Huong Dan Su Dung Cisco Work
Huong Dan Su Dung Cisco Work
Huong Dan Su Dung Cisco Work
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Preface xiii
Audience xiii
Conventions xiii
Product Documentation xiv
Related Documentation xvi
Additional Information Online xvi
Obtaining Documentation xvi xvii
Ordering Documentation xvii
Documentation Feedback xviii
Obtaining Technical Assistance xviii
Cisco Technical Support Website xviii
Submitting a Service Request xix
Definitions of Service Request Severity xx
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xx
This manual is for network administrators who need to configure and maintain
CiscoWorks Common Services. Most of the tools and applications described are
available only to systems administrators.
This document uses the following conventions:
Item Convention
Commands and keywords boldface font
Variables for which you supply values italic font
Displayed session and system information screen font
Information you enter boldface screen font
Item Convention
Selecting a menu item in paragraphs Option > Network Preferences
Selecting a menu item in tables Option > Network Preferences
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to
material not covered in the publication.
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could
result in equipment damage or loss of data.
Product Documentation
Note We sometimes update the printed and electronic documentation after original
publication. Therefore, you should also review the documentation on
for any updates.
Related Documentation
Note We sometimes update the printed and electronic documentation after original
publication. Therefore, you should also review the documentation on
for any updates.
Obtaining Documentation
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco
also provides several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical
resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco
You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL:
You can access the Cisco website at this URL:
You can access international Cisco websites at this URL:
Ordering Documentation
You can find instructions for ordering documentation at this URL:
You can order Cisco documentation in these ways:
• Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order Cisco product
documentation from the Ordering tool:
• Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local
account representative by calling Cisco Systems Corporate Headquarters
(California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere in North America, by
calling 1 800 553-NETS (6387).
Documentation Feedback
You can send comments about technical documentation to
You can submit comments by using the response card (if present) behind the front
cover of your document or by writing to the following address:
Cisco Systems
Attn: Customer Document Ordering
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883
We appreciate your comments.
Note Use the Cisco Product Identification (CPI) tool to locate your product serial
number before submitting a web or phone request for service. You can access the
CPI tool from the Cisco Technical Support Website by clicking the Tools &
Resources link under Documentation & Tools. Choose Cisco Product
Identification Tool from the Alphabetical Index drop-down list, or click the
Cisco Product Identification Tool link under Alerts & RMAs. The CPI tool
offers three search options: by product ID or model name; by tree view; or for
certain products, by copying and pasting show command output. Search results
show an illustration of your product with the serial number label location
highlighted. Locate the serial number label on your product and record the
information before placing a service call.
New Features
The major new features in this release:
• CiscoWorks Homepage
Provides launch points for CiscoWorks family of products and other
resources. The HTML based CiscoWorks Homepage replaces the Java applet
based Desktop.
• Device and Credential Repository (DCR)
Provides a central place for management of devices and their credentials that
the different applications managing those devices can use. Sharing of devices
and credentials help in common administration.
• Device Center
Provides a one-stop place where you can see a summary for a device, and
launch troubleshooting tools, management tasks, and reports for the selected
• Groups
Provides a mechanism for applications to create shared device groups.
Provides grouping facility based on various attributes in Device and
Credential Repository (DCR).
• Software Center
Allows you to download and deploy device packages and software patches.
• Enhanced security to support SNMPv3 authNoPriv
Provides packet level security, integrity protection, and replay protection.
However, it does not encrypt the packets.
• Enhanced restore framework.
Enables Common Services and its applications to restore the data backed up
from an earlier version.
• Security mechanisms for managing security in Single-Server and
Multi-Server scenarios. Granular role based access.
• New utilities for diagnosing problems with CiscoWorks Server, and
managing log files.
• New licensing framework.
For tips about accessing Online help, see Using Online Help.
You can check the version details and licensing information about Common
Services by clicking the About button on top of the right hand side of the
CiscoWorks Homepage.
CiscoWorks Homepage (CWHP) provides launch points for all Common Services
features. It also provides launch points for applications installed on the same
server or a remote server, and their major functions.
CWHP also provides launch points for other web-based products
(Non-CiscoWorks products and third party/home-grown tools) residing on the
same or a different server.
After you install the applications, you can see the application panels on CWHP.
CWHP supports application oriented and device oriented navigation paradigms.
When you select any of the application functions on CWHP, it launches the
application homepage, and the selected function is launched in application
homepage content area.
CWHP is completely based on HTML, and provides intuitive navigation for you
to move back-and-forth between CiscoWorks Homepage, and all other application
CWHP has the look and feel of a portal. By default, CWHP provides launch
points for:
• Server
• HomePage
• Device and Credentials
• Groups
• Software Center
• Device Center
The following sections explain the CWHP features, in detail:
• Invoking CiscoWorks Homepage
• Logging Into CiscoWorks
• Using CWHP
• Configuring CWHP
• Using Online Help
• Changing Web Server Port Numbers
where server name is the name of the CiscoWorks Server and port number is the
TCP port used by the CiscoWorks Server, in the normal mode.
If you enter, http://server_name:port_number/login.html in your browser, the
CiscoWorks Server will not launch. Also, do not bookmark the URL with the
In normal mode (HTTP), the default TCP port for CiscoWorks Server is 1741.
• On Windows, the CiscoWorks Server always uses the default port numbers in
secure and normal modes.
• On Solaris, if the default TCP ports (1741 and 443) are used by other
applications, you can select different ports for secure and normal modes
during CiscoWorks Server installation.
For more information, see the “Logging Into CiscoWorks” section on page 2-4.
See also, Installation and Setup Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services on
Step 1 Enter the URL for your CiscoWorks Server in your browser.
where server name is the name of the CiscoWorks Server and port number is the
TCP port used by the CiscoWorks Server, when SSL is enabled (secure mode).
If you enter, http://server_name:port_number /login.html in your web
browser, the CiscoWorks Server will not launch. Also, do not bookmark the URL
with the login.html.
When SSL is enabled (HTTPS), the default TCP port for CiscoWorks Server is
• On Windows, CiscoWorks Server always uses the default port numbers in
secure and normal modes.
• On Solaris, if the default TCP ports (1741 and 443) are used by other
applications, you can select different ports for secure and normal modes
during CiscoWorks Server installation. For more information, see Installation
and Setup Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services on Solaris.
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to invoke CWHP, the browser displays a
Security Alert window, indicating that you are about to view web pages over a
secure connection.
a. Click OK in the Security Alert window.
The Security Alert window displays the security certificate alert.
b. Click Yes in the Security Alert window.
If you use Netscape Navigator to invoke CWHP, the browser displays the New
Site Certificate wizard.
In the New Site Certificate wizard you can accept the certificate for the current
session or accept it till the certificate expires. To avoid going through the New Site
Certificate wizard every time you invoke CWHP, you may accept the certificate
till it expires.
If Common Services is running in a Plug-in environment, it displays Plug-in alert
dialogs. (For example, Server Certificate details, Hostname Mismatch details).
Step 2 Click Yes in the Plug-in alert dialogs to get to the Login panel.
If the server is in SSL mode and if you invoke Common Services as
http: //server_name:1741, you will be redirected to https: //server_name:443
Step 1 Enter admin in the User ID field, and the password for admin in the Password
field of the Login Page.
The CiscoWorks Server administrator can set the passwords to admin and guest
users during installation. Contact the CiscoWorks Server administrator if you do
not know the password.
Step 2 Click Login or press Enter.
You are now logged into CiscoWorks Server.
Step 3 You can change the admin password at Common Services > Server >
Security > User Management
For more information, see Online Help.
Login sessions time out after two hours of inactivity. If the session is not used for
two hours, you will be prompted to login again.
Session timeout is not automatic. If you try to do any task after timeout, a message
appears informing you that your session has timed out.
The Login screen replaces the current page of the current browser window. After
you log in, the page you were on before re-logging in, appears.
Using CWHP
CiscoWorks Homepage is the primary user interface and the launch point for all
features. After you log in to CiscoWorks, the default CiscoWorks Homepage
The CWHP window consists of:
• Common Services Panel
• Application Panels
• Device Troubleshooting Panel
• Resources Panel
• CiscoWorks Product Updates Panel
• Tool Bar Items
Common Services 3.0 and CiscoWorks applications use popup dialog boxes at
many places.
If you have a popup-blocker enabled in your browser, none of these popups would
appear. Therefore, you have to disable the popup-blocker, if you have installed
Application Panels
Each Application Panel in the CWHP serves as a top-level launch point for all
Common Services applications installed on the local/remote server.
Applications appear in the CWHP in three columns.
By default, only the first level items are displayed when you login. These first
level items are in collapsed mode. Lower level navigations are displayed only if
you manually expand a first level item.
The title of each application panel displays the application name and it serves as
a link to the relevant application homepage.
Application tasks are displayed in a hierarchical manner. When you select a task
from the hierarchy, it launches the application homepage in a new window.
If the corresponding application homepage already exists for some other task, the
window for this task is focussed, instead of creating a new window.
To launch the URL associated with the item in the popup window, click on the
Resources Panel
Resources panel is on the top of the right hand side of the CWHP. It also serves
as a top-level launch point for CiscoWorks resources, resources, third
party application links, and web based custom tool links. This panel shows the
types of resources as first level and details in the next level.
Note CWHP provides an Admin UI to turn off this information if you are behind the
firewall or if you do not want this information to be displayed in CWHP.
In case the CiscoWorks Server is behind a firewall, the proxy settings are used to
download messages from CWHP provides an Admin UI to accept the
proxy settings. CWHP alerts you if any urgent messages are found.
By default, the polling interval is one minute. You can change this polling
Configuring CWHP
The Application Registration, Link Registration, and Settings links under
Homepage help you configure your CiscoWorks Homepage. They help you in:
• Registering Applications With CWHP
• Registering Links With CWHP
• Setting Up CiscoWorks Homepage
During registration you are prompted to select an application template and then
register with CiscoWorks Server. The registration enables the application to be
integrated with other applications based on the template definition. It also helps
application launch points to be displayed on CWHP.
To register applications:
Step 1 Select the Register from Templates radio button and click Next.
The Registration Through Template page appears. A list of templates appears in
the Select a Template to Register dialog box.
Step 2 Select the radio button corresponding to the Template you require and click Next.
The Server Attributes page appears.
Step 3 Enter the Server attributes in the Server attributes dialog box and click Next.
The Registration Summary page displays the Application Registration summary
window. It displays a summary the information you entered.
Step 4 Click Finish.
Step 1 Select the Import from Servers radio button and click Next.
The Import Registrations page appears.
Step 2 Enter the Server Name, Server Display Name, and the secure Port Number in the
Import Server’s Attributes dialog box.
Step 3 Click Next.
The Import Registrations Summary window displays a summary of the
information you entered.
Step 4 Click Finish.
Unregistering an Application
To unregister an application:
Unregistering a Link
To unregister a link:
Step 6 Select a value from the Urgent Messages Polling Interval drop-down list to set the
polling interval for messages.
The time you set here decides the polling interval for disk watcher messages and
messages you want to broadcast using the Notify Users features.
To disable this feature, select DISABLE from the drop-down list.
Disk watcher is a utility that monitors the file system. If the file system size goes
above 90 percent, it displays an alert to logged in CiscoWorks users. You can use
this to monitor critical file systems.
To know more about the Notify Users feature, see “Messaging Online Users”
section on page 3-72.
Step 7 Click Update.
You can update any one of the above settings by clicking update.
If you have changed the Homepage Server Name, a popup window appears
prompting you to confirm whether you want to use this name in Provider Group
• Click OK if you want the name to be suffixed to the Provider Group name.
• You need to restart Daemon Manager for the Provider Group name change to
take effect. See “Using Daemon Manager” section on page 3-52 for details on
restarting Daemon Manager.
To access Online help, click the Help button on the top-right corner. This opens a
window that displays help contents. From this window, you can access help for all
the CiscoWorks applications installed.
On Solaris:
You can change the web server port numbers (for HTTP and HTTPS) for
CiscoWorks webservers.
To change the port numbers you must login as CiscoWorks Server administrator,
and run the following command at the prompt:
If you run this command without any command line parameter, CiscoWorks
*** CiscoWorks Webserver port change utility ***
Usage: changeport <port number> [-s] [-f]
port number—The new port number that should be used
-s—Changes the SSL port instead of the default HTTP port
-f—Forces port change even if Daemon Manager detection FAILS.
Note Do not use this option by default. Use it only when CiscoWorks
instructs you to use.
If you change the port after installation, CiscoWorks will not launch from Start
menu (Start > Programs > Ciscoworks > Ciscoworks). You have to manually
invoke the browser, and specify the URL, with the changed port number.
