Kiddy Your English
Kiddy Your English
Kiddy Your English
Richard Brown
Dressed and Ready!
¡Vestido y listo!
Buenos días, Tim, mamá viene a decirte
hola, y a cambiarte el pañal.
Eso es, estáte quieto, no te muevas ahora.
¡Buen chico! ¡Qué alegría me das!
Dressed and Ready!
Tim feels very important. He feels very important because when he gets
dressed, everybody pays attention. His brother Jack has to get dressed
by himself and so does his sister Lucy. But Tim is special because
Mummy and Daddy help him to get dressed. What's more, he is the only
one in the house who gets to wear nappies - special pants for special
people. They're especially comfortable and especially warm - perfect for
sitting on the floor and not getting cold. The only problem with nappies
is that you have to change them three or four times a day and Mummy and
Daddy pulí funny faces when they change Tim. Oh well, I suppose thafs
the price you have to pay when you're important.
1. ¡Vestido y listo!
Tim se siente muy importante. Se siente muy importante porque
cuando se viste, todo el mundo le presta atención. Su hermano Jack
tiene que vestirse solo, al igual que su hermana Lucy. Pero Tim es es-
pecial porque mamá y papá le ayudan a vestirse. Es más, es el único
de la casa que tiene derecho a llevar pañales, que son unos calzon-
cillos especiales para gente especial. Son especialmente cómodos y es-
pecialmente calentitos; vamos, perfectos para sentarse en el suelo y
no coger frío. El único inconveniente con los pañales es que hay que
cambiarlos tres o cuatro veces al día y mamá y papá ponen caras
raras cuando cambian a Tim. Bueno, supongo que es el precio que
tienes que pagar cuando eres importante.
Dressed and Ready!
Baby Food
Jack, open wide. Here comes some food.
It's riding on a train.
That's it, good boy. Now open wide
For here it comes again!
Jack, abre bien la boca, que aquí
viene el avión (de la comida).
¡Eso es, buen chico! ¡Abre otra vez la boca,
que ya viene
Baby Food
Jack knows how to eat with a fork and spoon but he prefers his mum
to feed him because she does funny things ¡n the air with the fork. That
way, he can imagine different things flying into his mouth. One minute it's
a fierce, fire-breathing dragón with red eyes - GRRRRAAAAHHHHÜÜ
The nexí time it's a fast train all shiny and bright - PEEP - PEEEEEPÜÜ
Then he ¡magines he's a hungry shark jumping out of the water trying to
catch a fish - SHHHWWWWAAAAHHHÜÜ But when it comes to his
favourite food (chocolate ice cream) he likes to be himself, Jack, enjoying
his favourite pudding - YUM YUMÜÜ
2. Papilla
Jack sabe comer con tenedor y cuchara, pero prefiere que su madre
le dé de comer porque hace cosas graciosas en el aire con el tenedor.
De esa manera él puede imaginar diferentes cosas volando hacia su
boca. Una vez se trata de un dragón de ojos rojos, feroz, que escupe
fuego: ¡¡¡¡GRRRRAAAAHHHHÜÜ La próxima vez se trata de un
tren rápido, todo reluciente y brillante: PI-PIIIIIII. Luego se ima-
gina un tiburón con hambre que salta fuera del agua en un intento
de coger un pez: ¡¡¡¡SPLASHÜ! Pero cuando se trata de su comida
preferida, helado de chocolate, le gusta ser él mismo, Jack, disfru-
tando de su postre favorito: ¡¡¡¡ÑAM-ÑAMÜÜ
Baby Food
Cuchara Tenedor
Spoon Fork
Baby Food
Up and About!
Crawüng on the floor is fun,
A whole world to explore,
Checking out íhe grown-ups' feet
And deciding whose smel! more.
¡Levantado y en marcha!
Gatear por el suelo es muy divertido,
un mundo entero por explorar,
examinando los pies de los adultos
y decidiendo cuál de ellos huele más.
Up and About!
Tim is íhe worid record holder at crawling. He can crawl faster íhan a nor-
mal person can walk. As you can imagine, this makes things difficult for
his mum and dad. He can disappear in a matter of seconds. For instance,
once the whoie family was eating in a restaurant when Tim suddenly
disappeared. Nobody could find him. They looked for him under the table,
in the córner, on the floor, by the stairs, in the kitchen, in the cupboards,
on the rug, in the fireplace and in the recepíion área. Tim was nowhere ío
be seen. Suddenly, Lucy looked out of íhe window and said, "There he is!"
