Safe Road Transport

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European Roadmap

Safe Road Transport

Version June 28, 2011

ERTRAC Working Group on

Road Transport Safety and Security
ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

Table of contents:

1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Introduction................................................................................................................................................4
Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................4
3. Benefits to Grand Societal Challenges........................................................................................................5
4. Research areas ...........................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Safety of vulnerable road users ................................................................................................................7
4.1.1 Intelligent traffic systems for VRU safe mobility management ........................................................8
4.1.2 Improved pedestrian and 2-wheeler detection systems for accident avoidance .............................8
4.1.3 Safety systems for the protection of (motor)cyclists in collisions with motor vehicles....................9
4.1.4 Safety systems for the protection of single-vehicle motorcyclist accidents ....................................9
4.1.5 Technology development to mitigate the consequences of secondary impacts after a VRU
to vehicle collision ......................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Safety of new vehicles ............................................................................................................................10
4.2.1 Biomechanical models and injury prediction ..................................................................................11
4.2.2 Crash compatibility and improved crashworthiness of light and/or new vehicle concepts ...........11
4.2.3 Solutions for low acoustic perception of FEVs ................................................................................13
4.2.4 Advanced passenger protection systems including elderly/more fragile people ...........................13
4.2.5 Integrated safety concepts (HV, fire…)............................................................................................14
4.3 Advanced driver support systems ..........................................................................................................16
4.3.1 Vehicle dynamics monitoring and control.......................................................................................16
4.3.2 Driver support for collision avoidance ............................................................................................17
4.3.3 Driver inattention and impairment monitoring and support..........................................................17
4.3.4 Automated systems .........................................................................................................................18
4.3.5 Driver Coaching ...............................................................................................................................18
4.3.6 Human-Machine Interaction ...........................................................................................................19
4.4 Traffic Safety Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.4.1 Road accident monitoring and investigation ..................................................................................22
4.4.2 Naturalistic Driving Studies .............................................................................................................22
4.4.3 Road user modelling and simulation ...............................................................................................23

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4.4.4 Impact assessment and cost benefit ...............................................................................................23

4.5 Safe infrastructure ..................................................................................................................................25
4.5.1 Real time road status monitoring....................................................................................................26
4.5.2 Towards zero maintenance roads ...................................................................................................26
4.5.3 Self-explaining roads .......................................................................................................................26
4.5.4 Forgiving Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................26
4.5.5 Advanced incident and traffic management ..................................................................................27
4.5.6 Conception and design for elderly, vulnerable and users with specific needs ...............................27
4.5.7 Automated road ..............................................................................................................................27
4.6 Cooperative systems for road safety and security .................................................................................29
4.6.1 Communication protocols, standards, ….........................................................................................30
4.6.2 Safety of co-operative systems .......................................................................................................31
4.6.3 Security of co-operative systems ....................................................................................................31
4.6.4 Field Operational Test (FOT)............................................................................................................31
4.7 Secure road transportation ....................................................................................................................33
4.7.1 Secure road transport facilities .......................................................................................................33
4.7.2 Tamper-proof identification and access systems ............................................................................34
4.7.3 Advanced alarm and tracking systems for vehicles and goods .......................................................34
4.7.4 Cooperative systems to increase security level in the freight transportation ................................34
4.7.5 Data security in road transport systems .........................................................................................35
5. Milestones ................................................................................................................................................37
6. References. ...............................................................................................................................................45
7. Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................45
8. Contributions ............................................................................................................................................46

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1. Executive Summary

Strong efforts have been spent by the European Commission and all Member states in the last ten
years to reduce the impact of road transport in term of fatalities and injuries. The overall objective to
halve the number of fatalities between 2001 and 2010 has not completely reached but significant
improvements have been made. However the final target is to reduce to (almost) zero fatalities and
severe injuries, at the level of a “reasonable” risk, similar to other safer transport means like rail or
air transport.

As a further step towards the “zero fatalities ” objective, ERTRAC has defined an ambitious target:
to reduce by 60% fatalities and severe injuries by year 2030 (baseline 2010).

To reach that safety level different approaches have to be followed, compared with the previous 10
years: continuing in research on passive and active safety and enforcement of traffic rules, strong
effort in preventive safety, both at vehicle and infrastructure level, education and continuous
training of drivers, strong enforcement of driving under alcohol or drug effects and protection of
vulnerable road users.

Furthermore integrated and cooperative safety could provide the needed level of “protection and
perception” to ensure to drive always with enough margin to be able to properly react to any sudden
problem, like vehicle failure or static obstacles in the road.

2. Introduction


As stated in the ERTRAC Strategic Research Agenda the societal need for safety and security in road
transport is on reducing fatalities and severe injuries, as well as reducing the amount of freight cargo
lost due to theft and damage. The policy of reducing fatalities is a long-standing objective which
reflects the ongoing efforts of the European Commission, the Member States and industry in
reducing fatalities on the roads towards zero in the long term. However, ERTRAC has extended the
reach of this indicator so that it now also includes the reduction of severe injuries. Considering the
trend in urbanisation and in new concepts of vehicle (lightweight, full electric, etc.) vulnerable road
user protection will be an important issue.


This roadmap will cover all actions related the improvement of road safety on the vehicle, on the
infrastructure, promoting a better driver behaviour, and the organization of the transport system. All
different types of safety (cooperative-preventive-active, passive and after crash) will be considered,
within an integrated approach.

Security in freight transport will be considered, promoting solutions that will not put in risk the
professional driver of the vehicle.

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The roadmap will cover actions that will improve the deployment of the solutions, since benefits will
be possible only with a large penetration of solutions in the overall vehicle fleet. However specific
policy (like incentives, taxes, etc.) to increase the deployment of solutions will not be considered. In
some specific aspects, like prevention of driving under the effect of alcohol or drug, the roadmap will
promote technology development to help the introduction of specific policy for the enforcement.

3. Benefits to Grand Societal Challenges

Clearly the main benefits will be on the safety target, this roadmap will be responsible to have the
main impact (almost all) on the objective to reduce by 60% fatalities and severe injuries. But the
reduction of accidents will have important benefits on the traffic reliability, since accidents are one of
the main causes of traffic abnormalities and then congestions. Clearly the reduction of 60% of
accidents with fatalities and severe injuries will have an impact on the reduction of abnormalities due
to traffic accidents.

Since congestion will produce also a big increase of fuel consumption due to the very low speed
followed by the vehicles (and the continuous acceleration and deceleration) a certain impact also in
traffic decarbonisation is expected.

Cooperative systems will allow also a better management of the (remaining) accidents, fast
intervention of emergency help, fast information to the incoming traffic to find alternative routes.

4. Research areas

It is generally recognised that human error are responsible of the large majority (more than 90%) of
the road accidents. The strategies were directed mainly at improving road users’ behaviour, mostly
through education, information and enforcement strategies. But it is clear that several of the driver
mistake cannot be recovered simply with the education (for example distraction, drowsiness, illness,
etc.) and a more comprehensive approaches which included interventions for vehicles, roads and
medical care is needed. This is clear in the Haddon Matrix, shown in Table below.

PHASE - FACTORS Human Vehicle Infrastructure

Prevention - Improved pedestrian Vehicle dynamics Intelligent traffic

Mitigation and 2-wheeler active monitoring and systems for VRU safe
safety systems for control mobility management
accident avoidance Driver support for Real time road status
Naturalistic Driving collision avoidance monitoring
Studies monitoring and Towards zero
Road user modelling support maintenance roads
and simulation Automated systems Self-explaining roads
Driver inattention and Conception and
impairment design for elderly,
Driver Coaching vulnerable and users
Human-Machine with specific needs
interaction Automated road

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Crash Biomechanical models Safety systems for the Forgiving

and injury prediction protection of infrastructure
(motor)cyclists in
collisions with motor
Crash compatibility
and improved crash-
worthiness of light
and/or new vehicle
Advanced passenger
protection systems
including elderly/more
fragile people
Post Crash Road accident Automatic crash Advanced Incident
monitoring and notification and Traffic
investigation systems management
Protection of rescue
personal and first
responders against
risks caused by
energy storage

Table 1. Haddon matrix Accident Phases- Factors

The roadmap will consider the following main research areas.

• Safety of vulnerable road users

• Safety of new vehicles

• Advanced driver support

• Traffic Safety Analysis

• Safe infrastructure

• Cooperative systems

• Secure road transportation

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4.1 Safety of vulnerable road users

Vulnerable Road Users (or VRU) are defined in this document as those participants in traffic that
are not protected by any mechanical system: pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and users of
mopeds. This includes road users with impairment, e.g. using a mobility aid, or children playing
on the road. Car occupants, even when this refers to impaired people, senior people or children
do not belong to the category of VRU according to this definition. Their specific needs are
included in the roadmap referring to new vehicle developments (Safety of New Vehicles).

Although the total number of fatalities and severe injuries due to traffic accidents is decreasing,
e.g. as a result of the introduction of passive and active safety systems, the number of VRU that
are killed and wounded in traffic tends to decrease in a much slower pace . Measures to decrease
the number of VRU casualties in traffic are dedicated to influence driver and road users to show
more safe behaviour, to make infrastructure more forgiving and intuitive in order to decrease the
number of accidents and accident severity, and to make motor vehicles more safe e.g. by means
of driver warning systems or full autonomous safety systems as to reduce the impact of accidents
on injury levels of vulnerable road users. Influencing road user behaviour is outside the scope of
this roadmap, except for advanced driver assistance systems which are integrated in vehicles and
used in a timeframe prior to the crash at a moment that the driver is fully in control of the
situation. Autonomous systems have to take over from the driver at the time that any response
from the driver is too late to avoid a potential collision, or when the driver is no longer capable to
deal with the information flow regarding a potential critical situation. Intelligent systems are
required that not only give information to the driver on the possible collision risk in the
continuously changing environment of the vehicle, but also estimate the driver state in order to
judge whether the driver is still capable to cope with the ever increasing amount of information
to use this information to avoid critical situations.

The following topics are considered to be of main importance in the reduction of the number of
fatalities and severe injuries among vulnerable road users in traffic:

1. Intelligent traffic systems for VRU safe mobility management

2. Improved pedestrian and 2-wheeler active safety systems for accident avoidance

3. Safety systems for the protection of (motor)cyclists in collisions with motor vehicles.

4. Safety systems for the protection of single-vehicle motorcyclist accidents.

5. Technology development to mitigate the consequences of secondary impacts after a VRU-to-

vehicle collision.

