01 Midterms Reviewer
01 Midterms Reviewer
01 Midterms Reviewer
The provincias had the Alcalde The provincias were set up for
Mayor, who also presides over the convenience of
the provincial court (composed administration and constituted
of the assessor and the notary) the immediate agencies
through which the central
government can extend its
authority on numerous villages.
The alcaldes mayores
(governors) were appointed by
the Spanish Gov.-Gen.
Under Martial Law The 1973 CONSTI provided for a The 1973 CONSTI allowed the
separate Article on Local President to continue the
Government, mandating exercise of legislative power,
Congress to pass a local including the power to create,
government code. divide, merge, abolish and later
the boundaries of LGU’s.
An Integrated Reorganization
Plan was accomplished (through The martial law regime also
the first martial law presidential renamed some of the LGU’s:
decree) resulting into the barangays for barrios and
delineation of the Philippines sanggunian for council.
into 11 regions and the
establishment of the Dept. of
Local Government and
Community Development. To
the DLGCD was delegated the
President’s power of general
supervision over local
Aquino Administration The new Local Government (De Guzman’s article ends with
Code was enacted in 1991. the drafting of the 1987
While somewhat a watered- CONSTI)
down version of its author’s
original proposal, it still
considered as a landmark piece
of legislation.
of five basic services – health,
agriculture, social welfare,
public works, and environment
and natural resources.
2. Quasi-Municipal Corporation - Criteria to determine whether a
another term for a Quasi- corporation is municipal or quasi-
corporation; they are created as municipal:
agencies of the State for a narrow
and limited purpose. They are • Voluntary or involuntary nature of the
sometimes “involuntary” corporation
corporations and are only local
organizations which, for purpose of • Existence or nonexistence of a charter
civil administration, are invested
• Whether the purpose of the corporation is
with few characteristics of corporate
solely as a governmental agency or one for
existence. They consist of various
local government areas established
to aid in the administration of public Distinction between municipal
functions. (examples: counties corporation proper and public
school districts, fire districts, corporation
hospital districts water districts,
etc.) All municipal corporations are public
corporations but not all public corporations are
municipal corporations. (“Public corporation” is
a broader category)
D. Dual Nature
Civil Code defines a person as either natural or 3. General Powers and Attributes
juridical. The state and its subdivisions i.e.
LGU’s are juridical persons. Thus, LGU’s are (See Secs. 6-24 of the LGC; they will be
not excluded from EIS law. thoroughly discussed later in the
Section 1 of EIS law intends to implement
state policy to achieve a balance between
socio-economic development and III. GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES
environmental protection. The Whereas clause
of the same law stresses that this balance can 1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 1. The
only be achieved through a comprehensive territorial and political subdivisions of the
and integrated program where all the sectors Republic of the Philippines are the provinces,
of the community – government and private – cities, municipalities, and barangays. There
are involved. Thus, LGU’s as part of the shall be autonomous regions in Muslim
machinery of the government cannot be Mindanao and the Cordilleras as hereinafter
deemed outside the scope of the EIS law. provided.
HOWEVER, since it is clear that the said
• Congress cannot simply pass a law to
project is not classified as environmentally
create another territorial and political
critical nor within critical area, DENR has no
subdivision other than those exclusively
choice but to issue the CNC. It is a ministerial
listed in this provision. A constitutional
duty that can be compelled by a writ of
amendment is required to do so.
GD-R: Ma’am believes that Environmental • NOTE: Only the ARMM (RA 6734) was
protection is still not fully devolved therefore successfully created and approved in a
Congress still oversees it closely. Hence, the plebiscite. The proposed CAR (RA 6766)
title of the case: “Republic vs. City of Davao”. was rejected in the plebiscite held in the
said region.
elective officials, shall be independent of the communities and make them more effective
province. The voters of component cities partners in the attainment of national goals.
within a province, whose charters contain no Toward this end, the State shall provide for a
such prohibition, shall not be deprived of their more responsive and accountable local
right to vote for elective provincial officials. government structure instituted through a
system of decentralization whereby local
PIMENTEL: government units shall be given more powers,
• This system of classification is based upon authority, responsibilities, and resources. The
the cities’ regular annual income, which process of decentralization shall proceed from
would tend to show WON a city is capable the national government to the local
of existence and development as a government units.
relatively independent social, economic,
and political unit. It would also show (b) It is also the policy of the State to ensure
whether the city has sufficient economic or the accountability of local government units
industrial activity as to warrant its through the institution of effective
independence from the province where it is mechanisms of recall, initiative and
geographically situated. Cities with smaller referendum.
income need the continued support of the
provincial government thus justifying the (c) It is likewise the policy of the State to
continued participation of the voters in the require all national agencies and offices to
election of provincial officials in some conduct periodic consultations with
instances. (Ceniza vs. COMELEC) appropriate local government units, non-
governmental and people's organizations, and
other concerned sectors of the community
• The practice of allowing voters in one
before any project or program is implemented
component city to vote for provincial
in their respective jurisdictions.
officials and denying the same privilege to
voters in another component city is a
matter of legislative discretion which PIMENTEL:
violates neither the Constitution (equal • This is basically a reiteration of the most
protection) nor the voter's right of suffrage. important policies on local autonomy
(supra) enshrined in the CONSTI:
(e) Provinces with respect to component cities (m) The national government shall ensure
and municipalities, and cities and that decentralization contributes to the
municipalities with respect to component continuing improvement of the performance of
barangays, shall ensure that the acts of their local government units and the quality of
component units are within the scope of their community life.
prescribed powers and functions;
(f) Local government units may group • These provisions are meant to:
themselves, consolidate or coordinate their
− guide the national government in
formulating and implementing • The national officials, offices or agencies
policies and measures on local mentioned in this provision refers to those
autonomy and decentralization whose personnel and functions are
− give leverage to local officials to devolved and discharged to appropriate
enable them to monitor and, to LGU’s (example: DSWD, DOH, DA, DOT,
some extent, demand the DILG, DENR – to the extent that its shares
implementation of decentralization. with the LGU’s functions relating to
• Section 12, Article X of the Constitution is
explicit in that aside from highly-urbanized LGC, SEC. 5. Rules of Interpretation. - In
cities, component cities whose charters the interpretation of the provisions of this
prohibit their voters from voting for Code, the following rules shall apply:
provincial elective officials are independent
of the province. In the same provision, it (a) Any provision on a power of a local
provides for other component cities within government unit shall be liberally interpreted
a province whose charters do not provide a in its favor, and in case of doubt, any question
similar prohibition. (Abella vs. COMELEC) thereon shall be resolved in favor of devolution
Hence, cities are classified into highly of powers and of the lower local government
urbanized, component and independent unit. Any fair and reasonable doubt as to the
component. existence of the power shall be interpreted in
favor of the local government unit concerned;
• Before the effectivity of the LGC, the
protection of the environment was lodged (b) In case of doubt, any tax ordinance or
in the DENR. Now, this duty is shared by revenue measure shall be construed strictly
the national government with the LGU’s against the local government unit enacting it,
(example: mandatory consultations) and liberally in favor of the taxpayer. Any tax
exemption, incentive or relief granted by any
HOWEVER, the LGU’s must not supplant or local government unit pursuant to the
negate the national government policies on provisions of this Code shall be construed
environment. strictly against the person claiming it.
• Modernization and development of the (c) The general welfare provisions in this Code
nation must be tempered with a concern shall be liberally interpreted to give more
for sound ecology and wholesome powers to local government units in
environment. accelerating economic development and
upgrading the quality of life for the people in
the community;
LGC, SEC. 4. Scope of Application. - This
Code shall apply to all provinces, cities,
(d) Rights and obligations existing on the date
municipalities, barangays, and other political
of effectivity of this Code and arising out of
subdivisions as may be created by law, and, to
contracts or any other source of prestation
the extent herein provided, to officials, offices,
involving a local government unit shall be
or agencies of the national government.
governed by the original terms and conditions
of said contracts or the law in force at the time
such rights were vested; and
• “Other political subdivisions” – refers to
special metropolitan areas and (e) In the resolution of controversies arising
autonomous political units. (NOTE: The under this Code where no legal provision or
ARMM is covered by the LGC until they jurisprudence applies, resort may be had to
shall have enacted their own Local the customs and traditions in the place where
Government Code) the controversies take place.
consists of the Supreme Court and the
PIMENTEL: lower courts which have been established
• Interpretation comes into play only when by law.
the law does not speak in clear and
categorical language. (Saculdito vs.
• Section 1 directed all government is merely temporary (pending assessment &
departments and agencies, including LGUs, evaluation by DBCC), it is equivalent to a
to reduce total expenditures for the year holdback, which means “something held back
by at least 25%. or withheld, often temporarily.” Hence, the
temporary nature of the retention by the
• Section 4 provided that the amount national government does not matter. Any
equivalent to 10% of the internal revenue retention is prohibited.
allotment to LGUs shall be withheld
pending the assessment and evaluation by Moreover, there are several requisites before
the Development Budget Coordinating the President may interfere in local fiscal
Committee of the emerging fiscal situation. matters: (1) an unmanaged public sector
deficit of the national government; (2)
AO 43 was issued by President Estrada when consultations with the presiding officers of the
he assumed office. This reduced the amount Senate and the HOR and the presidents of the
withheld to 5%. various local leagues; and (3) the
corresponding recommendation of the
Pimentel sought to annul Sections 1 & 4 of secretaries of the Department of Finance,
Administrative Order No. 372. He argues that Interior and Local Government, and Budget
the president would in effect exercise the and Management. Furthermore, any
power of control over LGU’s, when only adjustment in the allotment shall in no case be
supervision is allowed by the CONSTI. less than thirty percent (30%) of the collection
of national internal revenue taxes of the third
The Solicitor General contended that this was fiscal year preceding the current one.
issued to alleviate economic difficulties, that
Under the Philippine concept of local
the AO merely “directs” LGUs to reduce their
autonomy, only administrative powers over
expenditures and that the 10% withholding is
local affairs are delegated to political
only temporary.
subdivisions. To enable the country to develop
as a whole, the programs and policies effected
WON the said sections of the AO are valid
locally must be integrated and coordinated
exercises of the President's power of
towards a common national goal. Thus, policy-
general supervision over local
setting for the entire country still lies in the
President and Congress. Municipal
governments are still agents of the national
HELD: YES for Section 1. While the
wordings of Sec. 1 have a rather commanding
San Juan vs. CSC
tone, and while the requirements of the LGC
(Sec. 284) have not been satisfied, the
directive to implement measures that will
FACTS: Gov. San Juan appointed Santos as
reduce total expenditures by 25% is merely
Acting PBO (Provincial Budget Officer) of Rizal
advisory in character, and does not constitute
Province and informed DBM Region IV Director,
a mandatory or binding order that interferes
asking him to endorse the appointment.
with local autonomy. All concerned could do
However, the Director recommended the
well to heed this advisory. It is understood,
appointment of Almajose as PBO since she is
however, that no legal sanction may be
the only CPA among the contenders. DBM
imposed upon LGUs and their officials who do
Usec. signed the appointment papers of
not follow such advice.
Almajose without the knowledge of Gov. San
Juan. The new Reg. IV Director informed Gov.
NO for Section 4. A basic feature of local
San Juan that Santos was not qualified and
fiscal autonomy is the automatic release of the
asked that he submit 3 other nominees.
shares of the LGUs in the national revenue.
However, Gov. San Juan learned of Almajoses’s
This is mandated by the Constitution and the
appointment by the Usec and filed a letter-
LGC. Although what is provided for in Section 4
protest with the DBM Secretary. DBM ruled 1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 4. The
that letter-protest is not meritorious. MFR was President of the Philippines shall exercise
denied. Thus, Gov. San Juan appealed to Civil general supervision over local governments.
Service Commission (CSC) which issued a Provinces with respect to component cities and
resolution dismissing Gov. San Juan’s claim. municipalities, and cities and municipalities
with respect to component barangays, shall
WON the DBM can appoint another ensure that the acts of their component units
person if the governor recommend an are within the scope of their prescribed powers
unqualified person to the position of and functions.
Provincial Budget Officer.
HELD: NO. The DBM cannot appoint anyone it
• NOTE: Supervision, not control! The
wants when the recomendee of the Governor President even has to exercise such power
is unqualified.
through the larger LGU’s WRT their
component LGU’s. This power is part of the
The issue involves the application of a most
system of checks and balances.
important constitutional policy and principle,
− Supervision means overseeing or
that of local autonomy. The clear mandate on
the authority of an officer to see
local autonomy must be obeyed. Where a law
that the subordinate officers
is capable of two interpretations, one in
perform their duties. The
favor of centralized power in Malacañang
President's power of general
and the other beneficial to local
supervision means no more than
autonomy, the scales must be weighed in
the power of ensuring that laws are
favor of autonomy.
faithfully executed, or that
subordinate officers act within the
When CSC interpreted the recommending
law. Supervision is not incompatible
power of the Provincial Governor as purely
with discipline. (Joson vs. Executive
directory, it went against the letter and spirit
of the constitutional provisions on local
autonomy. If the DBM Secretary jealously − Supervision is not a meaningless
hoards the entirety of budgetary powers and thing. It is an active power. It is
ignores the right of local governments to certainly not without limitation, but
develop self-reliance and resoluteness in the it at least implies authority to
handling of their own funds, the goal of inquire into facts and conditions
meaningful local autonomy is frustrated and (investigation) in order to render
set back. the power real and effective. If
supervision is to be conscientious
The DBM may appoint only from the list of and rational, and not automatic and
qualified recommendees nominated by the brutal, it must be founded upon a
Governor. If none is qualified, he must return knowledge of actual facts and
the list of nominees to the Governor explaining conditions disclosed after careful
why no one meets the legal requirements and study and investigation. (Planas vs.
ask for new recommendees who have the Gil)
necessary eligibilities and qualifications. − Control, on the other hand, "means
the power of an officer to alter or
Our national officials should not only comply modify or nullify or set aside what a
with the constitutional provisions on local subordinate had done in the
autonomy but should also appreciate the performance of their duties and to
spirit of liberty upon which these provisions substitute the judgment of the
are based. former for that of the latter.”
(Pimentel vs. Aguirre, San Juan vs.
deprive the legislature of all authority over
Ganzon vs. CA municipal corporations, in particular,
(1991) concerning discipline. the deletion of "as may
be provided by law" was meant to stress, sub
FACTS: A series of administrative complaints, silencio, the objective of the framers to
ten in number, was filed against Mayor Ganzon strengthen local autonomy by severing
by various city officials, on various charges, congressional control of its affairs, as observed
among them, abuse of authority, oppression, by the Court of Appeals, like the power of local
grave misconduct, disgraceful and immoral legislation. The Constitution did nothing more,
conduct, intimidation, culpable violation of the however, and insofar as existing legislation
Constitution, and arbitrary detention. authorizes the President (through the
Secretary of Local Government) to proceed
Finding probable grounds and reasons, the against local officials administratively, the
DILG Secretary issued a preventive suspension Constitution contains no prohibition.
order for a period of sixty days. In the other
case, he ordered Guanzon's second preventive It is noteworthy that under the Charter, "local
suspension for another sixty (60) days. autonomy" is not instantly self-executing, but
subject to, among other things, the passage of
Amidst the two successive suspensions, Mayor a local government code, a local tax law,
Ganzon instituted an action for prohibition income distribution legislation, and a national
against the respondent in the RTC. Presently, representation law, and measures designed
he instituted an action for prohibition, in the to realize autonomy at the local level. It is also
respondent CA. Meanwhile, the DILG Secretary noteworthy that in spite of autonomy, the
issued another order, preventively suspending Constitution places the local government
Mayor Ganzon for another sixty days, the third under the general supervision of the
time in twenty months, and designating Executive. It is noteworthy finally, that the
meantime the Vice-Mayor as acting mayor. Charter allows Congress to include in the local
Undaunted, Mayor Ganzon commenced before government code provisions for removal of
the CA, a petition for prohibition. However, the local officials, which suggest that Congress
CA dismissed all the cases. Ganzon cries foul, may exercise removal powers, and as the
arguing that he was denied due process and existing Local Government Code has done,
that the President has no power to investigate delegate its exercise to the President.
or suspend local officials because of the
deletion of a clause in the present CONSTI. In resume the Court is laying down the
following rules:
Whether or not the DILG Secretary, as 1. Local autonomy, under the
the President's alter ego, can suspend Constitution, involves a mere
and/or remove local officials. decentralization of administration, not
of power, in which local officials remain
HELD: YES. Notwithstanding the change in accountable to the central government
the constitutional language, the charter did in the manner the law may provide;
not intend to divest the legislature of its right 2. The new Constitution does not
or the President of her prerogative as prescribe federalism;
conferred by existing legislation to provide 3. The change in constitutional language
administrative sanctions against local officials. (with respect to the supervision clause)
It is our opinion that the omission (of "as may was meant but to deny legislative
be provided by law") signifies nothing more control over local governments; it did
than to underscore local governments' not exempt the latter from legislative
autonomy from congress and to break regulations provided regulation is
Congress' "control" over local government consistent with the fundamental
affairs. The Constitution did not, however, premise of autonomy;
intend, for the sake of local autonomy, to
4. Since local governments remain within a province, whose charters contain no
accountable to the national authority, such prohibition, shall not be deprived of their
the latter may, by law, and in the right to vote for elective provincial officials.
manner set forth therein, impose
disciplinary action against local Tan v COMELEC
officials; and (1986)
5. "Supervision" and "investigation" are
not inconsistent terms; "investigation" FACTS: BP 885 was passed (“An Act Creating
does not signify "control" (which the the Province of Negros del Norte.”) Tan et al.,
President does not have). who are residents of the Province of Negros
Occidental, filed with the SC a case for
HOWEVER: While the President, through the Prohibition for the purpose of stopping
DILG Secretary is not precluded from respondents COMELEC from conducting the
exercising a legal power, it appears that the plebiscite, required by the said law. The BP
DILG is exercised such power oppressively and provided that the plebiscite was to be
with a grave abuse of discretion. What bothers conducted 120 days from the approval of the
the Court, and what indeed looms very large, Act and that the President was to appoint the
is the fact that since the Mayor is facing ten first officials.
administrative charges, the Mayor is in fact
facing the possibility of 600 days of Tan et al. contend that BP 885 is
suspension, in the event that all ten cases unconstitutional and it is not in complete
yield prima facie findings. The Court is not of accord with the Local Government Code. The
course tolerating misfeasance in public office Constitution states that no province, city,
(assuming that Ganzon is guilty of municipality, or barrio may be created,
misfeasance) but it is certainly another divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries
question to make him serve 600 days of substantially altered, except in accordance
suspension, which is effectively, to suspend with the criteria established in the Local
him out of office. Government Code, subject to approval by a
majority of votes cast in a plebiscite. The LGC
1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 11. The set as a standard that a province must have at
Congress may, by law, create special least 3,500 square kilometers as its territory.
metropolitan political subdivisions, subject to a
plebiscite as set forth in Section 10 hereof. The The Solicitor General argued that BP 885
component cities and municipalities shall enjoys a presumption of legality and that the
retain their basic autonomy and shall be question is moot since the province of Negros
entitled to their own local executive and del Norte had already been proclaimed after
legislative assemblies. The jurisdiction of the the plebiscite which was held (notwithstanding
metropolitan authority that will thereby be the case) confined only to the inhabitants of
created shall be limited to basic services the territory of Negros del Norte, to the
requiring coordination. exclusion of the voters from the rest of the
province of Negros Occidental (parent
1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 12. Cities HELD: NO. Considering that the legality of the
that are highly urbanized, as determined by plebiscite itself is challenged for non-
law, and component cities whose charters compliance with constitutional requisites, the
prohibit their voters from voting for provincial fact that such plebiscite had been held and a
elective officials, shall be independent of the new province proclaimed and its officials
province. The voters of component cities
appointed, this case cannot truly be viewed as square kilometers. The Court rejected the
already moot and academic. suggestion of the Solicitor General that even
the area of the EEZ should be considered in
It can be plainly seen from Section 3 of Article determining the territorial requirement.
XI of the 1973 CONSTI makes it imperative
that there be first obtained "the approval of a Cordillera Broad Coalition v. COA
majority of votes in the plebiscite in the unit or (1990)
units affected" whenever a province is
created, divided or merged and there is FACTS: After the 1996 EDSA Revolution,
substantial alteration of the boundaries. It is Balweg, broke off on ideological grounds from
thus inescapable to conclude that the the CPP-NPA. After President Aquino was
boundaries of the existing province of Negros installed into office, she advocated a policy of
Occidental would necessarily be substantially national reconciliation. The Cordillera People’s
altered by the division of its existing Liberation Army (CPLA) heeded this call.
boundaries in order that there can be created Aqiuno and Balweg arrived at a joint
the proposed new province of Negros del agreement to draft an Executive Order to
Norte. Plain and simple logic will demonstrate create a preparatory body that could perform
that two political units would be affected. The policy-making and administrative functions
first would be the parent province of Negros and undertake consultations and studies
Occidental because its boundaries would be leading to a draft organic act for the
substantially altered. The other affected entity Cordilleras. Pursuant to the joint agreement,
would be composed of those in the area E.O. 220, creating the Cordillera Administrative
subtracted from the mother province to Region (CAR) was signed into law.
constitute the proposed province of Negros del
Norte. During the pendency of this case, R.A. No.
6766 (Organic Act of CAR) was enacted and
The Court noted that the case of Paredes vs. signed into law. The Act recognizes the CAR
Executive Secretary, which involved the and the offices and agencies created under
creation of a new municipality where the E.O. 220 and its transitory nature is reinforced.
parent unit was not involved, could not be Cordillera Broad Coalition assailed E.O. 220 on
considered as a precedent. The reasons in this the primary ground that the President pre-
case invoked by respondents herein were empts the enactment of an organic act by
formerly considered acceptable because of the Congress and the approval of such act through
views then taken that local autonomy would a plebiscite.
be better promoted. However, even this
consideration no longer retains persuasive WON E.O. 220 was invalid based on the
value. That case involved a barangay while grounds stated.
this case involves a province.
HELD: NO. EO 220 does not create the
Almost half of the sugar plantations would be autonomous region contemplated in the
dismembered form the parent province and Constitution. It merely provides for transitory
some of its most important cities. Hence, the measures in anticipation of the enactment of
remaining portion of the parent province is as an organic act and the creation of an
much an area affected. The substantial autonomous region. In short, it prepares the
alteration of the boundaries of the parent ground for autonomy. This does not
province, not to mention the other adverse necessarily conflict with the provisions of the
economic effects it might suffer, eloquently Constitution on autonomous regions. The
argue the points raised by the petitioners. complex procedure for the creation of an
autonomous region in the Cordilleras will take
The SC also considered the new province as time. The President, in 1987 still exercising
lacking in the territory requirement since the legislative powers, as the first Congress had
land mass of the new territory was only 2,856 not yet convened, saw it fit to provide for
some measures to address the urgent needs of
the Cordilleras in the meantime that the On the other hand, the creation of autonomous
organic act had not yet been passed and the regions in Muslim Mindanao and the
autonomous region created. These measures Cordilleras, which is peculiar to the 1987
are in E.O. No. 220, and they do not violate the Constitution contemplates the grant of political
Constitution. autonomy and not just administrative
autonomy these regions. Thus, the provision in
The bodies created by E.O. 220 do not the Constitution for an autonomous regional
supplant the existing local governmental government with a basic structure consisting
structure, nor are they autonomous of an executive department and a legislative
government agencies. They merely constitute assembly and special courts with personal,
the mechanism for an "umbrella" that brings family and property law jurisdiction in each of
together the existing local governments, the the autonomous regions
agencies of the National Government, the
ethno-linguistic groups or tribes, and NGOs in GD-R: In relation to the ARMM, what does
a concerted effort to spur development in the the CONSTI envision, when it refers to
Cordilleras. local autonomy and decentralization? The
following are excerpts from Disomangcop vs.
Neither did E.O. 220 contravene the Datumanong (2004):
Constitution by creating a new territorial and
political subdivision. The CAR is not a public In Cordillera Broad Coalition v. Commission on
corporation or a territorial and political Audit, the Court, with the same composition,
subdivision. It does not have a separate ruled without any dissent that the creation of
juridical personality, unlike provinces, cities autonomous regions contemplates the grant of
and municipalities. Neither is it vested with the political autonomy—an autonomy which is
powers that are normally granted to public greater than the administrative autonomy
corporations (the power to sue and be sued, granted to local government units. It held that
the power to own and dispose of property, the "the constitutional guarantee of local
power to create its own sources of revenue, autonomy in the Constitution (Art. X, Sec. 2)
etc.). The CAR was created primarily to refers to administrative autonomy of local
coordinate the planning and implementation of government units or, cast in more technical
programs and services in the covered areas. language, the decentralization of government
authority…. On the other hand, the creation of
The CAR is in the same genre as the autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and
administrative regions created under the the Cordilleras, which is peculiar to the 1987
Reorganization Plan, albeit under E.O. No. 220. Constitution, contemplates the grant of
The operation of the CAR requires the political autonomy and not just administrative
participation not only of the line departments autonomy to these regions.”
and agencies of the National Government but And by regional autonomy, the framers
also the local governments, ethno-linguistic intended it to mean "meaningful and authentic
groups and NGOs in bringing about the desired regional autonomy." As articulated by a
objectives and the appropriation of funds Muslim author, substantial and meaningful
solely for that purpose. autonomy is "the kind of local self-government
which allows the people of the region or area
Nor is E.O. 220 diminished the local autonomy the power to determine what is best for their
of the covered provinces and city. It must be growth and development without undue
clarified that the constitutional guarantee of interference or dictation from the central
local autonomy in the Constitution refers to government.”
the administrative autonomy of local
government units or, cast in more technical To this end, Section 16, Article X, limits the
language, the decentralization of government power of the President over autonomous
authority. regions. In essence, the provision also curtails
the power of Congress over autonomous decision-making by sub-national units.
regions. Consequently, Congress will have to It is typically a delegated power,
re-examine national laws and make sure that wherein a larger government chooses
they reflect the Constitution's adherence to to delegate certain authority to more
local autonomy. And in case of conflicts, the local governments.
underlying spirit which should guide its
resolution is the Constitution's desire for Decentralization differs intrinsically
genuine local autonomy. from federalism in that the sub-units
that have been authorized to act (by
The aim of the Constitution is to extend to the delegation) do not possess any claim of
autonomous peoples, the people of Muslim right against the central government.
