3830 Corrodere Diploma Brochure 0317 v2
3830 Corrodere Diploma Brochure 0317 v2
3830 Corrodere Diploma Brochure 0317 v2
The authors and professionals involved in the This unique and challenging Diploma has been written
creation of the Corrodere training programme have and created by some of the coating industries most
recognised the need to promote professionalism respected and knowledgable professionals.
within the coatings industry through an accessible and
comprehensive range of courses. Acquiring a Diploma of this standard will not be easy,
students will need a thorough understanding and
background in the coatings and corrosion control
In collaboration with our partners the Diploma in Coatings
industry before embarking on this challenging study
for Corrosion Control offers a qualification recognised
internationally throughout the coatings industry and is
endorsed by ICorr, Lloyd’s Register and SSPC. This distance learning study programme allows
you to decide when and how long you want to
The high level of research and commitment required
study. If you travel you can access the course
to pass this eagerly awaited Diploma will show your
online to help you make good use of your
absolute dedication to the coatings and corrosion
travelling time.
industry and your drive to progress your career within it.
If you want to improve your prospects through
Students love studying with us
getting a qualification then we will support you We welcome all students. If you think you’ve got what
every step of the way! it takes to study with us, then so do we. There is no
doubt that studying the Diploma takes hard work
University of Portsmouth and dedication, so you do need determination and
People who successfully complete our Diploma can use it
as part of the evidence offered in a portfolio for claiming
About 90% of our students work while they study
Accredited Prior Learning (APL) against the University
of Portsmouth’s partnership programme work-based
learning degrees.
Work full time and study part time
Most Diploma students work full time and study part
time. This flexible route to earning a qualification allows
Distance learning
you to do as much or as little study as you can, alongside
The most inspiring part of studying this Diploma is not your job.
just what you learn but how you learn. We have taken
flexible learning to a whole new level. We will connect Building your experience and qualifications at the
you with the things that inspire you wherever you are. same time shows employers how committed you
Providing high quality distance learning enables you to are.
learn in your own time, at home or wherever you choose.
We are not classroom based – reading lists are supplied Work based qualification
for assignments with regular support from your tutor. It’s likely to be the first Diploma you’ve done in the
corrosion industry and it’s a good way of getting
We’ll challenge you, stretch your understanding
accreditation in what you’re already doing.
and make you question ideas that you’ve always
taken for granted – it’s truly world-class learning.
Value for money
Diploma or certificate We make sure great learning is also great value, so our
The modular material for this course is identical for both tuition fees don’t just cover high quality education;
the Diploma and Certificate, all students are required they also include support from highly experienced and
to complete and pass 5 tutor marked assignments. knowledgeable tutors, access to our online forum and job
The Diploma student will also be required to sit a 3 vacancy listings.
hour closed book examination on completion of their
Studying with us costs less than studying with UK campus
assignments. The Diploma is recognised by the University
based Universities or the Open University, especially as
of Portsmouth as part of their prior learning portfolio
you won’t need to move away or incur extra expenses
and will be considered if students wish to further their
for accommodation and travel. Also, because you have
the flexibility to carry on working, you can earn while you
Flexible studying Investing in your own future may be one of the best
Our flexible study means that you can vary the pace of decisions you’ll ever make, but finding ways to pay tuition
study if life gets in the way of learning. It is preferred that fees can be a challenge. That is why we ensure you have
you complete the Diploma in 12 months however we can fee support through our payment plan service.
offer a further 6 month extension if required.
The value of study isn’t just about the qualification Additional reference material
you receive at the end; it’s the way it can change FREE subscription to FREE copy of
your life as a whole. Protective Coatings ‘Corrosion
Europe (PCE) Prevention
magazine for one year by Protective
Support while studying the Coatings’ by
Diploma. C.G.Munger
You’ll enjoy full support throughout your studies with
tutors to guide, advise and offer comprehensive feedback.
Support is offered by Corrodere staff and fellow students
as part of the global community reached through online Access to the JPCL FREE copy of Fitz
student forums and social media sites. archive Atlas 2
Are there any entry requirements? How to enrol
The below are guidelines as all applicants will be reviewed Complete the application form and send with your
by the Course Programme Manager who makes the final payment to MPI Group, Peel House, Upper South View,
decision on acceptance. Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7JN, England.
-- Candidates with no formal qualifications but who can Email: info@corrodere.com or Fax +44(0)1252 732221
demonstrate extensive relevant industrial experience
are welcome to apply.
-- ICorr Level 2
Fees and finance
-- SSPC Level 2 You can pay for your fees either up front, by bank
transfer, credit or debit card, or by instalments using our
-- NACE Level 2
payment plan.
