Cpar Admin Guide
Cpar Admin Guide
Cpar Admin Guide
Administrator Guide
Published: June 28, 2019
The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB’s public
domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981, Regents of the University of California.
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this
URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership
relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1721R)
Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the
document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
prev 4-8
pwd 4-9
query-sessions 4-9
quit 4-9
release-sessions 4-9
reload 4-10
reset-stats 4-10
save 4-10
set 4-11
start 4-12
stats 4-12
status 4-15
stop 4-16
tacacs-stats 4-16
tacacs-reset-stats 4-16
dia-stats 4-17
dia-stats-reset 4-19
trace 4-20
trace-file-count 4-21
unset 4-21
validate 4-21
OpenSSL Commands 4-22
ecparam 4-22
req 4-22
ca 4-22
aregcmd Command Logging 4-22
aregcmd Command Line Editing 4-23
aregcmd Error Codes 4-23
Radius 5-2
UserLists 5-3
Users 5-4
HiddenAttributes Property 5-5
UserGroups 5-5
Policies 5-6
Clients 5-6
Vendors 5-12
Scripts 5-13
Services 5-14
Types of Services 5-15
EAP Services 5-16
Extended-EAP 5-17
File 5-17
Group 5-19
Java 5-20
LDAP 5-20
Local 5-21
ODBC 5-22
ODBC-Accounting 5-23
Prepaid Services 5-23
Radius Query 5-24
Diameter-RADIUS 5-28
RADIUS-Diameter 5-28
RADIUS-Session 5-29
Rex 5-29
WiMAX 5-30
Diameter 5-30
M3UA 5-37
Session Managers 5-38
Session Creation 5-41
Session Notes 5-41
Soft Group Session Limit 5-42
Session Correlation Based on User-Defined Attributes 5-43
Dynamic-DNS 5-49
Remote-IP-Dynamic 5-49
Remote-User-Session-Limit 5-49
Remote-Group-Session-Limit 5-49
Remote-Session-Cache 5-49
3GPP 5-49
Profiles 5-50
Attributes 5-50
Translations 5-51
TranslationGroups 5-51
Advanced 5-65
RemoteODBCSessionServer 5-81
Using the RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientList Property 5-82
Advance Duplicate Detection Feature 5-83
Invalid EAP Packet Processing 5-83
Ports 5-84
Interfaces 5-84
Reply Messages 5-84
Attribute Dictionary 5-86
Types 5-86
Vendor Attributes 5-87
SNMP 5-87
Diameter 5-88
Configuring Diameter Transport Management Properties 5-89
Configuring Diameter Session Management 5-91
Configuring Diameter Application 5-92
Configuring Diameter Commands 5-93
Configuring Diameter Dictionary 5-99
USRIncomingScript 7-14
USRIncomingScript-IgnoreAccountingSignature 7-14
USROutgoingScript 7-14
Internal Scripts 7-14
Blacklisting Script 7-16
IMSI-Based Blacklisting 7-16
IP-Based Blacklisting 7-17
Extension Points in Cisco Prime Access Registrar 7-17
Configuring Cisco Prime Access Registrar for Trusted Identity with SESM 9-12
Configuring the RADIUS Ports 9-12
Configuring NAS Clients 9-13
Configuring AAA and SPE Services 9-13
Configuration Imported by TrustedIdInstall Program 9-13
/Radius 9-14
/radius/services/spe 9-14
/radius/services/trusted-id 9-14
/Radius/SessionManagers/session-cache/ 9-14
/radius/ResourceManagers/session-cache 9-14
/radius/advanced/ 9-14
/Radius/Scripts/ChangeServiceType 9-15
Configuring EAP-MD5 Authentication 9-15
Creating the CheckEap.tcl Script 9-15
Adding the CheckEap.tcl Script 9-16
Using the CheckEap.tcl Script 9-16
Adding the EAP-MD5 Authentication Service 9-17
Adding an LDAP Remote Server 9-17
Adding an LDAP Service 9-18
Saving the Configuration and Reloading the Server 9-19
Cisco SSG VSAs in Cisco Prime Access Registrar Dictionary 9-20
Session Management
The Session Management feature requires the client (NAS or proxy) to send all RADIUS accounting
requests to the Prime Access Registrar server performing session management. (The only exception is if
the clients are USR/3Com Network Access Servers configured to use the USR/3Com RADIUS resource
management feature.) This information is used to keep track of user sessions, and the resources allocated
to those sessions.
When another accounting RADIUS server needs this accounting information, the
Prime Access Registrar server performing session management might proxy it to this second server.
The count-sessions /radius all command helps to count the total sessions in Prime Access Registrar.
The options are similar to the query-session command options. The query-session command displays
cached attributes in addition to session details.
Table 1-1 describes how Prime Access Registrar handles session management.
Action Explanation
Determines whether to perform The session management defined in the Environment dictionary
session management. variable Session-Manager.
The session management name referred to in
Performs session management. Selects Session Manager as defined in
Note It might be possible to avoid this situation by having a disk drive shared between two
systems with the second RADIUS server started up once the primary server has been
determined to be offline. For more information on this setup, contact Technical Support.
All resources that must be shared cross multiple front line Prime Access Registrars are configured in the
Central Resource Prime Access Registrar. Resources that are not shared can still be configured at each
front line Prime Access Registrar.
When the front line Prime Access Registrar receives the access-request, it does the regular AA
processing. If the packet is not rejected and a Central Resource Prime Access Registrar is also
configured, the front line Prime Access Registrar will proxy the packet1 to the configured Central
Resource Prime Access Registrar. If the Central Resource Prime Access Registrar returns the requested
resources, the process continues to the local session management (if local session manager is configured)
for allocating any local resources. If the Central Resource Prime Access Registrar cannot allocate the
requested resource, the packet is rejected.
When the Accounting-Stop packet arrives at the frontline Prime Access Registrar,
Prime Access Registrar does the regular accounting processing. Then, if the front line
Prime Access Registrar is configured to use Central Resource Prime Access Registrar, a proxy packet
will be sent to Central Resource Prime Access Registrar for it to release all the allocated resources for
this session. After that, any locally allocated resources are released by the local session manager.
A new Service step has been added in the processing of Access-Request and Accounting packets. This
is an additional step after the AA processing for Access packet or Accounting processing for Accounting
packet, but before the local session management processing. The Session-Service should have a service
type of radius-session.
An environment variable Session-Service is introduced to determine the Session-Service dynamically.
You can use a script or the rule engine to set the Session-Service environment variable.
To use a Central Resource server, the DefaultSessionService property must be set or the Session-Service
environment variable must be set through a script or the rule engine. The value in the Session-Service
variable overrides the DefaultSessionService.
The configuration parameters for a Session-Service service type are the same as those for configuring a
radius service type for proxy, except the service type is radius-session.
The configuration for a Session-Service Remote Server is the same as configuring a proxy server.
[ //localhost/Radius ]
Name = Radius
Description =
Version = 7.2
IncomingScript =
OutgoingScript =
DefaultAuthenticationService = local-users
1. The proxy packet is actually a resource allocation request, not an Access Request.
DefaultAuthorizationService = local-users
DefaultAccountingService = local-file
DefaultSessionService = Remote-Session-Service
DefaultSessionManager = session-mgr-1
[ //localhost/Radius/Services ]
Name = Remote-Session-Service
Description =
Type = radius-session
IncomingScript =
OutgoingScript =
OutagePolicy = RejectAll
OutageScript =
MultipleServersPolicy = Failover
1. central-server
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers ]
Name = central-server
Description =
Protocol = RADIUS
IPAddress =
Port = 1812
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
SharedSecret = secret
Vendor =
IncomingScript =
OutgoingScript =
MaxTries = 3
InitialTimeout = 2000
AccountingPort = 1813
Resources at the Central Resource server are configured the same way as local resources are configured.
These resources are local resources from the Central Resource server’s point of view.
Note The client and the NAS can be the same entity, except when the immediate client is acting
as a proxy for the actual NAS.
Table 1-2 Prime Access Registrar Processing Hierarchy for Incoming Scripts
Table 1-4 Prime Access Registrar Processing Hierarchy for Outgoing Script
RADIUS Protocol
Prime Access Registrar is based on a client/server model, which supports AAA (authentication,
authorization, and accounting). The client is the Network Access Server (NAS) and the server is
Prime Access Registrar. The client passes user information on to the RADIUS server and acts on the
response it receives. The server, on the other hand, is responsible for receiving user access requests,
authenticating and authorizing users, and returning all of the necessary configuration information the
client can then pass on to the user.
The protocol is a simple packet exchange in which the NAS sends a request packet to the
Prime Access Registrar with a name and a password. Prime Access Registrar looks up the name and
password to verify it is correct, determines for which dynamic resources the user is authorized, then
returns an accept packet that contains configuration information for the user session (Figure 1-2).
Jane Name=Jane
xyz Password=xyz
A Radius
Prime Access Registrar can also reject the packet if it needs to deny network access to the user. Or,
Prime Access Registrar can issue a challenge that the NAS sends to the user, who then creates the proper
response and returns it to the NAS, which forwards the challenge response to Prime Access Registrar in
a second request packet.
In order to ensure network security, the client and server use a shared secret, which is a string they both
know, but which is never sent over the network. User passwords are also encrypted between the client
and the server to protect the network from unauthorized access.
This section contains the following topics:
• Steps to Connection
Steps to Connection
Three participants exist in this interaction: the user, the NAS, and the RADIUS server.
Step 1 The user, at a remote location such as a branch office or at home, dials into the NAS, and supplies a name
and password.
Step 2 The NAS picks up the call and begins negotiating the session.
a. The NAS receives the name and password.
b. The NAS formats this information into an Access-Request packet.
c. The NAS sends the packet on to the Prime Access Registrar server.
Step 3 The Prime Access Registrar server determines what hardware sent the request (NAS) and parses the
a. It sets up the Request dictionary based on the packet information.
b. It runs any incoming scripts, which are user-written extensions to Prime Access Registrar. An
incoming script can examine and change the attributes of the request packet or the environment
variables, which can affect subsequent processing.
c. Based on the scripts or the defaults, it chooses a service to authenticate and/or authorize the user.
Step 4 Prime Access Registrar’s authentication service verifies the username and password is in its database.
Or, Prime Access Registrar delegates the authentication (as a proxy) to another RADIUS server, an
LDAP, or TACACS server.
Step 5 Prime Access Registrar’s authorization service creates the response with the appropriate attributes for
the user’s session and puts it in the Response dictionary.
Step 6 If you are using Prime Access Registrar session management at your site, the Session Manager calls the
appropriate Resource Managers that allocate dynamic resources for this session.
Step 7 Prime Access Registrar runs any outgoing scripts to change the attributes of the response packet.
Step 8 Prime Access Registrar formats the response based on the Response dictionary and sends it back to the
client (NAS).
Step 9 The NAS receives the response and communicates with the user, which might include sending the user
an IP address to indicate the connection has been successfully established.
Related Documentation
For a complete list of Cisco Prime Access Registrar documentation, see the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar Documentation Overview.
Note We sometimes update the documentation after original publication. Therefore, you should also review
the documentation on for any updates.
This chapter describes how to configure Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0. Prime Access Registrar is
very flexible. You can choose to configure it in many different ways. In addition, you can write scripts
that can be invoked at different points during the processing of incoming requests and/or outgoing
Before you can take advantage of this flexibility, it helps to configure a simple site. This chapter
describes that process. It specifically describes a site that has the following characteristics:
• Uses a single user list for all of its users
• Writes all of its accounting information to a file
• Does not use session management to allocate or track dynamic resources
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Using aregcmd, page 2-1
• Configuring a Basic Site, page 2-2
• Configuring Accounting, page 2-15
• Configuring SNMP, page 2-15
Using aregcmd
To configure Prime Access Registrar, use the aregcmd commands, which are command-line based
configuration tools. These commands allow you to set any Prime Access Registrar configuration option,
as well as, start and stop the Prime Access Registrar RADIUS server and check its statistics.
This topic contains the following sections:
• General Command Syntax, page 2-1
• aregcmd Commands, page 2-2
The aregcmd commands are case insensitive, which means that you can use upper or lowercase letters
to designate elements. In addition, when you reference existing elements in the configuration, you only
need to specify enough of the element’s name to distinguish it from the other elements at that level. For
example, instead of entering cd Administrators, you can enter cd ad if no other element at the current
level begins with ad.
You can use Prime Access Registrar’s command completion feature to see what commands are possible
from your current directory location in the Prime Access Registrar server hierarchy by pressing the Tab
key. You can also press the Tab key after entering a command to see which objects you might want to
The aregcmd commands are command-line order dependent; that is, the arguments are interpreted based
on their position on the command line. To indicate an empty string as a place holder on the command
line, use either two single quotes ('') or two double quotes (""). In addition, if you use any arguments that
contain spaces, make sure to quote the arguments.
aregcmd Commands
The aregcmd commands can be grouped into the following categories:
• Navigation commands—navigates within the Prime Access Registrar hierarchy; commands include
cd, ls, pwd, next, prev, filter, and find.
• Object commands—adds or deletes objects; commands include add and delete.
• Property commands—changes the value of properties; commands include set, unset, and insert.
• Server commands—manages the server; commands include save, validate, start, stop, reload,
status, stats, dia-stats, and trace.
• Application commands—allows user access to the application; commands include login, logout,
exit, quit, and help.
• Session management commands—queries the server about sessions, release active sessions, or count
the number of sessions; commands include query-sessions, release-sessions, and count-sessions.
This chapter uses only a few of the above commands to configure the Prime Access Registrar RADIUS
server. For more information about all the aregcmd commands, see Chapter 4, “Setting the CPAR
Configurable Option.”
6. Save your changes and reload your Prime Access Registrar RADIUS server.
This topic contains the following sections:
• Running aregcmd, page 2-3
• Configuring Prime Access Registrar Server Settings, page 2-4
• Displaying the UserLists, page 2-7
• Displaying UserGroups, page 2-9
• Configuring Clients, page 2-10
• Configuring Profiles, page 2-11
• Validating and Using Your Changes, page 2-12
• Testing Your Configuration, page 2-13
• Troubleshooting Your Configuration, page 2-14
Running aregcmd
aregcmd is the command-line interface program used to configure the Prime Access Registrar server.
The aregcmd program is located in $INSTALL/bin.
Step 1 Use the cd command to change to the Administrators level. Prime Access Registrar displays the
contents of the Administrators object.
cd //localhost/Administrators
cd admin
[ //localhost/Administrators ]
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Step 3 Use the set command to change the administrator’s password. You enter the password on the command
line in readable form, however, Prime Access Registrar displays it as encrypted.
The following example changes the password to 345. You are asked to reenter it for confirmation.
Optionally, use the set command to change the description of the admin administrator.
cd /Administrators
Step 2 Use the add command and specify the name of the administrator, an optional description, and a
The following example adds the administrator jane, description testadmin, and password 123:
Step 3 Use the ls command to display the properties of the new administrator:
[ //localhost/Radius ]
Name = Radius
Description =
Version =
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
DefaultAuthenticationService~ = local-users
DefaultAuthorizationService~ = local-users
DefaultAccountingService~ = local-file
DefaultSessionService~ =
DefaultSessionManager~ = session-mgr-1
Note For session managers, user groups, user lists, and profiles, the attributes defined must match the protocol
of the incoming packet. For example, if the incoming packet is a Diameter packet, the attributes defined
must be specific to Diameter or common to both RADIUS and Diameter. Similarly, if the incoming
packet is a RADIUS packet, the attributes defined must be specific to RADIUS or common to both
RADIUS and Diameter. Otherwise, the incoming packet will not be processed.
Note When you do not want Prime Access Registrar to monitor resources for user sessions, you
should disable session management because using it affects your server performance.
You have now configured some of the properties for the RADIUS server. The next step is to add users.
Note One of the parameters in the calculation of the Prime Access Registrar server’s health is the
percentage of responses to Access-Accepts that are rejections. In a healthy environment, the
rejection percentage will be fairly low. An extremely high percentage of rejections could be an
indication of a Denial of Service attack.
• Configuration errors
• Running out of memory
• Errors reading from the network
• Dropping packets that cannot be read (because the server ran out of memory)
• Errors writing to the network.
Prime Access Registrar logs all of these conditions. Sending a successful response to any packet
increments the server’s health.
cd /Radius/Advanced/Ports
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Ports ]
Step 2 Use the add command (twice) to add ports in pairs. (The ls is entered to show the results of the add
add 1812
add 1813
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Ports ]
Entries 1 to 2 from 2 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Note After modifying Access Registrar’s default ports setting, to continue using the existing ports, you
must add them to the list of ports in /Radius/Advanced/Ports.
Step 3 Enter the save and reload commands to affect, validate, and save your modifications to the
Prime Access Registrar server configuration.
Validating //localhost...
Saving //localhost...
Services UserLists
local-users Default
cd /Radius/Userlists/Default
Step 2 Use the ls -R command to display the properties of the three users:
ls -R
Step 1 Use the add command to specify the name of a user and an optional description on one command line.
add jane
Added jane
cd jane
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/Default/jane ]
Name = jane
Description =
Password = <encrypted>
Enabled = TRUE
Group~ = Telnet-users
BaseProfile~ =
AuthenticationScript~ =
AuthorizationScript~ =
UserDefined1 =
AllowNullPassword = FALSE
Step 3 Use the set command to provide a password for user jane.
Note When using the aregcmd command, you can use the add command and specify all of the
properties, or you can use the add command to create the object, and then use the set
command and property name to set the property. For an example of using the set command,
see the “Adding a NAS” section on page 2-10.
Deleting Users
To delete the sample users, or if you want to remove a user you have added, use the delete command.
From the appropriate UserList, use the delete command, and specify the name of the user you want to
delete. For example, to delete user beth from the Default UserList, enter:
cd /Radius/UserLists/Default
delete beth
Displaying UserGroups
The UserGroups object contains the specific UserGroups. Specific UserGroups allow you to maintain
common authentication and authorization attributes in one location, and then have users reference them.
By having a central location for attributes, you can make modifications in one place instead of having to
make individual changes throughout your user community.
Prime Access Registrar has three default UserGroups:
• Default—uses the script AuthorizeService to determine the type of service to provide the user.
• PPP-users—uses the BaseProfile default-PPP-users to specify the attributes of PPP service to
provide the user. The BaseProfile default-PPP-users contains the attributes that are added to the
response dictionary as part of the authorization. For more information about Profiles, see the
“Configuring Profiles” section on page 2-11.
• Telnet-users—uses the BaseProfile default-Telnet-users to specify the attributes of Telnet service
to provide the user. The BaseProfile default-Telnet-users contains the attributes that are added to
the response dictionary as part of the authorization.
For this basic site, you do not need to change these UserGroups. You can, however, use the add or delete
commands to add or delete groups.
Configuring Clients
The Clients object contains all NAS and proxies that communicate directly with Prime Access Registrar.
Each client must have an entry in the Clients list, because each NAS and proxy share a secret with the
RADIUS server, which is used to encrypt passwords and to sign responses. See Adding a NAS,
page 2-10, for more information on adding a NAS in Prime Access Registrar.
Note If you are just testing Prime Access Registrar with the radclient command, the only client
you need is localhost. The localhost client is available in the sample configuration. For
more information about using the radclient command, see the “Using radclient” section on
page 2-13.
Adding a NAS
You must add your specific NAS from both ends of the connection. That is, you must add
Prime Access Registrar for your NAS, and you must add your NAS for Prime Access Registrar.
To add a NAS in Prime Access Registrar:
cd /Radius/Clients
add QuickExampleNAS
cd /Radius/Clients/QuickExampleNAS
Step 4 Use the set command to specify the description WestOffice, the IP address, the shared
secret of xyz, and the Type as NAS.
EnableDynamicAuthorization TRUE
EnableNotifications TRUE
The script, ParseServiceHints, checks the username for %PPP or %SLIP. It uses these tags to modify
the request so it appears to the RADIUS server that the NAS requested that service.
Note When you are using a different NAS than the one in the example, or when you are adding
NAS proprietary attributes, see Chapter 5, “Configuring and Monitoring the RADIUS
Server,” for more information about configuring Client and Vendor objects.
Configure your NAS, using your vendor’s documentation. Make sure both your NAS and the Client
specification have the same shared secret.
Configuring Profiles
The Profiles object allows you to set specific RFC-defined attributes that Prime Access Registrar returns
in the Access-Accept response. You can use profiles to group attributes that belong together, such as
attributes that are appropriate for a particular class of PPP or Telnet user. You can reference profiles by
name from either the UserGroup or the user properties. The sample users, mentioned earlier in this
chapter, reference the following Prime Access Registrar profiles:
• default-PPP-users—specifies the appropriate attributes for PPP service
• default-SLIP-users—specifies the appropriate attributes for SLIP service
• default-Telnet-users—specifies the appropriate attributes for Telnet service.
This topic contains the following sections:
• Setting RADIUS / Diameter Attributes, page 2-11
• Adding Multiple Cisco AV Pairs, page 2-12
Step 1 Use the cd command to change to the appropriate profile and attribute.
cd /Radius/Profiles/Default-PPP-users/Attributes
Step 2 Use the set command to assign a value to the named attribute.
When you need to set an attribute to a value that includes a space, you must double-quote the value, as
in the following:
The AV pairs cannot be added one at a time or each subsequent command will overwrite the previous
value. For example, consider the following command entry:
Cisco-Avpair = vpdn:12tp-tunnel-password=XYZ
Cisco-Avpair = vpdn:tunnel-type=12tp
Cisco-Avpair = vpdn:tunnel-id=telemar
Cisco-Avpair = vpdn:ip-addresses=
Note The example above is for explanation only; not all attributes and properties are listed.
Using radclient
You can use the radclient command simple to create and send a packet. The following example creates
an Access-Request packet for user john with password john, and the packet identifier p001. It displays
the packet before sending it. It uses the send command to send the packet, which displays the response
packet object identifier, p002. Then, the example shows how to display the contents of the response
. /radclient -s
Step 2 The radclient command prompts you for the administrator’s username and password (as defined in the
Prime Access Registrar configuration). Use admin for the admin name, and aicuser for the password.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 7.2.0 RADIUS Test Client
Copyright (C) 1995-2016 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Logging in to localhost... done.
Step 3 Create a simple Access-Request packet for User-Name john and User-Password john. At the prompt,
p001 send
Step 6 Enter the response identifier to display the contents of the Access-Accept packet:
Step 2 Use the trace command to set the trace level to 1-5.
trace 2
Configuring Accounting
To configure Prime Access Registrar to perform accounting, you must do the following:
1. Create a service
2. Set the service’s type to file
3. Set the DefaultAccountingService field in /Radius to the name of the service you created
After you save and reload the Prime Access Registrar server configuration, the Prime Access Registrar
server writes accounting messages to the accounting.log file in the /opt/CSCOar/logs directory. The
Prime Access Registrar server stores information in the accounting.log file until a rollover event occurs.
A rollover event is caused by the accounting.log file exceeding a pre-set size, a period of time
transpiring, or on a scheduled date.
When the rollover event occurs, the data in accounting.log is stored in a file named by the prefix
accounting, a date stamp (yyyymmdd), and the number of rollovers for that day. For example,
accounting-20081107-14 would be the 14th rollover on November 07, 2008.
The following shows the properties for a service called Cisco Accounting:
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/local-file ]
Name = local-file
Description =
Type = file
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll
OutageScript~ =
FilenamePrefix = accounting
MaxFileSize = "10 Megabytes"
MaxFileAge = "1 Day"
RolloverSchedule =
UseLocalTimeZone = FALSE
Configuring SNMP
Before you perform SNMP configuration, you must first stop the operating system-specific SNMP
master agent. Then, configure your local snmpd.conf file located in the
/cisco-ar/ucd-snmp/share/snmp directory. Whenever snmpd.conf is modified, you must restart the
Prime Access Registrar server using the following command for the new configuration to take effect:
/etc/init.d/arserver restart
cd /Radius/Advanced/SNMP
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/SNMP ]
Enabled = FALSE
TracingEnabled = FALSE
InputQueueHighThreshold = 90
InputQueueLowThreshold = 60
MasterAgentEnabled = TRUE
Access Control
Access control defines who can query the system. By default, the agent responds to the public
community for read-only access, if run without any configuration file in place.
The following example from the default snmpd.conf file shows how to configure the agent so that you
can change the community names, and give yourself write access as well.
To modify the snmpd.conf file:
Step 1 Look for the following lines in the snmpd.conf file for the location in the file to make modifications:
# Access Control
Step 2 First map the community name (COMMUNITY) into a security name that is relevant to your site,
depending on where the request is coming from:
Step 5 Finally, grant the two groups access to the one view with different write permissions:
# context sec.model sec.level match read write notif
access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
access MyRWGroup "" any noauth exact all all none
Trap Recipient
The following example provides a sample configuration that sets up trap recipients for SNMP versions
v1 and v2c.
Note Most sites use a single NMS, not two as shown below.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trapcommunity trapcom
trapsink zubat trapcom 162
trap2sink ponyta trapcom 162
trapcommunity defines the default community string to be used when sending traps. This command
must appear prior to trapsink or trap2sink which use this community string.
trapsink and trap2sink are defined as follows:
trapsink hostname community port
trap2sink hostname community port
Note For proper function of Prime Access Registrar GUI, the DNS name resolution for the server’s hostname
should be defined precisely.
cd /Radius/Advanced/DDNS/TSIGKeys
This example named the TSIG Key,, which is related to the name of the example DNS server
we use. You should choose a name for TSIG keys that reflects the DDNS client-server pair (for example, if the client is foo and the server is bar), but you should use the name of the TSIG Key as defined
in the DNS server.
Step 3 Configure the TSIG Key:
The Secret should be set to the same base64-encoded string as defined in the DNS server. If there is a
second TSIG Key for the primary server of the reverse zone, follow these steps to add it, too.
Step 4 Use aregcmd to create and configure one or more dynamic-dns Remote Servers.
Step 5 Create the dynamic-dns remote server for the forward zone:
cd /Radius/RemoteServers
add ddns
This example named the remote server ddns which is the related to the remote server type. You can use
any valid name for your remote server.
Step 6 Configure the dynamic-dns remote server:
cd ddns
set IPAddress (ip address of primary dns server for zone)
If the reverse zone will be updated and if the primary server for the reverse zone is different than the
primary server for the forward zone, you will need to add another Remote Server. Follow the previous
two steps to do so. Note that the IP Address and the TSIG Key will be different.
You can now use aregcmd to create and configure a resource manager of type dynamic-dns.
Step 7 Create the dynamic-dns resource manager:
cd /Radius/ResourceManagers
add ddns
This example named the service ddns which is the related to the resource manager type but you can use
any valid name for your resource manager.
Step 8 Configure the dynamic-dns resource manager.
cd ddns
Finally, reference the new resource manager from a session manager. Assuming that the example
configuration was installed, the following step will accomplish this. If you have a different session
manager defined you can add it there if that is appropriate.
Step 9 Reference the resource manager from a session manager:
cd /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-1/ResourceManagers
set 5 DDNS
Note The Property AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession must be set to TRUE for dynamic DNS to work.
Step 1 Launch aregcmd and log into the Prime Access Registrar server.
cd /opt/CSCOar/bin
trace 4
cd /opt/CSCOar/bin
$p send
Step 7 Check the aregcmd trace log and the DNS server to verify that the host entry was updated in both the
forward and reverse zones.
After you have configured and tested a basic site, you can begin to make changes to better address your
own sites’ needs. This chapter provides information that describes how to:
• Use groups to select the appropriate user service
• Use multiple user lists to separate users
• Performs authentication and authorization against data from an LDAP server
• Use a script to determine which remote server to use for authentication and authorization
• Use session management to allocate and account for dynamic resources such as the number of
concurrent user sessions.
The examples in this chapter provides an introduction to many of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0
objects and their properties. See Chapter 5, “Configuring and Monitoring the RADIUS Server,” for more
detailed information.
This chapter consists of the following sections:
• Configuring Groups, page 3-1
• Configuring Multiple UserLists, page 3-4
• Configuring a Remote Server for AA, page 3-9
• Configuring Session Management, page 3-16
Configuring Groups
The first change you might want to make is to create distinct groups based on the type of service, and
divide your user community according to these groups.
You can use Prime Access Registrar UserGroups in two ways:
• You can create separate groups for each specific type of service. For example, you can have a group
for PPP users and another for Telnet users.
• You can use a default group and, depending on how the user logs in, use a script to determine which
service to provide.
The default Prime Access Registrar installation provides examples of both types of groups.
Object Action
UserGroups Add a new UserGroup
UserLists Set group membership
cd /Radius/UserGroups
Step 3 Use the add command to create a user group, specifying the name and optional description, BaseProfile,
AuthenticationScript, or AuthorizationScript. The following example shows how to add the PPP-users
This example sets the BaseProfile to default-PPP-users. When you set this property to the name of a
profile, Prime Access Registrar adds the properties in the profile to the response dictionary as part of the
authorization process.
Step 4 Use the cd command to change to the user you want to include in this group. The following example
shows how to change to the user, jean:
cd /Radius/UserLists/Default/jean
Step 5 Use the set command to set the user’s group membership to the name of the group you have just created.
Note You must save whenever you change the configuration, either through adds, deletes, or sets.
Before you exit, log out, or reload, Prime Access Registrar prompts you to save. You must
reload after all saves except when you have only made changes to individual users (either
adds, deletes, or sets). Unlike all other changes, Prime Access Registrar reads user records
on demand; that is, when there is a request from that user.
Object Action
UserGroups Add a new UserGroup or use existing Default group.
Set AuthorizationScript
Scripts Add new Script.
UserLists Set group membership.
Step 1 Use the cd command to change to the UserGroup you want to associate with the script. The following
example changes to the Default group.
cd /Radius/UserGroups/Default
Step 2 Use the set command to set the AuthorizationScript to the name of the script you want run. The following
example sets the script to AuthorizeService:
cd /Radius/Scripts
Step 4 Use the add command to add the new script, specifying the name, description, language (in this case Rex
which is short for RADIUS Extension), filename and an optional entry point. When you do not specify
an entry point, Prime Access Registrar uses the script’s name.
Step 5 Use the cd command to change to the user. The following example changes to the user beth:
cd /Radius/UserLists/Default/beth
Step 6 Use the set command to set the user’s group membership to the name of that group. The following
example sets beth’s group membership to the Default group.
Note To save your changes and reload the server after following this example, you must have an
actual script. Prime Access Registrar displays a warning message when it detects missing
configuration objects.
Services UserLists
North-users North
West-users West
Table 3-3 provides an overview of the process. The following sections describe the process in more
Object Action
UserLists Add new UserLists.
Users Add users.
Services Add new Services.
Set service type (local).
Radius Set Incoming Script.
Scripts Add a new Script.
cd /Radius/UserLists
Step 3 Use the add command to create a UserList, specifying the name and optional description. The following
example specifies the name North and the description Users from the northern office.
Configuring Users
After you have created multiple UserLists, you must populate them with the appropriate users.
Populating UserLists
Step 1 Use the cd command to change to the UserList you have created.
cd /Radius/UserLists/North
Step 2 Use the add command to add a user. Using the sample users as models, configure the appropriate group
membership. The following example adds user beth, with the optional description telemarketing, the
password 123, Enabled set to TRUE, and group membership to PPP-users.
Configuring Services
You must create a corresponding Service for each UserList. For example, when you create four
UserLists, one for each section of the country, you must create four Services.
Note Before configuring services, ensure that you run the save and reload commands, after installation of the
Prime Access Registrar kit.
cd /Radius/Services
Step 2 Use the add command to create a Service, specifying the name and optional description. The following
example specifies the name North-users and the description All users from the northern branch
cd /Radius/Services/North-users
Step 4 Use the set command to set the type to local. Specify the name of the UserList you want
Prime Access Registrar to use. You can accept the default Outage Policy and MultipleServersPolicy or
you can use the set command to change them. The following example sets the type to local and the
UserList to North:
Note For more information about writing scripts, see Chapter 7, “Using Extension Points,”and
the role the dictionaries play in Prime Access Registrar, see the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
Client Scripting
Though, Prime Access Registrar allows external code (Tcl/C/C++/Java) to be used by means of a script,
custom service, policy engine, and so forth, while processing request, response, or while working with
the environment dictionaries, it shall not be responsible for the scripts used and will not be liable for any
direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,
procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption)
however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of the script.
