Well Measured: Developing Indicators For Comprehensive and Sustainable Transport Planning
Well Measured: Developing Indicators For Comprehensive and Sustainable Transport Planning
Well Measured: Developing Indicators For Comprehensive and Sustainable Transport Planning
Well Measured
Developing Indicators for Comprehensive and Sustainable Transport
4 February 2008
A world view showing Africa taken Dec. 7, 1972 as Apollo 17 left Earth orbit for the Moon.
(Courtesy of NASA).
This paper provides guidance on the selection of indicators for comprehensive and
sustainable transportation planning. It discusses the concept of sustainability and the
role of indicators in planning, describes factors to consider when selecting indicators,
identifies potential problems with conventional indicators, describes examples of
indicators and indicator sets, and provides recommendations for selecting indicators for
use in a particular situation.
A version of this report was presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting:
Developing Indicators for Comprehensive and Sustainable Transport Planning
Paper 07-2706, 2007 TRB Annual Meeting (www.trb.org).
Introduction ...........................................................................................................3
Sustainable Transportation ...................................................................................4
Factors to Consider When Selecting Indicators ....................................................8
Vehicle Travel As A Sustainability Indicator................................................................ 13
Indicators By Category........................................................................................14
Economic Indicators.................................................................................................... 14
Social Indicators.......................................................................................................... 17
Environmental Indicators............................................................................................. 17
Accounting Indicators..........................................................................................19
Conventional Transport Indicators ......................................................................20
Examples of Sustainable Transportation Indicator Sets......................................21
Green Community Checklist ....................................................................................... 22
Ecological Footprint (www.footprintnetwork.org)......................................................... 22
Happy Planet Index (www.happyplanetindex.org) ...................................................... 23
USDOT Environmental Performance Measures ......................................................... 23
Sustainable Transportation Performance Indicators ................................................... 24
Environmentally Sustainable Transport ...................................................................... 24
Global Reporting Initiative (www.globalreporting.org)................................................. 25
Performance Indicators ............................................................................................... 25
Mobility For People With Special Needs and Disadvantages ..................................... 26
World Business Council Sustainable Mobility Indicators............................................. 27
Sustainability Checklist ............................................................................................... 28
TERM .......................................................................................................................... 29
SUMMA....................................................................................................................... 30
Aviation Sustainability Indicators................................................................................. 31
Lyons Regional Indicators........................................................................................... 32
Good Example Of Bad Indicators................................................................................ 33
Best Practices .....................................................................................................34
Conclusions ........................................................................................................39
References and Resources ................................................................................40
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
There is growing interest in the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development and
sustainable transportation. Sustainability is generally evaluated using various indicators,
which are specific variables suitable for quantification (measurement). Such indicators are
useful for establishing baselines, identifying trends, predicting problems, assessing
options, setting performance targets, and evaluating a particular jurisdiction or
organization. Which indicators are selected can significantly influence analysis results. A
particular policy may seem beneficial and desirable when evaluated using one set of
indicators but harmful and undesirable when evaluated using others. It is therefore
important for everybody involved in sustainable transportation planning to understand the
assumptions and perspectives used to select and define sustainable transportation
This paper explores concepts related to the definition of sustainable transportation and
the selection of indicators suitable for policy analysis and planning. It discusses various
definitions of sustainability and the role of indicators, describes factors to consider when
selecting indicators, identifies potential problems with conventional transport planning
indicators, describes examples of indicators and indicator sets, and provides
recommendations for selecting indicators for use in a particular situation.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Sustainable Transportation
There is growing interest in sustainability and its implications for transport planning
(Litman and Burwell, 2006). Sustainability reflects the fundamental human desire to
make the world better. Sustainability emphasizes the integrated nature of human
activities and therefore the need to coordinate decisions among different sectors, groups
and jurisdictions. Sustainability planning (also called comprehensive planning) 1 insures
that local, short-term decisions are consistent with strategic, global, long-term goals. This
contrasts with reductionist planning, in which problems are assigned to a profession or
organization with narrow responsibilities and goals, which can result in solutions to one
problem that exacerbate other problems facing society (Litman, 2003).
Sustainable development “meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (WCED, 1987)
“Sustainability is equity and harmony extended into the future, a careful journey without
an endpoint, a continuous striving for the harmonious co-evolution of environmental,
economic and socio-cultural goals.” (Mega and Pedersen, 1998)
“The common aim [of sustainable development] must be to expand resources and
improve the quality of life for as many people as heedless population growth forces upon
the Earth, and do it with minimal prosthetic dependence. (Wilson, 1998)
Sustainability is: “the capacity for continuance into the long term future. Anything that
can go on being done on an indefinite basis is sustainable. Anything that cannot go on
being done indefinitely is unsustainable.” (Center for Sustainability, 2004).