The restrictions that apply to the specified port number are:
• Port numbers less than 1025 are not allowed except 80 (HTTP) and
443 (HTTPS). Also port 80 is not allowed for SSL port, and port 443 is not
allowed for HTTP port.
• The specified port should not be used by any other service or daemon. The
utility checks for active listening ports, and ports listed in /etc/services. If
there is any conflict, it rejects the specified port.
• The port number must be a numeric value in the range 1026 – 65000. Values
outside this range, and non-numeric values are not allowed.
• If port 80 or 443 is specified for any of the webservers, that webserver process
is started as root. This is because ports lower than 1026 are allowed to be used
only by root in Solaris.
However, according to Apache behavior, only the main webserver process run
as root, and all the child processes run as casuser:casusers. Only the child
processes serve the external requests.
The main process which runs as root, monitors the child processes. It does not
accept any HTTP requests. Owing to this, Apache ensures that a root process
is not exposed to the external world, and thus ensures security.
• If you do not want CiscoWorks processes to run as root, do not use the ports
80 and 443.
When you execute the utility with the appropriate options, it displays
messages on the tasks it performs.
This utility lists out all the files that are being updated. Before updating, the
utility will back up all the affected files in /opt/CSCOpx/conf/backup and
creates appropriate unique sub-directories.
It also creates a new file called index.txt. This text file contains information
about the changed port, a list of all the files that are backed up, and their
actual location in the CiscoWorks directory.
Note All the above files and the unique directories are stored with read only permission
to casuser:casusers. To ensure the security of the backup files, only the
CiscoWorks Server administrator has write permissions.
The change port utility displays messages to the console, as it runs. These
messages contain information about the directory where the backup files are being
stored. These messages are also logged to a file, changeport.log
This file is saved to the directory:
This file contains the date and time stamps to indicate when the log entries were
On Windows:
You can change the web server port numbers (for HTTP and HTTPS) for the
CiscoWorks Webserver.
To change the port numbers you must have administrative privileges. Run the
following command at the prompt:
If you run this utility without any command line parameter, CiscoWorks displays
the following usage text:
*** Common Services Webserver port change utility ***
Usage: changeport <port number> [-s] [-f]
port number—The new port number that should be used
-s—Change the SSL port instead of the default HTTP port
-f—Force port change even if Daemon Manager detection fails.
Note Do not use this option by default. Use it only when CiscoWorks
instructs you to use.
Note All the above files and the unique directories are stored with read only
permissions. Only the administrator and casuser have write permissions, to ensure
the security of the backup files.
The change port utility displays messages on the console, as it runs. These
messages contain information about the directory where the backup files are being
stored. These messages are also logged to a file, changeport.log.
This file is saved to the directory:
This log file contains the date and time stamps to indicate when the log entries
were created.
Setting up Security
Common Services provides security mechanisms that help to prevent
unauthenticated access to the CiscoWorks Server, CiscoWorks applications, and
data. Common Services provides features for managing security when operating
in single-server and multi-server modes.
You can specify the user authentication mode using the AAA Mode Setup. You
can create user accounts on using the Connection
Management UI.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Browser-Server Security Mode Setup.
The Browser-Server Security Mode Setup dialog box appears.
Step 2 Select the Enable check box.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Step 4 Log out from your CiscoWorks session, and close all browser sessions.
Step 5 Restart the Daemon Manager from the CiscoWorks Server CLI:
On Windows:
a. Enter net stop crmdmgtd
On Solaris:
a. Enter /etc/init.d/dmgtd stop
However, as an administrator, you can create additional unique login IDs for users
at your company.
Note The CiscoWorks Server administrator can set the passwords for admin and guest
users during installation. Contact the CiscoWorks Server administrator if you do
not know the password for admin.
Level Description
0 Help Desk
1 Approver
2 Network Operator
4 Network Administrator
8 System Administrator
16 Export Data
For information on tasks that can be performed with each role, see the
“Permissions Report” section on page 3-46.
See also “About Common Services Authentication” section on page 3-21.
Other roles are displayed, depending on your applications.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Local User Setup.
The Local User Setup page appears.
Step 2 Click Modify me to modify the logged in user credentials.
Step 3 Enter the password in the Password field.
Step 4 Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
Step 5 Enter the e-mail ID in the E-mail field.
Step 6 Click OK.
Adding a User
You can add further users into CiscoWorks as required. To add a user:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Local User Setup.
The Local User Setup page appears.
Step 2 Click Add.
The User Information dialog box appears.
Step 3 Enter the username in the Username field.
Step 4 Enter the password in the Password field.
Step 5 Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
Step 6 Enter the e-mail ID in the E-mail field.
Step 7 In the Roles pane, select the check box corresponding to the role to specify the
roles to be assigned to the user.
The following roles are available:
• Help Desk (available by default)
• Approver
• Network Operator
• Network Administrator
• System Administrator
• Export Data
See “About Common Services Authentication” section on page 3-21 for
more details.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Local User Setup.
The Local User Setup page appears.
Step 2 Click Edit.
The User Information dialog box appears.
Step 3 Enter the username in the Username field.
Step 4 Enter the password in the Password field.
Step 5 Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
Step 6 Enter the E-mail ID in the E-mail field.
In the Roles pane, select or deselect the check box corresponding to the role to
change the role to be assigned to the user.
Deleting a User
To delete a user:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Local User Setup.
The Local User Setup page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the user.
Step 3 Click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
Step 4 Click OK to confirm.
Note If you re-generate the certificate, when you are in multi-server mode, any existing
peer relation might break. The peers need to re-import the certificate in this
To create a certificate:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Certificate Setup.
The Certificate page appears.
Step 2 Enter the values required for the fields described in the following table:
See the following sections to understand more about the features that enables
secure communication between peer servers part of a multi-server domain:
• Setting up Peer Server Account
• Setting up System Identity Account
• Setting up Peer Server Certificate
• Enabling Single Sign-On
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Peer Server Account Setup.
Step 2 Click Add.
The Peer Server Account Setup page appears.
Step 3 Enter the username in the Username field.
Step 4 Enter the password in the Password field.
Step 5 Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
Step 6 Click OK.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Peer Server Account Setup.
Step 2 Click Edit.
The Peer Server Account Setup page appears.
Step 3 Enter the password in the Password field.
Step 4 Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
Step 5 Click OK.
To delete a User:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Peer Server Account Setup.
The Peer Server Account Setup page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the user you want to delete.
Step 3 Click Delete.
The confirmation dialog box appears.
Step 4 Click OK to confirm.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
System Identity Setup
Step 2 Enter the username in the Username field.
Step 3 Enter the password in the Password field.
Step 4 Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
Step 5 Click Apply.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security>
Peer Server Certificate Setup.
The Peer Server Certificate page appears with a list of certificates imported from
other servers.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the IP address/hostname of peer CiscoWorks Server in the corresponding
Step 4 Enter the value of the Non-SSL(HTTP) Port of the peer CiscoWorks Server.
Step 5 Click OK.
The default Non-SSL(HTTP) Port of the peer CiscoWorks Server is 1741.
Step 1 Select the check box corresponding to the certificate you want to delete.
Step 2 Click Delete.
You can also view the details of the client certificates. For this, select the
check box corresponding to the certificate and click View.
Step 1 Select Common Services > Server > Security > System Identity Setup.
Step 2 Enter the username and password.
Step 3 Click Apply.
SSO uses System Identity User password as the secret key to provide
confidentiality and authenticity between Master and Slave.
It is sufficient to have the same System Identity User passwords in Master and
Slave, without having the same user name.
We recommend that you have the same user name and password across Master and
If ABC is running in HTTPS mode, you have to specify the URL as:
In the above example, clicking on the registered link will launch the CiscoWorks
Homepage of server ABC.
Note We recommend that you do not use IP address of the servers that are part of SSO
or localhost, while specifying the URL.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Single Sign-On.
The Single Sign-On Configuration page shows the current Single Sign-On mode.
Step 2 Click Change Mode
Step 3 Select Standalone (Normal) radio button.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Single Sign-On.
The Single Sign-On Configuration page shows the current Single Sign On mode.
Step 2 Click Change Mode.
Step 3 Select the Master (SSO Authentication Server) radio button.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Single Sign-On.
The Single Sign-On Configuration page shows the current Single Sign-On mode.
Step 2 Click Change Mode.
Step 3 Select the Slave (SSO Regular Server) radio button.
Step 4 Enter the Master server name and port number.
If you select the Slave mode, ensure that you specify the Master server name and
port. The default port is 443. The server configured as master (or Authentication
Server) should be DNS resolvable.
The CiscoWorks Server authentication scheme has five default roles. They are
listed here from the least privileged to most privileged:
• Help Desk
Can access network status information only. Can access persisted data on the
system and cannot perform any action on a device or schedule a job which
will reach the network.
• Approver
Can approve all tasks.
• Network Operator
Can do all Help Desk tasks. Can do tasks related to network data collection.
Cannot do any task that requires write access on the network.
• Network Administrator
Can do all Network Operators tasks. Can do tasks that result in a network
configuration change.
• System Administrator.
Can perform all CiscoWorks system administration tasks.
If you configure Common Services to use Non-ACS for authentication,
authorization services are provided by CiscoWorks Server.
In Non-ACS mode, you cannot change the roles, or the privileges assigned to
these roles. However, a user can be assigned a combination of these roles. See
“Setting up Local Users” section on page 3-6.
In ACS mode, you can create custom roles so that you can customize
Common Services client applications to best suit your business workflow and
That is, you can create a user, and assign the user with a set of privileges, that
would suit your needs. See “Assigning Privileges in ACS” section on page 3-38
and “Creating and Modifying Roles in ACS” section on page 3-39 sections for
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
AAA Mode Setup.
Step 2 Select the Non-ACS radio button.
The Login Module window displays the current login module, and the available
login modules. The available login modules are:
• CiscoWorks Local
• IBM SecureWay Directory
• KerberosLogin
• Local UNIX System
• Local NT System
• MS Active Directory
• Netscape Directory
• Radius
The login username is case sensitive when you use the following Non-ACS login
• KerberosLogin
• Local UNIX System
• Netscape Directory
• Radius
Field Description
Selected Login Module IBM SecureWay Directory
Description CiscoWorks IBM LDAP module.
Server Default set to ldap://
Userroot Default set to ou=active, ou=employees,
ou=people, o=company
Prefix Default set to cn=
Debug Set to false. Set to true for debugging
purposes, when requested by your
customer service representative.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the
CiscoWorks Local module if the
alternative service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module KerberosLogin Kerberos login module.
Description Kerberos login module.
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your customer
service representative.
Realm The Kerberos realm name. Although the realm
can be any ASCII string, the convention is to
make it the same as your domain name, in
upper-case letters.
For example, SERVER.COM.
KDC The Kerberos Key Distribution Center. For
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the CiscoWorks
Local module if the alternative service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module Local UNIX System.
Description CiscoWorks native Solaris module.
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your customer
service representative.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the
CiscoWorks Local module if the alternative
service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module Local NT System.
Description CiscoWorks native NT login module.
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your
customer service representative.
Domain Set to localhost.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the
CiscoWorks Local module if the
alternative service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module MS Active Directory.
Description CiscoWorks MS Active Directory module.
Server Default set to ldap://
Usersroot Default set to cn=users, dc=servername,
dc=company, dc=com. If you are using
Windows 2003 Active Directory, you have
to provide the complete Usersroot
information. This is because Windows 2003
Active Directory implementation has
disabled anonymous search requests.
Prefix Default set to cn=
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your customer
service representative.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the
CiscoWorks Local module if the alternative
service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module Netscape Directory.
Description CiscoWorks Netscape LDAP module.
Server Default set to ldap://
Usersroot Default set to ou=active, ou=employees,
Prefix Default set to uid=
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your customer
service representative.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the CiscoWorks
Local module if the alternative service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module Radius.
Description CiscoWorks Radius module.
Server Set to module type servername,
Port Set to 1645. Attempt to override it only if
your authentication server was configured
with a non-default port.
Key Enter the secret key.
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your customer
service representative.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the
CiscoWorks Local module if the alternative
service fails.
Field Description
Selected Login Module TACACS+.
Description CiscoWorks TACACS+ login module.
Server Set to module type
Port Set to 49. The listed port number is the
default for this protocol. Attempt to
override it only if your authentication server
was configured with a non-default port.
Secondary Server Set to module type
This is the secondary fallback server.
Secondary Port Set to 49. The listed port number is the
default for this protocol. Attempt to
override it only if your authentication server
was configured with a non-default port.
Tertiary Server Set to module type
This is the tertiary fallback server.
Tertiary Port Set to 49. The listed port number is the
default for this protocol. Attempt to
override it only if your authentication server
was configured with a non-default port.
Key Enter the secret key.
