Lightscape User Guide
Lightscape User Guide
Lightscape User Guide
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1 Introduction 1
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About Lightscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Computer Graphics Rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Photometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
About Lightscape Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Installation 11
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Installing Lightscape for the First Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Upgrading from a Previous Version of Lightscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 Workflow 13
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Preparing the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Processing the Radiosity Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4 The Interface 17
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Starting Lightscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Overview of the Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Interface Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Using Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Using File Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Viewing the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Controlling the Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Selecting Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
toc Table of Contents
Transforming Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Setting Document Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Setting System Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5 Importing Geometry 53
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Common Import Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Importing DXF Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Importing DWG Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Importing .3DS files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Importing a LightWave Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Exporting from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6 Refining Geometry 81
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
About Refining Geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Working with Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Working with Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Modifying Block Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Working with Block Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Working with Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
ii Lightscape
Table of Contents ❚❘❘
9 Photometrics 149
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Using Photometric Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Creating and Editing Photometric Webs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Customized Photometric Web Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
IES Standard File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Using LID Conversion Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
10 Daylight 159
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
About Sunlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
About Skylight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Using Daylight in Exterior Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Interior Model Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Illuminating Your Model with Daylight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Enabling Daylight in Radiosity Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
toc Table of Contents
14 Rendering 213
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
About Rendering in Lightscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Creating Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Rendering Multiple Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Ray Tracing an Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Rendering Large Jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Rendering Across a Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
15 Animation 221
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
About Animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Defining the Camera Path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Setting Camera Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Varying the Camera Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Saving Animation Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Playing Back Animations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Using Animation Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
iv Lightscape
Table of Contents ❚❘❘
16 Exporting 241
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Exporting Panoramic Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Exporting VRML Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Importing Solution Files into Modeling Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
C LSnet 287
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
About LSnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Using LSnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
toc Table of Contents
I References 325
Glossary 327
Index 335
vi Lightscape
Lightscape™ is an advanced visualization system for generating accurate
Summary • Lighting
In this chapter, you learn about: • Interactivity
• Lightscape™ • Progressive refinement.
• Computer graphics rendering
• Photometry Realism
Because Lightscape accurately calculates how light
• Lightscape documentation propagates within an environment, you can obtain
subtle but significant lighting effects and produce
images of natural realism not attainable with other
About Lightscape rendering techniques. These effects include indirect
Lightscape™ is an advanced lighting and visualiza- illumination, soft shadowing, and color bleeding
tion application used to create accurate images of between surfaces.
how a 3D model of a space, or object, would appear
if physically built. Lightscape uses both radiosity
and ray tracing technology as well as a physically
Physically Based Lighting
Because the technology in Lightscape works with
based interface for defining lights and materials.
actual photometric (light energy) values, you can
Lightscape has many unique advantages over other
intuitively set up lights as they would be in the real
rendering technologies, including:
world. You can create lighting fixtures with any
• Realism distribution and color characteristics or import
1 Introduction
specific photometric files directly from lighting A 3D model contains geometric data defined in rela-
manufacturers. You can also specify natural daylight tionship to a 3D Cartesian coordinate system. This
simply by indicating the location, date, and time of system is sometimes referred to as world space. The
day. model may also contain other information about the
material of each object and the lighting. The image
Interactivity on a computer monitor is made up of a large number
The result of a radiosity solution is not just a single of illuminated dots called pixels. The task in creating
image but a full 3D representation of the light distri- a computer graphics image of a geometric model is
bution in an environment. Because the lighting is to determine the color for each pixel on the screen
precalculated, Lightscape can display specific views (screen space) based on the model information and a
of a fully rendered model much faster than with specific viewpoint.
traditional computer graphics techniques. With The color of any specific point on a surface in a
faster hardware, it is often possible to move interac- model is a function of the physical material proper-
tively through rendered environments. High-quality ties of that surface and the light that illuminates it.
walkthrough animations for film or video can be Two general shading algorithms—local illumination
generated in a fraction of the time required with and global illumination—are used to describe how
other professional animation systems. surfaces reflect and transmit light.
Global Illumination
Computer Graphics Rendering In considering more accurate images, however, it is
This section provides an overview of computer
important to take into account not only the light
graphics rendering and a conceptual understanding
sources themselves, but also how all the surfaces and
of the techniques available with Lightscape. This
objects in the environment interact with the light.
information will help you decide which technique is
For example, some surfaces block light, casting
most suitable for the visualization task you want to
shadows on other surfaces; some surfaces are shiny,
in which case we see in them the reflections of other
surfaces; some surfaces are transparent, in which
2 Lightscape
Computer Graphics Rendering ❚❘❘
case we see other surfaces through them; and some known as diffuse reflection. A wall painted with flat
surfaces reflect light onto others. Global illumination paint is a good example of a diffuse surface.
algorithms are rendering algorithms that take into
account the ways in which light is transferred
between the surfaces in the model.
1 Introduction
1. Trace a ray back from the eye position, through Ray tracing is a very versatile algorithm because of
the pixel on the monitor, until it intersects with a
the large range of lighting effects it can model. It can
accurately account for the global illumination char-
2. The model provides the reflectivity of the sur- acteristics of direct illumination, shadows, specular
face, but not the amount of light reaching that sur- reflections (for example, mirrors), and refraction
face. To determine the total illumination, trace a ray
through transparent materials. The main disadvan-
from the point of intersection to each light source in
tage of ray tracing is that the process can be slow and
the environment (shadow ray). If the ray to a light
source is not blocked by another object, use the light computationally expensive for environments of even
contribution from that source to calculate the color moderate complexity.
of the surface.
Another significant disadvantage of ray tracing is
3. The intersected surface may be shiny or trans- that it does not account for one very important char-
parent. The algorithm must determine either what is acteristic of global illumination—diffuse
seen in or through the surface being processed. Re- interreflections.
peat steps 1 and 2 in the reflected (and, in the case of
transparency, transmitted) direction until another Traditional ray tracing techniques accurately
surface is encountered. The color at the subsequent account for only the light arriving directly from the
intersection point is calculated and factored into the light sources themselves. But, as shown in the room
original point. example, light does not only arrive at a surface from
4. If the second surface is yet again a reflective or the light sources (direct lighting), it also arrives from
transparent surface, repeat the ray tracing process other surfaces (indirect lighting). If you ray trace an
image of the table (as shown in the example), the
area under the table appears black because it receives
no direct light from the light source. You know from
experience, however, that this area would not really
be completely dark because of the light it would
receive from the surrounding walls and floor.
4 Lightscape
Computer Graphics Rendering ❚❘❘
Traditional ray tracing techniques often refer to this simple hardware-assisted scan-line techniques. This
indirect illumination as ambient light. With this property is often referred to as view independence,
technique, an arbitrary value that has no correlation because the light distribution is precalculated for the
to the physical phenomena of indirect illumination whole environment and does not have to be recalcu-
and that is constant throughout space is simply lated for each specific view. Ray tracing, on the other
added. This often causes ray traced images to appear hand, is known as a view-dependent algorithm,
very flat. This is particularly true for architectural because the lighting has to be recalculated for each
environments, which typically contain mostly view.
diffuse surfaces.
To address some of the shortcomings of the ray
tracing algorithm, researchers began investigating
alternative techniques for calculating global
1 Introduction
between adjacent mesh elements (for example, typically you can interrupt the process when an
across shadow boundaries). acceptable solution has been obtained.
2. Light is distributed from each luminaire to all
surfaces in the environment. (A luminaire is a light Radiosity and Ray Tracing Differences
fixture, with one or more lamps and housing.) In Although the ray tracing and radiosity algorithms
this calculation, surfaces can block other surfaces,
are very different, they are in many ways
casting shadows.
3. Depending on the characteristics of the surface
material, some of the energy reaching a particular The ray tracing algorithm has the following advan-
mesh element is absorbed, while the remaining en- tages and disadvantages:
ergy is reflected into the environment. An important
assumption in radiosity is that all the surfaces are Advantages Accurately renders direct illumi-
ideal diffuse (Lambertian)—that is, they reflect light nation, shadows, specular reflec-
equally in all directions. tions, and transparency effects.
6 Lightscape
Photometry ❚❘❘
1 Introduction
square meter. The corresponding AS unit is the foot- The Lightscape 3.2 User’s Guide provides explana-
candle (fc), equivalent to 1 lumen per square foot. tions of the techniques and concepts required to set
up, process, and render a Lightscape solution.
Part of the light incident on a surface is reflected
back into the environment. Luminance is the light Learning Lightscape provides step-by-step examples
reflected off a surface in a particular direction and is of the procedures discussed in this manual.
the quantity converted to display colors to generate a
The Lightscape Online Help system provides topic-
realistic rendering of the scene. Luminance is
based information as well as reference information
measured in candelas per square meter or per square
about the main interface elements.
inch. The candela was originally defined as the lumi-
nous intensity emitted by a single wax candle.
Using This Guide
Finally, luminous intensity is the light energy per unit This guide is designed to provide information both
time emitted by a point source in a particular direc- by topic and in the order of a typical workflow. More
tion. The unit of measure of luminous intensity is the experienced users can use the guide for reference,
candela. Luminous intensity is used to describe the turning directly to sections of specific interest.
directional distribution of a light source—that is, to
specify how the luminous intensity of a light source The following typographical conventions are used
varies as a function of the outgoing direction. in this manual:
Convention: Description:
• Online Help
8 Lightscape
About Lightscape Documentation ❚❘❘
America: (877) DISCREET
Elsewhere: (514) 954-7550
Fax: (514) 954-7254
Reader’s Comments
We would like to hear from you. Your comments can
help us improve the quality of our documentation.
Mail, fax, or e-mail your comments to:
This chapter describes how to install your Lightscape system.
How to install Lightscape and its
2 Installation
To install Lightscape: Note: Any files saved with Lightscape 3.2 that
1. Place the Lightscape CD-ROM in the CD-ROM include material information cannot be read by
drive. earlier versions of Lightscape. File formats that do
not include material properties information like
Note: If you are installing Lightscape on Windows animation files (.la), layer state files (.lay), and
NT, you should have administrator privileges. parameter files (.df) are portable from Lightscape
3.2 to Lightscape 3.1 or 3.1.1.
2. Choose Run from the Windows Start menu.
3. Type d:\setup and press Enter. If required,
replace “d” with the letter that represents your CD-
ROM drive.
The Lightscape Setup wizard guides you step-by-
step through the installation process. You are greeted
with a welcoming message followed by a series of
dialogs. These dialogs let you choose the compo-
nents of Lightscape to install and the directory in
which to install them.
12 Lightscape
This chapter provides an overview of the process of creating a Lightscape
solution. Each step of this process is explained in detail in the chapters that
3 Workflow
How to use Lightscape.
3 Workflow
Importing Geometry
The first step in creating a lighting simulation is to Adding Light
import a geometric model into Lightscape. You can You can add artificial light and/or daylight to your
import models from a wide variety of CAD and model.
modeling applications as well as from block and All artificial lighting in your model comes from
luminaire libraries. luminaires (light fixtures). You can use luminaires
For more information, see Chapter 5, “Importing from a library or create your own. Adjust the photo-
Geometry,” and Chapter 6, “Refining Geometry.” metric properties of the luminaires, and then place
them in your model. You can also use IES files to
import real-world lighting parameters from lighting
Orienting Surfaces manufacturers.
After you import a model, you must ensure that all
surfaces are properly oriented. Lightscape also comes complete with libraries of
hundreds of ready-to-use luminaires.
Surface orientation determines which side of a
surface is considered when calculating the light Use daylight to add an extra element of realism to
reflections. For example, to simulate the lighting in a your model. Daylight is provided by two sources: the
room, the wall surfaces should be oriented toward sun and the sky.
the inside of the room. For more information, see Chapter 8, “Artificial
For more information, see Chapter 6, “Refining Lighting,” Chapter 9, “Photometrics,” and Chapter
Geometry.” 10, “Daylight.”
14 Lightscape
Processing the Radiosity Solution ❚❘❘
3 Workflow
radiosity solution using OpenGL rendering. To display speed, use an OpenGL-compliant graphics
obtain a more accurate image, however, you can ray accelerator board.
trace the image. For more information, see
You can use the Mesh to Texture tool to reduce
Chapter 14, “Rendering.”
geometric complexity in the environment by
converting meshes and geometry into texture maps.
Walk-through Animations
This is important when using Lightscape to create
You can create camera paths for generating walk-
environments for interactive games or web sites. For
through animations of your radiosity solutions. You
more information, see Chapter 13, “Mesh to
can generate high-quality antialiased images very
quickly with OpenGL rendering. For more informa-
tion, see Chapter 15, “Animation.” A Lightscape radiosity solution can also be exported
into the VRML format. This data can then be used in
If you want to add specular reflections and accurate
specialized display and virtual reality applications.
transparency effects, you can ray trace each frame.
For more information, see Chapter 16, “Exporting.”
For greater efficiency, you can use a batch program
or LSnet when rendering animations. For more
Lighting Analysis
information, see Appendix B, “Batch Processing
If you are primarily interested in lighting analysis,
Lightscape provides a variety of tools for visualizing
the lighting data contained in the radiosity solution.
Virtual Reality
Generally, radiosity solutions for lighting analysis
If your goal is to produce a virtual reality environ-
can be created coarser (and faster) than those
ment for interactive walk-throughs, you cannot use
required to produce realistic images. For more infor-
ray tracing. You must strive for the highest quality
mation, see Chapter 12, “Lighting Analysis.”
from the most compact and efficient model using
the radiosity process alone. Because the radiosity
solution results in a simple polygonal mesh with
specific radiosity values (converted to RGB colors)
stored at the vertices, results can be displayed very
rapidly using OpenGL rendering. To increase
16 Lightscape
The Interface
An introduction to the Lightscape
tools and interface conventions.
The Lightscape user interface provides access to a suite of interactive tools, which
4 The Interface
Menu bar
Layers table
Blocks table
Status bar
the right side of the screen. You can reposition and Graphic Window
resize all of these windows as required. You use the Graphic window to display and edit the
The Lightscape menu bar occupies the upper geometry of the current model. In the Graphic
portion of the Graphic window. Directly below the window, you select objects by clicking them with the
menu bar is the default location for the displayed left mouse button.
toolbars. A status bar at the bottom of the Graphic In the Graphic window, Lightscape supports several
window communicates information as required. orthogonal projection modes, as well as perspective
The title bar displays the name of the current file projection. You can also use the interactive view
loaded in the Graphic window. tools to navigate through the model in each projec-
You can perform editing operations in a variety of tion quickly.
ways: by using the pulldown menus on the Light- There are several display modes that control the way
scape menu bar, by clicking the appropriate button Lightscape displays the model. For example, the
on a toolbar, or by using the secondary mouse model can be displayed in solid or wireframe mode.
button to open a context menu. For more information, see “Viewing the Model” on
page 29.
18 Lightscape
Overview of the Interface ❚❘❘
The Graphic window normally holds only a single You can right-click the Layers table to display the
view of the model at any one time. However, during Layers context menu, which contains functions
animation editing, Lightscape breaks the Graphic appropriate to the layer selection set.
window into four concurrent views to aid in the
For information on using layers, see “Working with
creation and editing of the motion path.
Layers” on page 82.
Layers Table
Materials Table
The Layers table contains a list of all the layers
The Materials table contains a list of all the materials
defined in the current model and indicates their
currently available in the model. You assign mate-
state. A check mark to the left of the layer name
rials to surfaces in the model to define their
indicates that the layer is on (active) and that the
appearance and how light energy incident on the
objects on that layer are currently being displayed in
surfaces behaves.
the Graphic window. You can double-click a layer
name to toggle its state on and off.
Layers table
Material preview
Material with
an assigned
4 The Interface
The material preview displays the currently selected Changing the Sample Sphere Diameter
material. For more information, see “Customizing You can change the diameter of the sample sphere to
Material Previews” on page 20. make its size consistent with the objects in your
model to which you will apply the material. This
Right-click the Materials table to display a context
provides an accurate preview of materials that have
menu of functions for manipulating the materials in
procedural textures applied or a fixed tile size. The
the table. Double-click any material name to activate
sphere diameter is measured in the units of your
the Material Properties dialog, which contains tools
model. For more information about setting the
for editing the characteristics of the selected
model units, see “Setting Units Properties” on page
For more information on working with materials,
see Chapter 7, “Using Materials.” To change the diameter of the sample sphere:
1. Right-click in the preview.
Customizing Material Previews 2. Choose Diameter and select the number of units
The material preview displays the material currently from the list.
selected in the Materials table. You can resize the
Material preview with Fixed Size set to 1m x 1m.
preview and toggle it on or off.
Diameter of sample
sphere set to 1m.
Diameter of sample
sphere set to 10m.
20 Lightscape
Overview of the Interface ❚❘❘
Reflection disabled.
Reflection enabled.
highlights are
visible in the center The block preview displays the currently selected
of the sphere. block. For more information, see “Customizing
Block and Luminaire Previews” on page 22.
4 The Interface
For more information on blocks, see “Working with Right-click the Luminaires table to display a context
Blocks” on page 85. menu of functions for manipulating luminaires in
the table.
Luminaires Table For more information on using luminaires, see
The Luminaires table contains a list of all the lumi- Chapter 8, “Artificial Lighting.”
naires available in the model. A luminaire is a special
type of block used to represent light fixtures and
Customizing Block and Luminaire
includes a definition of photometric characteristics
that control how light energy is emitted from it. In
The block and luminaire previews display the
the Preparation stage, double-click a luminaire
objects currently selected in the table. You can resize
name to isolate it for display and editing in the
the preview and toggle it on or off.
Graphic window. Open the Luminaire Properties
dialog to edit photometric characteristics of the
22 Lightscape
Overview of the Interface ❚❘❘
To change the view using the toolbar: To use the same shading as the model:
1. Right-click in the preview, select View Control, 1. Right-click in the preview, select Shading, and
and enable From Toolbars. enable From Toolbars.
2. Click the appropriate button on the View Con-
trol toolbar, then drag the cursor in the preview to
control the view.
4 The Interface
When you move the mouse while pressing the left For example, if you right-click in the Graphic
button in the Graphic window, one of several actions window when a surface is selected, a context menu of
occurs, depending on the currently selected mouse functions for the selected surface is displayed. Right-
mode: click one of the tables to display a context menu of
functions for the selected objects or in the table list
• Select mode itself.
• Query mode
24 Lightscape
Using Toolbars ❚❘❘
2. Double-click a toolbar to toggle its state. A red For more information, see “Using File Controls” on
check mark next to the toolbar indicates that it is page 27.
currently displayed.
4 The Interface
Zoom Window
Rotate Dolly Tilt View Setup Hidden Line
Wireframe Outlined
26 Lightscape
Using File Controls ❚❘❘
Initiate Go
Blending Enhanced
Double Buffer Ambient
For more information on processing your model,
see Chapter 11, “Radiosity Processing.”
For more information, see “Controlling the Display”
on page 35.
4 The Interface
Undelete function is also available from the Edit Additionally, use the Scale option (available when
menu. loading Preparation files) to specify a numeric factor
by which all objects in the file will be scaled.
Open Undelete Help Index
Select Save to save the current Lightscape
model. If the model has not been saved previously,
New Save Print Help this function defaults to Save As and Lightscape
prompts you for a filename and location. If your
You can use any of the following methods to access model was previously saved, the Save function over-
the file controls. writes the previous file. To preserve the previous file,
select Save As from the File menu.
Menu: Button: Hot Key:
File | New Ctrl+N Undelete
The Undelete function offers one level of undo
File | Open Ctrl+O
for destructive actions only. You can use the Unde-
File | Save Ctrl+S lete function immediately after deleting items in the
Edit | Undelete Ctrl+Z Layers, Materials, Blocks, or Luminaires tables. You
File | Print Ctrl+P can also use Undelete after deleting surfaces or
block/luminaire instances in the Graphic window.
Help | Index
The Undelete function restores the most recently
New deleted object, or objects, even after you perform
Select New to create a new, empty Lightscape view modifications such as changing the projection
model. If any data is in memory, it will be erased mode or using the interactive view controls.
when the new model is created. In such cases, you However, if, after deleting an object you perform any
are prompted to save the data if you have made function that involves a change to the Lightscape
changes since the last time you saved the model. database (such as renaming a material, adding a
block instance, or saving the file), the buffer is
Open emptied and you can no longer reverse the previous
Select Open to load an existing Lightscape action. There is no Redo function.
model file. The file can be either a Preparation file
(.lp) or a Solution file (.ls). If any data is in memory, Note: The Undelete function is not related to the
it will be erased when the file is loaded. In such cases, Undo Zoom Window function in the View menu or
the Undelete button in the Create Surface dialog.
you are prompted to save the data.
Choose Merge from the File menu (or press Ctrl+M) Print
to combine two or more Preparation or Solution Select Print to print the current view of the
files. However, you cannot mix the file types. model.
28 Lightscape
Viewing the Model ❚❘❘
Help Index You can use any of the following methods to access
Select Help Index to display the index of the the view projection controls.
Help system. Clicking this button is equivalent to
choosing Index from the Help menu. Menu: Button: Hot Key:
View | Projection | Perspective Shift+3
Context Help
View | Projection | Top Shift+4
Select Context Help to enable quick help on any
on-screen interface element. When you click the View | Projection | Bottom Shift+5
Context Help button, the pointer changes to a replica View | Projection | Left Shift+6
of the tool. Click any toolbar item, table, or the View | Projection | Right Shift+7
Graphic window to display information on that
View | Projection | Front Shift+8
item. You must select the Context Help tool for each
item on which you want information. View | Projection | Back Shift+9
4 The Interface
30 Lightscape
Viewing the Model ❚❘❘
To use the Zoom view control: To use the Dolly view control:
1. To zoom in on the scene (decrease the field of 1. To move the viewer position forward, drag the
view), drag the mouse upward in the Graphic win- mouse upward in the Graphic window.
2. To move the viewer position backward, drag the
2. To zoom out on the scene (increase the field of mouse downward in the Graphic window.
view), drag the mouse downward in the Graphic
window. Note: You cannot dolly past the focus point. The
dolly speed depends on the distance to the focus
Note: In Perspective view, excessively zooming point.
out leads to distortions in the image (similar to a
wide-angle lens on a camera). Dolly is available in Perspective view only.
4 The Interface
32 Lightscape
Viewing the Model ❚❘❘
Set the far clipping plane by entering the required Using View Extents
value in the input box or by adjusting the Far Clip Use the View Extents option to display all the objects
Plane slider. in the model.
4 The Interface
The Align Background dialog appears. proportional to the required final rendering
34 Lightscape
Controlling the Display ❚❘❘
2. Navigate to the appropriate directory, enter the For more information on display options, see “Using
name of the file in the filename box, and click Save. the Display Options” on page 36.
The view file is saved with a .vw extension and it is Display Menu
added to the list of views.
View Menu
List of views
4 The Interface
You can use any of the following methods to access Hidden Line
the shading controls. Use this option to display the model similarly to
Wireframe mode, except surfaces block (hide) the
Menu: Button: display of other surfaces behind them. All surface
Display | Wireframe edges visible to the user are displayed in white.
Display | Colored Wireframe The color of the wireframe in Hidden Line mode is
Display | Hidden Line the same as that in Wireframe mode. To change the
Display | Solid wireframe color, see “Wireframe” on page 36.
To change the wireframe color: Note: The display speed is influenced by the
1. Choose File | Properties. number of surfaces in the model, as well as by the
computer hardware. For complex models, it may
The Document Properties dialog appears. be faster to change views in Wireframe mode and
display the surfaces in Solid mode once the desired
2. On the Colors panel, use the color picker to
view is established.
choose the required wireframe color and click the
left arrow to apply it to the Wireframe color box, or
enter the HSV values directly in the corresponding
Use this option to display the surfaces of the model
in their appropriate material colors, with the surface
geometry outlined. All polygon surfaces are
displayed in the material color and all polygon edges
are displayed in black.
36 Lightscape
Controlling the Display ❚❘❘
disabling a display option increases the display surfaces are displayed opaque, regardless of the
speed but decreases image quality. material transparency.
4 The Interface
Displaying Axes from the Display menu. This option is only available
Use the Show Axis option to display a set of X, Y, and in Perspective view.
Z axes, which indicate the current orientation of
your model. The axes appear in the lower-left corner Using Reload Textures
of the model. The X axis is displayed in red, the Y Choose this option to reload all texture image files
axis in green, and the Z axis in blue. into the materials that use them. You should select
this function after you have modified image maps,
To display axes: changed their filenames, or changed the Fixed Tile
Choose Display | Show Axis to toggle the axes Size option and settings in the Material Properties
display on or off. A check mark next to the menu dialog. For more information, see Chapter 7, “Using
item indicates the axes are currently displayed. Materials.”
Selecting Objects
Before you can perform an action on an object, you
must select it. You can select single or multiple
blocks, surfaces, or luminaires. You can also select
objects inside a particular area or select objects
based on a set of selection filters.
Using Auto-Redraw You can use any of the following methods to access
Choose this option in the Display menu to redraw the selection options.
the model in the Graphic window after every
change. If you do not need to view changes immedi- Menu: Button: Hot Key:
ately, you can improve performance by disabling this Edit | Selection | Select Shift+1
option so that changes in material editing or texture
Edit | Selection | Query Select Shift+Q
alignment do not cause an automatic redraw.
Edit | Selection | Area Any Shift+2
You can choose Display | Refresh or press F5 to Vertex
explicitly cause a redraw when required.
Edit | Selection | Area All Ver- Shift+0
Using Auto-Orbit Edit | Selection | Deselect Area Shift+V
Choose this option to cause the model to continu- Any
ously rotate around the focus point of the current
view. Toggle Auto-Orbit on and off by selecting it
38 Lightscape
Selecting Objects ❚❘❘
Menu: Button: Hot Key:
Use Select to click objects to select them. When
Edit | Selection | Deselect Area Shift+C the Accumulate Pick mode is enabled, click a
selected object to deselect it.
Edit | Selection | Select All
Edit | Selection | Deselect All Query Select
Use Query Select to display information about
Edit | Selection | Surface Shift+F
an object when you select it. The layers and materials
Edit | Selection | Block Shift+B associated with the object are also highlighted in the
Edit | Selection | Luminaire Shift+L appropriate tables.
Edit | Selection | Filter
Area Any Vertex
Edit | Selection | Accumulate Shift+A Use Area Any Vertex to drag a marquee around
an area to select objects that have at least one vertex
Edit | Selection | Pick Top Shift+X within the selected area.
Area All Vertices
Note: If the Selection toolbar is not visible, choose
Tools | Toolbars. In the Toolbars dialog that Use Area All Vertices to drag a marquee around
appears, double-click Selection, then click Close. an area to select objects that have all vertices within
the selected area.
Using Selection Tools
Deselect Area Any
Use the selection tools to select or deselect objects in
Use Deselect Area Any to drag a marquee
your model. Only objects that meet the current filter
around an area to deselect objects that have at least
criteria are selected or deselected. For example, if
one vertex within the selected area.
you choose the Block selection filter and then
choose the Select All tool, all the blocks in your Deselect Area All
model are selected. The behavior of the Marquee Use Deselect Area All to drag a marquee
Selection and Select All tools also depends upon the around and area to deselect objects that have all
specified selection criteria. For more information, vertices within the selected area.
see “Defining Selection Filters” on page 41.
Select All
Use Select All to select all objects in the model,
including those not in the current view.
4 The Interface
You can also define selection filters that take into To select objects:
account assigned materials, surface properties, and 1. Choose a selection filter to specify the type of
luminaire properties. For more information, see objects to select.
“Defining Selection Filters” on page 41.
2. Choose a selection tool to specify the method of
selecting objects.
Choosing Selection Options
3. Set the appropriate selection option.
Use the selection options to determine whether you
will make single (exclusive) selections or multiple 4. Click or drag your cursor in the Graphic window
(additive) selections. If your model contains nested to select an object or objects.
blocks, you can also use the top block mode to select The selected objects are highlighted.
only the top block in a hierarchy.
To query objects:
1. Choose a selection filter to specify the type of
objects to query.
Accumulate Pick 2. Choose the Query Select button from the Selec-
tion toolbar, or choose Edit | Selection | Query.
3. To query the top block in a block hierarchy, en-
Pick Top Block able Pick Top Block.
40 Lightscape
Selecting Objects ❚❘❘
4. Click your cursor in the Graphic window to se- The Selection Filter dialog appears and the selected
lect an object to query. materials are listed on the Surfaces panel.
Information about the queried object is displayed on
the status bar and the associated layers and materials
are highlighted in the Layers and Materials tables.
Use: To:
Select surfaces that have this parameter
Selection Filter Dialog Select surfaces that have this parameter
Disregard this parameter for surface se-
Use Selection Filter lection.
2. Choose Edit | Selection | Filter or click the Selec- == Select surfaces with mesh subdivision
tion Filter Dialog button on the toolbar. equal to the specified value.
<> Select surfaces with mesh subdivision
greater than or less than (but not equal
to) the specified value.
< Select surfaces with mesh subdivision
less than the specified value.
<= Select surfaces with mesh subdivision
less than or equal to the specified value.
