Assignment Innovation
Assignment Innovation
Assignment Innovation
Innovation in a simple way is a process or a method that helps to meet the modern
era requirements, and the need of the market. This can be fulfilled through efficient
services, effective products, upgraded technology. Innovation on the other hand can
be said a method that brings ideas which have a direct impact on the market
conditions. innovation is very important as in this fast growing world the needs are
getting more and more so the ideas have to be transferred into the goods and
services so that they meet the particular present market conditions.(business dic.)
Evolutionary inventions these are long run innovations that are brought
through many processes and technological advancement.
Revolutionary innovations are those which are new and are also termed as
discontinuous innovations.
Innovation is the backbone of this age without new ideas there would be no
advancement in the marketing field, and specific needs would not get fulfilled.
Innovation includes four main elements that are strategy, structure, skills and
process. strategy is very important for the company or organisation as the main goal
has to be setup and various policies to be made for achiving the goal. Innovation
strategy helps to follow the right ideas so that organisation move in a smooth way
and aimed goal can be captured.
On the other hand, structure is an another element of innovation because the ideas
in the company can come from anywhere, whether that’s the person talking to
another person or the manufacturing room. Motivational contact between the
employees and making less the formal controls if we want to make innovation efforts
in the company.
Skills are another important element of innovation that helps the ideas to come out .
taking a small idea and able to see its various side that include opportunities and
threats of it is a skill that has to be polished and taken into consideration.
Whereas, process is the last element of innovation because after getting an idea the
plan or idea has to be implemented, so process helps to take take idea a step ahead
and give it push. The basic components of process are ideation, development, and
implementation. So we need to focus these areas so that the idea can run without
any risk.
It is related with innovation and explain the rate at which customers gain the
Diffusion can be slow or fast accordingly.
Business model is a well working plan imposed by the organisation for successful
business or organisation operations. It helps to know about the business financial
base and produce the revenue and make earnings from the business operations.
Business model mainly include two elements –value proposition and the operating
model. It include three main ways that are as follows:
Innovation and invention are related to each other both play a vital role in modern
era. It is hard to find out which one is important but some aspects can be made . as
without invention there can be no innovation so first invention is must only than
changes or development can be made to the product. Invention means building
something new and innovation whereas is an improvement or development in an
existing product. In my point of view both are same because innovation is to
important which brings ease and make the product more effective and useful.
Inventions are for one time or product can be invented once but on the same
innovation are for long time as much as changes can be made by improve in
technology, new ideas, etc. In some ways innovation is more important than
invention because it improves the quality life and ease things .
Another important thing is without commercialization the product or services will not
be ready to make in production quantity which will rather result in delays and during
that period the useful resources will get wasted. The opportunity of product
achievement will become less, if no commercialization activities begun until all testing
is done. Then, the company has no another choice and has to choose an
unconditional alternatives. 1) try to go into production without commercialization or
(2) delay the product launch to do the commercialization, possibly when demand is
building. Without commercialization the product will not be according to standard or
Diffusion of innovation start with a five step process. This process is a way of
decision making. It takes place through a way of communication channels over a
specific period of time.
Implementation, and
The most essential thing here is the capacity to get the ideas to the places it can
affect lives which is possible through technical education.
example: if ipad and i phone had not sold well, no one will see apple as an
innovative engines despite producing those products. But with the success in
the market, apple had become a respected innovative brand.
Business model take care that how the company will represent itself in the market
and attract the customers and make itself safe. On the same what type of technology
and machinery will it use to run the company. business model can only run well if the
people involved in it are passionate and have the ability to run it in a effective and
efficient way. Business model plays a significant role in business and help to know
what type of product and services will it make and helps to achieve the organisational
Business model mainly has two essential role that are price creation and price
capturing. In context of innovation business model had played a vital role and some
of its role are as follows:
Value proposition is the price made for the users by the offering.
Checking a market segment is to whom the offer is made and for what aim it
has been provided to the user.
Explain the model of the value chain required by the organisation to make and
spread the offerings and should include overall value chain from the supplier
of raw material to the final customer.
Specify the revenue generation mechanism for the firm , and watch out the
cost structure and profit potential of creating the offering.
Systemize the competitive strategy by which the innovating organisation will
achieve and capture an merit over rivals.
Taking out the detailed description of the rank of the firm within the value
network, suppliers and consumers, including watching out the competitors.
