such as dictionaries,
glossaries, terminology databases and grammar.
• Translation process flow: the processes, such as pre-translation
preparation, post-translation output and dictionary updating,
that enable a system to operate successfully.

(b) External characteristics: the six qualities of translation based

on ISO 9126 mentioned earlier in this chapter (functionality,
reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability). In
addition, cost is another characteristic that plays a major role
in deciding whether a system can undergo a detailed evaluation.

Another extended project developed from EAGLES is TEMAA, co-funded

by the European Commission and the Federal Office for Education and
Science of Switzerland. The aim of TEMAA is to develop a general
evaluation procedure and to test methodologies for evaluating natural-
language processing tools. Like EAGLES, ISLE and FEMTI described earlier,
TEMAA also uses the ISO 9126 series as the basis for evaluation design.
Case studies have, for instance, been conducted on spell-checkers for
Danish and Italian and two other natural-language processing products.
In order to evaluate spell-checkers, a set of programs called Automatic
Spelling Checker Checker (ASCC) is employed to convert a list of valid
words into invalid words automatically. The invalid words are used as
input to the spell-checker in order to test its error-detection feature. The
detailed results of the evaluation of a spell-checker can be found at
In the past few years, two other major evaluation standards have been
introduced, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
in the USA, to which we return below, and an evaluation project called
the ‘Campagne d’Evaluation de Systèmes de Traduction Automatique’
(CESTA) in Europe. CESTA is one of eight campaigns to evaluate human-
language technologies within the EVALDA (Infrastructure d’EVALuation

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150 Translation and Technology

à ELDA) project, which is one of the numerous projects undertaken

by ELDA (Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency). One
of the core businesses of ELDA is carrying out the missions and tasks of
ELRA (European Language Resources Association), which is evaluating
human-language technologies. Its objectives are to assemble reusable
evaluation components such as methodologies, protocols and metrics,

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and to promote collaborative research by improving and setting up new
evaluation campaigns (Dabbadie, Mustafa El Hadi and Timimi 2004).
CESTA is financed by the French Ministry of Research and Education to
carry out evaluations of six machine translation systems (five commercial
and one experimental). It aims at providing an evaluation for commercial
machine translation systems and to set up reusable machine translation
evaluation protocols. The campaign is divided into two stages; the first
was the evaluation of the system’s default dictionary in 2004 while the
second was planned for 2005, following terminological adaptation. The
evaluation corpus consists of 50 texts, each is approximately 400 words,
involving a ‘major’ or primary language pair, that is French as the source
language and English as the target language, and what is called a ‘minor’
or secondary language pair with English as the pivotal or relay language
for the translation of Arabic into French (Arabic–English–French). The
major language pair evaluation is being used to test the six machine trans-
lation systems, while the minor language pair is being used to measure
the robustness of the chosen metrics. The CESTA project began in 2003
and is scheduled for completion at the end of 2005. Its details and
work-in-progress reports can be found in Mustafa El Hadi et al. (2004).
As an agency of the US Commerce Department, NIST offers a training
course on how to evaluate machine translation systems. Interested indi-
viduals and organizations are required to attend in order to learn how
to plan and perform an evaluation. Most of the evaluation exercise
itself is conducted through e-mails between the participants and NIST.
After enrolling, the participants receive the source-language texts from
NIST. Using machine translation systems of the participants’ choice,
the source-language texts are translated into target-language texts.
Usually the language pair for the evaluation exercise is determined by
NIST. Upon completion, the translations are sent back to NIST for eval-
uation. Human evaluators and automatic n-gram statistics (see Chapter
3) are used in the evaluation. The evaluation results produced by the
automatic methods are available within minutes of submission by the
participants while the human evaluation results are presented at a
workshop at the end of the course. All participants are required to
attend the workshop to review and discuss the evaluation results.

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Evaluating Translation Tools 151


For some time efforts have been made to create a framework for the
evaluation of natural-language processing tools like machine transla-
tion systems and computer-aided translation tools. The main difficulty
is that evaluation can be performed for a wide range of reasons by

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different groups of individuals. No evaluation is suitable on all occasions
for all interested parties and for all purposes. The evaluation methods
described in this chapter have indicated that there are many aspects of
a system that can be evaluated, from a single component to an entire
system. In fact, evaluation is a complex issue with more than just a
single solution. Therefore, no research project can claim to have created
a complete framework. Still, each effort must be applauded and
encouraged. Building a standard framework is no easy undertaking
since ‘setting up a global methodology for evaluating all types of
computerised translation systems for all end-users is a task that [sic]
may not be possible to carry out completely’ (Lehrberger and Bourbeau
1988: 192). Nothing has changed much since then.

Suggested reading
EAGLES (Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards) (1996)
Evaluation of National Language Processing Systems: Final Report. At http://issco-
Lehrberger, J. and L. Bourbeau (1988) Machine Translation: Linguistic Characteristics
of MT Systems and General Methodology of Evaluation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins.
Sparck Jones, K. and J.R. Galliers (1996) Evaluating Natural Language Processing:
An Analysis and Review. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Van Slype, G. (1979) Critical Study of Methods for Evaluating the Quality of Machine
Translation: Final Report. At

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Recent Developments and Future

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In this chapter we explore some future directions in a number of major
areas of translation technology, building on recent developments. We
start with developments in two translation ‘types’ that are by now very
familiar, namely machine translation systems and computer-aided
translation tools, before moving on to systems that incorporate speech
technology. Translation tools for minority languages are an increasingly
important topic as the demand for translation grows worldwide. This
therefore also deserves attention in a chapter focusing on future trends.
The increasing multilingualism of the Internet has direct implications
for the volume of translation demand as the ‘content’ of web pages needs
to be made available to speakers of other languages. The use of web
content as a resource for online machine translation systems is also
discussed, before the chapter concludes with one of the fastest growing
areas of translation today, the localization industry.

Machine translation systems

If the prejudices and misgivings that still linger among professional

translators concerning machine translation are to be countered, a new
image of machine translation systems including a realistic view of their
capabilities is needed. The different purposes for which machine
translation is used – as discussed in Chapter 3 – are particularly relevant
here, as this diversity will ensure the continuation of machine translation
research. Furthermore, universities such as Carnegie Mellon University,
the University of Maryland, Kyoto University, the University of Essex,
the University of Montreal and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, as well as private sector companies such as AT&T, IBM,
Microsoft, NTT, Rank Xerox, Systran Software and Sony are all still actively


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Recent Developments and Future Directions 153

involved in machine translation research. However, as we have seen,

many projects are still at the prototype or experimental stage and are
therefore of little interest to anyone not immediately involved in the
early stage of development. Since the systems are prototypes, their
architectures and output performances are still a subject for discussion
among the researchers involved, and are not yet available to the general

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public. For this reason, it is difficult to predict how this research will
Currently, operational machine translation systems are found on
mainframe computers, workstation and/or client–server systems on the
intranets of large organizations. Machine translation systems are avail-
able for professional translators as well as occasional users, alongside
online machine translation services. However, in the future, integrated
multitasking commercial and online machine translation systems that
will fulfil the range of translation purposes discussed in Chapter 3 are
likely to become more common. Developed from current experimental
interactive machine translation systems, commercially available systems
will evolve which will allow a translator full control over the translation
process. These systems are likely to have some forms of control more
advantageous to translators than those currently provided by machine
translation systems which require translations to be post-edited exten-
sively for publishing purposes (Macklovitch and Valderrábanos 2001).
Since interactions between the system and the human translator would
allow the translator to make changes during the translation process,
interactive machine translation systems are likely to reduce the amount
of post-editing required. It has also been suggested that a primary factor
behind the renewed interest in machine translation is the failure of
translators to meet the high demand for translation, which opens up
a tremendous opportunity in the market for language technology
businesses to ease ‘the translation bottleneck’ (Macklovitch 2001).
The emergence of data-driven methods has motivated more research
in the area of natural-language processing. Retrieving information from
the WWW is currently achieved through the use of search engines such
as Google (Macklovitch 2001). However, the availability of extensive
information has shown that there is a need for more robust information
retrieval methods across different languages. One method for achieving
this is called multilingual information retrieval (MLIR). MLIR refers to
the ability to retrieve relevant multilingual textual and non-textual
(for example, sound and images) material on the Web or stored in a
database by processing a query written in just one language. For an
end-user to read the multilingual material collected, the material has

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154 Translation and Technology

then to be translated into the language of the end-user, and machine

translation system is one of several methods used to achieve this.
However, there are limitations in translating all languages. A machine
translation system is language-dependent, since it is built for a specific
number of language pairs and translation directions. Even online
machine translation systems, despite the large number of languages they

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can translate, are still mostly restricted to popular languages. Therefore,
not all materials can be translated into the end-user’s language. Also,
machine translation systems are especially liable to errors when
processing languages that use a variety of diacritical or accent and tonal
marks written above, below, before and after letters or words in order to
distinguish, for example, between similar words. As a result, the transla-
tion may turn out to be less than useful to the end-user who initiated
the query in the first place. In recent years, research and experiments
have been carried out on MLIR and the use of machine translation
systems as the device to translate the collected material. At this time, the
results are promising but more work is still needed to discover how to
optimize the collection of material, especially from the Web, and how
to produce adequate translations using on- or offline systems that an
end-user can understand (see Lin 1999; Nie 2003; Zhou et al. 2005).
The question we now ask is, what does the future hold for machine
translation research? One suggestion, from Schäler, Way and Carl
(2003: 104), is illustrated in Figure 6.1. The model presented in the
figure divides translation quality into three levels: high, medium and
low, corresponding to three different types of text. At the top level, a

Translation quality Text types

High Human Critical and creative materials

translation (advertisements, laws)

Medium Mass volume of material

(manuals, reports)

Low Non-critical materials

(web articles)
Machine translation

Information that users want

Figure 6.1 Future-use model of translation technology

Source: Schäler, Way and Carl (2003): 104.

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 155

human translator is chosen over a machine to translate texts that are of

a creative nature where, for example, the use of metaphors is abundant.
Examples of such texts include advertisements and plays. At the middle
level, a combination of human translator and machine is used to
translate large amounts of subject-specific texts for which accuracy
and presentation, especially graphics, are important. Examples of such

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texts include laboratory reports and manuals. At the bottom level, a
machine is chosen over a human translator to produce rough translations
at very little or no cost, such as those offered by online machine translation
systems. Examples of non-critical texts are, according to Schäler, Way
and Carl (2003), web pages for products, services and general information.
As translation technology research and development progresses and
produces more reliable systems, it is to be expected that the use of
machine translation will increase as indicated by the upward arrow.
This view of the future of machine translation is optimistic and is
based not only on a change in the public understanding of the difficulties
of translation and of the limits of automation, but also on an awareness
of different types of translation needs (Macklovitch 2001). Moreover,
most machine translation systems contain a large vocabulary, and provide
broad coverage, and are capable of generating low or moderate-quality
translations. In order to achieve high-quality translation, a machine
translation system must be designed for a very narrow subject field
where vocabulary and grammar is based on a controlled language
(Sumita and Imamura 2002). Accordingly, many commercial systems
have been designed for certain subject fields or for users with specific
needs (Hutchins 1994). Over a decade ago, the problems of complex
sentence analysis, optimum target-language equivalents and generating
idiomatic output had yet to be resolved, as pointed out by Hutchins
(1994); this is still the case today (Somers 2003g; see also the forthcoming
proceedings of the 2005 International Workshop on Intelligent Linguistic
Technologies). As a part of this process of problem-solving, researchers
have realized that automating translation is not an easy task. Despite all
the knowledge, expertise and technology, there are still many problems
to overcome, working with languages that often do not express the
same thing in the same way consistently. Computers are essentially
devices that follow rules that have been programmed by humans, as we
shall see in the last section of this chapter, and have difficulties with
such ‘inconsistency’. Furthermore, problems of language analysis, transfer
and synthesis, learning and common-sense reasoning, especially for
machine translation systems, are yet to be fully resolved. These are
described in Arnold (2003).

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156 Translation and Technology

We can recall that attempts have been made with a new generation of
corpus-based machine translation systems to replace the older rule-based
systems but that this has met with limited success. It is important here
to be aware that corpus-based approaches should not be viewed as an
alternative but as a complement to rule-based approaches (see Chapter 4).
Although the advantage of corpus-based approaches is that they are

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able to create new translations from previously translated materials,
linguistic knowledge is still needed to make corpus-based machine
translation systems more robust. Thus current research in machine
translation has tended to move in the direction of integrating corpus-
based and rule-based approaches, that is ‘hybrids’. As a result, over time
many machine translation systems have changed their architectures,
some turning into hybrids, while others have continued to retain their
individual approaches.
Technological changes have given rise to changes in opinion even
among machine translation sceptics with respect to the economic
feasibility and the advantages of using machine translation systems in
particular ways. In fact, according to some experts, machine translation is
a central tool of the emerging world of multifunctional natural-language
processing applications in a multilingual world (Bel et al. 2001).