And sure enough, there was Tim playing in the resíauraní garden wiíh a
lovely whíte caí. MIAOWWWWWÜÜ
3. ¡Levantado y en marcha!
Tim tiene el récord mundial en gateo. Puede gatear más rápido de lo
que puede caminar una persona normal. Como te puedes imaginar,
esto complica las cosas para su mamá y su papá. Es capaz de desa-
parecer en cuestión de segundos. Por ejemplo, una vez la familia en-
tera estaba comiendo en un restaurante cuando, de repente, Tim
desapareció. Nadie podía encontrarle. Le buscaron debajo de la mesa,
en la esquina, en el suelo, al lado de la escalera, en la cocina, en los ar-
marios, en la alfombra, en la chimenea y en la zona de recepción. Tim
no estaba en ningún lado. De repente, Lucy miró por la ventana y
dijo: "¡Ahí está!". Y efectivamente, ahí estaba Tim jugando en el jar-
dín del restaurante con un bonito gatojolanco. ¡¡¡¡MIAUUUU!!!!
Up and About!
Cortinas Chimenea
Curtains Fireplace
Fuego Teléfono
Fire Phone
Up and About!
Lucy sits down in the tub;
It's time to have a bath.
She plays with her two rubber ducks
And has a right oíd laugh!
Lucy loves bathtime, especially on Saturdays. You see that's the day
when her mum filis the tub with bubble bath. She likes to make strange
animáis with the foam. "Look Mummy, a dragón with big, sharp teeth and
spiky wings. But this dragón is different from other dragons because it
doesn't breathe fire." "What does it breathe then?" asks her mum. "Water!"
SPLASH! SPLASH! SPLASH! "Lucy!" There was water everywhere in
the bathroom. "Don't worry, mummy; Til help you clean up íhe bathroom."
Lucy's mum laughed because Lucy had foam all over her nose.
Time for Bed!
Timefor Bed!
Come on Jack, it's time for bed
And time to say goodnight.
I'íl give you a kiss and tuck you in.
Lights off, sweet dreams, sleep tight.
¡A la cama!
Venga Jack, es hora de irse a la cama
y decir buenas noches.
Te daré un beso y te arroparé.
Fuera luces; dulces sueños, que duermas bien.
Time for Bed!
Jack loves bedtime. It's his favourite time of day because he can get under
the blanket and créate a special world for himself and his favourite teddy
bear Jaffers. Jaffers is incredible. He can fly, he can do handsíands, he
can do somersaulís, he can jump higher than anyone in the whole world
and he can swim faster than anyone too. Jaffers lives on top of a very
high mountain from where he can see absolutely everything. He has
magic eyes so he can see through things. He can even see what's
happening behind him. He's very strong too so he...can......lift
really....heavy SSSSSHHHHÜÜ Jack's asleep. Night,
níght Jack! Sweet dreams!
5. ¡A la cama!
A Jack le encanta la hora de acostarse. Es su momento del día favo-
rito porque puede meterse bajo la manta y crear un mundo especial
para él y su osito favorito, Jaffers. Jaffers es increíble. Sabe volar,
sabe hacer el pino y dar volteretas y sabe saltar más alto que nadie
en el mundo entero y también puede nadar más deprisa que nadie.
Jaffers vive encima de una montaña muy alta desde la que puede
verlo absolutamente todo. Tiene unos ojos mágicos que le permiten
ver a través de las cosas. Incluso puede ver lo que está ocurriendo
detrás de él. Es muy fuerte también, así que... puede levan-
tar objetos... muy ¡¡¡SSSSSHHHHÜÜ Jack se ha
dormido. ¡Buenas noches Jack! ¡Dulces sueños!
Time for Bed!
Dragón Princesa Príncipe
Dragón Princess Prince
Reina Hada
Queen Fairy
Enano Gigante
Dwarf Giant
Time for Bed!
Games Galore!
When Jack plays hide-and-seek he thinks
That if he shuts his eyes,
He'll be totaliy invisible
And so he'll win the prize.
¡Miles de juegos!
Cuando Jack juega al escondite piensa
que si cierra los ojos
se hará totalmente invisible
y ganará el premio.
Gomes Galore!