Field Description
Debug Set to False. Set to True for debugging
purposes, when requested by your customer
service representative.
Login fallback options Set the option for fallback to the
CiscoWorks Local module if the alternative
service fails.
Note The values true or false should not be entered in the Server, Secondary Server
and Tertiary Server fields, the corresponding Port fields or the Key field.
After you change the login module, you do not have to restart CiscoWorks. The
user who logs in after the change, automatically uses the new module. Changes to
the login module are logged in the following directory:
Option Description
Allow all CiscoWorks Local users to All users can access CiscoWorks using
fall back to the CiscoWorks Local the Local login if the current login
login. module fails.
Allow only the following user(s) to fall Specified users can access CiscoWorks
back to the CiscoWorks Local login if using the Local login if the current
preceding login fails: username. login module fails. Use commas
between user names.
Allow no fall backs to the CiscoWorks No access is allowed if the current
Local login. login module fails.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
AAA Mode Setup.
The AAA Mode Setup page appears with the AAA Mode Setup dialog box.
Step 2 Select the ACS radio button.
Step 3 In the Server details panel, enter:
• Primary IP Address/Hostname
• Secondary IP Address/Hostname
• Tertiary IP Address/Hostname
and the corresponding ACS TACACS+ port numbers.
The default port is 49. Secondary and Tertiary IP address/hostname details are
The values true and false will not be accepted in the Primary, Secondary, and
Tertiary IP Address/Hostname fields.
Step 4 In the login panel, enter:
• ACS Admin Name
• ACS Admin Password
• ACS Shared Secret Key
Also, re-enter the ACS admin password, and ACS shared secret key in the
Verify fields.
The values true and false will not be accepted in the above fields.
Step 5 Select the Register all installed applications with ACS to register all the
installed application with the ACS server.
On Solaris:
a. Enter /etc/init.d/dmgtd stop
Select the Connect to ACS in HTTPS mode check box in the Login Module
dialog box, if ACS is in HTTPS mode.
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary servers should use the same protocol. All of
them should either operate in HTTP mode, or HTTPS mode.
The Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary servers must have the same configuration.
For Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary servers, the ACS Admin Name, the ACS
Admin Password, and the ACS Shared Secret Key should be the same.
AAA clients, Network Device Groups (NDGs), users, groups, registered
applications, and custom roles must be the same across Primary, Secondary, and
Tertiary servers.
Common Services supports SSL and non SSL modes of communication with ACS
server. TACACS+ is used for AAA requests. HTTP/HTTPS mode is used for
application registration, and device or device group import/export tasks.
Step 5 Select the required Common Services tasks that you need to associate with the
Tasks are displayed as a checklist tree on the left pane of the ACS UI.
• If you select an expandable check box node, all check boxes within that node
are selected.
• If you select the first check box in the checklist tree, all check boxes in the
checklist tree are selected.
Step 6 Click Submit.
To delete a role:
Multiple instances of same application using same ACS server will share settings.
Any changes will affect all instances of that application.
If an application is configured with ACS, and then the application is reinstalled,
the application will inherit the old settings.
Step 1 Go to Common Services > Server > Security > AAA Mode Setup >
CiscoWorks Local.
Step 2 Click Change.
You need to have proper permission to change the login mode. Otherwise the
Change button will be disabled.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security > User Account Setup.
The Login dialog box appears.
Step 2 Enter the Username, and Password.
Step 3 Re-enter Password in the Verify Password field.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 1 In the Cisco Works Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
Proxy Server Setup.
The Proxy Information dialog box appears.
Step 2 Enter the Proxy Server host name or IP address, and the port number.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Generating Reports
Common Services includes a Report Generator that provides detailed reports on
log file status, roles and privileges, users currently logged in, and processes that
are currently running.
The following reports are available:
• Log File Status Report
• Permissions Report
• Users Logged In Report
• Process Status Report
• Viewing Audit Log Report
The following sections describe how to launch these reports, and explain each
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Reports.
The Reports page appears.
Step 2 From the Available Reports pane, select Log File Status.
Item Description
Log File Name of the log file.
Location Location of the log file.
File Size Current size of the log file.
File size displayed in Red means the size has
exceeded the limit.
Size Limit Maximum size a log file can have.
File System Utilization File system utilization in percentage.
Value if displayed in Red means the size has
exceeded the limit.
Permissions Report
The Permissions Report provides information on roles and privileges associated
with the roles. It specifies the tasks that a user in a particular role can perform.
A privilege is a task or an operation defined within the application. The set of
privileges assigned to you, defines your role and dictates how much, and what
type of system access you have.
To generate the Permissions Report:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Reports.
The Reports page appears.
Step 2 From the Available Reports pane, select Permissions Report.
Item Description
Last Run Time Last time the report was run.
Duration Duration for which the report was run.
Device Scanned Devices that were scanned.
Average Scan Time Average time taken to scan each device.
Device with Changes Devices that has changed state.
Description Description of the task.
Task Path Navigational path.
Role Role required to perform the task.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Reports.
The Reports page appears.
Step 2 In the Available Reports pane, select Who is Logged On.
Item Descriptions
Status Whether the user is online or offline.
User Name User name
Roles Shows the roles of the user.
IP address IP address
Last Active Date and time when the user was previously active.
Logged in Time when the user previously logged in
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Reports.
The Reports page appears.
Step 2 In the Available Reports pane, select Process Status.
Item Description
Process Name Name of the process.
State Current state of the process.
Pid Process ID.
Start Time Time at which the process started.
Stop time Time at which the process stopped.
Step 1 Select Common Services > Server > Reports > Audit Log in the
CiscoWorks Common Services navigation tree.
Step 2 Click Generate Report.
The Audit Log Data Viewer appears with a list of audit logs.
The Audit Logs are listed in chronological order, with the most recent logs
appearing at the top of the list. The logs are named and listed by the date on which
they were created, for example Audit-Log-2004-10-27.csv.
Step 3 Click an Audit Log file link to view the audit log details.
Audit log report in Non-ACS mode:
Item Description
Date Date on which the activity is carried out.
Time Time at which the activity is carried out.
User The user who performed the activity.
Acct-Flags The status of the activity. For example start
Service The application that the user accessed.
Cmd The activity that was performed.
For example: Logout
Reason A description of the activity.
For example: User admin logged out of cwhp
Item Description
Date Date on which the activity is carried out.
Time Time at which the activity is carried out.
User_Name The user who performed the activity.
Group_Name The group to which the user belongs.
Cmd The activity that was performed. For example:
Priv_Lv1 The privilege level of the user in ACS.
Service The application that the user accessed. For
Common Services, the value displayed is cwhp.
NAS_Portname The NAS port name.
Task_Id The unique identifier for the task.
NAS_IP_Address The IP address of the CiscoWorks Server.
Reason A description of the activity. For example: User
admin logged out of cwhp
If you are using local authentication, the files are stored on the local server. If you
are using ACS authentication, the files are stored on the ACS server and you can
view them from within both ACS, and Common Services.
In ACS, you can add additional fields to be logged in the Report.
This can be done at:
System Configuration > Logging > CSV TACACS+ Administration.
If a field added is of no relevance to CiscoWorks Common Services, it’s value
will not be displayed in the Report.
Note Do not start the Daemon Manager immediately after you stop it. The ports used
by Daemon Manager will be in use for some more time even after the Daemon
Manager is stopped. Wait for at least a minute before you start the Daemon
If the System resources are less than the required resources to install the
application, Daemon Manager restart displays warning messages.
You cannot start the Daemon Manager if there are Non-SSL compliant
applications installed on the server when SSL is enabled in Common Services.
Note Do not start the Daemon Manager immediately after you stop it. The ports used
by Daemon Manager will be in use for some more time even after the Daemon
Manager is stopped. Wait for at least one minute before you start the Daemon
If the System resources are less than the required resources to install the
application, Daemon Manager restart displays warning messages that are logged
into syslog.log.
Managing Processes
CiscoWorks applications use back-end processes to manage application-specific
activities or jobs. The process management tools enable you to manage these
back-end processes to optimize or troubleshoot the CiscoWorks Server.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
The Process page appears.
Step 2 Click the Process link.
The Process Details popup window appears. The window provides information on
the path, flags, startup, and dependencies.
Starting a Process
To start a Process:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
The process page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the process.
Step 3 Click Start.
Stopping a Process
To stop a Process:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
The Process page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the process.
Step 3 Click Stop.
Backing Up Data
You should back up the database regularly so that you have a safe copy of the
database. You can schedule immediate, daily, weekly, or monthly automatic
database backups.
You cannot back up the database while restoring the database. Common Services
uses multiple databases to store client application data. These databases are
backed up whenever you perform a backup.
Note Backup requires enough storage space on the target location for the backup to
To schedule a backup:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
The Backup page appears.
Step 2 Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:
Field Description
Backup Directory Location of the backup directory. We recommend that
your target location be on a different partition than the
CiscoWorks installation location.
Runtype Select the desired check box. You have options to
schedule immediate, daily, weekly, or monthly
Time From the drop-down lists, select the time and date.
• If you schedule a weekly backup, select the day of
the week from the drop-down list.
• If you schedule a monthly backup, select the day
of the month from the drop-down list.
Generations Maximum number of backups to be stored in the
backup directory.
Restoring Data
The new restore framework supports restore across versions. This enables you to
restore data from versions 2.1, and 2.2, in addition to Common Services 3.0.
The restore framework checks the version of the archive. If the archive is of
current version, then the restore from current version is executed. If the backup
archive is from older version, then the backup data is converted to Common
Services 3.0 format, if needed, and applied to the machine.
You can restore your database by running a script from the command line.
While restoring data, CiscoWorks is shut down and restarted.
In all backup restore scenarios, a back up is taken from a machine A, and the
backed up data, say Ab, is restored on the same machine A, or on a different
machine B.
Ensure that you do not run any critical tasks during data restoration. Otherwise,
you may lose the data for such tasks.
Note If you restore the database when CiscoWorks Server is SSL enabled, the backed
up Server Certificate and Private Key will also be restored. Your existing
Certificate and Private Key will be overwritten.
For details on effect of restore operation on DCR modes, and Groups, see Effects
of Backup-Restore on DCR and Effects of Backup-Restore on Groups.
Caution Restoring the database from a backup permanently replaces your database with
the backed up version.
Step 5 Examine the log file in the following location to verify that the database was
restored by entering:
Step 4 Examine the log file in the following location to verify that the database was
restored by entering:
While restoring using a backup taken from a machine that is in ACS mode, the
machine on which data is restored needs to be added as a client in ACS. Contact
ACS administrator to add the restored machine as ACS client. See also, “Setting
the Login Module to ACS” section on page 3-35.
Now, say you restore the backed up data M1b, on M1 itself. The Master M1 will
now have data that is older than that in the Slaves, S1, and S2. In other words, the
Slaves will be having more recent data than that on the Master.
To avoid this, you must perform the restore operation in the following sequence:
This ensures that Master has more recent data than the Slaves.
Step 1 Copy the new license file to the CiscoWorks Server, with read permission for
Step 2 Select Common Services > Server> Admin > Licensing.
The License Information dialog box appears. The License Information page
displays the name, version, device limit, status and expiration date of the license.
Step 3 Click Update.
Step 4 Enter the path to the new license file in the License field, or click Browse to locate
the new file.
Step 5 Click OK.
The system verifies whether the license file is valid, and updates the license. The
updated licensing information appears in the License Information page.
Otherwise an error message is displayed.
Updating Licenses
You can view details of your current software license, or update to a new license
from the License page.
To update to a new license from the Licensing page:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
The License Information page displays the license name, license version, status
of the license, and the expiration date of the license.
Step 2 Click Update.
Step 3 Enter the path to the new license file in the License field, or click Browse to locate
the new file.
Step 4 Click OK.
The system verifies whether the license file is valid, and updates the license. The
updated licensing information appears in the License Information page.
Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
Collect Server Information.
The Collect Server Information page appears.
Step 2 Click Create to collect the current server information.
The Collect Server Information pop-up dialog box appears with a list of options.
Step 3 Select the check boxes corresponding to the options you need, and click OK.
By default all the check boxes are selected.
Step 4 Click Server Information at the date time link.
The pop-up window displays the server information collected.
Step 5 View server information by clicking the corresponding link in the Table of
To delete a Collect Server Information report, select the corresponding check box,
and click Delete.
• On Solaris:
where NMSROOT and $NMSROOT are the directories where you installed
CiscoWorks, in Windows, and Solaris respectively.
Step 1 Select Common Services > Server > Admin > Selftest.
Step 2 Click Create to perform a self test and view the report.
Step 3 Click the Self Test Information at date time link.
A pop-up window displays the selftest information report.
To delete a Self Test Information report, select the check box and click Delete.
