Helical Buckling in Tubing: Supplied Force

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Helical Buckling in Tubing

During completion tubing design process, it is necessary to calculate the

variations in length for the stresses applied under load conditions. When these have been
determined it will confirm the suitability of the selected tubing. Tubing movement occurs
due to only two reasons:
1- Temperature changes.
2- Change in pressure induced forces.

Changes in temperature and in pressure inside and outside of tubing sealed in a

packer, depending on the type of packer and how it is set will:
1- Increase or decrease the length of the tubing with a packer permitting free motion
of the tubing.
2- Induce tensile or compressive forces in the tubing and packer if free motion is not
permitted within a packer which is rigidly attached to the casing.
3- Unseal a permanent-type packer where the seal nipple section is not long enough
and the tubing is not latched into the packer.
4- Unseal a packer not rigidly attached to the casing.

Movement can only occur if the tubing is free to move. If the tubing is not free to
move and is anchored to a packer then stress will be subjected to the tubing string and
packer. Tubing movement upwards (contraction) is assumed to be negative and
downwards (lengthening) is positive.

Supplied force
Assume there is steel hung freely inside tube as shown in figure (3-1). If tension force
effect on steel from bottom, the steel be in tensile case and remain straight as shown in
figure (3-1A). Either compressive force effect on steel from bottom, the steel be in
compress case and may be buckled. The helix shown in figure (3-1B) has a variable pitch
as the compressive force is progressively lowered by the weight of the pipe hanging
below. The buckling effect is greater when pressure differential is applied across the pipe.
Unless the tubing string is shorter or the compressive force is exceedingly high, some of
the tubing will be buckled and the rest straight. The exact point between the buckled and
straight sections is the “Neutral point”.


A- Compressive Force A- Tension Force

Figure (3-1) force effect.

The neutral point can be calculated from the following:

n = F …….. (3-1)
n = Distance from the bottom of tubing to the neutral point
F = Supply force, for compression force have +ve value (lb)
W = Weight per unit length (lb/in)

The pitch length can be calculated from the following;

h = π ( 8EI )1/2 …(3-2)
h = Pitch (in)
E = Young modulus of elasticity, for steel = 30 * 106 psi
I = Moment of inertia of tubing cross section with respect to its diameter, in4

I = π/64 (D4 – d4) …..(3-3)

D = Outside diameter of tubing, in
d = Inside diameter of tubing, in

Figure (3-2) shows different types of packers hold on it production tubing.

Area Ai Area Ai

Area Ae Area Ae

pi pe

pi pi

Area Ap Area Ap

Tubing diameter< Packer diameter Tubing diameter > Packer diameter Tubing diameter = Packer diameter

Figure (3-2) types of production packers.

To analyze the effected force that predicted to occur in the production tubing, assume
that the tubing contain fluid applied pressure at the packer seal, this pressure induced
actual force on tubing wall, that estimate as;
Fa = ( Ap – Ai ) Pi ….(3-4)
Fa = Actual force
Ap = Area based on diameter of packer, in²
Ai = Area based on inside diameter of tubing, in²
Pi = Pressure at packer seal in tubing, psi

In fact the force that cause bulking in tubing is not the actual force, its more grater than
actual force called fictitious force,
Ff = Ap Pi …..(3-5)

To simulate the real conditions in oil well, it will have completion fluid in both the
tubing and the annulus, this fluid cause outer and inner pressure (po, pi), therefore fictitious
force equal:
Ff = Ap ( pi – po) …..(3-6)

There are three methods in which tubing is connected to the packer as shown in figure
1- Packers permitting free movement: Tubing is fully free to move either way.
2- Packers limited downward movement: The tubing is positioned where it is fully
free to move upwards but its downward movement is restricted and stress applied
to the packer.
3- Anchored tubing: The tubing is connected to the packer by being threaded to, or
latched to, the packer.

Free Moving Limited Movement Anchored Tubing

Figure (3-3), Types of tubing connected to the packer.

Several effects must be evaluated to accurately determine the tubing movement or

stress situation as shown in figure (3-4).

Figure (3-4) Effect of various forces on tubing movement.

1- Packers permitting free movement
These are three pressure induced effects which produce forces that move the tubing.
These effects are:
1- Piston effect (Hooke`s law).
2- Buckling effect.
3- Ballooning effect.

Hooke`s Law Effect;

The force that effect on cross section area of tubing called Stress, and the relative
change in tubing length called Strain. The ratio of stress to strain called Young module of
elasticity, therefore Hooke`s law link between stress and strain within the elastic range as:
E = - (Fa/As)
ΔL1 = - (L Fa) ... (3-7)

The tubing is run into a completion fluid with equivalent fluid density inside and
outside the tubing which results in a reduction of the load due to buoyancy.

