Steel 51crv4

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INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 12, March 2013.

Difference between mechanical properties of 51CrV4

high strength spring steel modeled by hardenability
software and obtained properties by heat treatment

Sanja Šolić Bojan Senčič

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Štore Steel d.o.o.,
Architecture Železarska cesta 3, SI-3220 Štore, Slovenia
I. Lučića 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

Vojteh Leskovšek
Institute of metals and technology,
Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Abstract - The durability of the springs is limited by plastic Mechanical properties of the spring steel (i.e. tensile
deformation, fatigue and fracturing. From this point of view, the strength Rm, yield strength Rp0.2, elongation A5 and necking Z)
spring steel should have following properties: high ductility and depend, for a specific austenizing temperature, on tempering
toughness at operation temperatures from -40°C to + 50°C, good temperature in the range 350 °C to 700 °C. Also, of great
hardenability that provides required mechanical properties even importance for this steels is the information on impact
at maximum dimensions. The information of the influence of toughness, Charpy-V, and more and more users also request
heat treatment parameters on tensile strength Rm, yield strength measured values of fracture toughness KIc for the springs after
Rp0.2, fracture toughness KIc, impact toughness, Charpy-V as a heat treatment, which for a known ultimate tensile strength
function of tempering temperature for a specific austenitising
allows calculation of the fracture stress σf and the critical
temperature is therefore very important for spring steel
manufacturers. This paper presents the difference between the
defect size acr at the applied stress.
properties given by the mathematical modelling of heat treatment II. EXPERIMENTAL
using the computer software Hardenability and the properties
obtained by testing the heat treated samples. Samples from continuous cast, high strength, spring steel
grade 51CrV4, delivered as hot rolled and soft annealed bars of
Keywords - spring steels, heat treatment, Hardenability dimensions 100mm x 25mm x 6000mm were used in this
software, mechanical properties study. The chemical composition of the steel is shown in table
1. The specimens for the standard tensile test, Charpy V notch
I. INTRODUCTION impact test and KIc-test specimens in form of circumferentially
Spring steel manufacturers must provide to their customers notched and fatigue-pre-cracked tensile-test specimens in the
with technical documentation for given steel because the steels rolling direction with the fatigue crack at the notch root in the
with the same chemical composition can have different transverse direction were cut from soft annealed bar. Also cut
mechanical properties due to different metallurgical production were the specimens for hardness measurement and
(due to casting, cold or hot forming, heat treatment etc.) which microstructure characterization. The aim of the investigation
differs from one manufacturer to another. Among technological was to obtain the tempering diagrams for combinations of
properties of spring steels the information concerning the heat properties i.e. fracture toughness – hardness – tempering
treatment is very important. For chemical composition and temperature, impact toughness – hardness – tempering
initial microstructure in the normalized state (ferrite + pearlite) temperature, tensile strength – hardness – tempering
which are specified for steel grade 51CrMoV4, mechanical temperature.
properties for specific application depend mainly on
appropriately selected parameters for heat treatment. Usually,
hypo-eutectoid steels, such as spring steel 51CrMoV4, are heat
treated conventionally in a furnace with or without protective
atmosphere at the austenizing temperature (30 to 50°C above
the Ac3 point) to obtain “homogeneous austenite", and oil
cooled to the temperature of the quench oil, followed by a
single tempering at the selected temperature.

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Steel grrade %C %Si

% %Mn %P %S %Cr %MMo %V %
%Ni %Ti %%Sn %Ca %N
51CrV44 0,52 0
0,33 0,93 0,01 0,005 0,93 0,04
4 0,16 0,114 0,015 00,012 0,0004 0,013

