The Work of Frei Otto By. Ludwig Glaeser

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The book provides an overview of the work and designs of German architect Frei Otto, focusing on his pioneering work with lightweight and tensile structures.

The book discusses the career and work of German architect Frei Otto, providing pictures and descriptions of his major projects which explored innovative tensile and pneumatic structures.

Frei Otto is a German architect known for his experimental and innovative designs of lightweight tensile structures. He has created designs for exhibition pavilions, theaters, stadiums and more that utilize materials efficiently.

The work of Frei Otto

[by] Ludwig Glaeser

Glaeser, Ludwig



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Museum of Modern Art, New York
128 pages
159 illustrations

the work of frei otto

Ludwig Glaeser

Like most modern architects, Frei Otto is

preoccupied with the fundamental question
of structure: how to achi eve more with less
— to construct greater spans with less mate
rial and energy. This concern has prompted
him to undertake an extensive investigation
of lightweight structures, and the result has
been both a comprehensive theory of mini
mal structures and a number of spectacular
One of Germany's most imaginative archi
tects, Frei Otto has created a rich diversity
of applications of tensile structures. In addi
tion to a variety of tents — temporary struc
tures ideal for exhibition pavilions and
retractable roofs for theaters and stadiums
— there are cushion roofs, membrane dams,
pneumatic structures (for greenhouses and
for covering entire cities), dome shapes (for
grain silos), and hanging containers (for
water towers). Their relevance in an age of
rapid change and increasing mobility, as well
as the promise they hold for a future that
will call for ever larger surfaces to be roofed
on this and other planets, make these struc
tures one of the most significant of modern
building types.
This book presents a complete pictorial sur
vey of the work of Frei Otto, including all of
his major executed projects, experimental
studies, and his best-known structure on this
continent — the German Pavilion at Expo '67
in Montreal. The text and catalogue notes
provide a biographical sketch of the archi
tect and a fascinating commentary on one
of the most important developments in con
temporary architecture.

Ludwig Glaeser, formerly Curator of Archi

tecture at The Museum of Modern Art, is
presently Curator of the Mies van der Rohe
Archive at the Museum. He is also the author
of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: Drawings in
the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art.


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the work of frei otto
Ludwig Glaeser

the work of frei otto

The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Distributed by New York Graphic Society Ltd., Greenwich, Connecticut
Copyright © 1972 by The Museum of Modern Art Photograph Credits
All rights reserved
Architectural Forum, New York, 39, 48
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 75-150084 Cosmo, New York, 126 top right, 126 bottom left
Cloth Binding ISBN 0-87070-332-3 Fritz Dressier, Stuttgart, 62, 63, 64, 65, 114 top,
Paperbound ISBN 0-87070-333-1 114 center
Ludwig Glaeser, New York, 70, 71
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Office of Rolf Gutbrod, Berlin, 59
Edward Hord and Douglas Tachi, Washington,
Printed in the United States of America
D. C., 126 bottom right
Institut fur leichte Flachentragwerke (Institute
for Light Surface Structures), Stuttgart, 14, 15,
17, 20, 25, 26, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40 bottom, 42,
45, 47, 53, 57, 75, 76, 77, 85, 86, 91, 96, 102
Herman Kendel, Berlin, 111
Lutz Kleinhans, Frankfurt, 72, 73, 74
Richard Larry Medlin, St. Louis, 49, 50
Osamu Murai, Tokyo, 60, 61, top
Frei Otto, Stuttgart, 13, 16, 18 bottom, 19, 21,
22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36-37, 37, 40, 41,
43, 44, 46, 54-55, 56, 58, 61 bottom, 67, 68, 69,
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 98,
100, 101, 107, 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121
Conrad Roland, Berlin, 94, 95, 98-99
Ezra Stoller, Mamaroneck, N. Y., 126 top left,
L. Stromeyer and Company, Konstanz, 52
Swiss National Tourist Office, New York, 18, top
Wilkinson Studios Ltd., Montreal, 51

Drawings (redrawn from material provided by

Frei Otto and the Institute for Light Surface
Structures, Stuttgart), Daniel de Pol, New York

The computer-drawn elevation, page 112, pro

duced by Klaus Linkwitz, Geodetic Institute,
University of Stuttgart
Introduction 7
Illustrations 11
Mast and Cable Supported Membranes
Large-Scale Projects 38
Retractable Roofs 66
Experimental Studies 78
Pneumatic Membranes 88
Catalogue 103
Glossary 104
Chronology 122
Exhibition Structure 123
This publication is based on an exhibition
shown on the Garden Terrace of The Museum
of Modern Art from July 7 to October 4, 1971.
During the extended period of preparation, both
the exhibition and the publication received help
and encouragement from many sides. First of
all, I wish to thank Frei Otto who not only gave
his consent to the project but also his full sup
port in raising the necessary funds as well as in
providing the requested material. These were
generously supplemented by Conrad Roland,
author of the first publication on Frei Otto, which
proved invaluable as a reference source. Bert-
hold Burkhardt at the University Institute for
Light Surface Structures, Stuttgart, supplied
and verified the data on many of the projects.

Much is owed also to the dedication of those in

volved in the realization of the project. Mary
Jane Lightbown handled the complex research
and contributed to every phase of its organiza
tion and execution. Harriet Schoenholz Bee
edited the various texts for the exhibition and
publication with exemplary patience. Gai
Moseley was involved in every aspect of the de
sign, and supervised its execution.
The Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of
Germany provided a grant, which in part subsi
dized this publication. I wish to thank, in partic
ular, Haide Russell, Consul for Cultural Affairs
in New York, for her continuous support.
The project could not have been realized with
out funds contributed by various individual and
corporate donors. I am deeply grateful for their
generosity, and especially for that of Mrs. Doug
las Auchincloss, Armand Bartos, Bruce Graham,
Philip Johnson, and Phyllis Lambert, which has
benefited architecture on numerous previous
occasions. This is particularly true of John En-
tenza, who during the last decade as Director of
The Graham Foundation has, with cognizance
and courage, come to the rescue of many an
otherwise lost cause.
Ludwig Glaeser

Introduction Frei Otto's achievements and their prerequisite
dedication to a single idea cannot escape bio
Frei Otto is concerned with the fundamentals of
graphical interpretation. Born in 1925, the son
structure. In pursuing the age-old question of all
and grandson of sculptors, he was initiated in
construction —how to achieve more with less,
the stonemason's craft but spent most of his
that is, less material and effort—he has elevated
free hours inventing and building model planes.
the traditional tent to a modern building type ca
Later, flying glider planes, he had his first op
pable of remarkably large spans. Frei Otto be
portunity to observe the behavior of thin mem
lieves in modern technology, and, from the
branes stretched over light frames and exposed
beginning, envisioned structures of extreme
to aerodynamic forces. Drafted into the German
lightness as well as extreme strength, which
Air Force, he served as a pilot during the Sec
were to make optimum use of new materials
ond World War. In a prison camp at Chartres he
such as thin cables of high-strength steel or
was put in charge of a reconstruction crew at
thin membranes of synthetic fabric. He also saw
tempting to repair bridges and buildings without
the potential of pneumatically distended mem
any construction materials. His methodical in
branes, the only building type considered suit
genuity led Frei Otto to structural solutions
able for extraterrestrial conditions.
which, he discovered later as a student, were
During the millenia in which man had to rely on not common engineering practice but genuine
gravity to give buildings stability, the enormous innovations.
amounts of material used were disproportionate Frei Otto returned to Berlin in 1947 and started
to the actual loads that vaults and domes had to to study architecture at the Technical Univer
carry. Even in modern shell structures the dead sity. While the faculty offered only one outstand
weight of a dome equals most superimposed ing teacher of structural analysis, it was an
loads. Frei Otto arrived at solutions that, for the exchange visit to the United States in 1950
the first time, reversed this ratio. which determined his future preoccupation.
He developed his new concepts by focusing his Among the architects he met was Eero Saarinen
investigations on one of the principal forces ex who recognized Frei Otto's deeper interests
tant in all structural systems—tensile stress. Be and referred him to Fred Severud. The re
cause the nature of most construction materials nowned civil engineer was at the time involved
involves only compression forces and the con in the State Fair Arena at Raleigh which, de
comitant bending and buckling moments, it is signed by Matthew Nowicki was the first large
insignificant in conventional buildings. The re suspension roof to be built. After his return,
verse is the case with tensile structures where Frei Otto not only produced a similar scheme, a
only a few members, such as masts, are under concert hall with a suspended roof, but the year
compression while all others, such as cables after his graduation in 1952, wrote a doctoral
and membranes, are under tension. In order to thesis on suspended roofs.
introduce tension and to ensure rigidity, mem In the following years, he carried out his re
branes must have specific shapes, which in most search from load-stabilized suspension struc
cases are based on anticlastic or saddle-like tures to prestressed tensile systems. His
curvatures. Furthermore, these curvatures can, theoretical work was paralleled by executed
if correctly determined, generate the smallest structures progressing from simple to more
possible surfaces within given curvilinear boun complex forms in ever larger spans—the result
daries. These observations led Frei Otto, after of his increased knowledge and of the continu
years of experimental and analytical studies, to ing feedback provided by the experimental
formulate his theory of minimal surfaces. studies which accompanied each project.