Fa = ( Ap – Ai ) Pi - ( Ap – Ao ) Po ……(3-8)

ΔL1 = Change in length due to Hook's Law effect, in

L = Length of the tubing string to the packer depth, in
Fa = Actual force acting on bottom of tubing. lb
As = Cross-section area of tubing, in²
Po = Pressure at packer seal in annulus, psi
Ao = Area based on outside diameter of tubing, in²

If there is an alteration from this initial condition causing a change in pressure

forces across the packer seal unit then a piston effect is caused. This will alter the tensile
load on the top and bottom of the tubing. Therefore, In case of various operation
Fa = ( Ap – Ai ) ΔPi - ( Ap – Ao ) ΔPo ……(3-9)

ΔPi = (Pif - Pii) = Change in tubing pressure at the packer, psi

ΔPo = (Pof – Poi) = Change in annulus pressure at the packer, psi
Where the subscript f refer to final condition and i to initial condition.
Fa = +ve., compression force → ΔL1 = -ve., decrease in tubing length.
Fa = -ve., tension force → ΔL1 = +ve., increase in tubing length.

Substitute equation (3-9) in equation (3-7):

ΔL1 = - (L) [( Ap – Ai ) ΔPi - ( Ap – Ao ) ΔPo] ……(3-10)
ΔL1 = change in tubing length respect to Hooke`s law effect.

Helical Buckling Effect
Helical buckling is initiated by compressive force acting on the bottom of the
tubing and is the formation of helical spirals in the tubing string. The helix shown in
figure (3-1A) has a variable pitch as the compressive force is progressively lowered by
the weight of the pipe hanging below. The buckling effect is greater when pressure
differential is applied across the pipe. Unless the tubing string is shorter or the
compressive force is exceedingly high, some of the tubing will be buckled and the rest
straight. The exact point between the buckled and straight sections is the “Neutral point”.
However, in order to complete the understanding of the effects which lead to
variations in length due to buckling, we must also consider the effect caused by pressure
differential across a pipe. Helicoidal buckling is caused by the effect of the pressure
which acts on the lateral surface of the pipe wall as the convex surface of the bend in a
greater force is larger than the concave surface as shown in figure (3-5).

Figure (3-5) Pressure induced helical buckling effect.

The internal pressure will therefore exert a greater force on the convex side of the
helix, than that exerted on the concave section of the same bend. The resulting force will,
therefore, create the helicoidal buckling configuration. The same occurs when the stable
external pressure is greater than the internal pressure also resulting in helical buckling.

When the neutral point is within the tubing length (and so the helix can fully
develop), the length reduction due to helical buckling (∆L2) can be calculated by the
following formula:
ΔL2 = - r²Ff² …. (3-11)

If the tubing is very short (as happens for example on selective type completions
between two packers) all the string may be affected by buckling and there is no neutral
point. In this case, the length reduction due to the buckling effect is dependent upon the
entire length of the string and can be calculated by the following formula:
ΔL2 = - r²Ff² [ LW (2- LW ) ] ….(3-12)
8EIW Ff Ff

Ff = Ap (ΔPi – ΔPo) …….. (3-13)

r = (Dc – D) / 2 …….. (3-14)
W = Ws + Wi - Wo …… (3-15)
Wi = Ai * Weight of fluid inside the tubing.
Wo = Ao * Weight of fluid outside the tubing.
Dc = Inside diameter of casing, in
r = Diameter of annulus between casing and tubing, in
W = Weight per unit length, lb/in
Ws = Weight of tubing per unit length
Wi = Weight of fluid contained inside tubing per unit length (based on id of tubing).
Wo = weight of annulus fluid displaced by bulk volume of tubing per unit length (based
on od of tubing).
The fictitious force equal zero in initial condition for most operations where (pi =
po). But in final condition, may be pressure change occurs, therefore fictitious force
calculated by use equation (3-13).
Equations (3-11) and (3-12) used to calculate the reduction in tubing length only
not lengthening. That means the fictitious force is compression force (+ ve).

It should be remember that, to calculate the variations in length, the variations of

the forces compared to initial conditions must be calculated. Therefore, to sum up:
1- In the ΔL1 (Hooke`s law), the variation of the piston force (Actual
force, Fa) must be used.
2- In the ΔL2 (Buckling), the variation of the fictitious force (Ff) must
be used when this is positive, otherwise, being a tensile force, it
cannot buckle the string and ΔL2 = 0.

Ballooning Effect:
The third element which changes the length of a string, due to the changes to
internal and external pressure, is caused by ballooning. This effect occurs when
(∆p = pi – p0) is positive and tend to swell the tubing which, contracts axially or shortens.
On the other hand, when (∆p = pi – po) is negative, the tubing is squeezed and, expands
axially or elongates. This is termed reverse ballooning, as shown in figure (3-6).