6. ¡Miles de juegos!
Jack tiene un secreto. Cada vez que juega al escondite siempre gana.
Resulta imposible encontrarle. Por mucho que sus amigos le bus-
quen, nunca logran descubrir su escondite. ¿Cuál es su secreto? Pues,
se hace invisible. "¿Invisible?", preguntarás con toda la razón del
mundo. Pues sí, invisible. Nadie lo sabe, pero cuando Jack cierra los
ojos lo más fuerte que puede, desaparece en el acto. Por eso siempre
gana al escondite. Ahora bien, solo tú y yo sabemos el secreto de
Jack. No se lo dirás a nadie, ¿verdad?
Gomes Galore!
Avión de papel Dibujo Cubo
Paper aeroplano Drawing Bucket
Pala Osito
Spade Teddy bear
Gomes Galore!
So Much to Learn!
So Much to Learn!
Jack knows how to ride a bike
Buí he can't tie up his shoes.
One doy he thought he'd managed ií
But feil and got a bru'ise.
Jack feels a bit frustraíed. You see there are so many things to learn and
he only knows how to do a few of them. For example, now he can eaí with
a knife and fork but he can't tie his shoelaces. He's tried many times but
he always forgets the last bit. "Don't worry Jack," saíd Dad, Til show you
a way to make it easier for you." And Jack's dad stuck some coloured
tape to the end of each shoelace. On one end he stuck red tape and on
the other end green tape. That way Jack would always know which end
belonged to which shoelace. That same day Jack managed to tie his shoe-
laces for the very first time. "Hooray!" said Jack. "You see, with pracíice
even difficult things become easy."
Arco iris
So Much to Learn!
Lucy's favourite place at school ¡s her classroom. You see the whole
classroom ¡s decorated with drawings done by Lucy and all the other
children. Some of the drawings are very good whereas others are not so
good. But it really doesn't matter. The important thing for Lucy and all her
friends is knowing that their drawings are what make the classroom such
a happy and colourfui place to be. Mrs. Collier, their teacher, says that
she has never seen such lovely drawings in all her Nfe, which makes
everyone in the class feel very happy and proud.
Ready for School
In the Car!
Jack likes driving in the car
And watching things whiz past,
But he doesn't like ií when it rains
Or when his Dad drives fast.
En el coche!
A Jack le encanta ir en coche
y ver las cosas pasar volando,
pero no le gusta cuando llueve
o cuando su padre conduce deprisa.
V ;?.!*!!
In the Car!
Jack loves it when the family goes on a long journey by car. He loves ¡t
because he can sit in his special car seat which raises him up so that
he looks down on everyone, even his older sister. Whafs more, he can
see everything that whizzes past outside the car - the houses, the gar-
dens, the trees, the people, the dogs, the birds and especially the cars. He
loves lookíng at other cars - the red ones, the blue ones, the silver ones,
the green ones, the fast ones, the big ones, the small ones, the slow ones.
There is so much to see!
9. ¡En el coche!
A Jack le encanta cuando su familia hace un largo viaje en coche.
Le encanta porque puede sentarse en su silla especial, que le eleva
cíe tal manera que sobrepasa en altura a todo el mundo, incluso a
su hermana mayor. Además, puede ver todo lo que pasa zumbando
fuera del coche: las casas, los jardines, los árboles, la gente, los perros,
los pájaros y. sobre todo, los coches. Le encanta ver los coches: los
rojos, los azules, los plateados, los verdes, los rápidos, los grandes,
los pequeños, los lentos... ¡Hay tantas cosas que ver!
In the Car!
Amarillo Marrón
Yellow Brown
In the Car!
1. ¿Queréis dejar de pelearos los dos Would you two stop fighíing
ahí atrás (en el coche)? in the back (of the car)?
2. ¡No, todavía nos queda un rato para llegar! No, we're not nearly there yet!
3. ¡Nos quedan todavía tres horas! It's going to take another three hours!
4. ¿Por qué no escucháis un poco Why don't you listen to some music
de música para distraeros? to keep yourselves amused?
5. No te eches hacia adelante. ¡Es peligroso! Don't lean forward! It's dangerous.
6. Si tuviéramos un accidente, saldrías If we had an accident, you'd go straight
volando a través del parabrisas. through the windscreen.
7. ¿Te sientes un poco mareado? Are you feeling a bit sick?