the Cologne Exhibition which displays a star-
As singular as Frei Otto's present position may
shaped arrangement of undulating surfaces
appear, it nevertheless is rooted in the archi
similar to Felix Candela's restaurant in Xochi-
tectural development of the postwar period. The
milco, completed in 1958. Intrigued by the
need to regain and reassert an interrupted tra
sculptural potential of these new construction
dition was soon satisfied to the extent that the
methods, Le Corbusier designed an outright
modern idiom became universal practice. At the
tensile structure, the Philips Pavilion at the
same time, modern architecture's founder gen
eration was unable to prevent the institutionali Brussels World's Fair in 1958.
zation of its concepts and faced increasing Most of the shapes employed in shell and mem
criticism from its disciples in the early 1950s. brane structures, such as hyperbolic parabo
Denouncing dogmatism in favor of more plural loids, seem without precedent in modern archi
istic solutions, Eero Saarinen wrote The Six tecture, which has always aimed at a reduction
Broad Currents of Modern Architecture," which to elementary geometric forms. Yet, as is evi
was published in the July 1953 issue of Archi dent in the work of the Constructivists, there
tectural Forum and subsequently translated was, early in this century, a persistent tendency
into German by Frei Otto. CIAM (Congres Inter- to explore more complex geometries. More ac
nationaux d'Architecture Moderne) confer cessible to sculptural realizations, they became
ences had been the forum of the dissidents but, the exclusive theme for artists like Naum Gabo
under their attack, ceased to convene at the end and Antoine Pevsner, whose curved surface
of the 1950s. Even its long-time secretary, the segments are often compared to three-dimen
historian Sigfried Giedion, pronounced heretic sional translations of trigonometric equations.
views in "The Need for Imagination," which ap
peared in the February 1954 issue of Architec Their work, however, exerted no direct in
tural Record. Looking for a resurgence of fluence on Frei Otto who names Constantin
communal spirit, he regarded the new shell Brancusi as the sculptor he admires most for
structures as capable not only of roofing enor excellence of craftsmanship as well as inven
mous assembly halls but also of expressing tiveness of plastic forms. By admitting his in
the emotional aspirations of our civilization. terest in analyzing Brancusi's surfaces
However premature this postulate, one cannot scientifically, he confirms his own attitude
deny that these light vaults and domes were the toward sculpture as that of an observer. Simi
most important architectural events of these larly, he observes the forms he finds in nature,
years. Not surprisingly, most of them were the which in their origin and efficacy are even more
contributions of engineers like the Mexican relevant to his theories. He regularly holds sem
inars at which biologists discuss their research
shell builder, Felix Candela, one of his col
leagues Frei Otto admires most. Lack of dis on plant and animal structures. Besides such
obvious adaptations as the "vertebrae column,"
tance still blocks the historical assessment of
these trends but indicative of their significance, his methods themselves have a tendency to pro
however, are the identical solutions produced duce forms which, for instance in the tree
structures or space frames, are of outstandingly
by architects who were quite independent and
organic character. Frei Otto does not deny the
distant from each other. In Frei Otto's work
sculptural quality of his work but maintains that
there are two such coincidences in one year:
the forms are nothing but physical manifesta
the Entrance Arch at the 1957 Horticultural Ex
tions of the laws that govern the nature of ma
hibition in Cologne, which employs the same
terials and that they remain unattainable to
formula of an arch-supported saddle roof as
anyone who attempts to produce these forms
Eero Saarinen's Yale Hockey Rink completed
the following year; and the Dance Pavilion at in an exclusively subjective manner.

Therefore, it is justifiable to say that Frei Otto faces as well as for conducting the statical an
approaches form from the knowledge of struc alysis in which adjustable models equipped with
ture rather than the love of sculpture, and his special measuring devices, such as strain
denial of artistic motivations is believable to the gauges, simulate actual stress conditions. With
extent that he avoids burdening a project from the aid of an automated three-dimensional
the outset with preconceived ideas. But since measuring scaffold, topographical surveys are
he admits to a personal style in problem solving, made of the surfaces, and data for drawings is
his forms are not totally automatic results of the transmitted to a computer. While models are
design process. However scientific the meth rarely made for presentation purposes, they
ods, there is a margin for personal decisions serve Frei Otto as didactic tools to explain the
which accounts for the individual style discern structural system to others as well as to him
ible in the work of most engineers. self. Finally, ideas materialize in models, such
Since the beginning of the modern movement, as a series of catenary vaults and domes which
architects have admired engineering structures he developed simply by reversing the patterns
for their geometric purity and monumental of hanging chains or nets. On the other hand,
scale. Frei Otto's involvement is more direct and Frei Otto's constant use of models is not with
marked by an intuitive understanding of the out disadvantages in that their three-dimen
physical properties of structure. His solutions sional concrete presence reinforces the
sculptural rather than the spatial quality of his
are distinguished by simplicity and conceived
like those of most great engineers as direct-
force systems. His design approach, however,
reveals yet another trait—inexhaustible curios Frei Otto, who has worked only as a consultant
ity. For a single project Frei Otto produces innu since he gave up practicing architecture in
merable system sketches until he has covered 1970, contends he always lacked the confidence
all theoretical aspects of the given structural that one could still make architecture in our
type. In a parallel approach, he strives to ex time. Many will agree to the extent that at least
haust all practical applications suggested by the way in which architecture has been made
analytical examination. In many respects, Frei can hardly provide solutions for today's tasks.
Otto shows less the characteristics of the plan The ongoing transformation of building prac
ning architect or the calculating engineer than tice from craft execution to mass production
the speculative mind of the inventor. Nothing alone can cause such a demand for research
illustrates this as well as the many mechanical that it will change architectural offices into in
details he has designed, which range from cable dustrial laboratories. Frei Otto recognized the
clamps for tents to measuring devices for inevitability of the situation in 1957 when he
models. founded, on his own, the Development Center
for Lightweight Construction in Berlin. It was
Since most of his structures are not only stat succeeded in 1964 by the Institute for Light Sur
ically indeterminate but also defy two-dimen face Structures which the University of Stutt
sional representation in conventional drawings, gart established for Frei Otto as a research and
models obviously had to become his principle teaching facility. Complete with staff, students,
tool. Part of an integrated process, they are built and an array of sophisticated instruments, the
and rebuilt in different materials and at different Institute afforded him a unique opportunity to
scales, from delicate soap-film models used to test his theories on large-scale projects. For the
verify minimal surfaces to solid wood models last three years, housed under a membrane roof
for wind-tunnel tests. They are the means for originally built as the test structure for the Ger
establishing the formal configuration of the sur man Pavilion in Montreal, the Institute has op-

erated most informally within its open environ strictions means to Frei Otto making it more
ment. Groups assemble and disperse according liveable for man. Thus the reduction in construc
to projects, while individuals can isolate them tion elements yields increased flexibility and
selves by plugging their heating and seating allows the adjustment of interior spaces accord
units into the pipe system at the point of their ing to the changing needs of the occupants. At
preference. The same informality pervades the the same time, tensile structures, which are
think-tank operations as well as the study pro easily expanded and transformed, also provide
grams which benefit equally from Frei Otto's external adaptability, not only to specific site
ability to discuss problems with as much pa conditions but to environmental requirements in
tience as enthusiasm. general. The facility with which these structures
can be erected, dismantled, and transported
Frei Otto, who sees himself primarily as some
offers further advantages for increasingly mo
one who stimulates others, likes to point out that
bile societies.
most of his work has been carried out with
changing groups of collaborators. The range of Frei Otto not only considers the temporary na
his personal contribution is indeed difficult to ture of his membrane structures desirable but
determine: it can be limited to the role of con admits that his objections to making architec
sultant, but in most cases it affects all aspects ture stem from his reluctance to fill the earth's
of the design process. While he emphasizes his surface with lasting buildings. He hesitates to
dependence on the help of others, Frei Otto has pursue a project unless he is certain that its
at the same time a remarkable facility for as realization will be temporary enough not to be in
sembling and coordinating large-scale op man's way. This endorsement of obsolescence
erations involving industrial corporations, contradicts the traditional view of architecture
government agencies, architectural firms, and as a fulfillment of man's need for monuments.
consulting experts, all from different countries. Yet, as vernacular buildings of all periods prove,
His working methods also reflect the experi artistic value is not dependent on the durability
ence he has gained from many years of close of a structure, nor on the amount or precious-
collaboration with industrial firms, in particular ness of its material. On the other hand, tempo-
with the Stromeyer Company in Konstanz. The rariness does not mean improvisation, as is
firm, one of the world's largest tent manufac evident from the amount of research invested in
turers, was enlightened enough to support his each lightweight structure.
research from the beginning, and has now be
come the leading producer of tensile membrane Frei Otto acknowledges that current scientific
structures. methods have advanced only far enough to deal
with elements of structure and to guarantee per
Frei Otto's theory of minimal structures has fection in buildings that exclude the human ele
been summarized as an attempt to achieve, ment, such as an automated factory. Since the
through maximum efficiency of structure and decisive factor in the design process, in his
materials, optimum utilization of the available opinion, is the analysis of the problem, he be
construction energy. As a consequence he sees lieves that progress depends on new analytical
the architect less as a designer than as a man methods. The predicaments such a new science
ager of this energy, which is the sum total of faces are the innumerable nonobjective factors
material and labor involved in construction. that enter building as well as any other human
However, economy was not the only objective activity. He is aware that they must be accom
in developing lightweight systems; freeing ar modated if scientific criteria are to succeed in
chitecture from its structural and material re re-establishing the primacy of human needs.