Step 1 Select Common Services > Server > Admin > Notify Users.
The Logged in Users dialog box lists all the users currently logged in.
Step 2 Enter the message in the Message field and click Send.
The Status field displays the status of the message.
Note If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, make sure your browser is set to
check for updates on every visit to the page.
Managing Jobs
Common Services provides a Job Browser for managing jobs. From the Job
browser you can view a listing of jobs, view details of each job, stop a job, and
also delete a job from the list.
Users in Help Desk, Approver, and Network Operator roles are not allowed to
stop and delete jobs.
All users (including Help Desk) can access the Job browser page. The Refresh
button in Job browser is available for all users.
Note When you are using the ACS login module, the System Identity User you
configure should have all the Job management related tasks enabled. The
job_browser, job_stop, and, job_delete tasks should be enabled.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
Job Browser.
The Job Browser page appears.
Item Description
Job ID Unique number assigned to this task at creation time.
This number is never reused. There are two formats:
• Job ID:
Identifies the task. This does not maintain a
history. For Example:
• JobID.Instance ID:
Here, in addition to the task, the instance of the
task can also be identified. For Example:
1001.1, 1001.2
Item Description
Sched Type How often this job will run. This can be:
• Run immediately
• Run once
• Run on a calendar basis (periodic)
• Run on a time-start basis
• Run on a time-stop basis.
For time zone abbreviations and GMT offsets, see
your Release Notes.
Description Text string that describes the job.
Run Schedule Date and time the job was scheduled.
Status Current status of the job.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
Job Browser.
The Job Browser page appears.
Step 2 In the Job Browser page, click Job ID.
The Job Details popup displays the job details.
To stop a Job:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks HomePage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
Job Browser.
The Job Browser page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the Job you want to stop.
Step 3 Click Stop.
Normal jobs when stopped, prompt you to confirm whether the job needs to be
stopped or not.
However, when you stop jobs that have several instances, you are prompted to
specify whether you need to stop the current instance of the job alone, or the
current instance and all the future instances as well.
You can stop only one job at a time.
To delete a job, click Delete, after selecting the desired check box.
You can delete multiple jobs at a time. You cannot delete a running job.
All users (except Help Desk) can perform Stop and Delete operations in the job
Managing Resources
Common Services provides a Resource Browser for managing resources. You can
free locked resources, when necessary, if you have appropriate privileges. All
users (including those with Help Desk role alone) can access the Resource
browser page. The Refresh button in the Resource browser is available for all
Note When you are using the ACS login module, the System Identity user you
configure should have all the Resource management related tasks enabled. The
resource_browser and free_resource tasks should be enabled.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
Resource Browser.
The Resource Browser page displays the following details:
Item Description
Resource Name of the resource currently locked.
Job ID / Owner Number assigned to this task at creation time.
Identifies all related locked resources, and user
who locked the resource.
Time Locked Time this lock was established.
Expire Time Lock expiration time.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Admin >
Resource Browser.
The Resource Browser page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the Job ID.
Step 3 Click Free Resources.
All users (except those with only Help Desk role) can perform the Free Resource
operation in the Resource browser.
To view updated resources, click Refresh.
Caution As part of the file back-up procedure, CiscoWorks Daemon Manager is shut down
and restarted. To prevent loss of data, make sure you are not running any
critical tasks.
The following section provides information on maintaining log files n Unix, and
• Maintaining Log Files on UNIX
• Maintaining Log Files on Windows
Step 1 Make sure the new location has sufficient disk space.
Step 2 Log in as the superuser, and enter the root password.
Step 3 Stop all processes, and enter /etc/init.d/dmgtd stop
Step 7 Select Server > Reports > Log File Status to view your log changes.
Step 1 Make sure the new location has sufficient disk space.
Step 2 At the command line, make sure you have the correct permissions.
Step 3 Stop all processes by entering:
net stop crmdmgtd
Step 4 Perform log maintenance by entering:
NMSROOT\bin\perl NMSROOT\cgi-bin\admin\
destination directory]
Using Logrot
The logrot utility helps you manage the log files in a better fashion.
Logrot is a log rotation program that can:
• Rotate log when CiscoWorks is running.
• Optionally archive and compress rotated logs.
• Rotate log only when it has reached a particular size.
Logrot helps you add new files easily. Logrot should be installed on the same
machine where you have installed Common Services.
Configuring Logrot
To configure logrot:
Step 5 Specify the maximum file size. The log will not be rotated until this size is
reached. The unit is in kilobytes (KB). The default is 1024 KB or 1 MB.
Step 6 Specify the file compression type to be used. It can be:
• gz—GNU gzip (available by default on Windows only)
• bz2—bzip2 (available by default on Solaris8 and above only).
When deleting logfiles, you can choose to delete an individual file, a list of files,
or a all files matching a certain pattern.
For example, 1-3 means delete files numbered 1 through 3. a list of
comma-separated file numbers, for example, 1,21, means delete files numbered 1
and 21. A pattern string *.log means delete all files that match the pattern *.log.
You can also specify the special pattern, *, which means delete all logfiles in the
Running Logrot
To run Logrot enter either of the following:
On Windows:
Enter NMSROOT\bin\perl.exe NMSROOT\bin\
On Unix:
Run /opt/CSCOpx/bin/
You can schedule log rotation so that the utility works on a specified time and day.
Field Description
SMTP Server System-wide name of the SMTP server used by
CiscoWorks applications to deliver reports. The default
server name is localhost.
CiscoWorks The CiscoWorks E-mail ID from which applications send
E-mail ID mail. There is no default E-mail ID.
RCP User Name used by network device when it connects to
CiscoWorks Server to run rcp. User account must exist on
UNIX systems, and should also be configured on devices as
local user in the ip rcmd configuration command. The
default RCP username is cwuser.
Step 1 Select Common Services > Server > Admin > System Preferences.
The System Preferences dialog box appears.
Step 2 Select one of the following tabs to enter information or to verify that the
configured information is correct:
• HTTP Proxy
• SMTP Server
• CiscoWorks E-mail ID
• RCP User
Set this information carefully. If you introduce errors, users may not be able to
log in.
Step 3 Click Apply after making the changes.
To apply the defaults already configured in the system, click Defaults.
To cancel the changes, click Cancel.
DCR also:
• Stores device attributes and credentials, permits dynamic creation of attribute
types, and permits default grouping and filtering.
• Supports proxy device attributes, unreachable devices, and pre-provisioning
of devices.
• Allows you to populate the repository via import from many sources, and to
export device data for use with third-party network management systems such
as HP Network Node Manager and Netview.
• Uses a unique Internal Device Identifier to access device details, and detects
duplicate devices based on specific attributes.
• Encrypts credential data stored in the repository. Access to device data is
permitted only by secured channel and client authentication.
• Supports IPv6 and SNMP v3.
Credentials are values that are used by applications to access and operate on
devices. It is typically an SNMP community string or a user ID and password pair.
A device credential is used to access a managed device such as a switch or router
Device attributes are unique to each device and they identify a device. The
following attributes are stored in the repository:
Attribute Description
host_name Device Host name
domain_name Domain name of the device
management_ip_address IP address used to access the device. Both IPv4 and
IPv6 address types are supported.
device_identity Identifies pre-provisioning devices. The value would
be application specific.
display_name Device name, as you want it to be represented in
reports or graphical displays. Can be derived from
Host Name, Management IP address or Device
Attribute Description
sysObjectID sysObjectID value. It may be UNKNOWN in the
case the facility that is populating the repository
does not know the value.
mdf_type Normative name for the device type as described in
Cisco’s Meta Data Framework (MDF) database.
Each device type has a unique normative name
defined in MDF.
DCR Device ID Internally generated unique sequential number that
identifies the device record in the DCR database.
The DCR clients should remember the value to
access device details from the repository.
User Defined Fields DCA, by default, provides four user defined fields.
These fields are used to store additional user-defined
data for a device. You can add more User Defined
Credential Description
Standard Credentials
primary_username Primary user name used to access the device.
primary_password Password for the primary_username.
Credential Description
primary_enable_password Console-enabled password for the device. Allows you to make
configuration changes and provides access to a larger set of
Without the enable password, users are restricted to read-only
snmp_v2_ro_comm_string Device’s SNMP V2 read-only community string.
snmp_v2_rw_comm_string Device’s SNMP V2 read/write community string.
snmp_v3_user_id Device’s SNMP V3 user ID.
snmp_v3_password Device’s SNMP V3 password.
snmp_v3_engine_ID Device’s SNMP V3 engine ID.
snmp_v3_auth_algorithm SNMP V3 authorization algorithm used on the device. Can be
MD5 or SHA-1.
http_username Device’s HTTP-interface user ID.
http_password Device’s HTTP-interface password.
Additional Credentials for Cluster Managed Devices
dsbu_member_number Number of the Cluster member. This number represents the order
in which the device was added to the cluster.
parent_dsbu_id DCR Device ID of the parent Cluster device.
Auto Update Server Specific Credentials
aus_url URL for the AUS device.
aus_port Port number of the AUS service running on the AUS device.
aus_username User login providing access to the AUS device.
aus_password Password for the corresponding aus_username.
Auto Update Server Managed Device -Specific Credentials
aus_username User login providing access to the AUS-managed device.
aus_password Password for the corresponding aus_username.
parent_aus_id DCR Device ID of the managing AUS device.
DCR supports Cisco Cluster Management Suites, Auto Update Servers and the
managed devices using a mix of standard and additional attributes and credentials.
• Clusters: All the attributes of the Cluster are the same as a normal DCR
• Cluster Members: Each cluster member has its own Host Name, sysObjectID,
and MDF type, and uses the same Telnet credentials as the Cluster. Each
cluster member has the following additional attributes:
– Member Number: The number of the Cluster member. This number
represents the order in which the device is added into the cluster.
– Device ID of the parent Cluster record.
• Auto Update Server: The Auto Update Server has the following attributes and
– Username
– Password
• Auto Update Server managed devices: Apart from having its own attributes
and credentials like normal DCR devices in DCR, each Auto Update Server
managed device has the following additional attributes:
– Device Identity: The string value that uniquely identifies this device in
the parent Auto Update Server.
– The DCR Device ID of the parent Auto Update Server record.
DCR Architecture
The sharing of device list and credentials among various network management
products is achieved through a Client-Server mechanism. The clients are network
management applications that use DCR. The server is called the DCR Server.
DCR works based on a Master-Slave model. DCR Server can also be in
Standalone mode.
Master DCR
The Master DCR server refers to the master repository of device list and
credential data. The Master hosts the authoritative, or a master-list of all devices
and their credentials. All other DCRs in the same management domain which are
running in Slave mode normally shares this list.
There is only one Master repository for each management domain, and it contains
the most up-to-date device list and credentials.
Slave DCR
The Slave DCR refers to a repository that is an exact replica of the Master.
DCR Slaves are slave instance of DCR in other servers and provide transparent
access to applications installed in those servers.
Any change to the repository data occurs first in the Master, and those changes are
propagated to multiple Slaves. There can be more than one Slave in a management
The Slave:
• Maintains an exact replica of the data managed by the Master for the
management domain.
• Has a mechanism to keep itself in sync with the Master.
• Will first update Master and then update its own repository data. This is in
case of repository data updates.
Standalone DCR
In Standalone mode, DCR maintains an independent repository of device list and
credential data. It does not participate in a management domain and its data is not
shared with any other DCR. It does not communicate with or contain registration
information about any other Master, Slave, or Standalone DCR.
DCR running in Master or Slave mode always has an associated DCR Group ID
that indicates the Server's management domain. This Group ID is generated when
a DCR is set to Master mode, and communicated to all Slaves later assigned to
that Master.
Managing Devices
The Device Management option in DCA helps you manage the list of devices and
their credentials. Device Management helps you in:
• Adding Devices
• Deleting Devices
• Editing Device Credentials
• Importing Devices and Credentials
• Exporting Devices and Credentials
• Excluding Devices
• Viewing Devices List
To perform any of these management functions, select:
Common Services > Device and Credentials > Device Management.
Adding Devices
You can use this feature to add devices, device properties or attributes, and device
credentials to the DCA.
To add devices to the device list:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Device Management.
The Device Management page appears.
The Device Management UI helps you perform operations on Standard Devices,
Cluster Managed devices and Auto Update devices. Operations on Auto Update
Servers can be performed only at the Auto Update Server Management UI.
The Device Summary window displays the devices and groups in DCA.
Step 2 Click Add.
The Device Properties page appears. The Device Information dialog box provides
three device management types:
• Standard Type
• Auto Update Type
• Cluster Managed Type
Standard Type
You can add Routers, Switches, Hubs, and other devices using the Standard
management type.
To add devices and credentials using Standard type:
Deleting Devices
You can delete device information from DCR using this feature.