Client Scripting
Though, Prime Access Registrar allows external code (Tcl/C/C++/Java) to be used by means of a script,
custom service, policy engine, and so forth, while processing request, response, or while working with
the environment dictionaries, it shall not be responsible for the scripts used and will not be liable for any
direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,
procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption)
however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of the script.
Step 1 Use the cd command to change to the appropriate level. The following example sets the script for all
cd /Radius
Step 2 Use the set command to set the incoming script. The following example sets the script, ParseUserName:
cd /Radius/Scripts
Step 4 Use the add command to add the new script, specifying the name, description, language, filename and
an optional entry point. If you do not specify an entry point, Prime Access Registrar uses the script’s
The following example specifies the name ParseUserName, the language Rex (which is RADIUS
Extension), the filename, and the entry point ParseUserName.
source tclscript.tcl
source myscripts.tcl
Note Although these services differ in the way they handle authentication and authorization, the
procedure for configuring a remote server is the same independent of its type.
Table 3-4 provides an overview of the process. The following sections describe the process in more
Object Action
RemoteServers Add a new RemoteServer.
Set the protocol (ldap).
Set the properties.
Services Add a new Service.
Set the type (ldap).
Set the RemoteServers property.
Radius Set DefaultAuthentication.
Set DefaultAuthorization.
Creating a RemoteServer
cd /Radius/RemoteServers
Step 3 Use the add command to add the remote server you will reference in the Services level. The following
example adds the remote server’s hostname QuickExample.
add QuickExample
Step 4 Use the cd command to change to the QuickExample RemoteServers object level.
cd /Radius/RemoteServers/QuickExample
Step 6 Use the set command to specify the required LDAP properties.
At the very least you must specify:
• IPAddress—the IP address of the LDAP server (for example,
• Port—the port the LDAP server is listening on (for example, 389).
• HostName—the hostname of the machine specified in the IP address field (for example,
• SearchPath—the directory in the LDAP database to use as the starting point when searching for user
information (for example, o=Ace Industry, c=US).
• Filter—the filter to use to find user entries in the LDAP database (for example, (uid=%s)).
• UserPasswordAttribute—the name of the LDAP attribute in a user entry that contains the user’s
password (for example, userpassword).
• BindName—specifies the distinguished name (DN) in the LDAP server for Prime Access Registrar
to bind with the LDAP server (for example,
• BindPassword—Specifies the password for the distinguished name (for example, cisco123)
See the “Using LDAP” chapter of theCisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide for descriptions of
the other LDAP properties.
Configuring Services
To use LDAP for authorization and/or authentication, you must configure a Services object.
Creating Services
cd /Radius/Services
Step 3 Use the add command to add the appropriate LDAP service. The following example adds the
remote-ldap service:
cd /Radius/Services/remote-ldap
Step 5 Use the set command to set the type to ldap. You can accept the default Outage Policy and
MultipleServersPolicy or you can use the set command to change them.
cd /Radius/Services/remote-ldap/RemoteServers
Step 7 Use the set command to set the server number and name. By giving each server a number you tell
Prime Access Registrar the order you want it to access each server. Prime Access Registrar uses this
order when implementing the MultipleServersPolicy of Failover or RoundRobin.
The following example sets the first remote server to the server QuickExample:
set 1 QuickExample
The MultipleServersPolicy determines how Prime Access Registrar handles multiple remote servers.
• When you set it to Failover, Prime Access Registrar directs requests to the first server in the list
until it determines the server is offline. At that time, Prime Access Registrar redirects all requests
to the next server in the list until it finds a server that is online.
• When you set it to RoundRobin, Prime Access Registrar directs each request to the next server in the
RemoteServers list in order to share the resource load across all the servers listed in the
RemoteServers list.
cd /Radius
Services Servers
NorthUsers-radius North
Request North2
SouthUsers-radius South
Table 3-5 provides an overview of the process. The following sections describe the process in more
detail. Repeat for each RemoteServer you want to configure.
Object Action
RemoteServers Add a new RemoteServer.
Set the protocol (radius).
Set the shared secret.
Services Add a new Service.
Set the type (radius).
Set the remote server name and number.
Scripts Add a new Script.
Radius Set the IncomingScript.
Creating RemoteServers
cd /Radius/RemoteServers
Step 3 Use the add command to add the remote server you specified in the Services level. The following
example adds the North remote server:
add North
cd /Radius/RemoteServers/North
Configuring Services
To use multiple remote servers for authorization and/or authentication you must configure the
corresponding Services.
cd /Radius/Services
Step 3 Use the add command to add the appropriate RADIUS service. The following example adds the
NorthUsers-radius object:
cd /Radius/Services/NorthUsers-radius
Step 6 Use the set command to set the remote server number and name. By giving each server a number, you
tell Prime Access Registrar the order you want it to access each server. Prime Access Registrar uses this
order when implementing the MultipleServersPolicy of Failover or RoundRobin.
The following example sets the first remote server to the server North and the second remote server to
Step 7 Create another Service (SouthUsers-radius) for the South remote server.
Note See Chapter 7, “Using Extension Points,” for sample scripts you can use as a basis for your own scripts.
cd /Radius/Scripts
Step 3 Use the add command to add the new script, specifying the name, description, language, filename and
an optional entry point. If you do not specify an entry point, Prime Access Registrar uses the script’s
The following example specifies the name ParseRemoteServers, the language Rex, the filename, and the entry point ParseRemoteServers:
Step 4 Use the cd command to change to the appropriate object level. The following example changes to the
server level:
cd /Radius
Step 5 Use the set command to set the incoming script. The following example sets the script,
ParseRemoteServers, at the server level:
Object Action
ResourceManagers Add new ResourceManager
Set type (Group-Session-Limit)
Set value (100)
SessionManagers Add new SessionManager
Set ResourceManager
Radius Set DefaultSessionManager
cd /Radius/ResourceManagers
Step 3 Use the add command to add a new ResourceManager. The following example adds the
ResourceManager rm-100:
add rm-100
Step 4 Use the cd command to change to the ResourceManager you have just created:
cd rm-100
Step 6 Use the set command to set the number of GroupSessionLimit to 100:
cd /Radius/SessionManagers
Step 3 Use the add command to add a new SessionManager. The following example adds the SessionManager
add sm-1
cd sm-1/ResourceManagers
Step 5 Use the set command to specify the ResourceManagers you want tracked per user session. Specify a
number and the name of the ResourceManager. Note, you can list the ResourceManager objects in any
set 1 rm-100
Note When you want the Session Manager to manage the resources for all Access-Requests
Prime Access Registrar receives, set the RADIUS DefaultSessionManager to this Session
Manager. When you want a Session Manager to manage the resources of a particular object,
or to use multiple Session Managers, then use an incoming script at the appropriate level.
cd /Radius
Step 3 Use the set command to set the DefaultSessionManager to the name you have just created:
Step 5 Use the reload command to reload the Prime Access Registrar server.
This chapter describes how to use each of the aregcmd commands. The Cisco Prime Access Registrar
aregcmd command is a command-line based configuration tool. It allows you to set any Cisco Prime
Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar) configurable option, as well as, start and stop the server and
check statistics.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• General Command Syntax
• aregcmd Commands
• aregcmd Command Logging
• aregcmd Command Line Editing
• aregcmd Error Codes
Note The verbose (-v) and prefix (-p) modes are on by default when you run aregcmd interactively (for
example, not entered on the command line or not running commands from a script file). Otherwise,
verbose and prefix modes are off.
When you include a command (with the appropriate arguments) on the command line, aregcmd runs
only that one command and saves any changes.
This section contains the following topics:
• View-Only Administrator Mode
• Configuration Objects
• aregcmd Command Performance
Note When a user logs in, the system determines whether a user’s session is view-only or not. If the
configuration is changed after a user has logged in, that change does not take effect until the affected
user logs out and logs back in.
ViewOnly Property
The ViewOnly property has been added to the Administrators configuration. The default setting for the
ViewOnly property is FALSE. The following shows the default setting for the admin user:
cd /Administrators/admin
[ //localhost/Administrators/admin ]
Name = admin
Description =
Password = <encrypted>
ViewOnly = FALSE
You can designate specific administrators to be view-only administrators by setting the new ViewOnly
property to TRUE.
• If that property is set to TRUE, any time the administrator logs in to aregcmd the session will be in
view-only mode.
• If set to FALSE, when the administrator logs in to a master server, the session will be full super-user
If the administrator logs in to a slave, they only part of the configuration they will be able to modify is
that part under /Radius/Replication, /Radius/Advanced/Ports, /Radius/Advanced/Interfaces or the
properties in /Radius/Advanced.
When in a view-only session, the following commands will cause an error: add, delete, set, unset,
insert, validate, save, start, stop, reload, reset-stats, release-sessions, and trace. The following error
message will be displayed:
316 Command failed: session is ViewOnly
When in a slave server session, the following commands will cause an error when the object or property
being operated on is not under /Radius/Replication, /Radius/Advanced/Ports,
/Radius/Advanced/Interfaces or the properties in /Radius/Advanced: add, delete, set, unset, and
insert. The following error message will be displayed:
317 Command failed: session is ViewOnly
Configuration Objects
The Prime Access Registrar aregcmd command lets you manipulate configuration objects, that define
properties or the behavior of the RADIUS server, such as valid administrators and types of services. For
descriptions of those objects, see Chapter 5, “Configuring and Monitoring the RADIUS Server.”
Multiple userlists require multiple services (one for each userlist), because a service cannot reference
more than one userlist. The multiple services can then be combined using the Service Grouping feature
with ResultRule, OR, as follows:
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/GroupService ]
Name = GroupService
Description =
Type = group
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
ResultRule = OR
1. UserService1
2. UserService2
3. UserService3
arserver stop
/etc/init.d/rpc start
arserver start
If RPC services are not running, the following message is displayed when you attempt to start aregcmd:
Login to aregcmd fails with the message:
400 Login failed
aregcmd Commands
This section contains the complete list of aregcmd commands. You can use them on the command line
or insert them into scripts. The commands are listed alphabetically.
This section contains the following topics:
• add
• cd
• delete
• exit
• filter
• find
• help
• insert
• login
• logout
• ls
• next
• prev
• pwd
• query-sessions
• quit
• release-sessions
• reload
• reset-stats
• save
• set
• start
• stats
• status
• stop
• tacacs-stats
• tacacs-reset-stats
• dia-stats
• trace
• trace-file-count
• unset
• validate
Use the aregcmd command add to create new elements in the configuration. The add command is
context sensitive, which means the type of element added is determined by the current context, or the
path specified as the first parameter. The add command has one required argument; the name of the
element you wish to add. You can also provide other parameters, or you can supply this information after
aregcmd has added the new element. The optional second argument is a description of the element.
The syntax is:
add [<path>/]<name> [...]
Use the aregcmd command cd to change the working context, or level in the configuration hierarchy.
When you use the cd command without any parameters, it returns you to the root of the tree. When you
use the optional path argument, you can specify a new context. To change to a higher level in the tree
hierarchy, use the “..” syntax (as you would in a UNIX file system). When you change to a new context,
aregcmd displays the contents of the new location, when you are using the command in interactive
mode, or if verbose mode is on.
Use the aregcmd command delete to remove an element from the configuration hierarchy. You cannot
remove properties on an element; you can only remove entire elements. The delete command is
recursive; that is, it will remove any subelements contained within an element being removed. When the
element is in the current context, you need only provide the name of the element to be deleted. You can
optionally provide a complete path to an element elsewhere in the configuration hierarchy.
The syntax is:
delete [<path>/]<name>
Use the aregcmd command exit to terminate your aregcmd session. If you have any unsaved
modifications, Prime Access Registrar asks if you want to save them before exiting. Any modifications
you don’t choose to save are lost.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command filter to display a selected view of a list. You can use the filter command to
present only the elements of a list that have properties equal to the value you specify. You can also use
the filter command to restore the view of the list after it has been filtered.
When using the filter command, you must provide a property name and a value, and you can optionally
provide the path to the list. Prime Access Registrar displays a list with only those elements that have a
value equal to the specified value. When you want to filter the current context, you can omit the path
The filter command is sticky, in that, after you have filtered a list, you must explicitly unfilter it before
you can view the complete list again. To restore the unrestricted view of the list, use the filter command
and specify the string all. To restore the list in current context, you can omit the pathname.
The syntax is:
filter [<path>] <property> <value>
filter [<path>] all
Use the aregcmd command find to locate a specific item in a list. The find command takes one required
argument, which is a full or partial pathname. After you use the command, Prime Access Registrar
displays a page beginning with the entry that most closely matches the pathname you provided.
Use the aregcmd command help (with no argument specified) to display a brief overview of the
command syntax. When you specify the name of a command, Prime Access Registrar displays help for
only that command.
The syntax is:
help [<command>]
Use the aregcmd command insert to add an item anywhere in ordered list. The required parameters are
the numeric index of the position in the list in which you want to insert the new item, and the item value.
When the list to which you are adding is not the current context, you can specify the complete path to
the position in the list by prepending the path for the list to the numeric index. After the new value has
been inserted into the list, Prime Access Registrar appropriately renumbers the list.
The syntax is:
insert [<path>/]<index> <value>
This command applies to lists of servers by index and the Resource Managers list in Session Managers.
Use the aregcmd command login to connect to a cluster, which contains the RADIUS server and
definition of the authorized administrators. When you do not specify the cluster, admin name, and
password, aregcmd prompts you for them.
When you are currently logged in to a cluster, the login command allows you to connect to another
cluster. When you have changes in the current cluster that you have not saved, aregcmd asks if you want
to save them before logging into another cluster. Any changes you do not save are lost.
After you successfully log in, and if the server is running, Prime Access Registrar displays the cluster
server’s health. Note, to log into a cluster, the Prime Access Registrar Server Agent for that cluster must
be running.
The syntax is:
login [<cluster> [<name> [<password>]]]
Use the aregcmd command logout to log out of the current cluster. After you log out, you have to log
into make any modifications to the configuration hierarchy, or to manage the server(s). When you have
any unsaved modifications, Prime Access Registrar asks if you want to save them before logging out.
Any modifications you do not choose to save are lost.
Use the aregcmd command ls to list the contents of a level in the configuration hierarchy. This command
works much like the UNIX ls command. When you use it without any parameters, it lists the items in the
current context. When you specify a path, it lists the elements found in that context. When you use the
-R argument, it recursively lists all of the elements in and below the specified (or current) context.
For similar commands, refer to the next and prev commands.
The syntax is:
ls [-R] [<path>]
Use the aregcmd next command to review the remaining pages produced from the ls command. Every
time you use the cd command, it automatically invokes the ls command to display the contents of the
location. When the output from the ls command is more than one page (a page is about 24 lines) in
length, Prime Access Registrar displays only the first page.
Note ls command retrieves only user-added objects such as Users, UserLists, and attributes.
The next command takes an optional path and count. The path specifies the context in which you wish
to see the next page and the count specifies the number of lines you wish to see. When you use the next
command without the path, Prime Access Registrar uses the current context. When you do not specify a
count, Prime Access Registrar uses the last count value you used with the next or prev command. If you
never specify a count, Prime Access Registrar uses the default value, which is 20.
Note, the current page for a context is sticky. This means, for example, when you use the next command
to view entries 20 through 30, until you use the next or prev command on the same context, you will
continue to see these entries even if you use the cd command to change to a different context, then return
to the original.
The syntax is:
next [<path>] [<count>]
Use the aregcmd command prev to page backwards through the output of the ls command. It behaves
much like the next command, in that it takes an optional path identifying a context to display and a count
parameter indicating how many lines to display.
The syntax is:
prev [<path>] [<count>]
Use the aregcmd command pwd to display the absolute pathname of the current context (level in the
configuration hierarchy).
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command query-sessions to query the server about the currently active user sessions.
You can request information about all of the active sessions or just those sessions that match the type
you specify.
The syntax is:
query-sessions <path> [all]
query-sessions <path> with-<type> <value> [send-CoA [with-profile <profile name>] ]
query-sessions <path> with-Attribute <name> <value> [send-CoA [with-profile <profile
name>] ]
Where <path> is the path to the server, Session Manager, or Resource Manager to query and
with-<type> is one of the following: with-NAS, with-User, with-IP-Address, with-IPX-Network,
with-USR-VPN, with-Key, with-ID or with-Age. The optional [with-profile <profile name>]
parameter indicates a profile name as configured in /Radius/Profiles.
The query-sessions command with an optional [send-CoA] at the end causes the
Prime Access Registrar server to send a Change of Authorization (CoA) request to the client. The CoA
request includes the CoA attributes configured for the client. When the optional profile name is also
included in the command, the Prime Access Registrar server includes the attribute-value (AV) pairs from
the corresponding profile in /Radius/Profiles in the CoA request.
Use the aregcmd command quit to terminate your aregcmd session. You can use it interchangeably with
the exit command.
The syntax is:
When you quit the aregcmd command, if you have made changes, the Prime Access Registrar server
asks if you want to save the changes. Any unsaved changes are lost.
Use the aregcmd command release-sessions to request the server to release one or more currently active
user sessions. This command might be useful, for example, in the case where you have taken a NAS
offline, however, the server believes user sessions for that NAS are still active.
Use the aregcmd command reload to stop the server (when it is running), and then immediately start
the server, forcing it to reread its configuration information. When you have modified the configuration
hierarchy, Prime Access Registrar asks you if you want to save your changes before restarting the server.
You must save your changes in order for the reloaded server to be able to use them.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command reset-stats to reset all server statistics displayed with the stats command.
The reset-stats command also resets SNMP counters.
The reset-stats command provides a way of resetting the server statistics without having to reload or
restart the server.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command save to validate the changes you made and commit them to the configuration
database, if no errors are found.
Note Using the save command does not automatically update the running server. To update the server, you
must use the reload command.
Modify or
Object Add Delete
Radius Yes Yes
UserLists Yes Yes
UserGroups Yes Yes
Policies Yes Yes
Clients Yes Yes
Vendors Yes Yes
Scripts Yes Yes
Services Yes Yes
SessionManagers Yes No
ResourceManagers Yes No
Profiles Yes Yes
Rules Yes Yes
Translations Yes Yes
TranslationGroups Yes Yes
RemoteServers Yes No
Replication Yes Yes
Advanced Yes Yes
Ports No No
Interfaces No No
Use the aregcmd command set to provide values for properties on existing configuration elements. You
only need to provide the set command with the name of the property you wish to set (or just enough of
the name to distinguish it from other properties) and the new value for that property. It also applies to
the Profiles attribute list, the Rules attributes list, the enumeration list in the Attribute dictionary, and
the LDAPtoRadiusMappings and LDAPtoEnvironmentMappings mappings.
The set command can also be used to order servers in a list. To specify a new position in a list for a server,
use the set command and provide the numeric position of the server and the server’s name.
The syntax is:
set [<path>/]<property> <value>
When the list is a list of servers by index, the syntax is:
set [<path>/]<index> <server name>
Note If the index is already in use, the old server name will be replaced by the new server name.
To remove a value from a property (make a property equal to NULL), use a pair of single or double
quotes as the value, as shown below:
When you need to set an attribute to a value that includes a space, you must double-quote the value, as
in the following:
Use the aregcmd command start to enable the server to handle requests. When the configuration
hierarchy has been modified, Prime Access Registrar asks you if you want to save the changes before
starting the server.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command stats to provide statistical information on the specified server. You can only
issue this command when the server is running.
Note that aregcmd supports the PAGER environment variable. When the aregcmd stats command is
used and the PAGER environment variable is set, the stats command output is displayed using the
program specified by the PAGER environment variable.
The syntax is:
The following is an example of the statistical information provided for remote server after you issue the
stats command:
RemoteServer statistics for:ServerA,, port 1812
active = TRUE
maxTries = 3
RTTAverage = 438ms
RTTDeviation = 585ms
TimeoutPenalty = 0ms
totalRequestsPending = 0
totalRequestsSent = 14
totalRequestsOutstanding = 0
totalRequestsTimedOut = 0
totalRequestsAcknowledged = 14
totalResponsesDroppedForNotInCache = 0
totalResponsesDroppedForSignatureMismatch = 0
totalRequestsDroppedAfterMaxTries = 0
lastRequestTime = Mon Feb 18 17:19:46 2013
lastAcceptTime = Mon Feb 18 17:18:11 2013
Table 4-2 lists the statistics displayed for the remote server by the stats command and the meaning of the
Table 4-2 aregcmd stats Information for RADIUS Remote Server (continued)
The following is an example of the statistical information provided for RADIUS clients after you issue
the stats command:
Radius statistics for client: , localhost , ipv4
TLSActiveConnectionCount = 5
totalAuthAccessRequests = 15
totalAuthDupAccessRequests = 0
totalAuthAccessAccepts = 15
totalAuthAccessRejects = 0
totalAuthAccessChallenges = 0
totalAuthMalformedAccessRequests = 0
totalAuthBadAuthenticators = 0
totalAuthPacketsDropped = 0
totalAuthUnknownTypes = 0
totalAccPacketsDropped = 0
totalAccRequests = 0
totalAccDupRequests = 0
totalAccResponses = 0
totalAccBadAuthenticators = 0
totalAccMalformedRequests = 0
totalAccNoRecords = 0
totalAccUnknownTypes = 0
Table 4-2 lists the statistics displayed for the RADIUS client by the stats command and the meaning of
the values.
Use the aregcmd command status to learn whether or not the specified server has been started. When
the server is running, Prime Access Registrar displays its health.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command stop to cause the server to no longer accept requests.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command tacacs-stats to provide statistical information of TACACS+.
The syntax is:
The following is an example of the statistical information provided after you issue the tacacs-stats
Global Tacacs+ Statistics
serverStartTime = Mon Apr 15 01:17:34 2013
serverResetTime = Mon Apr 15 01:17:34 2013
serverState = Running
totalPacketsReceived = 60
totalPacketsSent = 60
totalRequests = 60
totalResponses = 60
totalAuthenticationRequests = 2
totalAuthenticationAccepts = 2
totalAuthenticationRejects = 0
totalAuthenticationChallengeRequests = 0
totalAuthenticationResponses = 2
totalAuthorizationRequests = 56
totalAuthorizationAccepts = 38
totalAuthorizationRejects = 18
totalAuthorizationResponses = 56
totalAccountingRequests = 2
totalAccountingAccepts = 2
totalAccountingRejects = 0
totalAccountingResponses = 2
totalPacketsInUse = 0
totalPacketsDropped = 0
Use the aregcmd command tacacs-reset-stats to reset TACACS+ statistics displayed with the stats
command. The tacacs-reset-stats command also resets SNMP counters.
The tacacs-reset-stats command provides a way of resetting the TACACS+ statistics without having to
reload or restart the server.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command dia-stats to provide statistical information of Diameter.
The syntax is:
The following is an example of the statistical information provided for a Diameter remote server after
you issue the following command:
dia-stats /Radius/RemoteServers/dia
cDiaRemSvrStatsPermanentFailures = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsDWCurrentStatus= 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsTransportDown = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsTimeoutConnAtmpts = 5
cDiaRemSvrStatsMARsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsMARsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsMAAsIn= 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsMAAsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsSARsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsSARsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsSAAsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsSAAsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsRTRsIn= 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsRTRsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsRTAsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsRTAsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsPPRsIn= 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsPPRsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsPPAsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsPPAsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsDERsIn= 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsDERsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsDEAsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsDEAsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsAARsIn= 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsAARsOut = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsAAAsIn = 0
cDiaRemSvrStatsAAAsOut = 0
For detailed information about the Diameter remote server stats, see the “Using the Graphical User
Interface” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
The following is an example of the statistical information provided for a Diameter peer after you issue
the following command:
dia-stats /Radius/Clients/vm24
cdbpPeerStatsRedirectEvents = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAccDupRequests = 0
cdbpPeerStatsMalformedReqsts = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAccsNotRecorded = 0
cdbpPeerStatsWhoInitDisconnect = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAccRetrans = 0
cdbpPeerStatsTotalRetrans= 0
cdbpPeerStatsAccPendReqstsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAccReqstsDropped = 0
cdbpPeerStatsHByHDropMessages = 0
cdbpPeerStatsEToEDupMessages= 0
cdbpPeerStatsUnknownTypes= 0
cdbpPeerStatsProtocolErrors = 0
cdbpPeerStatsTransientFailures = 0
cdbpPeerStatsPermanentFailures = 0
cdbpPeerStatsDWCurrentStatus= 2
cdbpPeerStatsTransportDown = 0
cdbpPeerStatsTimeoutConnAtmpts = 0
cdbpPeerStatsASRsIn= 0
cdbpPeerStatsASRsOut= 0
cdbpPeerStatsASAsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsDERsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsDERsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsDEAsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsDEAsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAARsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAARsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAAAsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsAAAsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsMARsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsMARsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsMAAsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsMAAsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsSARsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsSARsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsSAAsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsSAAsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsRTRsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsRTRsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsRTAsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsRTAsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsPPRsIn = 0
cdbpPeerStatsPPRsOut = 0
cdbpPeerStatsPPAsIn = 0
For detailed information about the Diameter peer stats, see the “Using the Graphical User Interface”
chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
Use the aregcmd command dia-stats-reset to reset Diameter statistics displayed with the stats
command. The dia-stats-reset command also resets SNMP counters.
The dia-stats-reset command provides a way of resetting the Diameter statistics without having to
reload or restart the server.
The syntax is:
Use the aregcmd command trace to set the trace level in the specified server to a new value. The trace
level governs how much information is displayed about the contents of a packet. When the trace level is
zero, no tracing is performed. The higher the trace level, the more information displayed. The highest
trace level currently used by the Prime Access Registrar server is trace level 5.
Note Although the highest trace level supported by the Prime Access Registrar server is trace level 5, an
extension point script might use a higher level. There is no harm in setting the trace to a level higher
than 5. However, increasing the trace level impacts the system performance.
The trace levels are inclusive, meaning that if you set trace to level 3, you will also get the information
reported for trace levels 1 and 2. If you set trace level 4, you also get information reported for trace
levels 1, 2, and 3.
When you do not specify a server, Prime Access Registrar sets the trace level for all of the servers in the
current cluster. When you do not specify a value for the trace level, Prime Access Registrar displays the
current value of the trace level. The default is 0.
The syntax for setting the trace level is:
trace [<server>] [<level>]
Table 4-4 lists the different trace levels and the information returned.
Use the aregcmd command trace-file-count to change the trace log file count dynamically without
requiring a server reload. The syntax is:
trace-file-count n
Where n is a number that specifies the number of trace log files. This function is helpful for debugging
situations when you do not want to perform a reload.
Use the aregcmd command unset to remove items from an ordered list. Specify the numeric index of
the element to remove. When the ordered list is not the current context, specify the path to the list before
specifying the numeric index.
When you remove an item from the list, Prime Access Registrar renumbers the list.
The syntax is:
unset [<path>/]<index>
This command applies to lists of servers by index, the Profiles attribute list, the Rules Attributes list, the
enumeration list in the Attribute dictionary, and the LDAPtoRadiusMappings and
LDAPtoEnvironmentMappings mappings.
Use the aregcmd command validate to check the consistency and validity of the specified server’s
configuration. If Prime Access Registrar discovers any errors, it displays them.
The syntax is:
OpenSSL Commands
This section contains a list of OpenSSL commands. You can use them on the command line or insert
them into scripts.
This section contains the following topics:
• ecparam
• req
• ca
Use the OpenSSL command ecparam to manipulate or generate ellipitical curve (EC) parameter files.
The syntax is:
Use the OpenSSL command req to create and process certificate requests.
The syntax is:
Use the OpenSSL command ca used to sign certificate requests and generate CRLs it also maintains a
text database of issued certificates and their status.
The syntax is:
In interactive mode, aregcmd logs the actions that are taking place in the exit/logout dialog box. The
action can be save or not save if the configuration database has been modified after the last execution
of the save command.
In non-interactive (batch or command-line) mode, aregcmd replaces the empty field with a NULL
aregcmd is now installed as a setgid program where the group is set to staff. This allows a non-root user
to run aregcmd while still being able to write to the aregcmd_log log file. During the installation of the
Prime Access Registrar software, you are prompted whether you want to install aregcmd with
setuid/setgid permissions. You must reply “yes” unless you only run aregcmd as user root.
The following is the format of an entry in the exit/logout dialog box when not save has been specified:
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS aregcmd Info Configuration 0 [<clustername> <username>] ( exit )
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS aregcmd Info Configuration 0 [<clustername> <username>] ( *** New
config is not saved! ...proceed to logout.)
The following is sample output of an entry in the exit/logout dialog box when not save has been
10/12/2013 16:18:56 aregcmd Info Configuration 0 [localhost admin] --> quit
10/12/2013 16:19:02 aregcmd Info Configuration 0 [localhost admin] --> *** New config is
not saved! ...proceed to logout.
The following is the format of an entry in the exit/logout dialog box when save has been specified:
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS aregcmd Info Configuration 0 [<clustername> <username>] ( exit )
mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS aregcmd Info Configuration 0 [<clustername> <username>] ( *** New
config saved!...proceed to logout.)
Code Meaning
200 OK
300 Command failed to parse; usually an unbalanced quotation
301 Unknown command; usually caused by a misspelled command
302 Ambiguous command; characters you have entered select more than one command
303 Not logged in; you have logged out of aregcmd and attempted another aregcmd
304 Too few arguments
305 Too many arguments
306 Invalid argument
307 Object not found or path ambiguous; you have tried to set an unknown object or
provided a partial name that matches multiple objects
308 Object already exists
309 Confirmation password did not match; when setting a user password, the re-entered
password did not match the initial entry
310 Command failed; a generic response for a command that failed for a reason other than
those listed here
311 Command is interactive; possibly due to attempting to batch mode with an interactive
312 Validation failed; a new or modified object is not valid
313 Failed to reread; an error occurred while synchronizing changes from another
aregcmd session; occurs only when using multiple aregcmd instances
314 Failed to open the pager; the PAGER environment variable is set to something that
does not exist and the stats command is entered
315 Property is not modifiable; an administrator has attempted to modify a read-only
316 Command failed: session is ViewOnly; an view-only administrator has attempted to
modify a property
317 Command failed: server is a Replication Slave; an administrator has attempted to
modify a replicated property on a slave of an SMDBR network
400 Login failed; an incorrect username or password was given during aregcmd log in
401 Unable to access server; aregcmd was unable to communicate with the radius
process usually because the process is not running or is otherwise unresponsive
402 Login failed: version of aregcmd is incompatible with server; a new version of
aregcmd has tried to connect with an older version of Prime Access Registrar
406 User has an active aregcmd session. Occurs when the user tries to login to a
concurrent aregcmd session.
500 Internal error; a generic aregcmd error
This chapter describes the objects you use to configure and operate your Cisco Prime Access Registrar
(Prime Access Registrar) RADIUS server.
Prime Access Registrar is configured and operated through a set of objects. These objects are arranged
in a hierarchy, with some of the objects containing subobjects; just as in a UNIX file system, in which
directories can contain subdirectories. All of the objects, except those that are merely lists, contain
properties that define the attributes or behavior of the object.