Impact assessment of systems to improve the safety of vulnerable road users is dealt with in a
separate roadmap (Traffic Safety analysis).

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4.1.1 Intelligent traffic systems for VRU safe mobility management

Especially at inner city black spots where the density of cars and vulnerable road users is high
with consequentially many possible hazardous interactions, an automated guiding system for
safe VRU mobility could be put into place. Such a system would have to lead to increased
awareness of drivers for VRU behaviour, combined with traffic guidance for vulnerable road
users and cars depending on the detected traffic flows. A combination of in-vehicle systems
(active safety systems), roadside systems (e.g. camera’s overlooking a crossing and identifying
road users and their future paths), car-to-infrastructure and infrastructure-to-car
communication, and an intelligent traffic management system should result in increased driver
awareness (e.g. by sending information on pedestrians crossing the street outside the view of the
driver), improved awareness for vulnerable road users on the presence of vehicles potentially
crossing their path, and guidance by automated traffic guidance systems (e.g. automatically
adapting their timed switch and/or the vehicle speed for optimized mobility of cars and VRU).

4.1.2 Improved pedestrian and 2-wheeler detection systems for accident avoidance
Current developments in pedestrian and 2-wheeler detection systems aim at in vehicle sensors,
such as a combination of camera’s, radars, contact sensors and other sensor types, as these are
desperately needed to avoid accidents with VRU. Developments are required to reduce the cost
of these sensor systems, to make sensors smarter as to be able to identify the type of road user,
and to reduce the number of false positives. There is a major concern about the growing
thickness of the A-pillars for car structural resistance and the blind spots generated by the same.
Reducing the weight of structural materials might even increase the problem.

In order to have sensors to provide information that add to the drivers view, the information
streaming towards the driver becomes important, especially in inner cities with high numbers of
road users, including VRU. When a warning is given to the driver, does the driver have the
possibility to digest this information, and is he/she capable of acting accordingly? Accident
avoidance systems therefore also require an estimation of driver behaviour (capabilities), and
driver state, to predict delayed reactions due to fatigue or increasing age. Using this information,
the trigger for autonomous action by the car could be adapted.

Apart from in-vehicle sensors, detection could be enhanced by providing pedestrians and 2-
wheelers with some sort of transmitter, whose signal is easily picked up by in-car or road side
systems. This could especially be used in the protection of young children, that have little notion
on the dangers of traffic or for bikers approaching a heavy vehicle with important areas falling
under blind spots.

The regulatory framework is very essential for a successful market introduction of accident
avoidance systems, especially in the case of autonomous actions of in-car systems. Current
legislation has not yet an answer to upcoming questions on responsibility for autonomous acting
vehicles. Besides the developments of such systems, the regulatory frameworks well as test
procedures for such systems need to be installed.

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4.1.3 Safety systems for the protection of (motor)cyclists in collisions with motor vehicles
Systems are developed for collision avoidance. If in unfortunate cases, a collision is unavoidable,
then there is still time left to mitigate the impact of the collision. This could be by systems on the
car that decrease the impact, by a combination of car deceleration and safety measures to
reduce the severity of the contact between car and VRU. Other possibilities are protective
garments for the vulnerable road user that become active when an imminent collision is
detected. An active bicycle helmet or collar is a simple example of such a system. For
motorcyclists such systems could be part of the motorcycle, or of the protective garment, to be
activated only if and when needed. A good prediction of what will happen during the accident
scenario is crucial to determine the best combination of protective measures and consequently
the algorithms to deploy the protection. Moreover, systems should be very easy to handle, and
should fit comfortably under all weather conditions.

Enhanced concepts for motorcycling helmets to protect the rider from neck torsion will add to
motorcyclist safety.

4.1.4 Safety systems for the protection of single-vehicle motorcyclist accidents

Due to the high speed reachable and the weight of the vehicle, single-vehicle accidents involving
PTWs (Powered Two-Wheelers) can be fatal or lead to very severe injuries. Since in the case of a
single-vehicle accident no opposing vehicle is present to absorb part of the impact and thus
mitigate the collision, measures to reduce the mortality and the level of injury should be
implemented on the motorcycle, in the protective garments or in the infrastructure. These
systems, similar to developments for cars could follow the strategy of driver warning, collision
avoidance, and collision mitigation, the latter with automatically activated protective systems.

Systems like ESC for PTWs, advanced protective clothing and helmets, wearable air-bags;
forgiving infrastructure design and "soft" road furniture should be considered for innovative

4.1.5 Technology development to mitigate the consequences of secondary impacts after a VRU to
vehicle collision
In most accident scenarios for the collision of a passenger car and a pedestrian, the head will
make contact with the bonnet close to the windshield, the windshield, or the vehicle’s A-pillars.
Depending on the flexibility of the structure, the deceleration pulse of this primary contact is so
high that a fatal injury might result. For this reason various protective measures are currently
studied reducing the risk of fatal and severe injuries due to primary impacts.

Only very limited data is available on the secondary impact, i.e. the impact that the VRU faces
when bouncing off the vehicle and hitting the road or other equipment. The severity of this
contact might be as high as or even higher than that of the primary impact. Consequently

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measures should be developed to prevent or soften secondary impact, e.g. retaining systems to
avoid secondary impact or forgiving infrastructure/road furniture design.

Roadmap Safety of vulnerable road users

2015 2020 2025 2030

Intelligent traffic systems for
VRU safe mobility

Improved pedestrian and 2-

wheeler detection systems
for accident avoidance

Safety systems for the

protection of (motor)cyclists
in collisions with motor

Safety systems for the

protection of single-vehicle
motorcyclist accidents

Technology development to
mitigate the consequences of
secondary impacts after a
VRU to vehicle collision

Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

4.2 Safety of new vehicles

Current state-of-the-art vehicles show a very high level of active (e.g. Electronic Stability Control)
and passive safety. Euro NCAP rating is often at the highest level of five stars. However,
improvements are still possible and needed considering the introduction of new, smaller and
lighter vehicles, and of electric vehicles. These vehicles will have new specific needs, in particular

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for passive safety, but will also offer new opportunities with the availability of high electric
power on the vehicle and the possibility to control the traction torque at each wheel.

In particular, electric vehicles are more flexible in their architecture compared with conventional
vehicles. This aspect, together with the requirement to reduce costs and weights, will probably
produce vehicles very different from the current solutions. Research is also needed to better
understand the biomechanics of the vehicle occupants during crashes to enable new solutions
for the passive safety of these new vehicles, solutions that will guarantee adequate levels of
protection without negative impact on vehicle performance (weights and then range).

Topics for research:

1. Biomechanical models and injury prediction

2. Crash compatibility and improved crashworthiness of light and/or new vehicle concepts

3. Solutions for low acoustic perception of FEVs (Full Electric Vehicles)

4. Advanced passenger protection systems including elderly/more fragile people

5. Integrated safety concepts (hydrogen vehicles, fire…)

4.2.1 Biomechanical models and injury prediction

With the convergence of active and passive safety, human-like reactions, as they would occur in
the pre-crash respectively low-g phase, will play a more and more important role in the
development and fine-tuning of safety systems. This should be supported by research on active
human models for all kinds of road users. The bio-fidelity and injury prediction capability of these
numerical representations of the human body and in particular their ability to reproduce
muscular activity need further improvements. Research in biomechanics will be the basis of such
advances. So far most of the knowledge in biomechanics has been focused on so-called structural
effects caused by various types of impacts. However, there is an urgent need to get a better
understanding about functional effects, e.g. injuries to the nervous system frequently causing
long lasting or disabling injuries. This knowledge will be a prerequisite for the definition of
refined injury criteria and reference values.

4.2.2 Crash compatibility and improved crashworthiness of light and/or new vehicle concepts
C02 emission regulations, global anti-pollution policies, management of resources and
economical development call for cars with reduced size and weight, which are ecologically
friendly (emissions, material recycling, manufacturing processes), affordable and still safe.
Current requirements for crashworthiness, however, set limits to the trend of “downsizing” and
to the weight savings which can be achieved. On the other hand, there are classes of extra-low
mass vehicles (L5e and L7e) which are largely unregulated in terms of vehicle safety. Research
should therefore aim at establishing the scientific basis for harmonizing these requirements and
for giving greater room to weight savings without compromising the high level of safety which
even small cars offer today.

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An important route to realise substantial weight reductions is the application of lightweight and
particularly of composite materials in the vehicle structure. Apart from high material and
processing costs, the lack of numerical crash simulation tools with truly predictive capability still
constitutes a major barrier to the introduction of these materials in the virtual development
processes of the motor vehicle industry. Research should bridge this gap by developing numerical
tools which offer the capability to predict also the failure and the post-failure behaviour of
composite materials under impact loading at high levels of confidence and which can be
integrated seamlessly in the existing industrial development processes.

Apart from the general trend of downsizing, the electrification of drive trains in particular causes
new challenges with regard to crashworthiness and, at the same time, offers new chances to
improve the crash safety of vehicles. The bulky and heavy battery packs which vehicles will have
to be equipped with in the coming years in order to offer a significant purely electric operating
range might not only form a safety risk on their own when being damaged, but will also have a
major influence on the full vehicle’s crash deformation behaviour and on the resulting
deceleration patterns. High voltage lines and hydrogen tanks for energy storage in fuel cell
electric vehicles will introduce new risks which have to be tackled, too. On the other hand, new
package concepts enabled by the replacement of mechanical shafts by electric power
transmission and the introduction of wheel-hub motors in particular will facilitate radically new
designs of crash structures and finally enable rethinking the vehicle architecture as a whole. In
combination with the application of new materials, this will be the basis for major advances in
the lightweight design of electric vehicles allowing for the extension of purely electric operating
ranges. Research activities should cover the whole range from basic risk analyses to the
development of design guidelines and test procedures which allow for a holistic safety
assessment of electrified vehicles while limiting the risks immanent in the tests themselves.

