(G.R. No. 127598, February 22, 2000) : Testimonial Evidence Hearsay Evidence Rule Commercial Lists

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Testimonial Evidence; Hearsay Evidence Rule; Commercial Lists


High voltage/pole - not apply to those who are members of a team
not exposed to the risk
[G.R. No. 127598, February 22, 2000]
Collectors - no need for cash bond, no
MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY, petitioner, vs. Hon. SECRETARY OF LABOR need to reduce quota and MAPL
CBU - exclude confidential employees include
ASSOCIATION (MEWA), respondent.
Union security - maintenance of membership closed shop
Contracting out - no need to consult union consult first
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: All benefits - existing terms and conditions all terms

In the Decision promulgated on January 27, 1999, the Court disposed of the case as Retroactivity - Dec. 28, 1996-Dec. 27, 199(9) from Dec. 1, 1995

Dissatisfied with the Decision, some alleged members of private respondent union (Union
WHEREFORE, the petition is granted and the orders of public respondent for brevity) filed a motion for intervention and a motion for reconsideration of the said
Secretary of Labor dated August 19, 1996 and December 28, 1996 are set aside Decision. A separate intervention was likewise made by the supervisor's union (FLAMES2)
to the extent set forth above. The parties are directed to execute a Collective of petitioner corporation alleging that it has bona fide legal interest in the outcome of the
Bargaining Agreement incorporating the terms and conditions contained in the case.3 The Court required the "proper parties" to file a comment to the three motions for
unaffected portions of the Secretary of Labor's orders of August 19, 1996 and reconsideration but the Solicitor-General asked that he be excused from filing the
December 28, 1996, and the modifications set forth above. The retirement fund comment because the "petition filed in the instant case was granted" by the
issue is remanded to the Secretary of Labor for reception of evidence and Court.4 Consequently, petitioner filed its own consolidated comment. An "Appeal Seeking
determination of the legal personality of the MERALCO retirement fund. 1 Immediate Reconsideration" was also filed by the alleged newly elected president of the
Union.5 Other subsequent pleadings were filed by the parties and intervenors.
The modifications of the public respondent's resolutions include the following:
The issues raised in the motions for reconsideration had already been passed upon by the
Court in the January 27, 1999 decision. No new arguments were presented for
January 27, 1999 decision Secretary's resolution
consideration of the Court. Nonetheless, certain matters will be considered herein,
Wages - P1,900.00 for 1995-96 P2,200.00 particularly those involving the amount of wages and the retroactivity of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement (CBA) arbitral awards.
X'mas bonus - modified to one month 2 months
Petitioner warns that if the wage increase of P2,200.00 per month as ordered by the
Retirees - remanded to the Secretary granted Secretary is allowed, it would simply pass the cost covering such increase to the
consumers through an increase in the rate of electricity. This is a non sequitur. The Court
Loan to coops - denied granted cannot be threatened with such a misleading argument. An increase in the prices of
electric current needs the approval of the appropriate regulatory government agency and
does not automatically result from a mere increase in the wages of petitioner's employees.
Housing loans - granted up to P60,000.00 granted
Besides, this argument presupposes that petitioner is capable of meeting a wage
Signing bonus - denied granted increase. The All Asia Capital report upon which the Union relies to support its position
regarding the wage issue cannot be an accurate basis and conclusive determinant of the
Union leave - 40 days (typo error) 30 days rate of wage increase. Section 45 of Rule 130 Rules of Evidence provides:
Commercial lists and the like. — Evidence of statements of matters of interest to file employees within the community. It should be noted that the relations between labor
persons engaged in an occupation contained in a list, register, periodical, or and capital is impressed with public interest which must yield to the common
other published compilation is admissible as tending to prove the truth of any good.11 Neither party should act oppressively against the other or impair the interest or
relevant matter so stated if that compilation is published for use by persons convenience of the public.12Besides, matters of salary increases are part of management
engaged in that occupation and is generally used and relied upon by them prerogative.13
On the retroactivity of the CBA arbitral award, it is well to recall that this petition had its
Under the afore-quoted rule, statement of matters contained in a periodical, may be origin in the renegotiation of the parties' 1992-1997 CBA insofar as the last two-year
admitted only "if that compilation is published for use by persons engaged in that period thereof is concerned. When the Secretary of Labor assumed jurisdiction and
occupation and is generally used and relied upon by them therein." As correctly held in our granted the arbitral awards, there was no question that these arbitral awards were to be
Decision dated January 27, 1999, the cited report is a mere newspaper account and not given retroactive effect. However, the parties dispute the reckoning period when
even a commercial list. At most, it is but an analysis or opinion which carries no retroaction shall commence. Petitioner claims that the award should retroact only from
persuasive weight for purposes of this case as no sufficient figures to support it were such time that the Secretary of Labor rendered the award, invoking the 1995 decision in
presented. Neither did anybody testify to its accuracy. It cannot be said that businessmen Pier 8 case14 where the Court, citing Union of Filipino Employees v. NLRC,15 said:
