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1. Traditional (Arps) Decline Curves Exponential Decline: 23-24: Radial Flow Model: Type Curve Analysis
3. Exponential Decline
§ Decline rate is constant.
§ Log flow rate vs. time is a straight line. Dt 23. Calculations for Oil All radial flow type curves are based on the same reservoir model: 24. Calculations for Gas
log q = log qi -
Harmonic (b=1)
§ Flow rate vs. cumulative production is a straight line. 2.303 (Agarwal-Gardner Type Curves) § Well in centre of cylindrical homogeneous reservoir. (Agarwal-Gardner Type Curves)
qi § Provides minimum EUR (Expected Ultimate Recovery). § No flow outer boundary.
1 + Di t 141 .2 Bo mo q / Dp § Skin factor represented by rwa. 1 . 417 ´ 10 6 T q / Dp p
Hyperbolic (0<b<1) Hyperbolic Decline: k= ( ) match k= ( ) match
q qi h qD h qD
q= 1 § Decline rate is not constant (D=Kq ).
b Time re
(1 + b Di t) b
§ Straight line plots are NOT practical and b is determined by q = qi - DQ 0 .00633 k t c 0.00633 k t ca
( ) match
nonlinear curve fit. ( ) p ( fmg ct ) i t DA rw
p fmo ct t DA match rw rwa
rwa = , s = ln ( )
rwa = , s = ln ( ) rwa
Exponential (b=0) (reD) match
b value Reservoir Drive Mechanism (reD ) match rwa
q = qi e -Dt
Single phase liquid (oil above bubble point)
§ Information content of all type curves (Figures 25-32) is the same. 0 .00633k t ca p r 2 f hS gi
t Single phase gas at high pressure 0. 00633k t c re = ) match , G = e
re = ( ) match , p r f hSoi
§ The shapes are different because of different plotting formats. p ( fmg ct ) i t DA Bgi
Cumulative Production
N= e
0.1-0.4 Solution gas drive pfmo ct t DA Boi § Each format represents a different “look” at the data and
0.4-0.5 Single phase gas Note: Gas calculations are ITERATIVE because of pseudo-time.
emphasizes different aspects.
0.5 Effective edge water drive
2. Decline Rate Definitions 4. Harmonic Decline
0.5-1.0 Commingled layered reservoirs 25-26: Blasingame
No Straight Line
Harmonic Decline:
Nominal Decline Rate Effective Decline Rate
25. Blasingame: Rate (Normalized) § qDd and tDd definitions are similar to Fetkovich. 26. Blasingame: Integral-Derivative
q1 - q 2 § Decline rate is directly proportional to flow rate (b=1).
1 dq
De = § Normalized rate (q/Dp or q/Dpp) is plotted.
§ Log flow rate vs. cumulative production is a straight line. 1
q1 § Three sets of type curves: t Dd
q dt q1
1. qDd vs. tDd (Figure 25).
q Ddi =
t Dd ò
q Dd dt Dd
Summary: Time Increasing rwa
q q reD 2. Rate integral (qDdi) vs. tDd (has the same shape as qDd). d ( q Ddi )
§ Boundary-dominated flow only. Di 3. Rate integral-derivative (qDdid) vs. tDd (Figure 26). qDdid = -
q2 § Constant operating conditions. log q = - Q + log qi d (ln t Dd )
2. 303qi
§ Developed using empirical relationships. 2p
1 Year
Ha § In general: qDd = qD bDpss , tDd = t
§ Quick and simple to determine EUR. r rm b Dpss DA
t t q Dd = q D ln( reD - 0 . 5 ) , reD = e on
§ EUR depends on operating conditions. rwa ic
(U § bDpss is a constant for a particular well/reservoir configuration.
De = 1 - e § Does NOT use pressure data. nit
Cumulative Production 2tD op
§ b depends on drive mechanism. tDd = e)
(ln reD - 0.5)( reD2 - 1)
t Dd t Dd
27-28: Agarwal-Gardner
5. Analytical: Constant Flowing Pressure § qD and tD definitions are similar to well test. 6. Analytical: Constant Flowing Pressure § qD and tDA definitions are similar to well testing. 28. Agarwal-Gardner: Integral-Derivative
27. Agarwal-Gardner: Rate (Normalized)
§ Convenient for transient flow. Increasing rwa § Normalized rate (q/Dp or q/Dpp) is plotted.
Transient § Results in single transient stem but multiple boundary- Boundary-Dominated § Three sets of type curves: Boundary-
• Single Curve Increasing rwa
dominated stems. • Single Curve
• Exponential
1. qD vs. tDA (Figure 27). Transient Dominated
Boundary-Dominated 2. Inverse of pressure derivative (1/pDd) vs. tDA (not shown).
• Multiple Curves
fm 3. Inverse of pressure integral-derivative (1/pDid) vs. tDA (Figure 28).