Not only electric vehicles might be based on totally new architectures in the future though.
Special attention is currently paid to two-seater concepts with in-line seat arrangements, for
example. Such vehicles could be equipped with the full range of drive train technologies
available, but will in any case show different impact kinematics than conventional passenger
cars. Research should therefore explore routes to guarantee the crashworthiness of such vehicle
structures in terms of energy-absorption mechanisms, deceleration patterns and survival spaces.
Moreover, the adaptation of restraint systems to the requirements of such new vehicles
concepts should be addressed.

Last but not least, the interaction of different types of vehicles in terms of crash compatibility
should be a topic of future research, as this issue will become even more important with the
trend of downsizing and the introduction of a growing number of extra-low mass vehicles.
According to current safety paradigms, smaller vehicles have to be designed with stiffer
structures, modifying the energy absorption characteristics and requiring more aggressive
restraint systems. In addition, the introduction of new vehicle architectures might also result in
issues of geometric compatibility with other vehicle types (override / underride effects etc.).
Based on an in-depth analysis on what are the optimal safety features a small car should provide
compared to those of a larger vehicle and making full use of the results of former projects in this
field, research should be targeted towards the amendment of safety requirements for the

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different types of vehicles available. This might also necessitate the modification of test and
assessment methods in order to better reflect the requirements of crash compatibility.

4.2.3 Solutions for low acoustic perception of FEVs

Novel acoustic characteristics of fully electric vehicles (FEVs) do not provide the same
recognizable impressions regarding interior and exterior noise as conventional vehicles -
particularly at low speeds. This means a perceptible sound has to be developed in order to avoid
additional risks for vulnerable road users and maintain public acceptance. Significant progress
towards regulations for exterior noise characteristics of quiet road vehicles has already started in
the USA, Japan and Europe. However, there is still a substantial need for further research in this
area of psycho-acoustic characteristics for artificial noise measures, increased driver awareness
as well as novel smart system approaches to maintain the advantages of FEVs regarding the
reduction of urban noise pollution. Thus the NVH-behaviour of new vehicle concepts (in
particular FEVs) is an interdisciplinary research domain, also involving innovative materials and
production methods. In this context also infrastructure measures could be developed in
combination with in-vehicle measures. As an example, one could imagine smart systems in
pedestrian paths, especially at crossroads, which generate sound and vibration to vulnerable
road users. In-vehicle measures as wells as infrastructure measures should be integrated with the
help of innovative HMI solutions in order to generate an automated acoustic system
environment for the safety of new vehicles.

Thus there are important challenges in the next two decades which demand holistic R&D
approaches. In the first stage an initial research and demonstration phase has to be initiated. The
major aims of this first phase are:

- Sound (and vibration) functionality and generation devices are developed at a prototype
and/or pre-series-production level (mainly in-vehicle measures)

- Sensing strategies and HMI-integration (Human Machine Interaction) for acoustic solutions
are developed (in-vehicle but also infrastructure measures)

- Demonstration / field testing (mainly vehicle level but also infrastructure measures)

This refers to a small scale application of technical systems and methods regarding effective
solutions for the low acoustic perception of FEVs. First R&D projects on these aspects are running
or currently being started.

In the second stage, the validation and integration of these acoustic solutions for a preventive
vulnerable road user protection is a major aim. As a major future aim, a holistic automated
acoustic system environment for collision avoidance, mainly in terms of vulnerable road user
protection, has to be established. This involves economically advantageous and validated
applications at large scale.

4.2.4 Advanced passenger protection systems including elderly/more fragile people

Already more and more systems are penetrating the market where passenger protection systems
are electrically driven instead of mechanically driven, this trend will continue in the future due to
the availability of a higher voltage battery also in conventional vehicles. The availability of even
higher electric power in electric or hybrid vehicles opens possibilities to redefine passive safety

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systems altogether. Not only restraint systems can be redefined to more dynamically and less
aggressively (taking into account the different statures of occupants) respond to dangerous
situations, but also the supply of power can be used to trigger crash mitigation systems like
dynamic changes to the structure of the vehicle. A strategy should be developed how the
demands of different actuators should be handled by such a power system. Also, questions of
energy management arise in the event of a crash: actors need to be generally redefined. Do the
protection systems have sufficient power and may there be a demand for power supply after the
crash? How will this power supply be secured without endangering the occupants or first
responders? These questions have to be answered to (re)define the passenger protection
systems in the overall safety concept.

4.2.5 Integrated safety concepts (HV, fire…)

Vehicles with an alternative propulsion system, like battery operated vehicles and hydrogen and
fuel cells driven vehicles, put higher demands on traditional safety systems. The use of these new
energy storage systems in combination with the changed characteristics of the vehicle asks for an
integrated safety approach encompassing primary, secondary and tertiary safety systems. These
systems should be directed at the energy storage system itself (battery or hydrogen tank), the
vehicle as a whole and the environment of the vehicle. Additional safety challenges as discussed
in the following paragraph should be compensated by improved primary and secondary safety
systems. Since these vehicles will be introduced first in urban environments also specific safety
systems directed at the protection of vulnerable road users should be considered.

Also post-crash, the alternative powertrain components (battery, hydrogen storage, high voltage
lines) pose new challenges for rescue teams. Emergency personnel must be able to identify the
specific type of vehicle it is dealing with and secure the scene so rescue work can begin. They
also need to know when to call for trained personnel equipped with proper protective gear for
assistance. First arriving emergency responders should be protected as well as the occupants of
the vehicles and bystanders at the scene.

For the electric vehicle the so-called electronic crush zone is even more important not least due
to the different architectural designs (2-seaters, in-line etc). Therefore, further research on
reliable sensing is a must. The reliability of the sensing systems has to be increased in order to be
able to use the signals for the deployment of collision mitigation systems.

Research activities should be aimed at a holistic approach looking at prevention, avoidance,

protection, rescue and care. Firstly a profound analysis is needed of the specific safety
requirements of the different new vehicle concepts (battery, hydrogen). Primary safety systems
should be redefined in order to focus these systems on urban environments and vulnerable road
users. Safe vehicle dynamics is a further area that needs extensive research for the different new
vehicle concepts, including 2- and 3-wheelers. For the secondary safety systems, pre-triggered
occupant protection systems need to be elaborated, adapted actuator concepts which take into
account the diversified crash behaviour. Furthermore, improvement of tertiary safety systems is
needed taking into account fire, leakages of chemical materials and high voltage.

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Roadmap Safety of new vehicles

2015 2020 2025 2030

Biomechanical models and
injury prediction

Crash compatibility and

improved crashworthiness of
light and/or new vehicle

Solutions for low acoustic

perception of FEVs

Advanced passenger protection

systems including elderly/more
fragile people

Integrated safety concepts (HV,


Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

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4.3 Advanced driver support systems

In-depth accident analysis and naturalistic driving studies have consistently demonstrated that
the great majority of road accidents involve some form of driver error, in particular related to
inattention. The key purpose of advanced driver support systems is to prevent such errors or
mitigate their consequences by providing drivers with information or warnings on potential
hazards, or even intervening by automatic steering and/or braking. In addition, some functions
partly automate the driving control task. Also, enhanced logging capabilities have enabled driver
coaching functions that provide drivers with performance feedback, during or after the trip, with
the general purpose to obtain long-term behavioural change. Today, several advanced driver
support systems have entered the market but the penetration rate is still relatively low.

To accelerate deployment, it will be of key importance to reduce development costs. This will
require an increased level of integration both on the sensor and on the actuator/HMI side.
Future technological developments will include improved perception capabilities, also utilising
short-range communication enabled by cooperative system technologies. This will also enable a
higher level of automated driving, which will require new regulatory frameworks. Increased
integration of the suspension, braking, steering and propulsion systems will enable new forms of
vehicle dynamics support functions. There are also key challenges for the design of the human-
machine interface to manage the rapid growth of functions interacting with the driver, minimise
distraction and ensure a high level of acceptance and adoption of new functions.

The following main research topics have been identified:

1. Vehicle dynamics monitoring and control

2. Driver support for collision avoidance
3. Driver inattention and impairment monitoring and support
4. Automated systems
5. Driver Coaching
6. Human-Machine Interaction

4.3.1 Vehicle dynamics monitoring and control

A key future trend in this area is increased chassis integration, that is, integration of the
suspension, braking, steering and propulsion systems to provide safer functionality by combined
management of these systems. Thus, future active safety systems will be able to directly act on
the vehicle dynamics.

Road transports of tomorrow, especially heavy goods vehicles, face challenges in increasing their
transport efficiency and reducing their environmental footprint. One viable future option is to
design longer modular transport systems than agreed in Directive 96/53 EC within long haul and
regional distribution. Research is needed on how these vehicle combinations should be managed

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in safety critical situations and how safe corridors can be detected and evaluated to choose an
optimal driving path for high speed situations as well as low speed including reversing. To secure
the right level of control with energy and cost efficient systems an integrated approach of
propulsion, braking and steering is needed.

Coordination of legislation and development of common standards is also needed to facilitate

the development of integrated chassis systems.

4.3.2 Driver support for collision avoidance

Today, several types of collision warning systems exist on the market, primarily in premium
segment vehicles. Recently, vehicle manufacturers took the next step to further enhance safety
by introducing systems like Automatic Emergency Braking which autonomously takes control
over the brakes when necessary to mitigate rear-end collisions. In the near future, active safety
will be increasingly deployed in lower-cost segments. To achieve this, research needs to be
directed at systems with multiple functions, with high accuracy / reliability, and reduced cost.
Deployment in heavy goods vehicles and buses will be accelerated by 2013/2015 legal
requirements on mandatory CMbB and LDW systems.

On the sensor side, accuracy and reliability will be further enhanced, in particular regarding the
detection of vulnerable road users (as addressed in more detail in section 4.1). Moreover, in the
near future, short-range communication technologies (V2V, V2I) will function as additional
sensors. In combination with digital maps and e-Horizon, this will substantially enhance the
robustness and predictive capacity of today’s collision warning systems, thus minimizing false
warnings and enabling automatic intervention across a wider range of scenarios. Enhanced
predictive capabilities is also essential for systems supporting green driving, so synergies
between those two application areas may be exploited.

