Final Examination Control Systems

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Final Examination Control System 115 questions

Control Systems Questions and Answers – Differential Equations of Physical

Systems and Dynamics of Robotic Mechanisms 16 questions
4. A tachometer is adcled to servomechanism because!
a) It is ea sily
adjustable b} It can
adjust damping
c) It i”ecI uces steacly state erro r
d} It converts veloci of the shaft to a pt oportianal Dc
voltage '^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Expla nation: A tachometer is a clevice to control the speed and acljrist damping and iz is used in
servomechanism to adjust clamping a nd mainly is used in .DC servomotors.

5. A synchra Transmitter is used with control transformer for:

b) Amplification
c)Eiror detection
d) Remote
sensing '^' View

,Answer: c
Expla nation: Synchro tt ansmitter is usecl as the error detector to get the desired speecl and it is
accompained with the synchro transformer which is used as an a mplifiei.

6. The below figure repi esents:

a) Lead network
b) Lag netwo rk
c)PI controller
d) PD controller
^ View Answer

,in swer: b
Explan ation: The ec| uation s of perform ance are
B1 (dX1/ dt- dX2/dt)+k1 (X1-X0)=k2X0
T=k1(1+ B1 s/ K1 )/k1+k2(1+sB1/k1+k2)
X0(s)/X1(s J=1/a(1+ aTs/1+Ts).
7. Backlash in a stable control system may cause:
a) Under damping
b) Over damping
c)High level oscillations
d) Low level oscillations
Vi n e

Answer: d
Explanation: In a servo system, the gear backlash may cause sustained oscillations or chattering
phenomenon and the system may even turn unstable for large backlash.

8. Tachometer feedback in a D.C. position control system enhances stabili ?

b) False
Vi n e

Answer: a
Explanation: Tachometer feedback is derivative feed back and hence increases the stabili and speed of
response, so tachometer adds zero at origin.

9. For a tachometer, if a(t) is the rotor displacement e(t) is the output voltage and K is the tachometer
constant, then the transfer function is given by:
a) Ks2
b) K/s

d) K
Vi n e

Answer: c
Explanation: e(t)=

10. Gear train in the motor is used to reduce the gear ratio?
b) False
Vi n er

Answer: b
Explanation: Gear ratio refers to the ratio of the number of teeths in the respective gears and gear train in the
motor is specifically used to increase the gear ratio.
11. Assertion (A): Servomotors have heavier rotors and lower R/X ratio as compared to ordinary motors of
Reason (R): Servomotor should have smaller electrical and mechanical time constants for faster response.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
Vie n er

Answer: d
Explanation: Ac servomotors are essentially induction motor with low X/R ratio for the rotor which has very

12. Assertion (A): DC servomotors are more commonly used in armature controlled mode than field
controlled mode.
Reason (R)! Armature controlled Dc motors have higher starting torque than fiefs controlled motors.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanatio n of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is
true ie n e

Answer: a
Explanation: To get higher speed in field controlled dc moto r, field current is decreased with decrease in

13 I n case of DC servomotor, the back emf is equivalent to an "electric friction which tends to:
a) Slowly decrease the sta bility of the
system b} Improve stabili of the
c) Very rapidly decrease the stability of the
system d} Have no effect of stability
ie er

Answer: b
Explanation: As Back emf in dc servomotors provides necessary centrifugal force to control the speed of the
motor that i ncreases the stabili of the system.

14. The lagrangian is defined as:

a. Sum of ki netic energy and hydraulic energy
b. Mechanical energy
c. Difference of kinetic and potential energy
d , None of these

Answer: c
Explanation: By definitio n lagrangian is defined as difference of kinetic and potential energy.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Transfer
Functions 10 questions
3. The principle of homogeneity ancl superposition are applied zo:
a)Linear time i nvariant system s
b) N onlinea i tim e invariant systems
c)Linear time variant systems
d) N onlinea i tim e invariant
systems '^' View Answer

,Answer: c
Explanation : Superposition theorem states that for two signals aclditivity ancl homogeneity property must be
satisfied and that is applicable for the LTI systems.

