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FTD-ID (RS)T-I1784-'78




Werne-' Hielse

C.) DD

Approved fol- pu[lic rojvac,;

208 dLtrIbutiur• un8im20ed.



FTD-ID(RS)T-1784-78 17 October 1978

Tb l/O7

By: Werner Heise

English pages: 24

Source: Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift,

Vol. 85, Nr. 1, 10 January 1964,
pp. 1-8
Country of Origin: East Germany
F33657-76-D-0389 .... -- Soch
Chester E. Claff Jr. NTIS Wir lose!*"
Requester: FTD/TQTD DOC But 'i
Approved for public release; distribution UAMNNOuNCED D3
unlimited. JrIST-




FT- -T..S'.• •T.7-78 D.t1l. Oct 1978

Tesla Transformers

by: Werner Heise*)

The Tesla transformer, named after its inventor, is a

resonance transformer. Transformers of this type of construction
consist of two electrical oscillating circuits inductively coupled
with one another, tuned to one another in their inherent frequencies.
Free-oscillating resonating transformers which are generally
called Tesla transformers, and resonance transformers with forced
oscillation are differentiated. As is apparent from this term-
nology, the manner of excitation of the primary circuit charac-
teri7is a resonance transformer.

Figures la and lb show the

circuit principles of these two
types of resonance transformers.
0) b) In the first case, the oscil-
lating system is excited with a
surge by discharge of the pre-
S K 1Vviously charged condenser C, into
the primary circu't, ani in the
Figure 1. Circuit principles of second case, continuously with
resonance transformers. the help of a high frequency
a) Free-oscillating resonance
transformer or Tesla trans- generator G operating at the
former. resonant frequency of the circuit
b) Resonance transformer with
forced oscillation. Because of these differing manners
of excitation, either a series of
damped oscillations which can have heterodyne chdracter under
certain conditions, or an undamped oscillation, i.e., an oscillation
*) Di•Il.-Tnri. W. Heine is manager of the high voltage experi-
mental Denartfiient of' the AE(] High Voltage Institute in Kassel.

• • " • . . .... .>•

•' v • • •.•. •'•,••,••.- _•
• ............ ...•. .. .. .. . . . .... ... .. . . . .
3 with constant amplitude, will occur. With the help of resonance
transformers, particularly with those of the free-oscillating
type, voltages of the order of magnitude of 10 6 V can be
generated without particular difficulty, if the individual
elements of the circuit are appropriately designed.

Since the damping in the resonant circuits is a controlling

factor for the voltage level that can be produced, resonant
transformers are significantly more sensit-ivt: to any external
electrical load than are transformers whose operating frequency
is much lower than its resonant frequency. The lower the
damping of the transformer itself, and the better the resonance
conditions were met before application of a load, the more the
switching on of a test circuit loaded with a specific impedance
V will affect the level of the voltage and its frequency. Wi-th
respect to its sensitivity towards an external load, the
resonance transformer is comparable with a 50 Hz test transformer

Tesla tran'sformers are probably the best known representative

of the group of resonance transformers. As already pointed out,

the designation Tesla transformer today generally applies to all
transformers of the free-oscillating type shown in Figure la.

Since Tesla transformers since the beginning of research

in the field of high voltage technology, for several decades
offered the only possibility of generating voltages in the

order of magnitude of 100 kV and more, it is not surprising that

papers appeared very early which were concerned with their
theoretical study [1 to 4]. These papers treated among other
things, questions of the effect of damping and of the degree of
coupling on the attainable voltage levels and the voltage form
that was set up. In the period between 1914 and 1932, on the

other hand, no further noteworthy publications concerning
resonance transformers were published. This may have been
because the theoret 'al treatment of the problem appeared to
have been brought to a close, but that suitable means were not
yet available for practical investigations, which would have
provided further stimulation. Only the development of the
cathode ray oscillograph permitted the examination of the
theories developed up to that time relative to their agreement
with actuality. Hochhausler, in the years between 1930 and 1932,
carried out experimental studies on a Tesla transformer for a
maximum voltage o- approximately 106 V [6]. In his paper
"The Tesla Transformer as a High Frequency Test Generator and
Its Study With the Cathode Oscillograph", he indicated among
other things, the good agreement between his calculations in
the design and the measurement results in the testing of this
Tesla transformer. The calculations were carried out essentially
according to the data presented by Drude [1,2]. The studies of
Hochhausler, however, also showed that the computational consi-
deration of the damping effect caused difficulties.

