Statistic: This Class Is For

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By Lic. Juan Vicente González Ovando



Xi - X
Xi - X∗ f
( Xi - X ) ²
( Xi - X ) ² *



In this didactic unit we will remember some of the important concepts of the
unidimensional statistic (frequencies, population, samples, etc.). Firstly through
a practical exercises and then to exercises to get some concepts and definitions
based on constant repetitions.

The proposed class is based on my experience, both in my time as student and

well as a teacher. As a student, could not get the understanding and hence the
lack of theoretical until making some practical exercises. As a teacher, to
capture the interest, attention and retention of students in the theoretical
explanations for the interpretation of numerical results.

The development of this class is conducted in 4 stages: first the teacher

proposes a practical problem and solve it, then it is made some exercises of
readings and continuous repetitions, thus the student will manage to get used
to lending interest to the concepts; can retain and thus understand during the
class the terms it is studied.


• To deduce, to understand, to retain some concepts and statistical definitions.

• To manage the interest of the concepts and definitions in order to interpret or
understand the numerical results.
• To make a practical exercises of statistical calculation:
• To obtain that the students can make a theoretical and practical exercise of
Statistic in the development of the class.
• To provide to the teacher the complete material for the development of the class.


The activity will be developed in 4 stages:

1º) Resolution of practical exercises developed by the professor with the

students: The professor presents/displays to the students a problem and he
solves them in a prepared leaf to complete it in the same one directly. The
objective is that the students firstly make practical exercises of statistic with the
basic knowledge that they already have.

2º) Competitive working group to introduce some concepts and definitions of

statistic: The teacher must print and cut the listing of concepts and definitions to
distribute to the students. The objective is to obtain the interest of the students
in reading and attention of the concepts and definitions.

3º) Individual Exercise of repetition and reading of concepts and definitions: The
teacher must take photocopy of the exercise displayed for this stage. The
objective is that the student takes attention in the reading and manages to
remember the concepts and definitions.
4º) Individual final Exercise: The teacher must print and photocopy the
exercises of this unit. To strengthen the knowledge acquired in the present


1st. STAGE: The teacher exposes the following problem

A factory of uniform manufacture has been hired by an Institute to prepare the

graduation uniforms of their students. We want to know what is the average
height of students who are in the Bachelors. But the populations of all students
(persons, items. elements, stats units) are too many to measure each one of

They then took at a sample of pupils/students from one school in particular and
the height have been taken note (variables) measures 40 students in cm. Sizes
take different values that are numerical magnitudes (quantitative variables). The
sizes/heigh of the 40 students are:

166, 165, 167, 167, 181, 151, 177, 170, 171, 163, 171, 169, 158, 162, 165, 168,
156, 178, 172, 165, 167, 173, 168, 158, 163, 171, 169, 163, 170, 176, 161, 158,
164, 170, 178, 173, 171, 169, 166,158.


Let´s then make the calculations. We first count of each unit using the tree

1st reading of the variables in the order they are

15 1 8 6 8 8 8
16 6 5 7 7 3 9 2 5 8 5 7 8 3 9 3 1 4 9 6
17 7 0 1 1 8 2 3 1 0 6 0 8 3 1
18 1

2nd, ordering the variables from lowest to the highest and then writing in the
table number 1 from the lowest to highest frequencies.

15 1 6 8 8 8 8
16 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9
17 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 6 7 8 8
18 1

Following, the students has to complete the worksheet No.1 The table should
be completed as follows:

Xi fi fr fa fra fi * Xi
151 1 0,025 1 0,025 151

156 1 0,025 2 0,050 156

158 4 0,100 6 0,150 632

161 1 0,025 7 0,175 161

162 1 0,025 8 0,200 162

163 3 0,075 11 0,275 489

164 1 0,025 12 0,300 164

165 3 0,075 15 0,375 495

166 2 0,050 17 0,425 332

167 3 0,075 20 0,500 501

168 2 0,050 22 0,550 336

169 3 0,075 25 0,625 507

170 3 0,075 28 0,700 510

171 4 0,100 32 0,800 684

172 1 0,025 33 0,825 172

173 2 0,050 35 0,875 346

176 1 0,025 36 0,900 176

177 1 0,025 37 0,925 177

178 2 0,050 39 0,975 356

181 1 0,025 40 1,000 181

∑ 40 1,000 6688,00

(fi * Xi) / n = 6688/40 = 167,2 =X (AVERAGE)

Medium Me = (167 – 168) / 2 = 167,50

Moda Mo = 158 y 171 cm. (bimodal)

Then the teachers suggested to the students - Let´s calculate what

percentage of individuals are in a range of values, let´s say, we will analyze how
they are distributed and are dispersed the sizes or values of the variables. We
use other statistical measures of dispersion such as range, variance and
standard deviation.
The range is: Max Xi – min Xi = 81 - 151 = 30 cms.
Let´s complete the columns of our frequently Table. It should be as follows
Xi - X Xi - X∗ f i ( Xi - X ) ² ( Xi - X ) ² * f i
16,20 16,20 262,44 262,44