generally rely on news items such as this in their occupation. Besides, no evidence was
presented that the publication was regularly prepared by a person in touch with the market The assailed resolution which incorporated the CBA to be signed by the parties
and that it is generally regarded as trustworthy and reliable. Absent extrinsic proof of their was promulgated on June 5, 1989, the expiry date of the past CBA. Based on the
accuracy, these reports are not admissible.6 In the same manner, newspapers containing provision of Section 253-A, its retroactivity should be agreed upon by the parties.
stock quotations are not admissible in evidence when the source of the reports is But since no agreement to that effect was made, public respondent did not abuse
available.7 With more reason, mere analyses or projections of such reports cannot be its discretion in giving the said CBA a prospective effect. The action of the public
admitted. In particular, the source of the report in this case can be easily made available respondent is within the ambit of its authority vested by existing law.
considering that the same is necessary for compliance with certain governmental
On the other hand, the Union argues that the award should retroact to such time granted
by the Secretary, citing the 1993 decision of St. Luke's.16
Nonetheless, by petitioner's own allegations, its actual total net income for 1996 was P5.1
billion.8 An estimate by the All Asia financial analyst stated that petitioner's net operating
income for the same year was about P5.7 billion, a figure which the Union relies on to Finally, the effectivity of the Order of January 28, 1991, must retroact to the date
support its claim. Assuming without admitting the truth thereof, the figure is higher than the of the expiration of the previous CBA, contrary to the position of petitioner. Under
P4.171 billion allegedly suggested by petitioner as its projected net operating income. The the circumstances of the case, Article 253-A cannot be properly applied to herein
P5.7 billion which was the Secretary's basis for granting the P2,200.00 is higher than the case. As correctly stated by public respondent in his assailed Order of April 12,
actual net income of P5.1 billion admitted by petitioner. It would be proper then to increase 1991 dismissing petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration —
this Court's award of P1,900.00 to P2,000.00 for the two years of the CBA award. For
1992, the agreed CBA wage increase for rank-and-file was P1,400.00 and was reduced to Anent the alleged lack of basis for the retroactivity provisions awarded;
P1,350.00; for 1993; further reduced to P1,150.00 for 1994. For supervisory employees, we would stress that the provision of law invoked by the Hospital, Article
the agreed wage increase for the years 1992-1994 are P1,742.50, P1,682.50 and 253-A of the Labor Code, speaks of agreements by and between the
P1,442.50, respectively. Based on the foregoing figures, the P2,000.00 increase for the parties, and not arbitral awards . . .
two-year period awarded to the rank-and-file is much higher than the highest increase
granted to supervisory employees.9 As mentioned in the January 27, 1999 Decision, the Therefore, in the absence of a specific provision of law prohibiting retroactivity of
Court does "not seek to enumerate in this decision the factors that should affect wage the effectivity of arbitral awards issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to
determination" because collective bargaining disputes particularly those affecting the Article 263(g) of the Labor Code, such as herein involved, public respondent is
national interest and public service "requires due consideration and proper balancing of deemed vested with plenary and discretionary powers to determine the effectivity
the interests of the parties to the dispute and of those who might be affected by the thereof.
dispute."10 The Court takes judicial notice that the new amounts granted herein are
significantly higher than the weighted average salary currently enjoyed by other rank-and-
In the 1997 case of Mindanao Terminal,17 the Court applied the St. Luke's doctrine and said six-month period. The agreement of the parties need not be categorically stated for
ruled that: their acts may be considered in determining the duration of retroactivity. In this
connection, the Court considers the letter of petitioner's Chairman of the Board and its
In St. Luke's Medical Center v. Torres, a deadlock also developed during the President addressed to their stockholders, which states that the CBA "for the rank-and-file
CBA negotiations between management and the union. The Secretary of Labor employees covering the period December 1, 1995 to November 30, 1997 is still with the
assumed jurisdiction and ordered the retroaction of the CBA to the date of Supreme Court,"20 as indicative of petitioner's recognition that the CBA award covers the
expiration of the previous CBA. As in this case, it was alleged that the Secretary said period. Earlier, petitioner's negotiating panel transmitted to the Union a copy of its
of Labor gravely abused its discretion in making his award retroactive. In proposed CBA covering the same period inclusive. 21 In addition, petitioner does not
dismissing this contention this Court held: dispute the allegation that in the past CBA arbitral awards, the Secretary granted
retroactivity commencing from the period immediately following the last day of the expired
CBA. Thus, by petitioner's own actions, the Court sees no reason to retroact the subject
Therefore, in the absence of a specific provision of law prohibiting CBA awards to a different date. The period is herein set at two (2) years from December
retroactive of the effectivity of arbitral awards issued by the Secretary of 1, 1995 to November 30, 1997.
Labor pursuant to Article 263(g) of the Labor Code, such as herein
involved, public respondent is deemed vested with plenary and
