EngTech Ebook

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How becoming a registered

Engineering Technician (EngTech)
could advance your career

eBook n The benefits of EngTech

n  ind out how to become professionally
registered and the requirements for
becoming an EngTech
n S
 tudying engineering? Discover what you
can do now to help your future career
n  ngineering Technicians share their
experiences and explain how professional
registration has helped their careers
n FAQs and useful links
EngTech eBook page 2

The benefits of EngTech 03
Serious about your career in engineering? Gain professional registration 04
Eligibility 05
How to become professionally registered 06
UK-SPEC competence and commitment requirements for EngTech registration 07
Studying engineering as an Apprentice or in FE? 08
EngTech case studies 09
FAQs 13
Useful weblinks 14
EngTech eBook page 3

Becoming a registered Engineering

Technician recognises your skills
Achieving EngTech status marks you out as a skilled professional. Customers –
and the public more widely – are likely to have a higher level of confidence in
individuals listed on a professional register. You will:

n Gain a professional title that recognises your hard work and expertise
n Enhance your employability
Stand out from the crowd
n Enjoy greater influence within your organisation
n Have access to life-long learning resources

s provided
“Gaining EngTech ha ‘‘Whilst I rely on my en
er progression gineering
opportunities for care knowledge and experie
unavailable, nce, gaining
that were previously professional registratio
e into positions of n as an EngTech
enabling me to mov is proof to others that
e more demanding, I am working at
responsibility that ar a certain level.’’
e satisfying both
as well as being mor
financially and vocatio Andrew French
Richard Griffin
EngTech eBook page 4

Serious about your career in engineering?

Reward your skills

Do you have the skills and experience to solve practical engineering problems?
“EngTech registration
Are you responsible for supervising staff or managing technical projects, with
has made me more
knowledge of how to apply safe systems of working?
employable, confirming my
Do you make a valuable contribution to the design, development, manufacture,
commissioning, decommissioning, operation or maintenance of products, equipment, previous qualifications and
processes or services? experience. It bridged the
If so, then you should be seriously thinking of gaining the professional title gap when I left the military
Engineering Technician (EngTech). and helped my career
Engineering Technicians are concerned with applying proven techniques and progress.”
procedures to the solution of practical engineering problems. They carry supervisory
or technical responsibility, and are competent to exercise Steve Eley
creative aptitudes and skills within defined fields of EngTech, MSOE, MIRTE
technology. Professional Engineering Technicians contribute
to the design, development, manufacture, commissioning,
decommissioning, operation or maintenance of products,
equipment, processes or services. Professional Engineering
Technicians are required to apply safe systems of working.
EngTech eBook page 5

Individuals aspiring to registration
need independent assessment of
their competence. Recent research suggests that there are at least 600,000 people currently working
The UK Standard for Professional as engineering technicians, who already hold the necessary qualifications, skills
Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) and/or experience that would make professional EngTech registration relatively
provides the means to achieve this. straightforward.

UK-SPEC describes the value of EngTech status is attainable through demonstration of the required standards of
becoming professionally registered professional competence and commitment. These are set out in the professional
as an Engineering Technician, standard, UK-SPEC, and are typically developed through training/education and
Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or work experience. This could be, for example, within an approved engineering-based
Chartered Engineer (CEng). It Advanced/Modern Apprenticeship programme. However many other qualifications
describes the requirements that have may be acceptable.
to be met for registration, and gives
Potential EngTech registrants who do not hold formal qualifications can often
examples of ways of doing this.
demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary competence through substantial
For more information see page 7 working experience.
Your institution will
be able to advise on
Why wait? the different ways in
Apply for EngTech today by which you can meet
completing our enquiry form the requirements,
or please see our
website for further
EngTech eBook page 6

Professional Engineering

How to become professionally registered There are 36 Professional

Engineering Institutions (PEIs),
each covering specific engineering
disciplines, so it shouldn’t be difficult
finding the right one for you.