Mindanao in this case, the right to self-
determination—a right to choose their own Decentralization comes in two forms—
path of development; the right to determine deconcentration and devolution.
the political, cultural and economic content of Deconcentration is administrative in
their development path within the framework nature; it involves the transfer of
of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of functions or the delegation of authority
the Philippine Republic. Self-determination and responsibility from the national
refers to the need for a political structure that office to the regional and local offices.
will respect the autonomous peoples' This mode of decentralization is also
uniqueness and grant them sufficient room for referred to as administrative
self-expression and self-construction. decentralization.
FACTS: The Sangguniang Pampook, in − The P.D. mandates that the President shall
defiance of their Speaker’s (Limbona) advice, have the power of general supervision and
held a session and voted to declare the control over Autonomous Regions
position of Speaker vacant. Limbona filed an − The Sangguniang Pampook, their
action in the Court. Pending said action, legislative arm, is made to discharge
Limbona was expelled from the Sangguniang chiefly administrative services.
Pampook on the ground that he authorized the
payment of salaries and emoluments to a Upon the facts presented, the SC held that the
certain Abdula without authority from the November 2 and 5, 1987 sessions were invalid
Assembly. The Sanggunian members assail the since at the time the petitioner called the
jurisdiction of the SC, relying on their "recess," it was not a settled matter whether
autonomy. or not he could. do so. In the second place, the
invitation tendered by the Committee on
WON the so-called autonomous Muslim Affairs of the House of Representatives
governments of Mindanao, as they are provided a plausible reason for the
now constituted, subject to the intermission sought. Thirdly, assuming that a
jurisdiction of the national courts. valid recess could not be called, it does not
appear that the respondents called his
HELD: YES. Autonomy is either attention to this mistake. What appears is that
decentralization of administration or instead, they opened the sessions themselves
decentralization of power. behind his back in an apparent act of mutiny.
Under the circumstances, we find equity on his
(1) in decentralization of administration – side. For this reason, the SC upheld the
an autonomous government is under the "recess" called on the ground of good faith.
supervision of the national government acting
through the president (and the DILG)
IV. CREATION OF MUNICIPAL WON the Executive Orders were valid.
HELD: NO. When Republic Act No. 2370
A. Nature of the Power to Create became effective, barrios may "not be created
Municipal Corporations or their boundaries altered nor their names
changed" except by Act of Congress or of the
MARTIN: corresponding provincial board "upon petition
• It is essentially legislative, exclusive of a majority of the voters in the areas
and practically unlimited. In the absence of affected" and the "recommendation of the
any constitutional restriction, Congress council of the municipality or municipalities in
may create any kind of corporation it which the proposed barrio is situated."
deems essential for the more efficient
administration of civil government. The Auditor General claims that a new
municipality can be created without creating
• In the absence of a constitutional new barrios, such as, by placing old barrios
provision permitting it, such power cannot under the jurisdiction of the new municipality.
be delegated by Congress to any inferior
and subordinate tribunal or board. − This theory overlooks, that the
statutory denial of the presidential
HOWEVER: There is no undue delegation of authority to create a new barrio implies
legislative power when Congress passes a a negation of the bigger power to
general law for the incorporation of create municipalities, each of which
municipal corporations, giving conditions consists of several barrios. Founded
on which they may be created, and upon logic and experience, it cannot be
determining whether such conditions exist. offset except by a clear manifestation
of the intent of Congress to the
Pelaez vs. Auditor General contrary, and no such manifestation,
(1965) subsequent to the passage of Republic
Act No. 2370 has been brought to our
FACTS: From Sept 4 - Oct 29,1964 the attention.
President of the Philippines, purporting to act
pursuant to Sec 68 of the Revised The Auditor General alleges that the power of
Administrative Code of 1917, issued EO’s 93 to the President to create municipalities under
121, 124 and 126 to 129, creating 33 section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code
municipalities. Soon after V.P. Pelaez instituted does not amount to an undue delegation of
an action against the Auditor General, to legislative power, relying upon the allegedly
restrain him from passing in audit any settled case of Municipality of Cardona vs.
expenditure of public funds in implementation Municipality of Binañgonan (36 Phil. 547).
of said executive orders and/or any − Such claim is untenable, for said case
disbursement by said municipalities. Pelaez involved, not the creation of a new
alleges that the EOs are null and void, upon municipality, but a mere transfer of
the ground that said Section 68 has been territory — from an already existing
impliedly repealed by RA 2370 (Barrio Charter municipality (Cardona) to another
Act) and constitutes an undue delegation of municipality (Binañgonan), likewise,
legislative power. He contends that according existing at the time of and prior to said
to the said law, barrios may not be created transfer in consequence of the fixing
except upon Act of Congress or of the and definition, pursuant to Act No.
corresponding provincial board upon petition 1748, of the common boundaries of two
of a majority of the voters in the areas municipalities.
affected. Hence, logically, the president cannot
create municipalities, too. It is obvious, however, that the power to fix
such common boundary, in order to avoid or
settle conflicts of jurisdiction between the ground of lack of legal personality of the
adjoining municipalities, may partake of an Municipality of Sto. Tomas.
administrative nature but the authority to
create municipal corporations is essentially WON the Municipality of Sto. Tomas
legislative in nature. legally exists.
Although Congress may delegate to another HELD: NO. Rule 3, Section 1 of the Rules of
branch of the government the power to fill in Court expressly provides that only "entities
the details in the execution, enforcement or authorized by law may be patties in a civil
administration of a law, it is essential, to action." Now then, as ruled in the Pelaez case,
forestall a violation of the principle of the President has no power to create a
separation of powers, that said law: (a) be municipality. Since private respondent has no
complete in itself — it must set forth therein legal personality, it can not be a party to any
the policy to be executed, carried out or civil action, and as such, the case should have
implemented by the delegate — and (b) fix a been dismissed, since further proceedings
standard — the limits of which are sufficiently would be pointless.
determinate or determinable — to which the
delegate must conform in the performance of B. Creation of Municipal Corporations
his functions. Section 68 of the Revised
Administrative Code does not meet these 1. Constitutional provisions
requirements for a valid delegation of the
power to fix the details in the enforcement of a 1987 CONSTI, Art. X
law. Even if it did not entail an undue
Section 1. The territorial and political
delegation of legislative powers, as it certainly
subdivisions of the Republic of the Philippines
does, said Section 68, as part of the Revised
are the provinces, cities, municipalities, and
Administrative Code, approved on March 10,
barangays. There shall be autonomous regions
1917, must be deemed repealed by the
in Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras as
subsequent adoption of the Constitution, in
hereinafter provided.
1935, which is utterly incompatible and
inconsistent with said statutory enactment. Section 10. No province, city, municipality, or
barangay may be created, divided, merged,
Municipality of Kapalong vs. Moya abolished, or its boundary substantially
(1988) altered, except in accordance with the criteria
established in the local government code and
FACTS: From portions of the Municipality of subject to approval by a majority of the votes
Kapalong, President Carlos P. Garcia created cast in a plebiscite in the political units directly
respondent Municipality of Sto.Tomas, and the affected.
latter now asserts jurisdiction over eight (8)
barrios of Kapalong. For many years and on
several occasions, this conflict of boundaries Section 11. The Congress may, by law, create
between the two municipalities was brought, special metropolitan political subdivisions,
at the instance of private respondent, to the subject to a plebiscite as set forth in Section
Provincial Board of Davao for it to consider and 10 hereof. The component cities and
decide. However, it appears that no action was municipalities shall retain their basic
taken on the same. The Municipality of Sto. autonomy and shall be entitled to their own
Tomas eventually filed a complaint with the local executive and legislative assemblies. The
then Court of First Instance of Davao, presided jurisdiction of the metropolitan authority that
over by herein public respondent Judge Felix L. will thereby be created shall be limited to
Moya against the Municipality of Kapalong, for basic services requiring coordination.
settlement of the municipal boundary dispute.
The Municipality of Kapalong filed a MTD on 1987 CONSTI, Art. X
2. Statutory provisions verifiable indicators of viability and projected
capacity to provide services, to wit:
LGC, SEC. 6. Authority to Create Local
Government Units. - A local government unit (a) Income. - It must be sufficient, based on
may be created, divided, merged, abolished, acceptable standards, to provide for all
or its boundaries substantially altered either essential government facilities and services
by law enacted by Congress in the case of a and special functions commensurate with the
province, city, municipality, or any other size of its population, as expected of the local
political subdivision, or by ordinance passed by government unit concerned;
the sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
panlungsod concerned in the case of a (b) Population. - It shall be determined as the
barangay located within its territorial total number of inhabitants within the
jurisdiction, subject to such limitations and territorial jurisdiction of the local government
requirements prescribed in this Code. unit concerned; and
• Congress is lodged with the power to (c) Land Area. - It must be contiguous, unless
create LGU’s but it is not authorized to add it comprises two or more islands or is
to the list enumerated in Section 1 of separated by a local government unit
Article X of the CONSTI by mere legislation. independent of the others; properly identified
by metes and bounds with technical
• The Sangguniang Panlalawigan and the descriptions; and sufficient to provide for such
Sangguniang Panlungsod are granted basic services and facilities to meet the
authority to create, divide, merge or requirements of its populace. Compliance with
abolish barangays in their respective the foregoing indicators shall be attested to by
jurisdictions; but not the Sangguiniang the Department of Finance (DOF), the National
Bayan nor the barangay council! Statistics Office (NSO), and the Lands
Management Bureau (LMB) of the Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
• The absence of the Local Government
Code at the time of the enactment of an
Act creating a municipality did not curtail PIMENTEL:
nor was it intended to cripple legislative Annual Populati Land
competence to create municipal Income on (this Area (this
requireme requireme
corporations. It contains no requirement
nt is in the nt is in the
that the Local Government Code is a
alternative alternative
condition sine qua non for the creation of a with the with the
municipality, in much the same way that land area population
the creation of a new municipality does not requireme requireme
preclude the enactment of a LGC. nt in nt in
provinces provinces
Hence, before the enactment of such Code, and cities) and cities)
the legislative power remains plenary Province Php 20M 250000 2000
except that the creation of the new local km2
government unit should be approved by City Php 150000 100 km2
the people concerned in a plebiscite called 100M
for the purpose. (Torralba vs. Municipality (RA
of SIbagat) 9009)
Municipa Php 25000 50 km2
lity 2.5M
LGC, SEC. 7. Creation and Conversion. - As
Baranga No 5000 (in No
a general rule, the creation of a local
y require Metro requirem
government unit or its conversion from one
ment (its Manila ent
level to another level shall be based on
viability and other
becomes metropoli − Interested LGU’s shall submit a
the tan petition, in the form of a resolution,
obligation subdivisio to their respective sanggunians
of the ns); or requesting the creation of a new
body 2000 (in LGU to Congress, and furnish a copy
creating others) thereof to the sanggunian of the
it) affected LGU’s.
− The sanggunian of the affected
• “Average annual income” includes any LGU’s shall submit to Congress its
income accruing to the general fund but is comments and recommendations
exclusive of special funds, special accounts on the petition for the creation of a
transfers and nonrecurring income. new LGU.
− The following documents shall be
Special funds refer to those that are attached to the petition for creation:
created for a special purpose or object and DOF certification regarding
used to meet specified expenditures or income
classes of expenditures.
NSO certification regarding
Fund transfers refer to those that are
population. In the case of
transferred from one item to another,
cities and municipalities, the
usually to the general fund.
NSO must also certify as to
the number and nature of
Nonrecurring items refer to those that
existing industrial and
cover particular purposes and are not
commercial establishments
regularly included in the normal
in the proposed LGU.
expenditures of an LGU.
LMB certification regarding
land area. In case of cities
• The word “land area” replaced the word
and municipalities, the LMB
“territory” in the old LGC, to emphasize
must also certify as to
that the area required of an LGU does not
adequacy of disposable and
include the sea for purposes of compliance
alienable public lands in the
with the requirements of the Code for its
proposed LGU to meet the
creation. (Tan vs. COMELEC)
needs of the population and
the existence of:
• GEN RULE: The land area must be 1. Government center
contiguous. 2. Market site
3. Plaza or park
EXCEPT: (1) when it comprises of two or 4. School site
more islands; and (2) when another LGU is 5. Cemetery site
located in between parts of the LGU Map of the original LGU/s
concerned. indicating the areas to be
created into a new LGU
• ALSO, the creation of a new province, city Such other information as
or municipality must not so reduce the the petitioners may deem
income, population, or land area of the relevant.
original political subdivision as to render
In case of cities and
such parent LGU ineffectual in the delivery
municipalities, a LWUA or
of essential governmental functions.
MWSS certification regarding
sources of potable water
• PROCEDURE FOR CREATION OF supply and a local engineer’s
PROVINCES, CITIES, MUNICIPALITIES plans as to sewerage and
waste disposal are also within 30 days before the proposed
required. plebiscite.
− Upon effectivity of the law creating − The COMELEC shall conduct an
the new LGU, the COMELEC shall intensive information campaign in
conduct an intensive information the LGU’s concerned at least 10
campaign in the LGU’s concerned at days prior to the date of the
least 20 days prior to the date of plebiscite.
the plebiscite, as scheduled by the
COMELEC. • The Sanggunian of the different LGU’s may
− Upon effectivity of the law creating send petitions to Congress to propose the
the new LGU, plebiscite in the LGU/s creation of provinces, cities, or
directly affected within 120 days or municipalities.
within the period specified in the
law. HOWEVER, such petitions are not
requirements, EXCEPT where barangays
• PROCEDURE FOR CREATION OF are sought to be created by the
BARANGAYS (LGC IRR) Sangguniang Panlalawigan.
− A written petition of a majority of
registered voters, or resolutions of • Barangays may be merged or consolidated
the Sanggunian Barangays desiring by an ordinance based on a merger or
to be merged, as the case may be, consolidation plan prepared by the
shall be presented to the governor or mayor as the case may be.
Sanggunian Panlalawigan (upon
recommendation of the Sanggunian • Conversion is the elevation of an LGU
Bayan) or the Sanggunian from one level to another. The requirement
Panlungsod, for appropriate action. for conversion is the same as the
In case of municipalities in MM, such requirements for creation.
petitions or resolutions are to be
submitted to Congress. LGC, SEC. 385. Manner of Creation [of
− The following documents shall be Barangays] - A barangay may be created, divided,
attached to the petition for creation: merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially
altered, by law or by an ordinance of the
NSO certification regarding
sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
population. panlungsod, subject to approval by a majority of the
Map of the original LGU/s votes cast in a plebiscite to be conducted by the
indicating the areas to be Comelec in the local government unit or units
created into a new LGU directly affected within such period of time as may
− The Sanggunian Barangay of the be determined by the law or ordinance creating said
barangay. In the case of the creation of barangays
affected barangays shall submit to
by the sangguniang panlalawigan, the
the Sanggunian Bayan its
recommendation of the sangguniang bayan
comments and recommendations concerned shall be necessary.
on the petition for the creation of a
new LGU within 20 days after
receipt thereof.
− The Sangguniang Panlalawigan or SEC. 441. Manner of Creation [of
Panlungsod shall, within 15 days Municipalities]. - A municipality may be created,
from submission of the petition, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary
substantially altered only by an Act of Congress and
take action granting (2/3 votes) or subject to the approval by a majority of the votes
denying the petition. The COMELEC cast in a plebiscite to be conducted by the
must be furnished a copy of the COMELEC in the local government unit or units
ordinance creating the barangay directly affected. Except as may otherwise be
provided in the said Act, the plebiscite shall be held
within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date Act, the plebiscite shall be held within one
of its effectivity. hundred twenty (120) days from the date of its
SEC. 442. Requisites for Creation [of
Municipalities]. –
SEC. 450. Requisites for Creation. –
(a) A municipality may be created if it has an
average annual income, as certified by the (a) A municipality or a cluster of barangays
provincial treasurer, of at least Two million five may be converted into a component city if it
hundred thousand pesos (Php 2,500,000.00) for the
has an average annual income, as certified by
last two (2) consecutive years based on the 1991
constant prices; a population of at least twenty-five the Department of Finance, of at least Twenty
thousand (25,000) inhabitants as certified by the million pesos (P20,000,000.00) for the last two
National Statistics Office; and a contiguous territory (2) consecutive years based on 1991 constant
of at least fifty (50) square kilometers as certified prices, and if it has either of the following
by the Lands Management Bureau: Provided, That requisites:
the creation thereof shall not reduce the land area,
population or income of the original municipality or
(i) a contiguous territory of at least one
municipalities at the time of said creation to less
than the minimum requirements prescribed herein.
hundred (100) square kilometers, as certified
by the Lands Management Bureau; or,
(b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created
municipality shall be properly identified by metes (ii) a population of not less than one hundred
and bounds. The requirement on land area shall not fifty thousand (150,000) inhabitants, as
apply where the municipality proposed to be certified by the National Statistics Office:
created is composed of one (1) or more islands. The
Provided, That, the creation thereof shall not
territory need not be contiguous if it comprises two
(2) or more islands.
reduce the land area, population, and income
of the original unit or units at the time of said
(c) The average annual income shall include the creation to less than the minimum
income accruing to the general fund of the requirements prescribed herein.
municipality concerned, exclusive of special funds,
transfers and non-recurring income. (b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-
created city shall be properly identified by
(d) Municipalities existing as of the date of the
effectivity of this Code shall continue to exist and
metes and bounds. The requirement on land
operate as such. Existing municipal districts area shall not apply where the city proposed to
organized pursuant to presidential issuances or be created is composed of one (1) or more
executive orders and which have their respective islands. The territory need not be contiguous if
set of elective municipal officials holding office at it comprises two (2) or more islands.
the time of the effectivity of this Code shall
henceforth be considered as regular municipalities. (c) The average annual income shall include
the income accruing to the general fund,
PIMENTEL: exclusive of special funds, transfers, and non-
• The requisites for the creation of recurring income.
municipalities shall not apply retroactively.
• Section 442 (d) has the effect of declaring PIMENTEL:
as regular and de jure those municipal • RA 9009 increased the income
districts described therein. requirement (from Php 20M to Php
100M) so as to prevent the apparent
LGC ease of converting of all of our
municipalities into cities.
SEC. 449. Manner of Creation. - A city may
be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its • The requirement that the territorial
boundary substantially altered, only by an Act jurisdiction of a newly-created city shall
of Congress, and subject to approval by a be properly identified by metes and
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite to be bounds is not absolute, particularly in
conducted by the Comelec in the local cases of LGU’s with unsettled boundary
government unit or units directly affected. disputes.
Except as may otherwise be provided in such
The existence of a boundary dispute exclusive of special funds, trust funds,
does not per se present an transfers, and non-recurring income.
insurmountable difficulty which will
prevent Congress from defining with
reasonable certitude the territorial
jurisdiction of a local government unit.
(Mariano, Jr. vs. COMELEC)
(ii) a population of not less than two hundred During the pendency of these cases (May 2001
fifty thousand (250,000) inhabitants as elections), the newly-created Sorsogon City
certified by the National Statistics Office: had the first election of its officials. Since then,
the City Government of Sorsogon has been
Provided, That, the creation thereof shall not regularly discharging its corporate and political
reduce the land area, population, and income powers pursuant to its charter, R.A. No. 8806.
of the original unit or units at the time of said
creation to less than the minimum WON the creation of the city of Sorsogon was
requirements prescribed herein. valid.
(b) The territory need not be contiguous if it Held: YES. RA 8806 is constitutional and
comprises two (2) or more islands or is plebiscite valid. Petitioner's constricted
separated by a chartered city or cities which reading of Section 450(a) of the Code is
do not contribute to the income of the erroneous. The phrase "A municipality or a
province. cluster of barangays may be converted into a
component city" is not a criterion but simply
(c) The average annual income shall include one of the modes by which a city may be
the income accruing to the general fund, created. Section 10, Article X of the
Constitution, allows the merger of local the effectivity of the law, not from its approval.
government units to create a province city, While the same provision allows a law or
municipality or barangay in accordance with ordinance to fix "another date" for conducting
the criteria established by the Code. a plebiscite, still such date must be reckoned
from the date of the effectivity of the law.
Cawaling’s argument that the Municipality of
Sorsogon alone already qualifies to be 3. The Revised Administrative Code of
upgraded to a component city goes into the 1917
wisdom of R.A. No. 8806, is a matter which the
SC is not competent to rule. It is clear that "the The (Governor-General) President of the Philippines
judiciary does not pass upon questions of may by executive order define the boundary, or
wisdom, justice or expediency of legislation." boundaries, of any province, subprovince,
In the exercise of judicial power, the SC is municipality, [township] municipal district, or other
political subdivision, and increase or diminish the
allowed only "to settle actual controversies
territory comprised therein, may divide any
involving rights which are legally demandable
province into one or more subprovinces, separate
and enforceable," and "may not annul an act any political division other than a province, into
of the political departments simply because such portions as may be required, merge any of
the SC feels it is unwise or impractical”. such subdivisions or portions with another, name
any new subdivision so created, and may change
Contrary to petitioner's assertion, there is only the seat of government within any subdivision to
one subject embraced in the title of the law, such place therein as the public welfare may
that is, the creation of the City of Sorsogon. require: Provided, That the authorization of the
The abolition / cessation of the corporate (Philippine Legislature) Congress of the Philippines
shall first be obtained whenever the boundary of
existence of the Municipalities of Bacon and
any province or subprovince is to be defined or any
Sorsogon due to their merger is not a subject
province is to be divided into one or more
separate and distinct from the creation of subprovinces. When action by the (Governor-
Sorsogon City. Such abolition / cessation was General) President of the Philippines in accordance
but the logical, natural and inevitable herewith makes necessary a change of the territory
consequence of the merger. It is well-settled under the jurisdiction of any administrative officer
that the "one title-one subject" rule does not or any judicial officer, the (Governor-General)
require the Congress to employ in the title of President of the Philippines, with the
the enactment language of such precision as recommendation and advice of the head of the
Department having executive control of such
to mirror, fully index or catalogue all the
officer, shall redistrict the territory of the several
contents and the minute details therein. The
officers affected and assign such officers to the new
rule is sufficiently complied with if the title is districts so formed.
comprehensive enough as to include the
general object which the statute seeks to Upon the changing of the limits of political divisions
effect, and where, as here, the persons in pursuance of the foregoing authority, an
interested are informed of the nature, scope equitable distribution of the funds and obligations of
and consequences of the proposed law and its the divisions thereby affected shall be made in such
operation. Moreover, this Court has invariably manner as may be recommended by the (Insular
Auditor) Auditor General and approved by the
adopted a liberal rather than technical
(Governor-General) President of the Philippines.
construction of the rule "so as not to cripple or
impede legislation."
Pelaez vs. Auditor General
The 120-day period within which to conduct
the plebiscite starts from the date of Act’s
HELD: Section 68 of the RAC is VOID. The
effectivity (i.e., after publication in at least two
Auditor General alleges that the power of the
(2) newspapers of general and local
President to create municipalities under
circulation). Quite plainly, the last sentence of
section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code
Section 10 mandates that the plebiscite shall
does not amount to an undue delegation of
be conducted within 120 days from the date of
legislative power, relying upon the allegedly 4. Municipal corporation by
settled case of Municipality of Cardona vs. prescription
Municipality of Binañgonan (36 Phil. 547).
− Such claim is untenable, for said case MARTIN: (See also Sec. 442, par. d)
involved, not the creation of a new • Municipal corporations may exist by
municipality, but a mere transfer of prescription. Its existence shall be
territory — from an already existing presumed where it is presumed that the
municipality (Cardona) to another community claimed and exercised
municipality (Binañgonan), likewise, corporate functions, with knowledge and
existing at the time of and prior to said acquiescence of legislature, without
transfer in consequence of the fixing interruption or objection over a period long
and definition, pursuant to Act No. enough to afford title by prescription.
1748, of the common boundaries of two
municipalities. 5. De facto municipal corporations
WON a municipality, created under a void
executive order, can be considered as HOWEVER, it is admitted that, where the
having no juridical personality. corporation is an absolute nullity, it is
subject to collateral attack by any person
HELD: NO. The petitioner commenced its whose rights or interests are affected
collateral attack on the juridical personality of thereby, including the citizens of the
the respondent on 19 January 1984 (35 yrs territory incorporated UNLESS they are
after its creation in 1949). The Municipality of estopped by their conduct from doing so.