This chapter describes the following Prime Access Registrar objects:
• Radius— root of the configuration hierarchy
• UserLists—contains individual UserLists, which in turn contain users
• UserGroups—contains individual UserGroups
• Policies—contains individual Policies
• Clients—contains individual Clients
• Vendors—contains individual Vendors
• Scripts—contains individual Scripts
• Services—contains individual Services
• Session Managers—contains individual Session Managers
• Resource Managers—contains individual Resource Managers
• Profiles—contains individual Profiles
• Rules—contains individual Rules
• Fast Rules—contains attributes to add, modify, and delete in the request, response, and environment
• Translations—contains individual Translations
• TranslationGroups—contains individual Translation Groups
• Remote Servers—contains individual RemoteServers
• Advanced—contains advanced properties, Ports, Interfaces, Reply Messages, and the Attribute
The Radius object is the root of the hierarchy. For each installation of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar
server, there is one instance of the Radius object. You reach all other objects in the hierarchy from the
The following is a listing of the RADIUS server object:
[ //localhost/Radius ]
Name = Radius
Description =
Version =
IncomingScript~ = query
OutgoingScript~ =
DefaultAuthenticationService~ = local-users
DefaultAuthorizationService~ = local-users
DefaultAccountingService~ = local-file
DefaultSessionService~ =
DefaultSessionManager~ = mgr-rad
Table 5-1 lists the Radius properties. You you can set or change Radius properties using the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar aregcmd commands.
Note When a field is listed as required, it means a value must be supplied; that is, the value must be set. You
can use the default (if it is supplied) or you can change it to something else, but you cannot unset it. You
must supply values for the required fields and for which no defaults exist.
Table 5-1 Radius Properties
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the list of servers in the cluster
Description Optional description of the server
Version Required; the currently installed version of Prime Access Registrar
IncomingScript Optional; if there is a script, it is the first script
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs when it receives a request from
any client and/or for any service
Property Description
OutgoingScript Optional; if there is a script, it is the last script
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs before it sends a response to any
DefaultAuthenticationService Optional; Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses this property when
none of the incoming scripts sets the environment dictionary
variable Authentication-Service
DefaultAuthorizationService Optional; Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses this property when
none of the incoming scripts sets the environment dictionary
variable Authorization-Service
DefaultAccountingService Optional; Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses this property when
none of the incoming scripts sets the environment dictionary
variable Accounting-Service
DefaultSessionService Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses this property when none of the
incoming scripts sets the environment dictionary variable
This field is mandatory if you are upgrading to a later version of
Prime Access Registrar.
DefaultSessionManager Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses this property if none of the
incoming scripts sets the environment dictionary variable
This field is mandatory if you are upgrading to a later version of
Prime Access Registrar.
The remaining Cisco Prime Access Registrar objects are sub-objects of the Radius object.
The UserLists object contains all of the individual UserLists, which in turn, contain the specific users
stored within Cisco Prime Access Registrar. Cisco Prime Access Registrar references each specific
UserList by name from a Service whose type is set to local. When Cisco Prime Access Registrar
receives a request, it directs it to a Service. When the Service has its type property set to local, the
Service looks up the user’s entry in the specific UserList and authenticates and/or authorizes the user
against that entry.
Note Usernames might not include the forward slash (/) character. If the Cisco Prime Access Registrar server
receives an access request packet with a User-Name attribute containing a forward slash character and
the Prime Access Registrar server uses an internal UserList to look up users, the server produces an error
(AX_EINVAL) and might fail. If usernames require a forward slash, use a script to translate the slash to
an acceptable, unused character.
You can have more than one UserList in the UserLists object. Therefore, use the UserLists object to
divide your user community by organization. For example, you might have separate UserLists objects
for Company A and B, or you might have separate UserLists objects for different departments within a
Using separate UserLists objects allows you to have the same name in different lists. For example, if
your company has three people named Bob and they work in different departments, you could create a
UserList for each department, and each Bob could use his own name. Using UserLists lets you avoid the
problem of Bob1, Bob2, and so on.
If you have more than one UserList, you can have a script Cisco Prime Access Registrar can run in
response to requests. The script chooses the Service, and the Service specifies the actual UserList which
contains the user. The alternative is dynamic properties.
The subobjects are the Users listed by name. Table 5-2 lists the UserLists object properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in UserLists.
Description Optional description of the UserList.
The Users object contains all of the information necessary to authenticate a user or authorize a user.
Users in local UserLists can have multiple profiles. Table 5-3 lists the Users object properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the specific UserList.
Description Optional description of the user.
Password Required; length must be between 0-253 characters.
Enabled Required; default is TRUE, which means the user is allowed access. Set to
FALSE to cause Cisco Prime Access Registrar to deny the user access.
Group Optional; when you set this to the name of a UserGroup,
(Overridden by Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses the properties specified in that UserGroup
User-Group) to authenticate and/or authorize the user.
BaseProfile Optional; when you set this to the name of a Profile and the service-Type is
(Overridden by not equal to Authenticate Only, Cisco Prime Access Registrar adds the
User-Profile) properties in the Profile to the Response dictionary as part of the authorization.
AuthenticationScript Optional; when you set this property to the name of a script, you can use the
script to perform additional authentication checks to determine whether to
accept or reject the user.
AuthorizationScript Optional; when you set this property to the name of a script, you can use the
script to add, delete, or modify the attributes of the Response dictionary.
UserDefined1 Optional; you can use this property to store notational information which you
can then use to filter the UserList. This property also sets the environment
variable for UserDefined1.
HiddenAttributes Property
The HiddenAttributes property in the user object provides a concatenation of all user-level reply
attributes. The Prime Access Registrar server uses the HiddenAttributes property to construct and
populate a virtual attributes directory.
The HiddenAttributes property is, in fact, hidden. It is not displayed and cannot be set or modified using
aregcmd, but when an administrator issues a save, all values from the user’s Attributes directory go into
the HiddenAttributes property and the persistent storage.
The attributes are added in a replace-if-present-add-if-not manner as used in the UserGroup-Base-Profile
and User-Base-Profile.
The order of application of the attributes is as follows:
• UserGroup Base Profile
• UserGroup Attributes
• User Base Profile
• User Attributes
The UserGroups objects allow you to maintain common authentication and authorization attributes in
one location, and then have many users reference them. By having a central location for attributes, you
can make modifications in one place instead of having to make individual changes throughout your user
For example, you can use several UserGroups to separate users by the services they use, such as a group
specifying PPP and another for Telnet.
Table 5-4 lists the UserGroups properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the UserGroup list.
Description Optional description of the group.
BaseProfile Optional; when you set this to the name of a Profile,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar adds the properties in the Profile to the
response dictionary as part of the authorization.
AuthenticationScript Optional; when you set this property to the name of a Script, you can use
the Script to perform additional authentication checks to determine
whether to accept or reject the user.
AuthorizationScript Optional; when you set this property to the name of a Script, you can use
the Script to add, delete, or modify the attributes of the Response
A Policy is a set of rules applied to an Access-Request. If you are using Policies, the first one that must
be created is SelectPolicy.
Table 5-5 lists the properties required for a given Policy.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Policies list
Description Optional description of the Policy
Grouping Optional grouping of rules
All NASs and proxy clients that communicate directly with Cisco Prime Access Registrar must have an
entry in the Clients list. This is required because NAS and proxy clients share a secret with the RADIUS
server which is used to encrypt passwords and to sign responses. Table 5-6 lists the Client object
Property Description
Name Required and should match the Client identifier specified in the
standard RADIUS attribute, NAS-Identifier. The name must be
unique within the Clients list.
Description Optional description of the client.
Protocol Required; specifies the client protocol which can be Radius,
Diameter, Radius-TLS, or Tacacs-and-Radius.
Property Description
IPAddress Required; must be a valid IP address and unique in the Clients list.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses this property to identify the
Client that sent the request, either using the source IP address to
identify the immediate sender or using the NAS-IP-Address or
NAS-IPv6-Address attribute in the Request dictionary to identify the
NAS sending the request through a proxy.
When a range is configured for a Client’s IPAddress property, any
incoming requests whose source address belongs to the range
specified, will be allowed for further processing by the server.
Similarly when a wildcard (an asterisk ‘*’ in this case) is specified,
any incoming requests whose source address matches the wildcard
specification will be allowed. In both the cases, the configured client
properties like SharedSecret, and Vendor are used to process the
You can specify a range of IP addresses using a hyphen as in:
You can use an asterisk wildcard to match all numbers in an IP
address octet as in:
You can specify an IPAddress and a subnet mask together using
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation as in:
You can use the IPAddress property to set a base address and use the
NetMask property to specify the number of clients in the subnet
The IP address format is enhanced to support IPv6 apart from IPv4.
You can use an asterisk wildcard to match all numbers in an IP
address octet as in:
Note The IPv6 address must be in standard notation.
SharedSecret Required; must match the secret configured in the Client.
Type Required; accept the default (NAS), or set it to ATM, Proxy, or
Vendor Optional; you can use this property when you need special processing
for a specific vendor’s NAS. To use this property, you must configure
a Vendor object and include a Script. Cisco Prime Access Registrar
provides five Scripts you can use: one for Ascend, Cisco, Cabletron,
Altiga, and one for USR. You can also provide your own Script.
IncomingScript Optional; you can use this property to specify a Script you can use to
determine the services to use for authentication, authorization, and/or
Property Description
OutgoingScript Optional; you can use this property to specify a Script you can use to
make any Client-specific modifications when responding to a
particular Client.
EnableDynamicAuthorization Optional; when set to TRUE, this property enables Change of
Authorization and Packet of Disconnect features.
DynamicAuthorizationServer This subdirectory is only present in a client with
EnableDynamicAuthorization set to TRUE and contains properties
required for CoA and PoD requests.
Port Located under the DynamicAuthorizationServer subdirectory, the
default port is 3799.
InitialTimeout Located under the DynamicAuthorizationServer subdirectory, the
default is 5000.
MaxTries Located under the DynamicAuthorizationServer subdirectory, the
default is 3.
DynamicAuthSharedSecret Located under the DynamicAuthorizationServer subdirectory, this is
the shared secret used for communicating CoA and PoD packets with
the client.
PODAttributeGroup This property is found under the DynamicAuthorizationServer
subdirectory and points to a group of attributes to be included in a
POD request sent to this client. These attribute groups are created and
configured under the AttributeGroups subdirectory in
COAAttributeGroup This property is found under the DynamicAuthorizationServer
subdirectory and points to a group of attributes to be included in a
CoA request sent to this client. These attribute groups are created and
configured under the AttributeGroups subdirectory in
NetMask Specifies the subnet mask used with the network address setting
configured for the IPAdress property when configuring a range of IP
This property is not used for a single client with an IP address only.
The NetMask property is used to configure multiple clients when you
configure a base IP address in the IPAddress property. You can set the
NetMask property for a range of 256 clients using the following
Property Description
EnableNotifications Required; the default value is FALSE and indicates the client is not
capable of receiving Accounting-Stop notifications from the
Prime Access Registrar server.
When set to TRUE, the client can receive Accounting-Stop
notifications from the Prime Access Registrar server and additional
properties must be configured under a new sub-directory named
NotificationProperties When the EnableNotifications property is set to TRUE, this
subdirectory contains additional properties required to support the
Query-Notify feature.
Port Located under the NotificationProperties subdirectory, specifies the
port used by the Prime Access Registrar server to receive
Accounting-Stop packets. Required when EnableNotifications is set
to TRUE; the default value is 1813.
InitialTimeout Located under the NotificationProperties subdirectory, specifies the
timeout value in milliseconds the Prime Access Registrar server
waits for an Accounting-Response packet before attempting a retry
(sending another Accounting-Stop packet to the client).
Required when EnableNotifications is set to TRUE; the default value
is 5000.
MaxTries Located under the NotificationProperties subdirectory, specifies the
number of times the Prime Access Registrar server sends an
Accounting-Stop packet to a client.
Required when EnableNotifications is set to TRUE; the default value
is 3.
NotificationAttributeGroup Located under the NotificationProperties subdirectory, specifies the
name of an attribute group under
/Radius/Advanced/AttributeGroups that contains the attributes to
be included when sending an the Accounting-Stop packet to this
Required when EnableNotifications is set to TRUE; there is no
default value. You must provide the name of a valid AttributeGroup
and the named AttributeGroup must contain at least one valid
attribute, or validation will fail.
EnforceTrafficThrottling Required; the default value is TRUE and indicates enforce traffic
throttling for this client. This property is under /Radius/Advanced/
When set to FALSE, the traffic throttling for the packet coming from
this client is bypassed.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the client list.
Description Optional; description of the client.
Protocol Required; specifies the client protocol which can be Radius or Diameter.
HostName Required; hostname or IP address of the Diameter client.
Vendor Optional; you can use this property when you need special processing for
a specific vendor’s peer.
IncomingScript Optional; specifies a script that you can use to make client-specific
modifications when a request is received from a client.
OutgoingScript Optional; specifies a script that you can use to make any client-specific
modifications when responding to a particular client.
Port Required; port on which the client connects with Prime Access Registrar
SCTP-Enabled Required, default value is False. If set to TRUE, SCTP will be used to
establish the connection with the peer else TCP will be used.
If SCTP is enabled, you can configure SCTP parameters for the Diameter
client. For details, see the “Diameter” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
Prime Access Registrar supports configuring clients with type as Radius-TLS (Radius over TLS). This
will enable the client to send the radius request using TLS connection.
Table 5-8 describes the RADIUS-TLS client properties.
Property Description
MaximumTLSConnec- This parameter is applicable for protocol of type radius-tls.
Maximum number of TLS connections that the client can establish with
Prime Access Registrar. Default value is one. Maximum number of TLS
connections allowed per client is 50.
TLSOptions / RTLS Options
These parameters are applicable for the following client types:
• Diameter with TLS-Enabled option set as TRUE
PrivateKeyPassword The password used to protect the server’s private key.
Property Description
ServerKeyFile The full pathname of the file containing the server’s RSA private key.
The pathname can be optionally prefixed with a special string that
indicates the type of encoding used for the certificate. The valid encoding
prefix is “PEM”. If an encoding prefix is not present, the file is assumed
to be in PEM format.
The following example assumes that the subdirectory pki under /cisco-ar
contains the server’s certificate file. The file server-key.pem is assumed
to be in PEM format. The file extension .pem is not significant.
Property Description
EnableAutoChaining When set to TRUE, Prime Access Registrar sends its server certificate
chain (Server-Cert -> IntermediateCA -> RootCA) while presenting the
server certificate to the client for server side authentication. When set to
FALSE, Prime Access Registrar sends only the server certificate (Serv-
er-Cert) to the client.
TCP Options
These parameters are applicable radius-tls clients.
KeepAliveIntervalTime Time interval in seconds between individual keepalive probes.
TCPConnectionIdleTime Time (in seconds) the connection can remain idle before TCP starts
sending keepalive probes.
KeepAliveMaxtries Maximum number of keepalive probes TCP can send before dropping the
The Vendor object provides a central location for specifying all of the request and response processing
a particular NAS or Proxy vendor requires. Depending on the vendor, it might be necessary to map
attributes in the request from one set to another, or to filter out certain attributes before sending the
response to the client. For more information about standard RADIUS attributes, see the “RADIUS
Attributes” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
Note When you have also set /Radius/IncomingScript, Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs that script before
the vendor’s script. Conversely, when you have set a /Radius/Outgoing script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs the vendor’s script before that script.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Vendors list.
Description Optional description of the vendor.
IncomingScript Optional; when you specify an IncomingScript, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
runs the script on all requests from clients that specify that vendor.
OutgoingScript Optional; when you specify an OutgoingScript, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
runs the script on all responses to the Client.
The Script objects define the function Cisco Prime Access Registrar invokes whenever the Script is
referenced by name from other objects in the configuration.
You can write three types of scripts:
• REX (RADIUS EXtension) scripts are written in C or C++, and thus are compiled functions that
reside in shared libraries
• Tcl scripts are written in Tcl, and are interpreted functions defined in source files.
• Java scripts
Note For more information about how to write scripts and how to incorporate them into
Cisco Prime Access Registrar, see Chapter 7, “Using Extension Points.”
Note Cisco is not liable for scripts developed by clients. See Client scripting in user guide chapter 1 overview
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Scripts list.
Description Optional description of the script.
Language Required; specify either REX, Tcl, or Java.
Property Description
Filename Required; specifies either a relative or absolute path. When you specify a relative
path, the path must be relative to the $INSTALL/scripts/radius/$Language
directory. When you specify an absolute path, the server must be able to reach it.
EntryPoint Optional; when not set, Prime Access Registrar uses the value specified in the
Name property.
InitEntryPoint Optional; if set, it must be the name of the global symbol Prime Access Registrar
should call when it initializes the shared library at system start up, and just before
it unloads the shared library.
InitEntryPointArg Optional; when set, it provides the arguments to be passed to the InitEntryPoint
in the environmental variable Arguments.
ClassName For Java language scripts, the name of the class that implements the extension
interface; the .class file should be placed in /cisco-ar/scripts/radius/java
InitializeArg Optional for Java language scripts; set to a string to be passed to the Initialize
method if the class implements the optional ExtensionWithInitialization
The InitEntryPoint properties allow you to perform initialization before processing and then cleanup
before stopping the server. For example, when Prime Access Registrar unloads the script (when it stops
the RADIUS server) it calls the InitEntryPoint again to allow it to perform any clean-up operations as
a result of its initialization. One use of the function might be to allow the script to close an open
Accounting log file before stopping the RADIUS server.
Note When you use a Prime Access Registrar file service, Prime Access Registrar automatically closes any
opened files. However, if you write scripts that manipulate files, you are responsible for closing them.
Note If you have more than one extension point script (defined under /Radius/Scripts) using the same Java
class, only one instance of the class is created and used for all the extension point scripts.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar supports authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services. In
addition to the variety of built-in AAA services (specified in the Type property),
Cisco Prime Access Registrar also enables you to add new AAA services through custom shared
Table 5-11 lists the common Services properties. There are additional properties depending on the type
of service.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Services list.
Description Optional description of the service.
Type Required, must set it to a valid Prime Access Registrar service.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS servers
are not available). You must set it to one of the following: AcceptAll,
DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This property allows
you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS server detects a failure.
Types of Services
This section lists the types of services available in Prime Access Registrar with their required and
optional properties. The service you specify determines what additional information you must provide.
This section contains the following topics:
• EAP Services
• Extended-EAP
• File
• Group
• Java
• Local
• ODBC-Accounting
• Prepaid Services
• Radius Query
• Diameter-RADIUS
• RADIUS-Diameter
• RADIUS-Session
• Rex
• Diameter
• M3UA
EAP Services
Prime Access Registrar supports Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and Protected EAP (PEAP)
to provide a common protocol for differing authentication mechanisms. EAP enables the dynamic
selection of the authentication mechanism at authentication time based on information transmitted in the
Access-Request. Prime Access Registrar provides the following EAP services:
• EAP-MSChapV2
• EAP-Negotiate
• EAP-Transport Level Security (TLS)
• EAP-Tunneled TLS (TTLS)
• PEAP Version 0 (Microsoft PEAP)
• PEAP Version 1 (Cisco PEAP)
See the “Extensible Authentication Protocols” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide for detailed information about properties used in
EAP-type services.
Extended EAP is used as an authorization service to retrieve authorization information from a remote
web server using the REST interface. Prime Access Registrar processes all EAP requests, and extends
the process through extended EAP service. Extended EAP is supported for the following EAP services:
• EAP-AKA-Prime
You can configure an extended-EAP service under /Radius/Services. When you define an extended-EAP
service under /Radius/Services, you must set its type to extended-eap. Refer to the sample configuration
given below:
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/extended-EAP ]
Name = extended-EAP
Description =
Type = extended-eap
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
OutagePolicy~ = AcceptAll
OutageScript~ = NASLIST
NasIDList = NasList
MultipleServersPolicy = Failover
To configure a REST remote server for the extended-EAP service, see REST.
Specify the file service when you want Cisco Prime Access Registrar’s RADIUS Server to perform local
accounting using a specific file. Every file Service in your configuration will cause a file with the
configured name to be created when the server is started, even if the service is not being invoked by any
request packets. Table 5-13 lists the properties used for a file service.
Property Description
Type Required; must be set to group for a group service.
IncomingScript Name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following: AcceptAll,
DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This property
allows you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS server
detects a failure.
Property Description
FilenamePrefix Required; a string that specifies where Cisco Prime Access Registrar writes
the account records. It must be either a relative or absolute path. When you
specify a relative path, it must be relative to the $INSTALL/logs directory.
When you specify an absolute path, the server must be able to reach it. The
default is Accounting.
MaxFileSize Optional; stored as a string, but is composed of two parts, a number and a
units indicator (<n> <units>) in which the unit is one of: K, Kilobyte,
Kilobytes, M, Megabyte, Megabytes, G, Gigabyte, Gigabytes. The default is
ten megabytes.
MaxFileAge Optional; stored as a string, but is composed of two parts, a number and a
units indicator (<n> <units>) in which the unit is one of: H, Hour, Hours,
D, Day, Days, W, Week, Weeks. The default is one day.
RolloverSchedule Indicates the exact time including the day of the month or day of the week,
hour and minute to roll over the accounting log file.
UseLocalTimeZone When set to TRUE, indicates the accounting records' TimeStamp is in local
time. When set to FALSE, the default, accounting records' TimeStamp is in
FileType Indicates the file type to export the accounting records to. Could be one of
the following:
• log— Prime Access Registrar server writes accounting messages to the
accounting.log file in the /opt/CSCOar/logs directory.
• csv—Prime Access Registrar server writes accounting messages to the
accounting.csv file in the /opt/CSCOar/logs directory.
EnableRollOverIntelli Set to TRUE to enable rollover of the accounting records based on the
gence accounting service properties. For more information on rollover of
accounting logs, see the “RADIUS Accounting” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
Delimiter The delimiter to use in the accounting file, if the file type is csv.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar opens the file when it starts the RADIUS server and closes the file when
you stop the server. Prime Access Registrar flushes the accounting record to disk before it acknowledges
the request.
Based on the maximum file size and age you have specified, Prime Access Registrar closes the
accounting file, moves it to a new name, and reopens the file as a new file. The name
Prime Access Registrar gives this accounting file depends on its creation and modification dates.
• If the file was created and modified on the same date, the filename is
FileNamePrefix-<yyyymmdd>-<n>.log. The date is displayed as year, month, day, number.
• If the file was created on one day and modified on another, the filename is
FileNamePrefix-<yyyymmdd>-<yyyymmdd>-<n>.log. The dates are creation, modification, and
A group service contains a list of references to other services and specifies whether the responses from
each of the services should be handled as a logical AND or a logical OR function. You specify AND or
OR in the Result-Rule attribute of Group Services. The default value is AND.
Table 5-14 lists the properties used to configure a group service.
Property Description
Type Required; must set it to group.
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service ends.
ResultRule When set to AND (the default), the response from the GroupService is positive
if each of the services referenced return a positive result. The response is
negative if any of the services reference return a negative result.
When set to OR, the response from the GroupService is positive if any of the
services referenced return a positive result. The response is negative if all the
referenced services return a negative result.
The settings parallel-AND or parallel-OR are similar to AND and OR settings,
except that each referenced service processes requests simultaneously instead
of asking each reference service sequentially to save processing time.
GroupServices Use the GroupServices subdirectory to specify the subservices in an indexed
list to provide specific ordering control of which services to apply first. Each
subservice listed must be defined in the Services section of the RADIUS
configuration and cannot be a of type group, eap-leap, or eap-md5.
If Result-Rule is set to AND, the response from the Group Service is positive if each of the services
referenced return a positive result. The response is negative if any of the services reference return a
negative result. If Result-Rule is set to OR, the response from the Group Service is positive if any of the
services referenced return a positive result. The response is negative if all the referenced services return
a negative result.
When the Result-Rule attribute is set to AND or OR, each referenced service is accessed sequentially,
and the Group Service waits for a response from the first referenced service before moving on to the next
service (if necessary). If a service takes a long time to respond, that causes a delay in sending the request
to the next referenced server.
The ResultRule settings parallel-and and parallel-or are similar to the AND and OR settings except that
they ask each referenced service to process the request simultaneously instead of asking each referenced
server sequentially, thereby saving processing time.
A parallel-and setting might respond with its own reply as soon as it receives a negative response, but
otherwise must wait for all responses before it can respond with a positive reply. Likewise, a parallel-or
might respond as soon as it receives a positive response, but otherwise must wait for all responses before
it can reply with a negative response.
If a service referenced from a Group Service is of type RADIUS and if Accounting-Requests are being
processed by the Group Service, setting the AckAccounting property in the remote server will affect the
behavior of the parallel-or Group Service. This is because if AckAccounting is set to FALSE, the
RADIUS Remote Server will not wait for the response from the remote server but returns a response
immediately. Since the Group Service is set to parallel-or, after it receives the response from the
RADIUS service, it is free to send a response itself. This will have the effect that a response is sent very
quickly from the Group Service acknowledging the Accounting-Request and responses from the other
referenced services are handled as the arrive.
Note that since AckAccounting was set to FALSE, there is no guarantee that the Remote Server
successfully processed the request. Since it is a RADIUS Remote Server, the Prime Access Registrar
server attempts for MaxTries to send the request to the server and to get back an acknowledgment, but
if that fails, there will be no indication to the client about that event. The acknowledgment to the client
has been sent long before.
Specify the java service type when you want to create a custom service and use a script for
authentication, authorization, or accounting. Table 5-15 lists the properties required to configure a java
A java service uses an extension point script to provide the service’s functionality and handles both
RADIUS and TACACS requests for authentication, authorization, and accounting.
Property Description
Type Required; must set it to java.
IncomingScript Name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following: AcceptAll,
DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This property
allows you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS server detects
a failure.
ClassName Set to the name of a class that implements the Extension interface.
InitializeArg Optional; set to a string to be passed to the Initialize method if the class
implements the optional ExtensionWithInitialization interface.
Specify the ldap service type when you want to use a particular LDAP remote server for authentication
and/or authorization. Table 5-16 lists the properties used to configure an LDAP service.
When using LDAP for authentication and a local database for authorization, ensure that the usernames
in both locations are identical with regard to case sensitivity.
Property Description
Type Required, must set it to ldap
IncomingScript Name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following:
AcceptAll, DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This
property allows you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS
server detects a failure.
MultipleServersPolicy Required; must be set to either Failover or RoundRobin.
When you set it to Failover, Cisco Prime Access Registrar directs
requests to the first server in the list until it determines the server is
offline. At which time, Cisco Prime Access Registrar redirects all
requests to the next server in the list until it finds a server that is online.
When you set it to RoundRobin, Cisco Prime Access Registrar directs
each request to the next server in the RemoteServers list to share the
resource load across all of the servers listed in the RemoteServers list.
RemoteServers Required; an indexed list from 1 to <n>. Each entry in the list is the name
of a RemoteServer.
Specify local when you want the Cisco Prime Access Registrar server to perform the authentication and
authorization using a specific UserList. For more information, see the “UserLists” section on page 5-3.
Table 5-17 lists the properties used to configure a local service.
Property Description
Type Required, must set it to local.
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following: AcceptAll,
DropPacket, or RejectAll.
Property Description
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This property
allows you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS server
detects a failure.
UserLists Required; this object contains all of the individual UserLists, which in turn,
contain the specific users stored within Prime Access Registrar.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar references each specific UserList by name
from a Service whose type is set to local.
When Cisco Prime Access Registrar receives a request, it directs it to a
Service. When the Service has its type property set to local, the Service looks
up the user’s entry in the specific UserList and authenticates and/or authorizes
the user against that entry.
Specify odbc when you want to use an ODBC service for authentication, authorization and accounting
through an ODBC data store. Use an ODBC service to authenticate and authorize an access requests by
querying user information through ODBC and to insert accounting records into a data store through
ODBC. Table 5-18 lists the properties used to configure an ODBC service.
Property Description
Type Required; must set it to odbc.
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in
the RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote
RADIUS servers are not available). You must set it to one of the
following: AcceptAll, DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This
property allows you to create a script that notifies you when the
RADIUS server detects a failure.
MultipleServersPolicy Required; must be set to either Failover or RoundRobin.
When you set it to Failover, Cisco Prime Access Registrar directs
requests to the first server in the list until it determines the server is
offline. At which time, Cisco Prime Access Registrar redirects all
requests to the next server in the list until it finds a server that is online.
When you set it to RoundRobin, Cisco Prime Access Registrar directs
each request to the next server in the RemoteServers list to share the
resource load across all of the servers listed in the RemoteServers list.
RemoteServers Required; an indexed list from 1 to <n>. Each entry in the list is the
name of a RemoteServer.
If you use the Oracle Accounting feature, you must configure an ODBC-Accounting RemoteServer
object. See the “Configuring an ODBC/OCI RemoteServer” section in the “Using Open Database
Connectivity” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide, for more information on
ODBC-Accounting RemoteServer.
Prepaid Services
Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar) supports two types of prepaid billing, IS835C
and Cisco Real-time Billing (CRB), a Cisco proprietary solution. See “Using Prepaid Billing” chapter
of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide for more information on Prepaid -IS835C and
Specify the radius service type when you want to use a particular RADIUS remote server for
authentication and authorization. Table 5-19 lists the properties used to configure a RADIUS service.
Property Description
Type Required; must set it to radius.
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following:
AcceptAll, DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This property
allows you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS server
detects a failure.
MultipleServersPolicy Required; must be set to either Failover or RoundRobin.
When you set it to Failover, Cisco Prime Access Registrar directs requests
to the first server in the list until it determines the server is offline. At which
time, Cisco Prime Access Registrar redirects all requests to the next server
in the list until it finds a server that is online.
When you set it to RoundRobin, Cisco Prime Access Registrar directs
each request to the next server in the RemoteServers list to share the
resource load across all of the servers listed in the RemoteServers list.
RemoteServers Required; an indexed list from 1 to <n>. Each entry in the list is the name
of a RemoteServer.
Radius Query
Prime Access Registrar supports a new service type called radius-query that can be used to query cached
data through RADIUS packets. This radius-query service contains a list of session managers to be
queried from and a list of (cached) attributes to be returned in the Access-Accept packet in response to
a RADIUS Query request. Prime Access Registrar also supports caching and querying of multivalued
The RADIUS Query service should be selected through an extension point script or through the Rule and
Policy Engine by setting it to a new environment variable named Query-Service. The reason for this is
that the RADIUS Query request comes in as an Access-Request and the server has no way of knowing
whether it is a RADIUS Query request or normal authentication request. Setting the Query-Service
environment variable tells the Prime Access Registrar server that the request is a RADIUS Query request
so the Prime Access Registrar server can process the request with the radius-query service set in the
Query-Service environment variable.
When a RADIUS Query service is selected to process an Access-Request, it queries the configured list
of Session Managers for a matching record using the QueryKey value configured in the session-cache
Resource Manager referenced under these Session Managers as key. If a matching record is found, an
Access-Accept containing a list of cached attributes present (based on the configuration) in the matched
record is sent back to the client. If the session cache contains a multivalued attribute, all values of that
attribute are returned in the response as a multivalued attribute. If there is no matching record, an
Access-Reject packet is sent to the client.
Prime Access Registrar introduces scripting points at the Session Manager level along with automated
programmable interfaces (APIs) to access cached information present in the session record. You can use
these scripting points and APIs to write extension point scrips to modify the cached information.
The following example shows the default configuration of a radius-query service:
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/radius-query ]
Name = radius-query
Description =
Type = radius-query
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
Table 5-20 lists the properties used to configure a RADIUS Query service.
Property Description
Type Required; must set it to radius query.
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run before this service starts
processing on the request.
OutgoingScript Optional; name of script to run after this service completes
processing on the request.
Property Description
SessionManagersToBeQueried Lists Session Managers to be queried for the target record. If this
list is empty, all Session Managers having session-cache
Resource Managers will be queried for the target record.
Otherwise, only those SessionManagers configured under
SessionManagerToBeQueried are queried. If the targeted record
is found in a Session Manager, the query stops and the response
is returned to the client.
AttributesToBeReturned Lists attributes to be returned if present in a matched record. If
this list is empty, all attributes cached in a matched session are
returned. If a configured attribute is not present in the matched
record, that attribute is ignored.
Note The User-Password attribute will not be returned in query
responses and cannot be configured under
When an Access-Request packet is received by the Prime Access Registrar server, the session-cache
Resource Manager caches the configured attributes in the session with the configured QueryKey as the
key to the cached data. In the TAL solution, the QueryKey will usually be Framed-IP-Address. If an
Accounting-Requestor Accounting-Start packet is received for the same session, the cached data is
updated if necessary. If there is a multivalued attribute in the Access-Request packet or
Accounting-Request packet, the Prime Access Registrar server caches all the values of that attributes.