-- FROSIO Level 3
-- Corrodere IMO/PSPC
-- HNC in relevant subject
Payment plan
To help you fund your study costs we offer a payment
Computers and e-learning plan which means you won’t have to pay all your fees in
Using computers and the internet to enhance your study
is an essential part of our study programmes. In order to
study with us, you will need a computer and regular and Sponsorship
reliable access to the internet. If you are studying for vocational reasons your employer
may be willing to pay part or all of your fees.
English for learning Call our student registration and enquiry service on +44
(0)1252 732220
This Diploma is taught in English, so you will be asked
if you are a competent user of the English language to To sponsor a group of students
ensure that you are able to study at higher education level. Email: info@corrodere.com or call +44(0)1252 732220
Diploma examination
Dates – October and April
Course Enquiries
Overseas students - For overseas students unable to Lucy Pavia
attend our London examination centre alternative Tel: +44 (0)1252 732223
arrangements can be made to sit the exam in their
Email: lucy@corrodere.com
country of residence. Any additional fees for making
these arrangements will be your responsibility.
Course Administration
Lucy Andrews
Data protection Tel: +44 (0)1252 739773
We record your personal information when you contact Email: lucy.andrews@corrodere.com
us and use this to manage registration, study, examination
and other services. When you register, we’ll tell you Support Office
more about how we process and use your personal MPI Group, Peel House, Upper South View,
information. Farnham, Surrey GU9 7JN, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1252 732220 Fax: +44 (0)1252 732221
Email: info@corrodere.com
Course tutors
Brendan Fitzsimons Peter Morris
Brendan Fitzsimons is the author of the original Fitz’s Has been involved in the Marine and Protective Coatings
Atlas as well as the Fitz’s Atlas 2. Brendan has been industry for almost 40 years, initially as a research chemist
in the protective coatings industry for over 25 years responsible for product development, testing and quality
working for Inspection and Consulting Engineers, assurance and subsequently in technical management
Paint manufacturers, major oil and gas suppliers and with additional responsibility for coating specification and
International Coating Contractors working in the marine, ensuring fitness-for-purpose.
offshore and infrastructure industries. In 2003 he moved into technical consultancy, providing
a range of services including investigation of coating
Brendan is a Chartered Scientist, he has a Masters
failures and provision of expert witness testimony
Degree in Materials Engineering, NACE Protective
where necessary, plant surveys and preparation of
Coatings Specialist and a NACE Coating Inspector and
new construction and remedial specifications for the
Peer Reviewer. Brendan is also a Fellow Member of the
protection of steel and concrete structures. He also
Institute of Corrosion.
provides coating evaluation and project management
services and acts as an independent consultant on behalf
Dick Frost of the British Coatings Federation and the European
After initially working in the plastics industry for 10 years, paintmakers associations CEPE.
involved in polymer production and extrusion Dick joined
a major painting contractor specialising in North Sea and Peter has a PhD in marine fouling and has acted as
civil construction projects and progressed to the position industrial supervisor and external examiner for several
of Director and General Manager. MSc and PhD theses on coatings for the prevention of
corrosion and fouling.
Dick joined Leighs Paints in 1981 and became offshore He is the author of ASFP report TGD11 - ‘Code of
manager responsible for sales and technical service in Practice for the specification and on-site installation of
1986. In the ensuing 15 years he progressed through intumescent for fire protection of structural steelwork’
the ranks as business development manager, director,
main board director and finally CEO until his retirement Trevor Parry
in 2010. He now operates his own consultancy company Over forty years experience in the protective coatings
providing services to the coatings industry. industry and principally involved in the evaluation of
paint coatings, their modes and mechanisms of failure,
Dick was a council member of the AFSP and a member of cause and extent of breakdown and recommendations
the Protective Coatings Committee at CEPE with a specific for their remedial treatment. UK appointed expert to
focus on intumescent coatings International Standards Organisation committees and
numerous involvements as Expert Witness in High
Trevor Jones Court, Arbitration and Mediation on the subject of paint
Trevor has over forty years experience in all aspects coatings. Presentation and publication of papers on the
of surface coatings. He has carried investigations into performance of cargo hold coatings and the absorption/
coating failure on chemical plants, offshore structures, desorption characteristics of cargo tank linings.
pipelines and merchant vessels and has given evidence Trevor is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Chemist, Fellow
as an expert witness on surface coating matters in of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a professional member
mediation, arbitration and in the high court. of the Institute of Corrosion and a member of NACE.
Trevor is a graduate chemist and qualified paint Brendan and Trevor are co-authors of a chapter entitled
technologist and is a Fellow in the Technology of Surface “Paint and Coating Failures and Defects” in the new
Coatings and is a Chartered Scientist. He is also a edition of “Corrosion by L Shreir” published in December
Fellow of the Energy Institute (formerly the Institute of 2009.