Although Hochhausler at this time considered the Tesla trans-

former as a useful voltage source for testing high voltage
equipment, particularly with respect to its electrical strength
at high frequency overvoltages, this type of testing was not
able to prevail because of the rapid development of the shock
potential generator which was better suited for this purpose.
On the other hand, however, high frequency high voltages were
used for a long time in many fields of testing, to reveal con-
cealed cracks and cavities in ceramic insulating materials.
In subjecting such defective test pieces in this way to a voltage
of high frequency, they heat up as a result of comparatively
intense gas discharge currents in the enclosed cavity. This
testing method, however, was also outdated by the modern process
of ultrasonics testing technology.

These remained essentially the only disclosed technical
applications for Tesla transformers, if such equipment with
comparatively low voltage is disregarded such as is used even
today, for example, for the testing of insulation and as a means
of instruction in the schools. In recent years, even engineering
schools and technical institutes have become interested in the
construction of Tesla transformers for high voltages. It is
possible that the Tesla transformer will also be shown in the
future to be useful in assisting scientific studies.


Figure 2 shows the electrical circuit diagram of a Tesla

transformer. In this case, the circuit is excited by alternating
voltage with a low frequency compared to the resonance frequency
of the Tesla transformer. The primary condenser C1 is charged
up to the breakdown voltage U0 of the spark gap F. Tho luminous
arc which then occurs between the spark electrodes of F closes
the primary circuit. The inductively coupled oscillatory arrange-
ment consisting of the primary and secondary circuits is thereby
stimulated and begins to oscillate. The voltage form and the
frequency of this oscillation are dependent on the quality of the
tuning, the degree of coupling, and the damping.

Figure 3 shows the fundamental curve of time with the voltage

UClat the primary condenser C1 and that of the secondary

voltage u2 . At the time to, the charging of the condenser C1

begins, for example by an alternating volta;- whose time curve
is indicated for the case of no load on the supply transformer.
At time t occurs the breakdown of the spark gap F already mentioned.
Both circuits begin to oscillate. The frequency of these oscil-
lations is f = (fI + fII)/2, as will be derived later. At time
t2, the luminous arc at the generally air-ventilated circuit spark
gap becomes extinguished, i.e., the oscillation in the primary
circuit is interrupted and the condenser C1 is again charged to

U0 in the time (t 3 -t 2 ) dependent on the time constant of the circuit
and the level of th& supply voltage. In the same interval of
time, the secondary circuit decays alone at its own inheren
frequency f2' until it is again stimulated at time t 3 and repeats
the illustrated cycle.

The equivalent circuit corresponding to Figure 2 is

illustrated in Figure 4. With respect to its action on the
Processes taking place in the primary and secondary circuit of
\the Tesla transformer, the equivalent elements LE, CE, and RE
of the excitation circuit parallel to the primary condenser,
cz\n generally be neglected. The system of coupled differential
eq•,ations valid for the inductively coupled circuits 1 and 2
then reads

(JW j+ c++R,)i+JWMi =o (

(Wi.,+ C1
'~+R* + j WM11 0o. ()

The ohmi.c resistances R and R which are to be considered as the

equivalent series resistors for all losses in circuits 1 and 2,
will be neglected for the further treatment of the equation
system (1) for reasons of clarity. The question of the damping
will be considered in the next section.