4 The Interface
42 Lightscape
Transforming Objects ❚❘❘
Use Move to change the placement of selected
objects in your model. You can limit movement to
Move Constrain to Z Aim any axis (or any two axes) by clicking the appropriate
Constrain to X Constrain to ZX axis constraint button.
You can use any of the following methods to access Note: Using the hot key (Shift+M) has the same
effect as clicking the button on the toolbar.
the transformation tools.
4 The Interface
Constrain to XY
Use Constrain to XY to limit the movement and
Use Drag Increments
rotation of objects to the XY plane.
You can customize the drag increment values for
Constrain to ZX
each axis and toggle them on or off. The drag incre-
Use Constrain to ZX to limit the movement and
ments are in the model units. For more information,
rotation of objects to the ZX plane.
see “Setting Units Properties” on page 46.
Constrain to YZ
To use drag increments:
Use Constrain to YZ to limit the movement and
rotation of objects to the YZ plane. 1. Click the Edit Drag Increments button or
choose Edit | Transformation and click the Drag In-
Aim crements tab.
Use Aim in conjunction with Rotate to The Drag Increments panel of the Transformation
constrain the rotation of the block (or luminaire) to dialog appears.
its local Z axis.
44 Lightscape
Setting Document Properties ❚❘❘
4. Enable Use Drag Increments to use the Drag In- Setting Display Properties
crements settings during interactive transforma- Use the Display properties to control how the model
tions, or click the Use Drag Increments is displayed on your monitor.
button on the toolbar.
Using the Transformation Dialog Use this option to control the brightness of the image
You can use the Transformation dialog to move, displayed on your monitor or rendered. This option
rotate, and scale objects, transform the insertion does not affect the actual lighting levels in the model.
points of blocks and luminaires, and set the drag
increments for interactive transformations. Contrast
Use this option to control the contrast of the image
For more information, see “Using Drag Increments” displayed on your monitor or rendered.
on page 44.
To display the Transformation dialog: Use this option to choose the percentage of the
Choose Edit | Transformation. available ambient light used when you enable ambi-
ent approximation during the Solution stage. For
The Transformation dialog appears. more information on ambient approximation, see
“Ambient” on page 37 and “Ambient Approxima-
tion” on page 171.
4 The Interface
3. Set the Brightness, Contrast, Ambient, and Lu- To set the units properties:
minaire Icon Size options as required by using the 1. Choose File | Properties.
sliders, or by entering values directly in the corre-
sponding boxes. The Document Properties dialog appears.
4. Click OK.
3. Set the Length, Lighting, and Time options by
Setting Units Properties choosing settings from the corresponding lists.
Use the Units properties to determine the default 4. Click OK.
units to work with in the model. The current length
units are displayed on the status bar.
Setting Color Properties
Use the Colors properties to set the default colors for
various elements of the display.
Use this option to specify the units of length used in
the model. You can choose either millimeters, centi-
meters, meters, kilometers, inches, feet, or miles.
Use this option to set the color displayed in the back-
Note: Changing the units does not change the size ground of the Graphic window.
of the model. For example, a surface that is 1 meter
long will be 3.28 feet long if feet are the selected Wireframe
units. Use this option to set the color of the lines in Wire-
frame display mode. For more information on
Lighting display modes, see “Controlling the Display” on
Use this option to specify the unit system to use for
page 35.
lighting. You can choose either International or
American. Mesh
Use this option to set the color of the mesh in
Time Outlined display mode. For more information on
Use this option to specify the time units to use for an
display modes, see “Controlling the Display” on
animation setup. You can choose seconds, minutes,
page 35.
or hours.
46 Lightscape
Setting Document Properties ❚❘❘
Use this option to set the density of the fog. The
3. Use the color picker to set the required color. range is 0 to 1, with 1 representing the densest fog
4. Apply the color to the Background, Wireframe, effect.
and/or Mesh settings by clicking the corresponding
left-arrow buttons or by entering the color values in Fog Color
the corresponding boxes directly. Use this option to select the color of the fog. You can
5. To reload an assigned color into the color picker choose the color (using HSV or RGB values) in the
for editing, click the right arrow button correspond- color picker.
ing to the appropriate option.
To set the fog properties:
6. Click OK.
1. Choose File | Properties.
Use the Function list to select the fog type. You can
choose Disabled, Linear, Fog, or Haze. The default
setting is Disabled.
Select: To:
3. Choose the type of fog from the Function list.
Disabled Disable the use of fog in the model.
4. Use the Density slider to set the fog density, or
Linear Create fog that is clear at the near enter a value directly in the Density box.
plane and opaque at the far plane. The
density increases linearly from the 5. Use the color picker to set the Fog Color.
near plane to the far plane. 6. Click OK.
4 The Interface
Use the Remove button to delete a selected path from
the path list.
48 Lightscape
Setting Document Properties ❚❘❘
6. To reorder an item in a path list, select it and use second surface, with a corresponding increase in
the up and down arrow buttons. display speed.
7. To remove a path from a path list, select it and The default setting is 1 (display every surface).
click Remove.
In the Solution stage, adjusting the Draw Every Nth
8. Click OK.
Face setting resets the value of Level of Detail to 100.
4 The Interface
Use this option to restore the background and reflec-
tion images to the default settings.
50 Lightscape
Setting System Options ❚❘❘
4. To restore the default background and reflection The Options dialog appears.
images, click the Defaults button. 2. Click the Drag and Drop tab.
5. To display textures in the block and luminaire
previews, enable Display Loaded Textures.
6. Click OK.
4 The Interface
Recent File Lists 3. To set the size of the crosshairs, enter a value in
the Cross Hair Size box or adjust the slider.
Use the Recent File Lists options to set the maximum
number of files listed (for quick access) in the Light- 4. To automatically adjust dialogs that may have
scape menus. moved beyond your viewing area, enable Reposition
Dialogs Which Are Off-Screen.
Use: To:
5. Enter the required values in the Recent File Lists
LS and LP Files Set the maximum number of boxes, then click OK.
Preparation (.lp) and Solution
(.ls) files listed in the File menu.
Animation Files Set the maximum number of
Animation (.la) files listed in the
Animation menu.
Layer Files Set the maximum number of
layer state (.lay) files listed in the
Layers table context menu.
View Files Set the maximum number of
view (.vw) files listed in the View
52 Lightscape
Importing Geometry
How to import geometry from
The first step in creating a lighting simulation is to import a geometric model into
Lightscape. You can import models from a wide variety of CAD and modeling
modeling applications.
5 Importing Geometry
The procedures for this task vary slightly depending selected instead. Consider the following example:
on your modeling system. For information on you import a model using inches as the unit of
importing DXF files, see “Specifying Units of measurement; you then measure a wall, and find that
Measurement” on page 57. For information on it measures 10 inches instead of 10 feet. It is apparent
exporting from 3D Studio MAX or importing 3D that you should have used feet when importing the
Studio files, see “Specifying Units of Measurement” model. Import the model again using the correct
on page 73. units.
Measuring Distance Note: After you import the model into Lightscape
If you are not sure that you used the correct units you can change the units in which you want to
work. This operation has no effect on the physical
when importing the model, measure a known size of the model—it simply converts the existing
distance in the model to confirm the scale of the dimensions to the new units selected. For example,
model before you begin to work on it. a 10-foot wall becomes a 120-inch wall—not a 10-
inch wall. To convert the working units, choose
To measure the distance between two points: File | Properties, then select the units in the Docu-
ment Properties dialog.
1. Choose Tools | Measure Distance.
The Measure Distance dialog appears. Converting Coordinate Systems
Lightscape uses a right-handed X Y Z Cartesian
coordinate system. If your modeling application
uses a different coordinate system than Lightscape,
convert the coordinate system when importing the
54 Lightscape
Common Import Tasks ❚❘❘
nate system, and note the correspondence between Grouping Objects into Blocks and
the two systems. Layers
\ Z When importing a model, you may want to group
[ objects into blocks and layers to organize them and
reduce file size.
Z [
The options available for creating blocks and layers
vary slightly depending on your modeling system:
The Lightscape Coordinate system of
coordinate system the imported model • For information about DXF files, see “Grouping
Objects into Blocks” on page 59.
In this example, X, Y, and, Z in the Lightscape coor-
• For information about 3DS files, see “Grouping En-
dinate system correspond to Y, Z, and, X in the
tities into Blocks” on page 67.
coordinate system of the imported model.
• For information about 3D Studio MAX or 3D Stu-
2. In the Coordinate Transformation list of the im-
port or export dialog, select the axes that correspond dio VIZ, see “Grouping Objects in Blocks” on page
to the X, Y, and Z axes in Lightscape. In this example, 74.
you select Y, Z, X.
Overwriting or Merging
In Lightscape, you can open only one file at a time. If
a project is open when you import or open a file, you
can either close the current project to make room for
the incoming file or merge the incoming project to
the current project.
To create a single Lightscape project file from
3. To change the direction of an axis, enable Mirror multiple files, import or open the first file, and then
Coordinates for that axis. In this example, mirror the merge the others.
Z axis.
Geometry that exists in specific layers in the
incoming model is appended to existing layers of the
same name. New layers are added to the existing
Layers table.
In the Coordinate Transformation box, a minus (-) Block definitions in the incoming model overwrite
sign appears in front of Z, indicating that the X, Y, blocks of the same name in the existing model. This
and Z axes in Lightscape correspond to the Y, -Z, changes all instances of that block.
and X axes in the imported model.
Note: If you have done preparation work on a
block in Lightscape (setting materials or orienta-
tion, for example), you will lose that work if you
merge a file with a block of the same name. To
avoid this situation, you should either rename the
5 Importing Geometry
56 Lightscape
Importing DXF Files ❚❘❘
5 Importing Geometry
To specify units of measurement: Enable Capping to close the top and the base of
1. In the Import DXF dialog, select a unit from the objects that have thickness.
File Units list.
58 Lightscape
Importing DXF Files ❚❘❘
Setting the Angle Between Normals system divides arcs, circles, and arc segments in 2D
Use the Angle Between Normals to establish a polylines.
threshold at which adjacent facets in a smoothing
group should be rendered with sharp or smoothed
edges. If the angle between the normals (vector
perpendicular to the facet) of the adjacent facets
incident on a vertex is larger than the value of the
Angle Between Normals, the sharp edge is preserved
Smoother profile: Circle Coarser profile: Circle
for that vertex.
imported with Number imported with Number of
of Arc Segments set to 12. Arc Segments set to 6.
Angle Between Normals of the polygons is 45°
Smoothing only affects the appearance between the Arc imported with Arc imported with
edges of adjacent polygons—it will not smooth the Number of Arc Number of Arc
Segments set to 12. Segments set to 6.
profile of objects. To control the smoothness of the
profile, adjust the number of arc or curve segments.
Grouping Objects into Blocks
Note: You can also create smoothing groups and When you import a DXF file, the layering and block
adjust smoothing after you import your model. For
structure of the DXF format is preserved.
more information, see “Smoothing Surfaces” on
page 98. In addition, you can organize top-level entities (enti-
ties not already included in a block) by grouping
Number of Arc Segments
them into blocks, as required.
Use the Number of Arc Segments option to control
the number of straight line segments into which the
5 Importing Geometry
60 Lightscape
Importing DXF Files ❚❘❘
4. On the right side of the Material Map dialog, se- For information on working with luminaires, see
lect the color index that you want to assign to it. Chapter 8, “Artificial Lighting.” For information on
working with blocks, see Chapter 6, “Refining
5 Importing Geometry
of orientation work required once the model is only the surfaces that are part of the specific block
imported into Lightscape. into which the focus point is inserted. Surfaces that
are part of other sub-blocks are not affected.
62 Lightscape
Importing DWG Files ❚❘❘
Overwriting or Merging
When you import a DWG file, you can either over-
write the current Preparation file with the incoming
file or merge the incoming geometry with the open 2. If the units in the model do not represent whole
file. physical units, set a scaling factor. For example, if the
model has a scale of 1 unit to 500 meters, select
meters as the unit and 500 as the scale factor.
Select Overwrite to create a new Lightscape model
with the same name as the DWG file. Make sure you
save your work before importing a new file using the When you import the model, the size of your model
Overwrite option. appears and you are prompted to confirm that it
makes sense. If it seems wrong, click Cancel, and
Merge Import it again using the correct units.
Select Merge to add the objects in the selected DWG
file to the current model. The default properties of If you are not sure of the size of the entire model, you
the current model are maintained. should check the size of a smaller area after you
import the model into Lightscape. For more infor-
Geometry that exists in specific layers in the mation, see “Measuring Distance” on page 54.
incoming model is appended to existing layers of the
same name. New layers are added to the existing
Layers table. Grouping Objects into Blocks
When you import a DWG file, the layering and block
structure of the DWG format is preserved.
Specifying Units of Measurement
DWG files do not explicitly indicate what units were In addition, you can organize top-level entities (enti-
used (for example, inches, feet, or meters) or their ties not already included in a block) by grouping
values. Because the effect of lighting in a model them into blocks, if required.
depends on the dimensions of the model, it is impor-
tant to indicate what units were used when loading a As Is
Select this option to create no additional blocks.
DWG file.
5 Importing Geometry
Smoothing Groups
Enable this option to convert thick 2D polylines and
3D polygon and polyface meshes to quadrilaterals in
a smoothing group. If facets are part of a smoothing
64 Lightscape
Importing 3DS files ❚❘❘
5 Importing Geometry
• Elements that you cannot export in DXF format, • Type the filename in the Name box
such as ACIS solids and lights. • Click Browse, navigate to the appropriate file in the
• Models created in 3D Studio version 2.0 or earlier. Open dialog that appears, and then click Open.
Note: The .3ds file format differs from the .max file 3. Select one of the following from the list next to
format created by 3D Studio MAX and 3D Studio the Browse button:
VIZ. For models created in 3D Studio MAX or 3D
Studio VIZ, you should use the LS2MAX plug-in. For Select: To:
more information, see “Exporting from 3D Studio Overwrite Replace the current model.
MAX or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape” on page 72.
Merge Add the imported geometry to the
current model.
To import a .3DS file:
1. Choose File | Import | 3DS. For more information, see “Overwriting or
The Import 3D Studio dialog appears. Merging” on page 63.
66 Lightscape
Importing 3DS files ❚❘❘
Grouping Entities into Blocks Use the Maximum Light Intensity Scale to convert
Select one of the following options from the Block relative light intensities in 3D Studio files to physical
Creation list to organize entities into blocks: units used by Lightscape.
• The “no shadow casting” flag is preserved (if it had Note: When importing 3DS files, texture align-
been set). ment is not preserved. If you have 3D Studio MAX
or 3D Studio VIZ, import the 3DS file into 3D Studio
• The light intensity multiplier is used to scale the lu- MAX or 3D Studio VIZ and use the plug-in to export
minous intensity. the file. This will preserve full texture alignment.
5 Importing Geometry
68 Lightscape
Importing a LightWave Scene ❚❘❘
To import a LightWave scene: the incoming file or merge the incoming geometry
1. Choose File | Import | LightWave. to the open file.
Select Overwrite to create a new Lightscape model
with the same name as the LightWave file. You
should save your work before importing a new file
using the Overwrite option.
2. Do one of the following: Select Merge to load the LightWave scene into the
• Enter the filename in the Name box current Lightscape model. Selecting Merge may
modify existing Lightscape blocks or materials.
• Click Browse, navigate to the appropriate file in the
Open dialog that appears, and then click Open.
Specify Units of Measurement
The root directory of the file you typed is automati- Because the effect of lighting in a model depends on
cally entered in the Content Directory box. the size of the model, it is important to indicate what
3. If the information in the Content Directory box units were used when the LightWave scene was
is not correct, enter the correct information. created. The Mirror Coordinates and Coordinate
Transformation settings default to the settings used
4. Modify the options (described in the following
sections) on the dialog as required, or use the default by LightWave.
To specify units of measurement:
5. Click OK.
1. In the Import LightWave Scene dialog, select a
The LightWave scene is imported. unit from the File Units list.
Overwriting or Merging
When you import a LightWave file, you can either
overwrite an open Lightscape Preparation file with
5 Importing Geometry
model has a scale of 1 unit to 500 meters, select Grouping Objects into Blocks
meters as the unit and 500 as the scale factor. Select one of the following options to organize
objects into blocks.
Select this option to create a block for each Light-
Wave object. An instance of each object is placed in
the Lightscape model for each instance in the Light-
Wave scene.
When you import the model, the size of your model
appears and you are prompted to confirm that it
makes sense. If it seems wrong, click Cancel, and
Import it again using the correct units.
Select this option to create no blocks. Each instance
of each LightWave object is expanded in the Light-
Average Texture Color scape model.
Enable this option to set the material color to the
average color of the texture. To use the surface color
Grouping Objects into Layers
from LightWave, disable this option.
Select one of the following options to organize
objects into layers.
Relative Texture Paths
Enable this option to set the texture path and use
relative path names for textures. To leave the texture
path unchanged and use absolute paths for textures,
disable this option.
70 Lightscape
Importing a LightWave Scene ❚❘❘
5 Importing Geometry
Handling Error Messages correct the error, the importer will override the solar
Select a method for handling non-fatal errors in the position to place the sun at the desired location.
Error Handling list. Fatal errors will always abort the 4. Enable Daylight Savings to calculate the time of
import. day during daylight savings time.
5. It is usually possible to duplicate the sun’s posi-
Select: To:
tion during the morning or afternoon, and between
Prompt Choose between ignoring this error or the summer and winter solstice. Choose which date
aborting the import. You can also and time you want the importer to use if there is a
choose to ignore all errors. choice.
Abort Abort the import with an error mes- 6. Click the Recalculate button. A north direction
sage. and time will be calculated that matches the sun’s lo-
Ignore Ignore the error. No error message is cation with the direction of the selected lights.
displayed. 7. You can enter either a north direction or a date
that you want to use for daylight. If you enter a value
that is not valid for the selected light, the name of the
Importing Sunlight
value appears in red. If you do not correct the value,
You can use a LightWave Distant or Spot light to set the importer will override the solar position to place
up daylight for the imported model. You can import the sun at the desired location.
daylight in either of two ways.
Note: When you import the model into Light-
Lightscape calculates a date, time, and north direc- scape, you can also adjust these settings using the
tion that positions the sun to shine in the same Daylight Setup dialog. For more information on
direction as the LightWave light. If you do not have working with daylight, see Chapter 10, “Daylight.”
Lightscape calculate the date, time, and north direc-
tion, it sets the values you designate and overrides
the sun position and luminance to match the Light- Exporting from 3D Studio MAX
Wave light. or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape
Use the MAX2LP plug-in to export your models
1. Click the Daylight tab on the LightWave Scene from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ for use in
Lightscape. You can also import final radiosity solu-
The Daylight panel appears. tions created in Lightscape back into 3D Studio
MAX or 3D Studio VIZ.
2. Select a LightWave light to represent the sun.
Notice that the remaining boxes in the dialog are en-
abled. To export from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ:
1. In 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ, choose
3. Select the location on the Earth where the model
is to be set. You can choose one of the cities in the File | Export.
combo box, or you can directly input the latitude, The Select File to Export dialog appears.
longitude, and time zone in those input fields. If Lat-
itude appears in red, then the light is shining down 2. Select a name and location for the exported file.
too much to be the sun at that latitude. If you do not If you enter a new name for the exported file, you
must type the filename and file extension.
72 Lightscape
Exporting from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape ❚❘❘
3. Select one of the following from the Save As Type To export only selected objects:
list: 1. In 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ, select the
objects to export.
Select: To:
2. Choose File | Export.
.lp Export a project file.
3. In the Export Lightscape Preparation File dia-
.blk Export blocks.
log, enable Selected Objects.
.lay Export layers.
.df Export a parameter file.
.vw Export a view file.
Exporting Selected Objects The size of the model appears in red. If the measure-
You can export the entire scene or only selected ments are reasonable, you selected the correct units.
objects. If they are not, select another unit.
5 Importing Geometry
You can check the measurements again once in Grouping Objects in Layers
Lightscape using the Measure Distance tool. For Use layers to organize the objects you export. Select
more information, see “Measuring Distance” on a Layer Creation method from the list.
page 54.
Select this option to create a layer for each object
instance, including lights. All surfaces in an object
instance are placed in the same layer. The name of
Object the layer is the same as the name of the node
Select this option to create a block for each object. containing the object instance. Use this setting if you
The name of each block is taken from the name of plan to import the Lightscape solution back into 3D
the first node that uses the object. Instances become Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ, so that the importer
block instances in Lightscape. This reduces the size can reconstruct the original objects.
of the exported file because an object’s geometry is
exported only once. If different instances of a single Object
object use different materials, a new block is created Select this option to create a layer for each object. All
so the proper material can be applied to the instance. surfaces in all instances of the object are placed in
the same layer. The name of the layer is the name of
Group the first node that uses the object.
Select this option to create a block for each group.
For objects that are not in a group, a block is created Group
for each object. Select this option to create a layer for each group. All
surfaces in all instances belonging to a group are
Note: Use this option to group lights with the
placed in the same layer. For objects that are not in a
geometry that represents their fixtures. This makes
moving and changing lights easier in Lightscape. group, a layer is created for each object. The name of
the layer is the same as the name of the first node that
Single uses the object.
Select this option to create a single block for the
entire model. Type the name of the block in the Single
Name box, or use the default name. Select this option to create a single layer and place all
surfaces on that layer. Enter a name for the single
None layer in the Name box, or use the default name.
No blocks are created. All the meshes of all the
objects are created directly in the model.
74 Lightscape
Exporting from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape ❚❘❘
5 Importing Geometry
• Disable this option to use the diffuse color of the Current Frame
material. Enable this option to export only the current frame.
• Enable this option to use the average color of the Active Segment
diffuse map. Enable this option to export each selected frame in
the active animation segment.
Relative Texture Paths
Enable this option to save the texture path. Disable Range
the option to save only the texture filename. The Enable this option to export each selected frame in
texture path list contains the directories in the the given range. The format of values in the range
Bitmaps panel of the Configure Paths dialog in 3D depends on the current time configuration.
Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ. When you enable
this option, the directories containing textures are Frames
added to the texture path list. This information is Enable this option to export the selected frames.
important in Lightscape if you reference the same Single frames or frame ranges are separated by a
bitmaps. comma. To specify a range, type two frame numbers
76 Lightscape
Exporting from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape ❚❘❘
separated by minus sign (-). These values are always Note: When you import the model into Light-
in frames and do not depend on the current time scape, you can also adjust these settings using the
configuration. All files are exported in ascending Daylight Setup dialog. For more information on
working with daylight, see Chapter 10, “Daylight.”
frame order, and each file is only written once, even
if it appears multiple times in the list. Light
Select one of the following options from the Light
Every Nth Frame
In this box, specify the number of frames between
exported frames. This box is available only when • The light you want to use for the sun. This option
Active Segment or Range is enabled. only displays spotlights and directional lights. If you
select a light and enable the Recalculate option, the
Exporting Daylight Settings direction of the sun is based on the direction of the
You can set daylight parameters in Lightscape or you selected light. If the parameters cannot be calculat-
can set daylight parameters when exporting your ed, a label highlighted in red will indicate which val-
model for 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ. Enter ue is out of range. The sun position and brightness in
the parameters directly, or choose a light to repre- Lightscape will match the chosen light, whether or
sent sunlight in your model. Choose from spotlights,
not it can really exist.
either free or targeted, and directional lights.
• No Daylight. Daylight processing is disabled in
Enable these settings if your model has exterior
elements or if the model is an interior space with Lightscape. If you enter daylight parameters, they
windows or openings. are exported and used if you enable the Daylight op-
tion in the Process Parameters dialog in Lightscape.
Use the Daylight panel in the Export dialog to export
daylight settings. • Use Daylight. When you import the model into
Lightscape, daylight processing is enabled, and day-
light is set up according to the parameters you type
in the Export Lightscape Preparation File dialog.
Use the location list to select a city where the model
is located. You can also type the latitude and longi-
tude in the corresponding boxes.
5 Importing Geometry
Time Zone the sun too high in the sky for a direction that you
Select the time zone where the model is located. This enter, the direction appears in red to warn you that
is set automatically when you choose a location. The the sun position in the Preparation file will be over-
time zone is used to convert between sun time and ridden. If you want to correct the direction, change it
local time. toward the light. You can also move the location to a
place where the sun rises higher in the sky at that
Daylight Savings direction.
Enable this option to use daylight savings for
converting between sun time and local time. This is Time
not automatically set when you change dates. Enter the time of day for the daylight calculation.
This will not cause other parameters to be calcu-
Exterior lated. Usually, when calculating time, two times can
Enable this option to indicate that the model has be chosen, either in the morning or afternoon.
exterior elements.
12/22 to 6/22 and 6/22 to 12/22 Enable this option for the system to compute
Usually, when calculating dates, two possible dates daylight parameters based on location, date, and
can be chosen between the two solstices. This option north change. Disable this option to adjust the
determines within which solstice the date falls. setting manually.
78 Lightscape
Exporting from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio VIZ to Lightscape ❚❘❘
2. Select the material you assigned to openings 2. Do one of the following to select the views to ex-
from the Openings list. port:
When you open the model in Lightscape, surfaces • Select a camera from the Views list. Press Ctrl while
containing these materials are marked as openings. clicking to select several views.
5 Importing Geometry
80 Lightscape
Refining Geometry
Use layers and blocks to organize the geometry in your model. You can also add
6 Refining Geometry
82 Lightscape
Working with Layers ❚❘❘
Select: To:
Toggle Turn the layer on or off as required.
A check mark to the left of the layer name indi-
You can also double-click a layer in
cates that the layer is on (active) and that the objects the table to toggle it on or off.
on that layer are currently displayed in the Graphic
On Display the selected layer and include
window. You can double-click a layer name to toggle
it in processing.
its state on and off.
Off Hide the selected layer and exclude it
A letter to the left of the layer name indicates it from processing.
is the current layer. Any new objects you add to the
All On Display all layers and include them in
model are added on the current layer. processing.
All Off Hide all layers and exclude them from
Bringing Layers into Your Model processing. Use this option when you
Many modeling and CAD packages support layers. want to show only a few layers in a
When you import a model, you can maintain the large model. First turn off all the lay-
layer structure or create a new one. For information ers, then turn on the ones you want to
work on.
on grouping objects into layers when importing a
model, see Chapter 5, “Importing Geometry.”
Changing the Layer of an Object
To create a new layer: To assign an object to a different layer, make that
1. Right-click the Layers table and choose Create. layer current then assign the object to the current
A blinking cursor appears at the beginning of the
new layer.
To change the layer of an object:
2. Type a name and press Enter. 1. In the Layers table, select the layer to make cur-
The new layer appears in the list. You can now add rent.
objects to the layer. 2. Right-click the Layers table and choose Make
6 Refining Geometry
84 Lightscape
Working with Blocks ❚❘❘
6 Refining Geometry
86 Lightscape
Working with Blocks ❚❘❘
6 Refining Geometry
The block instance is converted into independent 3. The New Block dialog appears.
88 Lightscape
Modifying Block Definitions ❚❘❘
The Open dialog appears. In your model, every instance of the overwritten
block is replaced with an instance of the newly
2. Navigate to the location of the block library you loaded block.
want to load, select the appropriate file, and click
Note: Blocks libraries are saved as .blk files. Modifying Block Definitions
When you change a block definition, you are
The Available Blocks dialog appears.
changing all instances of that block that you have
3. Select a block or click Select All to select all the already added to your model. This is true of all
blocks in the library. surface attributes (materials, processing controls,
4. Click OK to load the selected blocks into the for example). You can also change the geometry,
Blocks table. insertion point, and scale of a block definition.
6 Refining Geometry
90 Lightscape
Working with Block Instances ❚❘❘
5. Once the insertion point is properly positioned, 4. In the Relative Scale Factor X, Y, and Z boxes, en-
click OK. ter a multiplier value, and click Apply.
6. Right-click the Graphic window and choose Re- For example, enter a value of 2 in the X box to double
turn to Full Model. the size of the block in the X direction. Enter a value
of 0.5 to shrink the block to half its size.
Note: If you have already inserted instances of a
block into your model, you should be careful about 5. Once the block is properly scaled, click OK.
changing the insertion point of the block defini-
tion because it will cause the relocation of all 6. Right-click the Graphic window and choose Re-
instances of that block. Typically, you position the turn to Full Model.
insertion point when you first create the block. See
All instances of the block are scaled.
“Creating New Blocks” on page 86.
6 Refining Geometry
To place a block instance in a model: 2. Right-click the Graphic window and choose Du-
1. Make sure the current layer is the layer on which plicate.
you want to place the block. (To make a layer cur- A copy of the selected block is created and placed on
rent, select it in the Layers table, right-click, and top of the original. Move the copy to see both the
choose Make Current.)
copy and the original.
2. In the Blocks table, select a block.
3. Do one of the following to place an instance of Creating Arrays of Blocks
the selected block in the model: Using one instance of a block as a starting point, you
• Drag and drop a block from the Blocks table to the can create an array of blocks along the X, Y, or Z axis.
Graphic window. An instance of the block appears at These blocks are all instances of the initial block
the coordinates where you drop it. definition.
