V2 Materials Technology 2
V2 Materials Technology 2
V2 Materials Technology 2
Materials Technology II
1. introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Important Features...................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Control of the burning process.................................................................................... 5
1.3 Basic Aspects of the Material Changes Involved in Clinker Formation........................5
2. Reaction pathways encountered during clinker formation......................................... 5
2.1 General Considerations.............................................................................................. 5
2.2 Basic Sequence of Reactions..................................................................................... 6
2.3 Mineralogical and Chemical Characteristics of Raw Mixes......................................... 7
2.4 Intermediate Products................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Liquid Phase............................................................................................................... 9
2.6 The Overall Reaction Sequence............................................................................... 13
3. Reaction mechanisms.................................................................................................15
3.1 Definitions................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Examples.................................................................................................................. 17
4. Kinetics of clinker burning.......................................................................................... 23
4.1 General Aspects........................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Practical Considerations........................................................................................... 25
4.3 Assessment of Raw Meal Burnability........................................................................ 30
5. Thermochemistry of clinker formation.......................................................................38
As can be seen, the raw mixture is not transformed into the final cement clinker by rapid
subjection to the required clinkering temperature. The process of clinker formation, as
demanded by the construction of the rotary kiln, takes place over a wide range of
temperatures, during which a complex mixture of reactants, intermediate and final products
often coexist. Even after reaching the maximum temperature (approx. 1450 °C), a certain
time must also elapse before a clinker of acceptable quality is produced.
In somewhat more detail, the principal sequence of events occurring and the temperature
range over which they take place, can be represented as shown in Table 2:
From the preceding data it is evident that the various mixes are composed of very different
minerals and in addition vary within a certain range in their chemical composition. In spite of
these differences, Portland cement clinkers composed of the same hydraulically active
minerals are produced from all these mixes. The fact that such a diversity of mixes results in
the same end product, underlines the complexity of the transformation process.
23 the intermediate products are preferentially formed by kinetically faster reaction rates
24 the intermediate products are the reaction products of localized zones in the meal charge,
i.e. local equilibrium but not overall equilibrium was reached (for example gehlenite
25 the intermediate products are really the equilibrium products at the given temperature and
gas atmosphere, but not at the final clinkering temperature (the formation of spurrite is a
typical example)
The most important intermediate product, however, is not a crystalline product at all, but is
the liquid phase first formed above ca. 1250 °C, and which only forms crystalline products
(mainly aluminate and ferrite) after cooling.
Components Temperature °C of
liquid formation
C-S 2065
C-S-A 1458
C- S-A- F 1338
C- S-A- F- M 1300
C- S-A- F- M-N 1280
Due to the inclusion of additional oxides (e.g. K2O, TiO2, Mn 2O3, etc.) the lowest
formation temperature of the liquid phase in clinker is in reality around 1250°C.
2.5.2 Quantity of Liquid
Although most raw mixes show about the same minimum temperature of liquid formation, the
quantity of liquid formed at this and progressively higher temperatures varies according to
the raw mix chemistry.
In the Portland cement relevant parts of the system C - S - A - F, in which melting begins at
1338 °C, the composition of the liquid is:
CaO - 55 %
SiO2 - 6% Alumina ratio
Al2O3 - 22 % (AR) = 1.38
Fe2O3 - 16 %
The percentage liquid forming at various temperature (1338, 1400, and 1450 °C) is given in
Table 7.
Table 7 Formulae used for estimating the quantity of the liquid phase according
to Lea & Parker
Figure 2 displays graphically the influence of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 alone on the quantity of liquid
formed at 1338 °C, the solid contours representing the percentage of liquid formed. It can be
seen that the effect of adding Fe2O3 or Al2O3 on the proportion of liquid formed at 1338 °C is
influenced strongly by the alumina ratio. If in a clinker composition containing 4.5 % Al2O3
and 2 % Fe2O3, for example, the Fe 2O3 content is held constant and the Al 2O3 content is
increased, the percentage of liquid remains unchanged at 14 %, because the iso-Fe2O3
contour lies parallel to the iso-liquid contour in this region. If, however, the iron content is
increased and the Al 2O3 content remains constant, the proportion of liquid at first increases
rapidly until at 3.3 % Fe2O3 it attains a maximum of 21 %. With further increase in Fe2O3 the
quantity of liquid decreases. Therefore, the most effective use of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 - with
respect to liquid formation at 1338 °C - occurs when the two are used in the weight ratio of
AR = Alumina ratio
OB, GM, UN, VN = Different Plants
At 1400 °C and above increasing Al2O3 and / or Fe2O3 always result in a larger quantity of
liquid phase, Al2O3 being the one with the larger influence.
2C2S.CaCO3 2
In order to allow an overall picture to be quickly gained, it must be mentioned that the SiO2
content of the clay minerals and the pressure of feldspars have been omitted. Of interest in
the above display is that the presence of spurrite is considered as being a normal
intermediate product and not only a component found solely in kiln deposits.
3.1 Definitions
For the discussion of reaction mechanisms the following concepts with regard to states of
matter and types of reaction will be employed.
3.1.1 States of Matter
All matter can be assigned at any specific temperature to at least one of the three defined states of matter,
namely to the solid, liquid, or gaseous state. Each of these states has specific properties which allow a
simple distinction between them to be made as follows:
State of Matter Properties
solid definitive volume and definite shape
liquid definitive volume, assumes shape of container
gaseous neither definitive volume nor definite shape
Under specific conditions (of temperature and pressure) it is possible for more than one state
to coexist with another. An example demonstrating this effect is, of course, water which at
various temperatures and pressures can coexist in the liquid/gas, solid/liquid and
solid/liquid/gas states.
In this transition the distorted low from, stable under 573 °C, changes into the more ordered
high modification, the stable species above the transition temperature.
b) aragonite Î calcite inversion (both have composition CaCO3)
Aragonite present in the raw meal transforms on heating into calcite. Consequently, kiln dust
always contains calcite and not aragonite. The reason for this transition is, that under normal
atmospheric pressure calcite and not aragonite is the stable from of CaCO3. This can be
easily seen in Figure 7, showing the stability conditions of calcite and aragonite.
where M = Ca (Calcite)
23 Ca/Mg (Dolomite)
24 Mg (Magnesite)
in which, if the CO2 is not removed, there exists an equilibrium between the reactant and the
reaction products. At any single temperature, both the degree of decarbonisation of the
carbonate and the partial pressure of CO2 (i.e. pCO2) are fixed, providing equilibrium has
been achieved. With increasing temperature the pCO2 value increases until a certain given
temperature the value equals atmosphere pressure as shown in Figure 8, so that the
carbonate will completely decompose.
Under conditions in which the CO2 is constantly removed (e.g. in a flowing gas atmosphere
at reduced pressure in which the pCO2 value is lower than the equilibrium level)
decomposition of the carbonate will take place at a reduced temperature.
In the simple carbonates found in cement raw mixes, the temperature at which the
equilibrium pCO2 level attains 1 bar is as follows:
Mineral Temp (°C) pCO2 = 1 bar
Calcite 890
Dolomite 745 and 890
From the figure it is evident that spurrite is thermally more stable than calcite. As a
consequence of the greater stability of spurrite, it may form in cement kilns either by direct
reaction of calcium carbonate and silica, or by reaction of CaO, Ca2SiO4 and gaseous CO2.
The formation of spurrite with the latter mechanism may occur only in a small range of
temperatures above the CaCO3 decomposition temperature, for example, between 890
°C and 912 °C at 1 bar CO2 pressure.
5888 Decomposition of alite
A reaction of the solid-solid decomposition type which can, under certain circumstances, occur
during clinker cooling, is the decomposition of alite. From the phase diagram for the system CaO
- SiO2 it can be deduced that C 3S has a lower limit of stability at 1250 °C, below which it will
decompose into two solids, C2S and CaO. The maximum rate of decomposition occurs at 1175
°C, at which temperature the S-shape decomposition curve (Figure 10)
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 20
indicates that the initial decomposition is controller by nucleation of the products on the
C3S surface.
Figure 10 Decomposition of C3S at 1175 °C
As can be deduced from figure 10, the rate of decomposition is so slow that for the cooling rates
encountered during clinker cooling, the decomposition of C3S should not be observed.
In the case of impure C3S, i.e. clinker alite, the rate of decomposition is
appreciably accelerated by:
23 the presence of lime and C2S nuclei
24 the presence of Fe , H2O and K2SO4 / CaSO4
Although the pCO2 value of calcite does not reach 1 bar until 890 °C, the initial formation of
belite does take place at lower temperatures, due to the stability of the C2S phase.
During the solid state reaction of silica and calcite (or CaO) the first reaction product is
always C2S. This can bee seen in Figure 11.
From the above equation it can be seen that the rate of reaction
0 increases with them T and contact surface between raw mix components
(frequency factor A)
1 decreases with higher activation energy Ea for raw mix components.
This can be illustrated as follows. Experience demonstrates that a raw mix composed of
non- reactive minerals (high activation energy Ea) such as quartz, forms clinker more slowly
than a raw mix incorporating more reactive components such as clay minerals or amorphous
silica. The lower activation energy required for the reaction with lime results in a high rate of
clinker formation. To compensate for the slow reactivity of the less reactive minerals, a
higher burning temperature and / or longer burning period (longer clinkering zone) is
The quantitative characterization of the kinetics of clinker formation, however, is extremely
complicated, due to:
0 Portland cement having a range of chemical compositions and being produced from
a wide spectrum of different minerals
1 the transformation takes place via a series of sequential and simultaneous reaction steps
of various types
2 the burning process is not isothermal but occurs in a heating process
3 the non-availability of a simple, precise method for determining the extent of reaction (α)
Various attempts have, in spite of the complexity of the system, been undertaken to evaluate
the kinetics of clinker formation. An example is given in the following table.
The main feature is that the process has been subdivided into four stages having different
reaction mechanisms and rates.
For further details Report No. MA 75/2408/E may be consulted.
Figure 13 Temperature change of DTA curves, phases identified and free lime
The free lime value of the laboratory clinker extended from a minimum value of 0.94 % to
a maximum value of 9.5 %. The values are distributed rather regularly around the mean
value of 4.7 %. Based on this distribution and the corresponding plant experience, the
burnability of raw mixes is ranked as follows:
This narrow range of free lime for plant clinkers can be explained by the quality requirements
in the standards and of the market. The free lime values of industrial clinker, therefore, do
not offer an explanation for the actual burning behavior of the raw mixes. The variability of
raw mix laboratory burnability, as shown in Figure 14, is compensated by technological
measures in the plant.
4.3.2 Statistical Burnability Model
In a quantitative evaluation of the data obtained by the Holcim burnability test, a model has
been developed - Statistical Burnability Model. The initial data for development of the model
were the free lime values from burnability test at 1400 °C on 168 different raw mixes, the
chemical and mineralogical composition, and the overall fineness of these mixes.
With this model, the 1350, 1400 and 1450 free lime values of other raw mixes from the same
raw material components can be determined based on one single burnability test of one mix.
In this way, the burnability model can be used as an instrument for optimization of raw
mixes by allowing for the effect due to changes of the following factors:
Chemical Parameters lime saturation, silica ratio, alumina ratio,
Physical Parameters K2O + Na2O, MgO
residue on 200 and 90 µm sieves,
quantity of mica, quartz and iron
An impression of the use of the statistical burnability model may be gained from the data listed
in Table 9 and presented graphically in Figures 16 and 17. Using a standard raw mix (no. 2), of
overall fineness R90µ= 11 %, and determined free lime value of 4.9 % that would be observed
by varying the temperature, overall fineness and chemical composition have
An impression of the advantages offered by the physiochemical model may be drawn from
the data presented in Figure 18 showing the influence of oversize quartz and calcite grains
and of lime saturation (LS) and silica ratio (SR) on the uncombined CaO content of various
industrial raw mixes.
The total free lime values calculated from the four mentioned parameters correlate well with
the values determined experimentally by the Holcim burnability test (r = 0.97), thus
confirming that the four chosen parameters are capable of characterizing to a considerable
extent raw meal burnability.
As can be easily observed (Figure 18), the quantity of free lime attributed to the individual
parameters varies considerably. Whereas in some mixes the free lime is primarily associated
with the chemical parameters (LS/SR), in others the influence of the quartz and calcite
grains is predominant.
For example in raw meal no. 3, despite a high overall residue of 24 % on a 90 µm screen, no
free lime results from the oversize calcite grains. The reason for this lies in the cement stone
composition of this component, in which the individual calcite crystals are fine -grained and
homogeneously distributed. The benefit of distinguishing between the overall fineness and
the actual dimensions of the individual crystals can thus be appreciated.
In contrast to raw meal no. 3, about half the free lime in raw meal no. 10 is due to oversize
calcite, originating from a high-grade limestone component of a titration value of 95 %.
In raw meals no. 46 and 53 the uncombined CaO can be mainly attributed to chemical rather
than physical parameters. In the former it is mainly the high silica ratio (3.5), in the latter the very
high lime saturation (103 % ) which is responsible for the resulting content of free lime. Finer
grinding of these raw meals would thus not appreciably lower the uncombined lime
It is obvious from these curves that by far the greatest heat requirement occurs between 850
5888 900 °C, i.e. for the decomposition of the carbonate minerals. The total heat
requirements for dehydration, decarbonisation and melting exceed the heat liberated by
the formation of belite and the intermediate and final products.
Not included in the DTA representation, however is the heat involved in the actual heating of
the raw meal and the cooling of the clinker and of the CO 2 and H2O gases obtained from
the calcite and the clay minerals.
The heat of absorption and liberation, however, varies according to the nature of the
individual raw mix, as is clearly demonstrated in Figure 13. The DTA curve, therefore,
allows a differentiation of the reactivities of different raw mixes to be made.
When the quantitative values for the various reactions are considered, the heat
requirements for the material only with respect to clinker formation may be expressed as
follows in approximate terms.
Depending on the carbonate content, lime saturation and mineralogical composition, the net
heat requirement varies between approx. 1630 - 1800 kJ/kg clinker (i.e. 390 - 430 kcals /kg).
These values, of course, only apply to a dry raw meal. For a slurry, the heat requirements
will certainly be higher by that necessary of the removal of water. This value will be
dependent on the actual slurry water content, and for the average slurry of 35 % H2O is ≈
2100 kJ/kg clinker. The net theoretical heat of formation of 1 kg clinker from slurry is,
therefore ≈1765 + 2100, i.e. 3865 kJ/kg (920 kcals/kg).
When considering the heat required for actual clinker production, involving heat losses, the
values of approx. 1700 and 3865 kJ/kg clinker are too low. A more realistic heat balance
taking process inefficiency into consideration, is approximately as follows:
The heat losses due to radiation, exhaust gas, etc. will be explained in more detail under the
heading of process technology.
1. clinker mineralogy......................................................................................................... 46
1.1 Theoretical Clinker Phases.........................................................................................46
1.2 The Real Clinker Minerals...........................................................................................50
1.3 Polymorphic Modifications of the Clinker Minerals......................................................51
1.4 Quantitative Clinker Mineralogy - Potential and Reality..............................................55
2. Clinker Microstructure...................................................................................................62
2.1 Microscopical Appearance of the clinker minerals......................................................62
2.2 Formation of Clinker Microstructure During Burning................................................... 73
2.3 Influence of Production Conditions on Clinker Microstructure..................................... 76
3. Methods of clinker investigation...................................................................................81
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 81
3.2 Microscopy and Microprobe Analysis..........................................................................82
3.3 X-ray Powder Diffraction.............................................................................................87
3.4 Clinker Analysis by Wet Chemical Extraction Method.................................................90
Fig. 1: Sub-solidous phase equilibrium relationships in the system CaO - Al2O3 - SiO2
A point of special interest here is that three of the phases C3S - C2S - C3A are binary
compounds, i.e. composed of only two oxides. The other phase C4AF is a ternary oxide,
composed of CaO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. Although C4AF is often considered as being an
individual compound of fixed composition, it is in reality a member of the solid solution series
3+ 3+
2 CaO. Fe2O3 - ‘CaO . Al2O3 ‘ in which 50 % of the Fe atoms are replaced by Al atoms,
hence giving the composition 2 CaO ⋅ 1/2 Al2O3 ⋅ 1/2 Fe2O3, i.e. 4 CaO ⋅ Al2O3 ⋅ Fe2O3.
Figure 3 Phase equilibrium diagram of the portion CaO - 2CaO . Fe2O3 - CaO
⋅ Al2O3 of the CaO ⋅ Al2O3 ⋅ Fe2O3 system
In the already mentioned average clinker the oxides CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SiO2, total 95.6
%, the remaining 4.4 % being principally composed of MgO (1.8 %), the alkalis K2O and
Na2O (0.9 %) and SO3 (0.5 %). These minor oxides not only are located within the lattices
of the C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF, (as will be demonstrated later) but also exist in the clinker
as free MgO (periclase) and as alkali and alkali/calcium sulfates.
Plant Plant
The changes β → α and α → α‘ L are irreversible and slow as they involve breaking all the
primary chemical bonds. These structural changes are accompanied by a considerable
volume change (13 %). The β-belite is considered to have good hydraulicity, while the α-form
is hydraulically only little active. Alkalis play an important role: in the presence of K 2O and
Na2O and α‘ and an α-form develop, which have a higher activity than the β-form.
1.3.3 C3A and Aluminate
Pure C3A is a definite compound with a cubic lattice, showing no polymorphic transformations.
When increasing quantities of Na2O, they are incorporated within the lattice, forming a solid
solution series incorporating up to 5.7 % Na2O, orthorhombic (O), monoclinic
5888 and tetragonal (Tg) modifications occur; their stability relations are summarized in
The aluminate phase in clinker exists in the cubic (C), orthorhombic (O) and tetragonal (Tg)
forms. Two forms, e.g. O + C or O + Tg, can coexist. Up to date, the monoclinic (M)
formation has not been observed. There is some evidence to suggest that the various forms
differ in their reactivities.
1.3.4 C4AF and Ferrite
Pure C4AF is not a definite compound but a member of the continuous solid solution series
extending between 2 CaO ⋅ Fe2O3 and 2 CaO ⋅ Al2O3 , the latter end-member being stable
only at high pressure, up to approx. 66 % Fe2O3 in 2CaO ⋅ Fe2O3 can be replaced by Al2O3.
The member of 4 CaO ⋅ Al2O3 ⋅ Fe2O3 (C4AF) corresponds to the 50 % replacement.
The ferrite phase in Portland cement varies chemically between C6A2F and C6AF2 (solid
solution series) and is orthorhombic like the pure C2F. As yet no other modification has been
reported. The ferrite phase is considered to be only slightly hydraulically active.
For a detailed x-ray diffraction investigation of aluminate and ferrite in clinker, the phases
can be concentrated dissolution of alite and belite using salicylic acid.