11,20 11,20 125,44 125,44

9,20 36,80 84,64 338,56

6,20 6,20 38,44 38,44

5,20 5,20 27,04 27,04

4,20 12,60 17,64 52,92

3,20 3,20 10,24 10,24

2,20 6,60 4,84 14,52

1,20 2,40 1,44 2,88

0,20 0,60 0,04 0,12

0,80 1,60 0,64 1,28

1,80 5,40 3,24 9,72

2,80 8,40 7,84 23,52

3,80 15,20 14,44 57,76

4,80 4,80 23,04 23,04

5,80 11,60 33,64 67,28

8,80 8,80 77,44 77,44

9,80 9,80 96,04 96,04

10,80 21,60 116,64 233,28

13,80 13,80 190,44 190,44

∑ 202,00 1652,40

Médium DEVIATION: DM = ( ∑Xi - X∗ f i ) / n = 202 / 40 = 5,05 cm

Variance is: S = (∑ ( Xi - X ) ² * f i ) / n = 1652,40 / 40 = 41,31

Standard Deviation: δ = Ѵ S2 = Ѵ (41,31) = 6,42

Let´s calculate the percentage of students there are in the next interval

I1 = ( X – S ; X + S ) = ( 167,2 – 6,42 ; 167,2 + 6,42 ) = (160,78 ; 173,62)

We count how many variables are in this range I1
We found that there are 29 variables, let´s calculate the percentage:

(29 / 40)*100 = 72 % of the datas are within the range 1

Let´s calculate the percentage of students there are in the following interval

I2 = ( X – 2S ; X + 2S ) = ( 167,2 – 2*6,42 ; 167,2 + 2*6,42 ) =

= (154,34 ; 180,05)

We count how many variables are in this range I2

We found that there are 38 variables, let´s calculate the percentage:

(38 / 40)*100 = 95 % of the datas are within the range 2.


2nd. STAGE:

Once the teacher has completed the exercise of numerical calculations with the
students, he propose to separate the class into two equal groups

A) The group of concepts

B) The group of definitions.

In small separate sheets, the teacher gives in a random manner, one concept to
each student of Group A. Similarly, in separate sheets provides a definition in a
random way to each student of group B.

The teacher chooses, randomly, one student from group A and read the
concept that he/she has in his/her possession. Each student in Group B has to
read the definition they have and who think that have the correct definition gets
up and reads it. If the definition is correct, the group B achieves 1 point, if it is
incorrect achieves - 0.5 point.

Similarly, following the group B starts. The teacher chooses a student,

randomly, from this group, this student reads the definition he/she has. The
student of Group A has to say the concept that corresponds to the definition
given by group B. If the concept is correct, the group achieved 1 point, if it is
incorrect, they obtains - 0.5 point.

Note: The list of concepts and definitions are listed on the next stage.

3rd. STAGE

With the same concepts and definitions of the previous exercise (2nd stage),
the teacher gives to students a list of concepts and definitions. Each student
must read, remember and analyze in order to link (with arrow) the concepts of
the first column with the definitions in the second column.

Although this seems very basic exercise, it obligates each student to read, to
think, to pay attention to what they read and remember it.
Following, a list of right concepts and definitions for the teacher when he/she
has to check this exercise. It is also used for the exercise of the 2nd.stage.


POPULATION The collection of people or objects about information is desired.


ELEMENT It is called to each member of the population.

Is the science that studies, using quantitative methods,

characteristics of the populations obtained as a synthesis
STATISTICS of the statistical units observation.

Is about taking note of certain characteristics of all

CENSUS individuals of one population.

Is the part of statistics that studies the ideas, methods

and techniques for the graphical and numerical description

Is the sub collection of individuals who are observed

to obtain information of the total population to which
SAMPLE they belong.

Part of statistics that studies the methods to establish

STATISTICAL INFERENCE conclusions about a population from a sample of it.

Represents attributes whose patterns can not be ordered

QUALITATIVE VARIABLES or operated under the arithmetic rules.

QUANTITATIVE VARIABLES Represents numeric attributes.

QUANTITATIVE ORDINAL Is a variable that have the modality that can be ordered
VARIABLES from the highest to the lowest.

4th. STAGE

With this last exercise what we try is that the student get to read and try to
remember the concepts learned and also do some exercises. The teacher
gives the sheets to each student to fill in the blanks. The exercise completed by
the teacher is as follows:

Descriptive Statistics - Basic Concepts

1) It's called ¨population¨ the collection of people or objects about information is


1. It is called the term statistical unit, or individual element to each member

of the population.
2. Statistics is the science that studies, using quantitative methods,
characteristics of the populations obtained as a synthesis of the
statistical units observation.

3. A census is about taking note of certain characteristics of all individuals

of one population.