Computer-aided translation tools

To enhance their performance and increase translation productivity,

translators are usually in favour of using effective tools, although
reservations are sometimes expressed about the personal investment
needed in equipment, training and set-up time. In the foreseeable future,
workbenches (incorporating many computer-aided translation tools)
will continue to be the main translation support for professional
translators. Apart from workbenches, however, the development of
speech technology to analyse and synthesize human speech will also be
of help to professional translators in their work. In the past, some
professional translators orally recorded the first draft of a translation
using what was called a ‘dictaphone’ machine (originally a trademark of
the Dictaphone Corporation but now used eponymously). From the
dictaphone, the recorded translation draft was then typed up – usually by
a secretarial assistant – to produce the written version of the translation.
In contrast, the current technology of ‘dictation equipment’, that is
voice-dictation software, serves as an alternative to typing, having the
ability to convert recorded speech into text automatically (‘text’ in this
context always referring to written text). It can also be used to create, edit,

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 157

revise and save translation documents based on the voice commands of

the translator. Such a facility can reduce the time taken listening to the
recording and in typing up, but only once the system has been trained
to recognize the accent, pitch and tone of voice of the speaker/end-user
(see Chapter 4).
The success of a tool such as voice-dictation software is due to

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advancements in speech recognition, a process by which a computer
recognizes an acoustic speech signal (human utterances of a pre-
determined language) into text. The reverse situation is also possible so
that text is converted to speech: a text-to-speech system, based on
speech synthesis. Furthermore, integrating computer-aided translation
tools, such as translation memory systems, with voice-dictation software
could be extremely useful to professional translators especially if the
translator wants or needs to multitask, for example by translating the first
draft of a text with the help of the dictation software, while the translation
memory system is performing a matching operation for a specific word
or phrase.
At present, speech-to-text and text-to-speech technology mostly caters
for Western European languages, although a limited number of products
with Asian languages such as Hindi and Thai can be found. Voice-
dictation software is highly language-specific (Somers 2003c: 17). Also,
it is voice- and accent-specific necessitating, as indicated, training of the
system by the individual translator. It is difficult to predict when voice-
dictation software will become available for more languages outside
Western Europe, although in recent years researchers in China, Hong
Kong, Japan, Taiwan and the USA have begun working on Chinese and
Japanese with this objective. Reviews of early generations of dictation
software can be found in Benis (1999) for British English, French, German,
Italian and Spanish. Examples of commercial voice dictation software
for these languages include Express Dictate by NCH Swift Sound and
FreeSpeech by Philips.
In the next section, we look at developments in speech technology
and its growing role in translation technology in more detail.

Translation systems with speech technology

In the past few years, speech technology has attracted the attention of
natural-language processing researchers especially in Canada, Europe,
Japan and the USA. Their general aim is to provide a technology that is
not only able to convert speech into text, and text into speech, but
also speech into speech within the same language or between different

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158 Translation and Technology

languages. Traditionally, translation is understood to be text-based

while interpretation is speech-based. However, this dividing line has
been blurred by speech technology, as well as by developments in
screen translation (for a recent account, see Gambier 2003).
In the previous section we saw how the integration of current mono-
lingual (at any one time) dictation software with existing computer-

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aided translation systems could support the translator in certain tasks.
In this section we are concerned with speech technology which operates
between languages. Figure 6.2 shows the connection of speech technology
to computer-aided translation and machine translation systems.
In the speech-technology literature, terms like ‘speech-to-text trans-
lation’, ‘text-to-speech translation’ and ‘speech-to-speech translation’
refer to systems that involve the conversion of text and speech where
each input and each output is in a different language. Speech-to-text
translation refers to the translation of speech in one language (the source
input) into text in another language (the target output) where spoken
words are converted into text for individuals with hearing or motor-skill
disabilities. Examples of speech-to-text translation systems are IBM
ViaVoice and Dragon NaturallySpeaking that both translate between
seven languages.
A recent application of speech-to-text technology is in the conversion
of spoken language on television into ‘closed captions’ for the deaf and

Text Speech

Translation Interpretation

Machine Computer- Speech Speech Speech

translation aided recognition synthesis understanding
systems translation
voice-dictation software

hybrid & interactive sysytems

text-to-speech, speech-to-text

Figure 6.2 Speech technology in translation

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 159

hard-of-hearing community, not strictly-speaking a translation application

but one which has clear links to the human activity of interpreting.
The system currently relies on a kind of intralingual interpreting (see
Chapter 2), in which a trained intermediary rephrases and simplifies
the speech of live broadcasts, for example news programmes, as the input
to the speech technology software which then converts the simplified

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and deliberately more monotonous speech into text for the captions
(although still with a number of errors). Closed captions are the written
version not only of what is being said on television but also of relevant
sounds such as ‘PHONE RINGING’ and ‘FOOTSTEPS’ for the benefits of
people with a hearing disability. These captions can be activated by the
viewer, sometimes with a special decoder. The technology may soon be
able to cope with live, real-time television and cable/satellite transmissions.
Products of this capability could be appearing on the market very soon
as they have already been advertised on the web, such as the SoftNI Live
Subtitling Suite™ by SoftNI Corporation.
Text-to-speech translation refers to the translation of a text (the source
input) into speech (the target output) where a text is converted into
a voice message, primarily for those with visual disabilities. Examples of
text-to-speech translation systems include Talking Translator Pro by
AbhiSoft Technologies that translates between eight languages, and
AT&T Labs’ Natural Voices™ that translates between five languages.
Speech-to-speech translation refers to the translation of speech
(the source input) into speech (the target output) for bi- and multilingual
speakers of different languages. Examples of speech-to-speech translation
systems include MASTOR (Multilingual Automatic Speech-to-Speech
Translator) by IBM that is used to facilitate speech between individuals
who share no common language, and HealthComm Healthcare Patient
Communication Platform by Spoken Translation, Inc., which provides
communication between Spanish-speaking patients and English-speaking
healthcare workers. The function of a bi- and multilingual speech-
to-speech system is similar to that of an interpreter, for example in busi-
ness negotiations between individuals who do not understand each
other. A text-to-text translation system is, of course, a conventional
machine translation system, as discussed in Chapter 3.
In its early stages, the focus of speech-recognition research was on
single-language systems that provided ‘hands-free’ control of computers
and other electronic devices for end-users with physical disabilities. The
possibilities were explored concerning computers receiving and inter-
preting spoken commands to perform certain tasks such as deleting a
word or saving a document when word-processing. Research activities

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160 Translation and Technology

later moved on to multilingual speech recognition such as the Global-

Phone system developed at Carnegie Mellon University and the University
of Karlsruhe in Germany, which handles at least 15 languages. Global-
Phone contains a database of ‘speech transcriptions’ of political and
economic newspaper articles recorded by native speakers. The purpose
of the database is to train and test speech recognition systems based on

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large vocabularies and to aim for speaker-independence. More databases
of transcribed speech in the form of spoken corpora are available from
ELRA and LDC. These corpora consist of transcribed speech data and
pronunciation dictionaries for at least ten languages, and of text corpora
for at least 20 languages (Somers 2003b: 7).
There are numerous research projects in speech recognition, many of
which are still at the developmental stage, while the uses of some are
limited to particular environments. The following projects can be noted:

• A Japanese–English and Japanese–Chinese multilingual speech

translation system developed at Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,
Ltd. and Osaka City University. This experimental system was tested
on 1,000 expressions covering the domains of transportation, hotels,
restaurants and other areas of interest to tourists.
• Speechlator, a hand-held two-way Arabic and English speech-to-
speech personal digital assistant (PDA) device incorporating a trans-
lation system under the Babylon project developed at Carnegie Mellon
University. The Speechlator is currently designed for medical interviews
between English-speaking doctors and Arabic-speaking patients.
• LingWear by Carnegie Mellon University, a language support system
that includes translation, navigation assistance and information access
for military personnel and/or humanitarian aid workers in foreign
environments. Access is possible via voice or written commands.
• A speech-to-speech system called TONGUES (Act II Audio Voice
Translation Guide Systems), which contains a speech recognizer that
converts Serbo-Croatian words into text, translates this text into
English and broadcasts it via a speech synthesizer. This system was
first developed at Carnegie Mellon University under the DIPLOMAT
(Distributed Intelligent Processing of Language for Operational
Machine Aided Translation) project, now located at Lockheed Martin
Systems Integration-Owego for the second phase. It is designed for
US Army Chaplains to provide religious support and humanitarian
aid. This system now has other languages such as Arabic, Dari, Farsi,
Kurdish and Pashto to be used in countries where US military bases
are located.

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• Mandolin, a prototype automated text and speech translation

system that can be integrated with telephony systems, the Internet,
broadcasting and video-conferencing in both written and speech
formats developed by AT&T Government Solutions.

As a result of the 11 September 2001 attack on the USA, the amount

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of research on automated speech transcription has increased. The
Babylon project at Carnegie Mellon University is developing a portable
speech-to-speech translation device and the EARS (Effective, Affordable
Reusable Speech-to-Text) project aims to turn speech recordings into
digital texts which can then be searched for information, particularly in
Translation technology has also been designed where the source input
is a sign language and the target output is speech or text. In the USA, a
system called ‘Paula’, developed by DePaul University, is a computer-
generated synthetic interpreter of translated spoken English into
American Sign Language for use at airport security checkpoints. Other
examples are the 18-year old Ryan Patterson’s 2002 prize-winning
design in the Siemens Westinghouse Science and Technology Competition
of a sign-language translator glove that works through sensing the
hand movements of the sign language alphabet. Similarly, AcceleGlove
is a sensor-studded glove for American Sign Language developed by Jose
Hernandez-Rebollar in 2003 as a doctoral student at George Washington
University. The glove transfers or ‘translates’ information using a computer
into spoken and written English. Similar tools can be found for other
languages; for example, there is a device developed by the Silesian Univer-
sity of Technology called THETOS (Text into Sign Language Automatic
Translator), formerly known as TGT-1 (Text-into-Gesture Translator),
which translates written Polish into Polish Sign Language, and an
experimental automatic sign recognition and translation device for
Chinese Sign Translation developed by Carnegie Mellon University.
Using speech technology, some commercial companies have produced
products for more general use. Such portable translation systems have
gained popularity among tourists, for example the Ectaco Partner® Voice
Translator for Pocket Personal Computer, and among foreign language
learners, for example the Lingo 16-Language Pocket Translator. Early in
2003, the NEC Corporation developed a two-way Japanese and English
automatic speech-translation application that can be incorporated into
mobile phones, PDAs and Internet terminals for travellers.
As has been shown, speech technology has been influential in the
development of new types of tools for translation. The above examples

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162 Translation and Technology

are testament to the future direction of some machine translation archi-

tectures. At this moment, most speech technology has been incorporated
into machine translation systems only for specific uses, but it is only a
matter of time before online machine translation systems such as
Babelfish, WorldLingo and Promt-Online will also offer speech translation
services. The benefits of this type of integration will not be reserved for

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special groups of individuals such as professional translators, but will
extend to the general public.

Translation systems for minority languages

To date, natural-language processing and machine translation research

and development have focused on major or popular languages, as dictated
by socioeconomic factors (Somers 2003b: 8). For various economic,
cultural and political reasons, many other languages are still not covered,
especially those from Central, South and Southeast Asia, and Africa.
Let us look at the Southeast Asian region. In Laos, for example,
machine translation research activity is non-existent. While Lao–French
translation research has been conducted in the Papillon project by
GETA at Grenoble University, the particular form of Lao for which
the system has been developed is spoken in northern Thailand and is
written with the Thai alphabet (Berment 2002). Other countries in
Southeast Asia such as Vietnam have only limited natural-language
processing research. Research in natural-language processing related to
the English–Vietnamese machine translation system developed in 1972
in the USA (see Chapter 3) during the Vietnam War or the French–
Vietnamese and English–Vietnamese machine translation system
developed by the University of Geneva (see Doan-Nguyen 2001) was
conducted outside Vietnam. Some research has recently started in
Indonesia, while Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country that has
successfully developed several machine translation systems. For example,
there is an online English–Thai system called Parsit and a Thai/English/
German system called AbcThai.
One country that has shown a decline in machine translation research
is Malaysia (Sornlertlamvanich 2002). The English–Malay machine
translation system called Jemah, the English–Malay and French–Malay
workbench called Siskep, the Jemah/Siskep hybrid jointly developed by
Universiti Sains Malaysia (Science University of Malaysia) and GETA did
not survive beyond the prototype stage owing to a lack of funding.
Another casualty was the experimental Japanese–Malay machine trans-
lation system called ALT-J/M (Automatic Language Translator Japanese

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 163

to Malay) by NTT of Japan and NTT MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor)

of Malaysia. Owing to the lack of commercial viability, this project was
stopped in 2002. There are many factors that contributed to its demise,
including the fact that the building of a Japanese–Malay bilingual
corpus proved to be costly. Buying existing corpora was equally expensive
and there was a lack of experts proficient in both the Japanese and

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Malay languages. Furthermore, NTT MSC is a profit-making company
that needs to see returns on its investments; a system that has limited
use and a small number of users is not a profitable endeavour. However,
there are still some research activities in other areas of natural-language
processing in Malaysia such as information retrieval.
In the South Asian region, one country that is active in machine
translation research is India, where a number of research projects
involving major Indian languages and English can be found. Anusaaraka,
developed at the International Institute of Information Technology in
Hyderabad, has two different machine translation systems, one that
involves translation between major languages spoken in India (Bengali,
Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi and Telegu) and another which
translates from English into Hindi. Other systems include MANTRA
(Machine Assisted Translation) developed at the Centre for Development
of Advanced Computing in Pune that translates government appoint-
ment letters and the daily proceedings of Rajyasabha (the Upper
House of the Indian Parliament) from English into Hindi, and MaTra
developed at the National Centre for Software Technology in Mumbai,
which is a human-aided machine translation system that translates
news from English into Hindi. All the systems mentioned above contain
dictionaries and employ grammar rules. This is not the case with
Anglabharti, developed at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur,
a machine translation system from English into major Indian languages
that applies a modified interlingua approach (see Chapter3) where the
English language is analysed only once to create an intermediate structure.
This intermediate structure is then converted into each Indian language
through a process called text-generation. In addition, there is Anglahindi,
the English into Hindi version of Anglabharti. The other non-rule-based
machine translation system is the example-based system for translating
news from Bengali into Assamese called Vaasaanubaada, developed at
the Assam University in Silchar.
In recent years, several less well-known or ‘low-density’ languages
have also caught the attention of researchers working in the area of
natural-language processing. In this field, low-density languages are those
that have very few or no resources containing linguistic information,

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164 Translation and Technology

such as dictionaries and texts in an electronic format (McEnery, Baker

and Burnard 2000). It means that any texts in print of a low-density
language would have to be converted into an electronic format and be
tagged before they can be of any use to the researchers in the area of
machine translation development. Such an exercise is time-consuming
and costly. Moreover, according to Jones and Rusk (2000), commercial

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market forces are unlikely to provide much incentive to work with low-
density languages. Nevertheless, certain low-density languages have
been selected for machine translation, corpus-building and dictionary
research. These include Haitian Creole (see Mason and Allen 2000), Uighur
(see Mahsut et al. 2001), Galician (see Diz Gamallo 2001), Amharic
(see Alemu, Asker and Getachew 2003) and several South American
languages such as Aymara spoken in Bolivia, Mapudungun in Chile,
Huao (one of several alternative names for Waorani) and Quichua in
Ecuador, and Quechua in Peru in the Avenue project at Carnegie Mellon
University. This issue has been discussed at length in the works of Somers
(1998c and 2003d), Berment (2002) and Streiter and De Luca (2003).

