Labor Notes
Labor Notes
Labor Notes
1. to promote and maintain a state of full employment through improved manpower training,
allocation and utilization;
2. to protect every citizen desiring to work locally/overseas by securing for him the best possible
terms and condition of employment;
3. to facilitate a free choice of available employment by persons seeking work in conformity with
the national interest;
4. to facilitate & regulate the movement of workers in conformity w/ the national interest;
6. to strengthen the network of public employment offices and rationalize the participation of the
private sector in the recruitment and placement of workers, locally and overseas, to serve national
development objectives;
7. to insure careful selection of Filipino workers for overseas employment in order to protect the good
name of the PH abroad.
- by Administrative Code of 1987 (EO 292)
- the primary policy-making, programming, coordinating and administrative entity of the Executive
branch of the govt in the field of labor and employment
2. The advancement of workers’ welfare by providing for just and humane working conditions and
terms of EENT;
3. The maintenance of industrial peace by promoting harmonious, equitable and stable EENT,
relations that assure protection for the Rs of all concerned parties.
Private fee-charging EEnt Agency – any person/ entity engaged in the recruitment & placement of workers
for a fee w/c is charged directly/indirectly from the workers or employers or both
License – a document issued by the DOLE authorizing a person/entity to operate a private EENT agency
Private recruitment entity – any person/assoc engaged in the recruitment & placement of workers,
locally/overseas without charging, directly/indirectly any fee from the workers or employers.
Authority – a document issued by the DOLE authorizing a person/assoc to engage in recruitment &
placement activities as a private recruitment entity
Emigrant – any person, worker or otherwise, who emigrates to a foreign country by virtue of an immigrant
visa or resident permit to its equivalent in the country of destination
1. to organize & establish new EENT offices in addition to existing EENT offices under the DOLE
as the need arises;
2. to organize & establish a nationwide job clearance & information system to inform applicants
registering w/ a particular EENT office of job opportunities in other parts of the country as well
as job opportunities abroad;
3. to develop & organize a program that will facilitate occupational industrial and geographical
mobility of labor and provide assistance in the relocation of workers from one area to another; and
4. to require any person, establishment, org, or institution to submit such EENT information as
may be prescribed by the Sec of Labor.
Bureau of Local Employment (BLE) – assigned the effective allocation of manpower resources in local
Ph Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) – for overseas employment
2. To establish & maintain a registration and/or licensing system to regulate private sector participation
in the recruitment & placement of workers, locally & overseas, and to secure the best possible terms
& conditions of EENT for Filipino contract workers and compliance therewith under such rules &
regulations as may be issued by the DOLE;
3. To formulate & develop EENT programs designed to benefit disadvantaged groups &
4. To establish & maintain a registration and/or work permit system to regulate the EENT of
5. To develop a labor market information system in aid of proper manpower and development
6. To develop a responsible vocational guidance & testing system in aid of proper human
resources allocation; and
over all matters/cases involving EE-EER relations including money claims, arising out of or by virtue
of any law or contracts involving Filipino workers for overseas EENT except seamen: Provided,
thet the Bureau of Employment Services (BES) (now BLE) may, in the case of the NCR, exercise
such power, whenever the DOLE deems it appropriate.
The decisions of the regional offices of the BES if so authorized by the Sec of DOLE shall be
appealable to the NLRC upon the same grounds provided in Art 233 hereof.