1. Select the surfaces that you want to replace with The Add Multiple Instances dialog appears.
a block instance.
2. Right-click the Graphic window, and choose Re-
place with Block/Luminaire.
The Replace with Block/Luminaire dialog appears.
Duplicating a Block Instance 3. In the Number X, Y, and Z boxes, enter the num-
Use the Duplicate command to create a single dupli- ber of instances (including the original) to create
cate of a block instance in your model. along the each axis.
4. In the Spacing X, Y, and Z boxes, enter the dis-
To create a single copy of a block instance: tance between each instance along the correspond-
1. In the Graphic window, select the block you ing axis.
want to copy.
92 Lightscape
Working with Block Instances ❚❘❘
5. Click OK to add the array of block instances to • Absolute: enable Absolute, then enter coordinates
your model. in the X, Y, and Z boxes to specify the position of the
block in your model. For example, entering 2 in the
X box moves the block to a spot 2 units to the right
of the scene origin.
6 Refining Geometry
nates boxes update to display the position you box to rotate the block to an angle of 90 degrees
picked. along the X axis.
5. Click Apply to move the block without closing • Relative: use Relative to rotate the selected block
the dialog, or click OK to move the block and close relative to its current angle about the X, Y and/or Z.
the dialog. To rotate the block around its local Z axis, enable
Aim Axis and enter an amount in the Aim Axis box.
Note: You can also drag a block to a new position
using the interactive Transformation tools. For
more information see “Transforming Objects” on
page 43.
3. Click the Rotate tab. Note: You can also rotate a block using the interac-
tive Transformation tools. For more information
4. Select one of the following rotation modes: see “Transforming Objects” on page 43.
• Absolute: use Absolute to rotate the selected block
at an absolute angle about an axis of rotation speci-
fied by X, Y, and Z. For example, enter 90 in the X
94 Lightscape
Working with Surfaces ❚❘❘
6 Refining Geometry
Identifying Reversed Surfaces Sections of the model are “cut away” so that you can
There are two ways to know if you are looking at the access surfaces as required.
front or the back of a surface: using backface culling
Backfacing surface Backfacing surface that
or using the Surface Orientation dialog. should be reversed
When backface culling is enabled, surfaces are invis-
ible when seen from behind. If a surface that you
expect to see does not appear in your model, it is
probably oriented incorrectly.
• Reverse surfaces
96 Lightscape
Working with Surfaces ❚❘❘
6 Refining Geometry
98 Lightscape
Working with Surfaces ❚❘❘
boundary between the two polygons appears as a between adjacent edges of the surfaces. The profile
sharp edge. or silhouette of the curved surface still shows the
faceted edge of the polygons. You can limit this effect
Angle between normals of the polygons is 45°
by creating finer polygonal representations of the
curve in your modeling package. For some
modeling programs, you can set the polygonal reso-
lution of the curved surface when you import the
To duplicate surfaces:
1. Select the surfaces.
2. Right-click and choose Duplicate.
6 Refining Geometry
Only the selected surfaces and the blocks to which 2. Do one of the following to specify the corners of
they belong appear in the Graphic window. The the surface:
current view does not change.
• Select the point in the Create Surface dialog, then
3. To change the camera focus point to the center of click in the Graphic window to set the location of
the isolated surfaces, choose View | Extents or click that point. Enable Snap to Nearest Vertex to pick a
the View Extents button . point on a vertex in your model.
Isolate View can have multiple levels. For example,
you can select several surfaces in a model, then use
Isolate View to make only those surfaces (and/or the
blocks to which they belong) visible. You can then
deselect all but one or two of those surfaces, and use
Isolate View again to see only the remaining selected
At any level of view isolation, you can use End Isolate
View to return to the full view of the model (before
you isolated any view). If you performed more than • Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the point in the
one level of view isolation, you can use Previous appropriate box.
Isolate View to back out one level at a time.
To create a quadrilateral, select 4 Points from the
Corners list, then specify four points. If the four
Creating Surfaces points are not in the same plane, then the surface is
You can add individual surfaces to your model with broken into two triangles.
the Create Surface tool.
To create a rectangle, select 2 Points from the
New surfaces are added to the current layer of the Corners list, then specify two opposite corners of a
model and they are oriented to face the camera. rectangle.
▲ You can only create surfaces during the Prepa- To create a triangle, select 3 Points from the corners
ration stage.
list, then specify three points.
To create a surface:
1. Choose Tools | Create Surface. Moving Surfaces
You can move a surface in the X, Y, or Z direction.
The Create Surface dialog appears.
▲ You move surfaces during the Preparation
stage. You cannot alter surface position during the
Solution stage.
To move a surface:
1. Select the surface.
2. Right-click and choose Transformation.
3. In the Transformation dialog, click the Move tab.
100 Lightscape
Working with Surfaces ❚❘❘
Measuring Distance
You can measure the distance between any two
selected points in your model.
Materials determine the appearance of a surface, as well as the amount of light
Using Materials
How to define and apply
that it reflects into the model. Use materials to add color and texture to surfaces.
materials to surfaces.
7 Using Materials
104 Lightscape
Using the Materials Table ❚❘❘
is true for apparently clear glass because glass always Refractive Index
has impurities in it. The impurities cause the glass to The refractive index determines the behavior of light
absorb some light as it passes through the glass. at the interface between two surfaces (usually a
For example, a particular type of glass may have a material and air).
transmissivity of 85%, meaning that 85% of the light This will affect how shiny a material appears or, in
passes through the glass. In this case, you should set the case of transparent materials such as water or
the reflectance (Value) of the glass to 85% (.85) and glass, the amount of distortion that occurs at the
its transparency to 100%. interface.
Note: When blending is enabled in the Display For non-transparent materials, the higher the refrac-
options, transparent materials are blended with tive index, the more light is reflected from the
those behind them, giving a transparent effect. As material and the material appears shinier. A refrac-
a result, transparent surfaces may be invisible. To
tive index of 1.0 means that all light is transmitted
display the surfaces as opaque, regardless of their
transparency, disable blending. The most accurate into the material. In this case, even if the material is
representation of transparency will be calculated defined to be perfectly shiny, the surface appears
when you use ray trace rendering. To toggle perfectly diffuse.
blending on or off, choose Display | Blending, or
click the Blending button on the Display
Using the Materials Table
All materials available in your scene are listed in the
Shininess Materials table, including materials that you have
Shininess affects the appearance of specular reflec- not applied to a surface.
tions seen in a material. If a surface is shiny,
reflections are well defined. If a surface is not shiny, To display the Materials table:
reflections are blurry.
Click the Materials table button on the Tables
If you ray trace a perfectly shiny material, you get a toolbar, or choose Edit | Tables | Materials.
clear image from a reflection seen through the mate-
Note: If the Tables toolbar is not displayed, choose
rial. You also get sharper highlights. For more
Tools | Toolbars, and select Tables from the Tool-
information, see Chapter 14, “Rendering.” bars dialog that appears.
As a material becomes less shiny, reflections and
highlights seen in the material become less well
7 Using Materials
The Materials table appears. Double-click any material name to activate the
Material Properties dialog, which contains tools for
editing the characteristics of the selected materials.
See “Editing Material Properties” on page 111.
Material preview
106 Lightscape
Using the Materials Table ❚❘❘
To change the diameter of the sample sphere: The Reflection option shows specular reflection and
1. Right-click the material preview. highlights by placing an image in front of the
preview sphere that can be reflected in its surface.
2. Choose Diameter and select the number of units
from the list. Reflection disabled.
Diameter of sample
sphere set to 1m
enabled. The image
makes it easier to
see the transparent
“glass” sphere.
7 Using Materials
108 Lightscape
Workflow ❚❘❘
Duplicated material
Selecting Surfaces that Use a Material
Use a material as selection filter to quickly locate all
surfaces that contain that material. For more infor-
2. Rename the new material, and edit its proper-
ties, if needed. mation, see “Defining Selection Filters” on page 41.
1. In the Materials table, select the material you 1. Click the Query Select tool .
want to delete. To select several materials at once, 2. Select the Surface filter and then click the
hold down Ctrl and click each one. surface.
2. Right-click and choose Delete. The material used on that surface is selected in the
The selected materials are removed from the Mate- Materials table. The material name also appears on
rials table. the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Renaming Materials
You can rename a material to give it a name that is
The main steps to using materials in Lightscape are:
more meaningful to you, or to prevent it from being
overwritten when you load another material with 1. Determine which materials you want to use in
the same name. your scene.
2. Add the materials you need to your scene.
7 Using Materials
3. Assign the materials to surfaces in the scene. To import a material from a library:
You can add materials to the Materials table at any 1. Right-click the Materials table, then choose
time during the Preparation or Solution stage. You Load.
can also modify the properties of a particular mate- The Open dialog appears.
rial at any time.
2. Navigate to the material library you want to load,
The final appearance of a surface in your scene is select the appropriate file, then click Open.
determined by the materials and the lights, so you The Available Materials dialog appears.
will not see the final effect of a material until you
process the solution. During the Preparation stage,
surfaces appear as a preview of the final appearance.
Although reflections and lighting are not displayed,
you can see a preview of textures and color. In addi-
tion, when you select a material in the Materials
table, a preview appears at the top of the table. The
same preview is displayed in the Material Properties
dialog when you edit the material.
110 Lightscape
Editing Material Properties ❚❘❘
2. Enter the name of a new material library in the To create a new material:
File Name box, or select an existing material library 1. Right-click the Materials table, then choose Cre-
from the name list. ate.
Note: Materials are saved in .atr files. A blinking cursor appears at the end of the new
material name.
3. Click OK to save the material to the material li-
brary file. 2. Type a name and press Enter.
If a material that you are saving has the same name The new material appears in the Materials table. It is
as a material in the library, you are prompted to given a default name and default properties.
confirm and then the material in the library is
3. You can now rename the material, and edit its
replaced. If you do not want to replace it, rename the properties.
material in your project before saving it to the
Editing Material Properties
Note: It is useful to save all of a project’s materials Define materials to create a realistic interaction
in a material library that you store with the project between surfaces and light in your scene. For
files. You can then retrieve the materials used in the example, to simulate wood paneling, use a wood
project from this library without having to open panel texture map, and then adjust its diffuse and
Solution or Preparation files. specular properties so that the material absorbs and
reflects light in the same way as wood does in a real
Creating New Materials
You can create new materials to add to the Materials Follow these procedures to define a material:
• Select a template that provides guidelines for set-
ting material properties.
7 Using Materials
• Adjust the material’s transparency, shininess, and Transparency determines the amount of light that
refractive index to control specular reflections and passes through a material. Transparency ranges
highlights. from 0 to 1, where 0 is completely opaque and 1 is
completely transparent.
• Select a texture map that provides a “picture” of the
material. If you do not use a texture map, select a col- Refractive index and shininess determine how shiny
or. a material is. For more information, see “About
Material Properties” on page 103.
• If required, adjust the Reflectance and Color Bleed
to control the amount and color of the diffuse light
To set a material’s physical properties:
reflected from a surface.
1. In the Material Properties dialog, click the Phys-
• Use other features such as self-illumination and ics tab.
procedural textures to create specific effects.
2. In the Template list, select a template that most
closely resembles the material that you want to cre-
Using the Material Properties Dialog ate.
You define or modify material properties in the
Material Properties dialog.
112 Lightscape
Editing Material Properties ❚❘❘
5. If needed, adjust the Reflectance and Color type of material being defined. Reflectance, by
Bleed Scales to control the amount and color of dif- default, is set either by the brightness of a texture
fuse light reflected from the material into your mod- map (if one is used) or by the Value of the color (if a
el. texture map is not used). A green line on these
Note: If you select any of the metals templates, parameters displays the recommended range of
Transparency and Refractive Index are deactivated. values. In addition, if you are outside the recom-
Metals are not transparent, so the Transparency mended range, the Average Reflectance of the
box is not relevant. The system also automatically material (displayed at the bottom of the menu) will
approximates a metal’s refractive index based on
be displayed in red.
its color. When ray traced, a metal has colored high-
lights and reflections and a nonmetal has white Sometimes, to obtain a desired effect in a rendering,
reflections. you may want a texture map or color to appear
brighter or darker in a rendering than the software
Selecting a Template
recommends. In this situation you should use the
Use templates to help you define materials with real-
Reflectance Scale to adjust the Average Reflectance
istic physical properties. When you select a template,
to be within the recommended range. The Reflec-
the program displays guidelines on relevant material
tance Scale allows you to keep the reflectance of a
properties. The valid range of values for the template
material correct for radiosity processing (i.e.
selected is highlighted in green. You can then adjust
lighting simulation and analysis) while adjusting the
these values within the given range to create a
appearance of a material, as necessary.
specific appearance.
If you want to create a material that is not in the Using Color Bleed Scale
Template list, select the template that most closely The amount of color that bleeds from a material is
resembles the material you want to create. For defined by default from the saturation of the color or
example, to define acrylic you can use the glass texture map. Sometimes, you may want a material to
template. Alternatively, you can use the User appear highly saturated in your final display or
Defined template. However, this template does not rendering but you may not want to have the strong
provide you with any specific guidelines so you color bleeding effect that results from such materials
should be confident that you can set values that are in the radiosity process. In this situation, you can use
physically valid. the Color Bleed Scale on the physics page to adjust
the amount of color bleeding that you will obtain
When selecting a template, make sure it represents
from a material. At 0% there will be no color
the surface finish of the material. For example, if
bleeding at all.
your material is a painted metal, use a paint
template. On the other hand, to simulate wood
Average and Maximum Reflectance
painted with metallic paint, use the metal template.
The Average and Maximum reflectance relate to how
much diffuse light is reflected back into the environ-
Using Reflectance Scale
ment from the material. To obtain a valid lighting
To obtain a valid radiosity solution, it is important
simulation, it is important that the reflectance is set
that the reflectance of the material be set to within
to be within the valid range for the type of material
the recommended range of values for the specific
being defined. Typically the reflectance is set by
7 Using Materials
either the brightness of a texture map or the value of • Enable the Pick Light option, and then click a lumi-
a color (if a texture is not being used). For a color, the naire in the model to apply its luminance to the ma-
average and maximum values are always the same. terial.
For a texture map, the average and maximum values
may differ. For more information, see “Brightness” Note: The luminance value has no effect on the
actual lighting of the model; it is only a rendering
on page 116. technique to make a surface appear bright.
It is also possible to adjust the reflectance using the
Reflectance Scale on the physics page. If the average Using a Texture Map
reflectance is out of the recommended range for the Use a texture map to give a material the appearance
material type selected in the template, it will be of real-world material such as tiles, wood paneling,
displayed in red. or bricks. A texture map is a picture of the material
that is stored in an image file in any of the following
Making a Material Self-Illuminating file formats:
Surfaces do not emit light. In Lightscape, all light in
a simulation must come from luminaires or daylight. File Extension: Format:
Certain components of real luminaires frequently .bmp Windows native file format.
appear very bright, such as the tubes of a fluorescent
.tga Targa®, TrueVision® format.
.tif TIFF.
To make these components appear bright, give their
.rgb RGB—native Silicon Graphics®
materials a luminance value. Luminance values are
file format.
in cd/m2. For more information on luminance units,
see Chapter 8, “Artificial Lighting.” .jpg JPEG.
.gif CompuServe Graphics Inter-
To make a material self-illuminating: change format.
On the Physics panel of the Material Properties .png Portable Net Graphics.
dialog, do one of the following to set the luminance: .eps Encapsulated PostScript.
• Enter a value in the Luminance (glow) box
114 Lightscape
Editing Material Properties ❚❘❘
Note: You can use images of any size. However, The selected image appears in the material preview.
larger images require more memory during the
rendering process and do not necessarily give any
additional quality to the final image if the textured
surfaces are small.
• Drag and drop an image file from your desktop, 5. Select a Filter Method from the Magnify list.
Windows Explorer, or LVu to the Name box on the
Texture panel.
7 Using Materials
6. If the texture image has a specific size, for exam- Filtering Method
ple, a ceiling tile or a piece of a brick wall, enable Lightscape uses two different types of filtering with
Fixed Size, and then enter the width and height in textures to compensate for discrepancies between
the appropriate boxes. the actual image size and the image size as rendered
in the scene: Minimize Filter and Magnify Filter.
Note: If the texture map you are using has large Magnify filter is used when one pixel in the texture
areas of contrasting colors (for example, wide
covers more than one pixel on the screen.
yellow and blue stripes), then you should also set
the maximum reflectance within the valid range. If
Select: To:
the texture is more homogeneous (for example
marble or granite), then the average reflectance is Point Point sample the texture.
more significant.
116 Lightscape
Editing Material Properties ❚❘❘
An image used as a texture map can affect a surface
color in two ways. It can either replace the color
completely or scale the existing color by the color of
the texture. The amount of the color that can show through is
determined by the value of the alpha channel. If the
On the Texture panel, when the Blend option is not
value is 0 (black), the background color is unob-
enabled (the default setting), the texture image
scured. With values between 1 and 254, the lower the
completely replaces the material’s existing color.
value, the more the background color shows
7 Using Materials
you use the image of a tree in which all background The material’s color properties are set to the texture
pixels have an alpha-channel value of 0 as a texture average. If you turn off texture display in your scene,
on a flat surface, and then select the Cutout option, surfaces that use this material are displayed using the
the surface will appear to be a tree when viewed from average color of the material’s texture.
the front. Objects behind the tree will be visible.
Regardless of whether a texture is displayed or not,
If a texture image does not contain alpha-channel when you run the radiosity process, the software will
information, the Cutout option has no effect. always use the texture to calculate the light reflec-
tance if one is associated to the material.
Modifying Texture Files
When you modify a texture image file using an To show or hide textures:
image editing program such as paint* or other third- Click the Texture button or choose
party software, you must reload textures to update Display | Textures.
the model. To reload all the textures used in the
scene, choose Display | Reload Textures. To reload Note: You can also improve interactive display
textures only for selected materials, right-click the speed by varying the Max Display Texture Size in
Materials table and choose Reload Textures from the the document properties. For more information,
see “Setting Display Interactivity Properties” on
context menu that appears. page 49.
118 Lightscape
Editing Material Properties ❚❘❘
On the property sliders, the valid range for the sliders to select the Red, Green, and Blue color val-
selected template is highlighted in green. ues.
7 Using Materials
• Procedural textures have no effect on texture maps 5. To simulate a smooth surface with occasional
created from images. bumps, set Height to a positive value, and set Base-
line to a value less than 1.
• Procedural textures are not displayed in the radios-
ity solution. To view the results in your model, you
must ray trace the image.
Bump Mapping
Use Bump Mapping to create the appearance of
bumps or depressions on a surface. Use this effect to
simulate materials such as clay, mortar, or stucco.
6. To simulate gouges, set Height to a negative val-
Note: Unlike bump maps in 3D Studio MAX, bump
ue (the higher the negative value, the deeper the
maps in Lightscape are not based on an image
gouges), and set Baseline to a value less than 1.
map. You control the frequency and amplitude of
the bumps by adjusting the Bump Mapping
120 Lightscape
Assigning Materials to Surfaces ❚❘❘
7 Using Materials
Projection Types
There are five different methods for projecting a
texture onto a surface: orthographic, cylindrical,
spherical, reflection, and object UV. Seam Direction
Lower Center
Use orthographic projection to project a texture Spherical
onto a plane defined by three points. The texture is projected onto a sphere, defined by a
top pole, a center, and a seam direction.
Upper Left
Top Pole
Lower Left
Lower Right
Seam Direction
Use cylindrical projection to wrap a texture around
Use reflection mapping to simulate the reflection of
a surface as if it were a cylinder. The cylinder is
objects. Reflection mapping is similar to spherical
projection. A reflection map is defined by an object
center (the point from which it is generated), a top
pole, and a seam direction to orient the reflections.
Object UV
Use Object UV projection if you set texture coordi-
nates at the vertices in the original modeling system.
122 Lightscape
Aligning Textures ❚❘❘
Flip Expand
Use: To:
Tile Repeat the texture across a surface.
7 Using Materials
▲ It is best to align textures on blocks in the Prep- 5. In the Mouse Selection mode box, enable Pick
aration stage. Otherwise you must align every Points. (To pick a point on a vertex, enable Snap to
instance of the block during the Solution stage. Nearest Vertex.)
Align textures on blocks in Isolate mode. This way
you will get the same relative placement on each
instance of the block. Furthermore, the surfaces
you select for the placement of textures must be
immediate children of the isolated block and not
part of a sub-block. For more information, see
“Modifying Block Definitions” on page 89.
6. In the Texture Alignment dialog, enable the cor-
ner that you want to pick, and then click a point in
Using Orthographic Projection
the model to position that corner. You can also posi-
Use orthographic projection to project a texture
tion a corner by typing its coordinates in the corre-
onto a plane. With orthographic projection, you can sponding box.
use any of the four mapping modes. The points used
7. Repeat step 6 to position the three corners of the
to define the projection plane also determine the
projection plane.
position of the texture image. If the texture is not of
a fixed size, the three points also determine its tile
124 Lightscape
Aligning Textures ❚❘❘
9. If the texture size is not fixed, you can move the Using Cylindrical Projection
projection points to resize the texture. Use cylindrical projection to wrap a texture onto a
cylinder. For example, you can apply a marble
texture to a column.
7 Using Materials
5. In the Mouse Selection mode box, enable Pick which you want to align the texture. In such cases,
Points. To pick a point on a vertex, enable Snap to you can use the Bounding Box option to help you
Nearest Vertex. select points. With this option selected, you can use
the corresponding buttons to pick the X, Y, and Z
coordinates for the points to use in mapping the
image. You can also display the bounding box
around the entire set of selected surfaces to make it
easier to see which points you are picking. (You can
use the Display | Show Axis option to help deter-
6. In the model, click three points to position the
mine the axis of the bounding box.)
top center, the bottom center, and the seam direc-
tion. You can also define a point by typing its coor-
dinates in the corresponding box, or use the Using Spherical Projection
bounding box (see “Using the Bounding Box” on Use spherical projection to project a texture onto a
page 126.)
sphere defined by a center, a top pole, and a seam
direction. The seam direction determines where the
right and left sides of the texture meet.
Top Center
Because there is no mapping mode for this projec-
tion, you should use a Mercator projection (an
image based on a spherical coordinate system) to
create a texture map.
Seam Direction
Using Reflection Projection
Use reflection mapping to simulate the reflection of
objects. Reflection projection is similar to spherical
The seam direction determines where the right and projection. A reflection map is defined by an object
left sides of the texture meet as they are wrapped center (the point from which it is generated), a top
around a cylinder. pole, and a seam direction to orient the reflections.
The reflection map should be created using a
The top and bottom centers determine the height of
Mercator projection.
the texture image (if it is not of fixed size). Move
these points to rotate the texture. Reflection maps add irradiance to the surface based
on the position of the camera and the orientation of
Using the Bounding Box the surface. This irradiance is modified by the color
If you are using the cylindrical projection mode to used for specular reflection for that surface—white
map an image, you may not be able to pick points to for nonmetals, the material color for metals. The
indicate the center axis of the set of surfaces on shininess of the surface determines how much of an
126 Lightscape
Aligning Textures ❚❘❘
effect the reflection map has on the surface. Reflec- To copy the alignment of one surface to another:
tion maps do not appear while ray tracing, because 1. In the Texture Alignment dialog, disable Pick
the ray tracer computes its own reflections. Points, and then enable Query Alignment.
As with cylindrical and reflection projections, you 2. In the model, click the surface whose alignment
can use the Bounding Box option to accurately map you want to copy.
a texture onto a set of surfaces. The Texture Alignment dialog highlights the align-
ment of the surface in green.
Using Object UV Projection 3. Disable Query Alignment, select another surface
Some modelers can output texture coordinates for in the model, and then click Apply.
each vertex on a polygon.
The alignment of the surface you queried is applied
These texture coordinates can be interpolated across to the selected surface.
the polygon instead of projecting a point to deter-
mine the texture coordinates. The UV projection
simply notifies the system to use the texture coordi-
nates at the vertices. This projection can only be
used if the vertices have texture coordinates set by
the original modeling system. For information, see
Chapter 5, “Importing Geometry.”
A luminaire is the equivalent of a lamp and its fixture. All artificial lighting in
8 Artificial Lighting
Luminaire preview
Use: To:
Isolate Place the Luminaire in Isolate
mode and display the Luminaires
Properties dialog.
Selected luminaire
Return to Full End Isolate mode and display the
Model full model.
The icon next to each luminaire represents the source Query Highlight instances of the selected
type and luminous intensity distribution (LID) of the Instances luminaire in the Graphic window,
luminaire selected. The luminaire preview displays and display luminaire information
on the status bar.
the luminaire currently selected in the Luminaires
table. Use the interactive view controls to change the Rename Rename the selected luminaire
view of the luminaire in the preview. For more infor- definition.
mation, see “Customizing Block and Luminaire Change to Move the selected luminaire defi-
Previews” on page 22. Current Layer nition to the current layer.
Double-click any luminaire name to activate the Luminaire Display the Luminaire Processing
Processing dialog for the selected luminaire
Luminaire Properties dialog, which contains tools for
editing the photometric characteristics of the selected
luminaire. See “Setting Photometric Properties” on Photometrics Display the Luminaire Properties
page 132. dialog for the selected luminaire
130 Lightscape
Adding Luminaires ❚❘❘
Adding Luminaires
All luminaires available for your scene are listed in the
Luminaires table. You can add luminaires to the
Luminaires table in either of the following ways:
8 Artificial Lighting
Note: When a luminaire definition is saved, it over- The block is placed in Isolate mode and the Luminaire
writes any existing luminaire definitions in the Properties dialog appears.
library that have the same name.
2. Define the photometric properties for the lumi-
2. Right-click the Luminaires table, then choose naire and click OK. See “Setting Photometric Proper-
Save. ties” on page 132.
The Save As dialog appears. 3. Set the surface processing parameters to nonre-
flecting and non-occluding, if required. See “Setting
3. Enter the name of a new luminaire library in the the Surface Processing Parameters” on page 179.
File Name box, or select an existing luminaire library
from the Name list. Lightscape removes the block name from the Blocks
table and adds it to the Luminaires table. If there are
Note: Luminaires are saved in block (.blk) files, instances of this block in the model, they inherit the
which are the same type of files used for saving
properties of the newly defined luminaire.
132 Lightscape
Setting Photometric Properties ❚❘❘
In all cases, the Luminaire Properties dialog appears. Note: Source types are exclusive to luminaire defi-
If you are working in a Lightscape Preparation stage, nitions. They cannot be specified for single
the luminaire is placed in Isolate mode. instances of luminaires. You save source types only
in the Preparation stage.
2. Do any of the following:
Point Source
• Set the source type
A point light source distributes energy from a single
• Position the source in relationship to the luminaire point. An incandescent bulb and a halogen spotlight
geometry are good examples of point sources.
• Set the lamp color
Linear Source
• Set the intensity magnitude A linear light source distributes energy along a
• Set the intensity distribution. straight line segment. A single fluorescent tube is a
good example of a linear light source.
3. Click OK or Apply to update the luminaire prop-
erties for the selected luminaire.
Area Source
An area light source distributes energy from a triangle
Specifying Source Types or convex quadrilateral surface. A typical area light is
The source type defines the general lighting character- a 2’ x 4’ fluorescent fixture that emits light evenly over
istics of a luminaire. Three types of light sources are the entire surface of a diffuser panel.
supported: point, linear, and area. By default, all newly
created luminaires are assigned a point source type.
LID position Lamp Type and Color settings Intensity and Distribution parameters
8 Artificial Lighting
134 Lightscape
Setting Photometric Properties ❚❘❘
To position a LID in Absolute mode: You can also set the X, Y, and Z coordinates in Relative
1. In the Luminaire Properties dialog, select Abso- mode by clicking the Set XYZ button, which displays
lute from the Values list. the Set XYZ dialog.
8 Artificial Lighting
Select: To:
X Rotate the LID around the X axis.
Y Rotate the LID around the Y axis.
Z Rotate the LID around the Z axis.
3. Click Apply to update the lamp color.
AIM Rotate the LID around the axis in which
the LID is directed. Note: As discussed in Appendix A, “Light and
Color,” Lightscape supports only RGB values when
You can also set the angle of rotation in Relative mode calculating the radiosity solution. As a result, subtle
by clicking the Set Angle button, which displays the differences between lamp types may not always be
Set Angle dialog. apparent in the final image.
Luminous Intensity
Setting Lamp Color Luminous intensity is the maximum luminous inten-
Pick a common lamp specification to approximate the sity of the luminaire, usually along the direction of
spectral character of your light, then use a filter, if aim. A 100-watt general purpose light bulb has a
desired, to set an HSV or RGB color that simulates the luminous intensity of about 139 cd.
effect of a color filter placed over the light source. For
Luminous intensity is measured in candelas (cd).
example, a red filter over a white light source casts red
Luminous Flux
Luminous flux is the overall output power of the
luminaire. A 40-watt fluorescent tube (4H) has a
luminous flux of about 3000 lm.
136 Lightscape
Setting Photometric Properties ❚❘❘
8 Artificial Lighting
oblique angles. Diffuse distribution is valid for Linear To define a spotlight distribution:
and Area source types. 1. In the Luminaire Properties dialog, select Point
from the Source Type list.