Translation on the web

The translation industry, like any other, is not spared the effect of global
changes. The world is increasingly technologically driven, opening up
new possibilities, opportunities, needs and demands. Information is
becoming more flexible and fluid via the electronic medium. On the
web, a multilingual global community has access to information which
in turn requires translation. A multilingual environment on the web
promotes many things, from products and services to understanding of
and communication between different ethnic communities. As the speed
of telecommunication increases, fast translation is a service offered by
many translation companies and professional translators over the
web. Hence, the electronic nature of much translation work and of
communication between translators and their clients has also resulted
in information which was at one time preserved only on paper now
being stored digitally.
A multilingual marketplace such as the web caters for the language
needs of different groups of end-users. Demand for information access
and retrieval has made online machine translation systems almost
indispensable, allowing many end-users to obtain almost instantaneous
translations, although they are often of poor quality. For individual
users, free online machine translation services are the window on
another cultural and linguistic world. For corporate end-users, gathering

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 165

information and communicating is of great importance. In order to

be competitive, they rely heavily on having access to the latest
information and services available on the web. Thus machine transla-
tion is an essential tool, as the Internet is becoming the main medium
of communication and the information hub for various groups of users
around the world.

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One type of product that provides an instantaneous summarized
translation is known as automated real-time translation. This system is
especially useful to organizations where global communication is critical
and time is of the essence in their daily business operations. Hence,
instantaneous translations of web pages, documents, e-mails and other
types of information are crucial. The system has several advantages, such
as obtaining a translation of formal, as well as colloquial texts within
seconds, rapid translation of foreign-language articles and real-time
online communication (e-mails and chat-room messages) in multiple
For the development of machine translation, the Internet is a major
driver; machine translation is fast becoming a communication-enabling
technology. In addition, since the early 1980s renewed interest in machine
translation has been triggered by improvements in computational hard-
ware and software, developments in computational linguistics and
corpus linguistics, as well as changes in translation needs and demands.
So, like a domino effect, more products lead to more documentation,
more sophisticated products lead to more comprehensive documentation,
increased globalization leads to the translation of documentation into
more languages, and the shortage of human translators leads to the
development of a variety of multifunctional translation tools. This has
enabled new markets involving machine translation and integrated
translation tools to flourish.
A question of concern to many countries is the monopoly of English
on the Internet since its inception, although this dominance has been
partly due to accidental factors such as the Internet originating from
the USA (Nunberg 1996). Moreover, English is the accepted ‘interna-
tional lingua franca’ in the fields of science, communication, aviation
and medicine. The type of English language often used on the web has
been described as a ‘free-floating lingua franca’ or ‘International English’,
a language that has lost a large number of cultural and grammatical
elements that tie it to its native speakers (Snell-Hornby 2000: 109).
However, according to the Internet Society’s preliminary findings on the
language of home pages on the web, languages other than English are
now becoming more widely used and this trend will grow in importance.

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166 Translation and Technology

In recent years, non-English speakers are beginning to account for

ever-higher proportions of Internet users; the amount of information
available in languages other than English, such as Japanese and Spanish,
has increased.
The 2004 global Internet population shows that Asia is leading with
31.7 per cent followed by Europe with 28.4 per cent and North America

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with 27.3 per cent. In Asia, three countries, China, Japan and the
Republic of Korea, make up close to three quarters of the total Asian
Internet population (Internet World Stats 2004). Based on the survey by
Global Reach (see of the
popularity of languages on the Internet as of September 2004, Chinese is
already rated as the second most popular after English. Indeed, according
to some predictions, Chinese might even overtake English to become
the primary language of the web by 2007 (Eisele and Ziegler-Eisele 2002).
Estimating the number of pages on the web is, of course, notoriously

Machine translation systems and the semantic web

Without a doubt, the Internet is the current medium of global commu-

nication, and natural-language processing applications such as machine
translation systems are one of the key technologies that has benefited
from this. In early 2004, a survey in the magazine Technology Review
showed that machine translation is one of the leading top-ten emerging
technologies. As the number of languages on the Internet and the number
of non-English Internet users and resources on the WWW grows, it is
likely to increase in importance.
Two important points concerning developments in machine translation
were noted earlier in this book: that most machine translation systems
are currently restricted in terms of subject fields and language pairs, and
that the trend of future machine translation research seems to be
moving towards hybridization between rule-based and corpus-based
approaches. Online machine translation systems, however, may be
following a slightly different path. Current online machine translation
systems generally produce poor-quality translations that do not reflect
the real capabilities of the majority of machine translation systems. The
reason is that almost all online machine translation systems rely on
limited sets of linguistic rules of dictionary look-up and simple syntactic
transfers following the rule-based approach. Corpus-based approaches
are now seen as a serious challenge to the present rule-based online
systems as a result of new technology. This new technology not only

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 167

benefits current online machine translation systems but also current

corpus-based and knowledge-based systems (Vertan 2004; see also
Chapter 4).
As early as 1989, Tim Berners-Lee of the W3C, the creator of the WWW,
HTML and other important web ideas, had already introduced the idea
of what is now known as the ‘Semantic Web’. In 2001, after formalizing

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this idea, Berners-Lee together with his co-authors James Hendler
and Ora Lassila defined the Semantic Web in Scientific American as ‘an
extension of the current Web in which information is given well-defined
meaning, enabling computers and people to work in better cooperation’
(see also Berners-Lee and Miller 2002). With the Semantic Web – a
universal medium for information exchange, providing meaning to the
content of documents on the web that can be ‘understood’ by machines –
scientific communities, in particular the natural-language processing
community, realized it had the potential to improve natural-language
processing applications, especially machine translation systems.
Currently, information is stored on the web in only a limited way,
hidden within HTML (see Chapter 4) the markup language used to
describe the layout of a document such as text interspersed with visual
images and interactive links. Information on the web is written in this
way in order that a computer can ‘read’ or process it. However, at present
the computer is not yet capable of ‘understanding’ the information
or content stored on the web (Vertan 2004), that is it cannot make
links between items based on meaning. One way of making web
content ‘machine-understandable’ is by using emerging Semantic Web
One potential beneficiary of the Semantic Web is example-based
machine translation systems. Current example-based systems rely on
generating new translations automatically via examples extracted from
aligned parallel corpora. This approach is limited by the availability
of such corpora, which are found only in certain subject fields and
languages (see Chapter 4). According to Vertan (2004), the Semantic
Web promises improved opportunities to use any document on the web
as additional corpus material, by, for example, improving the automatic
identification of the translations of source documents. She also suggests
that improvements in translation accuracy in relation to word mean-
ings will also become more viable, so that, for instance, words like the
German adjective ‘groß’ can be semantically disambiguated in phrases
such as ‘große Schlösser’ as ‘important castles’ or ‘large castles’. But how
is all this to be achieved? The basic idea is to add semantic coding to
documents and data in other applications such as databases, and then

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168 Translation and Technology

to exploit this in various ways to allow more relationships to be estab-

lished within and between these documents etc. which begins to relate
their content through meaning links rather than just structural links.
The technical means for achieving this are complex and cannot be
explained in any meaningful detail here. A good introduction is provided
in Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila (2001). Briefly, the architecture

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consists of several components of different technologies, including:

• XML (see Chapter 4), a customizable general-purpose markup language

that is used to enhance the meaning of the content of a document.
For example, without such enhancement, the computer does not
know who ‘I’ is or what ‘cats’ mean in the sentence: ‘I have two cats’.
But this sentence can be enhanced with meaning using an XML-based
markup language as follows:

<person href = “”>I</person>have two<animal>

The computer now knows that ‘I’ refers to a ‘person’ and ‘cats’ refers
to a type of ‘animal’. XML enables information in RDF (see below) to
be exchanged, for instance, between computers that use different
operating systems.
• Resource Description Framework, a framework for describing and
representing information on the web so that a computer can read
and understand it (Vertan 2004). It is used to describe features on a
web page, for example properties such as price and other information
such as its author. Information on the web written in RDF, which is
also known as an ‘RDF statement’, is annotated in ‘triples’, in the
structure of subject–predicate–object. The subject is the resource that
is being described, the predicate is the property of the thing that is
being described, and the object is the value of that property. This can be
written, for example, as: ‘The author of is
Paul Marriott’ where the subject is ‘’, the
predicate is ‘the author’ and the object is ‘Paul Marriott’.
• Web Ontology Language (OWL), an extension of RDF, has a larger
vocabulary and stronger syntax than RDF. Since early 2004, OWL
has been a web standard as recommended by W3C (see http:// According to Vertan (2004)
this annotation in the Semantic Web helps example-based machine
translation systems in three ways: creating additional sources of

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 169

aligned parallel corpora from documents on the web, generating

rough translations from example-based systems by using the
documents on the web as corpora, and disambiguating words or
phrases in translation.
• Ontologies (of which many are available), as domain or subject field
structures that map out how terms relate to each other in particular

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subject fields, typically but not exclusively in hierarchies which
allow the computer to work out through the use of inference rules
that two terms are related, even if this is not explicitly stated; for
instance, if a ‘sandal’ is mentioned in a text as a kind of ‘shoe’, and
elsewhere ‘shoes’ are mentioned as a kind of ‘footwear’, then the rules
would link ‘sandal’ with ‘footwear’. In other words, ontologies concern
the description of things and their relationships (see Gómez-Pérez,
Fernández-López and Corcho 2002). Terms or codes occurring in
documents can be linked to a relevant ontology – in this sense, a
file or document containing the subject field structure – through
a ‘pointer’ mechanism, enabling them to acquire some kind of
meaning from the ontological structure. The terms to which various
documents are linked in this way may still not link up, however, if
each ontology uses a different term for the same concept, that is
synonyms, or if the ontology is differently structured. The example
of synonymy given by Berners-Lee and his colleagues is ‘zip code’ and
‘postal code’, if the system is trying to work out particular locations.
Consistency is therefore a problem, even within one language. As
any translator knows, establishing equivalents across languages is
often difficult, as concepts (and hence terms) do not necessarily map
directly. The problem is no less serious for machines, as Vertan (2004)
points out: ‘The main challenge in the design of ontologies with
multilingual instances is that . . . there is no one-to-one mapping to
the meaning in the other language’. Nevertheless, projects are
underway – such as the one at the University of Hamburg described
by Vertan – to build demonstrator systems to, for instance, automat-
ically extract translation examples from texts annotated in RDF in
order to ‘improve the quality of online systems’ by extending the
example base.

In a similar way to example-based machine translation systems,

knowledge-based systems can also benefit from the ontologies of the
Semantic Web, since the current ontologies for these systems are
extremely language- and subject-field-dependent. The Semantic Web is
therefore a technology that has the potential to advance the development

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170 Translation and Technology

of machine translation onto another level: if this technology were

successfully applied to machine translation and other natural-language
processing applications, the benefits could be enormous (see Dori 2003).

The localization industry

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Ever since products began to penetrate markets in different countries,
the notion of translation and the nature of the translation industry
have become increasingly complex. The role of the computer cannot be
ignored here. Products – including related documentation – that are to
be sold in a specific market have to undergo certain changes as required
by the trade regulations of that country. The changes involved concern
not only the translation, for example of user manuals accompanying
certain products, but also packaging; the changes must be carried out
in a manner appropriate to the target market, a process known as
‘localization’, as we have seen earlier in Chapters 1 and 4. The need for
localization has been growing at such a rapid rate that in recent years
we have begun to talk about a ‘localization industry’.
Since the early 1990s, the localization industry has undergone, and is
still undergoing, far-reaching changes. The future of this industry is not
easy to predict since it is a very dynamic. Even assessing the current
localization industry market can be difficult. What is certain, however,
is that progress in the localization industry depends on several factors,
including language-technology tools, the standardization of tools,
training and the web. Tools like translation memory systems and termi-
nology management systems are important to the localization industry,
but they need to be improved either through upgrading or integration
with other relevant tools. With the hybridization of translation tools as
discussed earlier, we know that this is already happening. In other
words, the future development of translation tools will dictate the form
that the localization process will take. With better technology, new and
more sophisticated tools are being developed. Data interchange standards
such as XLIFF and TMX (see Chapter 4) that are designed to facilitate
the use of different tools during the localization process may not be
adequate in the future. In addition, as new tools emerge in the market,
well-trained people to handle such tools are needed. This means that
training must be provided, taking into account time and cost, to ensure
that only qualified individuals are involved in the localization process
in order to increase productivity and quality. For this to happen, there
must be enough incentive to attract talent to be trained in this field.
Recognition of such professional training would be one way of making

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Recent Developments and Future Directions 171

sure that the individual doing the localization work is skilled and
The world we live in today is increasingly dependent on the web, in
particular through the ways in which people communicate, informa-
tion is stored and business is conducted. The high demand for rapid
translation and the localization of services and products constitute a

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challenge for the localization industry. Whatever happens to the web in
the future cannot fail to affect this growing industry (LISA 2003).