• Exponential
d ( p D)
1. Pressure derivative is defined as pDd =
§ qDd and tDd definitions are convenient for production data • Multiple Curves
qD =
141.2qBμ Ha
rm d (ln t DA ) 1 t DA
p Di = ò
analysis. pD kh( p i - pwf ) ic p D dt DA Un
nit 2. Inverse of pressure derivative is usually too noisy and inverse of t DA 0 it
§ Convenient for boundary-dominated flow. Slo
pe pressure integral-derivative is used instead. Slo
0.00633 kt d ( p Di )
§ Results in single boundary-dominated stem but multiple tDA = )
pDid =
transient stems. f μct A d (ln t DA )
tD 2t D t Dd
q Dd = qD ln( reD - 0 .5) t Dd = t DA t DA
(ln reD - 0.5)( reD2 - 1)
29-30: Normalized Pressure Integral (NPI)
7. Empirical: Arps Depletion Stems 8. Empirical: Arps-Fetkovich Depletion Stems
29. NPI: Pressure (Normalized) § pD and tDA definitions are similar to well testing. 30. NPI: Integral-Derivative
§ Normalized Pressure (Dp/q or Dpp/q) is plotted rather than
1 kh( pi - pwf ) 1 t DA
pD =
141.2qB μ op
e normalized rate (q/Dp or q/Dpp). p Di =
t DA ò0
p D dt DA Boundary-
Sl § Three sets of type curves: Transient
Un 1. pD vs. tDA (Figure 29). d ( p Di ) Sl
pDid = nit
2. Pressure integral (pDi) vs. tDA (has the same shape as pD).
3. Pressure integral-derivative (pDid) vs. tDA (Figure 30).
Exponential reD
Increasing rwa
Time Time
t DA t DA
10. Fetkovich/Cumulative Type Curves 9. Fetkovich Type Curves 31-32: Transient-Dominated Data
§ Combines transient with boundary-dominated flow.
§ Transient: Analytical, constant pressure solution. Boundary-Dominated
Rate ulativ
§ Boundary-Dominated: Empirical, identical to traditional (Arps). • Concave down 31. Rate (Normalized) § Similar to Figures 27 & 28 but uses tD instead of tDA. This format is 32. Integral-Derivative
§ Constant operating conditions. • Empirical useful when most of the data are in TRANSIENT flow.
§ Used to estimate EUR, skin and permeability. § qD and tD definitions are similar to well testing. 1 tD d ( p Di )
§ EUR depends on operating conditions. § Normalized rate (q/Dp or q/Dpp) is plotted.
p Di = ò p D dt D pDid =
fm tD 0 d (ln t D )
§ Does NOT use pressure data. § Three sets of type curves:
Zero Slope
§ Cumulative curves are smoother than rate curves. 1. qD vs. tD (Figure 31).
q Dd
§ Combined cumulative and rate type curves give more unique Transient 2. Inverse of pressure integral (1/pDi) vs. tD (not shown).
• Concave up 3. Inverse of pressure integral-derivative (1/pDid) vs. tD (Figure 32).
tD tD
qD and 1/pD
xe e Increasing FCD xe
Actual Rate Decline Constant Rate Qua
rter Increasing FCD xf xf
Q 1 t Slop
tc = = ò qdt e
it S
Constant pressure solution
Q § Constant pressure solution (qD) is converted to kxf
(qD) is exponential. constant rate (1/pD) using Material Balance Time (tc).
(t c) = Q /q
tD t D (Material Balance Time) 0. 00633kt 0. 00633kt
it S
t Dxf = t Dxf =
fm c t xf2 fm c t xf2
13. Concept of Rate Integral Rate (Normalized) 14. Derivative and Integral-Derivative
§ Combines rate with flowing pressure. 35. Elliptical Flow: Integral-Derivative 36. Elliptical Flow: Integral-Derivative 37. Elliptical Flow: Integral-Derivative
Rate Integral = Integral (Normalized Rate) Integral-Derivative
Increasing a/b
§ Smoothes noisy data but attenuates the 1 tc q
Rate Integral
a xf
Increasing a/b lf S
Derivative (Normalized Rate) e
t DA t DA t DA
qD ( ye / xe)
§ Compressibility (Pseudo-Time, Figures 17 & 18)
§ Gas: Viscosity and Z-factor are not constant.
p pdp § Pseudo-pressure corrects for changing viscosity and Z-factor with
pp = 2ò
it S
Boundary- lop
p0 μgZ pe
§ In all equations for liquid, replace pressure (p) with pseudo- Transient
Pressure ( p)
§ Compressibility represents energy in reservoir. 41. Blasingame: Integral-Derivative 42. Blasingame: Integral-Derivative 43. Blasingame: Integral-Derivative
17. Gas Compressibility Variation 18. Pseudo-Time (ta)
§ Gas compressibility is strong function of pressure (especially at
1 1 ¶Z 1 LOW PRESSURES). § In all equations for liquid, replace Time (t) with Pseudo-
cg = - » § Ignoring compressibility variation can result in significant error in Time (ta). xe xe
p Z ¶p p xe
L Increasing L L L
original gas-in-place (G) calculation. t dt Increasing L
§ Pseudo-time (ta) corrects for changing viscosity and compressibility t a = ( μg c t ) i ò μg c t
Increasing L
Gas Compressibility
xe xe xe
with pressure.