With the simplifications

L, 5 L C. LRCN

the characteristic equation of the system according to Equation (1),

provided that the resonant frequencies of the two circuits coin-
cide, and are equal to w 1 = •2 "b,provides the two frequencies

it) On I V,, (2)

for the coupled oscillations. Depending on the value of the

coupling factor k, oscillations with the frequencieswI ande&wII
are superimposed in the primary
and the secondary circuits. The
frequency of the resulting oscil-
lation is w ((+)1 + / 2.
II)/2 I
For coupling factors of 0.1 to C1
0.3 customary in practice,
provided the primary circuit re-
mains closed beats with a beat
frequency W s = wj -(') II Figure 2. Circuit of a Tesla trans-
will foria. For the theore- former with excitation device.
tically possible limiting

! -
3. Fundamental time curves
the voltages uCl and u 2 in a
Tesla transformer whose condenser
, C1 is charged with alternating
vtl t3 circuit spark gap ignites
L..3t 2 , t 4 circuit spark gap extinguishes
I I No-load voltage of the supply
-- .. 2 Charging period of Cl
3 Primary and secondary circuits
oscillate at t = (tI + tII)/2
4 Secondary circuit oscillates
alone at t2 to
•l • .- ". ,! )

Figure 4. Equivalent circuit of a

I - - iTesla transformer with excitation
~ device.

li € C,
r• "• ir,•:0i
-l•&': • } "

T ,I: 1 I... ,
values of k, which are k - 0 and k = 1, however, only a single
frequency appears in each case, namely w = w 0 and w= (/1 2.
Beats cannot occur in these cases. The- are also absent at
normal values of k, when a spark gap is used as a circuit element
in the primary circuit, since the luminous arc in general already
comes to an end at one of tie zero current points of the first
beat minimum. This is certainly true when the spark gap is
cooled with the help of an intense stream of air, as is usually
the case (Figure 3).

If the time curve of the primary voltage is designated as uI

the secondary voltage as u 2 , and the breakdown voltage of the
spark gap F (Figure 2), or the voltage across the condenser CI,•
at which another element of hte circuit closes, as U., then
with the help of equations

u, = Al'Coso't BI-COSO)It, (3)t.
= A2,CosoI
u, + B4, Cos 6gl A

o.nd the boundary conditions u = U0 and u2 = 0 for the time t =0

for the constants A2 and B2 of primary interest

= Ct.*Uo • -.. _ . (5)
2 (L, CI Lc)' + 4 k' L C1L,

Figure 5. Time cvrye of the coupled oscillations u. and uii

and the secondary voltage resulting from them u 2 for the case
coupling factor k = 0.6.
where the

This means that the amplitudes of the oscillations superimposed
on the secondary side with the frequencies w, and wII are of
equal size. By introducing the equation

L1 C1

Equation (5) can be transformed into

a= - 2 c, o iVCil.V+
1 +
t (6)
I2kVx ]

It can be seen from this illustration that the maximum values of

A2 and B2 are reached only when x 1 i.e. wI =w 2 -- O
The relationship
V, 7)
Au,-Be,. 2c, u,.

is then independent of the degree of coupling.

Without considering the effect of damping, the secondary

voltage at resonance is therefore

Because w = ' the factor Cl/C2 is also replaced

in this equation by •L2/Ll The maximum voltage theoretically
possible is therefore

UsLxC U 0 . (9)

For the theoretical case of a loss-free transformer, U2max
results when the sunr of the time functions from Equation (8)
reaches the highest possible value of 2 at time tmax*

Actually, however,
the attainab.e voltage can only more
or less closely approach this value U2max depending on the de-
gree of the resulting damping. To keep the effect of damping on
the maximum voltage small, it must be attempted to make the time
tmax small. Since tmax can be set equal to half a period of
the beat resulting from the coupled osciliations, then

2 , - 1 (10)

and since W, and W from Equation (2) are dependent on the

coupling factor k = M/ L L it can easily be seen that tmax
becomes smaller with increasing k. Further considerations now
show that it is advantageous to give the coupling factor k
completely determined values if the conditions just specified are
to be "ealized.