Sustainability is a popular concept in some communities but not others, where it may be better to use the
term comprehensive planning. The distinction is more ideological then functional.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
This last definition is preferred by many experts, including the Transportation Research
Board’s Sustainable Transportation Indicators Subcommittee (ADD40[1]), the European
Council of Ministers of Transport, and the Canadian Centre for Sustainable
Transportation, because it is comprehensive, and clearly indicates that sustainable
transportation must balance a variety of economic, social and environmental goals.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Although this figure implies that each issue fits into a specific category, there is actually overlap. For example,
pollution is an environmental concern, affects human health (a social concern) and fishing (an economic
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
More efficient and alternative fuel vehicles help achieve a few planning objectives. Reducing total
vehicle travel helps achieve more objectives and so can be considered more sustainable.
These impacts can be defined in terms of goals, objectives, targets and thresholds. For
example, a planning process may involve establishing traffic congestion indicators
(defining how congestion will be measured), goals (the amount of congestion reduction
desired, including factors such as whether reductions are particularly important for
certain trips or vehicles, such as trucks and buses), objectives (shifts in travel time and
mode to reduce congestion) and targets (specific, feasible changes in congestion impacts
or travel behavior that should be achieved), and thresholds (levels beyond which
additional actions will be taken to reduce congestion).
Different types of indicators reflect different perspectives and assumptions. Some focus
on vehicle travel or mobility, but a better perspective considers accessibility (the ability
to reach activities and destinations), taking into account travel options and land use
patterns (Litman, 2003). For example, roadway level-of-service (LOS) primarily reflects
automobile travel congestion. It indicates little about the quality of other modes or land
use accessibility. A planning process that relies primarily on roadway LOS to evaluate
transport system performance implicitly assumes that automobile travel is the most
important mode and congestion is the most important problem. Two areas can have equal
roadway LOS ratings but very different overall transport system performance due to
differences in transport diversity and the distribution of destinations. Similarly,
measuring impacts per vehicle-mile, per passenger-mile, per capita or per unit of
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
economic activity reflect different perspectives and assumptions about what is important
and desirable.
Indicators can reflect various levels of analysis, as illustrated in Table 3. For example,
indicators may reflect the decision-making process (the quality of planning), responses
(travel patterns), physical impacts (emission and accident rates), effects this has on
people and the environment (injuries and deaths, and ecological damages), and their
economic impacts (costs to society due to crashes and environmental degradation). A
sustainability index can include indictors that reflect various levels of analysis but it is
important to take their relationships into account in evaluation to avoid double-counting.
For example, reductions in vehicle-mile emission rates can reduce ambient pollutants and
human health damages; it may be useful to track each of these factors, but it would be
wrong to add them up as if they reflect different types of impacts.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Many impacts are best evaluated using relative indicators, such as trends over time,
comparisons between different groups or jurisdictions, or units such as per capita or per
vehicle. For example, an increase in transportation energy consumption over time can be
considered unsustainable. Similarly, a community can evaluate its current level of
sustainability and its potential for achieving sustainability objectives by comparing its
indicators with those of peer cities (cities considered similar). Equity can be evaluated
based on the transport options and impacts of disadvantaged groups (people with low
incomes, disabilities or other disadvantages) compare with advantaged groups.
Communities and agencies can be evaluated by comparing their performance with peers.
Reference units (also called ratio indicators) are measurement units normalized to
facilitate comparisons, such as per-year, per-capita, per-mile, per-trip, per-vehicle-year
and per dollar (Litman, 2003; GRI, 2006). The selection of reference units can affect how
problems are defined and solutions prioritized. For example, measuring impacts such as
emissions, crashes and costs per vehicle-mile ignores the effects of changes in vehicle
mileage; for example, it does not consider increases in per capita vehicle travel as a
contributor to these problems, and ignores mobility management strategies as solutions.
Measuring these impacts per capita does account for changes in vehicle travel.
Comparisons can be structured in various ways to reflect different perspectives, such as
comparisons between different areas and groups, or trends over time. However, care is
needed when interpreting such comparisons. For example, differences in fatality rates
may reflect random variation (particularly if they involve small numbers, such as just a
few annual deaths), or confounding factors such as changes in demographics or traffic
conditions rather than the factor under consideration, such as transport policies.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
ability, etc.) for equity evaluation, and land use modeling can incorporate more multi-
modal factors.
Transport and land use have interactive effects, and both affect sustainability. As a result,
“smart growth” policies, which create more accessible and multi-modal land use, tend to
support sustainability, while “sprawl” tends to reduce sustainability by increasing per
capita land impacts and motor vehicle travel (“Smart Growth,” VTPI, 2004).
It may be helpful to prioritize indicators and develop different sets for particular
situations. For example, it can be useful to identify some indicators that should always be
collected, others that are desirable if data collection costs are acceptable, and some
indicators to address specific planning objectives that may be important in certain cases.
When developing indicators for a particular sector, jurisdiction or organization it is
important to consider which impacts and objectives are within their responsibility.
Hart (1997) recommends asking the following questions about potential indicators:
• Is it relevant to the community's definition of sustainability? Sustainability in an urban or
suburban area can be quite different from sustainability in a rural town. How well does the
direction the indicator is pointing match the community's vision of sustainability?
• Is it understandable to the community at large? If it is understood only by experts, it will
only be used by experts.