Alicia was created by EO 265, or ten years
ahead of the Municipality of San Andres, and • A person, who dealt with a municipal
had been in existence for 16 years when corporation and acquiesced in the exercise
Pelaez decision was promulgated. Various of it corporate functions or entered into a
governmental acts through the years all contract with said corporation, may be
indicate the State’s recognition and estopped to deny its corporate existence.
acknowledgement of its existence. For
instance, under Administrative Order No. 33 7. Beginning of corporate existence
above-mentioned, the Municipality of Alicia of municipal corporations
was covered by the 7th Municipal Circuit Court
of Alicia-Mabini for the province of Bohol. LGC, SEC. 14. Beginning of Corporate
Likewise, under the Ordinance appended to Existence. - When a new local government
the 1987 Constitution, the Municipality of unit is created, its corporate existence shall
Alicia is one of twenty municipalities commence upon the election and qualification
comprising the Third District of Bohol. Alicia of its chief executive and a majority of the
must benefit from the effects of Sec. 422 (d) of members of its sanggunian, unless some other
the LGC and should be considered a regular, time is fixed therefor by the law or ordinance
de jure municipality. creating it.
1. Necessity for defining territorial (c) Land Area. - It must be contiguous, unless
boundaries it comprises two or more islands or is
separated by a local government unit
1987 CONSTI, ARTICLE I independent of the others; properly identified
The national territory comprises the Philippine by metes and bounds with technical
archipelago, with all the islands and waters descriptions; and sufficient to provide for such
embraced therein, and all other territories over basic services and facilities to meet the
which the Philippines has sovereignty or requirements of its populace. Compliance with
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial the foregoing indicators shall be attested to by
and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the Department of Finance (DOF), the National
the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, Statistics Office (NSO), and the Lands
and other submarine areas. The waters Management Bureau (LMB) of the Department
around, between, and connecting the islands of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth
and dimensions, form part of the internal SEC. 8. Division and Merger. - Division and
waters of the Philippines. merger of existinglocal government units shall
comply with the same requirements herein
prescribed for their creation: Provided,
• Since municipal corporations cannot,
however, That such division shall not reduce
without legal authorization, exercise its
the income, population, or land area of the
powers beyond its own corporate limits, it
local government unit or units concerned to
less than the minimum requirements • Abolition may be done through an act of
prescribed in this Code: Provided, further, That Congress (in the case of a province, city,
the income classification of the original local municipality, barangay in Metro Manila or
government unit or units shall not fall below its in cultural areas or any other political
current income classification prior to such subdivision) or by the Sangguniang
division. Panlalawigan or Sangguniang Panlungsod
(in the case of barangays)
The income classification of local government
units shall be updated within six (6) months LGC, SEC. 10. Plebiscite Requirement. -
from the effectivity of this Code to reflect the No creation, division, merger, abolition, or
changes in their financial position resulting substantial alteration of boundaries of local
from the increased revenues as provided government units shall take effect unless
herein. approved by a majority of the votes cast in a
plebiscite called for the purpose in the political
PIMENTEL: unit or units directly affected. Said plebiscite
• The requirements for division and merger shall be conducted by the Commission on
of LGU’s are essentially the same as the Elections (Comelec) within one hundred twenty
requirements for their creation. The (120) days from the date of effectivity of the
bottomline of these requirements is that law or ordinance effecting such action, unless
the LGU’s created, divided or merged are said law or ordinance fixes another date.
able to deliver the essential services to
their constituents.
1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 10. No
• The updating of the financial classification province, city, municipality, or barangay may
of the LGU’s is necessary to guide the be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its
government in determining changes in the boundary substantially altered, except in
staffing patterns and salary scales of such accordance with the criteria established in the
LGU’s. local government code and subject to approval
by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
NOTE: Upgrading theses financial in the political units directly affected.
classifications are essential, since an LGU’s
taxation powers increase as its MARTIN:
classification rises. • The Court does not have the power to
dissolve municipal corporations. However,
LGC, SEC. 9. Abolition of Local it may declare an Act creating municipal
Government Units. - A local government unit corporations as unconstitutional.
may be abolished when its income, population,
or land area has been irreversibly reduced to • The power to dissolve them still lies in the
less than the minimum standards prescribed Legislature. (GD-R: It is not automatic!)
for its creation under Book III of this Code, as
certified by the national agencies mentioned in C. Effects
Section 17 hereof to Congress or to the
sanggunian concerned, as the case may be. 1. Effects of annexation or
consolidation of municipal
The law or ordinance abolishing a local corporations
government unit shall specify the province,
city, municipality, or barangay with which the MARTIN:
local government unit sought to be abolished a) Unless otherwise provided by law, it
will be incorporated or merged. dissolves the annexed territory, and it shall
fall under the jurisdiction of the annexing
PIMENTEL: territory;
civilly dead, since its dormant functions
b) Unless otherwise provided by law, laws or may be revived without action on the part
ordinances of annexed corporation is of the sovereignty.
subjected to all laws or ordinances by
which annexing corporation is governed; 2. Failure to elect municipal officers
Absent any express legislative declaration, requiring a plebiscite in the merger of local
there is no reason to suppose that government units because the requirement
reincorporation intended to permit an escape of a plebiscite in a merger expressly
from the obligations of the old city. applies only to provinces, cities,
municipalities or barangays, not to
VI. PLEBISCITE REQUIREMENTS administrative regions. (Abbas vs.
1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 10. No
province, city, municipality, or barangay may
be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its
boundary substantially altered, except in Padilla vs. COMELEC
accordance with the criteria established in the (1992)
local government code and subject to approval
by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite FACTS: The COMELEC promulgated a
in the political units directly affected. Resolution pursuant to RA 7155 approving the
creation of the Municipality of Tulay-na-Lupa in
LGC, SEC. 10. Plebiscite Requirement. - Camarines Norte to be composed of 12
No creation, division, merger, abolition, or barangays in the Municipality of Labo subject
substantial alteration of boundaries of local to the approval by a majority of votes cast
government units shall take effect unless pursuant to Sec 10, Art X of 1987 Constitution,
approved by a majority of the votes cast in a and LGC.
plebiscite called for the purpose in the political
unit or units directly affected. Said plebiscite The plebiscite held in the barangays
shall be conducted by the Commission on comprising the proposed municipality and the
Elections (COMELEC) within one hundred remaining areas of the mother municipality
twenty (120) days from the date of effectivity Labo. Only 2,890 favored the creation of the
of the law or ordinance effecting such action, new municipality while 3,439 voted against it.
unless said law or ordinance fixes another The Plebiscite Board of Canvassers declared
date. the rejection and disapproval of the proposed
municipality after the turn-out where a
PIMENTEL: majority voted against the creation.
• This requirement is mandatory. It serves as
a check on the power of Congress or of the Governor Padilla files an action to set aside the
LGU concerned to carry out such actions. plebiscite conducted and to undertake a new
one, arguing that the plebiscite should have
been conducted only in the 12 barangays
• There is no need for a plebiscite in the case
comprising the proposed municipality.
of merging administrative regions.
Administrative regions are not territorial
WON the term “political units directly
and political subdivisions like provinces,
affected” only comprises those areas in
cities, municipalities and barangays. While
the proposed LGU and not those from the
the power to merge administrative regions
mother LGU.
is not expressly provided for in the
Constitution, it is a power which has
HELD: NO. Padilla’s contention that Art X,
traditionally been lodged with the
Section 10 has deleted the words “unit or” in
President to facilitate the exercise of the
Section 3, Art XI of the 1973 Constitution is
power of general supervision over local
untenable. As explained by CONCOM
Commissioner Davide during the 1986
CONCOM debates, the deletion of the said
There is no conflict between the power of
words was done precisely because in the
the President to merge administrative
plebiscite to be conducted, it must involve all
regions with the constitutional provision
the units affected. When the law states that
the plebiscite shall be conducted “in the parent unit was not involved, could not be
political units directly affected,” it means that considered as a precedent. The reasons in this
residents of the political entity who would be case invoked by respondents herein were
economically dislocated by the separation of a formerly considered acceptable because of the
portion thereof have a right to vote in said views then taken that local autonomy would
plebiscite. be better promoted. However, even this
consideration no longer retains persuasive
It stands to reason that when the law states value. That case involved a barangay while
that the plebiscite shall be conducted “in the this case involves a province.
political units directly affected,” it means that
residents of the political entity who would be Almost half of the sugar plantations would be
economically dislocated by the separation dismembered form the parent province and
have a right to vote. The phrase “political units some of its most important cities. Hence, the
directly affected” contemplates the plurality of remaining portion of the parent province is as
political units which would participate in the much an area affected. The substantial
exercise. alteration of the boundaries of the parent
province, not to mention the other adverse
economic effects it might suffer, eloquently
argue the points raised by the petitioners.
The Court noted that the case of Paredes vs. The Solicitor General argued that the RA
Executive Secretary, which involved the merely reclassified Santiago City from an
creation of a new municipality where the independent component city to a component
city. It allegedly did not involve any “creation, It is markworthy that when R.A. No. 7720
merger, abolition, or substantial alteration of upgraded the status of Santiago City from a
boundaries of local government units.” municipality to an independent component
city, it required the approval of its people thru
WON R.A. No. 8528 is unconstitutional for a plebiscite called for the purpose. There is
its failure to provide that the conversion neither rhyme nor reason why this plebiscite
of the city of Santiago from an should not be called to determine the will of
independent component city to a the people of Santiago City when R.A. No.
component city should be submitted to 8528 downgrades the status of their city.
its people in a proper plebiscite. Indeed, there is more reason to consult the
people when a law substantially diminishes
HELD: YES. A close analysis of the their right.
constitutional provision (Sec. 10 of Art. X) will
reveal that the creation, division, merger, Moreover, Rule II, Article 6, paragraph (f) (1) of
abolition or substantial alteration of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the
boundaries of local government units involve a Local Government Code is in accord with the
common denominator — material change in Constitution when it provides that:
the political and economic rights of the local
government units directly affected as well as (f) Plebiscite — (1) no creation, conversion,
the people therein. It is precisely for this division, merger, abolition, or substantial
reason that the Constitution requires the alteration of boundaries of LGUS shall take
approval of the people "in the political units effect unless approved by a majority of the
directly affected." Thus, the consent of the votes cast in a plebiscite called for the purpose
people of the local government unit directly in the LGU or LGUs affected. The plebiscite
affected was required to serve as a checking shall be conducted by the Commission on
mechanism to any exercise of legislative Elections (COMELEC) within one hundred
power creating, dividing, abolishing, merging twenty (120) days from the effectivity of the
or altering the boundaries of local government law or ordinance prescribing such action,
units. It is one instance where the people in unless said law or ordinance fixes another
their sovereign capacity decide on a matter date.
that affects them — direct democracy of the
people as opposed to democracy thru people's xxx xxx xxx
representatives. This plebiscite requirement is
also in accord with the philosophy of the The rules cover all conversions, whether
Constitution granting more autonomy to local upward or downward in character, so long as
government units. they result in a material change in the local
government unit directly affected, especially a
The changes that will result from the change in the political and economic rights of
downgrading of the city of Santiago from an its people.
independent component city to a component
city are many and cannot be characterized as Tobias vs. Abalos
insubstantial. For one, the independence of the (1994)
city as a political unit will be diminished. The
city mayor will be placed under the FACTS: The municipalities of Mandaluyong
administrative supervision of the provincial and San Juan belonged to only one legislative
governor. The resolutions and ordinances of district. Cong. Zamora, the incumbent
the city council of Santiago will have to be congressional representative of this legislative
reviewed by the Provincial Board of Isabela. district, sponsored the bill which eventually
Taxes that will be collected by the city will now became R.A. No. 7675, converting the
have to be shared with the province. municipality of Mandaluyong into a highly
urbanized city. The people of Mandaluyong
approved of the conversion of the Municipality
of Mandaluyong into a highly urbanized city in bereft of merit since the principal subject
a plebiscite only 14.41% of the voting involved in the plebiscite was the conversion
population voted. Nevertheless, 18,621 voted of Mandaluyong into a highly urbanized city.
"yes" whereas 7,911 voted "no." By virtue of The matter of separate district representation
these results, R.A. No. 7675 was deemed was only ancillary thereto. Thus, the
ratified and in effect. inhabitants of San Juan were properly excluded
from the said plebiscite as they had nothing to
Petitioners allege that the law isnembracing do with the change of status of neighboring
two principal subjects, namely: (1) the Mandaluyong.
conversion of Mandaluyong into a highly
urbanized city; and (2) the division of the VII. GENERAL POWERS OF LOCAL
congressional district of San Juan / GOVERNMENTS
Mandaluyong into two separate districts. This,
in effect, has resulted in an increase in the A. Police Power
composition of the House of Representatives
beyond that provided in Article VI, Sec. 5(1) of General Welfare
the Constitution.
LGC, SEC. 16. General Welfare. - Every
Petitioners also contend that the people of San local government unit shall exercise the
Juan should have been made to participate in powers expressly granted, those necessarily
the plebiscite on R.A. No. 7675 as the same implied therefrom, as well as powers
involved a change in their legislative district. necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its
efficient and effective governance, and those
WON RA 7657 is unconstitutional. which are essential to the promotion of the
general welfare. Within their respective
HELD: NO. The creation of a separate territorial jurisdictions, local government units
congressional district for Mandaluyong is not a shall ensure and support, among other things,
subject separate and distinct from the subject the preservation and enrichment of culture,
of its conversion into a highly urbanized city promote health and safety, enhance the right
but is a natural and logical consequence of its of the people to a balanced ecology,
conversion into a highly urbanized city. encourage and support the development of
appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
As to the contention that the assailed law technological capabilities, improve public
violates the present limit on the number of morals, enhance economic prosperity and
representatives as set forth in the social justice, promote full employment among
Constitution, a reading of the applicable their residents, maintain peace and order, and
provision, Article VI, Section 5(1), as preserve the comfort and convenience of their
aforequoted, shows that the present limit of inhabitants.
250 members is not absolute. The Constitution
clearly provides that the House of PIMENTEL:
Representatives shall be composed of not
• This provision is known as the General
more than 250 members, "unless otherwise Welfare Clause. Pursuant to this rule, LGU’s
provided by law." The inescapable import of
have the power to exercise just about any
the latter clause is that the present act that will benefit their constituencies.
composition of Congress may be increased, if
This clause has two branches:
Congress itself so mandates through a
− General legislative power -
legislative enactment. Therefore, the increase
authorizes the municipal council to
in congressional representation mandated by
enact ordinances not repugnant to
R.A. No. 7675 is not unconstitutional.
law, as may be necessary to carry
The contention that the people of San Juan into effect and discharge the
should have beein included in the plebiscite is powers and duties conferred upon
the municipal council by law.
− Police power proper - authorizes reasonably necessary for the attainment of
the municipal council to enact the object sought to be accomplished and
ordinances as may be necessary not unduly oppressive. The first
and proper for the health and requirement refers to the equal protection
safety, prosperity, morals, peace, clause and the second, to the due process
good order, comfort, and clause of the Constitution. (Parayno vs.
convenience of the municipality and Municipality of Calasiao)
its inhabitants, and for the
protection of their property. (Rural • In sum, the valid use of police power of
Bank of Makati vs. Makati) LGU’s are as follows:
− Promotion of the general welfare
• The State, through the legislature, has and public interest (US vs. Torribio);
delegated the exercise of police power to − Promotion of public health, morals,
local government units, as agencies of the safety and the general welfare of
State, in order to effectively accomplish each inhabitant (US vs. Gomez
and carry out the declared objects of their Jesus);
creation. This delegation of police power is − Preservation of public order and
embodied in the general welfare clause of prevention of offenses against the
the LGC. State and the establishment of rules
of good manners and prevention of
Police power as an inherent attribute of conflict of rights among neighbors
sovereignty is the power to prescribe (US vs. Pompeya);
regulations to promote the health, morals, − Prohibition of all things harmful to
peace, education, good order or safety and the comfort, safety, and welfare of
general welfare of the people. (Acebedo society (Rubi vs. Provincial Board);
Optical vs. CA) and
− Abatement of nuisance (Tatel vs.
• The exercise of police power, however, is Municipality of Virac).
subject to the due process clause of the
CONSTI and to the test of reasonableness. • NOTE: The abatement of a nuisance
without judicial proceedings is possible
Hence, while property may be regulated in only if it is a nuisance per se, or one
the interest of the general welfare, and in affecting the immediate safety of persons
its pursuit, the State may prohibit and property. (Parayno vs. Municipality of
structures offensive to the sight, the State Calasiao)
may not, under the guise of police power,
permanently divest owners of the • The operation of theaters, cinematographs
beneficial use of their property and and other places of public exhibition are
practically confiscate them solely to subject to regulation by the municipal
preserve or assure the aesthetic council in the exercise of delegated police
appearance of the community… without power by the local government… However,
just compensation and an opportunity to while it is true that a business may be
be heard. (People vs. Fajardo) regulated, it is equally true that such
regulation must be within the bounds of
A local government is considered to have reason, that is, the regulatory ordinance
properly exercised its police powers only must be reasonable, and its provisions
when the following requisites are met: cannot be oppressive amounting to an
(1) the interests of the public generally, as arbitrary interference with the business or
distinguished from those of a particular calling subject of regulation. A lawful
class, require the interference of the State; business or calling may not, under the
and (2) the means employed are guise of regulation, be unreasonably
interfered with even by the exercise of of such establishments. The lower court also
police power. (Balacuit vs. CFI of Agusan argues that under RA 938, as amended, “the
del Norte) municipal or city board or council of each
chartered city shall have the power to regulate
• A public plaza is beyond the commerce of and prohibit by ordinance, the establishment,
man and so cannot be the subject of lease maintenance and operation of night clubs,
or any other contractual undertaking. cabarets..”
Hence, the lease of a public plaza of the
said municipality in favor of a private WON a municipal corporation can prohibit
person is null and void Even assuming a the operation of night clubs and the
valid lease of the property in dispute, the employment of hostesses.
resolution could have effectively
terminated the agreement for it is settled HELD: NO. It cannot be said that such a
that the police power cannot be sweeping exercise of a lawmaking power by
surrendered or bargained away through Bocaue could qualify under the term
the medium of a contract. (Villanueva vs. reasonable. The objective of fostering public
Castañeda, Cavite vs. Rojas) morals, a worthy and desirable end can be
attained by a measure that does not
• While the ordinance which regulates the encompass too wide a field. Certainly the
exhumation and/or transfer of corpses from ordinance on its face is characterized by
other burial grounds to those located in the overbreadth. The purpose sought to be
City of Caloocan is within the legislative achieved could have been attained by
power of the respondent city government reasonable restrictions rather than by an
to enact, the imposition of the transfer fees absolute prohibition. The admonition in
under such ordinance, on the interment of Salaveria should be heeded: "The Judiciary
the respective dead relatives in the La should not lightly set aside legislative action
Loma cemetery, was not justified (Viray vs. when there is not a clear invasion of personal
City of Caloocan) or property rights under the guise of police
regulation." 16 It is clear that in the guise of a
police regulation, there was in this instance a
• An ordinance prohibiting pinball machines
clear invasion of personal or property rights,
was also held to be valid under the general
personal in the case of those individuals
welfare clause (Uy Ha vs. City of Manila)
desirous of patronizing those night clubs and
property in terms of the investments made
• The sanggunian of a municipality does not
and salaries to be earned by those therein
have contempt powers nor the power to
issue subpoena against non-members of
the sanggunian under the General Welfare
WRT RA 938, when such law was amended
clause. (Negros Oriental II Electric
(including the word “prohibit”) the title of the
Cooperative vs. Sangguniang Panlungsod
original law was not changed (AN ACT
of Dumaguete)
Dela Cruz vs. Paras
FACTS: The petitioners are assailing the
validity of an ordinance in Bocaue, Bulacan
mandates: "Every bill shall embrace only one
prohibiting the operation of night clubs and
subject which shall be expressed in the title
their employment of hostesses. The lower
thereof. " Since there is no dispute as the title
court, however, upheld the validity of such
limits the power to regulating, not prohibiting,
ordinances, arguing that by virtue of police
it would result in the statute being invalid if, as
power, the municipality can order the closure
was done by the Municipality of Bocaue, the
operation of a night club was prohibited. There It received a letter from acting mayor ordering
is a wide gap between the exercise of a full cessation of operation of its Sta. Maria
regulatory power "to provide for the health plant and requesting Plant Managaer to bring
and safety, promote the prosperity, improve to the office of the mayor several permits
the morals, in the language of the (Building Permit, Mayor’s Permit, and Pollution
Administrative Code, such competence of Environment and Natural Resources Anti-
extending to all "the great public needs, to Pollution Permit).
quote from Holmes, and to interdict any
calling, occupation, or enterprise. In As to the Anti-Pollution Permit, TDI tried to
accordance with the well-settled principle of secure it although it had previously secured
constitutional construction that between two before its operation a “Temporary Permit to
possible interpretations by one of which it will Operate Air Pollution Installation” issued by
be free from constitutional infirmity and by the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB).
other tainted by such grave defect, the former EMB is at a stage trying to determine correct
is to be preferred. A construction that would kind of anti-pollution device to be installed for
save rather than one that would affix the seal TDI’s renewal of its permit.
of doom certainly commends itself.
TDI didn’t have a mayor’s permit so it tried to
Reference is also made by respondents to secure one but it was not entertained. Mayor
Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators ordered padlocking of TDI’s plant premises
Association, Inc. v. City Mayor of Manila. There without previous and reasonable notice upon
is a misapprehension as to what was decided TDI.
by this Court. That was a regulatory measure.
Necessarily, there was no valid objection on TDI instituted an action with RTC. The
due process or equal protection grounds. It did provincial prosecutor submitted the following
not prohibit motels. It merely regulated the evidence:
mode in which it may conduct business in - Investigation report of the petitioner
order precisely to put an end to practices made by Marivic Guina recommending
which could encourage vice and immorality. that the manufacturing process and
This is an entirely different case. What was raw materials used by the factory
involved is a measure not embraced within the produced fumes that are hazardous to
regulatory power but an exercise of an health so the company must shut down
assumed power to prohibit. Moreover, while it until the proper air pollution device is
was pointed out in the aforesaid Ermita-Malate installed.
Hotel and Motel Operators Association, Inc. - Signatures of residents complaining
decision that there must be a factual about the pollution.
foundation of invalidity, it was likewise made - Letter addressed to Gov. Pagdanganan
clear that there is no need to satisfy such a complaining about the smoke.
requirement if a statute were void on its face.
That it certainly is if the power to enact such RTC ruled in favor of mayor. The CA affirmed.
ordinance is at the most dubious and under
the present Local Government Code non- WON the mayor validly acted within the
existent. limits of his police power.
FACTS: Manuel Uy & Sons, Inc. requested There is no grave abuse of discretion on the
Romulo del Rosario (city engineer of Manila) to part of the respondent City Engineer because
condemn the dilapidated structures located the orders were made only after thorough
Pedro Gil St. and Paz St., Paco, Manila, all ocular inspections were conducted by the
occupied by Chua Huat, et al (petitioners). The City's Building Inspectors. The results of the
city engineer issued notices of condemnation inspections were set forth in a memorandum
addressed to the petitioners. It stated that the dated 16 November 1982 where it was shown
buildings were found to be in dangerous that all the buildings had architectural,
condition and are therefore condemned. It also structural, sanitary, plumbing and electrical
said that the notice is not a demolition order defects of up to 80%.
since it is still subject to the approval of the
mayor. The orders were based on the The respondent Mayor's act of approving the
inspection reports made by Evaluation condemnation orders was likewise done in
Committee of the Office of the City Engineer. accordance with law. The protest made by
Petitioners protested such condemnation petitioners was submitted only on 22 February
notices, pointing to a certification by a private 1983, or three months after the notices of
civil engineer that the buildings are still condemnation were issued, and clearly beyond
structurally sound and have remaining the seven days prescribed under Section 276
economic life of up to eight years. The mayor of the Compilation of Ordinances of the City of
eventually ordered the demolition of the said Manila.
buildings. Hence, Chua Huat, et al. filed a
complaint in the court. Moreover, appeal was likewise available to
petitioners (fifteen-day period to the Secretary
of Public Works), which they did not do. Hence,
certiorari will not lie for failure to exhaust of the creation of the corporation, and as a
administrative remedies. general rule, municipal corporations may
exercise police powers within the fair intent
Binay vs. Domingo and purpose of their creation which are
(1991) reasonably proper to give effect to the powers
expressly granted, and statutes conferring
FACTS: The Municipal Council of Makati issued powers on public corporations have been
a Resolution confirming and/or ratifying the construed as empowering them to do things
ongoing burial assistance program initiated by essential to the enjoyment of life and desirable
the Office of the Mayor. Said resolution for the safety of the people.
provided for a burial assistance program
where qualified beneficiaries, who are Police power is the power to prescribe
bereaved families whose gross monthly regulations to promote the health, morals,
income does not exceed Php 2000 per month, peace, education, good order or safety and
are given 500 pesos cash relief. It will be general welfare of the people. It is the most
funded by the unappropriated available funds essential, insistent, and illimitable of powers.
in the municipal treasury. In a sense it is the greatest and most powerful
attribute of the government. It is elastic and
The Metro Manila Commission (MMC) approved must be responsive to various social
Resolution No. 60. Thereafter, the municipal conditions. On it depends the security of social
secretary certified a disbursement fund of order, the life and health of the citizen, the
P400, 000 for the implementation of the Burial comfort of an existence in a thickly populated
Assistance Program. The resolution was then community, the enjoyment of private and
referred to the Commission on Audit (COA) for social life, and the beneficial use of property,
its expected allowance in audit. However, COA, and it has been said to be the very foundation
after its preliminary findings, disapproved on which our social system rests.