8. Pararemos y podrás bajar del coche. We'll stop and you can get out of the car.
9. Espera a que mamá te abra la puerta. Wait for Mummy to open your door.
10. Probablemente es mejor que no leas en el coche. It's probably better if you don't read ¡n the car.
11. ¿Por qué no jugamos a algo? Why don't we play a game?
12. Vamos a adivinar cuántos coches rojos Let's guess how many red cars we'll see
vemos en los próximos diez minutos. in the next ten minutes.
13. Tú llevas la cuenta. You can keep count.
14. ¿Cuántos llevamos? How many ¡s that?
15. Creo que no veremos ningún coche rojo. I reckon we won't see any red cars.
16. No quiero que comáis nada en el coche. I don't want you to eaí anything in the car.
17. Podemos parar en cinco minutos We can stop in five minutes
si necesitáis ir al baño. if you need the loo.
18. ¡No pongas nada en la bandeja de atrás! Don't put anything on the back shelf!
19. ¡Deja de saltar! Stop jumping up and down!
20. ¡Mira! ¡Nos acercamos a un túnel! Look! We're coming to a tunnel!
It's Sinowing i
It's Snowing!
Put on your coat; it's snowing.
It's two degrees below.
Get out your siedge and woolly hat.
Let's all play in the snow!
¡Está nevando!
Ponte el abrigo; está nevando.
Estamos a dos grados bajo cero.
Saca tu trineo y el gorro de lana.
¡Vamos a jugar todos en la nieve!
It's Snowing!
"It's snowing!" cried Lucy. Jack had never seen snow before and was very
excited. He was even more excited when Dad said: "Let's make a snow-
man." "What's a snowman?" asked Jack. "A snowman's a man who lives
in the snow but you can't see him. You have to make him appear by
rolling the snow around. He needs a hat and a scarf to keep warm. Then
you make a wish that comes true when he disappears." And so they made
a snowman and Jack made a wish.
One sunny day the snowman disappeared and Jack's wish carne true.
He had wished for a scarf exactly like the scarf the snowman had and had
found one under his pillow that very same morning.
Ramita Zanahoria
Twig Corroí
It's Sinowing!i
Tm bored," said Lucy to her mum
Who said, "Leí's piay I spy."
Everyone played and had such fun
That time just flew right by.
"Me aburro", le dijo Lucy a su mamá,
quien dijo: "Vamos a jugar al veo-veo'
Todos jugaron y se divirtieron tanto
que el tiempo, sencillamente, voló.
Lucy always wins at I spy. She aiways wins because she always chooses
things íhat nobody else can see. "I spy with my little eye something be-
ginning with L," she said one day in the car. "A light," said Mum. "No," said
Lucy. "A lake," said Dad. "No," said Lucy. "Lips," said Jack. "No," said
Lucy. "Do you give in?" she asked. "Yes, we give in," said everyone. "What
is it?" "A lion!" said Lucy. "But there aren't any lions here," protested Jack.
"Yes, íhere are," replied Lucy. "There's the mother, here's the father with
his big mane and over there you can see three baby cubs. "You do have
a good imagination," laughed Mum.
11. |Veo-veo!
Lucy siempre gana al veo-veo. Siempre gana porque siempre elige
cosas que nadie más puede ver. "Veo veo." "¿Qué ves?" "Una co-
sita." "¿Qué cosita es?" "Empieza por la "L," dijo un día en el coche.
"Una luz", dijo mamá. "No", dijo Lucy. "Un lago", dijo papá. "No",
dijo Lucy. "Labios", dijo Jack. "No", dijo Lucy. "¿Os rendís?" pre-
guntó. "Sí, nos rendimos", dijo todo el mundo. "¿Qué es?" "Un león",
dijo Lucy. "Pero no hay leones aquí", protestó Jack. "Sí que los hay",
contestó Lucy. "Ahí está la madre, aquí está el padre con su melena
y allí se pueden ver tres cachorros." "Tú sí que tienes una buena ima-
ginación", le dijo su madre riéndose.
Labios Mariquita
Lips Ladybird
Things to Do!
Things to Do!
Comb your herir and brush your teeth
And leave your brother alone.
Pick up your clothes and tidy your room
And please don't touch the phone!
ings to Do!
Camiseta Grifo
T-shirt Tap
Things to Do!
