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Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

Targets and performance indicators for

sustainable urban transport: a review of
current practice in Sydney, Australia
P. Hidas & J. Black
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Universip of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


A key element of success for any long-term process such as the development of a
Sustainable Urban Transport system, is to monitor and evaluate progress over
time, which may allow, if necessary, to introduce remedial measures and actions.
An efficient monitoring process requires well-defined targets set at the design
stage and performance indicators regularly measured during the lifetime of any
project aimed at achieving the goals of sustainability. Based on a recent seminar
held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, this paper presents a review
of the current international literature on setting and using targets for sustainable
urban transport, and looks at the Australian practice on how these principles are
applied in two recent urban development projects in Sydney. The review has
revealed several weaknesses and missing links in the present practice, and the
paper offers recommendations on how to make the targets “smarter” and what
needs to be done to establish an efficient monitoring process.

1 Introduction

Sustainability, whether applied to transport or to other human activities, is seen

as having three components. First, is economic sustainability, which involves
creating incentives for efficient responses to human requirements, Second, is
environmental sustainability, which involves protecting ecosystems and
promoting more livable settlements and reducing adverse externalities. Third, is
social sustainability, which focuses cmequity issues. However, much of the more
recent focus on sustainability in transport has been on environmental issues. The
US Transportation Research Board conducted a study on climate and ecology,
with the environment as its primary focus [13]. Although recognizing the
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

importance of economic, social, and other factors in sustainability of the

transport system, they did not address these issues. The sustainable transportation
conference in Vancouver, Canada, also focused on environmental issues [12].
The Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Transport Working Group
of the Commonwealth Government [4] noted the same three dimensions of
sustainability. In formulating recommendations for action in urban transport, the
working group focussed largely on the goals and objectives for sustainability and
the intuitive solutions consistent with those goals: higher density development;
future activities located near public transport; traffic calming; and the promotion
of walking, cycling and public transport. However, the working group did not
address data requirements and analytical methods that would allow any appraisal
as to whether any particular city was becoming more, or less, sustainable.
This glaring deficiency in methodology was one reason behind the Institution
of Engineers Australia, Sydney Division, Transport Panel, choosing as its theme
the topic of “SMART targets for Sustainable Transport” for its annual seminar
held at the University of New South Wales in September, 2001. The adjective
“SMARTr’refers to the suggestion in the literature that targets must be SMART:
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based. The aims of the
seminar were to review the process of setting and using targets in planning and
implementation of urban developments in Sydney, New South Wales, to
compare current local and international practice and to draw conclusions on how
to make the targets “smarter”. Various speakers took up the challenge and
presented aspects of theory and practice on sustainable transport targets.
The enthusiastic feedback received after the seminar has inspired the writing
of our paper, to make this discussion available to a wider audience. The
contribution of this paper is a synthesis of the presentations made at the seminar,
a review of international practice to provide a broader context for the theme, and
our own discussions and critical observations on the topic.
In the next section we cover the definition of performance indicators and
targets, general criteria for setting targets, indicators used in different countries
for Sustainable Transport, and a review of international practice based on the last
two World Conferences on Transport Research. Subsequent sections provide a
review of practical experience in NSW on setting and using targets in two recent
urban development projects. Finally, in the conclusions, we summarise our
comments and suggest some recommendations for the filmre.

2 Sustainable transport ta rgets and performance indicators –

the international literature

2.1 Performance indicators and targets

Performance indicators are generally applied to organisational performance with

targets reserved for activities external to the organisation, for example, targets set
by governments. The performance is a measure of how well an organisation
meets its objectives. Good comparative information on performance can become
a powerful tool for identi~ing gaps in performance and determining how to fill
the gaps. Indicators are compared to establish reasons for different levels of
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

T}Ie .Sus[czitmble (’i(}) [I 785

performance and to identifi best practice that could improve the performance,
Complex statistics can create difficulties, whereas rough guides can be equally
beneficial in order to make comparisons and raise awareness [6].
Note that the terms “performance indicators” and “targets” are used
somewhat interchangeably in the literature and the usage in the references cited
is preserved in this paper, However, in the conclusions we recommend that they
should refer to two separate sets of attributes.

2.1.1 Criteria for targets

The OECD [11] has suggested three main criteria for indicator selection: policy
relevance and utility for users; analytical soundness; and measurability.
The Commonwealth State of Environment report [4] listed a number of
selection criteria for environmental indicators (Table 1). These can provide
guidance on the selection of suitable indicators for sustainable urban transport.