Orthographic view of a
Linear source type set to 2. Select Spot from the Distribution list.
Diffuse distribution.
3. If necessary, adjust the Intensity Magnitude,
Beam Angle, and Field Angle.
To define a diffuse light distribution: 4. Click Apply to update the luminaire definition.
1. In the Luminaire Properties dialog, select Linear
Photometric Web
or Area from the Source Type list.
Select this distribution type to use a photometric web
2. Select Diffuse from the Distribution list. definition to distribute the light. A photometric web is
3. If necessary, adjust the Intensity Magnitude. a 3D representation of the LID of a custom light
4. Click Apply to update the luminaire definition.
You can define your own photometric webs or import
manufacturer or customized IES files in your models
Select this distribution type to define a spotlight
and associate them with luminaires.
distribution with an accompanied beam and field
angle. The beam angle is the angle at which the inten- Photometric webs are valid for all source types.
sity of the light is 50 percent of the maximum intensity
Orthographic view of a
at the center of the beam. Point source type with
a custom Photometric
Visually, the beam represents the visible diameter Web distribution.
(hot spot) of the spotlight on a surface. The field angle
represents the angle where the light is abruptly cut off.
A spotlight where the field is much greater than the
beam has a soft-edged effect (flood light).
138 Lightscape
Placing Luminaires in a Model ❚❘❘
To use photometric data files to define distribution: ▲ You add luminaires to a model only in the Prep-
1. In the Intensity group box of the Luminaire Prop- aration stage.
erties dialog , select Photometric Web from the Dis-
tribution list. To drag and drop a luminaire in the model:
Drag and drop a luminaire from the Luminaires table
to the Graphic window.
• Rename a luminaire
Placing Luminaires in a Model
New luminaires can be placed in the model in several • Copy a luminaire
different ways.
• Transform a luminaire
8 Artificial Lighting
• Aim a luminaire instance the properties of the other luminaires of the same
• Modify the insertion point for a luminaire definition
• Create an array of luminaires ▲ You can edit luminaire instances only in the
Lightscape Solution stage.
• Set luminaire icon size
Note: If you modify the luminaire definition after
• Move to current layer changing the properties for a single instance, the
changes to the single instance are overwritten.
• Query luminaire instances
Note: You can also double-click a luminaire in the Renaming a Luminaire Definition
Luminaires table to select and isolate it. You can rename a luminaire definition to give it a
name that is meaningful to you or to prevent it from
3. If required, edit the surface properties.
being overwritten when you load another luminaire
4. If required, edit the photometric properties in the with the same name.
Luminaire Properties dialog, then click OK. See “Set-
ting Photometric Properties” on page 132. Note: You can modify luminaire names only in the
Lightscape Preparation stage.
5. When prompted to overwrite the existing lumi-
naire, click Yes.
To rename a luminaire:
6. Right-click the Luminaires table, then choose Re- 1. In the Luminaires table, select a luminaire.
turn to Full Model.
2. Right-click the Luminaires table, then choose Re-
Every instance of that luminaire is modified. name.
The name of the selected luminaire is highlighted and
Editing a Luminaire Instance a blinking cursor appears at the end of the highlighted
In a Lightscape Solution file, you can make modifica- text.
tions to a single luminaire instance without affecting
140 Lightscape
Editing Luminaires ❚❘❘
3. Type a new name and press Enter. To copy a single instance of a luminaire:
The new name appears in the Luminaires table. 1. Select the luminaire you want to copy.
Changing the name has no effect on the luminaire 2. Right-click the Graphic window, then choose Du-
properties for that luminaire instance. plicate.
A copy of the selected luminaire is created and placed
Copying a Luminaire Definition on top of the original.
Use the Duplicate command in the Luminaires table
context menu to copy a luminaire definition.
Creating an Array of Luminaires
▲ You can copy luminaires only in the Preparation Once you have added luminaires to your model, using
stage. one instance of a luminaire, you can create a repeating
array of luminaire instances along the X, Y, or Z axis.
To copy a luminaire definition:
▲ You create luminaire arrays only in the Prepara-
1. In the Luminaires table, select the luminaire you
tion stage.
want to copy.
2. Right-click the Luminaires table, then choose Du- To create a luminaire array:
plicate. 1. Drag a luminaire from the Luminaires table to the
A copy of the selected luminaire appears in the table. required position in the Graphic window.
2. Right-click the Graphic window, then choose
Multiple Duplicate.
The Add Multiple Instances dialog appears.
Duplicate of lt_dn1
on Z axis
8 Artificial Lighting
5. Click OK to add the array of luminaire instances X box moves the luminaire to a spot 2 units to the
to your model. right of the scene origin.
Left: Single luminaire
Bottom: 15 multiple instances
of a luminaire spaced at 2-foot
To move a luminaire:
1. Select the luminaire you want to move.
2. Right-click the Graphic window, then choose
The Transformation dialog appears.
3. Click the Move tab. • Pick: enable Pick then click in the Graphic window
to choose the new position of the luminaire. Enable
4. Select one of the following positioning modes:
Snap to Nearest Vertex to move the luminaire to the
• Absolute: enable Absolute, then enter coordinates in vertex nearest the point you picked. The Absolute Co-
the X, Y, and Z boxes to specify the position of the lu-
minaire in your model. For example, entering 2 in the
142 Lightscape
Editing Luminaires ❚❘❘
ordinates boxes update to display the position you X box to rotate the luminaire to an angle of 90 degrees
picked. along the X axis.
5. Click Apply to move the luminaire without clos- • Relative: use Relative to rotate the selected luminaire
ing the dialog, or click OK to move the luminaire and relative to its current angle about an axis. Enter an off-
close the dialog. set angle to rotate the luminaire around the X, Y
Note: You can also drag a luminaire to a new posi- and/or Z axis, or select Aim axis, and enter the
tion using the interactive Transformation tools. For amount you want the luminaire to rotate about its
more information see “Transforming Objects” on Aim axis.
page 43.
To rotate a luminaire:
1. Select the luminaire you want to rotate. 5. Click Apply to rotate the luminaire without clos-
ing the dialog, or click OK to rotate the luminaire and
2. Right-click the Graphic window, then choose
close the Transformation dialog.
The Transformation dialog appears. Note: You can also rotate a luminaire using the
interactive Transformation tools. For more informa-
3. Click the Rotate tab. tion see “Transforming Objects” on page 43.
4. Select one of the following rotation modes:
• Absolute: use Absolute to rotate the selected lumi-
Scaling a Luminaire
Adjust the scaling of the luminaire geometry to
naire at an absolute angle about an axis of rotation
change the size of a luminaire. Adjusting the lumi-
specified by X, Y, and Z. For example, enter 90 in the
8 Artificial Lighting
naire scaling has no effect on its luminance To aim a luminaire toward a surface:
properties. 1. Select the luminaire instance(s) you want to aim.
You can scale luminaire instances and definitions. 2. Choose Edit | Transformation, or right-click in
Luminaires are scaled relative to their insertion point. the Graphic window, then choose Transformation.
The Transformation dialog appears.
▲ You can scale luminaires only in the Lightscape
Preparation stage.
To scale a luminaire:
1. Select the luminaire you want to scale.
2. Right-click the Graphic window, then choose
The Transformation dialog appears.
144 Lightscape
Editing Luminaires ❚❘❘
This aim feature aligns the negative Z axis of the lumi- 3. Click the Insertion Point tab.
naire insertion point to the point selected. This will
only function properly if the LID aim is also aligned
with the negative Z axis of the luminaire insertion
point. For more information on rotating the LID, see
“Positioning LIDs” on page 134.
Select: To:
Absolute Move the insertion point to an absolute
position represented by X, Y, and Z.
For example, enter 2 in the X box to
move the insertion point 2 units to the
right of the scene origin.
You can also click Geometric Center to
move the insertion point to the center
of the luminaire geometry.
Moving the insertion point as illustrated changes the
way the light rotates—as if the light bulb was placed in Relative Move the insertion point by a relative
a different fixture. amount represented by X, Y, and Z. For
example, entering 2 in the X box moves
Note: You cannot move the insertion point of a the insertion point 2 units to the right
luminaire instance. of its current position.
Drag Drag the insertion point to a new posi-
To move a luminaire’s insertion point:
tion in any orthographic view. You can
1. In the Luminaires table, right-click the luminaire constrain cursor movement by enter-
you want to modify, then choose Isolate. ing values in the X, Y, and Z boxes.
The luminaire is placed in Isolate mode. Pick Move the insertion point to the point
in the Graphic window upon which
2. Right-click the Graphic window, then choose
you click.
Enable Snap to Nearest Vertex to move
The Transformation dialog appears. the insertion point to the vertex near-
est the point you select.
8 Artificial Lighting
5. Click Apply to move the insertion point without Note: A luminaire icon is visible only when the lumi-
closing the dialog, or click OK to move the insertion naire is selected.
point and close the Transformation dialog.
6. Right-click in the Graphic window, then choose Querying Luminaire Instances
Return to Full Model. Use the Query Instance command to highlight every
instance of a luminaire in the Graphic window and
Note: If you have already inserted instances of a
luminaire into your model, you should be careful
display the luminaire’s properties on the status bar.
about changing the insertion point of the luminaire You can query instances of multiple luminaires.
definition because it will cause the relocation of all
instances of that luminaire. Typically the positioning ▲ You can query instances of a luminaire in both
of the insertion point is done when you first create the Preparation stage and the Solution stage.
the luminaire.
To query instances of one luminaire:
• Source type
• Distribution type
3. Click OK.
The luminaire icons are resized.
146 Lightscape
Setting Luminaire Surface Properties ❚❘❘
To query instances of multiple luminaires: luminaire do not shadow the emitted light. For more
1. In the Luminaires table, hold down the Ctrl key, information on adjusting the LID, see “Positioning
then click the luminaires. LIDs” on page 134.
2. Right-click the Luminaires table, then choose If this is not possible, you can also define surfaces of
Query Instances. the luminaire geometry as non-occluding. When you
All instances of the luminaires are highlighted in the set a surface to be non-occluding, you should also
Graphic window. No information about the queried always set it to be non-reflecting or you will not get
luminaires is displayed on the status bar. accurate results. For more information, see “Setting
the Surface Processing Parameters” on page 179.
To query a selected instance in your model:
1. Click the Query Select button , or choose
Edit|Selection|Query. Luminaire Processing
Use the Luminaire Processing dialog to specify lumi-
2. In the Graphic window, click a luminaire in-
naire behavior during the radiosity processing and
ray tracing.
Information about that luminaire appears on the
status bar. If you access the Luminaire Processing dialog from
the Luminaires table, your settings affect all inserted
instances of the selected luminaires. If you access this
Setting Luminaire Surface dialog from the Graphic window, only the selected
instances are modified.
You can modify the geometry of a luminaire in the Note: You can set luminaire processing parameters
same way you modify block geometry. This operation in both Lightscape Preparation and Solution stages.
could be useful if you want to change the shape of a
light fixture.
Luminaire Processing Options
Changing luminaire geometry can affect its photo- The following section describes the options available
metric properties and can be used to modify the in the Luminaire Processing dialog.
shadows cast by a light. However, you can obtain a
truer lighting effect by associating a luminaire with a Cast Shadows
photometric web. You can specify whether or not selected luminaires
cast shadows. If you set luminaires to not cast
Typically, photometric web definitions such as IES shadows, the energy from the light is distributed to
files provided by manufacturers already take into each surface in its path as if there were no other
account the geometry of the luminaire when the IES surface blocking it. This considerably reduces the
files are created. number of calculations required for a solution and is,
When using manufacturer-provided IES files, you therefore, a quick way to get a general feel for the
usually do not want the luminaire geometry to affect lighting characteristics of a model.
the photometry further. To avoid this problem, posi- However, this procedure does not produce accurate
tion the LID to ensure that the surfaces of the results and is generally not suitable for final solutions.
8 Artificial Lighting
148 Lightscape
You can use photometric webs to create custom luminous intensity distributions
(LIDs) . Use IES files to import manufacturer’s lighting specifications into your
How to create and modify IES files
and photometric webs.
9 Photometrics
This graphical representation of 3D lighting distri- the photometric center, measured along a line
bution is widely used in the lighting industry to leaving the center in the specified direction.
describe the photometric characteristics of both
lamps and luminaires. Lighting manufacturers often
make this data available to design professionals for
use in lighting analysis programs.
Goniometric Diagrams
Photometric data is often depicted using a gonio-
metric diagram.
Goniometric diagram
150 Lightscape
Creating and Editing Photometric Webs ❚❘❘
either positive or negative, so less light is cast later- Creating and Editing
ally from the light source. Photometric Webs
Use the Photometric Web editor to customize
photometric webs that you can associate with the
luminaires in your model. You can create photo-
metric webs or modify existing ones.
Use the Mode list to set the current control point
Select: To:
Unusual and unlikely distribution Edit Change the shape of the diagram by
dragging existing points in the web.
9 Photometrics
Vertical Angle
Select: To:
Enter a value in the Vertical Angle box to move the
Insert Add new control points by dragging current control point and distribution curve to the
the cursor along an existing distri-
specified vertical angle.
bution curve and clicking a loca-
Intensity (abs)
Delete Delete control points from the web. Enter a value in the Intensity (abs) box to set the
Distribution curves associated with
absolute intensity of the selected control points. The
the point are also deleted.
intensity value can be any positive real number.
Use the Symmetry list to enforce the specified Intensity (rel)
Enter a value in the Intensity (rel) box to display the
symmetry on the photometric web.
intensity relative to the photometric web diagram.
Select: To: The intensity value can be any positive real number.
Axial Set the distribution to the same val-
ue around all 360 degrees of the light Multiplier
source’s vertical axis. The value you enter in the Multiplier box defines the
ratio between the absolute and relative intensities.
Quadrant Mirror the distribution about the
The multiplier value can be any positive real
YZ and XZ planes.
Mirror Mirror the distribution about the
0-180 XZ plane.
Saving Photometric Webs
None Specify no symmetry.
You can save customized photometric webs as IES
files, which can then be assigned to a luminaire.
Use the Hemisphere list to control in which hemi-
To save a photometric web as an IES file:
spheres the light is distributed. The default
1. Create a photometric web. For more informa-
hemisphere setting is Both.
tion, see “Customized Photometric Web Example”
Select: To: on page 153.
Bottom Shine light down only. 2. Click Save As on the Photometric Web editor.
152 Lightscape
Customized Photometric Web Example ❚❘❘
Customized Photometric Web Note: The Orbit button appears only if you entered
the Photometric Web editor in Perspective view. If
Example you entered the editor in an orthographic view,
You can use photometric webs to create customized exit to the main application, click the Perspective
lights that you can use in your model. The following View button and then return to the Photo-
example illustrates how to create a photometric web. metric Web editor.
9 Photometrics
7. In the Symmetry list, select Quadrant. 12. Return to the previous view. The photometric
web should resemble the following:
Arcs that mirror the one you created are added to the
remaining three quadrants, completing the bottom
half of the sphere.
13. Select Insert in the Mode list, and then click the
photometric web to add more lines of latitude. This
provides greater control of the web’s shape.
14. When you have finished editing your photomet-
8. In the Mode list, select Edit. ric web, click Save As to save the web as an IES file, or
9. Drag one of the points on the equator to the cen- click OK to close the Photometric Web editor.
ter of the photometric web. When added to a model, this customized photo-
The point opposite the one you drag also moves. metric web should resemble the following:
154 Lightscape
IES Standard File Format ❚❘❘
IES Standard File Format LID2CIBSE accepts the following file formats as
You can create a photometric data file in the IES input.
format using the guidelines found in Appendix E,
File Type: Description:
“IES Standard File Format.” This appendix
describes the IES LM-63-1991 standard file format CIBSE Adopted by the Chartered Institution
for photometric data. However, only the informa- of Building Services Engineers, as
specified in technical memoranda
tion relevant to Lightscape is described.
TM14. Used in Great Britain.
For a complete description of the IES standard file IES Designed by the Illuminating Engi-
format, see IES Standard File Format for Electronic neering Society, as described in re-
Transfer of Photometric Data and Related Informa- port LM-63-1991. Used in North
tion, prepared by the IES Computer Committee America.
( LTLI Created by the Danish Illuminating
Laboratory, Lysteknisk Laboratori-
um. Used in Scandinavian countries.
Using LID Conversion Utilities
You can use the following command line utilities, Only the LID data (photometric web) is converted.
described in this section, to convert a LID from a All other fields and comments, such as the number
photometric file to a CIBSE, IES, or LTLI format: of lamps and the luminaire manufacturer, are
Note: The orientation of the photometric web
• LID2IES with respect to the luminaire is not converted
• LID2LTLI. either. Therefore, when the output file is associated
to a luminaire, manual orientation of the photo-
For information on creating and using batch files, metric web may be required.
see Appendix B, “Batch Processing Utilities.”
To convert a LID to the CIBSE file format:
1. Choose Start | Programs | MS-DOS Prompt.
Converting LID to CIBSE
The LID2CIBSE utility reads in a LID from a photo- A DOS window appears.
metric file and writes it out in the CIBSE file format.
2. At the command line, type the following (or
The LID2CIBSE utility syntax is shown in the your path to the Lightscape application files), and
following example: then press Enter:
lid2cibse [options] input_file CD\PROGRAM FILES\LIGHTSCAPE\BIN
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at
the command line, then press Enter:
lid2cibse [options] input_file
9 Photometrics
The conversion utility reads in a LID from the spec- Only the LID data (photometric web) is converted.
ified photometric file and writes it out in the CIBSE All other fields and comments, such as the number
file format. of lamps and the luminaire manufacturer, are
The following table describes the options available Note: The orientation of the photometric web
for this utility. with respect to the luminaire is also not converted.
Therefore, when the output file is associated to a
luminaire, manual orientation of the photometric
Option: Description:
web may be required.
-h Prints a help message.
-v Turns on verbose mode. Prints sta- To convert a LID to the IES file format:
tus information during the conver- 1. Choose Start | Programs | MS-DOS Prompt.
sion process.
A DOS window appears.
input_file Input photometric file.
2. At the command line, type the following (or
output_file Output CIBSE file.
your path to the Lightscape application files), and
then press Enter:
The LID2IES utility reads in a LID from a photo-
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at
metric file and writes it out in the IES file format. the command line, then press Enter:
The LID2IES utility syntax is shown in the following
example: lid2ies [options] input_file
lid2ies [options] input_file
The conversion utility reads in a LID from a photo-
metric file and writes it out in the IES file format.
LID2IES currently accepts the following file formats
as input. LID2IES Options
The following table describes the options available
File Type: Description: for this utility.
CIBSE Adopted by the Chartered Institu-
Option: Description:
tion of Building Services Engineers,
as specified in technical memoranda -h Prints a help message.
TM14. Used in Great Britain.
-v Turns on verbose mode. Prints sta-
IES Designed by the Illuminating Engi- tus information during the conver-
neering Society, as described in re- sion process.
port LM-63-1991. Used in North
input_file Input photometric file.
output_file Output IES file.
LTLI Created by the Danish Illuminating
Laboratory, Lysteknisk Laboratori-
um. Used in Scandinavian coun-
156 Lightscape
Using LID Conversion Utilities ❚❘❘
Converting LID to LTLI 2. At the command line, type the following (or
The LID2LTLI utility reads in a LID from a photo- your path to the Lightscape application files), and
metric file and writes it out in the LTLI file format. then press Enter:
The LID2LTLI utility syntax is shown in the CD\PROGRAM FILES\LIGHTSCAPE\BIN
following example. 3. Using the following syntax, type a command at
lid2ltli [options] input_file the command line, then press Enter:
output_file lid2ltli [options] input_file
LID2LTLI currently accepts the following file
formats as input. The conversion utility reads in a LID from a photo-
metric file and writes it out in the LTLI file format.
File Type: Description:
CIBSE Adopted by the Chartered Institu- LID2LTLI Options
tion of Building Services Engineers, The following table describes the options available
as specified in technical memoran- for this utility.
da TM14. Used in Great Britain.
Option: Description:
IES Designed by the Illuminating Engi-
neering Society, as described in re- -h Prints a help message.
port LM-63-1991. Used in North -v Turns on verbose mode. Prints sta-
America. tus information during the conver-
LTLI Created by the Danish Illuminating sion process.
Laboratory, Lysteknisk Laboratori- input_file Input photometric file.
um. Used in Scandinavian coun-
tries. out_file Output LTLI file.
Only the LID data (photometric web) is converted. For information on other batch processing utilities,
All other fields and comments, such as the number see Appendix B, “Batch Processing Utilities.”
of lamps and the luminaire manufacturer, are
Lightscape provides various techniques for specifying the characteristics of
natural daylighting. Daylight is provided by two sources: the sun and the sky.
How to add sun and
skylight to your model.
10 Daylight
160 Lightscape
Interior Model Considerations ❚❘❘
2. Click the Processing tab. A higher value results in longer processing time and
more accurate shadows.
5. Click OK or Apply to accept the processing op- Those sectors that are visible through a window
tions. often only partially overlap with the window. Light-
scape, however, considers their contributions as if
For more information on enabling shadows, see
they were fully visible. This can result in inaccurate
“Setting Daylight Processing Parameters” on page
estimates of sky illumination.
To obtain more accurate and efficient results for
To enable shadows and adjust their accuracy in the natural daylight in the interior of a model, you
radiosity solution:
should specify the windows and openings through
1. Choose Process | Parameters. which light enters the space.
The Process Parameters dialog appears. There are two points of entry through which
2. In the Process group box, enable daylight can enter an interior model:
Daylight (sunlight + sky light).
• Windows
• Openings.
When you start the radiosity process, illumination
from the sky through a window or opening is calcu-
lated in advance. The window or opening is then
treated as a diffuse light source that illuminates the
3. Enable Shadows. interior of the room.
4. Adjust the Sky Light Accuracy slider to control Although the amount of light energy emitted into
the definition of shadows attributed to skylight. the room’s interior is correct using this method, the
directional distribution of the skylight is replaced by
a diffuse distribution. As a consequence, the ceiling
10 Daylight
receives somewhat more light than it should while The Surface Processing dialog appears.
the floor receives somewhat less. The result,
however, is still natural-looking.
162 Lightscape
Illuminating Your Model with Daylight ❚❘❘
10. Click OK or Apply to accept the daylight set- The Place and Time tabs are replaced with the Direct
tings. Control tab.
10 Daylight
3. Click the Direct Control tab. can then choose where the model is located on the
5. Adjust the Sun Illuminance slider. The valid 5. Adjust the arrow in the North dial (or type a val-
range is between 0 to 131,835 lx (or between 0 and ue in the North box) so that it points in the direction
12,247 fc). you want to specify as North in relation to a top view.
6. Click OK or Apply to save the settings. Note: The North dial indicates the northerly direc-
tion relative to a top view of the model.
Setting Sunlight Direction Using Place
and Time
Designers often want to know the effect of daylight
at a specific time of day on a specific date. To accu-
rately calculate this, you first must indicate the
location and orientation of your model on the Earth,
and then set the time and date.
164 Lightscape
Illuminating Your Model with Daylight ❚❘❘
6. Select a city that approximates the location of 6. Enter a Month, Day, and Time in the corre-
your model from the Location list. sponding fields.
After you select a city, Latitude and Longitude values You can specify a Time value based on a 24-hour
are automatically added in the appropriate boxes. clock, or you can use A.M. or P.M.
7. If the desired location is not available, select 7. If applicable, enable Daylight Savings.
None from the Location list, then enter Latitude and
When Daylight Savings is enabled, Time values are
Longitude values in the appropriate boxes.
calculated using daylight savings time and are
8. Click OK or Apply to accept the settings. adjusted forward or backward one hour, as
Setting the Time
Once you have set the location of your model, set 8. Click OK.
these parameters to calculate the effect of daylight at
a specific time of day during a specific time of the
Cast Shadows
Use this option to make sunlight or skylight cast
5. If you specified Latitude and Longitude values shadows. When this option is disabled, radiosity
on the Place page explicitly, enter a Time Zone value. processing is much faster.
This value must accurately reflect the position of the
model on the Earth. Casting shadows considerably reduces the number
of calculations required for a solution, so it is a quick
way to get a general feel for the lighting characteris-
10 Daylight
tics of a model. However, this procedure does not To set up daylight processing options:
produce accurate results, and is generally not suit- 1. Choose Light | Daylight.
able for final solutions.
The Daylight Setup dialog appears.
For information on shadow accuracy, see “Adjusting
2. Click the Processing tab.
Shadow Accuracy” on page 160.
166 Lightscape
Enabling Daylight in Radiosity Processing ❚❘❘
11 Radiosity Processing
Once you add light sources and materials, the model is ready for radiosity
processing. You can modify light sources and materials at any time during the
• Modeling guidelines.
11 Radiosity Processing
You can also photometrically analyze the results of interpolating the illumination values stored at the
simulations. For more information, see Chapter 12, vertices of the element.
“Lighting Analysis.”
Components of a Radiosity Mesh
The lighting simulation software used in Lightscape
is based on a technology called radiosity. Radiosity
computes the illumination of a surface from both the
light shining from a source directly toward the
surface and the indirect light reaching the surface
after being reflected (one or more times) from other
surfaces in the environment.
• Meshing
• Refinement.
To represent variations of illumination across a
surface, Lightscape automatically breaks down the Patch Elements Vertex
surface into smaller pieces, called elements. The
simulation then computes the illumination from a The number of mesh elements needed to capture the
light source to each corner, or vertex, of each illumination across a surface depends on the
element. The set of all the elements and vertices of a complexity of the illumination. Small patches of
surface is a mesh. light, shadow boundaries, penumbrae, and any
Rather than trying to store the illumination at every other area across which the illumination changes
possible location on a surface, Lightscape computes quickly all add to the complexity of the illumination.
and stores the illumination only at selected sample The greater the amount of detail, the greater the
points—the mesh vertices. It then computes the illu- number of mesh vertices and elements needed to
mination across any given mesh element by capture it accurately.
Adaptive Meshing
To maintain as efficient a solution as possible, the
system begins processing with a coarse mesh (that is,
few elements) and automatically refines the mesh
locally where high illumination gradients are
detected. This process, called adaptive meshing, is
controlled by a number of parameters you can vary
to provide the optimal balance between computa-
tion time, storage use, and simulation accuracy.
170 Lightscape
Processing Workflow ❚❘❘
11 Radiosity Processing
scape breaks down every surface in the model into 3. Initiate the model. For information, see “Initiat-
an initial coarse mesh. ing the Model” on page 181.
After you have initiated the model, you begin the 4. Process the solution. For information, see “Pro-
radiosity processing. The progressive refinement cessing the Radiosity Solution” on page 182.
iterations propagate light to the surfaces in the scene. 5. If required, refine the solution. You can adjust
As each iteration completes, the intermediate results the processing parameters or modify material and
of the simulation are displayed using the current light properties. For information, see “Changing
display mode. You can also run radiosity solutions as Materials and Luminaires” on page 184.
batch processes. For more information, see
Appendix B, “Batch Processing Utilities.”
Setting the Processing
Though Lightscape freezes the geometry of the Parameters
scene at initiation, you can modify materials and The processing parameters affect the accuracy,
light source properties at any point during the simu- speed, and memory usage of a radiosity simulation
lation. The system automatically compensates for over the entire scene.
changes in light contributions without having to
reset the solution and restart the simulation from To set processing parameters:
scratch. 1. Choose Process | Parameters.
1. Set the processing parameters. For information, 2. Set the meshing parameters in the Receiver
see “Setting the Processing Parameters” on page 172. group box. For information, see “Setting Receiver
Parameters” on page 173.
2. Set the surface processing parameters, if re-
quired. For information, see “Setting the Surface
Processing Parameters” on page 179.
172 Lightscape
Setting the Processing Parameters ❚❘❘
3. Set the light source parameters in the Source surface. Use the Minimum Mesh Spacing parameter
group box. For information, see “Setting Source Pa- to limit the number of mesh elements that can be
rameters” on page 174. created.
4. Set the processing parameters in the Process The subdivision process cannot create new mesh
group box. For information, see “Setting Process Pa-
elements smaller than the specified value of the
rameters” on page 176.
Minimum Mesh Spacing, no matter how high the
5. Set the processing tolerance parameters in the illumination contrast.
Tolerances group box. For information, see “Setting
Tolerance Parameters” on page 178. Note: The size of a mesh element is defined as the
length of its longest side and is displayed in the
6. Click OK.
current units of the model.
11 Radiosity Processing
The illumination contrast is a measure of the varia- scheme that may increase the number of mesh
tion in illumination across the given mesh element. elements slightly. If you know you will not make any
A small contrast (close to 0) between two vertices of changes to a solution, you can use the Disable Solu-
a mesh element indicates an approximately uniform tion Changes parameter to obtain a more efficient
illumination across the element. A larger contrast result.
(close to 1) suggests that fine illumination details
Running a simulation with Disable Solution
may cross the mesh element.
