Subject: Notice of Suspension by Hand: "15. Refusing To Carry Out Instructions
Subject: Notice of Suspension by Hand: "15. Refusing To Carry Out Instructions
Subject: Notice of Suspension by Hand: "15. Refusing To Carry Out Instructions
By Hand
Dear _____________:
This has reference to the incident stated in the Notice to Explain which has been served
to you on _____________________.
A perusal of your explanation reveals that your reason in failing to perform the instructions
given to you is insufficient to justify such failure. Furthermore, you have admitted that
Item V. No. 15 of the GANO iTOUCH Handbook for Employees that the penalty for
refusing to carry out instruction as a first offense is Dismissal, thus:
In view of your admission, the penalty of ___ month suspension without pay is imposed
against you effective __________________ until ______________________.
Please be informed that subsequent violation of the rules on discipline shall be dealt with
more severely. For your information. Thank you.