Resolution No. 60 and disallowed in audit the
disbursement of funds for the implementation COA, in saying that there is no perceptible
thereof. Mayor Binay filed two letters for connection, tries to redefine the scope of
reconsideration. police power by circumscribing its exercise to
“public safety, general welfare, etc of the
COA denied both letters for reconsideration. inhabitants of Makati.” The police power of a
COA argues that there is no relation between municipal corporation is broad, and has been
the objective sought to be attained under said to be commensurate with, but not to
Resolution No. 60 and the alleged public safety exceed, the duty to provide for the real needs
and general welfare of the people of Makati. of the people in their health, safety, comfort,
Moreover, it is not for a public purpose. It only and convenience as consistently as may be
seeks to benefit a few individuals. with private rights. It extends to all the great
public needs, and, in a broad sense includes all
WON Resolution No. 60, re-enacted under legislation and almost every function of the
Resolution No. 243, of the Municipality of municipal government. It covers a wide scope
Makati is a valid exercise of police power of subjects, and, while it is especially occupied
under the general welfare clause. with whatever affects the peace, security,
health, morals, and general welfare of the
HELD: YES. Police power is inherent in the community, it is not limited thereto, but is
state but not in municipal corporations. Before broadened to deal with conditions which exists
a municipal corporation may exercise such so as to bring out of them the greatest welfare
power, there must be a valid delegation of of the people by promoting public convenience
such power by the legislature which is the or general prosperity, and to everything
repository of the inherent powers of the State. worthwhile for the preservation of comfort of
A valid delegation may arise from express the inhabitants of the corporation (62 C.J.S.
delegation, or be inferred from the mere fact Sec. 128). Thus, it is deemed inadvisable to
attempt to frame any definition which shall the exercise of its police power. It is a settled
absolutely indicate the limits of police power. principle of law that municipal corporations are
agencies of the State for the promotion and
As regards COA’s additional objection, it shows maintenance of local self-government and as
that it is not attuned to the changing of times. such are endowed with the police powers in
Public purpose is not unconstitutional merely order to effectively accomplish and carry out
because it incidentally benefits a limited the declared objects of their creation. Its
number of persons. The care for the poor is authority emanates from the general welfare
general recognized as a public duty. The clause.
support for the poor has long been an
accepted exercise of police power in the For an ordinance to be valid, it must not only
promotion of common good. There is no be within the corporate powers of the
violation of the equal protection clause in municipality to enact but must also be passed
classifying paupers as subject of legislation. according to the procedure prescribed by law,
Paupers may be reasonably classified. and must be in consonance with certain well
established and basic principles of substantive
Tatel v Municipality of Virac
Under the cadastral system, the government Notwithstanding the findings of the
through the Director of Lands initiates the Sangguniang Panlungsod, Patalinghug
proceedings by filing a petition in court after continued to construct his funeral parlor which
which all owners or claimants are compelled to was soon finished.
act and present their answers otherwise they
lose their right to their own property. The The residents then filed a case for declaration
purpose is to serve the public interests by of nullity of a building permit. The trial court
requiring that the titles to any lands "be dismissed the complaint saying that:
settled and adjudicated." Hence, it is a
prejudicial question in the present case. 1. The residential building owned by
Cribillo and Iglesia ni Kristo chapel are
Parenthetically, the issuance of the writ of 63.25 meters and 55.95 meters away,
possession and writ of demolition by the respectively from the funeral parlor.
real estate taxation purposes vis-a-vis the
2. Although the residential building owned determination of a property for zoning
by certain purposes.
Mr. Tepoot is adjacent to the funeral
parlor, and is only separated therefrom On the other hand, the findings of the trial
by a concrete fence, said residential court are supported by the fact that the
building is being rented by a certain Mr. Sanggunian declared the area as commercial
Asiaten who actually devotes it to his or C-2. Once a local government has
laundry business with machinery reclassified an area as commercial, that
thereon. determination, for zoning purposes, must
prevail. While the commercial character of the
3. Private respondent's suit is premature vicinity was declared through ordinance, the
as they failed to exhaust the respondents have failed to substantiate their
administrative remedies provided by arguments that Cabaguio Avenue was still a
Ordinance No. 363. residential zone.
The CA reversed the trial court and ruled that The declaration of an area as a commercial
Tepoot’s land is a residential lot as reflected in zone thru a municipal ordinance is an exercise
the tax declaration. of police power to promote the good order and
general welfare of the people in a locality.
WON Tepoot’s land is residential. Corollary thereto, the state, in order to
promote the general welfare, may interfere
HELD: NO. The question of whether Mr. with personal liberty, with property, and with
Tepoot’s building is residential or not is a business and occupations. Persons may be
factual determination which appellate courts subjected to certain kinds of restraints and
should not disturb. Although the general rule is burdens to secure the general welfare of the
that factual findings of the Court of Appeals state.
are conclusive on us, this admits of exceptions
as when the findings or conclusions of the Greater Balanga Development
Court of Appeals and the trial court are Corporation vs. Municipality of Balanga
contrary to each other. While the trial court (1994)
ruled that Tepoot's building was commercial,
the Appellate Court ruled otherwise. Thus we FACTS: GBDC applied with the Office of the
see the necessity of reading and examining Balanga Mayor for a business permit its
the pleadings and transcripts submitted before property, certain portions of which has been
the trial court. "unlawfully usurped and invaded" by Balanga,
which had "allowed/tolerated/abetted" the
The testimony of City Councilor Vergara shows construction of shanties and market stalls
that Mr. Tepoot’s buillding was used for a dual while charging market fees and market
purpose: dwelling and for business. While its entrance fees from the occupants and users of
commercial aspect has been established by the area. Mayor issued a Mayor's Permit
the presence of machineries and laundry granting GBDC the privilege of a "real estate
equipment, its use as a residence was not fully dealer/privately-owned public market
substantiated. operator" under the registered trade name of
Balanga Public Market.
A tax declaration is not conclusive of the
nature of the property for zoning purposes. A However, the Sangguniang Bayan passed a
property may have been declared by its owner Resolution annulling the Mayor's permit issued
as residential for real estate taxation purposes to GBDC and advising the Mayor to revoke the
but it may well be within a commercial zone. A permit. Mayor revoked the permit insofar as it
discrepancy may thus exist in the authorized the operation of a public market.
determination of the nature of property for
GBDC filed this petition claiming that it had not strictissimi juris (strictly in its legal terms) and
violated any law or ordinance, thus there’s no any doubt or ambiguity must be construed
reason to revoke the Mayor's permit. It further against the municipality. Granting, however,
alleged that he EO and the resolution in that separate permits are actually required,
question were quasi-judicial acts and not mere the application form does not contain any
exercises of police power and that the Mayor entry as regards the number of businesses the
also failed to observe due process in revoking applicant wishes to engage in.
the permit.
The question of ownership over Lot 261-B had
Balanga argues that Mayor may issue, deny or already been settled with finality by the
revoke municipal licenses and permits and Supreme Court in 1983. Entry of judgment was
that the resolution and EO were legitimate likewise, made in the same year. When the
exercise of local legislative authority. It further Mayor's permit was revoked, five years had
argues that GBDC violated Section 3A-06(b) of already elapsed since the case was decided.
the Balanga Revenue Code when it failed to GBDC was able to survey the land and have
inform the Mayor that the lot in controversy the survey approved. GBDC also obtained in
was the subject of adverse claims for which a its name TCT No. 120152 "without any
civil case was filed and when it failed to apply memorandum of encumbrance or
for two separate permits for the two lines of encumbrances pertaining to any decision
business it proposed to engage in. rendered in any civil case. Clearly, for all
intents and purposes, Greater Balanga
WON there has been a valid revocation of appeared to be the true owner of Lot 261-B-6-
the permit. A-3 when respondents revoked its permit to
engaged in business on its own land.
HELD: NO. The authority of the Mayor to
revoke a permit he issued is premised on a Of course, the Sangguniang Bayan has the
violation by the grantee of any of the duty in the exercise of its police powers to
conditions for which the permit had been regulate any business subject to municipal
granted. license fees and prescribe the conditions
under which a municipal license already issued
The application for Mayor's permit requires the may be revoked. But the "anxiety, uncertainty,
applicant to state what type of business, restiveness" among the stallholders and
profession, occupation and/or calling privileges traders cannot be a valid ground for revoking
is being applied for. Petitioner left this entry the permit of petitioner. After all, the
blank in its application form. The permit should stallholders and traders were doing business
not have been issued without the required on property not belonging to the Municipal
information given in the application form itself. government. Indeed, the claim that the
Leaving an entry blank is not equal to false executive order and resolution were measures
statement. There must be proof of willful "designed to promote peace and order and
misrepresentation and deliberate intent to protect the general welfare of the people of
make a false statement. Good faith is always Balanga" is too amorphous and convenient an
presumed, and as it happened, petitioner did excuse to justify respondents' acts.
not make any false statement in the pertinent
entry. Moreover, the manner by which the Mayor
revoked the permit transgressed petitioner's
Applying for two businesses in one permit is right to due process. The alleged violation of
also not a ground for revocation. Par 2 Section Section 3A-06(b) of the Balanga Revenue Code
3A-06(b) does not expressly require two was not stated in the order of revocation, and
permits for their conduct of two or more neither was petitioner informed of this specific
businesses in one place, but only that separate violation until the Rejoinder was filed in the
fees be paid for each business. The powers of instant case. In fact, with all the more reason
municipal corporations are to be construed in should due process have been observed in
view of the questioned Resolution of the claim to be "fishermen," without any
Sangguniang Bayan. qualification, however, as to their status.
owner/developer to the government is a Accordingly, it was deemed necessary by the
mere formality. Indeed, the standard Municipality of Makati in the interest of the
practice and requirement is that a general public to open to traffic Amapola,
developer must, among its mandatory Mercedes, Zodiac, Jupiter, Neptune, Orbit and
obligations, develop the road lots in its Pasco de Roxas streets. As a result, the gates
subdivision at its own expense, before it owned by BAVA at Jupiter and Orbit were
can turn over the same to the government ordered demolished.
by way of a donation. (White Plains
Association vs. Legaspi) Mayor Yabut justified the opening of the
streets on the following grounds:
• The last sentence of Sec. 21(b) is proof of 1) Some time ago, Ayala Corporation
Congress’ intent to preserve the sanctity of donated Jupiter and Orbit Streets to
freedom parks and their large role as a Bel-Air on the condition that, under
mechanism of preserving democracy. certain reasonable conditions and
restrictions, the general public shall
Freedom parks are places where public always be open to the general public.
gatherings, meetings, and rallies may be These conditions were evidenced by a
held, especially in cases when the main deed of donation executed between
plaza of a city or municipality is not Ayala and Bel-Air.
available. 2) The opening of the streets was justified
by public necessity and the exercise of
However, only a few LGU’s have the police power.
designated freedom parks, as provided by 3) Bel-Air Village Association’s (BAVA)
Sec. 15 of BP 880. Hence, the SC held in a articles of incorporation recognized
case that no permit may be required for Jupiter Street as a mere boundary to
the people’s exercise of their right to the southwest – thus it cannot be said
peacefully assemble and petition in any to be for the exclusive benefit of Bel-Air
public park or plaza of a city or residents.
municipality until that city or municipality 4) BAVA cannot hide behind the non-
designates a freedom park. The Sc said impairment clause on the ground that
that without such alternative forum, to is constitutionally guaranteed. The
deny the permit would be in effect to deny reason is that it is not absolute, since it
the right (Bayan vs. Ermita) has to be reconciled with the legitimate
exercise of police power.
His acquisition of city property is a tacit the public street, the City Government,
recognition of these principles. contrary to law, has been leasing portions of
the streets to them. Such leases or licenses
Dacanay vs. Asistio are null and void for being contrary to law. The
(1992) right of the public to use the city streets may
not be bargained away through contract. The
FACTS: MMC Ordinance No. 79-02 was interests of a few should not prevail over the
enacted by the MMC, designating certain good of the greater number in the community
streets, roads and open spaces as sites for flea whose health, peace, safety, good order and
markets. The Caloocan city mayor Robles, general welfare, the respondent city officials
pursuant to the Ordinance, opened up 7 flea are under legal obligation to protect.
markets in the city. He and the city engineer
issued licenses for the conduct of vending The Executive Order issued by Acting Mayor
activities upon application of some vendors. Robles authorizing the use of Heroes del '96
Street as a vending area for stallholders who
In 1987, OIC mayor Martinez caused the were granted licenses by the city government
demolition of market stalls on certain streets. contravenes the general law that reserves city
Stall-owners filed an action for prohibition streets and roads for public use. Mayor Robles'
praying that the court issue a writ of Executive Order may not infringe upon the
preliminary injunction. RTC issued writ prayed vested right of the public to use city streets for
for but later dismissed the petition and lifted the purpose they were intended to serve: i.e.,
the writ of preliminary injunction it had issued as arteries of travel for vehicles and
earlier. It found that the streets were of public pedestrians. As early as 1989, the public
dominion and hence, outside the commerce of respondents bad started to look for feasible
man. alternative sites for flea markets. They have
had more than ample time to relocate the
Shortly after the decision came out, the city street vendors.
administration changed hands. However, the
new city mayor Asistio Jr. did not pursue the Macasiano vs. Diokno
prior administration's policy of clearing and (1992)
cleaning up the city streets. Petitioner wrote a
letter to Asistio asking for the demolition of the FACTS: Municipality of Paranaque passed
illegally constructed stalls and invoking the Ordinance No. 86 which authorized the (1)
decision in prior civil case. His letters closure of certain streets at Baclaran and (2)
however, were not acted on. the establishment of a flea market thereon.
Such was passed pursuant to an MMC
WON public streets or thoroughfares may Ordinance authorizing and regulating the use
be leased or licensed to market of certain city streets, roads and open spaces
stallholders by virtue of a city ordinance within Metro Manila as sites for flea markets or
or resolution of the Metro Manila vending areas. Ordinance was later approved
Commission by the Metro Manila Authority subject to the
certain conditions.
HELD: NO. There is no doubt that the
disputed areas from which the private Paranaque mayor entered into an agreement
respondents' market stalls are sought to be with Palanyag, a service cooperative, for the
evicted are public streets. A public street is establishment and operation of the flea
property for public use hence outside the market. PNP Superintendent Macasiano
commerce of man (Arts. 420, 424, Civil Code). ordered the confiscation of stalls put up by
Being outside the commerce of man, it may Palanyag and the discontinuation of the
not be the subject of lease or other contracts. operation of the flea market. The TC upheld
As the stallholders pay fees to the City validity of Ordinance No. 86 and enjoined
Government for the right to occupy portions of Macasiano from enforcing his letter-order.
Even assuming that the municipality has the
WON an ordinance or resolution issued authority to pass the disputed ordinance, it
by a municipal council authorizing the cannot be considered approved by the Metro
lease and use of public streets as sites Manila Authority due to non-compliance with
for flea markets is valid. the imposed conditions:
HELD: NO. The ordinance by Paranaque 1) That the aforenamed streets are not
authorizing the lease and use of public streets used for vehicular traffic, and that the
or thoroughfares as sites for flea market is majority of the residents does not
invalid. oppose the establishment of the flea
market/vending areas thereon;
Streets are local roads used for public service 2) That the 2-meter middle road to be
and are therefore considered public properties. used as flea market/vending area shall
Properties of the local government which are be marked distinctly, and that the 2
devoted to public service are deemed public meters on both sides of the road shall
and are under the absolute control of be used by pedestrians;
Congress. Hence, local governments have no 3) That the time during which the vending
authority whatsoever to control or regulate the area is to be used shall be clearly
use of public properties unless specific designated;
authority is vested upon them by Congress. 4) That the use of the vending areas shall
be temporary and shall be closed once
Sec 10 Chapter II of the LGC, although the reclaimed areas are developed and
authorizing LGUs to close roads and similar donated by the Public Estate Authority.
public places, should be deemed limited by Art
424 CC which provides that properties of The municipality of Paranaque has not shown
public dominion devoted to public use and any iota of proof that it has complied with the
made available to the public in general are foregoing conditions precedent to the approval
outside the commerce of man and cannot be of the ordinance. The allegations of
disposed of or leased by the LGC to private respondent municipality that the closed
persons. streets were not used for vehicular traffic and
that the majority of the residents do not
Closure should also be done for the sole oppose the establishment of a flea market on
purpose of withdrawing the road or other said streets are unsupported by any evidence
public property from public use when that will show that this first condition has been
circumstances show that such property is no met. Likewise, the designation by respondents
longer intended or necessary for public use or of a time schedule during which the flea
service. When the property is already market shall operate is absent.
withdrawn from public use, it becomes
patrimonial property of the LGU which it can Further, it is of public notice that the streets
then lawfully use or convey. However, those along Baclaran area are congested with
roads and streets which are available to the people, houses and traffic brought about by
public in general and ordinarily used for the proliferation of vendors occupying the
vehicular traffic are still considered public streets. To license and allow the establishment
property devoted to public use. In such case, of a flea market along J. Gabriel, G.G. Cruz,
the local government has no power to use it Bayanihan, Lt. Garcia Extension and Opena
for another purpose or to dispose of or lease it streets in Baclaran would not help in solving
to private persons. the problem of congestion.
The right of the public to use the city streets The local government should refrain from
may not be bargained away through contract. acting towards that which might prejudice or
adversely affect the general welfare.
As what the SC have said in the Dacanay case,
the general public have a legal right to WON the Municipality of Liloan’s camino
demand the demolition of the illegally vecinal should traverse the property of
constructed stalls in public roads and streets the Pilapils.
and the officials of respondent municipality
have the corresponding duty arising from HELD: NO. A camino vecinal is a municipal
public office to clear the city streets and road. It is also property for public use.
restore them to their specific public purpose. Pursuant to the powers of a local government
unit, the Municipality of Liloan had the
Pilapil v. CA unassailable authority to (a) prepare and
(1992) adopt a land use map, (b) promulgate a zoning
ordinance which may consider, among other
FACTS: Spouses Pilapil own a parcel of land in things, the municipal roads to be constructed,
Bahak, Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu. Spouses maintained, improved or repaired and (c) close
Colomida, on the other hand, bought a parcel any municipal road.
of land located also in Bahak. The Colomidas
claim that they had acquired from Sesenando The SC said that it didn’t matter what opinion
Longkit a road right of way which leads the Colomidas or the engineer gave regarding
towards the National Road; this road right of the existence of the camino vecinal. To the SC,
way, however, ends at that portion of the the issue of their credibility has been rendered
property of the Pilapils where a camino vecinal moot by the unrebutted evidence which shows
(barrio road) exists all the way to the said that the Municipality of Liloan, through its
National Road. Sangguniang Bayan, had approved a zoning
plan, otherwise called an Urban Land Use Plan.
The Colomidas "tried to improve the road of This plan indicates the relative location of the
"camino vecinal", for the convenience of the camino vecinal in sitio Bahak
public," but the Pilapils harassed and
threatened them with "bodily harm from It is beyond dispute that the establishment,
making said improvement." The Pilapils also closure or abandonment of the camino vecinal
threatened to fence off the camino vecinal. is the sole prerogative of the Municipality of
Thus, the Colomidas filed a complaint against Liloan. No private party can interfere with such
the Pilapils. a right. Hence, the decision of the Municipality
of Liloan with respect to the said camino
The Pilapils denied the existence of the camino vecinal in sitio Bahak must prevail. It is thus
vecinal. They presented several witnesses. pointless to concentrate on the testimonies of
Among them was Engineer Epifanio Jordan, both witnesses since the same have, for all
Municipal Planning and Development intents and purposes, become irrelevant.
Coordinator of Liloan. Engineer Jordan testified
on Liloan's Urban Land Use Plan 19 or zoning And as per the zoning map, as further declared
map which he prepared upon the instruction of by Engineer Jordan, this camino vecinal in sitio
then Municipal Mayor Cesar Butai and which Bahak "passes the side of the land of Socrates
was approved by the Sangguniang Bayan of Pilapil. This is the proposed road leading to the
Liloan. Per the said plan, the camino vecinal in national highway." Hence, said road should not
sitio Bahak does not traverse, but runs along traverse the Pikapil’s property.
the side 20 of the Pilapil property
NOTE: What invested the zoning map with
The Colomidas, on the other hand, relied on legal effect was neither the authority of the
old-timers as witnesses – witnesses such as person who ordered its preparation nor the
Florentino Pepito, who attested to the authority of the person who actually prepared
existence of the Camino vecinal and its it, but its approval by the Sangguniang Bayan.
availability to the general public since Furthermore, with or without the order of the
practically time immemorial. Mayor or Sangguniang Bayan, Engineer Jordan,
as the then Municipal Planning and statutes and ordinances, either with penalties
Development Coordinator, had the authority to or without, not repugnant to the Constitution,
prepare the plan and admit it to the as they shall judge to be for the good and
Sangguniang Bayan for approval. Among his welfare of the commonwealth, and for the
functions under the governing law at the time subjects of the same. The power is plenary and
was to formulate an integrated economic, its scope is vast and pervasive, reaching and
social, physical and other development justifying measures for public health, public
objectives and policies for the consideration safety, public morals, and the general welfare.
and approval of the sangguniang bayan and
the municipal mayor, and prepare municipal It bears stressing that police power is lodged
comprehensive plans and other development primarily in the National Legislature. It cannot
planning document. be exercised by any group or body of
individuals not possessing legislative power.
MMDA v Bel-Air Village Assn., Inc. The National Legislature, however, may
(2000) delegate this power to the President and
administrative boards as well as the
FACTS: Neptune Street is owned by lawmaking bodies of municipal corporations or
respondent Bel-Air Village Associaiton (BAVA). local government units. Once delegated, the
It is a private road inside Bel-Air Village, a agents can exercise only such legislative
private residential subdivision in the heart of powers as are conferred on them by the
the financial and commercial district of Makati national lawmaking body.
City. It runs parallel to Kalayaan Avenue, a
national road open to the general public. The MMDA is, as termed in the charter itself, a
Dividing the two (2) streets is a concrete “development authority.” It is an agency
perimeter wall approximately fifteen (15) feet created for purpose of laying down policies
high. The western end of Neptune Street and coordinating with the various national
intersects Nicanor Garcia, formerly Reposo government agencies, people’s organizations,
Street, a subdivision road open to public non-governmental organizations and the
vehicular traffic, while its eastern end private sector for the efficient and expeditious
intersects Makati Avenue, a national road. deliver of basic services in the vast
Both ends of Neptune Street are guarded by metropolitan area. All its functions are
iron gates. ADMINISTRATIVE in nature.
BAVA received from MMDA a notice requesting The powers of the MMDA under RA 7924 are
it to open Neptune Street to public vehicular limited to the following acts: formulation,
traffic. BAVA was also apprised that the coordination, regulation, implementation,
perimeter wall separating the subdivision from preparation, management, monitoring, setting
the adjacent Kalayaan Avenue would be of policies, installation of a system and
demolished. administration. There is nothing in RA NO.
7924 that grants MMDA police power, let alone
BAVA institued a petition for injunction with legislative power.
TRO and preliminary writ of injunction against
MMDA. The MMDA is not the same entity as the MMC
in Sangalang. Although the MMC is the
WON MMDA is endowed with police forerunner of the present MMDA, the charter of
power to open such roads. the MMC shows that the latter possessed
greater powers which were not bestowed on
HELD: NO. Police power is an inherent the present MMDA.
attribute of sovereignty. It has been defined as
the power vested by the Constitution in the The legislative debates would show that the
legislature to make, ordain, and establish all MMDA was not intended as a political unit of
manner of wholesome and reasonable laws, the government or a public corporation
endowed with legislative power. It is not even
a “special metropolitan political subdivision”. 1987 CONSTI, Section 9. Private property
• no plebiscite was conducted for its shall not be taken for public use without just
creation compensation.
• the chairman of the MMDA is not an
official elected by the people, but GD-R: Property, whether real or personal, may
appointed by the president with the be subject of eminent domain!
rank and privileges of a cabinet
member. PIMENTEL:
• Part of the chairman’s functions is to • Eminent domain, which is the power of a
perform such other duties as may be sovereign state to appropriate private
assigned to him by the President, property to particular uses to promote
whereas in LGUs, the president merely public welfare, is essentially lodged in the
exercises supervisory authority. This legislature. While such power may be
emphasizes the administrative validly delegated to local government units
character of the MMDA. (LGUs), other public entities and public
utilities the exercise of such power by the
Clearly, the MMC is not the same entity as delegated entities is not absolute. In fact,
MMDA. Unlike the MMC, the MMDA has no the scope of delegated legislative power is
power to enact ordinances for the welfare of narrower than that of the delegating
the community. It is the LGUs, acting through authority and such entities may exercise
their legislative councils, that possess the power to expropriate private property
legislative power and police power. only when authorized by Congress and
subject to its control and restraints
B. Eminent Domain imposed through the law conferring the
power or in other legislations. Indeed, LGUs
LGC, SEC. 19. Eminent Domain. - A local by themselves have no inherent power of
government unit may, through its chief eminent domain.
executive and acting pursuant to an
ordinance, exercise the power of eminent Thus, strictly speaking, the power of
domain for public use, or purpose, or welfare eminent domain delegated to an LGU is in
for the benefit of the poor and the landless, reality not eminent but "inferior" since it
upon payment of just compensation, pursuant must conform to the limits imposed by the
to the provisions of the Constitution and delegation and thus partakes only of a
pertinent laws: Provided, however, That the share in eminent domain. The national
power of eminent domain may not be legislature is still the principal of the LGUs
exercised unless a valid and definite offer has and the latter cannot go against the
been previously made to the owner, and such principal’s will or modify the same. (Beluso
offer was not accepted: Provided, further, That vs. Municipality of Panay)
the local government unit may immediately
take possession of the property upon the filing • LGU’s do not possess unbridled authority to
of the expropriation proceedings and upon exercise their power of eminent domain…
making a deposit with the proper court of at There are two legal provisions which limit
least fifteen percent (15%) of the fair market the exercise of this power: (1) no person
value of the property based on the current tax shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property
declaration of the property to be expropriated: without due process of law, nor shall any
Provided, finally, That, the amount to be paid person be denied the equal protection of
for the expropriated property shall be the laws; and (2) private property shall not
determined by the proper court, based on the be taken for public use without just
fair market value at the time of the taking of compensation. Thus, the exercise by local
the property. government units of the power of eminent
domain is not absolute. In fact, Section 19 • The burden is on the LGU to prove that the
of RA 7160 itself explicitly states that such mandatory requirement of a valid and
exercise must comply with the provisions definite offer to the owner of the property
of the Constitution and pertinent laws. before filing its complaint and the rejection
thereof by the latter. It is incumbent upon
• The power of eminent domain may now be the condemnor to exhaust all reasonable
exercised by an LGU without the need of efforts to obtain the land it desires by
approval by any national government agreement. Failure to prove compliance
authority or body. with the mandatory requirement will result
in the dismissal of the complaint.
