Youtalk Grammar Ii: Class 30.7
Youtalk Grammar Ii: Class 30.7
Youtalk Grammar Ii: Class 30.7
10.-Reading Comprehension
Wednesday, January 11, 2011
Today is Wednesday, January 11. It is another snowy, cold afternoon in Buffalo,
New York. I am feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with work. My boss wants
me to work longer hours. I’m already working 50 hours at the newsroom and
writing at home about 20 hours each week. I’m a journalist at The Buffalo Times
and have my own column. My boyfriend wants me to work fewer hours because
he doesn’t get to see me very often. I want to work hard in order to get a promotion
to the manager position in the company. My parents want me to have less stress.
They want me to take better care of my health. I’m working from home today
because I’m sick with another virus. I keep thinking, if I had gotten more sleep,
I wouldn’t be sick. On the other hand, if I work harder, my boss will give me the
manager position that I’ve always wanted. If I get the manager position, I will
have more time to focus on training editors new to the paper. Furthermore, I will
not have to spend as much time outside of work, worrying about my writing.
Instead, my focus will be on helping and teaching in-experienced writers find
their style of writing.
Good wood
Good wood in Hollywood
Is there good wood in Hollywood?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Class 30.7 Grammar
13.-Verb Vocabulary
Practica con estas frases siguiendo las indicaciones de los tres primeros
ejemplos. La clave es hacer sonar la frase como si fuese una sola palabra y
prestar atención a omitir la h uniendo las palabras.
Where is he?
What is his name?
What is her phone number?
What does he do?
When does his plane leave?
She does her work neatly
Class 30.7 Grammar