For the purposes of calculation, the ‘CaO’ and ‘SiO2’ values used are given.as
‘CaO’ = CaOtotal - CaOfree
‘SiO2’ = SiO2 total - insoluble residue
The calculation does not take into account the influence of the minor elements:
alkalis, Mg, Ti, Mn, Cr, P, etc., and the solid solution of the principal oxides: CaO, SiO2,
Al2O3 and Fe2O3 within the alite, belite, aluminate and ferrite phases. As we have already seen,
the composition of the 4 principal phases is not C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF. It is therefore not
surprising that the potential and real clinker compositions never agree. This situation is
further aggravated by the non-attainment of equilibrium during clinker production. In addition it is
now known that SO3 in clinker is mainly combined with the alkalis
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 56
and only to a slight extent with CaO. The currently used Bogue formula for clinker does,
therefore, not consider the influence of SO3.
2.1.1 Introduction
In the foregoing chapter we have discussed the principles of clinker formation, its chemistry
and mineralogy. These parameters can only account for part of the clinker and of the
resulting cement properties. The microstructure or fabric of a clinker is also decisive when
considering phenomena such as clinker grinding, cement hydration and hardening
In this chapter only an introduction to the microscopical appearance of industrial clinker will
be given. As this is a complex topic, only the basic principles will be discussed. For further
information reference should be made to any of the reference works on this subject (4, 5).
2.1.2 General
The appearance of a crystalline aggregate is generally referred to as fabric, which is defined
as the whole of all geometric features or properties of an aggregate. Three groups of
geometric features can be discerned: phase association, texture and structure. Alite
External Form
Alite, the principal constituent of cement clinker, occurs most frequently as idiomorphic
crystals, i.e. as well-defined, sharp-edged crystals. The characteristic form, as can be seen
in Plate 1, are compact tabular crystals, often exhibiting a hexagonal section. Alite crystals
can also, however, be found in a form whose outlines are dissected by indentations and
protrusions, and whose hexagonal shape is barely discernible. Such crystals are termed
xenomorphic alite and can be seen in Plate 2. Lath-shaped alite crystals have also been
Other features can also be observed within alite crystals and include the presence of single
and polysynthetic twinning, as can be seen in the excellent plates in Ref. 4 (p. 11, Fig. 4).
At the highest sintering temperature, alite always exhibits its highest symmetry, i.e. trigonal
23 form, but on cooling to normal temperature, passes through several polymorphic stages,
and so in industrial clinker appears mostly in the monoclinic (M) an triclinic (T) forms.The
presence of simple twinning is indicative of crystals having passed through the
trigonal (R) → monoclinic (M) polymorphic transition. The presence of polysynthetic
twinning is associated with the change from the monoclinic to the lowest symmetry,
i.e. triclinic (T) form. Differentiation between the individual monoclinic or triclinic forms is
not possible by microscopy but requires the use of x-ray diffraction (see Figure 5) or DTA
techniques. The optical distinction of the various polymorphic changes is made possible by
the different etching behavior of the various crystal modifications.
Another internal feature of alite crystals is the presence of zones having different etching
properties, i.e. a zonar structure. These zones are associated with the selective inclusion of
different ions during the formation process. Examples of the various forms of twinning and
zonar structure are to be found in (4).
Scanning electron microscope photographs of belite seen in Plate 22 also confirm the
rounded shape of belite observed in polished sections. Uncombined Lime
This is more commonly known as free lime, and always appears as rounded spherical
crystals (Plate 8), even when it is not constricted by other crystalline phases. When viewed
at higher magnifications, e.g. 10,000 through scanning electron microscopy as shown in
Plate 24, it can be seen that the rounded free lime grains do have planar surfaces. It is
invariably found along with alite, but not in contact with belite, as in the latter case the two
would react to form alite.
Uncombined lime should not be confused with the micro-crystalline secondary free
lime, resulting form the decomposition of alite.
When the liquid phase is rich on alkalis, an aluminate solid solution containing both K2O and
Na2O crystallizes in the elongated lath from shown in Plate 10, often termed ‘alkali
This form, as has been reported earlier, may have orthorhombic (O) or tetragonal (Tg)
crystal symmetry, requiring x-ray diffraction to differentiate between the two modifications.
However, when the clinker has been rapidly cooled, the aluminate and ferrite are finely
grained and closely intergrown as shown in Plate 11.
Plate 11 Finely grained aluminate and ferrite due to rapid cooling. 250 x
Although the individual crystals are often so fine that they cannot be optically distinguished,
x-ray diffraction confirms that they are present in a crystalline and not amorphous form. Ferrite
Just like the aluminate, the external form of the ferrite, as can be seen in Plate 9 and 11,
depends upon the cooling rate. The composition of this phase varies, due to solid solution,
around the ratio C4AF. The actual value cannot be determined by microscopy but x-ray
diffraction gives an indication of their composition.
Upheating cycle:
Individual particles of decarbonized limestone (i.e. free lime) and unreacted hematite can be
seen against the sub-microscopic, non- differentiated mass. Quartz particles are
surrounded by reaction rims, several microns thick. The presence of free lime and belite
can be demonstrated by x-ray diffraction. No large pores can be observed.
2.3.1 General
The microstructure of industrially produced clinker is influenced by several process
parameters, the most important of which are given in Table 2.
In comparison with the effects caused by oversize particles, the concentrations areas due to
inhomogeneity contain normally more than one clinker component and usually extend over
lager areas. Experience shows, however, that a certain clustering, particularly of belite, is
almost always observed in plate clinker. The even distribution (Plate 18) is rather an
2.3.5 Coal Ash
Rotary kilns are in ever increasing numbers again being fired using coal.
Unlike gas and oil, this type of fuel imposes traces of its presence on clinker textures. During
the burning of coal, siliceous ash is produced as molten ash drops and these fall as a
sediment of the clinker being formed. There is thus a SiO2 concentration on the surface of
the kiln charge. Depending on how far the ash drops are carried into the kiln, they will be
more or less assimilated with the clinker granules. Due to the deposition of ash drops rich in
SiO2 on the kiln charge, there is a local lack of CaO. At these places only belite can be
formed and thus the deposition leads to typical belite streaks in the clinker as can be seen in
Plate 19. Generally, these streaks are found in the peripheral areas of the pieces of clinker.
Whether the temperature, the heating time of both parameters were too low cannot be
distinguished. As can be seen in Plate 20, the alite an belite crystals are unusually small.
Alite is surrounded by large amounts of liquid phase, while belite is concentrated in clusters.
In the areas where alite and liquid phase coexist, accompanying free lime appears as a
result of uncompleted reaction between lime and silica. High porosity with vesicular cavities
in places is also typical.
If all these characteristics are considered, it may be concluded that here the formation of the
clinker phases stopped at an early stage. The time and / or temperature was not sufficient to
form normal clinker from the raw materials.
Another time - temperature anomaly occurs if the clinker remains in the highest temperature
range for too long or if the sintering temperature is too high. Coarsening of the alite and
belite grains takes place. It can be shown that the crystallization of calcium silicate also
continues during cooling as long as the cooling rate is sufficiently slow. Alite and belite can
continue to grow under such conditions - provided that the quantity of the reacting material is
large enough - until the liquid phase crystallizes. Therefore, with an extreme crystal growth
of calcium silicate, it is not clearly distinguishable if the clinker was over burnt or whether the
cooling rate was too slow. In all these events, hard burning results in clinker of reduced
hydraulic activity.
3.1 Introduction
Investigations on clinker are usually restricted to determining the following properties:
5888 identification of the minerals
5889 estimation of the quantity of each species present
5890 determination of the composition of individual crystals of any single species
and hence the composition range of that species
5891 determination of the habit and spatial distribution (texture) of the minerals.
Several groups of methods are available for the determination of these properties:
23 light microscopy, scanning electron and electron microprobe method
24 x-ray diffraction
25 thermo-analytical methods
26 wet-chemical extraction techniques
Often it is necessary to use the combination of these methods if the maximum amount of
information or if the highest degree of accuracy is required. No single technique is capable
of determining all the desired properties. In Table 4 the normal range of application of each
method is listed.
As can be seen, wet chemical methods are certainly capable of being performed at all
plants, whereas only a limited number of plants are equipped to perform x-ray diffraction and
reflected light microscopy. These latter methods are, however, certainly available in the
central laboratory of a group of plants. Investigations using scanning electron microscopy,
and an electron microprobe analyzer can only be undertaken by specialized laboratories
possessing such advanced and expensive instruments.
Both methods determine the area percent of the minerals in the polished section, and to
convert the results into weight percent, the following mineral densities (g/cm ) must be taken
into account:
alite 3.20 belite 3.28 aluminate 3.04
ferrite 3.77 periclase 3.58 free lime 3.30
3.3.1 Methodical
The examination of clinker by x-ray powder diffraction can with much experience be used to
0 the minerals present - quantitative and qualitative
1 their polymorphic modification (s)
2 the approximate composition of certain minerals
The full potential use of the method as a basic routine technique, however, is made difficult
by the following:
0 variations in the chemical composition of almost all minerals
1 more than one modification of the same mineral almost always present
2 the x-ray intensities of the various modifications are not equal
3 overlapping of various reflections and small concentrations require pre-preparation of the
sample by wet chemical extraction
4 the relatively high cost of the equipment. This can be somewhat reduced when x-ray
diffraction facilities are combined with existing x-ray fluorescence equipment.
Two types of calibration can be applied in which the measured effective peak area of height
is compared to that of either an internal or external standard (e.g. SiO2, CaF 2, TiO2).
The external standard method, i.e. standard and sample not mixed together, eliminates
errors due to fluctuations in the equipment itself. (e.g. instability of x-ray generator, x-ray
counter, etc.), but makes no allowance for changes in material parameters (e.g. absorption
by matrix) . This latter effect can be compensated for by employing an internal standard,
i.e. by mixing the standard powder into the powder being investigated.
3.3.3 Applications of x-ray diffraction
Determination of ferrite solid solution
As mentioned previously, the ferrite composition is only approximately C4AF. The true solid
solution present in clinker can, however, be determined using x-ray diffraction, employing the
change in the 2 θ value of characteristic peaks as evaluation criterion. The latter are shown
in Figure 13.
Figure 13 Change of peak reflections (002, 200, 141) for ferrites in the C2F, C6A2F
Free lime and Ca(OH)2: using ethylene glycol extraction. The proportion of free lime alone
can be ascertained by subtracting the Ca(OH)2 value determined via its H2O loss on
thermal decomposition
Alkali and alkali/calcium sulfates: by controlled extraction with H2O and determination
of Na2O, K2O and SO3 levels in the extracted solution
1.2.1 General
Refractory materials are mainly composed of Al2O3, SiO2, MgO, CaO and Cr2O3 existing as
the free oxide or combined together. They are defined according to ISO Standard R 836 as
"non metallic materials or products having a minimum pyrometric cone equivalent of
1500°C. Internationally they are classified, according to PRE recommendations, as
compromising of the following technological categories:
0 dense, shaped refractory products .
1 shaped insulating refractory products .
2 prepared unshaped dense and insulating refractory materials
Refractory cements
these are placed wet, and harden at high
temperature by ceramic bonding
MORTARS/ Refractory cements (hydraulic binder)
as above but harden without heating
Refractory cements (chemical binder)
harden by chemical reaction at lower
temperatures than required for cement
• coarse crystalline(natural) Austria Radenthein
Canada Radium Hot
1.4.1 General
Refractory products are routinely tested at several stages during their manufacture and in
some industries (e.g. steel production) are even tested by the user prior to delivery before
actually being put into service. Testing may be considered as falling into the following
categories and fulfilling the indicated functions.
Examples representative of the type and degree of various observed contact surfaces
obtained by this method are given in Fig. 4.
This test is considered to be more practice relevant than the temperature shock caused by
spraying the complete refractory test piece with water or air, conditions never encountered in
practice. The test, because only one end of the refractory material is cooled, is said to be
much more demanding than either of the two DIN methods and at the same time more
1.4.7 Alkali Attack
To determine the resistance of high alumina refractories to alkali attack, many manufacturers
use a modified form of the DIN 51'069 test procedure originally developed for testing the
resistance of refractories to blast furnace slags. In this method 50 mm diameter x 35 mm
deep holes in the test pieces are filled with K2CO3 and the material heated for 5 hr. at
1100°C. After cooling, the test samples are cut with a diamond saw and attack judged
according to depth of penetration and to whether the bricks show cracking or not. Examples
showing a weak and a strong resistance to attack by this simple test method are shown in
Figs. 6a and 6b.
1.6.1 General
Even under the most favorable operating conditions, refractory linings are subject to a
definite measurable rate of wear. Based on plant experience (Fig. 9), the minimum
consumption rate achievable in practice, for basic and acidic types may be considered as
0 basic refractories ≈ 6 cm /t clinker
1 acidic refractories ≈ 4 cm /t clinker
It should be considered that these values are average values for the total basic and acidic
linings and that at various positions inside the kiln both higher and lower specific
consumption rates are observed. Whereas some plants can consistently approximate to
these desired low consumption rates, in most cases refractory consumption is higher with
average consumption rates of 30 cm /t clinker and above being not uncommon.
Fig. 9 Consumption of Kiln Linings
Depending on the period for which observations are based it can be observed that the
frequency of wear, due to any particular mechanism, is not constant but varies. This can be
seen in Fig. 11 showing the frequency of the wear mechanisms from 1964 - 1968 and from
1968 - 1974, i.e. since the introduction of large diameter process kilns. As can be deduced,
the identified causes of wear before 1968 were principally chemical (silicate and alkali
infiltration) in nature with mechanical and thermal factors being of equal but secondary
importance. Between 1968 and 1974 mechanical stresses became by far the principal failure
cause, with chemical and thermal being of equal importance. Whereas before 1968 the
causes could clearly be identified in only 50 % of the investigated cases, the percentage of
those not identified dropped to 25 % between 1968 and 1974.
Although no statistics are presently available, the principal causes of wear may again be
chemical in nature, originating from silicate attack and reducing conditions stemming from
the widespread reintroduction of coal firing.
0 Chemical Damage
0 Liquid infiltration (clinker / coal ash
0 lower porosity due to penetration
1 change of colour
2 change of mineralogy
3 increase in CaO, SiO2, (Al2O3, Fe2O3)
1 Alkali condensation
0 increaes in Na2O, K2O, Cl, SO3 levels
1 porosity decrease
2 presence of light coloured layers
3 alkali bursting (Al2O3 refractories)
4 change of mineralogy
2 CO2/SO3 attack (on CaO containing compounds)
0 decrease of porosity
1 presence with whie coloured layers
2 increase in CO2, SO3
3 change of mineralogy
0 Thermal damage
0 Overheating
0 melting of hot face
1 change (increase / decrease) in type of porosity
2 elongation of periclase crystals
3 reduction of chrome content
4 diffusion of low melting silicates, aluminates
5 change of colour
1 Shock
0 spalling of hot face
1 Mechanical damage
0 Kiln deformation / thermal expansion
0 porosity unchanged
1 chemistry / mineralogy unchanged
2 spalling over wide areas
3 crack formation on micro to macro scale
The MgO component remains in comparison much less reactive to gaseous attack.
Depending on the temperature conditions and the kiln atmosphere, the following reactions
occur in the various sections of a dolomite lining:
23 Middle Brick Zone
CaO + SO3 → CaSO4
CaO + S → CaS
2 CaO + 3 SO3 + K2O → 2CaSO4.K2SO4
24 Lower Brick Zone
CaO + C02 → CaCO3
Because of the increase in volume at a specific temperature and hence depth the increase
in volume results first in the formation of cracking and then in the spelling of the hot brick
Dolomite bricks are also subject to hydration in air when their temperature is under 450°C.
Because used bricks have different concentrations of newly formed minerals, their hydration
rate is not the same over the whole structure. It has been shown that the middle CaS
containing zones hydrate faster than the hot face, which in turn hydrates faster than the hot
face, which in turn hydrates faster than the cold one. This is shown in Fig. 13 showing the
rate of destruction of a single used dolomite brick exposed to laboratory air at 22°C and 65%
2.1 General
The formation of durable, protective coating on the refractory lining of a cement kiln is
desirable, in a technical as well as in an economical respect, to guarantee steady kiln
Basically, it is known that the properties and behavior of coating have to be regarded as the
result of a combination of constructional, process technological and material inherent
parameters. The three partial-problems:
23 Formation of coating
24 Adhesion and strength of coating
25 Prevention of ring formation
are closely related to the material parameters as
23 Refractory type
24 Clinker dust and ash characteristics
25 Gas phase and volatile elements
and to the constructional/operational aspects as:
23 Kiln system
24 Kiln operation
25 Operating personnel
2.2 Coating
2.2.1 Definition
The term "coating" is applied in the cement industry for different phenomena. It is therefore
necessary to distinguish between the following:
23 Coating in the cement kiln is the desired protective layer on the refractory lining, which is
formed during kiln operation under the influence of high temperature from the traveling
material on the refractory lining in the transition and sinter zones.
24 Ring formation is an undesired degree of growth of coating.
25 Incrustations, referred to as build-ups, are "coatings" which are formed below 1100°C by
alkali salts and which occur particularly in pre-heater systems.
26 Refractory lining encompasses all construction materials which are intended to eliminate
or reduce the effects of thermal strain.
However, the chemical characteristics of the raw material should not be over-emphasized,
since the characteristics of the refractory lining represent additional, determining parameters
as to coating formation.
2.3.2 Mineralogical Composition
Experience shows that raw mixes containing elevated clay mineral contents and low quartz
contents lead to better coating ability than raw mixes of reversed mineralogical
composition. Since the mineralogical composition influences the ratios and liquid phase
contents, the chemical composition is already a conclusive criterion.
2.3.3 Homogeneity of Raw Mix
Inhomogeneity of the raw mix composition is normally responsible for fluctuations in coating
formation. This applies not only to chemical inhomogeneity, but also to the variations of the
raw mix fineness and to the characteristics of the fuel.
The effects of changes of raw mix properties on the already formed coating layer may be
deduced with the aid of Fig. 16.
Clinker A of good burnability upon up-heating along a - b enters the burning zone at
temperature T (point b). It remains during clinker formation at this temperature and then
cools down, along the temperature profile c - d. During the contact of clinker A with the
refractory lining, a layer of coating is assumed to have been formed.
Any change of the raw mix composition, which impairs its burnability, often leads to a change
of clinker melting properties. For the more difficult to burn clinker b let us assume that an
increased amount of energy will be necessary resulting in a new temperature profile a' - b' -
c' - d'. With this changed profile, the already formed coating layer becomes softer, more fluid,
and is easily scraped off by clinker B. If the refractory linings are already worn out, the kiln
shell will become hotter and perhaps even red spots may occur. In any case, the refractory
lining in the burning zone will be weakened as a result of the new temperature at the brick
surface. Frequent changes and loss of coating (due to fluctuation of composition of raw mix)
particularly in big kilns often results in a considerable decrease in refractory life caused by
2.3.4 Circulating Elements
Circulating elements are the alkalis (K2O, Na2O), chlorine (Cl ) and sulfur (SO2, SO3,
eventually S ). They evaporate from the raw materials (raw mix and fuel) and condense on
the colder raw mix and penetrate into the refractory lining. They play a significant role with
regard to the stability of coating and refractory lining life, but influence coating formation to a
lesser extent.
