Unit - 8: Mti and Pulse Dopplar Radar - Lecture 1
Unit - 8: Mti and Pulse Dopplar Radar - Lecture 1
Unit - 8: Mti and Pulse Dopplar Radar - Lecture 1
The ability of a radar receiver to detect a weak echo signal is limited by the noise energy that occupies the
same portion of the frequency spectrum as does the signal energy. The weakest signal the receiver can
detect is called the minimum detectable signal.
A radar detects the presence of objects and locates their position in space by transmitting electromagnetic
energy and observing the returned echo. A pulse radar transmits a relatively short burst of electromagnetic
energy, after which the receiver is turned on to listen for the echo. The echo not only indicates that a target
is present, but the time that elapses between the transmission of the pulse and the receipt of the echo is a
measure of the distance to the target. Separation of the echo signal and the transmitted signal is made on the
basis of differences in time.
The radar transmitter may be operated continuously rather than pulsed if the strong transmitted signal can
be separated from the weak echo. The received-echo-signal power is considerably smaller than the
transmitter power; it might be as little as 1018 that of the transmitted power-sometimes even less. Separate
antennas for transmission and reception help segregate the weak echo from the strong leakage signal, but
the isolation is usually not sufficient. A feasible technique for separating the received signal from the
transmitted signal when there is relative motion between radar and target is based on recognizing the
change in the echo-signal frequency caused by the doppler effect. It is well known in the fields of optics and
acoustics that if either the source of oscillation or the observer of the oscillation is in motion, an apparent
shift in frequency will result. This is the doppler effect.
If R is the distance from the radar to target, the total number of wavelengths L contained in the two-way
path between the radar and the target is 2R/λ. The distance R and the wavelength L are assumed to be
measured in the same units.
Since one wavelength corresponds to an angular excursion of 2∏ radians, the total angular excursion made
by the electromagnetic wave during its transit to and from the target is 4∏R / λ radians. If the target is in
motion, R and the phase φ are continually changing.
where fd = doppler frequency shift and Vr is relative (or radial) velocity of target with respect to radar. The
doppler frequency shift
Let us consider the simple CW radar as illustrated by the block diagram below. The transmitter generates a
continuous (unmodulated) oscillation of frequency fo, which is radiated by the antenna. A portion of the
radiated energy is intercepted by the target and is scattered, some of it in the direction of the radar, where it is
collected by the receiving antenna. If the target is in motion with a velocity v, relative to the radar, the
received signal will be shifted in frequency from the transmitted frequency fo by an amount + or – fd. The
plus sign associated with the doppler frequency applies if the distance between target and radar is decreasing
(closing target), that is, when the received signal frequency is greater than the transmitted signal frequency.
The minus sign applies if the distance is increasing (receding target).
The received echo signal at a frequency enters the radar via the antenna and is heterodyned in the
detector(mixer) with a portion of the transmitter signal fo to produce a doppler beat note of frequency fd.
The sign of fd is lost in this process.
The purpose of the doppler amplifier is to eliminate echoes from stationary targets and to amplify the
doppler echo signal to a level where it can operate an indicating device. The low-frequency cutoff must be
high enough to reject tile d-c component caused by stationary targets, but yet it must be low enough to pass
the smallest doppler frequency expected. Sometimes both conditions cannot he met simultaneously and a
compromise is necessary. The upper cutoff frequency is selected to pass the lightest doppler frequency
expected. The indicator might be a pair of earphones or a frequency meter.
The function of the local oscillator is replaced by the leakage signal from the transmitter. Such a receiver is
simpler than one with a more conventional intermediate frequency since no IF amplifier or local oscillator
is required.
However, the simpler receiver is not as sensitive because of increased noise at the lower intermediate
frequencies caused by flicker effect. Flicker-effect noise occurs in semiconductor devices such as diode
detectors and cathodes of vacuum tubes.
For short-range, low-power, applications this decrease in sensitivity might be tolerated since it can be
compensate by a modest increase in antenna aperture and/or additional transmitter power. But for maximum
efficiency with CW radar, the reduction in sensitivity caused by the simple Doppler receiver with zero IF,
cannot be tolerated.
The effects of flicker noise are overcome in the normal superheterodyne receiver by using an intermediate
frequency which is high enough to render s the flicker noise small compared with the normal receiver noise.
This results from the inverse, frequency dependence of flicker noise.
Separate antennas are shown for transmission and reception instead of the usual local oscillator found in the
convenient receiver, the local oscillator (or reference signal) is derived in the receiver from a portion of the
transmitted signal mixed with a locally generated signal of frequency equal to that of the receiver IF. Since
the output of the mixer consists of two sidebands on either side of the carrier plus higher harmonics, a
narrowband filter selects one of the sidebands as the reference signal. The improvement in receiver
sensitivity with an intermediate-frequency super heterodyne might be as much as 30 dB over the simple
Applications of CW radar:
1. The chief use of the simple, unmodulated CW radar is for the measurement of the relative velocity of
a moving target, as in the police speed monitor or in the previously mentioned rate-of-climb meter
for vertical-take-off aircraft.
2. In support of automobile traffic, CW radar has been suggested for the control of traffic lights,
regulation of toll booths, vehicle counting, as a replacement for the "fifth-wheel" speedometer in
vehicle testing as a sensor in antilock braking systems, and for collision avoidance.
3. For railways, CW radar can be used as a speedometer to replace the conventional axle-driven
4. It has been used for the measurement of railroad-freight-car velocity during humping operations in
marshalling yards, and as a detection device to give track maintenance personnel advance warning of
approaching trains.
