Control of The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Model Reference Dynamic Inversion

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WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

Control of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Model

Reference Dynamic Inversion
School of Mechanical Engineering
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai,

Abstract: Worldwide energy-saving emission has stimulated extensive application of permanent magnet synchronous
motor in industry. This work is a contribution to velocity control of the permanent magnet synchronous motor. The
model of the permanent magnet synchronous motor has multi-variable, highly nonlinear, strong coupling character
with external load; in order to control this complicated nonlinear model, the hierarchy model reference dynamic
inversion control method has been developed. Based on the band of the different variables of the system, the control
system can be divided into long period control loop and short period control loop. The model reference dynamic
inversion method is proposed as the kernel controller in different loops. Based on the desired closed loop reference
model, the open loop controller can be designed for the long period loop and short period loop respectively, and this
open loop controller can make the response of the system the same as that of the reference model. Comparing with the
traditional control method, this model reference dynamic inversion control method combine the virtues of the model
reference controller with that of the dynamic inversion controller, and this method is a fully nonlinear control method
in essence, which can avoid linearization error when using the approximate linearization controller and the problem of
the parameter tuning when utilizing the traditional PI hierarchy controller. Finally, the simulation experiments have
been set up and the simulation results have illustrated that this control method can control the permanent magnet
synchronous motor stably and successfully.

Key words: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Dynamic Inversion (DI), Velocity Tracking Control,
model reference, hierarchy controller

The typical construction of a PMSM consists of a

three phase stator winding and a solid iron rotor with
1. Introduction magnets attached to its surface or inserted into the rotor
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are of body. Permanent magnet synchronous motor control
great interest, particularly for industrial applications in system mainly consists of two parts, the main drive
the low-medium power range, since it has superior circuit and the control circuit. The main drive circuit
features such as compact size, high torque/weight ratio, topology remains basically unchanged, while the study
and high torque/inertia ratio [1]. Moreover, compared of the control system focuses on the control circuit and
with induction motors, PM synchronous motors have the control strategies. The construction of the PMSM results
advantages of higher efficiency [2]; due to the absence in a magnetic field fixed to the rotor position. Since such
of rotor losses and lower no-load current below the rated machines are not capable of directly starting from the
speed, its decoupling control performance is much less mains, excitation by voltage source inverters (VSI)
sensitive to the parameter variations of the motor[3,4]. controlled by field orientation is required. Control

ISSN: 1991-8763 301 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

techniques such as vector control [5] or direct torque open loop controller, which making the real reaction
control (DTC) [6] are standard for this type of drives. tracing that of the desired reference model. In order to
Based on the characteristics of the model of use not only the virtue of the directly nonlinear control
permanent magnet synchronous motor, many modern but also that of the model reference control, the model
control methods and intelligent control methods have reference dynamic inversion control method is utilized
been applied to the permanent magnet synchronous to control the PMSM.
motor, such as nonlinear control [7,8] and sliding mode This paper is arranged as follows: In section 2 the
control[9] have been developed to address the speed and model of the PM synchronous servo motor is introduced;
position control of PMSMs. The state feedback In section 3, the kernel of the system controller, model
linearization of nonlinear systems control theory has reference dynamic inversion, is described in detail; the
been introduced into the motor control in [10]. The PMSM controller based on the hierarchy model
adaptive control strategy has been used in the control of reference dynamic inversion control method is designed
permanent magnet synchronous motor in [11]. Besides in section 4; In section 5, the control effects and
these nonlinear control methods mentioned above, the performance of the hierarchy model reference dynamic
intelligent control methods, such as the artificial inversion controller on PMSM are evaluated under
intelligence expert system [12], fuzzy control [13], and different loads with simulink in Matlab; Finally,
neural networks [14, 15] have also been utilized in the conclusions are summarized in section 6.
motor drive system, and the great progress has been
achieved. Brock [16] used fuzzy logic controllers to
adjust the gain of a controller in a sliding mode controller
for speed and position control of PMSM. The control
2. Mathematical model of PMSM
strategies in which recurrent fuzzy neural networks A PMSM is composed of three phases stator windings
(FNN) were used to adjust the gain of the SMC for and permanent magnets mounted on the rotor surface
position control of a PMSM was used by Wai [17]. (surface mounted PMSM) or buried inside the rotor
The purpose of this paper is to address the (interior PMSM). The electrical equations of the PM
application of a relatively new control system design synchronous motor can be described in the rotor rotating
approach known as model reference dynamic inversion reference frame, written in the (dq) rotor flux reference
to design the speed servo controller for high frame [22].
performance PMSMs. Dynamic inversion is the The mathematic model of PMSM is based on the
nonlinear control method in essence and has been following assumptions:
successfully applied to large flexible complicated (1) Neglecting the saturation of armature;
system in documents. There has been a considerable (2) Neglecting the wastages of eddy and magnetic
amount of work in the application of dynamic inversion hysterics;
to control helicopters [18] and other aircraft [19]. (3) There is no rotor damp resistance.
Dynamic inversion method has proven to be a very The relations of voltage, torque and flux of PMSM
effective technique for the control of the nonlinear are described as follows:
system. The model reference adaptive control has also
L 1
been successfully used in many systems [20, 21]; with r 0 0 uq
iq R iq L
= + u d (1)
L id
this control method, the response of the reference model
id 1
to the input signal is the same as the reaction of the 0 r
r R L L
controlled system with the controller acted upon; In
order to fulfill this function, the minus of the output of
where id and iq are the d and q axis stator currents,
the response of desired model reference and the output
of the reaction of the real system is utilized to adjust the R and L are the stator phase resistance and inductance