5) Descriptive statistics is the part of statistics that studies the ideas,

methods and techniques for the graphical and numerical description of a
large group.

6) It is called ¨sample¨ to the sub collection of individuals who are observed

to obtain information of the total population to which they belong.

7) The statistical inference is that part of statistics that studies the methods
to establish conclusions about a population from a sample of it.

8) Qualitative variables represents attributes whose patterns can not be

ordered or operated under the arithmetic rules.

9) Quantitative variables represents numeric attributes.

10) Quantitative ordinal variables have the modality that can be ordered
from the highest to the lowest.

NOTE: Following the tables and exercises for students that the
teacher must photocopy for each of their students

Student´s name: ___________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________

Class: ______________________________________________________

Unit: Statistics
Exercise 1)

A factory of uniform manufacture has been hired by an Institute to prepare the

graduation uniforms of their students. We want to know what is the average
height of students who are in the Bachelors. But the populations of all students
(persons, items. elements, stats units) are too many to measure each one of

They then took at a sample of pupils/students from one school in particular and
the height have been taken note (variables) measures 40 students in cm. Sizes
take different values that are numerical magnitudes (quantitative variables). The
sizes/heigh of the 40 students are:

166, 165, 167, 167, 181, 151, 177, 170, 171, 163, 171, 169, 158, 162, 165, 168,
156, 178, 172, 165, 167, 173, 168, 158, 163, 171, 169, 163, 170, 176, 161, 158,
164, 170, 178, 173, 171, 169, 166,158.


Let´s then make the calculations. We first count of each unit using the tree

1st reading of the variables in the order they are

2nd, ordering the variables from lowest to the highest and then writing in the
table number 1 from the lowest to highest frequencies.
3rd. Complete the worksheet No.1



Xi fi fr fa fra fi * Xi

(fi * Xi) / n = =X (AVERAGE)

Medium Me =

Moda Mo =

The range is: Max Xi – MIN Xi = ______________________________.

4th) Let´s complete the columns of our frequently Table.

Xi - X Xi - X∗ f i ( Xi - X ) ² ( Xi - X ) ² * f i

Médium DEVIATION: DM = ( ∑Xi - X∗ f i ) / n = __________________

Variance is: S = (∑ ( Xi - X ) ² * f i ) / n = _________________________

Standard Deviation: δ = Ѵ S2 = _________________

Let´s calculate the percentage of students there are in the next interval

I1 = ( X – S ; X + S ) = ( __________________ ) = (________________)
We count how many variables are in this range I1
We found that there are ______ variables, let´s calculate the percentage:

(__________)*100 = _____ % of the datas are within the range ______

Let´s calculate the percentage of students there are in the following interval

I2 = ( X – 2S ; X + 2S ) = ( ________________________ ) =
= (___________________)

We count how many variables are in this range I2

We found that there are ________variables, let´s calculate the percentage:

(__________)*100 = ______ % of the datas are within the range ____.

5th) Let´s remember some concepts and their definitions. Link

each concept with its definition


CENSUS The collection of people or objects about information is desired.

POPULATION It is called to each member of the population.

Is the science that studies, using quantitative methods,
ORDINAL characteristics of the populations obtained as a synthesis
VARIABLES of the statistical units observation.

Is about taking note of certain characteristics of

SAMPLE all individuals of one population.

Is the part of statistics that studies the ideas, methods
UNIT, INDIVIDUAL and techniques for the graphical and numerical description
ELEMENT of a large group.

Is the sub collection of individuals who are observed

DESCRIPTIVE to obtain information of the total population to which
STATISTICS they belong.

QUALITATIVE Part of statistics that studies the methods to establish

VARIABLES conclusions about a population from a sample of it.

QUANTITATIVE Represents attributes whose patterns can not be ordered

VARIABLES or operated under the arithmetic rules.

STATISTICS Represents numeric attributes.

STATISTICAL Is a variable that have the modality that can be ordered

INFERENCE from the highest to the lowest.
6th) Let´s remember, with the help of our teacher, what we learned by
completing or full filling the blanks. Descriptive Statistics - Basic

1) It's called ________________ the collection of ___________ or objects

about information is desired.

2) It is called the term statistical _________, or individual ___________ to

each member of the __________________

3) _______________ is the science that studies, using quantitative

methods, characteristics of the _______________ obtained as a
synthesis of the statistical units ________________.

4) A ______________ is about taking note of certain characteristics of all

individuals of one ________________.

5) __________________________ is the part of statistics that studies the

ideas, methods and ______________ for the graphical and numerical
description of a large ____________.

6) It is called ________________ to the subcollection of individuals who are

observed to obtain information of the total _____________to which they

7) The ____________________ is that part of statistics that studies the

methods to establish conclusions about a population from a
___________ of it.

8) _________________ variables represents attributes whose patterns can

not be ordered or operated under the arithmetic __________.

9) _________________ variables represents numeric ________________.

10) ___________________ ordinal variables have the modality that can be

_______________from the highest to the ___________

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