Mast and Cable Supported Membranes
Frei Otto's extensive research in the field of
mast and cable supported membranes launched
his theories of minimal structures. Most of his
executed structures belong to this category,
and, however modest in scale, they provided
indispensable technical experience and dem
onstrated the remarkable potential of light
weight systems.
The first of Frei Otto's tensile structures to be
built, the Bandstand in Kassel of 1955, is the
prototypical anticlastic or saddle-shape solu
tion. The membrane is supported at two oppo
site points by poles and anchored at two oppo
site points to the ground. Peaked tents, where
simple saddle surfaces are supported at one
point, are a variation of this type, the most spec
tacular examples of which are the pavilions of
the Swiss National Exhibition in Lausanne, 1964.
By means of supporting and restraining ridges,
saddle shapes were employed additively result
ing in a variety of undulating tents. Extremely
sculptural, this tent type included three of the
most impressive structures Frei Otto ever de
signed—the star-shaped Dance Pavilion in Co
logne of 1957, and Wave Hall and the Small
Pavilions in Hamburg in 1963. While these ridge-
type membranes were supported at various
points by poles, Frei Otto introduced a contin
uous support in the form of a thin steel arch in
the Entrance Arch at Cologne. The last major
type, membranes with high points or with high
and low points, used enlarged mast heads,
which gave such structures as the second shel
ter tent at Cologne the characteristic humped

Bandstand, Kassel. 1955

Shelter Pavilion, Cologne. 1957
Exhibition Pavilions, Lausanne. 1964
Exhibition Pavilions, Lausanne. 1964
Dance Pavilion, Cologne. 1957 (above and following page)

• ....
Wave Hall, Hamburg. 1963
Wave Hall, Hamburg. 1963
Small Pavilions, Hamburg. 1963
Small Pavilions, Hamburg. 1963
Entrance Arch, Cologne. 1957
Open-Air Theater, Wunsiedel. 1962-1970
Humped Pavilion, Cologne. 1957
Interbau Cafe, Berlin. 1957
Exhibition Hall, Berlin. 1957
Membrane Hall, Hamburg. 1963
Large-Scale Projects
From the mid-1960s on, Frei Otto received an
increasing number of commissions for large-
scale projects, which allowed him to prove the
actual advantages of tensile structures. Large
spans can be bridged more economically by
tensile structures than by any other system. The
reason is not only that most materials have a
greater strength under tension than in compres
sion, but also that the length of tensile members
can be increased considerably without increas
ing their volume proportionally. The imperatives
of large spans, however, affected the sculptural
quality and variety of forms typical of most of
Frei Otto's smaller structures. Thus the neces
sity to minimize the wind pressure on large sur
faces demanded low-curved forms. Simple
saddle shapes were employed only in com
posite or additive arrangements, while arch-
supported structures and variations of the
high-point type were more effectively adapted
to large-scale use. Frei Otto designed mem
branes to cover an entire dock in Bremen or a
construction site for six-story houses in a Lon
don suburb, huge conical structures with one
central support to roof a medical academy in
Ulm or a conference center in Riyadh. Most re
cently he designed, in collaboration with Kenzo
Tange, giant arch-supported cable nets that will
shade the Sports Center arenas in Kuwait. The
only executed example of a large-scale struc
ture, his German Pavilion at Expo '67 in
Montreal, afforded Frei Otto with invaluable ex
periences from design procedures to erection
methods. Another large project, transparent
membrane elements which —in a continuous ar
rangement—cover the Olympic Stadia in Mu
nich, is now under construction.

German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967
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German Pavilion, Montreal . 1967 (Study models)


German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967 (Measuring and wind-tunnel test models)

German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967

German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967
German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967
German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967

German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967
German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967
Dock Cover, Bremen. Project 1961
Construction Site Cover, London. Project 1965

Indian Pavilion, Osaka. Project 1967
Medical Academy, Ulm. Project I 1965
Conference Center Roof, Riyadh. Project 1966


Sports Center Roofs, Kuwait. Project 1969 (Soap-film and presentation models)
Olympic Stadium Roof, Berlin. Project 1970
Olympic Stadia Roofs, Munich. 1972
Olympic Stadium Roof, Munich. 1972 (Study and stress test models)
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Retractable Roofs
While working on large-scale tensile structures,
Frei Otto developed a specialized application—
the retractable roof. Like sails, the membranes
can be moved along their supporting cables by
means of pulleys and winches, or by electric
cable tractors expressly developed for these
roofs. The first, modest and manually operated,
retractable tent was installed in 1965 over a
theater terrace at the Casino in Cannes. Larger
roofs that can be furled and unfurled automati
cally in minutes followed for the Open-Air
Theater in Bad Hersfeld, and for swimming
pools in Paris and Lyons. For such sports facili
ties, retractable roofs have the particular ad
vantage of extending their utilization through all
seasons. The latest design in this series is a
mass-production prototype for an automated
umbrella structure that is adaptable to smaller
and more irregular sites. The retractable roofs
approach Frei Otto's ideal of "non-structures"
since they impose, in a retracted state, mini
mum restrictions on their environment. But even
fully unfurled, their lightness and translucency
seem to provide a more congenial enclosure for
activities underneath than most conventional

Open-Air Theater Roof, Nijmegen. Project 1960
Terrace Roof, Cannes. 1965
Swimming Pool Roof, Lyons. 1970
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Following pages: Open-Air Theater Roof, Bad Hersfeld. 1968

Open-Air Theater Roof, Bad Hersfeld. 1968
Ice-Skating Rink Roof, Conflans-Ste. Honorine. Project 1969
Automatic Umbrella Roofs, Cologne. 1971

Experimental Studies
These experimental studies, which Frei Otto
undertook between 1961 and 1963, represent
research projects at the periphery of his pri
mary field. He again investigated suspension
structures, which had been the subject of his
thesis on hanging roofs. Although they still fall
in the category of tensile structures, they are,
in most cases, load-stabilized rather than pre-
stressed —the principle of most suspension
bridges that are stabilized by the weight of the
road deck. With the moveable vertebrae column
he devised a structural system that incorporates
equal amounts of compression and tension
forces. In other examples, like the lattice domes,
he produced a pure compression structure by
literally inverting a tensile configuration. The
result was a new method of vault construction
through deformation of a plane lattice grid,
which was first used for the auditorium of the
German Pavilion in Montreal. In applying his
minimal theories to support elements and space
frames he arrived at lighter structures by re
ducing the buckling lengths of their compres
sion members. The resulting forms are distinctly
organic and indicative of Frei Otto's interest in
the structural patterns extant in nature.


Tree Structures. Project 1960

Space Frames. Project 1962
Bell Tower, Berlin-Schonow. 1963
Flexible Column. Project 1963
Medical Academy, Ulm. Project III 1965
Underground Research Facility. Project 1964
Exhibition Structure, Essen. 1962
Auditorium of German Pavilion, Montreal. 1967
Pneumatic Membranes
Pneumatically distended membranes are mini
mal structures par excellence since they do not
require cables and masts but just air pressure
to support them. If no imposed loads like snow
or wind pressure act upon the membranes they
are practically in a state of weightlessness. The
new synthetic fabrics make it theoretically pos
sible to span distances of several miles with in
flated membranes, and the limitations are less
structural than economical, for instance, in
terms of energy consumed to maintain the nec
essary air pressure. Although the number of
pneumatic structures executed in the past two
decades provided considerable practical expe
riences, Frei Otto formulated the first coherent
theory. From 1959 to 1961 he was almost exclu
sively occupied with research in the field of in
flated membranes, and in 1962 he published the
results in the first volume of his work on tensile
structures. In the course of his investigations
Frei Otto developed a remarkable number of
new structural types-either by combining the
standard spherical shapes or by varying the
shapes and their plan configuration by means of
restraining cables and cable nets. In applying
his previously gained experiences of tent struc
tures, he was able to reduce and vary the mem
brane height and provide interior drainage in
analogy to the high-and-low-point principle. The
theoretical studies were paralleled by the con
tinuous search for practical applications, rang
ing from hanging grain silos to giant greenhouse

Arctic City Envelope. Project 1971

Domed Hall. Project 1959
High-Voltage Test Laboratory,
Cologne, 1966
Missile Installation Cover. Project 1959
Factory Roof. Project 1959
Offshore Storage Facility. Project 1958/1959
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Large-Scale Envelope for Agricultural Use. Project 1959

Convention and Exhibition Hall, Chicago. Project 1960
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Oil Storage Tanks. Project 1959
Exhibition Hall Roof. Project 1959
Silos for Grain or Cement. Project 1959

Water Tower. Project 1959
Projection Screen, Berlin. 1968
Tensile structures are characterized by the
prevalence of tension forces in their structural All projects listed on the following pages are
systems and by the limitation of compression prestressed tensile structures unless otherwise
forces to a few support members. Thus these indicated. They are shown according to struc
lightweight structures do not require the con tural categories or practical applications of the
siderable amount of construction materials various tent types, following the order in which
needed in conventional buildings to absorb the the plates appear. Descriptive data is given to
buckling and bending moments in compression identify primary structural elements and bound
members. Membranes are prestressed by ary conditions. All measurements are rounded
means of induced forces, which are extant when out to full or half units. The architects and engi
no other force such as dead weight or an im neers with whom Frei Otto collaborated are
posed load acts upon the structural systems. listed for each project, without any indication of
Minimal surfaces are the smallest possible sur the size or importance of their respective
faces between curved linear boundaries (as contributions. Page numbers refer to illustra
demonstrated in soap-film tests). Anticlastic or
saddlelike shapes are produced by curvatures,
which intersect at right angles but extend in op
posite directions. They ensure the rigidity of
cable and mast supported membranes, which
are less subject to gravitational than wind

The two main categories of tensile structures

are mast and cable supported membranes and
pneumatically distended membranes. Examples
in the first category are classified according to
their supports systems:
1. Simple saddle membrane with linear perime
ter supports (the primary shape between oppo
site pairs of support and anchor points, and
their variations); 2. Ridge-type membrane with
linear internal and perimeter supports (additive
series of simple saddle shapes between sup
porting and restraining ridges); 3. Arch-type
membrane with continuous linear internal sup
port (simple saddle shapes on either side of the
supporting arch); 4. High-point-type membrane
with multiple internal point supports (composite
saddle shapes between masts with acute heads
or so-called humped surfaces around masts
with enlarged heads, each in combination with
alternating low-point anchorages).
Supporting or restraining cables are carried di
rectly to the ground at anchor points, and over
poles or masts at stabilization points.