Join a Professional Engineering Institution licensed by the Engineering Council to Click here for a full list of licensed
assess candidates for EngTech registration. The institution you choose is most likely Institutions or go to page 14
to be one that relates to your engineering discipline or area of work. for direct links to their websites.
There are also 19 Professional

2 Record your professional development. The evidence might come through academic
or vocational qualifications, an employer’s training and development scheme, and/
or from a personal record showing how you gained your professional competences -
Affiliates that have agreements
with PEIs to process registration
applications for their members.
guidelines will be available from your institution.

3 As soon as you feel that you are able to demonstrate the required technical and
personal competences, apply for assessment by your institution.
Start early
Many engineers and technicians
join an institution while studying
or training and follow the junior
Professional engineering grades through to full membership
registration – what’s in it for me? and registration.
However, it is just as beneficial to
The Engineering Council video on
apply for institution membership and
YouTube explains what becoming
registration at any time in your career.
professionally registered as an
Professionally registered engineers
engineer means, the benefits to the
and technicians also tend to retain
individual, organisations and wider
their title throughout their working
society and briefly explains how to
lives, and often well into retirement.
apply for registration.
EngTech eBook page 7

UK-SPEC competence and commitment requirements for EngTech registration

An outline of the necessary competence and commitment appears below. Examples of activities which could demonstrate that you
have achieved this, can be found in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence, UK-SPEC

UK-SPEC Competence and Commitment Standard for Engineering Technicians.

Engineering Technicians must be competent throughout their working life, by virtue of their education, training and experience, to:

A Use engineering knowledge and understanding to apply technical D Use effective communication and interpersonal skills.
and practical skills. This includes the ability to: This includes the ability to:
n A1 Review and select appropriate techniques, procedures and n D1 Use oral, written and electronic methods for the communication in

methods to undertake tasks English¹ of technical and other information

n A2 Use appropriate scientific, technical or engineering principles n D2 Work effectively with colleagues, clients, suppliers and the public

Contribute to the design, development, manufacture, construction, E 
Make a personal commitment to an appropriate code of
commissioning, operation or maintenance of products, equipment, professional conduct, recognising obligations to society,
processes, systems or services. In this context, this includes the the profession and the environment. In order to satisfy this
ability to: commitment, they must:
n B1 Identify problems and apply diagnostic methods to identify causes n E1 Comply with the Code of Conduct of their Licensed Institution or

and achieve satisfactory solutions Professional Affiliate

n B2 Identify, organise and use resources effectively to complete tasks, n E2 Manage and apply safe systems of work.

with consideration for cost, quality, safety and environmental impact n E3 Undertake engineering work in a way that contributes to

sustainable development
Accept and exercise personal responsibility.
n E4 Carry out continuing professional development, including
This may include the ability to:
opportunities for this offered by their Institution, to ensure
n C1 Work reliably and effectively without close supervision, to the

competence in areas and at the level of future intended practice
appropriate codes of practice
n C2 Accept responsibility for work of self and others

n C3 Accept, allocate and supervise technical and other tasks Any interviews will be conducted in English, subject only to the provisions of the Welsh

Language Act 1993 and any Regulations which may be made in implementation of European
Union directives on free movement of labour.
EngTech eBook page 8

Studying engineering as
an Apprentice or in FE? “Getting recognition of
professional achievem
Although your immediate focus may be on completing your has always been my go
al and
studies or training , it’s never too early to think about ‘what registration as an EngT
ech certainly
next?’ If you are serious about a career in engineering the demonstrates this.”
next important step in your career development should be
attaining professional registration. Willington T Charangw
EngTech ARAeS
Your studies or training will provide an important part of
what’s needed to achieve registered status.
But there is something you can do right now to help
“Registration as Engineering your future career.
Technician provided me with Professional registration is awarded through
recognition of my career membership of a Professional Engineering Institution
achievements.” (PEI). Many of the institutions offer student
membership at little or no cost, and joining whilst
Scott McCrae you are studying or training means you will have
EngTech MIWater a head start and be able to keep up with what’s
happening in your field through the resources or
employer networking events offered by many institutions. You might even meet your
future employer at one of these events!
There are 36 PEIs, each covering specific engineering disciplines, so it shouldn’t be
difficult finding the right one for you. You might even want to join more than one!
In addition, many of the 19 Engineering Council Professional Affiliates have
agreements with PEIs, through which their members can become professionally
EngTech eBook page 9