The development of integrated information, warning and intervention (IWI) strategies for
multiple functions is another key challenge. Yet another future trend will be proactive
information (e.g., based on digital maps, traffic information and/or V2V, V2I communication)
supporting drivers’ anticipation of potentially critical events, thus enabling more “foresighted”
driving. Finally, there will be a trend towards increased integration of active and passive safety
functions where, for example, collision prediction is used to optimise protection systems prior to

4.3.3 Driver inattention and impairment monitoring and support

Driver inattention and impairment monitoring systems have started to appear on the market.
These systems analyse different information on driving behaviour (lane keeping, steering and
braking patterns, etc), and/or information from a interior cameras, to mitigate inattention (e.g.,
eyes off road) or physiological impairment (e.g., alcohol intoxication or drowsiness). In the case
of alcohol, solutions that will disable the possibility to use the vehicle are foreseen. This may
even include stopping a vehicle in motion, which requires a high level of accuracy and reliability.

Of key importance will also be to reduce the intrusiveness of some technologies (e.g., alco-locks),
and to increase the real-world detection accuracy and reliability of others (e.g., distraction and
drowsiness mitigation). Future inattention and impairment detection systems will combine
signals from multiple (driver-, environment- and vehicle) sensors. Moreover, inattention and

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impairment monitoring systems will integrated into the general onboard perception platform
and used for enabling a wide range of functions including inattention warning, driver coaching
(see below) as well as driver state-adaptive collision avoidance.

Driver state monitoring will also be important for ensuring that the driver is in the loop during
mode transitions in semi-automated driving.

4.3.4 Automated systems

From a technological perspective, fully automated driving is a reality today. However, the
deployment of fully automated road vehicles will require more precise, reliable and extended
environment perception and situation understanding. Here, positioning and qualified map data
and short-range communication (V2V and V2I) will be of key importance. It may be foreseen that,
within the time-frame of the present roadmap, full automation will be limited to specific contexts
(e.g., platooning or dedicated lanes) where the driver will maintain the overall responsibility for
safe driving, although in a monitoring role. A key issue here is thus the development of
automation strategies, e.g., for handling transitions between automatic and manual control
modes. As discussed in Section 4.5, the infrastructure design will also play a key role in enabling
automated driving and a systems perspective needs to be adopted.

Finally, legal and regulatory frameworks for automated driving need to be developed in order to
enable large scale deployment.

4.3.5 Driver Coaching

The general idea behind driver coaching is to improve driving performance by means of
feedback. This may involve improvements in safety as well as driving efficiency, and performance
feedback may range from immediate feedback provided while driving to post-trip reports
summarising performance over a longer time period (e.g., a drive, a week or a month).

Driver coaching may be based on relatively cheap aftermarket video data recorders or more
advanced onboard logging and communication systems which are also used for other purposes
(such as vehicle uptime monitoring, vehicle optimisation and accident/incident analysis). These
systems log inappropriate behaviours (e.g., hard braking, speed violations, close following,
drowsiness/distraction episodes) and this information may then be used by a fleet manager to
coach the driver towards safer and/or more efficient driving behaviour, using different forms of
incentives. For private drivers, the information may be linked to incentives such as reduced fuel
consumption or insurance premiums.

As the required logging technologies are relatively mature today, the main challenge for future
development of driver coaching concerns the implementation and deployment strategies. A
critical issue is incentive schemes sufficient to motivate long-term behavioural change. For
commercial fleets, it may be foreseen that driver coaching will to an increasing degree form part
of general safety management strategies, and be combined with other measures, such as driver
education and training. Technologically, driver coaching system will merge with other driver
support systems. For private driving, new business models will emerge involving incentives,
possibly linked to insurance and dynamic pricing (e.g., pay-as-you-drive). Another potential
application, of increasing importance due to current European demographic trends, is the
coaching of elderly drivers.

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Finally, as the level of automation increases, so will the requirement for driver coaching. Future
systems may thus focus more on drivers’ monitoring, as opposed to operational driving,

4.3.6 Human-Machine Interaction

Drivers experience advanced driver support functions through the human-machine interface.
Hence, the Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) design critically determines the level of user
acceptance and adoption and is thus key factor for successful deployment.

A general future challenge for automotive HMI design is to handle the rapid growth of functions
interacting with the driver. In addition to factory-fitted and aftermarket functions, this will soon
include cooperative system functions as well as downloadable third-party applications. Today,
driver support systems are still, to a large extent, interacting with the driver independently of
one another, but this situation will quickly become infeasible as the number of functions
increases. Thus, there is a need for more holistic approaches to automotive HMI design.

In-vehicle HMI technologies will develop towards increasingly intuitive and distraction-free driver
support systems, involving in particular more advanced speech-based interfaces, based on
natural speech understanding, which minimise the need to take the eyes off the road. A key
concern today is the great distraction potential of consumer electronics systems not designed for
use while driving. To some extent, integration of third-party applications into the vehicle HMI is
already available in modern premium vehicles. This development is expected to continue
towards increasingly seamless integration solutions. This may also involve more advanced
methods for workload management, including, for example, dynamic scheduling and lock-out of
information. A key step for enabling this development is new business models involving vehicle
OEMs, consumer electronics OEMs and application developers. Due to the ageing of the
European population, a further important topic concerns the potential to adapt the in-vehicle
HMI to better suit elderly drivers.

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Roadmap Advanced Driver Support Systems

2015 2020 2025 2030

Vehicle dynamics monitoring
and control

Driver support for collision


Driver inattention and

impairment monitoring and

Automated systems

Driver Coaching

Human-Machine Interaction

Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

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4.4 Traffic Safety Analysis

There are explicit visions in many countries that aim at reducing the number of fatalities and serious
injuries in traffic to zero within a few decades. To achieve this, a combination of increased knowledge
and improved technology is required. The main source to obtain the knowledge required is field data.
Awareness of the value of field data to make the right priorities, understand the underlying
mechanisms of accidents and injuries, and to evaluate the safety potential of new system, has
gradually increased over the years and is today a natural part of the development process of safety
on roads.

In recent years, new technologies have opened new possibilities for understanding the causes of
accidents. Data logs from the vehicle, the driver, and the surrounding environment, where data is
collected continuously during normal driving, will greatly improve understanding of accident
causation, but also implicate major challenges in the development of methods for collection, storage,
and analysis of data.

Crashes are rare events and therefore are not always practical to measure due to (1) small sample
sizes and (2) lack of details regarding crash failure mechanisms and especially the driver crash
avoidance behaviour. Therefore surrogate (crash-substitute) measures of safety are required. A
surrogate measure is (a) based on an observable non-crash event that is physically related in a
predictable and reliable way to crashes, and (b) uses a method that converts the non-crash events
into a corresponding crash frequency and/or severity. Many methods (such as those outlined below)
use surrogates as a way of improving efficiency of analysis.

Road User Modelling and Simulation of traffic may be expected to become an increasingly important
tool in the traffic safety analysis on several levels, from large scale traffic simulations to case analyses
of accident and injury causation. Development of knowledge and method in the area of Impact
Assessment, where estimations can be done how a certain safety intervention affects road safety,
will be essential to have the possibility to measure the effect of action taken and also for cost benefit

In order to achieve the goals we seek, a further development of databases and methods for data
analysis is an obvious prerequisite. Data from the Investigation of Accidents and from Naturalistic
Driving Studies must be combined to provide optimal value. Further development of methods and
tools for analysis and simulation must be given high priority.

In the future, accident analyses will be cost-efficient and use integrated data sources. The future
analysis system includes data from accident (and injury) investigations, naturalistic driving studies,
data from cheap after-market data recorders, and event data recorders. This integrated future
dataset will significantly improve explanatory power and cost-efficiency.

Topics for research:

1. Road accident monitoring and investigation

2. Naturalistic Driving Studies
3. Road user modelling and simulation

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4. Impact assessment and cost benefit

4.4.1 Road accident monitoring and investigation

Road accident research in terms of accident investigations has been an important and fundamental
input to traffic safety analysis for decades. During previous and ongoing research throughout the
world standardisation and harmonisation of the methodologies for accident investigations has been
developed, e.g. in the FP7 project DaCoTA. With the harmonised methodologies in place the
accident investigation system can be implemented to allow researchers to gain access to real-world
data across Europe. Important issues for the future are to understand how the decreased number of
fatalities affects the injury outcome including the long term consequences. The aim is to make the
investigations more cost-effective by e.g. developing methods for merging incident and accident
data from naturalistic driving studies (NDS) with other data sources and make use of information
from site based as well as vehicle based monitoring (such as Event Data Recorder data) in the
investigations. With these methods the road user behaviour can be approached in several ways.
However the accident data always need to be linked to injury data for usage in impact assessment
and cost benefit analyses.

Data from hospital or insurance sources could be compared to accident data to know precisely the
causes of accidents and consolidate accident statistics.

Another important issue is to find statistical methods how to generalise in-depth data from
streamlined investigation locations in a few European countries to the whole European road accident
situation. Methods for using reconstructions of accidents for risk modelling and to predict accident
outcome needs to be developed and confirmed with real-world data.

4.4.2 Naturalistic Driving Studies

Safety countermeasures can best be developed if causes and contributing factors for accidents are
well-understood. In Naturalistic Driving Studies (NDS) various recording devices (typically of video
and vehicle kinematics data) capture objective, detailed recordings of the events preceding real
accidents and safety critical events. These detailed recordings enable risk analyses of many driver-,
vehicle- and environmental characteristics that have not previously been possible. The need for in-
depth pre-crash knowledge combined with the need for a statistically large enough sample of
accidents for analysis is best satisfied by studies with high-fidelity continuous data recordings and
larger studies with low-cost event data recorders (with video).

Since accidents are rare events, research on surrogate safety measures (crash-substitute measures)
such as near-crashes or incidents is greatly needed. The link between lower severity crash-relevant
events and accidents needs to be determined and validated. If this relationship between crashes and
surrogates is well-understood, these surrogate measures become tools to speed up countermeasure
development, deployment and evaluation.

An integrated approach where Naturalistic Driving Studies are used to collect data simultaneously for
safety, efficiency, mobility and environment research and evaluation purposes should be
encouraged. Understanding driver behaviour and driving patterns is also essential for solving
environmental issues in the Transport area. NDS data, in combination with in-depth knowledge of
driver, vehicle, and road and infrastructure features, will enable the development and statistical
validation of countermeasures.