ISSN: 1991-8763 302 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

of these two kinds of motor is similar, for simple, the

respectively; r is the rotor electrical speed;
surface mounted PMSM is chosen as the control object
in this paper.
ud and uq are the stator voltages expressed in the dq

reference frame and is the flux established by rotor

permanent magnets; P is the number of pole pairs.

3. Control Scheme
Equation (1) describes electrical dynamics and is Dynamic inversion has been shown to provide a
nonlinear since they involve products of state variables. systematic approach for development of feedback
control algorithms for nonlinear continuous time
s = Pr (2)
systems. If given a nonlinear dynamic system described
s is inverter frequency [23].
x = f ( x) + g ( x)u (t ) (6)
The electromagnetic torque is given by

Te = 3P iq + ( Ld Lq )id iq (3) In equation (6), f ( x) and g ( x) are nonlinear

If id = 0 , the electromagnetic torque Te is proportional functions of the system state vector x .If g ( x ) is

invertible for all values of x , then the dynamic inversion

to iq .This description is similar to the torque generated
control law can be designed by
in a DC motor with independent field excitation. This
u (t )=g 1 ( x)[[ x ]des f ( x)] (7)
feature can simplify the controller design of the PMSM,
which is used in the controller simulation experiment in
Where [ x ]des is the time derivative of the desired
this paper.
The equation of the motor dynamics is
system state vector. Since the functions f and g are
Te = TL + Br + J r (4)
smooth, this control law will change the original system
(6) into a controllable linear first order uncoupled
TL stands for external load torque. B represents the
differential equations. It can be noticed that when
damping coefficient and J is the moment of inertia of substituting the equation (7) into the equation (6), the
the rotor. equation (8) can be achieved:
Thus, the mechanical dynamic of the PMSM can be
x = [ x ]des (8)
rewritten as
This derivation is simple but very important for it
d r B 3P iq + ( Ld Lq )id iq TL
= + (5) formed the basis of the design of the model reference
dt J 2J J dynamic inversion controller of the PMSM.
The equation (5) shows that the electromagnetic
The functions f and g , in general, depend on the
torque is the product of state variables and it is nonlinear.
The equations (1) and (5) constitute the whole control nonlinear dynamic equation of the PMSM. It is easy to
model of the PMSM. The state-space model of the notice that the basic concept behind dynamic inversion
interior PMSM is similar to the surface mounted PMSM is to cancel out the nonlinear dynamics so it will follow
only that the model of the surface mounted PMSM does the desired value.
not have the product of the currents d-axis and q-axis in The dynamic inversion approach formulated above
the electromagnetic torque. However the control method can be treated as two parts. The first part is equilibrium

