DC Motor Speed Control System - ED4400B

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The document discusses the components and procedure of an experiment on DC motor speed control using a PID controller. Voltage regulation is used to control the speed of the DC motor.

Increasing the voltage applied to the terminals of a DC motor will increase its speed. The voltage regulates the current passing through the armature and thus the rotational force produced.

The components used are a dual attenuator, summing amplifier, pre-amplifier, motor driver amplifier, tacho amp unit, DC power supply, reference and motor coupling potentiometers, tachometer and servo motor.

Control Engineering Laboratory

Electrical Engineering Department

Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Doing experiment of control system is essential to know comparison between control theories
and practical. DC motor speed control system can show response of first order system and also
second order system. Adjusting gain controller will change behavior of the system.

Ogata, K. Modern Control Engineering. 2010.
Anonym. DC Servo Trainer User’s Manual ED-4400B

In this experiment, will used some equipment as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Equipment of DC Motor Speed Control System Experiment

Quantity Designation Description
1 U-151 Dual Attenuator
1 U-152 Summing Amplifier
1 U-153 Pre-Amplifier
1 U-154 Motor Driven Amplifier
1 U-155 Tacho Amp Unit
1 U-156 DC Power Supply
1 U-157 Potentiometer (Reference)
1 U-158 Potentiometer (Motor Coupling)
1 U-159 Tachometer
1 U-161 Servo Motor
13 U-163 Magnet Brake
5 - Power Cable
50 - Jumper Cable

1. Draw block diagram of speed control system!
2. How speed control of DC motor works?

The purpose of this laboratory experience is to provide an introduction to control systems and
give explanation application of control system. In this experiment, will give explanation about
DC motor speed control system. First experiment will do error investigating, the second is
simple position control system the last is closed loop control system.

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

The Components of the Control System

The basic goal of a control system is to produce an output as a response to an input signal or
command and keep it this way in the presence of external interference, disturbances, etc.
Control systems can be basically classified as open-loop systems or closed-loop systems
depending on how they are built. This introductory lab experience will explore both types of

Voltage Regulation
For permanent magnet DC motors, the magnetic field value is constant. Then you only need to
set the magnitude of the voltage at the motor terminals. Current passing through the armature
will cut the magnetic field of permanent magnet. According to the Lorentz law, if there is a
current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field then, there will be a force that moves the
conductor. The magnitude of the force is proportional to the current through conductors. The
amount of current is affected by the voltage received by conductor. A force that emerged later
converted into a rotation force by mechanical rings. The equivalent circuit of the motor can be
seen in Figure 1. While armature resistance is constant, by regulating the voltage at the
terminals, it will regulate the speed of the motor. Where 𝐸𝑠 is voltage terminal, 𝐸𝑜 is induction
voltage, is 𝑅𝑜 armature resistance, and 𝐼𝑜 is armature current.

Figure 1. Equivalent Circuit of Permanent Magnet DC Motor

Increasing the value 𝐸𝑜 will increase the speed of DC motor. If the rotor of the DC motor
attached to output potentiometer is increased the value of 𝐸𝑜 and suddenly decrease it to the
zero value will bring the shaft of motor in the certain position.

Here are the components used in lab module of DC motor speed control system:
1) Dual Attenuator
Components consisting of a dual rotary potentiometer which consists of 10 steps and each
step is reduced to 10%. The total resistance of the po\tentiometer is 100 kOhm.
Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

2) Summing Amplifier
This consists of a series of inverting summing amplifier, so do the operations of addition
and be able to take the role of the gain.

Figure 2. Dual Attenuator Figure 3. Summing Amplifier

3) Pre-amplifier
This module is designed to perform a DC voltage offset settings. Scope of the offset is set
on module capable of approaching + 5 V with a gain of 20 dB.
4) Motor driver amplifier
A component that serves as a protection circuit and servo motor drive. The series consists
of 10 W DC differential amplifier.

Figure 4. Pre-ampliflier Figure 5. Motor Driven Amplifier

5) Tacho Amp Unit

Equipment that works to change the output frequency becomes rpm tachogenerator be
proportional to the DC voltage and polarity (+) or (-), which represents the direction of
rotation of the motor.
6) DC Power supply
Equipment that serves to provide a DC voltage supply equipment amounted to + 15V 0.2A
for modules and + 15V 0.5A to the motor with the input of 220V 50 / 60Hz.

