Nesimetricna Zgrada

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Stanko BRČIĆ UDK: 699.841 = 861


Zgrade su jedna od osnovnih potreba čovječanstva. Buildings are one of the basic human needs. They
One su najbrojnije i najkompleksnije građevinske are the most numerous and complex civil structures
konstrukcije koje se projektuju i grade u velikom broju which are designed and constructed in a great variety of
oblika. Osnovne konstruktivne komponente svake forms. Basic structural components of each building are
zgrade su vertikalni noseći elementi i horizontalne ploče, vertical supporting elements and horizontal plates, which
koje povezuju vertikalne elemente u jednu jedinstvenu connect the vertical elements in one unique entity. Real
cijelinu. Realne zgrade su kontinualni trodimenzionalni buildings are continuous three-dimensional (3D) systems
(3D) sistemi sa kompleksnom raspodijelom krutosti i with the complex distribution of stiffness and loading.
opterećenja. Pri njihovom matematičkom modeliranju Linear elastic behavior is assumed during their
usvaja se linearno elastično ponašanje koje dozvoljava mathematical modeling which permits the principle of
princip superpozicije, odnosno razdvajanje gravitacione i superposition, that is, separation of gravitational and
horizontalne analize opterećenja. Gravitaciona analiza horizontal load analyses. Gravitational load analysis is a
opterećenja je "rutinski dio" u inžinjerskom projekto- "routine part" in structural engineering design, while the
vanju, dok je horizontalna analiza opterećenja (npr. horizontal load analysis (e.g. due to earthquake, wind,
usled zemljotresa, vjetra, udara od eksplozija itd.) explosion effects and so on) is more complex and it is
kompleksnija i često dominantna u stabilnosti zgrada. often dominant in the stability of buildings.
Pri analizi zgrada uobičajeno je, s obzirom na Regarding the adopted assumptions about the
usvojene pretpostavke o beskonačno krutim tavanicama infinitely rigid floor slabs and that the vertical planar
i vertikalnim ravanskim elementima koji su kruti samo u elements have stiffness only in their planes, it is usual,
svojoj ravni, da se zgrada podijeli na ravanske vertikalne during the building analysis, that the building is
elemente tako da se problem svodi na dvodimen- separated into planar vertical elements so the problem is
zionalan (2D), [7]. Ovakav pristup daje precizne rezultate reduced to two-dimensional (2D) analysis, [7]. Such
samo u analizi gravitacionog opterećenja. U analizi approach gives good results only in the analysis of the
horizontalnog opterećenja ovaj pristup je opravdan samo gravitational load. In the analysis of the horizontal load
za simetrične zgrade, dok se nesimetrične zgrade this principle is justified only for the symmetric buildings,
tretiraju kao trodimenzionalni (3D) sistemi. while non-symmetric buildings are treated like three-
dimensional systems (3D).

Dr Ljiljana Žugić, dipl.inž.građ. Dr Ljiljana Žugić, grad.civ.eng.

Univerzitet Crne Gore, Građevinski fakultet, Cetinjski put University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
bb, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora; e-mail: Cetinjski put bb, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora;
Prof. dr Stanko Brčić, dipl.inž.građ. e-mail:
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, Bulevar kralja Prof. dr Stanko Brčić, grad.civ.eng.
Aleksandra 73, 11000 Beograd, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
e-mail: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade,

