Meta Anaysis Assignment
Meta Anaysis Assignment
Meta Anaysis Assignment
Department of Management-MBA
Asella Campus.
Group Assignment
Jan, 2016
Asella, Ethiopia
A. Introduction..............................................................................................................................4
B. Statement of the problem.........................................................................................................5
C. Objective of the analysis...........................................................................................................5
D. Methodology used to make the analysis..................................................................................5
E. Scope of the analysis:................................................................................................................6
F. Significance of the analysis.......................................................................................................6
G. Findings.....................................................................................................................................7
I. Recommendation......................................................................................................................14
The Impacts of Organizational culture on Employee
Performance, a Meta-analytical Investigation.
The aim of this study is to expand the base knowledge about and to test empirically
the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance. The
study adopts Meta analytical approach to explore the impact. The review is
conducted on 20 Journal from five different continents, which are published within
the past 10 years on the topic, on which we made a meta- analytical investigation.
The analysis is divided in to eight sections: a) Introduction b) statement of the
problem c) objective of the analysis d) Methodology e) scope of the analysis f)
significance used to make the analysis g) findings h) conclusion and
recommendations. The result show that at the end that, the variables are strongly
related and originations should give due attention for organizational cultural
components for enhanced employee and organizational performance.
A. Introduction
Although there are variety of meanings and understanding about organizational
culture and employee performance, here they can be defined them as follow:
“organizational culture the set of shared, taken for granted implicit assumptions
that a group holds that determines how it perceives, thinks and about reacts to
different environments”(1) Culture can also be defined as “a combination of
values, sets, believes, communications, simplification of behavior which gives
direction to people(2) Whereas, employee performance can be explained as “The
job related activities expected of a worker and how well those activities were
executed.” (3)
Other related key words also considered through the study, since they are
mentioned and studied on the journals. These includes organizational performance
is organization’s capacity to accomplish its goals effectively and efficiently using
resources.(4 ) Performance management also another concept which also explained
as, strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustainable success to
organizations by improving the performance of people who work in them by
developing the capabilities of teams and individual contributors.(5)
C. Objective of the analysis
The impetus behind this research is to evaluate, whether organizational culture has
an impact on employee performance.
The steps followed are, first 20 studies selected from different data bases on the
topic, which was done using the key word approach. Secondly, assembling all
the studies on a tabular format and determine how they are interrelated each
other (Synthesizing translations) using comparative approach. The last step is
by expressing the synthesis, we facilitates understanding on the topic.
E. Scope of the analysis:
The study limited only on 20 Journals, from 4 contents and 13 different
countries around the world which were published within the past 10 years only
in English language.
This study will contribute theoretical findings on the topic, after reviewing the
studies and making a conclusion, through comparative approach.
The study also invites further studies to be conducted on the topic, which
employee different methodologies and approaches.
G. Findings.
4 Impact of organizational -Organizational culture has Method of Analysis: Fakhar Shahzad,Raha
culture on organizational a positive impact on Adeel Liquman,
performance.(10) Literature review and critical
employee performance. Ayesha Rashild Khan
and Lalarukh Shabbir.
-Adoption of organizational
culture is helpful for the
employee to do their work
effectiveness and
significance value.
value=3.31 where
acceptable mean
7. Impact of Organizational -Numerous attributes of Data collection method: -Mohammad Jasim
culture on employee organizational culture have In depth interview and observation. Uddin, Rumana huq
performance and significant positive Data analysis; Luva, Saad Md maroof
productivity. A case study Measuring significant of records
influence on organizational Hossian.
on telecommunication based on literature review.
sector In Bangladesh. (13) performance.
10. Impact assessment of -there positive relationship Data collection: Olu Ojo
Corporate culture On between organizational Questioners.
Employee Job culture and employee job Sampling:
performance.(16) Stratified random sampling
-calculated value of chi- Data analysis:
square, 56.23 >table value Descriptive statistical, percentages,
and chi-square.
11. The impact of -Organizational culture has Data collection: M.Shakil Ahemed
organizational Culture on significant positive Questioners.
performance Management relationship with the Data analysis:
practice in Practice. (17) Regression and Correlation.
performance managerial
- Correlation value r=0.837.
Significance =0.736.
12. Impact of Organizational - Organizational culture has Data Collection: Angela Sinickas
culture on employee job significant positive Questioners and formal and informal
performance.(18) relationship impact on interviews.
employee job performance. Data analysis:
Correlation and regression.
13. Organizational Corporate -organizational culture has Data collection: International Journal
culture on employee direct impact on (positive Questioners Business and
performance.(19) relationship) on employee Data analysis: commerce.
performance. Literature review.