• Is it developed, accepted, and used by the community? How much do people really think
about the indicator? We all know how much money we make every year. How many
people really know how much water they use in a day?
• Does it provide a long-term view of the community? Is there information about where the
community has been as well as where the community should be in 20, 30, or 50 years?
• Does it link the different areas of the community? The areas to link are: culture/social,
economy, education, environment, health, housing, quality of life, politics, population,
public safety, recreation, resource consumption/use, and transportation.
• Is it based on information that is reliable, accessible, timely and accurate?
• Does the indicator consider local impacts at the expense of global impacts, for example,
by encouraging negative impacts to be shifted to other locations?
The use of indicators is just one step in the overall planning process, which includes
consulting stakeholders, defining problems, establishing goals and objectives; identifying
and evaluating options, developing policies and plans, implementing programs,
establishing performance targets and measuring impacts (“Planning and Evaluation,”
VTPI, 2005).
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
This issue can be viewed from an economic efficiency perspective. Current transport
markets are distorted in ways that result in economically excessive motor vehicle travel,
including various forms of road and parking underpricing, uncompensated environmental
impacts, biased transport planning practices (e.g., dedicated highway funding, modeling
that overlooks generated traffic effect, etc.), and land use planning practices that favor
lower-density, automobile-oriented development (e.g., restrictions on density and multi-
family housing, minimum parking supply, pricing that favors urban-fringe locations, etc.)
(“Market Principles,” VTPI, 2005). Some analysis indicates that more than a third of all
motor vehicle travel results from these distortions (Litman, 2005b).
To the degree that market distortions increase vehicle travel beyond what is economically
optimal (beyond what consumers would choose in an efficient market), the additional
vehicle travel can be considered unsustainable and policies that correct these distortions
increase sustainability. In this context, vehicle mileage and shifts to non-automobile
modes can be considered sustainability indicators. This may not apply in some situations,
such as in developing countries when vehicle ownership is growing from low to medium
levels, and where transportation markets are efficient.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Indicators By Category
This section describes the selection of sustainable transportation indicators by category.
Economic Indicators
Economic development refers to a community’s progress toward economic objectives
such as increased income, wealth, employment, productivity and social welfare. Welfare
(as used by economists) refers to total human wellbeing and happiness. Economic
policies are generally intended to maximize welfare, although this is difficult to measure
directly. Instead, monetary income, wealth and productivity (such as Gross Domestic
Product [GDP]) are often used as economic indicators. But these indicators can be
criticized on several grounds (Cobb, Halstead and Rowe, 1999; Dixon, 2004).
• They only measure material wealth that is traded in a market, and so overlook other
factors that contribute to wellbeing such as health, self-reliance, love, community, pride,
environmental resources, freedom, etc.
• These indicators give a positive value to destructive activities that reduce people’s health
and self-reliance, and therefore increase their use of market goods (medical services,
purchased rather than home-grown or gathered foods and fuel).
• As they are typically used, these indicators do not reflect the distribution of wealth
(although they can be used to compare wealth between different groups).
Two communities can have similar economic productivity, and two people can have
similar wealth, yet one has greater wellbeing overall due to differences in how the wealth
is created, distributed and used. There are many possible traps by which increased wealth
can fail to increase welfare, for example, if a productive process harms the environment
and makes people sick, if wealth distribution is severely unequal, if wealth is spent
inefficiently, and if increased material wealth disrupts community cohesion, pride,
freedom or other nonmarket goods.
Put differently, people often have significant nonmarket wealth ignored by conventional
economic indicators, such clean air and water, health, public resources, self-reliance
skills, the ability to farm and gather food, and social networks that provide security,
education, entertainment, and other services. Market activities that degrade these free and
low-cost resources make people poorer, forcing them to earn and spend more money for
commercial replacements. Conventional economic indicators treat these shifts as entirely
positive. More accurate indicators account for both the losses and gains of such changes.
Material wealth provides declining marginal social welfare benefits, which means that
each additional unit of wealth provides less benefit than the last, because consumers
purchase the most rewarding goods first, so additional wealth allows increasing less
rewarding expenditures. For example, if a person only earns $10,000 annually, giving
them another $10,000 makes them far better off. But the same $10,000 increase in
income provides less benefit to somebody earning $50,000 annually, and less to
somebody earning $100,000, and even less to somebody earning $500,000.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
However, people seldom recognize these diminishing benefits, because as they become
wealthier their financial expectations increase. As consumers become wealthier an
increasing portion of their expenditures reflect status (also called prestige or positional)
goods. Although such expenditures provide perceived benefits to individuals, they
provide little or no net benefit to society since as one consumer displays more wealth,
others must match it to maintain status. If you purchase a mansion, I feel obliged to
purchase an equal size home, even if we both end up with larger houses than we can
really use. In this way, a large increase in productivity and income may provide little gain
in social welfare, particularly if it is directed at already wealthy consumers.
Sustainable transportation economic indicators should reflect both the benefits and costs
of motor vehicle use, and the possibility that more motorized mobility reflects a reduction
in overall accessibility and transport diversity, rather than a net gain in social welfare.