The development of translation technology is advancing and will

continue to grow. Numerous projects presented in this book are still in
progress with the aim of discovering the extent of its capabilities and
evaluating its benefits. The idea is to design better and more robust
systems for a multitude of human users, ranging from the simple trans-
lation of words to covert activities of intelligence-gathering, and from
text to speech to sign language. It is important to remind ourselves that
no technology can entirely replace human translators, for the simple
reason that humans are still needed to produce high-quality translations.
Human languages are multilayered in usage and meanings, and current
technology remains unable to decipher the finer nuances of human
languages in the same way as humans can. Technology is restricted to
its specific uses and, as a result, is destined to remain as a tool.

Suggested reading
Branchadell, A. and L.M. West (2004) Less Translated Languages. Amsterdam:
John Benjamins.
Carl, M. and A. Way (eds) (2003a) Recent Advances in Example-based Machine
Translation: Text, Speech and Language Technology. Vol. 21. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Cronin, M. (2003) Translation and Globalization. London: Routledge.
O’Hagan, M. and D. Ashworth (2002) Translation-Mediated Communication in a
digital World. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Schäffner. C. (ed.) (2000) Translation in the Global Village. Clevedon: Multilingual

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Translation Types Revisited

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In Chapter 1, the classification of translation into different types on a
linear continuum reflecting degrees of human and machine interaction
was shown to present certain difficulties once current translation tools
were incorporated. It was agreed that an alternative way of presenting the
four basic translation types – machine translation, human-aided machine
translation, computer-aided translation and human translation – was
needed. One of the main weaknesses underlying the linear continuum
model is that current translation tools are more sophisticated than
those of the early 1990s. In this chapter, a revised, multidimensional
perspective of translation types will be presented, reviewing the many
topics discussed in previous chapters in relation to the four main
translation types and their sub-types, where relevant. The depiction of
translation types differs from the linear model in Hutchins and Somers
(1992) in at least one further respect: a new medium for translation, the
Internet, has now emerged, radically changing the way translation
operates, as seen in earlier chapters. It is also likely to change the archi-
tectures and functions of specific translation tools, particularly online
machine translation systems.
The purpose of this chapter is to show the characteristics of each
translation type, taking into account developments since Hutchins
and Somers first proposed their typology by relating these types to the
topics discussed in previous chapters. We will see that the boundaries
between the original types are breaking down and that different
groupings emerge when they are viewed from different perspectives in
relation to particular topics, reflecting the complexity of translation
activities today. In order to best capture these relationships, a series of
tables will be presented in which a common ‘strand’ or set of related
topics is considered systematically in the context of each of the four


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Translation Types Revisited 173

translation types. The topics include automation, theory, texts, the

role of particular languages, standards for data interchange and evalu-
ation methods. This analysis is followed by a different set of tables
setting out the relationships specifically between what Hutchins and
Somers defined as one translation type, namely machine translation –
this time according to its sub-types – and a further set of topics, also

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discussed in previous chapters, including selected features of such
systems from algorithms to modules, and language coverage. We shall
see that the distinction between machine translation and human-
aided machine translation is hard to sustain with some sub-types. We
then turn to computer-aided translation tools, which are presented
in the same way, that is according to sub-types, covering the texts
translated, the degree of language dependency and language-pair
coverage. The chapter ends with a brief conclusion taking stock of the
current situation.

Relationships between topics and translation types

We will start by briefly reviewing the principal characteristics of the

four translation types, as discussed in Chapter 1, before going on to
reconsider these established types in the light of current developments.
In Chapter 1, we discovered that many different terms are used to refer
to any one type of semi-automated or fully automated system, leading
to considerable confusion. It was therefore decided to follow the
suggestion by Schadek and Moses (2001) to identify machine-aided
human translation (MAHT) as computer-aided translation (CAT), and
to distinguish this from human-aided machine translation (HAMT),
which has more in common with machine translation. To recap the
original linear model:

• Machine translation (MT) systems are purely automatic with no

human intervention during the actual translation process. They are
conventionally divided into specific-purpose systems for highly
specialized technical and subject-field-specific texts on the one
hand, and general-purpose systems for general-purpose texts on the
other hand. The general-purpose systems now also include online
machine translation systems found on the Internet.
• Human-aided machine translation systems (HAMT) are essentially a
form of machine translation with an interactive mode; the principal
contribution to the translation is made by the machine but a human
can intervene during the translation process.

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174 Translation and Technology

• Computer-aided translation (CAT) includes translation tools, linguistic

tools and localization tools such as translation memory systems,
electronic dictionaries and concordancers; the translator makes a
much greater contribution here than in HAMT.
• Human translation (HT) refers specifically to translations performed
by translators.

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In the following section, the ‘strand’ which is under consideration at
any particular time is viewed from various perspectives, each broken
down into a number of topics, listed in the first column of each table.
While these share a common theme, the translation types across the
top of each table have specific characteristics. It is not difficult to
indicate whether a translation type fulfils certain criteria, as indicated
in the topics listed in each table, but it is important to realize that not
all factors can be included at any one time as each table is designed to
highlight one perspective only. Furthermore, it is easier to comprehend
one perspective at a time.

Automation can be defined as the activities of machines that are self-
acting or without human supervision. The different perspectives which
we will be considering under this heading – each in turn – are the
degree of automation, the level of human intervention and possible
system combinations. We start in Table 7.1 by looking at how the
different types of translation are related to the degree of automation,
ranging from fully automated to non-automated. According to our
definition, only machine translation is fully automated, while human-
aided machine translation and computer-aided translation are partially
automated to different degrees, depending on the level of human
involvement. As for human translation, translators may or may not
be using tools to assist their translation work, again blurring the

Table 7.1 Degree of automation


Specific General

Fully automated Y Y N N N
Partially automated N N Y Y Y
Non-automated N N N N Y

Y = yes; N = no

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Translation Types Revisited 175

computer-aided translation/human translation distinction. Thus both

‘partially automated’ and ‘non-automated’ features apply here.
When a system has only partial automation, the element that completes
it will be the human element. Hence, human intervention (see Table 7.2)
is required in human-aided machine translation and computer-aided
translation, although to different degrees. Clearly, ‘intervention’ is not

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applicable to human translation.

Table 7.2 Human intervention


Specific General

Human intervention N N Y Y n/a

Y = yes; N = no; n/a = not applicable

From previous discussions in Chapters 3, 4 and 6, we know that some

translation tools may be combined to create new tools. To recap, these
new tools are known as ‘hybrids’ when two machine translation
systems of different architectures are combined, or as ‘integrated’ tools
when a machine translation system is combined with a computer-aided
translation tool, or a computer-aided translation tool is combined with
another computer-aided translation tool. Table 7.3 shows which tools and
technologies can be integrated with other tools/systems. Linguistic tools
and translation tools are both common parts of computer-aided translation,
but translators choose to use them in various combinations. Hence, the
relevant cells are marked as Y for integration. Some translators, for example,
use Translation Memory but without the Terminology Management

Table 7.3 Integrated tools


Specific General

Machine translation n/a n/a Y Y n/a

Translation tools Y Y Y Y n/a
Linguistic tools Y Y Y Y n/a
Localization tools P P P Y n/a
Speech technology Y Y Y Y n/a

Y = yes; P = possible; n/a = not applicable

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176 Translation and Technology

System, and not all commercial systems include the same combination
of tools.
At present, most localization tools have yet to be integrated with
machine translation and human-aided machine translation systems. In
some localization processes, machine translation systems have been
used as separate tools to produce the first drafts of target-language texts.

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Therefore, there is a possibility (marked with ‘P’) that in the future these
tools could be integrated.
In the previous chapter, it was shown that the integration of speech
technology with translation tools, in particular machine translation
systems, has produced a number of useful tools that can be used to
translate textual and non-textual material. One example is TranSphere™
by AppTek (Application Technology, Inc.), which integrates machine
translation with speech recognition and text-to-speech technologies.
A versatile aspect of speech technology is that it can be integrated with
the three translation types ranging from fully automated machine
translation systems to partially automated computer-aided translation
systems (see also Chapter 6).

In earlier chapters, the application of theory – both translation and
linguistic – to the development of machine translation and other
systems was discussed in some detail. This section looks at theory from
two perspectives, firstly in relation to all four basic translation types
(Table 7.4), and secondly specifically in relation to machine translation
and its various sub-types (Table 7.5).
Based on the literature consulted for this book, there was no evidence
of translation theory being used in the development of machine trans-
lation, human-aided machine translation or computer-aided translation.
The relevance of translation theory to professional translators in their
daily work is a controversy of long-standing (see Chesterman and

Table 7.4 Application of theory


Specific General

Translation theory N N N N P
Linguistic theory Y Y Y Y P

Y = yes; N = no; P = possible

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Translation Types Revisited 177

Wagner 2002). However, it can probably be assumed that most

translators have some familiarity with translation theory through
their training; whether they consider it useful is a separate matter.
Moving on to linguistic theory, certain machine translation and
human-aided machine translation systems have linguistic compo-
nents that analyse the source language and synthesize the target

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language to generate translations. Computer-aided translation tools
also contain linguistic components, in particular linguistic tools such
as grammar-checkers. It is unlikely that formal linguistic theory will
have any relevance for human translators. However, linguistics
understood more broadly to include sociolinguistics (for example
regional and social varieties), socio-pragmatics (for example politeness
conventions), sense relations (for example polysemy, synonymy), text
linguistics (for example genre conventions, cohesion) and contrastive
linguistics (for example regular linguistic correspondences) provide a
useful framework for decision-making in many aspects and types of
human translation.
Another way of considering the contribution of theory to translation
technology is to focus on the particular type ‘machine translation’ in
the form of its various sub-types (Table 7.5), as it is in machine transla-
tion that formal linguistic theory features most strongly.
We know that the direct translation approach uses a very minimal
application of linguistic theory, as it is largely based on word-for-word
translation. Maximum use of linguistic theory is found in the rule-based
approaches via a number of formal grammars, as described in Chapter 2.
With regards to the corpus-based approaches, only the example-based
approach uses linguistic analysis while the statistical-based approach
relies on algorithms. The description in Table 7.5 applies only to
traditional machine translation and not to hybrid and integrated

Table 7.5 Application of theory in machine translation systems

Direct Rule-based Corpus-based

Interlingua Transfer Statistical Example

Translation N N N N N
Formal linguistic M Y Y N Y

Y = yes; N = no; M = minimal

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178 Translation and Technology

In this section we look at the four types of translation from the point of
view of the texts involved in the translation process, that is the source
texts and their translations. We first consider the relevance of various
types of editing to source and target texts (Tables 7.6 and 7.7), before

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moving on to editing in relation to the different stages of translation
(Table 7.8) and then reviewing the degree of technicality or creativity of
the source-language texts (Table 7.9). All these various perspectives are
considered in relation to the four translation types.
Table 7.6 shows different possibilities for source-language texts with
respect to the degree of editing which is needed for optimal perform-
ance in each of the four translation types. We recall from Chapter 2 that
some source-language texts undergo a pre-editing process to reduce
potential translation problems, especially when a translation tool such
as machine translation is used. In other cases, a source-language text
does not need to undergo any editing, although this may still facilitate
the translation process.
A controlled language text may be the result either of editing a text
using the restricted vocabulary and rules of a particular controlled
language, or of authoring a text using a particular controlled language
from scratch. Either way, the result is a controlled language text. A
pre-edited text is understood here as having been subject to some
simplifications, and/or the elimination of obvious grammatical and
typographical errors (as we saw in Chapter 2), but not according to the
rules of a particular controlled language.
If a machine translation system has been developed specifically for
the same subject matter as the source-language text, a good output can
be produced with a source text which has been edited into or written in

Table 7.6 Source-language texts


Specific General

Controlled language texts:

edited O LO O O LO
authored O LO O O LO
Pre-edited texts O LO LO O O
Unedited texts NO LO LO O O

O = optimal; LO = less than optimal; NO = not optimal

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Translation Types Revisited 179

a controlled language. Controlled language source texts, if available,

can also produce good results with human-aided machine translation
and computer-aided translation. Pre-editing of texts would not normally
be carried out for human-aided machine translation and computer-aided
translation, as human intervention during the translation process is
possible. A general-purpose machine translation system is likely to perform