14 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

Kada se kaže da je zgrada simetrična ili nesimetrična When the building is labeled as symmetrical or non-
obično se misli na njen geometrijski oblik osnove. symmetrical it is usually related to its geometrical form in
Međutim, sa stanovišta mehaničkog ponašanja, pojmovi plan. However, from the viewpoint of mechanical
simetrije odnosno nesimetrije imaju drugačije značenje behavior, concepts of symmetry or non-symmetry have
nego samo oblik u osnovi i odnose se na uticaj different meaning then just the shape in plan and they
horizontalnih sila na zgrade. Da li je zgrada simetrična ili refer to the effects of horizontal forces on buildings.
nesimetrična zavisi od međusobnog položaja centra Weather the building is symmetrical or non-symmetrical
mase i centra krutosti svake tavanice. Ukoliko se centar depends on the mutual positions of the center of mass
mase i centar krutosti svake tavanice poklapaju ili su and the center of rigidity of each floor plate. If the center
relativno blizu, zgrada je simetrična i njen matematički of mass and the center of rigidity are coinciding or if they
model je dvodimenzionalan (sa po jednim stepenom are relatively close to each other, the building is
slobode za svaki sprat). U suprotnom slučaju, zgrada je considered as symmetrical and its mathematical model
nesimetrična i njen matematički model je trodimen- is two-dimensional (with one degree of freedom for each
zionalan (sa po tri stepena slobode za svaki sprat). story). In the contrary case, the building is non-sym-
Nesimetrična zgrada, u smislu mehaničkog ponašanja, metrical and its mathematical model is three-dimensional
može imati i simetričan oblik osnove, ali raspored (with three degrees of freedom for each story). Non-
vertikalnih elemenata ili raspodijela masa može da bude symmetric building, in mechanical sense, may have
takva da dovede do pojave uticaja torzije, odnosno do acceptably symmetrical form in plan, but the actual confi-
nepoklapanja centra krutosti i centra mase svake guration of its vertical elements and its mass distribution
tavanice. may cause the appearance of torsion effects, that is,
Iako u literaturi postoji veliki broj radova u kojima je may cause that the center of rigidity and the center of
obrađeno matematičko modeliranje zgrada usled uticaja mass of each story slab are well separated.
horizontalnog opterećenja, [1], [2], [7] i [8], izbor Although there is a large number of papers in
odgovarajućeg matematičkog modela koji dovoljno tačno literature devoted to mathematical modeling of buildings
simulira mehaničko ponašanje zgrada pod uticajem due to horizontal load effects, [1], [2], [7] and [8], choice
horizontalnog opterećenja je još uvijek izazov za of adequate mathematical model which correctly enough
istraživače. simulates mechanical behavior of buildings under the
horizontal load effects is still a challenge for researchers.



2.1 Osnovne pretpostavke u diskretnoj analizi 2.1 Basic assumptions in the discrete analysis

Osnovne pretpostavke u diskretnoj analizi uticaja Basic assumptions in the discrete analysis of the
horizontalnih sila na zgrade, pored uobičajenih effects of horizontal forces on buildings, besides the
pretpostavki linearne teorije konstrukcija (statička, usual assumptions adopted in the linear theory of
geometrijska i materijalna linearnost), su: da se tavanice structures (static, geometric and material linearity), are,
tretiraju kao beskonačno krute u svojim ravnima, da je also, that story slabs are treated as infinitely rigid in their
masa zgrade koncentrisana na pojedine tavanice, da su planes, that the building mass is concentrated only over
aksijalne deformacije vertikalnih nosećih elemenata each story slab, that axial deformations of vertical
zanemarljive i da su vertikalni elementi ravanski supporting elements are neglected and that the vertical
konstruktivni elementi, tj. oni primaju samo sile u svojoj elements are planar structural elements, that is, they
ravni. Pri ovakvim pretpostavkama svaka tavanica može oppose only forces in their planes. Due to such
da vrši ravno kretanje u svojoj horizontalnoj ravni (dvije assumptions each story slab can perform the planar
translacije i jednu rotaciju), dok su vertikalni noseći motion as a rigid body in its horizontal plane (two
elementi unutrašnje veze koje ograničavaju mogućnost translations and one rotation), while vertical supporting
kretanja tavanica. Zbog toga se matematički model elements represent internal restraints which restrict the
zgrade usvaja u obliku konačnog skupa krutih ploča koje possibility of story slab motions. That is why
se mogu kretati u međusobno paralelnim horizontalnim mathematical model of the building is adopted in a form
ravnima i čije je kretanje ograničeno odgovarajućim of the finite set of rigid plates which can move in
elastičnim oprugama, koje predstavljaju uticaj vertikalnih mutually parallel horizontal planes and whose motion is
elemenata, slika 1. restricted by the corresponding elastic springs, which
Kako svaka tavanica raspolaže sa po tri stepena present the influence of vertical elements, figure 1.
slobode, pri čemu je sva masa sadržana samo u As each story slab has three degrees of freedom,
tavanicama, to se uticaj svih vertikalnih elemenata and all the mass is contained in floor slabs, the influence
sprata ispod posmatrane tavanice može da prikaže sa tri of all vertical supporting elements of the story under the
ekvivalentne opruge (dvije translacione u međusobno observed story slab could be represented by the three
ortogonalnim horizontalnim pravcima i jednom equivalent elastic springs (two translational in the
rotacionom oko vertikalne ose rotacije, koja je upravna mutually orthogonal horizontal directions and one
na tavanice), koje su vezane u centru krutosti rotational around the vertical axis, normal to story slab).
posmatrane tavanice. Opruge su nenapregnute kada je Three equivalent springs are connected to the slab in the
tavanica u početnoj (ravnotežnoj) konfiguraciji koja center of rigidity of the observed story slab. Springs are
odgovara odsustvu horizontalnih sila. unstressed when the story slab is in the initial (equilibrium)