HOWEVER, the ordinance authorizing the
local chief executive must still be approved A reasonable offer in good faith, not merely
by the provincial board (in the case of perfunctory or pro forma offer, to acquire
municipalities) the property for a reasonable price must be
made to the owner or his privy. A single
• NOTE: A mere resolution is not sufficient to bona fide offer that is rejected by the
comply with the requirement of the LGC. owner will suffice.
Section 1: The complaint. The right of report thereof to the court with service of
eminent domain shall be exercised by the copies to the parties.
filing of a verified complaint which shall:
− state with certainty the right and purpose GD-R: Assessed value is the value given by
of expropriation, the owner himself. But the full “just
− describe the real or personal property compensation” is still an issue to be tried in
sought to be expropriated the expropriation proceedings.
− join as defendants all persons owning or
claiming to own, or occupying, any part Section 9: Uncertain ownership;
thereof or interest therein, showing, so far conflicting claims. If there is uncertainty as
as practicable, their separate interest. to ownership of the property, the court may
order any sum or sums awarded as
In cases applicable, it must also be averred compensation for the property to be paid to
clearly in the complaint if: the court for the benefit of the person
− property is owned by the Republic but adjudged in the same proceeding to be
occupied by private individuals, or entitled thereto.
− the title is otherwise obscure or doubtful so
that the plaintiff cannot with accuracy or C. THE ANSWER
certainty specify who are the real owners.
Sec3: Defenses and objections.
B. ENTRY OF PLAINTIFF IN THE PROPERTY Defendant has no Defendant has any
objection or objection or
defense to the defense to the
Section 2: Entry of plaintiff upon
action or the taking filing of complaint:
depositing value with authorized
of his property:
government depositary. The plaintiff shall
He shall file and serve He shall serve his
have the right to take or enter upon the
a notice of answer within the
possession of the real property involved, upon:
appearance and a time stated in the
− filing of the expropriation complaint; with
manifestation to that summons containing-
− service of notice to the defendant; and effect, specifically specific designation or
− deposit with the authorized government designating or identification of the
depositary an amount equivalent to the identifying the property in which he
assessed value of the property for property in which he claims to have an
purposes of taxation to be held by such claims to be interest, nature and
bank subject to the orders of the court. interested, within the extent of the interest
time stated in the claimed, all his
NOTE: The deposit shall be in money, unless in summons. Thereafter, objections and
lieu thereof the court authorizes the deposit of he shall be entitled to defenses to the taking
a certificate of deposit of a government bank notice of all of his property. No
of the Republic of the Philippines. proceedings affecting counterclaim, cross-
the same. claim or third-party
If personal property is involved, its value shall complaint shall be
be provisionally ascertained and the amount to alleged or allowed in
be deposited shall be promptly fixed by the the answer or any
court. subsequent pleading.
− GEN RULE: A defendant waives all
After such deposit is made the court shall defenses and objections not so alleged.
order the sheriff or other proper officer to
forthwith place the plaintiff in possession of
− EXCEPT: But the court, in the interest
the property involved and promptly submit a
of justice, may permit amendments to the
answer to be made not later than ten (10) Copies of the order shall be served on the
days from the filing thereof. parties. Objections to the appointment filed
with the court within ten (10) days from
However, at the trial of the issue of just service, and shall be resolved within thirty (30)
compensation, whether or not a defendant has days after all the commissioners shall have
previously appeared or answered, he may received copies of the objections.
present evidence as to the amount of the
compensation to be paid for his property, and Section 6: Proceedings by commissioners.
he may share in the distribution of the award. 1. Before entering upon the performance of
their duties, the commissioners shall take
D. ORDER OF EXPROPRIATION and subscribe an oath that they will faithfully
perform their duties as commissioners, which
Section 4: Order of expropriation. The oath shall be filed in court with the other
court may issue an order of expropriation: proceedings in the case.
(declaring that the plaintiff has a lawful right 2. Evidence may be introduced by either party
to take the property sought to be before the commissioners who are authorized
expropriated, for the public use or purpose to administer oaths on hearings before them;
described in the complaint, upon the payment 3. The commissioners shall after due notice to
of just compensation to be determined as of the parties to attend, view and examine the
property sought to be expropriated and its
the date of the taking of the property or the
surroundings, and may measure the same
filing of the complaint, whichever came first)
UNLESS the parties consent to the contrary.
4. The commissioners shall assess the
− if the objections to and the defenses consequential damages to the property not
against the right of the plaintiff to taken and deduct from such consequential
expropriate the property are overruled, or damages the consequential benefits to be
− when no party appears to defend as derived by the owner from the public use or
required by this Rule. purpose of the property taken, the operation
of its franchise by the corporation or the
A final order sustaining the right to expropriate carrying on of the business of the corporation
the property may be appealed by any party or person taking the property. But in no case
aggrieved thereby. Such appeal, however, shall the consequential benefits assessed
shall not prevent the court from determining exceed the consequential damages assessed,
or the owner be deprived of the actual value
the just compensation to be paid.
of his property so taken.
Section 13: Recording judgment, and its Section 12: Costs, by whom paid. The fees
effect. The judgment entered in expropriation of the commissioners shall be taxed as a part
proceedings shall state definitely, by an of the costs of the proceedings. All costs,
adequate description, the particular property except those of rival claimants litigating their
or interest therein expropriated, and the claims, shall be paid by the plaintiff, unless an
nature of the public use or purpose for which it appeal is taken by the owner of the property
is expropriated. When real estate is and the judgment is affirmed, in which event
expropriated, a certified copy of such the costs of the appeal shall be paid by the
judgment shall be recorded in the registry of owner.
deeds of the place in which the property is
Section 14: Power of guardian in such domain and institute condemnation
proceedings. The guardian or guardian ad proceedings for public use or purpose.”
litem of a minor or of a person judicially
declared to be incompetent may, with the Section 153 of BP 337, grants the Sangguniang
approval of the court first had, do and perform Panlalawigan the power to declare a municipal
on behalf of his ward any act, matter, or thing resolution invalid on the sole ground that it is
respecting the expropriation for public use or beyond the power of the Sangguniang Bayan
purpose of property belonging to such minor or the Mayor to issue. Absolutely no other
or person judicially declared to be ground is recognized by the law. The provincial
incompetent, which such minor or person (board's) disapproval of any resolution,
judicially declared to be incompetent could do ordinance, or order must be premised
in such proceedings if he were of age or specifically upon the fact that such resolution,
competent. ordinance, or order is outside the scope of the
legal powers conferred by law. If a provincial
board passes these limits, it usurps the
Moday vs. CA legislative function of the municipal council or
(1997) president. Such has been the consistent
course of executive authority.
FACTS: The Sangguniang Bayan of the
Thus, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan was
Municipality of Bunawan in Agusan del Sur
without the authority to disapprove Municipal
passed Resolution No. 43-89, authorizing the
Resolution No. 43-89 for the Municipality of
mayor to initiate the petition for expropriation
Bunawan clearly has the power to exercise the
of a 1-hectare land along the national highway
right of eminent domain and its Sangguniang
owned by Moday for the site of Bunawan
Bayan the capacity to promulgate said
Farmers Center and Other Government Sports
resolution, pursuant to the earlier-quoted
Facilities. The resolution was approved by
Section 9 of B.P. Blg. 337. Perforce, it follows
Mayor Bustillo but subsequently disapproved
that Resolution No. 43-89 is valid and binding
by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan upon finding
and could be used as lawful authority to
that expropriation is unnecessary considering
petition for the condemnation of petitioners'
that there are still other available lots in
Bunawan for the establishment of the
government center. The Municipality, however, Province of Camarines Sur vs. CA
still filed a petition for eminent domain and its (1993)
motion to take or enter upon the possession of
subject matter was subsequently granted by FACTS: The Sangguniang Panlalawigan
the RTC. passed resolution No. 129, authorizing the
Provincial Governor to purchase or expropriate
WON a municipality may expropriate property contiguous to the provincial capital
private property by virtue of a municipal site, in order to establish a pilot farm and a
resolution which was disapproved by the housing project for provincial government
Sangguniang Panlalawigan. employees. Governor Villafuerte filed two
separate cases for expropriation against
HELD: YES. The Municipality of Bunawan's Ernesto & Efren San Joaquin. The San Joaquins
power to exercise the right of eminent domain moved to dismiss the complaints on the
is not disputed as it is expressly provided for in ground of inadequacy of the price offered for
BP 337, the LGC in force at the time their property.
expropriation proceedings were initiated.
Section 9 of the law (BP 337) states that “a The Province of Camarines Sur claims that it
local government unit may, through its head has the authority to initiate the expropriation
and acting pursuant to a resolution of its proceedings under Sections 4 and 7 of Local
sanggunian, exercise the right of eminent
Government Code (BP 337) and that the
expropriations are for a public purpose. NO. Section 9 of BP 337 does not intimate in
the least that LGUs must first secure the
The TC allowed the Province of Camarines Sur approval of the Department of Land reform for
to take possession of private respondents' the conversion of lands before they can
lands. So, they appealed. The CA ordered the institute the necessary expropriation
trial court to suspend the expropriation proceedings. Moreover, there is no provision in
proceedings until after the Province of the CARL which subjects the expropriation of
Camarines Sur shall have submitted the agricultural lands by LGUs to the control of the
requisite approval of the Department of DAR.
The rules on conversion of agricultural lands
The Solicitor General is of the opinion that found in Section 4 (k) and 5 (1) of Executive
under Section 9 of the LGC, there was no need Order No. 129-A, Series of 1987 cannot be the
for the approval by the Office of the President source of the authority of the DAR to
of the exercise by the Sangguniang determine the suitability of a parcel of
Panlalawigan of the right of eminent domain agricultural land for the purpose to which it
but the Province must first secure the approval would be devoted by the expropriating
of the DAR of the plan to expropriate the lands authority. Said rules merely vest on the DAR
of petitioners for use as a housing project the exclusive authority to approve or
(Section 65 of RA 6657: Comprehensive disapprove conversions of agricultural lands
Agrarian Reform Law requires the approval of for residential, commercial or industrial uses,
the DAR before a parcel of land can be such authority is limited to the applications for
reclassified from an agricultural to a non- reclassification submitted by the land
agricultural land.) owners or tenant beneficiaries.
WON the expropriation is for a public Ordinarily, it is the legislative branch of the
purpose or public use. local government unit that shall determine
whether the use of the property sought to be
YES. The old concept of public use is that the expropriated shall be public, the same being
condemned property must actually be used by an expression of legislative policy. Hence, the
the general public (roads, bridges, public courts must defer to such legislative
plazas) before the taking thereof could satisfy determination and will intervene only when a
the constitutional requirement of public use. particular undertaking has no real or
substantial relation to the public use.
But now, the new concept of public use means
public advantage, convenience or benefit, The fears of private respondents that they will
which tends to contribute to the general be paid on the basis of the valuation declared
welfare and the prosperity of the whole in the tax declarations of their property, are
community, like a resort complex for tourists unfounded. This Court has declared as
or housing projects. (Sumulong vs. Guerrero) unconstitutional the Presidential Decrees fixing
the just compensation in expropriation cases
The establishment of pilot development center to be the value given to the condemned
would inure to the direct benefit and property either by the owners or the assessor,
advantage of the people of the province whichever was lower. The rules for
determining just compensation are those laid
down in Rule 67 of the Rules of Court, which
WON the expropriation of agricultural allow private respondents to submit evidence
lands by LGUs is subject to the prior on what they consider shall be the just
approval of the Secretary of Agrarian compensation for their property.
Reform, as the implementor of the
agrarian reform program. Municipality of Meycauayan vs. IAC
(1988) the other available roads in the vicinity maybe
at lesser costs without causing harm to an
FACTS: In 1975, PPMC filed with the Office of establishment doing legitimate business
the Municipal Mayor of Meycauayan, Bulacan, therein.
an application for a permit to fence a parcel of
land to enable the storage of their heavy It must be remembered that the foundation of
equipment and various finished products such the right to exercise the power of eminent
as large diameter steel pipes, pontoon pipes domain is genuine necessity (GD-R: i.e., there
for ports, wharves, and harbors, bridge is an existing need at the time of the taking)
components, pre-stressed girders and piles, and that necessity must be of a public
large diameter concrete pipes, and parts for character. Consequently, the courts have the
low cost housing. In the same year, the power to inquire into the legality of the
Municipal Council of Meycauayan, headed by exercise of the right of eminent domain and to
then Mayor Legaspi, passed Resolution No. determine whether there is a genuine
258, manifesting the intention to expropriate necessity therefor.
the same parcel of land. Such resolution was
disapproved by the Provincial Board of Quezon City vs. Ericta
Bulacan. So, PPMC reiterated its application. (1983)
There is no reasonable relation between the As a matter of fact, the petitioners rely solely
setting aside of at 6% of the total area of on the general welfare clause or on implied
private cemeteries for charity burial grounds powers of the municipal corporation, not on
of deceased paupers and the promotion of any express provision of law as statutory basis
health, morals, good order, safety, or the of their exercise of power. The clause has
general welfare of the people. The ordinance is always received broad and liberal
actually a taking without compensation of a interpretation but we cannot stretch it to cover
certain area from a private cemetery to benefit this particular taking. Moreover, the
paupers who are charges of the municipal questioned ordinance was passed after
corporation. Instead of building or maintaining Himlayang Pilipino, Inc. had incorporated.
a public cemetery for this purpose, the city received necessary licenses and permits and
passes the burden to private cemeteries. commenced operating. The sequestration of
six percent of the cemetery cannot even be
The expropriation without compensation of a considered as having been impliedly
portion of private cemeteries is not covered by acknowledged by the private respondent when
Section 12(t) of Republic Act 537, the Revised it accepted the permits to commence
Charter of Quezon City, which empowers the operations.
city council to prohibit the burial of the dead
within the center of population of the city and NAPOCOR vs. Jocson
to provide for their burial in a proper place (1992)
subject to the provisions of general law
regulating burial grounds and cemeteries. FACTS: NAPOCOR filed seven (7) eminent
When the Local Government Code, BP 337 domain cases before the RTC against several
provides in Section 177 (q) that a Sangguniang persons for the acquisition of a right-of-way
panlungsod may "provide for the burial of the easement over portions of the parcels of land
dead in such place and in such manner as described (GD-R: Remember real rights may
prescribed by law or ordinance" it simply also be expropriated!) in the complaints for its
authorizes the city to provide its own city Negros-Panay Interconnection Project, and to
owned land or to buy or expropriate private enable it to construct its tower and
properties to construct public cemeteries. This transmission line in a manner that is
has been the law and practise in the past. It compatible with the greatest good while at the
continues to the present. same time causing the least private injury.
NAPOCOR further alleged that the purpose for the exercise of the right of
which the lands are principally devoted will not condemnation (or the propriety thereof)
be impaired by the transmission lines as it will shall be filed or heard."
only acquire a right-of-way-easement thereon.
− The second phase of the eminent
Eventually, the RTC issued several orders, domain action is concerned with the
fixing the provisional values of the subject determination by the Court of the "just
areas, on the basis of the market value and compensation for the property sought
the daily opportunity profit petitioner may to be taken." This is done by the Court
derive and another order directing the with the assistance of not more than
NAPOCOR to deposit the amounts in escrow three (3) commissioners. The order
pending decision on the merits. NAPOCOR fixing the just compensation on the
complied with such order and asked for a writ basis of the evidence before, and
of possession. However, the RTC ordered that findings of, the commissioners would
the writ of possession be issued in these cases be final, too. It would finally dispose of
after the property owners "have duly received the second stage of the suit, and leave
the amounts." nothing more to be done by the Court
regarding the issue. . . .
NAPOCOR questioned such order, arguing that
it violates Section 2 of Rule 67 of the ROC and
HOWEVER, P.D. No. 42 repealed the
that the issuance then of the writ of
"provisions of Rule 67 of the Rules of Court
possession was an unqualified ministerial duty
and of any other existing law contrary to or
which respondent Judge failed to perform.
inconsistent" with it. Accordingly, it repealed
WON the RTC acted in GADALEJ. Section 2 of Rule 67 insofar as the
determination of the provisional value, the
HELD: YES. There are two (2) stages in every form of payment and the agency with which
action of expropriation: the deposit shall be made, are concerned. P.D.
No. 42 effectively removes the discretion of
the court in determining the provisional value.
− The first is concerned with the
What is to be deposited is an amount
determination of the authority of the
equivalent to the assessed value for taxation
plaintiff to exercise the power of
purpose. No hearing is required for that
eminent domain and the propriety of its
purpose. All that is needed is notice to the
exercise in the context of the facts
owner of the property sought to be
involved in the suit. It ends with an
order, if not of dismissal of the action,
"of condemnation declaring that the
In any event, NAPOCOR deposited the
plaintiff has a lawful right to take the
provisional value fixed by the court. As a
property sought to be condemned, for
matter of right, it was entitled to be placed in
the public use or purpose described in
possession of the property involved in the
the complaint, upon the payment of
complaints at once, pursuant to both Section 2
just compensation to be determined as
of Rule 67 and P.D. No. 42. The RTC had the
of the date of the filing of the
corresponding duty to order the sheriff or any
complaint." An order of dismissal, if this
other proper officer to forthwith place the
be ordained, would be a final one, of
petitioner in such possession.
course, since it finally disposes of the
action and leaves nothing more to be
The RTC Judge's Order (directing the
done by the Court on the merits. 43 So,
defendants to state in writing within twenty-
too, would an order of condemnation be
four hours whether or not they would accept
a final one, for thereafter as the Rules
and withdraw the amounts deposited by the
expressly state, in the proceedings
petitioner for each of them " as final and full
before the Trial Court, "no objection to
satisfaction of the value of their respective
properties affected by the expropriation" and City of Manila vs. Arellano College
stating at the same time that the writ will be (1950)
issued after such manifestation and
acceptance and receipt of the amounts) has FACTS: An action to condemn several parcels
absolutely no legal basis even as it also of land in Legarda St. was initiated in the CFI
unjustly, oppressively and capriciously for the purpose of subdividing such lots and
compels the petitioner to accept the reselling it to private persons. Section 1 of
respondent Judge's determination of the Republic Act No. 267 provides:
provisional value as the just compensation
after the defendants shall have manifested Cities and municipalities are authorized
their conformity thereto. He thus subordinated to contract loans from the
his own judgment to that of the defendants' Reconstruction Finance Corporation,
because he made the latter the final authority the Philippine National Bank, and/or
to determine such just compensation, in other entity or person at the rate of
violation of the principle that the interest not exceeding eight per cent
determination of just compensation in eminent annum for the purpose of purchasing or
domain cases is a judicial function. If the expropriating homesites within their
legislature or the executive department cannot respective territorial jurisdiction and
even impose upon the court how just reselling them at cost to residents of
compensation should be determined, it would the said cities and municipalities.
be far more objectionable and impermissible
for respondent Judge to grant the defendants The CFI ruled that this provision empowers
in an eminent domain case such power and cities to purchase but not to expropriate lands
authority. for the purpose of subdivision and resale.
WON the principle of res judicata is City of Cebu vs. Spouses Apolonio
applicable to the present case. (2002)
NO. The principle of res judicata, which finds FACTS: The City of Cebu filed a complaint for
application in generally all cases and eminent domain against the Dedamo spouses.
proceedings, cannot bar the right of the State The Dedamos filed a MTD, alleging that there
or its agent to expropriate private property. is no public purpose; that the City can just buy
The very nature of eminent domain, as an their lot; that the price offered was too low and
inherent power of the State, dictates that the that they have no other land in Cebu.
right to exercise the power be absolute and
unfettered even by a prior judgment or res The parties then submitted to the court an
judicata. The scope of eminent domain is agreement wherein they declared that they
plenary and, like police power, can "reach have partially settled the case (to cut the
every form of property which the State might proceedings short, there was no more
need for public use." "All separate interests of determination of WON the City has authority
individuals in property are held of the nor of WON there is public necessity). The trial
court appointed 3 commissioners to determine between the parties. It has the force of law
the just compensation of the lots. The between them and should be complied with in
commissioners submitted their report on the good faith.
basis of which the TC rendered its decision.
Furthermore, during the hearing, the City of
The City of Cebu interposed objections to the Cebu did not interpose a serious objection. It
assessment made by the commissioners, is therefore too late for the city to question the
arguing that the just compensation should be valuation now without violating the principle of
based on the prevailing market price of the equitable estoppel.
property at the commencement of the Republic of the Philippines vs. Court of
expropriation proceedings. Appeals
WON just compensation in eminent
domain cases by an LGU should be FACTS: The Republic instituted expropriation
determined as of the date of the filing of proceedings covering a parcel of land situated
the complaint along MacArthur Highway, Malolos, Bulacan, to
be utilized for the continued broadcast
NO. The applicable law as to the point of operation and use of radio transmitter facilities
reckoning for the determination of just for the “Voice of the Philippines” project. PIA
compensation is Sec. 19, LGC, which expressly took over the premises after the previous
provides that just compensation shall be lessee, the “Voice of America,” had ceased its
determined as of the time of actual taking. operations thereat. Petitioner made a deposit
of P517,558.80, the sum provisionally fixed as
The City of Cebu has misread the ruling in being the reasonable value of the property. In
Napocor vs. CA. It was not categorically ruled 1979, or more than nine years after the
in that case that just compensation should be institution of the expropriation proceedings,
determined as of the filing of the complaint. It the trial court issued this order condemning
was there stated that although the general the property and ordering the plaintiff to pay
rule in determining just compensation in the defendants the just compensation for the
eminent domain is the value of the property as property. However, it would appear that the
of the date of the filing of the complaint, the national government failed to pay to herein
rule admits of an exception: where the SC respondents the compensation pursuant to the
fixed the value of the property as of the date it foregoing decision, such that a little over five
was taken and not at the date of the years later, respondents filed a manifestation
commencement of the expropriation with a motion seeking payment for the
proceedings. expropriated property. RTC issued a writ of
execution in 1984.
While Sec. 4, Rule 67 provides that just
compensation shall be determined at the time In the meantime, President Estrada issued
of the filing of the complaint for expropriation, Proclamation No. 22, transferring 20 hectares
such law cannot prevail over the LGC, which is of the expropriated property to the Bulacan
a substantive law. State University for the expansion of its
facilities and another 5 hectares to be used
WON the city is bound by the exclusively for the propagation of the
compensation fixed by the Philippine carabao. The remaining portion was
commissioners. retained by the PIA. This fact notwithstanding,
and despite the 1984 court order, the Santos
YES. More than anything else, the parties, by heirs remained unpaid, and no action was
a solemn document freely and voluntarily taken on their case until 1999 when petitioner
agreed upon by them, agreed to be bound by filed its manifestation and motion to permit
the report of the commission and approved by the deposit in court of the amount of
the trial court. The agreement is a contract P4,664,000.00 by way of just compensation for
the expropriated property of the late Luis strictly speaking, a power of eminent, but only
Santos subject to such final computation as of inferior, domain or only as broad or confined
might be approved by the court. as the real authority would want it to be.
This time, the Santos heirs, opposing the Thus, what applies in the case at bar is the
manifestation and motion, submitted a decision in Valdehueza vs. Republic, where the
counter-motion to adjust the compensation private landowners had remained unpaid ten
from P6.00 per square meter previously fixed years after the termination of the
in the 1979 decision to its current zonal expropriation proceedings, this Court ruled -
valuation pegged at P5,000.00 per square “The points in dispute are whether such
meter or, in the alternative, to cause the payment can still be made and, if so, in what
return to them of the expropriated property. amount. Said lots have been the subject of
expropriation proceedings. By final and
RTC ruled in favor of respondents and issued executory judgment in said proceedings, they
the assailed order, vacating its decision 1979 were condemned for public use, as part of an
and declaring it to be unenforceable on the airport, and ordered sold to the government. x
ground of prescription. The CA denied the x x It follows that both by virtue of the
appeal (for failure to file during the judgment, long final, in the expropriation suit,
reglementary period). as well as the annotations upon their title
certificates, plaintiffs are not entitled to
WON there is still public purpose despite recover possession of their expropriated lots -
the fact that the expropriated property’s which are still devoted to the public use for
present use differs from the purpose which they were expropriated - but only to
originally contemplated in the 1969 demand the fair market value of the same.”
expropriation proceedings.