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4.4.3 Road user modelling and simulation

Computer simulation of traffic may be expected to become an increasingly important tool in traffic
safety analysis, from simulation of entire infrastructure networks over a long time, to specific near-
crash scenarios involving one or a few road users during a few seconds. Large-scale traffic
simulations do exist today, but further research is needed in order to make these fully useful in the
study of safety effects of e.g. Cooperative systems and future infrastructure solutions. One specific
need in this context is improved surrogate safety measures for the analysis of simulation output. For
near-crash simulation, the main need is high-fidelity models of road user behaviour in near-crash
situations. Regardless of simulation time scale, models are needed of behaviour in relation to active
safety systems (both immediate reactions and longer-term behavioural adaptations), and modelling
should also be expanded beyond the current focus on passenger car drivers, to include all types of
road users. Further, scientifically sound conceptual models of road user behaviour are needed, on
which to base the quantitative models. The diversity of users have to be integrated in the models
(age, driving experience, health status, ….). In all of the above, inter-individual variance is a crucial
factor to consider.

4.4.4 Impact assessment and cost benefit

The goal of safety impact assessment is to estimate the effect of certain safety intervention on road
safety. While the most straightforward approach is simply to compare the situation before and after
the intervention was introduced (e.g. in terms crash frequency or crash severity), it is of great value
to be able to predict prior to introduction what the safety impact will be. This involves the
development of risk models which define the mathematical/statistical relation between a safety
intervention and its impact to a specific road safety measure. One approach is to relate parameters
in statistical accident databases (e.g., speed limit, road surface condition) directly to crash risk or
crash severity. Increasing the precision of such models requires improved quality of accident data
and the development of new mathematical models, also taking into account regional differences as
well as influence over time.

Field Operational Tests (FOTs) potentially yield a more detailed understanding of how a safety system
influences behaviour/performance. However, since real crashes are rarely captured in FOTs, the
effects of a system in critical situations (“crash relevant events”) needs to be extrapolated to its
effects on actual crash risk and crash severity. In order to bridge this gap, FOTs and statistical
accident data may be combined. This may be further aided by simulation of pre-crash and crash
scenarios, based on advanced biomechanical and behavioural models. A complementary approach is
to use traffic-level simulations which integrate all aspects in traffic safety (vehicle, infrastructure,
driver behaviour and traffic) on a systems level. This will be particularly important for assessing the
benefits of system-level interventions such as traffic management and the introduction of
cooperative systems. In the future, it may be foreseen that simulation will partly replace large-scale
FOTs as the basis for impact assessment. Here, it is important that the behaviour diversity relating to
geographical and cultural differences is taken into account.

In order to finally bridge the gap between incidents and accidents, large amounts of detailed data on
real crashes as well as incidents are needed. Naturalistic driving data has a great potential to provide
this information, which can then be used to develop detailed models that map from microscopic
changes in driver behaviour (e.g. eyes-off-road time) to crash risk. As mentioned above, this type of
data may be collected at a relatively low cost, through cheap aftermarket data recorders.

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A further step is to relate the cost of a safety intervention to the financial benefit of the reduced
impact. Today, such calculations focus mainly on societal costs of fatalities and injuries. However,
long-term consequences of injuries need to be better accounted for and calculation methods need to
be harmonized between countries. Moreover, secondary costs related, for example, to congestion,
material damage, vehicle uptime, should also be taken into account. Sufficiently precise calculation
methods may also be used as the basis for creating new business models for safety systems involving
multiple stakeholders (e.g., drivers, OEMs, authorities, insurance companies, etc,), and thus help
accelerating market deployment.

Roadmap Traffic Safety Analysis

2015 2020 2025 2030

Road accident monitoring and

Naturalistic Driving Studies

Road user modelling and


Impact assessment and cost


Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

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4.5 Safe infrastructure

Road infrastructures have an important role in traffic safety, accident reduction and accident impact
mitigation. Further, society is not accepting an unsafe transport system and therefore constantly
improvement of road quality and strengthening of inherent infrastructure safety aspects is of
political interest. In this context the status of the road network is an important performance criterion
and aids in determining road infrastructure’s safety level. Research is needed to precisely define the
“safety rank” of the road network considering all safety aspects and developing cost-effective
solutions to improve the safety performance of the existing road network. As a consequence, critical
road sections are identified and available resources and budgets are distributed to improve the road

Road monitoring and maintenance are important parts in providing a reliable and safe infrastructure.
However, these tasks require alignment with the societal needs for mobility and sustainability.
Research and development on real-time road status monitoring and on evolving towards zero
maintenance roads is needed to avoid disruption of traffic.

Road infrastructure can help the driver by either explaining a proper use (adapted speed profile) or
by mitigating consequences of erroneous behaviour. These concepts are called self explaining roads
and forgiving roads. Research is needed to evaluate and understand both concepts with the aim of
cost-effective and targeted deployment. An integrated approach of both is needed to streamline
results as effects might have opposing impact.

Vulnerable road users, elderly people and people with specific needs are important groups in road
safety due to accident severity. Further, the societal challenge of ageing society requires preparing
the road transport system for future needs. Current roads and road design do not consider these
groups particularly. The challenge is to adapt the current system to the specific needs and increase
the level of protection. Research is needed on how to achieve this adaptation in a cost efficient way.

A long-term objective in road transport research (beyond 2025) is to gain a certain level of
automation in the transportation system. Assuming that all security and liability issues are solved the
automated road will support efforts in traffic safety to achieve vision zero. Coordinated research
efforts with ITS related topics (see cooperative systems) are needed towards better integration of
the infrastructure, infrastructure related databases, traffic management centres and control centres.
Better incident management is one research item which requires coordination of all involved
stakeholders. Future ITS solution shall support this process. Economic benefits from such improved
systems are among others reduced congestion and reduced risk of secondary accidents.

Topics for research:

1. Real time road status monitoring

2. Towards zero maintenance roads
3. Self-explaining roads
4. Forgiving infrastructure

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5. Advanced Incident and Traffic management

6. Conception and design for elderly, vulnerable and users with specific needs
7. Automated road

4.5.1 Real time road status monitoring

The road status and the road condition are significant in the interrelation of accidents and
infrastructure. Currently, road sections with higher risks (accident blackspots) are identified by
accident statistics. The challenge is to identify dangerous sections beyond accident blackspots related
to the road status. In this context it is important to have continuous information (road data, traffic
condition, weather information, visibility etc.) both in spatial terms and time wise. Research is
needed to develop techniques for in-situ monitoring (sensors and communication) and condition
monitoring under traffic speed conditions to avoid disruption. Specifically on the secondary road
network where funds are limited and monitoring on a regular basis is not feasible, concepts need to
be developed to increase information quality. Probe vehicle concepts making use of extended
floating car data communicated in a cooperative system might be a reasonable and cost efficient
approach. Road safety on secondary roads is even more relevant as accident statistics show a
considerable higher accident risk compared to urban roads or motorways.

4.5.2 Towards zero maintenance roads

Construction and maintenance works on roads (highways and motorways) reduce the level of
service. Besides the associated higher chance of congestion, construction areas exhibit a higher
accident risk (especially rear end collision, side impact and accidents with oncoming traffic). It is
therefore a reasonable objective for road transport safety to reduce downtime due to construction
and increase the level of service. Research includes concepts to increase durability and reduce
maintenance interventions and costs by advanced asset management approaches. The challenge is
to unify expectations in lifecycle cost reduction by at the same time increasing availability, quality
and reliability of the road infrastructure network. This and traffic safety concepts especially in road
construction areas will aid in reducing accident risks. Safety road workers and concepts to reduce the
risk of accidents involving road workers are of specific interest.

4.5.3 Self-explaining roads

Self-explaining road design aims at preventing drivers from errors while driving [...]. It is an important
tool to adapt user behaviour to road safety level. The road design and landscape stimulate the
drivers to choose the proper speed and safe driver behaviour. These concepts support calming of
road traffic and reducing road user mistakes.

One of the major challenges is to develop the concept for each kind of network (secondary road,
motorway, etc.) and to provide helpful rules to design or rebuild the roads.

Self-explaining road design needs consolidation with forgiving roads principles to evaluate effects on
traffic safety in and integrated approach. This is necessary as effects might be contradicting.

4.5.4 Forgiving Infrastructure

Forgiving roads mitigate consequences of accidents. The first priority of forgiving roadsides is to
reduce the consequences of an accident caused by driving errors, vehicle malfunctions or poor
roadway conditions. The main objective of forgiving infrastructure is to bring errant vehicles back

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onto the lane to reduce injury or fatal run-off-accidents. If the vehicle still hits a roadside element,
the second priority is to reduce the severity of the crash. In other words, the roadside should forgive
the driver or vehicle erroneous driving by reducing the severity of run-off-road accidents. The
challenge is unifying considerations to preserve the landscape with risk reduction efforts due to
roadside obstacles. Consequently, self-explaining road and forgiving road concepts require
consolidation. Research is needed to evaluate risk reduction effects in a unified concept as separated
consideration might yield controversial results.

4.5.5 Advanced incident and traffic management

Traffic safety and congestion are influencing each other bidirectionally. And both challenges have a
major economical impact. For cost-effective solutions it is necessary to manage European roads in a
sustainable way and improving the use of the existing road network. The challenge is to support road
authorities by identifying cost-effective solutions and assessing the impact of ITS in traffic
management. One of the first research priorities is related to a better incident management
including all stakeholders. Incidents often resulting in congestion need a comprehensive
management system. This will increase the level of safety and reduce secondary costs (congestion
and secondary accidents). Research is needed to obtain valid and good quality data to anticipate
incident. Concepts like extended floating car data should be integrated. Further incident
management should accelerate post accident rescue and lifesaving. Especially in the transition phase
for new vehicle based safety technologies (e.g. eCall, cooperative systems) it is important to properly
prepare the infrastructure (infracall). Research is needed on how and where the infrastructure can
support non-equipped vehicles in a proper and cost-efficient way.