Increased mobility that provides little or negative net benefits to society can be
considered to reduce sustainability, while policies that increase the net benefits from each
unit of mobility can be considered to increase sustainability.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Social Indicators
Social impacts include equity, human health (which is also an economic impact if disease
imposes financial costs or reduces productivity), community livability (the quality of the
local environment as experienced by people in an area) and community cohesion (the
quality of interactions among people living in a community), impacts on historic and
cultural resources (such as historic sites and traditional community activities), and
aesthetics. Various methods can be used to quantify these impacts (Forkenbrock and
Weisbrod, 2001; Litman, 2004b; “TDM Evaluation,” VTPI, 2005).
Human health impacts of transportation include accident injuries, pollution illness, and
health problems from inadequate physical activity. Policies that improve walking and
cycling conditions and increase nonmotorized travel improve mobility for disadvantaged
people and increase fitness and so tend to support sustainable transportation. Community
livability and cohesion (Litman, 2006a) can be measured using field surveys to see how
transport facilities and activities impact the human environment, surveys of residents to
determine how these impacts affects interactions among neighbors, and economic
surveys to see how this affects property values and business activity. Historic and cultural
resources can be evaluated using surveys which ascertain the value people place on them.
Environmental Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Environmental impacts include various types of air pollution (including gases that
contribute to climate change), noise, water pollution, depletion of nonrenewable
resources, landscape degradation (including pavement or damage to ecologically
productive lands, habitat fragmentation, hydrologic disruptions due to pavement), heat
island effects (increased ambient temperature resulting from pavement), and wildlife
deaths from collisions. Various methods can be used to measure these impacts and
quantify their ecological and human costs (EEA, 2001; Litman, 2004b; FHWA, 2004).
Many existing estimates of environmental impacts are partial analyses. For example,
many monetized estimates of air pollution costs only include a portion of the types of
harmful emissions produced by motor vehicles, and many only consider human health
impacts, ignoring ecological, agricultural and aesthetic damages (Litman, 2004b).
In practice, it is often infeasible to apply all the indicators described above, due to data
collection and analysis costs. Later in this report these indicators are prioritized to
indicate those that are most important and should usually be applied.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Accounting Indicators
Sustainable indicator systems are generally separate from conventional statistics and
accounting systems commonly used by public and private organizations to evaluate the
value of assets and activities, such as censuses, national accounts and corporate reports.
Yet, both systems are based on the same principles and similar data. It may be possible to
integrate these systems to provide comprehensive indicators, so sustainability evaluation
systems incorporate economic accounting, and economic accounting systems incorporate
sustainability indicators (Federal Statistical Office Germany, 2005).
There is a danger that efforts to integrate economic and sustainability indicators will end
up focusing on factors that are easier to measure (such as quantified economic impacts)
and overlook factors that are more difficult to measure (such as qualitative environmental
and social impacts) and so perpetuate current biases.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Because they focus on motor vehicle travel quality and ignore other impacts, these
indicators tend to justify policies and projects that increase motorized travel. For
example, they justify road and parking facility capacity expansion that tends to create
more automobile-oriented transport and land use systems, increasing per capita vehicle
travel and reducing the viability of walking, cycling and public transit. This tends to
contradict sustainability objectives by increasing per capita resource consumption, traffic
congestion, road and parking facility costs, traffic accidents, pollution emissions and land
consumption, and reducing travel options for non-drivers, exacerbating inequity
By evaluating impacts per vehicle-mile rather than per capita, they do not consider
increased vehicle mileage to be a risk factor and they ignore vehicle traffic reductions as
possible solution to transport problems (Litman, 2003). For example, from this
perspective an increase in per capita vehicle crashes is not a problem provided that there
is a comparable increase in vehicle mileage. Increased vehicle travel can even be
considered a traffic safety strategy if it occurs under relatively safe conditions, because
more safe miles reduce per-mile crash and casualty rates.
A variety of methods are now available for evaluating the quality of alternative transport
mode (walking, cycling, public transit, etc.), but they require additional data collection
and are not yet widely used (FDOT, 2002; “Evaluating Transport Options, VTPI, 2005).
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
• Comply with environmental regulations.
• Practice waste minimization and pollution prevention.
• Conserve natural resources through sustainable land use.
• Promote diverse, locally-owned and operated sustainable businesses.
• Provide adequate affordable housing.
• Promote mixed-use residential areas which provide for open space.
• Promote economic equity.
• Actively involve citizens from all sectors of the community through open, inclusive public
• Ensure that public actions are sustainable, while incorporating local values and historical and
cultural considerations.
• Create and maintain safe, clean neighborhoods and recreational facilities for all.
• Provide adequate and efficient infrastructure (water, sewer, etc.) that minimizes human health
and environmental harm, and transportation systems that accommodate broad public access,
bike and pedestrian paths.
• Ensure equitable and effective educational and health-care systems.