5. CW radar is also employed for monitoring the docking speed of large ships.
6. It has also seen application for intruder alarms and for the measurement of the velocity of missiles,
ammunition, and baseballs.
The principal advantage of a CW doppler radar over other (non-radar) methods of measuring speed is that
there need not be any physical contact with the object whose speed is being measured. In industry this has
been applied to the measurement of turbine-blade vibration, the peripheral speed of grinding wheels, and
the monitoring of vibrations in the cables of suspension bridges.
The inability of the simple CW radar to measure range is related to the relatively narrow spectrum
(bandwidth) of its transmitted waveform. Some sort of timing mark must be applied to a CW carrier if
range is to be measured. The timing mark permits the time of transmission and the time of return to be
recognized. The sharper or more distinct the mark, the more accurate the measurement of the transit time.
But the more distinct the timing mark, the broader will be the transmitted spectrum. This follows from the
properties of the Fourier transform.
The spectrum of a CW transmission can be broadened by the application of m dulation, either amplitude.
frequency, or phase. An example of an amplitude modulation is the pulse radar. Narrower the pulse, more
accurate the measurement of range and broader is the transmitted spectrum.
A block diagram illustrating the principle of the FM-CW radar is shown in above figure. A portion of the
transmitter signal acts as the reference signal required to produce the beat frequency. It is introduced
directly into the receiver via a cable or other direct connection.
Ideally, the isolation between transmitting and receiving antennas is made sufficiently large so as to reduce
to a negligible level the transmitter leakage signal which arrives at the receiver via the coupling between
antennas. The beat frequency is amplified and limited to remove any amplitude fluctuations. The frequency
of the amplitude-limited beat note is measured with a cycle-counting frequency meter calibrated in distance.
The target was assumed to be stationary. If this assumption is not applicable, a doppler frequency shift will
be superimposed on the FM range beat note and an erroneous range measurement results. The doppler
frequency shift causes the frequency-time plot of the echo signal to be shifted up or down
When more than one target is present within the view of the radar, the mixer output will contain more than
one difference frequency. If the system is linear, there will be a frequency component corresponding to each
target. In principle, the range to each target may be determined by measuring the individual frequency
To measure the individual frequencies, they must be separated from one another. This might he
accomplished with a bank of narrowband filters, or alternatively, a single frequency corresponding to a
single target may be singled out and continuously observed with a narrow band tunable filter. If the FM-
CW radar is used for single targets only, such as in the radio altimeter, it is not necessary to employ a linear
modulation waveform.
The doppler frequency shift produced by a moving target may be used in a pulse radar. just as in the CW
radar to determine the relative velocity of a target or to separate desired moving targets from undesired
stationary objects (clutter). Although there are applications of pulse radar where a determination of the
target's relative velocity is made from the Doppler frequency shift, the use of doppler to separate small
moving targets in the presence of large clutter has probably been of far greater interest. Such a pulse radar
that utilizes the doppler frequency shift as a means for discriminating moving from fixed targets is called an
MTI (moving target indication) or a pulse doppler radar. The two are based on tile same physical principle,
but in practice there are generally recognizable differences between them.
The MTI radar, for instance, usually operates with ambiguous doppler measurement but with unambiguous
range measurement (no second-time'-around echoes). The opposite is generally the case for a pulse doppler
radar. Its pulse repetition frequency is usually high enough to operate with unambiguous doppler (no blind
speeds) but at the expense of range ambiguities. The discussion in this chapter, for the most part, is based
on tile MTI radar, but much of what applies to MTI can be extended to pulse doppler radar as well.
MTI is a necessity in high-quality air-surveillance radars that operate in the presence of clutter. Its design is
more challenging than that of a simple pulse radar or a simple CW radar. An MTI capability adds to a
radar's cost and complex.
The doppler signal may be readily discerned from the information contained in a single pulse. If, on the
other hand, f b is small compared with the reciprocal of the pulse duration, the pulses will be modulated
with a certain amplitude. Moving targets may be distinguished from stationary targets by observing the
video output on an A-scope. O n the basis of a single sweep, moving targets cannot be distinguished from
fixed targets. It may be possible to distinguish extended ground targets from point targets by the stretching
of the echo pulse. However, this is not a reliable means of discriminating moving from fixed targets since
some fixed targets can look like point targets, e.g., a water tower. Also, some moving targets such as
aircraft flying in formation can look like extended targets.)Successive A-scope sweeps (pulse-repetition
Although the butterfly effect is suitable for recognizing moving targets on an A-scope, it is not appropriate
for display on the PPI. One method commonly employed to extract Doppler information in a form suitable
for display on the PPI scope is with a delay-line canceller.. The delay-line canceller acts as a filter to
eliminate the d-c component of fixed targets and to pass the a-c components of moving targets. The video
portion of the receiver is divided into two channels. One is a normal video channel. In the other, the video
signal experiences a time delay equal to one pulse-repetition period (equal to the reciprocal of the pulse-
repetition frequency). The outputs from the two channels are subtracted from one another. The fixed targets
with unchanging amplitudes from pulse to pulse are canceled on subtraction. However, the amplitudes of
the moving-target echoes are not constant from pulse to subtraction results in an uncancelled residue. The
output of the subtraction circuit is bipolar video, just as was the input. Before bipolar video can intensity-
modulate a PPI display, it must be converted to unipotential voltages (unipolar video) by a full-wave