ISSN: 1991-8763 303 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

state when x 0 , the control input can be given as The preceding derivation suggests that any given system
with appropriate properties can have the desired
u 0 = g 1 ( x ) f ( x ) (9)
dynamic response. The application of dynamic inversion
The second part is v , which can de designed as control method requires that the control matrix g be
invertible. The properties of the control law will depend
v(t ) = g 1 ( x) [ x ]des (10)
on the properties of the control matrix. Obtaining an
Then, the whole control input is then taken as [19] invertible control matrix with suitable properties
depends on careful choices of the models to be used and
u (t ) = v(t ) + u0 (t ) (11)
the states to be fed back.
Letting As for the high order system, such as the PMSM, the
hierarchy control method, with model reference
[ x ]des = w (12)
dynamic inversion as the kernel controller in each layer,
Combine with equation (8); using the Laplace can be utilized to fulfill such function. The approach is
transform, the equation can be derived below to apply dynamic inversion separately to the low
frequency and high frequency dynamics of the system to
sX ( s ) = W ( s ) (13)
be controlled. The similar approach was demonstrated
successfully in the controller for the X-38[24].
If the W ( s ) is taken as
The proposed structure is shown in Fig. 1. d is the
W( s ) = K ( s )[ X des ( s ) X ( s )] (14)
desired velocity given by the engineer and the idcmd and
Then combining with equation (10), the equation can
be given
the iqcmd are the desired currents of d-axis and q-axis
sX ( s ) = K ( s )[ X des ( s ) X ( s )] (15)
respectively. The structure is similar in form to that used
According to the equation (15), the transfer function in classical control system design process, such as PI
of the close loop is controller in the PMSM controller [25]. There is,
however, a notable difference that the control laws in
X ( s) K ( s)
D( s )= = (16) dynamic inversion blocks are decidedly nonlinear.
X des ( s ) sI + K ( s )
In both the cases of the long period and short period
Then if the transfer function of the desired close loop dynamics, the dynamics to be inverted will depend on
both mechanical dynamics and electrical model of the
reference dynamic model is chosen as D ( s ) , then the
open controller of the system could be selected as iqcmd
d uq
K ( s ) = sD( s )[ I D ( s )] (17)
When designing the open loop controller, the r idcmd
properties and dynamics of the resulting closed loop
system can be selected according to the control request
given by the application engineer.

Fig. 1 the structure of the controller of the PMSM

The difference equation of the d-axis stator current

4. Controller of the Permanent Magnet model in equation (1) can be rewritten as

Synchronous Motor

ISSN: 1991-8763 304 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

did Then the d-axis control voltage will be

L = Rid + N (18)
dt ud = ud 0 + L [ (icmd i )] +Rid (28)
The control value of d-axis stator current model will
have the form
Another control voltage uq can be achieved by using the
N = PLr iq + ud (19)
hierarchy control method. The out loop has long period
The d-axis stator current is equilibrium state while the inner loop has a short period. The out loop or
long period dynamic inversion section will control
When id 0 , this control input can be given as ud 0
velocity of the PSMS, and the variable to be controlled

ud 0 = PLiq (20) is r . As the features of the surface mounted PMSM,

the kinematics equation will be

The control voltage ud will be taken as the sum of the
d r B 3P iq TL
trim value and control input as developed in the = r + (29)
dynamic inversion formulation above
dt J 2J J
The desired response for the long period variables is
ud = v + ud 0 (21)
taken as a classic 2nd order response
The control value N can be defined as
N =v (22) D( s) = (30)
s 2 + 2n s + n2
The difference equation of the d-axis current model
will be
n is the natural frequency of the desired 2nd system,
Lid = Rid + v (23)
and is the damping ratio of the desired second-order
The control input v will be
system. The control value of the open transfer function
v = L id des +Rid (24)
of the velocity controller will be
For the current loop can be treated as the short period 1
sn2 n2
loop, the simplest of 1st order transfer function can be K ( s) = 2 2
1 2 2
s + 2n s + n s + 2n s + n
selected as desired reference dynamics model. Then the
desired loop transfer function can be taken as Which reduces to