Hardness nd fracture toughness For the fraacture
an The
T Charpy-V V toughness C
CVN-specimeens were temppered
tougghness measuurement the circumferentially notched and betw
ween 200 °C too 625 °C.
fatiggue-pre-crackeed tensile-tesst specimens were used. On
indivvidual groups of KIc-test specimens the Rockw well-C IIII. RESULTSS AND DISCUSSSION
harddness (HRc) wasw measuredd using a Willson 4JR harddness For
F the presennted chemicall composition of 51CrV4 spring s
machhine. steell modelling using
u Hardenaability softwaare was done. TTT
F the linearr elastic behaviour up to fracture of such
For diag
grams with cooling
c curvees for coolinng in nitrogeen at
speccimens [4] the following equuation is applied: presssure of 5 barr, transformatiion temperatu ures and temppering
grams were modelled.
m Figgures 1, 2 an nd 3 shows TTT
P ⎛ D⎞ diag
gram with thhe selected cooling curv ve, transform
K Ic = 3/ 2 ⎜
− 1.27 + 1.72
7 ⎟ temp perature diaggram and tem mpering diagrram for the steel
D ⎝ d⎠ (1) 51CCrV4 with cheemical composition presentted at table 1 from
the selected
s austennitising tempeerature of 870 °C.
where P is thee load at failure, D is the outtside diameterr, and
d iss the notcheed-section diaameter of thhe test speciimen.
Equaation (1) is valid as long as the condition 0.5 < d /D < 0.8 0 is
fulfilled. [5] Measurements
M of fracture toughness were
formed using an Instron 1255
perfo 1 tensile-ttest machine. The
cross-head speed of 1.0 mm/miin was used for f standard teensile
testss on specimenns with nominaal test length of 100 mm. Inn the
testss two speciallly prepared cardan fixed jaws, ensuringg the
axiallity of the teensile load, were
w used. Duuring the testss the
tensiile-load/displaacement relaationship unntil failure was
recorded. In all cases this reelationship waas linear, andd the
validdity of equatioon (1) for the tests
t was confi
Impact toughnness The imppact toughnesss was measureed by
Charrpy impact teest known alsoo as Charpy V-notch test (ISO
148)). Measuremeent with an instrumented Charpy ham mmer
ws the estimaation of the total impact energy,
allow e the ennergy
needded for crack initiation andd the energy necessary
n for crack
F 1: TTT diaagram of spring ssteel grade 51CrVV4 with marked cooling
Hardness HRcc was measureed on an Instrron B 2000 deevice
H cu
urve from austenittising temperaturee of 870 °C modeelled in Hardenabiility
accoording to standdard SIST EN ISO 6508-1. softtware

Tensile test Thhe standard teensile test (SIST EN ISO 6892-
1) was
w applied too measure Teensile strengthh Rm, MPa, Yield Y
stresss Rp0.2, MPa, Elongation
E A5 , % and Neckking Z, %.
Heat treatmennt of samplees For the selected austennizing
tempperature of 8770 °C, first, thhe modelling of TTT diaggrams
and tempering diagrams
d weere done usiing Hardenabbility
The test speccimens were heat treatedd in a horizzontal
vacuuum furnace with uniform m high-pressuure gas-quencching
usingg nitrogen (N2) at pressure of 5 bar. Afterr first preheat (650
°C) the specimenns were heateed at the ratee of 10°C/miin to
austeenitising tempperature of 8700 °C, soaked for
f 10 minutess, gas
quennched to 80 °C, and then single
s tempereed for one hoour at Fig2:
F Transformaation temperature for spring steel grade 51CrV4 moodelled
diffeerent temperattures betweenn 300 °C andd 700 °C. At each in Hardenabbility software
temppering temperrature 16 test specimens foor tensile test (Rm-
speccimen), for determination
d n of fracturee toughness (KIc-
speccimen) as welll as two metallographic sam mples Φ 19 x 9 mm
weree heat treated.

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Fig.3 : Tempering diagram (hardness – tempering temperature) for spring
steel grade 51CrV4 modelled in Hardenability software