The Bandstand, the first of Frei Otto's executed ten Bandstand
sile structures, is the archetype of the prestressed Federal Garden Exhibition
membrane — a square surface stretched by edge Kassel, Germany 1955
wire ropes between opposite high and low points. saddle-type membrane with 2 support points and
The resulting curves, identical but reversed, pro 2 anchor points
duce the classic saddle-like shape. Like a diagram, lateral length: 12.50 meters (41 feet), maximum
it reveals the stresses active in such minimal sur height: 5 meters (17 feet)
faces, which, in their appearance, combine lightness translucent cotton canvas, wire ropes,
with strength. The extremely thin membrane — less pine-wood poles
than 1 millimeter (0.04 inches) — has sufficient rigid (in collaboration with Mattern, Lohs)
ity to withstand the strongest winds. The simplicity page 13
of the saddle shape allows repetition and arrange
ment in groups, as was done at the "Interbau" Ex
hibition two years later.

Commissioned to design a temporary shelter at the Shelter Pavilion

Rhine riverside for visitors to the Garden Exhibition, Federal Garden Exhibition
Frei Otto introduced a variation of the basic formula Cologne, Germany 1957
— a tilted saddle-type surface with only one high saddle-type membrane with 1 support point and
point. The saddle curves appear here vertically and 6 anchor points
horizontally. Originating in a radial ground plane, height of pole: 6 meters (20 feet)
the vertical curves converge almost tangentially at colored cotton canvas, edge wire ropes,
the top of the pole. This movement is reinforced by spindle-shaped pole
the pattern of the canvas strips which overlap to (in collaboration with Bubner, Lohs, Frank)
ward the top of the membrane in the area of greatest pages 14, 15
stress. The inclination of the pole and the curvature
of the side ends of the membrane produce a shallow,
grotto-like space.

Peaked shapes were the thematic requirement for Exhibition Pavilions "Neiges et Rocs,"
this section of the exhibition, and saddle surfaces Harbor Section
supported at one point were the obvious choice as Swiss National Exhibition
symbols of the Swiss Alps. The large scale of these Lausanne, Switzerland 1964
tents required a wire-rope net as the primary tension saddle-type net with 1 support point and
structure; the ropes were encased in plastic so that 4 anchor points
the covering fabric could be sewn onto the net. The 5 units — maximum span: 36 meters (118 feet),
edge wire ropes at the base form a diamond shape mast length: 24 meters (79 feet)
with long extensions toward the anchor points, steel wire-rope net with attached colored canvas,
where concrete pillars raise the membranes above edge wire ropes, lattice steel mast
the ground. This allows an overlapping and more (in collaboration with Saugey, Hertling,
landscape-like arrangement of the pavilions. Romberg, Roder)
pages 16-18

Dance Pavilion
The roof above this outdoor dance floor is an ex
Federal Garden Exhibition
ample of Frei Otto's ability to adapt a structure to a
Cologne, Germany 1957
specific site. For this circular platform inside a cir
radial ridge-type membrane with central tension cular reflecting pool, he devised a radial arrange
ring, 6 support points, and 6 anchor points ment of multiple saddle surfaces between low
maximum diameter: 31.50 meters (103 feet) restraining and high supporting ridges, the latter
maximum height: 10 meters (33 feet) carried by perimeter masts. All of the ridge cables
coated, translucent cotton canvas, radial and edge converge from their anchorage points at the pool's
wire ropes, 6 lattice steel masts
outer edge toward a tension ring in the center of the
(in collaboration with Bubner, Lohs, Frank)
membrane. Although open in all directions, the
pages 19, 20
membrane deflects sound and light onto the dance
floor and protects it from rain. The undulating shape
alters the roof s appearance at every vantage point,
relieving its strict symmetry.

Hangar Tents
The manufacturer who produced and erected most
Mass-produced by L. Stromeyer and Company of Frei Otto's tensile structures asked him to de
Konstanz, Germany, since 1957
velop several types of tents for mass production.
parallel ridge-type membrane with 2 support points The commission for the small aircraft hangars in
and 6 anchor points per unit 1954 led to an investigation of prestressed saddle
tent model "WN 16.2": 3 units— 36 x 30 meters surfaces between ridges. These are formed by par
(118 x 98 feet), height at center: 8.50 meters (28 allel cables, alternately supporting the membrane
feet), total weight: 4,200 kilograms (9,260 pounds)
between poles or restraining it between anchor
cotton canvas or synthetic fabrics, connector wire points. While such undulating surfaces consume
ropes, poles with spring tensioning devices, anchors
more material and increase the number of anchor
(in collaboration with L. Stromeyer and Company)
points, they reduce the tension force required at
pages 21, 22
each individual anchorage. This is a decisive ad
vantage for tents, which, despite their size, still have
to be erected with conventional means.

Wave Hall
Wave Hall is the most sculptural and complex of the
International Horticultural Exhibition undulating tents. It is not only asymmetrical in sec
Hamburg, Germany 1963
tion but also comprises two structurally different
main hall— parallel ridge-type membrane of 6 bays elements. The hall itself employs saddle surfaces
with a total of 6 support and 7 restraining ridges between parallel ridges that, alternately, support or
and 26 anchor points
restrain the membrane. The masts under the sup
passage gallery — parallel ridge-type membrane of porting ridges are higher on one side than on the
11 bays (6 part of main hall) with a total of
17 stabilization points and 21 anchor points other, causing the asymmetrical deflection of the
main hall— length: 82 meters (269 feet), width of ridge contours. The second element, a passage gal
bay: 12.50 meters (41 feet), span between masts: lery, which for half of its length is directly connected
20 meters (66 feet), height at center: 5.20 meters to the main membrane, represents a row of simple
(17 feet) saddle surfaces. Made of canvas strips 1 meter (3
coated cotton canvas, transverse and edge wire feet) wide, the membrane clearly reveals its tension
ropes, steel lattice masts, guyed poles pattern when the interior is lit at night.
(in collaboration with Habermann, Hertling, Koch)
pages 23-25

The four pavilions adjoining Wave Hall utilize the Small Pavilions
same ridge principle in a different, but equally imag International Horticultural Exhibition
inative, way. Their saddle surfaces are formed be Hamburg, Germany 1963
tween two supporting, and two restraining, ridges main pavilions — radial ridge-type membrane with
which alternately cross each other at 45 degree 4 support and 4 restraining ridges and
angles. All surfaces are symmetrically delineated by 8 anchor points
identical edge curves on all sides. The supporting central connecting passage— radial saddle-type
ridges produce acute, almost vertical, corners, membrane with central tension ring, 12 support
which emphasize the steep mast peaks. Raised points, and 8 anchor points
above the ground, the four square tents overlap a main pavilions (4 units) — lateral length: 15 meters
central connecting gallery. Its simple saddle sur (49 feet), maximum height: 8 meters (26 feet),
diagonal span between masts: 18 meters (59 feet)
faces are connected to a central tension ring and
coated cotton canvas, radial and edge wire ropes,
carried around the masts under the pavilions. steel lattice masts
(in collaboration with Habermann, Hertling, Koch)
pages 26-28

Arch-supported prestressed membranes combine Entrance Arch

the advantages of two systems, and are able to Federal Garden Exhibition
span large areas. While the arch provides continu Cologne, Germany 1957
ous support for the membrane, the saddle surfaces arch-supported, saddle-type membrane with
stabilize the arch laterally and permit considerable 4 stabilization points
reduction of its volume. The membrane is the first maximum span: 34 meters (112 feet), maximum
produced from a fabric made of glass filaments. height: 6 meters (20 feet), arch tube diameter:
More durable but less expansible than canvas, it has 19 centimeters (7V2 inches)
to be assembled with utmost precision to conform coated glass-fiber fabric, edge wire ropes, tubular
with the established curvatures. Although it has a steel arch, 4 guyed poles
simple symmetrical configuration, the Entrance Arch (in collaboration with Bubner, Lohs, Frank)
provides a wide diversity of views. page 29

Initially conceived with a supporting arch, the roof Open-Air Theater

was designed and executed eight years later as a Wunsiedel, Germany 1962-1970
suspended membrane. A row of high points in the saddle-type membrane with 5 suspension points,
saddle surface provide the connection with the 6 stabilization points, and 8 anchor points
cables extending from two lateral masts. The mem covered area: 1,000 square meters (1,200 square
brane itself retained the original shape determined yards), mast height: 21 meters (69 feet)
to a great degree by the site; since a picturesque translucent synthetic fabric, edge and suspension
mountain forms the backdrop for the open stage, wire ropes, 2 lattice steel masts
the rows of seating had to be cantilevered above the (in collaboration with Habermann, Koch, Minke,
slope. The nearly identical views of the model and Romberg)
the completed roof reflect the fundamental role of pages 30, 31
models in the design of tension structures.

Humped Pavilion The Humped Pavilion, the second of Frei Otto's
Federal Garden Exhibition shelter tents at the Garden Exhibition, was an im
Cologne, Germany 1957 portant prototype. The two symmetrical halves of the
high-point-type membrane with 2 support points membrane each have one high point, and intersect
and 9 anchor points ing saddle surfaces. Unlike the high points in other
maximum length: 24 meters (79 feet), height of tensile structures, these have rounded hump-like
poles: 4 meters (14 feet) shapes. Devices attached to the tops of the poles
yellow cotton canvas, edge wire ropes, and poles provide an enlarged resilient surface which facili
with heads of capped spreader bars tates load transmission and erection procedure. The
(in collaboration with Bubner, Lohs, Frank) membrane can be tied down first and then pushed
pages 32, 33 up by means of the poles. While the Humped Pavilion
was shaped after an elaborate pattern, later and
larger membranes have been made of parallel strips
of canvas.