Feeliring Poorly!
Feeling Poorly!
Lucy's got a íemperature;
She's probably got flu.
Keep away and don't come near
Or you might catch it too.
Lucy tiene fiebre,
probablemente tiene gripe.
Manten la distancia y no te acerques
o la cogerás tú también.
Feeling Poorly!
Lucy isn't feeling very well. She has a temperature and can'í go to school.
In fact, she has to stay in bed all day. She's a bit fed up. "Why don't you
draw picíures of all the things you want to do when you are better?"
suggested Mum, "We can choose íhe best drawing and do the activity ií
shows this weekend." "Thaí's a good idea," thoughí Lucy and she goí
some pencíls and paper and began ío draw. What Lucy really waníed ío
do was ío go ío íhe zoo so she made sure íhaí was íhe besí drawing of
all. On Saíurday, she felí much beííer and spení a wonderful day ai íhe
zoo wiíh her family.
13. ¡Pachucho!
Lucy no se siente muy bien. Tiene fiebre y no puede ir al colegio. De
hecho, tiene que quedarse en la cama todo el día. Está un poco harta.
"¿Por qué no haces unos dibujos de todas las cosas que te gustaría
hacer cuando estés mejor?" le sugirió su madre. "Podemos seleccio-
nar el mejor dibujo y hacer la actividad que representa el fin de se-
mana que viene." "¡Qué buena idea!" pensó Lucy, y cogió unos
lápices y unas hojas de papel y se puso a dibujar. Lo que realmente
quería hacer Lucy era ir al zoo, así que se aseguró de que ese fuera
el mejor dibujo de todos. El sábado se sentía mucho mejor y pasó un
día maravilloso en el zoo con su familia.
Feeling Poorly!
Vi5» "••Pr
Barriguita Médico Hospital
Tummy Doctor Hospital
- - -• * -~^-
Estornudo Jarabe
Sneeze Cough medicine
Feeling Poorly!
i. ¿Qué te pasa? ¿Por qué lloras? What's the mafter? Why are you crying?
2. ¿Estás cansado? Are you íired?
3. ¿Tienes gases? Have you got wind?
4. ¿Te duele la barriguita? Does your tummy hurt?
Te voy a dar un masajito Let's give you a little massage and you'll
y verás cómo se te pasa. see how that geís rid of ¡t.
6. Voy a ponerte el termómetro, parece Leí's íake a íhermometer reading. ít looks like
que tienes un poco de fiebre. you've got a bit of a íemperature.
Si no te pones mejor, tendré If you don't get any beíter, I'll have to take
que llevarte al pediatra. you to the doctor's.
Tienes diarrea. You've got diarrhea.
9. Tienes taponada la nariz. You're al! blocked up.
10. ¿Quieres dormir un poquito? Do you want to sleep for a little while?
11. Lo que te pasa es que estás cansado. You're tired; that's what the problem is.
12. Tenemos que llevarte al médico We've goí to take you to the doctor's
para que te ponga una inyección. to have an injection.
13. No te preocupes, no duele mucho. Don'í worry; it doesn't hurt too much.
14. Sé un chico / una chica valiente. Be a brave boy / girl. Try not to cry.
Intenta no llorar.
15. Si eres bueno, te compraré unos caramelos. If you're good, FU buy you some sweets.
16. ¿Te duele la cabeza? Have you got a headache?
17. ¡Ven aquí que te abrace! Come here and have a cuddle!
18. Deja que te mire la cara. Let me have a look at your face.
19. Parece que te ha picado un mosquito. It looks like you've been bitten by a mosquito.
20. ¡No te morirás por una picadura de mosquito! No, you won't die from a mosquito bite!
Brotherly Love!
Brotherly Love!
Lucy broke Jack's favourite car.
He's angry as can be.
To get her back, he took her dolí
And hid ¡t up a tree!
Brotherly Love!
Jack has made a fantasíic secret den from cardboard boxes. Right now,
he's sitting ¡nside it looking pleased with himself. Lucy really wants to
come in but he won't let her. "Mummy, Jack won't leí me go ¡n his secret
den," she cried. "Don't worry Lucy," said their mum, "you just stay with me
in the kitchen and wait ten minutes and he'll soon let you go in." Jack is
very happy in his den, but after five minutes he starts to get bored and he
thinks how much more he would enjoy it together with his sister. "Lucy,
you can come into my den now if you like." "You see," said their mum,
"ifs much more fun to play together."