GR: No person/entity other than the public EENT offices, shall engage in the recruitment & placement of
: Exceptions
1. Public EEnt offices
2. Private recruitment entities
3. Private EENT agencies
4. Shipping or manning agents or representatives
5. The POEA
6. Construction contractors if authorized to operate by DOLE and the Construction Industry
7. Members of the diplomatic corps although hirings done by them have to be processed through
the POEA
8. Other persons/entities as may be authorized by the Sec of DOLE
OFW – a Filipino worker who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a renumenerated
activity in a country of which he/shee is not a legal resident
2 Classifications
1. Land-based – contract workers other than a seaman including workers ingaged in offshore
activities whose occupation requires that majority of his working/gainful hrs are spent on land
2. Sea-based – those employed in a vessel engaged in maritime navigation
Regulatory Functions
1. Regulate private sector participation in the recruitment & overseas placement of workers
through its licensing and registration system;
3. Inform migrant workers not only of their rights as workers but also of their rights as
human beings;
4. Instruct and guide the workers how to assert their rights and provide the available mechanism
to redress violation of their rights;
5. In the recruitment & placement of workers to service the requirements for trained and competent
Filipino workers of foreign govts and their instrumentalities, and such other employers as public
interest may require, deploy only to countries:
a. Where the PH has concluded Bilateral labor agreements or arrangements;
b. Observing and/or complying w/ the international laws and standards of migrant
c. Guaranteeing to protect the rights of Filipino migrant workers.
Adjudicatory Functions
1. Administrative cases involving violations of licensing rules & regulations and registration of
recruitment and EEnt agencies/entities; and
2. Disciplinary action cases and other special cases w/c are administrative in character, involving
employers, principals, contracting partners and Filipino migrant workers.
Jurisdiction of POEA
1. all cases w/c are administrative in character, involving or arising out of violations of rules &
regulations relating to licensing & registration of recruitment and employment agencies/entities;
2. disciplinary action cases and other special cases w/c are administrative in character, involving EERS,
principals, contracting partners and Filipino migrant workers
3. NO jurisdiction to enforce foreign judgment (must be brought before the regular courts). POEA is
an administrative (not a court), exercising adjudicatory or quasi-judicial functions
-consistent w/ the policy encouraging amicable settlement of labor disputes Sec
10 of RA 8042 allows resolution by compromise of cases filed w/ the NLRC
- any compromise agreement on money claims inclusive of damages shall be paid w/in 4 months
from the approval of the settlement
1. The salary of such official who fails to reder his decision/resolution w/in the prescribed pd shall be, or
caused to be, withheld until such official complies therewith;
Millares & Lagda v NLRC: SC: seafarers are contractual EES Premature Termination of
If EE is terminated before end of contract w/o just cause, EERS will be ordered to pay their salaries
corresponding to the unexpired portion of their EENT contract
A worker dismissed from overseas EENT w/o just cause as defined by law/contract is entitled to ―full
reimbursement of his placement fee w/ interest at 12% per annum, plus the salary for the unexpired
portion of their EENT contract.
Ex: in case of seamen – must be given written notice of the charges against him, and afforded a
formal investigation where he can defend himself or thru a representative before he can be
dismissed & disembarked. The EER is required to furnish him w/ 2 notices: (1) written notice of
charge; and (2) written notice of dismissal
- entitled to death and other benefits under w/c ever is higher (foreign law or Ph law)
- entitled to death benefits if death occurs during the term of his contract of employment, even if
death is not work-related death is caused by their own doing
Permanent disability – the inability of a worker to perform his job for more than
120 days, regardless of WON he loses the use of any part of his body
Total Disability – disablement of an EE to earn wages in the same kind of work of similar nature that
he was trained for or accustomed to perform, or any kind of work w/c a person of his mentality
and attainments could do. It does not mean absolute helplessness. In disability compensation, it is not
the injury w/c is compensated, but rather it is the incapacity to work resulting in the impairment of
one’s earning capacity
- a matter governed not only by medical findings but by law & contract
- shall be paid beginning on the 1 day of such disability. If caused by an injury/sickness it shall
not be paid longer than 120 consec days except where such injury/sickness still requires medical
attendance beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 days from onset of disability in w/c case
benefit for temporary total disability shall be paid.
a.) when a seafarer sustains a work-related illness/injury while on board, his fitness/unfitness to
work shall be determined by the company-designated physician.