Changes enabled does not prevent you from later
If the illumination contrast of an element is larger changing surface materials and light sources.
than the value of the Subdivision Contrast However, if you do, the system warns you that it may
Threshold parameter, the system subdivides the be unable to compensate for such changes in the
element into four similar smaller elements and radiosity solution correctly. The system also warns
computes new illumination values for the new mesh you when it is unable to refine shadows with the ray
vertices. It then computes the illumination contrast tracer.
for the new elements and compares them against the
threshold, possibly causing more subdivisions. Lock Mesh
Enable the Lock Mesh parameter to prevent succes-
Therefore, decreasing the Subdivision Contrast
sive iterations of the lighting simulation from
Threshold is likely to increase subdivision towards
subdividing any surface mesh further than the
the minimum mesh spacing limit.
current configuration.
This process continues until the mesh elements are
If this parameter is enabled when you reset a solu-
small enough to accurately reproduce the illumina-
tion, the system restores all illumination values to 0
tion of the surface of interest or until the Minimum
while preserving the current mesh subdivision.
Mesh Spacing is reached.
This feature is useful only for applications where you
Disable Solution Changes need to preserve the arrangement of the mesh
So that you can change surface materials and light elements. Generally, you should leave this parameter
sources and compensate for the change in illumina- off.
tion without restarting the solution process from
scratch, the system must undo the effect of one or Setting Source Parameters
more light sources (primary and secondary). The Use the source parameters to control how accurately
system undoes the lighting effects by propagating Lightscape computes the contribution from a light
negative light from the source to the receiving source to each of the receiving mesh vertices.
surfaces, thus removing light from the illumination
of the scene. Use the source parameters to independently control
the contribution from direct light sources (lumi-
During this step it is important that the mesh subdi-
vision be exactly the same as that resulting from the
original positive light contribution from that source.
174 Lightscape
Setting the Processing Parameters ❚❘❘
naires, windows, and openings) and indirect light target with the Direct Source Subdivision Accuracy
sources (surfaces). parameter. The value of this parameter determines
the likelihood that Lightscape will subdivide the
source. When you set the parameter to 0, the system
never subdivides these sources. As you increase its
value towards 1, the subdivision is triggered more
easily and for more distant targets.
This parameter does not affect point sources or
natural lighting, except for window/opening sources
in interior models.
11 Radiosity Processing
Indirect Source Subdivision Accuracy You should increase this parameter in conjunction
Use Indirect Source Subdivision Accuracy to control with the Subdivision Accuracy parameters. Finding
the accuracy of how the secondary source is the best values for these parameters requires some
computed against the rest of the surfaces in the experience and experimentation. For example, if
scene. It works in the same way as the Direct Source you set the Shadow Grid Size parameter to 1, the
Subdivision Accuracy parameter. shadow of a table cast by an area source onto a floor
always appears too sharp, no matter how much you
The recommendations made for the Direct Source
subdivide the mesh of the receiving surface.
Subdivision Accuracy parameter apply to this
parameter as well. In general, you can set the indirect Furthermore, setting the Shadow Grid Size param-
sources to match the direct sources. For certain eter to a small value may not always result in faster
models, or to reduce the processing time, you may processing. In fact, the overly sharp shadows may
decide that indirect sources do not need to be calcu- trigger unnecessary subdivisions of the receiving
lated to the same level of quality as direct sources. surface, thus consuming more processing time and
Shadow Grid Size
The amount of light transferred from a source to a
Setting Process Parameters
receiving target depends on the strength of the
Use parameters in the Process group box to control
source and its position and orientation with respect
how shadows and daylight participate in the lighting
to the target. It also depends on the presence of other
objects in the scene acting as obstacles between the
source and receiver.
176 Lightscape
Setting the Processing Parameters ❚❘❘
shadow computations, and start a physically accu- windows or openings, and luminaires are
rate simulation. unaffected.
11 Radiosity Processing
interior accuracy. In this situation, it is important Use the Initialization Minimum Area parameter to
that the walls and roof between the inside and the limit the number of initial mesh elements. This
outside are modeled with thickness to avoid light prevents the initiation process from subdividing
leaks from the sun. For more information, see mesh elements with an area smaller than the speci-
Chapter 10, “Daylight.” fied value. For more information, see “Elongated
Elements Are Split” on page 182.
Note: Since the dynamic range of an exterior
scene is much greater than that of an interior
Ray Offset
scene, you may need to adjust the brightness and
contrast setting of an interior/exterior solution,
Use the Ray Offset parameter to prevent numerical
depending on your view of the scene. approximations from affecting the accuracy of the
shadowing computations.
Setting Tolerance Parameters Because of these approximations, the ray cast from a
Use the parameters in this group box to control the surface to a source sometimes intersects an adjacent
tolerances used in various computations. These surface very close to the origin of the ray. The Ray
computations allow a certain level of imprecision in Offset parameter specifies the minimum distance
the input data and the numerical approximations from the origin of the ray before the system
required to implement arithmetic operations on real considers an intersection valid.
The value of this parameter is usually slightly greater
than that of the Length parameter. Setting the value
to 0 may result in shadow artifacts. For more infor-
mation, see “Shadow Grid Size” on page 176.
178 Lightscape
Setting the Surface Processing Parameters ❚❘❘
The wizard dialog appears. complete radiosity solution, you must reset the
solution and start again.
3. Choose a level of quality on the Quality page,
then click Next. Enable: To:
Occluding Block light and cast a shadow with
the surface.
Receiving Receive light on the surface.
Reflecting Reflect light back into the environ-
ment from the surface.
Window Define a window with the surface.
Opening Define an opening with the sur-
Display Raw Prevent the calculation of lighting
Textures effects on the surface’s texture.
4. On the Daylight page, choose whether to consid-
er daylight in your solution. No Mesh Prevent mesh subdivision on the
5. If you chose No, click Next.
6. If you chose Yes, select the statement that de- To set the surface processing parameters:
scribes your model, then click Next.
1. On your model, select the surface (or surfaces)
7. On the Finish Wizard page, click Finish. whose processing parameters you want to set.
The meshing parameters for the model are set 2. Right-click and choose Surface Processing.
The Surface Processing dialog appears.
8. Click OK.
▲ If you change any of these parameters after 3. Enable the surface processing options, as re-
processing has begun, they are considered only for quired.
the iterations run after the change. To affect the
4. To adjust the Mesh Resolution parameter, enter a
value in the box, adjust the slider, or click the Mesh
Resolution increments buttons.
11 Radiosity Processing
180 Lightscape
Initiating the Model ❚❘❘
This parameter scales the minimum and maximum Note: For large models, the initiation process may
mesh spacing for the selected surfaces. If the global be completed more quickly by making sure that no
minimum value is 12 inches, setting this parameter one layer contains a large number of input
to 2 decreases the mesh resolution by dividing the
global minimum in half (to 6 inches) and applying it To initiate the model:
locally to the selected surfaces. The maximum mesh
Choose Process | Initiate, or click the Initiate
value is also halved. In addition, the global Subdivi-
button .
sion Contrast Threshold is decreased, making it
more likely that the system will subdivide the mesh The Solution model replaces the Preparation model
elements to capture illumination details cast over the in the Graphic window.
After initiation, every surface in the model has a
Setting this parameter to a value less than 1 radiosity mesh with an illumination value of 0 at
decreases the likelihood of triggering the mesh each of the mesh vertices. The model appears
subdivision process. dark—light is propagated through the scene once
you begin processing. You can enable
No Mesh Ambient to approximate the effect of undistrib-
Use No Mesh to control whether mesh subdivision uted light energy in the environment before
on a surface is allowed. Enable this parameter to processing.
disallow any mesh subdivision on the surface. Note: From this point on, you save the data as a
Solution file with a .ls extension rather than as a
Reset Mesh Preparation file with a .lp extension.
Use Reset Mesh to reset the radiosity mesh of a
surface to its coarsest state, with all the illumination Results of Initiating the Model
values at its vertices set to 0. Although the initiation process does not change the
form or surface characteristics of the objects in the
scene, it substantially transforms the underlying
Initiating the Model data representation. The main changes that occur
Before you can begin the radiosity processing, you during this process are described in the following
must initiate the model. Initiation converts the data sections.
describing the surfaces and light sources in the
model to a more efficient form for radiosity Model Hierarchy Is Flattened
processing. The initiation process flattens the model hierarchy
and explodes all instances in the model into indi-
▲ Once the system completes this conversion, vidual surfaces.
you can no longer create or reposition any surfaces
or light sources. You must make any such changes The system stores the illumination values on the
to the original Preparation model and reinitiate the surfaces themselves. Since instances of the same
model. Consequently, you should always save your block may have different illumination values, their
Preparation model before initiating it. surfaces need to be explicitly defined.
11 Radiosity Processing
Surfaces Are Grouped To limit the number of mesh elements, you can use
The resulting surfaces are grouped into larger the Initialization Minimum Area parameter on the
surfaces. To be part of the same larger surface, input Process Parameters dialog. This prevents the initia-
surfaces must be on the same layer, share the same tion process from splitting mesh elements with an
material and surface properties, be coplanar, and area smaller than the specified value. For more
form a connected surface. information, see “Length and Initialization
Minimum Area” on page 178.
A surface is considered to lie in a given plane if all of
its corners are within Length Tolerance distance
from the plane. For more information, see “Length
and Initialization Minimum Area” on page 178.
Processing the Radiosity
Lightscape eliminates T-vertices in the surfaces Once the model is initiated, process the solution to
being grouped. A T-vertex occurs when the vertex compute the direct and indirect lighting in the
from one surface meets an edge from an adjacent model.
surface. This situation can lead to a discontinuity in
the radiosity solution, so Lightscape adds a vertex to To process a radiosity solution:
the edge at the point of intersection. 1. Set the processing parameters. For information,
see “Setting the Processing Parameters” on page 172.
2. Set the surface processing parameters. For infor-
mation, see “Setting the Surface Processing Parame-
ters” on page 179.
3. Initiate the model. For information, see “Initiat-
ing the Model” on page 181.
4. Choose Process | Go or click the Go button .
Note: To calculate a solution with only direct
Surfaces before initiation Surfaces after initiation lighting contributions (and no reflected light),
choose Process | Direct Only instead.
182 Lightscape
Processing the Radiosity Solution ❚❘❘
11 Radiosity Processing
Changing Materials and You must return to the Preparation model to make
Luminaires any geometric changes.
Once you have computed a radiosity solution, you
Note: Changes to the lighting characteristics work
can still modify light sources and materials to fine- properly only if the Disable Solution Changes
tune the appearance of the final rendering or to parameter is disabled when the solution is
explore different design alternatives. processed. For more information, see “Disable
Solution Changes” on page 174.
Rather than restarting the simulation every time you
make a change, the system compensates for the When you change a light source, the system
changes incrementally, starting from the current responds by first canceling the original energy
solution. This way, you can quickly evaluate the distributed from the light. This is done in the first
solution and make refinements to obtain precisely iteration. In the second iteration, it adds the direct
the look you want. illumination for the new light source. Computing
changes in the indirect illumination may require
further iterations.
Changing Surface Materials
In the Solution stage, you assign materials or change
the material properties in the same way as during the
Preparation stage. You can either redefine the prop-
Meshing Examples
Lightscape represents variations of illumination
erties of a material or create a new material and
across a surface by first breaking the surface into a
assign it to specific surfaces. For more information,
mesh, and then using adaptive subdivision to
see Chapter 7, “Using Materials.”
capture smaller illumination details. To understand
When you change a material, it is immediately this process and its relation to the processing param-
displayed on all surfaces to which it is applied. eters, consider the example of a single spotlight
However, if the original surface had reflected light pointed directly at a surface.
into the environment and caused color bleeding, the
First, the Maximum Mesh Spacing value is used to
changes in its reflected light contribution are not
create the initial mesh.
calculated or displayed until you run additional iter-
ations of the radiosity process.
184 Lightscape
Meshing Examples ❚❘❘
the values between the darkest and brightest of its This process should produce mesh elements that are
vertices to compute an estimate of the illumination small enough to accurately reproduce the illumina-
contrast (variation in illumination) over the tion on the surface of interest.
11 Radiosity Processing
In this example, no light beam is visible because the Mesh Spacing Example 3: Refined illumination
maximum sample spacing is set too high (larger Receiver Mesh Sample Spacing
than the surface itself) and none of the original Min: 100 mm; Max: 1000 mm
sample points fall within the beam of the light. There Subdivision Contrast Threshold: 0.4
are no original sample points in the light beam, so no
adaptive subdivision is triggered—in a sense, the
light beam “falls between the cracks.”
186 Lightscape
Reducing Meshing Artifacts ❚❘❘
Reducing Meshing Artifacts that the smallest mesh elements are still rather large
Because of how the system generates a radiosity compared to the illumination details they are trying
mesh, there are a number of visual artifacts that can to capture.
appear in a radiosity solution. This section describes
ways of minimizing their effect.
• Streaky shadows.
For each pair of illustrations in this section, the
image on the left shows the display result and the
image on the right shows the generated mesh.
Increased number of mesh elements reduces
jagged shadow boundaries
Jagged Shadow Boundaries
During adaptive subdivision, Lightscape divides If you have a scene that has many sharp shadow
existing mesh elements into four parts by inserting a boundaries, such as sunlight or spotlights, gener-
new vertex at the midpoint of each element edge. ating such a fine mesh can use a large amount of
Typically, this procedure results in a shadow or light memory.
beam that does not align with the mesh. This can
lead to shadow boundaries that look jagged or Correct with Ray Tracing
stepped. Another way you can correct jagged shadow bound-
aries is to ray trace the light sources that generate the
The following illustration shows the radiosity solu-
sharp shadow by using the Ray Trace Direct Illumi-
tion of a sharp spotlight on a wall. Notice that the
nation option of the ray tracer. You enable the Ray
edges of the spotlight are jagged. The image on the
Tracing option (in the properties of the luminaire)
right shows the mesh of this solution, demonstrating
11 Radiosity Processing
for the light sources you want to ray trace. This the top example has a beam angle of 30° and a field
process produces the best visual result. For more angle of 30° (a sharp spotlight).
information, see Chapter 14, “Rendering.”
The light in the bottom example has a beam angle of
The benefit of ray tracing these light sources is that 30° and a field angle of 90°.
the underlying mesh during the radiosity solution
can be relatively coarse, as long as there is enough
light to ensure some inter-reflections. That is, you
have to see some light on the wall from the radiosity
calculations. The illustration on the left shows the
original radiosity solution from which the ray-
traced image on the right was generated.
188 Lightscape
Reducing Meshing Artifacts ❚❘❘
subdivision, the minimum mesh spacing was again Being as explicit as possible about edges during the
too large. modeling process leads to a better solution in Light-
scape. This does not mean you need to worry about
every point of intersection. For example, you do not
have to model a floor to cut around the legs of a table
nor do you have to cut walls around light switches.
Consider the following example showing two ways Correct with Ray Tracing
to model two intersecting beams. Another approach is to ray trace the light, as shown
in the following example. With this approach you
can keep the sparser mesh. However, this approach
is only valid for single images. Ray tracing light
sources also adds time to the ray tracing process.
11 Radiosity Processing
Make Surface Non-Occluding shadow of the table leg on the floor. This produces
The easiest way to alleviate shadow leaks is to ignore the visual effect of the table floating over the floor.
the surface causing the shadow leak. If one surface is
placed directly on another surface, such as a light
switch panel on a wall, you can set the surface on top
to be non-occluding. The light will simply pass
through the surface and will not cast any shadows. In
this kind of situation, the non-occluding approach is
the easiest and most efficient. For more information,
see “Occluding” on page 180.
Light Leaks
Light leaks are the opposite of the shadow leaks Top: Table leg appears to float above the floor
discussed previously. They appear as light extending
Bottom: Enlarged view of table
into a darker region of a surface.
A typical example of a light leak is one where a single The problem is caused by the fact that there is no
surface models the floor of two adjacent rooms. If original sample point in the floor area shadowed by
one room is lit and the other is not, light incident on the leg of the table that would have triggered an
the floor of the first room can crawl under the sepa- adaptive subdivision. Setting finer mesh parameters
rating wall and onto the floor of the second room. can correct the situation, as shown in the following
You can prevent light leaks by modeling the floor in
two separate pieces, or you can reduce the leaks by
increasing the mesh subdivision of the floor during
radiosity processing.
Floating Objects
In the following example, the initial sampling mesh Top: Increased number of
does not fall under the leg of the table because the mesh elements corrects
floating effect
surface area is small in relation to the overall area of
Left: Enlarged view of table
the floor. Consequently, the system cannot trigger
adaptive subdivision and completely misses the
190 Lightscape
Testing for Artifacts ❚❘❘
The best solution in this situation would be either to Note: You can also do this during the Preparation
force a mesh element to occur under the table leg by stage in Lightscape using the Create Surface
being explicit during the modeling stage (as option on the Tools menu. For more information,
see “Creating Surfaces” on page 100.
explained with the shadow leak artifact) or to ray
trace the light in a post-processing step, as shown in Optimal shapes are regular, such as squares or equi-
the following example. lateral triangles. The following illustrations show
two examples of surfaces defined from two different
configurations of triangles and rectangles. The
surfaces on the right would produce better radiosity
results than the surfaces on the left.
Mach Bands
The mach bands artifact usually appears as a bright
line along the edge of two adjacent mesh elements. It
usually occurs in areas where the mesh is too sparse
and can be eliminated by increasing the density of
the mesh.
Images on left: Sub-optimal Images on right: Improved
configuration for radiosity configuration for radiosity
Streaky Shadows processing processing
If a surface is made up of many oddly proportioned
surfaces such as long skinny triangles, the mesh
generated by the initiation process may also be made Testing for Artifacts
up of many oddly proportioned elements. This Typically, you run two radiosity solutions to locate
tends to increase the jagged shadow boundary and and deal with visual artifacts.
shadow leak problems (described earlier) by making
the shadow edges appear streaky. The first solution usually does not have to go beyond
the number of iterations required to process the
You can use ray tracing to produce better shadows. If contribution from the direct light sources, since
you want a good radiosity solution for interactive almost all artifacts are the result of the direct lights.
manipulation, you can create the original surfaces As a starting point, you can use the wizard to set the
from more regularly shaped components during the meshing parameters.
modeling stage.
11 Radiosity Processing
After the radiosity solution has progressed past the Model Only Surfaces that Receive
processing of the direct light sources, you should Light
interrupt the process and examine the solution for To simulate the lighting in a model, Lightscape
artifacts. If any are visible, you can decide on the best computes the light reflected from each surface in the
way to handle them and then take the appropriate model. Extraneous surfaces (such as those inside
action. walls) increase processing time.
If you see a shadow leak, for example, one approach
would be to set the surfaces casting the shadow to be Create Large Adjacent Surfaces
non-occluding. Alternatively, you can select the Whenever possible, create large contiguous surfaces
surface with the artifact and increase the mesh rather than many small discrete surfaces. Where
subdivision for that surface by changing its Mesh more than one surface is used to represent a plane,
Resolution parameter. each of the surfaces must be considered separately
when reflecting energy into the environment. This
You may also decide to set the Ray Trace Direct Illu-
increases processing time.
mination processing parameter for the light source
causing the artifact. This way you can simply ignore
the artifact during the radiosity solution.
Modeling Guidelines
Occluded surface Separate surfaces
To ensure good results and fast processing, you
should create your models using the following
192 Lightscape
Modeling Guidelines ❚❘❘
Model Efficiently
Model surfaces in the most efficient way possible.
For example, when creating a revolved surface, set
the tessellation complexity of the object to a coarse
value, and use smoothing within Lightscape to get
the curved effect.
12 Lighting Analysis
lighting and materials in your scene. Use lighting analysis to evaluate the
• Using workplanes.
You view the distribution of light using pseudo- Model after radiosity processing and ray tracing
12 Lighting Analysis
Select: To:
Normal Turn off pseudo-color (or gray-
scale) visualization.
Color Display the lighting distribution
using colors ranging from blue to
green, yellow, and red. Low values
are closer to blue and high values
are closer to red.
Gray Scale Display the lighting distribution
using gray levels from black to
white. The higher the value of the
target quantity, the brighter the
color displayed.
Scale Options
Use the Scale list to select options related to visual-
ization graphing scale.
Select: To:
196 Lightscape
Displaying Light Distribution ❚❘❘
4. From the Display list, select Color or Grayscale. Note: You can also disable pseudo-color display by
clicking Cancel in the Lighting Analysis dialog.
5. From the Scale list, select Linear or Logarithmic.
12 Lighting Analysis
Analyzing Lighting Statistics Information related to that point and the surface is
You can obtain statistical data such as averages, displayed on the Statistics panel.
minimum and maximum values, and criteria ratings
to evaluate luminance or illuminance for a specific
surface or a point on a surface.
To show light energy values for a surface: Analyzing Light Energy Statistics
Each time you select a point on a surface of your
1. Choose Light | Analysis.
model, statistical information about the point and
The Lighting Analysis dialog appears. the surface is displayed on the Statistics panel. The
2. Click the Display tab. following information is available:
4. Click the Statistics tab. Displays the luminance or illuminance value at a
selected point on a surface. The X, Y, and Z coordi-
5. Click a point on a surface in the model.
nates of the point also appear in parenthesis.
The selected point appears on the surface and the
surface is highlighted.
Displays the average value of the target quantity over
the selected surface.
198 Lightscape
Controlling Analysis Grids ❚❘❘
Threshold box
Avg/Min, Max/Min, and Max/Avg
Displays different ratios of the average, minimum,
Threshold option
and maximum values. These three ratios are used in
conjunction with the average value to roughly
7. Enable the Threshold option.
measure the uniformity of the distribution of light
over a selected surface. The threshold energy level appears in the Threshold
Using Illuminance Rating For instance, in the previous example, 46.4% of the
The illuminance rating is the fraction of the area of a light energy exceeds 300 lx.
surface that satisfies (or exceeds) a specified crite-
Note: Alternatively, you can enter a threshold
rion. You can use this option to obtain more
value and then enable the Percentage option to
information about the distribution of light over a see the percentage of surface area where energy
selected surface. exceeds the specified threshold.
12 Lighting Analysis
3. Select an item in the Quantity list. 8. Type the distance between grid nodes in the
Spacing X, Y, and Z boxes.
9. Enter the number of significant figures in the
Grid Labels Precision box.
For example, a luminance value of 1500.0109 sets the
analysis grid to 1500 if you set the precision to 4. The
grid displays 1500.01 if you set the precision to 6.
4. Click a point on a surface in your model.
10. Click Apply to update the grid position, spacing,
The selected point is marked by a yellow crosshair and precision.
and the surface is highlighted in green.
200 Lightscape
Using Workplanes ❚❘❘
For more information on enabling, disabling, and 4. Disable the Reflecting and Occluding options.
adding surfaces to layers, see “Working with Layers”
Note: This ensures that the surface does not affect
on page 82. For information on creating surfaces, see
the propagation of light through the environment.
“Creating Surfaces” on page 100.
5. Click OK.
Defining Surfaces as Workplanes The properties are applied to the selected surface.
The properties of a workplane that are not part of the
scene should be set so that they do not affect the
lighting in your model.
3. Enable Receiving.
13 Mesh to Texture
By converting your radiosity meshes to texture maps, the Mesh to Texture tool
reduces the memory requirements of your model. This feature is useful for
How to create texture maps
from your solution.
13 Mesh to Texture
• Integration—If the source model is heavily tex- 2. Select a conversion method, then click Next.
tured, you can add or incorporate radiosity lighting 3. If required, select the projected geometry from
into the existing texture maps. When the source the model, then click Next.
model is re-opened, the texture maps will contain
4. Select the target geometry from the model, then
additional lighting information from the radiosity
click Next.
5. If you selected the “Project all selected geometry
• Multi-texturing—You can also create illumination into one texture” conversion method, select a pro-
maps that are separate from textures. These maps are jection method, then click Next.
useful for applications that support blended multiple
6. If you selected the “Convert each surface to a tex-
textures for a surface. ture per surface” or “Relight existing textures” con-
Lightscape also provides a batch processing utility, version method, decide whether to use existing
lsm2t, that you can use to perform the Mesh to texture filenames, then click Next.
Texture conversion. For more information, see 7. Set the texture output options, then click Next.
Appendix B, “Batch Processing Utilities.”
Note: You can also click Finish to accept the
default settings for the remaining pages of the
wizard (the Rendering Options and Replace/Delete
Using Mesh to Texture pages) and launch the Mesh to Texture process.
Use the Mesh to Texture wizard to choose appro-
priate settings and launch the Mesh to Texture 8. Set the rendering options, then click Next.
process. Mesh to Texture settings are preserved from Note: You can also click Finish to accept the
one session to the next as long as you do not exit default settings for the remaining page of the
Lightscape. Once you exit Lightscape, the wizard wizard (the Replace/Delete page) and launch the
settings return to the default settings. Mesh to Texture process.
Note: You can click the Back button in the Mesh to 9. Set the Replace/Delete options, then click Finish
Texture wizard to move to previous pages, and to launch the Mesh to Texture process.
adjust the settings, if necessary.
Select Method for Conversion
Note: Before performing a Mesh to Texture
conversion, you should create a backup of the orig- There are three methods for converting selected
inal model. Once the radiosity mesh is converted geometry to textures:
into a texture map, you cannot update or change
the lighting and material properties of the model.
• Texture per Surface
• Relight Textures
To convert radiosity meshes to textures:
1. Choose Tools | Mesh To Texture.
The Mesh to Texture wizard appears.
204 Lightscape
Using Mesh to Texture ❚❘❘
Single Texture
Select “Project all selected geometry into one
texture” to create a single texture from all the
selected geometry. If you select the eight surfaces of
a cylinder, this creates a single texture map that has
the lighting added to it. With this method, you must
select a projection method—Orthographic, Cylin-
Texture per Surface drical, Spherical, or Object UV’s—and projection
Select “Convert each surface to a texture per surface” coordinates.
to generate a new texture for each selected surface. You can also use this method to project 3D surfaces
For example, if you select the eight surfaces of a onto other surfaces as decals. Examples of geometry
cylinder, eight texture maps (one per surface) are you may select in this step are pictures hanging on a
created. Lightscape automatically determines the wall, wall moldings, windows, and any geometry
projection for each surface and its new corre- near the wall that does not need to be stored three-
sponding texture. This is the easiest and most dimensionally in the final model.
automatic method to create textures, but because it
creates a texture for each surface, you run the risk of This method is the least automatic, but it offers the
creating too many textures. most control. You can significantly optimize your
model because you are able to group many surfaces
Note: This method produces an optimal projec- together to create a single texture map.
tion that uses as much of the texture area as
Select Projected Geometry
Relight Textures Use this selection set, the first of two, to select the
Select “Relight existing textures” to use existing surfaces to be projected (as decals) onto the surfaces
textures and projections and generate new textures in the second selection set. This selection set is only
with the same projections. If you select an eight- useful when you use the Single Texture method of
sided cylinder with a single texture already wrapped conversion.
around it, this method will create a new version of
that texture that has the lighting added to it. This
method will not work when the existing textures are
tiled. You can use this option when a single texture
covers several surfaces.
13 Mesh to Texture
Typically, you delete these surfaces from the model Select Projection Method
after the Mesh to Texture conversion process to If you selected the Single Texture conversion
reduce the polygon count. method, this page of the wizard appears. You use this
page to choose the projection method, coordinates,
and related options for the generated texture.
Orthographic Projection
In Orthographic mode, you must pick lower-left,
lower-right, and upper-left points, or enter values in
the corresponding boxes. These three points deter-
mine an orientation and a size for the mapping.
Cylindrical Projection
In Cylindrical mode, you must pick lower-center
and upper-center points and a seam direction, or
If you did not select surfaces in the previous step,
enter values in the corresponding boxes. These three
you must select at least one surface in this step to
points determine an orientation and a size for the
cylindrical mapping.
206 Lightscape
Using Mesh to Texture ❚❘❘
13 Mesh to Texture
If the same texture image is applied to more than one Format Type
surface, Lightscape creates a series of files using the Use the Format Type list to select the file format of
texture map’s original filename for each successive the image. The default is the native Windows image
file, combined with an incremental three-digit format (.bmp).
The following file format options are available:
Note: With .rgb and .tif formats you can specify 24-
bit or 48-bit image output.
Sizing Options
New Textures Base Name The sizing options control the output image size. If
Enter the base name for the files generated in the you are using the “Relight existing textures” conver-
New Textures Base Name box. Lightscape appends sion method, the files are automatically generated in
three-digit numbers to this name, starting with 000 the same size as the originals, and sizing options are
and incrementing by 1 for each file. not available.
You should include the appropriate file extension Use Surface Size
(.bmp for example) or the names will be created The Use Surface Size option is available only with the
without an extension. Textures per Surface conversion method.
208 Lightscape
Using Mesh to Texture ❚❘❘
and you specify 8 pixels per inch, the resulting OpenGL Compatible
texture image is 40 x 72 pixels. Enable this option to make the final ray traced image
more closely resemble the OpenGL rendered image
If you select Use Surface Size, you can select the
displayed in the Graphic window. Because the ray
Power of 2 option to constrain each output image
traced images differ in image quality from OpenGL
dimension to the smallest power of 2 greater than or
display, this option is important if you intend to
equal to its calculated size. With Power of 2 selected
combine mesh-to-texture surfaces with non mesh-
in the preceding example, the output image
to-texture surfaces in a real-time display application.
measures 64 x 128 pixels.