D( s) = (25) n2
s + K ( s) = (32)
2n + s
is the coefficient of the desired close loop function.
Then, according to the derivation in section 3, the The control law is given by
control value of the open transfer function in d-axis will
r = w (33)
1 And then
s s
K ( s) = 1
s + s + (26) w = 2 wn + n2 [cmd r ] (34)
= The input to the long period controller shown above is the
desired speed. This command comes directly from the
The desired current of id is given by
system which the PMSM is used in. The desired q-axis
current can be achieved with long period controller. The
i des = (icmd i ) (27)

ISSN: 1991-8763 305 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

method of design the short period controller of q-axis In the first simulation, the desired velocity is
control voltage is the same as that used in d-axis. 700rad/s, while desired current of the d-axis is 0A and the
Discussion: This controller is the combination of the load is kept none all the time. Fig. 2 shows the velocity
hierarchy controller, the model reference controller and tracing process of the PMSM without load. The solid line
the dynamic inversion controller; it is superior to the (-) represents the desired velocity while the dot line (--) is
common used hierarchy PID controller in the PMSM the real-time simulation velocity. With the controller
control in that this method is nonlinear controller, and the designed in last section, it can be seen that real-time
controller and the parameters are achieved directly from velocity arrived at the desired velocity very fast and
the desired reference model. If the desired reference remain the desired velocity in no-load situation without
model is given, then controller will be designed any vibration. Fig. 3 and fig. 4 show the control current of
according to the reference model and the controller will the q-axis and d-axis separately. The d-axis current stays
make the system trace desired trajectory the same as the at zero all the time, while the q-axis current increases at
reference model does. the start process and keep static at almost 0.08A when the
velocity of the PMSM arrives at the desired velocity, this
current is no zero due to the resistance of the stator. In the
no-load simulation, the result proves the validity of the
5. Simulation Experiments 1000
In this section, the proposed approach above has been Rv

carried out in PMSM to verify the performance of the 800

model reference nonlinear dynamic inversion speed

V elocity (ra d/s)

control scheme, using MATLAB/Simulink. The
parameters of the PMSM are given in Tab. I. The
simulation results are shown in Figs. 2-12.
The dynamic performance of the control system is 200
evaluated by three simulation experiments using the step
speed of 700 rad/sec as desired input and three kinds of 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
different torques as load. time (s)

Tab. 1 PMSM Parameters Fig.2 the process of the velocity tracing of the PMSM without
Machine parameters value
Resistance of the stator windings( ) 2.875
Number of pole pairs 4
q-ax is current (A )

Combined inertia of rotor and 0.001 0.3

load J (kg.m )
Amplitude of the flux induced by the 0.175
permanent magnets of the rotor in the 0.1

stator phases (Wb)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
q and d axis inductances Lq = Ld (H) 0.0085 time (s)

Combined viscous friction of rotor and 0 Fig. 3 the changing process of the current of the q-axis of the
PMSM without load
load B(N.m.s/rad)

ISSN: 1991-8763 306 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

x 10 1000
d-axis current (A)

V e lo c ity (ra d /s )


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time (s)

Fig. 4 the changing process of the current of the d-axis of the 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
PMSM without load time (s)

The second simulation is to study and test the validity Fig.6 the process of the velocity tracing of the PMSM with a
of the controller with abrupt plus step load. In the second plus step load
simulation experiment, the desired velocity is 700rad/s, 0.35
while desired current of the d-axis is 0A and a step load is
acted upon the axis of the PMSM at one point after the
PMSM has arrived at its desired velocity. Fig. 5 shows a 0.25
q -a x is c u rre n t (A )

step load with magnitude 0.2 N.m at 30s. This load is

small because the PMSM chosen in the simulation has a
very small power. It is clear from the velocity tracing 0.15

process in fig. 6 and the d-axis current changing process 0.1

in fig.7 when the load is acted upon on the motor, the
velocity will decrease for a moment and will return to the
desired velocity at once; as the load increases, the current 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
of q-axis will increase too and will then return to the time (s)

equivalent current in a few seconds; the current of d-axis Fig.7 the changing process of the current of the q-axis of the
will remain zero all the time. This simulation experiment PMSM with a plus step load
have verified that this controller can control the PMSM x 10
with abrupt plus load.
d-ax is c urre nt (A )

T o rq u e (N .m )