When a device is deleted, it will also get deleted in all the applications that use
To delete devices:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Device Management.
The Device Management page appears.
Step 2 Select one or more devices from the Device Summary List and click Edit.
The Device Properties page displays the Devices Information dialog box.
You can edit the attributes of individual devices here. The Devices column lists
all the selected devices.
From the Devices column, you should separately select each device that needs to
be edited, and make the required changes.
Step 3 Select the device for which you want to edit the device information, from the
device list.
The current attributes are automatically populated in the device information
Step 4 Edit the device information, on the right pane.
If you are done with your editing and do not want to proceed, click Finish.
Step 5 Click Next, if you want to edit device credentials.
The Credential Template dialog box appears. According to your requirement, you
can edit:
• Primary Credentials (Username, Password, Enable Password)
• SNMP v2C credentials (Read-Only Community String, Read-Write
Community String)
• SNMPv3 Credentials (Username, Password, authentication Algorithm,
Engine ID)
• Rx Boot Mode Credentials (Username, Password)
• Auto Update Server Managed Device credentials (Username, Password)
Any changes made here will apply to all devices selected in Step 2. This has one
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Device Management.
The Device Management page appears.
Step 2 Click Bulk Import.
The Import Devices popup window appears. You can import from any of the
• File
• Local NMS (Network Management Station)
• Remote NMS
Step 1 Select the Network Management System type from the NMS type drop-down list.
HPOV6.x and Netview7.x are supported.
Step 2 Enter the install location in the Install Location field.
Step 3 Select either Use data from Import source or Use data from DCR, to resolve
conflicts during import.
Step 4 Schedule the task. To do this:
a. Select the RunType from the drop-down list.
You can schedule importing the devices immediately or schedule the import
for a later time. The scheduling can be periodic (daily, weekly, or monthly)
or for a single instance.
b. Select the date from the date picker.
Step 5 Enter the Job description in the Job Info field.
Step 6 Click Import.
You should have permissions to log into the remote network management system
(NMS), without a password. Common Services uses remote login to log into the
Server and get device details.
The rhosts file should be modified to enable you to login without a password.
To import from a remote NMS:
Step 1 Select the Network Management System type from the NMS type drop-down list.
If you select ACS, enter:
• ACS Server Name or IP address in the Host Name field.
• ACS admin user name in the User Name field.
• ACS admin user password in the Password field.
• Port number (default is 2002) in the Port field.
Step 2 Select the Operating System type from the OS type drop-down list.
Step 3 Enter the Host name, User name, and Install location in the corresponding fields.
Step 4 Select either Use data from Import source or Use data from DCR, to resolve
conflicts during import.
Step 5 Schedule the task. To do this:
a. Select the RunType from the drop-down list.
You can schedule importing the devices immediately or schedule the import
for a later time. The scheduling can be periodic (daily, weekly, or monthly)
or for a single instance.
b. Select the date from the date picker.
Step 6 Enter the Job description in the Job Information field.
Step 7 Click Import.
You can:
• Export Using DCA Interface
• Export Using CLI
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Device Management.
The Device Management page appears.
Step 2 Click Export.
The Device Export dialog box appears.
You can use either of the following device selection methods:
• Select from Device Selector
Select this option if you want to export devices from DCR to the file you
specify in the Output File Information field. You can select the required
devices from the Device Selector pane of the Device Export dialog box.
• Get Device List from File
Select this option if you want to export devices from a CSV file that is already
present in the server, to the file you specify in the Output File Information
You can use this option when the CSV file contains only partial device
credentials, and you want to get the full list of credentials. The input CSV file
checks for data in DCR, and exports the data to the output file.
We recommend that you use this option to export upto a maximum of 1000
Step 3 From the Device Selector, select the devices for which you need to export
Step 4 Schedule the task. To do this:
a. Select the RunType from the drop-down list.
You can schedule export immediately or schedule the export for a later time.
The scheduling can be periodic (daily, weekly, or monthly) or for a single
b. Select the date from the date picker.
Step 5 Enter the Job description in the Job Info field.
Step 6 Click OK.
Step 1 In the Input File Selection panel, enter the input file name or select the input file
(in CSV format) to get device list from, using the Browse tab.
Step 2 In the Output File Information panel, enter the location for the output file or click
Browse to select the file you require.
Step 3 Select CSV or XML file formats radio buttons, as required.
Step 4 Schedule the task. To do this:
a. Select the RunType from the drop-down list.
You can schedule export immediately or schedule the export for a later time.
The scheduling can be periodic (daily, weekly, or monthly) or for a single
b. Select the date from the date picker.
Step 5 Enter the Job description in the Job Info field.
Step 6 Click OK.
You must populate DCR with devices before you export credentials from DCR
selecting devices from a file.
Excluding Devices
This feature allows you to specify a file that contains the list of the devices that
should not be added to DCR using the Add or Import operations.
During Add or Import operations, DCR makes sure that the device being added or
imported is not listed in the Exclude Device List.
A device can be excluded based on it's hostname+domainname, IP address and
device-identity fields.
To exclude devices from Add or Import operations:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Device Management.
The Device Management page appears.
Step 2 Click Exclude.
The Upload Exclude Devices File dialog box appears.
Step 3 Enter the file name or click Browse to browse the file system and select the file.
The file that needs to be uploaded must be in CSV format.
Step 4 Click Apply to upload the file.
;Start of section 2 - AUS managed;
;HEADER: aus_device_identity,parent_aus_id
;End of CSV file
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Device Management.
The Device Management page appears.
Step 2 Select the devices you want from the Device Summary list and Click View.
The Device List Report dialog box appears.
Step 3 Select the device.
Step 4 Click View.
Step 1 Click the Export Current Report button on top of the right hand side of the DCA
Report list.
Step 2 Select the required radio button to export the report either in pdf or in CSV format.
Step 3 Enter the number of rows to be exported and click OK.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Auto Update Server Management.
The Auto Update Server Management page appears.
Step 2 Click Add.
The Auto Update Server dialog box appears.
Step 3 Enter the Display Name, IP address, Host, Port, URN, User name, and password
in the corresponding fields. Re-enter the password in the Verify field.
DCR uses a device record to represent a Auto Update Server.
An Auto Update Server added in the Auto Update Server Management UI can be
selected for the field Auto Update Server when you add devices using the Auto
Update management type.
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Device and
Credentials > Auto Update Server Management.
The Auto Update Server Management page appears.
Step 2 Select the device you want to edit from the list and click Edit.
The Auto Update Server dialog box appears.
Step 3 Edit Display Name, IP address, Port, URN, User name, and Password fields.
Step 4 Click OK.
Note This hostname should exactly match the Hostname field in the Master's
Self Signed Certificate.
Step 4 Enter the field label and description in the corresponding fields.
Step 5 Click Apply to add the User-defined Field.
Note For a complete list of attributes and their description, use the lsattr command
in dcrcli. See “Listing the Attributes” section on page 4-40 for usage details.
Sample CSV 3.0 File for Auto Update Server Managed Devices
; This file is generated by DCR Export utility
Cisco Systems NM Data import, Source=DCR Export; Type=DCRCSV;
;Start of section 0 - Basic Credentials
;Start of section 1 - AUS proxy
;Start of section 2 - AUS managed
;End of CSV file
Note For a complete list of attributes and their description, use the lsattr command in
dcrcli. See “Listing the Attributes” section on page 4-40 for usage details. Also,
see Attributes and Description and Credentials and Description.
<DEVATTRIB Name="aus_password">admin</DEVATTRIB>
Enter either the IP address (ip), Hostname (hn), or Device Identity (di).
Enter the Display Name (dn) and the Attribute name (-a attname). The attribute
sysObjectID is mandatory. You can add multiple attributes. For example,
add ip= hn=device1
-a sysObjectID=
This lists all the details about the device with the ID you have specified. For
detail id=54341 lists the details for the device with device ID 54341.
For filetype, CSV or XML are valid values. You can edit the Export Format file
located at NMSROOT\objects\dcrimpexp\conf\Export_Format_CSV.xml.
Export_Format_XML.xml to specify the credentials. For example,
exp fn=/opt/CSCOpx/test.csv ft=csv
Note For a complete list of attributes and their description, use the lsattr command
in dcrcli. See Listing the Attributes for usage details. Also, see Attributes and
Description and Credentials and Description.
Note A device in DCR is mapped to a device in ACS based on IP address of that device
in DCR and ACS. If a device in DCR has no IP address, then it's display_name in
DCR is mapped to host-names available in ACS.
In DCR, you can see the buttons enabled or disabled, based on the role assigned
to you.
For example, if a user U1 is assigned Approver role in ACS, he can see only the
View button enabled in DCR. Further a user can see only those devices in DCR 's
device-selector for which he has View Devices task assigned in ACS.
When performing operations in DCR, evensong you select some devices and click
the appropriate button, the operation will not be performed on all selected devices
(unlike in CiscoWorks local mode). This is because the operation will be done
only on those devices for which the you has been assigned required privilege.
For example, a user U2 is assigned Helpdesk role for device D1 and System
Administrator role for device D2 in ACS. Now U2 is able to select both D1 and D2
in DCR. But when the user clicks on Delete, only device D2 will be deleted.
This is because U2 has Helpdesk role for D1. Helpdesk role does not have Delete
The Groups feature in Common Services helps you to group devices managed by
CiscoWorks applications. It helps in creating, managing, and sharing groups of
devices. The groups created using this feature are shared across applications. The
groups created in applications can also be viewed from Common Services too.
The following components constitute this feature:
• Group Server:
Manages groups of devices. It helps you to create, edit, delete, and refresh
groups. It interfaces with an application service adapter (ASA) to evaluate
group rules and retrieve devices of a particular group.
• Application Service Adapters (ASAs):
Application-specific information repository that serves as source of the
devices and attributes that are grouped by the Groups Server. For Common
Services, Device and Credential Repository (DCR) acts as the ASA. See
Chapter 4, “Managing Device and Credentials” for detailed information on
• Group Admin:
Allows you to interact with the Group Server to create and manipulate groups
using Group Admin.
Basic Concepts:
• Group Class:
Representation of a set of devices belonging to DCR.
• Group Object:
Device in a group class. Each device in the group will have a set of attributes
stored in DCR. Associated with every device is a unique and immutable
device ID.
• Group:
Named aggregate entity comprising a set of devices belonging to a single
class or a set of classes, with a common superclass. Groups can be shared
between users or applications, subject to access-control restrictions. The
membership of a group is determined by a rule.
• Group Rule:
Consists of one or more rule expressions combined by operators, which can
Group Concept
A group is a named set of devices. The group is characterized by a set of properties
such as an associated rule, name, description, type, and access permission.
The rule determines the membership of a group, which may change whenever the
rule is evaluated. Groups are hierarchical. Groups can be dynamic or static. They
can be Private or Public.
Group Hierarchy
Groups are managed in a hierarchical fashion that supports sub grouping. Each
child group is a subgroup of a parent group, and its group membership will be a
subset of its parent group.
Dynamic Group
A dynamic group is a group for which the membership list is always up-to-date.
Whenever you view a dynamic group, it always displays the latest group
membership list.
Static Group
A static group is a group for which the membership is refreshed only when you
explicitly request it. Between re-evaluations, the Group Server stores the
membership list and group definition of the static group.
Whenever you view a static group, you get the membership list that the ASA
created the last time the group rule was evaluated.
Container Groups
Container groups are groups without a rule. The group membership is the union
of the membership of its sub-groups. If a container group does not have
sub-groups, the membership list will be blank.
These pre-defined groups come under the Provider group (or the root group),
which, by default, is of the format CS@hostname. This Provider group is the
parent of all Common Services groups found in the server.
You can change the Provider group name by changing the CiscoWorks Home Page
Server Name. This can be configured at Common Services > HomePage >
Settings. See “Setting Up CiscoWorks Homepage” section on page 2-12, for
You have to restart Daemon Manager after you change the Home page Server
name, for the Provider group name change to take effect. After this, the Provider
group name will be of the format CS@Homepage Server Name.
You can see these groups in Device and Credential Admin (DCA) and Device
Center, and perform operations on the members of the group.
JIT groups are created based on the device types that are currently available in
DCR. If all devices belonging to a single MDF type are deleted, the corresponding
JIT group also gets deleted.
In the Group Selector pane in the Group Administration page, you can see:
• CS@bundle-pc3
• Campus@bundle-pc3
• RME@bundle-pc3
• DFM@bundle-pc
Here, CS@bundle-pc3 is the local group, and the rest are shared groups.
Secure Views
Secure Views allow access to devices of a group to be restricted. Secure Views
enables filtering of group membership based on user and the application task
context in which a request is made. Filtering will be performed only when
operating in ACS mode.