In TAL, when the SSG receives an IP packet originating from a user unknown to the SSG, it sends an
Access-Request packet to the Prime Access Registrar server in which the User-Name and
Framed-IP-Address attributes both contain the user’s source IP address, and the Service-Type is set to
Outbound, among other attributes. These attributes and their values distinguish RADIUS Query requests
from normal authentication requests in TAL.
Note In solutions other than TAL, the criterion that distinguishes RADIUS Query requests from normal
authentication requests might be different.
A new environment variable, Query-Service, can be set to the name of a radius-query service, in an
extension point script, or through the Rule and Policy engine so the Prime Access Registrar server knows
the current request is a RADIUS Query request and processes it with the radius-query service value set
in the Query-Service environment variable.
API Calls
Prime Access Registrar provides several new API calls you can use to get, put, and delete the cached
attributes present in the session record.
The entry point function changes slightly to take a fifth argument which is a pointer to a structure
containing the new API calls:
typedef int (REXAPI * RexEntryPointFunction)
int iScriptingPoint,
rex_AttributeDictionary_t* pRequest,
rex_AttributeDictionary_t* pResponse,
rex_EnvironmentDictionary_t* pRadius,
rex_SessionRecord_t* pSession
However, you can continue to write extension point scripts with four arguments as well, for example
without the pSession argument.
The following are API calls and their functionality. All these API calls fail gracefully when they are
invoked from any scripting point other than the Session Manager scripting points.
abool_t put
abool_t put(
rex_SessionRecord_t* pSession,
const char* pszAttribute,
const char* <pszValue>,
int <iIndex>
When <iIndex> equals the special value REX_REPLACE, this method replaces any existing instances
of <pszAttribute> with a single value in the session. When <iIndex> equals the special value
REX_APPEND, it appends a new instance of <pszAttribute> to the end of the list of existing instances
of <pszAttribute>. When <iIndex> equals the special value REX_AUGMENT, this method only puts
<pszAttribute> when it does not already exist. Otherwise, a new instance of <pszAttribute> is
inserted/replaced at the position indicated. This method returns TRUE if it is able to cache the attribute
successfully and FALSE otherwise.
abool_t remove
abool_t remove(
rex_SessionRecord_t* pSession,
const char* pszAttribute,
int <iIndex>
This method removes the <pszAttribute> from the session. When <iIndex> equals the special value
REX_REMOVE_ALL, this method removes any existing instances of <pszAttribute>. Otherwise, it
removes the instance of <pszAttribute> at the position indicated. It returns FALSE when <pszAttribute>
is not present at any index in the session record and returns TRUE otherwise.
rex_SessionInfo_t* getSessionInfo(rex_SessionRecord_t* pSession )
This method returns the pointer to a structure that contains the other session-related information, like
Session Id, Session Start time, Session Last Accessed Time, present in the session record. The structure
that holds this information will appear as follows:
To use the extension point scripts written in Tcl, define the procedure at the session manager level as
shown below:
proc test { request response environ session } {
There is a fourth argument session that needs to be passed to the Tcl procedure and the API calls that are
intended to operate on the session record need to use this session dictionary.
API calls in Tcl have the same meaning with same number arguments and return values as described in
Rex. The only difference is that the API getSessionInfo will not return a structure as in Rex but it will
return the info as a string, as in the following example:
Session-ID=1, Session-Start-Time=1102099334, Session-Last-Accessed-Time=1102099334
There are two new interfaces ExtensionForSession and ExtensionForSessionWithInitialization and the
customers whishing to use the extension point scripts written in Java at the session manager level needs
to implement one of these interfaces.
The runExtension method of these interfaces will look as below:
public int runExtension
( int iExtensionPoint,
AttributeDictionary request,
AttributeDictionary response,
EnvironmentDictionary environment,
SessionRecord session
API calls that are intended to operate on session record needs to use this ‘session’ dictionary.
API calls in Java have the same meaning with same number arguments and return values as described in
Rex. The only difference is that the API getSessionInfo will not return a structure as in Rex but it will
return the info as a string. For example:
Session-ID=1, Session-Start-Time=1102099334, Session-Last-Accessed-Time=1102099334
Existing scripts written in any of these three languages will not be affected with the introduction of the
new ‘session dictionary’ argument. And the customers can use a script with any number of arguments
(i.e with or without the last ‘session dictionary’ argument) at any extension point script. If there is no
session to operate on, for example when the customer is trying to use session dictionary argument at an
extension point other than session manager’s, the Prime Access Registrar gracefully returns an error
logging the appropriate message.
The simple replace or add if it does not exist model can still be used for simple modifications as before
without the need to write a script. If the cached attributes are updated in the IncomingScript and if
customers do not want them to be touched or updated again when the processing reaches session-cache
resource manager, they can set the OverwriteAttributes property of the session-cache resource manager
to FALSE so that the session-cache resource manager will not operate on this packet.
This service helps to translate incoming Diameter request to a RADIUS equivalent and then the RADIUS
response to Diameter equivalent. Prime Access Registrar provides scripting points, which operate on the
original packet and on the newly translated packet based on request and response mapping.
This service helps to translate incoming RADIUS request to a Diameter equivalent and then the Diameter
response to RADIUS equivalent. Prime Access Registrar provides scripting points, which operate on the
original packet and on the newly translated packet based on request and response mapping.
The following properties are applicable for diameter-radius or radius-diameter service type.
ProxyServiceName The Diameter proxy service name.
DiameterApplicationID The Diameter service application ID. This is applicable only for
radius-diameter service type.
SendRAR-ASRToClient Set to TRUE if the COA/POD packets received by Prime Access Registrar
are to be translated and sent as Re-Auth-Request (RAR) / Abort Session
Request (ASR) to a Diameter client. This is applicable only for
radius-diameter service type.
ClientHostName Hostname of the Diameter client to which the translated RAR/ASR must be
sent. If the session manager is configured, the client host name can be
acquired from it.
This is applicable only for radius-diameter service type.
UseFor3GPPReverseAu Set to TRUE to enable 3GPP authorization service in the translation
thorizationService framework. This is applicable only for radius-diameter service type.
PreRequestTranslationS The scripting point to be called on the original request packet.
PostRequestTranslation The scripting point to be called on the translated request packet.
PreResponseTranslation The scripting point to be called on the response packet.
PostResponseTranslatio The scripting point to be called on the translated response packet.
PostResponseTranslationScript~ =
Radius-CoA-Request = Re-Auth
Radius-PoD-Request = Abort-Session
Calling-Station-Id = Session-Id
Diameter-Success = Radius-PoD-ACK
Diameter-Unable-To-Deliver = Radius-PoD-Nak
A new Service step has been added in the processing of Access-Request and Accounting packets. This
is an additional step after the AA processing for Access packet or Accounting processing for Accounting
packet, but before the local session management processing. The Session-Service should have a service
type of radius-session.
An environment variable Session-Service is introduced to determine the Session-Service dynamically.
You can use a script or the rule engine to set the Session-Service environment variable. See Cross Server
Session and Resource Management, page 1-2 for more information on RADIUS-Session.
Specify the rex service type when you want to create a custom service and use a script for authentication,
authorization, or accounting. Table 5-22 lists the properties required to configure a rex service.
Property Description
Type Required; must be set to rex.
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service starts.
OutgoingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service ends.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Cisco Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following: AcceptAll,
DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; if you set this property to the name of a script,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs it when an outage occurs. This property
allows you to create a script that notifies you when the RADIUS server
detects a failure.
Filename Required; must be either a relative or an absolute path to the shared library
containing the Service. When the pathname is relative, it must be relative to
Property Description
EntryPoint Required; must be set to the function’s global symbol.
InitEntryPoint Required; must be the name of the global symbol
Cisco Prime Access Registrar should call when it initializes the shared
library and just before it unloads the shared library.
Note A rex service must have an InitEntryPoint even if the service only
returns REX_OK.
InitEntryPointArgs Optional; when set, it provides the arguments to be passed to the
InitEntryPoint in the environmental variable Arguments.
For more information about scripting, see Chapter 7, “Using Extension Points.” For more information
about using the REX Attribute dictionary, see “Cisco Prime Access Registrar Tcl, REX, and Java
Dictionaries” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
Prime Access Registrar uses the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) to enable the WiMAX
feature. It also caches the IP attributes and Mobility Keys that are generated during network access
authentication. To enable caching of the WiMAX attributes, you must configure the respective resource
managers. For more information, see the “Using WiMAX in Cisco Prime Access Registrar” chapter of
the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
Diameter works with the rule policy engine to perform the routing for multiple peers. The following are
the multiple peer policies supported with the proxy service to route the traffic:
• RoundRobin
• FailOver
• IMSI Range Based
The following configuration is used to add Diameter proxy without Sticky session configuration:
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/dia-proxy ]
Name = dia-proxy
Description =
Type = diameter
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
EnableSticky = FALSE
MultiplePeersPolicy = RoundRobin
PeerTimeOutPolicy = SendError
Entries 1 to 2 from 2 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = proxy_rm
Metric = 1
Weight = 0
IsActive = TRUE
Name = proxy_rm1
Metric = 2
Weight = 0
IsActive = TRUE
The following configuration is used to add Diameter proxy with Sticky session configuration:
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/dia-proxy ]
Name = dia-proxy
Description =
Type = diameter
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
EnableSticky = TRUE
StickySessionKey = User-Name#1
StickyCreationCmdList = 265
StickyDeletionCmdList = 275
MultiplePeersPolicy = RoundRobin
PeerTimeOutPolicy = SendError
Entries 1 to 2 from 2 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = proxy_rm
Metric = 1
Weight = 0
IsActive = TRUE
Name = proxy_rm1
Metric = 2
Weight = 0
IsActive = TRUE
The following configuration is used to add Diameter proxy with IMSI range based load balancing
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/dia-proxy ]
Name = dia-proxy
Description =
Type = diameter
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
EnableSticky = TRUE
StickySessionKey = User-Name#1
StickyCreationCmdList = 265
StickyDeletionCmdList = 275
MultiplePeersPolicy = IMSIRangeBased
PeerTimeOutPolicy = SendError
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = 112156000000001-112156001000000
Description =
Start = 112156000000001
End = 112156001000000
MultiplePeersPolicy = Failover
Entries 1 to 2 from 2 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = proxy_rm
Metric = 1
Weight = 0
IsActive = TRUE
Name = proxy_rm1
Metric = 2
Weight = 0
IsActive = TRUE
Name = murdcoh-ar1
HostName = murdoch-ar1
IsVendorSpecific = FALSE
ApplicationID = 1
Metric = 2
Name = hss1
HostName =
IsVendorSpecific = FALSE
ApplicationID = 1
Metric = 2
Name = redirectserver
HostName =
IsVendorSpecific = FALSE
ApplicationID = 1
Metric = 2
Property Description
Name Required; name of the Diameter server.
Realm Required; realm of the route. Must be unique for a route table.
Incoming Script Optional; enabled when role is set to Proxy or Local. When set, must be
the name of a known incoming script. Prime Access Registrar runs the
IncomingScript before proxying the diameter packet to the remote
diameter server.
Outgoing Script Optional; enabled when role is set to Proxy or Local. When set, must be
the name of a known outgoing script. Prime Access Registrar runs the
after it receives the response from the remote Diameter server.
Description Optional; description of the Diameter server.
Role Required; specifies the role that the diameter entity will play in resolving
messages matching the realm.
The role can be any one of the following:
Relay - Application acting as a Relay Agent.
Redirect - Application acting as a Redirect Agent.
Proxy - Application acting as a Proxy Agent. When the role is set to
Proxy, the IncomingScript and OutgoingScript points are enabled.
Local - Application processes the requests locally. When the role is set
to Local, the AuthenticationService and AccountingService are enabled.
By default, the Proxy option is selected. However, you can select another
option from the drop-down list.
AuthenticationService Required; used when service is configured to process the diameter
requests locally. Set to valid service of type (local/ldap/odbc) to
authenticate the user. This field is displayed when you select the role type
as ‘Local’ in the Role field.
AccountingService Required; used when service is configured to process the accounting
requests locally. Set to valid accounting service of type
(file/odbc-accounting) to write the accounting records. This field is
displayed when you select the role type as ‘Local’ in the Role field.
Type Required; specifies the service type.The service type ‘Diameter’ is
automatically displayed in this field.
Peer Definitions tab
This tab is displayed when you select the ‘Local’, ‘Relay’, or ‘Redirect’option in the Role field.
Name Required; name of the peer.
Host Name Required; the hostname or IP address of the peer. The hostname must
exist in the client list for the route to be active.
Metric Required; metric value for the peer entry. The higher the value the lower
the preference. The highest value of preference is 0.
Property Description
VendorSpecific Required; the default is FALSE. If set to FALSE, the application is
ordinary application and user is prompted to enter the ApplicationID. If
set to TRUE, the application is a VendorSpecific Application. User is
prompted to enter VendorSpecificApplicationID and VendorID.
VendorID Required; specifies the VendorID for the application.
VendorSpecificApplicationID 16777216
VendorID 10415
VendorSpecificApplicatio Required; specifies the integer value for the vendor specific application.
ApplicationID Required; application used in the route. The application Id should be
available in /Advanced/Diameter/Applications.
Applications tab
This tab is displayed when you select the ‘Proxy’ option in the Role field.
Name Required; name of the application.
Description The description of the application.
ApplicationID Required; specifies the unique integer value for the application. It
represents the applicationid of the Application used for load balancing
the diameter messages.
EnableSticky Required; default is FALSE. If set to True, the sticky entries for load
balancing is enabled and the user is prompted to enter the values for
StickySessionKey, StickyCreationCmdList, and
DeMultiplexCCTerminate Optional; default is FALSE. If set to True, Prime Access Registrar
Request generates and sends multiple Credit Control Update (CCR-U) requests
corresponding to an incoming diameter Credit Control Termination
(CCR-T) request, while proxying Gy messages between the Gateway
GPRS Support Node (GGSN) and Online charging system (OCS).
The CCR-U requests are generated based on the number of RGs present
in CCR-T message.
MultiplePeersPolicy Required; must be set to RoundRobin, FailOver, GroupFailOver, or
IMSIRangeBased. Policy used by the Prime Access Registrar server to
load balance the peers.
Property Description
StickySessionKey Required; used as the sticky key for mapping the sticky sessions. Set the
value to a valid AVP in order to use the sticky key for maintaining
diameter sessions. This ensures that Prime Access Registrar maps the
request to the same server for all the subsequent messages using the
sticky key. For example, set StickyAVP “Session-Id”.
When the Prime Access Registrar server receives the CCR-I request,
Prime Access Registrar extracts the Session-Id from the request packet,
maps the Session to the peer configured in the list, and forwards the
request to the chosen peer. Prime Access Registrar chooses the same
peer for all the subsequent messages (CCR-Update/CCR-Terminate)
with same Session-Id.
StickyCreationCmdList Required; specifies the command list to create the sticky entries.Specify
the list of ‘||’ separated command code, AVP name, and its value to create
the sticky sessions.
The following is the StickyCreationCmdList format:
<commandcode1>::<AVPName1=Value1> ||
For example, if the sticky session entries need to created based on
command code ‘265’or based on command code ‘271’ with
Accounting-Record-Type value as 2, use the format below:
Set StickyCreationCmdList “265||271::
StickyDeletionCmdList Required; specifies the command list to delete the sticky entries.Specify
the list of ‘||’ separated command code, AVP name, and its value to delete
the sticky sessions.
The following is the StickyDeletionCmdList format:
<commandcode1>::<AVPName1=Value1> ||
For example, if the sticky session entries need to deleted based on
command code ‘271’ with Accounting-Record-Type value as 4, use the
format below:
Set StickyDeletionCmdList “271:: Accounting-Record-Type=4”
Peer Definitions Proxy tab
Name Required; name of the peer.
Host Name Required; hostname or IP address of the peer. The HostName must exist
in the client list for the route to be active.
Metric Required; metric value for this peer entry. The higher the value the lower
the preference. The highest value of preference is 0.
Property Description
Weight Required; default value is 0. Specifies the weight percentage for which
the service needs to load balance the peer.
Note When you set the weight to a value other than 0, the weight
should be in multiples of 10 and the sum of the weights
configured in the peer list should be equal to 100.
IMSIRanges Required; used for load balancing. The value is set to comma separated
values of IMSI Ranges.
For example, set IMSIRanges
Note Prime Access Registrar uses the AVP configured in StickyAVP
property to check whether the IMSI is in valid range.
Prime Access Registrar supports the M3UA service, which is used to fetch MSISDN from IMSI through
RADIUS Packets. The M3UA service sends a SendRoutingInfoForLCS(SRIForLCS) request that
contains the IMSI information to the remote HLR. The HLR sends the MSISDN in response. To fetch
the MSISDN information from IMSI, you need to configure the SIGTRAN-M3UA remote server where
Prime Access Registrar is installed. See “SIGTRAN-M3UA” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide for more information.
The M3UA service checks for IMSI environment variable to fetch the MSISDN information. If there is
no IMSI environment variable set, then the User-Name in the Radius Access-Request is used as IMSI
to fetch the MSISDN information. The fetched MSISDN is copied to the AuthorizationInfo
environment variable where you can write a script to copy the environment variable to any attribute of
your choice. For the list of environment variables, see the “Environment Dictionary” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
Note M3UA service supports fetching the MSISDN only through SIGTRAN-M3UA interface.
Property Description
Type Required; must set to M3UA service.
IncomingScript Optional; when set, must be the name of a known incoming script.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs the IncomingScript after it receives the
OutgoingScript Optional; when set, must be the name of a known outgoing script.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs the just before it sends the proxy
request to the remote server.
OutagePolicy Required; the default is DropPacket. This property defines how
Prime Access Registrar handles requests if all servers listed in the
RemoteServers properties are unavailable (that is, all remote RADIUS
servers are not available). You must set it to one of the following:
AcceptAll, DropPacket, or RejectAll.
OutageScript Optional; set this property to the name of a script. Prime Access Registrar
runs the script when an outage occurs. It allows you to create a script that
notifies you when the RADIUS server detects a failure.
RemoteServers Required; an indexed list from 1 to <n>. Each entry in the list is the name
of a RemoteServer of type SIGTRAN-M3UA.
Session Managers
You can use Session Managers to track user sessions. The Session Managers monitor the flow of requests
from each NAS and detect the session state. When requests come through to the Session Manager, it
creates sessions, allocates resources from appropriate Resource Managers, and frees and deletes sessions
when users log out.
The Session Manager enables you to allocate dynamic resources to users for the lifetime of their session.
You can define one or more Session Managers and have each one manage the sessions for a particular
group or company.
Note Session record size is limited by the operating system (OS) paging size (4 KB in Linux). If a request
triggers creation of a session that exceeds the OS paging size, the request will be dropped and the session
will not be created.
Note In this release of Prime Access Registrar, the memory capacity is enhanced to store more than 4 million
active sessions by storing the active session records in database server instead of storing it in the main
memory. The capacity is dependent on the number of attributes that are being captured for each session.
Note If the disk partition where Prime Access Registrar stores session backing store data (usually the disk
partition where Prime Access Registrar is installed, such as /opt/CSCOar) is full, the subsequent
packets that try to create sessions will be dropped and no sessions will be created due to lack of disk
Session Managers use Resource Managers, which in turn, manage a pool of resources of a particular
type. Table 5-25 lists the Session Manager properties.
Prime Access Registrar adds IncomingScript, OutgoingScript, and SessionKey properties. The
IncomingScript is run as soon as the session is acquired. The OutgoingScript is run just before the
session is written to backing store. The SessionKey property sets the session key value for the Session
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Session Managers list.
Description Optional description of the Session Manager.
Type Set to local or remote. Local is the traditional session manager that
maintains sessions in memory and has good performance. The remote
session manager operates on a remote ODBC database, and its
performance is highly dependent on the performance of the ODBC
IncomingScript Optional; name of script to run when the service starts. This script is run
as soon as the session is acquired in Prime Access Registrar.
OutgoingScript Optional; script to be run just before the session is written to backing
SessionTimeOut The SessionTimeOut property is optional; no value for this property
means the session timeout feature is disabled.
Used in conjunction with /Radius/Advanced/SessionPurgeInterval for
the session timeout feature. Enables the session timeout feature for a
Session Manager. If the SessionTimeOut property is set to a value under
a session manager, all sessions that belong to that session manager will
be checked for timeouts at each SessionPurgeInterval. If any sessions
have timed out, they will be released, and all resources associated with
those sessions are also released.
The SessionTimeOut property determines the timeout for a session. If the
time difference between the current time and the last update time is
greater than this property’s value, the session is considered to be stale.
The last update time of the session is the time at which the session was
created or updated.
The SessionTimeOut value is comprised of a number and a units
indicator, as in n units, where a unit is one of minutes, hours, days, or
weeks. The default unit is ‘days’.
AllowAccountingStartToC Set to TRUE by default; start the session when the
reateSession Prime Access Registrar server receives an Access Accept or an
When set to FALSE, start the session when the Prime Access Registrar
server receives an Access Accept.
Resource Managers Ordered list of Resource Managers.
Property Description
PhantomSessionTimeOut Optional; no value for this property means the phantom session timeout
feature is disabled.
The PhantomSessionTimeOut property is used in conjunction with
/Radius/Advanced/SessionPurgeInterval to enable the phantom session
timeout feature for Session Manager.
If the PhantomSessionTimeOut property is set to a value under a session
manager, all sessions that belong to that session manager will be checked
for receipt of an Accounting-Start packet. Sessions that do not receive an
Accounting-Start packet from creation until its timeout will be released.
The PhantomSessionTimeOut value comprises a number and a units
indicator, as in n units, where a unit is one of minutes, hours, days, or
weeks. The default unit is ‘days’
SessionKey SessionKey property is used to set the sessionkey value for the Session
The SessionManager checks whether the environmental variable
Session-Key is set or not. If the environmental variable is set, the server
uses it as the sessionkey. If environmental variable Session-Key is not set
then SessionManager gets the value configured in the SessionKey
property under SessionManager.
SessionKey can be a combination of attributes separated by a colon. The
values for those attributes are obtained from the RequestDictionary. If any
one of the attribute that is configured for the sessionkey is not present in
the RequestDictionary, Prime Access Registrar will drop the request.
However, if Session-Key is not set, SessionManager uses NAS-Identifier
and NAS-Port to create the sessionkey. An example configuration,
--> set SessionKey "User-Name:NAS-Port"
The following shows the sample configuration of sessionkey for Session
[ //localhost/Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-1 ]
Name = session-mgr-1
Description =
Type = local
EnableDiameter = FALSE
IncomingScript =
OutoingScript =
AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession = TRUE
SessionTimeOut =
PhantomSessionTimeOut =
SessionKey =
You can manage sessions with the two aregcmd session management commands: query-sessions and
release-sessions. For more information about these two commands, see the query-sessions, page 4-9 and
the release-sessions, page 4-9.
This section contains the following topics:
• Session Creation
• Session Notes
• Soft Group Session Limit
• Session Correlation Based on User-Defined Attributes
Session Creation
Cisco Prime Access Registrar Sessions can be created by two types of RADIUS packets:
• Access-Requests
• Accounting-Requests with an Acct-Status-Type attribute with a value of Start.
This allows Cisco Prime Access Registrar to monitor Sessions even when it is not allocating resources.
For example, when Cisco Prime Access Registrar is being used as an “Accounting-Only” server (only
receiving Accounting requests), it can create a Session for each Accounting “Start” packet it successfully
processes. The corresponding Accounting “Stop” request will clean up the Session. Note, if a Session
already exists for that NAS/NAS-Port/User (created by an Access-Request),
Cisco Prime Access Registrar will not create a new one.
When you do not want Cisco Prime Access Registrar to create Sessions for Accounting “Start” requests,
simply set the AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession property on the SessionManager to FALSE.
Session Notes
Session Notes are named text messages attached to a Session and are stored with the Session data,
including resources allocated for a specific user session. This data, including Session Notes, can be
retrieved and viewed using the aregcmd command query-sessions.
--> query-sessions /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-2
sessions for /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-2:
S257 NAS: localhost, NAS-Port:1, User-Name: user1, Time: 00:00:08,
IPX 0x1, GSL 1, USL 1, NOTES: "Date" "Today is 12/14/98.", "Requested
IP Address" "", "Framed-IP-Address" ""
Session Notes can be created by Scripts using the Environment dictionary passed into each or by the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar server. When more than one Session Note is added, the Session-Notes
entry should be a comma-separated list of entry names.
Step 1 The Script should create an Environment dictionary entry using the Session Note name as the entry
name, and the Session Note text as the entry value. For example:
$environ put "Date" "Today is 12/15/08"
$environ put "Request IP Address" ""
Step 2 The Script should create or set an Environment dictionary entry with the name Session-Notes with a
value that contains the name of the entries created. For example:
$environ put "Session-Notes" "Date, Requested_IP_Address"
Step 1 The Script should create an Environment dictionary entry using the Session Note name as the entry
name, and the Session Note text as the entry value. For example:
pEnviron-->put(pEnviron, Date, "Today is 12/15/08.");
pEnviron-->put(pEnviron, Request_IP_Address, "");
Step 2 The Script should create/set an Environment dictionary entry with the name Session-Notes with a value
that contains the name of the first entry created. For example:
pEnviron-->put(pEnviron, "Session-Notes", "Date, Requested_IP_Address”);
Note Scripts creating Session Notes must be executed before the Session Management step takes place while
processing a packet.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar will automatically create a Session Note if a packet is passed to a
SessionManager and it already contains a Framed-IP-Address attribute in the packet’s Response
dictionary. This IP address could come from a Profile, RemoteServer response, or from a previously
executed script. For example, a Session output containing Session Notes when using the aregcmd
command query-session would be as follows:
sessions for /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-2:
S257 NAS: localhost, NAS-Port:1, User-Name: user1, Time: 00:00:08,
IPX 0x1, GSL 1, USL 1, NOTES: "Date" "Today is 12/14/08.", "Requested
IP Address" "", "Framed-IP-Address" ""
Session Notes are also copied into the Environment dictionary after Session Management. The
Session-Notes Environment dictionary entry will contain the names of all the Environment dictionary
entries containing Session Notes.
In Prime Access Registrar, a major command is introduced—count-sessions. The
count-sessions /radius all command helps to count the total sessions in Prime Access Registrar. The
options are similar to the query-session command options. The query-session command displays cached
attributes in addition to session details.
Note The soft limit itself is hard coded in the script; soft limits are not directly supported in the server. The
action to be taken when the soft limit is exceeded (for example, Class = 1, and then the accounting
software branches on the value of Class) is also the responsibility of the script and/or external software.
Resource Managers
Resource Managers allow you to allocate dynamic resources to user sessions. The following lists the
different types of Resource Managers.
• IP-Dynamic—manages a pool of IP addresses that allows you to dynamically allocate IP addresses
from a pool of addresses
• IP-Per-NAS-Port—allows you to associate ports to specific IP addresses, and thus ensure each NAS
port always gets the same IP address
• IPX-Dynamic—manages a pool of IPX network addresses
• Subnet-Dynamic—manages a pool of subnet addresses
• Group-Session-Limit—manages concurrent sessions for a group of users; that is, it keeps track of
how many sessions are active and denies new sessions after the configured limit has been reached
• User-Session-Limit—manages per-user concurrent sessions; that is, it keeps track of how many
sessions each user has and denies the user a new session after the configured limit has been reached
• Home-Agent—manages a pool of on-demand IP addresses
• USR-VPN—manages Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that use USR NAS Clients.
• Home-Agent-IPv6—manages a pool of on-demand IPv6 addresses
• Remote-IP-Dynamic—manages a pool of IP addresses that allows you to dynamically allocate IP
addresses from a pool of addresses. It internally works with a remote ODBC database.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Resource Managers list.
Description Optional; description of the Resource Manager.
Type Required; must be either Dynamic-DNS, IP-Dynamic,
IP-Per-NAS-Port, IPX-Dynamic, Session Cache, Subnet-Dynamic,
Group-Session-Limit, Home-Agent, User-Session-Limit, USR-VPN,
Home-Agent-IPv6, Remote-IP-Dynamic,
Remote-User-Session-Limit, Remote-Group-Session-Limit or
Note Resource Manager supports the following remote type session managers: remote-ip-dynamic,
remote-session-cache, home-agent, remote-user-session-limit, home-agent-ipv6 and
• User-Session-Limit
• Dynamic-DNS
• Remote-IP-Dynamic
• Remote-User-Session-Limit
• Remote-Group-Session-Limit
• Remote-Session-Cache
• 3GPP
Group-Session-Limit allows you to manage concurrent sessions for a group of users; that is, it keeps
track of how many sessions are active and denies new sessions after the configured limit has been
When you use this Resource Manager, you must set the GroupSessionLimit property to the maximum
number of concurrent sessions for all users.
Home-Agent is a resource manager that supports dynamic HA assignment. You configure the
home-agent resource manager with a list of IP addresses. The Prime Access Registrar server assigns
those addresses to clients whose request dictionary has the right attributes to indicate that an assignment
should be done. This is similar to the ip-dynamic resource manager.
Unlike the ip-dynamic resource manager, HAs are not exclusively allocated to an individual session but
are shared among a set of sessions.
Detailed configuration information for the Home-Agent resource manager is found in the “Wireless”
chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide. When you use this Resource
Manager, you must set the Home-Agent-IPAddresses property to a single IP address or a range of IP
Home-Agent-Ipv6 is a new resource manager used to configure IPv6 address.
IP-Dynamic allows you to manage a pool of IP addresses from which you dynamically allocate IP
When you use the IP-Dynamic Resource Manager, provide values for the properties listed in Table 5-27.
Property Description
NetMask Required; must be set to a valid net mask.
IPAddresses Required; must be a list of IP address ranges.
Property Description
AllowOverlappedIPAddresses When set to TRUE, this property supports overlapping IP
addresses between session managers for VPN users. Default
value is FALSE.
ReuseIPForSameSessionKeyAndUser When set to FALSE, this property does not reuse IP address
resources for a session. Default value is TRUE.
IP-Per-NAS-Port allows you to associate specific IP addresses with specific NAS ports and thus ensures
each NAS port always gets the same IP address.
When you use this Resource Manager, provide values for the properties listed in Table 5-28.
Note You must have the same number of IP addresses and ports.
Property Description
NetMask Required; if used, must be set to a valid net mask.
NAS Required; must be the name of a known Client.This value must be the
same as the NAS-Identifier attribute in the Access-Request packet.
IPAddresses Required; must be a list of IP address ranges.
NASPorts Required list of NAS ports.
An IPX-Dynamic Resource Manager allows you to dynamically manage a pool of IPX networks. When
you use the IPX-Dynamic Resource Manager, you must set the Networks property to a valid set of
numbers which correspond to your networks.
Note You cannot use IPX network number 0x0. If you attempt to configure a Resource Manager with an IPX
network number of 0x0, validation will fail.
The session-cache Resource Manager supports the Identity Cache feature. You use session-cache
Resource Managers to define the RADIUS attributes to store in cache. Set the QueryKey property to the
XML attribute you want to key on such as XML-Address-format-IPv4 and list all attributes to be cached
in the AttributesToBeCached subdirectory. Use the QueryMappings subdirectory to map XML attributes
to RADIUS attributes.
Property Description
QueryKey Required; set the QueryKey to the a RADIUS attribute you want to key
on, such as Framed-IP-Address.
A change made in Prime Access Registrar requires that this attribute not
be an XML attribute, even if this session-cache resource manager is being
used for an XML query.
Note Any existing session-cache resource managers using an XML
attribute for the Query Key must be changed to a RADIUS
attribute that this XML attribute is mapped to under
PendingRemovalDelay Required; length of time information remains in the cache after the
session ends (defaults to 10 seconds)
AttributesToBeCached Required; use this subdirectory to provide a list of RADIUS attributes
you want to store in cache
QueryMappings Required; list of attribute pairs, mapping the XML attributes on the
left-hand side to the RADIUS attribute on the right-hand side.