The first possibility of reaching the maximum of the

secondary voltage apparently exists at time tmax = T11 /2,
which amounts to half of the period of the slower coupled
oscillation u 1i, specifically when T, = TII/2, (Figure 5). In
this case, therefore, it must be true that w = 2w II or k = 0.6,
as can be calculted from

As("%)- (11)

As can easily be understood, for integral multiples of the ratio

S°I)/ WII = 2, the value U2max is also obtained at time tmax =
T1 1 /2. However, correspondingly larger coupling factors, according
to Equation (13), are necessary for this. Nevertheless, no one
will urge a greater expense in the construction of technical

equipment than is absolutely necessary to reach a specific goal,
besides the fact that coupling factors of 0.6 for high voltage
Tesla transformers are already practically out of reach. Therefore,
the value k = 0.6 can be designated as a practical upper limit
for the coupling factor.

Table 1. Desirable values for the coupling factor k

I 1/2,11 2 0.6
2 TI Is 0,385
3 31/2 - Ti 1,33 0,28
4 2 trI 1,25 0,222
5 3/2I1I1 1.2 0O1i
6 3 r,, 1.17 0.131
1 2. r , 1,14s 0.134

As was explained, the lower limit for the time tmax at which
u2max can be reached, is tmax = T1 1 /2. Other rossibilities also
exist for integral multiples of this time, i.e., for tmax = n/2-Ti.
With the provision that the frequency ratio u/ uI and
therefore the degree of coupling k is again chosen only large
enough so that the amplitudes of the coupled oscillations at time
tmax agree in size and sign, the equation

[ I te (12)

can be used. From this, together with Equation (2), there results
for the coupling factor

In this equation, n, as already stated, is a whole number. It is
easily checked, that for n = 1, and therefore for tmax "= T12
the coupling facto" k = 0.6. From Equation (13), therefore, those
values of k are calculated which are to be used in consideration
of thie fact that the sum of the time functions according to
Equation (C) approach the value 2 also for the case of infinitely
large damping. In Table 1 are listed the desirable values for k
and W,/ w,, for n

Next, a fact important for Computation of Tesla transformers

should be pointed out, which has only been treated inadequately
in the literature up to now. Because of the large geometric
dimensions which transformers of this type have for high and very
high voltages both for reasons of insulation technology and for
purposes of a large transformer ratio, the wire length of its
secondary coil is of the order of magnitude of the wave length -~f
the voltage oscillations. The secondary coil must therefore be
considered as a short conductor, and because of the ground capacities
decreasing at the high voltage end, an inhomogeneous conductor,
on which standing waves are formed. Now, if the maximum voltage
u2max should be tapped between the upper and lower ends of theI
winding, and if no other voltage maxima should be located along

then care must be taken that the wire length 1 of the secondary
winding is equal to X/4, where X~ is the wave length of the oscil-
lation. For the calculation of X., the rate of propagation of the
oscillation along a single-layer winding can be assumed to have a
value of approximately 3 * 10~ km/sec. If the condition 1 =X/
is thern fulfilled, the distribution of the voltage with respect to
ground along the windintC is diesc~ribed approximately by the function

where x is the distance of a point of the winding from its grounded

end, and h is the overall height of the coil. This distribution was
confirmed experimentally (Figure 6).

In order to be able to consider the condition 1I X/4 from
the outset, the dimensioning of a Tesla transformer will have to
begin with the calculation of the secondary circuit. For this,
the symbol h is used for the height of the winding in cm, D for
the average winding diameter in cm, and N as the num~ber of turns.

If it is now assumed that the height of the winding h of the

Tesla transformer corresponding to the desired highest secondary
voltage is chosen only according to the technical requirements of
insulation , then the maximum number of turns Nmax is therewith
also fixed, if the greatest winding density is considered to be
fixed by the conductor cross section and the insulating coating.
The wire length 1 of the winding is then dependent only on the
average diameter of the winding D, which is 1 = NWD. However,
this means also that the lowest possible value of the frequency
f of the voltage is given by the requirement X/4 = 1, if a specific
D has been decided upon, since h and Nmxcan only be selected
with conditional f'reedom in accordance with the above statements.
If a propaga.tion rate of the secondary oscillation is assumed

I to be v vc = 3.110 cm/sec., then there results for the lowest

possible frequency, the fitted quantitative equation

"0175. too,(' **

If, accordingly, values of h, N, and D have been settled

upon, then there result automatically the values for the
required resonance frequency, the inductance L2 ' and the
necessary capacity C2 of the secondary circuit. For the size
of the inductance Lof the cylindrical secondary coil generally
made as a single-layer winding, the following equation applies
to a good approximation, according to [8]:

Lf Ni . 0'1 cl.(

The correction factor k is dependent on the ratio D/h, and can
be taken from Figure 7.