While operating in Non ACS mode, no filtering will be performed, and evaluating
a group results in all devices of that group being returned.
For example, if there are two users A and B configured in ACS with different set
of privileges such that A can operate on devices D1, D2, D3 and B can operate on
D4 and D5.
If B tries to perform any operation on the group to which all the above devices
belong, B will be able to see only D4 and D5. This is because B is authorized to
perform operations only on those two devices. For details on ACS login mode see
“Setting the Login Module to ACS” section on page 3-35.
Note You cannot create groups in Common Services if it is in Slave mode. But, for
applications, you can create groups even if the server on which they are installed
is in Slave mode.
For example, say we have two servers M and S, where M is in Master mode, and
S is in Slave mode. Let both the machines have Common Services and RME
In M, you can see the following groups:
• CS@\master hostname
• RME@master hostname
• RME@slave hostname
In Figure 5-2, you can see the groups displayed in the CS Groups UI, in a multi
server scenario.
Note that the machine bundle-pc12 is the Master, and the machine
bundle-sun280r1 is the Slave, in the figure.
In the CS groups UI you can see:
• CS@bundle-pc12 (The local CS group of the Master)
• RME@bundle-pc12 (Application group pertaining to the Master)
• RME@bundle-sun280r1 (Application group pertaining to the Slave)
Similarly, in S you can see the following groups:
• CS@slave hostname
• RME@master hostname
• RME@slave hostname
In Figure 5-3, you can see the groups displayed in the Application (RME) Groups
UI, in a multi server scenario.
Note that bundle-pc12 is the Master, and bundle-sun280r1 is the Slave, in the
Unregistering a Slave
The Unregister Slave utility helps you unregister a Slave which is no longer part
of the domain.
The utility is useful in the following scenarios:
• Change in Slave’s mode due to backup and restore. That is, if data is restored
from Standalone/Master belonging to a different domain.
• When you uninstall CiscoWorks from slave.
• Change in slave’s mode, when master is not reachable. If the Master is down
when the Slave’s mode changes, the Master will not be aware of the Slave’s
mode change, when it comes up.
The Master will not receive any data from the Slave, but the Slave information
will still be present in the its registry. A redundant group (such as CS@Slave) will
still appear in the Master’s Groups UI.
In the case of DCR, any device operation on Master will update the Slave list. But
the same does not happen in the case of Groups.
You can run the UnregisterSlave utility to remove any unwanted slave
From the CLI, run:
NMSROOT /bin/perl NMSROOT/bin/ slave host name
You have to enter the hostname of the machine you want to unregister.
For information on effects of backup-restore on data, DCR modes, and Groups,
see “Effects of Backup-Restore on DCR” section on page 3-63 and “Effects of
Backup-Restore on Groups” section on page 3-67.
Group Administration
The Group Administration and Configuration UI helps you to create, manage,
view, and delete groups.
Creating Groups
To create a new device group:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Groups > Group
The Groups Administration page appears.
The Group Administration and Configuration dialog box in the
Group Administration page provides a Group Selector pane.
The System Defined Groups shows sub groups only after Device and Credential
Admin (DCA) is populated.
The Group Selector field contains two groups:
• System Defined Groups
• User Defined Groups
These are the predefined (higher level) groups.
Step 2 From the groups listed in Group Selector, select the group under which you want
to create the new group.
The group you select here is the parent group for the new group you are about to
You can create a new group only under User Defined Group.
The default limit of User Defined Groups you can create is 100. If you try to create
more than 100 User Defined Groups, you will get a message saying that you have
exceeded the limit.
The Group Info fields on the right pane display details of the selected group.
You can change the parent group later, if required.
The following tasks have to be performed:
1. Specifying Group Properties
2. Defining Group Rules
3. Assigning Group Membership
While creating a new group you must complete all the three tasks in this sequence
to create a group.
If you exit the wizard at any stage by clicking Cancel, the details you have
specified will be lost and the group will not be created.
Step 1 In the Group Administration and Configuration dialog box, click Create.
Step 2 In Properties:Create dialog box, enter a name for the group in the Group Name
The group name should be unique within the parent group. However, it need not
be so across groups. The same group name cannot be used in the same group
Step 1 Delete the rules displayed in the Rule Text field, and click any other field.
Step 2 Select appropriate parameters for Object Type, Variable, and Operator. See
System Defined and User Defined Attributes for details on the Variables.
Enter the value for the Variable you have selected.
Step 3 Click Add Rule Expression.
The Group Administration wizard creates the rule based on the parameters you
specified and adds the rule to the Rules Text field.
For example, the rule type:
:CMF:DCR:Device.DisplayName equals "joe"
The Rules:Create dialog box refreshes and displays the Boolean operator field
before the Object Type field in Rules Expression. You can form composite rules
using the OR, AND, or EXCLUDE options in the Boolean operator field.
The OR, AND, EXCLUDE drop down list appears only when there is at least one
rule expression in the text area.
You can validate rules that are entered directly into the Rules Text field or rules
formed using the Add Rules Expression option in the dialog box.
To check whether the syntax is valid, click Check Syntax.
To view the rules defined for the parent groups, click View Parent Rules.
Step 4 Click Next.
The wizard takes you to the Membership:Create dialog box, where you can further
refine the group definition by adding or deleting specific devices from the group.
Step 1 Select one or more devices in Available Objects From Parent Group column.
To select multiple devices, hold the Ctrl or Shift keys down and click.
Step 2 Click Add.
The selected devices are removed from Available Objects From Parent Group and
added to the Object Matching Membership Criteria column.
Removing Devices
To remove devices from the group:
Step 1 Select one more devices in Object Matching Membership Criteria column.
To select multiple devices, hold the Ctrl or Shift keys down and click.
Step 2 Click Remove.
The selected devices are removed from the Object Matching Membership Criteria
column and added to Available Objects From Parent Group.
Step 3 Click Next.
The Summary:Create window appears. It displays the group name, the parent
group, description, the membership update type, group rules, and the visibility
scope of the group you created.
If you want to change the parameters, click Back to go back to the previous
windows and make changes.
Step 4 Click Finish to create the group based on the parameters specified.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Groups > Group
The Group Administration page appears.
Step 2 In the Group Administration and Configuration dialog box, select the group from
Group Selector.
The Group Info fields on the right side displays the high-level properties of the
selected group.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Groups > Group
The Group Administration page appears.
Step 2 In the Group Administration and Configuration dialog box, select the group from
Group Selector.
The Group Info fields on the right side displays details of the selected group.
Step 3 Click Edit.
The Group Administration wizard guides you through the process of editing a
group. It displays the details of the group in Properties:Edit window.
Step 4 Change the Group Name, Description, Membership Update, and Visibility Scope
in the Properties:Edit dialog box.
You cannot change the parent group or copy attributes from a different group in
Edit mode.
Step 5 Click Next.
The wizard takes you to the Rules:Edit window.
Step 6 Change the rules as required. For details on creating the rules, see “Defining
Group Rules” section on page 5-17.
Step 7 Click Next.
The wizard takes you to the Membership:Edit window.
Step 8 Add or remove devices from the list of objects in Objects Matching Membership
Criteria as required. For details on creating the rules, see “Assigning Group
Membership” section on page 5-18.
Step 9 Click Next.
The wizard takes you to the Summary window.
If you want to change the parameters specified, click Back to go back to the
previous windows and make changes to the properties or rules.
Step 10 Click Finish to modify the group.
Step 11 Click OK.
The Group Administration wizard copies the attributes of the selected group and
displays it in the corresponding fields in Properties:Create window.
Note that the parent group you have selected for the group does not change even
if you are copying attributes from a group that belongs to a different parent group.
Refreshing Groups
You can recompute the membership of a group by re-evaluating the group's rule.
The membership of Automatic groups is recomputed dynamically.
The membership of Only-upon-user-request groups is recomputed only when
explicitly refreshed with this option.
To refresh a group:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Groups >
Group Admin.
The Group Administration page appears.
Step 2 In the Group Administration and Configuration dialog box, select the group from
Group Selector.
The Group Info fields on the right pane displays details of the selected group.
Step 3 Click Refresh.
The Group Administration pop-up window prompts you for confirmation.
Step 4 Click Yes.
The selected group is recomputed and the window, refreshed.
Deleting Groups
You can delete a group from the Group Selector. When you delete a group, all the
child groups under the group are also deleted.
To delete a group:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Groups > Group
The Group Administration page appears.
Step 2 Select the group from Group Selector.
The Group Info fields on the right pane displays details of the selected group.
Attribute Description
DisplayName Device name, as you want it to be represented in
reports or graphical displays. Can be derived from
Host Name, Management IP address or Device
ManagementIpAddress IP address used to access the device. Both IPv4 and
IPv6 address types are supported.
HostName Device Host name.
DomainName Domain name of the device.
DeviceIdentity Identifies pre-provisioning devices. The value would
be application specific.
SystemObjectID sysObjectID value. It may be UNKNOWN in the
case the facility that is populating the repository does
not know the value.
Category Category in which the device falls. The first level
entries in the Device Type tree in DCR Device
Management UI. For example, Routers is a category.
Attribute Description
Series Series to which the device belong. The second level
entries in the Device Type tree in DCR Device
Management UI. For example, Cisco 3100 Series
Routers, that falls under the category Routers .
The User Defined Fields available in the Variable drop-down list is taken from
DCR. You can create Used Defined Fields at Common Services >
Device and Credentials > Admin For details, see “Adding User-defined Fields”
section on page 4-29.
If you create a User Defined Field which is similar to one of the predefined
System Defined attributes, an _UDF suffix is appended to the User Defined field
you add, to distinguish these two attributes.
For example if you create a User Defined Field called DisplayName (which is one
of the pre-defined attribute present in the Variable drop-down list), this will be
displayed as DisplayName_UDF.
Note You should not create a User Defined fields in the format
System Defined Field_UDF, where System Defined Field stands for any attribute
listed in the above table.
By default, four user defined fields are available. You can create 12 user defined
fields in DCR. The maximum number of user defined fields that can be added in
the Variable drop-down list is 16.
Device Center provides a one stop place where you can see a summary for a
device, and launch troubleshooting tools, management tasks, and reports for the
selected device. Since Device Center is based on a device-centric navigation
paradigm, it helps you to concentrate on device centric features and information
from a single location.
After launching Device Center, you can perform device-centric activities, such as
changing device attributes, updating inventory, and perform telnet on a device
selected from the Device Center Window.
You can also launch Element Management tools, reports, and management tasks.
Since all this information and reports for a single device are available from a
single location, Device Center helps you in troubleshooting devices.
Device Center caters to a broad variety of device centric features from a single
location. After launching Device Center, you can invoke many tools on the
selected device from a single location.
The various features in Device Center come from the CiscoWorks applications
installed on the server.
Device Center features and functions are available only from applications that
reside on the same server on which Common Services is installed. You cannot
launch tools, reports, and perform management tasks that pertain to applications
installed on a different server.
Step 1 Select CiscoWorks Homepage > Device Troubleshooting > Device Center.
The Device Center page appears with the Device Selector on the left pane and
Device Center overview information on the right pane.
Step 2 Enter the IP address or device name of the device and click Go.
Select a device from the list-tree, in the Device Selector field,.
The Device Summary, and Functions Available panes appear.
Step 3 Click any of the links under the Functions Available pane to launch the
corresponding application function.
The links are launched in a separate window.
If you enter the device name or IP address of a device not managed by any of the
applications installed on the Common Services server, the Functions Available
pane displays only the default connectivity tools from Common Services.
Device Selector
Device Selector displays the list of devices managed by applications installed on
Common Services. Device Selector populates the devices for device selection in
Device Center.
The devices shown in the Device Selector are those managed locally by
applications that are installed in local server have some information that can be
shown in Device Center.
Device Selector displays devices in groups. This is the entry point for the Device
Center page. You can view and select devices using the device selector.
Note After you select a device using Device Selector, you will get information on the
applications that manage the device.
Device Summary
The Device Summary content in the Device Center displays a summary of the
device. You can see the IP Address, Device Type, OS version, and Last Reload
Date in the Device Summary content area.
The summary page displays information grouped on the basis of application
providing the information.
Management Functions
The Management Functions dialog box in the Device Center Functions Available
page helps you to get the list of Debugging Tools, the list of Reports, and the list
of Management Tasks on a selected device.
You can launch the management functions (Tools, Tasks, Reports) by:
• Selecting a device from device selector.
• Entering a device IP address or device name in the text box provided and
clicking the button.
• Passing device context as parameters. Passing device context as parameter is
meant for applications only.
Management Functions helps you perform these tasks:
• Enabling Debugging Tools
• Displaying Reports
• Performing Management Tasks
Note You must have the required privileges to use some of the functions.