Table 1 Selection Criteria for ESD Indicators (Source:[4])

1. Robust (be reliable)

2. Sensitive (early indication of change)
3. Applicable (across scale: national; regional; local)
4. Measurable (validity, data availability)
5. Credible (Scientifically, politically)
6, Consistent (with clther approaches)
7. Useable (understandable, mermingfil)
8, Relevant (satisfies information and management needs)
9. Practical (actionable, guidance for decision making)
10. Cost-effective (use of’existing indicators where possible)

2,2 Indicators for sustainable transportation

According to decision theory [7], targets (indicators) must be derived from a

common goal/visions and more specific objectives that are closely related in a
hierarchical structure with the broadest goal/vision at the top (eg, sustainability)
and the most precisely defined objective at the bottom (lower-level objectives).
Measurable attributes (targets) are attached to each sub-objective and a specific
policy instrument (action) is proposed to meet the target [3],
This hierarchical approach is best illustrated by a current research study
(PROSPECTS) supported by the European Commission under its Environment
and Sustainable Development Programme [9]. Sustainability – irrespective of
how it is precisely defined – can be achieved through a number of sub-
objectives. May (et al., [9], pp. 12-13) have developed a list of six sub-objectives
for sustainability: (1) economic efficiency; (2) livable neighbourhoods and
streets; (3) protection of the environment; (4) equity and social inclusion; (5)
safety; and (6) contribution to economic growth. Energy efficiency could also be
added to that list,
Indicators assess performance against the sub-objectives. They are indicators
of the end results of the various strategies that contribute towards sustainability
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

’786 IIW.su.~tt/itlab/e (-irj II

(the higher level goal). The PROSPECTS study proposes three types of
indicators that are, directly related to the 6 sub-objectives ([9], pp. 13-14):
s Level 1 indicators – comprehensive measures of all aspects of a sub-
objective where the impacts are both quantified and monetarily valued (eg,
cost benefit analysis for economic efficiency).
● Level 2 indicator – quantifiable measures of aspects relating to the
achievement of a sub-objective.
. Level 3 indicator – qualitative assessments of the level of goal achievement.
Indicator systems are based on one of two approaches; (i) the measurement
and monitoring of a particular indicator; (ii) the forecasting of indicator values
based on modelling complex systems. Most of the research reviewed falls into
the latter approach. The SPARTACUS indicator system is a good example of
this forecasting approach: Table 2 shows the 3 primary components of
sustainability (envirorunent, social and economic), 5 “themes” and 22 indicators.

Table 2 The SPARTACUS Indicator System

Sustainability Theme Indicator

Economic Index Economic Total net benefits
Environmental Air pollution Emission of greenhouse gases
Emission of acidi@ing gases
Emission of organic compounds
Conservation Consumption of mineral oil
natural Land coverage
resources Consumption of construction materials
Social Health Exposur~ to particulate matter
Exposure to nitrogen oxide
Exposure to carbon monoxide
Exposure to noise
Road traffic fatalities
Road traffic iniuries

Equity Justice of exposure to particulate

Justice to exposure to nitrogen oxide
Justice to exposure to carbon monoxide
Justice to exposure to noise
Opportunities Total time spent in trafllc
Level of service – public transport and
slow modes
Vitality of city centre
Accessibility to the centre
Accessibility to services
m [8], Table 1, p.36)

Typical applications of SPARTACUS involve the identification of land-use.

transport arid pricing policy elements, scenario testing and different
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

The .Wtclitmble rip II 787

combinations of policy packages, The analytical framework ([8], Figure 2, p,37)

incorporates: a land-use/transport interaction model, MEPLAN, the Raster
module which is a GIS-based method to calculate indicator values that are
treated in a spatially disaggregate way; and a decision support tool that allows
the user to define indicators, to give weights and value fimctions for the
indicators in order to calculate “sustainability indexes”.