14. The Influence of -organizational culture Data collection: Jack Henry Syauta,
organizational culture, doesn’t have significant Questioners. Eka Afran Troena,
organizational influence on employee Sampling: Margont Setihan,
commitments to job.(20) Random sampling.
10 | P a g e
performance. Data analysis: solimun.
-calculated statistical Descriptive and Inferential analysis
value=0.990, significance with partial least square (pls) and
value=0.000. sobel test.
15. An Investigation of -there is a strong positive Data collection: Tayata Rana, Anus
relationship between relationship between Questioners Sarual.
organizational culture and organizational and role Data analysis:
the employee role based correlation and Inferential
based performance.
performance. (21)
17. The impact of -there is strong relationship Data collection: Boniface C. Nwugwo.
Organizational culture on between organizational Secondary data
employee behavior and culture, management style collection(literatures)
attitude.(23) Data analysis:
and employee performance.
Literature reviews.
18. Examining the relationship -There is positive relation- Data collection: William Shiner.
between organizational ship between them. Survey methods.
culture and performance. Data analysis:
(24) correlation and regression
11 | P a g e
19. Perceived Influence on -there a strong relationship Data collection: -Onimoni, Salu.
Organizational Culture and between organizational Structure questioners.
management style on culture and employee Data analysis:
Employee performance in correlation
Nigeria Banking sector.
(25) -Correlation value(r=0.514)
Significance level 0.000
20. Analysis of the relationship -there is positive Data collection: Evan Sokro
that exists between relationship between Questioners
organizational culture, organizational culture Data analysis:
motivation and Qualitative and quantitative
motivation and
performance.(26) approach, and percentage, with
tabular presentation.
-78% of respondents believe
organizational culture has
an impact on employee
12 | P a g e
3 0.744 0.01
4. 2.612 0.95
From the above results we calculated a mean value of 7.717 for calculated
correlation value and 1.164 mean value of significance value. Thus, the
mean value further establishes and strengthens our conclusion that
employee performance is positively affected by organizational culture.
(Note that since the rest journal used different methodologies of data
analysis we considered only their resultant effects rather than calculating
them quantitatively.)
I. Recommendation
Despite the fact that out the 20 studies under consideration, that four of
them indicates that there is no positive relationship between the two
variables (organization culture and employee performance) the rest sixteen
studies clearly show that organizational culture and employee performance
are strongly related and have significant positive relationship, it is
apparent for this meta analytical review to concluded the variables are
positively related. However, the study also invites further investigations on
the topic, since our review is limited with time frame and numerical
magnitude of the studies.
14 | P a g e
1. Schein, E (1996). Organizational culture and Leadership San Francisco: Jossey-
2. Titiev, M. (1959), Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, New York, Henry Holt
and Company.
15 | P a g e
10. Fakhar Shahzad,Raha Adeel Liquman, Ayesha Rashild Khan and Lalarukh
Shabbir,” Impact of organizational culture on organizational performance.,
”Interdisplinary Journal of contemporary Research in Business, Jan. 2012. Vol. 3
No. 9
11. Muhammad Arif Khattak,Nadeem, Ansir Ali Rajut. ”Impact of Culture on employee”
A comparison of private sector Universities. International Journal of Academic
Research Accounting, Finance and Management Science Vol.3, No. Jan, 2013 pp 210-218.
12. Ali Ibrahim Mohammedand Ahmed Ali Shiekh Abukar.”The Impact of Organizational
CultureOn Employee performance of Mogadishu University.”, Academic Research
International, Vol.4 Nov, 2013.Somalia
13. Mohammad Jasim Uddin, Rumana huq Luva, Saad Md maroof Hossian .
”Impact of Organizational culture on employee performance and productivity.
A case study on telecommunication sector In Bangladesh. ,“, International Journal of
Business and Management Vol.8 No. 2 2013, Canada.
14. Alharabi Mohammad Awadh and Alyahaya Mohammed saad,” Impact of Organizational
Culture On employee performance.” , International Review of Management and Business
Research Vol.2 Issue 1 Mar, 2013.
16. Olu Ojo,” Impact assessment of Corporate culture On Employee Job performance.”
20. Jack Henry Syauta, Eka Afran Troena, Margont Setihan, solimun.”The Influence
of organizational culture, organizational commitments to job.”,
23. Omoni Comfort. Salua Paul ,”The impact of Organizational culture on employee
Behavior and attitude.”
24. William Shiner,” Examining the relationship between organizational culture and
26. Evan Sokro “,Analysis of the relationship that exists between organizational culture,
Motivation and performance.”, Problems of Management In The 21th century Vol.3,
17 | P a g e