Using Ping
Use the Ping tool to test whether the device is reachable. A ping tests an ICMP
echo message and its reply. Since ping is the simplest test for a device, use it first.
You can view the packets transmitted, and received, percentage of packet loss, and
round-trip time in milliseconds. If ping fails, try using traceroute.
Using Traceroute
Use the Traceroute tool to detect routing errors between the network management
station and the target device.
Traceroute helps you understand why ping fails or why applications time out. It
does this by diagnosing TCP/IP Layer 3 (transport) problems. You can view each
hop (or gateway) on the route to your device and how long each took.
Note WinPcap must be installed to use this feature on Windows machines. The
executable is available at: NMSROOT\objects\jet\bin\winpcap.exe
Displaying Reports
The Report pane in the Device Center page displays the list of the reports that can
be launched for a device.
The reports displayed in the Report pane depends on the applications installed on
the server.
Software Center helps you to check for software and device support updates,
download them to their server file system along with the related dependent
packages, and install the device updates.
Software Center allows you to look for software and device updates from, and download them to a server location. You can install the updates
from this location. In the case of device updates, Software Center helps you to
install the updates using a web based user interface, wherever possible.
Most of the device family-based packages can be installed directly from the web
interface while the device support packages such as IDU have to be installed
based on the installation instructions documented in the respective readme files.
You may also uninstall a device support package. Software Center does not
support uninstallation of software updates.
To backup what is installed on the server, Software Center maintains a package
and device map in the installed packages directory of the respective applications.
The package map is a list of all device packages installed on the server and device
map is a list of all the supported devices on the server.
Software Center also provides a Command Line Interface to download device
updates and software updates, and install or uninstall device packages.
For downloads from to work, you should have access to
For details on configuring credentials, See “Setting up User
Account” section on page 3-44.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Software Center >
Software Updates > Download Updates.
The Software Updates page appears.
Step 2 In the Products Installed dialog box, select the check box corresponding to the
product for which you want to download the update.
Step 3 Click Download Update, then click Next.
The Image Destination Location page appears.
Step 4 Enter the location, or browse to the location using the Browse tab, then click
Next. The destination location should not be the location where CiscoWorks is
The Summary window shows a summary of your inputs.
Step 5 Click Finish to confirm the download operation.
To change the download location, click Back.
To cancel the download, click Cancel.
To select updates:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Software Center >
Software Updates.
The Software Updates page appears.
Step 2 In the Products Installed dialog box, select the check box corresponding to the
product for which you want to select update.
Step 3 Click Select Updates.
Step 4 Select the product you need to update, then click Next.
Step 5 Select a destination location, then click Next. The destination location should not
be the location where CiscoWorks is installed.
The Download Summary window appears.
Step 6 Click Finish to confirm installation of the selected packages.
If you do not want to add the selected packages, click Back to reselect packages
or click Cancel to exit.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Software Center >
Device Updates.
The Device Updates page appears.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the product for which you want to check
for updates, then click Check for Updates.
The Source Location page appears. You can check for updates at or at
a Server.
Step 3 Select the radio button to check for updates at
Check for update from a server:
a. Select the Enter Server Path radio button.
b. Enter the path or browse to the location using the Browse.
If you choose any of the options other than Immediate, set the date and time.
• Select the date from the date picker.
• Specify the time from the drop-down lists.
c. In the Job Description field, enter a description for the download job. This is
d. Enter the E-mail ID in the E-mail field.
e. Click Next.
The Summary window displays the details.
f. Click OK to confirm.
If you select Install Device Packages:
a. Click Next.
A summary of your inputs is displayed.
b. Click OK to confirm.
A warning appears informing you that the daemons are restarted.
c. Click OK to continue with installation.
Deleting Packages
You can also delete packages that are outdated or you no longer use.
To delete a package:
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Software Center >
Device Updates.
Step 2 Select the check box corresponding to the product, then click Delete Packages.
The wizard displays a window that has the Package name, the Product name, and
the Installed version details.
Step 3 Select the check box corresponding to the Package you want to delete.
Step 1 In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Software Center >
Schedule Device Downloads.
The Schedule Downloads dialog box appears.
Step 2 Specify the user credentials.
Step 3 Enter the location, or browse to the location using the Browse tab.
Step 4 Select the radio button corresponding to the download policy you require.
To set the frequency of downloads, select the run type from the Run Type
drop-down list. The options are:
• Immediate
• Once
• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
If you select any of the options other than Immediate:
a. Select the date from the date picker.
b. Specify the time from the drop-down lists.
Step 5 In the Job Description field, enter a description for the download job. This is
Step 6 Enter the E-mail ID in the E-mail field.
Step 7 Click Apply.
Step 8 Click Accept in the confirmation popup dialog box, to put your settings into
To exit without making changes, click Cancel.
Q. When I connect to the CiscoWorks Server in the secure mode (HTTPS) using
Netscape Navigator, the browser returns I/O errors and displays the message
Netscape has encountered bad data from the server. Why does this
A. This problem occurs when you:
• Create a new server certificate using the same hostname
• Set the browser to accept the old server certificate, till it expires
Typically, this problem is fixed when you clear the entry for your old server
certificate from the browser.
Note The I/O errors in Netscape Navigator running in secure mode (HTTPS) is
often caused by configured certificates in the client computer.
Q. When I invoke CiscoWorks in the secure mode (HTTPS), there are too many
dialog boxes. This makes the process tedious. Is there a way to reduce the
number of dialog boxes and steps?
A. Yes. You have the following options:
• If you are using self-signed certificates:
– In Netscape Navigator, select the option Accept the Server Certificate
forever (until it expires) in the New Site Certificate wizard, if you are
confident about the identity of the server.
– In Internet Explorer, install the certificate in the browser’s trusted
certificate stores, if you are confident about the identity of the server.
• Use a server certificate issued by a prominent third party certificate authority
• Configure the hostname in your server certificate properly, and use the same
hostname to invoke CiscoWorks.
Q. When I invoke CiscoWorks, I'm unable to get to the login page directly.
Instead, I'm facing a security alert related to the site's security certificate. It
asks for my input to proceed further. Why?
A. CiscoWorks does not have any control over this behavior. This is an expected
browser behavior (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator), to
ensure proper security.
This appears if one of the when one of the following conditions is not satisfied:
– The certificate of the server (CiscoWorks Server in this case) must be
issued by trusted Certificate Authority.
– The date of the certificate must be valid. (Each certificate is assigned a
validity period. It can range from 21 days to 5 years).
– The name of the certificate and name of the page (or the name typed in
the address bar of the browser) are the same.
To view the certificate information:
• Click View Certificate, in the alert box for Internet Explorer.
• Click Examine Certificate in the alert box for Netscape Navigator.
The server should be invoked with the name same as the Issued to' field of the
To install the certificate in Internet Explorer:
For Netscape Navigator, you may select the Accept this Certificate Permanently
radio button in the security alert dialog box.
Q. I installed CD One and got an error message that EDS was not registered with
the daemon manager. Did I do anything wrong?
A. EDS is part of the CD One deliverable but is not enabled without Campus
Manager or Resource Manager Essentials. If you are going to install either of
these application suites, EDS will be automatically enabled after installation.
Q. Which version of the Java Plug-in should I use for CiscoWorks to function
A. CiscoWorks supports Java Plug-in 1.4.2_04 only in all the supported clients
and operating systems. We recommend that you do not install any other
Plug-ins other than this one, for CiscoWorks to function properly.
Q. What kind of directory structure does CiscoWorks use when backing up data?
A. CiscoWorks uses a standard database structure for backing up all suites and
applications. See Table 8-3 for sample directory structure for the CiscoWorks
Q. I’m locked out of the CiscoWorks Server. Why did this happen, and how do I
regain access?
A. There are several reasons why you might have been locked out. Most likely it
is due to the changes made using the Select Login Module option. You must
replace the incorrect login module with a default configuration, log into
CiscoWorks, and return to the login module to correct one or more of the
• Session Time out
• Change from SSL mode to non-SSL mode
• Change from non-SSL mode to SSL mode
• Log out from any other CiscoWorks application
• Visit other sites and then return to CiscoWorks
Do not alter the existing technologies in the default configuration file.
If all of the parameters listed are correct, see the “Troubleshooting Suggestions”
section on page 8-33.
Depending upon the degree of corruption, the database engine may or may not
start. For certain corruptions, such as bad indexes, the database can function
normally until the corrupt index is accessed.
Database corruptions, such as index corruptions, can be detected by the dbvalid
utility, which requires the database engine to be running.
To detect database corruption:
Step 3 Make sure no database processes are running and there is no database log file. For
example, if the database file is /opt/CSCOpx/databases/rme/rme.db, the database
log file is /opt/CSCOpx/databases/rme/rme.log. This file is not present if the
database process shuts down cleanly.
Step 4 (UNIX only) Check if the database files(s) and the transaction log file (*.log) are
owned by user casuser. If not, change the ownership of these files to user casuser
and group casusers.
Step 5 Run the command:
cd NMSROOT/objects/db/conf
The dbvalid command displays a list of tables being validated. The Validation
utility scans the entire table, and looks up each record in every index and key
defined on the table. If there are errors, the utility displays something like:
Validating DBA.xxxx
run time SQL error -- Foreign key parent_is has invalid or duplicate
entries 1 error reported
If these ports are free, you will not see any output.
Step 4 Verify whether the port 44444 is free, using the following command:
netstat -na | grep 44444
The ports mentioned above are default ports. The alternative ports defined for
these in CiscoWorks are 44350, 44351, 44352, 44353 respectively.
To change the ports:
Q. I have configured the Active Directory Login Module but it does not work.
How can I analyze the problem?
A. To analyze the problem, enable the Debug mode for the Active Directory
Login module. To do this:
For all failed login attempts, the log files contain LDAP error messages, which
specify the reason for the failure.
For example, if the Usersroot configuration is incorrect, then the login module
cannot match the complete DN string with any entries in the Active Directory
It indicates which portion of the DN matched and which portion did not match.
You can verify your Active Directory setup and the entries for the Usersroot.
In some cases, the log file contains error messages with NameError. This indicates
that either you entered a wrong user Id or there is some spelling error in the
Usersroot configuration.
Q. How do I change the IP Address of the CiscoWorks Server after installing it,
or after running it for a while?
A. You can change the IP address on the server, and then access it using the new
IP address.
To change the IP address on Windows:
Step 1 Click Start > Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area
The Local Area Connection Status dialog box appears.
Step 2 Click Properties.
The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears.
Step 3 Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears.
Step 4 Select the radio button Use the following IP address.
Step 5 Change the IP address as required, in the IP Address field.
For the subnet mask and default gateway values, use the command ipconfig at the
command prompt.
The subnet mask and default gateway values appear.
Step 6 Enter these values in the subnet mask and default gateway fields.
Step 7 Click OK.
Step 8 Restart the server.
To change the IP address on Solaris, use the command ifconfig at the command
prompt to change the IP address of the required interface.
For example, at the command prompt, you can enter:
ifconfig interfacename inet ipv4address
where the variable interfacename represents the name of the interface and
ipv4address represents the new IP address.
Q. How do I change the Hostname of the CiscoWorks Server after installing it,
or after running it for a while?
A. To change the hostname of the CiscoWorks Server, you need to update several
files, and reboot the server:
Step 1 Change the hostname at My Computer > Properties > Network Identification
> Properties.
Step 2 Change the hostname in all the following files:
For Solaris, the sys-unconfig command erases the hostname and IP addresses
pertaining to the Solaris system (not the LMS or SMS software) and guides you
through the server-renaming process.
You also do this when you change the hostname in the hosts, hostname.hme0, and
nodename files in the /etc directory.
Step 3 Change the hostname in registry entries in the CurrentControlSet.
Step 4 Change the hostname in regdaemon.xml ($NMSROOT/MDC/etc/regdaemon.xml)
Step 5 Create a file /NMSROOT/conf/cmic/, with the info of the
updated hostname in the format:
OldhostName—Previous Hostname as registered with CCR(regdaemon.xml)
NewhostName—Current Hostname as registered with CCR(regdaemon.xml)
Both are case sensitive.
show ssh
Note You must know the password policy. If the password entered does not
match the password policy, it exits.
On Solaris:
Enter /etc/init.d/dmgtd stop
On Solaris:
You can change the web server port numbers for the webservers. You can also
change both the HTTP and HTTPS port numbers. To change the port numbers you
must login as CiscoWorks Server administrator, and run the following command
at the prompt:
If you run this command without any command line parameter, CiscoWorks
*** CiscoWorks Webserver port change utility ***
Usage: changeport <port number> [-s] [-f]
port number—The new port number that should be used
-s —Changes the SSL port instead of the default HTTP port
-f —Forces port change even if Daemon Manager detection FAILS.