4. In continuous data systems:

a)Data may be continLious function of time at all points in the system
b) Data is necessarily a continuous function of time at all points in the system
c) Data is continuous at the inputs and output parts of the system but not necessai ily cl uring
intermediate processing of the data
d) 0 nIy the reference signal is co ntinuous function of
time '^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Explanation : Continuous signals are the signals having values for the continuo us time and if impulse response
decays to zero as time approaches infinity, the system is stable.

5. A linear system at rest is subject to an input signal r(t)=1-e-‘. The response of the system for t>0 is
give n by c(t)=1 -e-' t. The ti ansfer function of the system is:
a) (s+2)/(s+1)
b) (s+1)/(s+2)
^) 2(s+1 )/ ( s+2)
d) (s+1)/2(s+2)
'^' View Answer

.Answer: c
Explan ation: c(t)=1 -e
*t R(s)=1/s-1/s+1
C(s)= 1/s-1 /s+2

6. In I egenerating the feedback, the transfer function is given

by a) C(sl/R(s)=G(s)/1+G(s)H(s)
b) C(s)/R(sJ=G(s)H(s)/1-G(s)H(s)
cJ C(s)/R(s)=G(s)/1+G(s)H(s)
d) C(s)/R(s}= G(s)/ 1-G(s)H(s)
^' View Answer

.Answer: d
Explan ation: Regenerating feedback is positive feedback and iz increases the infinitely and hence the speecl
of response of the system recluses.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Block
diagram Algebra 10 questions
1. CDnsider the black diagram shawn below:

If the transfer function of the system is given by T(s}=G1G2+G2G3/1+X. Then X is:

a) G2G3G4
b) G2G4
c) G1G2G4
d) G3G4
Vie e

Answer: b
Explanation: Use the techn 9ue of making two diPerent block diagram by dividing two summers and use the
approaches of shiking take off pDint and blocks.
2. For the block diagram given in the following figure, the expression of C/R is:

a) G1G2G3/1—G2G1
b) G1G2/1-GI G2G3
c) G1G2G3Y1—G1 G2G3
d) G1G2/G3(1—G1 G2)
" View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Block diagram is being converted inta signal flow graphs ay considering each take off paint as a
node and each forward transfer function as forward gain.

3. The transfer function from D(s) to Y(s) is :


a) 2/3s*T
b) 2/3s+1
c) 6/3s+7
d) 2/3s+6

Answer: a
Explanation: Y(s)/D(s)=2/3s+171+3^(2Y3s+1)=2/3s+7.
4. The closed loop gain of the system shown in the given figure is

a) -9/5
b) -G/5

d) 9/5
'^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Explanation ! C(s)/R(s)=-3/1+3/2=-G/5.

5. The advantage of block diagram representation is that ir is possible to evaluate the contribution of each
component to the overall performance of the system.
b) False
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Explanation : The advantage of the block diagram is that it is possible to get the contribution of each block to
the overall perfot mance of the system.
6. The overall transfer function fi am block diagram I eduction far ca scaded b
locks is : a} Sum of ind ividu al gain
b) Product of inclividua I gain
c)D iffei ence of individ dial gain
d) Division of individual gain
'^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Explanation! Gain of block get m riltiplied when they ai e cascadecl where cascadecl means that the blocks
are in series combination with no summer in between.

7. The overall transfer function of cwo blocks in parallel at e :

a} Sum of ind ividu al gain
b) Product of inclividua I gain
c)D iffei ence of individ dial gain
d) Division o1 individual
gain '^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Explanation: The gains get aclded as the blocks ai e connectecl in parallel with the summer in bemeen and
they are connected with the same sign.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Signal Flow
Graphs 10 questions
1. A signal flow grap h is the gi a phical representation of the relationsfs ips between the variables of set linear
algebraic equations.
a) True
bJ False
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Ex plan ation ! By clefin itio n sign al flow grap hs at e the graph ical representation of the relationships between the
vai iab les of set linear algebraic ec|uations.