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less well than a specific-purpose system even with a controlled language
source text, simply because a general-purpose system is not designed to
translate texts from narrow subject fields. General-purpose systems can
cope with a broader range of input texts but with expectations of lower
quality. With respect to human translation, it is possible for translators
to work with a source-language text that has been produced in a
controlled language format but they may find that working with such
texts can be monotonous owing to a rigid style and limited vocabulary.
Pre-edited source-language texts are likely to facilitate the translation
process for most translation types. However, fully automatic machine
translation systems may still face residual ambiguities or other problems
which, in human-aided machine translation can be solved during the
actual translation process.
Unedited source-language texts are not suitable as input to specific-
purpose machine translation systems since the output is likely to be
very poor. As for general-purpose machine translation, the output from
an unedited source-language text can also be poor. We see this often in
the quality of translations produced by online machine translation
systems, although, as already noted, the quality of the translation is not
critical here since the translation is usually for information purposes
only. An unedited source-language text would not cause the same
problems for a human-aided machine translation system as it would
for specific-purpose machine translation because of the possibility of
human intervention during the translation process. There is no doubt
that human translators are able to deal with unedited source-language
texts. Similarly, since in computer-aided translation a human is the
principal translator, an unedited source-language text would not pose
significant difficulties.
Let us now turn to target-language texts and the degree of editing, in
this case after the actual translation process has been completed (see
Table 7.8). The quality of a target-language text produced especially
by semi- or automated systems mostly hinges on a number of factors
such as the coverage provided by the dictionary or dictionaries in a
system, the coverage of terms in a terminology database, the capabili-
ties of the analysis and synthesis modules in a system, and the quality

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180 Translation and Technology

of the source-language text, as well as its type. The relationship between

the source and target texts is complex and it is not realistic here to map
all the possible interactions.
For target-language texts we are, of course, concerned with post-editing,
which has been described in Chapter 2. To recap, the post-editing task
is divided into ‘rapid’, referring to a minimum amount of editing to

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correct obvious grammatical errors, and ‘polished’, entailing sufficient
editing of the target-language text to turn it into a high-quality transla-
tion. For human translation and computer-aided translation, making
changes after the translation has been produced is usually called ‘revision’
if those changes are carried out with reference to the source text (see
also Chapter 2). Somewhat confusingly, ‘post-editing’ is therefore much
closer to ‘revision’ than ‘editing’ in the human context, which does not
need to be done with reference to the source text.
Table 7.7 shows for which translation type the target-language text may
need to undergo post-editing to produce the required quality of translation.
Rapid post-editing can be performed on target-language texts generated
by both specific- and general-purpose machine translation systems, and
also human-aided machine translation systems where the text is needed
for information only according to a specific purpose, for a specific group
or for a specific period of time. Polished post-editing, on the other hand, is
almost always required for the translations generated by specific-purpose
machine translation systems: where the subject matter is highly technical,
such as in operational manuals, accuracy and clarity are crucial.
Target-language texts generated by general-purpose machine transla-
tion may undergo polished post-editing but they are more likely to receive
only rapid post-editing for information purposes. However, if the
content of the target-language text is already broadly comprehensible
and matches the user’s needs, neither rapid nor polished post-editing is

Table 7.7 Target-language texts


Specific General

Rapid R R R n/a n/a
Polished R MR R n/a n/a
Revision n/a n/a n/a R R

R = required; MR = may be required; n/a = not applicable

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Translation Types Revisited 181

required, as in the case, for example, of the output generated by online

machine translation systems, for which post-editing is in any case not
normally available. The same, however, cannot be said about human-
aided machine translation. Target-language texts produced as a result of
human-aided machine translation tend to be post-edited for publica-
tion purposes, that is for clients who commission the translation in the

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first place, such as those by the US Patent and Trademark Office
mentioned in Chapter 1. In the case of computer-aided translation and
human translation, revision is usually performed by a second translator
to produce the required high-quality translation.
When the various stages of the translation process were discussed in
Chapter 2, it was shown that certain tasks performed before, during and
after the actual translation can influence the quality of the target text
generated by a translation tool. In Table 7.8 we show which task,
performed at a certain stage of the translation process, is important to
which translation type. We extend the meaning of ‘interactive’ here
beyond the conventional understanding of human–machine interac-
tion in human-assisted machine translation to the use of any tool
involving both human and machine.
Pre-editing, discussed in Chapter 2, is exceptionally important for
specific-purpose machine translation and human-aided machine trans-
lation. Machine translation systems are ‘sensitive’ to any lexical ambiguities
and typographical errors in the source-language text. If a source-language
text contains too many errors and is not pre-edited, human involve-
ment in human-aided machine translation can get tedious. For this
reason, source-language texts are often extensively pre-edited based on
the grammar and vocabulary of a controlled language in preparation for
machine translation or human-aided machine translation.
In contrast, it is less important to edit the source-language text prior to
translation for general-purpose machine translation and computer-aided

Table 7.8 Stages of the translation process


Specific General

Pre-editing I LI I LI LI
Interactive n/a n/a I I I
Post-editing I LI I n/a n/a

I = important; LI = less important; n/a = not applicable

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182 Translation and Technology

translation. For general-purpose machine translation, accuracy and

clarity may not be as crucial as long as the output can be understood,
unlike specific-purpose machine translation. Pre-editing of source-
language texts is also less crucial to computer-aided translation since
the human translator expects to make a considerable contribution
during the translation process. In fact, editing the source-language text

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in such circumstances could even be counterproductive, as the system
would be less likely to match units from the original source text with
units in the new source text, meaning that fewer translations would be
proposed by the system. While human translators do not tend to pre-edit
texts they are about to translate, they would normally check the accuracy
of the information with the client and correct obvious factual errors when
dealing with grammatical and/or typographical errors. For general-purpose
machine translation systems, post-editing is shown as ‘less important’
in Table 7.8. The point is that post-editing is not as crucial for general-
purpose machine translation as for specific-purpose machine translation
as the purpose of the translation usually requires a lower quality.
Most translation tools are effective and efficient when used to trans-
late or to support the translation of certain types of texts and, in some
cases, certain subject fields. In Table 7.9, some different types are exam-
ined, whereby ‘type’ is described on a scale from highly creative to
highly technical.
As mentioned in previous chapters, highly creative persuasive texts
such as advertisements or expressive texts such as poems are not suitable
for either specific- or general-purpose machine translation systems for a
number of reasons, including novel or unconventional uses of language
such as non-standard syntax patterns or neologisms, for which there
is no equivalent word or phrase in the other language. Machine

Table 7.9 Types of text


Specific General

Highly creative NS NS NS NS S
Semi-creative NS NS NS NS S
General-purpose NS S P S S
Semi-technical S P S S S
Highly technical S NS S S S

S = suitable; NS = not suitable; P = possible

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Translation Types Revisited 183

translations systems, in particular, have not yet achieved the ability to

decipher ambiguities in which a word or a sentence can have more than
one interpretation; for example, lexical ambiguity (more specifically,
homographs) as in ‘Beth goes to the bank everyday’ where the word
‘bank’ could mean ‘the edge of a river’ or ‘a financial institution’, or
syntactic ambiguity as in ‘He knows more beautiful women than

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Samantha’ where the sentence could mean ‘he knows women more
beautiful than Samantha’ or ‘he knows more beautiful women than
Samantha does’. Homographs can sometimes be resolved by the user
directing the system to one of its specialist dictionaries according to the
topic of the text (for example economics for ‘bank’ as financial institu-
tion), but syntactic ambiguity is less easily resolved.
In contrast, semi-technical and highly technical texts are the most
suitable types of text for specific-purpose machine translation systems.
These texts are mainly scientific and technical, for instance articles on
‘myrmecology’ or ‘the scientific study of ants’ (a branch of entomology –
the study of insects) for myrmecologists or manuals for engineers
operating water desalination plants.
Most specific-purpose systems are built with pre-determined subject
fields in mind (see also Chapter 3). Therefore, they cater for texts that
contain a high number of specific terms and repeated or formulaic
phrases. As for general-purpose machine translation systems, it is
possible for them to handle semi-technical texts, such as articles in
Scientific American that contain some common words that have acquired
one or more new meanings within a subject field, but with the limita-
tion that the systems may or may not have the right terminology coverage.
Highly technical texts are not suitable for general-purpose machine
translation systems because their dictionaries are mainly general and
they are unlikely to contain specialized dictionaries in the appropriate
subject field. For example, in a Portuguese medical journal the specialist
medical term that refers to ‘a pathologic condition resulting from an
accumulation of acid or a depletion of the alkaline reserve (bicarbonate
content) in the blood and body tissues, and characterized by an increase
in hydrogen ion concentration’ is ‘acidoce’ (‘acidosis’ in English). If the
same concept were to be referred to in a general-purpose text such as a
newspaper article about health in Portuguese, a synonym would be used:
‘alteração do equilíbrio ácido básico do sangue e líquidos teciduais’
As in the case of machine translation systems, most human-aided
machine translation systems are not suitable for translating semi-
creative and highly creative texts. Extensive human intervention would

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184 Translation and Technology

be necessary owing to the higher number of creative metaphors or the

higher degree of lexical and syntactic ambiguities in such texts, with
which a human translator is clearly better able to deal than a machine
(see also Chapter 6). On the other hand, it is possible for general-purpose
texts to be translated by translation systems but with human interven-
tion in order to deal with some degree of lexical ambiguity.

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Translation tools like translation memory systems have not been
developed for the purpose of translating semi- and highly creative texts.
On the other hand, tools such as concordancers, electronic dictionaries
and glossaries – which we have included here in the concept of
computer-aided translation – can be extremely helpful in exploring the
uses of words and phrases in the translation of such texts. General-
purpose texts such as press releases, and semi- and highly technical
texts such as popular scientific articles and scientific articles for other
experts are also, of course, suitable for human translation.

Language dependency
Some tools are designed for specific languages. Spell-checkers are an
obvious example, as are also electronic dictionaries and glossaries.
Others, such as translation memory systems and concordancers, can be
used with any language, assuming that the relevant character sets are
digitally available. Such tools do not have any content except the input
provided by the user. Any ‘knowledge’ that a translation memory
system, for example, contains, such as ‘this unit in language X is the
equivalent of that unit in language Y’, is based on the translator’s own
input, either through the alignment of previously translated texts and
their sources using an alignment tool, or through the new units added
to the translation memory database as the translator is working. So the
translation memory system itself has no knowledge of any particular
language. For example, a translation memory system such as the
Heartsome Translation Suite developed by Heartsome Holdings Pte. is
capable of handling an unlimited number of languages.
Table 7.10 reviews each translation type with respect to their degree
of independence from particular languages.
Machine translation systems, human-aided machine translation systems
and human translation are clearly highly language-dependent. The
systems are usually developed for the translation of specific language
pairs. The fact that some machine translation and human-aided
machine translation systems offer translation between many language
pairs does not alter the fact that they are still language-dependent.
TranSphere™, for example, is a multilingual machine translation

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Translation Types Revisited 185

Table 7.10 Language dependency


Specific General

Language-dependency H H H H/L H

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H = high; L = low

system covering 18 languages including popular Western European

and East Asian languages, as well as Arabic, Dari, Hebrew, Pashto,
Persian, Turkish and Ukrainian, but it can’t deal with any other language
pairs. It is also not uncommon to find human translators working with
more than one language pair, but usually with only one language as
the target language. In the case of computer-aided translation, this is
marked with ‘H’ for ‘high’ or ‘L’ for ‘low’ since some linguistic tools
such as electronic dictionaries, and spell and grammar-checkers are
language-dependent, while translation memory systems and concord-
ancers are not.
A further aspect of language dependency concerns the develop-
ment rather than the use of certain tools. We can, for example, recall
the development of rule-based machine translation systems following
the first generation direct machine translation systems. While direct
systems had to be built from scratch for each language pair and
direction, we recall that the idea behind the design of interlingua
systems was to build a single module to analyse texts in each source
language, and another module for the synthesis of texts in each
target language, mediated by a universal interlingua module. The
interlingua was supposed to allow the analysis of any source text
for which an analysis module was available to be related to the
chosen target language and synthesized into a target text, meaning
that any language pair could be automatically translated, given an
analysis module and a synthesis module (we return to modularity
later in this chapter). As is now clear, this ambitious scheme did not lead
to any full working systems (see Chapter 3), but the idea had been
appealing: to create a large number of translation pairs from a minimal
number of analysis and synthesis modules. Hence, there was still a
degree of language-dependency in the form of the source-language and
target-language modules, but their permutability made the potential
coverage of such systems much less dependent on specific language pairs.
In the end, the compromise was the less ambitious transfer system.

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186 Translation and Technology

When discussing computer-aided tools such as translation memory, it

was pointed out that the accompanying tool used to automatically align
parallel texts (usually with a bit of help from the user), is independent
of any particular language. Corpus-based and statistically-based machine
translation systems are also language-independent in so far as they use
algorithms as a method of extracting translation equivalents, as we

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have seen in Chapter 3 (we return to algorithms later in this chapter).
Our last perspective on language-dependency – see Table 7.11 –
concerns controlled language, for example for highly specific purposes
such as ASD Simplified English, compared with ‘natural’ language, as in
standard British English for example.

Table 7.11 Types of source language


Specific General

Controlled language Y P Y Y P
Natural language N Y P Y Y

Y = yes; N = no; P = possible

For specific-purpose machine translation systems, controlled language

is more suitable for source-language texts than is natural language. On
the other hand, natural language is best suited for general-purpose
machine translation systems. Controlled language can facilitate both
human-aided machine translation and computer-aided translation. The
same, however, cannot be said about natural language, which is more
suitable for computer-aided translation than for human-aided machine
translation. Both varieties of language are acceptable to human transla-
tors. As mentioned above, for stylistic and other reasons, a natural-
language text presents more of a challenge than a restricted controlled
language text and human translators may therefore prefer it.