Puerta Ventana
Door Window
Brotherly Love!
1 . ¿Te gustaría tener un hermanito Would you like ío have a litíle broíher or sister?
o una hermanita?
2. Vas a tener un hermanito o hermanita. You're going fo have a liítle broíher or sister;
¿A que es fantástico? isn'í that nice?
3. Todavía no puede jugar contigo, porque He can'í come out to play yeí as he's still
está en la barriguita de mamá. in Mummy's íummy.
4. Guando nazca, no podrá hablar enseguida. When he's born he won't be abie to speak
5. Tendrás que tener mucho cuidado You'll have to be very careful as he'll be very
porque él será muy delicado. delicate.
6. Gomo tú eres su hermana mayor, As you're his big sister, he'll look
querrá que lo protejas. ío you for proíecfion.
7. Mamá va a ir al hospital para Mummy's going ío hospital ío have your baby
traer a tu hermanito. broíher.
8. En cuanto nazca, puedes venir a visitarlo. As soon as he's born you can come and visií him.
9. ¿Te gustaría comprarle un regalo especial Would you like fo geí him a special presení
para mostrarle cuánto le quieres? ío show him how much you love him?
10. ¡No pegues a tu hermano! Don't hií your broíher!
1 1. ¿Por qué le has pegado? Why did you hií him?
1 2. ¿No podéis jugar sin pelearos? Can'í you play wíthout fighting?
13. ¡Dejale ese camión a tu hermano! Leí your broíher have the lorry back!
El lo tenía antes que tú. He had ií firsí.
14. ¿Cuántos hermanitos tienes? How many broíhers and sisíers do you have?
15. Esos pantalones son de tu hermano, They're your broíher's írousers; leave fhem
déjalos donde estaban. where you found íhem.
1 6. ¡Deja de molestar a tu hermano! Síop annoying your broíher!
1 7. ¡No le tires del pelo a tu hermana! Don'í pulí your sisíer's hair!
1 8. ¡No se dan patadas! You musín'í kick people!
1 9. ¿Estás celoso de tu hermana? Are you jeaious of your sisíer?
20. Deja que tu hermana diga lo que quiere decir. Leí your sisfer say what she wanís ío say.
Let's Go for a Picnic!
¡Vamonos de picnic!
Lucy se lo pidió a su madre
como regalo especial de cumpleaños,
¡así que se fueron de picnic
con montones de cosas ricas!
Let's Go for a Picnic!
Lucy was so excited about the picnic! She had been looking forward to it
al! week, When the day arrived she helped her mother prepare the picnic
hamper with all the food and drinks for her and her friends. She ¡nvited her
three best friends and they went to the park and had a wonderful time, At
the end, when they had finished eating, it started to rain and they ai! got
absolutely soaked, but that only made them laugh even more, making it
quite an unforgetfable day.
Naranja Melón
Orange Melón
Let's Go for a Picnic!
I ^.4.'^.
1. Como hace un buen día, podemos As it's a nice day, we can go out for a picnic.
ir a comer al campo.
2. ¿Qué te parece? How does that sound?
3. ¿Le ayudas a mami a preparar todo? Will you help Mummy get everything ready?
4. Si quieres, tú puedes encargarte de los postres. If you like, you can be in charge of the afters.
5. Podemos llevarnos fruta y galletas. We can take some fruit and some biscuits.
6. Creo que manzanas y peras será lo mejor... I think apples and pears would be best...
7. Porque no se estrujarán en el fondo Because they won't go squishy at the bottom
de la cesta. of the hamper.
8. ¿Puedes ayudarle a papi a llevar Can you help Daddy carry some things?
algunas cosas?
9. Este parece un buen sitio, ¿no? This looks like a nice spot, doesn't it?
10. ¿Ponemos todo sobre la manta? Shal! we lay out everything on the blankeí?
11. Hay que tener cuidado de no dejar basura. We must be careful not to leave any litter.
12. Es muy importante mantener It's very ¡mportant to keep the countryside clean.
limpio el campo.
13. ¡Cuidado! Hay una avispa cerca de ti. Careful, there's a wasp near you.
14. ¿Ha sido una gota de lluvia lo que Was that a drop of rain I felí?
me ha caído?