4.5.6 Conception and design for elderly, vulnerable and users with specific needs
Of specific interest is the protection of VRU, elderly people or people with specific needs. In this
context safe infrastructure design, construction and technologies play a significant role. Ageing
society makes it even more important to act soon on reviewing and preparing the road infrastructure
for the needs of elderly people. The future in road transport safety will strongly depend on how elder
and vulnerable road users as well as their needs are better integrated in the systems safety
considerations. Research and development specifically considering the needs of this user group and
improving protection for VRU or prevention of VRU accidents is required. Further research is needed
to review current regulatory framework and design guidelines to identify gaps and suggestions for

4.5.7 Automated road

A certain level of automation of the road transport system will aid in increasing the level of service,
the level of safety and energy efficiency. This includes concepts of platooning in freight
transportation (demonstrated in the EC SARTRE and Citymobil projects) and advanced control
functionality through cooperative systems. By 2025 the developments towards automation of the
road transport system progress to a certain level (including considerations on liability and legal
framework) where infrastructure needs to be prepared for that step change.

The Automated Road will integrate road side intelligence with ICT applications in the vehicle, the
services and the operator. The sensory and communications technology involved will enable the
deployment of advanced (e.g. dynamic) guidance and management systems tailored to respond to in
situ requirements, in effect improving reliability and efficiency of the network management.

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It is therefore inevitable to connect infrastructure, databases, traffic control centres in the

development process. Virtual or physical separation of traffic is required to proceed with automation
of road transport. Demonstration projects need to elaborate this system orientated approach
towards automated driving.

Another challenge due to the complexity and sensitivity of automated driving is more fundamental:
accurate positioning to allow fail-safe lateral and longitudinal vehicle control. The research steps will
concentrate on on-site sensor systems monitoring and control algorithms. A systems approach is
needed combining vehicle, infrastructure and driver to develop roads towards automation.

Comprehensive, interoperable communications system linking driver, vehicle, road and operator is
required. This enables future vehicle to highway guidance, speed control and direction guidance and
in-road vehicle guidance using to change lane usage and traffic management.

Roadmap Safe infrastructure

2015 2020 2025 2030

Real time road status

Towards zero maintenance


Self-explaining roads

Forgiving Infrastructure

Advanced incident and traffic


Conception and design for

elderly, vulnerable and users
with specific needs

Automated road

Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

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4.6 Cooperative systems for road safety and security

It should be emphasized that the concept of cooperative systems is very broad. The common view
today is that it covers modern and innovative use of Information and Communication Technologies
as a basis for functions and applications that facilitate and improve the quality of the mobility for
people and goods in general terms.

This chapter will only cover needed research and development aspect to facilitate cooperative
system like communication technologies and the closely connected standardization. These are
prerequisite and enablers for a broad implementation of co-operative systems. It is worth
mentioning that the communication technologies will not only support road transport safety and
security issues which this road map deal with, but also other challenges like environmental issues
and transport efficiency. The communication technologies are fundamental to all applications and
will be used for a broad variety of them.

This chapter emphasise as well the necessity of Field Operational Test as an important step to
validate the technologies, models and developments on the way to large scale implementation and

Road safety is expected to gain from the cooperation between vehicles (V2V) and between vehicles
and infrastructure (V2I) and it is clearly the approach that allows moving close to the final target of
“zero accidents”. There are still several aspects to cover in research: standardisation, cost-effective
hardware and software solution for communication between vehicles and with the infrastructure,
precise relative localization and proper management of non equipped vehicles and road users. Due
to cooperative systems and the connection between vehicles and to the infrastructure, advanced
safety support functions are possible. The applications supporting drivers range from warning
systems for low friction surface, congestion warning and intelligent speed adaptation. Research is
needed to bring forward support applications with impact on road safety based on the previous
project results considering the standardised communication routines. Subsequent to the research
and development of algorithms and applications large field operational tests are required to assess
safety impacts, user acceptance, cost benefit and driver behaviour in order to correctly design all
components and the entire system.

Another research question is to what extent and how are Powered Two Wheelers (PTW) other
Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) integrated in cooperative systems given their above average
involvement in severe crashes. Risk compensation by drivers may undo the advantages of
cooperative systems if drivers too heavily rely on a system that leaves the most vulnerable road users

Topics for research:

1. Communication protocols, standards, …

2. Safety of co-operative systems
3. Security of co-operative systems
4. Field Operational Test (FOT)

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4.6.1 Communication protocols, standards, …

Ongoing standardisation work in different bodies (ETSI, CEN) provides a sound basis for
communication between vehicles and from vehicles to the infrastructure and reverse. This work is
related to communication standards and the services.

The previous EC-funded R&D projects have been the major contributors to European standardisation
in the ITS area.

The main focus of the standardization activity carried on by each of the main organizations is
different. Each is developing separate sets of standards, tailored to their specific focus:

• ISO mainly focuses on multiple media management

• IEEE focuses on lower layers (802.11) and a “simplified” architecture for just 5.9GHz

• ETSI focus is currently mainly car-to-car multi-hopping and geo-networking

• CEN is focusing on standards for messaging, protocols, architecture etc. for cooperative
mobility applications.

In general, proliferation of incompatible ITS standards is very inefficient and works against the
conditions for actual deployment of cooperative ITS solutions. Such fragmentation can lead to
increased cost and deployment delays and, most importantly, can increase the risk of compromising
the achievement of safety and efficiency benefits.

Unfortunately, since no real interoperability has been actually guaranteed in current specification
work, large overlaps and a substantial amount of duplicated effort has developed. In addition, the
standardisation groups have not been taking advantage from a collective cooperation

Based on the previous considerations, during the last year, the shared awareness that global
cooperation and vision is ultimately needed has been increasingly developing among all the different
actors, such as:

• Standard Development Organizations (SDOs)

• ITS-related government entities (DoTs)

• ITS R&D projects

This cooperation has eventually started to happen among the SDOs in the form of official liaisons and
cross member participation to the different committees and ETSI TC ITS is particularly active in this
harmonization activity that needs continuous backing and support.

The results of the activity performed in the frame of the main EU R&D projects are now being
effectively transferred into the standardization process in the ETSI TC ITS and CEN TC 278 domains
and the overall scenario seems now adequate to achieve a stable set of standards able to support the
market take up of the cooperative ITS solutions. This direct link between research project and
standardisation should be intensified. However, the rigorous approach of the standardisation experts

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ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

might be needed at one point to create a structured approach leading to conformance testing and
certification procedure.

4.6.2 Safety of co-operative systems

Quite a few of the applications based on cooperative system technologies require a high degree of
overall system safety, assuring a minimum of systems breakdown of a type that jeopardize the traffic
safety. Such applications can be found dealing with cooperation between vehicles e.g. Cooperative
forward collision warning as described in ETSI TR 102638 V1.1.1 (2009-06). This and many similar
applications require use of well validated models standards and technologies to be able to provide a
failsafe system. The system on each node must have a supervisory application that is permanently
running in parallel and is checking the relevance of the input data and calculated results which in the
end generates a signal to an actuator affecting in the case of Cooperative forward collision warning
the speed regulator and or the brake. This fail safe functionality is already implemented among the
OEMs when it comes to other ADAS systems e.g. lane keeping assist, but is important to mention in
practical terms and in this context. When it comes to co-operative systems the failsafe issue is of a
much higher dignity than in autonomous ADAS and needs special focus in research and development

In developing systems towards autonomous driving as a tool for e.g. platooning the importance of
safety issues in communication, in standards etc for cooperative systems will be even higher.

As the communication safety issues related to cooperative systems are very broad due to the variety
of applications and their different demand, it is not meaningful to point out any specific subject.
Instead the important horizontal issues relevant for all applications are:

• Fail safe communication link

• Validated standards
• Validate communication link in a big variety of traffic composition, density etc.
• Field Operational Tests to consolidate and validate the communication functionality

To get national, regional and local road authorities as well as commercial road operators involved
there must be convincing evidence from large scale FOTs. Secondly to get cross-border functionality
there is a need for cooperation between road operators and road authorities or between
organizations that represents them to a common agreement on how to proceed.

4.6.3 Security of co-operative systems

Security of the cooperative systems deals with designing and ensuring a communication system that
is resistant against cyber attacks, false messages etc. Privacy is also connected to security and a
system has to ensure a certain level of security for user acceptance. A challenge for future research is
to improve the security level without any negative impact on the efficiency or lowering capacity of
the system.

The security of co-operative systems has been well addressed in the deliverable D31 European
Communication Architecture from COM eSafety support action.

4.6.4 Field Operational Test (FOT)

Field Operational Test is an important tool to validate models and calculations made to estimate the
functionality and impact of applications based on cooperative systems. Validation is needed of

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ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

simulation models for communication and other models that have been developed for cooperative
systems. Those models have been validated in research projects containing a small number of
vehicles. Large scale Field Operation Tests are now needed to validate the models in a greater
context to ensure the functionality. Another reason is to convince road operators and politicians,
local and regional officials responsible for the public road network. Therefore the FOTs need to have
a critical mass of vehicles/users to give relevant answers. Other objectives in FOTs are related to
impact assessment specifically any the safety impact, the user acceptance and the cost/benefit of the
tested systems. This is necessary to develop adequate business models and support large scale
deployment. So the FOTs have many objectives where proving and consolidate the communication
functionality is one.

There is an ongoing discussion among the infrastructure stakeholders if the impact of a cooperative
system (especially V2I) is of such magnitude justify the implementation costs. It is important to
remember that investments in cooperative systems compete with many other traditional measures
where the cost/benefit is well known. The existing recommendations concerning V2I implementation
priorities from different stakeholder groups currently lack this information. Those recommendations
are not yet based on impact assessments performed during/within large scale Field Operational Test.

Roadmap Cooperative systems for road safety and security

2015 2020 2025 2030

Communication protocols,
standards, …

Safety of co-operative systems

Security of co-operative

Field Operational Test (FOT)

Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

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4.7 Secure road transportation

Economic growth is always accompanied with an increasing amount of freight and passenger
transport which challenges the infrastructure and vehicles not only to keep pace with the increasing
traffic volume but also to ensure security standards being met. Major challenges in the area of stolen
or lost goods, vehicle theft, driver security, data security as well as protection against manipulation
shall be addressed.