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 15

Slika 1. Matematički model nesimetrične zgrade
Figure 1. Mathematical model of non-symmetric building

Krutosti ovih ekvivalentnih opruga kx, ky i kϕ su configuration which corresponds to the absence of
jednake sa odgovarajućim spratnim krutostima, pri čemu horizontal forces.
spratna krutost translacije predstavlja horizontalnu silu u Stiffnesses of the equivalent springs kx, ky and kϕ are
nivou tavanice koja izaziva jedinično relativno pomeranje equal to the corresponding horizontal and rotational
posmatrane tavanice (u pravcu sile) u odnosu na story stiffnesses. The horizontal story stiffness of
tavanicu ispod, dok spratna rotaciona krutost predstavlja translatory motion represents the horizontal force at the
spreg koji izaziva jedinično relativno okretanje level of story slab which causes the unit relative
posmatrane tavanice (oko vertikalne ose) u odnosu na horizontal motion of the observed story slab (in direction
tavanicu ispod. of the force) with reference to the story slab below. Also,
Ovakav model je trodimenzionalan, tj. zgrada sa N rotational story stiffness represents the couple which
spratova raspolaže sa 3N stepeni slobode kretanja. Sa causes the unit relative rotation of the observed story
stanovišta mehaničkog ponašanja, ovakva zgrada je slab (about the vertical axis) with respect to the story
nesimetrična i kod nje se centri krutosti ne poklapaju sa slab below.
centrima mase svake tavanice. This model is three-dimensional, that is the building
with N stories has 3N degrees of freedom. From the
viewpoint of mechanical behavior, such building is non-
symmetrical and its centers of rigidity are well separated
from the centers of mass of each story slab.

2.2 Generalisane koordinate i opisivanje 2.2 Generalized coordinates and description of

pomjeranja motion

Na slici 2 prikazana je tavanica koja se slobodno The Figure 2 represents a story slab which freely
kreće u svojoj horizontalnoj ravni. moves in its horizontal plane.

a) b)
Slika 2. Tavanica u početnoj (a) i proizvoljnoj (b) konfiguraciji
Figure 2. Storey slab in the initial (a) and arbitrary (b) configuration

Za opisivanje ravnog kretanja tavanice usvojeni su For description of the planar motion of the story slab,
referentni (globalni) koordinatni sistem Oxy i lokalni the reference coordinate system Oxy and the local
koordinatni sistem Sξη, koji je usvojen u centru mase S coordinate system Sξη are adopted. The local system is
posmatrane tavanice. Oba sistema su u početnoj positioned in the center of mass S of the observed story

