A063266 PDF
A063266 PDF
A063266 PDF
FTD-ID (RS)T-I1784-'78
Werne-' Hielse
C.) DD
Approved fol- pu[lic rojvac,;
English pages: 24
other hand, no further noteworthy publications concerning
resonance transformers were published. This may have been
because the theoret 'al treatment of the problem appeared to
have been brought to a close, but that suitable means were not
yet available for practical investigations, which would have
provided further stimulation. Only the development of the
cathode ray oscillograph permitted the examination of the
theories developed up to that time relative to their agreement
with actuality. Hochhausler, in the years between 1930 and 1932,
carried out experimental studies on a Tesla transformer for a
maximum voltage o- approximately 106 V [6]. In his paper
"The Tesla Transformer as a High Frequency Test Generator and
Its Study With the Cathode Oscillograph", he indicated among
other things, the good agreement between his calculations in
the design and the measurement results in the testing of this
Tesla transformer. The calculations were carried out essentially
according to the data presented by Drude [1,2]. The studies of
Hochhausler, however, also showed that the computational consi-
deration of the damping effect caused difficulties.
These remained essentially the only disclosed technical
applications for Tesla transformers, if such equipment with
comparatively low voltage is disregarded such as is used even
today, for example, for the testing of insulation and as a means
of instruction in the schools. In recent years, even engineering
schools and technical institutes have become interested in the
construction of Tesla transformers for high voltages. It is
possible that the Tesla transformer will also be shown in the
future to be useful in assisting scientific studies.
U0 in the time (t 3 -t 2 ) dependent on the time constant of the circuit
and the level of th& supply voltage. In the same interval of
time, the secondary circuit decays alone at its own inheren
frequency f2' until it is again stimulated at time t 3 and repeats
the illustrated cycle.
(JW j+ c++R,)i+JWMi =o (
(Wi.,+ C1
'~+R* + j WM11 0o. ()
L, 5 L C. LRCN
it) On I V,, (2)
! -
3. Fundamental time curves
the voltages uCl and u 2 in a
Tesla transformer whose condenser
, C1 is charged with alternating
vtl t3 circuit spark gap ignites
L..3t 2 , t 4 circuit spark gap extinguishes
I I No-load voltage of the supply
-- .. 2 Charging period of Cl
3 Primary and secondary circuits
oscillate at t = (tI + tII)/2
4 Secondary circuit oscillates
alone at t2 to
•l • .- ". ,! )
li € C,
r• "• ir,•:0i
-l•&': • } "
T ,I: 1 I... ,
values of k, which are k - 0 and k = 1, however, only a single
frequency appears in each case, namely w = w 0 and w= (/1 2.
Beats cannot occur in these cases. The- are also absent at
normal values of k, when a spark gap is used as a circuit element
in the primary circuit, since the luminous arc in general already
comes to an end at one of tie zero current points of the first
beat minimum. This is certainly true when the spark gap is
cooled with the help of an intense stream of air, as is usually
the case (Figure 3).
u, = Al'Coso't BI-COSO)It, (3)t.
= A2,CosoI
u, + B4, Cos 6gl A
= Ct.*Uo • -.. _ . (5)
2 (L, CI Lc)' + 4 k' L C1L,
This means that the amplitudes of the oscillations superimposed
on the secondary side with the frequencies w, and wII are of
equal size. By introducing the equation
L1 C1
a= - 2 c, o iVCil.V+
1 +
t (6)
I2kVx ]
UsLxC U 0 . (9)
For the theoretical case of a loss-free transformer, U2max
results when the sunr of the time functions from Equation (8)
reaches the highest possible value of 2 at time tmax*
Actually, however,
the attainab.e voltage can only more
or less closely approach this value U2max depending on the de-
gree of the resulting damping. To keep the effect of damping on
the maximum voltage small, it must be attempted to make the time
tmax small. Since tmax can be set equal to half a period of
the beat resulting from the coupled osciliations, then
2 , - 1 (10)
As("%)- (11)
equipment than is absolutely necessary to reach a specific goal,
besides the fact that coupling factors of 0.6 for high voltage
Tesla transformers are already practically out of reach. Therefore,
the value k = 0.6 can be designated as a practical upper limit
for the coupling factor.
I 1/2,11 2 0.6
2 TI Is 0,385
3 31/2 - Ti 1,33 0,28
4 2 trI 1,25 0,222
5 3/2I1I1 1.2 0O1i
6 3 r,, 1.17 0.131
1 2. r , 1,14s 0.134
As was explained, the lower limit for the time tmax at which
u2max can be reached, is tmax = T1 1 /2. Other rossibilities also
exist for integral multiples of this time, i.e., for tmax = n/2-Ti.