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Figure 7. DC Power Supply

Figure 6. Tacho Amplifier Unit

7) Potentiometer (Reference and Motor coupling)

The module consists of precision potentiometer with a scale of 360 ° swivel that can be
used to set and detect the position. The potentiometer input resistance is 1/10 kOhm with
1/1000 resolution section.
8) Tachometer
The measuring equipment used in conjunction with Amp Tacho Unit and used to the speed
indicator derived from tachogenerator output.

Figure 8. Potentiometer Figure 9. Tachometer

9) DC servo motors
This module consists of a DC motor, gear speed reducer, and tachogenerator. Input voltage
used is 12 V DC with a max power of 4-5 W is the maximum motor speed of 5000 rpm.
10) Magnet brake
These devices have a load coming from eddy currents (eddy current) generated by the
magnetic field on the electric brake and affect slabs installed in a DC motor.

Figure 10. Servo Motor Figure 11. Magnet Brake

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Experiment 1. Motor Speed and Input Characteristics
In general, a motor is a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical rotation. The
key elements of a DC motor are a field winding and an armature winding. As electric currents
flow through the windings, torque is developed between these two windings. In ED-4400B
trainer system, the field winding is replaced by permanent magnets. The permanent magnets
provide constant lines of magnetic flux and therefore, the motor speed becomes only a function
of the voltage applied to the armature winding.

A. Operational Procedure
1. Referring to Figure 12, place the modules needed in the experiment on a flat surface or on
top of the ED-4400B cover, and connect modules as indicated in the Figure 12.
2. Connect Tacho-meter U-159 across U-155 meter and GND.
3. Set the angle on U-157 to 180 degrees.
4. Verify that line voltage is correct (220V). Plug U-156 line cord to the power outlet, and
turn the power switch ON.
5. Turn U-157 slowly counter-clockwise until the motor begins to move. Record the U-157
position and the input voltage.
6. Increase the input voltage by slowly turning the U-157 clockwise. For every on volt
increment of the input voltage (1V, 2V, 3V ...), record the U-159 indication and motor
current in Table 2.

Figure 12. Wiring Diagram of Experiment 1

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

B. Experimental Data
The value that get from Step 6 in operational procedure of Motor Speed and Input
Characteristics write in motor current and speed column as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Experiment of Motor Speed and Input Characteristics

Input Voltage Input Potentiometer Motor Current Motor Speed
(Volt) (Degree) (A) (RPM)
1 0 180
2 0.5
3 1
4 1.5
5 2
6 2.5

C. Analysis and Experimental Task

1. Make a graph on input voltage vs. motor speed using above measurement data!
2. Why there exist a “dead band” input voltage range in a motor?
3. Make a graph on motor speed vs. motor current using data obtained in Step 5 and 6! Review
relationships between these two parameters!

Experiment 2. Motor Speed and Load Characteristics

Typical output ratings of permanent magnet based DC motors range from a few watts to several
hundred watts, and this type of motors exhibit an excellent power efficiency. As was mentioned
earlier, permanent magnets in the motor provide constant magnetic flux(𝐾𝜙). Therefore, the
torque (𝑇) generated in the motor becomes a function of only the input current(𝐼𝑎 ). Also, the
counter 𝑒𝑚𝑓 (electromotive force) of a motor (𝐸𝑎 ) is generated by the action of the armature
conductors cutting lines of force, and is proportional to the speed of the motor (𝜔𝑚). The input
voltage and speed of the motor are related to other parameters according to the following
𝑉𝑡 = 𝐸𝑎 + 𝐼𝑎 . 𝑅𝑎
𝑉𝑡 𝑅𝑎 . 𝑇
𝜔𝑚 = −
𝐾. 𝜙 (𝐾. 𝜙)2
Where 𝑉𝑡 is input voltage and 𝑅𝑎 is resistance of armature coil. It should be noted that input
current increase as mechanical load of motor is increased, resulting in increased input power.

A. Operational Procedure
1. Referring to Figure 13, arrange the modules and connect them together. Attach aluminum
disk to high-speed shaft of U-161 as show in Figure 13.
2. Set U-151 attenuator to “8”, and turn the power switch of U-156 ON. Adjust U-157 to
obtain maximum speed on U-159 without saturation.