16 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

konfiguraciji međusobno paralelna, kao što je prikazano slab and both systems are parallel in the initial
na slici 2a. Početna konfiguracija odgovara odsustvu configuration, as it is shown in the Figure 2a. The initial
horizontalnih sila, tako da su tri linearno elastične configuration corresponds to the absence of horizontal
opruge, koje su za tavanicu vezane u centru krutosti K i forces, so the three linearly elastic springs, which are
koje predstavljaju uticaj svih vertikalnih elemenata ispod connected to the story slab in the center of rigidity K and
tavanice, nenapregnute u početnoj konfiguraciji. Krutosti represent the influence of all vertical supporting
opruga, kao što je ranije napomenuto, jednake su elements bellow, are unstressed in the initial
odgovarajućim spratnim krutostima translacije u configuration. The spring stiffnesses, as it is previously
pravcima x i y i rotacionoj spratnoj krutosti oko z ose, mentioned, are equal to the corresponding story stiffness
dakle date su sa kx, ky i kϕ. of the translatory motion in the horizontal directions x
Komponente u i v vektora pomjeranja referentne and y and to rotational story stiffness around the vertical
tačke S, kao i ugao rotacije ϕ (ugao između osa x i ξ) su axis z, so they are equal to kx, ky and kϕ.
izabrani za generalisane koordinate kojima se opisuje Components u and v of the displacement vector of
ravno kretanje posmatrane tavanice. Referentna tačka S the referent point S, as well as the angle of the rotation ϕ
usvojena je u centru mase posmatrane tavanice što je (angle between the axes x and ξ) are chosen for the
uobičajeno u dinamičkoj analizi uopšte, pa takođe i u generalized coordinates by which the planar motion of
dinamičkoj analizi uticaja horizontalnih sila na zgrade. the observed story slab is described. Referent point S is
Vektor položaja neke tačke P poslije malog adopted at the center of mass of the story slab which is
pomjeranja tavanice (slika 2b) može da se prikaže kao: customary in the dynamic analysis in general and also in
dynamic analysis of the effects of horizontal loads upon
The displacement vector of some point P after the
small motion of the story slab (figure 2b) may be
presented as:

r  x   xS + u   1 − ϕ  ξP 
rP =  P  =  +   (1)
 yP   yS + v ϕ 1  ηP 
pri čemu su uzete u obzir sledeće aproksimacije: where the following approximations are taken into
cos ϕ ≈ 1 i sin ϕ ≈ ϕ , imajući u vidu da su account: cos ϕ ≈ 1 and sin ϕ ≈ ϕ , having in mind
pomjeranja u i v i obrtanje ploče ϕ male vrijednosti. that the motions u and v and plate rotation ϕ are small
r Vektor pomjeranja tačke P definisan je sa
r r r
d P = rP − rP0 , gdje je vektor rP0 vektor položaja tačke r Displacement vector of the point P is defined with
r r r0
P u početnoj konfiguraciji: d P = rP − rP0 , where rP is the position vector of the
point P in its initial configuration:

r  x 0   xS  1 0  ξ P 
rP0 =  P0  =   +     (2)
 y P   yS  0 1 ηP 
r r
Prema tome, vektor pomjeranja dP tačke P glasi: According to that, the displacement vector dP of the
point P is given by:

r u  u   0 − ϕ ξ P 
dP =  P  =   +   
0  ηP 
v P   v   ϕ

2.3 Matrica krutosti vertikalnih elemenata 2.3 Stiffness matrix of vertical elements

Matrica krutosti km nekog vertikalnog elementa "m" The stiffness matrix km of some vertical supporting
" "
(npr. okvira m ) u odnosu na uticaje horizontalnih sila element "m" (i.e. of a frame "m") with respect to the
određena je kao linearna veza između horizontalnih effects of horizontal forces is determined by the linear
pomjeranja u nivoima tavanica i odgovarajućih relation between the horizontal displacements of the
horizontalnih sila i data je sledećom matričnom story slabs and the corresponding horizontal forces, as
jednačinom: given by the following matrix equation:

R m = k m ⋅ Δm (4)