Schwiete: 89 101.
L.G. Huggett: Rotary cement kiln linings, refractory problems in the burning
zone. Trans Brit. Ceram. Soc. 56 (1957), 87 109.
H. Gygi: Wärmetechnische Untersuchungen des Drehofens zur
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................138
2. LOCATION OF RINGS...................................................................................................138
2.1 Classification............................................................................................................ 138
4. CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS RING AND DEPOSIT TYPES...............................140
4.1 Exhaust Fan Deposits...............................................................................................141
4.2 Slurry Rings (including mud balls).............................................................................141
4.3 Cyclone and Grate Preheater Deposits....................................................................141
4.4 Meal Ring (Calcining Ring) in Long Kilns..................................................................143
4.5 Middle Rings in Large Pre-heater Kilns.....................................................................144
4.6 Sinter Rings (excluding coal-ash rings).....................................................................144
4.7 Coal Ash Sinter Rings...............................................................................................145
4.8 Clinker Rings / Cooler Inlet Deposit (snowman)........................................................145
4.9 Kiln Charge Balls......................................................................................................146
5. METHODS OF REMOVAL/ELIMINATION.....................................................................147
2.1 Classification
Unwanted build-ups may be classified with regard to the type of material from which they are
formed, either sintered or unsintered. Within these two groups the various types can be
classified as follows:
5888 exhaust fan deposits
5889 cyclone and grate preheater deposits
5890 slurry or mud rings
5891 meal rings
LSF 20 - 100
SR 1.0 - 1.5
K2O + Na2O 2.1 -3.0 %
SO3 4.7 - 6.0 %
The SO3 is usually present as anhydrite (CaSO4).
Binding mechanism:
In this case, the temperature is such that liquid phase involvement - aqueous or molten salts
- can be ruled out.
The dust particles, because of the fan rotation, strike the blade surfaces with a high velocity
and are so compacted. As the texture of the surface, after even a short time in operation,
possesses undulations in the order 0.5 - 20 um, the smaller dust particles can be
mechanically "locked-on". Subsequent development of the deposit follows by an identical
The molten coal ash droplets adhere to the exposed kiln lining at a point and temperature at
which they are still partially fluid and sticky. When this sticky layer passes under the kiln
charge on each rotation, it is assumed that a single layer of the still very fine kiln charge
adheres to it. Because of the presence of fine crystalline elite and the overall occurrence of
liquid phase, it must be assumed that the material temperature at the position of the ring lies
above 1260°C.
The elite crystals are very small and certainly much smaller than those of the clinker.
Because of this, it can definitely be said that the ring is not formed from clinker dust blown
back down the kiln.
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................162
1.1 Objectives...........................................................................................................163
1.2 Definitions...........................................................................................................163
2. General parameters to characterize fuels..................................................................163
2.1 Chemical Composition........................................................................................163
2.1.1 Sulfur..................................................................................................................164
2.1.2 Nitrogen............................................................................................................. 164
2.2 Heat of Combustion............................................................................................164
2.2.1 Definition of Gross and Net Calorific value.........................................................164
2.2.2 Conversion from Gross to Net Calorific Value....................................................165
2.3 CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion...............................................................167
3. Characteristics of traditional fuels..............................................................................168
3.1 Solid Fuels (Coal, Petcoke).................................................................................168
3.1.1 Formation and Classification of Coals................................................................168
3.1.2 Petroleum Coke.................................................................................................170
3.1.3 Analyses Coal and Coke....................................................................................171
3.1.4 Reporting Coal or Coke Analyses and Conversion to Different Bases................173
3.1.5 Impact of Solid Fuel Characteristics on the Clinker Burning Process.................175
3.2 FUEL OIL............................................................................................................ 177
3.2.1 Compositions and Classification.........................................................................177
3.2.2 Density............................................................................................................... 178
3.2.3 Viscosity............................................................................................................. 178
3.2.4 Pour Point.......................................................................................................... 180
3.2.5 Water Content....................................................................................................180
3.2.6 Other Properties.................................................................................................180
3.3 NATURAL GAS...................................................................................................181
According to their physical state, fuels are classified into 3 main groups:
0 Solid
1 Liquid
2 Gaseous
The International Panel for Climate Changes (IPCC) and in the Guide for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories defined the traditional fuels for the cement industry
as follows:
0 Solid: Coal, petcoke, lignite, and lower grades of the same fuel
1 Liquid: Fuel oils (heavy), fuel oils (light, incl. diesel), other petroleum (incl.
2 Gas: Natural gas
All fuels that are not traditional are called alternative fuels.
All traditional fuels consist mainly of carbon and hydrogen accompanied by
minor amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and sometimes inorganic minerals.
The carbon and hydrogen contents of the fuels determine their most important
property, namely their heat of combustion or calorific value.
The calorific value describes how much energy or heat is released during
combustion. There are two values:
0 Gross calorific value (which includes the heat from water condensation)
1 Net calorific (which excludes the heat from water condensation) is
normally used in the cement industry.
There are three general types of coal and coke analysis:
0 Chemical analysis
1 Physical analysis
2 Microscopic analysis
For practical purposes the chemical composition of coal and coke is given in terms
of its "proximate" and "ultimate" analysis or elemental composition.
The ash content of solid fuels is important for the chemical composition of the
clinker, since the fuel ash is incorporated into the clinker and changes its chemical
The volatile mater helps to ignite the fuel and has a great impact on the fineness.
A certain fineness is required to guarantee a good combustion.
The grindability, expressed in the Hardgrove index, gives information about how
difficult it is to grind the fuel. The higher the Hardgrove index value, the easier it is
to grind the fuel.
6.1 Objectives
The objective of this report is to present the most important and relevant fuel
parameters, to be able to understand the basic characteristics of traditional fuels in
the cement industry.
6.2 Definitions
By common definition, a fuel is any material that liberates heat when it reacts with
oxygen. Practically speaking, however, only those materials that:
0 ignite at moderate temperatures,
1 burn with comparative rapidity, and
2 are available in quantity at reasonable prices
are regarded as fuels.
According to their physical state, fuels are classified into 3 main groups:
0 Solid
1 Liquid
2 Gaseous
The International Panel for Climate Changes (IPCC) and in the Guide for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories defined the traditional fuels for the cement industry
as follows:
0 Solid: Coal, petcoke, lignite, and lower grades of the same fuel
1 Liquid: Fuel oils (heavy), fuel oils (light, incl. diesel), other petroleum (incl. petrol)
2 Gas: Natural gas
All fuels that are not traditional are called alternative fuels.
The ASTM standard D 121 (standard definitions of terms relating to coal and coke)
defines the technical terms that are used in relation with coal and coke.
Appreciable amounts of minerals, which form ashes after combustion, occur only
in solid fuels and will be discussed in chapter
7.1.1 Sulfur
Sulfur, although a minor component of fuel, is of particular importance because of
its effects on clinker quality and the environment. Furthermore, owing to its
volatility, it can accumulate in certain parts of the kiln system and form build-ups
and rings. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to closely supervise the sulfur
contents of both raw mix and fuel.
Due to the strong alkaline nature of the sintering zone, calcination zone and lower
stage of the preheater, the sulfur in the fuel fed to preheater kilns will not lead to
significant SO2 emissions. The sulfur will be captured in the clinker. In long kilns
the contact between SO2 and the alkaline material is not so good and sulfur in the
fuel can lead to significant emissions.
7.1.2 Nitrogen
Nitrogen in the fuel either combines with other nitrogen atoms to form N 2 gas or
reacts with oxygen to form " fuel NO"x. In a precalciner kiln the prevailing
temperature is in the range of 850 - 950 C, which is not high enough to form
significant "thermal NOx" but fuel NOx will occur. Similarly, other types of
secondary firing of fuel in the back end of the kiln system, such as in the kiln riser
pipe of a suspension preheater kiln or calcining chamber of a preheater grate, may
give rise to "fuel NOx".
There are two main sources for production of NOx:
0 Fuel NOx: nitrogen-containing compounds, chemically bound in the fuel, react with
oxygen in the air to form various oxides of nitrogen. In other words fuel NOx is
generated by the combustion of the nitrogen present in the fuel.
1 Thermal NOx: part of the nitrogen in the combustion air reacts with oxygen to form
various oxides of nitrogen. Thermal NOx forms at temperatures above 1200 C and
is mainly produced in the burning zone.
At HGRS, the author established such a formula with the help of the fuel analyses
carried out during the years as follows:
0 H net = H gross - Y [J/g]
0 = 9.28 x % volatile + 588 [J/g]
H net = net calorific value [J/g
H gross = gross calorific value [J/g]
This empirical formula is applicable for coal, petcoke and their mixes. It can also
be applied for other fuels, but a higher error (up to 4 % e.g. for oil) should be
At the Untervaz plant in Switzerland, a similar formula was established when coal
was re-introduced during 1980 and has been used since.
The empirical formula applied at Untervaz is:
0 H net = H gross - Y [J/g]
0 = 14.5 x % volatile + 642 [J/g]
H net = net calorific value [J/g
H gross = gross calorific value [J/g]
Besides MJ/kg, other units for calorific values are still in use such as:
1 J/g (or kJ/kg)
2 Cal/g (or kcal/kg)
3 BTU/lb (British Thermal Units per pound)
For gaseous fuels, the calorific values usually refer to units of volume under
standard conditions (0°C, 760 mm Hg) instead of mass (Nm = cubic meter or cf =
cubic foot. 1 Nm = 35.31 cf). The conversion factors of these units are listed in
Table 2.
From the foregoing, it can be inferred that the calorific value of a fuel may be
calculated from its elementary composition. However, the energy to break up the
chemical compounds of the fuel has to be deducted. In general, this is not known
with sufficient accuracy. Therefore, the direct determination of the heat of
combustion by calorimetric methods is to be preferred. It is simple and quick and
requires no special skill if a modern calorimeter is available. Fuel prices depend
directly on calorific values. Frequent checks of the fuel caloric value are strongly
recommended. Owing to the tremendous heat requirements of a cement kiln, even
small variations of the calorific values may become very costly.
Hence, the emissions of CO2 from fuel combustion primarily depend on the ratio
between the carbon content and the calorific value of the fuel. The CO2 emissions
resulting from the combustion of the carbon of the fuel are directly proportional to
the specific heat required for clinker burning as well as the ratio of carbon content
to the calorific value of the fuel. Taking into account only the influence of the fuel,
we can say that a high ratio carbon to calorific value means high CO2 emissions.
Natural gas emits approximately half of the amount of CO2 as does coal for the
same heat output (see default CO2 emission factors for fuels).
% H2O 75 - 80 50 - 70 25 - 30 5 - 10 2- 5
%C 50 - 60 60 - 75 75 - 80 80 - 90 90 - 95
%H 5-6 5-6 5-6 4-5 2-3
%O 35 - 40 20 - 30 15 - 20 10 - 15 2-3
% Volatile 60 - 65 45 - 55 40 - 45 20 - 40 5- 7
C.V. kJ/kg
Dry- basis 25 25 - 30 28 - 32 30 - 35 35 - 38
spec. energy
[kWh/t] 14
0 20 40 60 80 100
Ha rdgrove Inde x
0 Ultimate analysis
The ultimate analysis determines the elementary composition. It requires
special equipment and can only be carried out in laboratories with appropriately
trained personnel.
0 Sulfur
Sulfur is analyzed by ignition and subsequent determination of SO2 in the
combustion gases by infrared absorption or colorimetry.
0 Chlorine
Chlorine can be determined in the liquid from the calorimetric bomb by titration
with silver nitrate.
0 Ash composition
The ash composition, which is important for a correct calculation of the raw mix
(see chapter 3.5), is analyzed by the same methods as other raw materials.
0 Heavy metals
Fuels will always contain metals; especially in petcoke, appreciable amounts of
vanadium and nickel are possible (e.g. V: 1500 ppm; Ni 550 ppm; Cr: 7 ppm).
For this reason prior to using a petcoke from a new source, the heavy metals
content should be assessed. Physical Analysis
The test carried out in this analysis include surface area determination, mercury
and helium density and porosity, shrinkage and hardness. For the cement industry,
only the hardness is of importance. The grindability of coal is usually determined
according to the Hardgrove test.
Typical values:
Coal: Hi: 40 to 60 (max 90) (bad to good)
Petcoke: Hi: 35 – 45 (max 90)
(Clinker: Hi: around 30) Definitions
When reporting coal or coke analyses, the bases of the analyses must be given
together with the analysis results.
The bases most commonly used in the cement industry are:
0 As-determined basis
1 As-received basis
2 Dry basis
3 Dry and ash-free basis
The ASTM D3180 (standard for calculating coal and coke analyses from
as-determined to different bases) defines these bases as follows:
As-determined basis (ad)
Analytical data obtained from the analysis sample of coal or coke after conditioning
and preparation in accordance with the ASTM D 2013. As-determined data
represents the numerical values obtained at the particular moisture level in the
samples at the time of analysis. The term air-dry basis was also used before for
this sample basis.
As-received basis (ar)
Other parameters:
Par = Pad x
Grinding is generally combined with drying of the coal. This drying should not go
too far because completely dry coal could be difficult to ignite. In the absence of
water, the reaction of carbon with oxygen is very sluggish. 1 - 1.5 % of residual
moisture in the coal will accelerate the reaction sufficiently. The exact drying
Table 8: Requirements for heavy fuel oil as per German Standard DIN 51603
Flashpoint in closed cup: min. °C 65;100
Kinematic viscosity: max. 2 at 50°C: 450
mm /s (cSt)
at 100°C: 40
Pour point: °C no specifications
Conradson carbon residue: max. % mass 15
Sulfur content: max. % by mass 2.8
Water content, not removable: max. % mass 0.5
Sediment content: max. % mass 0.5
Calorific value: min. MJ/kg 39.8
Ash (oxide ash): max. % mass 0.15
8.2.2 Density
The density of fuel oil is strongly dependent on temperature. For 1°C increase in
the temperature of heavy oil, the density decreases, on average, by 0.63 %.
Therefore, the density must always be given with a reference temperature, usually
15°C (d15) . There are statistical relationships between density and other
properties of fuel oil, specially the calorific value. Being relatively easy to measure,
density is suitable for regular and frequent quality control.
8.2.3 Viscosity
Apart from the calorific value, viscosity is the most important property of fuel oils.
Both pumping and atomization require certain viscosities. These can be obtained
by heating the oil because the viscosity depends strongly on temperature. Fig. 5
shows this together with the atomization range and pumping limits. It can be seen
that for optimal atomization, the heavy fuel oil must be heated to about 120°C. The
oil temperature has to be strictly controlled, because even small variations would
cause marked changes of viscosity and thereby also atomization.
1P = 10−1 N.s
It is called "dynamic viscosity". The ratio of dynamic viscosity to density is
designated as "kinematic viscosity", usually measured in centistokes (cSt). In
practice, empirical units are often employed such as Redwood-seconds in Great
Britain, or Saybolt seconds ("Universal" and "Furol") in the USA. Table 7 contains a
comparison of the different viscosity scales.
Henry Salazar
Trace Elements:
0 Essential
0 biologically important: Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Si. Sn, V, Zn
1 Clinically significant: Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Se, Zn
1 Suspected to be Essential: As, Ge, Rb
2 Regularly Found in Tissue: Al, B, Br, Ga, Li, Sc, Sr, Ti
3 Toxic
0 potentially toxic: As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb, Se
1 environmental contaminants: Cd, Hg, Pb
2 industrial hazards: Be, Bi, Cr, Mn, Ni, Sb, Th, Te,U, V, W
Others: Ag, Au, Ba, Ce, Cs, Nb, Pt, rare earths, Te, W, Zr
Not all elements are toxic, indeed many are even essential to life. As can be seen in Table 2,
the elements H, C, N, O, Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, Ca are the major elements necessary, the
additional elements B, F, Si, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo, Sn and I being necessary
in only trace quantities. The main body of the essential trace elements is grouped between V
and Zn in the first transition series of the periodic table. With the exception of Mo, Sn and I,
all the essential elements lie within the first four layers of the table. The form in which these
elements is present is also important as some compounds, eg. HCN (prussic acid) contain
essential elements but must definitely be classed as being highly toxic.
Regarding the quantity of the trace elements required this varies from element to element.
As given in Table 3, showing the situation for a 70 kg adult, the daily requirements range
from 0.03 mg for Co up to 15 mg for Fe. These elements are not accumulated within the
body and are excreted and so must be continually replaced. The total burden of the
essential elements is also shown in Table 3 with Fe at 4.1 g (4100 mg) and Zn at 2.3 g
(2300 mg) being the most abundant.
2.2.1 Toxicity
Some of the substances which are emitted to the atmosphere during the burning of cement
clinker are annoying and some can be even harmful to the environment. Annoying
substances are those which only affect well-being, whereas harmful substances impair the
biological activity (metabolism, growth) of an organism. In medical terminology the latter are
referred to as "atoxic". While it is usual to speak globally of toxic elements, toxicity itself is by
no means a fixed, well- defined property. Firstly it depends to a decisive extent on the
chemical compound in which the particular element is found. For instance sulphur is very
toxic as dioxide, hydrogen sulphide etc., but many other sulphur compounds are perfectly
harmless e.g. sulphates like gypsum. It is also very important whether a compound is easily
resorbed by the organism or not. Examples of compounds containing well-known "toxic"
elements which on account of their being insoluble cannot be resorbed and are therefore
practically harmless are:
0 arsenic sulphide
1 barium sulphate
2 mercury sulphide
The tolerance limits for toxic elements to be found in official regulations are of course
determined on the basis of the most dangerous compounds of the element concerned.
The toxic efficacy of a substance also depends to a large degree on whether it is absorbed
by inhalation, ingestion or skin exposure. For example, metallic mercury can pass through
the stomach and intestines without serious effects whereas inhaling the vapour can be very
harmful. The toxicity of mercury compounds also depends on their solubility which in turn
determines their absorption and distribution in the organism involved. Thus whilst metallic
mercury and almost all mercury compounds are toxic , mercury sulphide is non-toxic
because of its practical insolubility in the body.
In many cases it has been found that elements which are essential to life can also be toxic
depending on the dose and the form in which the element is present. In general it can be
said that the toxicity of elements roughly parallels their abundance in the Earth's crust and in
sea water. Elements that are present in low levels are more likely to be toxic as shown in
Table 4 in which those metals for which toxic properties have been reported are given. In
this table mainly the toxic metals are included, the toxic non-metals having being omitted.