In order to understand the concept of value capture we need to know the meaning of
value creation. Value creation means to make something that the people want. Every
businessman aims at creating value so that they could satisfy their customers,
employees, shareholders etc. in a better way and grab more and more opportunities
for growth. Value creation occurs when there is an additional value being added to
the bottom line of a business. The first point of focus should be for creating value for
the customers the needs and expectations of the customers should be met, this can
only be done when right employees are employed, motivated and rewarded as well
as the investors keep on receiving constant returns on their investment. This all will
lead to value creation in a business.
Merely creating a good product does not ensure success in the market, though it is a
necessary first step in every business. The next steps, whose goal is to capture
maximum value from the new product, are crucial. In order to capture value, you want
to be in a good bargaining position with regard to the owner of the complementary
assets needed to leverage the innovation. You need to have market power over
critical resources required to make your innovation cash-generative. The customer
captures part of the value if the innovation improves the value proposition of the
goods or services provided. The innovator can benefit because the better value
proposition allows him to sell his product or service at a high price or the innovation
decreases his internal costs which in return increases the profit margin. The supplier
captures part of the value because the better value proposition or reduced costs due
to the innovation leads to the higher demand of product or service which in turn again
increases the demand for the supplier’s goods and services. The owner of
complementary assets benefits because the higher demand in the innovator’s good
also increases the demand in complementary asset.
Value capture is an important issue for the innovators because the individual
innovators have to go through the cut throat competition in order to survive in the
market, it becomes a very typical task for the innovators with a new innovative
product to beat the existing product which is already in the market. Individual
innovators alone cannot manage each and every aspect of the business. It becomes
very difficult for individual innovators to alone hit their competitors and capture value.
Race from value creation to value capture requires not just vision, but intense
concentration and commitment. Vision and stamina are now mere point of entry into
the New Economy's value-capture marathon .
Product innovation attracts more public attention than service or process innovation
because services are often less spectacular and less eye catching. This probably has
something to do with the fact that where innovation is concerned, the public
imagination has always tend to identify with inventions, rather than innovation as
such. Because of their high novelty value, inventions are usually products. On the
other hand products are tangible in nature one can touch, see, use and the product
whereas services are intangible in nature. The products can easily be displayed at
various places but the services cannot be displayed as product ,one can know about
a particular service if he goes and consumes it. An innovation in the product is eye
catchy than service and process innovation. In the case of product a person
necessarily need not to buy the product he can touch, see or have demo to know the
new innovations in it but in case of services one have to personally visit and
consume the services .
Radical innovations are comparatively rare. Rothwell and Gardner (1989) estimated
that at the most about 10 per cent of innovations are radical. Radical innovation is
often associated with the introduction of a new technology. In some cases this will be
a transforming technology.
The familiar but bulky cathode-ray tube (CRT) televisions and PC monitors are being
replaced by flat-screen technology. The manufacture of flat screens is a completely
different process from the manufacture of cathode-ray tubes. So when this transition
happens it is likely to destroy manufacturing plant and machinery and make CRT
design and manufacturing skills redundant.
Old New
Telephone Mobiles Telecommunication New means of mass
VCR DVD Players Entertainment
CRT Television New leisure activity,
Television LED
Personal Laptops Microprocessor New administrative
Computer system, Internet
services e.g. banking
Incremental innovation is not about making huge changes. On the contrary, firms that
innovate incrementally tend to do so just a little bit at a time. Incremental innovation
is done as cost cutting or feature improvements in existing products or services
The reason for incremental innovation being so popular is because it has reduced
risk in comparison to radical innovation. Once a company has a product up and
running it tends to have built up considerable amounts of human capital and
competencies so the firm may as well devote time to making it better or reducing
Modular innovation refers to the configuration of one or more parts or elements of the
existing product. It may result in the redesign of core components, while architecture
remains unchanged. The use of new or different components is the key element of
modular innovation, especially if the new components possess a new technology.
Is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements had existing market
needs. This is accomplished through providing more effective products, processes,
services, and technologies to the users.
There is overlap and there will be many occasions when it is a matter of judgement
as to which category an innovation should be placed in. innovations are not
homogeneous, innovations vary.
By distinguishing among the many typologies of innovations ,we can better manage
their development and better predict their sources and their impact.