Note Session record size is limited by the operating system (OS) paging size (4 KB in Linux). If a request
triggers creation of a session that exceeds the OS paging size, the request will be dropped and the session
will not be created.
If the disk partition where Prime Access Registrar stores session backing store data (usually the disk
partition where Prime Access Registrar is installed, such as /opt/CSCOar) is full, the subsequent
packets that try to create sessions will be dropped and no sessions will be created due to lack of disk
The subnet-dynamic Resource Manager supports the On Demand Address Pool feature. You use
subnet-dynamic resource managers to provide pools of subnet addresses. Following is an example of the
configuration of a subnet dynamic resource manager:
Name = newResourceMgr
Description =
Type = subnet-dynamic
Subnet-Mask =
When you use the subnet-dynamic Resource Manager, provide values for the properties listed in
Table 5-30.
Property Description
Type Required
Subnet mask Required; must be set to the size of the managed subnets
SubnetAddresses Required; must be a valid range of IP addresses
User-Session-Limit allows you to manage per-user concurrent sessions; that is, it keeps track of how
many sessions each user has and denies the user a new session after the configured limit has been
When you use the user-session-limit Resource Manager, set the user-session-limit property to the
maximum number of concurrent sessions for a particular user.
USR-VPN allows you to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) using a US Robotics NAS.
When you use this Resource Manager, provide values for the properties listed in Table 5-31.
Property Description
Identifier Required; must be set to the VPN ID the USR NAS will use to identify a
Neighbor Optional; if set, should be the IP address of the next hop router for the
FramedRouting Optional; if set, should be RIP V2 Off or RIP V2 On if the USR NAS is
to run RIP Version 2 for the user.
Gateway includes a list of names of the Frame Relay Gateways for which to encrypt the
session key.
Name Required; must be unique in the Gateways list.
Description Optional description of the gateway.
IPAddress Required; IP address of the gateway.
SharedSecret Required; must match the shared secret of the gateway.
TunnelRefresh Optional; if specified it is the number of seconds the tunnel stays active
before a secure “keepalive” is exchanged between the tunnel peers in
order to maintain the tunnel open.
LocationID Optional; if specified it is a string indicating the physical location of the
Prime Access Registrar supports the Dynamic DNS protocol providing the ability to update DNS
When you use this Resource Manager, provide values for the properties listed in Table 5-32.
Fields Description
Max DNS TTLS Set the maximum TTL of the DNS record.
DNS Host bytes Set the number of bytes to be used to construct the reverse zone entry.
Forward Zone Name Set the name of the forward zone. For a given Resource Manager you
must decide which forward zone you will be updating for sessions the
resource manager will manage.
Reverse Zone Name Set the name of the reverse zone.
Forward Zone Server Set the Server IP of the forward zone
Reverse Zone Server Set the Server IP of the reverse zone
Forward Zone TSIG KeyS Server-wide security key to process all forward zone dynamic DNS
updates. This is used if a ForwardZoneTSIGKey was not specified on
the Resource Manager.
Reverse Zone TSIG Keys Server-wide security key to process all reverse zone dynamic DNS
updates. This is used if a ReverseZoneTSIGKey was not specified on
the Resource Manager
The configuration is same as IP-Dynamic but internally it works with a remote ODBC database.
The configuration is same as User-Session-Limit but internally it works with a remote ODBC database.
The configuration is same as Group-Session-Limit but internally it works with a remote ODBC database.
The configuration is same as Session-Cache but it should be used with session manager of type remote.
Prime Access Registrar provides a resource manager for 3GPP authorization. When you use this
Resource Manager, provide values for the properties listed in Table 5-33.
Fields Description
EnableRegistrationFlow Set to TRUE to enable registration flow during 3GPP authorization.
EnableSessionTermination Set to TRUE to enable session termination during 3GPP
ReuseExistingSession Set to TRUE to reuse existing session during 3GPP authorization.
HSSProxyService Required; the HSS proxy service to use in the 3GPP authorization
You use Profiles to group RADIUS attributes that belong together, such as attributes that are appropriate
for a particular class of PPP or Telnet user. You can reference profiles by name from either the
UserGroup or the User properties. Thus, if the specifications of a particular profile change, you can
make the change in a single place and have it propagated throughout your user community.
Although you can use UserGroups or Profiles in a similar manner, choosing whether to use one rather
than the other depends on your site. When you require some choice in determining how to authorize or
authenticate a user session, then creating specific profiles, and creating a group that uses a script to
choose among them is more flexible.
In such a situation, you might create a default group, and then write a script that selects the appropriate
profile based on the specific request. The benefit to this technique is each user can have a single entry,
and use the appropriate profile depending on the way they log in.
Table 5-34 lists the Profile properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Profiles list.
Description Optional; description of the profile.
Attributes Profiles include specific RADIUS attributes that
Cisco Prime Access Registrar returns in the Access-Accept response.
Attributes are specific RADIUS components of requests and responses defined in the Request and
Response Attribute dictionaries. Use the aregcmd command set to assign values to attributes.
For a complete list of the attributes, see the “RADIUS Attributes” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
When setting a value for a STRING-type attribute such as Connect-Info (which starts with an integer),
you must use the hexadecimal representation of the integer. For example, to set the attribute
Connect-Info to a value of 7:7, use a set command like the following:
set Connect-Info 37:3A:37
Translations add new attributes to a packet or change an existing attribute from one value to another.
The Translations subdirectory lists all definitions of Translations the RADIUS server can apply to
certain packets.
Under the /Radius/Translations directory, any translation to insert, substitute, or translate attributes can
be added. The following is a sample configuration under the /Radius/Translations directory:
cd /Radius/Translations
Add T1
cd T1
Set DeleAttrs Session-Timeout,Called-Station-Id
cd Attributes
Set Calling-Station-Id 18009998888
DeleAttrs is the set of attributes to be deleted from the packet. Each attribute is comma separated and
no spaces are allowed between attributes. All attribute value pairs under the attributes subdirectory are
the attributes and values that are going to be added or translated to the packet.
Under the /Radius/Translations/T1/Attributes directory, inserted or translated attribute value pairs can
be set. These attribute value pairs are either added to the packet or replaced with the new value.
If a translation applies to an Access-Request packet, by referencing the definition of that translation, the
Prime Access Registrar server modifies the Request dictionary and inserts, filters and substitutes the
attributes accordingly. You can set many translations for one packet and the Prime Access Registrar
server applies these translations sequentially.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Translations list.
Description Optional; description of the Translation
DeleteAttrs Optional; lists attributes to be filtered out
You can add translation groups for different user groups under TranslationGroups. All Translations
under the Translations subdirectory are applied to those packets that fall into the groups. The groups are
integrated with the Prime Access Registrar Rule engine.
The Prime Access Registrar Administrator can use any RADIUS attribute to determine the Translation
Group. The incoming and outgoing translation group can be different translation groups. For example,
you can set one translation group for incoming translations and one for outgoing translations.
Under the /Radius/TranslationGroups directory, translations can be grouped and applied to certain sets
of packets, which are referred to in a rule. The following is a sample configuration under the
/Radius/TranslationGroups directory:
cd /Radius/TranslationGroups
Add CiscoIncoming
cd CiscoIncoming
cd Translations
Set 1 T1
The translation group is referenced through the Prime Access Registrar Policy Engine in the
/Radius/Rules/<RuleName>/Attributes directory. Incoming-Translation-Groups are set to a
translation group (for example CiscoIncoming) and Outgoing-Translation-Groups to another
translation group (for example CiscoOutgoing). Table 5-36 lists the Translation Group properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Translations list.
Description Optional; description of the Translation Group
Translations Lists of translation
Remote Servers
You can use the RemoteServers object to specify the properties of the remote servers to which Services
proxy requests. RemoteServers are referenced by name from the RemoteServers list in either the
radius, ldap or tacacs-udp Services.
Note You must not configure a remote server with an IP address, which is same as that of the client. This is
applicable for all types of remote servers.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the RemoteServers list.
Description Optional; description of the remote server.
Protocol Required; specifies the remote server protocol which can be radius, ldap, or
IPAddress Required; this property specifies where to send the proxy request. It is the address
of the remote server. You must set it to a valid IP address.
The IP address format is enhanced to support IPv6 apart from IPv4 only for the
RADIUS type remote server.
Property Description
Port Required; the port to which Cisco Prime Access Registrar sends proxy requests.
You must specify a number greater than zero. If there is no default port number,
you must supply the correct port number for your remote server.
If you set a port to zero, Prime Access Registrar sets the port to the default value
for the type of remote server being configured. For example, the following remote
servers have these default port values:
ReactivateTimerI Required; the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying a remote
nterval server that was offline. You must specify a number greater than zero. The default
is 300,000 (5 minutes).
Types of Protocols
The Remote Server protocol you specify determines what additional information you must provide. The
following are the protocols available in Prime Access Registrar with their required and optional fields.
Prime Access Registrar provides the following RemoteServer protocol types:
• Dynamic DNS
• Map-Gateway
• Sigtran
• ODBC-Accounting
• OCI-Accounting
• Prepaid-CRB
• Prepaid-IS835C
• Diameter
Dynamic DNS
The dynamic-dns RemoteServer is used with the Dynamic DNS feature. The following is the default
configuration of a dynamic-dns RemoteServer.
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/ddns ]
Name = ddns
Description =
Protocol = dynamic-dns
IPAddress =
Port = 53
MaxTries = 3
InitialTimeout = 2000
MaxDNSRenamingRetries = 3
TrimHostName = TRUE
ForwardZoneTSIGKey =
ReverseZoneTSIGKey =
Property Description
IPAddress The IPAddress address of the DNS server
Port Port 53 is the port that most DNS servers will use as a default
MaxTries Number of times the server tries to send dynamic updates to a DNS server
InitialTimeout Time, in milliseconds, that the server waits for a response before retrying
a dynamic DNS request
MaxRenamingRetries Number of times that the dynamic-dns resource managers can try to add
a host in DNS even if it detects that the host's name is already present.
This controls the number of times Prime Access Registrar tries to modify
a host's name to resolve a conflict on each failed update.
TrimHostName Controls whether Prime Access Registrar trims the hostname string to the
first period character (used to update dynamic DNS update records and to
return the hostname option to clients). If this attribute is enabled, the
hostname is truncated before the period. If disabled, the server retains the
period characters in the hostname.
ForwardZoneTSIGKey Server-wide security key to process all forward zone dynamic DNS
updates. This is used if a ForwardZoneTSIGKey was not specified on the
Resource Manager.
ForwardZoneTSIGKey Server-wide security key to process all forward zone dynamic DNS
updates. This is used if a ForwardZoneTSIGKey was not specified on the
Resource Manager.
ReverseZoneTSIGKey Server-wide security key to process all reverse zone dynamic DNS
updates. This is used if a ReverseZoneTSIGKey was not specified on the
Resource Manager.
ldap specifies an LDAP server. When you specify the ldap protocol, provide the information listed in
Table 5-39.
For any LDAP remote service, the server might perform the environment mappings at any time. This
means that if the service is set to either authentication and authorization, authentication-only, or
authorization-only, environment mappings will take place. RADIUS mappings will take place only if the
service is set to perform authorization. Checkitem mappings will take place only if the service is set to
perform authentication. Previously environment mappings only occurred when the service was set for
both authentication and authorization. RADIUS mappings, environment mappings, and checkitem
mappings will not take place, if bind-based authentication is enabled.
Property Description
Port Required; defaults to port 389.
Timeout Required; the default is 15. The timeout property indicates how
many seconds the RADIUS server will wait for a response from the
LDAP server.
Note Use InitialTimeout from above as a template, except this is
timeout is specified in seconds.
HostName Required; the LDAP server’s hostname or IP address.
BindName Optional; the distinguished name (dn) to use when establishing a
connection between the LDAP and RADIUS servers.
BindPassword Optional; the password associated with the BindName.
SearchPath Required; the path that indicates where in the LDAP database to
start the search for user information.
(Overridden by Search-Path
environment variable)
Filter Required; this specifies the search filter
Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses when querying the LDAP
server for user information. When you configure this property, use
the notation “%s” to indicate where the user ID should be inserted.
For example, a typical value for this property is “(uid=%s),” which
means that when querying for information about user joe, use the
filter uid=joe.
UserPasswordAttribute Required; this specifies which LDAP field the RADIUS server
should check for the user’s password.
LimitOutstandingRequests Required; the default is FALSE. Cisco Prime Access Registrar
uses this property in conjunction with the
MaxOutstandingRequests property to tune the RADIUS server’s
use of the LDAP server.
When you set this property to TRUE, the number of outstanding
requests for this RemoteServer is limited to the value you specified
in MaxOutstandingRequests. When the number of requests
exceeds this number, Cisco Prime Access Registrar queues the
remaining requests, and sends them as soon as the number of
outstanding requests drops to this number.
MaxOutstandingRequests Required when you have set the LimitOutstandingRequests to
TRUE. The number you specify, which must be greater than zero,
determines the maximum number of outstanding requests allowed
for this remote server.
Property Description
MaxReferrals Required; must be a number equal to or greater than zero. This
property indicates how many referrals are allowed when looking
up user information. When you set this property to zero, no
referrals are allowed.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar manages referrals by allowing the
RADIUS server’s administrator to indicate an LDAP “referral
attribute,” which might or might not appear in the user information
returned from an LDAP query. When this information is returned
from a query, Cisco Prime Access Registrar assumes it is a referral
and initiates another query based on the referral. Referrals can also
contain referrals.
Note This is an LDAP v2 referral property.
ReferralAttribute Required when you have specified a MaxReferrals value. This
property specifies which LDAP attribute, returned from an LDAP
search, to check for referral information.
Note This is an LDAP v2 referral property.
ReferralFilter Required when you have specified a MaxReferral value. This is
the filter Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses when processing
referrals. When checking referrals, the information
Cisco Prime Access Registrar finds in the referral itself is
considered to be the search path and this property provides the
filter. The syntax is the same as that of the Filter property.
Note This is an LDAP v2 referral property.
PasswordEncryptionStyle The default is None. You can also specify crypt, dynamic,
SHA-1, and SSHA-1.
EscapeSpecialCharInUserName FALSE by default
DNSLookupAndLDAPRebindIn Specifies the timeout period after which the
terval Prime Access Registrar server will attempt to resolve the LDAP
hostname to IP address (DNS resolution); 0 by default
DataSourceConnections Specifies the number of concurrent connections to the LDAP
server. The default value is 8.
SearchScope Specifies how deep to search within a search path; default is
SubTree which indicates a search of the base object and the entire
subtree of which the base object distinguished name is the highest
Base indicates a search of the base object only.
OneLevel indicates a search of objects immediately subordinate to
the base object, but does not include the base object.
Property Description
LDAPToRadiusMappings Optional; a list of name/value pairs in which the name is the name
of the ldap attribute to retrieve from the user record, and the value
is the name of the RADIUS attribute to set to the value of the ldap
attribute retrieved.
For example, when the LDAPToRadiusMappings has the entry:
FramedIPAddress = Framed-IP-Address, the RemoteServer
retrieves the FramedIPAddress attribute from the ldap user entry
for the specified user, uses the value returned, and sets the
Response variable Framed-IP-Address to that value.
LDAPToEnvironmentMappings Optional; a list of name/value pairs in which the name is the name
of the ldap attribute to retrieve from the user record, and the value
is the name of the Environment variable to set to the value of the
ldap attribute retrieved.
For example, when the LDAPToEnvironmentMappings has the
entry: group = User-Group, the RemoteServer retrieves the
group attribute from the ldap user entry for the specified user, uses
the value returned, and sets the Environment variable User-Group
to that value.
LDAPToCheckItemMappings Optional; a list of LDAP attribute/value pairs which must be
present in the RADIUS access request and must match, both name
and value, for the check to pass.
For example, when the LDAPToCheckItemMappings has the
entry: group = User-Group, the Access Request must contain the
attribute group, and it must be set to User-Group.
UseSSL A boolean field indicating whether you want
Cisco Prime Access Registrar to use SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
when communicating with this RemoteServer. When you set it to
TRUE, be sure to specify the CertificateDBPath field in the
Advanced section, and be sure the port you specified for this
RemoteServer is the SSL port used by the LDAP server.
UseBinaryPasswordComparison A boolean field that enables binary password comparison for
authentication. This property when set to TRUE, enables binary
password comparison. By default, this property is set to FALSE.
UseBindBasedAuthentication A boolean field that enables bind-based authentication with LDAP
server. This property when set to TRUE, enables bind-based
authentication. By default, this property is set to FALSE. When set
to FALSE, it uses existing legacy authentication method.
The following is the default configuration of a map gateway RemoteServer.
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/map-gateway ]
Name = map-gateway
Description =
Protocol = map-gateway
IPAddress =
Port = 0
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
SharedSecret =
MaxTries = 3
InitialTimeout = 2000
The following is the default configuration of a Sigtran RemoteServer.
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/rs ]
Name = rs
Description =
Protocol = sigtran
HostName =
LocalSubSystemNumber =
CgPAGlobalTitleAddress =
GlobalTitleTranslationScript~ =
SUAConfigurationFilename =
ReactivateTimerInterval =
Timeout = 5000
LimitOutstandingRequests = FALSE
MaxOutstandingRequests = 0
Property Description
HostName Required; represents the IP address of remote Signalling Gateway
specified in the SUAConfiguration file.
LocalSubSystemNumber Required; the default value for this property is 0. This represents
the subsystem number used by SUA user.
CgPAGlobalTitleAddress Required; represents the Global Title Address of
SetOPCInCgPA Required; if it is set to TRUE, OPC will be used in
Property Description
Global TitleTranslationScript This is used to specify the name of script which is responsible for
translating IMSI to GTA.
SUAConfigurationFilename Required; used to specify the name of configuration file for SUA
stack initialization.
ReactivateTimerInterval Required; represents the reactivate time interval to re-connect after
Timeout Required; represents the how long the remote server should wait
before marking the request as timedout.
LimitOutstandingRequests Limits the outstanding request to HLR when it is set to TRUE.
MaxOutstandingRequests This represents the maximum outstanding request to HLR.
Note You should restart the Prime Access Registrar server, if you change any SIGTRAN related
odbc specifies an ODBC server. Cisco Prime Access Registrar provides a RemoteServer object (and a
service) to support Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), an open specification that provides application
developers a vendor-independent API with which to access data sources. Table 5-41 lists the odbc server
For any ODBC remote service, the server might perform the environment mappings at any time. This
means that if the service is set to either authentication and authorization, authentication-only, or
authorization-only, environment mappings will take place. RADIUS mappings will take place only if the
service is set to perform authorization. Checkitem mappings will take place only if the service is set to
perform authentication. Previously environment mappings only occurred when the service was set for
both authentication and authorization.
Property Description
Timeout Required; the default is 15. The timeout property indicates
how many seconds the RADIUS server will wait for a
response from the LDAP server.
Note Use InitialTimeout from above as a template, except
this is timeout is specified in seconds.
Protocol Must be set to odbc.
ReactivateTimerInterval Required; default is 300,000 milliseconds. Length of time to
wait before attempting to reconnect if a thread is not
connected to a data source.
Property Description
Data Source Connections Required; default is 8. This represents the total number of
connections Prime Access Registrar can open with the ODBC
server; total number of threads Prime Access Registrar can
create for the ODBC server.
ODBCDataSource Required; defines all items required for the odbc.ini file. The
Prime Access Registrar server automatically creates the
odbc.ini file based on these settings.
SQLDefinition SQLDefinition properties define the SQL you want to
Type—query (Prime Access Registrar supports only type
SQL—SQL query used to acquire the password
UserPasswordAttribute—Defines the database column
name for the user’s password.
MarkerList—Defines all markers for the query.
MarkerList uses the format
ODBCToRadiusMappings Optional; a list of name/value pairs in which the name is the
name of the odbc attribute to retrieve from the user record,
and the value is the name of the RADIUS attribute to set to the
value of the odbc attribute retrieved.
For example, when the ODBCToRadiusMappings has the
entry: FramedIPAddress = Framed-IP-Address, the
RemoteServer retrieves the FramedIPAddress attribute from
the odbc user entry for the specified user, uses the value
returned, and sets the Response variable Framed-IP-Address
to that value.
ODBCToEnvironmentMappings Optional; a list of name/value pairs in which the name is the
name of the odbc attribute to retrieve from the user record,
and the value is the name of the Environment variable to set to
the value of the odbc attribute retrieved.
For example, when the ODBCToEnvironmentMappings has
the entry: group = User-Group, the RemoteServer retrieves
the group attribute from the odbc user entry for the specified
user, uses the value returned, and sets the Environment
variable User-Group to that value.
ODBCToCheckItemMappings Optional; a list of ODBC attribute/value pairs which must be
present in the RADIUS access request and must match, both
name and value, for the check to pass.
For example, when the ODBCToCheckItemMappings has
the entry: group = User-Group, the Access Request must
contain the attribute group, and it must be set to User-Group.
If you use the Oracle Accounting feature, you must configure an ODBC-Accounting RemoteServer
object. Table 5-42 lists and defines the ODBC-Accounting RemoteServer properties.
Property Description
Name Name of the remote server; this property is mandatory, and there is no
Description Optional description of server
Protocol Must be set to odbc-accounting
ReactivateTimerInterval Mandatory time interval (in milliseconds) to activate an inactive
server; defaults to 300000 ms.
Timeout Mandatory time interval (in seconds) to wait for SQL operation to
complete; defaults to 15 seconds
DataSourceConnections Mandatory number of connections to be established; defaults to 8
ODBCDataSource Name of the ODBCDataSource to use and must refer to one entry in
the list of ODBC datasources configured under
/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources. Mandatory; no default
KeepAliveTimerInterval Mandatory time interval (in milliseconds) to send a keepalive to keep
the idle connection active; defaults to zero (0) meaning the option is
BufferAccountingPackets Mandatory, TRUE or FALSE, determines whether to buffer the
accounting packets to local file, defaults to TRUE which means that
packet buffering is enabled.
Note When set to TRUE, a constant flow of incoming accounting
packets can fill the buffer backing store files in
/cisco-ar/data/odbc beyond the size configured in
MaximumBufferFileSize. Configure
BackingStoreDiscThreshold in /Radius/Advanced when
using ODBC accounting. See Advanced, page 5-65 for
information about how to configure
MaximumBufferFileSize Mandatory if BufferAccountingPackets is set to TRUE, determines the
maximum buffer file size, defaults to 10 Megabyte)
NumberOfRetriesForBuffer Mandatory if BufferAccountingPackets is set to TRUE. A number
dPacket greater than zero determines the number of attempts to be made to
insert the buffered packet into Oracle. Defaults to 3.
OCI service can be used to authenticate and authorize an access request by querying user information
through OCI and to insert accounting records into a data store through OCI. For more information on
OCI server properties, see the “Using the Graphical User Interface” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
If you use the Oracle Accounting feature, you must configure an OCI-Accounting RemoteServer object.
For more information on OCI accounting server properties, see the “Using the Graphical User Interface”
chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
The following is the default configuration of a prepaid-crb RemoteServer. The Filename property is the
name of the required shared library provided by the billing vendor. See the “Using Prepaid Billing”
chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide for more information on Prepaid -CRB.
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/prepaid-crb ]
Name = prepaid-crb
Description =
Protocol = prepaid-crb
IPAddress =
Port = 0
Filename =
Connections = 8
The following is the default configuration of a prepaid-is835c RemoteServer. The Filename property is
the name of the required shared library provided by the billing vendor. See the “Using Prepaid Billing”
chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide for more information on Prepaid -IS835C.
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/prepaid-is835c ]
Name = prepaid-is835c
Description =
Protocol = prepaid-is835c
IPAddress =
Port = 0
Filename =
Connections = 8
radius specifies a RADIUS server. When you specify the radius protocol, supply the information in
Table 5-43.
Property Description
SharedSecret Required; the secret shared between the remote server and the RADIUS
IncomingScript Optional; when set, must be the name of a known incoming script.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs the IncomingScript after it receives the
OutgoingScript Optional; when set, must be the name of a known outgoing script.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar runs the just before it sends the proxy
request to the remote server.
Property Description
Vendor Optional; when set, must be the name of a known Vendor.
MaxTries Required; the number of times to send a proxy request to a remote server
before deciding the server is offline. You must specify a number greater
than zero. The default is 3.
InitialTimeout Required: represents the number of milliseconds used as a timeout for the
first attempt to send a specific packet to a remote server. For each
successive retry on the same packet, the previous timeout value used is
doubled. You must specify a number greater than zero. The default value is
2000 (or 2 seconds).
ACKaccounting When ACKAccounting is TRUE, the Prime Access Registrar server waits
for the Accounting-Response from the remote RADIUS server before
sending the corresponding Accounting-Response to the client.
When ACKAccounting is FALSE, the Prime Access Registrar server does
not wait for the Accounting-Response and immediately returns an
Accounting-Response to the client.
SendandForget This field is available if the AcknowledgeAccounting option is disabled.
After forwarding a proxy packet to the remote server and an initial
response to the client, Prime Access Registrar maintains a buffer of the
original request and a copy of the proxy request until it receives a response
from the remote server or packet timeout is triggered.
If SendandForget is enabled, Prime Access Registrar deletes the original
and proxy requests from the buffer after sending the response to the client.
This helps in reducing buffer pool exhaustion in case of a low-responding
remote server.
Diameter is a networking protocol which is derived from RADIUS protocol. You can configure a
Diameter remote server using a set of parameters.
The following is a sample CLI configuration of a Diameter remote server. For details about these
parameters, refer to the “Using the Graphical User Interface” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/vm028 ]
Name = vm028
Description =
Protocol = diameter
HostName =
DestinationPort = 3868
DestinationRealm =
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
Vendor =
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
UserLogEnabled = FALSE
MaxTries = 3
MaxTPSLimit = 0
MaxSessionLimit = 0
InitialTimeout = 2000
DisconnectBasedOnThreshold = TRUE
DisconnectThreshold = 1
LimitOutstandingRequests = FALSE
MaxPendingPackets = 0
MaxOutstandingRequests = 0
DWatchDogTimeout = 2500
SCTP-Enabled = false
TLS-Enabled = FALSE
AdvertiseHostName =
AdvertiseRealm =
Prime Access Registrar allows you to configure a REST remote server for extended-EAP service.
Extended-EAP is used as an authorization service to retrieve authorization information from the remote
web server using the REST interface. Prime Access Registrar processes all EAP requests and extends
through extended EAP service. Extended-EAP is supported for the following EAP protocols:
To configure an extended-EAP service, see Extended-EAP.
Table 5-44 lists and describes the REST remote server properties.
Fields Description
RESTRemoteServerProperties Tab
Name Required; name of the REST server.
Description Optional; description of the REST server.
Protocol Specify as REST.
ReactivateTimerInterval Required; time interval, in milliseconds, to reactivate an inactive REST
server. Default value is 300000.
Timeout Required; timeout value, in milliseconds, the REST server can wait for a
request or response before attempting a retry. Default value is 15. We
recommend that you set the value to 1000.
MaxTimeOuts Maximum number of timeouts allowed for the remote server.
RESTSourceConnections Mandatory number of connections to be established towards the REST
server; default value is eight.
RequestURL Required; URL of the REST web server including port number. Ensure
that you enter IMSI keyword in the URL.
UserName Required; user name of the REST web server.
Password Required; password of the REST web server.
KeepAliveTimerInterval Mandatory time interval, in milliseconds, to send a keepalive to keep the
idle connection active; defaults to zero (0) meaning the option is
RequestToJSONRequestMappings Tab
Fields Description
RESTAttribute REST attribute
JSONAttribute JSON attribute to map to the REST attribute.
The following is a sample CLI configuration of REST remote server for extended-EAP service:
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/REST-VM035 ]
Name = REST-VM035
Description =
Protocol = rest
ReactivateTimerInterval = 30000
Timeout = 1000
MaxTimeOuts = 1
RESTSourceConnections = 1
RequestURL =
UserName = eapAuth32TMUS
Password = <encrypted>
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 1000
IpAddress = Calling-Station-Id
nasIdentifier = NAS-Identifier
Prime Access Registrar supports SIGTRAN-M3UA to fetch the authentication vectors from HLR, which
is required for EAP-AKA/EAP-SIM authentication. For more information on SIGTRAN-M3UA
protocol, see the “SIGTRAN-M3UA” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
A Rule is a function that selects services based on all input information used by the function.
Fast Rules
FastRules provides a mechanism to easily choose the right authentication, authorization, accounting, and
query service(s), drop, reject, or break flows, run a script, choose a session manager and/or a chain of
fast rules required for processing a packet. For more information, see the “Using FastRules to Process
Packet Flow” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
Advanced objects let you configure system-level properties and the Attribute dictionary. Under normal
system operation, you should not need to change the system-level properties.
Note The notation required means Cisco Prime Access Registrar needs a value for this property. For most of
these properties, you can use system defaults.
Property Description
LogServerActivity Required; the default is FALSE, which means
Cisco Prime Access Registrar logs all responses except
Access-Accepts and Access-Challenges. Accepting the
default reduces the load on the server by reducing that
amount of information it must log. Note, the client is
probably sending accounting requests to an accounting
server, so the Access-Accept requests are being indirectly
logged. When you set it to TRUE,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar logs all responses to the
server log file.
TLSv1Enabled Applicable only for Diameter; Set to TRUE to use TLS
version 1.0 and above for Diameter connection. Set to
FALSE to use TLS version greater than 1.0 for Diameter
MaximumNumberOfRadiusPackets Required; the default is 8192. This is a critical property you
should set high enough to allow for the maximum number
of simultaneous requests. When more requests come in
than there are packets allocated,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar will drop those additional
UDPPacketSize Required; the default is 4096. RFC 2138 specifies the
maximum packet length can be 4096 bytes. Do not change
this value.
Property Description
NumberOfRemoteUDPServerSockets Required; the default value for this property is 4.
The NumberOfRemoteUDPServerSockets property allows
you to configure the number of source ports used while
proxying requests to a remote radius server. If the
NumberOfRemoteUDPServerSockets property is set to a
value n, all remote servers share and use n sockets.
The NumberOfRemoteUDPServerSockets value comprises
a number, as in n, where n should be less than or equal to
the current process file descriptor limit divided by 4.
Property Description
PerPacketHeapSize Required; the default is 6500. This property sets the size of
the initial heap for each packet. The heap is the dynamic
memory a request can use during its lifetime. By
preallocating the heap size at the beginning of request
processing, we can minimize the cost of memory
allocations. If PerPacketHeapSize is too low,
Prime Access Registrar will ask the system for memory
more often. If PerPacketHeapSize is too high,
Prime Access Registrar will allocate too much memory for
the request causing the system to use more memory than
RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientLi Required; the default is FALSE. If you accept the default,
st Cisco Prime Access Registrar only uses the source IP
address to identify the immediate client that sent the
request. Leaving it FALSE is useful when this RADIUS
Server should only know about the proxy server and should
treat requests as if they came from the proxy server. This
might be the case with some environments that buy bulk
dial service from a third party and thus do not need to, or
are unable to, list all of the NASs behind the third party’s
proxy server. When you set it to TRUE, you must list all of
the NASs behind the Proxy in the Clients list. For more
information about this property, see Using the
RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientList Property,
page 5-82.
AAAFileServiceSyncInterval Required; specified in milliseconds, the default is 75. This
property governs how often the file AAA service processes
accounting requests and writes the accounting records to
the file. You can lower the number to reduce the delay in
acknowledging the Account-Request at the expense of
more frequent flushing of the accounting file to disk. You
can raise the number to reduce the cost of flushing to disk,
at the expense of increasing the delays in acknowledging
the Accounting-Requests. The default value was
determined to provide a reasonable compromise between
the two alternatives.
SessionBackingStoreSyncInterval Required; specified in milliseconds, the default is 100. If
you change this value it must be a number greater than zero.
This property governs how often the Session Manager
backing store writes updated session information to disk.
You can lower the number to reduce the delay in
acknowledging requests at the expense of more frequent
flushing of the file containing the session data to disk. You
can raise the number to reduce the cost of flushing to disk
at the expense of increasing delays in acknowledging
requests. The default value was determined to provide a
reasonable compromise between the two alternatives.