In HMC/TC laboratories, where all the above methods are available Hg is measured by the
hydride process and all the others with a few exceptions using the graphite furnace AAS
technique. These methods were chosen because, being wet chemical techniques, there is
no matrix correction and standard calibration samples are easily made by the addition
Table 8: Range (ppm) of Heavy Metals Reported for Correctives used in Cement
raw Mixes
Element Class Iron Ore Earth's Crust
Cd 1 0.2 - 15 0.2
Hg 1 0.08
Tl 1 0.07 - 400 0.5
As 2 4 - 680 1.8
Co 2 25
Ni 2 10 - 340 75
Se 2 0.05
Te 2 0.01
Cr 3 9 - 1400 100
Cu 3 55
Pb 3 9 - 8700 13
Sb 3 0.2
Sn 3 2
V 3 135
Zn n.c. 6900 - 9400 70
Table 11: Range of Heavy Metals (ppm ) in Natural Fuels Used in Clinker
Element Class Hard Brown Petroleum Bunker Oil Hard Coal Earth's
Coal Coal Coke Fly Ash Crust
Cd 1 0.1 - 10 0.1 - 2.4 0.1 - 4.0 0.02 - 0.4 0.2 - 8 0.2
Hg 1 0.1 - 1.0 0.01 - 0.09 0.2 - 0.8 0.08
Tl 1 0.1 - 1.2 0.07 - 0.3 0.04 - 3.1 < 0.02 - 0.12 2 -15 0.5
As 2 2 - 50 0.3 - 9 < 0.01 - 0.1 40 -530 1.8
Co 2 5 - 34 90 -250 25
Ni 2 15 - 96 0.6 - 1.9 24 - 355 5 - 43 150 - 600 75
Se 2 0.6 - 3.4 1 -35 0.05
Te 2 0.2 - 0.6 0.01
Cr 3 5 - 80 0.9 - 8 3.6 - 104 2-4 60 -330 100
Cu 3 10 - 60 140 - 650 55
Pb 3 10 - 270 0.8 - 6 6 - 102 1 - 34 125 - 800 13
Sb 3 0.4 - 2.0 0.5 - 90 0.2
Sn 3 (38) 2
V 3 30 - 180 2-7 2 - 117 230 - 500 135
Zn n.c. 6 - 220 1 - 70 (7.6) 5 - 85 350 - 910 70
Table 12: Range of Heavy Metals (ppm ) in Secondary Fuels Used in Clinker
Element Class Waste Oil Fullers Ion Automobile Used Earth's
Earth Exchange Tyres Wood Crust
Cd 1 4 0.01 - 2 9 - 50 5 - 10 1.5 - 16 0.2
Hg 1 < 0.05 0.08
Tl 1 0.02 0.2 0.03 - 0.07 0.2 - 0.3 0.5
As 2 1.8
Co 2 25
Ni 2 3 - 30 0.001 - 30 8 - 87 77 11 - 50 75
Se 2 5 0.05
Te 2 0.01
Cr 3 5 - 50 2 - 11 20 - 330 97 16 - 25 100
Cu 3 40 - 77 55
Pb 3 10 - 21000 2 - 2500 150 - 6400 60 - 760 38 - 70 13
Sb 3 10 0.2
Sn 3 2
V 3 135
Zn n.c. 240 - 3000 10 - 480 56 - 3900 9300 - 20500 130 - 560 70
Table 13: Heavy Metal Compounds of Class 1, 2 and 3 Elements which have a
Partial Pressure of over 1 mm Hg at or below 300 °C
Elemen Class Fluoride Chloride Bromide Iodide Oxide Sulphate Hydride Meta
t l
Be 1 * * *
Cd 1
Hg 1 * * * *
Tl 1
As 2 * * * * * *
Co 2
Ni 2
Se 2 * * *
Te 2
Cr 3
Cu 3
Pb 3
Sb 3
Sn 3
V 3
Regarding the output of Hg, although not mentioned, this essentially leaves the kiln system
completely via the stack gas. The next most volatile element was found to be Tl of which 42
0 of the total input left the kiln in the stack gas whilst for Cd and Pb only 1 % left by this
Of the elements which did not leave the kiln system, with the exception of Tl these were
mainly found in either the filter dust or in the clinker. Those less volatile elements found
predominantly in the clinker were As (92 %), Be (96 %), Ni (97 %) and Zn (88 %). In
contrast, for the more volatile species, 81 % of the Cd and 77 % of the Pb were found in the
kiln dust.
5.6.2 Lepol Kiln
An example from Krcmar et.al. of a heavy metal balance for a Lepol kiln fired with petroleum
coke as fuel is presented in Table 15. This presentation is more comprehensive than that
previously given in that the actual concentrations of the individual elements are given for the
various types of inputs and outputs. Those elements leaving the kiln in the form of a vapour
were not measured and the fact that the output can be either higher or lower than the input
is acknoweledged, these indicating a gain resp. loss within the kiln system. A missing output
therefore does not automatically mean the emission of the element concerned as a vapour.
This is certainly the case for Tl where additional measurements showed that the missing Tl
was not being emitted.
Table 15: Heavy Metal Balance for a Lepol Kiln Fired with Petroleum Coke
(Concentrations marked * given in ppb)
The concentrations of toxic elements in cement kiln dusts have been measured for the wet,
semi wet/semi dry and dry types of cement kiln and also for rotary lime kilns. The results
obtained are listed in Table 16 in which it can be seen that no values are given for mercury
(Hg) due to the fact that it is essentially wholly emitted and not retained in the dust or in the
clinker. The values given refer to a period prior to the introduction of the German (TA Luft)
and Swiss (LRV) Clean Air Acts. In some cases the plants were using secondary materials
(combustible and non combustible) and also iron pyrites as a corrective. In those cases
where the filter dust was sampled the values given in Table 16 are indicative of the range of
these toxic elements and, as far as is known, are in no way associated with the burning
conditions. It is not possible to adjust conditions to ensure that the toxic elements are
steered into the clinker minerals and not into the dust. The values given for the stack gas
dust are again indicative of the raw materials used but now for their interpretation the
efficiency of the filter system must also be taken into consideration.
Example: Hg can be thermally expelled from sewage sludge before feeding it into a
cement kiln [27].
Cd I 0.5 mg / Coating for metals (hot dip) Zn / Pb 1 ppm in plant
week Alloying material (wires, bearings, batteries) Ores and animal
Pigment (CaS in glass, paints, etc.) tissues
Insecticide (CdO, Cd(OH)2)
Hg I Scientific instruments HgS Soils, dust,
Mercury vapour lamps (Cinnabar) water, 0.005 -
Solders 0.25 ppm in
Mercury arc rectifiers nearly all foods
Anti-fouling paints
Seed dressing
Tl I 100 ppm Rodenticide / insecticide (Thallous sulphate) Pyrites Not naturally
poss. toxic Lenses, IR instruments found in plants
to soils Alloying material or soils
Dyes, pigments
12 mg/kg Low temperature thermometer (with Hg)
body weight Hair remover
Be I Cu / Be alloys Beryl ore
(cancer.) X-Rax tubes
Fluorescence light tubes
Nuclear reactor parts
As II MAC of Insecticides, Weed killers, fungicide (as K- By-product In all soils from
0.5 mg/m3 arsenate), Wood preservative Cu, Pb, <10 to 500 ppm
Glass Zn, Sn,
Alloying material Au-ores
Therapeutic (organic As compounds)
Co II 10-20 mg Alloying material In Cu / Co
per 100 g Magnet alloys ores in
body weight Cutting tools Zaire
Binder for tungsten carbide
Blue pigment in china glass
Ni II Ni and soluble Ni-salts are Alloying material S-ores in 0,0016% of the
not considered as being Special steels Ontario Earth’s crust
toxic to humans. The most Electroplating and is widely
important industrial aspect is Catalyst for hydrogenation of oils found in soils
their trend to cause Coinage and plants
dermatitis. Paints and enamels
Ni-Cd batteries
Se II Se rectifiers Anode Il soils from
Anti-corrosive coating on copper, steel etc. slime of trace to 30 ppm,
Decolouriser in glasses Cu- at which level
Paints and dyes refineries animals suffer
Photoelectric cells from alkali
Insecticides disease
Te II In cast iron to improve properties Bi-ore Traces in
In various Pb, Cu and Fe alloys residues seleniferous
In rubber industry soils but not in
As catalyst crops
Glass colouring agent
In bacteriological tests
In thermocouples for low temperature
Sb II Alloying material Sb2S3
Battery grids (Stibnite)
Printers type
Lead electrodes
Bearing metals
Rubber compounding
Flameproof clothing
Paint pigment
In ceramic / glass
Pb III Pipes, Roof coverings PbS In soils and plants
Tanks for acids (Galena) in very low levels.
Lead shot, Bullets, Linotype metal Clay soils make
Battery plates Pb insoluble but
Alloying material acid soils
In paints and pigments increase solubility
In glasses and enamels and toxicity.
Litharge rubber
Noise barriers
Cr III Alloying material in steels FeO.Cr2O3 In small quantities
Chromium plating (Chromite) in all plants and
Cutting tools (as carbide) soils. Plants
Paint primer (zinc chromate) grown on soils
Leather tanning agent with 0.2-0.4% are
Wood preservative (zinc, chloride, chromate) infertile
Pigment (paint, inks, dyes, etc.)
In photo industry as sensitiser
Cu III 780 mg as Alloying material As S-ores
CuSO4 As electrical conductor in several
Gas / water pipes, Roof sheeting areas
Bronze paint
Anti-fouling paint
Mn III Alloying material As oxide up to 20 ppm in
Potassium permanganate sulphide some nuts
Colour in glasses / ceramics and
Paints, inks carbonate
Matches, Fireworks
Enrich manganese deficient soils
Pd III Alloying material In certain
Caralyst coals as
Dental alloys aresenide
Jewellery or selenide
Pt III Contact material in electrical circuits As native
Electrode material metal in
Catalysts Cu / Ni
High temperature electric furnaces ores
Dies for glass fibre production
Rh III Pt / Rh alloys In wastes
Electroplating from Cu,
Electrical contacts surfaces Ni and Pt
Reflector in high power lamps extraction
V III In special steels and alloys Oil refinery To 470 ppm in
Industrial catalyst residues soil; to 10 ppm
Pigment in paints, dyes, inks (Carnotite) in plants
In insecticides
In photography
Kiln Dust
As can be seen the elements defined are (with one exception) trace toxic elements and as
such only present in natural raw materials and in new, unused refractories in trace
quantities, if at all. Trace quantities can, however, be picked up during their presence in the
kiln. The main oxides from which kiln refractories are produced i.e. SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO
and the trace oxides Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O etc. are not stipulated and are anyway the same
oxides as found in PC clinker.
The one exception is Cr which, as Cr2O3, is a major oxide component of magnesia chrome
refractories, with some refractories containing up to almost 18 %. Although it is wholly present
as insoluble Cr2O3 in the new, unused bricks this is partially converted to a soluble alkali
sulphate chromate during kiln operations and therefore contains soluble Cr . On the basis of
tests carried out at HMC Corporate Services up to 0.4 % of soluble Cr has been determined
in spent magnesia chrome bricks which originally contained 17 % Cr2O3.
Spent magnesia-chrome bricks are therefore not likely to pass the TCLP test for disposal in
a municipal garbage dump and hence will have to be treated before such a disposal with
ensuing costs. A change to refractories of the chrome-ore free magnesia-spinel or doloma
types avoids this disposal problem completely.
SiO2 9.0-16.8 13.1 13.1-16.4 14.4 4.9-21.0 14.0 3.5-18.3 13.3 7.6-11.3 9.5
Al2O3 2.2-6.6 4.1 3.0-4.5 3.7 1.1-9.0 3.7 1.4-6.9 3.9 1.6-3.1 2.9
Fe2O3 1.2-3.3 2.2 1.2-2.5 1.7 0.4-3.7 1.5 0.6-4.3 1.9 1.1-1.7 1.4
CaO 38.6-45.7 42.2 44.4-60.8 52.3 14.9- 36.1 10.6-53.8 41.7 31.7-49.6 40.2
MgO 0.70-2.4 1.4 0.80-2.7 1.7 0.4-2.6 1.0 0.3-4.5 1.3 1.3-1.3 1.3
SO3 0.04-2.4 0.75 2.6-4.8 3.6 1.3-32.2 121.1 0.68-36.7 6.3 6.0-14.8 10.4
K2O 0.35-2.7 1.07 4.1-12.6 8.8 3.4-35.2 13.2 0.79-38.1 6.0 0.88-15.8 8.3
Na2O 0.07-0.30 0.17 0.17-1.6 0.62 0.18-2.6 1.1 0.12-14.1 1.3 0.07-1.3 0.69
Cl 0.04-0.68 0.25 2.3-7.1 4.2 0.10-2.0 0.81 0.07-10.8 1.3 0.88-1.3 0.69
Free lime 0.00-0.54 0.12 2.6-31.1 4.2 0.71-7.7 6.32 0-17.9 6.33 1.3-8.8 5.1
Exclude non-detectable values
NM indicates average not meaningful because of large number of non-detectable values
No. indicates number of detected values
Kiln dusts, although discarded by a few plants can, in specific cases, possess characteristics
that make them of interest to other uses. The most important properties are:
low price
the very fine particle size / high absorptive capacity
neutralising properties due to the presence of CaCO3 and free CaO
enhanced levels of K2O and SO3
content of hydraulically active components
These properties have lead to proposals being made for using cement kiln dust in the
following applications:
absorber material
filler component in cement and asphalt
neutralizating agent
fertilizer/agricultural lime
stabilisation of mud from oil drilling
substitute for lime in
sewage sludge dewatering
waste stabilization
exhaust gas scrubbing
Table 10: ENV 197-1 Cement Types and their Compositions (wt.%)
Cement Clinker B.F. Pozzolana Possolana Fly Ash Fly Ash Burnt Shale Limestone Silica Minor
Type (K) Slag (S) Natural Indust. (Zi) Siliceous Calcareous (B) (L) Fume (D) Additions
(Zn) (Cs) (Cc) (F)
I 95-100 - - - - - - 0-5
II/A 80-100 S+Z+C+B+L+D+F = 6 - 20 -
II/B 65-79 S+Z+C+B+L+D+F =21 - 35 -
III/A 35-64 35-65 - - - - - 0-5
III/B 20-34 60-80 - - - - - 0-5
III/C 5-19 81-95 - - - - - 0-5
IV 60-90 - 0-40 - - - 0-10 0-5
V/A 40-64 18-30 18-30 - - - - 0-5
V/B 20-39 30-50 30-50 - - - - 0-5
1) Values in the table refer to cement nucleus, excluding calcium sulphate and additives
2) Minor additional constituents may be filler or may be one or more of the main constituents unless
inclueded as main constituents
3) Portion of silica dust is limited to 10% in types III/A and III/B
4) Portio of filler is limited to 10% in types III/A and III/B
For those countries in which the local standard specifications do not allow the addition of
modest additions of kiln dust as in ENV 197-1, cement companies should, by active
participation in standards committees, attempt to bring about the necessary changes in the
national standard.
4.4.1 As Fertilizer
The features of kiln dust which make it potentially useful as a fertilizer are its potassium
content, its lime content and its acid neutralizing capacity.
When compared to potassium-lime fertilizers produced by the fertilizer industry, the
disadvantages of kiln dust include its variable chemical composition, its lower K2O
content, its high fineness and associated nodulizing problems.
In general a potassium fertilizer should fulfill the following requirements which may differ
somewhat from country to country:
should be in nodule form
only slight variations in chemical composition
should have a minimum content of soluble K2O and CaO (In Germany the K2O content of
potassium fertilizers should be between 40 to 60 % for the chloride types and between
25 to 50 % for sulphate formulations)
for some crops a low Cl content is required
Lime fertilizers should have a CaO content of between 40 to 90 % depending on whether
they consist of calcium carbonate, burnt lime or hydrated lime.
Only two plants were known in the past to successfully market their kiln dust. These were
the ENCI plant at Maastricht and Alsen-Breitenburg's Itzehoe plant, which sold their dusts as
fertilizers under the "KENCICA" and "Alsen" brand names. None of these plants today sells
kiln dust as fertilizer; the Itzehoe plant was closed in the early 1980’s and at ENCI the kiln
dust is being legally added to the cement.
With regard to their chemical compositions the dusts from these plants had quite different
characteristics as shown in Table 12. The fertilizer from Alsen was of the potassium type,
that from ENCI of the lime-potassium type, and as can be seen these compositions are
typical of the dusts from many wet and semi-wet plants.
Table 12: Chemical Composition (wt%) of the ENCI and Itzehoe Dusts
L.O.I. (500°C) 1.5 1- 2
CO2 18 2- 6
SiO2 18 2- 6
Al2O3 3 0.5 - 1.5
Fe2O3 3 0.2 - 0.9
CaO 46 5 - 15
MgO - 0.1 - 0.3
SO3 5 32 - 39
K2O 5 32 - 42
Na2O - 2- 3
Cl - 1
Total 100.02
Max. Limit ppm ppm
As 5.0 0.003
Ba 100.0 2.44
Cd 1.0 0.05
Cr 5.0 0.21
Pb 5.0 0.55
Hg 0.2 < 0.001
Se 1.0 0.006
Ag 5.0 0.07
Max. Limit ppm ppm
5.0 0.004
Ba 100.0 1.7
Cd 1.0 0.05
Cr 5.0 0.25
Pb 5.0 0.6
Hg 0.2 0.003
Se 1.0 0.002
Ag 5.0 0.04
6.1 Background
Prior to the 1980's the disposal of spent refractories invariably involved dumping the broken
out material in the quarry. Thus only monetary aspects were taken into consideration and
any potential burden on the environment was ignored. The introduction of strict dumping
regulations has also altered this practice but in some countries an equally undesirable
situation now exists. There, the same refractory materials which are continuously being worn
down inside the kiln during normal operations cannot be disposed of by slow addition to the
raw materials after their removal.
What quantities of spent refractories have to be disposed of? For say an average wet kiln,
with a total consumption of 750 g/t basic refractories and 450 g/t of acidic materials this will
mean that about 190 g/t of basic and 110 g/t of acidic refractories, i.e. 300 g/t in total actually
have to be disposed of. This represents only some 0.03 % of the annual clinker production
(0.019 % on a raw material basis). Assuming the spent refractories are disposed of over a
period of 1 month this would mean the incorporation of 0.23 % spent refractories into the raw
materials. This quantity is very small and is less than the quantity of most waste materials
from other industries being disposed of in cement industry kilns.
HMC / CS is of the opinion that the plants of the Holcim Group should aim at being able to
dispose of all their spent refractories by incorporation into the raw materials.
1 Appendix Ia
8.4 Appendix Id
Quality Assurance
1. Quality Assurance.......................................................................................................263
2. Quality Systems in the Cement Industry according to ISO Standards.....................281
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................264
3. OBJECTIVES OF QUALITY ASSURANCE...................................................................267
4. ACTIVITIES IN QUALITY ASSURANCE.......................................................................268
4.1 Quality Planning........................................................................................................268
4.2 Quality Control.......................................................................................................... 271
4.3 Quality Audit............................................................................................................. 271
5. QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM.................................................................................272
5.1 The Elements of a Quality Assurance System..........................................................272
5.2 Organisation of Quality Assurance............................................................................272
5.3 Quality Assurance Handbook....................................................................................276
6. QUALITY COSTS..........................................................................................................276
6.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 276
6.2 Elements of Quality Costs.........................................................................................277
6.3 Relationship of Quality Costs to Sales......................................................................278
ISO 8402 - 1986: Quality : Vocabulary
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 265
Fig 1 Cost/Quality Relation
In view of new technologies, special attention has to be paid nowadays to data storage,
processing, presentation as well as to data communication to the plant management and to
process and sales departments. Data processing and communication not only serve to
initiate process control measures - which can, in certain cases, be done directly by computer
control - but also as a "quality certificate" for produced or dispatched products and as basic
information for quality planning.