{ The capacity C2 , whicn is composed of the inherent capacity

Cj of the secondary coil with electrode head and a following
load capacitor CB, must have the value

C. , (17)

so that the resonance conditions can be met with consideration

of the requirement that 1 = 1/4. To a first approximation, for


Figure 6. curve of the voltage Figure 7. Correction factor k

compared to ground along the as a function of the ratio D/hL
secondary coil of a Tesla trans- of a single-layer cylindrical
former for the case 1 = X./4, coil, for the calculation of
with 1 as the wire length of the inductance according to
the secondary coil formula (16)

Cj can be used the capacity of the head electrode required to

prevent premature discharges, with an addition of 30 to 50%.
This value must, of course, be smaller by the amount CB = C2-C_
than that calculated according to Equation (17). Assiuning that
the head electrode has the form of a round disc rounded off at
circumferance, with a diameter d and a thickness az-d/5, the


at'~ . .
standard value for its ground capacity
as a function of the distance h from
the ground and of the disc diameter
d, can be taken from Figure 8.
PF 41
IS- C , It is apparent from Figure 9
that the lowest possible frequency
c f of a Tesla transformer with reason-
1..able geometric dimensions depends to
a great degree on the voltage for
I S in ISO---i -0 -O-M30 which it is designed, i.e., its
d,- structural height is of appropriate
Figure 8. Standard values for size. The (illegible] characterized
the 4round capacity C = f(d) range in Figure 9 results when the
of round discs with a dia- Zollowing assumptions, largely
meter d and a distance from "nre
the ground of h, at a ratio corresponding to reality, are made:
of disc diameter d to disc 1. The required winding height h is
thickness a of approximately
thc s a100 cm for each 400 kV of secondary
2. The greatest turn density is 2.5 turns per centimeter of coil
3. The ratio of coil height h to coil diameter D is in the range
between 1 and 5.
Figure 9 shows that fmin increases with decreasing nominal voltage.

The attainable upper frequency fmax is essentially determined

by the inherent Cý of the secondary coil and the size of the
added load capacitor CB. However, it should be taken care that
a reduction of the wire length 1 made necessary because 1 = A/4
generally signifies a reduction of the inductance L and therewith
of the transformer ratio.


,,-L -' . ' ' -, - t- ,

I0OU k, 150

6 100 200 390 CM

400 ' 15 I '1 S 10' 1 i10

Figure 9. The dependence of Figure 10. Loss factors of conden-

the lowest operating fre- sers with various dielectrics as a
quency fmin of Tesla trans- function of frequency.
formers on their nominal 1. Condenser with Clophene-paper
voltage Un and their height dielectric.
h in the range 1 <.h/D
15. 2,3. Condensers with various
ceramic dielectrics.
4. Condenser with Styroflex



In general, as small a damping as possible is desirable, in

order to approach the theoretical transformer ratio of the trans-
former. As was explained in the preceding section, the voltage
is composed of two individual oscillations with frequencies bI
and wII, or f, and f11 " If the logarithmic decrements of the
primary and secondary circuits of the transformer are designated
with 61 and 62, where

'It ul.i tld il: 1!.l.

then for the decrements of the coupled oscillations,

or (18)

The coupled oscillation with the higher frequency is, accordingly,

the more strongly damped. The decrements of the primary and
secondary circuits are of equal effect on the damping of the
resulting oscillation.