Property Description
BackingStoreDiscThreshold Required; the default is 10 gigabytes. The value of
Threshold is made up of a number of units which can be K,
kilobyte, or kilobytes, M, megabyte, or megabytes, or G,
gigabyte, or gigabytes.
BackingStoreDiscThreshold is used with session
management and ODBC accounting and ensures that any
data log files generated will not cross the
SessionBackingStorePruneInterval Required; specifies the sleep time interval of the session
backing store pruning thread. The recommended and
default value is 6 hours, but you can modify this based on
the traffic patterns you experience.
With SessionBackingStorePruneInterval set to 6 hours,
pruning will occur 6 hours after you restart or reload the
Prime Access Registrar server and recur every 6 hours.
You can set a very low value for this property to make
pruning continuous, but there might not be enough data
accumulated for the pruning to occur and pruning might be
less effective compared to the default setting.
PacketBackingStorePruneInterval Required; specifies the sleep time interval of the packet
backing store pruning thread. The recommended value is 6
hours, but you can modify this based on the traffic patterns
you experience.
When PacketBackingStorePruneInterval is set to 6 hours,
pruning will occur 6 hours after you restart or reload the
Prime Access Registrar server and recur every 6 hours.
You can set a very low value for this property to make
pruning continuous, but there might not be enough data
accumulated for the pruning to occur and pruning might be
less effective compared to the default setting.
RemoteLDAPServerThreadTimerInterv Required; specified in milliseconds, the default is 10. This
al property governs how often the ldap RemoteServer thread
checks to see if any results have arrived from the remote
LDAP server. You can modify it to improve the throughput
of the server when it proxies requests to a remote LDAP
RemoteSigtranServerThreadTimerInter- Required; specified in milliseconds, the default is 10. This
val property governs how often the sigtran RemoteServer
thread checks to see if any results have arrived from the
remote HLR/AuC server. You can modify it to improve the
throughput of the server when it proxies requests to a
remote sigtran server.
Property Description
InitialBackgroundTimerSleepTime Required; the default is 5. This property specifies the
amount of time the time queue should initially sleep before
beginning processing. This property is only used for initial
synchronization and should not be changed.
MinimumSocketBufferSize Required; the default is 65536 (64 K). This property
governs how deep the system’s buffer size is for queueing
UDP datagrams until Cisco Prime Access Registrar can
read and process them. The default is probably sufficient
for most sites. You can, however, raise or lower it as
CertificateDBPath Required if you are using an LDAP RemoteServer and you
want Prime Access Registrar to use SSL when
communicating with that LDAP RemoteServer. This
property specifies the path to the directory containing the
client certificates to be used when establishing an SSL
connection to an LDAP RemoteServer. This directory must
contain the cert7.db and cert5.db certificates and the
key3.db and key.db files database used by Netscape
Navigator 3.x (and above) or the ServerCert.db certificate
database used by Netscape 2.x servers.
LogFileSize Required; the default is 1 Megabyte. This property
specifies the maximum size of the RADIUS server log file.
The value for the LogFileSize field is a string composed of
two parts; a number, and a units indicator (<n> <units>) in
which the unit is one of: K, kilobyte, kilobytes, M,
megabyte, megabytes, G, gigabyte, or gigabytes.
The LogFileSize property does not apply to the
config_mcd_1_log or agent_server_1_log files. See
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide to
configure these files.
Note This does not apply to the trace log.
LogFileCount Required; the default is 2. This property specifies the
number of log files to be kept on the system. A new log file
is created when the log file size reaches LogFileCount.
The LogFileCount property does not apply to the
config_mcd_1_log or agent_server_1_log files. See
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide to
configure these files.
TraceFileSize Required; the default is 1 GB. This property specifies the
size of the trace files to be kept on the system. A new trace
file is created when the trace file size reaches
TraceFileSize. The value for the TraceFileSize field is a
string composed of two parts; a number, and a units
indicator (<n> <units>) in which the unit is one of: K,
kilobyte, kilobytes, M, megabyte, megabytes, G, gigabyte,
or gigabytes.
Property Description
TraceFileCount Required; this value can be set from 1-100, and the default
is 2. This property specifies the number of trace files to
maintain. A value of 1 indicates that no file rolling occurs.
UseAdvancedDuplicateDetection Required; the default is FALSE. Set this property to TRUE
when you want Cisco Prime Access Registrar to use a more
robust duplicate request filtering algorithm. For more
information on this property, see Advance Duplicate
Detection Feature, page 5-83.
AdvancedDuplicateDetectionMemoryIn Required when the Advanced Duplicate Detection feature
terval is enabled. This property specifies how long (in
milliseconds) Cisco Prime Access Registrar should
remember a request. You must specify a number greater
than zero. The default is 10,000.
DetectOutOfOrderAccountingPackets Optional; used to detect accounting packets that arrive out
of sequential order. The default is FALSE. This property is
useful when using accounting and session management in a
RADIUS proxy service.
When the DetectOutOfOrderAccountingPacket property is
enabled (set to TRUE), a new Class attribute is included in
all outgoing Accept packets. The value for this Class
attribute will contain the session magic number. The client
will echo this value in the accounting packets, and this will
be used for comparison.
The session magic number is a unique number created for
all sessions when the session is created or reused and the
DetectOutOfOrderAccountingPacket property is set to
TRUE. The DetectOutOfOrderAccountingPacket property
is used to detect out-of-order Accounting-Stop packets in
roaming scenarios by comparing the session magic number
value in the session with the session magic number value
contained in the Accounting packet.
The value of 0xffffffff is considered by the
Prime Access Registrar server to be a wild card magic
number. If any accounting stop packets contain the value of
0xffffffff, it will pass the session magic validation even if
the session’s magic number is some thing else.
The format of the class attribute is as follows:
<4-byte Magic Prefix><4-byte server IP
address><4-byte Magic value>
DefaultReturnedSubnetSizeIfNoMatch Optional; used with the ODAP feature and reflects the
returned size of the subnet if no matched subnet is found.
There are three options to select if an exactly matched
subnet does not exist: Bigger, Smaller, and Exact. The
default is Bigger.
Property Description
ClasspathForJavaExtensions A string which is the classpath to be used to locate Java
classes and jar files containing the classes required for
loading the Java extensions, either Java extension points or
Note The classpath will always contain the directory
$INSTALLDIR/scripts/radius/java and all of the
jar files in that directory.
JavaVMOptions A string that can contain options to be passed to the JRE
upon startup. JavaVMOptions should be used only when
requested by Cisco TAC.
MaximumODBCResultSize Specifies maximum size in bytes for an ODBC mapping.
This parameter affects both ODBC result sizes and the trace
log buffer for tracing script calls that access any of the
dictionaries. (Default value is 256.)
ARIsCaseInsensitive When set to FALSE, requires that you provide exact
pathnames with regard to upper and lower case for all
objects, subobjects, and properties. The default setting,
TRUE, allows you to enter paths such as /rad/serv instead
of /Rad/Serv.
Note Prime Access Registrar always authenticates the
RADIUS attribute User-Name with regard to upper
and lower case, regardless of the setting of this flag.
RemoteRadiusServerInterface When set, specifies the local interface to bind to when
creating the RemoteRadiusServer socket. If not set, the
Prime Access Registrar binds to IPADDR_ANY.
ODBCEnvironmentMultiValueDelimite Optional; allows you to specify a character that separates
r multivalued attributes in the marker list when using ODBC
PacketBackingStoreSyncInterval The minimum value is 1 and the maximum is a 32-bit
unsigned integer. The default is 75.
ListenForDynamicAuthorizationReques Must be set to TRUE when using the Change of
ts Authorization (CoA) feature or Packet of Disconnect
(POD) feature. Default is FALSE.
MaximumNumberOfXMLPackets Required when using identity caching. Indicates the
maximum number of XML packets to be sent or received.
The minimum value is 1 and the maximum is a 32-bit
unsigned integer. The default is 1024.
XMLUDPPacketSize Required when using identity caching. Indicates the
maximum size of XML packets to be sent or received. The
minimum value is 1 and the maximum is a 32-bit unsigned
integer. The default is 4096.
Property Description
RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod Used in conjunction with the session-cache
ResourceManager, this property specifies the length of time
a given EncryptionKey will be used before a new one is
created. When the session-cache ResourceManager caches
User-Password attributes, Prime Access Registrar encrypts
the User-Password so it is not stored in memory or persisted
on disk in clear text. Prime Access Registrar uses up to 255
encryption keys, using a new one after each
RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod expires. If
RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod is set to 2 days,
Prime Access Registrar will create and begin using a new
EncryptionKey every two days. The oldest key will be
retired, and Prime Access Registrar will re-encrypt any
User-Passwords that used the old key with the new key.
This way, if the RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod is set
to 1 day, no key will be older than 255 days.
SessionPurgeInterval Optional; the SessionPurgeInterval property determines the
time interval at which to check for timed-out sessions. If no
value is set, the session timeout feature is disabled. The
checks are performed in the background when system
resources are available, so checks might not always occur
at the exact time set.
The minimum recommended value for
SessionPurgeInterval is 60 minutes. The
SessionPurgeInterval value is comprised of a number and a
units indicator, as in n units, where a unit is one of minutes,
hours, days, or weeks.
EapBadMessagePolicy Set to one of two values: SilentDiscard (the default) or
When set to SilentDiscard, the Prime Access Registrar
server silently discards and ignores bad EAP messages
unless the protocol specification explicitly requires a
failure message.
When set to RejectFailure, the Prime Access Registrar
server sends RADIUS Access-Rejects messages with
embedded EAP-Failure in response to bad EAP messages
as described in Internet RFC 3579.
Property Description
StaleSessionTimeout Required; the default value is “1 hour.” Specifies the time
interval to maintain a session when a client does not
respond to Accounting-Stop notification.
When the Prime Access Registrar server does not receive
an Accounting-Response from a client after sending an
Accounting-Stop packet, Prime Access Registrar
maintains the session for the time interval configured in
this property before releasing the session.
This property is stored as a string composed of two parts: a
number and a unit indicator (<n> <units>) similar to the
MaxFileAge property where the unit is one of: M, Minute,
Minutes, H, Hour, Hours, D, Day, Days, W, Week, or
Ports Optional; allows you to use ports other than the default,
1812 and 1813. You can use this option to configure
Prime Access Registrar to use other ports,. If you add
additional ports, however, Prime Access Registrar will use
the added ports and no longer use ports 1812 and 1813.
These ports can still be used by adding them to the list of
ports to use. For more information, see Ports, page 5-84.
Interfaces Optional; see Interfaces, page 5-84
ReplyMessages Optional; see Reply Messages, page 5-84.
AttributeDictionary Optional; see Attribute Dictionary, page 5-86.
SNMP Optional; see SNMP, page 5-87.
RFC Compliance Optional; enables you to modify the
Prime Access Registrar server to behave in a way that
might deviate from RFC compliance in a special use case
When AllowRejectAttrs is set to FALSE, Reply-Message
attributes will not be passed in an Access Reject packet.
When AllowRejectAttrs is set to TRUE, attributes will be
allowed to pass in an Access Reject packet.
When AllowEAPRejectAttrs is set to FALSE,
Reply-Message attributes will not be passed in an Access
Reject packet if the packet contains EAP-Message
attribute. When AllowEAPRejectAttrs is set to TRUE,
attributes will be allowed to pass in an Access Reject packet
even if the packet contains EAP-Message attribute.
Note Changing the state of either of these properties
requires you to reload the Prime Access Registrar
DDNS This subdirectory holds the SynthesizeReverseZone
property and a list of Transaction Signatures (TSIG) keys.
Property Description
SynthesizeReverseZone This property exists under DDNS and controls whether
Prime Access Registrar automatically generates the name
of the reverse zone ( that is updated with PTR
records. If this attribute is enabled and the resource
manager does not have an explicit ReverseZoneName
property configured, the server uses the IP address and
DNSHostBytes property to generate the reverse zone name.
The default value is TRUE.
ODBCDataSources A list of ODBC data sets and their associated environments
including operating system, DBMS, and network platform
used to access the DBMS an application wants to access.
Required when using or ODBC accounting.
AttributeGroups Includes a Default subdirectory with an Attributes
subdirectory that contains commonly-used attributes for
Change of Authorization (CoA) and Packet of Disconnect
(POD). You can add new attributes to the default group or
create a new group as necessary.
KeyStores Used to protect the security and integrity of the PACs it
• NumberOfKeys—Number (from 1-1024) that specifies
the maximum number of keys stored for EAP-FAST.
• RolloverPeriod—Specifies the amount of time
between key updates.
DefaultRadiusSharedSecret Enter the default shared secret for RADIUS server.
MaximumIncomingRequestRate Optional; the default value for this property is 0.
The MaximumIncomingRequestRate property is used to
limit the incoming traffic in terms of “allowed requests per
second”. Serves as a soft limit.
The MaximumIncomingRequestRate property comprises a
number n, where n can be any nonzero value.
Property Description
HideSharedSecretAndPrivateKeys Required; the default value is TRUE.
The HideSharedSecretAndPrivateKeys property hides:
• The secret that is shared between a RADIUS Client and
a RADIUS Server or between two radius servers in a
radius proxy scenario.
• The PrivateKeyPassword under the certificate-based
EAP services.
When this property is set to TRUE, the following properties
are displayed as <encrypted>:
• PrivateKeyPasswords in:
– peap-v0 service
– peap-v1 service
– eap-tls service
– eap-ttls service
– eap-fast service
• SharedSecret in:
– RemoteServers of type radius
– RemoteServers of type map-gateway
– Clients object
– Resource Manager of type usr-vpn under Gateway
• PseudonymSecret in eap-sim service
• DynamicAuthSecret under
DynamicAuthorizationServer subbject in Clients
• RepSecret under Replication
• Secret in /radius/advanced/DDNS/TSIGKeys
When the value for this property is set to FALSE, all the
above properties are displayed in clear text.
MaximumOutstandingRequests Optional; the default value for this property is 0.
The MaximumOutstandingRequests property is used to
limit the incoming traffic in terms of “requests processed”.
Serves as a hard limit.
The MaximumOutstandingRequests property comprises a
number n, where n can be any nonzero value.
Diameter Required; See Diameter, page 5-88
Property Description
TPSSamplingPeriodInSecs This represents the sampling period in seconds. The
minimum sampling period is set to 5. The default is 30.
LogTPSActivity When set to true this property enables to log in the TPS
usage in a CSV file.The TPS is logged in the following
<mm-dd-yyyy>, <hh:mm:ss>, <tps-value>,
<sigtran-m3ua traffic value>
For example,
Property Description
AdditionalNativeOracleErrors Optional; used to disconnect ODBC Remote Servers when
configured native Oracle Error has occurred (which are not
considered as connection errors). You must specify Native
Errors as comma (,) separated integer values.
For example,
04/14/2013 11:06:43.692: Log: ODBC client (DataSource
'CVOracleAcctDb', Connection 6): SQLExecute failed:
SQLState:HY000 NativeError:12152
ErrorText:[Easysoft][Oracle]ORA-12152: TNS:unable to
send break message
04/14/2013 10:44:59.388: Log: ODBC client (DataSource
'CVOracleAcctDb', Connection 3): SQLExecute failed:
SQLState:HY000 NativeError:3114
ErrorText:[Easysoft][Oracle]ORA-03114: not connected to
For the above examples, the Native Errors need to be
configured as follows:
Property Description
StickySessionSyncInterval Required; specified in milliseconds and the default value is
500. Specifies how often the Diameter proxy service will
write the sticky sessions to a file located in /cis-
co-ar/temp/__sticky_sessions_store location.
ReserveRADIUSPacketPool Percentage of the RADIUS packet pool to reserve for the
RADIUS remote server responses.
EnableLocationCapability Check the box to enable location-based attributes within
RADIUS and Diameter that can be used to convey loca-
tion-related information for authentication and accounting
If this parameter is set to TRUE, Prime Access Registrar
retrieves the location information from the client and
processes the incoming packet for AA services.
For more information on location information delivery
flows, refer to RFC 5580. For information on
location-based attributes in Prime Access Registrar, see the
“Environment Dictionary” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
DiameterSessionRestorationPurgeTime The time at which Prime Access Registrar must run the
Diameter session restoration process. Format is
HH:MM:SS (24 hrs format) and default value is 02:00:00.
Recommended time is when the incoming traffic is
Note This time should always be two hours behind the
Diameter stale session purge time.
DiameterStaleSessionPurgeTime The time at which Prime Access Registrar must check for
Diameter stale sessions. Format is HH:MM:SS (24 hrs
format) and default value is 00:00:00.
Recommended time is when the incoming traffic is
InitialBackgroundTimerSleepTime = 5
MinimumSocketBufferSize = 65536
CertificateDBPath =
LogFileSize = "1 Megabyte"
LogFileCount = 2
TraceFileSize = "1 Gigabyte"
TraceFileCount = 2
MemoryLimitForRadiusProcess = "3584 Megabyte"
UseAdvancedDuplicateDetection = FALSE
AdvancedDuplicateDetectionMemoryInterval = 10000
DetectOutOfOrderAccountingPackets = FALSE
DefaultReturnedSubnetSizeIfNoMatch = BIGGER
ClasspathForJavaExtensions =
JavaVMOptions =
MaximumODBCResultSize = 256
ARIsCaseInsensitive = TRUE
RemoteRadiusServerInterface =
ODBCEnvironmentMultiValueDelimiter =
PacketBackingStoreSyncInterval = 75
ListenForDynamicAuthorizationRequests = FALSE
MaximumNumberOfXMLPackets = 1024
XMLUDPPacketSize = 4096
RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod = "1 week"
SessionPurgeInterval =
EapBadMessagePolicy = SilentDiscard
StaleSessionTimeout = "1 Hour"
MaximumOutstandingRequests = 0
MaximumIncomingRequestRate = 0
HideSharedSecretAndPrivateKeys = TRUE
DefaultRadiusSharedSecret =
EnableLocationCapability = FALSE
LogTPSActivity = TRUE
TPSLogFileCount = 15
TPSLogFilenamePrefix = tps
TPSSamplingPeriodInSecs = 15
LogSessionActivity = TRUE
EnableLengthFlag = FALSE
SessionLogFileCount = 15
SessionLogFilenamePrefix = sm
SessionSamplingPeriodInSecs = 30
FlushDiskInBackground = FALSE
AdditionalNativeOracleErrors =
SendOpCodeInISDResponse = FALSE
EnableRoutingContextInM3UA = FALSE
EnableStickySessionCount = TRUE
EnableSIGTRANStackLogs = TRUE
SIGTRANStackLogFileSize = "100 Megabyte"
SIGTRANLogFileCount = 10
StickySessionCountInterval = 60000
StickySessionSyncInterval = 500
ReserveRADIUSPacketPool = 0
DiameterStaleSessionPurgeTime = 00:00:00
DiameterSessionRestorationPurgeTime = 02:00:00
Attribute Dictionary/
The following is an example of theRemoteODBCSessionServer configuration:
--> cd /Radius/Advanced/RemoteODBCSessionServer/
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/RemoteODBCSessionServer ]
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
Timeout = 15
DataSourceConnections = 8
ODBCDataSource =
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 0
BufferAccountingPackets = TRUE
MaximumBufferFileSize = "10 Megabytes"
CacheLimit = 250000
UseCacheIndex = 0
Property Description
ReactivateTimerInterval Mandatory time interval (in milliseconds) to activate an inactive
server; defaults to 300000 ms
Timeout Mandatory time interval (in seconds) to wait for SQL operation to
complete; defaults to 15 seconds
DataSourceConnections Mandatory number of connections to be established; defaults to 8
ODBCDataSource Name of the ODBCDataSource to use and must refer to one entry in
the list of ODBC datasources configured under
/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources. Mandatory; no default
Property Description
KeepAliveTimerInterval Mandatory time interval (in milliseconds) to send a keepalive to keep
the idle connection active; defaults to zero (0) meaning the option is
BufferAccountingPackets Mandatory, TRUE or FALSE, determines whether to buffer the
accounting packets to local file, defaults to TRUE which means that
packet buffering is enabled.
Note When set to TRUE, a constant flow of incoming accounting
packets can fill the buffer backing store files in
/cisco-ar/data/odbc beyond the size configured in
MaximumBufferFileSize. Configure
BackingStoreDiscThreshold in /Radius/Advanced when
using ODBC accounting. See Advanced, page 5-65 for
information about how to configure
MaximumBufferFileSize Mandatory if BufferAccountingPackets is set to TRUE, determines the
maximum buffer file size, defaults to 10 Megabyte)
CacheLimit Default is 250000; This represents the overall limit on cache of all
'remote' session managers. This value is interpreted as the maximum
number of packets that can be present in cache. When the number of
sessions hits this limit, sessions will be 'cached out'. This cache out
operation will continue, until the cache is at least 20% free.
UseCacheIndex If set to 1, it enables a fast cache based lookup index for the items in
the database. This optimizes the number of queries to the database
hence will improve performance, but limits the number of sessions that
can be scaled.
If set to 0, it disables fast cache based lookup index.
Note Remote session manager will work only with Oracle database.
Note Enabling this feature causes Cisco Prime Access Registrar to keep more of its preallocated packet
buffers in use for a longer period of time. The number of preallocated buffers is controlled by the
MaximumNumberOfRadiusPackets property in the /Radius/Advanced section of the configuration.
This property might need to be increased (which will increase the amount of memory used by
Cisco Prime Access Registrar) when the Advanced Duplicate Detection feature is enabled.
The Ports list specifies which ports to listen to for requests. When you specify a port,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar makes no distinction between the port used to receive Access-Requests
and the port used to receive Accounting-Requests. Either request can come in on either port.
Most NASs send Access-Requests to port 1812 and Accounting-Requests to 1813, however,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar does not check.
When you do not specify any ports, Cisco Prime Access Registrar reads the /etc/services file for the
ports to use for access and accounting requests. If none are defined, Prime Access Registrar uses the
standard ports (1812 and 1813).
The Interfaces list specifies the interfaces on which the RADIUS server receives and sends requests. You
specify an interface by its IP address.
• When you list an IP address, Cisco Prime Access Registrar uses that interface to send and receive
• When no interfaces are listed, the server performs an interface discover and uses all interfaces of the
server, physical and logical (virtual).
Note The IP address format is enhanced to support both IPv4 and IPv6.
Reply Messages
The Reply Messages list allows you to choose the reply message based on the reason the request was
rejected. Each of the following properties (except Default) corresponds to a reason why the packet was
rejected. The Reply Message properties allows you to substitute your own text string for the defined
errors. After you set the property (with the set command) and the reason occurs,
Cisco Prime Access Registrar sends the NAS that message in the Access-Reject packet as a
Reply-Message attribute.
You might want to substitute your own messages to prevent users from getting too much information
about why their requests failed. For example, you might not want users to know the password was invalid
to prevent hackers from accessing your system. In such a case, you might specify the text string
“unauthorized access” for the property UserPasswordInvalid.
Table 5-47 lists the Reply Message properties.
Property Description
Default Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends this value when the property corresponding to the reject reason
is not set.
UnknownUser Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever
Cisco Prime Access Registrar cannot find the user specified by
UserNotEnabled Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever the
user account is disabled.
UserPasswordInvalid Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever the
password in the Access-Request packet did not match the password in
the database.
UnableToAcquireResource Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever one of
the Resource Managers was unable to allocate the resource for this
ServiceUnavailable Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever a
service the request needs (such as a RemoteServer) is unavailable.
InternalError Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever an
internal error caused the request to be rejected.
MalformedRequest Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever a
required attribute (such as User-Name) is missing from the request.
ConfigurationError Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever the
request is rejected due to a configuration error. For example, if a script
sets an environment variable to the name of an object such as
Authentication-Service, and that object does not exist in the
configuration, the reason reported is ConfigurationError.
IncomingScriptFailed Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever one of
the IncomingScripts fails to execute.
OutgoingScriptFailed Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever one of
the s fails to execute.
IncomingScriptRejectedRequ Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
est sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever one of
the IncomingScripts rejects the Access-Request.
Property Description
OutgoingScriptRejectedRequ Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
est sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever one of
the s rejects the Access-Request.
TerminationAction Optional; when you set this property, Cisco Prime Access Registrar
sends back this value in the Reply-Message attribute whenever
Cisco Prime Access Registrar processes the Access-Request as a
Termination-Action and is being rejected as a safety precaution.
Attribute Dictionary
The Attribute dictionary allows you to specify the attributes to the RADIUS server.
Cisco Prime Access Registrar comes with the standard RADIUS attributes (as defined by the RFC 2865)
as well as the attributes required to support the major NASs. For more information about the standard
attributes, see “RADIUS Attributes” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide.
All RADIUS requests and responses consist of one or more attributes, such as the user’s name, the user’s
password, the type of service the NAS should provide to the user, or the IP address the user should use
for the session.
In the request and response packets, an attribute is composed of a number (between 1-255) that specifies
the type of attribute to use, a length that specifies the entire attribute length, and a value. How the value
is interpreted depends on its type. When it is a username, the value is a string. When it is the NAS’s IP
address, the value is an IP address, and so on.
Table 5-48 lists the Attribute dictionary properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Attribute dictionary list within the same context.
Although it should be an attribute defined in the RFC, the name can be any attribute
defined by your client. The NAS typically comes with a list of attributes it uses.
Attributes are referenced in the Profile and by Scripts by this name. The accounting
file service also uses this name when printing the attribute.
Description Optional description of the attribute.
Attribute Required; must be a number between 1-255. It must be unique within the Attribute
dictionary list.
Type Required; must be set to one of the types listed in Table 5-49. The type governs how
the value is interpreted and printed.
Types are required and must be one of the following listed in Table 5-49.
Property Description
UNDEFINED Treated as a sting of binary bytes.
UINT32 Unsigned 32-bit integer.
STRING Character string.
IPADDR A valid IP address in dotted-decimal format.
CHAP_PASS 17-byte value representing the password.
ENUM Enums allow you to specify the mapping between the value and the strings. After you
have established this mapping, Cisco Prime Access Registrar then replaces the
number with the appropriate string. The min/max properties represent the lowest to
highest values of the enumeration.
VENDOR_SP Vendor Specific Attribute (VSAs) are a special class of attribute. VSAs were created
ECIFIC to extend the standard 256 attributes to include attributes required by specific
manufacturers. VSAs add new capabilities for the value field in an attribute. Rather
than being a simple integer string, or IP address, the value of a VSA can be one or
more subattributes whose meaning depends on the vendor’s definition. The Vendors
list allows you to add, delete, or modify the definitions of the vendors and the
subattributes they specify.
Vendor Attributes
Table 5-50 lists the Vendor properties.
Property Description
Name Required; must be unique in the Vendors attribute list.
Description Optional; description of the subattribute list.
VendorID Required; must be a valid number and unique within the entire attribute
Type Required; must be one of the following: UNDEFINED, UINT32, STRING,
Table 5-51 lists the five properties of the SNMP directory.
Property Description
Enabled Either TRUE or FALSE; default is FALSE
TracingEnabled Either TRUE or FALSE; default is FALSE
InputQueueHighThreshold An integer; default is 90
Property Description
InputQueueLowThreshold An integer; default is 60
MasterAgentEnabled Either TRUE or FALSE; default is TRUE
If Enabled and MasterAgentEnabled are both TRUE, arservagt will start and stop the SNMP daemon
(snmpd). If either of these properties is FALSE, if the Prime Access Registrar server is not using SNMP
or if your site uses a different master agent, arservagt will not start your master agent.
This section explains how to configure Diameter general configuration and transport management.
Change the directory to /Radius/Advanced/Diameter.
The following configuration is used to configure Diameter general configuration like Product name and
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/General ]
Product = Cisco Prime Access Registrar
Version =
AuthApplicationIdList = 1
AcctApplicationIdList = 3
Property Description
Product Optional; name of the product.
Version Optional; version number.
Property Description
AuthApplicationIdList Specifies the list of AuthApplications that the Prime Access Registrar
server registers to Diameter Base stack during start up. It is a
combination of Auth ApplicationId's separated by a colon.
For example:
For Registering NASREQApplication,
Property Description
Identity Required; identity of the system on which Diameter application
is running. Must be set to a valid resolvable string.
Realm Required; must be set to a valid Realm in the domain.
TCPListenPort Required; port number on which Prime Access Registrar server
listens for TCP peer connections.
SCTPListenPort Required; port number on which Prime Access Registrar server
listens for SCTP peer connections.
EnableIPv6 Required; if set to TRUE it enables IPV6 for the Diameter
WatchdogTimeout Required; specifies the time interval between watch dog
ReconnectInterval Required; specifies the time interval between which
Prime Access Registrar server attempts to connect to a
disconnected peer. If set to 0, then no attempt will be made to
connect to a disconnected peer.
MaxReconnections Required; specifies the number of times Prime Access Registrar
server tries to Make a reconnection attempt. If set to 0, then no
attempt will be made to reconnect.
RequestRetransmissionInterval Required; the time for which retransmission of pending requests
will be done. If set to 0, then no attempt will be made to
MaxRequestRetransmissionCount Required, maximum number of times Prime Access Registrar
server tries to retransmit a pending request. If set to 0, then no
attempt will be made to retransmit.
ReceiveBufferSize Required; initial size of buffer that is preallocated for message
AdvertisedHostNames Optional; specifies the local hostname address that will be
advertised by the Prime Access Registrar server to other peers
during CER/CEA exchange.
For example:
AdvertisedHostNames =
Property Description
MaxSessions Required; specifies the maximum number of concurrent Diameter
sessions Prime Access Registrar server will maintain. These sessions
include both Auth and Acct sessions.
AuthSessions/EnableState If set to TRUE, the server will enforce stateful sessions and the client will
fulSessions hint for stateful sessions. Default Value is TRUE. Set the property to
FALSE to disable stateful sessions.
AuthSessionTimeout Required; specifies the timeout in seconds before a session requires
LifeTimeTimeout Required; specifies the timeout in seconds before a session is terminated
regardless of whether the session has been reauthenticated.
GracePeriodTimeout Required; specifies the grace period after the life timeout and before the
full termination of the session.
AbortRetryTimeout Required; specifies the timeout between the subsequent Abort Session
Request (ASR) messages if the initial attempt fails.
AcctSessions/AcctSession Required; specifies the timeout in seconds before a session requires
TimeOut reauthentication.
InterimInterval Required; specifies the interim interval dictated to the client if the entity
is a server or hint to the server if the entity is a client.
RealTime Required; RealTime value dictated to the client.
Property Description
Name Required; name of the application.
Description Optional; description of the application.
IsVendorSpecific Required; the default is FALSE. If set to FALSE, the application is
ordinary application. If set to TRUE, the application is a VendorSpecific
IsAuthApplication Required; if set to TRUE the application represents AuthApplication else
it represents Accounting Application.
Application ID Required; specifies the unique integer value for the application.
The following are examples of Diameter application:
Mobile-IP 2
Diameter Base Accounting 3
Note ApplicationId property must be set to 0 for Base Protocol.
VendorSpecificApplicatio Required; specifies the integer value for the vendor specific application.
VendorID Required; specifies the VendorID for the application.
VendorSpecificApplicationID 16777216
VendorID 10415
ApplicationURI Optional; specifies the URI of the Application.
Eg: "
Commands Required; an indexed list from 1 to <n>. Each entry in the list is the name
of the command. It specifies the list of commands associated with the
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Applications/NASREQ ]
Description =
IsAuthApplication = TRUE
IsVendorSpecific = FALSE
ApplicationID =
ApplicationURI =
set ApplicationId 1
Set ApplicationId 1
cd commands/
Set 1 AA
Property Description
Name Required; name of the command.
CommandCode Required; specifies the integer code of the command.
EnableProxyBit Required; default is TRUE. When enabled it represents the message is
Property Description
RequestMsgAVPs / The RequestMsgAVPs define the placement of AVPs within the request
command. This contains three sub directories: Fixed, Required and
Fixed - Defines the fixed position of AVP in a request message
Required - The AVP must be present and can appear anywhere in the
request message.