Fig 4. shows tempering diagram mechanical properties

(tensile strength, Rm, MPa, yield strength, Rp0,2, MPa,
Fig. 5: Classic tempering diagram for continuous cast hot rolled flat spring
elongation A, % and necking, Z, %) - tempering temperature steel 51CrV4, austenitising temperature 870 °C.
modelled using Hardenability software for vacuum heat
treatment of the specified spring steel. For each tempering temperature tensile tests were
performed on a statistically relevant number of Rm-specimens
so the results were subjected to statistical analysis. As can be
seen from the diagram, the minimum variation of results is
within ± 2σ in the whole range of selected tempering
temperatures for tensile strength and elongation, while it is
higher only for necking. In comparison with modelled
tempering diagram the mean value of tensile strength, Rm, for
the tempering temperature of 500 °C is smaller by 219 MPa,
and yield strength Rp0,2 by 144 MPa. For the tempering
temperature of 650 °C measured mean value of tensile strength,
Rm, is higher by 28 MPa, and Rp0,2 is higher by 112 MPa.
The measured contraction Is higher by 16 % and necking
by 11,2 % comparing to values given by Hardenability model.
Comparing the results with the modelled values, for a
Fig. 4: Tempering diagram for spring steel 51CrV4 modelled in tempering temperature of 500 °C, the measured value of tensile
Hardenability software strength, Rm, was 1402 MPa, and in the model, the specified
Tempering diagram of mechanical properties Rm, Rp0.2, , A Rm value was given at a tempering temperature of 547 °C.
and Z as a function of tempering temperature
Figure 5. shows classic tempering diagram of the average Tempering diagram hardness HRC – fracture toughness, KIC
measured values of mechanical properties (tensile strength Rm – tempering temperature
(MPa), yield strength Rp0.2 (MPa), elongation A5 (%) - necking High strength spring steels are very notch sensitive, so it is
Z (%)) as a function of tempering temperature in range very important to measure fracture toughness KIc, which can be
between 300 – 700 °C for an austenitising temperature of 870 described as the ability of the material to resist the propagation
°C. of existing crack under tensile stress. Tempering diagram
Hardness HRc – Fracture toughness KIc – Tempering
temperature for the selected austenitising temperature 870 °C
and selected tempering temperature in the range of 200 °C to
625 °C for the steel grade 51CrV4 is shown in Figure 6.

- 506 -
Figure 6: Effect of tempering temperature on the hardness HRc and fracture Figure 7: Effect of tempering temperature on hardness HRc and impact
toughness KIc of spring steel 51CrV4. toughness Charpy-V of continuous cast hot rolled flat spring steel 51CrV4.

It can be seen that the minimum variation of results within
± 2s is in the quenched state and in KIc-specimens, which were On the basis of the experimental investigation conducted it
quenched and tempered at 200 °C. At higher tempering can be concluded that the high-strength spring steel 51CrV4
temperatures between 300 °C and 525 °C, the results scattering can successfully be heat-treated in a horizontal vacuum furnace
is slightly higher. This can be attributed to the kinetics of with uniform high-pressure gas-quenching using nitrogen (N2)
precipitation during tempering which affected the at a pressure of 5 bar. Achieved hardness after quenching was
heterogeneity of the investigated steel. In the range between 58.4 ± 0.8 HRC which is enough for this steel to obtain the
500 °C and 575 °C there was no increase in fracture toughness required hardness of 30-50 HRC after single tempering.
from which one could conclude that we are in the area of The investigation also showed that standardized fracture-
irreversible temper brittleness which should be further toughness testing (ASTM E399-90), could be replaced with a
investigated [6]. non-standard testing method using circumferentially notched
Tempering diagram Hardness HRc - Charpy-V - tempering and fatigue-pre-cracked tensile specimens (KIc-test specimen).
temperature The results of this innovative approach of investigation have
For obtaining this diagram the impact toughness was shown that using the proposed method it was possible to draw,
measured by Charpy impact test known also as Charpy V- for the normally used range of working hardness, combined
notch test (ISO 148). Measurement with an instrumented tempering diagrams (Rockwell-C hardness – Fracture
Charpy hammer allows the estimation of the total impact toughness KIc – Tempering temperature) for vacuum-heat-
energy, the energy needed for crack initiation and the energy treated high strength spring steel grade 51CrV4.
necessary for crack propagation. The tempering diagram According to tempering diagrams Tensile strength Rm-
obtained for selected tempering temperatures in the range of Yield stress Rp0.2-Elongation A5(%)-Necking Z(%)-Tempering
200 °C to 625 °C for high strength steel 51CrV4 is shown in temperature and tempering diagram Hardness HRc – Impact
Figure 7. toughness Charpy-V - Tempering temperature we can conclude
The diagram shows that the curves of hardness and impact that the investigated spring steel 51CrV4 is suitable for
toughness Charpy-V over the entire range of tempering production of high strength springs when proper heat treatment
temperature are similar to the curves of hardness and fracture is performed.
toughness KIc in the tempering diagram shown in Figure 7. Although some values of mechanical properties of
Similarly, for fracture toughness the impact toughness also investigated steel were for approx. 10 – 15 % higher when
increases to a temperature of 525 °C. In the range from 500 °C modelled in Hardenability software it can be concluded that
to 550 °C the impact toughness is approximately equal, then it Hardenability software is very good tool for assessment of
increases again. This trend can be attributed to the kinetics of heat treatment parameters.
precipitation during tempering. In the diagram, the variation of
results within ± 2s in the quenched and tempered condition by REFERENCES
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