U jedn. (4) su: Δm je vektor čije komponente In Eq.(4) Δm is a vector whose components
predstavljaju horizontalna pomjeranja vertikalnog represent horizontal displacements of each slab of the
elemenata u visini tavanica, dok je Rm vektor čije vertical element, Rm is a vector whose components

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 17

komponente predstavljaju sile u visini tavanica koje represent forces acting at each story slab due to which
izazivaju pomjeranja elementa definisana sa vektorom displacements of each slab (or girder in a frame) are
Δm. given by the vector Δm.
Imajući u vidu relaciju (4), može da se zaključi da Having in mind relation (4), it could be concluded that
elementi kolone "j" matrice krutosti km predstavljaju the elements of the column "j" of the stiffness matrix km
horizontalne sile koje moraju da djeluju na vertikalni represent horizontal forces which must act on vertical
element "m " u nivoima tavanica da bi horizontalno element "m" at the levels of story slabs in order that the
pomjeranje u nivou tavanice "j" imalo jediničnu vrijednost, horizontal displacement at the level "j" would have the
a horizontalna pomjeranja u nivoima ostalih tavanica bila unit value, while other horizontal displacements of all
jednaka nuli. U ovom radu matrica krutosti vertikalnog other story slabs are zero. In this paper, the stiffness
elementa "m" određena je na sledeći način, koji je u matrix of the vertical element "m" is determined in the
skladu sa navedenom interpretacijom značenja following way, which is consistent with the mentioned
elemenata matrice krutosti. Prvo su vertikalnom interpretation of the meaning of elements of the stiffness
elementu (odn. okviru) "m " dodati imaginarni horizontalni matrix. First, the imaginary horizontal supports at the
oslonci u nivoima svake tavanice. Zatim su ovim levels of each story slab are added to the vertical
osloncima, redom, zadata jedinična horizontalna element (or frame) "m". Then, these supports are
pomjeranja (svako pomjeranje je poseban slučaj subjected to the unit horizontal displacements (each
opterećenja), pa su određene reakcije u dodatim displacement as a separate loading case), so, for each
horizontalnim osloncima za svaki slučaj opterećenja loading case the reactions are determined in all added
posebno. Ove reakcije predstavljaju elemente matrice horizontal supports. These reactions are the elements of
krutosti. Tako na primjer, elementi kolone "j" matrice the stiffness matrix. For example, elements of the
krutosti km dobijeni su kao reakcije dodatih imaginarnih column "j" of the stiffness matrix km are obtained as the
horizontalnih oslonaca kada je osloncu "j" zadato reactions of the added imaginary horizontal supports
jedinično horizontalno pomjeranje Δj=1, kao što je when the support "j" is subjected to the unit horizontal
prikazano na slici 3. Dakle, matrica krutosti vertikalnog displacement Δj=1, as it is shown in Fig. 3. So, the
elementa je simetrična kvadratna matrica reda N, gdje je stiffness matrix of the vertical element is the square
N broj tavanica (spratova) posmatrane zgrade. symmetric matrix of order N, where N is a number of
story slabs (stories) of considered building.

Slika 3. Određivanje elemenata kolone "j" matrice krutosti

Figure 3. Determination of the elements of the column j of the stiffness matrix

Pri formiranju statičkog sistema konstrukcije, s During the formation of the static system of the
obzirom da vertikalni elementi mogu biti samo linijski structure, regarding the fact that vertical elements could
nosači (okviri), izolovana zidna platna i kombinovani be only columns and beams, i.e. frames, isolated shear
sistemi od okvira i zidnih platna, moguće su sledeće walls and also combined systems of frames and shear
aproksimacije u računskom modelu. Izolovano zidno walls, the following modeling approximations are
platno se zamjenjuje konzolnim nosačem sa possible. Isolated shear wall is replaced by the cantilever
odgovarajućim momentom inercije, kombinovani column with the corresponding moment of inertia, the
vertikalni element koji se sastoji od okvira i zidnih combined vertical element, consisting of columns,
platana zamjenjuje se ekvivalentnim okvirnim statičkim beams and shear walls, is replaced by the equivalent
sistemom, kod koga se za djelove rigli koji se nalaze frame, where the infinite rigidity is adopted for the parts
unutar širine zidnog platna usvaja beskonačna krutost, tj. of beams which are contained in the shear wall, that is,
beskonačna vrijednost momenta inercije (kruti ofset od the infinite value of the moment of inertia (or the rigid
ose stuba). Zidna platna se, ukoliko je odnos njihove offset from column's axis). Shear walls, if the aspect
visine i širine manji od 4, zamjenjuju štapovima kod kojih ratio of their height to width is less than 4, are replaced