2. A node h avi ng only a ritgoing branches.

a) I np ut node
b} 0 utput nocle
c) Inc oming
noble dJ O
ut°oing node '^'
View Answer

,Answer: a
Ex plan ation ! N odes are the point by wls ich the bi anches ai e outgo i ng oi ingaing and this can be in put or output
node and in put node is the n ode having on Iy outgoing branches.
3. Use m asan’s gain foi mul a to fincl the transfer function of the given signs I flow bra th:

a) abd/1-(ac)
b) abde /1-(be+ef)+beef
c} abd/ 1-(be+e§+beef
d) adcdef/1-(be+ef)+beef
'^' View Answer

.Answer: b
Ex pIa n ation: Using mason’s gain lot mula ti ansfer function from sign al floor graph can be calculatecl which
relates the fa rward path gain to the various paths and loops.
Use m asan’s gai n fat mul a to fincl the transfer function of the following sign al flow graph

a) abcd+efg/1 -cd-fg-cdfg
b)acdfg+bcefg/ 1-cd-fg-ccIfg
c) abef+bccI/1 -cd-fg-cdfg
d) adcdef J-cdfg-c‹fg

,Answer: b
Explan ation: Using mason’s gain foi mula ti ansfe r function from sign al fl ow graph can be caICLIIatecI
which relates the fa rwa rd path gain to the various paths and loops.
S Lao p which do n at passes s any co mrna n n ode a re said to be loops .
a)Forwa rd gain
b) Touchi ng loops
c) N on to uching loops
d) Feedback gain
View Answer

.Answer: c
Explanation : Loop is the pa rt of the network in which the branch stalls fi am the node ancl comes back to the
same node and non touching loop must nat h ave any node in common.

6. Signal fl ow gi a phs:
a) They apply to lineal systems
b) The equation obta in ed may or may not be in the form of cause oi
effect cJ Arrows are not impa rtant in the graph
d) They cann at be converted back to block
cliagram View Answer

.in swer: a
Explan ation: Signal flow grap hs are useel to find the ti ansfer function of canti ol system by converting the b
lock diagrams inta sign al flow graphs ar clirectly but cannot be us eel for no nlinear systems.
7. Signal fl ow gt aphs are reliable to fincl tt ansfer function than b lock diagram i eel u ction
technique. a} True
b) Fa Ise
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Expla n ation: ,is o ne set technique ancl farmLila is us eel hei e but in block diagt am technique vai-ious
methods are involved which increases complexity.

8. The relationship between an input a nd output vai iab Ie of a signal flow graph is given by the net gain
between the input and output nocle is known as the overall
a} Overall gai n of the system
b) Stability
c) 9a ndwiclth
d) Speed
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Expla nation: The relationship between input ancl output vat-iable of a signal flow graph is the overa II gain of
the system
9. Use m asan’s gai n foi mul a to calculate the tt ansfer fun ction of given figure:

a) GI/1+G2H
b) G1+G2/1+G 1
H cJ G2/1+GI H
d) None of the mentionecl
^' View Answer

,in swer: b
Explan ation: U se m asan’s gain formula to solve the sign al flaw gi aph ancl by risi ng mason’s gain form
ul a transfer function fi am signal flow gt aph can be calculated which relates the forward path gain to the va
i-ioLi S paths and loops.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Feedback
and Non-feedback Systems 10 questions
3. Feedback always increases the gain7
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: It cannot always increase gain it can also reduce the gain as gain of Open loop control
system is more as compared to iL

4. EPect of feedback on sensiavity is minimum in:

a)Open loop control system
b) Closed loop control system
c) hlane of the mentioned
d) Both of the