Today, humanity's Ecological Footprint is over 23% larger than what the planet can
regenerate. In other words, it now takes more than one year and two months for the Earth
to regenerate what we use in a single year. We maintain this overshoot by liquidating the
planet's ecological resources. By measuring the Ecological Footprint of a population (an
individual, a city, a nation, or all of humanity) we can assess our overshoot, which helps
us manage our ecological assets more carefully. Ecological Footprints enable people to
take personal and collective actions in support of a world where humanity lives within
the means of one planet.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2001) developed
the following indicators of Environementally Sustainable Transport (EST).
• CO2 – Climate change is prevented by avoiding increased per-capita carbon-dioxide emissions.
• NOX – Ambient NO2, ozone levels and nitrogen deposition is greatly reduced.
• VOC – Damage from carcinogenic VOCs and ozone is greatly reduced.
• Particulates – Harmful ambient air levels are avoided by reducing emissions of fine
particulates (particularly those less than 10 microns in size).
• Noise – Ambient noise levels that present a health concern or serious nuisance (maximum 55-
70 decibels during the day and 45 decibels at night and indoors).
• Land use – Transport facility land consumption is reduced to the extent that local and
regional objectives for ecosystem protection are met.
Performance Indicators
Transportation planners use various performance indicators for evaluating transportation
conditions, prioritizing improvements, and day-to-day operations. Meyers (2005)
describes and compares various performance indicators used by transportation planners
in three countries. These include indicators related to roadway conditions (congestion,
travel times, crashes), freight transport efficiency, pollution emissions, quality of various
modes (including walking, cycling and public transit) and user satisfaction.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
1. Surveys of disadvantaged people to determine the degree to which they are constrained in
meeting their basic mobility needs (travel to medical services, school, work, basic shopping,
etc.) due to inadequate facilities and services.
2. Travel surveys that identify the degree of mobility by disadvantaged people, and how this
compares with the mobility of able-bodied and higher-income people.
3. The degree to which various transportation modes and services accommodate disadvantaged
people, including the ability of walking facilities and transit vehicles to accommodate
wheelchair users and users with other disabilities, and transportation service discounts and
subsidies for people with low incomes.
4. Degree to which disadvantaged people are considered in transportation planning through the
involvement of individuals and advocates in the planning process, special data collection, and
special programs.
5. The portion of pedestrian facilities that accommodate wheelchair users, and the number of
barriers within the system.
6. The frequency of failures, such as excessive waiting times, inaccurate user information and
passups of disadvantaged people by transportation services.
7. User surveys to determine the problems, barriers and costs disadvantaged people face using
transportation services.
8. The portion of time and financial budgets devoted to transportation by disadvantaged people.
9. Indicators of the physical risks facing people with disabilities using the transportation system,
such as the number of pedestrians with disabilities who are injured or killed by motor
vehicles, and the frequency of assault on transit users, particularly those with disabilities and
lower incomes (who are often forced to use transit services in less secure times and locations,
due to fewer transportation options).
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Sustainability Checklist
Below are sustainability indicators developed by Region 10 USEPA employees working on
sustainable planning implementation.
• Identify Non-sustainability: Determine if the project has identified those currently non-
sustainable practices and behaviors that are to be addressed by the project.
• Value Natural Capital: Determine if the project will succeed at placing value on natural
capital (soil and agricultural productivity, climate regulation, wetlands treatment of
contaminants, etc.).
• See Waste as Food: Ask if our activity is systems-focused in that it seeks to model
nature's patterns of waste as food where the goal is established of eliminating the practice
and concept of waste.
• Use Local Resources: Identify whether the project maximizes or has a plan to maximize
the efficient use of local resources (human, material, energy) rather than depending more
on the import of material goods and services for its success.
• Promote Social Equity: Determine if the project explicitly addresses a goal of fairly
sharing its benefits and burdens within the affected community.
• Promote Ecosystem Health: Ask if the project demonstrates and promotes the goal of
enhanced ecosystem integrity for the specific bioregional project areas to be affected by
the proposal (watershed, riparian zone, wetlands, headwaters, grasslands, forest, and
maintenance of biodiversity).
• Enhance Meaningful Work: Identify if the project will provide both the quality and
quantity of employment opportunities needed to address a pre-existing situation of
underemployment with the affected community.
• Support Community Inclusiveness: Ask whether the project features or encourages the
participation of all members of the community directly or indirectly affected by the
proposed course of action. Is greater opportunity for equity promoted?
• Avoid Problem-Shifting: Look to see if the project minimizes the shifts of impacts from
one community to another (locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally) in areas
such as waste disposal, resource depletion, and economic dislocation.
• Reflect Intergenerational Equity: See if the project has a sufficiently long-term time
horizon that addresses the likelihood that the project can continue indefinitely without
violating any of the checklist items above.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
The European Union’s Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM)
identifies the sustainable transportation indicators summarized in Table 11.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
SUMMA (SUstainable Mobility Measures and Assessment) is a European Commission
sponsored project to define and operationalize sustainable mobility, develop indicators,
assess the scale of sustainability problems associated with transport, and identify policy
measures to promote sustainable transport (www.SUMMA-EU.org). Table 12 shows the
scope of its analysis.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
7. Surface access passengers Number arriving at airport boundary. Arrivals and departures relative to
Number departing airport boundary. hourly maxima.