Reverse Ballooning Ballooning

Figure (3-6) Ballooning effect.

The normally used simplified formula to calculate the ballooning or reverse

ballooning effect in tubing length (ΔL3) is:

ΔL3 = [- V {( Δρi - R²Δρo – ( (1+2V)/2V) δ ) } L²]

E (R² -1)
- [ ( 2V ) {(ΔPis - R²ΔPos) }L] …..(3-16)
E (R²-1)
V = Poisson's ratio (0.3 for steel)
R = tubing od / tubing id
Δρi = change in density of fluid inside tubing, lb/in³
Δρo = change in density of fluid outside tubing, lb/in³
Δpi = change in tubing pressure at the surface.
Δpo = change in annulus pressure at the surface.
δ = pressure drop in tubing due to flow, psi/in. (usually considered as δ = 0, i.e. in steady
state. And δ = +ve. in flow state)

Temperature Effect:
The final effect considered when calculating tubing length variations, is the
temperature effect which usually induces the largest movement.
During a well operation, stimulation the temperature of the tubing may be much
less than that in, either, the initial or flow rate conditions. During well stimulation,
significant quantities of fluids are pumped through the tubing at ambient surface
temperature which may change the temperature of the tubing by several degrees.
The formula used to calculate the change of length due to temperature effect
(ΔL4) is:

ΔL4 = CL ΔT … (3-17)

C = material’s coefficient of thermal expansion, for steel = 6.9 * 10-6 per oF

L = length of tubing string, feet
ΔT = temperature change, oF.
ΔL4 = change in length, feet
`Where the average temperature variation in the string can be calculated as
ΔT = (Tfinal – Tinitial)tophole + (Tfinal – Tinitial)bottomhole
The sum of the length changes (ΔL) obtained from the changes in pressure
induced forces and temperature effects, gives the total shift of the bottom end of the
string at the packer depth where it is free to move in the packer-bore. This sum is

ΔL = ΔL1 + ΔL2 + ΔL3 + ΔL4

Example (1)
The following well data from workover operations by cementing formation
produce water (Aquifer):
Casing 7'', 32 lb/ft, Tubing 2⅞'', 6.5 lb/ft.
Production packer 3.25'', set @ 10000 ft.
Temperature change -20 oF (Cooling)
Initial condition
Tubing & Annulus contain oil have API = 30o. Pressure inside & outside tubing at
surface (Pth, Pah) = zero.
Final condition
Annulus contain same oil & Tubing contain cement have ρ = 15 lb/gal.
Pressure inside tubing at surface (Pth) = 5000 psi, pressure outside tubing at surface (Pah)
= 1000 psi.
1- Determine the change in tubing length with respect to all effects, pressure &
temperature effects.
2- Determine the actual force, fictitious force & neutral point.
3- Mention the conclusion.

1- Calculate, Ao, Ao, Ao, Ao, R, r, I
A = π/4 * (D)²
Ao = π/4 * (2.875)² = 6.49 in²
Ai = π/4 * (2.441)² = 4.68 in²
As = Ao – Ai = 6.49 – 4.68 = 1.81 in²
Ap = π/4 * (3.25)² = 8.3 in²
R = tubing od / tubing id = 2.875/2.441 = 1.178
r = (Dc – D) / 2 = (6.094-2.875)/2 = 1.61 in
I = π/64 (D4 – d4) = π/64 (2.8754 – 2.4414) = 1.61 in4
Initial condition
API = (141.5/γ) – 131.5
Oil specific gravity, γ = 0.8762
Oil density, ρ = ρi = ρo = 62.4 * 0.8762 = 54.675 lb/ft³
Pressure gradient inside & outside tubing:
Pressure gradient = (54.675/12³) = 0.0317 lb/in²/in
Pressure inside & outside tubing at packer depth:
Pi = pressure gradient + Pth
Po = pressure gradient + Pat
Pi = Po = 0.0317*120000 + zero = 3800 psi
Calculate weight per unit length, W
W = Ws + Wi - Wo = Ws + Ai ρi - Ao ρo = 6.5/12 + 4.68*0.0317 – 6.49*0.0317
W = 0.4843 lb/in
Final condition
Pressure gradient inside tubing contain cement:
Pressure gradient = 15/231 = 0.065 lb/in²/in
Pressure gradient in annulus contain oil:
As in initial condition, pressure gradient = 0.0317 lb/in²/in
Pi = 0.065*120000 + 5000 = 12800 psi
Po = 0.0317*120000 + 1000 = 4800 psi
W = Ws + Ai ρi - Ao ρo = 6.5/12 + 4.68*0.065 – 6.49*0.031
W = 0.6401 lb/in
Pressure & density changing between initial condition & final condition:
Δpi = 12800 – 3800 = 9000 psi
Δpo = 4800 – 3800 = 1000 psi
Δρi = 0.065 – 0.0317 = 0.0333 lb/in³
Δρo = 0.0317 – 0.0317 = 0
Calculate ΔL1 by Eq. (3-10)
ΔL1 = - (120000)/(30*106 *1.81) [(8.30–4.68) 9000 - (8.30 – 6.49 ) 1000]
ΔL1 = - 68 in
Calculate ΔL2:
First calculate neutral point, n by:
n = Ff/W
Ff = Ap ( pi – po) = 8.30 *(12800 – 4800) = 66400 psi
n = 66400/0.64 = 103750 in = 8646 ft
n(8646 ft) < L(10000ft)