Petroleum) and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of
“Corrodere is a cost effective way of training ‘staff’ in the coatings and corrosion industry and it has saved
me time and money by completing this as opposed to other courses. I am certified in both NACE & ICorr.
I personally found the modules very interesting. I would recommend this type of course to any professional
person who is looking to enhance his or her skills and knowledge in the industry. I found that courses such
as Corrodere, gave more time to improve my knowledge, especially for people who are on the move.”
M. Smith, Whessoe-Volkers Stevim
Terms and Conditions
Course structure The marking structure
Teaching methods Tutor marked assignments
The course is delivered online and through distance learning. Constitutes 60% of the final mark.
Course duration Final written exam
12 months. Constitutes 40% of the final mark.
Assignment material Pass mark
Modules and course material is available online via student login. The The overall pass mark for the Diploma including TMA mark is 60%. The
modules provide basic knowledge, further reading around the subjects diploma handbook should be consulted for full details.
is required.
Tutor marked assignments (TMA’S) Course fees
5 tutor marked assignments are a compulsory element of the course and Payments
must be completed and passed prior to taking the final exam. Payment must be made with application form by cheque, bank transfer
or credit card. Fees will be refunded in full should applications be
Studying time declined.
Specialist subjects Diploma fee
We recommend 10 to 30 hours research and study time for each £2,300.00 +VAT This covers online training, specialist modules, tutor
subject, with additional time being set aside for completing the Tutor fees, examination costs and the issuing of a Diploma. The Diploma fee
Marked Assignments. does NOT include any travel, food or hotel accommodation required.
Entry criteria Certificate fee
The below are guidelines as all applicants will be reviewed by the Course £1,550.00 + VAT This covers online training, specialist modules, tutor
Programme Manager who makes the final decision on acceptance. fees and the issuing of a Certificate.
-- Candidates with no formal qualifications but who can demonstrate Payment plan
extensive relevant industrial experience are welcome to apply. Available to help spread the cost of the course over a 4 month period
-- ICorr Level 2 split into 3 payments. Please see our website for more information
-- SSPC Level 2 or contact the Account Manager. Discounts are available for group
-- NACE Level 2 registrations. Please contact MPI Group for details.
-- FROSIO Level 3 Extension fee
-- Corrodere IMO/PSPC We offer a 6 month extension on the course at a cost of £275. This
-- HNC in relevant subject gives you another chance to sit your exam if you have not managed to
Language of course do so within the 12 months agreed.
The course will be conducted entirely in English, in verbal and written Re-registration fee
format. Re-registration onto the course at 50% of the course fee. You will
have the opportunity to re-submit any Student Assignments or carry
any existing marks forward into the new academic year to be counted
Tutor support
towards your final exam result.
The course programme manager, tutors and authors
To support you during your studies, the Programme Manager, Tutors &
Authors are available to help with any problems or technical questions. Payment methods
Contact details will be given to you on commencement of the course. Cheque made payable to MPI Group.
Bank Transfer MPI Group bank account at:
Online access to reference material National Westminster Bank, 19 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1A 4QQ,
Presentation UK Account No. 06532381 Sort Code: 56-00-29
Students will be provided with access to the online reference material Credit Card Include number, card type, issue and expiry dates, security
for 12 months. code and address of the card holder.
Additional reference material VAT Under UK Customs & Excise regulations, participants from all
‘Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings’ by C.G. Munger. Access countries are required to pay any VAT amounts due.
to archive material from magazines JPCL and PCE as well as a free Reclaim
subscription to PCE for 12 months and a Fitz’s Atlas 2. Companies outside the UK may be entitled to reclaim this cost and need
to contact their local tax authorities.
The examination
Exam date & duration Cancellation policy
Two exam dates are set per academic year - October/November and Terms
March/April. The exam is closed book consisting of essay type questions A full refund (less an administrative charge of £500) will be awarded
and is 3 hours in length. on receipt of written cancellation before you have accessed the online
Sitting overseas material or submitted a TMA. If you withdraw after you have accessed
Arrangements can be made for candidates to sit the exam in their the material or submitted a TMA you will be liable for the full fee.
country of residence subject to available support facilities. Confidentiality
Resitting exams Students are advised that assignments are processed as confidential
Students are entitled to resit the final examination once within 6 months and will not be shared with any third party outside of the MPI Group.
of their first attempt. To apply for this there is an additional cost of £275 The content of the course is subject to change at the discretion of the
+VAT. Course Programme Manager.
3830 0317
MPI Group, Peel House, Upper South View, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7JN, UK.
Tel +44 (0) 1252 732220 | Fax +44 (0) 1252 732221 | Email info@corrodere.com | corrodere.com