Note Do not use this option by default. Use it only when CiscoWorks
instructs you to.
The main process which runs as root monitors the child processes. It does not
accept any HTTP requests. Owing to this, Apache ensures that a root process
is not exposed to the external world and thus ensures security.
• If you do not want CiscoWorks processes to run as root, do not use the ports
80 and 443.
When you execute the utility with the appropriate options, it displays
messages on the tasks it performs.
This utility lists out all the files that are being updated. Before updating, the
utility will back up all the affected files in /opt/CSCOpx/conf/backup and
creates appropriate unique sub-directories.
It also creates a new file index.txt. This text file contains information about
the changed port and a list of all the files that are backed up and their actual
location in the CiscoWorks directory.
A sample backup maybe similar to:
|--README.txt (Note the purpose of this directory as it is initially empty)
`--/AAAtpaG03_Ciscobak (Autogenerated unique backup directory).
|--index.txt (The backup file list)
|--httpd.conf (Webserver config file)
| (CiscoWorks config elements)
|--mdc_web.xml (Common Services application config file)
|--regdaemon.key (Common Services config registry key file)
|--regdaemon.xml (Common Services config registry data file)
|--rootapps.conf (CiscoWorks daemons using privileged ports)
|--services (The system /etc/services file)
| (CiscoWorks config elements for SSL mode)
`--vms_web.xml (Common Services application config file)
Note All the above files and the unique directories are stored with read only permission
to casuser:casusers. To ensure the security of the backup files, only the
CiscoWorks Server administrator has write permissions.
The change port utility displays messages to the console during execution. These
messages contain information about the directory where the backup files are being
stored. These messages are also logged to a file, changeport.log
This file is saved to the directory:
This file contains the date and time stamps to indicate when the log entries were
On Windows:
You can change the web server port numbers for the Common Services
Webserver. You can also change both the HTTP and HTTPS port numbers.
To change the port numbers you must have administrative privileges. Run the
following command at the prompt:
If you execute this utility without any command line parameter, CiscoWorks
displays the following usage text:
*** Common Services Webserver port change utility ***
Usage: changeport <port number> [-s] [-f]
port number—The new port number that should be used
-s —Change the SSL port instead of the default HTTP port
-f —Force port change even if Daemon Manager detection fails.
Note Do not use this option by default. Use it only when CiscoWorks
instructs you to.
Note If you change the port after installation, CiscoWorks will not launch from Start
menu (Start > Programs > CiscoWorks > CiscoWorks). You have to manually
invoke the browser and specify the URL, with the changed port number.
Note All the above files and the unique directories are stored with read only
permissions. Only the administrator and casuser have write permissions, to ensure
the security of the backup files.
The change port utility displays messages to the console during execution. These
messages contain information about the directory where the backup files are being
stored. These messages are also logged to a file, changeport.log.
This file is saved to the directory:
This log file contains the date and time stamps to indicate when the log entries
were created.
• On Windows:
Run net stop CRMdmgtd
• On Windows:
Run net start CRMdmgtd
If Tomcat is already configured for higher memory than what you specify when
you run the command, it displays message stating this, and exits.
Step 1 Go to NMSROOT/MDC/tomcat/webapps/classic/WEB-INF/web.xml.
You have to edit the following section of the file:
<description>mice debug enabling</description>
Step 2 Change <param-value>false</param-value> to
Troubleshooting Suggestions
Use the suggestions in Table 8-4 to resolve errors or other problems with the
CiscoWorks Server.
The Log File Status Files need to be backed 1. Stop all processes.
window displays files up so that file size will
2. Enter the log file maintenance command:
that exceed their limit. be reset to zero.
a. On UNIX: $NMSROOT/cgi-bin/admin/
b. On Windows: NMSROOT\
The CiscoWorks Server provides some of the security controls necessary for a
web-based network management system. It also relies heavily on the end user’s
own security measures and controls to provide a secure computing environment
for CiscoWorks applications.
The CiscoWorks Server provides and requires three levels of security to be
implemented to ensure a secure environment:
• General Security—Partially implemented by the client components of
CiscoWorks and by the system administrator.
• Server Security—Partially implemented by the server components of
CiscoWorks and by the system administrator.
• Application Security—Implemented by the client and server components of
the CiscoWorks applications.
For more information on security related features see “Setting up Security”
section on page 3-1.
The following sections describe the general and server security levels.
General Security
The CiscoWorks Server provides an environment that allows the deployment of
web-based network management applications.
Web access provides an easy-to-use and easy-to-access computing model that is
more difficult to secure than the standard computing model that only requires a
system login to execute applications.
The CiscoWorks Server also provides security mechanisms (authentication and
authorization) used to prevent unauthenticated access to the CiscoWorks Server
and unauthorized access to CiscoWorks applications and data.
However, CiscoWorks applications can change the behavior and security of your
network devices. Therefore, it is critical to limit access to applications and servers
as follows:
• Limit access to personnel who need access to applications or the data that the
applications provide.
• Limit CiscoWorks Server logins to just the systems administrator.
• Limit connectivity access to the CiscoWorks Server by putting it behind a
Server Security
The CiscoWorks Server uses the basic security mechanisms of the operating
system to protect the code and data files that reside on the server. The following
CiscoWorks Server security control elements apply:
• Server–Imposed Security
• System Administrator-Imposed Security
Server–Imposed Security
The CiscoWorks Server has many dimensions, such as:
• Files, File Ownership, and Permissions
• Runtime
• Remote Connectivity
• Access to Systems Other Than the CiscoWorks Server
• Access Control
This describes the runtime activities.
• UNIX Systems—Typically CiscoWorks back-end processes are executed
with permissions set to the user ID of the binary file.
For example, if user “Joe” owns an executable file, it will be executed by the
CiscoWorks daemon manager under the user ID of “Joe”).
The exception are files owned by the root user ID. To prevent a potentially
harmful program from being executed by the daemon manager with root
permissions, the daemon manager will execute only a limited set of
CiscoWorks programs that need root privilege.
This list is not documented to preclude any user from trying to impersonate
these programs.
All back-end processes are executed with a umask value of 027. This means
that all files created by these programs are created with permissions equal to
“rwxr-x,” with an owner and group of the user ID and group of the program
that created it. Typically this will be “casuser” and “group=casusers.”
CiscoWorks foreground processes (typically cgi-bin programs or servlets) are
executed under the control of the web server’s child processes or the servlet
engine, which all run as the user casuser.
CiscoWorks uses standard UNIX tftp and rcp services. CiscoWorks also
requires that user casuser have access to the directories that these services
read and write to.
The CiscoWorks Server must allow the user casuser to run cron and at jobs
to enable the Resource Manager Essentials Software Management
application to run image download jobs.
Remote Connectivity
The remote connectivity details for Windows and Solaris are:
• UNIX Systems—The CiscoWorks daemon manager only responds to
requests to start, stop, register, or show status for CiscoWorks back-end
processes from the CiscoWorks Server.
• Windows Systems—The CiscoWorks daemon manager only responds to
requests to start, stop, register, or show status for CiscoWorks back-end
processes from the CiscoWorks Server.
Access Control
The access control details are:
• UNIX Systems—The UNIX user casuser is a user ID that is not typically
enabled for login.
Using this user ID as the user ID under which to install the CiscoWorks
Server software simplifies the installation process and ensures limited access
to the CiscoWorks Server. This is because casuser is not a valid login ID as
there is no password assigned to it.
However, the casuser user on UNIX systems is capable of performing system
and possibly network-wide operations that could be harmful to the system or
the network.
• Windows Systems—The user casuser, created as part of the install process,
has no special permissions or considerations on a system so it is a “safe” user
ID under which to execute the CiscoWorks Server and application code. The
localsystem user can perform harmful system operations.
Therefore, consider that by using the localsystem user ID to run some of the
backend processes, the localsystem user ID cannot perform network
Note The system administrator should review and adopt the security recommendations
in “System Administrator-Imposed Security” section on page A-7.
Connection Security
CiscoWorks Server uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to provide secure
connection between the client browser and management server, and Secure Shell
(SSH) to provide secure access between the management server and devices.
Security Certificates
Security certificates are similar to digital ID cards. They prove the identity of the
server to clients. Certificates are issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs) such as
VeriSign® or Thawte. A certificate vouches for the identity and key ownership of
an individual, a computer system (or a specific server running on that system), or
an organization. It is a general term for a signed document.
Typically, certificates contain the following information:
• Subject public key value.
• Subject identifier information (such as the name and e-mail address).
• Validity period (the length of time that the certificate is considered valid).
Public and private keys are the ciphers used to encrypt and decrypt information.
While the public key is shared quite freely, the private key is never given out. Each
public-private key pair works together. Data encrypted with the public key can
only be decrypted with the private key.
Note Other certificate formats such as PKCS#7 also have similar formats. Hence it is
important that you confirm with the CA the format of the certificate, and request
specifically for Base64 Encoded X.509Certificates formats.
Certificate Authority
Application panels in CWHP 2-6
access applications on another server 2-6
connection security, understanding A-7 traditional applications 2-7
control, security and A-6 licensing 3-68
adding devices to the device list 4-8 licensing information, viewing 3-70
for AUS management 4-10 licensing procedure 3-69
for cluster management 4-11 obtaining a license 3-68
for standard management 4-9 updating licenses 3-70
using dcrcli 4-39 registering with CWHP 2-8
administering troubleshooting
Common Services 3-51 applications not appearing 8-11
Daemon Manager, using 3-52 audience for this document xiii
process details, viewing 3-54 audit logs, viewing 3-49
processes, managing 3-53 AUS (Auto Update Server)
processes, starting 3-54 managing 4-24
processes, stopping 3-55 adding 4-24
DCA 4-26 deleting 4-25
Master-Slave configuration, editing 4-25
prerequisites 4-27
setting up 4-10
mode, changing 4-26
user-defined fields, adding 4-29
user-defined fields, deleting 4-31
user-defined fields, renaming 4-30
connectivity Daemon Manager, using 3-52
Connectivity Tools Tasks (table) 8-5 restarting on Solaris 3-52
tasks 8-1 restarting on Windows 3-53
checking process status 8-2 database
collecting server information 8-2 inaccessible, troubleshooting 8-13
MDC support 8-3 path includes "cmf," explanation 8-12
performing a self-test 8-1 DCA (Device and Credential Admin) 4-1
testing 8-4 administering 4-26
CWHP (CiscoWorks Homepage) 2-1 Master-Slave configuration,
prerequisites 4-27
Common Services panel 2-5
mode, changing 4-26
configuring 2-8
user-defined fields, adding 4-29
registering applications 2-8
user-defined fields, deleting 4-31
registering links 2-11
user-defined fields, renaming 4-30
setting up 2-12
architecture 4-5
invoking 2-2
Master DCR 4-6
normal mode (HTTP) 2-2
Slave DCR 4-6
SSL Enabled mode (HTTPS) 2-3
Standalone DCR 4-6
logging in to Common Services 2-4
AUS management
online help, using 2-13
adding devices 4-24
using 2-5
deleting AUS 4-25
Application panels 2-6
editing devices 4-25
CiscoWorks Product Updates panel 2-7
CSV file samples 4-31
Common Services panel 2-5
CSV 2.0 4-31
Device Troubleshooting panel 2-7
CSV 3.0 4-32
Resources panel 2-7
devices, managing 4-7
toolbar buttons 2-8
adding 4-8
web server port numbers, changing 2-14
deleting 4-12
devices from groups 5-19
groups 5-22 IBM SecureWay Directory, changing login
module to 3-25
importing devices and credentials 4-14
modifying 5-20
using CLI 4-43
viewing 5-19
using DCA user interface 4-15
editing 5-20
Group Administration 5-14
membership, assigning 5-18 J
multi-server setup 5-7
properties, specifying 5-15 Java Plug-in, version to use 8-10
help L
CiscoWorks Product Updates panel of
CWHP 2-7 licensing CiscoWorks applications 3-68
online, using 2-13 license information, viewing 3-70
online documentation xvi licensing procedure 3-69
obtaining a license 3-68
updating licenses 3-70
links, registering with CWHP 2-11
locked out of CiscoWorks Server,
troubleshooting 8-12
EDS not registered with daemon Users Logged In report, generating 3-47
manager 8-10
ESS port change
Solaris 8-17
Windows 8-18 verifying CiscoWorks Server status 8-1
FAQs list 8-6 viewing
Java Plug-in, which version to use 8-10 application license information 3-70
jrm 8-15 audit logs 3-49
Netscape Navigator on a UNIX system 8-10 device list 4-22
osagent port change group details 5-19
Solaris 8-16 process details 3-54
Windows 8-15 Software Center activity logs 7-9