3 Current practice in New South Wales, Australia

3.1 The Warren Centre Project

The Sustainable Transport in Sustainable Cities project series was launched in

1999 by the Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering (Sydney University) in
response to growing community concern about the deteriorating trends in urban
travel that is evidenced by increasing travel times and distances, and worsening
environmental and social impacts on the community. While the project is
focused on Sydney, the aim is to dtwelop a methodology applicable to ail major
cities in Australia and overseas.
The project specification clearly follows a hierarchical structure starting with
a vision, then speci~ing more detailed goals, objectives and strategic actions to
achieve the stated vision, Strategies to achieve these goals are identified as
follows: (i) increase community ownership through involvement; (ii) better
manage the existing transport system; (iii) modify the form and structure of the
city; (iv) modify the transport system to enhance sustainable accessibility; (v)
lower barriers to change, and (vi) monitor and report on performance.
The project started with a comprehensive statement of Sydney’s present
transport situation (The State of Play). This was followed by the Community
Values module that provides an insight into residents’ and decision makers’
attitudes, expectations and responses to change in transport supply, based on a
broad community survey, The findings of the Community Values module will
provide foundation for the subsequent components of the project: Community
Awareness, Technology, Land Use, Decision-Making and Institutional Structure,
and the final project which will present an integrated plan for sustainable
transport: Putting it Together. The fiial module will address the question how to
measure the outcomes. So far the following performance measures have been
proposed: (1) Environmental performance measures: greenhouse gas emissions;
use of non-renewable energy; cumulative adverse environmental impacts; (2)
Social performance measures: accessibility to goods, services and persons;
accessibility for the disadvantaged; and community health; (3) Economic
performance measures: consumption of economic resources in transport.
However, no specific targets have been defined for these measures so far.

3.2 Setting air quality targets

Air quality targets are essential because road transport is the principal contributor
to urban air pollution in NSW. The improvements gained from stricter emission
standards of modem vehicles are now outweighed by the increasing numbers of
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

vehicles and trips. The issue is complex due to the variety of pollutants related to
transport: carbon monoxide, photochemical oxidants (as ozone), nitrogen
dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particles as PM 10 and lead.
In 1998, the National Environmental Protection Council (NEPC) established
national air quality standards and goals for the 6 common pollutants. In setting
the standards, the NEPC commissioned a leading respiratory physician with
expertise in the health impacts of air pollution, to review the relevant literature
and to identify the range of concentrations necessary to protect health.
Historical airshed monitoring data were also examined to determine the
pollutant status of each airshed. Following a review of technologies readily
available for the control of polluting emissions, an assessment was made of the
improvements that could be achieved over a 10-year period designated for
meeting the standards. This included an analysis of the likely level of exposure
to the various pollutants and a cost-benefit analysis of the various standard
options being considered. Table 3 lists the National Environment Protection
Measure for Ambient Air Quality (ANEPM) standards and goal for Ambient Air
Quality for the six criteria pollutants of concern.

Table 3 NEPC Measure For Ambient Air Quality Standards And Goal

Pollutant Averaging Maximum Goal Within10Years

Period Concentration Max, Allowable
Photochemicaloxidants 1 hour O,lOppm 1day a year
(as ozone (0,)) 4 hours 0.08 ppm 1day a year
Nitrogendioxide 1 hour 0.12 ppm 1 day a year
(NO,) 1year 0.03 ppm None
Particlesas PMIO I day 50 pglm3 5 days a year
SulfurDioxide(SOZ) 1 Hour 020 ppm 1 day a year
24 Hour 0.08 ppm I day a year
Annual 0.02 ppm None
CarbonMonoxide(CO) 8 hours 9.0 ppm 1day a year
Lead (Pb) none

The process of setting ambient air quality standards or targets involves the
careful evaluation of the available scientific, social and economic data. The final
standard is a balance between these factors and the technical practicality of
meeting the standard. Thus, the degree to which we clean up our atmosphere is a
combination of technology, scientific understanding and community will. The
key to this is an informed debate on the desirable ambient air quality standards
and on the costs and impacts (positive and negative) associated with meeting
those standards. Finally, once actions are taken, monitoring and reporting in
accordance with national protocols is required to ensure that the targets are met.

3.3 Setting transport targets

Transport planning for the Greater Sydney Metropolitan Region provides

examples from local practice where performance indicators and targets have
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

The Sus(aimbk (’i(v 11 789

been formulated. The integrated trimsport strategy released in 1993 divided the
objects broadly into economic, social and environmental and then specified
quantitative performance indicators for each [2]. This approach – representing
best practice for the time – would have led to some interesting conclusions about
change of indicators over time had the strategy been implemented, The incoming
Labor Government produced ActionJor Transport 2010 [10], in which the prime
target was vehicle kilometres of travel (VKT) by private transport. A whole of
government approach is committed to improving metropolitan air quality and the
transport portfolio aims to achieve that by encouraging the use of public
transport and setting VKT as a target. Specifically, these are halting the growth
in per capita VKT by 2011, and halting the growth in total VKT by 2021 ([10],
p, 10). If these targets are to be met the proportion of commuters traveling to
work by public transport must increase ffom 20 per cent to 30 per cent.