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

3. Raise magnet brake setting on U-163 from 0 to 10 by one step each time, and push the
button and measure the RPM on U-159. Record corresponding motor current for each step
readings as indicated on U-156 power supply module in Table 3.
4. Repeat measurements in Step 3 by starting from 10 to 0. Record the corresponding motor
current for each step readings as indicated on U-156 power supply module in Table 4.

Figure 13. Wiring Diagram of Experiment 2

B. Experimental Data
The value that get from Step 3 and 4 in operational procedure of Motor Speed and Load
Characteristics, write in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3. Experiment of Motor Speed and Load Characteristics 0-10

Magnetic Brake Tacho Voltage Motor Current Motor Speed
Scale (V) (A) (RPM)

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Table 4. Experiment of Motor Speed and Load Characteristics 10-0

Magnetic Brake Tacho Voltage Motor Current Motor Speed
Scale (V) (A) (rpm)

C. Analysis and Experimental Task

1. Make a graph that showing the relationships between brake setting, motor speed, and motor
2. What is the effect of overloading a motor?

Experiment 3. Closed Loop Motor Speed Control Techniques

Quite often, when a motor is used as a source of mechanical force, motor is required to
provide constants speed regardless of the change in loads. A closed loop speed control system
is a self-regulating system in which measured speed of motor is compared to preset value to
produce an error output. Detected error voltage is, then, amplified and feedback to the control
circuit to compensate the difference between actual and preset speed. This self-correcting
process continues until the detected error voltage becomes zero. At this point, actual speed of
motor is equal to preset speed, and motor maintains a constant speed.

A. Operational Procedure
1. Referring to Figure 14, arrange the required modules and connect them together.
2. Set the selector switch of Summing Amp U-152 to “a”.
3. Set ATT-2 of the U-151 to “10” to prevent Tacho output from entering the system. Set ATT-
1 to “5”.
4. Turn the power of U-156 ON.
5. Adjust U-157 to obtain about one half of the maximum speed. This is same as setting for
2500 RPM on U-159 meter.
6. Attach a magnet brake U-163. With the brake’s setting increased by one notch at a time,
record the RPM reading at each setting.
7. Measure the error voltage at each brake setting (Note: There is no feedback signal at this
8. Set ATT-2 of U-151 to “5”. Adjust U-157 to obtain the same speed as in Step 5 (around 2500
9. Measure Tacho output and error voltage at different brake points.
10. Change ATT-2 setting to “0”. Adjust U-157 to obtain 2500 RPM.
11. Measure the speed and error voltage at each brake setting.

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Figure 14. Wiring Diagram of Experiment 3

B. Experimental Data
The value that get from Step 6, 7, 9, and 11 from operational procedure of Closed Loop Motor
Speed Control Techniques, write in Table 5.

Table 5. Closed Loop Motor Speed Control Techniques

Magnet Brake Motor Speed Voltage Error
ATT-2 Position
Scale (RPM) (V)
Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. Make a graph that showing the relationships between brake scale and error voltage!
2. Make a graph that showing the relationships between brake scale and motor speed!
3. Draw DC motor speed control system block diagram and explain each component
according to DC servo trainer modules!
4. Explain the mechanism of summing amplifier that can produce error of DC motor speed
control system!

Experiment 4. System Gain and Motor Speed Control System

In a practical system, maintaining a high system gain means reduction of the dead band, as well
as desensitizing motor speed to the load changes. Although large system gain is desired in
general, the gain should be limited to an acceptable level. When gain is beyond acceptable
level, transient characteristics of system will suffer, and it will cause irregular motor rotation.

A. Operational Procedure
1. Referring to Figure 15, arrange all the modules and an oscilloscope and connect them
2. Set the selector switch of U-152 to “a”.
3. Set ATT-1 of U-151 to “9” and ATT-2 to “10”. This will minimize reference setting, and
feedback will be almost zero.
4. Turn the power of U-156 ON. Adjust U-157 to approximately one half of the maximum
motor speed (2500 RPM).
5. Attach disk brake to high-speed shaft of servo motor, and set brake selector to “0”. Raise
brake setting by one increment, and each time, press the brake button and measure the
motor speed and associated error signal.
6. Set U-151 ATT-2 to “5”. Adjust motor speed to 2500 RPM, and repeat Step 5.
7. Using U-157, set motor speed to 2500 RPM. Set U-151 ATT-2 to “5”. Adjust ATT-1 from
0 to 0, and measure the error voltage at each point.
8. For each point of ATT-1 setting, hold high-speed motor shaft by hand and repeat
experiments in Step 7. Compute error deviation ratio as defined by the following equation:

𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑

𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔

*Note : The higher ATT-1 setting means lower system gain.