Generate Illumination Map
Rendering Options Enable this option to create a texture map consisting
All texture maps are rendered with ray tracing. Use of only the light striking the surface, instead of the
this page to set the ray tracing options. reflected light emitted from the surface (which is
what you normally see).
13 Mesh to Texture
texture maps of interactive applications (reflections Delete the Projected Geometry from the
do not move with the viewer). Model
Enable this option to further reduce the model’s
Antialiasing Samples complexity by deleting any surfaces you specified as
Use this list to set the level of antialiasing. Anti- projected geometry. These surfaces, and all of their
aliasing is used to eliminate image artifacts such as lighting and geometric data, will be removed from
jagged edges of polygons. the model after the new textures are generated.
210 Lightscape
Mesh to Texture Examples ❚❘❘
To create multiple texture maps for the wall To relight an existing texture map:
1. Choose Tools | Mesh To Texture.
1. Choose Tools | Mesh To Texture.
2. Select the Relight existing textures option on the
2. Select the Create single texture per surface op- Method for Conversion page.
tion on the Method for Conversion page.
3. Leave the first selection set blank.
3. Leave the first selection set blank.
4. Select the surface of the picture in the second se-
4. Select the surfaces of the wall, including those at lection set.
the top, in the second selection set.
5. Move to the Texture Output Information page,
choose a name for the textures, and choose Use Sur-
face Size to set the texture size.
6. Set the rendering options on the Rendering Op-
tions page.
7. On the Replace/Delete page, select the Replace
textures on target geometry option and the Reset the
mesh on the target geometry option and click Finish.
A texture is created for each original surface of the 5. On the Use Existing Texture Filenames page, en-
wall selected. The textures are used in the model, able Use existing texture filenames
instead of the radiosity mesh, to represent the 6. Set the rendering options on the Rendering Op-
lighting on the wall. tions page.
7. On the Replace/Delete page, select the Replace
texture on target geometry option and the Reset the
mesh on the target geometry option and click Finish.
The texture you created, instead of the radiosity
mesh, is used to represent the lighting on the picture.
13 Mesh to Texture
212 Lightscape
Rendering is the process of taking the three-dimensional radiosity solution and
converting it to an image.
How to create image files from
your radiosity solution.
14 Rendering
Creating Images Note: When you resize the window, the aspect
ratio (proportion) may change and the view may
Lightscape produces images that can be output in a
be altered. Resize the Graphic window before
variety of standard file formats. The following file setting your views so that you can see exactly what
formats are currently supported: will be rendered.
Note: You can avoid hardware limitations by ray Although a single still image requires antialiasing to
tracing with the lsray utility. This batch processing achieve high quality, the antialiasing level can be
utility runs in software only and, therefore, does lower than that required for animation frames. It is
not depend on your display hardware. It can always much easier to see aliasing in animations, particu-
output images with 24-bit color per pixel (or 48-bit
color per pixel in the TIFF and RGB file formats). For
larly if the model contains many thin (less than a
more information on the batch processing utilities, pixel) features, such as cables or railings. You can
see “Rendering Large Jobs” on page 220. obtain satisfactory single images with an antialiasing
level set to 3 or 4; however, animation frames may
Image Resolution require a level of 6 or 7.
You can choose from a variety of commonly used
image resolutions provided by Lightscape, or you To render a radiosity solution:
can specify a custom resolution. When you set the
1. Choose File | Render.
resolution, the Graphic window resizes itself
accordingly. The Rendering dialog appears.
214 Lightscape
Creating Images ❚❘❘
2. To enter a path and filename, do one of the fol- Note: Increasing the antialiasing level will increase
lowing: your rendering time.
• Enter a path and filename for the rendered image in 6. Click OK.
the Output File Name box
• Click Browse and navigate to the location in the Rendering with Ray Tracing
Open dialog, enter a filename, and click Open. With Lightscape, you can create high-quality ray
traced images that render effects such as specular
• Select the output format and pixel depth required.
reflections and refraction through transparent
3. Select an image resolution from the Resolution materials.
In addition to the Image Resolution and Antialiasing
4. To define a custom resolution, select User De- options described in “Rendering with OpenGL” on
fined from the Resolution list and enter the dimen- page 214, the following options are available when
sions for the image in the Width and Height boxes.
you use ray tracing.
5. To increase the number of antialiasing samples,
select the appropriate level from the Antialiasing Ray Trace Direct Illumination
Samples list. This option ray traces direct light contributions
from lighting sources (the sun and luminaires
marked for ray tracing). Use this option to correct
shadow aliasing problems and provide additional
enhanced lighting effects, such as highlights on
nondiffuse surfaces. For more information, see
Chapter 11, “Radiosity Processing,” and Appendix
D, “Reflection Models.”
Antialiasing Samples list
Remember that the time required to generate images
can increase significantly with the number of light
sources that are ray traced.
14 Rendering
Soft Shadows From Sun Note: If the number of bounces is set to 0, you will
By default, Lightscape renders shadow boundaries see no specular or transparency effects. The default
caused by the sun as sharp edges. Enable this option value for this parameter is 10.
to blur the edges to provide a more realistic and
natural shadow boundary.
OpenGL Compatible
Because OpenGL and the Lightscape ray tracer use
different reflection models, images created from the
same Solution model do not look the same rendered
with OpenGL as when rendered with the ray tracer.
The OpenGL Compatible option forces the ray Top: Two facing mirrors with Ray Bounces set to 1
tracer to generate images that closely match the
Bottom: Two facing mirrors with Ray Bounces set to 10
OpenGL display rendering. It also adds specular
reflections, but does not render them to as high a
To ray trace an image:
quality as is possible when this option is not enabled.
1. Choose File | Render.
For more information, see Appendix D, “Reflection
Models.” The Rendering dialog appears.
For example, if you want to see through two • Click Browse and navigate to the location in the
windows, set this option to at least 2. Keep in mind Open dialog, enter a filename, and click Open.
that if you actually model the panes of glass with two • Select the output format and pixel depth required.
surfaces each, you must set the number to 4.
3. Select an image resolution from the Resolution
If regions of the image that contain transparent list.
objects look incorrect, increase the number of ray
4. To define a custom resolution, select User De-
bounces. fined from the Resolution list and enter the dimen-
sions for the image in the Width and Height boxes.
216 Lightscape
Rendering Multiple Views ❚❘❘
14 Rendering
with OpenGL” on page 214 and “Rendering with Note: If you need to maintain the DOS 8.3 naming
Ray Tracing” on page 215. conventions, you must specify an output filename
no more than four characters long.
2. Select List of Views from the Source list.
3. Click Add to add a view file to the list.
You can also render a subset of animation frames
byspecifying the first and the last frames to render, as
4. Navigate to the view file location in the Open di- well as the step value between consecutive frames.
alog and select the file.
For example, to render every second frame of an
5. Click Open. animation, enter a step value of 2.
The selected view file is added to the list of views.
Rendering Interlaced Animations
You can also choose to render an interlaced anima-
tion. When you create animations for video, they are
interlaced. Interlacing is used so that only half the
screen, every other scan line, is updated each sixtieth
of a second (NTSC frame rate). Each of the two sets
of alternate scan lines is called a field; two fields make
up a frame.
List of views Source list
To render animation frames:
6. To remove a view file from the list, select the file 1. Load the animation file by choosing
and click Remove. Animation | Open.
7. To preview a view, select the file and click Pre- 2. In the Rendering dialog, set the required op-
view. tions. For more information, see “Rendering with
OpenGL” on page 214 and “Rendering with Ray
Rendering Animations Tracing” on page 215.
An animation file represents a sequence of views that 3. Select Animation File from the Source list.
you create with the Lightscape Animation tool.
Select the Animation File option to generate a single
image for each animation frame.
For example, if you enter anim as the filename and Interlacing options Animation options
select the Targa format, Lightscape names the
resulting images anim0000.tga,
anim0001.tga, anim0002.tga, and so on.
218 Lightscape
Ray Tracing an Area ❚❘❘
4. Enter the number of the first frame to render in To set the Ray Trace Area options:
the From box. 1. Choose Display | Ray Trace Area Options.
5. Enter the number of the last frame to render in The Ray Trace Area Options dialog appears.
the To box.
6. To render an interlaced animation, Enable Use
The Even First Scanline option becomes available.
Note: Antialiasing takes interlacing into account in 2. To ray trace the direct lighting contribution from
order to generate higher-quality animations. the sun and selected luminaires, enable Ray Trace
Direct Illumination.
8. To adjust the steps between consecutive frames,
enter a number in the Step box. If you enable this option, the Soft Shadows from Sun
option becomes available
Note: You can adjust the number of steps between
consecutive frames to test the animation path and Note: Lightscape ray traces only the luminaires
rendering options. that have their Ray Trace Direct Illumination prop-
erty enabled.
14 Rendering
The results of the ray trace operation are displayed Note: The functionality of the Lightscape
on the screen but cannot be saved to a file. command line utilities lsrad (for radiosity
processing), lsray (for ray traced image rendering),
and lsrender (for OpenGL image rendering) is fully
supported in LSNet.
Rendering Large Jobs
Lightscape also provides two batch rendering utili- For more information about LSnet, see Appendix C,
ties. lsrender renders the radiosity solution using “LSnet.”
OpenGL and lsray renders images using the ray
tracer. You typically use batch shell scripts and batch
utilities for large rendering jobs, but it is possible to
run initial tests at a lower resolution in Lightscape
before beginning a batch rendering process. For
more information, see Appendix B, “Batch
Processing Utilities.”
All Lightscape renderers can create resulting images
in any resolution. They can also be antialiased to
produce higher-quality output. For information
about creating views, see “Viewing the Model” on
page 29. For information about animations, see
Chapter 15, “Animation.”
220 Lightscape
With animation controls, you can move a camera along a specified path as if
• Defining camera paths Depending on the complexity of the model and the
display hardware used, you may be able to run a real-
• Setting camera orientation time animation. In most situations, it will be more
• Varying camera speed appropriate to save individual frames and display
them using a movie-playing utility.
• Saving animation files
You generate a walk-through animation in Lightscape
• Playing back animations
• Using animation files.
• Defining a 3D camera path by setting a sequence of
keyframes and, optionally, defining a camera look-at
About Animation
You define a camera path by creating a series of • Defining the speed of the camera as it travels along
keyframes and a path connecting those keyframes. this path.
You can also control the speed at which the camera
• Previewing the animation.
moves along its path, and where the camera looks as it
moves. Once you create the camera path, you can • Adjusting the path and speed, if necessary.
display animations on the screen in the Graphic
15 Animation
222 Lightscape
Defining the Camera Path ❚❘❘
When you place the cursor in the perspective window After you set the initial keyframe, you can edit the
and Director view is active, all of the view control path to move keyframes (in height or position) and
options (such as Orbit and Rotate) are available. In change the straight lines to a curved path.
the orthographic windows, only the Scroll and Zoom
controls are available. Note: You can define and edit the path only in the
orthographic views, not in the Director view.
Animation dialog
View settings
Mode list
15 Animation
5. Click elsewhere in the model to add another key- To select a single keyframe:
frame. A camera path automatically joins the two key- 1. Choose Animation | Edit to open the Animation
frames. dialog.
Only the selected keyframe appears in red. Unse- 2. Click the Path tab.
lected keyframes appear as white dots.
3. From the Mode list, select Edit.
6. To connect the first and last keyframes, enable
4. Make sure you are in Select mode by clicking the
Form Loop in the Animation dialog.
Select button , then click the keyframe in any of
Disable Form Loop to return the path to its original the perspective views.
The keyframe is selected.
224 Lightscape
Defining the Camera Path ❚❘❘
4. Click the appropriate keyframe selection button. The keyframes are selected.
Click: To:
Previous Select the keyframe before the cur-
rently selected keyframe.
Next Select the keyframe after the cur-
rently selected keyframe.
All Select all keyframes in the path.
1. Choose Animation | Edit to open the Animation 2. Hold the Ctrl key, then click a keyframe to toggle
dialog. its state.
2. Click the Path tab. If the keyframe is selected, clicking deselects it. If it is
unselected, clicking adds it to the selection.
3. Select Edit from the Mode list.
4. Make sure you are in Select mode by clicking the
Select button .
Changing the Slope of the Camera Path
You can change the slope of the camera path by
5. Drag a rectangle around all keyframes you want adjusting the handles of a keyframe. You can perform
to select.
this operation on only one keyframe at a time.
15 Animation
3. Select Edit from the Mode list. When a keyframe’s handle is broken, it appears as a
4. Make sure you are in Select mode by clicking the
cross instead of a dot.
Select button . Broken handle
5. Select a keyframe by clicking on it.
6. Release and click again on the keyframe to grab a
handle. Drag the handle out from the center of the
keyframe. As you drag the handle, you see the camera
path change shape.
Camera path
226 Lightscape
Setting Camera Orientation ❚❘❘
3. Make sure you click and drag the actual keyframe The selected keyframes are deleted and the path is
as you move it and not the handles. This is especially adjusted accordingly.
important when the keyframe and the handles are
very close together.
Setting Camera Orientation
In addition to setting the camera path, you can also
set the direction in which the camera looks as it
travels along this path. For instance, you can create a
Click and drag here to
move the keyframe.
camera with a path that proceeds straight across a
room and a camera view that sweeps left and right as
if a person were looking around a room while walking
from point A to point B. By default, all keyframes are
Click and drag here to set to look in the direction of the path.
adjust the path curve.
Note: To visualize the camera target, set the
perspective view to Camera View while setting the
camera orientation.
15 Animation
• Along Path
• In Direction
• At Point.
To set the direction for a specific keyframe:
Keyframe option
228 Lightscape
Setting Camera Orientation ❚❘❘
At Path At Point
The camera looks at a point on the camera path where The camera looks at a specified point for the selected
it will be in a specified amount of time. Looking ahead keyframes.
a short distance along a path usually produces a more
natural walk-through than does using Along Path.
This is because in the real world, people usually look
somewhat ahead of where they are actually walking.
3. Enter an offset in the DT box. You edit the focus point as you would edit a keyframe.
In fact, the focus point acts as a keyframe for the
camera’s Look At path.
As with the camera path, Lightscape, by default, uses
straight-line segments between the Look At path’s
keyframes. You can edit the path in the same way as a
DT box
camera path, moving keyframes and changing slope
Note: If you select a negative offset, the camera
looks backward along the path.
15 Animation
handles interactively. The Look At path represents the The focus point moves to the point you clicked on the
direction in which the camera is oriented as it moves. surface.
Look At direction for You can also enter specific coordinates for the focus
selected keyframe point in the X, Y, and Z boxes.
Camera path
4. If necessary, modify the Look At path. For infor-
keyframe mation about editing the path, see “Editing a Camera
Path” on page 224.
Focus point
3. To move the focus point, enable Pick, then click 2. Set the View option to Keyframe.
on a surface in any orthographic view. 3. Click the Zoom button .
230 Lightscape
Varying the Camera Speed ❚❘❘
You can change the speed at which your camera The vertical axis represents the distance along the
moves through the camera path by adjusting the camera path (or the focus point path for a stationary
shape of the speed curve in the Motion Editor. camera). The horizontal axis represents time.
Speed Graph
15 Animation
The legends indicate the units of the graph. These are To enable a grid:
the same units as those chosen for the model as a 1. In the Animation dialog, click the Motion tab.
whole. You can alter these units on the Units page of
2. Select an option from the Grid list.
the Document Properties dialog.
Before you edit camera speed, perform the following Select: To:
operations: On Turn on the grid.
The vertical grid lines represent the location of each NTSC Render your animation at 30 frames
per second. This is the default setting.
PAL Render your animation at 25 frames
Camera path
Individual frames keyframes per second.
Film Render your animation at 24 frames
per second.
Other Specify a custom frame rate.
232 Lightscape
Varying the Camera Speed ❚❘❘
3. If you select Other, type a frame rate value in the Setting Up the Camera Speed Curve
number box. Use this procedure to create a customized speed curve
for your camera. You can also use this procedure to
edit the focus point motion of a stationary camera.
To display time code on the speed graph time axis: Speed graph Editing controls Animation
setting information
1. From the Animation dialog, click the Motion tab.
2. Enable the Time Codes option. The Motion Editor appears. For information on
creating a camera motion path, see “Creating a
Camera Path” on page 223.
15 Animation
You can also select a speed curve control point, then • Joining or breaking control point handles to intro-
enter an exact distance and/or time value in the duce abrupt changes
Distance and Time boxes.
• Deleting control points.
For information on playing back animations, see
“Animation Playback Controls” on page 238.
tim e
Moving Speed Curve Control Points
You can move the control points on a speed curve by
clicking and dragging them to new locations.
Position the control point along the time axis (horizontally)
to set the animation duration. You can also move control points by specifying values
Position the control point along the distance axis (vertically)
for the time and distance in the Time and Distance
to set the length of the camera path that is played during boxes, and then clicking Apply.
the animation.
Time box
The speed curve in the speed graph should be posi-
Distance box
tioned as follows:
234 Lightscape
Varying the Camera Speed ❚❘❘
You can change the speed at which your camera To change the slope of the speed curve for a selected
control point:
moves through the camera path by adjusting the slope
of the speed curve. 1. Select a control point.
4. Click Apply.
15 Animation
4. Click the Delete Selected button. 3. Select Focus Point Motion Spline.
236 Lightscape
Playing Back Animations ❚❘❘
To save an existing animation file with a new name: 3. Enter a start time in the Playback Start Time box
1. Choose Animation | Save As. and an end time in the Playback End Time box.
Playing Back Animations If you type -1 in the Playback End Time box, Light-
Once you have set the path and motion, you can scape sets the end time to the length of the animation.
preview the animation.
4. Click the Play button to play through your
animation sequence.
To play the animation:
1. Choose Animation | Edit. Note: The playback runs in real time. If the
computer cannot draw frames fast enough, some
The Animation dialog appears. will be skipped. This can cause the playback to
2. Click the Playback tab. appear disjointed or jumpy.
Animation Example
15 Animation
238 Lightscape
Using Animation Files ❚❘❘
Once you have created your Solution file, you can export it to a panoramic image
file or a VRML file. You can also use plug-ins to import Solution files into other
modeling packages.
How to export your results to
standard file formats.
16 Exporting
Note: Depending on the type of format that you VRML 2.0 (Background)
select, Lightscape displays the appropriate exten- Use this option to export a VRML (.wrl) panoramic
sion in the Filename box. file. This file format supports cubic projections only.
6. If you selected Generic Image in the Panoramic
Format list, choose a format from the Image Format IBM PanoramIX
list. Use this option to export an IBM PanoramIX (.pan)
file. This file format supports cylindrical and cubic
7. Select the type of projection from the Projection
Type list.
242 Lightscape
Exporting Panoramic Images ❚❘❘
Select: To:
Windows Bitmap (BMP) Create a .bmp file.
Targa (TGA) Create a .tga file.
TIFF (TIF) Create a .tif file.
SGI RGB (RGB) Create a .rgb file. The viewer position and focus point coordinates of
JPEG (JPG) Create a .jpg file. the current Perspective view of the model are
Portable Net Graphics (PNG) Create a .png file.
Postscript (EPS) Create a .eps file. 2. To change the viewer position, enter the required
values in the Viewer Position X, Y, and Z boxes.
2. If you selected TIFF (TIF) or SGI RGB (RGB), 3. To change the focus point, enter the required
choose either 24-bit or 48-bit. values in the Focus Point X, Y, and Z boxes.
4. Click OK.
Setting the Image Size
You can choose to quickly create a draft quality The view of the model is changed for the creation of
image to test the panoramic image settings or your panoramic image. The view of the model in the
choose from the following quality levels: Low, Graphic window is not changed.
Medium, Good, High, and User Defined.
The actual width and height settings for each level
Exporting a Rendered Panoramic
vary depending on the selected projection type. If
Youcan create ray-traced panoramic images that
you choose User Defined, enter the required width
render effects such as specular reflections and
and height values (in pixels) in the corresponding
refraction through transparent materials.
16 Exporting
Note: This option can significantly increase the 4. To ray trace the direct lighting contribution from
rendering time of an image. the sun and selected luminaires, enable Ray Trace
Direct Illumination.
OpenGL Compatible
Because OpenGL and the Lightscape ray tracer use Note: Lightscape ray traces only the luminaires
different reflection models, images created from the that have their Ray Trace Direct Illumination prop-
erty enabled.
same Solution model do not look the same rendered
with OpenGL as when rendered with the ray tracer. 5. To blur the edges of shadow boundaries caused
by the sun, enable Soft Shadows From Sun.
The OpenGL Compatible option forces the ray
tracer to generate images that closely match the 6. To generate images that closely match the
OpenGL display rendering. It also adds specular OpenGL display, enable OpenGL Compatible.
reflections, but does not render them to as high a 7. To increase the number of antialiasing samples,
quality as is possible when this option is not enabled. select the appropriate level from the Antialiasing
For more information, see Appendix D, “Reflection Samples list.
Note: Increasing the antialiasing level will increase
your processing time.
Antialiasing Samples
Use antialiasing to smooth out jagged edges. This 8. Enter the number of ray bounces in the Ray
improves image quality and provides better results Bounces box.
when the model contains features smaller than a 9. Click OK.
single pixel.
244 Lightscape
Exporting VRML Files ❚❘❘
10. Set the remaining options as required on the Ex- Entering a URL
port Panoramic Images dialog and click OK. You specify a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to
Click Cancel to exit the dialog. set the pathname or location of references to other
VRML files (also called inline nodes) from within
the created file. An inline node can be a 2D or 3D
Exporting VRML Files graphic, texture, audio, or video file.
You can export your Lightscape Solution file to a
For example, if you use external textures in your
VRML version 1.0c file.
VRML file, enter the location of these textures so
that the browser can locate and load the textures
To export a VRML file:
1. Open the Lightscape Solution file that you want
to export.
Choosing Basic Export Options
2. Choose File | Export | VRML.
You can choose any of the following basic export
The Export VRML dialog appears. options.
Compact File
Use this option to compact the VRML file, resulting
in smaller file sizes at the expense of some precision
and readability.
Convert Textures
Use this option to include references to textures in
3. Enter a filename in the Name box, or click the VRML file. You can also use the Embed Textures
Browse and use the Save As dialog that appears. option to determine how the textures are referenced.
4. Enter the address of the required web site in the This option is enabled by default.
Url box.
5. Set the options in the Basic group box. Active Layer Only
Use this option to export only the active layers in the
6. If required, set the Level of Detail in the Ad-
vanced group box. Lightscape file. Disable this option to export all
layers (active and inactive).
7. If required, set the Scale and Transformation in
the Advanced group box. This option is disabled by default.
8. Click OK.
The Solution file is exported to a VRML file.
16 Exporting
Embed Textures
2. Enter the cutoffs in the LOD Cutoffs box. Sepa-
Use this option to embed texture map information
rate multiple entries with commas.
in the file. If this option is disabled, a reference to the
texture file (filename or URL) is embedded in the 3. In the Minimum LOD box, enter the coarsest
file. LOD to generate.
4. To specify a subdivision factor for your model,
This option is disabled by default.
enter the required value in the Branching Factors
Setting Level of Detail
Note: This value must be an integer greater than
Set the level of detail (LOD) to more efficiently use or equal to 2.
polygons in a scene. For example, in a model of a
forest, you can create an LOD made of large poly- 5. Click OK.
gons to represent the forest when viewed from a
distance. You can replace the LOD with one LOD Cutoffs
containing more polygons as you move closer to the Set this option to specify the distance from the
forest, so that you can see the trunks and leaves. viewer position at which the LOD displays. When
specifying LOD cutoffs, the values must be
Lightscape creates the coarsest LOD from the orig- increasing real numbers, with multiple entries sepa-
inal surface, and each subsequent LOD takes the rated by commas.
next finer level of mesh subdivision into account.
You can set the number of LODs that the system Order the distance entries from the closest (finest)
generates as well as the distance at which they are LOD to the furthest (coarsest) LOD. Distances are in
displayed. You can also specify the number of 3D the current model units.
regions into which the system divides your model.
246 Lightscape
Exporting VRML Files ❚❘❘
For example, a setting of .5,1,3 will generate four If you specify a branching factor of 2, the X, Y, and Z
LODs for your model. The finest LOD is displayed planes are each divided into two sections. This
when the viewing distance is less than .5. The next results in eight equally sized 3D regions.
begins at .5 and remains until 1. The next begins at 1
and remains until 3. And the final LOD begins at 3
and remains for any distance beyond 3.
Minimum LOD
Set this option to specify the coarsest LOD to create.
The valid range is from 0 to 10 (the finest level). The Left: Cube representing a model
default value is 0. Right: Resulting subdivision with a
branching factor of 2
All subsequent LODs are generated based on this
The surfaces of the model are sorted into 3D regions
and stored together in that region. This way, a
Branching Factors
browser can cull all the surfaces in a region by
Use this option to subdivide your model into 3D
considering only the region as a whole.
sections to enhance browser performance. The
branching factor determines the number of 3D If you specify a branching factor of 2 and a recursive
sections into which the model is divided. Sections subdivision factor of 2, the X, Y, and Z planes are
containing geometry in the current field of view are each divided into two sections. Then each of the
displayed, while geometry in sections beyond the resultant eight regions is divided into eight equal
field of view is not displayed. This process is called regions. This results in 64 equally sized 3D regions.
16 Exporting
2. Choose the required units from the File Units For more information on coordinate transforma-
list. tion, see “Converting Coordinate Systems” on page
3. Enter a scaling factor in the Scale Factor box.
4. Select an axis in the Mirror Coordinates boxes.
5. Select the order for axis transformation from the Importing Solution Files into
Coordinate Transformation list. Modeling Packages
Once you have created your Solution file, you can
6. Click OK.
import it into 3D Studio MAX/VIZ using the ls2max
File Units plug-in. You can also use the lstess plug-in to refine
Use this option to indicate the units in the VRML the Lightscape mesh and vertices. This can produce
file. For example, if one unit in the VRML file repre- meshes suitable for game engines.
sents one foot in the real world, choose Feet from the You can use the ls2lw plug-in to import Lightscape
File Units list. The default value is meters. Solution files into LightWave 3D.
Scale Factor For more information about how to use these plug-
Use this option to scale all objects by the factor indi- ins, refer to the ls2max, lstess, and ls2lw Help files.
cated. For example, a scale factor of 2 doubles the
size of the model in each dimension.
248 Lightscape
This appendix describes light and color and provides information to help you
Light and Color
of Lightscape.
A Light and Color
Reflectance of Materials
The following table provides the average reflectance
for a variety of materials.
250 Lightscape
Color: The Perceived World ❚❘❘
As this table suggests, most nonmetals have rela- green, and blue values displayed on the screen. In
tively low reflectance, but even soot has a reflectance many cases this is not a serious limitation, although
greater than 0. Metals have higher reflectance, but it makes it impossible to accurately compute solu-
even they are well below 1. Most environments tions for environments where the exact spectral
contain very little highly polished silver. information is known.
A Light and Color
Although spectra can have different test spots at If the phosphors for the monitor on which an image
each wavelength, color has only three parameters. is to be displayed are known, the color space of the
This means that there are many more spectra than image can be converted to the color space of the
colors. Many different spectra can give the same monitor, allowing the image to look the same on
perceived color. This means that you do not have to different monitors.
store or transmit all the information in a spectrum There is an additional problem with monitors that
for each color. It also means that a color does not currently cannot be solved. Because every color
contain enough information to reproduce the spec- space based on physical lights has colors it cannot
trum it came from. represent (those requiring negative coefficients),
some colors will never show up correctly on a
Color Spaces monitor. These colors are called out-of-gamut
Choosing the three lights to mix defines a color colors, which are generally not a serious problem.
space. A color space is a convenient way of repre- Out-of-gamut colors are very saturated and most
senting a color. Given two different sets of three real scenes contain few highly saturated colors.
lights, it is possible to convert from one color space
to another. Computing with Color
Because the relationship between spectra and colors When you work with color or spectra, their values
is linear and the conversion between color spaces is are equivalent for most operations. However, they
linear, most operations on color can be done in any are not equivalent when multiplying two colors or
color space and yield identical results. spectra.
The problem with all color spaces defined by combi- This is problematic because Lightscape spends
nations of three lights is that each color space has much of its processing time multiplying colors. In
ranges of color that can only be described by nega- theory, you can obtain arbitrarily large differences
252 Lightscape
Constraints of Output Devices ❚❘❘
between the value of multiplying two spectra and the orangish white, and 9300°K, a bluish white. Most
value of the spectra-color equivalent. In practice, televisions are set to 6500°K, a white that is near the
most materials and most lights, with the notable color of daylight. This variation in white is another
exception of fluorescent lights, have values that are reason why images on one monitor look different
easy to obtain. from images on another monitor.
A Light and Color
254 Lightscape
Batch Processing Utilities
This appendix describes the utilities that you can use to increase your
productivity in Lightscape.