b.) If the physician appointed by the seafarer disagrees w/ the company- designated physician ’s
assessment, the opinion of a 3 doctor may be agreed jointly bet the EER and the seafarer to
be the decision final and binding on them
Agencies Given the Duty to promote the welfare & rights of migrant workers:
1. DFA
4. OWWA – Overseas Workers Welfare Administration – provides social & welfare services including
insurance coverage, legal assistance, placement assistance and remittance services to Filipino overseas
workers. Under RA8042, it shall provide the Filipino migrant worker & his faily assistance in the
enforcement of contractual obligs by agencies, entities and/or their principals;
5. RPM - Re-Placement and Monitoring Center – develops livelihood programs for the returning
workers to reintegrate the returning migrant workers to the Ph society;
6. NLRC – tasked w/ the settlement/adjudication of labor disputes
GR: Direct hiring of Filipino workers for overseas EENT is not allowed
1. Members of Diplomatic corps;
2. International organizations;
3. Other employers as may be allowed by DOLE; and
4. Name hires – individual workers who are able to secure contracts for overseas EENT on their
own efforts and representations w/o assistance/participation of any agency. Their hiring
nonetheless, shall pass through the POEA for processing purposes
Rationale of the Prohibition
1. To assure the best possible terms & conditions of work to the EE; and
2. To assure the foreign EER that he hires only qualified Filipino workers
- necessary to monitor the status of OFWs in their respective areas of assignment and insure
that they are not exploited or abused by their foreign principal EERS
- All OFWs are required to remit a portion of their foreign exchange earnings ranging from 50% - 80%
depending on the worker’s kind of job, to their families, dependents, and/or beneficiaries.
Seamen/Mariners – 80%
Workers for Filipino Contractors & Construction companies – 70%
Professionals whose EENT contract provide for lodging facilities – 70%
Professionals w/o Board & Lodging – 50%
Domestic and other service workers – 50%
1. Citizenship requirement
a. Filipino citizens; or
b. Corporations, partnerships or entities at least 75% of the authorized and voting capital
stock of w/c is owned & controlled by Filipino citizens.
2. Capitalization
a. Private EENT agency for local EENT
i. For single proprietorship or partnership – minimum net worth of 200k pesos
ii. For corporations – a minimum paid up capital of 5ook pesos
b. Private recruitment or manning agency for overseas EENT
i. For single proprietorship or partnership – P2M minimum capital
ii. For corps – P2M minimum paid up capital, Provided, that those w/ existing licenses
shall, w/in 4 yrs from effectivity hereof, increase their capitalization or paid-up
capital, as the case may be, to P2M at the rate of 250K every yr.
3. Those not otherwise disqualified by law or other govt regulations to engage in the recruitment &
placement of workers for overseas EENT
Disqualified from Recruitment & Placement of Workers for Overseas EEnt whether for profit or not
3. Corps & partnerships, when any of its officers, members of the board or partners, is also an
officer, member of the board or partner of a corp or partnership engaged in the business of a
travel agency (interlocking officers)
4. Persons, partnerships or corps which have derogatory records, such as but not limited to:
d. Those agencies whose licenses have been previously cancelled or revoked by POEA for
violation of RA 8042, PD 442 as amended and their IRR as well as the Labor Code’s
e. Officials/EES of the DOLE or other govt agencies directly involved in overseas EENT program
and their relatives w/in the 4 degree of consanguinity or affinity; and
- It may be used only b the one in whose favor it was issued; hence, it cannot be assigned,
conveyed or transferred to any other person/entity.
- It must be used only in the place stated in the license. Thus, could only undertake recruitment &
placement activities in the region where the license was granted.
- The recruitment & placement activities must be undertaken at their authorized official
* Provincial recruitment and/or job fairs may be allowed only when authorized by POEA in writing
* Change of ownership of single proprietorship licensed to engage in overseas EENT shall cause the
automatic revocation of the license.
All applicants for license/authority shall post such cash and surety bonds as determined by the Sec of
Labor including escrow deposits.
1. To guarantee compliance w/ prescribed recruitment procedures, rules & regulations, and terms &
conditions of EENT; and
2. To ensure prompt & effective recourse against such companies when held liable for
applicants/workers’ claim
The applicant can be charged w/ fees only after he has obtained EENT or has actually
commenced EENT
Fees paid shall always be covered w/ the approp receipt clearly showing the amount paid.