The judgment rendered by the Bulacan RTC in
YES. The property has assumed a public 1979 on the expropriation proceedings
character upon its expropriation. Surely, provides not only for the payment of just
petitioner, as the condemnor and as the owner compensation to herein respondents but
of the property, is well within its rights to alter likewise adjudges the property condemned in
and decide the use of that property, the only favor of petitioner over which parties, as well
limitation being that it be for public use, which, as their privies, are bound.
decidedly, it is. (GD-R: Shouldn’t it be
“actual” necessity?) The constitutional limitation of “just
compensation” is considered to be the sum
WON the decision in Provincial equivalent to the market value of the property,
Government of Sorsogon vs. Vda. de broadly described to be the price fixed by the
Villaroya applies in this case. seller in open market in the usual and ordinary
course of legal action and competition or the
NO. The case cited involved the municipal fair value of the property as between one who
government of Sorsogon, to which the power receives, and one who desires to sell, it fixed
of eminent domain is not inherent, but merely at the time of the actual taking by the
delegated and of limited application. The government. Thus, if property is taken for
grant of the power of eminent domain to local public use before compensation is deposited
governments under RA 7160 cannot be with the court having jurisdiction over the
understood as being the pervasive and all- case, the final compensation must include
encompassing power vested in the legislative interests on its just value to be computed from
branch of government. For local governments the time the property is taken to the time
to be able to wield the power, it must, by when compensation is actually paid or
enabling law, be delegated to it by the deposited with the court. In fine, between the
national legislature, but even then, this taking of the property and the actual payment,
delegated power of eminent domain is not, legal interests accrue in order to place the
owner in a position as good as (but not better
than) the position he was in before the taking (b) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions
occurred. shall:
(1) be equitable and based as far as
C. Taxation and Fiscal Administration practicable on the taxpayer's ability to
NOTE: I don’t think that the nitty-gritty of local (2) be levied and collected only for Public
taxation will come out in the exam. Ang haba purposes;
ng provisions! (3) not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or
I just included the following excerpts from the (4) not be contrary to law, public policy,
BAROPS Reviewer, just in case. national economic policy, or in the
restraint of trade;
1. Local Taxation
(c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges
1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 5. Each local and other impositions shall not be let to any
government unit shall have the power to private person;
create its own sources of revenues and to levy
taxes, fees and charges subject to such (d) The revenue collected pursuant to the
guidelines and limitations as the Congress may provisions of this Code shall inure solely to the
provide, consistent with the basic policy of benefit of, and be subject to the disposition by,
local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges the local government unit levying the tax, fee,
shall accrue exclusively to the local charge or other imposition unless otherwise
governments. specifically provided herein; and
Collecting Authority – All local taxes,
fees and charges shall be collected by the
Tax Period -- unless otherwise provided in provincial, city, municipal, or barangay
this Code, the tax period of all local taxes, treasurer, or their duly authorized
fees and charges shall be the calendar deputies. (Sec. 170, LGC)
year. (Sec. 165, LGC)
CIVIL REMEDIES (BOTH LGU AND GEN RULE: Assessment shall be made
TAXPAYER) within 5 years from the date they become
due, and collection shall be made within 5
years from the date of assessment by
administrative or judicial action.
Personal Property Exempt from Distraint or
Levy – the following property shall be
EXEMPT from distraint or levy for
delinquency in the payment of any LOCAL EXCEPTION: In case of FRAUD, or INTENT
tax, fee or charge: TO EVADE PAYMENT OF TAX, the same
may be assessed within 10 years from
discovery of fraud or intent to evade
payment. (Sec. 194, LGC)
• tools and implements necessarily used
by the delinquent taxpayer in his trade
or employment
When Running of Prescription of Above
• one horse, cow, carabao, or other beast Periods is Suspended – The running of the
of burden, such as the delinquent periods of prescription above shall be
taxpayer may select and necessarily suspended for the time during which:
used by him in his ordinary occupation
• the treasurer is legally prevented from
• his necessary clothing, and that of all making the assessment or collection
his family
• the taxpayer requests for a
• household furniture and utensils reinvestigation and executes a waiver
necessary for housekeeping and used in writing before expiration of the
for that purpose by the delinquent period within which to assess or collect
taxpayer, such as he may select, of a
value not exceeding P10,000 • the taxpayer is out of the country or
otherwise cannot be located (Sec. 194
• provisions, including crops, actually (d), LGC)
provided for individual or family use
sufficient for 4 months
taxpayer is entitled to a refund or credit. Requirements for a Valid Tax
(Sec. 196, LGC) Ordinance
STEP 2: The Sec of Justice shall decide Authority to Adjust Rates – LGU shall
within 60 days from the date of receipt of have the authority to adjust the tax rates
the appeal. However, this appeal shall not prescribed in LGC NOT oftener than once
have the effect of suspending the every 5 years, but in no case shall such
effectivity of the ordinance and the accrual adjustment exceed 10% of the rates fixed.
and payment of the tax levied therein. (Sec. 191, LGC)
STEP 3: Within 30 days after receipt of the Authority to Grant Exemption – LGU
decision or the lapse of the 60-day period may, through ordinances, grant tax
without the Sec of Justice acting upon the exemptions, incentives or reliefs under
appeal, the aggrieved party may file such terms and conditions as they may
appropriate proceedings with a court of deem necessary. (Sec. 192, LGC)
competent jurisdiction. (Sec 187, LGC)
The DOJ Sec. dismissed the appeal on the services to its inhabitants are largely derived
ground that it was filed out of time, i.e. beyond from its revenues and collections.
30 days from the effectivity of the ordinance,
as prescribed under the LGC. The date of Also, petitioner’s bold assertion that there was
effectivity of the subject ordinance retroacted no public hearing conducted prior to the
to the date of its approval in October 1996, passage of Kautusan Blg. 28 is belied by its
after the required publication or posting has own evidence. In petitioner’s two (2)
been complied with, pursuant to Section 3 of communications with the Secretary of Justice,
said ordinance. it enumerated the various objections raised by
its members before the passage of the
The Market Association contends that its ordinance in several meetings called by the
period to appeal should be counted not from Sanggunian for the purpose. These show
the time the ordinance took effect in 1996 but beyond doubt that petitioner was aware of the
from the time its members were personally proposed increase and in fact participated in
given copies of the approved ordinance in the public hearings therefor. The respondent
November 1997. It insists that it was unaware municipality likewise submitted the Minutes
of the approval and effectivity of the subject and Report of the public hearings conducted
ordinance in 1996 on two (2) grounds: first, no by the Sangguniang Bayan’s Committee on
public hearing was conducted prior to the Appropriations and Market.
passage of the ordinance and, second, the
approved ordinance was not posted. The record is also bereft of any evidence to
prove petitioner’s negative allegation that the
WON the action has already prescribed. subject ordinance was not posted as required
by law. In contrast, the respondent
HELD: YES. The appeal of the petitioner with Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of
the Secretary of Justice is already time-barred. Hagonoy, Bulacan, presented evidence which
Section 187 (Procedure for Approval and clearly shows that the procedure for the
Effectivity of Tax Ordinances and Revenue enactment of the assailed ordinance was
Measures; Mandatory Public Hearings) of the complied with. After its approval, copies of the
LGC requires that an appeal of a tax ordinance Ordinance were given to the Municipal
or revenue measure should be made to the Treasurer on the same day. The Ordinance
Secretary of Justice within 30 days from was posted during the period from November
effectivity of the ordinance and even during its 4 - 25, 1996 in three (3) public places, validly
pendency, the effectivity of the assailed made in lieu of publication as there was no
ordinance shall not be suspended. newspaper of local circulation in the
municipality of Hagonoy. This fact was known
In the case at bar, Municipal Ordinance No. 28 to and admitted by petitioner.
took effect in Oct. 1996. Petitioner filed its
appeal only in Dec. 1987, more than a year Estanislao vs. Costales
after the effectivity of the ordiance in 1996. (1991)
Clearly, the Secretary of Justice correctly
dismissed it for being time-barred. FACTS: An Ordinance, imposing a P0.01 tax
per liter of softdrinks produced, manufactured,
The periods stated in Section 187 of the Local and/or bottled within the territorial jurisdiction
Government Code are mandatory. Ordinance of the City of Zamboanga was passed by the
No. 28 is a revenue measure adopted by the Sangguniang Panglungsod of Zamboanga City.
municipality of Hagonoy to fix and collect The Sanggunian sent a copy of the Ordinance
public market stall rentals. Being its lifeblood, to the then Minister of Finance by registered
collection of revenues by the government is of mail.
paramount importance. The funds for the
operation of its agencies and provision of basic The Minister of Finance upon his review
pursuant to P.D. No. 231 (Local Tax Code) sent
the letter addressed to the Sanggunian, Moreover, the conclusion that since the
suspending the effectivity of Ordinance No. 44 Minister of Finance failed to act or otherwise
on the ground that it contravenes Section suspend the effectivity of the tax ordinance
19(a) of the Local Tax Code. within 120 days from receipt of a copy thereof,
said Ordinance is valid and remains in force is
The RTC rendered a decision finding that the mistaken. There is no authority under Section
tax levied under said Ordinance is not among 44 of the Local Tax Code for this conclusion.
those that the Sanggunian may impose under All that is provided therein is that if the
the Local Tax Code, but nonetheless, it upheld Secretary of Finance "takes no action as
its validity on the ground that the Minister of authorized in this section, the tax ordinance
Finance did not take appropriate action on the shall remain in force."
matter within the prescribed period of 120
days after receipt of a copy thereof. Even if the Secretary of Finance failed to
review or act on the Ordinance within the
WON the tax subject of the ordinance prescribed period of 120 days it does not
was valid. follow as a legal consequence thereof that an
otherwise invalid ordinance is thereby
HELD: NO. It is clear that a city, like public validated.
respondent Zamboanga City may impose, in
lieu of the graduated fixed tax prescribed Much less can it be interpreted to mean that
under Section 19 of the Local Tax Code, a the Secretary of Finance can no longer act by
percentage tax on the gross sales for the suspending and/or revoking an invalid
preceding calendar year of non-essential ordinance even after the lapse of the 120-day
commodities at the rate of not exceeding two period. All that the law says is that after said
per cent and on the gross sales of essential period the tax ordinance shall remain in force.
commodities at the rate of not exceeding one The prescribed period for review is only
per cent. directory and the Secretary of Finance may
still review the ordinance and act accordingly
Ordinance No. 44 of the respondent even after the lapse of the said period
Zamboanga City imposes P0.01 per liter of provided he acts within a reasonable time.
softdrinks produced, manufactured, and/or
bottled within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippine Petroleum Corporation vs.
City of Zamboanga. No doubt this Ordinance is Municipality of Pililia
ultra vires as it is not within the authority of (1991)
the City to impose said tax. The authority of
the City is limited to the imposition of a FACTS: PPC manufactured lubricated oil
percentage tax on the gross sales or receipts basestock which is a petroleum product with
of said product which, being non-essential, its refinery plant in Malaya, Pililia, Rizal. The
shall be at the rate of not exceeding 2% of the said Municipality enacted the Tax Code of
gross sales or receipts of the softdrinks for the Pililia, imposing a tax on business, except for
preceding calendar year. The tax being those for which fixed taxes are provided in the
imposed under said Ordinance is based on the Local Tax Code on manufacturers, importers,
output or production and not on the gross or producers of any article of commerce of
sales or receipts as authorized under the Local whatever kind or nature, including brewers,
Tax Code. (THE Husband: Not the case distillers, rectifiers, repackers, and
anymore in the LGC) compounders of liquors, distilled spirits and/or
wines in accordance with the schedule found
Also, the ruling in Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company in the Local Tax Code, as well as mayor's
vs. Municipality of Tanauan is not applicable permit, sanitary inspection fee and storage
anymore since the law in that case has already permit fee for flammable, combustible or
been superseded by the Local Tax Code. explosive substances, while Section 139 of the
disputed ordinance imposed surcharges and producers of any article of commerce of
interests on unpaid taxes, fees or charges. whatever kind or nature. A tax on business is
distinct from a tax on the article itself. Thus, if
Enforcing the provisions of the above- the imposition of tax on business of
mentioned ordinance, the Municipality filed a manufacturers, etc. in petroleum products
complaint against PPC for the collection of the contravenes a declared national policy, it
business tax from 1979 to 1986; storage should have been expressly stated in P.D. No.
permit fees from 1975 to 1986; mayor's permit 436.
and sanitary inspection fees from 1975 to
1984. PPC argues that, pursuant to the the The exercise by local governments of the
Provincial Circular issued by the DOF, it is power to tax is ordained by the present
contrary to national economic policy to impose Constitution. To allow the continuous
local taxes on the manufacture of petroleum effectivity of the prohibition set forth in PC No.
products as they are already subject to 26-73 (1) would be tantamount to restricting
specific tax under the NIRC and that it also their power to tax by mere administrative
covers all ordinances. issuances.
WON PPC is liable to pay the said
impositions. However, since the Local Tax Code does not
provide the prescriptive period for collection of
HELD: PPC is liable to pay those from local taxes, Article 1143 of the Civil Code
1976 to 1986. There is no question that applies. Said law provides that an action upon
Pililla's Municipal Tax Ordinance No. 1 an obligation created by law prescribes within
imposing the assailed taxes, fees and charges ten (10) years from the time the right of action
is valid especially Section 9 (A) which accrues. The Municipality of Pililla can
according to the trial court "was lifted in toto therefore enforce the collection of the tax on
and/or is a literal reproduction of Section 19 business of petitioner PPC due from 1976 to
(a) [Now Sec. 133(h)] of the Local Tax Code as 1986, and NOT the tax that had accrued prior
amended by P.D. No. 426." It conforms with to 1976.
the mandate of said law.
Floro Cement Corporation v. Gorospe
But P.D. No. 426 amending the Local Tax Code (1991)
is deemed to have repealed Provincial Circular
Nos. 26-73 and 26 A-73 issued by the FACTS: The Municipality of Lugait (Misamis
Secretary of Finance when Sections 19 and 19 Oriental) filed a complaint for collection of
(a), were carried over into P.D. No. 426 and no taxes against Floro Cement Corporation. The
exemptions were given to manufacturers, taxes are “manufacturers” and “exporter’s”
wholesalers, retailers, or dealers in petroleum taxes for 1 Jan 1974- 30 Sept 1975 amounting
products. to P161,875.00 plus 25% surcharge.
They based it on Municipal Ordinance No. 5,
Well-settled is the rule that administrative passed pursuant to PD 231; and Ordinance No.
regulations must be in harmony with the 10.
provisions of the law. In case of discrepancy
between the basic law and an implementing Floro Cement opposed the imposition of the
rule or regulation, the former prevails. tax, arguing that it is not liable since the
plaintiff’s powers to levy fees on “Mines,
Furthermore, while Section 2 of P.D. 436 Mining Corporations and Mineral Products” was
prohibits the imposition of local taxes on limited by Sec. 52 of PD 463. Secretary of
petroleum products, said decree did not Agriculture and Natural Resources granted us
amend Sections 19 and 19 (a) of P.D. 231 as a certificate of tax exemption for a period of 5
amended by P.D. 426, wherein the years.
municipality is granted the right to levy taxes
on business of manufacturers, importers,
WON Ordinance Nos. 5 and 10 apply to that thresher-owner-operator
petitioner Floro Corporation voluntarily agree to donate 1% of all
notwithstanding the limitation provided palay threshed within jurisdiction of
for in Sec. 5(m) of PD 231 and Sec. 52 of municipality… and agree to report
PD 463. weekly the total number of palay
HELD: YES. The Municipality’s power to levy
taxes on manufacturers and importers is Jurado sent his agent to municipal treasurer’s
provided in Art. 2, Sec. 19 of PD 231: office to pay license fee of Php 285 for
Municipality may impose a tax on business thresher operators but Mapagu refused to
except those for which fixed taxes are accept payment and required him to secure a
provided for in this Code. mayor’s permit first. Mayor Tuzon said that he
should first comply with Resolution9 and sign
Cement is not a mineral product but rather a the agreement before permit could be issued.
manufactured product. It is the result of a
definite process—crushing of minerals, Jurado ignored requirement and sent the Php
grinding, mixing, etc. Its minerals had already 285 license fee by postal money order to the
undergone a chemical change before cement office of municipal treasurer. Mapago returned
reaches its saleable form. amount because of failure to comply with
Resolution No.9.
The power of taxation is a high prerogative of
sovereignty. Its relinquishment is never Hence, a special civil action for mandamus
presumed. The general rule is that any claim with damages to compel issuance of mayor’s
for exemption from the tax statute should be permit and license was filed with the CFI and
strictly construed against the taxpayer. He also a petition for a declaratory judgment
who claims an exemption must be able to against the resolution and implementing
point out some provision of law creating the agreement for being illegal either as a
right; it cannot be allowed to exist upon a donation or as a tax measure.
mere implication or inference.
The exemptions mentioned in Sec. 52 of PD WON the “donation” was a valid exercise
463 only refers to machineries, equipment, of the LGU’s taxing power.
tools, for production, etc., as provided in Sec.
53 of the same decree. The manufacture and The Court did not concern itself with the
export of cement do not fall under it since it is validity of the Resolution since the issue
not a mineral product. was not raised in the petition as an
assigned error of the CA. While it would
Tuzon and Mapagu vs. CA appear from the wording of the resolution that
(1992) the municipal government merely intends to
"solicit" the 1% contribution from the
FACTS: The Sangguniang Bayan of threshers, the implementing agreement seems
Camalaniugan, Cagayan unanimously adopted to make the donation obligatory and a
Resolution No.9 where 1% donation from condition precedent to the issuance of the
thresher operators who will apply for a permit mayor's permit. This goes against the nature
to thresh within its jurisdiction will be solicited of a donation, which is an act of liberality and
to help finance construction of Sports and is never obligatory.
Nutrition Center.
The municipal treasurer Mapagu prepared a If, on the other hand, it is to be considered a
document for signature of all thresher applying tax ordinance, then it must be shown in view
for a mayor’s permit to implement the of the challenge raised by the private
resolution: respondents to have been enacted in
accordance with the requirements of the Local
Tax Code. These would include the holding of a
public hearing on the measure and its interpretation of the resolution. In the absence
subsequent approval by the Secretary of of a judicial decision declaring it invalid, the
Finance, in addition to the usual requisites for legality of challenged measures would have to
publication of ordinances in general. be presumed. As executive officials of the
municipality, they had the duty to enforce it as
WON the Mayor and Treasurer are liable long as it had not been repealed by
for damages. Sangguniang Bayan or annulled by the courts.
NO. The Civil Code provision (Art. 27) has Drilon vs. Lim
been remarked: (1994)
- To have a purpose to end the bribery
system, where public official, for some FACTS: Pursuant to Sec 187 of the LGC, the
flimsy excuse, delays or refuses the Secretary of Justice had, on appeal to him of
performance of his duty until he gets some four oil companies and a taxpayer, declared
kind of pabagsak” (Paras on Civil Code) Ordinance No. 7794, otherwise known as the
- To presuppose that the refusal or omission Manila Revenue Code, null and void for non-
of a public official to perform his official compliance with the prescribed procedure in
duty is attributable to malice or the enactment of tax ordinances and for
inexcusable negligence (Phil. Match Co. vs. containing certain provisions contrary to law
City of Cebu) and public policy.
- In any event, the erring public functionary
is justly punishable under it for whatever In Manila’s petition for certiorari, the Manila
loss or damage complainant has RTC sustained the ordinance. It also declared
sustained. Section 187 of the LGC as unconstitutional
since it vests in the Justice Secretary the
In the CAB, it has not been alleged that power of control over LGUs in violation of the
Mayor’s refusal to act on his application was policy of local autonomy mandated in the
an attempt to compel him to resort to bribery Constitution.
to obtain approval of his application.
The Secretary argues that the annulled Section
It cannot be said also that mayor and treasurer 187 is constitutional and that the procedural
were motivated by personal spite or were requirements for the enactment of tax
grossly negligent in refusing to issue permit ordinances as specified in the Local
and license to Jurado. Government Code has indeed not been
No evidence has been offered to show that WON Sec. 187 of the LGC is
they singled out Jurado for persecution. constitutional.
Neither does it appear that they stood to gain HELD: YES. Every court, including the SC, is
personally from refusing to issue to Jurado the charged with the duty of a purposeful
permit and license he needed. They were not hesitation before declaring a law
his business competitors nor has it been unconstitutional, on the theory that the
established that they intended to favor his measure was first carefully studied by the
competitors. executive and the legislative departments and
determined by them to be in accordance with
On the contrary, record discloses that the fundamental law before it was finally
resolution was uniformly applied to all approved.
threshers in the municipality without
discrimination or preference. To doubt is to sustain. The presumption of
constitutionality can be overcome only by the
Petitioners acted within scope of their clearest showing that there was indeed an
authority and in consonance with their honest infraction of the Constitution, and only when
such a conclusion is reached by the requipped
majority may the Court pronounce, in the Mactan Cebu International Airport
discharge of the duty it cannot escape, that Authority vs. Marcos (1996)
the challenged act must be struck down.
FACTS: The MCIAA is mandated to control,
In CAB, the RTC was rather hasty in manage and supervise the Mactan
invalidating the provision. Section 187 International Airport and other airports in
authorizes the Secretary of Justice to review Cebu. City Treasurer demanded payment for
only the constitutionality or legality of the tax realty taxes on lands belonging to MCIAA.
ordinance and, if warranted, to revoke it on Petitioner claimed in its favor the provision in
either or both of these grounds. When he its charter which exempts it from payment of
alters or modifies or sets aside a tax realty taxes. It also claimed that it is an
ordinance, he is not also permitted to instrumentality of the government performing
substitute his own judgment for the judgment governmental functions, citing Sec. 133 of
of the local government that enacted the LGC.
WON the MCIAA is exempt from payment
Secretary Drilon did set aside the Manila of realty taxes.
Revenue Code, but he did not replace it with
his own version of what the Code should be. HELD: NO. Reading together Secs. 133, 232
He did not pronounce the ordinance unwise or and 234 of the LGC, the SC concluded that:
unreasonable as a basis for its annulment. He
did not say that in his judgment it was a bad As a general rule, the taxing powers of LGUs
law. What he found only was that it was illegal. cannot extend to the levy of “taxes, fees and
All he did in reviewing the said measure was charges of any kind on the National
determine if the petitioners were performing Government, its agencies and
their functions is accordance with law, that is, instrumentalities, and LGUs.” (Sec. 133)
with the prescribed procedure for the
enactment of tax ordinances and the grant of However, provinces, cities and municipalities
powers to the city government under the Local in the Metropolitan Manila Area may impose
Government Code. As we see it, that was an the real property tax except on “real property
act not of control but of mere supervision. owned by the Republic of the Philippines or
any of its political subdivisions (Sec. 232),
An officer in control lays down the rules in the except when the beneficial use thereof has
doing of an act. It they are not followed, he been granted, for consideration or otherwise,
may, in his discretion, order the act undone or to a taxable person.” (Sec. 234)
re-done by his subordinate or he may even As to tax exemptions or incentives granted to
decide to do it himself. Supervision does not or presently enjoyed by natural or judicial
cover such authority. The supervisor or persons, including GOCC’s:
superintendent merely sees to it that the rules
are followed, but he himself does not lay down The general rule is that they are withdrawn
such rules, nor does he have the discretion to upon the effectivity of the LGC, except those
modify or replace them. If the rules are not granted to local water districts, cooperatives
observed, he may order the work done or re- duly registered under RA 6938, non-stock and
done but only to conform to the prescribed non-profit hospitals and educational
rules. He may not prescribe his own manner institutions, and unless otherwise provided in
for the doing of the act. He has no judgment the LGC.
on this matter except to see to it that the rules
are followed. In the opinion of the Court, “Unless otherwise provided in the LGC” could
Secretary Drilon did precisely this, and no refer to Sec. 234, which enumerates the
more nor less than this, and so performed an properties exempt from real property tax.
act not of control but of mere supervision.
But the last paragraph of Sec. 234 further CONFLICTING CASES: Mactan Airport
qualifies the retention of the exemption insofar Authority vs. Pres. Marcos (September 11,
as real property taxes are concerned by 1996) and Manila Int’l Airport Authority vs.
limiting the retention only to those CA (July 20, 2006)
enumerated herein; all others not included in
the enumeration lost the privilege upon the
effectivity of the LGC.
Both cases involves the following
But even as to real property owned by the
Republic or any of its political subdivisions Sec 133(o), LGC: Unless otherwise
covered by item (a) of the first paragraph of provided herein, the LGUs are not allowed
Section 234, the exemption is withdrawn if the to levy… (o) taxes, fees or charges of any
beneficial use of such property has been kind on the national gov’t, its agencies,
granted to a taxable person for consideration instrumentalities and LGUs.
or otherwise.
NOTE: I don’t think that the nitty-gritty of real 1. Real property shall be appraised at its
property taxation will come out in the exam. current and fair market value.
Ang haba ng provisions! I just included the
following excerpts from the BAROPS Reviewer, 2. Real property shall be classified for
just in case. assessment purposes on the basis of its
actual use.
3. Real property shall be assessed on the
basis of a Uniform classification within
each local government unit.
Definition: Real property tax has been
defined as “a direct tax on the ownership 4. The appraisal, assessment, levy and
of lands and buildings or other collection of real property tax shall not
improvements thereon not specially be let to any private person.
exempted, and is payable regardless of
whether the property is used or not, 5. The appraisal and assessment of real
although the value may vary in accordance property shall be Equitable. [Section
with such factor.” 197, Local Government Code]
FACTS: The NDC is authorized to engage in However in CAB, what appears to have been
commercial, industrial, mining, agricultural ceded to NDC is merely the administration of
and other enterprises needed for economic the property while the government retains
development. In 1939, the President issued ownership of what has been declared reserved
Proclamation No. 430 which reserved Block for warehousing purposes under the
No. 4, Reclamation Area No. 4, of Cebu City, proclamation.
consisting of 4,599 square meters, for
warehousing purposes under the As reserved land (public land that has been
administration of NWC. NWC was succeeded withheld and kept back from sale or
by NDC. In 1940, a warehouse with a floor area disposition), it remains absolute property of
of 1,940 square meters was constructed on it. the government, because the government
does not part with its title by reserving them,
In 1948, Cebu City assessed and collected but simply gives notice to all that it desires
from NDC real estate taxes on the land and them for a certain purpose. As its title remains
the warehouse. NDC paid under protest. with the Republic, the reserved land is covered
by the tax exemption provision.