In order to be able to take the damping effect into con-

sideration in a suitable way in the computation of a Tesla
transformer, it is necessary to estimate the sizes of the
dissipative resistors Rand R. These resistors are to be
considered as equivalent values for all sources of loss which
are in effect in the two circuits. The equivalent resistance
R of the primary circuit is composed of
1. the equivalent resistance Ri which is calculated from
the dielectric losses of the primary condenser C1 as
Ri= tan6/(wC1 )
2. the ohmic resistance R" of the primary coil and of the
connecting leads between L1and Cl, with consideration
of the skin effect, and
3. the equivalent res2.stance of R"', which is determined by
the losses in the switching element occurring in the
switching process. -If a spark gap is used, for example,
then the resistance R"' is identical with the arc resis-
tance, whose size can be in the range of approximately
10- to 1 0, depending on the current strength, the
electrode separation, the electrode material, and other
The equivalent resistance R2in the normal case, is given
sufficiently precisely by the ohmic resistance of the secondary
coil, also taking into consideration the increase brought about

by the skin effect. Consideration of leakage losses on the
secondary winding can generally be omitted if the highly
effective plastics such as polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene
which are available nowadays, are used as wire insu1nti-,n and
if care is taken that the secondary coil is so designed with
respect to its external dimensions, that in itself it is free
from electrical discharges. The last condition can be considered
as met, if the secondary voltage based on a 100 cm coil height is
not made larger than 400 kV, and if the terminal electrode at the
highest potential with respect to ground is chosen in correspondance
with the maximum voltage.

The earlier examples show that all of the values influencing

the damping can be estimated with satisfactory confidence. A
rather large uncertainty exists merely in the consideration of
':he arc resistance of the primary circuit spark gap. As already
pointed out, this can lie in th e range of approximately 10-2 &1~
to 1 0, depending on how the mentioned influencing parameters
are taken care of. For each individual case, therefore, pre-
paratory measurements will have to be carried out, which give
the precise data on the arc resistance to be expected. With
currents of 1000 A and electrode distances of approximately 2 cm,
with transverse ventilation of the arc (air velocity = speed of
sound), resistances of several hundred milliohms are to beI
expected, as measurements already carried out have shown.

Finally, the frequency dependence of the loss factor tan 6

of condensers with different dielectrics shown in Figure 10, should
also be pointed out. The tan a is, in fact, a direct measure
of the equivalent resistance R' contributing to the damping. It
is clear from Figure 10 that condensers with ceramic dielectric
are best suited for Tesla transformers which operate at
frequencies above 10 kHz.

1.5 MV

Figure 11 shows a Tesla transformer for a maximum no-load

voltage of approximately 1.5 MV. Laminated paper cylinders with
an outside diameter of 1.6 m and 1.5 m were used as carriers for
the primary and secondary windings. Their height is 4 m. The
terminal of the secondary winding at its upper end consists of a
ring-shaped aluminum electrode which is slotted radially at one
position so that it does not act as a short circuit turn. The
other circuit elements required for operation of the transfor-
mer can be seen in Figure 12, such as feed transformer, primary
condenser, and spark gap. These elements are enclosed for
safety reasons and for reasons of space-saving, in a concrete
pit covered over with thick wood planks. The electrical con-
nection between the transformer and the powering three-phaseI
current generator, and between the primary condenser and the
primary winding of the Tesla transformer, are made by cable
The overall circuit of the equipmrent can be seen in Figure 2.
The charging of the primary condenser C1 is carried out by a
three-phase transformer with a power of 200 kVA and a voltage
of 30 kV maximum. This transformer is powered by a two-phase
loaded three-phase current generator with a power of 300 kVA and
a maximum voltage of 500 V. The spark gap in the primary
circuit consists of two cylindrical electrodes, adjustable in
their mutual separation, with tungsten tips,. which are ventilated
by a strong flow of compressed air perpendicular to the axis of
the arc. The number of firings per unit time is increased by
this ventilation. At the greatest possible electrode distance,
approximately three to four firings can be expected during a
50 Hz half wave. With smaller electrode separations and with
full utilization of the voltage of the feed transformer, approxi-
mately 10-12 firings can be obtained for each half wave.