3.4 Using targets - Liverpool – Developing sustainable communities

The Liverpool Local Government Area is home to some of the most significant
future developments in the Sydney Metropolitan Area, almost all of which are
currently greenfield. In response to shortcomings of past developments in
Liverpool, which have led to social problems, high infrastructure costs and
overwhelming car dependence, Ccmncil commissioned Gutteridge Haskins &
Davey Pty. Ltd. (GHD) in 1999 to undertake the Developing Sustainable
Communities project. The project brief sought sustainable development
incorporating the ecological, environmental, social and economic elements of
future growth.
The GHD project incorporated the concept of sustainability into every level
of the planning process. The project started from a vision that recognised
sustainability as a quest rather than an end point in the process. The principal aim
of the project, based on this vision, was a more sustainable interaction of
transport and land use, and the planning instrument proposed to achieve this aim
was the concept of transit-oriented development (TOD), with the following
specific objectives: (1) reducing the need to travel, by locating a range of
services and activities within reach of the community; (2) providing urban form
and structure that promotes access by non-motorised modes such as walking and
cycling; (3) higher residential densities around transit links.
The transport modelling process was founded on the agreed outcome that the
project wanted to achieve, It involved a spreadsheet model called Environmental
Baseline System, as a means of estimating different aspects of development on a
per household basis. TOD recognises that travel behaviour is directly related to
the availability and choice of transport ahematives. Therefore transit modal
shares were based on proximity to transit stops, The following travel targets were
set for the project as modal shifts ffclmthe existing mode shares:
. Zone 1 - High transit accessibility zones (areas within 800 m from a train
station arrd/or 400 m of a trrmsitway station): 15 % shift from car to
alternative modes;
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

● Zone 2 - Medium trrmsit accessibility zones (areas outside Zone 1 and

within 1000 m of a train and/or transitway station, or 400 m of a priority bus
route): 10 0/0 shift from car to alternative modes;
● Zone 3 – Low transit accessibility zones (areas outside zones 1 and 2): 5 %
shift from car to alternative modes.
Road network improvements were modelled and planned on the basis of such
significant modal shifts away from the car, and accepting a moderate level of
traffic congestion (LOS C or even D) rather than planning for free-flow
conditions. This meant that road improvements were required later or not
required at all.

3.5 Using targets: AD1 St Marys Development

The Australia Defence Industries (ADI) St Marys development site is situated in

Western Sydney (Penrith Local Government Area). The Draft Parramatta
Regional Environmental Plan (1998) has defined transport and air quality goals
for the St Marys Development site. The ADI St Marys Environmental and Urban
Development Masterplan and the associated Transport Management Plan (TMP)
were developed in response to these main goals, while also building on the
principles of the NSW “Integrated Transport Strategy” [1O] such as: (1) more
compact urban form, (2) maximise use of existing infrastructure, (3) good access
to major transport corridors and employment centres, (4) greater choice in
housing types, especially multi-household dwellings, and (5) reducing
dependency on the private car.
The planning process included a comprehensive review of possible land use
design and transport planning concepts and alternative strategies and selected a
combination of design options aimed at influencing travel behaviour through the
application of transit oriented development techniques, The objective of reducing
car dependency is sought to be realised by using traditional neighborhood
layouts with greater accessibility and connectivity and by providing positive
advantages to alternate transport such as walking, cycling and public transport.
The plan defines a 10 % modal shift to be achieved as a transport target: a
70/30 share of car versus other modes for all trips, as opposed to the 80/20 mode
share which is typical within the surrounding local government areas.
Revised traffic modelling for the site has considered the effects of the
measures to promote public transport and non-motorised travel and the
recognition that during peak periods a lower level of service is acceptable on the
road system. As a result of the various measures proposed to discourage use of
the private car, the site is expected to generate only 73,000 two-way vehicle
movements per day, 10,000 less than a similar size traditional development.

4 Conclusions

The following conclusions can be drawn from this review. Air quality targets in
NSW are well defined and clearly justified by epidemiological research findings.
The setting of transport targets – the rote of which would be to determine more
specifically the objectives for the transport task needed to achieve the given air
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8