Interbau Cafe
"Interbau" International Building Exhibition
Berlin, Germany 1957
high-point-type membrane with 8 offset support
points, 3 restraining ridges, and 14 anchor points
length 28 meters (92 feet), width: 24 meters (79 feet),
axial compression (transmitted at each support
point): 850 kilograms (1,873 pounds)
synthetic fabric, edge cables, telescopic poles of
varying heights with star-shaped heads of resilient
plywood blades
(in collaboration with Bubner, Lohs, Frank)
page 34

Exhibition Hall "The City of Tomorrow"

"Interbau" International Building Exhibition
Berlin, Germany 1957
high-point-type membrane continuously attached
to a space frame at bay intervals and raised at
8 points in each of the 10 bays
length: 100 meters (328 feet), width: 52 meters
(171 feet), length of support blades: 3 meters
(10 feet)
coated translucent cotton canvas, steel struts with
spring tensioning devices and resilient
pine-wood blades
(in collaboration with Karl Otto, Gunschel)
page 35

This high-and-low-point membrane has proven most Membrane Hall
efficient in covering large surfaces. Made of straight International Horticultural Exhibition
fabric bands, the membrane requires no pattern Hamburg, Germany 1963
cuts. Its shape is the result of deflection at the high high-and-low-point membrane with 8 support points,
and low points. The humps are produced by the 3 central and 26 peripheral anchor points
mastheads, which transmit a prestressing force onto length: 64 meters (210 feet), width: 29 meters
the membrane. The three low points in the center (95 feet), maximum height: 5.50 meters (18 feet)
axis are tied to the ground by a parachute-like cable heavy translucent cotton, edge cables, steel masts
arrangement. Their circular openings allow drain with plywood-blade heads
age to basins below. The cable-reinforced edge of (in collaboration with Habermann, Hertling, Koch)
the membrane is secured by guyed masts or, at al pages 36, 37
ternating points, anchored directly to the ground.
Contributing to the roof's economy is its short erec
tion time: it took 17 men only 15 hours.

Frei Otto and Rolf Gutbrod attempted, with this com Pavilion of the Federal Republic of Germany
petition-winning project, to create a man-made World Exposition
landscape. The cavernous interior contained modu Montreal, Canada 1967
lar steel platforms arranged at different levels. The composite high-and-low-point net with 8 support
0 entire area was covered by a single membrane of points, 3 restraining points in combination with
irregular plan and varying heights. Its contours were 3 continuous ridges, 31 perimeter anchor points
p P determined by the high points of the masts and the
low points where the membrane was drawn, funnel
maximum length: 130 meters (427 feet), maximum
width: 105 meters (345 feet), covered area: 8,000
0 O like, down to the ground. Eye loops filled with clear
plastic material accentuated these points and the
square meters (86,000 square feet), mast heights:
14 to 38 meters (46 to 125 feet)
net wire ropes; edge, eye, and ridge wire ropes;
saddle surfaces they created. The prestressed mem turnbuckle hangers; hung translucent synthetic

o brane consisted of a translucent skin hung from a

steel wire net, which, by eye, ridge, and edge ropes,
was connected with the mast heads and anchor
fabric, tapered tubular steel masts
(in collaboration with Gutbrod, Kiess, Kendel,
blocks. pages 39-53

The dock cover is one of the largest and most daring Dock Cover
schemes that Frei Otto has developed in detail. Weser River Port Extension
While the feasibility of such structures had been Bremen, Germany
generally accepted, their economic advantages Project 1961
were established for the first time in this project. high-point-type net with 4 primary and 28 secondary
The enormous roof would accelerate the loading suspension points and 8 anchor points per bay
and unloading operations by protecting them from 8 bays— length: 1,500 meters (4,930 feet), span:
adverse weather. A parallel row of masts on either 380 meters (1,250 feet), quayside height: 52.50
side of the dock carries a primary cable network, meters (172 feet), covered area: 500,000 square
which in turn supports a wire net membrane. The meters (124 acres), mast length: 85 meters
(279 feet), width of bay: 170 meters (558 feet)
surface of the membrane has a low curvature of
fering minimum wind resistance. The high-point primary (suspension) network wire ropes,
secondary (enclosure) network wire ropes with
deflections serve as connecting elements for the square mesh and attached sheet-metal panels,
supporting cable network. guyed steel masts
(in collaboration with Budde, Heinrich, Schrock)
pages 54, 55

Construction Site Cover Attempts to protect construction sites from the cost-
North Peckham Redevelopment increasing effects of adverse weather have been
Borough of Southwark, England made for some time. The first systematic solution
Project 1965
was prepared by Frei Otto for the London Borough
high-point-type membrane with 25 suspension of Southwark to shelter the North Peckham Housing
points and 9 stabilization points Project. As construction of all of the six-story houses
36 demountable units — lateral length between would not have started simultaneously on the
masts: 30 meters (100 feet), mean height: 20 meters 160,000 square meter (40 acre) site, a demountable
(65 feet)
system was developed comprising 36 modular units.
coated synthetic fabric, suspension and stabilization Their components are adjustable guyed masts, a
wire ropes, 3-part tubular steel masts
primary supporting net, and membrane roof and wall
(in collaboration with Romberg, Roder, Lehmbrock)
elements. Standardization of the components would
page 56
allow mass production and economical use for most
conventional building sites.

Indian Pavilion for World Exposition The program adopted for the Indian Pavilion at
Osaka, Japan
Osaka called less for the display of artefacts than
Project 1967
for continuous performances and participatory
radial space net with 5 primary support points and events. In addition, economic considerations de
10 perimeter anchor points manded that the Pavilion be demountable for further
maximum diameter: 15 meters (49 feet), height: 27 use. Its primary structure consists of a mast with five
meters (89 feet), space-net mesh: 50 centimeters booms cantilevered from its top, and supporting wire
(20 inches) in each dimension
ropes carried over the booms from the mast head to
wire ropes, coated canvas, steel mast with their radial anchor points. These wire ropes sup
5 cantilevered struts
ported the saddle-shaped membrane sections as
(in collaboration with Patel/National Design
Institute, Ahmedabad) well as the radial space net, which filled the interior
page 57 and was meant to receive standardized platforms at
various levels for different activities.

Medical Academy
For the Medical Academy Frei Otto submitted three
Ulm, Germany
different proposals, each giving equal consideration
Project (Version I) 1965 to internal flexibility. The first version envisaged
radial net with one main support point and con three large interconnected glass cones covering
tinuous anchorage ring on 58 inverted V-supports 8,500 square meters (91,500 square feet) of modular
3 units— maximum diameter: 56 meters (184 feet) building units underneath. From a supporting col
maximum height: 20 meters (66 feet) umn in the center, steel T-beams would be hung
bent steel T-beams and circumferential wire ropes, radially and braced by circumferential cables. Bent
glass infill, tubular steel mast with ring crown inward by their weight, the beams would be con
(in collaboration with Romberg, Scherzinger, Roder) nected at the bottom to an edge ring resting on in
page 58 verted V-shaped supports. As the entire surface
between the beams would have been filled in with
glass panels, the interior had to be protected from
glare by cotton sails.

Hotel and Conference Center
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Competition Project 1966
polygonal net combined with radial net (as part of
the central support system), 14 anchor points and
14 stabilization points
maximum height: 47 meters (154 feet), maximum
length: 196 meters (643 feet)
steel cables, white aluminum sheeting (polygonal
net) and adjustable louvers (radial net), tubular steel
mast with conical support head serving as
water-tower reservoir
(in collaboration with Gutbrod, Kendel, Arup &
page 59

The project with which Kenzo Tange and Frei Otto Roofs for Sports Center Stadia
won the competition for the 1974 Pan-Arabic Olym Kuwait, Kuwait
pic Games complex in Kuwait was primarily dictated Competition Project 1969
by climatic considerations. The stadia are at least arch-supported saddle-type nets with 7, 4, and 6
partially roofed and closely aligned on either side anchor points
of a sunken and covered pedestrian mall. For all main stadium — arch span: 240 meters (787 feet),
three, Frei Otto designed similar arch-supported covered area: 23,000 square meters (248,000
membranes varying in plan and arch radius. Made square feet)
of wire rope nets, the roofs of the main stadium and indoor arena— arch span: 150 meters (492 feet),
covered area: 14,500 square meters (156,000
the swimming pool will be covered with aluminum square feet)
mesh, while the indoor arena will be closed with alu swimming pool — arch span: 120 meters (394 feet),
minum sheeting. The minimal surfaces of these large covered area: 7,000 square meters (76,000
membranes were established by means of soap-film square feet)
maximum diameter of arch pipe: 1.50 meters (5 feet)
wire rope nets with attached aluminum mesh (main
stadium, swimming pool), aluminum sheet (indoor
arena), edge wire ropes, tubular steel arches
(in collaboration with Tange, URTEC)
pages 60, 61

Roof for Olympic Stadium

Berlin, Germany
Competition Project 1970
suspension roof stabilized by weight of construction
(one-directional net of cables and transverse
beams) with 4 transverse lines of suspension
and 6 anchor points
maximum length: 250 meters (820 feet), maximum
width: 72 meters (236 feet), covered area: 13,140
square meters (142,000 square feet), maximum
height of roof: 40 meters (131 feet)
net and suspension wire ropes, reinforced concrete
beams, transparent acrylic sheets, lattice
steel masts
(in collaboration with Gutbrod, Arup & Partners,
Happold, Oleiko, Rice, Thorsteinn)
page 62

Roof for Olympic Stadium
Munich, Germany 1972
saddle-type nets (9 units) with 2 suspension points,
2 understayed support points, 4 anchor points per
unit, and 1 continuous frontal edge cable for all units
maximum span: 65 meters (213 feet), length of edge
cable: 440 meters (1,443 feet), maximum height: 58
meters (190 feet), roof area: 34,000 square meters
(366,000 square feet)
net wire ropes, translucent acrylic sheeting,
tubular steel masts
(in collaboration with Behnisch & Partner, Bubner,
Leonhardt, Andra)
pages 63-65

Roof configuration above entrance area, drawn by

a computer

Roof for Olympic Athletic Arena The architects of the stadia and supporting facilities
Munich, Germany 1972 for the Olympic Games at Munich attempted to cre
saddle-type net (5 main units and 8 eye units) with ate one environmental entity. According to their
2 suspension points, 2 central understayed support concept, Frei Otto developed tent shapes which ad
points, 8 support points, and 29 anchor points here to the same structural formula and appear as
maximum span: 135 meters (443 feet), maximum units of one long roof. Like an extended arc, they
height: 55 meters (180 feet), roof area: 22,000 square cover half of the main stadium at one end, the ath
meters (237,000 square feet)
letic and swimming arenas at the other end, and the
net wire ropes, translucent acrylic sheeting,
tubular steel masts main entrance area in the center. Saddle-shaped
wire rope nets, suspended from masts and anchored
(in collaboration with Behnisch & Partner, Bubner,
Leonhardt, Andra) to the ground, constitute the primary structure,
page 63 which supports the protecting membrane of clear
plastic sheeting.