How to use the batch processing
utilities included with Lightscape.
B Batch Processing Utilities
processing uses the meshing parameters specified in it. In the case of the Solution file, the processing continues
from the last iteration completed.
Unless you provide an alternate filename using the -o option, the original Solution file is overwritten with the
computed solution. If the Preparation file was provided, a new Solution file is created with the same filename as
the Preparation file, but with an .ls file extension.
To stop the process, type Ctrl+C in the window where the process is running. The process completes the iteration
it is working on and outputs a Solution file before stopping.
If you type Ctrl+C again, the process terminates immediately without saving any files.
Another way to stop the process is to bring up a Windows NT Task List and end the lsrad process. However,
again, no files are saved.
It is possible to stop the process by specifying in advance the number of iterations, processing time, or percentage
of energy absorbed, using the -term, -termp, or -termt option.
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lsrad [options] filename
The radiosity solution is processed.
LSRAD Options
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
256 Lightscape
Processing Radiosity Solutions Using LSRAD ❚❘❘
B Batch Processing Utilities
Where: Indicates:
-cp 20 During radiosity processing, a checkpoint is created every 20 iterations.
-v Extra information is printed after each iteration.
room.lp Radiosity processing is performed on the file called room.lp.
This command reads a Preparation file (room.lp), initializes it, and runs a radiosity process with a checkpoint
every 20 iterations. The process can be stopped by typing Ctrl+C as described earlier. The output Solution file
is called
Where: Indicates:
-cpt 3 During radiosity processing, a checkpoint is created every 3 minutes.
-termt 15 Radiosity processing will stop after 15 minutes.
-o An alternate output file called will be created.
-sh none The effect of shadows is not calculated. Radiosity processing is performed on the file
This command reads a Solution file ( and continues processing it for another 15 minutes with no shadow
computation and with checkpoints every 3 minutes. The output Solution file is called
258 Lightscape
Ray Tracing Solution Files Using LSRAY ❚❘❘
The extension of the image file determines the format into which the image will be saved. The following exten-
sions are supported:
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lsray [options] solution_file image_file
The ray tracing utility creates an image file from the specified Lightscape Solution file.
Note: You can also use a batch file to create a sequence of commands. For instance, you could create ray-
traced image files from multiple Lightscape Solution files. For more information, see “Creating Batch Files” on
page 282.
LSRAY Options
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
B Batch Processing Utilities
260 Lightscape
Ray Tracing Solution Files Using LSRAY ❚❘❘
B Batch Processing Utilities
Antialiasing in LSRAY
The lsray utility uses a multisampling scheme to antialias images that contain high-frequency details. The anti-
aliasing algorithm functions as follows:
1. One ray is cast at each corner of a pixel, resulting in a (possibly) different color at each corner.
2. The corner colors are compared to compute their contrast (relative difference) between the brightest and
darkest corners.
3. If the contrast is below a user-specified threshold, the corner colors are averaged to yield the pixel color.
4. Otherwise, the pixel color is computed by averaging the result of the user-specified number of rays stochas-
tically cast within a region of user-specified radius and centered about the pixel center.
This antialiasing scheme can be accessed by the user by:
• lsray option -aaa <t> <n> <r>, where: <t> is the contrast threshold in the range [0..1], <n> is the level of sam-
pling resulting in <n>*<n> rays used in step #4 above, and <r> is the radius of the sampling region used in step
#4 above.
Note: Specifying <t> = 0 forces all pixels to be computed as specified in step #4. Steps 1-3 are ignored.
Specifying <n> = 1 forces all pixels to be computed using a single ray at the exact center of each pixel.
Specifying <t> > 1 and <n> = 0 forces all pixels to be computed using the corner average, as described in step
#3 above.
• lsray option -aa <l>, where <l> is the antialiasing factor as an integer in the range [1..10].
This second option provides access to the antialiasing scheme without requiring you to specify all the individual
parameters. The following table describes how the factor <l> is mapped to <t>, <n>, and <r>.
Antialiasing Factor <l> Contrast Threshold <t> Sampling <n> Radius <r>
1 0.0 1 N/A
2 1.1 0 N/A
3 0.0 2 .0.94
4 0.15 3 1.15
5 0.1 3 1.15
6 0.1 4 1.33
262 Lightscape
Rendering Files Using LSRENDER ❚❘❘
Antialiasing Factor <l> Contrast Threshold <t> Sampling <n> Radius <r>
7 0.05 5 1.49
8 0.05 6 1.63
9 0.0 6 1.63
10 0.0 7 1.76
Where: Indicates:
-aa 3 Level 3 antialiasing.
-vf view.vw The file called view.vw is used for viewing the model.
-sh Shadows from direct lighting are recomputed.
-rb 2 2 reflection bounces are used in the computations.
-x 640 The output image is 640 pixels wide.
-y 512 The output image is 512 pixels high. The input Solution file is
image.rgb The output image file is image.rgb.
This command loads the Solution file and generates a 640 x 512 resolution image called image.rgb using
the view specified in view.vw. The image is antialiased (level 3), and two levels of reflections are rendered. Any
sunlight or direct light from specified luminaires is also ray traced to produce better shadows.
Although it is possible to generate images in Lightscape, it is more convenient to use this batch utility. In addition,
more advanced options are available in lsrender.
The lsrender program takes as input any Preparation file or Solution file and generates an appropriate image file.
It is also possible to produce a series of image files, corresponding to a list of view files, or an animation file. The
B Batch Processing Utilities
resulting images are always displayed in a Graphic window. Textures, if present, are loaded using the current
texture path list.
If the -w option is not used, Lightscape will use the software version of OpenGL to render the images off screen.
If the -w option is used, then a window will be drawn while lsrender is processing and a hardware OpenGL accel-
erator (if installed) will be used to increase processing speed. In this case, the window must not be covered by
any other window during processing.
The extension of the image file determines the format into which the image will be saved. The following exten-
sions are supported:
The 48-bit color output is available only if your graphics card supports that display mode.
The program stops when image computation is completed and saved.
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lsrender [options] lvs_file image_file
The Preparation or Solution file is rendered and output as an image file using OpenGL rendering.
Note: You can also use a batch file to create a sequence of commands. For instance, you could create ray-
traced image files from multiple Lightscape Solution files.
264 Lightscape
Rendering Files Using LSRENDER ❚❘❘
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
B Batch Processing Utilities
266 Lightscape
Converting Radiosity Meshes to Textures Using LSM2T ❚❘❘
Where: Indicates:
-bg 0 0 255 Background color is set to blue.
-dm wireframe Display mode is set to wireframe.
-svf v1.vw v2.vw Renderings should be produced for all specified view files.
-evf An end to the view list. This command is necessary when you specify a list of views with
the -svf option.
-v Information about status of the image is printed.
room.lp The name of the input file.
image.rgb The name of the output image file. Because a sequence of views is specified for this exam-
ple, the image filename is combined with the prefix of each view filename. As a result, im-
age files called imagev1.rgb, imagev2.rgb, and imagev3.rgb are created.
This command loads a Preparation file (room.lp), sets the background color to blue, and generates wireframe
images corresponding to the view files v1.vw, v2.vw, and v3.vw in the current directory.
Note: This will be done using off-screen rendering as the -w option was not used.
B Batch Processing Utilities
The extension of the image file determines the format into which the image will be saved. The following exten-
sions are supported:
The 48-bit color output is available only if your graphics card supports that display mode.
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lsm2t [options] solution_file texture_base_name
Texture files are created to represent the lighting.
LSM2T Options
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
268 Lightscape
Converting Radiosity Meshes to Textures Using LSM2T ❚❘❘
B Batch Processing Utilities
Where: Indicates:
-aa 3 Level 3 antialiasing.
-replace The textures that exist on the target geometry are replaced with the new textures.
-reset The mesh on the target geometry is reset.
-method convert The “Convert each surface to a texture per surface” conversion method is used.
-x 128 The output images are 128 pixels wide.
-y 128 The output images are 128 pixels high.
-o The output Solution file is The input Solution file is
270 Lightscape
Converting Solution Files to VRML Files Using LS2VRML ❚❘❘
Where: Indicates:
txtr.jpg The name for the generated texture files, combined with an incremental three-digit
number for each successive file.
Note: (f the path to the Lightscape application files differs from the above, enter it instead then press Enter.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
ls2vrml [options] solution_file
The Lightscape Solution file is converted to a VRML version 1.0c file.
Note: You can also use a batch file to create a sequence of commands. For instance, you could create ray-
traced image files from multiple Lightscape Solution files.
LS2VRML Options
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
B Batch Processing Utilities
Textures are not embedded in the VRML file by default. Only a reference to the texture file is written. This refer-
ence is a filename, not a URL. You may need to edit the VRML file by hand to find textures across a network, or
use the -tem option.
The -bf option is used to subdivide the model into spatially related submodels. Each of these submodels is placed
into its own file and included by the main file using WWW Inline nodes. The idea is to group objects of similar
size that are near each other into units that a browser can download on an as-needed basis. If the model is a room,
the main file would include the floor, ceiling, and walls. Subfiles might include a table or chairs. The table subfiles
might reference subfiles with books or a telephone. A browser would then be able to quickly download and
display the coarse features of the room (for example, the walls), while continuing to download the details (for
example, the table and books). For more information, see “Exporting VRML Files” on page 245.
272 Lightscape
Merging Lightscape Files Using LSMERGE ❚❘❘
Unless the -o option is specified, the first file in the list is overwritten with the result of merging all subsequent
files. This operation is basically equivalent to loading the first Preparation or Solution file into Lightscape and
then sequentially adding all the other files in the list. Thus the original view, defaults, materials, and so on may
be changed as a result of this operation. If other Preparation or Solution files are present, they are merged with
the first file. Keep in mind that block and material definitions overwrite existing definitions, and that data on
layers with the same names is merged.
• Block Library files (.blk) (only if the first file is a Preparation file). For information on Block files, see “Working
with Blocks” on page 85.
• Parameters files (.df). For information on Parameters files, see Chapter 11, “Radiosity Processing.”
• Layer State files (.lay). For information on Layer State files, see “Working with Layers” on page 82.
• Material Library files (.atr). For information on Material Library files, see Chapter 7, “Using Materials.”
• Preparation files (.lp) (only if the first file is a Preparation file).
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lsmerge [options] file1 file2 ...
The specified files are merged together.
B Batch Processing Utilities
Note: You can also use a batch file to create a sequence of commands. For instance, you could create ray-
traced image files from multiple Lightscape Solution files.
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
Where: Indicates:
-o room1.lp An alternate output file called room1.lp will be created.
room.lp, mymater.atr, myview.vw, mydef.df These four files are merged into one file.
274 Lightscape
Converting DXF Files to Preparation Files Using DXF2LP ❚❘❘
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
dxf2lp [options] input_file
The conversion utility reads in a DXF file and converts it to a Lightscape Preparation file.
DXF2LP Options
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
B Batch Processing Utilities
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
3ds2lp [options] input_file
The conversion utility reads in a 3DS file and converts it to a Lightscape Preparation file.
276 Lightscape
Raytracing Solution Files Using LSRAYF ❚❘❘
The lsrayf utility is a slight variation of the lsray utility that uses two new file formats, instead of creating images
with standard file formats. The lsrayf utility also outputs energy data without using radiance mapping to convert
B Batch Processing Utilities
the energy values to color information. In other words, the value of a pixel computed by lsrayf is the luminance
at the surface point visible through the pixel and in the direction of the viewer.
The lsrayf program takes as input any Solution file and generates an appropriate image file. It is also possible to
produce a series of image files, corresponding to a list of view files, or an animation file. Textures, if present, are
loaded using the current texture path list.
Unlike lsray, the -b and -rgb options control the format of the output so any file extension can be used for
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lsrayf [options] solution_file image_file
Note: You can also use a batch file to create a sequence of commands. For instance, you could create ray-
traced image files from multiple Lightscape Solution files.
The ray tracing utility creates an image file from the specified Lightscape Solution file.
278 Lightscape
Raytracing Solution Files Using LSRAYF ❚❘❘
B Batch Processing Utilities
Text Output
When -b is not specified, lsrayf will write to the image file, as text, using the following formats:
• Y X LUMINANCE (The default format. The -rgb option must not be used.), or:
X and Y represent the coordinates of the pixel and LUMINANCE is a floating point value representing the pixel’s
luminance. R,G, and B represent the red, blue, and green value for each pixel.
Binary Output
If the -b option is specified, lsrayf will write to the image file using the following binary formats:
• | Width | Height | LUMINANCE | (The default format. The -rgb option must not be used.), or:
• | Width | Height | PIXELS | (Used if the -rgb option is specified.)
Both Width and Height are written using a 16-bit integer format (a short) and are followed by a series of PIXELS
or LUMINANCE values. Each PIXEL is written using three floats (32-bit floating point numbers) representing
the red, green, and blue values. The LUMINANCE is a float (32-bit floating point numbers) representing the
brightness of each pixel. The PIXELS are written as an array of Width times Height times three floating point
numbers in a row major order. The LUMINANCE is written as an array of Width times Height times 1 floating
point number in a row major order.
lsrayf -aa 3 -vf view.vw -sh -rb 2 -x 640 -y 512 image
Where: Indicates:
-aa 3 Level 3 antialiasing.
-vf view.vw The file called view.vw is used for viewing the model.
-sh Shadows and illumination from direct lighting are recomputed.
280 Lightscape
Deleting Unused Layers and Materials Using LSPURGE ❚❘❘
Where: Indicates:
-rb 2 2 reflection bounces are used in the computations.
-x 640 The output image is 640 pixels wide.
-y 512 The output image is 512 pixels high. The input Solution file is
Image The output image file is image.
Note: If the path to the Lightscape application files differs from above, enter it instead.
3. Using the following syntax, type a command at the command line, then press Enter:
lspurge [options] file
The utility reads in a Preparation or Solution file and deletes unused layers or materials.
The following table describes the options available for this utility:
B Batch Processing Utilities
There are a number of such utilities that are included with Lightscape. Using these utilities in batch files, you can
set up a series of procedures that automatically run over an extended period of time. You do not need to be
present while batch files run, so you can do other things while the system processes your files.
You can also use Lightscape to distribute batch processing over a network of computers, further improving your
productivity. The following pages provide some common examples of batch files that are used with Lightscape.
Note: Throughout this appendix, some command line examples extend past the width of the page. These
commands are presented in two or more consecutive lines but should be treated as single-line commands.
These files contain a series of executable commands and, if necessary, command options. When running a batch
file, each command is executed sequentially until all commands have been executed.
The purpose of a batch file is to streamline your workflow by helping you avoid typing in a command, such as a
ray tracing operation from one view, waiting for the command to execute, typing another ray tracing operation
from another view, then waiting, and so on.
Using a batch file, you can enter all the different commands, then run them at a convenient time (overnight, for
282 Lightscape
Creating Batch Files ❚❘❘
2. At the command prompt (C:\WINDOWS>), type the following, then press Enter:
Note: You must run the batch file within the directory in which the utilities are located. If your utilities are
installed in a different directory than the one indicated above, type the path to the appropriate directory, then
press Enter.
3. At the command prompt, type the name of the batch utility, then press Enter. For instance:
Batch Raytracing
One of the most common uses of batch files is to ray trace images from multiple Solution files, or from the same
file using different views or resolutions.
If you want to make multiple images from a single Solution file, and the parameters of the image will not change,
you can use the -svf option to specify a list of views, as demonstrated in the last line of the following batch file.
lsray -aa 4 -vf view1.vw -x 1280 -y 1024 image1.tif
In the following example four tests are run, each for three hours. Notice that the Preparation file remains the
same but the parameters file, which contains the meshing parameters, is changed and each file is saved to a
different Solution file.
B Batch Processing Utilities
lsrender -aa 6 -af -blend -ef 155 -x 640 -y 486
lsmerge -o
lsrender -aa 6 -af -blend -sf 156 -ef 386 -x 640 -y 486
lsmerge -o
lsrender -aa 6 -af -blend -sf 387 -ef 455 -x 640 -y 486
284 Lightscape
Creating Batch Files ❚❘❘
lsrender -aa 6 -af -blend -sf 456 -ef 693 -x 640 -y 486
lsrender -aa 6 -af -blend -sf 694 -x 640 -y 486
This appendix describes the LSnet utility that you can use to distribute
C LSnet
LSnet Toolbar
You can use the LSnet toolbar, or any of the following New Job
methods, to access LSnet options. Use this option to create a new LSnet job.
288 Lightscape
Using LSnet ❚❘❘
Save Initialize
Use this option to save an LSnet project (.prj) file. Use this option to initialize the rendering network.
Use this option to display the LSnet Scheduler, which
you can use to schedule the day and time that
rendering will take place.
Security Lock
Use this option to display the Security Lock panel,
which you can use to control access to LSnet.
C LSnet
290 Lightscape
Using LSnet ❚❘❘
Save Preset
Use this option to save options that have been set on
the Job Setup panel for use at a later time. You can
save presets for any job type (lsrad, lsray, or
lsrender). Once you have set the required options on
the Job Setup panel, enter a name for the preset in the
box, and click Save Preset. The preset values are
saved, and you can apply them at any time.
C LSnet
Shadow Testing
Choose: To:
Choose an option from this list to determine how
Use Input File Use the input file settings. shadows are calculated in the job.
Locked Prevent successive iterations of
the lighting simulation from Choose: To:
subdividing any surface mesh Use Input File Use the input file settings.
further than the current config-
uration. All Calculate all shadows.
Unlocked Create mesh elements as usual Direct Calculate direct shadows only.
during processing. None Calculate no shadows.
292 Lightscape
Using LSnet ❚❘❘
can set the following options if you are rendering an Antialiasing Level
lsray or lsrender job. Use antialiasing to smooth out jagged edges. You can
select an option from the Antialiasing List, or select
Advanced to set specific options.
Enable this option to set the antialiasing Contrast
Threshold, Sampling Level, and Radius options. For
more information, see “Antialiasing in LSRAY” on
page 262.
Contrast Threshold
Use this option to set the antialiasing contrast
threshold. The valid range is from 0.0 to 1.0.
These options are available whether you are using Sampling Level
lsray or lsrender, unless otherwise indicated. Use this option to set the antialiasing sampling level.
The valid range is from 1 to 10.
Alt. Parameters File
Use this option to specify an alternate parameters Radius
(.df) file. This file will override the meshing parame- Use this option to set the antialiasing radius. The valid
ters set in the input file. range is from 0.0 to 1.0.
C LSnet
This option is available only when you are using Override Input File
lsrender. Use this option to enable the Ambient/Brightness/
Contrast options.
Fog Type
Use this option to choose the fog settings for the job. Ambient/Brightness/Contrast
Use these options to set the ambient, brightness, and
Choose: To:
contrast values for the rendered images, overriding
User Input File Use the input file settings. the input file settings.
Disabled Disable the use of fog in the model.
Animation File
Linear Create fog that is clear at the near
plane and opaque at the far plane. Use this option to use an animation file when
The density increases linearly from rendering your job.
the near plane to the far plane.
Fog Create a uniformly dense fog that
becomes opaque at some distance,
depending on the density setting.
This is what fog usually looks like
in reality.
Haze Create a fog that is similar to the Frames per Second
fog type but seems to get much Use this option set the number of frames per second
denser in the distance, while leav- in the animation. The valid range is from 12 to 30.
ing nearby objects virtually unob-
scured. First Frame
Use this option to set the first animation frame to
Fog Density render.
Use this option to set the density of the fog. The range
is 0 to 1, with 1 representing the densest fog effect. Last Frame
Use this option to set the last animation frame to
Fog Color render.
Use this option to set the color of the fog. You can
choose the color (using HSV or RGB values) in the Frame Step
color picker. Use this option to set a frame step for the rendered
animation. The valid range is from 1 to the last frame
Background Color
in the animation (maximum of 9999).
Use this option to set the background color of your
model. You can choose the color (using HSV or RGB
values) in the color picker.
294 Lightscape
Using LSnet ❚❘❘
Use this option to blend surfaces with transparent
materials with those behind them, giving a trans-
parent effect. When this option is disabled, all
surfaces are displayed opaque, regardless of the mate-
rial transparency.
C LSnet
Use this option to set the name and location of the
output file.
Use this option to choose an image format for the
output file. You can also choose 24- or 48-bit resolu- Mode of Operation
tion for the applicable image formats. Use this to view the operation the node is currently
processing. This can be either Unassigned, Rad, Ray,
Resolution or Render.
Use this option to specify the output frame resolution.
296 Lightscape
Using LSnet ❚❘❘
Security Lock
Use the Security Lock to set a password to restrict
access to LSnet. You can access this panel by choosing
Tools | Security Lock or by clicking the Security Lock
button .
Disable Scheduler
Use this option to disable use of the Scheduler settings
in your job.
Use this option to schedule job processing on a
weekly basis. Type in and verify your password, then click Lock to
enable it.
C LSnet
Render Log You set the following options for each node on your
Use the Render Log to view the status information for network.
current jobs. You can access this panel by choosing
Tools | Render Log or by clicking the Render Log Node Name
button . This option displays the name assigned to a node.
CPU Status
This option displays the current status for each CPU
(up to 4).
Use this option to display the Jump Starter Prefer-
ences panel.
Save Log As
Use this option to save the log information to a text Jump Starter Preferences
file. You can set the following preferences for the Jump
Starter application.
Use this option to determine the priority given to
your jobs. You can choose either Low, Medium, or
JobQ Options
You can use the JobQ feature to submit jobs to LSnet
from any machine on your network. Use the JobQ
Sender program to load a Preparation or Solution file
298 Lightscape
Using LSnet ❚❘❘
JobQ Path
Use this option to specify the directory to which you
send jobs for addition to the LSnet job list. This path
should be identical to the one specified in the LSnet
Options panel.
Load Job
Use this option to load a Lightscape Preparation or
Solution file to create a job for processing.
Edit Job
Use this option to display the Job Setup panel, which
you use to set the options for each job. This is the
same as the LSnet Job Setup panel. For more informa-
tion, see “Job Setup Panel” on page 290.
Send Job
Use this option to send the selected job to the direc-
tory specified in the JobQ Path. The job will then be
picked up by LSnet for processing and deleted from
this directory.
Use this option to exit the JobQ application.
This appendix describes the reflection models you can use to create images
with Lightscape. To help you understand these models, it also explains how
D Reflection Models
the light can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed by At any given point on a surface, photons arrive
the material: directly from a light source (direct illumination) or
indirectly through one or more bounces off other
Reflection of light surfaces (indirect illumination). The combination of
direct and indirect illumination is the incident light at
that point.
302 Lightscape
Light and Materials ❚❘❘
components are responsible for different lighting and diffuse reflection. (The angle of the light, of
effects. course, is not a property of the material itself, but of
the geometry of the object using the material.) The
Diffuse reflection shinier the material or the closer the angle comes to
grazing the material, the larger the component of
specular reflection.
For most rendering techniques, you do not need to Shiny (glossy paint)
understand the consequences of directional diffuse
reflection. It can only be calculated when ray tracing
and refining shadows using the high-quality reflec-
tion model. For more information, see “High-Quality
Reflection Model” on page 306.
In specular reflection, the light being reflected leaves (semigloss paint)
D Reflection Models
For nonmetals, the color of the reflection at the inter- Some of the scattered light leaves through the mate-
face is the same as the color of the original light. For rial-to-air interface, some passes through the
metals, the reflection takes on the color of the metal. material, and some is absorbed in the material.
However, as the angle of the light gets closer to
grazing, the reflection takes on less of this color and
more of the color of the light. In general, a surface
looks plastic if it has white highlights and metallic if it
has colored highlights.
Subsurface scattering
Scattering in Materials
For metals, all light is reflected off the material-to-air Lightscape approximates the light that leaves the
interface. Lightscape does not need to model light material-to-air interface as ideal diffuse—that is,
entering a metal. uniform in all directions.
For nonmetals, how much of the light reaches the
interior of the material depends on the index of Transmitted Light
refraction of the material and the angle at which the For metals, all light is reflected off the surface. Conse-
light hits the material. quently, Lightscape does not need to model light
going through a metal. For nonmetals, Lightscape
The higher the refractive index, the less light goes into
uses the transparency of the material to determine
the interior of the material. If the index of refraction is
how much light comes out the far side.
1, the material and the air appear the same to the light
and all of the light is transmitted into the material. In reality, how much light and how it is transmitted
Most materials have an index of refraction between 1 out the far side is quite complicated. Transmitted light
and 1.5, the index for glass. By contrast, diamonds has the same components as reflected light. However,
have an index of refraction of 2.5. in transmitted light, Lightscape does not account for
the diffuse components, only for the specular compo-
When the incident light hits the interface at a perpen-
nents. Specular transmission, like specular reflection,
dicular angle, more light is transmitted into the
looks like what it is transmitting and goes all in one
material. When it just grazes the surface of the mate-
direction. Any diffuse aspects are lost.
rial, most of the light is reflected off the interface.
As a result, in Lightscape you can accurately model
As light passes through the material, some wave-
the transmission of light through a stained glass
lengths are absorbed more than others. As it hits small
window, which is primarily specular transmission.
particles inside the material, the light is scattered in
However, you cannot accurately model transmission
different directions. This is subsurface scattering.
through tissue paper, since much of that transmission
is diffuse.
304 Lightscape
Reflection Model for Radiosity ❚❘❘
Reflection Model for Radiosity All surfaces are displayed as diffuse and anything seen
Lightscape uses this reflection model only for radi- through a transparent surface is attenuated by the
osity processing, not for displaying an image. This color of the surface.
model has the following capabilities: This reflection model has the following limitations:
• Diffuse reflection • No refraction of transmitted light
• Specular transmission • No specular reflection from shiny objects
• Correct texture handling. • No diffuse transmission
For radiosity computations, Lightscape assumes the • Incorrect display of intensity of textured surfaces.
surface is an ideal diffuse (lambertian) surface. If the
surface is transparent, light makes it through the Transparent surfaces do not refract light. For
surface and is attenuated by the color of the surface. example, there is no distortion when looking through
This results in colored shadows being cast by trans- a curved piece of glass.
parent surfaces. OpenGL was designed to take advantage of hardware
This reflection model has the following limitations: acceleration, causing two further limitations. The
mapping from physical units to the limited range of
• No refraction of transmitted light values used by the hardware can only be done before
• No specular reflection from shiny objects applying the texture. Consequently, textures are not
displayed at the correct intensity during interactive
• No diffuse transmission. display. In general, this causes texture-mapped
Transparent surfaces do not refract the transmitted surfaces to appear too dark during OpenGL display.
light. It is not possible with the radiosity process to The other limitation is that the OpenGL libraries use
create a lens and have it focus the transmitted light blending to handle transparency. For this reason,
into a bright spot. It is also not possible to have a there can be significant loss of precision if several
mirror reflect a bright spot of light onto another transparent surfaces overlap. These limitations are
surface— sometimes referred to as caustics. not significant if interactivity is desired.
• Specular transmission. There are two reflection models you can use with the
ray tracer:
D Reflection Models
• High-quality reflection model. Objects should not have holes that allow light inside.
Transparent objects should have both a front and a
OpenGL-Compatible Reflection Model back. This is not the same as making a transparent
The ray tracer uses the OpenGL-compatible reflec- surface a two-sided surface—the two sides must be
tion model to create images that are very similar to the separated from each other. For more information, see
OpenGL images. It has the following capabilities: “Working with Surfaces” on page 95.
One difference between this model and the OpenGL • Highlights on nondiffuse surfaces
model for an environment containing only rough • Specular transmission with refraction
(diffuse) surfaces is that transparency is not limited
• Correct display of intensity on textured surfaces.
by the precision problems caused by the blending in
the OpenGL libraries. This reflection model accounts for reflections and
highlights from the interface between the surface and
In addition, if there are surfaces that are somewhat
the air, as well as specular transmission and diffuse
shiny, they are treated as reflective. Reflections are
reflection. Refraction effects such as the distortion
seen on these surfaces, but not highlights. The reflec-
that comes from looking through wavy or angled
tion model has the following limitations:
glass are also present.
• No refraction of transmitted light
Highlights on surfaces are a function of both the
• Less accurate specular reflection from shiny objects viewing direction and the direction toward the lumi-
• No diffuse transmission naire. To render highlights, the Ray Trace Direct
Illumination option must be turned on when ray
• Incorrect display of intensity of textured surfaces. tracing, and the luminaires from which you want the
Transmitted rays are not refracted because this reflec- highlights must have their Ray Trace Direct Illumina-
tion model ignores the index of refraction. Use this tion processing option turned on. For more
reflection model if you need to match a ray traced information, see Chapter 14, “Rendering,” and
image with an image generated using the interactive Chapter 8, “Artificial Lighting.”
OpenGL renderer. Textures are displayed correctly using this reflection
model. This model does not handle diffuse
High-Quality Reflection Model transmission.
This reflection model is based on some of the most The following table summarizes the capabilities of all
physically accurate reflection models in the field of reflection models as they are used in Lightscape.
computer graphics. A physically valid model is
crucial to achieving good results with a physically
based reflection model.
