Calculating Harvesting Losses
Calculating Harvesting Losses
Calculating Harvesting Losses
When adjusting a harvester to reduce losses, make only one adjustment as a time, checking the losses after each
All these losses may be reduced by resetting the machine and changing the harvesting technique.
Assessing losses
Follow these steps to check all the loss areas without starting and stopping the machine several times.
Quadrats can be made from any material, for example, round bar or flat mild steel. For measuring pre-harvest losses,
use a three-sided quadrat. 1/5
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4/30/2018 Calculating harvesting losses
Wheat 27
Barley 23
Oats 29
Lupins 7
Lentils, red 33
Lentils, green 28
Field peas 5
Chickpeas (kabuli) 2
Canola * 267
*For canola, an easier measure is 60 seeds in the area of a 2L ice cream container (0.022m2).
Pre-harvest loss
Sample Area A (Figure 2) for pre-harvest loss, that is, losses before harvest due to natural shedding. Take at least ten
samples from an area 2-3 metres into the standing crop, using the three-sided quadrat. Count the seeds in each
quadrat, including any seeds in pods or heads on the ground and find the average number of seeds per quadrat, then
use the following method to calculate pre-harvest loss.
Pre-harvest loss (kg/ha) = [Average number of seeds per quadrat x 100] divided by [the corresponding crop type
average seed number from Table 1].
Worked example for an average of five lupin seeds per quadrat in Area A: 3/5
4/30/2018 Calculating harvesting losses
Front loss
Sample Area B (Figure 2) to estimate front loss, plus pre-harvest losses. Take at least 10 samples across the full width
of the machine to within 0.5m of the edge of the cut.
Front loss (kg/ha) = [(Average seeds per quadrat x 100) minus pre-harvest losses] divided by [the corresponding crop
type average seed number from Table 1]
Machine loss
Sample Area C (Figure 2) to estimate machine loss, plus front loss, plus pre-harvest loss.
Figure 2 Sampling places for estimating pre-harvest (A), front (B), and machine losses (C)
The machine losses may be concentrated in a stream, that is, the width of the sieves if there is no chaff spreader, so
the losses must be related to the width of the cut.
Take at least 10 samples across the full width of the sieves. First, carefully take the straw off the header trail, then count
the seeds, including the seeds in the unthreshed heads.
Machine loss (kg/ha) = [Average number of seeds per quadrat x 100] divided by [the corresponding crop type average
seed number from Table 1] minus [front loss - preharvest loss] multiplied by [sieve width divided by width of cut] 4/5
4/30/2018 Calculating harvesting losses
Worked example, for an average of 22 lupin seeds per quadrat, with sieves 1.5 metres wide, 9 metre wide cut and
using 0.1m2 quadrat:
If the harvester has a chaff and straw spreader, it is more difficult to measure the machine loss. Measure the average
number of seeds in equally spaced quadrats across the full machine width after the spreader has passed over and
subtract the front loss and the pre-harvest loss.
Worked example, if an average of 12 seeds per quadrat is measured across the harvester width, the machine loss is:
Acceptable losses
Generally, harvest losses range from 0-5% of the yield in cereal crops and from 5-30% in lupins. What is acceptable
varies with the operator; some are not concerned with losses of 5% in wheat and 30% in lupins but others do not want
any losses.
If a contractor is being used, an agreement should be reached on acceptable losses before the crop is harvested and
losses should be checked at the start of harvest. For example, if a lupin harvesting contractor does not have any
header improvements, the losses may be expected to be at the high end of the loss range.
See Also
How to successfully harvest short, patchy crops
Important disclaimer
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food and the State of Western Australia accept no
liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part
of it. 5/5