Standards for data interchange

The growing importance of language industry standards for reusing – or
‘leveraging’ – data previously processed by other tools cannot be
underestimated in the modern world of the translation industry.
These standards function as a bridge, connecting tools that are built
using different programming codes and operating across a variety of
platforms or systems, such as Microsoft Windows or Unix. The existence
of numerous tools has made it necessary for specific standards to be

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Translation Types Revisited 187

created to help the operational flow when several tools are used
concurrently in a translation process. Tables 7.12 and 7.13 focus on
this aspect but from different perspectives.
Table 7.12 shows how important standards are for each translation
type, referring to three different types of standard: TMX, TBX and
XLIFF, as described in Chapter 4. Within machine translation, the need

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for particular standards may vary according to the sub-type. So, whereas
direct translation and rule-based machine translation systems do not
use previously translated material or corpora to generate new transla-
tions, corpus-based machine translation systems do have a use for data
interchange standards, as do also computer-aided translation systems,
including some linguistic tools such as electronic dictionaries and
termbases. At present, however, the TMX standard for the interchange
of translation data is applicable mostly to translation memory systems
as they store previously translated material in a database of translation
examples, rather than to full machine translation systems.

Table 7.12 Data interchange standards in translation


Specific General

Translation standard (TMX) P P I VI VI

Terminological standard (TBX) VI VI VI VI VI
Localization standard (XLIFF) P P I I I

VI = very important; I = important; P = possible

We can recall that machine translation systems are increasingly being

used to generate the first drafts of translations in the localization process.
In such cases, the output data from the machine translation system –
the raw translation – needs to be imported into the localization tool for
further processing. For this to happen, the XLIFF standard is needed.
The terminological data interchange standard TBX, on the other hand,
is extremely important to all translation types, especially for the trans-
lation of technical texts. For computer-aided translation and human
translation, both translation and terminological data interchange are very
important, especially when linguistic tools or resources such as electronic
dictionaries, glossaries and thesauri are used to assist the translator
during the translation process, since most are compiled and structured
in different ways. Furthermore, they may be accessed via different
operating systems. The localization standard XLIFF is important for

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188 Translation and Technology

computer-aided translation and human translators; however, its

importance is clearly restricted to supporting translators involved in the
localization industry.
For developers, building translation tools that are compliant with
these three language-industry standards is important. These standards
allow interoperability between different tools that greatly benefit

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developers, translation companies and professional translators. Since
the introduction of these standards, many translation tools have
undergone certification that allows the logo of the specific standard to
be used. Thus some translation tools, such as the SDLX 2004 translation
memory system by SDL International, has been certified by TMX, while
the Heartsome Translation Suite is fully compliant with all three
Having focused on the three interchange standards in relation to the
four translation types, we now turn our attention to the importance of
data-interchange standards for the different groups who are involved in
translation (Table 7.13).
End-users such as professional translators and those involved in the
localization industry find data-interchange standards of considerable
importance, as they enable a variety of tools to perform specific
functions during the translation or localization process. A terminology
database may be accessed, for example, to search for a suitable equivalent
while using a translation memory system. Assuring a smooth flow of
work from one tool to another, for example from using a translation
memory system to update a terminology database to translating a text
with the support of a terminology management system, is an added
benefit for professional translators, translation companies and localizers
and preferable to just working with one tool at a time.

Table 7.13 Translation groups and data interchange standards

Translation Terminological Localization

standard (TMX) standard (TBX) standard

Professional translators VI VI P
Translation companies VI VI VI
Localization industry VI VI VI
Researchers I I I
Developers I I I

VI = very important; I = important; P = possible

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Translation Types Revisited 189

Two groups that are concerned with standards but not as end-users
are researchers, who are involved in the development of standards
before publication, and developers, for whom it is important to ensure
compliance with these accepted standards in order for tools to be
marketable. For example, some newer versions of translation memory
systems must obtain certification for TMX before they are released onto

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the market. This is one strategy to boost sales since end-users want to
ensure that the new tool they intend to buy is compatible with the
tools they already own.

Our last topic in this section is the evaluation of translation tools,
another area of importance to different groups involved in the transla-
tion industry, including translation companies, professional translators
and developers. Evaluation procedures are designed to ensure that the
tool developed performs as expected by developers and by users, that is
translators. Tables 7.14 and 7.15 focus respectively on the level of system
evaluation required as dictated by translation type, and the methods of
evaluation for each level as previously discussed in Chapter 5.
We know from Chapter 5 that the evaluation of translation tools can
be performed in two principal ways, namely by looking at particular
components in a system or by evaluating the whole system. We can also
recall that component evaluation means that either a single component
or several components in a system are evaluated at any one time while a
tool is in the developmental stage. A whole system evaluation, on the
other hand, encompasses the performance of the whole tool, once
development has been completed. Both types of evaluation are important
to all translation types involving computer tools.
‘Evaluation’ is a term applied to the assessment of translation output
from automated systems; so evaluation in this sense is not applicable to
the work of human translators. There are other ways of trying to ensure

Table 7.14 Levels of evaluation


Specific General

Components in system I I I I n/a

Whole system I I I I n/a

I = important; n/a = not applicable

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190 Translation and Technology

that human translation meets certain quality standards and these are
largely institutional, for example through translation courses and accred-
itation. In many countries, translation courses are offered at universities.
Accreditation, on the other hand, is normally professionally certified
based on qualifications, experience and/or direct assessment to confirm
competence in translation and/or interpreting. Typically, accreditation

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obtained in one country would allow a translator to practise in that country
in named language pairs and directions. For example, an individual who
wants to work as a translator between English and Korean in Australia
must obtain accreditation from the National Accreditation Authority for
Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI) for that language pair. In some
countries, such as Australia, Canada and South Africa, accreditation is
required before a translator can work in the translation industry, while
in others, such as Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, no accreditation
requirement is needed for either translators or interpreters to practise.
Having considered the two levels of evaluation for automated and
semi-automated tools, let us now consider how each level is evaluated
(Table 7.15).
The aim in Table 7.15 is to provide a clearer perspective on which
evaluation methods are better suited to test an individual component
in a system or an entire system. Each method uses different variables or
test material to perform the evaluation. Some test material consists of
linguistic phenomena that have been artificially created to evaluate
particular features of the system (test suite), while other test material
is extracted from a corpus (test corpus). A variety of tests is used to
evaluate a specific component of a tool during its developmental stage,
whereas to evaluate an entire system, the most suitable methods are
human judgement, automation and black-box.
Having reviewed our chosen topics in relation to the original four
translation types proposed well over a decade ago, it is clear that since

Table 7.15 Methods of evaluation

Components in a system Whole system

Human Y Y
Automation Y Y
Test suite Y N
Test corpus Y N
Glass-box Y N
Black-box N Y

Y = yes; N = no

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Translation Types Revisited 191

then technological developments have led to a need for reappraisal. We

have attempted to do this by taking a multidimensional approach in
which it has been shown that groupings and classifications of transla-
tion as an activity involving machines and/or humans shift according
to the perspective assumed. It is a complex picture which changes with
each new development.

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In the last sections of this chapter, we focus on two particular types of
translation, machine translation and computer-aided translation, in order
to explore some perspectives in more depth.

Machine translation systems

This section is concerned with a number of topics related to machine

translation systems discussed previously, in particular in Chapter 3.
Tables 7.16 and 7.17 show the different approaches to machine transla-
tion such as direct translation, ruled-based and corpus-based approaches
as they relate to particular design features and coverage of language pairs
respectively. Rule-based and corpus-based approaches are further divided
into their respective sub-types.

Table 7.16 Features in a machine translation system

Direct Rule-based Corpus-based

Interlingua Transfer Statistical-based Example-based

Algorithms N N N Y Y
Examples N N N N Y
Dictionaries Y Y Y N N
SL analysis M Y Y N N
TL synthesis M Y Y N N
Abstract N Y Y N N
Transfer N N Y N N
Language N N N Y Y
Translation N N N Y N
Modularity N Y Y Y Y
Corpora N N N Y Y

Y = yes; N = no; M = minimal

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192 Translation and Technology

Algorithms and corpora are important features in the statistical- and

example-based approaches. Clearly, corpora are critically important to
corpus-based approaches, as they are needed to produce new translations
either by prediction or selection. The statistical-based approach uses
both language and translation models to generate new translations. The
example-based approach, on the other hand, employs only a language

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model. As for rule-based approaches, while abstract representations of
the source-language text and the target-language text are a common
feature, only the transfer approach includes, as its name implies, a
transfer module.
Two of the most important features for rule-based systems are the
source-language analysis module and the target-language synthesis
module. The earlier direct translation approach may also be said to
include these two features, although the analysis and synthesis are not
carried out by separate modules, meaning that this early approach has
minimal analysis and synthesis capabilities. The main reason for this
is that it is based on the word-for-word translation method, which in
itself has limited linguistic analysis and synthesis capabilities (see also
Chapters 2 and 3). The corpus-based approach does not require diction-
aries or analysis and synthesis modules, since the corpora from which
the new translations are derived provide all the information needed to
select the best translation for a specific source-language segment.
Table 7.16 also shows that dictionaries (monolingual and bilingual)
constitute a feature that direct and rule-based approaches share, even
the toy system of the Georgetown University System, as we saw in
Chapter 3. In current machine translation systems, the general dictionary
can contain more than one million words, as for example the general
dictionary in the @Promt Professional 7.0 system by PROMT Ltd for
translating between German and Russian. More specialized dictionaries
are available in some systems.
One feature found in nearly all machine translation systems from
the second generation onwards (rule-based and corpus-based
systems) is modularity, meaning that the components of the system
are independent of each other so that a researcher can change or
improve a particular module without this affecting the performance
of other modules of a system (see also Chapter 3). Modularity is
desirable in a machine translation system as it can reduce develop-
ment and maintenance costs when new language pairs are added
(Table 7.17). A feature that is also important to machine translation
development is the reversibility property that enables a language
pair working in one direction to be reversed.

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Translation Types Revisited 193

Table 7.17 Language coverage in machine translation systems

Direct Rule-based Corpus-based

Interlingua Transfer Statistical Example

One language pair Y Y Y Y Y

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More than one N Y Y Y Y
language pair

Y = yes; N = no;

Unlike other translation tools, all machine translation systems are

language-dependent (see Table 7.10) and contain minimally one
language pair. As natural-language processing technology has improved,
particularly with respect to the modular feature, most second-generation
machine translation systems onwards have been able to offer more
than one pair of languages. This is exemplified by online machine
translation systems such as WorldLingo Free Online Translator, which
offers translation of texts, web pages and e-mails in 13 languages
(Simplified and Traditional Chinese are considered two languages owing
to the different scripts used).

Computer-aided translation tools

In this section we return to the topics of text types, language depend-

ency and language pair coverage (Tables 7.18, 7.19 and 7.20 respectively),
but this time in relation to computer-aided translation tools, which are
further sub-divided (see Chapter 4) into translation tools such as
terminology management systems and translation memory, localization
tools, and linguistic tools including concordancers, electronic lexical
resources and spell-checkers.
The translation of semi-technical and highly technical texts can benefit
from the support offered by all the types of tool shown (Table 7.18). In
Chapter 4 it was shown that most of these tools have been developed
mainly with the translation of technical texts in mind, and consequently
translation tools such as translation memory are unlikely to be as useful
for semi-creative and highly creative texts, as a high percentage of repeated
words or phrases is not normally a characteristic feature. Instead, these
types of texts are more likely to contain ambiguous words, phrases and
sentences, possibly with idiosyncratic features according to the author
and the genre.

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194 Translation and Technology

Table 7.18 Texts and computer-aided translation tools

Translation tools Localization tools Linguistic tools

Highly creative U NU VU
Semi-creative U NU VU
General U NU VU

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Semi-technical VU VU VU
Highly technical VU VU VU

VU = very useful; U = useful; NU = not useful

Localization tools are not designed for the translation of semi-creative,

highly creative and general-purpose texts. As we have seen, they have
been developed to deal with technical texts such as product specifica-
tions and instruction manuals. Whether translation or linguistic tools
are useful in the translation of general-purpose texts may depend on the
translator, the degree of ambiguity and the purpose of the translation.
Linguistic tools such as electronic dictionaries and spell-checkers, for
example, are useful for all types of text. Moreover, electronic diction-
aries are available for both general-purpose and subject-specific texts,
and spell-checkers can be ‘trained’ by users according to the particular
vocabulary and terms required. Concordancers can indicate possible
solutions for the translation of all types of text by revealing lexical
Unlike machine translation systems, translation and localization
tools are rarely language-dependent, whereas some linguistic tools
such as spell-checkers, grammar checkers and dictionaries can be
language-dependent. Concordancers, on the other hand, tend to be
language-independent, as shown in Table 7.19. Language-independ-
ency, a feature making the use of the tool less restrictive, is something
that professional translators and translation companies find very
Translation and localization tools are similar to language-processing
applications such as Word, whereby any language can be processed as

Table 7.19 Language dependency in computer-aided translation tools

Translation tools Localization tools Linguistic tools

Language-dependency L L H/L

H = high; L = low

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Translation Types Revisited 195

long as the character sets for that language are supported digitally. For some
translation and localization tools, the question of language-dependency
only arises when part of, or the entire character set of a language is not
digitally supported, as in Javanese, spoken mainly in Indonesia. Linguistic
tools such as electronic dictionaries and thesauri, on the other hand, are
highly language-dependent since they are content-based, whereas linguistic

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tools such as OCRs and concordancers are not dependent on any particular
language (although they may be limited to the scripts they support).
In the discussion related to Table 7.19, translation and localization
tools were shown to be language-independent. Looking at this in another
way, it can also be said that these two types of tool can successfully be
applied to many languages and are therefore potentially multilingual
(Table 7.20).