8. Water consumption & waste Monthly volume consumed. - Volume consumed relative to
water emission Effluent concentrations. hourly maximum.
Ambient concentrations of water - Pollutant concentrations (effluent
pollutants. and ambient) relative to limits.
9. Solid waste Monthly volume arising. Set targets for absolute volumes and
Monthly volume recycled or re-used relate performance to these.
Monthly volume of hazardous waste.
10. Land take & biodiversity Area paved (m2, within airport Set target for absolute areas and
boundary and ownership, includes relate performance to these.
building footprints).
Area of high and medium biodiversity
(m2, within airport boundary and
ownership, includes building
This table summarizes airport sustainability indicators. Threshold indicators indicate
performance relative to standards and stated limits.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
This is a good example of bad indicators. Why? Because it assumes that the only
sustainable transport objectives are energy conservation and air pollution emission
reductions, and promoting hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles is the main way to achieve
these objectives. It considers no other sustainability issues, and fails to define how the
indicators are to be interpreted (for example, is increased transit ridership good even if it
reflects poverty?). It lumps together policies (promoting hybrid and alternative fuel
vehicles) with outcomes (air quality levels and asthma cases).
Some of these indicators promote policies that can actually reduce sustainability. For
example, allowing hybrids to use HOV lanes can cause those lanes to become congested
so they no longer encourage transit and rideshare use, which may increase total energy
consumption, pollution emissions, and other transport problems. Similarly, “Number of
school buses” apparently assumes that more busing is better. While school busing may be
better than individual parents chauffeuring children, it is more sustainable for children to
walk to school; high rates of school busing may be an indication of poor land use
planning and bad walking conditions, both of which indicate unsustainable transport.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Best Practices
The following principles should be applied when selecting transportation performance
indicators (Hart, 1997; Marsden, Kelly and Snell, 2006):
• Comprehensive – Indicators should reflect various economic, social and environmental
impacts, and various transport activities (such as both personal and freight transport).
• Data quality – Data collection practices should reflect high standards to insure that
information is accurate and consistent.
• Comparable – Data collection should be standardized so the results are suitable for
comparison between various jurisdictions, times and groups. Indicators should be
clearly defined. For example, “Number of people with good access to food shopping”
should specify ‘good access’ and ‘food shopping.’
• Easy to understand – Indicators must useful to decision-makers and understandable to the
general public. The more information condensed into a single index the less meaning it
has for specific policy targets (for example, Ecological Footprint analysis incorporates
many factors) and the greater the likelihood of double counting.
• Accessible and Transparent – Indicators (and the data they are based on) and
analysis details should be available to all stakeholders.
• Cost effective – The suite of indicators should be cost effective to collect. The decision-
making worth of the indicators must outweigh the cost of collecting them.
• Net Effects – Indicators should differentiate between net (total) impacts and shifts of
impacts to different locations and times.
• Performance targets – select indicators that are suitable for establishing usable
performance targets.
Table 15 lists recommended indicator sets grouped into Most Important (should usually
be used), Helpful (should be used if possible) and Specialized (should be used to reflect
particular needs or objectives).
Much of the data required for these indicators may be available through existing sources,
such as censuses and consumer surveys, travel surveys and other reports. Some data can
be collected during regular planning activities. For example, travel surveys and traffic
counts can be modified to better account for alternative modes, and to allow comparisons
between different groups (e.g., surveys can include questions to categorize respondents).
Some indicators require special data that may require additional resources to collect.
Some of these indicators overlap. For example, there are several indicators of transport
diversity (quality and quantity of travel options, mode split, quality of nonmotorized
transport, amount of non-motorized transport, etc.), and cost-based pricing (the degree to
which prices reflect full costs) is considered an indicator of both economic efficiency and
equity/fairness. It may be most appropriate to use just one such indicator, or if several
similar indicators are used, give each a smaller weight.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Some indicators lack performance standards for evaluation. For example, there may be
no suitable performance standards for stormwater management or universal design. In
that case, they may be evaluated based on how well best stormwater management and
universal design practices are included in the planning process.
Comprehensive, lifecycle analysis should be used, taking into account all costs and
resources used, including production, distribution and disposal. The analysis should
indicate if costs are shifted to other locations, times and groups.
These data can be presented in various ways to show trends, differences between groups
and areas, comparison with peer jurisdictions or agencies, and levels compared with
recognized standards. Overall impacts should generally be evaluated per capita, rather
than per unit of travel (e.g., per vehicle-mile) in order to take into account the effects of
changes in the amount of travel that occurs.
These indicators can be used to establish specific performance targets and contingency-
based plans (for example, a particularly emission reduction policy or program is to be
implemented if pollution levels reach a specific threshold, or a community will receive a
reward for achieving a particular rating or award if it achieves a particular mode shift).
It may be appropriate to use a limited set of indicators which reflect the scale, resources
and responsibilities of a particular sector, jurisdiction or agency. For example, a
transportation agency might only measure transportation impacts involving the modes,
clients and geographic area it serves. Special sustainability analysis and indicators may
be applied to freight or aviation sectors.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
A transit agency interested in developing comprehensive performance indicators starts by
defining the following general planning objectives that transit is intended to help achieve:
• Improved transit service quality.