§ Pseudo-time calculation is ITERATIVE because it depends on µg and § Convert material balance time (tc) to Material Balance
ct at average reservoir pressure, and average reservoir pressure Pseudo-Time (tca).
depends on G (usually unknown). 1 ta ( μ g ct )i t qdt
q ò0 ò
t ca = qdt a = L
q 0 μ g ct L L
Note: Pseudo-time in build-up testing is evaluated at well flowing = 0.1 = 0.3 = 1.0
xe xe xe
pressure NOT at average reservoir pressure.
Note: µg and ct are evaluated at average reservoir pressure
t Dd t Dd t Dd
Pressure (unlike build-up testing).
20. Gas: Determination of bpss 44. Blasingame: Rate 45. Agarwal-Gardner: Rate
19. Oil: Flowing Material Balance
Oil Np 20
pi - pwf = + qbpss Infinite Aquifer
Transient ct N M=10 (Constant Pressure)
q Np 1 Reservoir
=- +
pi - pwf c t Nbpss ( pi - p wf ) bpss
Normalized Rate
Increasing M
M =
kres μaq
aG pa 2 pi
ppi - ppwf = + qbpss Transient ( μg ct Z ) i
Gpa = ò 0
qdt a r eD = 48 § M = 0 is equivalent to Radial Type Curves (Figures 25-32).
M=0 (Volumetric Depletion)
Np /c t ( p i - pwf ) t DA
a Gpa /q t Dd
Normalized Cumulative Production
p pi - ppwf aGpa
= + bpss
q qG
21. Gas: Flowing Material Balance p p = p pwf + qbpss 22. Procedure to Calculate Gas-In-Place NOMENCLATURE
Calculating G is ITERATIVE:
1. Estimate G; plot p/Z vs. Gp from pi/Zi to G. a semi-major axis of ellipse Gp gas cumulative production pDi dimensionless pressure integral re exterior radius of reservoir xe reservoir length
Summary: A area Gpa pseudo-cumulative production pDid dimensionless pressure integral- reD dimensionless exterior radius of xf fracture half length
§ Uses flowing data. No shut-in required. 2. At any time, Gp is known. Determine p at Gp from p/Z b hyperbolic decline exponent or semi - h net pay derivative reservoir ye reservoir width
§ Applicable to oil and gas. plot. minor axis of ellipse k permeability pi initial reservoir pressure rw wellbore radius yw well location in y-direction
bDpss dimensionless parameter kaq aquifer permeability pp pseudo-pressure rwa apparent wellbore radius Z gas deviation factor
§ Determines hydrocarbon-in-place, N or G. 3. Obtain µg and ct at p.
bpss inverse of productivity index kf fracture permeability pp pseudo-pressure at average reservoir s skin Z gas deviation factor at average
§ Oil (N): Direct calculation. 4. Convert t to ta and pwf to ppwf (Figures 18 & 16). B formation volume factor kh horizontal permeability pressure Sgi initial gas saturation reservoir pressure
§ Gas (G): Iterative calculation because of pseudo-time. Bgi initial gas formation volume factor kres reservoir permeability ppi initial pseudo-pressure Soi initial oil saturation Zi initial gas deviation factor
§ Simple yet powerful. 5. Determine bpss from Figure 20.
Bo oil formation volume factor kv vertical permeability ppwf pseudo-pressure at well flowing t flow time constant
§ Data readily available (wellhead pressure can be converted to 6. Determine p from pp = ppwf + qbpss. Boi initial oil formation volume factor K constant pressure ta pseudo-time porosity
bottomhole pressure). 7. Plot p/Z vs. Gp and determine new G. cg gas compressibility L horizontal well length pwf well flowing pressure tc material balance time viscosity
§ Supplements static material balance. ct total compressibility M mobility ratio q flow rate tca material balance pseudo-time
§ Ideal for low permeability reservoirs. 8. Repeat steps 2-7 until G converges. ct total compressibility at average N original oil-in-place qD dimensionless rate tD dimensionless time aq aquifer fluid viscosity
reservoir pressure Np oil cumulative production qDd dimensionless rate tDA dimensionless time g gas viscosity
D nominal decline rate p pressure qDdi dimensionless rate integral tDd dimensionless time g gas viscosity at average reservoir
De effective decline rate p average reservoir pressure qDdid dimensionless rate integral-derivative tDxf dimensionless time pressure
Di initial nominal decline rate p0 reference pressure qi initial flow rate tDye dimensionless time o oil viscosity
FCD dimensionless fracture conductivity pD dimensionless pressure Q cumulative production T reservoir temperature res reservoir fluid viscosity
G original gas-in-place pDd dimensionless pressure derivative QDd dimensionless cumulative production w fracture width