Table 7.20 Number of languages in computer-aided translation tools

Translation tools Localization tools Linguistic tools

Monolingual n/a n/a H

Bilingual n/a n/a H
Trilingual n/a n/a L
Multilingual H H L

H = high; L = low; n/a = not applicable

Linguistic tools such as monolingual electronic dictionaries, glossa-

ries and thesauri are easily available online or on compact disks for a
wide range of specific languages. Bilingual electronic dictionaries or
glossaries are also widely available. As the number of languages
increases to three or more, the harder it is to find linguistic tools, as
indicated in Table 7.20.


This chapter has been written with the intention of providing a basic
summary of each and every topic covered in the book. In some cases,
what is presented is cutting-edge information and it is not unlikely that
in the near future changes will occur as technology becomes increas-
ingly sophisticated and new technologies are introduced. As we have
seen in Chapter 6, it is also not an easy task to illustrate translation
technology that, with each passing day, is becoming increasingly complex.
For this reason, some of the tables presented above deal with overlapping
topics. They contain similar criteria and touch on similar issues but each

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196 Translation and Technology

of them adopts a different perspective, indicating the complexity of the

topics discussed and the high degree of interdependency between them.
The overall picture becomes even more complex as a result of the existence
of a number of sub-types of machine translation and computer-aided
translation, as well as the involvement of a wide range of ‘agents’ from
researchers and tool developers, through evaluators to various end-user

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groups including professional translators, trainers and translation
companies. To present all this in one table has proven to be imprac-
ticable, evidence to show that the topics touched on in this book are
multidimensional. The variety of ‘sub-types’ which have been distin-
guished – notably for machine translation systems and computer-aided
translation (computer-aided translation tools) – have been presented
separately, as they are governed by a number of factors which affect
each sub-type in a different way.
Many issues need further investigation in order to discover how
translation technology can or cannot support the increasingly diverse
translation activities pursued by both computers and translators through
the development of more and increasingly sophisticated translation
tools. On the other hand, there is also considerable scope for research
into the use of translation tools by translators, which may in turn lead
to further improvements in the tools themselves, but can also be
expected to contribute to our knowledge of the process of human trans-
lation in the modern idiom.

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah


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The Language Key for all the following Appendices tables appear on p. 203.

A1 Examples of commercial machine translation systems

Name Website Language

Abc Thai E/Th, G/Th

Alpha Works E-(F, G, J, I, Cs, Ct, S,
aw.nsf/html/mt?open&t=gr, K)
p=Word2Word (F, G, S, I)-E
Intertran Al, Bo, E, Pb, B, Cr, Cz,
itserver.htm Da, D, S, Fi, F, Fl, G,
Gr, H, Hi, Ic, I, J, K, L,
N, Ta, Po, P, R, S, Se,
Sl, Swe, W, T, V
Ling98 E, U, G, R
Promt XT E, G, F, S, I, R
SDL (S, F, G)-E, E-(S, F, G, I,
systems/enterprise-translation-server/ P)
Systran 4.0 E/(D, J, K, Cs, Ct, R, S,
F, G, I, P), F/(P, D, S, E,
P, I, G)

A2 Examples of online machine translation systems

Name Language Domain Website

Ajeeb E/A Web, http://tarjim.ajeeb.

Text com/ajeeb/default.
Bultra E/B Text http://www.bultra.
Catalin Zaharia Ro/E Text http://www.


10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah



Name Language Domain Website

Enterprise E-(F, G, S, I, N, P), Text, Web http://www.mezzofanti. org/

Translator (S, G, F, I, P)-E translation/
Server (ETS)

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e-Translation G-(E, F), E-(G, F, I, S, J, Text http://www.linguatec. net/
Server C, Tai, K, P), F-(G, E), online/ptwebtext/ index.shtml
(I, S, J, C, Tai)-E
EWtranslite E-(Cs, Ct, M, In), Text
(Cs, Ct, M, In)-E ewtranslite.html
Finnish Trans E/Fi Word http://finnishtrans.8bit.
Finnish Trans E/Fi Word http://finnishtrans.8bit.
Foreignword. Af, B, C, Cr, Cz, Da, Word, http://www.foreignword.
com D, E, Fi, F, G, Gr, H, Text com/Tools/transnow.htm
Ic, In, I, J, K, M, N, P,
Pb, P, Ro, R, S, Se, Sl,
Swa, Swe, Ts, U, W, Y
Free (S, F, G, I, P, D, R)-E, Text http://www.
Translation E-(S, G, F, I, N, P, D,
Cs, Ct, R)
Itrans Gu, Hi, Mar, San, Be, Text
Tam, Ka, Te, Gur itrans/online/
Language E-(F, G, I, P, S), F-(G, Text http://www.
Translator E), G-(E, F), (I, S, P)-E freelanguagetranslator. com
Logomedia E, U, S, F, G, I, J, K, Text, Web
Po, P, R, C
LingvoBit Po/E Word,
Lycos Zone E-(F, G, S, I, P), (F, G, Text, Web http://
S, I, P)-E F- (E, G, S, I,
P), (G, S, I, P)-F
Mytranslate E-(F, G, I, P, S), F-(E, Text,
G), G-(E, F), (I, S, P)-E Word
OCN E/J, K/J URL, Text
ParSit Thai E, Th Text, Web
Translator services/parsit/index2.html E/Pe Email
Promt XT (E, G, F, S, I)-R, Text, Web,
E-(G, S) Email translator.asp?lang=en
Reverso (E, G, S)-F, F-(E, G, S), Text, Web
(G, F, S)-E, E-(G, F, S) textonly/default.asp

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Appendices 199

A3 Examples of online dictionaries


Name Website Language

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Britannica E
Longman E
Merriam-webster E


Name Website Language

Al Misbar E, A
Albi Al, E
Bhanot E, M
Capeller . San, E
Ceti Bel, E
Danish-Jpn Dic J, Da
Darkstar Oj, E
E-Est Dic E, Est
E-Fi E, Fi
E-H E, H
En-Romanian E, Ro
Francenet Bre, E
Galaxy Po, E
Gr-E Gr, E
Hebrew Dic He, E
Islandes Ic, Ca
Kamus Jot G, In
Kihon H, J
Learning Media Ma, E
Lexiconer E, C
Lexitron Th, E
Lingresua E, U
Persian Online Dic Pe, E
Spanishdict S, E
TechDico F, E
Potawatomi Pot, E

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200 Appendices


Name Website Language

Cambridge E, F, S E, M, C

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CSC E, Fi, Swe
FeM F, E, M
Francenet Bre, E, F
Jim Breen E, J, F
Qaamuuska So, I, E
Xisaabta qaamuus_en.html


Name Website Language

Ectaco E, Al, A, B, Cz, D, Est, F, G, Gr,

online/?refid=577 H, I, K, La, Pe, Po, P, Ro, R, Se,
Slo, S, Swe, T, Y
Foreign http://www.foreignword. Af, Al, B, Bel, Bre, Ca, Ce, Ch,
Word com/Tools/dictsrch.htm C, Cr, Cz, Da, D, Esp, Est, Far,
Fi, F, Fr, G, Ga, Gr, Ha, he, H, Il,
In, Ir, I, J, Kh, K, L, La, Li, M,
Ma, N, Pe, Po, P, R, Rot, San, Sar,
Se, Slo, S, Swa, Swe, Ta, Tam,
Th, Ti, T, U, V, W, Y
Free Dict Af, Da, D, Fi, F, H, In, I, J, L, N,
onldict/ita.html P, R, S, Swa, Swe
Lexicool. Af, Al, A, Ar, Ba, Bo, Bre, B, Ca,
com Ch, Cher, C, Cre, Cr, Cz, Da, D,
E, Esp, Est, Fi, F, Ga, G, Gr, He,
Hi, H, Ic, In, I, J, K, L, La, M, N,
Pe, Po, P, Ro, R, Se, Sl, Slo, So, S,
Swa, Swe, Tam, Th, T, U, Ur, V,
W, Wo, Y
Uwasa Af, Alg, A, Ba, Bel, Be, Bra, Ca,
comm/termino/collect/ Ch, Che, C, Cr, Cz, Da, D, Eg, E,
Esp, Est, Far, Fi, F, Gae, G,
Gr, Gua, Ha, He, H, Ic, In, Ir,
I, J, K, Ku, L, La, Mand, Ma,
N, Pah, Po, P, Ro, R, San, Se,
Slo, Sl, S, Swa, Swe, Tam, Th,
T, Ti, Ur, W, Wo

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

Appendices 201

A4 Examples of online thesauri


Name Website Language

Copyright material from - licensed to Universitetsbiblioteket i Tromso - PalgraveConnect - 2011-04-20

Britannica E
Merriam-webster E
Signum S
herramientas/tesauro/default.htm E
Webster E


Name Website Language

Eurovoc S, Da, G, Gr, E, F, I, D,

cgi/sga_doc?eurovoc_dif!SERVEUR/ P, Fi and Swe

A5 Examples of online glossaries


Name Website Language

Biochemistry E
BioTech E
Classical mythology E
Genome E
Medwebplus E

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

202 Appendices


Name Website Language

A.D. Miles E, S

Actuaries E, F

Copyright material from - licensed to Universitetsbiblioteket i Tromso - PalgraveConnect - 2011-04-20

Andersen E, Da
Dewsbery G, E
Trans-K E, G


Name Website Language

Reiterin E, F, G


Name Website Language

Glossary http://www. Mono-, bi-, multi-: E, S, Ic, G, D, I, P, R,

Agent insurancetranslation. com/ Gr, F, Po, I, Swe
Glossary Agent/index.htm
Microsoft A, Ca, C, Cz, Da, D, Fi, F, G, Gr, He, H, I, J,
microsoft.html K, N, Po, P, R, Sl, Slo, Swe, T
Magus http:// Cr, Cz, Po, Sl, Slo, Se, B, Mac, Se, Sor, Bel, R, U, Da, D, E, Far, Fr, G, Ic, N, Swe, Fri, I, Rom, Ro, Sar, Ca, F, Ga, O, P, S, La,
Li, Est, Fi, H, Sam, T, Ba, Bre, Ir, Sc, W,
Al, Esp, Gr, Malt, Ro, Y

A6 Examples of online encyclopaedia

Name Website Language

Americana toc.html E

Botany E
Britannica E
Columbia E
Encarta E
Encyclopedia_Articles.html E
Hyperhistory E
Informationsphere E

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Appendices 203


Name Website Language

Medline E
Natureserve E

Copyright material from - licensed to Universitetsbiblioteket i Tromso - PalgraveConnect - 2011-04-20

Newadvent E
Spartacus E
Stanford E
Techtarget E

A7 Language key

A = Arabic G = German Pb = Portuguese (Brazillian)

Af = Afrikaans Ga = Galician Pe = Persian
Al = Albanian Gae = Gaelic Po = Polish
Alg = Algerian Darja Gr = Greek Pot = Potawatomi
B = Bulgarian Gu = Gujarati R = Russian
Ba = Basque Gua = Guarani Ro = Romanian
Be = Bengali Gur = Gurmukhi Rot = Rotuman
Bel = Belarusan H = Hungarian S = Spanish
Bo = Bosnian Ha = Hawaiian San = Sanskrit
Bra = Braille He = Hebrew Sar = Sardinian
Bre = Breton Hi = Hindi Sc = Scotish
C = Chinese I = Italian Se = Serbian
Ca = Catalan Ic = Icelandic Sl = Slovenian
Ce = Cebuano Il = Ilango Slo = Slovak
Ch = Chechen In = Indonesian So = Somali
Che = Cheyenne Ir = Irish Sor = Sorbian
Cher = Cherokee J = Japanese Swa = Swahili
Cr = Croatian K = Korean Swe = Swedish
Cre = Creole Ka = Kannada T = Turkish
Cs = Chinese Simplified Kh = Khmer Ta = Tagalog/Pilipino
Ct = Chinese Traditional Ku = Kurdish Tai = Taiwanese
Cz = Czech L = Latin Tam = Tamil
D = Dutch La = Latvian Te = Telugu
Da = Danish Li = Lithuanian Th = Thai
E = English M = Malay Ti = Tibetan
Eg = Egyptian Ma = Maori Ts = Tswana
Esp = Esperanto Mac = Macedonian U = Ukranian
Est = Estonian Malt = Maltese Ur = Urdu
F = French Mand = Mandinka V = Vietnamese
Far = Faroese Mar = Marathi W = Welsh
Fi = Finnish N = Norwegian Wo = Wolof
Fl = Flemish Oj = Ojibwe Y = Yiddish
Fr = Frisian P = Portuguese
Fri = Friulian Pah = Pahlavi