The term quality assurance system is not defined in ISO 8402. The term quality system is
defined in ISO 8402 as the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedure processes
and resources for implementing quality management.
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 272
The personnel from the chemical and physical laboratory may be placed in an advisory
position (staff function) to the plant manager and is merely responsible for the technical
execution of quality control (Fig. 5). Where the aspect of quality control is mainly connected
with the process of cement manufacture, a form of organisation is often established in which
the production superintendent is directly responsible for the laboratory. These kinds of
organisation have, however, the consequence that practically no direct decisions can be
taken by the organisation which carried out the actual quality control. All decisions and
instructions have to come from the plant manager and this bears the danger of an
overburdened and inflated plant management. Moreover, it hinders communication and
direct co-operation of the quality control department with other departments which have a
strong relation with quality assurance. Consequently, this kind of organisation may serve the
needs in a situation where material problems in production are not too complicated and
when only a limited product range is supplied to a relatively uncritical market.
Otherwise, the situation implies usually that the scope of the company's quality assurance is
split so that various parts of the organisation are actively involved (Fig. 6). The plant
laboratory is only concerned with the aspects of quality control in production; in addition to
this, a separate group is established to cope with the quality problems directly associated in
the application of cement. Such a group for technical customer services is often helpful when
a company runs several plants - it is usually part of a company's technical planning and
marketing divisions respectively. This form of organisation certainly offers the advantage that
in the individual fields of clinker/cement production and of technical consultation of
customers, a high level of expertise may be achieved with a limited number of specialists.
On the other hand, the following problematic aspects have to be considered:
An optimum reflection of the entire system of quality assurance from raw materials
through the process to cement application is lost. As a consequence of such a partial
consideration and the exclusive activity as a service organisation, the interest and
comprehension and thus motivation and initiative of the people responsible for actual
quality control may be strongly reduced; it thus remains questionable if a continuous
optimisation of production and product will still take place.
Without an organisation which is in a position to consider all relevant aspects of cement
manufacture and cement application, there is an inherent danger that the producer's
interests are not sufficiently protected against the users' requests on product
specifications (e.g. when testing and product specifications are established).
The aim of delegating responsibilities and competence to those who are fully dedicated to
quality assurance leads to the assignment of a superintendent of quality assurance within
the line organisation of the plant (Fig. 7). Today, this type of organisation is widely applied,
most functions of quality assurance are assigned to the quality superintendent who is also
responsible for the laboratories.
He reports directly to the plant manager and assists the latter in all matters concerning
quality and quantity of raw materials. His further tasks can comprise:
to advise the production superintendent
to examine the final products
to handle technical problems
to advise plant management and production superintendent on environmental aspects
to participate in standardisation committees
Before deciding on the one or the other form of organisation for quality assurance, the
situation should always be thoroughly analysed. A selection of the organisational form purely
on the basis of tradition ("because it always had been this way") is definitely not adequate.
Also preferences and dislikes of available personnel should not become decisive factors
when organising a company's quality assurance. To achieve an organisation with an
optimum efficiency not only in the short but also in the long run, it is essential
to define clearly the company's tasks of quality assurance, considering prevailing and
possible future conditions of raw materials, process and market,
to formulate duties and responsibilities as well as authority for the personnel in charge of
quality assurance (job description, performance standards).
From this, clearly defined requirements as to the qualification of the personnel for quality
assurance and hence to the training scheme according to their tasks, can be derived.
Depending on the level of responsibility for quality assurance, this training scheme should
not only be limited to techniques of quality control (sampling, testing, data processing), but
should also include sound experience in the entire field of cement manufacture and
application. Moreover, in addition to the professional skill, basic knowledge and
understanding of economic principles and relations is required for the superintendent of
quality assurance to achieve the primary goal, namely to make a profit on quality. Being a
leader of an organisational entity, he also requires training in the field of leading personnel.
6.1 Introduction
“Quality assurance: from outlay to profit”
It is increasingly recognised that quality assurance is no longer primarily - though inevitably -
a cost generating nuisance but represents a valuable instrument to increase profit.
Quality assurance no doubt creates costs - as does any other activity within an enterprise -
but, on the other hand, it also allows to reduce unnecessary costs which may arise in case
of inadequate quality of services or goods produced.
To ensure the economic benefits of quality assurance, the costs referred to above should be
assessed and presented in a transparent way. This is ultimately the most effective way to
convince the top management of the benefits of quality assurance, and to obtain their
support in establishing and maintaining an integral company policy for quality assurance.
The purpose of assessing the quality costs of a company can be summarised as follows:
the quality cost assessment allows to recognise and to rank weak points. It makes evident
what kind of deficiencies generate the highest (additional) costs at what stage of
production. Measures to improve quality and quality control can be implemented
accordingly. Also, sectors apparently causing very high control costs can be re-assessed
as to whether the risks justify the costs.
quality costs serve as basis for a cost/benefit calculation in connection with planned
investments for production installations and for the instruments of quality control. Also
the consequences of changes in personnel structure can be estimated on this basis.
quality costs can represent a motivation at all levels to increase the efficiency of quality
quality costs may permit a comparison with similar enterprises. This, however, requires
due precaution because either the assessment of quality costs or the means of
production or both may be different.
Fig. 9 Quality costs in different industries before and after optimization, expressed as
a percentage of turnover.
Industry before after
motor cars 6- 9 4-6
chemicals 5- 8 3-5
- raw materials
food 7-12 3-6
chemicals 7-12 4-7
- complex products
ceramics 15 10
overall average 11 6
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................283
2.1 Internal reason..........................................................................................................283
2.2 External reasons.......................................................................................................283
INDUSTRY..................................................................................................................... 284
3.1 General..................................................................................................................... 284
3.2 Specific European Situation......................................................................................284
4. PRINCIPLES OF THE ISO 9000 QUALITY SYSTEM....................................................285
5.1 General..................................................................................................................... 286
6.1 Queensland Cement Ltd. (QCL) Australia.................................................................287
6.2 Cementos Boyaca (Columbia)..................................................................................287
6.3 HISALBA.................................................................................................................. 287
6.4 Groupe Origny (France}............................................................................................287
6.5 Conclusions.............................................................................................................. 288
Formalized and documented quality systems are increasingly applied in the cement industry,
often applying the models given in the ISO 9000 standard series. The article addresses the
internal and external reasons for this trend and outlines the basic features of ISO 9000 and
the criteria for an appropriate documentation. Examples of application and documentation’s
from Holcim. Group plants are discussed.
2.2.1 Market.
Customers can require the existence of a (certified) quality system as a prerequisite for a
delivery contract. This particularly applies for large customers or for customers in the public
2.2.2 Product liability
For the protection of the individual private consumer, fault independent regulations for
damages caused by defective products are increasingly being introduced. While such
consumer oriented product liability legislation has been established in the USA for quite
some time, similar laws have been, or are being introduced in Europe following the
guidelines issued by the EC - Commission - as well as in other parts of the world.
A documented quality system and the availability of quality data records can be considered
as effective preventive measures for avoiding the release of defective products and are
moreover valuable evidence for the defence of a producer in case he is involved in a product
liability litigation.
For the purposes of the cement industry, the ISO 9002 is usually applicable. The main points
of emphasis of these standards can be summarized as follows:
Company commitment to quality; quality responsibility on top management level.
Clear definition of quality relevant procedures, including organisation and responsibilities,
throughout the production process and the various departments involved
Clear definitions of measures in case of non-conformity to quality targets
Training of personnel
Requirement for quality audits
Implementation of a continuously updated quality documentation.
The ISO 9001-9003 Standards for quality systems explicitly describe models for
quality assurance. Their application has to be made company (or industry) specific.
As already mentioned in chapter 3.2, the Spanish national standard is very close to the
proposed <<European Certification Scheme>>. The cement plants of the HISALBA group,
therefore, have certified quality systems according to ISO 9002. A comprehensive
information on his topic was recently published by HISALBA (Calidad y Automatization
6.5 Conclusions
From the yet limited experience within the Holcim Group - and the cement industry in
general - it is an undisputed fact that the implementation and documentation of a quality
system according to ISO 9002 is an immense task. It has also become evident that an
implementation can only be successful (and durable) with the uncompromising support of
the company management.
The opinions regarding the benefit of such a system are still divided. The main criticism
expressed by the sceptics is that the written procedures are, in the best case, declared
intentions, over -emphasising in their very nature the quality aspects of cement
manufacturing. In practice, it is claimed, pragmatic considerations of other production or cost
related aspects at a given situation and point in time, may result in decisions not congruent
to the instructions contained in the quality documentation. Furthermore, it is pointed out that
it is questionable whether the considerable effort will always be made to update the system
and the documentation in the course of changes arising in the process, in the materials
used, and in the organisation of the company.
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................293
2. QUALITY CONTROL CONCEPT...................................................................................293
3. CONTROL PLAN........................................................................................................... 294
4. GENERAL PROCEDURES AND CONTROL PARAMETERS.......................................297
4.1 Supplied Materials....................................................................................................299
4.2 Quarry....................................................................................................................... 299
4.3 Pre-blending............................................................................................................. 300
4.4 Raw Meal.................................................................................................................. 300
4.5 Kiln Feed.................................................................................................................. 303
4.6 Hot meal................................................................................................................... 305
4.7 Clinker...................................................................................................................... 306
4.8 Ground Cement........................................................................................................316
4.9 Dispatched Cement..................................................................................................317
4.10 Ground Coal.....................................................................................................317
5. UNIFORMITY................................................................................................................. 318
6. EXTENDED QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................321
In a concise form, the purpose of control, typical control parameter and typical techniques for
sampling and testing are given, as well as additional comments where appropriate. In view
of the large variety of materials involved, of plant layouts, processes, sampling and testing
methods, the survey does not apply to all cases and does not attempt to be complete.
4.2 Quarry
Control of the materials composition prior to excavation enables selective quarrying to
correct composition of (integrated) stockpiles
medium to long-term uniformity of stockpile composition
optimum utilisation of materials and equipment.
4.3 Pre-blending
Blending of raw components on (integrated) pre-blending stock piles to a given target
Control parameter
Chemical composition, moisture.
Process interaction
Selection and dosage of material fed to the crusher.
Today, two different concepts are applied to monitor and integrate the composition of the
material fed to a pre-blending bed.
Sampling tower
Mechanical sampling of 1-2% of the materials feed and subsequent steps of sample
comminution, drying where required, and splitting in a sample tower (Fig. 6), to receive
typically 1 kg of fine, sample per hour for analysis.
Bulk material analysis
Continuous chemical analysis of the entire or partial materials stream by means of a bulk
material analyser applying the technology of prompt gamma neutron activation analysis
PGNAA (see reports MA 89/3702/E and VA 92/5975).
4.7 Clinker
The objectives of clinker control are:
Assurance of an adequate clinker quality in view of the final product cement
Support for an efficient kiln operation at low heat consumption.
The target free lime content should be such that it permits a stable and economic kiln
operation and that an appropriate cement quality can be achieved. Upper limits have to be
defined, above which the cement quality will be seriously affected; clinker not meeting this
internal specification should be stored separately and returned to the process in a controlled
The extent of clinker control too has to be established individually for each situation,
depending on the uniformity of materials flow and general stability of kiln operation.
Frequent control (hourly or even more often), possibly with automated systems, can though
need not necessarily in all cases lead to reduced fuel consumption and hence appreciable
cost savings. The signals of the automatically determined control parameters (free lime, litre-
weight) can be transmitted to and be utilised in kiln automation systems.
The free lime determination can be substituted or complemented for process control
purposes by litre-weight or alkali content determination. In a number of cases good
correlation’s are also found with NOX measurement.
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 308
Clinker sampling
Clinker is still mostly sampled manually from a conveyor belt. Automated clinker sampling
can either be done along the clinker transport or inside of grate coolers (Fig. 13).
In those cases where the litre-weight is a good indicator of the degree of burning, the
correlation with free lime can vary in dependence with the clinker composition (Fig. 16).
Furthermore, the linear increase of the litre-weight with harder burning can inverse at very
hard burning (Fig. 17).
Fig. 17 Correlation between Free Lime content and Litre-weight for over burnt
Circuit diagram for the continuous measurement of the apparent density of clinker.
Sampling and testing of the dispatched cement serves as a final verification of the cement
quality. Testing of dispatched cement can be a requirement of product conformity
certification schemes (so-called auto-control), or it can be requested in the context of
delivery contracts to specific customers. Samples can be retained for a certain period
without testing, as a reference in case of complaints.
Control parameter
Chemical composition, standard mechanical and physical properties.
Manual or semiautomatic from silo outlet, loading device or bags. Sampling procedures
described in pertaining cement standards.
Daily or according to applicable sampling schemes. The European standard ENV 197
requests a minimum of 2 samples per week and type of cement for assessing standard
4.10 Ground Coal
The control of fine coal is required to ensure adequate flame properties (fineness), to
verify the calorific value, as well as to verify ash and sulphur content which influence
clinker composition.
Uniformity is one of the most important prerequisites for smooth and efficient kiln operation.
Excessive fluctuations can easily upset the often less than robust balance of appropriate
burning behaviour, thus giving rise to operational disturbances. Furthermore, since the
clinker should always be adequately burnt, unnecessarily hard burning is practised for much
of the production time.
Consequences are:
high fuel consumption
increased tendency to ring and build-up formation
reduced brick lifetime
fluctuations in product quality
SR s = 0.04 s = 0.06
AR s = 0.06 s = 0.08
Means of improving uniformity
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 319
The kiln feed uniformity is a result of various factors along the preparation process, starting
from the raw material deposits and going through several stages of homogenisation and
Possibilities for improvements can be found in the following areas:
Exploitation planning
Medium to long-term exploitation planning, based on accurate raw materials inventory.
Application of computer based methods.
Quarry scheduling
Short-term quarry scheduling, based on blast hole dust analysis. Application of computer
based methods.
Raw material and coal pre-blending
Blending control
Blending control at integrated pre-blending stockpile and raw mill. Appropriate selection
of sampling regime and analytical methods. Various degrees of automation from manual
to online, or even to ‘real-time’ with bulk material analyser.
Raw meal homogenisation
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................325
2. SAMPLING REGIME.....................................................................................................325
2.1 Basic considerations.................................................................................................325
2.2 Guidelines for sample size and sampling frequency................................................. 327
3. RELIABILITY OF TEST RESULTS................................................................................331
4. ANNEX 1........................................................................................................................ 334
This graph mainly applies for coarse grained raw materials. For homogeneous fine ground
materials such as raw meals or cements, the recommended sample quantity is a few
hundred grams to 1 kg. For homogenous coarse grained materials, such as clinker, 1 to 3 kg
are sufficient.
It may be noted that various national norm specifications relevant to the mining industry
exist. The sample size / grain size relationship can differ considerably from that in Fig. 1, as
illustrated by the example of manual sampling with norm scoops shown in Fig. 2.
The number of primary samples - or the frequency of sampling - directly bears on the
sampling precision, since the sampling variance of the mean of n-samples is n-times smaller
than that of a single sample.
Hence, if the variance is known for a given basic material quantity - e.g. determined by means
of a sampling experiment - the number of samples can be calculated for any desired sampling
precision. This rule, however, only applies if all samples come from the same population. If the
mean of the observed characteristic changes with time (trend!), samples taken at different times
can no longer be regarded as originating from the same population.
Fig. 4 illustrates a reasonable sampling frequency with respect to a given materials
variability, as well as too frequent and insufficient sampling.
Automatic sampling normally ensures a more than sufficient sampling frequency.
A different way to determine optimum size and number of primary samples is based on a
sampling experiment in which a sufficient number of simultaneous pairs of samples of
strongly different quantities are taken.
A rough evaluation of the test results - visualized in Fig. 5 - may already indicate whether
much more precision is gained with a larger sample size or not. An exact evaluation can be
made applying the sampling theory of Yisman [1]; an example is given in Annex 1.
1 2 n
From this law of error propagation, the following important conclusions can be derived:
an error which has been committed in the testing procedure cannot be compensated by
increased precision in the subsequent testing steps
the individual errors of the sequence should be as small as possible and of similar size:
There is no point in increasing the precision of one step as long as others are decisive
for the overall error. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the precision of the individual
steps in each control.
Gross errors
Gross errors arise from the wrong performance of procedures, the wrong reading of scales,
errors in copying data, miscalculations etc. Such errors can considerably influence statistical
evaluations. They may show up as outliers in a series of data.
The total variance of a sampling and testing procedure is split up into the terms:
(d ) +
s2 (t )= s (c) + +s2 (p) + s2 (a)
s2 am ⋅ n n
=s2(s)+s2 (p)+s2 (a)
and the optimum number of primary samples to obtain a required total variance:
n= s2 (d ) + s2 (c) / m(opt ) =s2 (d ) + s2 (c) / m(opt )
s2 (t ) − [s2 (p) + s2 (a)] s2 (s)
Example (compiled from [1]):
A coal delivery is sampled by means of 24 pairs primary samples of about 10Og and 50 kg
size. The primary samples of small size are entirely dried and ground to analytical fineness.
The primary samples of large size are dried, crushed and split and only a partial samples
ground to analytical fineness. The ash content is determined in duplicate. The results are
given in tables A1 and A2.
or drawn 3 - dimensionally:
From a theoretical viewpoint, these five cuts are of comparable value. The differences lie in
the ease of their practical application.
Type A): Can only be realised on a stationary conveyor belt or by means of a travelling
Type B): Can be realised by means of a rotating sampler. The sampling aperture always
moves in the same direction through the material.
Type C): A bucket wheel sampler belongs to this type.
Type D): This is the most commonly found type of equipment. The reciprocating slit vessel
and the reciprocating chute types are typical examples.
Type E): This can only be realised by a radially mounted slit vessel; this type of equipment is
generally too large.
The conditions for the slit width must be respected for all slit dimensions.
The edges of the sample apertures should be fitted with interchangeable sacrificial
elements made of a wear resistant steel.
The slit aperture must transverse the entire cross sectional area of the material flow. The
return and stopping positions must be placed outside of this area.
(6) Measures must be taken to avoid blocking and overflowing of the sampler.
Slit vessel cutter:
The capacity of the vessel should be twice as large as the nominal sample volume. In the
filled vessel there should be a remaining free height equivalent to d or at least 100 mm.
m1= v (1 .5d + 100mm)
It can be observed that with larger particle sizes and at higher belt speeds the minimum
sample quantity tends towards the sample from the stationary belt.