A study published by the European Parliament in 2007 has shown economic losses due lost or stolen
goods in the European Union to amount of 8,2 Billion Euro annually . According to TAPA (Transported
Asset Protection Association) this number is only a fracture of the economic damage as it doesn’t
account all costs the industry suffers (e.g. replacement goods, re-shipping etc). A report from
EUROPOL, published in 2009, also states various modus operandi like curtain slashing, jump up
thefts, load diversion, use of fraudulent documents as well as use of gas or explosives to incapacitate
the driver. Therefore countermeasure solutions shall be developed and promoted to reduce the
amount of lost, stolen or damaged goods to ensure free trade and economical competitiveness.
These measures will also help reducing illegal freight transport (drugs, weapons, etc.) or illegal
boarder crossing in freight compartments.

There is also a continuous challenge to prevent vehicles from being stolen or broken-up.
Technological improvements over the last decades have increased the complexity to manipulate anti-
theft systems. This leads to the situation that criminals are better organized and use more
sophisticated methods to disable remote access or immobilization systems. Trafficking with stolen
vehicles has become to a regular field for economic activity of criminal organisations and is often
accompanied with other criminality. Novel systems will have to be developed to hinder, discourage
and prosecute thieves as well as increase the recovery rate of stolen vehicles and goods.

Along with the emergence of vehicle telematic (ITS), cooperative traffic, co-modality and particularly
vehicle tracking systems, data security questions will need to be solved to ensure user acceptance
and avoid data misuse.

The following research topics for new generation road transport security systems need to be

1. Secure road transport facilities

2. Tamper-proof identification and access systems
3. Advanced alarm and tracking systems for vehicles and goods
4. Cooperative systems to increase security level in the freight transportation
5. Data security in road transport systems

4.7.1 Secure road transport facilities

Freight distribution centres, park&ride areas and resting places for trucks will need to be equipped
with secure and intelligent surveillance, alarm and access systems. The deployment of systems that
use or combine optical technologies (camera, infrared) will prevent attacks to parked trucks and may
be operated manually or (semi-) automatically. Solutions in connection with future ITS systems
allowing truck drivers to identify and reserve free and secure parking places, where incoming and

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outgoing traffic is monitored, are highly desired and will need to be integrated in traffic management

4.7.2 Tamper-proof identification and access systems

Secure and reliable identification and authentication is the baseline for every security system and
their design is always a balance between the level of security and available time. Requirements for
short identification times always suffer cut-backs in security and vice versa. Therefore developments
in the area of identification technologies (e.g. RFID, smart labelling, etc.) require continuous effort as
new technology always open benefits in efficiency and/or comfort. For access- or immobilization
systems, new technology will allow reliable protection against vehicle theft or malice intrusion. It will
allow reliable, novel ICT connectivity functions like smart phone or handheld interfaces. Hidden or
secret identification systems will help to detect fraudulent documentation (e.g. spare parts from
stolen vehicles, waybills) but will require pan-European (or even worldwide) harmonization of
databases and methods. Access systems to freight distribution areas or roads that are dedicated to
specific vehicles, will need to have sufficient protection against trespassing along with efficient
usability. Supply chains and freight delivery with seamless cargo monitoring (incl. on-board) down to
continuous single parcel identification will allow significant reduction in stolen or lost goods and
improves correct sender/receiver identification. The profitable and comprehensive implementation
of such systems will require continuous improvement of current identification technology as well as
new approaches.

4.7.3 Advanced alarm and tracking systems for vehicles and goods
Advanced localization and tracking systems will enjoy growing popularity for fleet and freight
management as they help to increase not only efficiency but also security. Following an incident
where a vehicle or a piece of good has been stolen these systems may be embedded in a powerful
emergency chain of alarm systems and containment measures that avoid trafficking with stolen
vehicles and goods and will increase the chance to identify offenders. The first step of this emergency
chain are reliable and tamper-proof alarm systems that detect malice intrusion (or intrusion
attempts) in vehicles, cargo compartments or containers using various types of sensing technologies
(e.g. infrared, ultrasonic, microwave, vibration, narcotic gas detectors, etc.). Key features of these
systems are a close-to-zero false alarm ratio and an effective alarm scenario that should include
automatic emergency message to police or law enforcement agencies. To protect the driver from
violence or threat the system will need to have arming/disarming mechanisms that do not require his
action or involvement. In a second step systems that localize stolen goods or vehicles will allow
continuous persecution. To prevent the systems from manipulation or re-moving they need to be
securely mounted or hidden. The systems shall be able to work also in a degraded mode with
redundant power supply, communication channels and alternative localization techniques (jammed
or no GPS/Galileo). As a third and last step systems shall be able to stop a vehicle to prevent
continuation of unauthorized movement. This needs to be done without endanger other road users
and avoiding dangerous situations (e.g. blocked vehicles on railway crossings or in tunnels). The
systems will enjoy quick market penetration when economic benefits are offered (lower insurance
rate or taxes).

4.7.4 Cooperative systems to increase security level in the freight transportation

Future ITS Solutions and cooperative systems aid in protecting people and goods in road
transportation. This is very relevant for dangerous or sensitive goods but also for freight transport in

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general. Innovative technologies and functionality for tracking/tracing of vehicles and goods shall be
integrated. Satellite based positioning (GPS, Galileo) in combination with V2X and ITS is a key
element to enable redundancy of systems. Within a cooperative system, other vehicles and drivers
may be warned after a reported theft. Dangerous and sensitive goods transports will be the first ones
equipped with these applications. Demonstration activities are needed to show full vehicle and
infrastructure based tracking/tracing with cooperative systems. Integration of road infrastructure
based sensors for tracking, speed and weight monitoring, tolling, etc. is required. Another aspect is
the security of drivers. In this context systems are necessary to authenticate information given to
driver about unscheduled route changes (prevention of ambush attacks after route deviation)
making use of cooperative systems. The network of goods (integrated smart sensor networks or RFID
tags) allows creating ubiquitous awareness for goods and connecting them in the cooperative
systems. This aids in immediately identifying any unauthorized position change or any physical or
environmental (temperature, humidity, etc.) damage of the freight. Demonstration activities should
incorporate pan-European activities towards harmonization of identification systems, tracking
systems and (electronic) freight letters. Large demonstration activities or field operational trials with
cooperative systems (see cooperative systems roadmap) shall include services for security of people
and goods as well as protected data storage and transmission (see data security).

4.7.5 Data security in road transport systems

Along with the deployment of new systems in the area of vehicle tracking/tracing, cooperative
systems or any other ITS the users’ data privacy needs to be protected at any time. Unauthorized use
of data, protection against manipulation or attack will not only cause short time danger (e.g. hacker
or terrorist attack) but may also cause users to be hesitant using novel systems. The commercial
success of systems like automatic road tolling or parking fee collection, access to restricted areas or
entry to roads dedicated to special vehicles will depend on the user’s trust in the protection of his
privacy and security. Thus it will be inevitable to establish appropriate standards with pan-European
(or worldwide) acceptance that define storage, handling, transfer and protection of personalized

Safe Road Transport page 35 of 46

ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

Roadmap Secure road transportation

2015 2020 2025 2030

Secure road transport facilities

Tamper-proof identification and

access systems

Advanced alarm and tracking

systems for vehicles and goods

Cooperative systems to increase

security level in the freight

Data security in road transport


Research and Regulations Market

Development and Standards introduction

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ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

5. Milestones

5.1 Milestone 2015 : Safe Green Transport

Expected benefits – 20% of accidents

- 30% freight lost

Safety of low emission vehicles

Improvement of driver assistance systems (all scenarios)
Vulnerable road user protection
Secure parking

5.2 Milestone 2020 : Full integrated safe road transport

Expected benefits – 30% of accidents

- 30% freight lost

Enhanced driver assistance systems (control)

Cooperative systems - Support
Safe infrastructure
Secure Transport
Road User Behaviour improvement
Preventive Vulnerable road user protection

5.3 Milestone 2030 : Towards Near Zero accident Road Transport

Expected benefits – 30% of accidents

- 30% freight lost

Automated system for collision avoidance

Cooperative systems – Control
Cooperative - Vulnerable road user protection
Full support for road user safe behaviour
Dedicated road infrastructure

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Safety of vulnerable road users

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards Near

Transport integrated safe road Zero Accident

Intelligent traffic systems Systems for VRU Selection of Market introduction and
guidance, driver demonstration sites. impact analysis.
for VRU safe mobility awareness and VRU Installed in-vehicle
management awareness. systems, infrastructural
detection and
identification systems
and smart management
Demonstration in well-
known black spots.

Improved VRU active Smart systems for VRU Demonstration of most Show effects of VRU
detection to achieve: promising systems in active safety systems.
safety systems for inner cities.
• increased VRU
accident avoidance detection Definition of test
• lower system cost protocols and adequate
• increased reliability testing systems for VRU
• smart use of driver active safety systems.
workload Harmonized protocols
estimation. included in a regulatory
Autonomous accident framework.
avoidance system based
on smart sensors.

Safety systems for the Active and passive Demonstration of

systems to decrease the protective garments.
protection of collision impact Market introduction of
(motor)cyclists in between VRU and most effective systems.
collisions with motor motor vehicle, both on- Regulatory framework
vehicle and protective for autonomous actions
vehicles. garments. of in-vehicle systems.
Demonstration of in
vehicle measures.

Safety systems for single- Protective measures in Demonstrated reduction

single-vehicle in casualties for single-
vehicle motor-cyclist motorcyclist accidents: vehicle accidents.
accidents both motorcycle
measures, garment
integrated systems and
forgiving infrastructure.

Mitigation of secondary Definition of criteria for Development of Market introduction and

evaluation of secondary adequate counteractive definition of test
impact ground impact i.e. measures. procedures.
accident kinematics, Demonstration of most
injury parameters, promising safety
scenarios, influence of measures.