Case Studies Martin Killcross EngTech TIChemE


Education and qualifications: City & Guilds Process Plant Operation, What attracted you to gain professional registration
Halton College of Further Education, Widnes, Cheshire as an EngTech? Despite having significant knowledge, experience
and a deep enthusiasm for my work, not having academic
Which institution are you a member of? The Institution of Chemical
qualifications always left me feeling somewhat unrewarded and
Engineers (IChemE)
unfulfilled. However, I view the award of EngTech TIChemE as a long
Grade of membership: EngTech TIChemE awaited recognition of my place in my chosen profession.
Job title: Manager of Commissioning How has gaining EngTech helped with your career? I think
Employer: PegasusTSI Inc, USA but currently on secondment to registration is absolutely necessary and it’s been a natural progression
URENCO ChemPlants, Cheshire for me. I am now a published author in my field, dare I say even
an expert, however there is no discounting the edge professional
Length in current job: 6 years registration provides and indeed EngTech status has given me that.

Please describe a typical working day: I am responsible for What advice would you give someone considering professional
all commissioning preparation and implementation activities, registration as an EngTech? I would say do it. Even if you have
ensuring the safe and effective transition of the construction site academic qualifications it will complement them. However university
into a functioning processing plant. In the preparation stage of a isn’t for everyone and if a person is adept within the industrial
project I spend time reviewing documents and actually writing key workforce they should not be restricted in their ability to be
commissioning procedures. There is a period where I will travel recognised.
to witness factory tests of the main plant equipment and control How does your employer benefit from you being professionally
systems. As the work moves to the field, much time is spent on registered as an EngTech? Working in a world class organisation,
site witnessing installation activities and executing all the prepared that highly values our Chartered Engineers and expects they meet
commissioning procedures prepared. that standard is a clear demonstration of the quality of the company.
What is your greatest professional achievement to date? I am Now EngTech status is available for the process related industries, we
very proud of the way that my career has developed. Dedication will be encouraging our operations staff to achieve this title also as it
to my work and my practical expertise has found me at the head will further demonstrate our company’s drive for all around excellence
of commissioning organisations on both sides of the Atlantic. I do in what our business stands for and how we operate.
hope my achievements will inspire others to aim high in their career
aspirations. Opportunity knocks if you are prepared to learn, develop Click here to see the full case study.
and offer a great service.
EngTech eBook page 10

Case Studies Charlotte Gough EngTech TIET


Education and qualifications: IET approved apprenticeship scheme What attracted you to gain professional
registration as an EngTech? Once I finished
Which institution are you a member of? Institution of Engineering
the apprenticeship I recognised it was the next
and Technology (IET)
step in my own career development, as gaining
Grade of membership: Technician professional registration as an EngTech shows that an individual is
Job title: Auto Electrical Technician capable of working to a high standard in not just one area but several
(multi-skilled). When a technician is professionally registered it also
Employer: Bentley Motors shows commitment to the profession.
Length in current job: 5 years How has gaining EngTech helped with your career? I believe I have
gained greater recognition for my work from my peers and employer,
Please describe a typical working day: My everyday work sees and holding EngTech proves that as a technician my job is highly
me implementing and integrating prototype electrical systems, skilled.
diagnosing and rectifying electrical faults on a cars’ system and
developing harnesses for various projects – designing, building, What advice would you give someone considering professional
testing and fitting. registration as an EngTech? Apply today! Personally, I think
professional registration as an EngTech is a really good idea. It
What is your greatest professional achievement to date? Gaining allows anyone who wishes to work to a ‘set’ standard, and to be
EngTech registration, on completion of my apprenticeship. reassured that people will universally recognise the work and effort
the individual has achieved. I also believe it is a definite plus point on
a CV.