In practice it is, however, impossible to stop large conveyor belts for the purpose of
The sketch below shows a set-up which makes it possible to extract samples from a
conveyor, fully automatically, without having to stop the main conveyor.
This equipment takes samples from a running conveyor. The hammer is designed as a
scoop to ensure that the material is not Pushed aside. Brushes fixed to the end of the
hammer clean the fine material from the belt. This type of sample is well-suited for non-sticky
The sectional illustrations show that the principle of uniform sampling of all material layers is
not maintained. One might think that this systematic error could be avoided by a faster
operation of the flap and by a longer residence time in the sampling position. In the first
case, an unwelcome violent movement of the material would result whilst in the second
case, the sample quantity will be very large or, with longer intervals, the integration error
becomes unacceptable.
This type, when suitably adjusted for the materials properties, is precise and produces no
systematic errors. The equipment is of excellent design by virtue of the small drop height of
the material and allows the possibility to remove the sample immediately.
3.2.2 Vézin - Sampler
The design concept of this equipment is correct. It is unsuitable for installation at a discharge
point, but rather for small material flows of relatively fine grained dry solids or for slurries.
One advantage is the good separation of the sample from the remaining material.
This type has been developed from the Yezin sampler by means of exchanging the rotating
and stationary parts, and is therefore correct in its concept and principle. Due to the
relatively high position of the distributor tube, the material reaches the sampler aperture at a
high velocity. This is unfortunate when taking the sample and creates some dust.
Furthermore, a demixing process does take place in the drop tube due to the considerable
centrifugal forces present.
Further variations of this type are shown in the sketches below.
All these types suffer from the disadvantage that the whole mass of the undivided sample
has to be accelerated.
In the case of the transport of bulk materials having a low bed depth, this sampling
equipment may be sufficient.
The material lying on the flap is extracted whilst the oncoming material is stopped during the
sampling. Provided the material does not stick, and provided that the dimensions have been
well-chosen, this sampler is just right and delivers reproducible samples.
The ratio of partition can be widely varied through an increase or decrease of the number of
steps. It can also obtain very large values. By means of precise tests, Pierre Gy was able to
establish a systematic error of up to 20% using this equipment, caused by selective
sampling of the various particle sizes.
Because of this considerable systematic error, the Koulakoff divider cannot be
recommended for use in sample preparation.
This type of sampling screw continuously takes part of the whole of the flow, therefore
providing a longitudinal sample. As the material layer in a screw conveyor is
heterogeneously distributed, this sampler will create a systematic error and therefore can not
be recommended.
1. SAMPLE PREPARATION..............................................................................................373
1.1 METHOD.................................................................................................................. 373
1.2 APPLICATION:......................................................................................................... 373
1.3 TIME OF PREPARATION.........................................................................................373
1.4 MAINTENANCE AND PERSONNEL........................................................................373
1.5 SUPPLIERS:............................................................................................................373
1.6 COST OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................373
2. GRAVIMETRY................................................................................................................ 374
2.1 METHOD.................................................................................................................. 374
2.2 APPLICATION..........................................................................................................374
2.3 TIME OF ANALYSIS.................................................................................................374
2.4 MAINTENANCE AND PERSONNEL........................................................................374
2.5 EQUIPMENT:............................................................................................................374
3. TITRATION OF CARBONATES.....................................................................................374
3.1 METHOD.................................................................................................................. 374
3.2 APPLICATION..........................................................................................................375
3.3 TIME OF ANALYSIS.................................................................................................375
3.4 MAINTENANCE AND PERSONNEL........................................................................375
3.5 SUPPLIERS............................................................................................................. 375
3.6 COST OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................375
4. COMPLEXOMETRIC TITRATION.................................................................................375
4.1 METHOD.................................................................................................................. 375
4.2 APPLICATION..........................................................................................................375
4.3 TIME OF ANALYSIS.................................................................................................375
4.4 MAINTENANCE AND PERSONNEL........................................................................375
4.5 SUPPLIERS............................................................................................................. 375
4.6 COST OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................375
Much work has to be done before a sample of any material is ready for analysis. The usual
sequence is as follows:
weighing and registration of the received sample
drying in a laboratory oven
splitting of the sample to obtain smaller, representative samples
coarse crushing in a laboratory jaw crusher
re-splitting into smaller portions
fine grinding with a swing grinding mill
sieving with different sets of sieves (60 um for analytical purposes)
fine re-grinding
homogenizing of the final samples with a Turbula-mixer
filling into bottles and labeling the samples
All types of material from raw material to cement and concrete
2- 3 samples per hour can be prepared to 60 un fineness depending on hardness and size
of the original sample.
A. Fritsch & Co., Retsch Laborgeräte, Maschinen fabrik Herzog, Bachofen AG
Maschinenfabrik for Turbula-mixer
Gravimetric analysis or quantitative analysis by weight is the process of isolating and
weighing an element or a definite compound of the element in as pure a form as possible.
The element or compound is separated from a weighed portion of the substance being
examined. A large proportion of the determination in gravimetric analysis is concerned with
the transformation of the element or ion to be determined into a pure stable com pound
which can be readily converted into a form suitable for weighing. The weight of the element
or ion may be readily calculated from a knowledge of the formula of the compound and the
atomic weights of the constituent elements.
The separation of the element or of the compound containing it may be effected in a number
of ways, such as: precipitation methods, volatilisation or evolution methods, electro-
analytical methods and miscellaneous physical methods.
One of the most important methods in gravimetry is precipitation, i.e. the constituent being
determined is precipitated from solution in a form which is almost insoluble in water so that
no appreciable loss occurs when the precipitate is separated by filtration and weighed.
Determination of all elements in all kinds of material. The alkalis sodium and potassium are
very difficult to determine by gravimetry.
No special instruments and apparatus are needed apart from the normal equipment of an
analytical laboratory such as glassware, furnaces, balances, etc.
A sample of a raw material (e.g. limestone) or raw meal is dissolved in a known excess of
hydro chloric acid:
CaCO3 + 2HCl → Cal2 + H2O + CO2
The excess of acid is then determined by a so called back titration with sodium hydroxide
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
The end point of the back titration can be found visually by means of an indicator (dye stuff)
which changes its colour or by measuring an electrical parameter, i.e. the potential
difference between two electrodes dipping into the solution. The result is calculated with a
programmable pocket or desk calculator.
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 374
All types of raw material and raw meal; including all carbonates which are expressed as
CaCO3 by calculation.
e.g. Metrohm, Mettler, Radiometer, etc.
The complexometric determination of many elements is based on a titration with a solution of
EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid) using many special indicators. The end point of
the titra tion is found either visually or with the aid of a spectrophotometer which is more
sensitive to colour changes of many of the indicators. The results are calculated from the
consumption of the EDTA solution.
Ca, Fe, Al, and Mg in cement, clinker, raw meal and raw material such as limestone, clay
and sand. Titanium and manganese may be determined also by complexometric titration
whereas silica has to be analysed by gravimetry or colorimetry.
of spectrophotometer and semiautomatic titrators potentiographs: Metrohm and Mettler
The Blaine air permeability apparatus is used to draw a definite quantity of air through a
prepared bed of cement of definite porosity. Number and size of the pores in the prepared
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 375
bed (cement layer of 2.7 9 and 1.5 cm thickness) is a function of the size of the particles and
determines the rate of flow through the bed. The cement is filled into a cylindrical cell and
pressed by a plunger to form the bed. The cell is attached to the U-tube of a manometer,
one arm of which is now slowly evacuated until the liquid reaches the top mark on the glass
tube. After opening a valve, the liquid flows back again and passing two other marks, a
definite volume of air is pressed through the bed of cement.
The time which is required for the meniscus of the liquid to pass from one mark to the other
is measured. It is necessary to use a complicated formula for the calculation of the specific
surface, there fore it is advantageous to split this formula into three factors, one of them
depending only on the density of the cement, the second one depending on the temperature
and the third one being the square root of the stopped time. The first two factors may be
taken from a diagram which has to be established once for every Blaine apparatus.
Cement only! Although the method has been used for the determination of the fineness of
various other materials, it should be clear that in general relative rather than absolute values
are obtained.
e.g. Schiltknecht, Zürich; Tonindustrie for semi automatic instrument.
The solid sample is mixed with metal powder (copper, iron or tungsten) as an accelerator
and burnt in a high frequency or resistance induction furnace at cat 1500°C in a stream of
pure oxygen. The gases produced in the chemical reaction during combustion are sulphur
dioxide, carbon dioxide and water steam. With different analysers it is possible to determine
either SO2 or CO2 or even both compounds. The simplest and cheapest method uses a
titration with potassium iodate executed in an automatic burette which is connected with the
induction furnace. Another possibility is the use of an infrared analyser instead of a burette.
The IR analyser determines the sulphur dioxide by its absorption of infrared light and
displays the result as percent SO3. - Carbon dioxide can be determined with another model
which gives the result as total carbon. Instruments for the determination of both SO3 and
carbon by infrared light are also on the market.
The Leco Corporation has another type of instrument for carbon analysis which does not
apply infrared absorption but a heat conductivity cell.
Total sulphur and carbon in all types of solid material, with special instruments or by means
of accessories and chemical reagents also in fuels such as coal and oil.
The sample has to be dissolved in acid, generally hydrochloric acid. This solution is then
sprayed into a very hot flame (ca. 2000.C, for some elements 3000.C) where the solvent
evaporates and the chemical compounds dissociate into their atomic components. Most
atoms remain in the ground state, a fact which is important for atomic absorption.
The light of a so-called hollow cathode lamp (HCL), the cathode of which consists of the
element to be determined is led through the flame with the cloud of mostly neutral
atoms. The atoms are able to absorb this HCL-light so that the intensity of the light beam
is reduced. The absorption is a measure of the number of atoms in the flame which is
proportional to the concentration of the element in the solution or at least the sample.
All types of material and all elements of interest in cement chemistry except sulphur, fluorine,
chlorine and phosphorus.
Perkin Elmer, Beckman, Varian, Hilger Watts, Jarell Ash, Instrumentation Laboratory, Pye
Uni cam (Philips)
The sample has to be dissolved in acid very often after a fusion procedure. This solution is
then sprayed into a very hot argon plasma, a physical flame of more than 6000.C where the
solvent evaporates and the chemical compounds dissociate into their atomic components.
The atoms are excited by the high temperature of the plasma and are then able to emit light
of certain wave lengths which can be measured and which is proportional to the
concentration of the elements to be determined.
All types of material and all elements of interest in cement chemistry with the exception of
the halogens.
ARL, Jarell-Ash, Instrumentation Laboratory, Jobin-Yvon, Kontron, Philips.
Qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical elements with atomic number higher
than 9.
Wave lengths dispersive method or non-dispersive technique (energy dispersive)
The sample (in form of pressed powder tablet or fused bead) is irradiated by primary X-
radiation from an X- ray tube. Atoms and ions of the various elements in the sample
are thereby excited and emit their characteristic radiation.
Wave length dispersive method
The fluorescence radiation from the excited sample is dispersed on special analysing
crystals according to Bragg's law (compare with dispersion of sunlight by a prism into the
bands of colour of the visible spectrum). The resolved characteristic radiation of the
different elements is analysed individually and measured by appropriate detectors. The
intensity of the characteristic radiation is thereby a direct measure of the chemical
concentration of the corresponding element.
Energy dispersive technique
The fluorescence radiation is measured using a semi-conductor together with an
analyser which has an electrical response proportional to the quantum energy of the
radiation to be measured.
Determination of the chemical composition of raw material, raw meal, clinker and cement.
Plant laboratories are mostly equipped with so -called wave length dispersive multi
-channel units and make use predominantly of pressed powder tablets; central
laboratories often prefer the installation of sequential spectrometers to increase flexibility
of analysis.
1 well trained man
Qualitative and quantitative determination of crystalline solids
A monochromatic X-ray beam is directed upon a fine powdered sample. By varying the
angle between sample and incoming beam, the X-rays are reflected from the various
crystallographic planes of the minerals present. The reflected X-rays contain the following
Angle: identification of mineral
Intensity: concentration of individual mineral
Raw meal: content of quartz, clays, dolomite, etc.
Clinker: content of free lime, periclase, sulphates, aluminate, ferrite and modifications of
C3S, C2S, C3A, etc.
Skilled laboratory assistant, mineralogist, chemist
Philips (Netherlands), Siemens (W. Germany), Seiffert and Co. (W. Germany), CGR
(France), Rigaku (USA, Japan)
Determination of microstructure and mineralogical composition
Samples are examined on:
polished sections using reflected light
thin sections and loose powders using transmitted light
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 380
Qualitative information:
phase association
structure Quantitative
phase composition
crystallite / grain / granule size
Determination of actual clinker composition, e.g. percentage of elite, belite, ferrite,
aluminate, free lime, periclase and sulphates
Determination of clinker microstructure to ascertain conditions present during production.
Characterisation of raw mix components (e.g. limestone) Investigation of refractory and
concrete damages.
10.5 STAFF
Skilled laboratory assistant, mineralogist, chemist
Wild & Leitz (Switzerland), etc.
Test prisms (35 x 35 x 200 mm) are cut from the supplied brick(s) using a diamond
impregnated saw, such as to give a full hot to cold face section. For dolomite products, the
cutting should be performed dry; with magnesite bricks wet cutting is possible but requires
immediate drying afterwards.
For shock testing, the prepared prisms are heated at 1350.C in a laboratory furnace, for a
period of up to 15 minutes, including heating up time. They are then placed vertically (i.e.
end-on) upon a water-cooled copper plate, on which they are allowed to cool for 10 minutes.
After this time, the now cooled prisms are checked for spelling and crack development. They
are then returned to the furnace for more heating up and subsequent cooling cycles until 20
such treatments have been performed, assuming of course that previous destruction has not
taken place.
Testing of new refractory types and quality control on already delivered ones, in cases where
doubt exists as to the quality supplied.
Qualitative and semi quantitative determination of caloric changes due to exo- and
endothermic reactions in materials subjected to heating; max. temperature: 1500°C.
Approx. 100 mg of sample are weighed into a Pt -crucible and placed into the DTA furnace. A
second crucible with Al2O3 is used as reference. Both, sample and reference are heated in
the same furnace according to a selected temperature gradient. The temperature of sample
and reference is measured continuously and the difference is recorded.
To relate temperature difference with energy it is necessary to perform a calibration in the
temperature range of interest prior to the measurement.
Skilled laboratory assistant
Perkin Elmer, Stanton Redcroft, Dupont, Netsch
Quantitative determination of weight losses or weight gains in materials subjected to heating;
max. temperature 1000°C.
Up to 1g of sample (generally approx. 50 mg) are weighed into a Pt-crucible which hangs on
filament of the TGA-balance. The sample is heated in a platinum resistance furnace at a
selected heat rate. The weight of the sample is determined and recorded continuously.
Weight changes are given in absolute values or in percent of initial weight
Skilled laboratory assistant
Mettler, Perkin Elmer, Dupont, Stanton Redcroft
Qualitative and quantitative determination of caloric changes in materials subjected to iso
thermal or non-isothermal heating; max. temperature approx. 600°C.
Approx. 10 - 100 mg of sample are weighed into a Al or Pt crucible and placed into the
sample furnace of the DSC. An empty crucible is used as reference and placed into the
reference furnace. Both, sample and reference are subjected to the same temperature
program and equal atmospheric conditions. Differences in temperature between sample and
reference - due to caloric changes - are compensated by supplying the required amount of
electrical energy. The heat of reaction is determined by integration of the energy flow. The
kinetics of the reaction may also be determined.
Transformation of phases: melting, crystallisation, evaporation, volatilisation, changes in
modifications. Chemical reactions: decomposition, oxidation, dehydration, hydration, e.g.
determination and optimization of gypsum phases in cement, hydra tion of cement,
determination of sulfides in raw materials.
Skilled laboratory assistant
Perkin Elmer, Mettler, Dupont, Stanton, Redcroft
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 384
SFr. 60'000 - 150'000
Purchase price depends on whether DSC is combined with DTA and/or TGA
Ref. PRO MA.86/0015/2
1. SCOPE OF TESTING....................................................................................................388
2. TYPES OF XRF-SPECTROMETERS............................................................................389
4. ANALYTICAL TRENDS IN XRF.....................................................................................390
5. ADDITIONAL METHODS...............................................................................................390
6. ADDITIONAL ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT....................................................................390
7. ADDITIONAL ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT....................................................................390
Wavelength dispersive (WLD)
Sequential Mode
Simultaneous (`Mull) Channel`) mode
Energy dispersive (ED)
Low cost (200 W) WLD Systems
Bench-top XRF analysers
Continuous (`on-line`) XRF analysers
Sulphur analyser
Carbon analyser
Coal analyser
proximate analysis
Free lime
X-ray diffraction
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................393
2. CENTRALISED CONTROL SYSTEMS.........................................................................394
2.1 The Automated Control System at Obourg (Lit. 1)....................................................394
2.2 The Control Concept at Gmunden (Lit. 2).................................................................400
3. DECENTRALISED CONTROL SYSTEMS....................................................................402
3.1 Raw Meal Control at Altkirch.....................................................................................402
3.2 Clinker Control.......................................................................................................... 404
3.3 Physical Cement Testing...........................................................................................408
by Dr. P. Bürki,
Holcim Group Support Ltd.
Technical Centre
Automated quality control systems find increasing application in the cement industry. The
main objectives are to intensify the control in order to achieve more uniform materials
properties and to reduce risks associated with inadequate quality and to reduce shift
personnel in quality control. Automated systems are widely applied for raw mix blending and
clinker control, to a lesser extent so far on cement grinding, and little for physical cement
The paper reviews the concept and main features of such systems on the hand of examples
mainly from Holcim group plants, and briefly discusses the potential and limits of neutron
activation analysis.
Report No. MA 89/3702/E
There is definitely a trend to increase the automation in quality control procedures in the
cement industry, whereby the degree of automation can vary from individual automated
testing equipment to complex integrated on-line systems.
The objectives of automation, and possible drawbacks are summarised in the following
Increased product quality and reduced operation costs through improved uniformity:
high sampling frequency
more sampling points
round-the-clock control
optional on-line link to process computer
high standard of sample preparation and analysis
elimination of operator related errors
Liberation of personnel from routine work for more demanding duties.
Reduction of personnel.
sample transport to central test laboratory
sample transport to testing equipment installed close to production unit
continuous analysis on full or partial, by-passed materials stream
The present paper does not aim at giving a systematic, well balanced review of current
automation systems, but to highlight some selected aspects of automation, mainly taken
from examples of such systems installed in Holcim Group plants.
2.1.1 Objective
Obourg is one of the few remaining wet plants in western Europe. The tradition of using low-
cost ash rich coal has made it possible to produce at costs competitive to dry plants. The
lay-out is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 4 shows the elements of the POLAB system. Features of particular interest are:
Slurry sampling (Figure 5)
Emphasis was given to obtaining a representative sample of the slurry, which still
contains an appreciable quantity of large grains; hence the complex preparation plant.
