Packed Towers
Packed Towers
Packed Towers
Experiments in which a liquid film runs over a vertical string of spheres surrounded
by a concentric tube through which air is blown upward have shown that loading in a
packed tower is due to the formation of standing waves on the liquid film. In the ball-and-
tube system a wave is formed just below the equator of each ball, owing to the pressure
gradient within the air stream as it accelerates through the narrowing gap between the
ball and the tube. Interfacial shear and surface tension are of secondary importance. The
similarity between the characteristics of the ball-and-tube system and those of the randomly
packed tower suggests that loading in the latter system is also due to wave formation.
With this concept of loading, a correlation has been d8rived.
\ \ '\
pRopoRlloNAL~p GAS
~ i 1. ~F~~~~~
. on an element of the liquid Fig. 3. Liquid paraffin (p== 300 centipoises) flowing over l.~-in.-diarneter balls inside
film of thickness 1. 1.75-in.-diameter tube.
(A) Loading
- (. B, ) (C) Floodinn I
-4 AIRFLOW G [LB./(HR.) (sQ.FT.)]
2! 0.01
I , ,
I I ,,,I I I 1
1.1 I., ,I
tion up the tube, together with theoretical
calculations, make it clear that the wave
formation is due to the pressure gradient
balancing the gravity forces.
That the wave formation corresponds
to loading in a packed tower is clear from
Fig. 5. Variation of mean pressure gradient a study of the holdup and pressure-drop
with air flow. 1.49-in. balls in 1.75-in. tube:
A = no liquid, B = water rate of 117 lb./ characteristics and a comparison of them
(hr.)(sq. ft.); 8.66-in. column with 1-in. with the corresponding characteristics
ceramic rings (9): C = no liquid, D = water for packed towers. This comparison of
rate of 1,250 Ib./(hr.)(sq. ft.), E = water characteristics shows that the ball-and-
rate of 12,500 lb./(hr.)(sq. ft.). tube system is a good model of a packed
was used in place of water t o find the effect formation shown in Figure 3 A ; it there- U = uo
d2 (1)
of higher viscosity.
Liquid holdup on the 1.49411. balls was
fore seems likely that loading in a ran-
domly packed tower is due t o wave
1 -D COS’ e - 4dt
o” cos e
Page 326 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1958
From Bernoulli's theorem TABLE1. LOADING
[Equation (9)
Reference A B 1.195A
2. The liquid-film thickness is calcu- (1 - €)"2(3€ - l)'l'
lated from a balance between the forces
in Figure 1. The velocity is assumed to be Ball and tube
a parabolic function of distance measured Ball Tube
normal to the surface, and since the diam., diam.,
surface of the ball is nearly vertical in. in.
where the wave is formed, cos 8 1. 1.49 1.75 0.032 26 0.51 0.27
The film thickness is therefore calculated 1 .oo 1.22 0.058 14 0.55 0.31
by neglecting the kinetic energy of the 0.50 0.63 0.064 5.9 0.58 0.25
liquid in the same way as in reference 5 : 1.96 2.50 0.066 21 0.60 0.23
1.49 2.00 0.11 21 0.64 0.26
1.49 2.50 0.16 21 0.77 0.20
Quartz, 2 in. 0.015 63 0.46 0.27
Serrated grids
From Equation (3) it is clear that 2 in. 0.16 77 0.83 0.18
- d p / d z cannot exceed p L g , and in the 1.5in. 0.10 41 0.89 0.10
previous paper (5) it was shown that Stacked rings
wave formation occurs when 3-in.stoneware 0.058 31 0.76 0.075
Random rings
0.5-in.stoneware 0.024 16 0.61 0.075
-dp = apLg (4) 1-in. carbon 0.018 23 0.66 0.039
dz 1-in.carbon 0.032 22 0.70 0.055
1 .Sin. stoneware 0.028 28 0.72 0.044
where a is less than unity and varies 1 .@in. stoneware 0.032 25 0.73 0.048
from system to system. a can be predicted 1 .@in. stoneware 0.030 19 0.80 0.035
theoretically by relaxation methods (5), 0.Sin. metal 0.024 13 0.87 0.024
but in the present paper it will be left as 2.0-in.metal 0.033 31 0.92 0.034
an unknown parameter.
To give dp/dz a t the wave crest,
Equation (1) is differentiated, with the
simplification that dt/dz = 0 a t the wave This equation can be generalized by this occurs it is necessary to put
crest. In Equation (1)it is also permissible writing d and D in terms of the voidage, dp/dzz = 0. Using Equations (l), (2),
to put t C O S ~8 2 t.since the wave is c, and a, the wetted area per unit volume: and (6), with t = 0 and 22 = -d Sin 8,
formed near the equator, and using the gives the angle for maximum pressure
resulting expression for dU/dz with gradient:
Equations (2) and (4)gives the condition
for loading: 3e - 1
sin2 6 = 15(1 - e) (7)
D ~ ( I-
4U02dsin 0
aCOs a
Dda e --
a = D4d2 J This equation gives the angle for maxi-
mum pressure gradient in the absence of
4dt>" The wave will be formed where -dp/dz the liquid film and will therefore be
is maximum, and to find the angle where applicable only a t very low liquid rates.