Table 2. Characteristics of the 1.,5 mV Tesla transformer

-KOORgt6S Plimka&-- --
I K'tg'.a'ItAt C -. ,•,'IO "F ':IC' ,- 1,5,I0"is I

2 lndiuktivitAt Ll 103 - 10"4 11 La 0,45• 4

3 Gleiqtsttrom- R R 23 , 10,O3 I -. 4,5 0

4 Resolllz" 11 20.3 k~li It = 20,3 k|iz
Ke-plungp- k,-..- . ,O,8

6 Kole-I - 22,4 Wit•

7 frIeqIumlltnerende g in oeai w
Freihuenz T t f

1caaiy2.indquctnce 3.Idirect cureteisane

a. No., b. characteristic, c. primary circuit, d. secondary
1. capacity, 2. inductance, 3. direct current resistance,
4. resonant frequency, 5. coupling factor, 6. coupling frequency
7. resulting frequency.

Figure 13 shows the Tesla transformer in operation with

maximum possible excitation. The lengt-h of the discharge
channels proceeding from the high voltage electrodes lies in th!
range between 7 m and 9 m. The picture was obtained by multiple
exposures with exposure times of approximately 1 iec each.
Table 2 contains the essential characteristics of the two
coupled oscillating circuits of the 1.5 mV transformer. The
numerical figures for the values 4 to 7 apply only to the un-
loaded transformer.

In Figures 14 to 18, the results of various studies carried

out on the Tesla transformer are illustrated. They provide an
idea of how a Tesla transformer behaves with external loads which
are provided either by a connected test device or by discharges
at the terminal electrodes of the transformer.

Curves 1 to 4 in Figure 14 show the transformer ratio u

measured at various load capacities, based on the theoretical
highest possible transformer ratio uth, as a function of the size
of the primary condenser Cl. As can be seen, as a matter of fact,

for each case of a capacitive load, a new maximum can be attained
for the relative transformer ra,;io by changing CI, but the value of
the new maximum drops with increasing load. The reasons for these
drops are of different types." Among others, the resonant
frequency of the coupled system
consistently becomes smaller as a
Si ._-ne result of the new balance bi
enlargements of C1 and C2 = Ci +
CB, and the deviation therefore
' "".i
?• becomes larger and larger from the
"' condition: wire length of the
secondary winding = 1/4 of the wave
- With the use of the experimental

" .points of Figure 14, two curves are

... plotted in Figure 15, which illus-
I'....-- .trate the dependence of the relative
Figure 11. Tesla transfor- transformer ratio on the load
mer for 1.5 MV. capacity. Curve 1 applies to each

I 2.
.. 1

.iPrimary consrnteh
the windings of the primany~and secondary circuits shown in Fig.l1
1. Feed cable from the three-phase current generator.
2. Feed transformer-
3. Primary condenser
4. Spark gap ventilated with compressed air.
5. Cable terminal ior connecting cable between spark gap and
!rimary winding.

new matching of resonance by en-

largement of C1 , Curve 2 applies
to constant primary capacity C1 =
F.. 0. 6 11F, i.e., for the transformer
matched only to no-load, and then

I, capacitatively loaded. Curves 1

and 2 show that the effect of a new
matching increases with increasing
capacity Cg.

Figure 16 shows the dependence

_.__-_-_.---.- of the transformer ratio in the
special case of the transformer
Figure 13. Tesla transformer tuned to resonance with no load
for 1.5 MV with full [ill.]. and then loaded ohinically-capacita-
tively, on the size of the load
resistance RB parallel to ie secondary winding, or on the ratio
RB to wL2 . The capacitative load caused by the ground capa-
cities of the connecting lines to the resistor RB and to the
measuring device, remained unchanged. The measurement results
indicate that the transformer is in a position, for example,
at a voltage of 106 V, to produce a current with peak values
of approximately 50 MA without significant voltage drop; this
current would correspond to a load resistance of 2 - 107n.