Roof for Olympic Swimming Arena

Munich, Germany 1972
saddle-type membrane with 1 suspension point and
13 stabilization and anchor points
maximum span: 85 meters (279 feet), maximum
height: 50 meters (164 feet), roof area: 12,000 square
meters (130,000 square feet)
wire ropes, coated synthetic fabric, tubular
steel mast
(in collaboration with Behnisch & Partner, Bubner,
Leonhardt, Andra)
page 63

Roof for Open-Air Theater
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Project 1960
retractable saddle-type membranes, 3 main units,
each suspended from one mast and radial cable
sets, 2 intermediate units suspended from auxiliary
masts, one frontal edge cable for all units
maximum span: 68 meters (223 feet), mast heights:
12-16 meters (39-53 feet), covered area: 1,200
square meters (12,900 square feet)
translucent synthetic fabric, manual and automatic
retracting devices, wire ropes, steel masts
(in collaboration with Wehrhahn)
page 67

For his first retractable roof, Frei Otto adapted an Roof for Terrace
earlier research project since the structure had to Palm Beach Casino
be designed, produced, and erected within three Cannes, France 1965
and a half months. The existing terrace and adjoin retractable, radial saddle-type membrane
ing building cause the membrane's inclination to suspended from guyed mast and, at 16 points, from
ward the ground plane and its eccentric suspension cable tractors on 8 stationary cables
point. The peak-furled membrane, composed of maximum span: 34.50 meters (113 feet), maximum
saddle-shaped segments, has the appearance of an height: 15 meters (49 feet)
coated synthetic fabric, cable pulleys, wire ropes,
octagonal pyramid. At the edge and high points, the
curved wire-supported mast
membrane is attached to pulleys which move on the (in collaboration with Taillibert, Romberg,
radial supporting cables between the mast head and Scherzinger, Edzard, Gentsch)
anchor points. Assembled from thin steel pipes in an pages 68, 69
inverted parabolic curve, the mast is guyed by two
sets of cables.

Retractable-membrane roofs have an obvious ad Roof for Swimming Pool

vantage for open swimming pools, extending their Intercommunal Pool, St. Fons
use throughout all seasons. Since the interior is Lyons, France 1970
heated with warm air, snow melts on the membrane retractable high-point-type membrane suspended
surface and poses no load problem. This executed at 14 peripheral and 16 internal points from cable
roof follows the scheme of Bad Hersfeld: radial tractors on stationary wire ropes extending radially
from one supporting mast
cables, extending from the top of one mast carry the
cable tractors and the attached membrane, which, length: 62 meters (203 feet), width: 33 meters (108
feet), maximum height: 9.50 meters (31 feet), mast
to counter wind forces, has a slightly spherical height: 30.50 meters (100 feet)
shape. Retractable roofs are not only more econom translucent synthetic fabric, electric cable tractors,
ical than comparable clear-span structures, their automatic steering device, wire ropes, steel mast
lightness and translucency seem also more appro (in collaboration with Taillibert, du Chateau,
priate for a swimming pool. Romberg, Roder)
pages 70, 71

Roof for Open-Air Theater
The Abbey Ruin has for decades been the scene of
Abbey Ruin
major summer theater festivals. The problem was
Bad Hersfeld, Germany 1968
not only to protect the audience from sudden rain
retractable high-point-type membrane suspended but to do so in a way that would not interfere with
at 14 peripheral and 7 internal points from cable the important remains of Romanesque architecture.
tractors on 14 stationary wire ropes extending
radially from one supporting mast to The solution Frei Otto proposed was a retractable
5 stabilization points membrane roof that could be automatically unfurled
length: 46 meters (151 feet), width: 31 meters (102 at great speed. It required one high mast placed out
feet), maximum height: 16 meters (53 feet), side the nave to support the radical cables and the
average retraction speed: 4 minutes retracted membrane. Suspended at its perimeter
coated heavy synthetic fabric, electric cable points as well as internal high points, the membrane
tractors and automatic steering device wire ropes is unfurled by cable tractors, which, powered by an
steel masts '
electric motor, crawl along the cables.
(in collaboration with Romberg, Roder, Krier)
pages 72-74

Roof for Ice-Skating Rink

In this project for a retractable roof over an ice-
Conflans-Ste. Honorine, France
skating rink, mast and cables are substituted by a
Project 1969
series of arches. They extend radially from the cen
retractable high-point-type membrane suspended ter of one side over the oblong rink surface and are
at 14 internal and 32 peripheral points from cable braced by circumferential cables. The cable tractors
tractors moving on 10 radial arches
move here in tracks on the underside of the arches
length: 80 meters (262 feet), width: 50 meters (164
feet), maximum height: 15 meters (49 feet) when furling or unfurling the membrane. As the
membrane also has to enclose the space from the
coated synthetic fabric, electric cable tractors and
automatic steering device, steel arches transverse sides, its shape is more curved toward the perimeter
wire ropes and shows a slight depression in the center.
(in collaboration with Blasko, Bubner, Oleiko, Krier)
page 75

Automatic Umbrella Roofs

Federal Garden Exhibition
Cologne, Germany 1971
retractable, radial saddle-type membrane with
9 support points (at ends of collapsible spokes)
and anchorage base (around umbrella pole)
8 units— diameter: 16 meters (53 feet), heiqht at
edge: 5.5-9.5 meters (18-31 feet)
coated, translucent synthetic fabric with edge wire
ropes; steel pole with automatic spoke mechanism
and auxiliary umbrella blades for protection of
electric motor and retracted membrane
(in collaboration with Linhardt, Rasch)
pages 76, 77

His preoccupation with minimal surfaces led Frei Tree Structures
Otto to theoretical observations on the shortest dis Research Project (Yale University) 1960
tances between a number of points in space. In this ramified compression structure of components with
project, undertaken with Yale students, a thin slab reduced buckling lengths (minimizing the bending
was to be supported at a great number of points, and moments in the supported plate)
the resulting multiplication of compression mem (in collaboration with School of Architecture)
bers was to be utilized for a reduction of the indi page 79
vidual buckling lengths. This, in turn, would yield a
reduction in thickness and therefore in material,
which serves in compression members mostly to ob
viate bending. After stiffening the interconnected
strands, the model was turned upside down reveal
ing an organic configuration.

In extending his theories about minimum surfaces to Space Frame Structures

compression structures, Frei Otto concerned him Research Project 1962
self with space frames. One way of reducing the re space frame structures with flexure-stiff joints,
quired amounts of material is to shorten the buckling cube as modular component
length of individual compression members and to (in collaboration with Koch, Minke)
arrange them in a pattern which coincides with the pages 80, 81
shortest path of force transmission without weaken
ing the flexure stiffness of the individual joints. In
one case, where all sides of the modular cube have
been cut open, rounded corners introduce stiffening
flanges in each direction. The other example shows
a more dissolved network of bars which circum
scribe a dodecagonal opening in the cube surface.

The Bell Tower is the only executed structure in Bell Tower for Protestant Church
which Frei Otto's space frame studies have found Berlin-Schonow, Germany 1963
direct application. Confirmed by computer calcula space frame structure with rigid joints of 12 units
tions, the proposed steel lattice frame with flexure- in linear assembly
stiff joints provides a most efficient solution. The de height: 24 meters (79 feet), lateral length: 2 meters
sign of a bell tower has not only to take into account (61/2feet), maximum deflection caused by
the weight attached to its top but also the consider oscillation: 17 millimeters (11/16 inch)
able oscillation generated by the swinging bells. steel plates automatically cut and factory welded
With a minimum of material and labor, the tower was (in collaboration with Bubner)
assembled from steel plates in which slightly page 82
rounded openings had been cut automatically by a
template-guided profiling machine. Welded together
at the factory, the entire tower was transported to
the site and erected in four hours.

Flexible Column
Membrane-supporting poles or masts not only con
Research Project 1963
sume disproportionate amounts of material but their
vertebrae-type column with flexible core under traditional shapes are also formally incompatible
compression and cable sets under tension threaded with most tensile structures. In the course of devel
through 3-armed discs with extending and
contracting device at bottom to effect oping different types of latticed or guyed masts, Frei
desired movements Otto invented the moveable column. It consists of a
(in collaboration with Development Center for flexible core, triangular discs decreasing in size to
Lightweight Construction, Berlin) ward the top of the column, and wires threaded
page 83 through holes in the disc arms each terminating at
an individual disc. By shortening or lengthening the
wire sets from a control device at the base, the col
umn can be turned and bent quickly in any direction.

