This document contains tables of statistical data related to foreign investment, international trade, employment levels, and earnings in various industries and locations. Specifically, it includes over 30 tables providing percentages, dollar amounts, and other quantitative data comparing metrics like direct foreign investment, service exports and imports, employment distributions and growth rates, and average weekly earnings across different countries, cities, and time periods. The tables cover topics such as international capital markets, pension fund assets, producer service employment, headquarters of transnational companies, and banking and insurance centers.
This document contains tables of statistical data related to foreign investment, international trade, employment levels, and earnings in various industries and locations. Specifically, it includes over 30 tables providing percentages, dollar amounts, and other quantitative data comparing metrics like direct foreign investment, service exports and imports, employment distributions and growth rates, and average weekly earnings across different countries, cities, and time periods. The tables cover topics such as international capital markets, pension fund assets, producer service employment, headquarters of transnational companies, and banking and insurance centers.
This document contains tables of statistical data related to foreign investment, international trade, employment levels, and earnings in various industries and locations. Specifically, it includes over 30 tables providing percentages, dollar amounts, and other quantitative data comparing metrics like direct foreign investment, service exports and imports, employment distributions and growth rates, and average weekly earnings across different countries, cities, and time periods. The tables cover topics such as international capital markets, pension fund assets, producer service employment, headquarters of transnational companies, and banking and insurance centers.
This document contains tables of statistical data related to foreign investment, international trade, employment levels, and earnings in various industries and locations. Specifically, it includes over 30 tables providing percentages, dollar amounts, and other quantitative data comparing metrics like direct foreign investment, service exports and imports, employment distributions and growth rates, and average weekly earnings across different countries, cities, and time periods. The tables cover topics such as international capital markets, pension fund assets, producer service employment, headquarters of transnational companies, and banking and insurance centers.
Investment from Developed to Developing Countries, 1960- 1987 (percent) 37 3.2 Inward Direct Investment Flows; SDRs and Percentage Distribution for Seven Countries, 1980-1986 (millions of SDRs and percent) 38 3.3A Direct Foreign Investment in the United States by Source, 1962-1988 (millions of U.S. dollars) 39 3.3B Direct Foreign Investment in the United States by Source, 1962-1988 (percent) 39 3.4 Japan, United Kingdom, and United States: Direct Foreign Investment Flows, 1979-1986 (billions of SDRs) 41 3.5 Japan, United Kingdom, and United States: Direct Foreign Investment Stock, 1979-1988 (billions of SDRs) 42 3.6 World Services Trade: Major Surplus and Deficit Countries, 1988 (billions of SDRs and percent) 48 3.7 Share in World Service Credits and Debits, 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1988 (percent) 49 3.8 United States: Share of World Trade 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1988 (percent) 50 3.9 Japan: Exports and Imports of Services, Investment Income, and Merchandise, 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1988 (billions of SDRs) 51 3.IOA U.S. Direct Investment in Japan: Selected Service Industries, 1982-1988 (millions of U.S. dollars and percent) 53 3. IOB Japanese Direct Investment in the United States: Selected Service Industries, 1982-1988 (millions of U.S. dollars) 53 3.11 United States and Japan: International Service Credits and Debits and Service-Merchandise Ratio, 1975-1988 54 3.12 United States: Direct Foreign Investment Abroad: Industry Detail for Selected Items (millions of U.S. dollars) 57 3.13 U.S. Sales to and Purchases from Unaffiliated Foreigners of Selected Services, 1986 (millions of U.S. dollars) 58 3.14 Top Eight Exporters of Services, 1980 (billions of U.S. dollars) 59
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Authenticated Download Date | 4/24/18 12:09 AM 3.15 U.S. Service Balance of Payments, 1983 (OTA mid-range estimates, in billions of U.S. dollars) 4.1 Funds Raised on International Markets by Type of Instrument, 1985-1989 (millions of U.S. dollars) 4.2 International Capital Markets: Major Financing Instruments, 1984—1989 (percentage breakdown) 4.3 Borrowing on International Capital Markets by Main Borrowers, 1984-1989 (percent and billions of U.S. dollars) 4.4 Japan, United Kingdom, and United States: Funds Raised on International Markets, 1985-1989 (millions of U.S. dollars and percent) 4.5 Pension Funds by Major Countries, 1985 (billions of U.S. dollars) 6. IA United States: Growth in Total Employment and Producer Services Employment, 1977-1987 6. IB United States and New York: Employment Changes by Industry, 1977-1985 6.2 Great Britain and London: Employment Changes by Industry, 1978-1985 6.3 Japan and Tokyo: Employment Changes by