D3 Monetary Aggregates D3 Monetary Aggregates: Source RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA
D3 Monetary Aggregates D3 Monetary Aggregates: Source RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA
D3 Monetary Aggregates D3 Monetary Aggregates: Source RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA RBA
2 $ billion
3 Some of these series are affected by series breaks. See the Series breaks worksheet for details.
4 Currency Current M1 Certificates Term Other Deposits M3 Other
5 deposits of deposit deposits
deposits with borrowings
6 with banks issued by banks with banks with banks non-bank from private
7 ADIs sector by AFIs
8 nsa
9 Last updated: 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10 29-Jan-10
12 Jul-1959 0.8 6.7
13 Aug-1959 0.8 6.8
14 Sep-1959 0.8 6.9
15 Oct-1959 0.8 7.0
16 Nov-1959 0.8 7.1
17 Dec-1959 0.8 7.1
18 Jan-1960 0.8 7.1
19 Feb-1960 0.8 7.2
20 Mar-1960 0.8 7.2
21 Apr-1960 0.8 7.2
22 May-1960 0.8 7.2
23 Jun-1960 0.8 7.2
24 Jul-1960 0.8 7.2
25 Aug-1960 0.8 7.2
26 Sep-1960 0.8 7.2
27 Oct-1960 0.8 7.3
28 Nov-1960 0.8 7.4
29 Dec-1960 0.8 7.4
30 Jan-1961 0.8 7.3
31 Feb-1961 0.8 7.4
32 Mar-1961 0.8 7.4
33 Apr-1961 0.8 7.4
34 May-1961 0.8 7.3
35 Jun-1961 0.8 7.3
36 Jul-1961 0.8 7.3
37 Aug-1961 0.8 7.4
38 Sep-1961 0.8 7.4
39 Oct-1961 0.8 7.5
40 Nov-1961 0.8 7.6
41 Dec-1961 0.8 7.8
42 Jan-1962 0.8 7.8
43 Feb-1962 0.8 7.9
44 Mar-1962 0.8 7.9
45 Apr-1962 0.8 7.9
46 May-1962 0.8 7.8
47 Jun-1962 0.8 7.8
48 Jul-1962 0.8 7.9
49 Aug-1962 0.8 8.0
50 Sep-1962 0.8 8.0
51 Oct-1962 0.8 8.2
52 Nov-1962 0.8 8.2
53 Dec-1962 0.9 8.4
54 Jan-1963 0.8 8.4
55 Feb-1963 0.8 8.5
56 Mar-1963 0.8 8.5
57 Apr-1963 0.8 8.5
58 May-1963 0.8 8.5
59 Jun-1963 0.8 8.5
60 Jul-1963 0.8 8.6
61 Aug-1963 0.8 8.7
62 Sep-1963 0.8 8.8
63 Oct-1963 0.8 8.9
‘Other borrowings from private sector by AFIs’ includes non-deposit borrowings (other than from AFIs) by ADIs, RFCs
(money market corporations, finance companies, pastoral finance companies and general financiers) and cash manageme
trusts. Prior to August 1996, when AMMDs’ accreditation was revoked, these data include borrowings by AMMDs from the
private sector and exclude borrowings by other AFIs from AMMDs.
‘Broad money’ is defined as M3 plus other borrowings from the private sector by AFIs, less the holdings of currency and
bank deposits by RFCs and cash management trusts.
‘Money base’ is defined as holdings of notes and coins by the private sector plus deposits of banks with the Reserve Bank
and other Reserve Bank liabilities to the private non-bank sector.
‘Offshore borrowings by AFIs’ comprises net foreign currency and Euro-A$ borrowings. Prior to April 2003, this series
excluded Euro-A$ borrowings by NBFIs.
D3 Breaks in series
Three break types are identified: A - Breaks in series due to the establishment of new banks. All new banks shown. Date refers to th
B - Breaks in series due to other changes in bank reporting. Some smaller breaks are not listed.
C - Breaks in series due to changes in the coverage and reporting of non-banks. Other than the cou
Prior to January 2007, details about each of these breaks at each point in time are available in
A more detailed explanation of the impact of breaks is contained in 'Technical Note: Series Breaks in Bank, NBFI and Financial Aggrega
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $0.5 billion of liabilities by a bank.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $0.4 billion of liabilities by a bank.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $1.6 billion of liabilities by a bank.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $1.3 billion of liabilities by an MMC.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $0.4 billion of liabilities by a bank.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of $0.9 billion of liabilities by an MMC.
New bank: Allied Irish Banks, Public Limited Company.
Change in collection coverage: Entry of new FCGFs.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $0.3 billion of liabilities by an FCGF.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of approximately $0.8 billion of liabilities by a
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $2.3 billion of liabilities by a bank.
New bank: Standard Bank, Public Limited Company.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $0.3 billion of liabilities by an FCGF.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of approximately $0.4 billion of liabilities by a
Reclassification of assets: Reclassification of approximately $1.0 billion of assets by an MMC.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of approximately $1.1 billion of liabilities by a
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $1.4 billion of liabilities by an MMC.
Change in collection coverage: Entry of new FCGFs.
New bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited.
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $12.4 billion of liabilities by a bank.
Reporting change: Change in reporting of assets and liabilities by a bank.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of approximately $0.6 billion of liabilities by a
Change in collection coverage: Entry of new FCGFs.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of approximately $3.5 billion of liabilities by a
New bank: The Northern Trust Company.
Reclassification of assets: Reclassification of approximately $0.7 billion of assets by an MMC.
Reporting change: Change in reporting of assets and liabilities by a bank.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of approximately $1.6 billion of liabilities by a
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $1.5 billion of liabilities by an FCGF.
Reclassification of items by a bank (or banks): Reclassification of assets and liabilities due to merger.
New bank: First Commercial Bank.
New bank: The Bank of New York Mellon.
Transfer of assets: Transfer of approximately $3.5 billion between an FCGF and a bank.
Reporting change: Change in reporting of deposits by an MMC.
Adjustment for intra-group liabilities: Adjustment for approximately $1.3 billion for movement in the intra-gro
Adjustment for intra-group liabilities: Adjustment of approximately $0.7 billion for movement in the intra-grou
Change in collection coverage: Break due to de-registration of a bank
Reclassification of liabilities: Reclassification of approximately $0.7 billion of liabilities by a bank.
nd transfer of assets and liabilities from NBFIs to banks. Some smaller breaks are not listed.
on of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by an MMC.
on of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by an FCGF.
ximately $0.8 billion of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by an FCGF.
ximately $0.4 billion of liabilities by a bank.
of assets by an MMC.
ximately $1.1 billion of liabilities by a bank.
on of liabilities by an MMC.
of assets by an MMC.
on of liabilities by a bank.