Medical Academy
In the third version of this research hospital, Frei
Ulm, Germany
Otto proposed a suspension building as a linear
Project (Version III) 1965
structure. Its shape is determined by the catenary
space net, triangular in section, suspended from a curves of the lateral wire ropes, which anchor the
primary cable between supporting internal masts building on either side and support the floor levels
length: 355 meters (1,165 feet), width (at ground- inside. These cables are suspended from a primary
floor level): 82 meters (269 feet), height: 55 meters wire rope, which is carried over the nine masts. The
(180 feet)
slanted surfaces permit a terraced arrangement of
wire ropes, steel masts
the patients' rooms, leaving the interior for the op
(in collaboration with Romberg, Scherzinger erating and research facilities. As this project sug
Redlich, Roder, Nedeljkov)
gests, suspension structures offer possibilities for
page 84
new building forms, which no longer depend on the
traditional post and beam formula.

Underground Research Facility

In the few existing multistory suspension buildings,
Research Project 1964
the horizontal floor levels are supported at the per
suspended space net with horizontally interposed imeter by wire ropes which are suspended from the
rigid compression members top of a solid core containing elevators and utilities.
(in collaboration with Zamboni) This study exploits the specific site condition of a
page 85 cave to present a suspension building as a pure ten
sion structure. The space net is absolutely rigid be
cause it can be attached to all sides of the cave. The
floor plates, the only compression members, are in
terposed at random places in the space net. The
model produces the contradictory image of the per
spective grid which implies infinity of space, sub
jected to the ultimate confinement of the cave.

The experiences with wire rope net membranes Exhibition Structure
found an experimental application in these compres German Building Exhibition
sion structures. Their domed shape was achieved by Essen, Germany 1962
deformation of a plane grid assembled from flexible
domed shell structure produced by deformation of a
laths or metal bars. By leaving their joints loose, the plane lattice grid, bendable members with loose
laths or bars can move while the grid is lifted up at joints tightened for final stabilization, perimeter
its center and tied down at its perimeter. The ac foundation on a square plan with rounded corners
curacy of the shape depends on precision in pre span: 15 meters (49 feet), maximum height: 5 meters
determining the length of each individual member (16 feet)
and the configuration of the grid's base. For this pine-wood laths, metal bolts
purpose, suspension models are used to reproduce (in collaboration with Koch, Pietsch, Romberg)
the lattice grid upside down as a hanging net of page 86
chains with measurable catenary curves.

Although compression structures, the lattice domes Auditorium of German Pavilion

and vaults have one practical advantage in common World Exposition
with Frei Otto's tension structures: they can be pre Montreal, Canada 1967
fabricated and, at least for moderate spans, pre- domed shell structures produced by deformation of
assembled at the factory. The flexible joints permit a plane lattice grid, bendable members with loose
the lattice grids to be collapsed diagonally, facili joints tightened for final stabilization, attached to
tating transportation. The roofs for the German Pa polygonal perimeter walls
vilion's 250-seat auditorium and its foyer were auditorium — spans: 17 meters (56 feet) to 13 meters
designed as lattice domes spanning irregular poly (43 feet)
gonal spaces. They were attached to the enclosing foyer — spans: 20 meters (66 feet) to 4.5 meters
walls and one common edge beam, and were cov (15 feet)
ered with different insulating materials. Additional maximum lath length: 19 meters (62 feet), lattice
mesh: 50 centimeters (20 inches)
loads did not need to be considered as the domes
were located inside the Pavilion. hemlock-wood laths, metal bolts, wood-cement
acoustic panels, plywood sheeting, cotton
canvas covering
(in collaboration with Gutbrod, Kiess, Kendel,
page 87

Pneumatically distended membranes are capable of Arctic City Envelope

spanning larger areas than any other structure. Project 1971
Commissioned to design a roofed city for a maxi spherical pneumatic membrane with reinforcing
mum of 45,000 inhabitants in the Arctic, Frei Otto rope net
and his team proposed, for the enclosure, a low diameter: 2 kilometers (1.24 miles), maximum
spherical membrane. Consisting of a transparent height: 240 meters (787 feet)
synthetic fabric reinforced by an orthogonal net of transparent synthetic fabric in 2 layers, high-
polyester ropes, the giant envelope would be sus strength polyester ropes
tained through internal pressure generated by the (in collaboration with Tange, URTEC, Arup &
city's nuclear-powered air conditioning system. Partners)
Equipped with moveable lighting as well as shading page 89
devices to compensate for the polar extremes of
winter and summer the membrane would moderate
the climatic conditions to permit vegetation.

Domed Hall
The nature of pneumatically distended membranes,
Research Project 1959
where equal tension is exerted at every point of the
composite spherical membranes (to be rigidified surface, favors spherical or cylindrical shapes. One
after inflation with stiffening compounds to produce objective of Frei Otto's extensive research was to
a self-supporting shell structure)
overcome these formal restrictions through the
(in collaboration with Development Center for
Lightweight Construction, Berlin) combination of various shapes which would allow
page 90 more differentiated spaces. The hall on a mountain
top is such a combination, which includes two
domes, almost half spheres, and one vertical cylin
der with a spherical top.

High-Voltage Test Laboratory

While Frei Otto succeeded in building numerous
Felten & Guilleaume Company
tent structures, hardly any of his pneumatic mem
Cologne, Germany 1966
branes were executed. The test laboratory was one
spherical pneumatic membrane with restraining of the exceptions, demonstrating that certain func
cable between intersecting volumes tional and economic requirements could best be
length: 21 meters (69 feet), width: 14.50 meters served with a membrane of composite form. The
(48 feet), maximum height: 14 meters (46 feet),
high-voltage laboratory has been enclosed in a
air pressure: 30-100 kilograms/square meter
(14.73-14.83 pounds/square inch) double-domed membrane formed by two intersect
synthetic fabric, wire ropes ing three-quarter spheres, which are tied down
(in collaboration with Romberg) transversely where they connect by a restraining
page 91 wire rope. An entrance tunnel with double doors
provides the necessary air lock to preserve the in
ternal pressure.

Missile Installation Cover

Research Project 1959
ellipsoidal pneumatic membrane
(in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn)
page 92

The project for a large factory for agricultural ma Roof of a Factory for Agricultural Machinery
chinery shows the typical dome shape of a pneu Research Project 1959
matic membrane adapted to a rectangular plan, as
pneumatic membrane over square plan with
well as the variations attainable by means of re 2 axial restraining cables
straining wire ropes. A square two-story frame of lateral length: 200 meters (656 feet)
administration offices and workshops functions as
synthetic fabric externally coated (aluminum vapor),
an abutment for the membrane, which covers a large wire ropes
assembly yard in the interior. Two heavily stressed (in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn)
cables subdivide the roof surface into four equal page 93
parts, reducing its overall height and its tension
through the increase in curvature of each quadrant.

Offshore Storage Facility

Research Project 1958/1959
pneumatic membrane over rectangular plan with
11 transverse restraining cables
synthetic fabric, wire ropes
(in collaboration with Development Center for
Lightweight Construction, Berlin)
page 93

The greenhouse envelope represents one of the Large-Scale Envelope for Agricultural Use
most compelling images in Frei Otto's work, almost Research Project 1959
implying the conservation of nature against a de
high-and-low-point pneumatic membrane with
structive man-made climate. However Utopian, the internal restraint points at regular intervals
enormous pneumatic membrane is quite realizable maximum possible height: 20 meters (66 feet)
and economical for agricultural purposes. Its size,
transparent, wire-rope-reinforced, synthetic fabric,
permitting the growth of trees and use of machinery, internal drainage and irrigation tubes
renders the structure effective, since the amount of (in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn)
enclosed air virtually acts as a heat trap, retaining pages 94, 95
daytime irradiation which is not offset by air con
vection at night. The transparent, wire-rope-net-
reinforced membrane is anchored at regular inter
vals where drainage pipes feed an overhead and un
derground irrigation system.

Convention and Exhibition Hall From experiences with high-and-low-point tent
Chicago, Illinois structures, it was apparent that internal anchorages
Research Project (Yale University) 1960 lowering parts of a membrane would consume less
high-and-low-point pneumatic membrane with material and would reduce the stresses by intro
central dome and 63 interior restraint points ducing stronger curvatures between its low points.
lateral length: 300 meters (984 feet), dome span: The scheme proposed a continuous pneumatic
200 meters (656 feet), dome height: 45 meters membrane over a hexagonal plan with a large dome
(148 feet), low-point intervals: 25 meters (82 feet)
at the center. The exhibition areas at the periphery
wire-reinforced, foam-insulated synthetic fabric of the dome were tied down at regular intervals cre
(in collaboration with Addiss, Kniffin, Childs) ating funnel-shaped low points which also func
pages 96, 97 tioned as rainwater drains. With an average weight
of 5 kilograms per square meter (12 ounces per
square foot), the Convention Hall could be erected
on land-fill in Lake Michigan.

Oil Storage Tanks The spherical shape, basic to all pneumatic mem
Research Project 1959 branes, inspired numerous practical applications.
continuous spherical membrane, either flexible Flattened mercury drops served as a model for con
(assuming its shape in the process of filling) or tinuous membranes which were developed as liquid
stabilized (maintaining its shape through pressure containers. These storage tanks can be used either
of displaceable gas)
as flexible membranes which assume their shape in
high-strength, corrosion-resistant synthetic fabric the process of filling, or they can be pre-stabilized
(in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn) through the pressure of a gas which is displaced in
pages 98, 99 the process of filling. The containers are easily
shipped as they can be folded up when empty.