Non License or Non-Holder of Authority – any person/corp/entity w/c has not been issued a valid license
or authority to engage in recruitment & placement by the Sec of Labor, or whose license or authority
has been suspended, revoked or cancelled by the POEA and the Secretary.
The DOLE Sec and the POEA Admin have concurrent jurisdiction to suspend or cancel a license
Liability of Recruitment Agency
Solidarily liable w/ the foreign principal for unpaid salaries of a worker it recruited. Before
recruiting, the agency is required to submit a doc containing its power to sue and be sued jointly
and solidarily w/ the principal or foreign-based employer for any of the violations of the
recruitment agreement, and the contracts of employment
Note: The recruitment agency may still be sued even if agency agreement bet recruitment agency &
principal is already severed if no notice of the termination was given to the EE
Contract by Prncipal
Even if it was the principal of the manning agency who entered into contract w/ the EE, the
manning agent in the PH is jointly & solidarily liable w/ the principal
Illegal Recruitment – any act of (CETCHUP) canvassing, enlisting, transporting, contracting, utilizing, or
procuring workers and includes (CRAP) contract services, referrals, or advertising, promising for
employment abroad, whether for profit or not, when undertaken by a non-licensee or non-holder of
authority; Provided that any such non-licensee or non-holder of authority who in any manner, offers or
promises for a fee employment abroad to 2 or more persons shall be deemed so engaged. Also includes
the act of reprocessing workers through a job order that pertains to nonexistent work, work different
from the actual overseas work, or work w/ a different EER whether registered or not w/ the POEA
It shall likewise include the commission of the ff prohibited acts whether committed by a non-
licensee or non-holder of authority or a licensee or a holder of authority:
1. Those prohibited practices under Art 34;
2. Failure to actually deploy w/o valid reason as determined by DOLE;
Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale – further requires a 3 element:
3. The offense is committed against 3/more persons, individually or as a group
Consequences of Conviction
1. Automatic revocation of license/authority;
2. Forfeiture of the cash & surety bonds;
3. Conviction for the crime of estafa, if found guilty thereof
SIMPLE 5 yrs 12-20 yrs P1-2M
Note: Max penalty if the person illegally recruited is less than 18 y/o or committed by a non-licensee
or non-holder of authority
Absence of receipts evidencing payment, not fatal to prosecution’s case for illegal recruitment – as long
as the witnesses can positively show through their respective testimonies that the accused is the one
involved in prohibited recruitment
Liability of Local EEnt agency – solidarily liable w/ the foreigh principal for unpaid salaries of a
worker recruited. Before recruiting, the agency is required to submit a doc containing its power to
sue and be sued jointly and solidarily w/ the principal or foreign-based EER for any of the
violations of the recruitment agreement and the contracts of EEnt
Liability of Company Engaged in Illegal Recruitment – may be held as principal, together his EER, if it is
shown that he actively & consciously participated in illegal recruitment
Alien Employment Permit (AEP) – required for entry into the country for employment purposes and is
issued after determination of the non-availability of a person in the pH who is competent, able and
willing at the time of application to perform the services for w/c the alien is desired
All foreign nationals who intend to engage in gainful EENT in the PH shall apply for AEP
1. all foreign nationals seeking admission to the PH for the purpose of EENT;
2. all non-resident foreign nationals already working in the PH;
3. non-resident foreign nationals admitted to the PH on non-working visas and who wish to seek
EENT; and
4. missionaries or religious workers who intend to engage in gainful EENT.
Note: AEP should be secured regardless of the source of compensation and duration of the EENT,
whether the EENT is part-time or temp
1. Where the Sec of Justice specifically authorizes the EEnt of technical personnel;
2. Aliens who are members of the Board of directors of corps in proportion to their allowable
participation in the capital of such entities; and
3. Enterprises registered under the Omnibus Investment Code in case of technical, supervisory
or advisory positions, but for a limited pd.
1. Aliens shall not transfer to another job or change his EER w/o prior approval of the Sec of
2. Non-resident aliens shall not take up EENT in violation of the provisions of the Code.
Note: Violations of the abovementioned acts will subj the alien to the punishment in Art 289 & 290
and to deportation after service of sentence