discretionary powers to determine the effectivity thereof. On the allegation concerning the grant of loan to a cooperative, there is no merit in the
union's claim that it is no different from housing loans granted by the employer. The award
of loans for housing is justified because it pertains to a basic necessity of life. It is part of a
The Court in the January 27, 1999 Decision, stated that the CBA shall be "effective for a privilege recognized by the employer and allowed by law. In contrast, providing seed
period of 2 years counted from December 28, 1996 up to December 27, 1999." money for the establishment of the employee's cooperative is a matter in which the
Parenthetically, this actually covers a three-year period. Labor laws are silent as to when employer has no business interest or legal obligation. Courts should not be utilized as a
an arbitral award in a labor dispute where the Secretary had assumed jurisdiction by virtue tool to compel any person to grant loans to another nor to force parties to undertake an
of Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code shall retroact. In general, a CBA negotiated within six obligation without justification. On the contrary, it is the government that has the obligation
months after the expiration of the existing CBA retroacts to the day immediately following to render financial assistance to cooperatives and the Cooperative Code does not make it
such date and if agreed thereafter, the effectivity depends on the agreement of the an obligation of the employer or any private individual. 22
parties.18 On the other hand, the law is silent as to the retroactivity of a CBA arbitral award
or that granted not by virtue of the mutual agreement of the parties but by intervention of
the government. Despite the silence of the law, the Court rules herein that CBA arbitral Anent the 40-day union leave, the Court finds that the same is a typographical error. In
awards granted after six months from the expiration of the last CBA shall retroact to such order to avoid any confusion, it is herein declared that the union leave is only thirty (30)
time agreed upon by both employer and the employees or their union. Absent such an days as granted by the Secretary of Labor and affirmed in the Decision of this Court.
agreement as to retroactivity, the award shall retroact to the first day after the six-month
period following the expiration of the last day of the CBA should there be one. In the The added requirement of consultation imposed by the Secretary in cases of contracting
absence of a CBA, the Secretary's determination of the date of retroactivity as part of his out for six (6) months or more has been rejected by the Court. Suffice it to say that the
discretionary powers over arbitral awards shall control. employer is allowed to contract out services for six months or more. However, a line must
be drawn between management prerogatives regarding business operationsper se and
It is true that an arbitral award cannot per se be categorized as an agreement voluntarily those which affect the rights of employees, and in treating the latter, the employer should
entered into by the parties because it requires the interference and imposing power of the see to it that its employees are at least properly informed of its decision or modes of action
State thru the Secretary of Labor when he assumes jurisdiction. However, the arbitral in order to attain a harmonious labor-management relationship and enlighten the workers
award can be considered as an approximation of a collective bargaining agreement which concerning their rights.23 Hiring of workers is within the employer's inherent freedom to
would otherwise have been entered into by the parties.19 The terms or periods set forth in regulate and is a valid exercise of its management prerogative subject only to special laws
Article 253-A pertains explicitly to a CBA. But there is nothing that would prevent its and agreements on the matter and the fair standards of justice. 24 The management cannot
application by analogy to an arbitral award by the Secretary considering the absence of an be denied the faculty of promoting efficiency and attaining economy by a study of what
applicable law. Under Article 253-A: "(I)f any such agreement is entered into beyond six units are essential for its operation. It has the ultimate determination of whether services
months, the parties shall agree on the duration of retroactivity thereof." In other words, the should be performed by its personnel or contracted to outside agencies. While there
law contemplates retroactivity whether the agreement be entered into before or after the should be mutual consultation, eventually deference is to be paid to what management
decides.25 Contracting out of services is an exercise of business judgment or management
prerogative.26 Absent proof that management acted in a malicious or arbitrary manner, the
Court will not interfere with the exercise of judgment by an employer.27 As mentioned in
the January 27, 1999 Decision, the law already sufficiently regulates this
matter.28 Jurisprudence also provides adequate limitations, such that the employer must
be motivated by good faith and the contracting out should not be resorted to circumvent
the law or must not have been the result of malicious or arbitrary actions. 29 These are
matters that may be categorically determined only when an actual suit on the matter

WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration is PARTIALLY GRANTED and the assailed
Decision is MODIFIED as follows: (1) the arbitral award shall retroact from December 1,
1995 to November 30, 1997; and (2) the award of wage is increased from the original
amount of One Thousand Nine Hundred Pesos (P1,900.00) to Two Thousand Pesos
(P2,000.00) for the years 1995 and 1996. This Resolution is subject to the monetary
advances granted by petitioner to its rank-and-file employees during the pendency of this
case assuming such advances had actually been distributed to them. The assailed
Decision is AFFIRMED in all other respects.

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