/ = bidirectional
- = unidirectional

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abstract representations, 63, 71, 192 creative texts, 28, 66, 93, 183–4, 194
adequacy, 131, 141 cryptographic techniques, 59
algorithms, 78–9, 81, 83, 96, 100, 127, c-structure, 33–4
136, 138, 146, 173, 177, 186
aligned bilingual corpus, 77, 81, 83 description, 26–7, 30, 32
aligned bilingual texts, 64 Descriptive Translation Studies, 37–8
alignment, 93, 95, 100–1, 110–11, 184 developers, 1, 19, 85–6, 89, 129–33,
ALPAC, 60–1, 129–30, 135–6 137–8, 140, 145–8, 188–9, 196
Applied Translation Studies, 37, 41–3 dictionaries, 5, 10, 13–14, 18, 32, 40,
42, 66–7, 69–71, 74, 93, 105–7,
Bayes’ rule, 78 123, 128, 149, 160, 163–4, 174,
Bayes’ theorem, 76–7 179, 183–5, 187, 192, 194–5
black-box, 138–9, 142, 190 direct translation approach, 32, 39, 70,
body, 29, 47, 121, 124, 126, 183 177, 192
direct translation systems, 69–70
CESTA, 149–50 dynamic equivalence, 24
commercial machine translation
systems, 3, 10–11, 19, 58, 62–3, EAGLES, 94, 132, 135, 142–4, 146, 149
87–9, 150, 153, 155, 157 evaluation, 2, 4, 41, 43, 129–51, 173,
commercial translation tools, 4, 13, 189–90
101, 117–19, 157 evaluation methodology, 130, 145–6
computational linguistics, 57, 60, 63, evaluation methods, 129–30, 135–7,
107, 165 140, 151, 173, 190
computer-aided translation, 1–4, 6–8, evaluators, 4, 135–7, 140, 146, 150, 196
14, 18–19, 21, 36, 42, 63, 65, 83, example-based approaches, 62, 76, 81,
9–4, 97, 113, 117, 120, 128–9, 83, 91, 177, 192
131–2, 140, 151–2, 156–8, example-based machine translation
172–6, 179–82, 184–8, 191, systems, 81, 83–4, 167–9
193, 196 experimental machine translation
computer science, 32, 37, 57, 63 systems, 2–3, 11, 62, 85, 88, 133,
concordancers, 42, 93, 106–7, 112–13, 150, 153, 160, 162
128, 174, 184–5, 194–5 expressive texts, 40, 182
constraint-based grammar, 32–4, 62
Controlled English, 49, 52–3 FEMTI, 142, 146–7, 149
controlled language, 3, 11, 22, 26, 43, fidelity, 130–1, 135–6, 139
45–6, 48–9, 50, 52–3, 55, 89, 155, filter, 93, 95, 98–9, 126
178–9, 181, 186 first-generation machine translation
corpora, 38, 41, 64, 77, 80, 83, 91, systems, 39, 69
107–8, 160, 163, 167–8, formal approach, 31
187, 192 formal grammars, 32, 177
corpus-based approaches, 62, 64, 66, formal linguistics, 31
76, 85, 91, 149, 156, 166, 177, formal versus dynamic, 24
191–2 formalisms, 3, 32, 35, 55
corpus-based architectures, 66, 87 f-structure, 33–4
corpus-based machine translation functional approaches, 25, 31
systems, 69, 76, 84, 156, 187, 192 fuzzy matching, 95, 96, 97, 100,
corpus linguistics, 111, 165 127, 132


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Index 219

general-purpose machine translation language pairs, 14, 34, 40, 66, 69–70,
systems, 66, 91, 173, 179–83, 186 72, 74, 86, 108–10, 132, 150, 154,
general-purpose texts, 173, 166, 173, 184–5, 190–3
183–4, 194 lexicography, 57, 105, 111
linguistic component, 31, 35, 60, 95
header, 121, 124 linguistic phenomena, 29, 40,
high-quality translations, 7, 45, 60, 136–7, 190

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155, 171, 180–1 linguistic theory, 3, 23, 25, 28–31, 55,
HTML, 98, 119–20, 125–6, 128, 167 70, 110, 177
HTML code, 98, 119 linguistic tools, 38, 42, 128, 174, 177,
human evaluators, 135–6, 150 185, 187, 194–5
human intervention, 7, 9, 11, 173–5, linguistics, 24–5, 27–30, 32, 35, 37, 57,
179, 183–4 61, 73, 80, 91, 105, 107, 177
human-aided machine translation, 3, linguists, 26–7, 29–30, 35, 59, 70–1
6–8, 11–12, 85, 163, 172–7, literal versus free, 23
179–81, 183–4, 186 localization industry, 2, 4, 6, 19, 41,
hybridizations, 85, 166, 170 45, 93, 116, 119, 125, 132, 152,
hybrids, 57, 66, 84–5, 156, 162, 170–1, 188
175, 177 localization process, 45, 93, 114, 116,
126–7, 170, 187–8
imitation, 81 localization project, 114
informative texts, 40, 89 localization tools, 42, 93, 114, 116–17,
informativeness, 131, 136 119–20, 125, 174, 176, 187,
input, 9, 11, 15, 18, 22, 36, 43, 45, 83, 194–5
85, 138, 145, 147, 149, 158–9,
161, 179, 184 machine-aided human translation, 3,
integrated systems, 3, 8, 13, 43, 85, 6–8, 13, 173
88, 93, 106, 116, 132, 153, 161, machine translation architectures, 3,
165, 175–7 66, 68, 71, 153, 162, 172, 175
intelligibility, 130–1, 135–6, machine translation research, 31, 35,
139, 146 59–62, 64–6, 76, 84, 152–3,
interactive machine translation 162–3, 166
systems, 58, 84–5, 153 machine translation systems, 1–4, 7,
interlingua approach, 71–5, 85 9–13, 18–19, 22, 24, 29–36, 39–40,
interlingua machine translation 43, 45–8, 55, 57–66, 68–75, 77–8,
systems, 64, 71, 73, 75 80–1, 84–91, 94, 97, 115–17, 127,
interlingual translation, 44 129–31, 133, 135–6, 139, 141,
International English, 165 146–7, 150–6, 158–9, 162–4,
Internet, 5, 14, 16, 20, 57, 65, 86, 90, 166–9, 172–3, 175–6, 178–87,
108, 121, 152, 161, 165–6, 191–4, 196
172–3 markup language, 98, 119, 167–8
interpreting, 39, 159, 190 minority languages, 4, 152, 162
intralingual translation, 44 modularity, 71–2, 185, 192
ISLE, 142, 144, 146, 149 Montague grammar, 73
ISO, 106, 119, 121, 123–4, 133,
140–4, 149 natural language, 9, 45, 48, 57–9, 71,
85, 112, 186
knowledge-based architectures, 66 natural-language processing, 2–3, 22,
knowledge-based machine translation 26, 35, 57, 75, 94, 108, 134–5,
systems, 72–3, 167, 169 138, 140, 143, 149, 151, 153,
156–7, 162–3, 166–7,
language dependency, 184–6 170, 193
language engineering, 57, 112 n-gram, 79–80, 136, 150
language model, 78–80, 192 NIST, 149–50

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220 Index

online machine translation systems, 47, segmentation, 95, 100

58, 65–6, 85–6, 90–1, 152–5, 162, segments, 77–81, 84, 94–7, 100–1,
164, 166–7, 172–3, 179, 181, 193 103–4, 108, 115, 121, 126–7,
output, 7, 9, 11, 26, 36, 43, 45–8, 55, 137, 192
70, 74, 85, 89–91, 111, 135, 138–9, semantic similarity, 82–3
148–9, 153, 155, 158–9, 161, ‘Semantic Web’, 4, 166–9
178–9, 181–2, 187, 189 semiotic classification, 22

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sense-for-sense, 23–4
parallel corpora, 3, 62, 93, 107–8, 128, sign language, 161, 171
167, 169 Simplified Arabic, 50
parallel corpus, 80, 107–9 Simplified English, 49–50, 52, 186
parallel texts, 100, 107–8, 186 Skopos theory, 25
parser, 67–8, 71, 73, 138 source-language texts, 9, 11–12, 22–5,
parsing process, 68, 74 43–5, 47, 55, 63, 67–71, 73, 76–7,
part-of-speech, 67, 80, 84, 110 98–100, 104, 109, 117, 126, 128,
perfect matching, 95, 97 131, 138, 148, 150, 178–82,
polished post-editing, 47, 180 186, 192
post-editing, 3, 11–12, 22, 43–8, 55, source texts, 24–5, 38–9, 66, 73, 81,
63, 90, 117, 153, 180–2 89, 96, 101, 107, 178–80, 182, 185
pre-edited text, 12, 55, 178 specific-purpose machine translation
pre-editing, 11, 25, 44–6, 55, 63, systems, 66, 173, 179–83, 186
178–9, 181 speech recognition, 65, 157,
prescriptive perscriptive, 26–7, 30 159–60, 176
probability, 77–80 speech technology, 4, 39, 152, 156–9,
prototype, 75, 88, 131, 133, 147, 153, 161–2, 176
161–2 speech-to-speech, 158–61
Pure Translation Studies, 37, 41, 43 speech-to-text, 157–8
spell-checkers, 13, 17, 38, 55, 149, 194
quality, 3, 6–7, 9, 18, 25–6, 30, 40–1, standards, 4, 93, 119, 123, 126, 128,
44–5, 47–8, 55, 59–61, 86, 89–91, 133, 140, 142–4, 149, 170, 173,
93, 114–15, 127–8, 130–1, 133, 186–90
139–41, 143, 147, 154–5, 164, standards for data interchange, 4, 93,
166, 169–71, 179–82, 190 119, 170, 173, 186–8
statistical-based approach, 77, 80,
rapid post-editing, 47, 180 177, 192
research sponsors, 4, 132–4, 147–8 statistical-based machine translation
researchers, 1, 9, 35, 41, 59, 61, 65, system, 64
75–7, 101, 129–33, 135, 137–8, style-checkers, 106–7
142, 147, 153, 155, 157, 163–4, subject fields, 26, 45, 52, 54, 57, 63,
189, 196 66, 77, 84, 94–5, 101, 104–9, 115,
rule-based approaches, 62, 64, 66, 71, 124, 131, 148, 155, 166–7, 169,
75, 77, 156, 177, 192 173, 179, 182–3
rule-based architectures, 29, 66, 68, 87 sublanguage, 45
rule-based machine translation
system, 163 target-language texts, 9, 22–5, 35, 38,
43–4, 53, 63–4, 71, 73–4, 76–7, 80,
ScaniaSwedish, 52 100, 103–4, 109, 117, 130–1, 138,
schema, 22, 36–7, 39, 41–3 142, 150, 176, 179–80, 192
scientists, 26, 29, 35 target texts, 9, 24, 26, 38–9, 44, 71, 81,
scores, 135–6, 142 107, 139, 178, 180–1, 185
search engines, 14–16, 18, 47, 86, TBX, 120, 123–6, 187
106, 153 technical texts, 12, 18, 28, 36, 40, 48,
second-generation machine translation 128, 183–4, 187, 194
systems , 68–9, 71, 74, 193 TEMAA, 142, 149

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Index 221

terminology, 104–6, 122–4, 139, 183 81, 83, 85, 94, 103, 115, 117, 149,
terminology databases, 13, 38, 94, 153, 173, 178–9, 181–2, 187
103, 106, 115, 117, 123, 132, Translation Studies, 3, 6, 22, 25, 35–7,
149, 179, 188 39, 41, 43, 55, 107–8, 113
terminology management systems, 42, translation technology, 1–6, 8, 18–22,
93–4, 106, 113, 117, 123, 128, 25, 35, 40, 42–3, 47, 55, 152, 155,
132, 170, 193 157, 171, 177, 195–6

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test corpus, 136–7, 190 translation theorists, 26–8, 35
test suite, 136–7, 142, 190 translation theory, 3, 22–9, 35–6, 38,
text types, 40, 47, 148, 193 41, 55, 70, 176–7
text-to-speech, 157–9, 176 translation training, 18, 42, 48
text-to-text, 159 translation types, 3–5, 8, 20, 172–4,
Theoretical Translation Studies, 176, 178–9, 187–90
37–8 ‘translational action theory’, 25
thesauri, 5, 17, 187, 195 translators, 1–3, 6–8, 11–14, 16–19,
third-generation machine translation 26–8, 30, 35–6, 38, 40–1, 44,
systems, 66 46–8, 52–5, 57, 59–61, 63–5, 70,
TMX, 93, 120–2, 124, 126, 128, 170, 83, 85–100, 103–10, 113, 115–17,
187–9 119, 123, 127–9, 131–2, 134–6,
transfer approach, 63, 73–5, 192 139, 146, 148, 152–3, 155–8,
transformational grammar, 24–5, 32 161–2, 164–5, 169, 171, 174–7,
translation aids, 17, 41–2 179, 181–2, 184–90, 194, 196
translation criticism, 37, 41–2 types of texts, 18, 40, 66, 89, 132,
translation databases, 89, 104, 115, 182, 194
117, 127
translation industry, 4, 47, 128, 164, unedited texts, 12, 47, 55, 179
170, 186, 189, 190 unification grammar, 33
translation memory, 2–3, 17, 38, 42,
64, 83, 85, 88, 91, 93–101, 103, word-for-word, 23–4, 32, 60, 69, 73,
106, 113, 115–17, 119–20, 124, 78, 177, 192
127–8, 132, 157, 170, 174, 184–9, workbench, 13, 91, 93–4, 116, 132,
193–4 156, 162
translation model, 3, 78–80 workstations, 13, 93, 153
translation phenomena, 22, 26, 38, 41 WWW, 2, 4, 108, 119, 166–167
translation procedures, 23, 35, 79
translation process, 2–3, 11–13, 18, 22, XLIFF, 120, 125–6, 128, 170, 187
24–9, 32, 36, 38, 43–6, 54–5, 74, XML, 119–20, 123, 125–6, 168

10.1057/9780230287105 - Translation and Technology, Chiew Kin Quah

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