0.15 -2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 time (s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time (s) Fig. 8 the changing process of the current of the d-axis of the
Fig.5 the plus step load acted upon the PMSM in simulation 2 PMSM with a plus step load

When the PMSM works in the real situation, it will

ISSN: 1991-8763 307 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

meet with the load which moves upward and downward Fig. 9 the load series acted upon the PMSM in simulation 3
all the time. Thus, this simulation is carried out to 1000
guarantee the motor can keep the desired velocity with Rv
abrupt changing load. In the third simulation experiment,
the desired velocity is 700rad/s, while desired current of

v e lo c ity (ra d /s )
the d-axis is 0A,the load will have some abrupt plus and
minus steps. In the simulation process, the load acted
upon the PMSM is in series which will increase from
0N.m to 0.2N.m at 10s, and then remain static for 15s 200
and then will increase to 0.3N.m and will remain at
0.3N.m for another 15s, and then will decrease to 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0.2N.m and then remain 0.2N.m, which is shown in fig. time (s)

9.It is can be noticed in fig.10 that the real-time velocity Fig. 10 the process of the velocity tracing of the PMSM with
can trace the desired velocity very well. The solid line (-) a series of changing load
represents the desired velocity while the dot line (--) is 0.4
the real-time simulation velocity. In fig.10, when the 0.35
load is increasing, the velocity will drop a little and will
return soon, and when the load is decreasing, the
q -a x is c u rre n t(A )

velocity will increase a little and will return soon. This 0.25

changing situation coincides with the real control 0.2

process. Fig.11 shows that change of the current of 0.15
q-axis; it can be found that the current will goes to the
static current soon and will keep at this value until the
new load acted upon; only the time when the load has 0.05

abrupt changes, the current will has some overshoots. 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
These overshoots can be kept smaller by altering the time (s)

coefficients of the out-loop controller or by changing the Fig. 11 the changing process of the current of the q-axis of the
desired close loop reference model. Fig.12 shows the PMSM with a series of changing load
change process of the current the d-axis. It can be seen x 10
that the current of d-axis will keep zero all the time. The
third simulation experiment shows that with the up-step 1.5

and down-step load, the controller can also make the 1

PMSM work.
d -a x is c u rre n t (A )

Torque (N .m )

0.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time (s)
Fig. 12 the changing process of the current of the d-axis of the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
PMSM with a series of changing load
time (s)

ISSN: 1991-8763 308 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

From the simulations above, it is noticeable that with short period or inner loop. The control performance of
the controller designed in the last section, the PMSM can the hierarchy model reference dynamic inversion
keep desired velocity all the time, only when the load has controller appeared to be superior in all respects to the
an abrupt change, the real-time velocity will have a little classical design for its high nonlinear character brought
overshoot and will return the desired velocity very soon. by dynamic inversion controller and it has the virtues of
The control current of the q-axis will change along with the model reference controller. Three simulation
the load. The control current of the d-axis will accurately experiments have been done to test the controller with
at the desired value zero. The simulations above have different load. The results show that the controller can
guaranteed that the controller proposed above can control control the velocity at desired value in different
the PMSM and can be used quickly in the reality. For occasions. These simulation results guaranty the right
decoupling control performance of the PMSM is much and validity of the controller designed. From the
less sensitive to the parameter variations [3,4], when the descriptions above, it can be seen that hierarchy model
accurate parameters of the PMSM are given and the reference dynamic inversion can be a viable approach for
desired close loop reference model which is decided by the control system design for PMSM.This compound
the desired control performance is achieved, the method can be a preferable control method for the
controller designed above can be used in controlling the complicated multi-input and multi-output (MIMO)
PMSM. system.

6. Conclusions The authors would like to thank The Ministry of Science
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ISSN: 1991-8763 310 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Zhang Yaou, Zhao Wansheng, Kang Xiaoming

[25].Fayez F. M. El-Sousy, High-Performance

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Zhang Yaou (1977, 2- ), PhD& post-doctoral in

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, research areas: system
modeling and control, nonlinear control, etc., Email:;Zhao Wan-sheng (1957- ),
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, professor; Kang
Xiaoming (1970- ), Shanghai Jiao Tong University,

ISSN: 1991-8763 311 Issue 5, Volume 5, May 2010

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