Optional - The AVP name in optional cannot evaluate to any avp name
which is included in a fixed or required directory. The avp can appear
anywhere in the request message.
For example:
cd Fixed/
Add Session-Id
cd Session-Id/
Name = Session-Id
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Min is the minimum number of times AVP element may be present in a
request. The default value is 0.
Max is the maximum number of times the element may present in a
request. A value of zero implies AVP is not present in the request.
AnswerMsgAVPs/ The AnswerMsgAVPs define the placement of AVP's within the answer
command. This contains three sub directories: Fixed, Required and
Fixed - Defines the fixed position of AVP in the answer message.
Required - The AVP must present and can appear anywhere in the
answer message.
Optional - The AVP name in optional cannot evaluate to any avp name
which is included in a fixed or required directory. The avp can appear
anywhere in the answer message.
add AA
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Commands ]
cd AA/
cd AA/
cd RequestMsgAVPs/
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Commands/AA/RequestMsgAVPs ]
cd Fixed/
add Session-Id
Added Session-Id
cd Session-Id/
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Commands/AA/RequestMsgAVPs/Fixed/Session-Id ]
Name = Session-Id
Description =
Min = 0
Max =
Maximum and Minimum property specifies the multiplicity of the AVP Inside a request (or response).
Similarly add the required and Optional AVP's.
Step 5 Configure AnswerMsgAVP's similar to step 3.
cd AnswerMsgAVPs/
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Commands/AA/AnswerMsgAVPs ]
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Commands/AA ]
Name = AA
Description =
CommandCode = 265
EnableProxyBit = TRUE
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = Session-Id
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Entries 1 to 7 from 7 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = Auth-Application-Id
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Auth-Request-Type
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Destination-Realm
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Origin-Host
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Origin-Realm
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = User-Name
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = User-Password
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Entries 1 to 42 from 42 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = ARAP-Password
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = ARAP-Security
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = ARAP-Security-Data
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 100
Name = Auth-Grace-Period
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = Auth-Session-State
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = Authorization-Lifetime
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = Session-Id
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Entries 1 to 5 from 5 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = Auth-Application-Id
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Auth-Request-Type
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Origin-Host
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Origin-Realm
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Name = Result-Code
Description =
Min = 1
Max = 1
Entries 1 to 59 from 59 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = Acct-Interim-Interval
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = ARAP-Challenge-Response
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = ARAP-Features
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = ARAP-Security
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = ARAP-Security-Data
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 100
Name = ARAP-Zone-Access
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = Auth-Grace-Period
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = Auth-Session-State
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Name = Authorization-Lifetime
Description =
Min = 0
Max = 1
Property Description
Name Required; name of the application specific AVPs.
Description Optional; description of the application specific AVPs.
IsVendorSpecific Required; default is FALSE. If set to FALSE, the application is ordinary
application and user is prompted to enter ApplicationID. If set to TRUE,
the application is a VendorSpecific Application. User is
prompted to enter VendorSpecificApplicationID and VendorID.
ApplicationID Required; specifies the unique integer value for the application.
Note The Application ID must be set to 0 for BaseProtocol AVPs.
VendorSpecificApplicatio Required, Specifies the integer value for the vendor specific application.
VendorID Required, specifies the VendorID for the application.
AVPS/ Specifies the list of application specific avps.
Name = Accounting-Realtime-Required
Description =
Attribute = 483
Mandatory = Must
May-Encrypt = Yes
Protected = MustNot
Type = UINT32
Min = 0
Max = 253
Property Description
Attribute Specifies the integer value for the AVP.
Mandatory Specifies whether the mandatory bit of this AVP should or should not be
May-Encrypt If set to 'yes' then the AVP will be sent encrypted if the connection uses
CMS security.
Protected Specifies whether the protected bit of this AVP should or should not be
Type Specifies the type of the Diameter AVP.
add BaseProtocolAVPs
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Diameter Dictionary ]
cd BaseProtocolAVPs/
set ApplicationID 0
set ApplicationID 0
cd AVPs/
add User-Name
--> cd User-Name/
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/Diameter/Diameter Dictionary/BaseProtocolAVPs/AVPs/User-Name
Name = User-Name
Description =
Attribute = 1
Mandatory = MustNot
May-Encrypt = No
Protected = MustNot
Min = 0
Max = 253
set Attribute 1
set Attribute 1
Name = Accounting-Realtime-Required
Description =
Attribute = 483
Mandatory = Must
May-Encrypt = Yes
Protected = MustNot
Type = UINT32
Min = 0
Max = 253
Name = Accounting-Record-Number
Description =
Attribute = 485
Mandatory = Must
May-Encrypt = Yes
Protected = MustNot
Type = UINT32
Min = 0
Max = 253
Name = Accounting-Record-Type
Description =
Attribute = 480
Mandatory = Must
May-Encrypt = Yes
Protected = MustNot
Type = ENUM
Min = 0
Max = 253
1 = "Event Record"
2 = "Start Record"
3 = "Interim Record"
4 = "Stop Record"
Name = Accounting-Session-Id
Description =
Attribute = 44
Mandatory = Must
May-Encrypt = Yes
Protected = May
Min = 0
Max = 253
Name = Accounting-Sub-Session-Id
Description =
Attribute = 287
Mandatory = Must
May-Encrypt = Yes
Protected = May
Type = UINT64
Min = 0
Max = 253
Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar) allows user information to be stored in its own
internal database or external stores such as an LDAP directory or Oracle database. This chapter describes
how to configure Prime Access Registrar to perform authentication and authorization using the
Prime Access Registrar internal database and how to verify and troubleshoot a local service and userlist
In RADIUS, an Access Request packet is a request for authentication and authorization (AA).
Authentication checks username and password credentials, while authorization typically involves
returning the correct information to allow the service a user is authorized to have.
Prime Access Registrar performs AA and returns the appropriate RADIUS attributes in an Access
Accept packet.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Configuring a Local Service and UserList
• Troubleshooting the Local Service and UserList Configuration
• aregcmd Command Performance
• UserDefined1 Property
• Access-Request Logging
Throughout this chapter, the aregcmd commands you enter are shown in bold font, and the server
responses are shown in smaller plain font as shown in the following:
server response
cd /Radius/Services
[ //localhost/Radius/Services ]
add SouthBay
Added SouthBay
Step 2 Change directory to the new service and set its type to local.
cd SouthBay
[ //localhost/Radius/Services/SouthBay ]
Step 3 Use the set command to associate a userlist with the service.
Configuring a Userlist
Prime Access Registrar maintains UserLists under /Radius.
To configure a userlist:
cd /Radius/UserLists
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists ]
add SouthUsers
Added SouthUsers
cd SouthUsers
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers ]
add user1
Added user1
Step 3 Change directory to each user you add and set the user’s password.
cd user1
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/user1 ]
Configuring Cisco Prime Access Registrar to Use the Local Service For AA
To configure Prime Access Registrar to use the local service for authentication and authorization, enter
commands to set the DefaultAuthenticationService and DefaultAuthenticationService to the service you
created, as shown in the following:
cd /Radius
[ //localhost/Radius ]
Validating //localhost...
Saving //localhost...
After you issue the save command, Prime Access Registrar attempts to validate the configuration,
checks for all required properties, and ensures there are no logic errors. If the validation is successful,
Prime Access Registrar saves the configuration to the MCD database.
Validating //localhost...
Saving //localhost...
To ensure that the current configuration is active, issue the reload command.
Step 1 Check to see that the UserList exists under the service.
ls /Radius/Services/SouthBay
[ /Radius/Services/SouthBay ]
Name = SouthBay
Description =
Type = local
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll
OutageScript~ =
UserList = SouthUsers
Step 2 Check to see that user user1 exists under the SouthUsers userlist.
ls /Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers
[ /Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers ]
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = SouthUsers
Description =
trace /r 5
The debugging output will be sent to the file name_radius_1_log in the /opt/CSCOar/ logs directory.
The following example shows items you should expect in a successful Access-Request.
The following example shows a trace for an unsuccessful Access-Request due to an invalid password.
If a user’s password is invalid, reset the password to ensure it was entered correctly. Also check that the
shared secret being used by the RADIUS client and the Prime Access Registrar server match.
cd /Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/User1/Attributes
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/user1/Attributes ]
set Session-Timeout 60
Set Session-Timeout 60
cd /Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/User1/CheckItems
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/user1/CheckItems ]
cd /Radius/Profiles
[ //localhost/Radius/Profiles ]
add PPP-Profile
Added PPP-Profile
Step 2 Change directory to the new profile, then change directory to the profile’s Attributes subdirectory.
cd PPP-Profile
[ //localhost/Radius/Profiles/PPP-Profile ]
cd Attributes
[ //localhost/Radius/Profiles/PPP-Profile/Attributes ]
Note When you need to set an attribute to a value that includes a space, you must double-quote the value, as
in the following: set Framed-Route “”
Step 4 Assign the profile to a user by setting the user’s BaseProfile attribute to the desired profile.
cd /Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/User1
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/user1 ]
cd /Radius/UserGroups
[ //localhost/Radius/UserGroups ]
add PPP-Group
Added PPP-Group
Step 2 Change directory to the new UserGroup and add Return Attributes.
cd PPP-Group
[ //localhost/Radius/UserGroups/PPP-Group ]
cd Attributes
[ //localhost/Radius/UserGroups/PPP-Group/Attributes ]
Step 3 Change directory to the UserGroups’ Check-Items subdirectory and add CheckItems.
cd ../CheckItems/
[ //localhost/Radius/UserGroups/PPP-Group/CheckItems ]
cd /Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/User2
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/SouthUsers/user2 ]
1. UserService1
2. UserService2
3. UserService3
UserDefined1 Property
The UserDefined1 property of a user object is a free text field. You can use the UserDefined1 property
to store additional user information much like the Description property, but its most powerful use is to
pass information to an extension point script. The value set in the UserDefined1 property is
automatically set to the environment variable of the same name during authentication. Any extension
point script that subsequently runs has access the value in that property.
[ //localhost/Radius/UserLists/Default/bob ]
Name = bob
Description =
Password = <encrypted>
AllowNullPassword = FALSE
Enabled = TRUE
Group~ =
BaseProfile~ =
AuthenticationScript~ =
AuthorizationScript~ =
UserDefined1 =
Access-Request Logging
By default, Prime Access Registrar logs all dropped and rejected requests in the name_radius_1_log file.
The following are examples of log entries for dropped or rejected requests.
11/12/2013 17:38:11 name/radius/1 Warning Protocol 0 Request from localhost (
User user1 rejected (UserPasswordInvalid)
11/12/2013 18:05:12 name/radius/1 Warning Protocol 0 Packet from that
address is not in the Clients list <unknown user>
To log all accepted requests as well, set the LogServerActivity advanced property to TRUE:
Validating //localhost...
Saving //localhost...
This chapter describes how to use Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar) scripting to
customize your RADIUS server. At specific points during a Prime Access Registrar Request-Response
packet flow, service providers can initiate scripts using REX (C/C++), Java, TCL, or internal script
interfaces, to customize or modify the packet flow. When the script finishes, the packet flow continues
with the next step.You can write scripts to affect the way Prime Access Registrar handles and responds
to requests and to change the behavior of Prime Access Registrar after a script is run.
All scripts reference the three dictionaries listed below, which are data structures that contain key/value
• Request dictionary—contains all of the attributes from the access-request or other incoming
packets, such as the username, password, and service hints.
• Response dictionary—contains all of the attributes in the access-accept or other response packets.
As these are the attributes the server sends back to the NAS, you can use this dictionary to add or
remove attributes.
• Environment dictionary—contains well-known keys whose values enable scripts to communicate
with Prime Access Registrar or to communicate with other scripts.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Determining the Goal of the Script, page 7-2
• Writing the Script, page 7-2
• Adding the Script Definition, page 7-5
• About the Tcl/Tk 8.3 Engine, page 7-6
• Cisco Prime Access Registrar Scripts, page 7-6
• Extension Points in Cisco Prime Access Registrar, page 7-17
Client Scripting
Cisco is not liable for scripts developed by clients.
Though Prime Access Registrar allows external code (Tcl/C/C++/Java) to be used by means of a script,
custom service, policy engine, and so forth, while processing request, response, or while working with
the environment dictionaries, it shall not be responsible for the scripts used and will not be liable for any
direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to,
procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption)
however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including
negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of the script.
Note You can also use the Prime Access Registrar GUI or CLI to write internal scripts, by which you
can add, modify, or delete attribute in the request, response, and environment dictionaries for
RADIUS, Diameter, and TACACS+. For more information, see Internal Scripts, page 7-14.
The addProfile method has the syntax: <$dict> addProfile <profile>[<mode>]. In this example,
<$dict> refers to the Response dictionary and the profile is default-PPP-users. The script copies all of
the attributes of the Profile <profile> into the dictionary.
Note The client and the NAS are the same entity, unless the immediate client is acting as a proxy for the actual
You can use the Prime Access Registrar GUI to write internal scripts, by which you can add, modify, or
delete attribute in the request, response, and environment dictionaries for RADIUS, Diameter, and
TACACS+. For more information about configuring internal scripts by using the GUI, see
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
This section contains the following topics:
• AltigaIncomingScript
• AltigaOutgoingScript
• ANAAAOutgoing
• AscendIncomingScript
• AscendOutgoingScript
• AuthorizePPP
• AuthorizeService
• AuthorizeSLIP
• AuthorizeTelnet
• CabletronIncoming
• CabletronOutgoing
• CiscoIncoming
• CiscoOutgoing
• CiscoWithODAPIncomingScript
• ExecCLIDRule
• ExecDNISRule
• ExecFilterRule
• ExecNASIPRule
• ExecRealmRule
• ExecTimeRule
• LDAPOutage
• MapSourceIPAddress
• ParseAAARealm
• ParseAAASRealm
• ParseAARealm
• ParseAASRealm
• ParseProxyHints
• ParseServiceAndAAARealmHints
• ParseServiceAndAAASRealmHints
• ParseServiceAndAARealmHints
• ParseServiceAndAASRealmHints
• ParseServiceAndProxyHints
• ParseServiceHints
• ParseTranslationGroupsByCLID
• ParseTranslationGroupsByDNIS
• ParseTranslationGroupsByRealm
• UseCLIDAsSessionKey
• USRIncomingScript
• USRIncomingScript-IgnoreAccountingSignature
• USROutgoingScript
• Internal Scripts, page 7-14
• Blacklisting Script, page 7-16
ACME is referenced from Vendor ACME for the outgoing script. If the Prime Access Registrar server
accepts this Access-Request and the response does not yet contain a Session-Timeout, set it to 3600
AltigaIncomingScript maps Altiga-proprietary attributes to Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute
AltigaOutgoingScript maps Altiga attributes from Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute space to the
appropriate Altiga-proprietary attributes.
ANAAAOutgoing can be referenced from either the client or vendor outgoing scripting point to be used
in HRPD/EV-DO networks where Prime Access Registrar is the Access Network (AN) AAA server.
ANAAAOutgoing checks to see if the response contains the Callback-Id attribute. If the response
contains the Callback-Id attribute and the value is less than 253 characters, ANAAAOutgoing prefixes a
zero (0) to the value. For example, it changes "112" into "0112." The ANAAAOutgoing script always
returns REX_OK.
AscendIncomingScript maps Ascend-proprietary attributes to Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute
AscendOutgoingScript maps Ascend attributes from Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute space to
the appropriate Ascend-proprietary attributes.
AuthorizePPP is referenced from either the use record for users who’s sessions are always PPP or from
the from the script AuthorizeService, which checks the request to determine which service is desired.
This script merges in the Profile named "default-PPP-users" into the response dictionary.
AuthorizeService is referenced from user record for users who’s sessions might be PPP, SLIP or Telnet
depending on how they are connecting to the NAS. This script checks the request to determine which
service is desired. If it is telnet, it calls the script AuthorizeTelnet. If it is PPP, it calls the script
AuthorizePPP. If it is SLIP, it calls the script AuthorizeSLIP. If it is none of these, it rejects the request.
AuthorizeSLIP is referenced from either the user record for users who’s sessions are always SLIP or
from the from the script AuthorizeService, which checks the request to determine which service is
desired. This script merges in the Profile named "default-SLIP-users" into the response dictionary.
AuthorizeTelnet is referenced from either the user record for users who’s sessions are always telnet or
from the from the script AuthorizeService, which checks the request to determine which service is
desired. This script merges in the Profile named "default-Telnet-users" into the response dictionary.
CabletronIncoming maps Cabletron-proprietary attributes to Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute
Use CabletronOutgoing to map Cisco-proprietary attributes from Prime Access Registrar’s global
attribute space to the appropriate Cabletron-proprietary attributes.
Use CiscoIncoming to map Cisco-proprietary attributes to Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute
Use CiscoOutgoing to map Cisco-proprietary attributes from Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute
space to the appropriate Cabletron-proprietary attributes.
Use CiscoWithODAPIncomingScript to map Cisco-proprietary attributes to Prime Access Registrar’s
global attribute space and to map ODAP requests to the appropriate services and session managers.
CiscoWithODAPIncomingScript checks the incoming NAS-Identifier sent by the client. If the
NAS-Identifier does not equal odap-dhcp, the request is not an ODAP request. If the request is not an
ODAP request, the script does no more ODAP-specific processing, and calls CiscoIncomingScript to
allow it to process the request.
If the request is an ODAP request, CiscoWithODAPIncomingScript removes the NAS-Identifier
attribute because it is no longer required. The script then sets the Authentication-Service and the
Authorization-Service to odap-users and sets the Accounting-Service to odap-accounting.
ExecCLIDRule is referenced from the policy engine to determine the authentication and authorization
service and policy based on the CLID set in the policy engine.
ExecDNISRule is referenced from the policy engine to determine the authentication and authorization
service and policy based on the DNIS set in the policy engine.
ExecFilterRule is referenced from the policy engine to determine whether a user packet should be
rejected or not based on whether a special character like "*", "/", "\" or "?" shows up in the packet.
ExecNASIPRule is referenced from the policy engine to enable configuration of policies based on the
incoming NAS-IP-Address. You can configure two attributes, client-ip-address and subnetmask, to
match the incoming NAS-IP-Address and its subnet mask. If the attributes match, ExecNASIPrule sets
the environment variables (if they are configured in that rule).
ExecRealmRule is referenced from the policy engine to determine the authentication and authorization
service and policy based on the realm set in the policy engine.
ExecTimeRule either rejects or accepts Access Request packets based on the time range specified in a
user’s login profile. You can configure the TimeRange and AcceptedProfile attributes.
The format for the TimeRange is to set the allowable days followed by the allowable times, as in:
TimeRange = dateRange, timeRange
The dateRange can be in the form of a date, a range of allowable dates, a day, or a range of allowable
days. The timeRange should be in the form of hh:mm-hh:mm.
Here are a few examples:
Allows access Monday through Friday from 9 AM until 5 PM.
Allows access on Monday from 9 AM until 5 PM and from 12 noon until 1 PM on Tuesday
through Saturday
Allows access on Monday from 9 AM until Tuesday at 6 AM
1-13,10-17:00; 15,00:00-24:00
Allows access from the first of the month until the thirteenth of the month from 10 AM until 5
PM and all day on the fifteenth of the month
LDAPOutage is referenced from LDAP Services as OutageScript. LDAPOutage logs when the LDAP
binding is lost.
MapSourceIPAddress is referenced from the Prime Access Registrar server's IncomingScript scripting
point. MapSourceIPAddress checks to see if the request contains either a NAS-Identifier or a
NAS-IP-Address. If not, this script sets the NAS-IP-Address from the request's source IP address.
The Tcl version of this script is tMapSourceIPAddress.
ParseAAARealm is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It looks for a realm name
on the username attribute as a hint of which AAA service should be used for this request. If @<realm>
is found, the AAA service is selected which has the same name as the realm.
ParseAAASRealm is referenced from the NAS incoming script extension point. ParseAAASRealm looks
for a realm name on the username attribute as a hint of which AAA service and which SessionManager
should be used for this request. If @<realm> is found, the AAA service and SessionManager which have
the same name as the realm are selected.
ParseAARealm is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It looks for a realm name on
the username attribute as a hint of which authentication and authorization service should be used for this
request. If @<realm> is found, it selects the AA service that has the same name as the realm and the
DefaultAccountingService (as specified in the configuration by the administrator).
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseAARealm.
ParseAASRealm is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It looks for a realm name
on the username attribute as a hint of which AA service and which SessionManager should be used for
this request. If @<realm> is found, the AA service and the SessionManager which have the same name
as the realm are selected. The Accounting service will be the DefaultAccountingService (as specified in
the configuration by the administrator).
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseAASRealm.
ParseProxyHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It looks for a realm name
on the username attribute as a hint of which AAA services should be used for this request. If @radius is
found, a set of AAA services is selected which will proxy the request to a remote radius server. If
@tacacs is found, the AuthenticationService is selected that will proxy the request to a tacacs server for
authentication. For any services not selected, the default service (as specified in the configuration by the
administrator) will be used.
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseProxyHints.
ParseServiceAndAAARealmHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It calls
both ParseServiceHints and ParseAAARealm.
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseServiceAndAAARealmHints.
ParseServiceAndAAASRealmHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It calls
both ParseServiceHints and ParseAAASRealm.
ParseServiceAndAARealmHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It calls
both ParseServiceHints and ParseAARealm.
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseServiceAndAARealmHints.
ParseServiceAndAASRealmHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It calls
both ParseServiceHints and ParseAASRealm.
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseServiceAndAASRealmHints.
ParseServiceAndProxyHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. It calls both
ParseServiceHints and ParseProxyHints.
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseServiceAndProxyHints.
ParseServiceHints is referenced from the NAS IncomingScript scripting point. Check to see if we are
given a hint of the service type or the realm. If so, set the appropriate attributes in the request or radius
dictionary to record the hint and rewrite the username to remove the hint.
The Tcl version of this script is named tParseServiceHints.
ParseTranslationGroupsByCLID is referenced from the policy engine to determine the incoming and
outgoing translation groups based on CLID set in the policy engine so that the attributes can be added
and/or filtered out by the configuration data set in MCD.
ParseTranslationGroupsByDNIS is referenced from the policy engine to determine the incoming and
outgoing translation groups based on realm set in the policy engine so that the attributes can be
added/filtered out by the configuration data set in MCD.
ParseTranslationGroupsByRealm is referenced from the policy engine to determine the incoming and
outgoing translation groups based on the realm set in the policy engine.
ParseTranslationGroupsByRealm allows the attributes to be added or filtered out by the configuration
data set in MCD.
UseCLIDAsSessionKey is used to specify that the Calling-Station-Id attribute should be used as the
session key to correlate requests for the same session. This is a typical case for 3G mobile user session
USRIncomingScript maps USR-proprietary attributes to Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute
USRIncomingScript-IgnoreAccountingSignature maps USR-proprietary attributes to
Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute space and sets a flag to ignore the signature on
Accounting-Request packets. Earlier versions of the USR RADIUS client did not correctly sign
Accounting-Request packets.
USROutgoingScript maps USR attributes from Prime Access Registrar’s global attribute space to the
appropriate USR-proprietary attributes.
Internal Scripts
Prime Access Registrar allows you to write internal scripts, by which you can add, modify, or delete
attributes in the request, response, and environment dictionaries for RADIUS, Diameter, and TACACS+.
You can use the Prime Access Registrar GUI or CLI to configure the internal scripts.
Prime Access Registrar allows you to create script statements for the following operations:
• Simple Attribute Operation—allows you to add, modify, or delete an attribute value to the request,
response, or environment dictionary
• Copy an Attribute—allows you to copy an attribute value from one dictionary to another
• Concatenate Operation—allows you to concatenate an attribute value from one dictionary to another
• Replace Operation—allows you to replace an attribute value from one dictionary to another
• Value Based Manipulations—allows you to manipulate attribute values in a dictionary based on a
given text
• Log or Trace Messages—allows you to create different levels of log or trace messages
• I can do it myself—allows you to create your own script for the selected protocol
You can also use internal scripts as part of the FastRules workflow. For more information about
FastRules, see “Using FastRules to Process Packet Flow” chapter of the
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
To configure internal scripts using the Prime Access Registrar GUI, see the “Using the Graphical User
Interface” chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test ]
Name = test
Description =
Language = internal
--> cd statements/
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test/Statements ]
1. #req:User-Name=~(.*)(@[a-z]+.[a-z]+)~\1
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test1 ]
Name = test1
Description =
Language = internal
--> cd statements/
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test1/Statements ]
1. -rsp:Framed-IP-Address=
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test3/Statements ]
1. +rsp:Tacacs-AVpair=cmd=show running-config
2. +rsp:Tacacs-AVPair=aaa
3. -rsp:Tacacs-AVPair=aaa
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test4/Statements ]
1. -req:Cisco-AVPair=bbb
--> cd ../../test7/statements/
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test7/Statements ]
1. #rsp:Framed-IPX-Network=2
2. +rsp:State=Delivered
3. -rsp:State
4. +req:Cisco-AVPair=aaaa
5. #req:Cisco-AVPair=5
6. #rsp:Framed-IPX-Network=req:Cisco-AVPair
7. -req:Cisco-AVPair
Blacklisting Script
Prime Access Registrar supports two types of blacklisting:
• IMSI-Based Blacklisting, page 7-16
• IP-Based Blacklisting, page 7-17
Note One instance of Prime Access Registrar can have only one type of blacklisting; either IMSI-based or
IMSI-Based Blacklisting
Prime Access Registrar allows you to blacklist one or more IMSI values available in the incoming
EAP-SIM or EAP-AKA requests. A scripting point option is provided such that you can set an
environment dictionary variable Blacklisted-IMSI to TRUE or FALSE to blacklist or whitelist IMSI
values respectively. An IMSI value marked as blacklisted is rejected and will not be processed further.
The IMSI-based blacklisting script is shown below:
proc CheckBlackList {request response environ}
set imsi [ $environ get IMSI ]
if { [ string compare $imsi 984579621012345 ] == 0 }
$environ put Blacklisted-IMSI TRUE
$environ put Notification-Code 19384
Where, CheckBlackList is the entrypoint variable of the global title translation script checklist, as shown
in the example below:
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/checklist ]
Name = checklist
Description =
Language = tcl
Filename = tclscript.tcl
EntryPoint = CheckBlackList
InitEntryPoint =
InitEntryPointArgs =
If the environment variable Blacklisted-IMSI is set as TRUE and if the IMSI value available in the
incoming script matches the given string, then that IMSI is blacklisted and will not be processed. You
can configure a notification code to represent failure. If no notification code is set, 16384 representing
General Failure is sent upon rejection of an IMSI value. For more information about the
Notification-Code variable, see Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide
IP-Based Blacklisting
Prime Access Registrar allows you to blacklist one or more IP addresses available in the incoming
EAP-SIM or EAP-AKA requests. A scripting point option is provided such that you can set an
environment dictionary variable Blacklisted-Key to the IP address that you want to check. An IP
addressed mapped to the Blacklisted-Key variable is rejected and will not be processed.
Run the following script:
proc CheckIPRange {request response environ}
$environ put "Blacklisted-Key" [ $request get Framed-IP-Address ]
– Blacklisted-Key is the environment variable that is mapped with the IP address to be checked
– CheckIPRange is the entrypoint variable of the global title translation script checkIPList, as
shown in the example below:
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/CheckIPRange ]
Name = CheckIPRange
Description =
Language = rex
Filename =
EntryPoint = CheckIPList
InitEntryPoint = InitIPList
InitEntryPointArgs =
If the IP address available in the incoming script is mapped as Blacklisted-Key, then that IP address is
blacklisted and will not be processed further. You can configure a notification code to represent failure.
If no notification code is set, 16384 representing General Failure is sent upon rejection of an IP address.
For more information about the Notification-Code variable, see
Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 Reference Guide
This chapter describes how to use radclient, a RADIUS server test tool you run from the command line
to test your Cisco Prime Access Registrar RADIUS server. You can use radclient to create packets, send
them to a specific server, and examine the response.
Because the radclient command is Tcl-based, you can use it interactively or you can execute it as a Tcl
script file.
To run the radclient command, enter:
After you enter the radclient command, you must log into the RADIUS server and provide an
administrator’s username, such as admin, and the administrator’s password.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• radclient Command Syntax
• Working with Packets
• Attributes
• Using radclient Test Commands
radclient -z ABC=3
The following example command line sets the debug levels for everything between A and Z
inclusive and l to 5:
radclient -z A-Zl=5
Creating Packets
To create a basic RADIUS Access-Request packet, use the radclient command simple. This function
creates a packet and fills in basic attributes. The syntax of the simple command is:
simple <user_name> <user_password>
For example, to create an Access-Request packet for user bob whose password is bigDog, enter:
The radclient command responds with p001, which is the identifier (name) of the newly created packet.
Viewing Packets
To view a packet or any other object, enter the object identifier at the radclient prompt. For example, to
display packet p001, enter:
Sending Packets
To send a packet, specify the packet identifier and enter the word send.
p001 send
You can optionally specify the host and port to which to send the packet. The default host is localhost,
and the default port is 1812.
When you want to send a packet to a different host and different port, you must specify them on the
command line. For example, to send a packet to the RADIUS server amazon, at port number 1813, enter:
When Prime Access Registrar receives a response to the packet you sent, it prints the response packet’s
object identifier before the radclient prompt returns.
The TCL variable tries determines how many times radclient retries to send the packet.
packet <packet-type>
The optional <packet-type> argument can be the numerical RADIUS packet type identifier, such as 2,
or the string representation, such as Access-Accept:
packet 2
Deleting Packets
When you are writing long-running or iterating scripts, you might want to conserve memory by deleting
packets when you are finished with them.
To delete a packet, enter:
<packet-identifier> delete
To delete all resources referred to by the packet p001, enter:
p001 delete
Using the radclient command you can create specific RFC-defined attributes of requests and responses.
This section contains the following topics:
• Creating Attributes
• Setting Multivalued Attributes
• Viewing Attributes
• Getting Attribute Information
• Deleting Attributes
• Using the radclient Command
Creating Attributes
To create an attribute object, the syntax is:
<attrib> name <value>
<attrib> is a recognized RADIUS attribute name. <value> is the value of the attribute.
For example, to create the attribute User-Name and set its value to bob, enter:
Note a001 is the object identifier for the newly created attribute.
Viewing Attributes
To view an attribute, or any other object, type the object identifier at the radclient prompt. For example,
to display attribute a001 created in the example above, enter:
User-Name = bob
Deleting Attributes
When you are writing long running or iterating scripts, you might want to conserve memory by deleting
attributes when you are finished with them (be sure not to delete attributes being referred to by other
objects, like packets.)
To delete all resources referred to by the attribute a001, enter:
a001 delete
Example 1
This example creates an Access-Request packet for user jane with password jane, and sends it to the
default RADIUS server (localhost).
The command simple jane jane creates the packet; the packet object identifier is p001. When you enter
the packet object identifier, radclient displays the contents of the packet.
When you enter the packet identifier and the command send, radclient sends the packet to the RADIUS
server and prints the response packet object identifier.
p001 send
When you enter the packet object identifier of the response, radclient displays the contents of the
response packet.
Example 2
The following example creates a simple Access-Request packet, then adds other attributes to it.
The command line above shows creation of the packet p003 using user-ID jane and password jane.
The line above shows creating the Service-Type attribute (with the object identifier a00c).
Service-Type = Framed
Entering the attribute object identifier a00c displays the attribute object.
The line above adds the newly set attribute to the packet. The following line creates another attribute.
attrib NAS-Port 99
NAS-Port = 99
The same steps add the NAS-Port attribute to the packet, and finally, the packet contents are displayed.
Packet: code = Access-Request, id = 0, length = 0, attributes =
User-Name = jane
User-Password = jane
NAS-Identifier = localhost
Service-Type = Framed
NAS-Port = 99
Example 3
Example 3 performs the same tasks as Example 2 using the command substitution feature of Tcl which
allows you to use the results of one command as an argument to another command. Square brackets
invoke command substitution. The statement inside the brackets is evaluated, and the result is used in
place of the bracketed command.
radclient Variables
You control how timetest and callsPerSecond work using radclient variables. To set a radclient
variable, use the set command as follows:
Table 8-1 lists the radclient variables used in timetest and callsPerSecond and their description.