Clinker sampling
The sampling from the cooler (second screen plate) reduces the dead time of the control
Laboratory automate
Sample preparation by grinding and pelletising was selected, one reason being the
scarce experience available at that time with automated fused lead preparation.
The eight channel simultaneous spectrometer is exclusively used for the POLAB system.
Free lime analyser
The POLAB is complemented with a free lime analyser DIA 2000 (ethylene glycol
extraction method), which was formerly installed at the kilns.
Fig. 11a Circuit diagram for continuous measurement of the apparent density of
It is worth noting that the density measurement is used as the primary set-point parameter
for the automated kiln control system.
On-stream analysis of crushed raw materials or coal
Blending control upon filling of integrated pre-blending becs
Blending control on feed to raw mill
Blending control on raw meal
Analysis on entire material stream maximum 1000 t/h
Analysis on crushed material Ømaximum 100 mm
Continuous, real-time analyses
Multi-element analysis, incl. moisture
Permits rapid reactions in control loops
Low maintenance requirements
High availability
High investment costs, excluding installations for material transport
High service costs
Problematic material flow with moist and sticky materials
Relatively high threshold concentrations for certain elements (Na2O, K2O, MgO)
Low precision at short measuring times
Subject to regulations regarding handling of radioactive sources
Apart from the Phoenix plant in USA, the longest experience with such equipment has been
made at the cement plant of the ‘Compagnie des Ciments Belge’, in Belgium, where it is
installed ahead of the raw mill for raw mix blending control. The experience is apparently
very satisfactory, both in achieving a uniform raw meal and a very high systems availability
(Lit. 6).
Nevertheless, the still limited industrial experience does not yet permit a definite assessment
of the potential and restrictions of the PGNAA application in the cement industry. A thorough
assessment for each individual project is, therefore, still necessary.
In the context of assessing the PGNA-analyser for the pre-blending bed control at the future
Norte plant of Cementos Apasco, Mexico, HMC has carried out analyser tests with six
different plant specific raw material samples at the Gamma Metrics premises.
The tests revealed that:
a linear calibration is possible over a wide range of concentration (Figure 16a)
the standard deviation of repeated measurements is - as expected rather poor (Figure
the analytical results are not affected by the water content of the material.
As a first conclusion, the analyser is considered to be suitable for the control of the filling of
pre-blending beds. On the other hand the consequences of the high scatter of short-term
analysis for the application in raw mill control - especially with raw components of fluctuating
composition - need to be further clarified.
Lit. 1 : F. Lamproye; Automatic supervision of clinker production in Obourg Cement Works,
‘Holderbank’ News 5/1989
Lit. 2 : W. Gerger; Automatic quality control of raw meal in an Austrian cement works,
Zement-Kalk-Gips No. 6/1989 (German) No. 8/1989 (English)
Lit. 3 : F. Lamproye; Automatic free lime control: a step towards efficient kiln operation,
Report MA85/3288/E (29th Technical Meeting, 1985)
Lit. 4 : A. Daina, T. Guignard; Automatic determination of the specific weight (litre weight) of
clinker, ‘Holderbank ‘ News 4/1989
Lit. 5 : C. Voos, O. Scheer; Modern ways of cement testing: presented at the General
Technical Committee Meeting of the Portland Cement Association, 1989, Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, USA (available through J. Campbell, Ciment St.Laurent)
Lit. 6 : P. Bürki; Inspection of GAMMA METRICS ‘Bulk Material Analyser’ installed at the
plant of S.A. Compagnie des Ciments Belges, Report MA 89/3582/E
9. OUTLOOK....................................................................................................................... 498
9.1 Time series and growth curves analysis .................................................................. 498
9.2 Categorical and Qualitative Data Analysis ............................................................... 498
9.3 Experimental Designs and ANOVA.......................................................................... 499
9.4 Multivariate Methods ................................................................................................ 500
9.5 Nonparametric Methods ........................................................................................... 501
9.6 Bootstrap and Jack-knife Methods ........................................................................... 501
9.7 Simulation and Monte Carlo Method ........................................................................ 501
9.8 General Literature .................................................................................................... 502
10. STATISTICAL PROGRAM PACKAGES ................................................................. 502
35.8 39.2 36.8 32.4 30.7 30.8 23.5 22.8 23.7 31.7 34.6 27.6 29.9 28.4 29.3
33.0 37.6 38.1 33.3 38.9 37.1 33.3 33.4 36.4 44.3 48.9 40.1 43.4 35.4 36.6
32.8 34.1 37.4 27.9 30.2 32.0 45.3 45.8 41.0 26.1 27.9 24.4 35.3 34.5 36.1
30.1 40.2 37.9 25.0 23.0 27.8 33.5 34.2 30.0 29.0 35.2 35.8 23.9 34.9 31.5
35.9 39.7 39.4 32.4 33.6 35.2 32.8 30.2 31.6 28.5 28.5 30.3 31.4 31.8 35.5
27.1 24.5 20.9 24.6 27.2 31.7 32.2 38.6 32.8 37.8 36.8 35.3 41.9 34.4 35.5
Generally a set of n observations is denoted by x1, x2, ..., xn where the index j of
xj corresponds to the number of the observation in the set.
The area of the rectangles must be proportional to the tally not the height of the bar, e.g. if
two classes contain the same number of observations and the width of class 1 is twice the
one of class 2, then the height in class 1 is half the height in class 2. Same number of
observations same area of rectangle!
Two further informative graphs are the frequency curve and the cumulative frequency curve.
They are constructed as follows:
Frequency curve
plot the class frequency (absolute or relative) against the class midpoint (again take into
account the note for the histogram, same number = same area).
Fig. 2 Frequency Curve.
From this graph we can determine the portion of observations smaller than any given
strength value x.
Example: Percentage of the observations smaller than 30.0 N/mm : 26 %. Inverse
problem: Half of the measurements are smaller (resp. greater) than 33.5 N/mm .
These two frequency curves are especially suited to compare two or more different
distributions with one another.
A further attractive possibility to describe graphically the distribution of a variable, the Box
Plot, will be given in the next section. Often it is appropriate (especially in quality control) to
plot the observations in chronological order to show a possible change of the level during the
If only few data are available, the single values may be represented as points on the
measurement scale (cf. example A1, Appendix I).
The scatter diagram or scatter plot is used to represent the relationship between two
variables (paired observations concerning the same individual sample). The following
diagrams show the dependence of concrete strength in N/mm from cement/water ratio
after 2 days and 28 days. Different symbols can be used to discriminate groups of
observations. In the present case two groups are considered: Portland cement (PC) and
blended Portland cement (BPC).
If we are dealing with more than 2 variables a suggested graphical representation is the
draftmansplot, which plots all pairwise scattergrams in one picture.
Given a sample x(i), i=1,..,n the empirical cumulative distribution function (cdf) is defined as
F(x): = (number of the x(i)'s smaller or equal to x) / n
and the following relations between the p quantile y(p) and the cdf F(x) hold
F(y(p)) = p
Y(p) = min {x(i) : F(x(i)) >= p}
The p quantile y(p) is roughly said the value for which 100*p% of the observed data are
smaller or equal to.
i Z(I) p(i)
1 156 0.0417
2 158 0.1250
3 159 0.2083
4 160 0.2917
5 161 0.3750
6 161 0.4583
7 163 0.5417
8 166 0.6250
9 166 0.7083
10 168 0.7917
11 172 0.8750
12 174 0.9583
nn i =1
= 35.8 + 39.2 + 36.8 + . . . + 34.4 + 35.5 = 33.199N / mm2
The median is the central value. Half of the observations are smaller, respectively greater
than the median.
Place the measured values in an ordered array starting with the smallest value
X (1) ≤ X(2) ≤ ... ≤ X(n)
From this array we obtain the median by
~ =x if n is odd
x (n+1)
~ 1
x = x +x if n is even
n n
2 (
2) (
2 +1)
For a great number of observations the ordering is very laborious. In this case the median
may be determined graphically from the cumulative frequency curve by looking for the point
on the x axis corresponding to a cumulative frequency of 50 %.
Mean or Median?
If the histogram is symmetrical, mean and median are approximately the same. In this case the
mean is a better estimate of central tendency if the distribution is not too long tailed.
If the histogram is skew, mean and median are different.
Use the mean if you are interested in the centre of gravity or the sum of all observations
Use the median if you are interested in the centre, i.e. with equal probability a future
observation will be smaller, resp. greater than the median.
In this extremely skew distribution the arithmetic mean is quite different from the median.
Whereas the median represents a typical income, the mean can be used in a projection to
estimate the total income of the population if the sample is drawn at random.
The trimmed mean is used to estimate the mean of a symmetrical distribution if gross errors
in the data are suspected.
To calculate the α-trimmed mean the α-percent largest and smallest values are deleted. The
trimmed mean is then the arithmetic mean of the remaining observations. Notation for the
5%-trimmed mean: xtrimmed 0 05
Usual values for α: 5 % to 10 %
The weighted mean is used if certain weighting factors wi are associated with the
observation xi. Reasons may be:
Measure to be used: median x
Measure to be used: median or arithmetic mean. The choice depends on the interest of the
Remark: The median is equal to the 50%-trimmed mean.
n − 1i =1
For practical computations use
s 2= 1∑ 2
− 1 (∑ x ) 2
i i
n x n
The standard deviation is the positive square root of the variance.
v= x
the range can be used to provide an estimate of the standard deviation, according to
s= k where k ~= n for 3 ≤ n ≤ 10
The interquartile range is the difference between the upper and lower quartiles.
Q=x −x
.75 .25
If the distribution is symmetric s ≈ Q. 3
For this distribution about 68 % of the observation are expected in the interval mean ±1
standard deviation.
If the distribution is not normal, the standard deviation allows no direct interpretation. In this
case we can determine the interval that contains a certain portion of the observations
graphically from the cumulative frequency curve.
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 433
Another possibility to get an interpretation of the standard deviation in a skew distribution is
“normalising” of the distribution by transformations. In the case of example 2 (chapter 2.2.3),
the logarithms of incomes show approximately a normal distribution. So called variance-
stabilising transformations are especially used to fulfil normality conditions in higher
statistical analysis.
For further information consult e.g. Natrella (1963).
Further properties of the normal distribution are given in section 3.
2.2.7 Outliers
As mentioned in the introduction we have to expect about 5 % to 10 % gross errors in a set
of observations. Most of them may not be recognisable in the region of all other values.
Some may be extremely outlying values with an important influence on statistical results.
In modern statistics robust methods are studied, which are not sensitive to a certain portion
of gross errors, as for example the median or the trimmed mean. More sophisticated
robust procedures are in general rather complicated.
If classical measures as the standard deviation and the arithmetic mean are used, we have
to check the data for outliers and to eliminate them from the set of observations (cf. example
A2, Appendix I).
Note: If outliers are eliminated, they must be recorded separately in the report.
To detect outliers, check the data plot (tally, histogram or chronological order) for suspicious
values. If outliers are suspected and the data show a normal distribution, use the Dixon
criterion for rejecting observations (n<26).
r (X −X ) (X −X ) ( X − X(1) ) ( X − X )
10 (n) (n−1) (n ) (1) (2) (n) (1)
r (X −X ) (X −X ) (X −X ) (X −X )
11 (n) (n−1) (n) (2) (2) (1) (n−1) (1)
r (X −X ) (X −X ) (X −X ) (X −X )
21 (n) (n−2) (n) (2) (3) (1) (n−1) (1)
r (X −X ) (X −X ) (X −X ) (X −X )
22 (n) (n−2) (n) (3) (3) (1) (n−2) (1)
(4) If Zb > ZT ,1−α reject the suspect observation, otherwise retain it.
Note: The presented outlier rejecting rules are only valid in normal distributions. In a skew
distribution, the elimination of outliers is very dangerous and should be avoided. In this case
the reason for the extreme observation must be known.
A check for outliers is not necessary if the trimmed mean or the median is used and if we are
only interested in a location measure.
For further tests on outliers cf. "Wissenschaftliche Tabellen Geigy, Statistik".
The standard deviation is extremely sensitive to outliers.
A check is therefore important, because it is not allowed to calculate a standard deviation
from a trimmed set of observations.
Numerical values for z and φ(z) are given in Table A 1, Appendix III. The probability to observe
a measured value between two given limits T1 and T2 can be calculated as follows:
transform the limits T1 and T2 in a standardised form
calculate the probability with help of Table A 1 by
F(z1,z2 ) = φ(z2 ) − φ(z1)
We expect about 95 % of the observation between µ-2σ and µ+2σ . More general we have:
The statement that the values (of the population) lie between µ+z1-α/2.. and µ-z1-α/2 .. is
right with the probability S = 1 - α and wrong with probability α. One sided or two sided
regions may be considered. The corresponding z-values are taken from a table of the
standard normal distribution.
Usual percentiles for the statistical confidence S:
a) Two sided, S = 1− α;zα 2,z1−(α / 2)
S(%) 90 95 99 99.9
-z α/2 = z1 -- α/2 1.64 1.96 2.58 3.29
S(%) 90 95 99 99.9
-z α = z1 -- α 1.28 1.64 2.33 3.09
f = n-1 degrees of freedom
t1-α/2;f given in Table A 4, Appendix III (Student t-Distribution)
With probability 1-α the true mean µ lies between the two confidence limits.
For n>50 t1-α/2;f may be replaced by z1-α/2 given on page 15 (corresponding to normal
deviates of Table A 1, Appendix III). In our example of compressive strength we calculate
the 95% confidence interval by replacing the t- by the z- value:
x±t . s ~ s
n =x±z n
This approximation is derived from the central limit theorem and can be used if
n > 10s2
c) Range method:
In the case of a normal distribution, confidence limits may be calculated by use of the range
instead of the standard deviation (often used in quality control for small sample sizes n).
±λ R
1−α / 2
(1-α)-confidence interval:
x < Median < x
(k) (n-k+1)
2 2
z1-α/2 is given in Table A 1, Appendix III.
Confidence intervals are reduced with increasing sample size n, i.e. the more observations
available, the better is the estimation.
The degree of improvement for the arithmetic mean can be derived from the fundamental
central limit theorem. If several samples of size n are drawn from the same population, the
arithmetic means of these samples are approximately normal with mean µ and standard
deviation s/√n, the so called standard error of the mean (SEM).
For increasing n to infinity, the standard error of the mean tends to zero, i.e. the estimation
tends to be absolutely precise if no systematic errors are present.
0 :µ ≠ 0.700
In case H0 can not be rejected, avoid saying “it is proved that H0 is correct”. or "there are
no differences in the means”, say "there is no evidence that H0 is not true" or "there is no
evidence H0 should be rejected”.
Rejecting the Hypothesis H0:
Later, after production has gone on for some time, the query again arises:
Is it reasonable to believe that the true mean width of blades produced remains 0.700
inches? Since the process was adjusted to yield that figure the hypothesis still seems
reasonable. We could then test it by taking another random sample of 100 blades.
This time the standard deviation is still 0.010 inches, so the standard error of the mean is still
0.001 inches, but the mean is now 0.703 inches:
In order to test the hypothesis that the true mean of the population is 0.700 inches, we again
go through the same line of reasoning. If the true population mean really were 0.700 inches,
how likely is it that we should draw a random sample of 100 blades and find their sample
mean to be as far away as 0.703 inches?
Since the difference between the hypothetical mean of 0.700 inches and the actual sample
mean of 0.703 inches is 0.003 inches, and the standard error of the mean is 0.001 inches,
the difference is equal to three standard errors of the mean (i.e. 0.003/0.001 = 3).
zp = 0.5 p = 0.69 = 69%. Therefore 31% fall outside to the right. The same portional fall outside to the left of -zp
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 444
Now if 0.700 inches really were the population mean, we know from Table A -1, Appendix III
that 99.7% of all possible sample means, for random samples of 100, would fall within three
standard errors around 0.700 inches. Hence, the probability is only 0.3% that we would get a
sample mean falling as far away as ours does.
We have two choices:
We may continue to accept the hypothesis (i.e. leave the production process alone), and
attribute the deviation of the sample mean to chance.
We may reject the hypothesis as being inconsistent with the evidence found in the
sample (hence, correct the production process).
Either of two things is true and we have to make a decision between them:
the hypothesis is correct, and an exceedingly unlikely event has occurred by chance
alone (one which would be expected to happen only 3 out of 1000 times); or
the hypothesis is wrong
Type I and Type II Errors
Understandably, the question can be raised: What critical value should we select for the
probability of getting the observed difference (x - µ 0) by chance, above which we should
accept the hypothesis H0 and below which we should reject it? This value is called the
critical probability or level of significance
The answer to this question is not simple, but to explore it will throw further light on the
nature and logic of statistical decision making. Let's study the following example:
in H0 is true H0 is false
In reality H0 is true H0 is false
We decide
Accept H0 3 right decision 2 error II
accept a true accept a
hypothesis false
Reject H0 1 error I 4 error II
reject a true accept a
hypothesis false
H0: the parliament building burns
Decision maker is the commander of the fire brigade.
Another expression for error I is: error of first kind
Another expression for error II is: error of second kind
If we ask here, what is worse
error I or error II,
then error I naturally costs a lot of money because the fire will destroy the whole parliament
building. Error II only moves the fire-brigade.
In a long run of cases which the hypothesis is in fact true (although we do not know it is true,
for otherwise there would be no need to test it), we will necessarily either be wrong as in 1 or
right as in 3.
5.2.1 z-Test
Used to test means with large sample size n.
Given is a sample of size n with arithmetic mean x and standard deviation s, we test the
hypothesis that the mean (estimated by x ) is equal to a given or target value µ0
Hypothesis H0 µ = µ0
Test statistic z = (x − µ0 ) n
In general σ is not known. It can be replaced by s for large sample sizes.
Two independent samples:
Given are two samples of size n1 and n2 with arithmetic means x1,x2 and standard
deviations s1, s2.
Hypothesis H0 µ1 = µ21 −
Test statistic z = x x2
s2 s 2 1 + 2
n n 2
Paired comparison
Given is a sample of n paired observations xi, yj. Calculate the arithmetic mean d of all
the differences di = yi - xi and the standard deviation sd.
Hypothesis H0 µx = µy respectively µd = 0
Test statistic d n
z ≥z
z ≤ −z one-sided test
In the example 1 we test the two-sided hypothesis H0: µ
= 35.0 N/mm = µ0 (one-sample problem).
= 33.2
s = 5.6
n = 90
= 0.05
z = (33.2 − 35.0) 90 = −3.05
Izl = 3.05 ' 1.96 = Z0.975
Decision: The sample mean differs significantly from the standard strength 35.0 N/mm .
in example 3 (chapter 5.1) we test the hypothesis whether a change in plant conditions
has occurred or not (two independent samples):
H0: µ1 = µ2
n1 = 618, n2 = 525
x1 = 82.67, x2 = 85.58
s1 = 4.13, s2 = 3.79
= 0.05 (two-sided test)
z= 85.58 − 82.67
(4.13)2 + (3.79)2
618 525
= 12.41 > 1.96 = z0.975
Decision: Highly significant difference between the two samples of titration values.