Cebu City argues that the land and warehouse
are taxable since no law grants NDC NDC is NOT EXEMPT from the payment of
exemption from real estate taxes. NDC, as real estate taxes on the warehouse.
recipient of the land reserved by the President,
is liable for payment of ordinary taxes. They A different rule applies because “the
have ceased to be exempt under the exemption of public property from taxation
Assessment Law when the government does not extend to improvements on the
disposed of them in favor of NDC. The SC has public lands made by preemptioners,
also used the standard of “use” of property homesteaders and other claimants at their
rather than “ownership” as basis for real own expense, and these are taxable by the
estate taxability. state…(CJS)”. Consequently, the warehouse
constructed on the reserved land by NDC
The NDC argues that the Assessment Law should properly be assessed real estate tax as
exempts properties owned by the Republic such improvement does not appear to belong
from real estate tax, relying on the case of to the Republic.
Board of Assessment Appeals v. CTA & NWSA,
where it was held that “properties of NWSA, a Province of Tarlac vs. Judge Alcantara
GOCC, are exempt from real estate tax since (1992)
FACTS: Tarlac Enterprises Inc is the owner of Private respondent contends that the "other
a parcel of land in Mabini, Tarlac, an ice drop laws" referred to in this Section is P.D. No. 551
factory in said land, machinery shed and other (Lowering the Cost to Consumers of Electricity
machinery. These properties were declared for by Reducing the Franchise Tax Payable by
purposes of Taxation in the Provincial Electric Franchise Holders and the Tariff on
Assessor’s Office. The Provincial Treasurer Fuel Oils for the Generation of Electric Power
found that real estate taxes for the years 1974 by Public Utilities). Its pertinent provisions
until 1992 in the amount of P532,435.55 state: SECTION 1. Any provision of law or local
including penalties were not yet paid. ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, the
Therefore, the Provincial Treasurer Jose Meru franchise tax payable by all grantees of
filed a complaint praying that the company franchises to generate, distribute and sell
pay the said sum as well as damages. electric current for light, heat and power shall
Tarlac Enterprises filed a motion to dismiss. be two (2%) of their gross receipts received
But the lower court denied the motion. from the sale of electric current and from
Thereafter, petitioner set the auction sale of transactions incident to the generation,
the private respondent's properties to satisfy distribution
the real estate taxes due. This prompted the
private respondent to file a motion praying The SC did not agree with the lower court that
that petitioner be directed to desist from the phrase “in lieu of all taxes and
proceeding with the public auction sale. The assessments of whatever nature” in the
lower court issued an order granting said second paragraph of Sec. 1 of PD 551
motion to prevent mootness of the case expressly exempts private respondent from
considering that the properties to be sold were paying real property taxes. Said proviso is
the, subjects of the complaint. modified and delimited by the phrase “on
earnings, receipts, income and privilege of
Tarlac Enterprises then filed an answer saying generation, distribution and sale” which
that under Section 40(g) of PD 46 in relation to specifies the kinds of taxes and assessments
PD 551, it was exempt from paying said tax. which shall not be collected in view of the
The court rendered the decision dismissing the imposition of the franchise tax. Said
complaint. It ruled that PD 551 expressly enumerated items have no relation to, and are
exempts private respondent from paying the entirely different from, real properties subject
real property taxes demanded, it being a to tax.
grantee of a franchise to generate, distribute If the intention of the law is to exempt electric
and sell electric current for light. The court franchise grantees from paying real property
held that in lieu of said taxes, private tax and to make the 2% franchise tax the only
respondent had been required to pay 2% imposable tax, then said enumerated items
franchise tax in line with the intent of the law would not have been added when PD 852 was
to give assistance to operators such as the enacted to amend P.D. No. 551. The legislative
private respondent to enable the consumers to authority would have simply stopped after the
enjoy cheaper rates. phrase "national or local authority" by putting
therein a period. On the contrary, it went on to
WON Tarlac Enterprises, Inc. is exempt enumerate what should not be subject to tax
from the payment of real property tax thereby delimiting the extent of the
under Sec. 40 (g) of P.D. No. 464 in exemption.
relation to P.D. No. 551, as amended.
There is also no merit in the respondent’s
HELD: NO. Sec. 40(g) of P.D. No. 464, the contention that the real properties being
Real Property Tax Code, provides: SEC. 40. taxed, the machinery for the generation and
Exemptions from Real Property Tax. - The distribution of electric power, the bldg housing
exemption shall be as follows: (g) Real said machinery, and the land on which said
property exempt under other laws. bldg is constructed, are necessary for the
operation of its business of generation, It has always been the rule that "exemptions
distribution and sale of electric current and from taxation are construed in strictissimi juris
should be exempt from taxation. The lower against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of
court erred in exempting the private the taxing authority" primarily because "taxes
respondents from paying real property tax on are the lifeblood of government and their
its properties enumerated in the complaint. prompt and certain availability is an imperious
need." Thus, to be exempted from payment of
The annexes attached to private respondent's taxes, it is the taxpayer's duty to justify the
comment on the petition to prove by exemption "by words too plain to be mistaken
contemporaneous interpretation its claimed and too categorical to be misinterpreted.;
tax exemption are not of much help to it. Private respondent has utterly failed to
Department Order No. 35-74 dated September discharge this duty.
16, 1974 11 regulating the implementation of
P.D. No. 551 merely reiterates the "in lieu of all 3. Shares of LGU’s in the Proceeds of
taxes" proviso. Local Tax Regulations No. 3-75 National Taxes
12 issued by then Secretary of Finance Cesar
Virata and addressed to all Provincial and City 1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 6. Local
Treasurers enjoins strict compliance with the government units shall have a just share, as
directive that "the franchise tax imposed determined by law, in the national taxes which
under Local Tax Ordinances pursuant to shall be automatically released to them.
Section 19 of the Local Tax Code, as amended,
shall be collected from business holding Pimentel vs. Aguirre
franchises but not from establishments whose (supra)
franchise contains the in lieu of all taxes'
proviso," thereby clearly indicating that said HELD: Under existing law, local government
proviso exempts taxpayers like private units, in addition to having administrative
respondent from paying the franchise tax autonomy in the exercise of their functions,
collected by the provinces under the Local Tax enjoy fiscal autonomy as well. Fiscal
Code. Lastly, the letter 13 of the then Bureau autonomy means that local governments have
of Internal Revenue Acting Commissioner the power to create their own sources of
addressed to the Matic Law Office granting revenue in addition to their equitable share in
exemption to the latter's client from paying the national taxes released by the national
the "privilege (fixed) tax which is an excise tax government, as well as the power to allocate
on the privilege of engaging in business" their resources in accordance with their own
clearly excludes realty tax from such priorities. It extends to the preparation of
exemption. their budgets, and local officials in turn have to
work within the constraints thereof. They are
The SC also find misplaced the lower court's not formulated at the national level and
and the private respondent's reliance on imposed on local governments, whether they
Butuan Sawmill. Inc. v. City of Butuan. In that are relevant to local needs and resources or
case, the questioned tax is a tax on the gross not. Hence, the necessity of a balancing of
sales or receipts of said sawmill while the tax viewpoints and the harmonization of proposals
involved herein is a real property tax. The City from both local and national officials, who in
of Butuan is categorically prohibited therein by any case are partners in the attainment of
Sec. 2(j) of the Local Autonomy Act from national goals.
imposing "taxes of any kind . . . on person
paying franchise tax." On the other hand, P.D. There are therefore several requisites before
No. 551 is not as all-encompassing as said the President may interfere in local fiscal
provision of the Local Autonomy Act for it matters: (1) an unmanaged public sector
enumerates the items which are not taxable deficit of the national government; (2)
by virtue of the payment of franchise tax. consultations with the presiding officers of the
Senate and the House of Representatives and
the presidents of the various local leagues; SEC. 284. Allotment of Internal Revenue
and (3) the corresponding recommendation of Taxes. - Local government units shall have a
the secretaries of the Department of Finance, share in the national internal revenue taxes
Interior and Local Government, and Budget based on the collection of the third fiscal year
and Management. Furthermore, any preceding the current fiscal year as follows:
adjustment in the allotment shall in no case be
less than thirty percent (30%) of the collection (a) On the first year of the effectivity of this
of national internal revenue taxes of the third Code, thirty percent (30%);
fiscal year preceding the current one.
(b) On the second year, thirty-five percent
A basic feature of local fiscal autonomy is the (35%); and
automatic release of the shares of LGUs in the
national internal revenue. This is mandated by (c) On the third year and thereafter, forty
no less than the Constitution. The Local percent (40%).
Government Code specifies further that the
release shall be made directly to the LGU Provided, That in the event that the national
concerned within five (5) days after every government incurs an unmanageable public
quarter of the year and "shall not be subject to sector deficit, the President of the Philippines
any lien or holdback that may be imposed by is hereby authorized, upon the
the national government for whatever recommendation of Secretary of Finance,
purpose." As a rule, the term "shall" is a word Secretary of Interior and Local Government
of command that must be given a compulsory and Secretary of Budget and Management,
meaning. The provision is, therefore, and subject to consultation with the presiding
imperative. officers of both Houses of Congress and the
presidents of the liga, to make the necessary
Section 4 of AO 372, however, orders the adjustments in the internal revenue allotment
withholding, effective January 1, 1998, of 10 of local government units but in no case shall
percent of the LGUs' IRA "pending the the allotment be less than thirty percent (30%)
assessment and evaluation by the of the collection of national internal revenue
Development Budget Coordinating Committee taxes of the third fiscal year preceding the
of the emerging fiscal situation" in the country. current fiscal year: Provided, further That in
Such withholding clearly contravenes the the first year of the effectivity of this Code, the
Constitution and the law. Although temporary, local government units shall, in addition to the
it is equivalent to a holdback, which means thirty percent (30%) internal revenue
"something held back or withheld, often allotment which shall include the cost of
temporarily”. Hence, the "temporary" nature devolved functions for essential public
of the retention by the national government services, be entitled to receive the amount
does not matter. Any retention is prohibited. equivalent to the cost of devolved personal
ALSO REMEMBER: In Alvarez, the SC held
that IRA is part of an LGU’s income. SEC. 285. Allocation to Local Government
Units. - The share of local government units in
1987 CONSTI, Art. X, Section 7. Local the internal revenue allotment shall be
governments shall be entitled to an equitable allocated in the following manner:
share in the proceeds of the utilization and
development of the national wealth within (a) Provinces - Twenty-three percent (23%);
their respective areas, in the manner provided (b) Cities - Twenty-three percent (23%);
by law, including sharing the same with the (c) Municipalities - Thirty-four percent (34%);
inhabitants by way of direct benefits. and
(d) barangays - Twenty percent (20%)
Provided, however, That the share of each (b) Nothing in this Chapter shall be
province, city, and municipality shall be understood to diminish the share of local
determined on the basis of the following government units under existing laws.
SEC. 287. Local Development Projects. -
(a) Population - Fifty percent (50%); Each local government unit shall appropriate
(b) Land Area - Twenty-five percent (25%); in its annual budget no less than twenty
and percent (20%) of its annual internal revenue
(c) Equal sharing - Twenty-five percent (25%) allotment for development projects. Copies of
the development plans of local government
Provided, further, That the share of each units shall be furnished the Department of
barangay with a population of not less than Interior and Local Government.
one hundred (100) inhabitants shall not be less
than Eighty thousand pesos (P=80,000.00) per SEC. 288. Rules and Regulations. - The
annum chargeable against the twenty percent Secretary of Finance, in consultation with the
(20%) share of the barangay from the internal Secretary of Budget and Management, shall
revenue allotment, and the balance to be promulgate the necessary rules and
allocated on the basis of the following formula: regulations for a simplified disbursement
scheme designed for the speedy and effective
(a) On the first year of the effectivity of this enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter.
(1) Population - Forty percent (40%); and PIMENTEL:
(2) Equal Sharing - Sixty percent (60%) • The automatic release of these funds is not
subject to any condition. Hence, Congress
(b) On the second year: may not impose any undertaking or event
(1) Population - Fifty percent (50%); and (ex. Upon finding that the LGU has
(2) Equal Sharing - Fifty percent (50%) complied with any guideline; or upon the
realization of the original revenue targets
(c) On the third year and thereafter: submitted by the President to Congress)
(1) Population - Sixty percent (60%); and before it releases the LGU’s shares in the
(2) Equal Sharing - Forty percent (40%). national taxes. (Batangas vs. Romulo,
ACORD, Inc. vs. Zamora)
Provided, finally, That the financial
requirements of barangays created by local LGC, SEC. 289. Share in the Proceeds
government units after the effectivity of this from the Development and Utilization of
Code shall be the responsibility of the local the National Wealth. - Local government
government unit concerned. units shall have an equitable share in the
proceeds derived from the utilization and
development of the national wealth within
their respective areas, including sharing the
SEC. 286. Automatic Release of Shares. – same with the inhabitants by way of direct
(a) The share of each local government unit benefits.
shall be released, without need of any further
action, directly to the provincial, city,
municipal or barangay treasurer, as the case
• “National wealth” means the natural
may be, on a quarterly basis within five (5)
resources of the nation (i.e., land, waters,
days after the end of each quarter, and which
forests, the fishes, the minerals, etc.)
shall not be subject to any lien or holdback
which are being utilized and developed
that may be imposed by the national
anywhere in the country.
government for whatever purpose.
(2) Component city/municipality - Forty-five
percent (45%); and
SEC. 290. Amount of Share of Local (3) barangay - Thirty-five percent (35%)
Government Units. - Local government units Provided, however, That where the natural
shall, in addition to the internal revenue resources are located in two (2) or more
allotment, have a share of forty percent (40%) provinces, or in two (2) or more component
of the gross collection derived by the national cities or municipalities or in two (2) or more
government from the preceding fiscal year barangays, their respective shares shall be
from mining taxes, royalties, forestry and computed on the basis of:
fishery charges, and such other taxes, fees, or
charges, including related surcharges, (1) Population - Seventy percent (70%); and
interests, or fines, and from its share in any
co-production, joint venture or production (2) Land area - Thirty percent (30%).
sharing agreement in the utilization and
development of the national wealth within (b) Where the natural resources are located in
their territorial jurisdiction. a highly urbanized or independent component
SEC. 291. Share of the Local
Governments from any Government (1) city - Sixty-five percent (65%); and
Agency or -Owned and -Controlled
Corporation. - Local government units shall (2) barangay - Thirty-five percent (35%)
have a share based on the preceding fiscal Provided, however, That where the natural
year from the proceeds derived by any resources are located in such two (2) or more
government agency or government-owned or cities, the allocation of shares shall be based
-controlled corporation engaged in the on the formula on population and land area as
utilization and development of the national specified in paragraph (a) of this Section.
wealth based on the following formula
whichever will produce a higher share for the SEC. 293 Remittance of the Share of
local government unit: Local Government Units. - The share of
local government units from the utilization and
(a) One percent (1%) of the gross sales or development of national wealth shall be
receipts of the preceding calendar year; or remitted in accordance with Section 286 of
this Code: Provided, however, That in the case
(b) Forty percent (40%) of the mining taxes, of any government agency or government-
royalties, forestry and fishery charges and owned or -controlled corporation engaged in
such other taxes, fees or charges, including the utilization and development of the national
related surcharges, interests, or fines the wealth, such share shall be directly remitted to
government agency or government -owned or the provincial, city, municipal or barangay
-controlled corporation would have paid if it treasurer concerned within five (5) days after
were not otherwise exempt. the end of each quarter.
SEC. 292. Allocation of Shares. - The share SEC. 294. Development and Livelihood
in the preceding Section shall be distributed in Projects. - The proceeds from the share of
the following manner: local government units pursuant to this
chapter shall be appropriated by their
(a) Where the natural resources are located in respective sanggunian to finance local
the province development and livelihood projects: Provided,
however, That at least eighty percent (80%) of
(1) province - Twenty percent (20%); the proceeds derived from the development
and utilization of hydrothermal, geothermal,
and other sources of energy shall be applied
solely to lower the cost of electricity in the hospitals, build educational facilities for the
local government unit where such a source of handicapped, and provide seed capital for
energy is located. the livelihood projects of farmers, fisher
folks or the urban poor)
4. Credit Financing
LGC, SEC. 295. Scope. - This Title shall SEC. 297. Loans, Credits, and Other
govern the power of local government units to Forms of Indebted ness of Local
create indebtedness and to enter into credit Government Units. –
and other financial transactions.
(a) A local government unit may contract
PIMENTEL: loans, credits, and other forms of indebtedness
with any government or domestic private bank
• Under this provision, LGU’s have the power
and other lending institutions to finance the
to create indebtedness, like floating bonds
construction, installation, improvement,
or borrowing money from government
expansion, operation, or maintenance of public
financing institutions or domestic private
facilities, infrastructure facilities, housing
banks, to fund local infrastructure or other
projects, the acquisition of real property, and
socioeconomic development projects and
the implementation of other capital
to stabilize local finances.
investment projects, subject to such terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon by the local
• LGU’s may also secure funds from foreign
government unit and the lender. The proceeds
sources subject to the approval of the
from such transactions shall accrue directly to
proper central government agency.
the local government unit concerned.
or services and from the regular income of the (1) The provincial, city, or municipal engineer,
local government unit, which must be provided as the case may be, upon formal request in
for and appropriated regularly in its annual writing by the local chief executive, shall
budget until the loan and the interest thereon prepare the plans and specifications for the
shall have been fully paid. proposed project, which shall be submitted to
the sanggunian for approval.
• Under the immediately preceding section, (2) Upon approval by the sanggunian of the
LGU’s, through the central government, project plans and specifications, the provincial,
are authorized to procure foreign loans. city, or municipal engineer shall, as the case
may be, cause to be published once every
week for two (2) consecutive weeks in at least
LGC, SEC. 302. Financing, Construction,
one (1) local newspaper which is circulated in
Maintenance, Operation, and
the region, province, city or municipality in
Management of Infrastructure Projects
which the project is to be implemented, a
by the Private Sector. –
notice inviting all duly qualified contractors to
participate in a public bidding for the projects
(a) Local government units may enter into
so approved. The conduct of public bidding
contracts with any duly prequalified individual
and award of contracts for local government
contractor, for the financing, construction,
projects under this Section shall be in
operation, and maintenance of any financially
accordance with this Code and other
viable infrastructure facilities, under the build-
applicable laws, rules and regulations.
operate-and-transfer agreement, subject to
the applicable provisions of Republic Act
In the case of a build-operate-and-transfer
Numbered Sixty-nine hundred fifty-seven (R.A.
agreement, the contract shall be awarded to
No. 6957) authorizing the financing,
the lowest complying bidder whose offer is
construction, operation and maintenance of
deemed most advantageous to the local
infrastructure projects by the private sector
government and based on the present value of
and the rules and regulations issued
its proposed tolls, fees, rentals, and charges
thereunder and such terms and conditions
over a fixed term for the facility to be
provided in this Section.
constructed, operated, and maintained
according to the prescribed minimum design
(b) Local government units shall include in
and performance standards, plans, and
their respective local development plans and
specifications. For this purpose, the winning
public investment programs priority projects
contractor shall be automatically granted by
that may be financed, constructed, operated
the local government unit concerned the
and maintained by the private sector under
franchise to operate and maintain the facility,
this Section. It shall be the duty of the local
including the collection of tolls, fees, rentals,
government unit concerned to disclose to the
and charges in accordance with subsection (c-
public all projects eligible for financing under
4) hereof.
this Section, including official notification of
duly registered contractors and publication in
In the case of a build-operate-and-transfer
newspapers of general or local circulation and
agreement, the contract shall be awarded to
in conspicuous and accessible public places.
the lowest complying bidder based on the
Local projects under the build-operate-and-
present value of its proposed schedule of
transfer agreement shall be confirmed by the
amortization payments for the facility to be
local development councils.
constructed according to the prescribed
minimum design and performance standards,
(c) Projects implemented under this Section
plans, and specifications.
shall be subject to the following terms and
(3) Any contractor who shall undertake the under the technical supervision of the local
prosecution of any project under this Section government unit and in accordance with the
shall post the required bonds to protect the plans, specifications, standards, and costs
interest of the province, city, or municipality, approved by it.
in such amounts as may be fixed by the
sanggunian concerned and the provincial, city, (d) The provincial, city or municipal legal
or municipal engineer shall not, as the case officer shall, as the case may be, review the
may be, allow any contractor to initiate the contracts executed pursuant to this Section to
prosecution of projects under this Section determine their legality, validity, enforceability
unless such contractor presents proof or and correctness of form.
evidence that he has posted the required
bond. SEC. 303. Remedies and Sanctions. - Local
government units shall appropriate in their
(4) The contractor shall be entitled to a respective annual budgets such amounts as
reasonable return of its investment in are sufficient to pay the loans and other
accordance with its bid proposal as accepted indebtedness incurred or redeem or retire
by the local government unit concerned. In the bonds, debentures, securities, notes and other
case of a build-operate-and-transfer obligations issued under this Title: Provided,
agreement, the repayment shall be made by That failure to provide the appropriations
authorizing the contractor to charge and herein required shall render their annual
collect reasonable tolls, fees, rentals, and budgets inoperative.
charges for the use of the project facility not
exceeding those proposed in the bid and 5. Local Fiscal Administration
incorporated in the contract: Provided, That
the local government unit concerned shall, LGC, SEC. 305. Fundamental principles
based on reasonableness and equity, approve governing the financial affairs,
the tolls, fees, rentals and charges: Provided, transactions and operations of LGUs :
further, That the imposition and collection of
tolls, fees, rentals and charges shall be for a
fixed period as proposed in the bid and
incorporated in the contract which shall in no • No money shall be paid out of the local
case exceed fifty (50) years: Provided, finally, treasury except in pursuance of an
That during the lifetime of the contract, the appropriations ordinance or law;
contractor shall undertake the necessary
maintenance and repair of the facility in
accordance with standards prescribed in the
bidding documents and in the contract. In the • Local government funds and monies
case of a build-operate-and-transfer shall be spent solely for
agreement, the repayment shall be made
through amortization payments in accordance • public purposes;
with the schedule proposed in the bid and
incorporated in the contract. In case of land
reclamation or construction of industrial
estates, the repayment plan may consist of • Local revenue is generated only from
the grant of a portion or percentage of the sources expressly authorized by law or
reclaimed land or the industrial estate ordinance, and collection thereof shall at
constructed. all times be acknowledged properly;
• All monies officially received by a local considered in the formulation of budgets of
government officer in any capacity or on national line agencies or offices;
any occasion shall be accounted for as
local funds, unless otherwise provided by
• Fiscal responsibility shall be shared by
all those exercising authority over the
financial affairs, transactions, and
• Trust funds in the local treasury shall operations of the local government units;
not be paid out except in fulfillment of the and
purpose for which the trust was created or
the funds received;
shall not exceed forty-five percent (45%) in and salary increases or adjustments shall in no
the case of first to third class provinces, cities, case be made retroactive; and
and municipalities, and fifty-five percent (55%)
in the case of fourth class or lower, of the total (h) The annual appropriations for
annual income from regular sources realized in discretionary purposes of the local chief
the next preceding fiscal year. The executive shall not exceed two percent (2%) of
appropriations for salaries, wages, the actual receipts derived from basic real
representation and transportation allowances property tax in the next preceding calendar
of officials and employees of the public utilities year. Discretionary funds shall be disbursed
and economic enterprises owned, operated, only for public purposes to be supported by
and maintained by the local government unit appropriate vouchers and subject to such
concerned shall not be included in the annual guidelines as may be prescribed by law. No
budget or in the computation of the maximum amount shall be appropriated for the same
amount for personal services. The purpose except as authorized under this
appropriations for the personal services of Section.
such economic enterprises shall be charged to
their respective budgets; D. Local Legislation
(b) No official or employee shall be entitled to LGC, SEC. 48. Local Legislative Power. -
a salary rate higher than the maximum fixed Local legislative power shall be exercised by
for his position or other positions of equivalent the sangguniang panlalawigan for the
rank by applicable laws or rules and province; the sangguniang panlungsod for the
regulations issued thereunder; city; the sangguniang bayan for the
municipality; and the sangguniang barangay
(c) No local fund shall be appropriated to for the barangay.
increase or adjust salaries or wages of officials
and employees of the national government, PIMENTEL:
except as may be expressly authorized by law;
• Local political subdivisions are able to
legislate only by virtue of a valid
(d) In cases of abolition of positions and the
delegation of legislative power from the
creation of new ones resulting from the
national legislature (except WRT the
abolition of existing positions in the career
creation of their own sources of revenue
service, such abolition or creation shall be
and the levying of taxes, which are vested
made in accordance with pertinent provisions
by the CONSTI itself).
of this code and the civil service law, rules and
• NOTE: They are mere agents vested with
(e) Positions in the official plantilla for career what is called the power of subordinate
positions which are occupied by incumbents legislation.
holding permanent appointments shall be
covered by adequate appropriations; Hence, as delegates of Congress, the LGU
cannot contravene but must obey at all
(f) No changes in designation or nomenclature times the will of their principal. (Sol. Gen.
of positions resulting in a promotion or vs. Metro Manila Authority)
demotion in rank or increase or decrease in
compensation shall be allowed, except when • Unlike the Senate and the HOR, LGU’s do
the position is actually vacant, and the filling not have the inherent power to cite anyone
of such positions shall be strictly made in for contempt. There being no provision in
accordance with the civil service law, rules and the Local Government Code explicitly
regulations; (g) The creation of new positions granting local legislative bodies, the power
to issue compulsory process and the power
to punish for contempt, the Sanggunian
Panlungsod of Dumaguete is devoid of from the passage of ordinances enacted
power to punish the petitioners… for and resolutions adopted by the sanggunian
contempt. Such act by the sanggunian is in the session over which he temporarily
ultra vires. (Negros Oriental II Electric presided.