Answer: b
Explanation: Sensitivity is defined as the change in output with respect to change in parameter or input and
far a good control system the sensitivity must be less and in closed loop control system it gets reduced
by the factor of 1/(1+GH).
5. Feedback control systems are:
a) Insensitive to both forward and feedback path parameter changes
b} Less sensitive to feedback path parameter changes than to forward path parameter changes
c) Less sensitive to forward path parameter changes that to feedback path parameter
changes d} Equally sensitive to forward feedback path parameter changes
i er

Answer: c
Explanation: Feedback control system can be positive and negative but pasitive feedback systems less
widely used as the posiQve feedback systems are more sensiQve to parameter variations but negative
feedback are less sensitive to change in G than change in H.
6. Consider the following statements with respect to the feedback of the control systems:
1. Feedback can improve stability or be harmful to stability if it is not properly applied.
2. Feedback can always improve stability
3. In many situations the feedback can reduce the elTect of noise and disturbance on system
4. In general the sensitivity of the system gain of a feedback system of a parameter variation depends
on where the parameter is located.
a}1,2and 3 only
b)1,3 and 4 only
c)1,2 and 4 only
d) 1,2,3 and 4 only

Answer: b
Explanation: Negative feedback increases stability but not pasitive positive feedback reduces the stability
and for this reason negative feedback systems are used .
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Control of
the Effects of Disturbance Signals by Use of Feedback
9 questions
1 . Regenerative feedback implies feed back with
a) Oscillation s
b} Step input
c) Negative
sign dJ
Positive sign '^'
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,in swer: d
Explan ation: Regenet ative feeclback that is the positive feedback implies feedback with Positive sign and
lot ca mplementaty root locus is for the i egenei ative feedback.

2. The output of a feedback contro I system must be a fLl Action of

a) Refer ence ancl
output b} Refei e me
ancl input
c) Input and feedback signal
dJ 0utput a nd feedback signal
'^' View Answer

,Answer: d
Explanation: The response of the control system is the output of the control system that clepends
upon the transfer function of the system and feedback system and also upon the input of the system.

3. A control system with excessive n oise, is likely to suffer fro m

a)Satrii ation in amplifying stages
b) Lass of gain
d) Oscillations
'^' View

,Answer: a
Explanation : Noise is defined as the unwnated output due zo the input and this is due to the excessive
bandwiclth ancl control system with excessive noise is likely zo suufer from saturation in amplifying stages.

4. Zero initial far a system means

a)Input i efei ence signal is zero
b) Zero stored enet-gy
c)Initial movement of moving pans
d) System is at rest and no energy is stared in any of its
components '^' View Answer

,Answer: d
Explanation : Zero initial condition means that the system is at rest ancl no energy is stored in any of its
ca mpanent.
5. Ti ansfer function of a system is Li sed to calculate which of the following?
a) The or de r of the system
b) The time constant
c)The autput for any given input
d) The steacly state
gain '^' View Answer

,Answer: c
Explan ation: Transfer function of a system is that ratio of Laplace output to the Laplace input at zero initial
canclitions and which is used to calcul ate the oritp ut foi any given input.

6. The band wiclth, in a feedback amplifier.

a) Remains unaffected
b) Decreases by the sa me amount as the gain increase
c) Increases by the same amount as the gain decrease
d) Decreases by the sa me amount as the gain
decrease '^' View Answer

.Answer: c
Explan ation: The banclwidth is definecl as the difference in the higher frequency to the in put fi equency
and increase in the banclwidth leads to the noise and in a feedback a mplifiet incl ea ses by the same
amount as the ga in clec reases.

7. On which of the following facto rs does the sen sitivity of a c losed loop system to ga in changes a nd load
distrii bances depencl ?
a) Frequency
b) Loop gain
c} Fa rwarcl gain
d) All of the
mentioned '^' View

.Answer: d
Explan ation: Sen sitivity is defined as the change in the output with respect to the chs nge in the parameter
vai Nations ancl the change in the inp ut ancl load clisturbances depends upon ft ec| riency loop gain and
forwa I d ga in.