Safe Road Transport page 38 of 46

ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

vehicle geometry and Analysis of potential for

speed. autonomous braking
systems regarding
secondary ground

Safety of New Vehicles

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards Near

Transport integrated safe road Zero Accident

Biomechanical models and Injury criteria for Human body models

injury prediction neurological deficits suitable for multiple
incl. injury criteria for events. Harmonized
elderly and other VRUs. human body models as
Worldwide harmonized a basis for a worldwide
more biofidelic crash accepted virtual safety
dummies for frontal and assessment
side impacts. methodology. Intro-
Human body models for duction of virtual safety
safety assessment with assessment
biofidelic kinematics methodology for
and realistic injury primary and secondary
predictions for safety in global
integrated safety regulations and
consumer testing

Crash compatibility and Harmonised safety Predictive numerical

improved crashworthiness requirements for simulation tools for
downsized and extra- composite materials
of light and/or new
low mass vehicles. under impact loading
vehicle concepts Design guidelines for incl. the post-failure
crashworthiness of behaviour. Require-
electric vehicles and ments for crash com-
specific test procedures.patibility and related
test procedures har-
Crashworthy structures monised worldwide.
for two-seaters with in-
line seats. Restraint
systems adapted to the
requirements of
lightweight vehicle

Solutions for low acoustic Sound functionality and Validated, integrated Holistic automated
perception of FEVs generation devices. acoustic solutions for acoustic system
Sensing strategies and preventive vulnerable environment for collision
HMI integration for road user protection avoidance, mainly in

Safe Road Transport page 39 of 46

ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

acoustic solutions. terms of vulnerable road

user protection
Demonstration / field

Advanced Driver Support Systems

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards Near

Transport integrated safe road Zero Accident

Vehicle Dynamics First generation Driver assistance Distributed energy

integrated chassis. systems acting on the storage and propulsion
Monitoring and Control integrated chassis, (on vehicle combinations
including long vehicle for heavy goods vehicles)
combinations for heavy
goods vehicles.

Driver Support for Wide-scale deployment Enhanced perception Automatic intervention

Collision Avoidance of active safety systems platform, integrating in a wide range of critical
in all vehicle models onboard sensing, V2X, scenarios
and types e-Horizon and driver
monitoring; Integrated
IWI strategies

Driver Impairment Wide scale deployment Integration of driver Driver monitoring

Monitoring and Support of alcohol-locks and inattention and supporting semi-
drowsiness mitigation impairment monitoring automated driving
systems into the general
perception platform

Automated systems Wide scale deployment Advanced semi- First fully automated
of basic semi- automated functions functions (e.g.,
automated functions (e.g. full longitudinal platooning in dedicated
(ACC Stop&Go with and full lateral support areas)
automatic Go, full in optimal conditions)
longitudinal support
and limited lateral
support )

Driver coaching Stand-alone Driver Driver Coaching Driver Coaching for

Coaching systems integrated with other automated driving
widely deployed driver support systems
and part of general
safety management

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ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

Human-machine Integrated HMI Seamless integration of Adaptive HMI solutions

Interaction solutions minimising third-party applications tailored for specific user
driver distraction, groups (e.g., elderly
including centralised- drivers)
workload management

Traffic Safety Analysis

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards Near

Transport integrated safe road Zero Accident

Road accident monitoring 2015 Implemented Understand the shift in Integrated analysis from
and investigation accident investigation injury patterns due to field data including event
infrastructure for implementation of data recorders,
harmonised European future safety Naturalistic Driving
in-depth data which countermeasures. studies, accident and
feeds the traffic safety Methods for cost- injury data fully available
analysis research. efficient data collection for impact assessment
and analysis merging and cost benefit analyses
different types of field

Naturalistic driving first results from The relationship Integrated approach

studies established Naturalistic between accidents and between
Driving database across surrogate (crash- accident/Naturalistic
EU substitute) measures is driving and simulators
validated. Non-crash
events are predictably
and reliably related to

Road user modelling and Off-the-shelf high- General off-the-shelf Integrated, general
simulation fidelity simulation high-fidelity models of modelling and simulation
models of driver road user behaviour in of road user behaviour
behaviour in selected all major accident on large and small time
accident scenarios; scenarios, including all and space scales
Large scale traffic types of road users
simulation validated for
safety assessments

Impact Assessment and Validated European Simulation-based More advanced, and

Cost benefit analysis impact assessment impact assessment tools precise, cost/benefit
methods based on linked to continuous analysis methods for

Safe Road Transport page 41 of 46

ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

combination of accident collection of naturalistic road safety (based on the

statistics and, FOT data data previously developed
and simulation impact assessment

Safe infrastructure

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards Near

Transport integrated safe road Zero Accident

Real time road status System specification for Demonstrator of a Standardisation and
monitoring real-time road status monitoring system market introduction
monitoring finished

Self-explaining roads Self explaining roads Integration of self

and forgiving road explaining and forgiving
consolidated and design and construction
demonstrated in the standards,
guidelines and regulation

Forgiving Infrastructure Self explaining roads Integration of self

and forgiving road explaining and forgiving
consolidated and design and construction
demonstrated in the standards,
guidelines and regulation

Towards zero Large scale Starting Market

maintenance roads Demonstration projects Introduction and

Conception and design for New concepts for road Large scale testing Standardization,
elderly, vulnerable and design developed Guidelines and
considering VRU and regulations adapted to
users with specific needs
elderly people or consider needs of VRU,
people with specific elderly people and
needs people with specific

Automated road Specifications, Large-scale

prototype and system Demonstrator of an
definitions finished automated road system

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ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

Cooperative Systems

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards

Transport integrated safe road Near Zero Accident

Consolidation of Communication Verification made on Verification made on

communication standards standards covering communication communication
most layers of the standards supporting standards supporting
communication stack is secure semi- secure full
available. autonomous driving autonomous driving

Large field operational tests Cooperative systems Cooperative systems Cooperative systems
on cooperative systems support functions. used for support used for Semi
support functions. Impact assessment and integrated functions. automated systems
functional verification Impact assessment and Impact assessment
completed. functional verification and functional
completed. verification completed.

Secure Road Transportation

2015 - Safe Green 2020 - Full 2030 - Towards Near

Transport integrated safe road Zero Accident

Secure road transport Integration of secure Proven concepts in 50% of all areas
facilities parking areas in large market (<10% of all protected with advanced
ITS FOTs areas) with ongoing systems
legislation activities

Tamper-proof vehicle Concepts for secure Ongoing market Close-to-zero possibility

access and immobilization novel ICT vehicle introduction with 20% to illegally unlock and
connectivity and ITS of novel vehicles start a novel vehicle with
integration available equipped with ICT ICT connectivity

Seamless on-board cargo Demonstration of Deployment in supply- 50% of all parcels are
monitoring concepts for on-board chains for high value continuously monitored
identification of and sensitive goods (<10 65% reduction of stolen
individual parcels % of all freight or lost goods compared
transport) to 2010

Advanced alarm and Integration of advanced All new vehicles with >65% of all new vehicles
tracking systems alarm/tracking systems optional tracking equipped with alarm and
in ITS FOTs systems available, pan- tracking systems.
European service >80% of all freight
available, promotion by transport protected with
insurances tracking systems.

Safe Road Transport page 43 of 46

ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

Cooperative systems to “Network of goods” >50% of dangerous or 65% reduction of stolen,

increase security level in inclusion in large ITS sensitive good lost or damaged goods
FOTs transports are compared to 2010
freight transportation
integrated in ITS

Data Security in road Pan-European standards

transport systems for ITS data security

Safe Road Transport page 44 of 46

ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

6. References

1. Strategic Research Agenda ICT for Mobility – RTD Working Group of the eSafety Forum
2. Mobility and Transport in FP8. EUCAR position, November 2010
4. EUROPOL, Cargo Theft Report, The Hague 2009
5. The Innovation Union strategy, requesting to take a system approach including
deployment aspects in order to deliver innovation: COM(2010) 1161, ‘Europe 2020
flagship Initiative - Innovation Union’.
6. The Green Paper on the next Framework Programme: COM(2011) 48, Green Paper ‘From
Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research
and Innovation Funding’.
7. The Transport White Paper from DG Move setting the “new” EU transport policy:
COM(2011) 144, White Paper 2011 ‘Roadmap to a Single Transport Area - Towards a
competitive and resource efficient transport system’.
8. The strategy for clean vehicles from DG Enterprise covering both ICEs and EVs:
COM(2010)186, ‘A European strategy on clean and energy efficient vehicles’.
9. The overall Europe 2020 strategy, focusing on sustainability and global competitiveness:
COM(2010) 2020, ‘Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’.
10. COM(2010) 389, “Towards a European road safety area - policy orientations on road
safety 2011-2020”.

7. Glossary

CEN - European Committee for Standardization

CMbB - Collision Mitigation by Braking
ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council
ESC - Electronic Stability Control
ETSI - European Telecommunication Standards Institute
EuroNCAP - European New Car Assessment Programme
FEV - Full Electric Vehicle
FOT - Field Operational tests
HMI - Human Machine Interaction
HV - Hydrogen Vehicle
ICT - Information and Communication Technologies
IWI - Information, Warning, Intervention
LDW - Lane Departure Warning
NDS - Natural Driving Studies
NVH - Noise, Vibration and Harshness
PTW - Powered Two Wheeler
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
V2I - Vehicle to Infrastructure communication
V2V - Vehicle to Vehicle communication
V2X - Vehicle to infrastructure/vehicles communication
VRU - Vulnerable Road User

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ERTRAC Research and Innovation Roadmaps

8. Contributions

Organisation Family name First Name

EUCAR / Centro Ricerche Fiat Burzio Gianfranco

CLEPA / Delphi Schaffitz Stephan

CLEPA / Delphi Ghosh Lali

EUCAR / Volvo Rilbe Magnus

EUCAR / Volvo Engstrom Johan

EUCAR Godwin Simon

CLEPA / Bosch Mayr Kerstin

CLEPA / Bosch Buter Catharina

EARPA / TNO Versmissen Ton

EARPA / TNO op den Camp Olaf

EARPA / IKA Urban Peter

EARPA / Ricardo Robinson Tom

EARPA / LMS Donders Stijn

EARPA / SAFER Nilsson-Ehle Anna

EARPA / Hexagon Studio Aslan Alper

FEHRL / AIT Deix Stefan

FIA / ANWB Botman Wil

ERTICO Flament Maxime

FEHRL / LCPC Gallenne Marie Line


ECTRI van Vliet Pieter

Univ. of Florence La Torre Francesca

MS / Sweden Hallstrom Bengt

MS / Spain / Move2Future Prat Jaume

MS / Spain / Move2Future Montesi Alan

MS / UK Funnell Cliff

MS / Greece Iliou Nikos

DG MOVE Marolda Cristina

DG INFSO Kopman Helen

Safe Road Transport page 46 of 46

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