Industry, 1975-1985 6.4 Great Britain and London, United States and New York, Japan and Tokyo: Employment Share of Selected Producer Services, 1970s and 1980s (percent) 6.5 New York and London: Share of Producer Services in Employment, 1970s and 1980s 6.6 New York and London: Producer Services Location Quotients, 1970s and 1980s 6.7 New York, London, and Tokyo: Location Quotients for Real Estate, 1970s and 1980s 6.8 New York: Industrial Specialization in the New York Metropolitan Region (NYMR), 1956 and 1980 6.9 Population and Employment Distribution in the New York Metropolitan Region, 1956-1985 6.10 Manhattan, the City of London, and Tokyo's Central Business District (CBD): Share of Selected Industries, 1970s and 1980s (percent) 6.11 United Kingdom: National Employment Share of Major Cities, 1971-1984 (percent) 6.12 Japan: National Employment Share of Major Cities, 1975- 1985 (percent) 6.13 United States: National Employment Share of Major Cities, 1977—1987 (percent)
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6.14 United States: National Employment Share of Major
Cities in Producer Services, 1977-1987 (percent) 148 6.15 United States: National Employment Share of Major Cities in Selected Producer Services, 1977-1987 150 6.16 United States: Location Quotients of Selected Producer Services Industries, 1977-1987 151 6.17 Law Firms with Foreign Branches: Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Chicago, 1988 153 6.18 New York and Chicago: Employment Growth Rates in Producer Services, 1977-1987 155 6.19 New York and Chicago: Percentage Employed in Selected Industries, 1981-1985 155 6.20 United States, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago: Employment in Information Industries, 1985 156 6.21 United States: Location Quotients of FIRE and Services in Selected Locations, 1985 157 6.22 United States, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago: Foreign Deposits at the 200 Largest U.S. Banks, 1976 and 1986 (billions of dollars and percent) 158 6.23 Japan: National Employment Share of Major Cities in Selected Producer Services, 1977-1985 160 6.24 Japan: Location Quotients of Financial and Service Industries in Major Cities, 1977-1985 161 7.1 Number of Headquarters of the Top 500 Transnational Firms in the World's Seventeen Largest Metropolitan Areas, 1984 170 7.2 Capitalization in Leading Stock Markets, 1987 and 1989 (billions of U.S. dollars) 172 7.3 Top Twelve Banking Centers Ranked by Income and Assets of Top Fifty Commercial Banks and Top Twenty-Five Securities Firms, 1985 and 1986 176 7.4 New York, London, and Tokyo: Share of World's 100 Largest Banks, 1988 178 7.5 New York, London, and Tokyo: Share of World's Twenty- Five Largest Securities Firms, 1988 179 7.6 United States, United Kingdom, and Japan: Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Deposit Banks, 1982-1989 (billions of U.S. dollars) 180 7.7 Cities Ranked by Cumulated Assets of the Twenty-Five Largest Insurance Firms, 1985 181 7.8 Foreign Investment Share in Private Sector Pension Assets by Country, 1980-1990 (percent) 182
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7.9 Private Sector Pension Assets Invested Abroad by
Country, 1980-1990 (millions of U.S. dollars) 183 8.1 New York, London, and Tokyo: Population and Employment, 1977-1985 198 8.2 New York, London, and Tokyo: Distribution of Employment in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 1970s and 1980s (percent of total employment) 199 8.3 New York: Employment Changes by Industry, 1977-1985 203 8.4 United States, New York, and Manhattan: Employment Distribution by Industry, 1984 (percent) 204 8.5 London: Employment Changes by Industry, 1981-1987 208 8.6 United Kingdom, London, and City of London: Employment Distribution by Industry, 1981 (percent) 209 8.7 Great Britain: Employment Changes in London and the Southeast, 1971-1981 210 8.8 Tokyo: Employment Changes by Industry, 1977-1985 215 8.9 Japan: Employment Distribution, 1975-1985 216 8.10 Japan, Tokyo, and Tokyo's Central Business District (CBD): Employment Distribution by Industry, 1980 (percent) 218 8.11 New York: Median Weekly Earnings of OfBce Workers by Industry Group and Occupation, 1981 and 1987 (dollars) 225 8.12 New York City: Average Weekly Earnings by Borough and Industry, 1985 (dollars) 226 8.13 United States: Relative Salary Levels for Selected Occupations by Industry, 1986 229 8.14 Great Britain and London: Average Weekly Earnings by Occupation and Sex, 1986 (pounds) 230 8.15 Great Britain and London: Average Weekly Earnings by Sex, Selected Industry, and Manual/Nonmanual Occupation, 1986 (pounds) 232 8.16 London: Average Adult Full-Time Weekly Earnings, 1979-1985 (pounds) 234 8.17 Great Britain: Average Gross Weekly Earnings by Area, 1986 (pounds) 236 8.18 Japan and Tokyo: Average Monthly Earnings 1977-1987 (yen) 236 8.19 Tokyo: Average Monthly Earnings by Industry and Sex, 1988 (yen) 237 9.1 Japan: Entries of Asians by Country of Origin, 1983-1987 309 9.2 Japan: Entries of Foreigners by Continent of Origin, 1986 310
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9.3 Japan: Selected Entries of Foreigners by Type of Visa,
1987 D.l Tokyo: Residential Land Price by District, 1986-1987 (U.S. dollars) D.2 Japanese Prefectural Cities: Average Residential Land Prices Relative to Tokyo, 1985-1986 D.3 Japan: Land Prices in Major Cities, 1985 (yen per square meter)
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