Click here to see the full case study.

EngTech eBook page 11

Case Studies Dan Massey EurAg EngTech MIAgrE


Education and qualifications: Level 2 & 3 City and Guilds Service for my career. In addition, I wanted to promote
Engineering, John Deere Ag Tech Diploma, John Deere LTA 4 professionalism within the industry as the EngTech
Master Technician requirements are ‘to provide a sound understanding
and ability’ of the trade in order to ‘maintain a professional level’.
Which institution are you a member of? Institution of Agricultural
Engineers (IAgrE) How has gaining EngTech helped with your career? Becoming an
EngTech with the Engineering Council via IAgrE provides reassurance
Grade of membership: Associate Member
to my customers, as it demonstrates that I am trained to the highest
Job title: Agricultural Service Technician level and am recognised by a professional engineering body. It also
Employer: J.E Buckle Ltd (part of the Tuckwell group) shows my commitment to agricultural engineering and I am therefore
given more opportunities to develop my career. In addition, I have
Length in current job: 13 years been elected a member of IAgrE’s council, a role that provides me
with the opportunity to share my expertise.
Please describe a typical working day: On a daily basis I am given
tasks by my service manager in order to support the customers within What advice would you give someone considering professional
my designated expertise, however during the course of the day I am registration as an EngTech? Make it a priority within you career, as it
required to attend breakdowns and respond as quickly as I can to demonstrates that you are committed to being a professional service
resolve problems in order to reduce machine down time. This occurs technician.
more frequently during the busy period of harvest time and I am How does your employer benefit from you being professionally
often required to work extra hours in order to complete my work. registered as an EngTech? My employer benefits as it is able to sell
What is your greatest professional achievement to date? My my services, reassuring customers that any job will be completed to a
greatest achievement was receiving the award ‘Agricultural Technician high standard and it reinforces the organisation’s reputation.
of the year’ in 2011. This recognised my commitment to the industry
and the hard work I have demonstrated throughout my career. Click here to see the full case study.
What attracted you to gain professional registration as an
EngTech? For me, the reason I strived to gain professional
registration was because I wanted to demonstrate my passion
EngTech eBook page 12

Case Studies Richard Vann EngTech AIExpE AIDE


Education and qualifications: A Levels and professional qualifications the safest and most robust and innovative
(IExpE and IDE) engineering solutions possible. I recognised
EngTech registration as a way to further
Which institution are you a member of? Institute of Explosive
advance my skills within what is a very specialist
Engineers (IExpE)
discipline, and also network with like-minded professionals.
Grade of membership: Associate
How has gaining EngTech helped with your career? It is a little
Job title: Managing Director early to say, but even at this stage I think it has added another stamp
Employer: RVA Group of credibility to my professional skills and knowledge, which will in
turn give clients greater confidence in the RVA team.
Length in current job: 20 years
What advice would you give someone considering professional
Please describe a typical working day: The beauty of this job is registration as an EngTech? If you are active in a discipline of
that there is no such thing! The only certainty is the day will start and engineering, and if you are confident in your knowledge but
end at midnight. What happens in between varies on a daily basis. you want to continuously develop your expertise, then I would
My role at RVA Group sees me travelling the length and breadth of seriously recommend applying for professional registration with the
the country, sometimes overseas, to discuss engineering solutions Engineering Council. To be associated with an organisation of this
and general business advice with a range of clients. When project stature cements your commitment to raising standards of engineering
managing large sites we also supervise the work of demolition and excellence within your field.
dismantling contractors, having played a role in their selection too, How does your employer benefit from you being professionally
and we liaise with varied third parties including emergency services, registered as an EngTech? With EngTech registration, RVA Group
utilities providers and local communities. now has the added advantage of being able to demonstrate
What is your greatest professional achievement to date? To have to potential clients and other organisations, such as enforcing
worked hard for 20 years to get to the position where RVA Group is authorities, that the team is made up of knowledgeable professionals
working with some of the largest and most well-known organisations that are appropriately trained, skilled and equipped to provide value-
in the world. To have an audience comprising companies of that adding engineering expertise.
stature feels like a very significant achievement indeed.
Click here to see the full case study.
What attracted you to gain professional registration as an
EngTech? I believe we must continually develop our knowledge and
expertise within this arena, to ensure we can provide clients with
EngTech eBook page 13