8. The transient response, with feedback system,

a) Rises slowly
b) Rises quickly
c} Decays slowly
d) Decays quickly
'"' View Answer

,Answer: d
Explan ation: transient response is th e i esponse that is between time t=0 and at any time ancl behavior s
depe ncls upon the value of damping factor ancl maxim Lim per k oversh oot.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Linearizing
Effect and Regenerative Feedback 8 questions
3. Assertion (A): Practical systems must be closed loop system.
Reason (R): This is due to the fact that closed loop systems are least affected by parameter variations, stable,
higher bandwidth, linear and more speed of response.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation
of A. c} A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is
true. Vi n er

Answer: a
Explanation: Practically systems used must be linear to avoid error, ease of calibration and also to get
accurate results but the systems used are non-linear to avoid the error due to the linearly they are

4. Regenerative feedback is also called as

a) Negative feedback
b) Positive feedback
cJ No feedback
d) Negative and Positive Feedback
Vi n er

Answer: b
EXplanation: As the name implies that is regenerates the oscillations hence by name it can be positive.
5. Which of the following are the characteristics of regenerative feedback:
aJ Zero damping
b) Stable
c)Least sensitive to parameter variations
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Output response is slow and sluggish and transient time is more due to the oscillations.

6. Which of the following are true:

a} Sensitivity of regenerative feedback is more than negative feedback but less than non-feedback system
b) Sensitivity of regenerative feedback is more non-feedback system but less than negative feedback system
c) Sensitivity of regenerative feedback is less than both
d) Sensitivity of regenerative feedback is more than
both ice

Answer: c
Explanation: Sensitivi of the positive feedback system is even more than non-feed back system and it is
more by a factor of 1/1-GH
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Linear
Approximation of the Non-Linear System 15 questions
3. I n an a Litomatic control system which of the following elements is not us
eel ? a} Erro r detecto r
b) Find I control element
c) Sensor
d) Oscillator
^ View Answer

,Answer: d
Explan ation: In an automatic control system oscillator is not used beca use the oscillator increases the
oscill atio ns but o ur a im is to reduce the oscillations and hence oscill ator is not usecl.

4. I n a co nti ol syste m the outpLit of the controlled is

given to a} Final contra I element
b) Amplifier
c) Comparata r
d) Se nsor
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Explanation: I n conti ol system the output of the canto oller is given to the final control element it may be the
plant oi any othei controlled which -ever is useel in the control cix cuit.

5. A controlled , essentially, is a
a) Sensor
b) Clipper
c) Comparatar
d) Amplifier
'^' View Answer

,Answer: c
Explan ation: A controller is essentially the co mpa i ator which compares the given input with the reference
input ancl generates the erroi signal

6. Which of the following is the input to a controlled ?

a) Servo signa I
b) Desii ed variable val die
c)El ror signal
d) Sensed signal
'^' View

,Answer: c
Explan atio n! El i or signal is the inp ut to the controller and it causes the autp ut to be the desi i ed autput.
7. The an-off controller is a system
aJ Digital
b) Linear
c)N on-linear
d) D iscontinuo
his '^' View

,Answer: d
ExpIa nation : The o n-off controlled is cliscontinuous az the point when the system changes its state from on

8. The capacitance, in farce-current analogy, is an aIo=ous

to aJ D1omentuic
b) Veloci
c)Displa cement
d) Mass
'^' View Answer

,Answer: d
ExpIa nation : The capacitance in the farce curl ent is analogous to the mass and this anaIog=y is also
called pa rallel analogy as mostly a II the elements ai e pat allel.

9. The temperature, undei tlierm al and electrical system analogy, is consider ed analogous zo
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Ca gacitance
d) Charge
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Ex pIa n ation: The ternperature undei thermal and electrical syste m analogy is cansiclered analogous to the
voltage and is similar to the Foi ce voltage analogy.