With the provision that the frequency ratio u/ uI and
therefore the degree of coupling k is again chosen only large
enough so that the amplitudes of the coupled oscillations at time
tmax agree in size and sign, the equation
[ I te (12)
can be used. From this, together with Equation (2), there results
for the coupling factor
In this equation, n, as already stated, is a whole number. It is
easily checked, that for n = 1, and therefore for tmax "= T12
the coupling facto" k = 0.6. From Equation (13), therefore, those
values of k are calculated which are to be used in consideration
of thie fact that the sum of the time functions according to
Equation (C) approach the value 2 also for the case of infinitely
large damping. In Table 1 are listed the desirable values for k
and W,/ w,, for n
then care must be taken that the wire length 1 of the secondary
winding is equal to X/4, where X~ is the wave length of the oscil-
lation. For the calculation of X., the rate of propagation of the
oscillation along a single-layer winding can be assumed to have a
value of approximately 3 * 10~ km/sec. If the condition 1 =X/
is thern fulfilled, the distribution of the voltage with respect to
ground along the windintC is diesc~ribed approximately by the function
In order to be able to consider the condition 1I X/4 from
the outset, the dimensioning of a Tesla transformer will have to
begin with the calculation of the secondary circuit. For this,
the symbol h is used for the height of the winding in cm, D for
the average winding diameter in cm, and N as the num~ber of turns.
"0175. too,(' **
Lf Ni . 0'1 cl.(
The correction factor k is dependent on the ratio D/h, and can
be taken from Figure 7.
C. , (17)
at'~ . .
standard value for its ground capacity
as a function of the distance h from
the ground and of the disc diameter
d, can be taken from Figure 8.
PF 41
IS- C , It is apparent from Figure 9
that the lowest possible frequency
c f of a Tesla transformer with reason-
1..able geometric dimensions depends to
a great degree on the voltage for
I S in ISO---i -0 -O-M30 which it is designed, i.e., its
d,- structural height is of appropriate
Figure 8. Standard values for size. The (illegible] characterized
the 4round capacity C = f(d) range in Figure 9 results when the
of round discs with a dia- Zollowing assumptions, largely
meter d and a distance from "nre
the ground of h, at a ratio corresponding to reality, are made:
of disc diameter d to disc 1. The required winding height h is
thickness a of approximately
thc s a100 cm for each 400 kV of secondary
2. The greatest turn density is 2.5 turns per centimeter of coil
3. The ratio of coil height h to coil diameter D is in the range
between 1 and 5.
Figure 9 shows that fmin increases with decreasing nominal voltage.
I0OU k, 150
'It ul.i tld il: 1!.l.
or (18)
by the skin effect. Consideration of leakage losses on the
secondary winding can generally be omitted if the highly
effective plastics such as polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene
which are available nowadays, are used as wire insu1nti-,n and
if care is taken that the secondary coil is so designed with
respect to its external dimensions, that in itself it is free
from electrical discharges. The last condition can be considered
as met, if the secondary voltage based on a 100 cm coil height is
not made larger than 400 kV, and if the terminal electrode at the
highest potential with respect to ground is chosen in correspondance
with the maximum voltage.
1.5 MV
Table 2. Characteristics of the 1.,5 mV Tesla transformer
-KOORgt6S Plimka&-- --
I K'tg'.a'ItAt C -. ,•,'IO "F ':IC' ,- 1,5,I0"is I
7 frIeqIumlltnerende g in oeai w
Freihuenz T t f
for each case of a capacitive load, a new maximum can be attained
for the relative transformer ra,;io by changing CI, but the value of
the new maximum drops with increasing load. The reasons for these
drops are of different types." Among others, the resonant
frequency of the coupled system
consistently becomes smaller as a
Si ._-ne result of the new balance bi
enlargements of C1 and C2 = Ci +
CB, and the deviation therefore
' "".i
?• becomes larger and larger from the
"' condition: wire length of the
secondary winding = 1/4 of the wave
- With the use of the experimental
I 2.
.. 1
.iPrimary consrnteh
the windings of the primany~and secondary circuits shown in Fig.l1
1. Feed cable from the three-phase current generator.
2. Feed transformer-
3. Primary condenser
4. Spark gap ventilated with compressed air.
5. Cable terminal ior connecting cable between spark gap and
!rimary winding.
I i I' Il 14,i
WTU &0ISI I ! !., ,
Figure 16. Dependence of the
relative transformer ratio
u/uth on the size of the
load resistor Rp, or on the Figure 17. Time curve of the
ratio RB/wL2, with tuning primary voltage ul = f(t) and of
to no-load resonance. the secondary voltage u = f(t)
C1 = 0.6 UF. of a Tesla transformer ior the
1. Limiting value for C1 = case in which a mechanical switch
0.6UF and CB = 65 pF. is used as switching element.
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