BL 430: Labor Law and Legislation 7:30-9:00 TTH
BL 430: Labor Law and Legislation 7:30-9:00 TTH
BL 430: Labor Law and Legislation 7:30-9:00 TTH
Submitted by:
- by Administrative Code of 1987 (EO 292)
- the primary policy-making, programming, coordinating and administrative entity of the
Executive branch of the government in the field of labor and employment
Its Primary responsibilities:
1. The promotion of gainful employment opportunities and the optimization of the
development & utilization of the country’s manpower resources;
2. The advancement of workers’ welfare by providing for just and humane working
conditions and terms of employment;
3. The maintenance of industrial peace by promoting harmonious, equitable and stable
employment, relations that assure protection for the rights of all concerned parties.
: Exceptions
1. Public Employment offices
2. Private recruitment entities
3. Private employment agencies
4. Shipping or manning agents or representatives
5. The POEA
6. Construction contractors if authorized to operate by DOLE and the Construction Industry
7. Members of the diplomatic corps although hiring done by them have to be processed
through the POEA
8. Other persons/entities as may be authorized by the Sec of DOLE
Regulatory Functions
1. Regulate private sector participation in the recruitment & overseas placement of workers
through its licensing and registration system;
2. Formulate & implement, in coordination w/ appropriate entities concerned, when
necessary, a system for promoting and monitoring the overseas Employment of Filipino
workers taking into consideration their welfare and the domestic manpower requirements;
3. Inform migrant workers not only of their rights as workers but also of their rights as
human beings;
4. Instruct and guide the workers how to assert their rights and provide the available
mechanism to redress violation of their rights;
5. In the recruitment & placement of workers to service the requirements for trained and
competent Filipino workers of foreign governments and their instrumentalities, and such
other employers as public interest may require, deploy only to countries:
a. Where the PH has concluded Bilateral labor agreements or arrangements;
b. Observing and/or complying w/ the international laws and standards of migrant
c. Guaranteeing to protect the rights of Filipino migrant workers.
Adjudicatory Functions
1. Administrative cases involving violations of licensing rules & regulations and registration
of recruitment and Employment agencies/entities; and
2. Disciplinary action cases and other special cases w/c are administrative in character,
involving employers, principals, contracting partners and Filipino migrant workers.
Jurisdiction of POEA
1. all cases w/c are administrative in character, involving or arising out of violations of rules
& regulations relating to licensing & registration of recruitment and employment
agencies/entities; and
2. disciplinary action cases and other special cases w/c are administrative in character,
involving employers, principals, contracting partners and Filipino migrant workers
3. NO jurisdiction to enforce foreign judgment (must be brought before the regular courts).
POEA is an administrative (not a court), exercising adjudicatory or quasi-judicial
4. NO jurisdiction over torts
-consistent w/ the policy encouraging amicable settlement of labor disputes Sec 10 of RA 8042
allows resolution by compromise of cases filed w/ the NLRC
- any compromise agreement on money claims inclusive of damages shall be paid w/in 4 months
from the approval of the settlement
Penalties for Non-compliance of the mandatory period for resolution of cases
1. The salary of such official who fails to render his decision/resolution within the
prescribed period shall be, or caused to be, withheld until such official complies
2. Suspension for not more than 90 days; or
3. Dismissal w/ disqualification to hold any appointive public office for 5 years
Ex: in case of seamen – must be given written notice of the charges against him, and afforded
a formal investigation where he can defend himself or thru a representative before he can be
dismissed & disembarked. The employer is required to furnish him with 2 notices: (1) written
notice of charge; and (2) written notice of dismissal
Contracted but not Deployed: Perfected Contract
Permanent disability – the inability of a worker to perform his job for more than 120 days,
regardless of WON he loses the use of any part of his body
Total Disability – disablement of an employee to earn wages in the same kind of work of similar
nature that he was trained for or accustomed to perform, or any kind of work which a person
of his mentality and attainments could do. It does not mean absolute helplessness.
In disability compensation, it is not the injury which is compensated, but rather it is the
incapacity to work resulting in the impairment of one’s earning capacity
Disability benefits by seamen – a matter governed not only by medical findings but by law &
- shall be paid beginning on the 1st day of such disability. If caused by an injury/sickness
it shall not be paid longer than 120 consecutive days except where such injury/sickness still
requires medical attendance beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 days from onset of
disability in which case benefit for temporary total disability shall be paid.
In case of differing medical assessment
a.) When a seafarer sustains a work-related illness/injury while on board, his
fitness/unfitness to work shall be determined by the company-designated physician.
b.) If the physician appointed by the seafarer disagrees with the company-designated
physician’s assessment, the opinion of a 3rd doctor may be agreed jointly bet the
employer and the seafarer to be the decision final and binding on them
Agencies Given the Duty to promote the welfare & rights of migrant workers:
1. Department of Foreign Affairs
2. Department Of Labor and Employment
4. OWWA – Overseas Workers Welfare Administration – provides social & welfare
services including insurance coverage, legal assistance, placement assistance and
remittance services to Filipino overseas workers. Under RA8042, it shall provide the
Filipino migrant worker & his daily assistance in the enforcement of contractual
obligations by agencies, entities and/or their principals;
5. RPM - Re-Placement and Monitoring Center – develops livelihood programs for the
returning workers to reintegrate the returning migrant workers to the Philippine society;
6. NLRC – tasked with the settlement/adjudication of labor disputes
GR: Direct hiring of Filipino workers for overseas employment is not allowed
1. Members of Diplomatic corps;
2. International organizations;
3. Other employers as may be allowed by DOLE; and
4. Name hires – individual workers who are able to secure contracts for overseas
employment on their own efforts and representations without assistance/participation of
any agency. Their hiring nonetheless, shall pass through the POEA for processing
Rationale of the Prohibition
1. To assure the best possible terms & conditions of work to the employee; and
2. To assure the foreign employer that he hires only qualified Filipino workers
Everyone’s labor Code-Azucena - documents. (2014, October 24). Retrieved November 30,
2015, from
Retrieved November 30, 2015, from