15. Parece que va a llover. It looks like it's going to start raining.
16. Creo que deberíamos guardarlo todo. I íhink we had better put everything away.
1 7. Asegúrate de que no nos hemos dejado nada. Make sure we haven't left anything.
18. Ponte el impermeable. Put your waterproof jacket on.
19. Vamos a andar un poco más rápido Let's walk a bit faster or we'll get soaked.
o nos empaparemos.
20. ¿A que ha sido divertido? Wasn't íhat fun?
Don't Do That!
Don't Do That!
Don't jump on the sofá
And don'tjump on the bed.
If you do, you'll trip and fall
And bang your little head!
Don'f Do That!
Lucy is very tidy. She aiways picks her toys up off the floor. Her bedroom
is aiways perfecf as she ¡s very organised wifh afl her things. She folds her
clothes every nighf before going fo bed. She prepares her school bag
before foiding her clofhes and she organises her pens and books before
preparing her school bag. She doesn'f like her fhings fo be messy. Lucy's
brofher, Jack, is a differenf sfory. His bedroom is aiways unfidy. He
ieaves his clofhes and toys on fhe floor. His mofher tells him fo pick up his
clofhes and foys every nighf. He's gefting beíter, buf if's nof easy!
Don't Do That!
Dedos Chicle
Fingers Chewing gum
Don'f Do Thaf!
Lucy gets very excited about the summer holidays. Every year her family
goes to the beach with Jane's family. Lucy and Jane are best friends and
theír favourite thing is collecting seashells. They wake up early every mor-
ning and go to the beach with Jane's dad to look for new seashelis to add
to their collection. They have big ones, small ones, red ones, purpíe ones,
beautiful ones, ugly ones, rough ones, smooth ones, dark ones, bright
ones, transparent ones, pointy ones and fíat ones. But Lucy's favourite
one is the very first one she found last year. It's small and white and has
a black spiral and is simply the best seashell in the world!
Water, Water, Everywhere!
Concha Piscina
Seashel! Swimming pool
Water, Water, Everywhere!
On the whole Jack likes dogs
Where Lucy prefers cats;
Jack's terrified of hairy spiders
And Lucy can't stand rats.
En general, a Jack le gustan los perros
mientras que Lucy prefiere los gatos;
a Jack le aterran las arañas peludas
y Lucy no puede ni ver a las ratas.
Lucy loves cats. Every night, before she goes to bed, she asks her mum
and dad for a pet animal. "But having a dog or cat ís a big responsibility,"
says Dad every night. "You'll have to prove to us that you are responsible
enough to look after an animal. If you have an animal, it's not just to stroke
and cuddle. You have to feed it twice a day, you have to brush ií every
week and you have to look after it when it's feeling poorly." Lucy promised
to help olear away the table every night after dinner to show how respon-
sible she can be. "If you do that every night for the next three months, we'll
see if we can find you a nice little kitten," said Dad. "Hooray!" said Lucy.
18. ¡Animales!
A Lucy le encantan los gatos. Cada noche, antes de acostarse, les
pide uno a su mamá y a su papá. "Pero tener un perro o un gato su-
pone una gran responsabilidad", le dice papá todas las noches. "Ten-
drás que demostrarnos que eres lo suficientemente responsable para
cuidar de un animal. Si tienes un animal, no es solo cuestión de aca-
riciarle o abrazarle. Tienes que darle de comer dos veces al día, tie-
nes que cepillarlo y cuidarlo cuando esté enfermito." Lucy prometió
quitar la mesa todas las noches después de cenar para demostrar lo
responsable que puede ser. "Si haces eso cada noche durante los pró-
ximos tres meses, veremos si te podemos encontrar un bonito garito",
le dijo papá. "¡Bieeen!" dijo Lucy.
Caracol Mariposa
Snai! Buííerfly
Growing Up!
When Jack grows up he'd like to be
A daring astronaut.
"You'll have to study hard for that."
"Then maybe not!" Jack thought.
Guando Jack crezca le gustaría ser
un valiente astronauta.
"Tendrás que estudiar mucho para eso."
"¡Entonces quizás no!", pensó Jack.
Growing Up!
Every night, Jack looked out of his window and gazed at the moon and stars.