10 In electrical-pneumazic system an alogy the cut rent is consider ed analogo his zo

a) Velocity
b) Pressure


,Answer: d
Ex pIa n ation: In electi ical -pneum atic system analogy the current is anal odious to the air-flaw rate
11 1 The use of feeclback element in the feedback loop is:
a) It convents the output varia ble ’c’ to another suitable feeclback vai iable ’b’ to compare with the input
command signal.
b) It is the actuating
element c} To incl ease
the stability
d) None of the mentionecl
^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Explanation : The feedback can be positive a nd negative ancl so appliecl is to prod rice the erroi signal so as
to get the desired output.

12. . The m ajar co mpo nents of a controlled are:

a)Co nti ol element
b) El ror detector ancl control eleme
nt c} Feed back el ement
d) El ror detector ancl feeclback eleme nt
^' View Answer

.Answer: b
Explanation : Conti oller is the extra block used in the system to get the desired characteristics and consists
of two major components as the error cletector and conta ol element in the forward path.
13. Practically all the elements ai e:
b) Non-linear
c} Exponential
d) N one of the mentionecl
^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Expla n ation: It is not practically possib Ie to achieve linear elements as there is some erro r present so pi
actically all the elements present are non-linear but can be macle linear only to some extent.

14. The need of assuming nan-linear e lement as linear:

a)Simplicity of an alysis and accuracy of results
b) Ease of calc ulations
c)Less time consuming
d) Mathematical tool avail
abIe '^' View Answer

,Answer: d
Expla nation: All the mathematical tools are available as per ideal cases so it is necessary zo make
assumptions for nan-ideal to be nearly ideal and hence do the necessary calculations as needed.
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Controller
Components – I 12 questions
3. Which of the motions in actuators are prefei I ed:
b) Rota ry
cJ Stationary
d) Non-Stationary
'"' View Answer

.Answer: b
Explanation : .in actuator in a control systems perfoi m variety of task in hyclraulic, pneumatic and elects
ical system but majorly they are all controlling rotary motions.

4. Asseizion (A): Electric actuators are used control system for high torque applications.
Reason (R): Due za Iinea i speed-Torque chat acteristics.
a)Both A and R are true and R is core ect explanation of,P
b) 9ath A and R are true but R is not correct explanation
of A c} A is true but R is faIse
d) A is false but R is true
^' View Answer

,in swer: a
Explan atio n! Electric actuators are the clevices that ai e used to convert non measurable farm of eneigy
into measurable and are used i n high rarque applications clue to linear speed torque characteristics but n
at used in low speecl where hydraulic actriata rs at e still used.
5. Law power DC and AC mota rs are also kn own as
a)Servomoto rs
b) Tachogenet atoi s
c)A.C. generators
d) D.C. generators
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Expla nation! Electric actuators are of rwo kincls‘ ac and dc motor s ancl with law power rating they are
callecl ac servamatot s.

6. The toi que clevelopecl by the mata r when stationary with the full applied voltage
a)Sta IIecI torque
b) Torque
c)Fa rce
d) Couple
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Expla n ation: Stallecl torc|ue is the impa rtant figure of met-it of Servomotor which is important far
linearity chs i acteristics.
7. High torque/inertia ratio means:
a)Stalled torque
b)Stalled inertia
c)Stalled toque/inertia
ratio d} Lower motor time
i er

Answer: d
Explanation: High tor9uefinertia ratio means the ration of torque to the inertia should be high as for higher
torque the inertia must be very low and this indicates lower time constant as it leads to dynamic response.

8. Electric actuators for stepped motion are known as stepper motor.

a) True
b) False
i er

Answer: a
Explanation: Stepper motors are the motors in which the motion generated is in the form of steps with
respect to the time and warks on the same principle as electric actuators but with stepped motion.

9. DC motors can be modeled as:

a) Armature controlled
b) Field Controlled
clBodha and b
d) None of the mentioned
i er

Answer: c
Explanation: DC motors are the motors that work o the direct current and commutators are replaced by
slip rings and can be classified based on the construction as armature controlled or field controlled.