Figure 17 shows the time curve of the primary voltage

u and of the secondary voltage u 2 of the described Tesla
transformer, using a mechanical switch for closing the primary
circuit. The beat-like curve of the voltage oscillations are
recognizable both on the primary and on the secondary side.
The time curve of the secondary voltage u 2 when a spark gap
is used as the primary switch element, is seen in Figure 18.
A beat cannot be formed here, since the arc between the
electrodes of the circuit spark gap is extinguished after one
half of a beat period, i.e., after reaching the maximum value
of the secondary voltage. The secondary circuit therewith
decays itself from this point in time onwards.
N,• 21
The large effect of the loss factor Of the primary conden-
Pers on the damping, and with it the attainable teansformer
ratio, under some circumstances, should be again pointed out
at this time. In measurements on the 1.5 MV Tesla transformer
available, the use of condensers with ceramic dielectric or a
plastic film (styroflex) dielectric was found to be outstandingly
favorable. This becomes clear when the loss factors of conden-
sers with this dielectric are compared with those of Clophene-
paper condensers. Such a comparison has been made in Figure
10. It is seen there, that the ratio of tan 6of Clophene-
paper condensers to the tan 6 of ceramic or styroflex condensers
at a frequency of 20 kHz, is approximately 10:1. For the series
equivalent resistor Rj of the primary condenser C1 = 0.610- 6 F,
there results at tan 6= 10"10 at 20 kHz, a value of 133"10
-3 .
A comparison of the direct current resistance of 23 • 10 3n
indicated in Table 2 for the primary side, with this equivalent
resistance, shows the predominating influence of the high tan 6
value. This also applies when it is considered that the ohmic
resistance of the primary winding can increase as a result of
the skin effect at 20 kHz to approximately twice the value of
the direct current resistance.

•2 ...... ,•~ ~ . .......

.. .. - ..

0o 1.0 .0 03 so 1~0 200 Pf 250

Figure 14. Dependence of Figure 15. Dependence of the

the relative transformer relative transformer ratio u/uth
ratio u/uth on the size of on the size of the load condenser
the primary condenser Cl at CB.
various sizes of capaci- 1. Transformer for each case of
tors CB. load, tuned to resonance by enlarge-
I Cit I C.sSSpF ment of C 1 .
I 3s p C s0 2. Transformer tuned.to no-load
resonance. C1 = 0.6 liF.

I i I' Il 14,i
WTU &0ISI I ! !., ,
Figure 16. Dependence of the
relative transformer ratio
u/uth on the size of the
load resistor Rp, or on the Figure 17. Time curve of the
ratio RB/wL2, with tuning primary voltage ul = f(t) and of
to no-load resonance. the secondary voltage u = f(t)
C1 = 0.6 UF. of a Tesla transformer ior the
1. Limiting value for C1 = case in which a mechanical switch
0.6UF and CB = 65 pF. is used as switching element.

Figure 18. Time curve of the

secondary voltage u2 = f(t)
of a Tesla transformer for
the case in which an air-
ventilated spark gap is "
used as switching element.
The voltage curve is vi-
sible onlyfourth
from one approximately
period L. , :'' ,ii' ,

before reaching the largest

peak value
. i , '
of u2. .. _,.. . ..... . .,... . ... . . .."

In practice, the use of high frequency condensers for

comparatively large values of capacity and for operating
voltages in the order of magnitude of 10 to 30 kV, have limits
for economic reasons. One must, therefore, be satisfied in
the construction of Tesla instruments in general, with less
expensive Chlophene-paper or oil-paper condensers, at the
expense of the maximum obtainable transformer ratio.


After general considerations of Tesla transformers, their

theory is discussed. Among other matters, it is pointed out that
the choice of the coupling factor k has an important effect on
the maximum transformer ratio. The relationships between the
nominal voltage and the frequency of transformers of this type
are further discussed, which must be considered in proper
design. Damping is discussed in a sepaiate section. The
various influencing parameters are listed, and it ii particularly
pointed out that the arc resistance of the spark gap generally
used as the primary switchinj element, plays an important role.
Finally, a Tesla transformer is described for a maximum no-load
voltage of 1.5 MV, and measurement results are disclosed which
are concerned chiefly with the effect of various types of loads
on the transformer ratio.


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