306 Lightscape
Ray Tracing Reflection Models ❚❘❘
OpenGL Radiosity Radiosity and Ray Radiosity and Ray Radiosity and Ray
and tracing—OpenGL tracing without ray tracing with
OpenGL compatible tracing direct direct
illumination illumination
Direct Illumination No Yes Yes Yes Yes
most accurate
Indirect Diffuse No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Specular Transmission Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Transparency) most accurate most accurate most accurate
Refraction of No No No Yes Yes
Transmitted Light
Diffuse Transmission No No No No No
Specular Reflections No No Yes Yes Yes
most accurate most accurate
Specular Highlights No No No No Yes
Accurate Texture Illu- No No No Yes Yes
Specular to Diffuse No No No No No
Illumination (Caustics)
IES Standard File Format
This appendix describes the IES LM-63-1991 standard file format used for
The luminous intensity distribution (LID) of a lumi- inserting a carriage return/line-feed character
naire is measured at the nodes of a photometric web sequence. Each field in the file must begin on a new
for a fixed set of horizontal and vertical angles. The line and must appear exactly in the following
poles of the web lie along the vertical axis, with the sequence:
nadir corresponding to a vertical angle of zero
1. IESNA91
degrees. The horizontal axis corresponds to a hori-
zontal angle of zero degrees and is oriented parallel to 2. [TEST] the test report number of your data
the length of the luminaire. This type of photometric 3. [MANUFAC] the manufacturer of the luminaire
web is generated by a Type C goniometer and is the
most popular in North America; other types of goni-
ometry are supported by the IES standard file format 5. 1
but are not discussed here. 6. The initial rated lumens for the lamp used in the
test or -1 if absolute photometry is used and the inten-
For a complete description of the IES format, see IES
sity values do not depend on different lamp ratings.
Standard File Format for Electronic Transfer of
Photometric Data and Related Information, prepared 7. A multiplying factor for all the candela values in
by the IES Computer Committee. the file. This makes it possible to easily scale all the
candela values in the file when the measuring device
The photometric data is stored in an ASCII file. Each operates in unusual units—for example, when you
line in the file must be less than 132 characters long obtain the photometric values from a catalog using a
and must be terminated by a carriage return/line-feed ruler on a goniometric diagram. Normally the multi-
character sequence. Longer lines can be continued by plying factor is 1.
E IES Standard File Format
8. The number of vertical angles in the photometric line. Long lines may be broken between values as
web. needed by following the instructions given earlier.
9. The number of horizontal angles in the photo- The following is an example of a photometric data file
metric web. accepted by Lightscape:
10. 1 IESNA91
11. The type of unit used to measure the dimensions [TEST] Simple demo intensity
of the luminous opening. Use 1 for feet or 2 for distribution
[MANUFAC] Lightscape Technologies,
12. The width, length, and height of the luminous Inc.
opening. Currently, Lightscape ignores these dimen-
sions because you can associate a given luminous in-
tensity distribution with any of the luminaire 1
geometric entities supported by Lightscape. It is nor- -1
mally given as 0 0 0.
13. 1.0 1.0 0.0
14. The set of vertical angles, listed in increasing or-
der. If the distribution lies completely in the bottom 1
hemisphere, the first and last angles must be 0° and 1
90°, respectively. If the distribution lies completely in
the top hemisphere, the first and last angles must be
90° and 180°, respectively. Otherwise, they must be 0° 0.0 0.0 0.0
and 180°, respectively. 1.0 1.0 0.0
15. The set of horizontal angles, listed in increasing 0.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 45.0 65.0
order. The first angle must be 0°. The last angle deter- 90.0
mines the degree of lateral symmetry displayed by the
intensity distribution. If it is 0°, the distribution is ax- 0.0
ially symmetric. If it is 90°, the distribution is sym- 1000.0 1100.0 1300.0 1150.0 930.0
metric in each quadrant. If it is 180°, the distribution 650.0 350.0 0.0
is symmetric about a vertical plane. If it is greater than
180° and less than or equal to 360°, the distribution
exhibits no lateral symmetries. All other values are in-
16. The set of candela values. First all the candela val-
ues corresponding to the first horizontal angle are
listed, starting with the value corresponding to the
smallest vertical angle and moving up the associated
vertical plane. Then the candela values corresponding
to the vertical plane through the second horizontal
angle are listed, and so on until the last horizontal an-
gle. Each vertical slice of values must start on a new
310 Lightscape
This appendix describes the file types and filename extensions used in
File Types
F File Types
312 Lightscape
Common Lamp Values
This appendix describes some common lamp values you can use as a guide for
G Common Lamp Values
314 Lightscape
Common Lamp Values ❚❘❘
Viewing Utilities
This appendix describes the utilities that you can use to view image files and
LVu displays image and texture files, and provides a Customizing the Display
drag and drop interface for moving files from the LVu You can toggle the toolbar and status bar on or off to
display into your Lightscape model. For more infor- customize your display.
mation about LVu, see “Using LVu” on page 320.
To customize the display:
1. To display the toolbar, choose Toolbar in the Win-
Using LSViewer dows menu.
Use the LSViewer to view your Lightscape Solution 2. To display the status bar, choose Status Bar in the
files. Windows menu.
H Viewing Utilities
Use this option to load the meshing details associated
with the model.
Status bar
Texture Size
Use these options to specify the size of the texture Performance Statistics
images when loading textures with the model. You As a model is loading, the load time is displayed in the
can limit texture size to improve display speed. status bar. Once the load is complete, performance
statistics on the frames per second (FPS) rate,
Select: To:
number of polygons, and the number of polygons
Unlimited Load textures at their natural size. loaded per second are displayed in the status bar.
32 x 32 Scale the textures to 32 x 32 pixels.
64 x 64 Scale the textures to 64 x 64 pixels. Controlling the Model Display
128 x 128 Scale the textures to 128 x 128 pixels. You can use the shading options in the Display menu
to alter how the model appears in the window. A
256 x 256 Scale the textures to 256 x 256 pixels.
check mark appears next to the selected option.
318 Lightscape
Using LSViewer ❚❘❘
Textured Walk
Use this option to display textures in the model. Use this navigation mode to use the mouse to interac-
tively “walk through” the model. The view follows the
Navigating through the Model direction of the mouse movement in the LSViewer
By default, a Solution file is loaded with the camera window.
position that was set when it was last saved. You
To use Walk:
cannot specify an explicit camera position in
LSViewer, but you can use the navigation controls to 1. To move through the model, drag the mouse in
interactively change the view of the model in the the window.
LSViewer window. 2. To increase the walkthrough speed, move the
mouse farther away from the center of the LSViewer
Auto Orbit Walk Dolly window. To decrease the speed, move the mouse clos-
er to the center of the window.
None Auto Flip Orbit Zoom Use this navigation mode to orbit around the model.
The viewer position rotates around the focus point in
When you select one of the interactive navigation
all three axes. The direction of the mouse movement
modes (Walk, Orbit, Dolly, or Zoom), the left mouse
controls the angle of orbit.
button is used to interactively change the view. Any
movement with the mouse in the window changes the Dolly
view, based on the view control selected. Use this navigation mode to move the viewer position
forward or backward along the view path.
To navigate through the model:
1. Choose an option from the Navigation menu, or To use Dolly:
click the corresponding button on the toolbar.
1. To move the viewer position forward, drag the
2. To exit the current navigation mode, choose mouse upward in the window.
Navigation | None, or click the None button on
2. To move the viewer position backward, drag the
the toolbar.
mouse downward in the window.
Use this option to disable navigation through the
Use this navigation mode to zoom in or out on the
H Viewing Utilities
Original View
Starting LVu
Use this option to reset the view to the one that was in
To start LVu, double-click the LVu icon. By default,
place when the file was loaded.
this icon is located in the Lightscape program folder.
Level Out
Use this option to move the viewer position to the
height of the focus point.
Status bar
320 Lightscape
Using LVu ❚❘❘
The LVu utility supports the following image file 2. Navigate to the appropriate directory, select an
formats: image (or multiple images), and then click Open.
A thumbnail of the selected image is displayed in the
File Extension: Format:
LVu window.
.bmp Windows native file format.
.tga Targa, TrueVision format.
.tif TIFF—24-bit and 48-bit.
.rgb RGB—24-bit and 48-bit, native
Silicon Graphics file format.
.jpg JPEG.
.gif CompuServe Graphics Inter-
change format.
.png Portable Net Graphics.
.eps Encapsulated PostScript.
Viewing Images
You can load specific images into LVu, or you can load
3. To stop image loading, choose File | Stop Load,
all the images within a selected directory. The images
click the Stop Load button on the toolbar, or
are displayed as they are loading, so you can select press Esc.
and enlarge images during the loading process. You
can also interrupt loading at any time. To load all images in a selected directory:
LVu displays each image as a small version (thumb- 1. Choose File | Open Dir or click the Open Direc-
nail) of the image file. There is no filtering during the tory button on the toolbar.
resize—providing a crude, but faster display. The file- The Browse directory dialog appears.
name is located at the bottom of the thumbnail.
H Viewing Utilities
322 Lightscape
Using LVu ❚❘❘
Keep Aspect Ratio The filename (including path) of the selected image is
Use this option to stretch the images (thumbnail and copied to the clipboard.
maximized) to the size of the button ignoring the
aspect ratio of the image. Typically, the image will be Note: You can also right-click and choose Copy
Image or Copy Filename from the context menu that
distorted if this option is disabled.
Note: You can disable this option only if the Retain
Size option is disabled. Using the Context Menu
You can right-click an image (thumbnail or maxi-
Retain Size mized) to display the context menu. Use the context
Use this option to prevent the system from enlarging
menu to access the options in the Edit menu, as well
the image to its natural size when maximizing.
as save the image file.
Zooming is not allowed with this option.
Select: To:
Copy Image Copy the image to the clipboard.
Use this option to tile the image when it is maximized.
Copy Filename Copy the filename (including
Size (50 or 100) path) to the clipboard.
Choose a Size option to control the image size of the Save As Save the full image in any support-
thumbnails. ed image format.
Next Image Display the image following the
Select: To:
current one in the thumbnails list.
50 Display images that are 50 pixels in size. This option is only available when
100 Display images that are 100 pixels in size. viewing a maximized image.
Previous Image Display the image preceding the
current one in the thumbnails list.
Copying Images
You can copy images or image filenames to the clip- This option is only available when
board so that you can paste them into the Lightscape viewing a maximized image.
Importing Images into Lightscape
To copy an image to the clipboard: You can run both the LVu and Lightscape applications
1. Click the required image to select it. at the same time to view images in LVu and apply
2. To copy the image, choose Edit | Copy Image, them to your Lightscape model.
click the Copy Image button on the toolbar, or
press Ctrl+C. To import to the Material Properties dialog:
The selected image is copied to the clipboard. 1. Right-click a material in the Materials table and
choose Edit Properties from the context menu. Alter-
3. To copy the filename, choose natively, you can double-click the material in the Ma-
Edit | Copy Filename, or click the Copy Filename terials table.
button on the toolbar.
The Material Properties dialog appears.
H Viewing Utilities
Note: If the Materials table is not displayed, click the ▲ This procedure changes only the texture bitmap
Material table button in the Tables toolbar. If of the material. Other properties for the material
the Tables toolbar is not displayed, choose remain unchanged.
Tools | Toolbars, and select Tables from the Toolbars
dialog that appears. For more information on defining materials, see
Chapter 7, “Using Materials.”
2. Click the Texture tab in the Material Properties
Accessing Online Help
3. Drag the selected image from the LVu window to You can access the online help feature for LVu by
the Name box on the Texture panel of the Material
choosing Index from the Help menu or by clicking the
Properties dialog.
Help Index button on the toolbar.
The image appears in the Texture preview window.
324 Lightscape
This appendix provides you with a list of resources that provide more
Ashdown, Ian. Radiosity—A Programmer’s Perspec- IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North
tive. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994. America). An Introduction to Light and Lighting. IES
ED-50. New York: IESNA, 1991.
CIBSE (The Chartered Institution of Building
Services Engineers). CIBSE Standard File Format for Calculation of Daylight Availability. IES
the Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data. RP-21. New York: IESNA, 1984.
TM14. London: CIBSE Publications, 1988.
Color and Illumination. IES DG-1. New
Cohen, Michael F. and John R. Wallace. Radiosity and York: IESNA, 1990.
Realistic Image Synthesis. Cambridge: Academic Press
IES Standard File Format for Electronic
Professional, 1993.
Transfer of Photometric Data and Related information.
Foley, John D., Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, IES LM-63. New York: IESNA, 1991.
and John F. Hughes. Computer Graphics, Principles
Nomenclature and Definitions for Illumi-
and Practice. 2nd ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-
nating Engineering. ANSI/IES RP-16. New York:
Wesley Publishing, 1990.
ANSI and IESNA, 1986.
Glassner, Andrew S., ed. An Introduction to Ray
Recommended Practice of Daylighting.
Tracing. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 1989.
IES RP-5. New York: IESNA, 1979.
Hall, Roy. Illumination and Color in Computer Gener-
Recommended Practice for the Lumen
ated Imagery. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Method of Daylight Calculations. IES RP-23. New
York: IESNA, 1989.
I References
326 Lightscape
glossary Glossary
328 Lightscape
Glossary ❚❘❘
light material
Radiant energy capable of producing a visual sensa- The set of parameters assigned to a surface that are
tion in a human observer. used by the reflection model to determine how light
interacts with it.
linear light
A light source that can be approximated as a straight material properties
line segment. See material.
LTLI file format matte surface
The luminaire photometric file format implemented A surface that scatters light uniformly in all direc-
by the Danish Illuminating Laboratory, Lysteknisk tions. It appears equally bright at any angle.
Laboratorium, in the early 1970s—used in Scandina-
vian countries.
The data structure that describes the light distribu-
lumen tion over a receiving surface. It breaks down the orig-
The SI unit of luminous flux. inal surface into a set of smaller polygonal pieces
called mesh elements. The corners of these elements,
called mesh vertices, are shared among adjacent ele-
A light fixture complete with one or more lamps and
ments and are used to store the illumination data col-
lected during the lighting simulation.
The photometric quantity that describes light leaving
A filtering operation used by texture mapping tech-
a surface in a particular direction.
niques to determine the color of an area that covers
luminance contrast more than one pixel in image texture space.
The relative difference between luminance values of
nanometer (nm)
adjacent regions.
One billionth of a meter. A common unit for describ-
luminous exitance ing the wavelength of light.
The luminous flux leaving a surface of unit area.
luminous flux See surface normal.
The quantity of light energy per unit time arriving,
leaving, or going through a surface.
An industry-standard application programming
luminous intensity interface for drawing 3D graphics.
The light energy per unit time emitted by a point
source in a particular direction.
A camera motion around the focus point, keeping
luminous intensity distribution the same distance.
The function that describes the directional distribu-
tion of luminous intensity of a point source.
See surface orientation.
The SI unit of illuminance, equal to 1 lumen per
A camera motion parallel to the screen. The focus
square meter.
point moves the same amount in the same direction
magnify as the camera.
A filtering operation used by texture mapping tech-
niques to determine the color of an area that covers
The transition region at the boundary of a shadow
less than one pixel in image texture space.
330 Lightscape
Glossary ❚❘❘
where light shining from a source partly reaches the the same side.
receiving surface and is partly occluded by some
reflection model
other obstacle in the environment.
A description of how light interacts with a surface.
photometric web
refractive index
A regular grid of luminous intensity samples that
Ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of
describes the luminous intensity distribution of a
light in a material. Determines the amount of light
light source.
reflected and transmitted at the interface between
photometry them.
The measurement of light taking into account the
psychophysical aspects of the human eye/brain per-
The bending of light rays as they pass from one mate-
ceptual system.
rial, such as air, into another material, such as glass.
point light
A light source so small compared to its distance from
The rotation of the camera about its center.
the observer or receiving surface that its radiation
can be assumed to come from a dimensionless lumi- saturation (of a color)
nous point. One of three parameters in the HSV (Hue, Satura-
tion, Value) color space. It describes how pure the
procedural texture mapping
color is. A color with a low saturation is very close to
A more general form of texture mapping that is usu-
ally not based on images and that can affect more
than just the material color. scroll
A camera motion parallel to the screen. In an ortho-
progressive refinement
graphic view, the focus point moves with the camera.
A technique for computing radiosity solutions that
In perspective view, the focus point remains the same
starts with the direct illumination and then computes
but the screen is tilted with respect to the view direc-
more and more of the indirect illumination until the
solution converges.
self-emitted luminance
Luminance emitted from a surface that is not due to
A technique for solving the global illumination prob-
reflection of incoming light off that surface.
lem for diffuse environments.
shadow ray
ray offset
A line cast between a point on a light source and a
The displacement measured from the origin of a
point on a receiving surface to determine the possible
shadow ray. Intersections between a surface and a
presence of occluders that would prevent light from
shadow ray closer to the origin than the ray offset
the source from reaching the receiving surface.
amount are discarded.
SI units
ray tracing
International System of Photometric Units.
A way of computing an image based on tracing paths
of light from the eye back to the luminaires. sky conditions
The conditions of the sky at a given time and loca-
tion; described as the fraction of the sky covered by
The ratio of the luminous flux reflected off a surface
clouds or as clear, partly cloudy, or cloudy sky.
to the luminous flux incident on it.
Light energy from the sun that reaches the scene after
Light incident on one side of a surface leaving it from
scattering through the atmosphere. its axis, and whose intensity drops smoothly away
from this axis. The angle off the axis at which the
smoothing angle
luminous intensity drops to 50 percent of its maxi-
The angular threshold used during automatic com-
mum is called the beam angle. The angle off the axis
putation of vertex normals. Polygons incident on a
at which the luminous intensity is cut off to zero is
vertex share a vertex normal only if their respective
called the field angle.
surface normals form an angle that is less than the
given threshold. sunlight
Direct illumination from the sun.
soft shadow
A shadow with an area of penumbra along its bound- surface normal
ary. The direction that is perpendicular to a surface at a
point on the surface. Sometimes surface normal is
solar altitude
simply referred to as “normal.”
The angular distance from the plane of the horizon to
the sun. surface orientation
The direction of the front of the surface as deter-
solar azimuth
mined by the surface normal. The front of the surface
The angular distance from true south to the vertical
is illuminated by the lights, the back is not.
plane that contains the sun.
TBT file format
source accuracy
The file format used by Integra’s Turbo Beam Tracing
The accuracy of the calculation that computes the
to describe its light sources and associated photomet-
light contribution from a source to a receiving sur-
ric data—used in Japan. Also referred to as GON file
spectral curve
A representation of a spectrum that gives the inten-
The process of subdividing a surface into smaller
sity of light at each wavelength in the visible spec-
pieces. It is often used to approximate a curved sur-
face with a set of planar polygons.
spectral quantity
texture filter method
Any quantity that varies with the wavelength of light.
Way of blurring a texture as it is applied to a surface
spectrum so that aliasing artifacts do not appear on the texture-
See visible spectrum. mapped objects.
specular reflection texture mapping
A perfect reflection off a surface in the mirror direc- The changing of material properties such as color
tion. A mirror has a very large amount of specular based on an image or procedure.
specular transmission Light incident on one side of a surface leaving it from
An ideal transmission of light through the surface in the opposite side.
the direction determined by the angle at which the
light strikes the surface and the index of refraction of
The ratio of the luminous flux transmitted by a sur-
the surface.
face to the luminous flux incident on it.
spotlight distribution
A luminous intensity distribution that is axially sym-
The property of a material that determines how
metric, that has maximum luminous intensity along
much light is transmitted through the surface.
332 Lightscape
Glossary ❚❘❘
One of three parameters in the HSV (Hue, Satura-
tion, Value) color space. It describes how dark or
light the color is.
view dependence
In a view-dependent global illumination algorithm,
moving the camera requires recomputing most of the
image rendering.
view frustum
The region of 3D space visible from a given camera
or observer. This region is a rectangular pyramid
with the apex at the observer’s eye. The near and far
clipping planes cap the top and bottom of the pyra-
mid respectively.
view independence
In a view-independent global illumination algo-
rithm, the camera can be moved and an image ren-
dered with minimal computation.
The process of determining if there are any objects
between two points in an environment. Used by the
radiosity system to determine how much light gets
from one surface to another and by the ray tracer to
determine whether a point on a surface is in the
shadow of a luminaire.
visible spectrum
The range of electromagnetic radiation (380 nm to
780 nm) to which the eye is sensitive. Often referred
to as light.
white point
The brightest white that can appear on a monitor.
The color of white points varies among monitors.
whiteness constancy
The tendency of the eye to perceive white surfaces as
white even under lights of different colors.
A surface in the scene used to collect illumination
samples for lighting analysis.
A change in the camera’s field of view (or focal
length). The camera does not move.
334 Lightscape
index Index
ix Index
artifacts selecting 91
floating objects 190 using 91
jagged shadow boundaries 187 Block Library files (.blk) 311
light leaks 190 block preview 22
mach bands 191 Block selection button 40
minimizing 187 blocks
shadow leaks 188, 190 changing geometry 90
streaky shadows 191 defined 85
testing for 191 definition 81
At Path option 229 exploding 87
At Point option 229 loading from libraries 89
ATR files 311 querying instances 88
Auto Orient button 97 removing 87
Auto-Orbit option 38 replacing 89
Auto-Redraw option 38 saving to libraries 89
Avg. Reflectance option 113 Blocks table 18, 21, 85
Away From button 98 context menu 86
axes blurring textures 116
displaying 38 BMP files 114, 208, 214, 243
in speed graph 233 Branching Factors option
for VRML files 247
B Brightness (display properties) 45
backface culling 96 Brightness (texture) 116
Background (Materials Preview) 106 bulb specifications 14
Background color option 46 bump mapping 120
background image in material preview 21, 50
Baseline (bump mapping) 120 C
batch files 282 camera field of view 230
Blend option 117 camera orientation, setting 227
Blending button 37 camera paths
BLK files 311 creating 222
block definitions creating new 238
creating new 86 discontinuous 226
deleting 87 editing 224
duplicating 87 standard views 222
modifying 89 camera speed
moving insertion points 90 adjusting slope 235
renaming 88 controlling the frame rate 232
scaling 91 varying 231
block instances see also control points
adding to model 91 capping (importing DXF files) 58
copying 92 Cartesian coordinates 54
creating arrays 92 Cast Shadows option 165
deleting 87 Cast Shadows option (Luminaire Processing) 147
moving 93 check marks 83
rotating 94 Checkpoints dialog 183
scaling 95 coarse mesh 170, 173
336 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
ix Index
cylindrical projection (texture alignment) 122, 125 Direct Source Subdivision Accuracy option 175
Cylindrical projection option direction
for panoramic images 242 setting North 164
Director’s view 231
D Disable Solution Changes option 174, 184
daylight 159 disabling selection filters 43
and exterior models 160 display hot keys 37
and radiosity processing 166 Display Interactivity panel 49
direct illumination 166 Display menu 35, 36
enabling skylight 162 Display modes
enabling sunlight 162 for lighting analysis 196
interior models 161 Display Original View option 34
lighting models with 162 Display panel 45
place and time 164 Display Raw Textures option 180
processing parameters 165, 177 display speed, improving 118
shadows, casting 165 Display toolbar 27, 36
sky conditions 163 displaying
sky light 177 color, constraints 253
sun direction and intensity 163 light distribution 195
through windows 177 distances
Daylight option 177 measuring 101
Daylight Setup dialog 163 distribution
Daylight Through Windows and Openings Only complex example 151
option 177 diffuse 137
default material ellipsoidal example 150
changing 107 isotropic 137
deleting isotropic example 150
block definitions 87 photometric web 138
block instances 87 spot 138
keyframes from camera path 227 Document Properties dialog 36
layers 84 Dolly view button 31
layers/materials using LSPurge 281 double-sided surfaces 98
materials 109 Drag and Drop panel 51
Density option 47 Draw Every Nth Face option 49
Deselect All button 39 Duplicate option 99
Deselect Area All button 39 duplicating
Deselect Area Any button 39 block definitions 87
designs alternatives 82 materials 108
DF files 311 DWG files
dialogs, using 24 importing 62
diameter of sample sphere, changing 20, 106 DXF files
diffuse distribution (luminaires) 137 importing 56
diffuse reflection 3, 302 setting a focus point 97
Direct Control panel 163 DXF2LP 274
direct illumination 302 dynamic range mapping 253
Direct Only option 177, 182 Dynamic View mode 24
Direct Source Minimum Size option 175
338 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
E File menu 27
Edit menu, Selection options 40 File Units option
Edit Properties option 111 for VRML files 248
editing files
luminaire properties 139 Animation (.la) 311
material properties 111 Block Library (.blk) 311
elements, mesh 5, 170 Layer State (.lay) 311
sizing 173 Material Library (.atr) 311
ellipsoidal distribution Material Map (.mm) 311
example 150 Parameters (.df) 311
Enabled Textures option Preparation (.lp) 311
for VRML files 246 Solution (.ls) 181, 312
energy value grid 199 View (.vw) 312
Enhanced button 37 view (.vw) 34
entities Film Size option 33
see objects filter methods, texture
Environment panel 52 magnify 115
EPS files 114, 208, 214, 243 minimize 115
exploding, blocks 87 filters, selection 40
Export dialog 73, 77 finding a material in your model 109
export image formats fine-tuning radiosity solution 184
for panoramic images 243 Fixed Size option 117
export options floating objects, fixing 190
for panoramic images 242 Focal Length (View Setup) 33
for VRML files 245 Focus Point (View Setup) 32
Export Panoramic Image dialog 241 Focus Point motion spline (animation) 236
Export VRML dialog 245 fog 47
exporting frame rate control 232
3D Studio MAX files to Lightscape 72 Frame Width option 33
3D Studio VIZ files to Lightscape 72 frames
animations from 3D Studio MAX or 3D Studio definition 218
VIZ 76 on speed graph 232
panoramic images 241 outputting single 238
VRML files 245 From Toolbars option 23
exterior models 160, 177 Function option (fog) 47
Far Clip Plane option 32 Generate Illumination Map option 209
Field of View option 33 Generic export option
file formats for panoramic images 242
for exporting panoramic images 243 geographical location 165
for importing 56 geometry
for texture maps 114 converting to texture maps 211
image output 214 refining 14
LSM2T 268 GIF files 114
LSRAY 259 global illumination algorithms
LSRENDER 264 defined 3
ix Index
340 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
ix Index
342 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
ix Index
344 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
ix Index
346 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
using 126 S
refractive index sample sphere diameter, changing 20
setting 105, 112 saturation
refreshing the display 38 definition 104
Relight existing textures 205 Save All option 110
Reload Textures option 38, 118 Save button 28
removing saving
blocks 87 animation files 236
renaming files 28
blocks 88 layer states 84
layers 84 materials in libraries 110
luminaire definitions 140 photometric webs 152
materials 109 temporary Solution files 183
rendering textures 208
animations 218 view files 34
overview 2 Scale and Transformation dialog 248
using LSRENDER 263 Scale Factor option
using ray tracing 215 for VRML files 248
views 217 Scale options
with OpenGL 214 for lighting analysis 196
Rendering dialog 239 Scale panel 144
rendering options 209 scaling
Replace textures on target geometry option 210 blocks 91, 95
Replace/Delete option 210 luminaires 143
Reset mesh on target geometry option 210 VRML files 248
Reset Mesh option 181 screen layout 17
resetting Scroll view button 31
mesh 181 Select All button 39
photometric webs 153 Select mode 24
to original view 34 selecting
Reverse button 97 block instances 91
RGB blocks 40
using color values 104 luminaires 40
RGB files 114, 208, 214, 243 objects 38
right-handed coordinate system projection method 206
see coordinate systems surfaces 40, 109
Rotate object button 43 selection filter
Rotate panel 143 adding materials to 109
Rotate view button 30 Selection Filter dialog 41
rotating selection filters
blocks 94 disabling 43
LIDs 135 luminaires 42
luminaires 143 materials 41
running using 40
batch files 283 selection options
Accumulate Pick 40
Pick Top Block 40
ix Index
348 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
ix Index
350 Lightscape
Index ❚❘❘
walk-through animations
see animation
white point 253
bump mapping 120
intensity mapping 121
texture size 117
Window option 180
daylight through 177
defining surfaces as 162
ix Index
352 Lightscape Page 303 Friday, May 21, 1999 11:44 AM
We are pleased to acknowledge the following manufacturers which have licensed digital representations of
their products for the Lightscape libraries:
Bega, 1005 Mark Ave., Carpenteria, CA 93013 (
Erco Leuchten GmbH, brockhauser Weg 80-82, D-58507 Ludenscheid, Germany (
Kurt Versen Company, 10 Charles St., P.O. Box 677, Westwood, New Jersey 07675
Lithonia Lighting, 1400 Lester Rd., Conyers, GA 30207 (,
including the Peerless Lighting line (
Additional luminaires are available at
Appalachian Millwork & Lumber Co., 8230 Expansion Way, Huber Heights, OH 45424
Mannington Carpets, Inc., P.O. Box 12281, Calhoun, GA 30703 (
Marble and Granite, Inc., 29 Tower Road, Newton MA 02464 (
National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association, 110 East Market St., Leesburg VA 20176(