Then calculate ΔL2 by Eq. (3-11):
ΔL2 = - r²Ff²/ 8EIW
ΔL2 = - (1.61)²(8.3)²(9000-1000)² / 8*30*106 *1.61*0.64 = - 46.2 in
Calculate ΔL3 by Eq. (3-16), where δ = zero:
ΔL3 = [- 0.3/30*106 { 0.0333 / (1.178² -1)} 120000²]- [ (0.6/30*106) *
{(5000 – 1.178²*1000) / (1.178²-1)}120000]
ΔL3 = - 34.6 in
Calculate ΔL4 by Eq. (3-17):
ΔL4 = 6.9*10-6 * 120000 * (-20) = 16.56 in
Then ΔL equal:
ΔL = ΔL1 + ΔL2 + ΔL3 + ΔL4 = -68 – 46.2 – 34.6 – 16.6 = 165.4 in, 13.8 ft
2- Calculate actual, fictitious force & neutral point:
Calculate actual force by Eq. (9):
Fa = ( Ap – Ai ) Pi - ( Ap – Ao ) Po ……(9)
Fa = ( 8.30 – 4.68 ) 12800 - ( 8.30 – 6.49 ) 4800 = 37648 lb
Calculate fictitious force by Eq. (6):
Ff = Ap ( pi – po)
Ff =8.30 (12800 – 4800) = 66400 lb
Calculate neutral point by:
n = Ff/W
n = 66400/0.64 = 103750 in = 8646 ft
3- Conclusions:
1- Ff have +ve. value that means it is compression force, i.e., helical buckling effect
occur on tubing, and Ff (66400 lb) value is equal double value of Fa (37648 lb)
2- Neutral point locate through tubing length (n<L), for this used Eq. (12) to calculate
ΔL2, and buckling occur in most tubing (86% from original length).
3- The change in tubing length result (ΔL2) from buckling helical effect have high ratio
(28%) from total length (ΔL). When neglect this change (ΔL2), it will cause moving
of tubing up, outside the seal plug and it is danger.
4- The total change in length (ΔL, 165.4 in) is the maximum expected change.
Generally, the actual change is less than the calculated (ΔL) change, due to friction
between tubing and casing that ignore here.

3- Packers limited downward movement:
Another method which may be used in some types of completions is that the
tubing is fully or partially limited in down-hole movement as shown in figure (3-7).
In this method, after the packer is set, some of the weight of the string is set down on
the packer, putting the tubing into compression or slackened-off.
The shortening of the string caused by this, ∆pso, makes it possible to limit the
length variations of the string, for example, during an injection operation, therefore,
∆Lso, i.e., the total length variation calculated as the sum of the above described
effects, is described by ∆Lso. The ∆Lso value is determined using the following
ΔLso = - (L Fso) - r²Fso²
(EAs) 8EIW
ΔLso = - (ΔL1 + ΔL2)
Where: Fso = Slack-off force released on the packer.

pe pe



Seals Seals

Tubing diameter< Packer diameter Tubing diameter = Packer diameter

Figure (3-7) limited downward movement.

Example (2):
Used the same data in example (1), with suppose slack off force equal 20000 lb.
1- Determine the change in length respect to slack off force and the sum of total change.
2- Mention the conclusion.
1- Calculate the change in tubing length with respect to slack off force.
ΔL1 = - (L F)/(EAs) = - (120000*20000)/(30*106 *1.81) = - 44.2 in

ΔL2 = - r²Fso² = 1.61²*20000²/ 8*30*106*0.64 = - 4.2 in


ΔLso = - (ΔL1 + ΔL2) = - (- 44.2 – 4.2) = 48.2 in

The sum of total change:
ΔLtotal = ΔL + ΔLso = -165.4 + 48.4 = - 117 in

2- Conclusions:
1- When slack off force equal zero, then ΔLtotal = 165.4 in.
2- Prohibited any tubing motion (ΔLtotal = zero), must used slack off force equal 58000 lb.
3- If slack off force is larger than 58000 lb, the production packer will behave as packers
do not allowed tubing motion. And that cause force between packer and tubing.
4- If slack off force is smaller than 58000 lb, the production packer will behave as
packers permitting free tubing motion.


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