Roof for Exhibition Hall Total enclosures by nature, pneumatic membranes

Research Project 1959 can be employed as independent construction ele
pneumatic double membrane, triangular in plan, ments in the form of so-called cushions. In order to
stressed between edge cables, and suspended prevent these double membranes from bulging too
at 3 points strongly under their internal air pressure, they have
maximum span: 40 meters (131 feet) to be heavily stressed outward on all sides by wire
synthetic fabric, wire ropes, concrete abutments ropes, which, as in the case of this roof for an ex
(in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn) hibition pavilion, need to be anchored in concrete
page 98 abutments.

The exploration of potential applications of tensile Silos for Grain or Cement
structures was especially extensive in the field of Research Project 1959
pneumatic membranes. The typical drop shape of a drop-like flexible membrane (assumes its shape in
membrane suspended at one point seemed most the process of filling) suspended from guyed mast
suited for grain, cement, and other granulated (charge and discharge system in shaft of mast)
goods. The membranes, extended and reinforced at coated synthetic fabric, tubular steel masts,
their tops, hang from tubular masts which contain wire ropes
the mechanics to charge and discharge their (in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn)
contents. page 100

Water Tower
Research Project 1959
drop-like flexible membranes suspended from
guyed mast, each attached to mast above its actual
bottom level to relieve pressure (tanks inter
connected to maintain equal water levels; charge
and discharge system in shaft of mast)
height of mast: 40 meters (131 feet), diameter of
tank: 8 meters (26 feet)
heavy synthetic fabric with imbedded wire mesh
reinforcement, wire ropes, tubular steel mast
(in collaboration with Miles, Koch, Wehrhahn)
page 101

This so-called negative pneumatic structure was de Projection Screen

veloped to provide concave surfaces for simultane Industrial Fair
ous projections of films and slides. The screen is Berlin, Germany 1968
formed by eight inwardly curved edge wire ropes
negative pneumatic membrane suspended between
delineating, at their connecting points, an oblong curved edge wire ropes, concave surfaces resulting
rectangular volume. Stretched between the cables from partial internal vacuum
is a coated fabric, which, due to the slight internal length: 24 meters (79 feet), height: 12 meters
vacuum, is drawn in on all six sides producing the (39 feet), negative (sub-atmospheric) internal
required curvatures. The screen, suspended in a pressure: 5 kilograms/square meter (0.007 pound/
metal frame, can be easily dismantled for use in square inch)
another location. synthetic fabric, wire ropes
(in collaboration with Romberg)
page 102

Chronology University of Stuttgart
1925 Exhibition Pavilions, Swiss National Exhibition,
Born in Siegmar, Saxony Lausanne

1952 1965
Graduated in architecture at the Technological Uni Roof for Terrace, Palm Beach Casino, Cannes
versity, Berlin Construction Site Cover, North Peckham Redevelop
ment, Borough of Southwark, England (project)
1954 Medical Academy, Ulm (project)
Doctoral thesis, "Das hangende Dach" ("The Sus
pended Roof") 1966
High-Voltage Test Laboratory, Felten & Guilleaume
1955 Company, Cologne
Bandstand, Federal Garden Exhibition, Kassel Hotel and Conference Center, Riyadh (competition
1957 project)
Founded Entwicklungsstatte fur den Leichtbau (De Published Tensile Structures, Volume Two: Cables,
velopment Center for Lightweight Construction), Nets and Membranes
Berlin 1967
Cafe Tents and Exhibition Hall, International Build Roof for Swimming Pool, Paris
ing Exhibition, Berlin Pavilion of the Federal Republic of Germany, World
Dance Pavilion, Shelter Pavilion, Entrance Arch, Exposition, Montreal
Humped Pavilion, Federal Garden Exhibition, Indian Pavilion for World Exposition, Osaka (project)
Hangar tents mass-produced by L. Stromeyer and 1968
Company, Konstanz Roof for Open-Air Theater, Abbey Ruin, Bad Hersfeld
1959 1969 Frei Otto on test structure for Stadia Roofs, Munich
Pneumatic structures (research projects) Roofs for Sports Center Stadia, Kuwait (project)
1960 1970
Visiting Professor at Yale University, New Haven Roof for Olympic Stadium, Berlin (project)
Convention and Exhibition Hall, Chicago (research Open-Air Theater, Wunsiedel
project at Yale) 1971
Roof for Open-Air Theater, Nijmegen (project) Automatic Umbrella Roofs, Federal Garden Exhibi
1961 tion, Cologne
Dock Cover, Bremen (project) 1972
1962 Hotel and Conference Center, Mecca
Visiting Professor at the Technological University, Roofs for Olympic Stadia, Munich
Frei Otto's' own house, Warmbronn, completed 1970
Berlin and University of California, Berkeley
Lattice Dome Exhibition Structure, German Building
Exhibition, Essen Frei Otto's collaborators at the Development Center
Space frame structures (research project) for Lightweight Construction in Berlin: A. Edzard,
Published Tensile Structures, Volume One: Pneu G. Gentsch, R. Krier, M. Lehmbrock, H. Redlich,
matic Structures U. Roder, B. F. Romberg, G. Scherzinger, R. v. Wild;
1963 at the Institute for Light Surface Structures and pri
Wave Hall, Membrane Hall, Small Pavilions, Inter vate office in Stuttgart: E. Asgeirson, E. Bubner,
national Horticultural Exhibition, Hamburg B. Burkhardt, F. Dressier, U. Hangleiter, E. Haug!
J. Hennicke, C. Hesse, K. Keidel, F. Kiedaisch,
1964 M. Kreuz, R. Krier, F. Kugel, R. L. Medlin, G. Minke',
Professor at Technological University of Stuttgart J. Mirafuentes, F. Mohr, M. Morlock, B. Oleiko,
Founded Institut fur leichte Flachentragwerke (In B. Rasch, Jr., J. Schilling, J. Schock, J. Schoeller,
stitute for Light Surface Structures), Technological H. Winter, G. Zwick.

Institute for Light Surface Structures, Stuttgart

Exhibition Structure
The exhibition shown at
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
from July 7 to October 4, 1971

was sponsored by
The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies
in the Fine Arts, Chicago

with contributions by
Mrs. Douglas Auchincloss
D. S. and R. H. Gottesman Foundation
Konrad and Gabriele Henkel
Philip Johnson
Phyllis Lambert
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
Thyssen Steel Corporation
Volkswagen of America

The exhibition structure was sponsored by

Farbwerke Hoechst, Frankfurt

with contributions by
the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic
of Germany
L. Stromeyer and Company, Konstanz

Exhibition Structure the entire structure can readily be re-erected on
plane ground, proving the versatility and adap
The structure, initially designed as a retractable tability of these tensile systems.
roof, was specially developed for the exhibition.
It demonstrates the structural and formal poten The exhibition structure was developed at the
tial of lightweight systems rather than their eco Lightweight Construction Center, Washington
nomical advantages, which are fully effective University, St. Louis, by its director, Richard
only at a larger scale. The structure, 64 feet long Larry Medlin, in collaboration with Joachim
and 36 feet wide, demonstrates the separation Schoeller, Project Coordinator, and Dennis Bo-
of primary supporting members from the sec lazina, John Mike Cohen, John Fotsch, Edward
ondary enclosure system. The steel lattice Hord, William Hovland, Daniel Lemberg, Jan
masts (forming a 50-foot-high inverted V), the Peterson, and Douglas Tachi. It was manufac
suspension wire ropes, and the anchor founda tured in Germany by L. Stromeyer and Com
tions provide an independently stable network pany, Konstanz, and erected in New York by
against which the membrane is prestressed. John Gallin and Son and Heydt Contracting Cor
Symmetrical along its major axis, the membrane poration. The consulting engineer for the site
—made of a translucent synthetic fabric —has a preparation was John Zoldos, New York, and
slightly inclined dome shape with a low frontal the architectural consultant for the erection was
extension. The dome consists of simple saddle Thomas Lowrie, New York. The erection coordi
shapes, four in the higher, seven in the lower nator in the Museum was Matthew Donepp.
level; these are offset against each other at 90 The synthetic fiber used for the exhibition struc
degrees and joined along common cable- ture, Trevira High Tenacity, was produced by
reinforced ridges. The outward apexes of the Farbwerke Hoechst A.G., Frankfurt (United
saddle segments are connected with eight ra States distributor, Hystron Fibers, Inc., New
dial suspension cables, while the inward apexes York), and has been used for other projects by
(with the exception of those at the highest point) Frei Otto such as: the German Pavilion, Mon
are attached to a restraining cable encircling treal; terrace roof, Cannes; open-air theater
the interior. The extension of the main mem roof, Bad Hersfeld; swimming pool roofs, Paris
brane over the stairs to the Sculpture Garden and Lyons; automatic umbrella roofs, Cologne;
terrace is stabilized at two points by subsidiary open-air theater, Wunsiedel; projection screen,
masts. Its design was prompted by the site, but Berlin.
the workof frei otto!
Trustees of The Museum of Modern Art
David Rockefeller, Chairman
Henry Allen Moe, John Hay Whitney,
Gardner Cowles, Vice Chairmen
William S. Paley, President
James Thrall Soby, Mrs. Bliss Parkinson,
J. Frederic Byers III, Vice Presidents
Willard C. Butcher, Treasurer
Robert O. Anderson, Mrs. Douglas Auchincloss,
Walter Bareiss, Robert R. Barker, Alfred H. Barr,
Jr.,* Mrs. Armand P. Bartos, William A. M. Bur
den, Ivan Chermayeff, Dr. Mamie Phipps Clark,
Mrs. W. Murray Crane,* John de Menil, Mrs. C.
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Irwin Miller, Mrs. Charles S. Payson,* Gifford
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Mrs. Bertram Smith, Mrs. Alfred R. Stern, Mrs.
Donald B. Straus, Walter N. Thayer, Edward
M. M. Warburg,* Clifton R. Wharton, Jr., Monroe
* Honorary Trustee for Life

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