Cooperative vs. Sangguniang Panlungsod
Of Dumaguete) PIMENTEL:
• The idea behind the said scheme of
• Ordinances enacted by local government presiding officers is to distribute powers
units enjoy the presumption of among the elective officials, so that the
constitutionality. To overthrow this legislative (the sanggunian), may properly
presumption, there must be a clear and check the executive and vice versa and
unequivocal breach of the Constitution, not exercise their respective functions without
merely a doubtful or argumentative undue interference from one by the other.
contradiction. In short, the conflict with the
Constitution must be shown beyond
reasonable doubt. (Tano vs. Socrates)
LGC, SEC. 50. Internal Rules of
• For an ordinance to be valid, it must not Procedure. –
only be within the corporate powers of the
city or municipality to enact but must also (a) On the first regular session following the
be passed according to the procedure election of its members and within ninety (90)
prescribed by law. It must be in accordance days thereafter, the sanggunian concerned
with certain well-established basic shall adopt or update its existing rules of
principles of a substantive nature. These procedure.
principles require that an ordinance (1)
must not contravene the Constitution or (b) The rules of procedure shall provide for
any statute (2) must not be unfair or the following:
oppressive (3) must not be partial or
discriminatory (4) must not prohibit but (1) The organization of the sanggunian and
may regulate trade (5) must be general the election of its officers as well as the
and consistent with public policy, and (6) creation of standing committees which shall
must not be unreasonable. (Lagcao vs. include, but shall not be limited to, the
Labra) committees on appropriations, women and
family, human rights, youth and sports
development, environmental protection, and
LGC, SEC. 49. Presiding Officer. – cooperatives; the general jurisdiction of each
committee; and the election of the chairman
(a) The vice-governor shall be the presiding and members of each committee;
officer of the sangguniang panlalawigan;
the city vice-mayor, of the sangguniang (2) The order and calendar of business for
panlungsod; the municipal vice-mayor, of each session;
the sangguniang bayan; and the punong
barangay, of the sangguniang barangay. (3) The legislative process;
The presiding officer shall vote only to
break a tie. (4) The parliamentary procedures which
include the conduct of members during
(b) In the event of the inability of the sessions;
regular Presiding officer to preside at a
sanggunian session, the members present (5) The discipline of members for disorderly
and constituting a quorum shall elect from behavior and absences without justifiable
among themselves a temporary presiding cause for four (4) consecutive sessions, for
officer. He shall certify within ten (10) days
which they may be censured, reprimanded, or disclose any business, financial, or professional
excluded from the session, suspended for not relationship or any relation by affinity or
more than sixty (60) days, or expelled: consanguinity within the fourth civil degree,
Provided, That the penalty of suspension or which he may have with any person, firm, or
expulsion shall require the concurrence of at entity affected by any ordinance or resolution
least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the under consideration by the sanggunian of which
sanggunian members: Provided, further, That he is a member, which relationship may result in
conflict of interest. Such relationship shall
a member convicted by final judgment to
imprisonment of at least one (1) year for any
crime involving moral turpitude shall be
(1) Ownership of stock or capital, or investment,
automatically expelled from the sanggunian;
in the entity or firm to which the ordinance or
resolution may apply; and
(6) Such other rules as the sanggunian may (2) Contracts or agreements with any person or
adopt. entity which the ordinance or resolution under
consideration may affect. In the absence of a
PIMENTEL: specific constitutional or statutory provision
• The LGC does not require the completion of applicable to this situation, "conflict of interest"
the updating or adoption of the internal refers in general to one where it may be
rules before the sanggunian could act on reasonably deduced that a member of a
any other matter like the enactment of an sanggunian may not act in the public interest
due to some private, pecuniary, or other personal
ordinance. It simply requires that the
considerations that may tend to affect his
matter of adopting or updating the internal
judgment to the prejudice of the service or the
rules of procedure be taken up during the
first day of session. (Malonzo vs. Zamora)
(b) The disclosure required under this Act shall
• There is nothing in the law that prohibits be made in writing and submitted to the
the 3 readings of a proposed ordinance be secretary of the sanggunian or the secretary of
held in just one session day. the committee of which he is a member. The
disclosure shall, in all cases, form part of the
• While the sanggunian is allowd to create its record of the proceedings and shall be made in
standing committees, the LGC makes the the following manner:
ff. committees mandatory:
o Appropriations (1) Disclosure shall be made before the member
o Women and Family participates in the deliberations on the ordinance
or resolution under consideration: Provided, That,
o Youth and Sports Development
if the member did not participate during the
o Environmental Protection
deliberations, the disclosure shall be made
o Cooperatives before voting on the ordinance or resolution on
second and third readings; and
The inclusion of the last two committees
manifest the commitment of Congress to (2) Disclosure shall be made when a member
enhance the quality of life of the people takes a position or makes a privilege speech on a
and to upgrade their economic well-being. matter that may affect the business interest,
financial connection, or professional relationship
LGC, SEC. 51. Full Disclosure of Financial described herein.
and Business Interests of Sanggunian
Members. –
• “Quorum” is the fixed number of
members present at a session which is
considered legally sufficient to transact the
business of the sanggunian. (c) Ordinances enacted by the sangguniang
• Normally, a quorum is determined by barangay shall, upon approval by the majority
dividing the number of members into two of all its members, be signed by the punong
and adding one to the quotient. barangay.
LGC, SEC. 54. Approval of Ordinances. – • While the first 2 sentences of this section
does not refer to resolutions as among the
(a) Every ordinance enacted by the acts of the sanggunian that must be
sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang approved and signed by the local chief
panlungsod, or sangguniang bayan shall be executive, the 3rd sentence thereof refer to
presented to the provincial governor or city or resolutions as among those that may be
municipal mayor, as the case may be. If the vetoed and such veto be overridden by the
local chief executive concerned approves the sanggunian concerned.
same, he shall affix his signature on each and
every page thereof; otherwise, he shall veto it Hence, resolutions, in practice are
and return the same with his objections to the submitted to the local chief executive for
sanggunian, which may proceed to reconsider his signature.
the same. The sanggunian concerned may
override the veto of the local chief executive • The approval of a Sanggunian resolution by
by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all its members, a mayor is NOT a ministerial duty. The
thereby making the ordinance or resolution grant of the veto power confers authority
effective for all legal intents and purposes. beyond the simple mechanical act of
signing an ordinance or resolution, as a
(b) The veto shall be communicated by the requisite to its enforceability. Such power
local chief executive concerned to the accords the local chief executive the
sanggunian within fifteen (15) days in the case discretion to sustain a resolution or
of a province, and ten (10) days in the case of ordinance in the first instance or to veto it
a city or a municipality; otherwise, the and return it with his objections to the
ordinance shall be deemed approved as if he Sanggunian, which may proceed to
had signed it. reconsider the same. The Sanggunian
concerned, however, may override the
veto by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all its ordinance effective even without the approval of
members thereby making the ordinance or the local chief executive concerned.
resolution effective for all legal intents and
purposes. It is clear, therefore, that the
concurrence of a local chief executive in PIMENTEL:
the enactment of an ordinance or • The Punong Barangay has no veto power
resolution requires, not only a flourish of over the ordinances enacted by the
the pen, but the application of judgment Sangguniang Barangay.
after meticulous analysis and intelligence
as well. (De Los Reyes vs. Sandiganbayan,
• “ultra vires” means that the ordinance or
3rd Division)
parts thereof are beyond the power of the
sanggunian to enact.
• Trial courts should take judicial notice of
municipal ordinances within their • The veto may apply to: (a) entire
respective jurisdictions. This means that ordinances or (b) particular items of certain
the enactment of an ordinance and its ordinances and resolutions:
provisions are supposed to be known by o An appropriations ordinance;
the trial courts of the area where the
o An ordinance or resolution adopting
municipality concerned may be located
a local development plan and public
and therefore, it need not be proven at the
investment program; or
proceedings in such courts. (Gallego vs.
o An ordinance directing the payment
People of the Philippines)
of money or creating liability.
WON Resolution 10 is the proper subject provinces, cities, municipalities, and
of an initiative. barangays.
signatures may be established in as many
places as may be warranted. LGC, SEC. 123. Effectivity of Local
Propositions. - If the proposition is approved
(g) Upon the lapse of the period herein by a majority of the votes cast, it shall take
provided, the COMELEC, through its office in effect fifteen (15) days after certification by
the local government unit concerned, shall the COMELEC as if affirmative action thereon
certify as to whether or not the required had been made by the sanggunian and local
number of signatures has been obtained. chief executive concerned. If it fails to obtain
Failure to obtain the required number defeats said number of votes, the proposition is
the proposition. considered defeated.
(h) If the required number of signatures is SEC. 124. Limitations on Local Initiatives.
obtained, the COMELEC shall then set a date –
for the initiative during which the proposition
shall be submitted to the registered voters in (a) The power of local initiative shall not be
the local government unit concerned for their exercised more than once a year.
approval within sixty (60) days from the date
of certification by the COMELEC, as provided in (b) Initiative shall extend only to subjects or
subsection (g) hereof, in case of provinces and matters which are within the legal powers of
cities, forty-five (45) days in case of the sanggunians to enact.
municipalities, and thirty (30) days in case of
barangays. The initiative shall then be held on (c) If at any time before the initiative is held,
the date set, after which the results thereof the sanggunian concerned adopts in toto the
shall be certified and proclaimed by the proposition presented and the local chief
COMELEC. executive approves the same, the initiative
PIMENTEL: shall be canceled. However, those against
• The original expenses to formulate the such action may, if they so desire, apply for
proposal and gather the required number initiative in the manner herein provided.
of votes are necessarily charged to the
proponents while the official costs are
borne by the government.
Initiative Referendum
- entirely the work of - begun and
LGC, SEC. 127. Authority of Courts. -
the electorate consented to by the
Nothing in this Chapter shall prevent or
law-making body.
- process of law- - drawn up or enacted preclude the proper courts from declaring null
making by the people by a legislative body. and void any proposition approved pursuant to
themselves without this Chapter for violation of the Constitution or
the participation and want of capacity of the sanggunian concerned
against the wishes of to enact the said measure.
their elected reps.
- process and voting - voters simply write Compare LGC with RA 6735 (wrt
more complex either “yes” or “no” in Initiative)
the ballot
LGC RA 6735
Who may all registered Same.
LGC, SEC. 126. Local Referendum exercise voters of the However,
Defined. - Local referendum is the legal LGU’s however, it
process whereby the registered voters of the concerned. also
local government units may approve, amend recognizes the
or reject any ordinance enacted by the right of any
sanggunian. The local referendum shall be duly
held under the control and direction of the accredited
COMELEC within sixty (60) days in case of people’s
provinces and cities, forty-five (45) days in organization,
case of municipalities and thirty (30) days in to file a
case of barangays. The COMELEC shall certify petition for
and proclaim the results of the said indirect
referendum. initiative with
PIMENTEL: appropriate
legislative votes is met, set a date for
bodies the initiative from the date
Number of • Not less than 1,000 of the certification
Voters registered voters (provinces abovementioned: 60 days
required and cities) (provinces and cities) 45
• Not less than 100 days (municipalities) and 30
(municipalities) days (barangays)
• Not less than 50 • Submit the initiative to the
(barangays) people for approval
Subject Ordinance (in Ordinance and • Proclaim and certify the
matter of the letter of resolutions (in results
initiative the law) but the letter of Effectivity of If the proposition is approved
resolutions the law) local by a majority of the votes cast,
are not propositions it shall take effect fifteen (15)
prohibited. days after certification by the
Numbering The petition The petition COMELEC.
of petition shall be shall be Limitations • shall not be exercised more
numbered numbered on local than once a year.
serially serially initiatives. • shall extend only to
starting from starting from subjects or matters which
Roman one (1). Two are within the legal powers
numeral I. or more of the sanggunians to
Two or more propositions enact.
propositions are allowed in • if at any time before the
are allowed in one petition. initiative is held, the
one petition. sanggunian concerned
Assisting COMELEC DILG adopts in toto the
agency Secretary proposition presented and
Condition If no favorable action on the
the local chief executive
precedent petition is taken by the
approves the same, the
before sanggunian concerned within
initiative shall be canceled.
exercise of thirty (30) days from its
However, those against
power presentation
such action may, if they so
Notice to the
desire, apply for initiative in
YES the manner herein
Period to From the date of notice to the
2. Acts of Sanggunian
Gather sanggunian:
a. Ordinance and Resolution
signatures • 90 days (provinces and
b. Formalities
i. Vote
• 60 days (municipalities)
• 30 days (barangays) Ortiz vs. Posadas
COMELEC • In a public place, witness (1931)
duties the signing of the petition.
regarding • Establish stations for the FACTS: Seven of the thirteen members
local collection of signatures. present, including the president, of the
initiative • Certify as to whether or not municipal council of Tabaco, Albay, voted in
the required number of favor of Ordinance No. 25, concerning
signatures has been cockpits, and six members voted against the
obtained. ordinance, with three members absent.
• If the required number of
WON Ordinance is valid Manila, Hon. Mayor Lim, and the members of
the City Council of Manila (City Council). MTDC
HELD: NO. Section 2224 of the Administrative prayed that the Ordinance, insofar as it
Code is clear. It needs only application, not includes motels and inns as among its
interpretation. The ayes and noes are taken prohibited establishments, be declared invalid
upon (1) the passage of all ordinances, (2) all and unconstitutional on the following gorunds:
propositions to create any liability against the
municipality, and (3) any other proposition, (1) The City Council has no power to prohibit
upon the request of any member. The same the operation of motels as Section 458 (a) 4
idea is carried into the succeeding sentence. (iv) of the Local Government Code of 1991 (the
For the passage of (1) any ordinance or (2) any Code) grants to the City Council only the
proposition creating indebtedness, the power to regulate the establishment, operation
affirmative vote of a majority of all the and maintenance of hotels, motels, inns,
members of the municipal council shall be pension houses, lodging houses and other
necessary. Other measures prevail upon the similar establishments;
majority vote of the members present.
"Creating indebtedness" refers to "proposition" (2) The Ordinance is void as it is violative of
and not to "ordinance." The contention that Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 499 which
only ordinances creating indebtedness require specifically declared portions of the Ermita-
the approval of a majority of all the members Malate area as a commercial zone with certain
of the municipal council, is devoid of merit. restrictions;
The basic idea of the legislative body to make
impossible the approval of ordinances or of (3) The Ordinance does not constitute a proper
propositions creating indebtedness by minority exercise of police power as the compulsory
votes of municipal councils, at meetings closure of the motel business has no
hastily called is wise. Legislative intention reasonable relation to the legitimate municipal
should be effectuated. interests sought to be protected;
Section 2224 of the Administrative Code, (4) The Ordinance constitutes an ex post facto
requiring in mandatory language the law by punishing the operation of Victoria
affirmative vote of a majority of all the Court which was a legitimate business prior to
members of the municipal council for the its enactment;
passage of any ordinance, whether or not an
ordinance creating indebtedness, an ordinance (5) The Ordinance violates MTDC's
passed by less than that majority is invalid. constitutional rights in that: (a) it is
confiscatory and constitutes an invasion of
ii. Essential Requisites of plaintiff's property rights; (b) the City Council
a Valid Ordinance has no power to find as a fact that a particular
thing is a nuisance per se nor does it have the
City of Manila vs. Laguio power to extrajudicially destroy it; and
(6) The Ordinance constitutes a denial of equal
FACTS: MTDC is a corporation engaged in the protection under the law as no reasonable
business of operating hotels, motels, hostels basis exists for prohibiting the operation of
and lodging houses. It built and opened motels and inns, but not pension houses,
Victoria Court in Malate which was licensed as hotels, lodging houses or other similar
a motel although duly accredited with the establishments, and for prohibiting said
Department of Tourism as a hotel. MTDC filed business in the Ermita-Malate area but not
a Petition for Declaratory Relief with Prayer for outside of this area.
a Writ of Preliminary Injunction and/or
Temporary Restraining Order with the lower WON the ordinance is valid
court impleading as defendants, the City of
HELD: NO. The Ordinance is so replete with there is a clear invasion of personal or
constitutional infirmities that almost every property rights, personal in the case of those
sentence thereof violates a constitutional individuals desirous of owning, operating and
provision. The prohibitions and sanctions patronizing those motels and property in terms
therein transgress the cardinal rights of of the investments made and the salaries to
persons enshrined by the Constitution. The be paid to those therein employed. If the City
Court is called upon to shelter these rights of Manila so desires to put an end to
from attempts at rendering them worthless. prostitution, fornication and other social ills, it
can instead impose reasonable regulations
The tests of a valid ordinance are well such as daily inspections of the establishments
established. A long line of decisions has held for any violation of the conditions of their
that for an ordinance to be valid, it must not licenses or permits; it may exercise its
only be within the corporate powers of the authority to suspend or revoke their licenses
local government unit to enact and must be for these violations; and it may even impose
passed according to the procedure prescribed increased license fees. In other words, there
by law, it must also conform to the following are other means to reasonably accomplish the
substantive requirements: (1) must not desired end.
contravene the Constitution or any statute; (2)
must not be unfair or oppressive; (3) must not The Ordinance is in contravention of the Code
be partial or discriminatory; (4) must not as the latter merely empowers local
prohibit but may regulate trade; (5) must be government units to regulate, and not prohibit,
general and consistent with public policy; and the establishments enumerated in Section 1
(6) must not be unreasonable. thereof. Clearly, with respect to cafes,
restaurants, beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns,
The requirement that the enactment must not pension houses, lodging houses, and other
violate existing law gives stress to the precept similar establishments, the only power of the
that local government units are able to City Council to legislate relative thereto is to
legislate only by virtue of their derivative regulate them to promote the general welfare.
legislative power, a delegation of legislative The Code still withholds from cities the power
power from the national legislature. The to suppress and prohibit altogether the
delegate cannot be superior to the principal or establishment, operation and maintenance of
exercise powers higher than those of the latter such establishments.
There are no "pure" places where there are iii. Judicial Intervention
impure men.
ROC, Rule 64, Sec. 4. Local government
The Ordinance seeks to legislate morality but ordinances. — In any action involving the
fails to address the core issues of morality. Try validity of a local ordinance, the corresponding
as the Ordinance may to shape morality, it prosecutor or attorney of the local
should not foster the illusion that it can make a governmental unit involved shall be similarly
moral man out of it because immorality is not notified and entitled to be heard. If such
a thing, a building or establishment; it is in the ordinance is alleged to be unconstitutional, the
hearts of men. The City Council instead should Solicitor General shall be notified and entitled
regulate human conduct that occurs inside the to be heard. (4a)
establishments, but not to the detriment of
liberty and privacy which are covenants, Perez vs. Dela Cruz
premiums and blessings of democracy. (1969)
While petitioners' earnestness at curbing
clearly objectionable social ills is FACTS: Vice Mayor Perez (Naga City), who
commendable, they unwittingly punish even was presiding a private conference with 7 city
the proprietors and operators of "wholesome," councilors in the matter of selecting the
"innocent" establishments. In the instant case, secretary of the municipal board and the
chairman of various standing committees of not even designated as “Acting Mayor” in case
the board, expressed her intention to join the of temporary incapacity of the Mayor.
vote on these matters – to create a tie vote
and thereafter to exercise her power as The Vice-Mayor is allowed to vote only in case
presiding officer to break the deadlock after it of a tie. He is not allowed to vote twice (to
was made known that 4 Nacionalista Party create a tie and break the deadlock). Since
councilors desire to vote for a particular there are 7 councilors, a tie is not possible.
person as secretary of the board and to hold The Vice Mayor’s vote in case of a tie is no
the chairmanship of the committee on markets longer necessary.
for one of them.
Doctrine in Vera vs. Avelino that prohibition
The four Nacionalistas sought to prevent the refers only to proceedings of any tribunal,
Vice Mayor by filing with CFI of Camarines Sur corporation, board or person not exercising
contending that the vice mayor is not a legislative functions is based on the principle
member of the board but only its presiding of separation of powers and checks and
officer, that as such, he cannot vote except in balances which is not applicable to local
case of a tie. governments. The case is irrelevant to the
issue in CAB in addition to the actuality that
Meanwhile, the Liberal Party councilors passed executives at the local or municipal level are
an amendment to the Rules of Procedure of vested with both legislative and sometimes
the Naga municipal board granting the judicial functions, in addition to their purely
chairman thereof the right to vote as a executive duties.
member, and as presiding officer the right to
vote again in case of a tie. By explicit statutory command, courts are
given authority to determine the validity of
WON the vice mayor, besides being a municipal proceedings. And in CAB, the
presiding officer of a municipal board, is petitioner, in insisting to exercise the right to
also a member thereof. vote twice in the municipal board, acted
without jurisdiction and power to do so, and
HELD: NO. The Vice Mayor of Naga City as may be validly prevented and restrained by a
presiding officer of the Municipal Board cannot writ of prohibition.
be a member of the same board. In the
absence of any statutory authority constituting In reply to petitioner’s assertion that the acts
the vice-mayor as a member of the municipal sought to be restrained are mere “probable
board, in addition to being the presiding officer individual actuations” beyond the reach of a
thereof, it cannot be read into the law prohibitory writ, suffice it to state that
something that is not there. Differences in law prohibition is essentially a preventive remedy
beget differences in legal effects. and is not intended to provide for remedy for
acts already accomplished.
The mere fact that the vice-mayor was made Petitioner’s threat of voting twice was not an
the “presiding officer” of the board did not empty or meaningless gesture for record
ipso jure make him a member thereof; and shows that she voted twice for the approval of
even if he “is an integral part of the Municipal the alleged amendment to the rules of
board” such fact does not necessarily confer procedure.
on him” either the status of a regular member
of its municipal board or the powers and Homeowner’s Association of the
attributes of a municipal councilor. Philippines, Inc. vs. Municipal Board of
There is nothing in the Charter of Naga City (1968)
which provides that the vice-mayor of said city
is a member of the municipal board. He was FACTS: Homeowner’s Association brought
action for declaratory relief to nullify Manila
Municipal Ordinance 4841 declaring that a Appellant assails the validity of the
state of emergency existed in the matter of proceedings in the lower court upon the round
housing accommodations in Manila, in view of that, although petitioners herein had assailed
prevailing scarcity of land and buildings for Municipal Ordinance No. 4841, not merely as
residential purposes there. ultra vires, but, also, as unconstitutional, the
Solicitor General had been neither heard nor
Sections 1 and 2 of the assailed ordinance notified in connection therewith, in violation of
provides that lessors and sublessors of land Section 4 of Rule 64 of the Rules of Court.
and buildings primarily devoted to residential
purposes cannot increase their rentals beyond The determination of the question whether or
certain conditions. not the Solicitor General should be required to
appear "in any action involving the validity of
The CFI declared it void, arguing that the any treaty, law, ordinance or executive order,
power to declare a state of emergency rules or regulation" is a matter left to the
exclusively pertains to Congress. Moreover, "discretion" of the Court, pursuant to Section
there is no longer a state of emergency which 23 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. Inasmuch as
justifies the regulation of house rentals. And said requirement is not mandatory, but
the ordinance also illegally limits the use of discretionary, non-compliance therewith and
private properties. with Section 4 of Rule 64 — the interpretation
of which should be harmonized with said
WON the ordinance is valid and may be Section 23 of Rule 3 — affected neither the
made effective permanently. jurisdiction of the trial court nor the validity of
the proceedings therein, in connection with
NO. Assuming that the City had such powers the present case.
and assuming the existence of the emergency,
ordinance is illegal and unconstitutional (Note: The requirement regarding notification to the
Court did not decide if the city has power to Provincial Fiscal of the pendency of an action
declare a state of emergency and if such involving the validity of a municipal ordinance,
emergency existed) as provided in Sec. 4, Rule 64 of ROC, is not
jurisdictional; and failure on the part of
The police power of municipal corporations is petitioner to notify the Provincial Fiscal will not
subject to constitutional limitations. Individual be a sufficient ground to throw the case out of
rights may be adversely affected by the court. We believe the purpose of the above-
exercise of police power only to the extent quoted rule is simply to give the Provincial
that may be fairly required by the legitimate Fiscal, who is the legal officer of the local
demands of public interest or public welfare. governments, a chance to participate in the
deliberation to determine the validity of a
When the demands of public interest are questioned municipal ordinance before the
brought about by a state of emergency, the competent court. If it appears, however, that
interference upon individual rights must be co- the ordinance in question is patently illegal, as
terminus with the existence of the state of in the present case, and the matter had
emergency. The statute passed to meet a already been passed upon by a competent
given emergency, should limit the period of its court, the requirements of Sec. 4 of Rule 64 of
effectivity. the Revised Rules of Court may be dispensed
Otherwise, that which was intended to meet a
temporary emergency may become a
permanent law. Hence, when the cause for the
grant of power was temporary, so should the
grant be, for the effect cannot remain in
existence upon the removal of its cause.