"When I grow up, FU travel to all the stars ¡n the universe and meet lots of
strange space monsters!" "You won't be able to travel to all the stars unless
you learn to recognise them one from another," said Jack's dad. "How can
I do that?" asked Jack. "Well, you're very good, you might get a nice sur-
prise on your birthday." When Jack's birthday carne around, he found
a strange-shaped present waiting for him. When he opened ¡t he saw a
strange tube and thought, "a spaceship!" "Not exactly," said his dad, "but
íhis is better íhan a spaceship because you can get to know the stars without
leaving home." Can you guess what Jack's present was?
19. ¡Creciendo!
Todas las noches, Jack miraba la luna y las estrellas a través de su
ventana. "Cuando sea mayor, viajaré a todas las estrellas del universo
y conoceré a muchos monstruos espaciales raros." "No podrás viajar a
todas las estrellas a no ser que aprendas a distinguirlas", le dijo el padre
de Jack. "¿Cómo puedo hacer eso?", preguntó Jack. "Bueno, si eres
muy bueno, puede que recibas una bonita sorpresa para tu cumplea-
ños." Cuando llegó el día del cumpleaños de Jack. le esperaba un re-
galo con una forma rara. Cuando lo abrió vio un tubo extraño y pensó:
"¡una nave espacial!". "No exactamente", le dijo su padre, "pero esto
es mejor que una nave espacial porque puedes llegar a conocer las es-
trellas sin salir de casa". ¿Tú sabes lo que era el regalo de Jack?
Growing Up!
Cumpleaños Regalo
Birthday Present
Growing Up!
1. Ya eres muy mayor para utilizar chupete. You're too big for a dummy now.
2. Tú ya no usas pañales porque eres You don't use nappies anymore because you're
muy mayor. a big boy.
3. Mamá no puede estar contigo todo el día. Mummy can't be with you all day.
4. Mamá tiene que trabajar, ¿sabes? Mummy has to work, you know?
5. Tengo que trabajar para que tengas I have to work so íhat you can have a nice house
una casa bonita donde vivir. to live in.
6. Cuando seas mayor, tú también When you're older, you'll have to work too.
tendrás que trabajar.
7. Tienes que estudiar mucho. You have to study very hard,
8. ¿A qué te gustaría dedicarte cuando seas mayor? What wouid you like to do when you grow up?
9. Yo quería ser médico a tu edad. I wanted to be a doctor when ! was your age.
10. Cuando seas mayor hablarás When you're oider you'll be able to speak perfect
perfectamente inglés. English.
11. Tienes que trabajar en ello You have to work at it a little every day.
un poco todos los días.
12. La práctica hace la perfección. Practice makes perfect.
13. ¡Venga! ¡Ya eres un niño grande! Come on, you're a big boy now!
14. No me gusta que digas palabrotas. I don't want you using words iike that.
15. Esas son palabras de mayores Those are grown-up words and are only
y solo son para mayores. for grown-ups,
16. No quiero que estés por ahí con tus amigos I don't want you staying out with your friends afíer
a partir de las seis. 6 o'clock.
17. No puedes ver los dibujos animados You can't watch cartoons until you've done your
hasta que no hagas tus deberes. homework.
18. Cuando seas mayor, entenderás When you're older, you'll understand what I mean.
lo que quiero decir.
19. Tienes que cuidar de tu prima pequeña. You have to look after your little cousin.
20. Ten cuidado cuando juegues con ella Be careful when you play with her because she's
porque es mucho más pequeña que tú. rnuch smaller than you.
Family Fun!
Family Fun!
Lucy, you lookjust like Mum
But you've got your grandma's nose.
Fm glad you haven't got my chin
Or your grandpa's ugly toes!
¡Divirtiéndose en familia!
Lucy, te pareces a mamá
pero tienes la nariz de la abuela.
Me alegro de que no tengas mi barbilla
o los horrorosos pies de tu abuelo.
Family Fun!
Lucy loves going to her grandma's house and looking at all íhe photos of
her family from past generations. All the photos are in black and white
whích gives them a special air of mystery. Her great grandmoíher looks
very serious. Her great grandfather has a funny moustache which makes
Lucy laugh every time she sees his photograph. Then there's her great
aunt Teresa who has beautiful long hair and her great únele Henry in his
soldier's uniform. But Lucy's favourite photograph is the one of her great-
great grandmother as a girl. Do you know why? Because she looks just
like Lucy!
Sobrina Bisabuela
Niece Greaí grandmother
Family Fun!