2 2
For the one-sided test replace α/2 by α. Zp is the significance limit of the z-test
z0.95 = 1.645 z0.975 = 1.960
If k is less than kα /2 (resp. kα) conclude that the medians are different, otherwise, there is
no reason to believe that the medians differ. 44
Test the hypothesis that 50% of the population has an income of more than 3000 (example
H0: m0 = 3000
k = 217
n = 479
= 0.05 two-sided test
k = 478− 1.96 478 = 217.6
2 2
The test is just significant at the 5% level. Because the sample median is 2700, we conclude
that less than 50% of the population has an income of 3000.
tons/hr 24.6 24.6 25.0 25.4 26.0 26.3 26.7 26.7 27.2 27.8
rank 1.5 1.5 3 4 5 6 7.5 7.5 9 10
tons/hr 28.0 28.3 29.3 29.3 29.9 30.0 30.0 30.3 30.5 31.0
(n − 1)s2 + (n
1 1
2 2
− 1)s n1 + n2
(n1 + n2 − 2)
Paired comparison: Given are n pairs of observations xi, yi, when x and y follow a
normal distribution.
t= n
5.2.7 X2-Test
Several X -tests are available for different test situations. The test we explain here is used to
compare the standard deviation s of a sample with hypothetical value σ0.
X -tests are also used for
Goodness of fit test
Independence test
Loglinear models
(see e.g. Haberman, 1978)
Given is a sample of size n drawn from a normal distribution with mean µ and standard
deviation σ. We test the hypothesis that the standard deviation σ, estimated by s from the
sample is equal to a hypothetical standard deviation σ0.
(n − 1)s2
H0: σ = σ0 Test statistic: x2 =
σ 02
Significance limits
Look for significance limit X p,m, in Table A-6 with m = n-1 degrees of freedom (df).
If X2 ≥ X2 1-α/2;m 2
or X ≤ X
α/2;m conclude: σ = σ0 (two-sided)
If X2 ≥ X2 1-α;m conclude: σ > σ0 (one-sided)
2 2 (one-sided)
X ≤X α;m conclude: σ < σ0
Otherwise we have no reason to believe that σ differs from σ0.
5.2.8 F-Test
Comparison of the standard deviation in two independent samples.
Given are two independent samples of size n1 and n2 with standard deviations s 1 and
s2. Both samples are drawn from a normal distribution. We test the hypothesis that both
populations have the same standard deviation.
H0: σ1 = σ2
Test statistic:
Let be s1 > s2, then compute
z ⋅σ + µ≤ σ + µ + δ =− z 6+ µ + δ (1)
1−α 0 0 1−β 0
n n
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 457
δ (z1−α + z1−β ) ≤ n
or n ≥ σ 2 (z +z )2 (2)
1−α 1−β
n corresponds with the required sample size to detect a desired difference δ with probability
(1-β) by a z-test with significance level α.
For the two-sided one-sample-test we only have to replace α by α/2, and we get:
n ≥ σ 2 (z +z )2 (3)
1−α / 2 1−β
Note: β is not replaced by β/2!
In a similar (but somewhat more complicated) way we find lower bounds for the sample
sizes n1 and n2 satisfying our conditions in the one-sided two-sample-test:
2 2
n≥ σ σ1 + σ 2 (z 2
2 + z1−α )
δ2 1−β
n ≥ σ1 n
1 2
For equal standard-deviations (σ1 = σ2 = σ) we obtain from (4):
n = n 2 ≥ 2σ 2 (z +z (5)
) 2
1 1−β 1−α
In the two-sided two-sample-test we simply have to replace α by α/2 in (4) or (5).
The following table shows short rules for determining sample sizes when α = β = 5% and σ1.
σ2 = σ in the two-sample-case. The numbers in parentheses refer to the formulae from
which the rules are derived.
one sample two samples
one-sided 2 n=n 2
n ≥ 11σ ≥ 11σ
2 1 2
δ δ2
(2) (5; for σ1 ≠ σ2 see (4))
two-sided 2 n=n 2
n ≥ 13σ ≥ 26σ
1 2
δ2 δ2
(3) (5)
with δ = relevant difference to be detected with probability (1-β)
= β = 5%
2 2
The variance σ is usually not known, but often some knowledge about σ is available
from former experiments (standard deviation). Otherwise σ may be estimated in a
pilot study.
In the case of small sample sizes (t-test, Wilcoxon-test), add 5% to the calculated n.
6.2 Interpretation
First of all. we must know how much we can rely on the data.
Test results are never "true" values, but are rather subject to errors of three types (see also
section 1):
random errors caused by sampling, imprecise measurement, environmental effects, etc.
systematic errors caused by bias in sampling or process measurement, by the use of
inadequate experimental design
gross errors caused by recording wrong or not comparable values.
Usually, we expect 5 to 10% gross errors in a set of observations. Random errors may be
denoted as reproducibility and expressed as the corresponding standard deviation. In
general, these errors are underestimated. Reproducibility should be known for every
important analyzing method. Systematic and gross errors are difficult to characterize. They
should be minimized by careful experimentation and data handling. A periodic check for
systematic errors should be done (calibration, comparison with a standard, inter-laboratory
How to compare several data sets or groups of data?
Before any comparison is made, we have to seriously check the comparability of data. Often,
data sets differ in provenance of samples or circumstance of measurement, so that a
comparison ma y be impossible. Even the fact that sample 1 was measured by laboratory
assistant Miller and sample 2 by Brown will lead to a biased comparison if there is any
relevant systematic error between the two persons. If the data sets are comparable and we
observe a certain difference, we have to ask the following questions before taking any
Is the difference significant?
Is the difference relevant?
The problem of significance is answered by a statistical test. If it is not significant, we have
no reason to take any action because the observed difference may occur by chance alone. If
the test indicates a significant difference, it is not necessarily relevant for the problem we are
concerned with. Of course, the decision whether or not it is relevant is not a statistical
problem. Perhaps a decision maker is alarmed when an observed difference, considered to
be relevant in the present problem, does not lead to a significant test result. In this case, the
sample size used may be too small or the testing procedures may not be sufficiently
sensitive to solve the given problem.
Cumulative time-plot
Cumulated values are plotted against time. Used to show deviations from a cumulative
Example: Actual clinker production is cumulated every month and compared with a target.
Control chart
Cause of Change Mean Range Standard Cumulative
X R deviations
Gross error (blunder) 1 2 - 3
Shift in average 2- - 1
Shift in variability - 1 2 -
Slow fluctuation (trend) 2 - - 1
Rapid fluctuation (cycle) -1 2 -
= not appropriate / 3 = least useful
2 = useful / 1 = most useful
x − chart
Samples of fixed size n are taken from time to time. The arithmetic mean of the samples are
plotted versus time.
Control limits (for warning and/or action) can be computed with the help of special
Cumulative -sum-chart. The deviations of individual values from a target value
are cumulated.
This chart is especially sensitive to slow fluctuations in the process.
Illustration of the relationship between two variables.
Example: Relation between strength and density of concrete. The relationship is not linear.
Don't use the correlation coefficient in this case, because it is only a measure for linear
Properties of rxy:
rxy = ranges from -1 to +1
rxy = +1 : All measured values lie on an increasing line -1 :
All measured values lie on a decreasing line
0 : No linear relationship between the measured values
rxy is a measure of linear dependence. If the scatter diagram indicates a non-linear
relationship, then the correlation coefficient will be misleading and should not be
rxy is very sensitive (not robust) against outliers.
The necessity of drawing a scatter diagram is illustrated in the following figures. Completely
different graphs may result with equal correlation coefficients (r = 0.82).
rxy can be close to zero even though the variables are clearly non-linear dependent and rxy
is not defined if sx or sy is zero.
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 478
Interpretation of rxy
A high correlation coefficient between two variables does not necessarily indicate a causal
dependence. There may be a third variable not under control which is causing the
simultaneous change in the first two variables, and which produces a spuriously high
correlation coefficient. In order to establish a causal relationship it is necessary to run a
carefully controlled experiment (see chapter 8). Unfortunately it is often impossible to control
all the variables which could possibly be relevant to a particular experiment, so that the
experimenter should always be on the lookout for spurious correlation.
The following is an example for confusion of correlation with causation:
The following figure shows the population of Oldenburg at the end of each of 7 years plotted
against the number of storks observed in the corresponding year. Although in this example
few would be led to hypothesize that the increased number of storks caused the observed
increase of population, investigators are sometimes guilty of this kind of mistake in other
contexts. Correlation between two variables Y and X often occurs because they are both
associated with a third factor W. In the stork example, since the human population Y and the
number of storks X both increased with time W over this 7-year period, it is readily
understandable that a correlation appears when they are plotted together as Y versus X.
Fig.: A plot of the population of Oldenburg at the end of each year against the
number of storks observed in that year.
where the residuals Ej's are independent normal random variables with mean 0 and constant
variance σ2.
= y -intercept β
= slope
x = independent variable - Y dependent variable
This assumption is essential if parameter reductions (see later), i.e. reduced models are
tested and the assumptions have to be checked when a model is fitted.
The estimates of the parameters α and β in model (1) are obtained by the method of Least
Squares (MLS), i.e. the estimates are obtained by minimizing the sum of squared residuals
n 2 n
∑(y j − α − βx j ) ∑E j
j =1 j =1
syy = ∑(y j − y )2 = ∑y j 2 − n (∑y j )2 = (n − 1)sy 2
sxy = ∑(x j − x )(y j − y ) = ∑ x j y j − n ∑xjyj = (n − 1)sxy
yˆ = αˆ + β , where β =s
αˆ = y + βx
with a resulting minimal sum of squares (MSSQ) smin = syy − s2 xy with n-2 degrees of
freedom (2 parameters α and β are estimated). yˆ is the predicted value for the dependent
variable y.
In the mentioned problem there are two regression lines, one to predict y from x and one to
predict x from y. The two lines are not identical and therefore it is not allowed to invert
the regression equation.
The prediction equation is valid only in the observed range of observations. Extrapolations
may give misleading results. We have no information that linearity holds outside of the
present observations.
For each pair (xj, yj) we can therefore compute the predicted value yˆ of y by
means of the regression function yˆ = αˆ + β x i.e.
yˆ j = αˆ + β x j
and the estimated residual
eˆj = y − yˆ j
αˆ 2 = S min /(n − 2) is an estimate for the variance of the residuals. The analysis of the residuals eˆj
Normality and constant Variability). The first check is done by plotting the residuals against the
predicted yj. The residuals eˆj should be randomly scattered around the line e = 0 and
show no pattern.
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 482
For example the following structures of the residuals would indicate, that the model is not
correctly specified (e.g. that the variables x and y should be transformed before calculation
of the regression line).
MSQ: Smin = y 2
− ( x y )2 .
∑ j ∑ j j
∑ j
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 483
df = n-1
MSQ = ∑y j 2
df = n
Other models:
= α0 + βx y
= α + β0 x y
= α 0 + β0 x
The estimates and MSQ can be obtained by differentiation of the corresponding Sum of
Squared Residuals!
These special models are only useful if the data really speaks for them!
Model MSQ df
0 min 0
H0 S df
A Smin df
Reduction S min - Smin df0 - df
Ho denotes the null hypothesis, A the alternative model. By H0 the test-statistic
F = (S min − Smin ) (df 0 − df )
S df
is distributed according to a F-distribution with m1 = (df - df) and m2 = df degrees
of freedom.
Significance limits: Look up F 0
in Table A-9 with m1 = (df -df) and m2 = df degrees
1−α;(df −df ),df
of freedom.
Decision : If F > F then conclude that the simplification to the null-model H0 is not
1−α;(df −df ),df
permitted, therefore the alternative model has to be used; otherwise (F≤F1-α) there is
no evidence that the null-model should be rejected.
sd(αˆ ) = αˆ
F(α = 0)
ˆ β
sd(β ) = F(β = 0)
so that the regression line of the alternative (full) model is
y= αˆ + β x
(sd (αˆ )) (sd ( β ˆ ))
In order to obtain the standard deviation in a model A : y = βx, this model has to be
compared with the null-model H0 : y = 0.
For A : y = α, compare A to H0 : y = 0
For A : y = α0+βx, compare A to H0 : y = α0
For A : y = α+β0x, compare A to H0 : y = β0x
1-α confidence intervals for the estimated parameters can be obtained by calculating
αˆ ± t1−α / 2,msd(αˆ )
ˆ ˆ
β ± t1−α / 2,msd(β )
where m equals the degrees of freedom in the alternative model and t1_a/2,m can be looked
up in Table A-4.
The total variation of y can be partitioned into two components. Total variation = explained
variation + unexplained variation
total variation ∑(yi − y )2
unexplained variation
= ∑(yi − yˆ ) 2 (observed - predicted)
explained variation
∑(yˆ − y )2
The coefficient of determination is the ratio
r 2 = explainedvariation
In this form r is defined also for non-linear curves and multiple regression.
In a first step five auxiliary sums are provided:
A = Σxi = 1'205.3 n = 34
2 = 43'253.19
B = Σx i
C = Σyj = 867.1
2 = 22'150.93
D = Σy i
E = Σ xjyj = 30'828.44
xy = E− = 2.719545
n−1 n
s2 = 1 B − A2 = 15.918333
s2 = 1 D − C2 = 1.131203
n−1 n
x = A n = 35.45
= C n = 25.05
Sxy = 89.7550
Sxx = 525.3050
Syy = 37.3297
Smin = 21.9973
df = 32
xx yy
ˆ xy
αˆ = y − = 19.45
Test: α = 0
Model MSQ df
β 178 l527 33
H0 : y = x
A : y = α + βx 21.9973 32
Reduction 156.1553 1
F= 156.1553 = 227.16 = F(α = 0)
21.9973 32
F.95;1,32 = 4.17 (Table A-9)
Simplification not permitted
Test β = 0
Model MSQ df
Ho : y = α 37.3297 33
A : y = α + βx 21.9973 32
Reduction 15.3324 1
95% confidence intervals for αˆ and β
From table A-4: t.975,32 = 2.042
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 490
αˆ : 19.45 ± 2.042 * 1.29 = (16.82, 22.08)
β : 0.171± 2.042 * 0.036 = (0.097, 0.245)
Coefficient of determination: r = 0.41
Only 41% of the total variation of Y can be explained by the dependence of the grain
fraction. The prediction can be improved when further variables are considered in a multiple
regression. The coefficient of determination increases to 69% if C3A- and alkali-content is
included in the equation
y = 17.44 + 0.15x1 + 0.26 x2 + 0.52x3
x1 = grain fraction 10-32µ%
x2 = C3A- content %
x3 = K20 + Na2O%
8.3.1 Experiments
The five criteria of a good experiment are:
The experiment should serve a well defined purpose
In a first step the problem has to be clearly identified for each experiment, and the
hypotheses to be investigated have to be determined.
Factors. which are not of primary interest. should not influence the results
Influencing factors, which are not included in the investigation, must be under control at
fixed levels. Otherwise several effects become mixed up and cannot be separated by
statistical methods. Systematic effects of factors, which cannot be controlled, are
eliminated by random allocation of samples to treatments or factor levels and by random
measuring sequence (randomization).
Practical performance of randomization: In example A 1 we assign a number to each
sample, No. 1 - 8 to tablets and No. 9 - 16 to beads. Each number is written on a leaflet
and mixed in a box. The order of measurement is given by blind drawing of the leaflets
from the box.
The experiment should be free of systematic errors
This requirement is partially connected with 2). Systematic errors, due to any change of
effects in time, are eliminated by randomization. An often underestimated source of
systematic errors is the prejudice of the experimenter. In order to avoid this, mainly
“blind" experiments should be performed. The samples are coded with random numbers,
the decoding key only known to a confidential person, who herself is not in a position to
perform analyses.
The experiment should provide a measure of its precision
An estimate of the precision is obtained by a replication of the experiment. For each step
Cement Manufacturing Course Volume 2 - Page 494
of the experiment several measurements should be taken. In example A 1 it would be
impossible to state whether a systematic difference exists, if only one tablet and one
bead are measured. (Appendix I)
Precision and efficiency of an experiment should be high enough to reach the set goals There
are various measures to improve the precision and efficiency of an experiment:
Reduction of variability by using homogeneous materials and by carefully controlling all
the factors, as well as by strictly observing the analytical regulations.
Increasing the number of replications; this will lead to the problem of determining the
sample volume required to achieve the desired precision.
Blocking: Measurements are performed in homogeneous groups (blocks). Such blocks
may be 'measurements made by the same operator' or 'measurements made on the
same day'.
A special blocking procedure is the paired comparison. In example A 3 both
laboratories measure the compressive strength on samples drawn from the same
cement bag.
Block experiments should be balanced and randomized, i.e. the number of
measurements and treatments is equal in each block and assignment of samples or
treatments to blocks is random.
Special cases of blocking: paired comparison.
Analysis of covariance: factors, which are not subject to the experimenter's control,
are recorded in order to eliminate their effects in a later analysis.
The principles above are valid for any experimentation. Special designs for various problems
are given in the literature. Problems may be: Effects of one or several factors on a response,
additivity of factor effects, splitting of components of variability in a measurement procedure
in order to achieve a prescribed precision at minimum cost, inter-laboratory tests, calibration,
evaluation of systematic errors etc.
In contrast to a regression analysis with a given set of observations, a carefully designed
experiment allows the evaluation of causal relationships. In regression the effects are
usually mixed and can only be separated due to some mathematical model and not due to
their real origin (ref. Interpretation of rxy section 7.1).
CaO SiO2
Tablets Beads tablets beads
42.63 42.42 13.87 14.15
42.59 42.44 14.01 13.86
42.63 42.45 14.04 13.92
42.80 42.42 14.09 13.83
43.02 42.59 14.26 14.01
42.61 42.49 13.70 13.78
42.40 42.62 13.89 14.24
42.79 42.26 13.77 13.88
We are interested in differences between the preparation methods. To get a quick survey on
the data we mark every observation on the measurement scale for tablets and beads
After Homogenization
x −x 77.0 − 76.0
(n−2) (1)
with x(1) the smallest, X(3) the third smallest and X(n-2) the largest value.
Since r22 = 0.8 > r0.995 = 0.562 (Table A-2, Appendix III) the extreme value is considered
to be a real outliner (with significance level α = 1%). It is deleted for further analysis.
Statistical data description
Mean and median are almost equal. The distribution of observations seems to be therefore
symmetrical about the mean either before and after homogenization. Due to homogenization the
standard deviation is reduced from 0.36 to 0.08 corresponding to a factor of four to five.
Elimination of the outliner reduces the standard deviation from 0.22. to 0.08 !
A detailed interpretation of these data requires their representation in a frequency table and
histogram. With the probability paper we check the data for normality.
The cumulative frequency curve plotted on the probability paper is not linear and the
distribution is therefore not normal.
Histogram and tally show that even values of Schmidt-hammer strength are more
frequent than odd values. This seems to be caused by a reading error of scale. Probably
only even values are marked on the measurement scale.
Case Study