• Reduced traffic congestion.
• Reduced road and parking facility costs.
• Energy conservation.
• Pollution emission reductions.
• Increased safety.
• Improved mobility for transportation disadvantaged people.
• Consumer cost savings, increased affordability.
• Support for strategic planning objectives (reduced sprawl, urban redevelopment, etc.)
• Cost effective operation.
• Planning effectiveness.
Performance indicators are selected to reflect these objectives. Below are examples. The
exact set of indicators will depend on priorities and the cost of collecting data.
• Service quality is indicated by transit service accessibility (portion of homes, businesses
and public institutions with some minimal level of transit service, such as 30-minute or
less headways), frequency, transit travel speeds relative to driving, reliability (indicated
by the portion of trips that are on schedule), frequency of pass-ups, portion of passengers
that must stand, waiting area comfort (portion with shelters), seat comfort, vehicle and
waiting area cleanliness, and ease of obtaining user information.
• Congestion reduction, road and parking cost savings, energy conservation and pollution
reductions result from automobile to transit mode shifts and the tendency of transit to
reduce per capita automobile travel. Suitable indicators include per capita transit trips,
transit passenger-miles, per capita vehicle ownership and mileage, and mode split.
Congestion is particularly affected by peak-period trips, so commute mode split is a good
indicator, but total trips is important for evaluating other impacts.
• Safety is indicated by crashes and injuries per million passenger-kilometers, and total
traffic injuries and fatalities per 100,000 population for all residents in a community.
Similarly, personal security is indicated by the frequency of security incidents.
• Mobility for transportation disadvantaged people is indicated by the quality of walking
and cycling conditions, transit service accessibility, land use mix (proximity of public
services to residential neighborhoods), quality of taxi services, and Internet service, with
special attention to lower-income households and neighborhoods.
• Consumer costs are indicated by the portion of total household expenditures devoted to
transportation, and to transportation and housing, by area residents. Affordability is
indicated by the availability of transit service to lower-income residents, fares relative to
average income (particularly for lower-income households, taking into account special
need-based discounts, such as concession fares and free transit passes for seniors, people
with disabilities, children, etc.).
• Support for strategic land use objectives may include factors such as whether compact
infill development is occurring along transit lines and near transit stations, and the portion
of employment located near high quality transit.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
• Cost effective operation is indicated by performance data, such as cost per revenue-mile
and passenger-trip, and cost recovery rates.
• Planning effectiveness is indicated by factors such as the success at establishing strategic
plans, the degree to which individual short-term planning decisions are consistent with
strategic planning goals, the degree to which transportation and land use planning is
coordinated, and the quality of public involvement and support of plans. This may be
evaluated qualitatively rather than quantitatively.
Each of these indicators should be reported separately for each mode (bus, train and
demand response), service area, time period (peak and off-peak, day of week, month of
year), year (to indicate trends over time), and comparing the study system or community
with peers. As much as possible, this information should be presented in graphs to help
readers see trends. It may be appropriate to establish a semi-independent
transportation/transit evaluation agency which is in change of data collection, evaluation
and reporting.
There are often conflicts between different objectives and goals. For example, improving
basic mobility for non-drivers (which requires providing service even where and when
demand is low) can conflict with efforts to improve productivity (which requires that
transit service only be provided where and when demand is high). If possible, analysis
should investigate and report on the cause of changes, and indicate whether these support
overall goals. For example, lower vehicle operating costs per passenger-mile may reflect
desirable influences, such as increased vehicle fuel efficiency, or it could indicate
undesirable influences such as reduced service in outlying areas. Similarly, increases in
transit ridership may reflect desirable influences, such as improved service that attracts
discretionary travelers, or undesirable influences such as increased poverty.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Indicators are things we measure to evaluate progress toward goals and objectives. Such
indicators have many uses: they can help identify trends, predict problems, assess
options, set performance targets, and evaluate a particular jurisdiction or organization.
Indicators are equivalent to senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) – they determine
how things are perceived and what receives attention. Which indicators are used can
significantly affect planning decisions. An activity or option may seem good and
desirable when evaluated using one set of indicators, but harmful when evaluated using
another. It is therefore important to carefully select indicators that reflect overall goals. It
is also important to be realistic when selecting indicators, taking into account data
availability, understandability and usefulness in decision-making.
There are currently no standardized indicator sets for comprehensive and sustainable
transport planning. Each jurisdiction or organization must develop its own set based on
needs and abilities. It would be useful for major planning and professional organizations
to establish recommended sustainable transportation indicator sets, data collection
standards, and evaluation best practices in order to improve sustainability planning and
facilitate comparisons between jurisdictions, organizations and time periods.
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
ADB, (2001), Urban Indicators for Managing Cities: Cities Data Book, Asian Development
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Herman Daly and John Cobb (1989), For the Common Good, Beacon (www.beacon.org).