1D. Assertion (A}: Pneumatic actuators are not as messy as hydraulic ones.
Reason (R): Pneumatic suffer from leakages and inherent inaccuracies.
a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is nat correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is
true i er

Answer: b
Explanation: Pneumaoc actuators are the devices that convert the motion of air into measurable form of
the energy and can also be used in low speed applications but they suffer leakages and inherent in
Control Systems Questions and Answers – Concept of
Stability 15 questions
3. Asymptotic stability is concerned with:
a) A system under influence of input
bJ A system not undei influence of input
c) A system under influence of output
d) A system not undei influence of
output '^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Explan ation! Asymptotic stability conce rns a free system relative to its transient beh avior.

d. 9a unded i nput ancl 9a undecl oritp ut stability notio n concerns with

a) A system under inflLience of input
b} A system not undei influence of inp ut
c) A system under influence of oLitp ut
d} A system not undei influence of output
'^' View Answer

,Answer: a
Explanation: BIBO stability concerns with the system that has input present.

5. If a system is given unbounded inp ut then the system is:

a) Stable
b} Unstable
c) Not defined
d) Linear
View Answer

,Answer: c
Explan ation: If the system is give n with the unbouncled inpLit then nothing can be clarified for the stability of
the system.

6. Linear mathematical model applies to

a) Linear system s
b) Stable systems
c) Unstable systems
d} N on-linear
systems '*' View

,Answer: b
Explan ation: As the outpLit exceeds certa in magnitucle then the linear mathematical model n a longer
7. For non-linear systems stability cannot be cl etermined dLi e to:
a) Possible existence of multiple eguilibrium states
b) Na correspondence between bounded input anal bounded output stab ili and asymptotic stability
c) 0 utput may be bounded for the particular bounded input b ut may not be bounded for the bounded inp uts
d) All of the
mentioned Vie Ans

Answer: d
Explanation: For nan-linear systems stability cannot be determined as asymptotic stabili and BIBO
stabili concepts can not be applied, existence of multiple states and unbounded output for many bauncled

8. If the impLilse response in absolutely integrable then the system is :

a) Absolutely stable
b) Unstable
c) Linear
d) Stable
se r

Answer: a
Explanation: The impulse response must be absolutely integrable for the system to absolutely stable.

9. The roots of the transfer function do not have any effect on the stability of the
system. aJ True
b) False
Vi ns er

Answer: b
Explanation : The roots of transfer function also cletermine the stabili of system as they may be real,
complex anal may have multiplici of vario us oral er.

10. Roots with higher multiplicity on the imaginary axis makes the
system a} Absolutely stable
b) Unstable
d) Stable
Vi ns er

Answer: b
Explanation : Repetitive roots on the imaginary axis makes the system unstable.
11.. Roots on the imaginary axis makes the system :
b) Unstable
c)Marginally stable
d) Linear
'"' View Answer

.Answer: c
Explanation! Roots on the im aginaty axis makes the system margin ally stable.

12.If the roots of the h ave negative real parts then the response is
b) Unstable
c)Margi n ally stable
d) 9a unded
'"' View Answer

.Answer: d
Explanation! If the roots of the have negative real parts then the response is borindecl ancl eventually
decreases to zei”o.

13. If root of the characteristic equation has positive I eal part the system is
b) Unstable
c)Marginally stable
d) Linear
'^' View Answer

,Answer: b
Explan atio n! The impulse res panse of the system is i nfinite when the roots of the ch aracteristic equation
has positive real part.

14. ,P linear system can be classified as :

aJ Absolute Iy stable
b) Conditionally stable
d) All of the
mentioned '^' View

,Answer: d
Explanation: A system can be stable, unstable and canclitionally stable also.
15 is a quantitative measure of how fast the transients die out in the system.
a) Absolutely stable
b} Conditionally stable
c) Unstable
d} Relative
Stability Vi An

Answer: d
Explanation: Relative Stabili may be measured by relative settling times of each root or pair of roots.

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