How much is registration and how do I pay? Can I use my international qualifications to register?
There will be the initial joining fee, and the annual registration fee. Yes. The Engineering Council is the UK signatory to a number of
Amounts vary depending on your level of registration, and may be international accords - agreements which provide a mechanism
revised annually. Current Engineering Council registration fees can for mutual recognition between signatory bodies of engineering
be found here and are paid via the institution you are registered education accreditation processes. Further details can be found
through. Please note that you will also have to pay fees to join and here or through the International Engineering Alliance.
retain membership of your chosen institution. A few institutions also
surcharge Engineering Council fees. I have gained a qualification outside the UK. Is there a
UK equivalent?
Does membership of an engineering institution automatically Please contact UK NARIC, the national agency responsible for
qualify me for registration? providing information and advice about how qualifications and skills
No. Institutions offer a variety of membership grades. Some grades from overseas compare to the UK’s national qualification frameworks.
enable members to apply for registration, others do not, so please
make sure your chosen institution knows you wish to apply for How do I find out if my qualification or programme is approved
professional registration. In addition, you will always need to go as contributing towards EngTech?
through the assessment process before being registered with the The Engineering Council has a database, listing qualifications
Engineering Council. and programmes that Professional Engineering Institutions have
approved as contributing towards EngTech registration. You can
Do I need to be a member of an institution or can I register search the database of technician qualifications for programmes,
directly through the Engineering Council? Apprenticeships, other employer schemes and NVQs/SVQs that may
The Engineering Council does not offer direct registration. fulfil most or all of what you would need to become registered as
Candidates for professional registration are required to be in EngTech, or vocational qualifications that may contribute towards
membership of one of the 36 licensed institutions listed. EngTech.
How does the role of Professional Technician relate to EngTech?
The Professional Technician brand embraces all the existing technician
registers in Engineering, ICT and Science. Anyone registered as
EngTech, is, by definition, a Professional Technician.
EngTech eBook page 14

Useful weblinks
Engineering Council Professional Engineering Institutions
Engineering Council Website BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (BCS) Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)

EngTech British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
(BINDT) Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)
Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE)
CEng Engineering (CIPHE)
Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
Engineering Council Newsletter Chartered Institution of Building Services (IGEM)
Engineers (CIBSE)
International recognition Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP)
Chartered Institution of Highways &
of UK qualifications Transportation (CIHT) Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
UK-SPEC Chartered Institution of Water and Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE)
Database of technician qualifications Environmental Management (CIWEM) Institution of Royal Engineers (InstRE)
Energy Institute (EI) Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE)
Benefits of registration
Institute of Acoustics (IOA) Nuclear Institute (NI)
Information for employers
Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME) Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
Information for students
Institute of Healthcare Engineering & Estate Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
Registration enquiry form Management (IHEEM)
Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE)
International Engineering Alliance Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)
Society of Operations Engineers (SOE)
Professional Affiliates Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and
Technology (IMarEST) The Institution of Diesel and Gas Turbine
Engineers (IDGTE)
Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
(IOM3) The Welding Institute (TWI)
Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC)
Institute of Physics (IOP)
Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine
246 High Holborn, London WC1V 7EX Institute of Water (IWater)
T +44 (0)20 3206 0500 Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE)
F +44 (0)20 3206 0501 Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)

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