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Figure 15. Wiring Diagram of Experiment 4

B. Experimental Data
The value that get from step 5, 7, and 9 from operational procedure of System Gain and Motor
Speed Control System, write in Table 6.

Table 6. System Gain and Motor Speed Control System

Magnetic Brake Motor Speed Error Voltage
Scale (RPM) (V)

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Table 7. System Gain and Motor Speed Control System

Motor Speed Error Voltage Error Voltage Error Deviation
(RPM) Running (V) Stalled (V) Ratio

C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. Make a graph that showing the relationships between brake scale, motor speed and error
2. Make a graph that showing the relationships between ATT-1 positions, error voltage and
error deviation!

Experiment 4. PID Controller in DC Motor Speed Control System

We will first investigate the effect of proportional, integral and derivative forms of control on
a very simple system. The motor in a speed control loop is effectively a single-lag system, since
mechanical lag dominates any others, and there is no integration in direct path around loop.

A. Operational Procedure
1. Connect the apparatus as shown in Figure 5, Make the following settings of the controls.
2. On the signal generator
Set the generator to deliver a 5 Vp-p square wave at 0.1 Hz.
3. On the operational amplifier U-152
Select 100kΩ resistive feedback.
On the PID module Y-165B
 Integrator out
 Proportional in, x1, maximum gain
 Derivative out.
4. With the magnetic brake removed from the brake disc, switch on the power supply. The
motor should start to run, first one way and then the other.

Proportional Control
1. Observe the output of the operational amplifier unit on the oscilloscope. This is the deviation
signal, and will be perhaps ±100mV, with superimposed ripple from tachogenerator. (The
large initial error at each reversed may be ignored for the moment).

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Figure 16. The Block Diagram of PID Speed Control

2. Apply a load by setting the brake magnet around the braking disc and adjusting so that the
current indicated on the power supply is about 0.5A.
3. Because more signal is needed to drive the servo amplifier harder, the deviation has now
increased. Make a note of its magnitude, together with PID settings which correspond.
4. An obvious way of reducing the deviation is to integrate the gain. Try setting the proportional
gain switch to x10. Record the new value of deviation and any comment about the general
nature of the performance. It will probably be found that tachogenerator noise swamps the
servo amplifier, giving rise to rather large random deviations.
5. Adjustment of the proportional gain may bring about some improvement, but probably not
much. Record the best deviation figure you can achieve this way.

Proportional + Integral Control

6. Leave the magnetic brake undisturbanced
 Integrator in T = 0.5 x 10s
 Proportional in x1, max gain
 Derivative out

Control Engineering Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

7. It should now be possible to see that after each reversal the deviation is progressively reduced
as the integrator builds up its component of the correcting signal. The effect is exponential
in waveform, because less deviation less the rate at which integrator output changes.
8. If the integrator gain is greatly increased, by switching 𝜏 ×1, the speed will be found to
overshoot, giving an unsatisfactory response to the step speed demands. Find a value of 𝜏,
giving a satisfactory step response and record it, together with the other PID settings. Find
out whether it is as satisfactory when magnetic brake is removed, recording your findings.

Addition of derivative term

It will be found that switching the derivative term ‘in’ will give little benefit, whatever the
settings of the derivative time constant controls. This is largely because the derivative action
increases the effect of the tachogenerator noise.
Derivative control is mainly useful for cancelling one of the lags in a system with two
significant lags, as we shall see in the next equipment.

B. Experimental Data
The value that get from step number four from operational procedure of PID Controller in DC
Motor Speed Control System, write in Table 7.

Table 7. PID Controller in DC Motor Speed Control System

Error Motor
𝑲𝑷 𝝉𝒊 𝝉𝒅 Voltage Speed
(V) (RPM)

C. Analysis and Experiment Task

1. What is your conclusion about the effect of each component of proportional-integral-
derivative controller in DC motor speed control system?
2. Why integral control can minimize error? Explain it!


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