Education DTC 380 PDF
Education DTC 380 PDF
Education DTC 380 PDF
Abstract - A three-phase induction motor direct torque very useful as a student learning environment and a non-
control laboratory set-up for simulation and linear control laboratory set-up is presented in this article.
experimental activities is presented in this paper. It The proposed set-up allows simulation activities of the
includes both PI controllers and sliding-mode controllers complete system using developed Matlab SimPowerSystems
and uses a sensorless method to estimate rotor speed. The models, where a concept of modular control algorithm
subject of this set-up is to present to the students a permits that a block diagram can be easily replaced by other.
simulation tool based on Matlab SimPowerSystems Using the simulation block diagram students can program the
toolbox with the possibility to check simulation results DSP and use the DSP based experimental set-up to control a
against a DSP based experimental system. The set-up real machine. The DSP software was developed with
provides to the electrical engineering students an modules concept in mind, providing a rich framework where
excellent learning tool for non-linear control studies students can use various implemented modules in
using as example the variable speed three-phase experiments, closely related to simulations.
induction motor control. Using this constructed set-up the students can study, for
example, the response of the various DTC controllers’
Index Terms - induction motor, sensorless, sliding mode, schemes and how they behave when the estimator has
torque control, simulation and experimental system detuned parameters. The subject of the experimental set-up
and the simulations developed is to show to the students
INTRODUCTION many aspects of the non-linear systems using linear and non-
linear controllers. This paper is going to show the theoretical
Among many control methods of induction machines, one of foundations of the sensorless DTC of three-phase induction
the most important today is the Direct Torque Control (DTC) motor using sliding mode controllers and MRAS estimator.
method introduced by [1] and [2]. It can provide a very fast,
accurate, reliable flux control and torque responses, and it is INDUCTION MOTOR CONTROL THEORY FUNDAMENTALS
today one of the most important three-phase induction motor
control method. Fundamentals of the induction motor control theory applied
Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is presented today as a to the proposed students’ activities are summarized below.
practical alternative to implement a discontinuous control
I. Direct Torque Control
and has some interesting advantages over the traditional
control theory. As a discontinuous control, it has key From the induction machine mathematical model above, the
advantages like the ability to be a very robust control, in main equation of the direct torque control method [7] defines
many cases invariant to uncertainties and disturbances [5]; it a relationship between the electromagnetic torque and the
has also properties of order reduction, decoupling design angle between the stator and rotor magnetic fluxes as shown
procedure and simple implementation in electric drives, since in the relation
they have a natural “on-off” operating mode [8]. 3 P Lm
Sensorless drives are becoming more and more Tem = Ψs Ψr sin(δ ) (1)
important as they can eliminate the speed sensor maintaining 2 2 Lls Llr
accurate response. Monitoring only the stator current and where Tem is the electromagnetic torque, P is the number of
stator voltages, it is possible to estimate the necessary control pole pairs, Ψs and Ψr are the stator and rotor windings
variables. The observer type used here, a model-reference linkage fluxes, Lls and Llr are the stator and rotor winding
adaptative system (MRAS) [4], has presented good accuracy. leakage inductances, and δ is the angle between the stator
Simulation tools like Matlab/Simulink are becoming and rotor winding magnetic flux vectors. Ignoring parameter
more and more important, following the computational variations, as long as the stator winding magnetic flux
power growth. Complex systems can be easily simulated, but magnitude remains constant, the rotor winding magnetic flux
they do not give the real experience to the students. magnitude will be constant too and, from (1), the
Experimental systems are still complex and costly, being a electromagnetic torque is related only to the flux angle
real challenge to build them. However such activities are difference δ.
gives the proper variation and can drive Vsd directly. shown in Figure 3. Both the sign and the relay functions do
not perform accurately in a discrete-time system, resulting in
oscillations and undesired chattering. A linear function with
The superscript e is used to avoid confusion with others linear, and some small impact simplifications and
PI compensators gains. This model uses now stator currents linearizations are made. Thus, after gaining some experience
and voltages. This PI compensator is used to correct pure with the simulation, the students should have an experience
integrator errors and small stator resistance variation through with the real system, to test the controllers they have
the voltage model estimation. designed and simulated, during the experimental activities
The reference model final rotor flux estimation value Ψr using the proposed set-up.
is calculated from stator voltages and currents by The machine parameters used in the simulation are the
ˆ − Lls Llr − Lm i .
2 same got from the real machine and the system operates in
ˆ = Llr Ψ
Ψ (11) closed-loop with speed feedback from tacogenerator or from
r s s
Lm Lm the MRAS estimator.
Typical tests situations of a sensorless induction motor
B. Adjustable Model control include the load torque step change, reference speed
The adjustable or adaptative model equation is simpler and is step reversal, reference speed ramp reversal and low speed
obtained from the current model of the machine equations in operation tests.
stationary reference frame [4] using stator currents and rotor The proposed simulated scenarios shown in this paper
angular velocity covers the following situations: a step change in the speed
ˆ a = (−1 / Tr ) − ωˆ r ˆ a Lm reference (from 0.5 pu to -0.5 pu) and a step change in torque
Ψ ωˆ Ψ + i . (from 0 to 0.5 pu).
(−1 / Tr ) r Tr s
r (12)
The results of step change in the speed reference are
presented in Figure 6, where the real speed and estimated
The superscript a denotates the stator flux calculated
speed are shown. Although with some oscillations, the
from the adaptative model.
estimation tracked the real speed very close and it was able
C. Rotor speed estimation to follow the rotor speed within 5% accuracy most of the
With the rotor flux estimation from two methods - the
The stator flux is also estimated and is shown in
voltage model Ψr (reference model) and the current model
Figure 7. During the start up phase, the stator flux grows
Ψra (adaptative model) - the rotor speed estimation ωr can be
from zero to the rated value. The flux magnitude is held
calculated with a PI adaptation mechanism by
constant from this moment on, and this can be verified that
KI ω
ω̂ r = KPω + ⋅e (13)
the stator flux locus in a xy plane is a circle.
ˆ aΨ
ˆ −Ψ
ˆ aΨ
rd (14)
is the cross-error between the adjustable and reference
FIGURE 11 [5] J. Hung, W. Gao, and J. Hung, “Variable structure control: a survey,”
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[7] P. Vas, Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control. Oxford
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[8] V. Utkin, J. Guldner, and J. Shi, Sliding Mode Control in
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[9] M. P. Kazmierkowski, Control in Power Electronics: Selected
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FIGURE 12 sensorless induction motor drives: a sliding-mode approach,” Industry
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