- (5)
ffpLg Eliminating t, d p / d z , 8, d, and D from
Equations (3) to (7) gives the final
condition for loading:
=I----- 5
0 06
where A and B are functions which are
given in temis of the packing dimensions
by Equation (8) for the ball-and-tube
system but have to be determined experi-
mentally for other packings. The area a
0 0
.0 0 4
.0 0 4
. 0.18
has not been included in the constants
A and B to keep them dimensionless.
Fig. 8. Determination of A and B, Equation (Q), for the ball-and-tube systems. In each
circle the upper and lower numbers are the ball and tube diameters. The left-hand symbol To get A and B in Equation (9),
is for air-water; the other is for air-liquid paraffin. Gpa/pOpLg a t loading is plotted as a
0 3111STONEWARE particular system. This is further indi-
RANDOM RINGS cated in Figure 8, where for any ball-and-
> 0 5111 STONEWARE
tube system the results are somewhat
0 I i n CARBON
A I In CARBON scattered around the fitted straight line;
Figures 8 and 9, nevertheless, correlate
8 I. O m STONEWARE the results reasonably well and justify
6 0 5!n METAL
the assumption that, to a first approxi-
@ 2 0 i n METAL
was explained above, a may be thought CONCLUSIONS pL = liquid density, lb./cu. ft.
of as the maximum pressure gradient
within the packing in feet of liquid per 1. Loading in a packed tower is caused LITERATURE CITED
foot of height and cannot exceed unity. by the formation of standing waves on
the liquid film a t points within the packing 1. Sherwood, T. K., G. H. Shipley,
In reference 5 a was about 0.6 and the and F. -4.L. Holloway, Ind. Eng.
difference from unity was attributed where the pressure gradient, due to
acceleration of the gas, is maximum. In Chem., 30, 765 (1938).
partly to interfacial shear and partly to 2. Bain, W. A., and 0. A. Hougen,
interaction between the water film and a randomly packed tower loading is
Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs.,
. . 40,.
the air stream. I n Table 1, a is about thought to be a gradual process, the 29 (1944).
wave formation occurring over a small 3. Dell. F. R.. and H. R. C. Pratt. J.
0.25 for the ball-and-tube system,
and simple boundary-layer calculations range of air flows, although the evidence A p p i . Chem.’ (London),2, 429 (1952).
showed that the lower value is due to for this is not direct. 4. Hoffing, E. H., and F. J. Lockhart,
interfacial shear. . 2. -4t largc voidages loading will start Chem. Eng. Progr., 50, 94 (1954).
a t the bottom, and the practice of putting 5. Davidson, J. F., and J. E. Howkins,
Strictly, it is not possible to calculate Proe. Roy. SOC. (London), 240A, 29
a for the other packings, since its relation
larger, and possibly graded, packing a t
the bottom is a good one. (1957).
to A is not known. However, the values 6. Chilton, T. H., and A. P. Colburn,
in Table 1, calculated from the ball-and-
3. Interfacial shear has a secondary
Ind. Eng. Chem., 23, 913 (1931).
tube formula, indicate interesting trends. effect on loading and is most important 7. - , Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs.,
The serrated grids show, as might be a t large voidages. 26, 178 (1931).
4. Surface tension has a secondary 8. Cullen, E. J., Ph.D. thesis, Univ.
expected, the greatest similarity to the
effect on loading, although it is quite Cambridge, England (1956).
ball-and-tube system, For the random
important for small sizes of packing. 9. Sarchet, B. R., Trans. Am. Inst.
paekings it is not clear whether the low Chem. Engrs., 38, 283 (1942).
5. Equation (9), which is a linear rela-
values of a are due to the packing geom- 10. Leva, Max, “Tower Packings and
tion between the dimensionless velocity
etry or to interfacial shear; however, the Packed Tower Design,” p. 35, United
head in the gas and the dimensionless
success of Equation (9) in correlating all States Stoneware Co., Akron, Ohio
liquid-film thickness, is suitable for corre-
the results indicates that shear is of (1953).
lating loading points. The correlation is 11. Piret, E. L., C. A. Mann, and Thomas
secondary importance in randomly packed
semiempirical, because constants A and Wall, Ind. Eng. Chem., 32, 861 (1940).
3. Surface Tension. I n Figures 8 and 9, B have to be determined for each packing 12. Elgin, J. C., and F. B. Weiss, Ind.
by measuring the loading point a t two Eng. Chem., 31, 435 (1939).
the results for the 0.50-in. balls are
liquid rates. The loading point a t other 13. Shulman, H. L., C. F. Ullrich and
extremely scattered, probably because of N. Wells, A.I.Ch.E. Journal, 1, 247
liquid rates, and for different gases and
surface tension, which would affect the (1955).
liquids, can then be predicted.
loading point by stabilizing the wave and 14. Morris, G. A., and J. Jackson, “Ab-
by altering the shape of the interstitial sorption Towers,” pp. 24, 25, 38, 39,
meniscus. Both these effects would be Butterworths, London, (1953).
magnified for smaller packings and would ACKNOWLEDGMENT 15. Howkins, J. E., and J. F. Davidson,
be different for water and liquid paraffin, J. E. Howkins wishes to acknowledge the Chem. Eng. Sci., 7, 235 (1958).
the surface tension of the latter being support given by a Gas Council Scholarship Manuscript received Aun. 1 4 , 1957; revised Jan.
approximately 30 dynes/cm. to enable him to carry out this work. $0, 1958; accepted Feb. 6 , 1958.