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Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Eads, George C. (2003), Indicators of Sustainable Mobility, World Business Council for
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Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Julie Foley (Ed) (2004), Sustainability And Social Justice Institute Public Policy Research
Forkenbrock, David J., and Glen E. Weisbrod (2001), Guidebook for Assessing the Social and
Economic Effects of Transportation Projects, NCHRP Report 456, TRB, (www.trb.org).
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Transportation Planning and Decision-Making in the U.S., PhD Dissertation, Massachusetts
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Ralph P. Hall and Joseph M. Sussman (2007), Promoting the Concept of Sustainable
Transportation With In The Federal System – The Need To Reinvent the U.S. DOT, TRB Annual
Meeting (www.trb.org); available at http://esd.mit.edu/wps/esd-wp-2006-13.pdf.
Maureen Hart (1997), Evaluating Indicators: A Checklist for Communities, Johnson Foundation
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Anthony M.H. Clayton and Nicholas J. Radcliffe (1996), Sustainability: A Systems Approach,
Earthscan Publications (www.earthscan.co.uk).
Land Use and Transportation Research Website (www.lutr.net), sponsored by the European
Commission, provides information and resources for more integrated transport and land use
planning, to support sustainability objectives, including discussion of indicators.
Richard Lee, Paul Wack and Eugene Jud (2003), Towards Sustainable Mobility Indicators For
California, Mineta Transportation Institute (http://transweb.sjsu.edu); at
Litman, Todd (1999), “Reinventing Transportation; Exploring the Paradigm Shift Needed to
Reconcile Sustainability and Transportation Objectives,” Transportation Research Record 1670,
Transportation Research Board (www.trb.org), pp. 8-12; available at www.vtpi.org.
Litman, Todd (2003), “Measuring Transportation: Traffic, Mobility and Accessibility,” ITE
Journal (www.ite.org), Vol. 73, No. 10, October 2003, pp. 28-32, available at Victoria Transport
Policy Institute website (www.vtpi.org).
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Litman, Todd (2004a), Efficient Vehicles Versus Efficient Transportation: Comparing Emission
Reduction Strategies, VTPI (www.vtpi.org).
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Litman, Todd (2004b), Socially Optimal Transport Prices and Markets, VTPI (www.vtpi.org).
Todd Litman (2006b), Mobility As A Positional Good: Implications for Transport Policy and
Planning, VTPI (www.vtpi.org); available at www.vtpi.org/prestige.pdf.
Todd Litman (2007), Developing Indicators for Comprehensive and Sustainable Transport
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Litman, Todd and David Burwell (2006), “Issues in Sustainable Transportation,” International
Journal of Global Environmental Issues, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 331-347; at www.vtpi.org/sus_iss.pdf.
Litman, Todd and Tom Rickert (2005), Evaluating Public Transit Accessibility: ‘Inclusive
Design’ Performance Indicators For Public Transportation In Developing Countries, VTPI
Louis Berger & Associates (1998), Guidance for Estimating the Indirect Effects of Proposed
Transportation Projects, Report 403, Transportation Research Board (www.trb.org), 1998.
Greg Marsden, Charlotte Kelly and Carolyn Snell (2006), Selecting Indicators For Strategic
Performance Management, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (www.trb.org);
available at www.mdt.mt.gov/research/docs/trb_cd/Files/06-0378.pdf.
Greg Marsden, Mary Kimble, John Nellthorp, Charlotte Kelly and Karen Lucas (2007), Progress
In Assessing The Sustainability Of Transport Strategies, 11th World Conference on Transport
Research, Berkeley, California (www.wctrs.org).
Anthony Dormer May and Mary Crass (2007), Sustainability in Transport: Implications for
Policy Makers, Paper 07-1388, TRB Annual Meeting (www.trb.org).
Voula Mega and Jørn Pedersen (1998) Urban Sustainability Indicators, European Foundation For
The Improvement Of Living And Working Conditions (http://eurofound.europa.eu); available at
Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
Michael D. Meyer (2005), “Use of Performance Measures for Surface Transportation in Different
Institutional and Cultural Contexts: Cases of Australia, Japan and New Zealand,” Transportation
Research Record 1924, TRB (www.trb.org), pp. 163-174.
Mihyeon Jeon, Christy and Adjo Amekudzi (2005), “Addressing Sustainability in Transportation
Systems: Definitions, Indicators, and Metrics,” Journal Of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1,
American Society of Civil Engineers (www.pubs.asce.org), March 2005, pp. 31-51; available at
Mihyeon Jeon, Christy, Adjo A. Amekudzi and Jorge Vanegas (2006), “Transportation System
Sustainability Issues in High-,Middle-, and Low-Income Economies: Case Studies from Georgia,
U.S., South Korea, Colombia, and Ghana,” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol.
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Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
TRB (1997), Committee for a Study on Transportation and a Sustainable Environment, Toward A
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Climate and Ecology, National Academy Press (www.trb.org).
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Well Measured: Developing Sustainable Transport Indicators
UNESCO-SCOPE (2006), Indicators of Sustainability: Reliable Tools For Decision Making, Policy
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