Variable Description
host Destination host to send the packets (default is localhost)
num_packets Number of packets to send at once (default is 256)
num_users Modulus for the username pattern (default is 10000)
port Port where radclient sends access-request packets (default is 1812).
Changing this port does not affect the accounting_port.
retry_timeout Length of time to wait after a timeout occurs before retrying
secret Shared secret configured on the RADIUS server for the client (default is
timeout Length of time to wait before a timeout occurs
tries Number of times to attempt to send
UserNamePattern Pattern of the usernames (default is user%d%%PPP)
UserPasswordPattern Pattern of the user passwords (default is user%d)
Using timetest
The timetest command sends a number of requests to the RADIUS server then waits for a response.
When a response arrives, timetest immediately sends another request. timetest can keep up to 256
requests outstanding all the time.
The syntax of the timetest command is:
timetest <testtype> [<cycles> [<repetitions> [<starting user number> [<increment user
Table 8-2 lists the applicable test types.
Consider this timetest example with radclient variables set to the following:
In this example, timetest sends packets directly to the host at IP address on port 1812 with a
shared secret cisco. There are 100,000 users in the server’s user database with the name pattern user#
and password pattern puser#, where # ranges from 0-99,999, inclusive. The number of outstanding
requests are limited to 128.
Before starting the timing test, timetest sends an Accounting-On packet to the AAA Server and waits
for a response to make sure that any session management being performed on the AAA Server is reset
before running the test. After a response is received, the timetest can begin.
Using callsPerSecond
The callsPerSecond command is a smart throttle that sends packets at a rate you set. If you set
callsPerSecond to two transactions per second (TPS), callsPerSecond sends a packet every 0.5 seconds.
The syntax of the callsPerSecond command is:
callsPerSecond <callsPerSecond> <testtype> [<cycles> [<repetitions> [<starting user number>
[<increment user number>]]]]
Variable Description
accounting_port Port where the RADIUS server sends accounting packets (default is
Note Changing accounting_port value does not affect the
authentication port.
host Name of host where Prime Access Registrar is installed
ignore_signature_errs Causes server to ignore signature in the response
load_path Search path to load source files with user processes
NASIdentifier Value to set NAS-Identifier attribute
NASIPAddress Value to set NAS-IP-Address attribute
NASPort Value to set NAS-Port attribute
num_packets Number of packets to send at once (default is 256)
num_users Modulus for the username pattern (default is 10000)
port Port where radclient sends access-request packets (default is 1812).
Changing this port does not affect the accounting_port.
retry_timeout Length of time to wait before attempting a retry
secret Shared secret configured on the RADIUS server for the client (default is
tclDefaultLibrary Tclsh default library
tcl_patchLevel Tclsh version with patch level
tcl_pkgPath Tclsh install path
tcl_traceExec Tclsh boolean to activate tracing
tcl_platform Tclsh platform array
tcl_version Tclsh version
tries Number of retry attempts
UserNamePattern Pattern of the usernames (default is user%d%%PPP)
UserPasswordPattern Pattern of the user passwords (default is user%d)
verbose Verbose flag for Tclsh
Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar) can be used in a Service Selection Gateway
(SSG) - Cisco Subscriber Edge Services Manager (SESM) deployment to enable the Trusted Identity
(Trusted ID) Authorization feature. This chapter describes how to use Prime Access Registrar with
SESM, and how to configure Prime Access Registrar to use the Trusted ID feature.
The Trusted ID feature provides transparent login capabilities for users based on a trusted ID instead of
the user's name, enabling end users of an SSG to maintain an always-on connection without the need to
authenticate on each connect. Using SSG's Transparent Auto-Login (TAL) feature, a TAL access-request
packet contains a Trusted ID, such as a MAC address, that identifies the user without the user's real
username and password.The SESM Profile Management Guide provides detailed information about
Trusted ID authorization in SESM.
If Prime Access Registrar knows the user associated with the Trusted ID, Prime Access Registrar uses
the Trusted ID to authenticate and authorize the user. If the authentication and authorization succeeds,
Prime Access Registrar returns the user’s username in the Access-Accept so the SSG can include the
user’s identity in subsequent Accounting-Requests.
If Prime Access Registrar does not know the user associated with the Trusted ID,
Prime Access Registrar returns an Access-Reject. The Access-Reject causes the SSG to redirect the user
to a SESM web portal login page. When the user explicitly authenticates, Prime Access Registrar
captures the Trusted ID and maps it to a user association so subsequent attempts to authenticate with the
Trusted ID succeed.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Trusted ID Operational Overview
• Software Requirements
• Configuring Cisco Prime Access Registrar for Trusted Identity with SESM
• Configuration Imported by TrustedIdInstall Program
• Configuring EAP-MD5 Authentication
• Configuration Restrictions
Configuration Overview
The Trusted ID features require two objects in Prime Access Registrar, a UserService, a
SessionManager, and a ResourceManager. The UserService references another service called to perform
the authentication and authorization (AA). The SessionManager references a SessionManager that
contains a reference to a session-cache Resource Manager. These objects are imported into the
Prime Access Registrar server configuration when you run the TrustedIdInstall.bin program.
Configuration Imported by TrustedIdInstall Program, page 9-13 lists the configuration imported into the
Prime Access Registrar server by the TrustedIdInstall.bin program.
The Resource Manager is configured with the QueryKey property set to a RADIUS attribute that
contains the Trusted ID such as the Calling-Station ID. The Query Key should be set to an attribute
present in all appropriate AA requests that uniquely identifies the user such as Calling-Station ID. The
Query Key can be set to only one RADIUS attribute.
The Resource Manager is also configured to cache the attributes required to identify the user, username,
and the user’s credentials, password or CHAP-Password and CHAP-Challenge. The attributes
User-Name, User-Password, NAS-Identifier, NAS-Port, or NAS-Port-Type are not appropriate choices
for Query Key because they do not uniquely identify users.
The RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod specifies the length of time a given EncryptionKey will be
used before a new one is created. When the session-cache ResourceManager caches User-Password
attributes, Prime Access Registrar encrypts the User-Password so it is not stored in memory or persisted
on disk in clear text. Prime Access Registrar uses up to 255 encryption keys, using a new one after each
RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod expires. If RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod is set to 2 days,
Prime Access Registrar will create and begin using a new EncryptionKey every two days. The oldest key
will be retired, and Prime Access Registrar will re-encrypt any User-Passwords that used the old key
with the new key. This way, if the RollingEncryptionKeyChangePeriod is set to 1 day, no key will be
older than 255 days.
The encryption keys are indirectly connected to Trusted ID. Since User-Passwords might be stored for
a long time in memory and on disk, Prime Access Registrar uses the RollingEncryptionKey to encrypt
the User-Passwords. The RollingEncryptionKey makes it more difficult for someone to crack or decode
the User-Passwords because the key used changes frequently. If someone were to break one key, that
would only give them the ability to decrypt those User-Passwords that had been encrypted with that key.
All others, including those yet to be encrypted after the key change period expires would not be
Request Processing
When the Trusted ID service processes Access-Requests, it queries the session-cache Resource Manager
for a cache entry associated with the Trusted ID. If found, the Resource Manager returns the cached
attributes. The Trusted ID service replaces the request’s existing attributes with the cached attributes.
After the Resource Manager is queried (and the request's existing attributes are replaced with the cached
attributes if the cache entry exists), the Trusted ID’s UserService authenticates and authorizes the
request. The UserService is always called whether the cache entry exists or not. The only attributes
cached in the Resource Manager are the ones listed in AttributesToBeCached. The user profile is usually
not cached and is retrieved each time by the UserService.
Whether the request succeeds or not, the request is passed on to the service referenced by the
UserService property. When that service completes authentication and authorization, control returns to
the Trusted ID service. The session-cache might be updated if AA is successful.
Configuration Restrictions
The Session Manager referenced by the TrustedID Service should not be used for general session
management. The Trusted ID Session Manager should be a separate Session Manager used only for the
Trusted ID session cache. The data in the session-cache must persist longer than the length of the session.
If the Trusted ID Session Manager was used for general session management, the cache would be
updated for the general session, overwriting the cache entry for the special session created for the
Trusted ID service. When the general session ended it would delete that data and subsequent queries for
implicit authentication would fail.
Software Requirements
The Trusted ID feature requires the following software to be installed:
• Cisco Subscriber Edge Services Manager (SESM) 3.3(1)
• Cisco Subscriber Policy Engine (SPE) 2.1.12
• Cisco Prime Access Registrar
In addition to the software listed above, you must run TrustedIdInstall.rpm, a Java application that runs
on the Linux platform.
Note The disk space required to run the TrustedIdInstall program is about 1.3 MB.
The TrustedIdInstall program verifies the software prerequisites, installs the required jar files, and
extends the configuration for Prime Access Registrar. The TrustedIdInstall program is only available
on under the Prime Access Registrar download area at the following URL:
This section contains the following topics:
• Installing Cisco Prime Access Registrar
• Running the TrustedIdInstall Program
Note You must specify a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) when you install Prime Access Registrar software.
Note Before running the TrustedIDInstall program, ensure that the SPE 2.1.12 software has been installed
with SESM 3.3(1) (in SPE mode).
The following message appears after you enter the command line above:
# TrustedIdInstall.rpm
InstallShield Wizard
Figure 9-1 shows the welcome window of the Trusted ID Azn AR SESM Integration 1.0 Installer.
Note If you plan to use EAP-MD5 authentication, choose None. See Configuring EAP-MD5 Authentication,
page 9-15 for information about configuring EAP-MD5 authentication.
Step 6 Enter the password in field provided, and select the password encryption type, then click Next.
Step 7 If in Step 5 you selected iPlanet as the Data Store Type, continue with Step 8. If you chose any other
Data Store Type, proceed to Step 9.
The iPlanet Data Store Type requires that you set the value for the naming variable in ACNSchema.xml
and DESSSchema.xml, either for Uid or Cn as shown in Figure 9-2. You can set the naming variable to
either Uid or Cn.
Step 8 Select either Uid or Cn as the inetOrgPerson naming variable, then click Next.
The InstallIdInstall.rpm wizard displays the Service Type Selection panel.
Step 9 Accept the default Trusted ID Service Enable True or click to select False, then click Next.
The TrustedIdInstall program displays a panel that indicates the following:
• Location where the Trusted ID Authorization SESM Integration files will be stored (/cisco-ar)
• Features to be stored (Admin Tool)
• Amount of space required (about 1.3 MB)
The InstallIdInstall.rpm wizard displays the Directory Information panel, requesting information
about the directory server required to extend the schema.
Step 10 Provide the requested Directory Server information as shown in Figure 9-3.
Contact the directory administrator if you are unsure about the information required.
a. Enter a Directory Address.
The Directory Address field requires the directory server IP address or DNS hostname.
b. Enter a Directory Port number.
Provide the TCP/IP port on which your directory server listens. (This is usually port 389.)
c. Enter a Directory Admin User.
Provide the User ID of the directory server administrator with permissions to extend the schema in
the form:
Step 1 To run the TrustedIdInstall program using the command line interface, enter the following from the
Prime Access Registrar server’s command line:
TrustedIdInstall.rpm -console
InstallShield Wizard
The line above provides a way for you to enter your selection. You can press Enter to go to the next
panel. Enter 3 to cancel the installation, or enter 4 to redisplay the current panel.
Step 2 Press Enter to go to the next panel.
Cisco Systems
Please ensure that minimally the following products are installed.
1 Check to ensure that Cisco SESM 3.3(1) is installed and available on the
2 Checking for Prime AR 6.0 or later
This panel lists prerequisites required for successful installation. Before continuing to the next panel,
ensure that SESM 3.3(1) is installed and available or the network. The program checks for
Prime Access Registrar 3.5.3 (or later).
Step 3 After insuring that SESM 3.3(1) is installed and available on the network, press Enter.
[X] 1 - Novell Directory Server
[ ] - iPlanet
[ ] - Data Communications Directory
[ ] - IBM Directory Server
[ ] - Open LDAP
This panel requests the data store type selection and indicates the Novell Directory Server is the default
Step 4 Press Enter to select the Novell Directory Server.
You can press 2 to select iPlanet, 3 to select Data Communications Directory, 4 to select IBM Directory
Server, or 6 to select Open LDAP.
Master Password []
This panel indicates the default installation type as None. Enter “2” and press Enter to select SHA, or
enter “3” and press Enter to select SSHA.
Note If you plan to use EAP-MD5 authentication, choose None. See Configuring EAP-MD5 Authentication,
page 9-15 for information about configuring EAP-MD5 authentication.
Step 6 If in Step 4 you selected iPlanet as the Data Store Type, continue with Step 7. If you chose any other
Data Store Type, proceed to Step 8.
[X] 1 - Uid
[ ] - Cn
The iPlanet Data Store Type requires that you set the value for the naming variable in ACNSchema.xml
and DESSSchema.xml, either for Uid or Cn as shown above.
Step 7 Press Enter to use the naming variable to Uid, or press 2 to select Cn.
Service Type Selection panel
To select a choice enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]:
The Service Type Selection panel asks if you want to enable the Trusted ID service. Enter 2 to choose
to not enable the Trusted ID service.
Step 8 Press Enter to enable the Trusted ID service.
Trusted ID Azn AR SESM Integration will be installed in the following
with the following features:
Admin tool
for a total size:
1.3 MB
This panel indicates the location where the TrustedIdInstall program will write data and the amount of
storage required.
Step 9 Press Enter to begin writing data.
Enter the IP Address (or) hostname of the system where the directory server is
Please contact your directory administrator if you are not sure about this
Step 10 Press Enter to use the current system as the directory server, or enter another directory server name or
IP address.
Enter the TCP/IP Port on which your directory server listens. Usually, the
port is 389.
Please contact your directory administrator if you are not sure about this
Step 11 Press Enter to use the default port, 389, or enter a different port number.
Note Contact your directory server administrator if you are not sure about which port to use or other
information required in the following steps.
Enter the User Id of the directory server with permissions to extend schema.
Please contact your directory administrator if you are not sure about this
Step 12 Enter the User ID of the directory server administrator with the necessary permissions to extend the
Enter the password for the above user.
Please contact your directory administrator if you are not sure about this
Step 13 Enter the password for the user provided in the previous step.
Enter the container in which the default RBAC objects should be created.
Please contact your directory administrator if you are not sure about this
Step 14 Press Enter to use the default container, or enter a different container and press Enter.
Enter the User Id of the DESS user.
Step 15 Press Enter to use the default DESS user, or enter a different user ID and press Enter.
Enter the password of the DESS user.
Please contact your directory administrator if you are not sure about this
Step 17 Press Enter to begin the software installation and extend the schema.
As the installation proceeds, status messages will be displayed.
When the installation completes successfully, the following message displays:
Trusted ID Azn AR SESM Integration 1.0 installation completed
cd /Radius/Advanced/Ports
Added 1812
Added 1813
After changing the port assignments, Prime Access Registrar no longer listens on the default ports. It
might be necessary to add ports 1812 and 1813 if you are also using Prime Access Registrar for other
AAA functionality.
Note By default, Prime Access Registrar listens on ports 1812 and 1813 for the Linux platform.
cd /Radius/Clients
Added SESM1
Added SESM2
Added SESM3
Step 1 Change directory to /Radius/Services, then add and configure an accounting service.
cd /Radius/Services
Added SESMaccounting
cd /Radius
• /Radius
• /radius/services/spe
• /radius/services/trusted-id
• /Radius/SessionManagers/session-cache/
• /radius/ResourceManagers/session-cache
• /radius/advanced/
• /Radius/Scripts/ChangeServiceType
DefaultAuthenticationService trusted-id
DefaultAuthorizationService trusted-id
type java
type trusted-id
UserService spe
SessionManager session-cache
AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession FALSE
ResourceManagers/1 session-cache
type session-cache
OverwriteAttributes TRUE
PendingRemovalDelay 10
QueryKey Calling-Station-ID
AttributesToBeCached/1 User-Name
AttributesToBeCached/2 User-Password
AttributesToBeCached/3 Calling-Station-ID
ClasspathForJavaExtensions /cisco-ar/conf
Language TCL
Filename ChangeServiceType.tcl
EntryPoint ChangeServiceType
IncomingScript ChangeServiceType
Note If you configure Prime Access Registrar to use EAP-MD5 authentication with the Trusted ID feature,
you will not be able to use the Transparent Auto Login feature.
Step 1 Start aregcmd, then change directory to /Radius/Scripts and add the CheckEap script.
cd /Radius/Scripts
add EapCheck
cd EapCheck
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/EapCheck ]
Name = EapCheck
Description =
Language =
Note The following sections also require you to use aregcmd, the command line interface.
cd /Radius
cd /Radius/Services
add EAP-MD5
Step 2 Change directory to the EAP-MD5 service and set the Type and UserService properties as shown below:
cd EAP-MD5
cd EAP-MD5
Step 4 Set the service Type property to eap-md5 and the UserService property to LDAP.
cd /Radius/RemoteServers
add LDAP
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/LDAP ]
Name = LDAP
Description =
Protocol =
The following example shows the default configuration of an LDAP remote server:
[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/LDAP ]
Name = LDAP
Description =
Protocol = ldap
Port = 389
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
Timeout = 15
HostName =
BindName =
BindPassword =
SearchPath~ =
Filter~ = (uid=%s)
UserPasswordAttribute = userpassword
LimitOutstandingRequests = FALSE
MaxOutstandingRequests = 0
MaxReferrals = 0
ReferralAttribute =
ReferralFilter =
PasswordEncryptionStyle = Dynamic
EscapeSpecialCharInUserName = FALSE
DNSLookupAndLDAPRebindInterval =
Step 4 Set the HostName property to the SPE/DESS directory IP address or hostname.
Step 5 Set the BindName property to the SPE/DESS administrator name.
Step 6 Set the BindPassword property to the SPE/DESS administrator password.
Step 7 Set the SearchPath property to the SPE/DESS directory container.
Step 8 Set the UserPasswordAttribute property type to clearpassword.
cd /Radius/Service
add LDAP
Step 2 Change directory to LDAP and set the type property to ldap.
Step 3 Change directory to RemoteServers and associate the LDAP RemoteServer with the LDAP service.
cd RemoteServers
set 1 LDAP
Validating //localhost...
Saving //localhost...
This chapter describes how to use the REX Accounting Script (RAS). The RAS writes RADIUS
Accounting requests to a local, flat file and is included as an option for Cisco Prime Access Registrar
(Prime Access Registrar). It is designed to be attached to a Prime Access Registrar IncomingScript or
OutgoingScript point. When used in conjunction with the Prime Access Registrar built-in proxy support,
the server will concurrently store a local copy of an Accounting request and proxy another copy to
another RADIUS server.
Note Unless you require log rotation at an exact time or when the accounting log reaches a specific file size,
we recommend that you use service grouping to log and proxy accounting packets.
RAS can be attached to more than one Prime Access Registrar extension point. For example, in a dial-up
resale scenario, you might configure Prime Access Registrar to proxy Accounting requests to many
different Remote Servers (by realm). For some subset of those, you might want to keep a local copy of
the Accounting requests. In this case, RAS could be installed as the IncomingScript on just the Services
for which a local copy is desired.
Note Also included is the DropAcctOnOff Script. This script causes Prime Access Registrar to drop all
Accounting-Requests with an Acct-Status-Type of Accounting-On or Accounting-Off.
Step 1 Start the Prime Access Registrar aregcmd configuration utility and login:
> $INSTALL/usrbin/aregcmd -C localhost -N admin -P aicuser
Access Registrar Configuration Utility
Copyright (C) 1995-2016 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Logging in to localhost
[ //localhost ]
LicenseKey = xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Server ‘Radius’ is Running, its health is 10 out of 10
Step 2 Using aregcmd, create a new Prime Access Registrar Script object:
--> cd /Radius/Scripts
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts ]
Entries 1 to 20 from 39 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Step 3 Using aregcmd, fill in the details of the new Prime Access Registrar Script object. See Chapter 5,
“Configuring and Monitoring the RADIUS Server,” for more details.
--> cd LocalAccounting
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/LocalAccounting ]
Name = LocalAccounting
Description =
Language =
Filename =
EntryPoint =
InitEntryPoint =
InitEntryPointArgs =
--> ls
[ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/LocalAccounting ]
Name = LocalAccounting
Description = “Log Accounting requests to local file”
Language = REX
Filename =
EntryPoint = RexAccountingScript
InitEntryPoint = InitRexAccountingScript
InitEntryPointArgs = “-f Accounting -t 1:15”
Step 4 Using aregcmd, attach the new Prime Access Registrar Script object to the appropriate
Prime Access Registrar Scripting point. See Chapter 5, “Configuring and Monitoring the RADIUS
Server,” for more details.
--> set /radius/IncomingScript LocalAccounting
Set /Radius/IncomingScript LocalAccounting
--> reload
Reloading Server 'Radius'...
Server 'Radius' is Running, its health is 10 out of 10
Option Description
-f <filename> Required. Specify the name of the output file.
-t <HH:MM[:SS]> Specify a time of day to roll the output file. Note, this is time on the
24-hour clock, for example, 00:05 = 12:05am, 13:30 = 1:30pm. This option
can not be used with the -i option.
-i <seconds> Specify the number of seconds between rolling the output file, beginning
at start-up. This option can not be used with the -t option.
-s <size>[k|m|g] Specify the maximum size for an output file. When the file reaches this
size, it will be rolled.
When specifying the <size> option, a <unit> can be included. When a
<unit> is not included, the <size> is in bytes. Note, do not use a space
character between the <size> and <unit> options.
<unit> can be either:
k = 1K,
m = 1Meg,
g = 1Gig.
-g Use GMT when writing the date/time in the Accounting output file for each
record (default is local time).
-G Use GMT when naming rolled output files (default is local time).
-A Process all packets, not just Accounting-Requests.
-I Ignore errors when processing packets, always return successfully.
-a <buffer-count> Pre-allocate this many Accounting buffers to improve performance.
-T <trace-level> Set the trace level. This trace info appears in the output file (as its written
by the background thread which no longer has a packet to use for logging
or tracing.)
-O Call another REX extension before calling the RexAcctScript.
-o Call another REX extension after calling the RexAcctScript.
This example causes RAS to write to a file called Accounting.log (in the logs directory of the installation
tree). The file rolls every day at 4:20pm (local time), as well as whenever it grows larger than 100k in
size. RAS also runs the DropAcctOnOff script against every packet, after it has processed the packet.
This chapter describes the enhanced IP allocation feature in Cisco Prime Access Registrar
(Prime Access Registrar).
In the previous versions of Prime Access Registrar, IP allocation happens internally based on a specific
range of IPs configured. If there are multiple Prime Access Registrars in a deployment, each
Prime Access Registrar server will have different range of IPs configured and can allocate/de-allocate
IPs only within that specific range. Prime Access Registrar cannot allocate IPs from a common pool.
This is addressed by the enhanced IP allocation feature.
With this feature, IP ranges will be read from the configuration and the common IP pools will be
maintained in a centralized Mongo Database (MongoDB). Any Prime Access Registrar server which is
connected to the DB can allocate an available IP for a user from the common IP pools. When the user
disconnects, the IP is released back to the pool again. Along with the IP pools, the user sessions will also
be maintained in centralized MongoDB.
The MongoDB version used for this feature is 3.6.2.
With the enhanced IP allocation feature, IPV6 address allocation is also supported.
MongoDB Support
This section describes the MongoDB server features:
• The centralized DB can be a single MongoDB server, a MongoDB replica set, or a MongoDB shard.
• Replica set has one primary server and two or more secondary servers. The secondary servers acts
as backup servers. Prime Access Registrar supports MongoDB cluster setup, that contains multiple
shards (multiple replica sets).
• MongoDB has automatic failover mechanism. If the primary goes down, the election process is
triggered among the available secondary servers. The new primary is elected and it starts processing
the traffic.
• The secondary DB servers can be placed in the primary DB site as well as in the geographically
distant failover sites for local DB failover and site failover.
IP Allocation Methodology
With the enhanced IP allocation feature, Prime Access Registrar provides the following support:
• Dynamic allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from the common IP pool information kept in
Mongo DB.
• Multiple IP pools, each with a maximum size of 16 million IPs, can be configured in Mongo DB.
• Prime Access Registrar allocates IPs from the IP pool in a fail-over manner for the incoming
RADIUS and Diameter requests.
• It is possible to select and allocate IPs from one particular IP pool using the scripting point.
• Multiple Prime Access Registrar servers can be connected to the Mongo DB for the IP allocation
based on the requirement.
• IP allocation/de-allocation requests can be load-balanced to any Prime Access Registrar.
• Prime Access Registrar uses compressed format to store and retrieve the IPs from DB for effective
use of DB resources.
• Prime Access Registrar supports MongoDB cluster deployments to meet higher scalability needs.
• MongoDB replica set provides fail-over capabilities with the primary and secondary nodes.
• Framed-IP-Address attribute holds the allocated IP address in the Access-Accept message.
Configuration Details
In Prime Access Registrar, a new type of session manager is introduced to support this feature. This
session manager can handle both RADIUS/Diameter requests coming from the RADIUS/Diameter
clients respectively. All the Prime Access Registrar servers connected to the same MongoDB/MongoDB
replica set/MongoDB cluster must have the same session manager configuration.
--> cd /r
[ //localhost/Radius ]
Name = Radius
Description =
Version =
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
DefaultAuthenticationService~ = null
DefaultAuthorizationService~ = null
DefaultAccountingService~ = local-file
DefaultSessionService~ =
DefaultSessionManager~ = MongoSessionManager
--> cd IPAddressAllocators/
[ //localhost/Radius/IPAddressAllocators ]
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
--> cd allocator1/
[ //localhost/Radius/IPAddressAllocators/allocator1 ]
Name = allocator1
Description =
Type = mongo
IPAllocationType = IPv6
DepletedPoolTimeOut = 2M
IPRecordTimeOut = 1M
--> cd IPAddressPools/
[ //localhost/Radius/IPAddressAllocators/allocator1/IPAddressPools ]
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
--> cd P1
[ //localhost/Radius/IPAddressAllocators/allocator1/IPAddressPools/P1 ]
Name = P1
Description =
Identifier = 0
Type = ipv6
StartIPv6 = 2025::20c:29ff:fe65:9802
EndIPv6 = 2025::20c:29ff:feff:ffff
IPv6Prefix = 2025::/64
--> cd /r/SessionManagers/MongoSessionManager/
[ //localhost/Radius/SessionManagers/MongoSessionManager ]
Name = MongoSessionManager
Description =
Type = geo
EnableDiameter = FALSE
IncomingScript =
OutgoingScript =
AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession = FALSE
SessionTimeOut =
PhantomSessionTimeOut =
SessionKey = User-Name
--> cd ResourceManagers/
[ //localhost/Radius/SessionManagers/MongoSessionManager/ResourceManagers ]
1. ipv6
--> cd /r/ResourceManagers/
[ //localhost/Radius/ResourceManagers ]
Entries 1 to 6 from 6 total entries
Current filter: <all>
--> cd Ipv6
[ //localhost/Radius/ResourceManagers/ipv6 ]
Name = ipv6
Description =
Type = geo-ipv6-dynamic
IPv6Prefix = 2025::/64
ReuseIPForSameSessionKeyAndUser = TRUE
IPAllocator = allocator1
--> cd IPADDressPools/
[ //localhost/Radius/IPAddressAllocators/allocator1/IPAddressPools ]
Entries 1 to 4 from 4 total entries
Current filter: <all>
[ //localhost/Radius/IPAddressAllocators/allocator1/IPAddressPools ]
Entries 1 to 4 from 4 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = P1
Description =
Identifier = 10
Type = ipv4
NetMask =
Start =
End =
Name = P2
Description =
Identifier = 20
Type = ipv4
NetMask =
Start =
End =
Name = P3
Description =
Identifier = 30
Type = ipv4
NetMask =
Start =
End =
Name = P4
Description =
Identifier = 40
Type = ipv4
NetMask =
Start =
End =
[ //localhost/Radius/ResourceManagers ]
Entries 1 to 8 from 8 total entries
Current filter: <all>
--> cd ipv4
[ //localhost/Radius/ResourceManagers/ipv4 ]
Name = ipv4
Description =
Type = geo-ipv4-dynamic
NetMask =
ReuseIPForSameSessionKeyAndUser = FALSE
IPAllocator = allocator1
[ //localhost/Radius/SessionManagers/MongoSessionManager ]
Name = MongoSessionManager
Description =
Type = geo
EnableDiameter = TRUE
IncomingScript =
OutgoingScript =
AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession = FALSE
SessionTimeOut =
PhantomSessionTimeOut =
SessionKey = User-Name
SessionCreationCmdList = 265
SessionDeletionCmdList = 275
SessionRestorationTimeOut =
--> cd ResourceManagers/
[ //localhost/Radius/SessionManagers/MongoSessionManager/ResourceManagers ]
1. ipv4
--> cd /r/advanced/remotemongosessionServer/
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/RemoteMongoSessionServer ]
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
Timeout = 15
MongoTimeOutCount = 10
MongoActiveConnetionThresholdCount = 4
MongoConnectionReactivationInterval = 3000
DataSourceConnections = 4
DataSource =
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 0
[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources/mongo ]
Name = mongo
Description =
Type = mongoc
UserID =
Password =
DataBase =
Server =
DBReadPreference = Nearest
IsReplicaSet = FALSE
Table 11-1 lists the attributes added under /RADIUS/Advanced for the IP Allocation feature.
Property Description
IPDataBackingStore Interval at which the IP data is written to the backing store.
IPDataBackingStore The sleep time interval of the IP data backing store pruning thread. The
PruneInterval recommended and default value is six hours, but you can modify this based on
the traffic patterns you experience.
With IPDataBackingStorePruneInterval set to six hours, pruning will occur six
hours after you restart or reload the Prime Access Registrar server and recur
every six hours.
You can set a very low value for this property to make pruning continuous, but
there might not be enough data accumulated for the pruning to occur and
pruning might be less effective compared to the default setting.
IPDataBackingStore Maximum size limit of any IP data log files generated; the default is 10
DiscThreshold gigabytes. The value of IPDataBackingStoreDiscThreshold is made up of a
number of units which can be K, kilobyte, or kilobytes, M, megabyte, or
megabytes, or G, gigabyte, or gigabytes.
IPDataPurgeInterval The interval in which Prime Access Registrar must check for timed-out IP
IPDocumentTimeOut If there is any document in locked state for this timeout period, then those
documents will be released/unlocked during the purge operation.
• IPHighThreshold—Absolute integer value that indicates the maximum number of IPs that can be
allocated by the server. Default is 0. When the number of IPs exceeds the given high threshold value,
Prime Access Registrar generates a carIPCapacityFull trap.
• IPLowThreshold—Absolute integer value that indicates the minimum number of IPs that can be
allocated by the server. Default is 0. After reaching the high threshold, if the number of IPs drops
below a low threshold value, Prime Access Registrar generates a carIPCapacityNotFull trap.
For details about the carIPCapacityFull and carIPCapacityNotFull traps, refer to the “Using SNMP”
chapter of the Cisco Prime Access Registrar 9.0 User Guide.
Note The Python tool will not work properly, if there is a CLI access from multiple terminals.
Note Also, ensure that the correct system time is maintained across all the Prime Access Registrar servers in
a deployment.
After installing Prime Access Registrar in all the identified servers, follow the below steps to maintain
common configuration across all Prime Access Registrar servers:
Step 5 Restart Prime Access Registrar. This will initialize and create the following:
– Collections in the MongoDB—These are the names of the configured session managers. These
collections are created inside the DB, which is configured in mongoc data source configuration
in aregcmd.
Note Make sure you do not delete the database name and collections to avoid possible data
inconsistency issue.
Note Both the IPProvisioning database and the database configured under mongoc data
source in aregcmd must have the same credentials.