The .Mstaitwblc (’ity II 791

quality targets - appears to be less well justified. Transport targets are typically
stated in the form of maximum VKT for certain urban regions. However, there is
no spatial dimension related to these transport targets, although it seems obvious
that the same volume of travel in different parts of an urban region may have
different impacts on air quality. There seems to be a missing link between the air
quality targets and the specific transport targets to be set in a more detailed
spatial dimension, The concept of “area-wide environmental capacity” [5] is one
analytical tool that attempts to fill in this gap in the process.
The case studies of new urban developments in Sydney reviewed in this
paper are based on a clear goal of achieving sustainable urban transport, and the
proposed solutions are in good agreement with the current international practice,
However, the only target used in these projects is a relative modal shift away
from the current level of car use, one which is important but may not be enough
to indicate the level of achievement of the final goal of sustainability. There is no
time scale attached to the target. Also, the projects offer little justification, in
terms of modelling the environmental consequences of various transport
solutions, as to the setting of the actual target values.
The proposition that targets for sustainable transport should be “achievable”
is a contentious one, That “targets” remain constant and inflexible over long
periods of time is unlikely with such a dynamic system as land-use and transport,
given changes in technology, scientific knowledge, community aspiration, and
behaviour. Targets are in need of monitoring and revision where appropriate –
thus, targets should be “adjustable” rather than “achievable”. This is particularly
important in the case of transport targets where the air quality impacts of
technological development in vehicle and engine design and the use of
alternative fi.relsare very difficult to predict for the long term,
While “targets” and “performance indicators” are used somewhat
interchangeably in the literature, we suggest that these terms should refer to two
separate sets of attributes. Targets must be set at the planning and design stage
and mechanisms for institutional accountability must be articulated. Performance
indicators must be measured after implementation during the lifetime of any new
development and compared with the targets, to reveal the level of achievement
and to allow any remedial measure or action to be taken when a discrepancy is
detected. Only an efficient process of monitoring and intervention can ensure
that the final goals will be achieved. The environmental legislation should be
amended to define clearly the responsibilities and accountabilities of each paw
(local councils, government agencies, consulting and design organisations) in
relation to monitoring sustainability indicators. Research organisations have a
role in developing the required measurement and evaluation tools for various
types of targets (air quality, transport, social and economic targets).
Finally, there is enough support in the literature for the proposition that
“spatial” could be substituted for “specific” in the “SMART” acronym. Any
target must be linked to its spatial reach. In particular, we note the literature on
targets for sub-regions of metropolitan areas and for mobility management plans
at the organisation level, both representing a more “bottom up” approach to
meeting societal targets. In conclusion we suggest, therefore, that sustainable
transport targets should, indeed, be SMART but: “spatial, measurable,
adjustable, relevant and time-based”.
© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved.
Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com
Paper from: The Sustainable City II, CA Brebbia, JF Martin-Duque & LC Wadhwa (Editors).
ISBN 1-85312-917-8


Sections of this paper are based on the papers and presentations made at the
seminar held on 4 September 2001 at the University of New South Wales.
However, the authors are solely responsible for the suggestions and conclusions
presented in the paper.


[1] Banister, D. (1997) “Reducing the Need to Travel”, Environment and

Planning B, 24, pp. 437-449.
[2] Black, J.A. (1996) “Higher Density Housing and Transport in Australian
Cities”, in Yoshi Hayashi and John Roy (eds) Transport, Land-Use and the
Environment (Dordrecht: K1uwer Academic Publishers), pp. 55-80.
[3] Black, J., Kuranami, C. and Rimmer, P, (1983) “Transport-Land Use Issues,
Problems and Policy Implications: Sydney Since the Thirties”, 8’hAustralian
Transport Research Forum, Forum Papers, Vol. 1, pp. 92-115.
[4] Commonwealth of Australia (1996) State of Environment Report. (Canberra:
Australian Government Publishing Service).
[5] Hidas, P., Shiran, G.S. and Black, J.A. (1997) “An Air Quality Prediction
Model Incorporating Traffic, Meteorological and Built Form Factors: The
Assessment of Land Use and Transport Strategies in Sydney”, Proceedings
30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation,
Florence, Italy, pp. 81-88.
[6] Industry Commission (1997) Performance Measure for Councils: Improving
Local Government Performance Indicators. (Melbourne: Australian
Government Publishing Service).
[7] Keeney, R.L. and Raiffa, H. with a contribution by Meyer, RF. (1976)
Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preference and Value Tradeoffs (New
York: John Wiley).
[8] Lautso, K. and Toivanen, S. (1999) “SPARTACUS System for Analyzing
Urban Sustainability”, Transportation Research Record 1670, pp. 35-46.
[9] May, A.D., Matthews, B. and Jarvi-Nykanen, T. (2001) “Decision Making
Requirements for the Formulation of Sustainable Urban Land Use –
Transport Strategies”, unpublished paper, 9th World Conference on
Transport Research, Seoul, 22-27 July.
[1O]New South Wales Government (n,d.) Action for Transport 2010- An
Integrated Transport Plan for Sydney. (Sydney: NSW Government).
[11] OECD (1994) OECD Environmental Indicators. (Paris: OECD).
[12] OECD (1996) Toward Sustainable Transportation. Conference
Proceedings, Vancouver, British Columbia, 24-27 March.
[13] Richardson, B.C. (1999) “Toward a Policy on a Sustainable Transportation
System”, Transportation Research Record 1670, pp. 27-34.

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