18 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

je uzeta u obzir deformacija smicanja jer je uticaj by columns for which the shearing deformation is taken
transverzalnih sila na deformaciju značajan i istog reda into account because the effects of transversal forces is
veličine kao i uticaj momenata savijanja. Zbog toga kod significant for the deformation and it is of the same order
statičkog sistema kombinovanog vertikalnog elementa as the effect of the bending moment. Therefore, for the
mogu da postoje tri vrste štapova: štapovi konstantnog static system of the combined vertical elements three
poprečnog presjeka, štapovi konstantnog poprečnog types of beams are possible: beams with constant cross
presjeka kod kojih je uzeta u obzir deformacija smicanja section, beams with constant cross section, but where
i štapovi sa skokovito promjenjivim momentima inercije. the shearing deformation is taken into account, and
Okvirni sistemi koji se posmatraju se sastoje samo od beams with step-wise constant moments of inertia.
štapova konstantnog poprečnog presjeka. Frame systems under consideration are consisting of
Prema tome, statički sistemi svih vertikalnih beams with constant cross sections.
konstruktivnih elemenata zgrade su uklješteni So, statical systems of all vertical structural elements
ortogonalni okviri, sastavljeni od različitih tipova štapova of the building are orthogonal frames, clamped at the
u zavisnosti od vrste vertikalnog elementa. Zbog base, consisting of different types of beams depending
usvojenih pretpostavki da su tavanice beskonačno krute on the type of the vertical element. Because of the
i da su aksijalne deformacije vertikalnih elemenata adopted assumptions that the story slabs are infinitely
zanemarljive, u svim štapovima vertikalnih nosećih rigid and that the axial deformations of the vertical
elemenata (odn. okvira) zanemarene su aksijalne elements are neglected, the axial deformations are
deformacije. neglected in all beams of vertical elements (i.e. frames).

2.4 Matrica krutosti nesimetrične zgrade 2.4 Stiffness matrix of non-symmetric building

Na slici 4 prikazana je nesimetrična zgrada sa The non-symmetric building is presented in Fig. 4

proizvoljnom konfiguracijom vertikalnih elemenata, with the arbitrary configuration of vertical elements, that
odnosno sa vertikalnim elementima koji su proizvoljno is with vertical elements which are arbitrarily placed with
postavljeni u odnosu na ose x i y referentnog respect to axes x and y of the global (reference)
koordinatnog sistema. coordinate system.

Slika 4. Položaj vertikalnog elementa "m" tavanice "j" nesimetrične zgrade

" " ""
Figure 4. Position of vertical elements m of the story slab j of non-symmetric building

Pomjeranje svake tavanice "j" dato je vektorom: Displacement of each story slab "j" is given by the

δTj = { u j v j ϕ j} (5)
" " " "
Položaj vertikalnog elementa m određen je The position of the vertical element m is determined
položajem njegovog težišta Cm(xm,ym) i pravcem by the position of its centroid Cm(xm,ym) and by direction
vertikalnog elementa x m , koji zaklapa ugao αm sa x x m of the vertical element, which covers the angle αm
osom referentnog koordinatnog sistema. Referentni with x axis of the global coordinate system Oxy. The
koordinatni sistem može se postaviti u bilo kojoj global coordinate system can be placed in any arbitrarily
proizvoljno odabranoj tački. selected point O.
Pomjeranje vertikalnog elementa Δj,m u njegovoj Displacement of the vertical element Δj,m in its plane,
ravni, a u nivou tavanice "j" iznosi: and at the level of the story slab "j" is:

∆ j, m = u j cos α m + v j sin α m + ϕ jρ m (6)

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 19

gdje je ρm normalno rastojanje pravca vertikalnog where ρm is the normal distance of the direction of the
elementa od referentne tačke. vertical element from the reference point.
Ako pretpostavimo da posmatrana zgrada ima N If we suppose that the building has N stories then the
spratova onda se jednačina (6) može predstaviti u equation (6) can be presented in the matrix form as:
matričnom obliku kao:

Δm = am ⋅ δ (7)

gdje je am matrica transformacije data sa: where am is a transformation matrix given with:

cos α m sin α m ρm L 0 0 0 L 0 0 0
 M M M L M M M L M M M 

am =  0 0 0 L cos α m sin α m ρm L 0 0 0 (8)
 
 M M M L M M M L M M M 
 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 L cos α m sin α m ρm 
dok je δ vektor pomjeranja posmatrane nesimetrične while δ is displacement vector of the considered non-
zgrade: symmetric building:

δ T = {u 1 v 1 ϕ1 ... uj v j ϕj ... u N v N ϕN} (9)

Ovdje je pretpostavljeno da su αm i ρm za jedan Here it is supposed that αm and ρm for one vertical
vertikalni element "m " konstantni za svaku tavanicu, što element "m" are constant for each story slab, which is
prihvatljivo odgovara stvarnosti. quite acceptable in reality.
Vertikalni elementi, kao što je napomenuto, Vertical elements, as previously mentioned, restrain
ograničavaju horizontalno kretanje tavanica, pa je uticaj the horizontal motion of story slabs, so the effect of the
vertikalnog elementa "m" na kretanje tavanice "j" pred- vertical element "m" to the motion of the story slab "j" is
stavljen sa unutrašnjom koncentrisanom horizontalnom presented with the internal concentrated horizontal
ograničavajućom silom Rj,m koja djeluje u pravcu restraining force Rj,m which is acting in direction of the
vertikalnog elementa. Budući da je reaktivna sila Rj,m vertical element. Regarding the fact that reactive force
restitucione prirode, njen smjer je suprotan kretanju Rj,m has a restitution nature, its sense is the opposite of
tavanice i ona teži da vrati tavanicu u ravnotežni položaj. the story slab motion and it tends to return the story slab
Kretanje tavanica prouzrokuju spoljašnje horizontalne into the equilibrium position. Motion of story slabs is
sile koje djeluju u nivoima tavanica, a javljaju se usled initiated by the external horizontal forces which act at the
uticaja vjetra ili zemljotresa. levels of story slabs, and they are the consequence of
Na slici 5 prikazane su sve aktivne i odgovarajuće the wind and earthquake actions.
reaktivne sile koje djeluju na tavanicu "j" (prikazana je Fig. 5 presents all active and corresponding reactive
samo reaktivna sila Rj,m, koja deluje na element "m"). Sile forces which act on the slab "j" (only the reactive force
Xj, Yj i moment Mj su rezultat redukcije u odnosu na Rj,m for element "m " is given). Forces Xj, Yj and twisting
referentnu tačku svih spoljašnjih raspodijeljenih moment Mj are the result of the reduction to the
horizontalnih sila koje djeluju na tavanicu "j". reference point of all distributed external horizontal
forces which are acting on the story slab j .

Slika 5. Aktivne i reaktivne sile koje djeluju na tavanicu "j" nesimetrične zgrade
Figure 5. Active and reactive forces which act on the story slab "j" of non-symmetrical building

20 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

Uslovi ravnoteže svih sila koje djeluju na tavanicu "j" Conditions of equilibrium of all forces which act on
mogu da se prikažu u matričnom obliku kao: the story slab "j" could be presented in the matrix form

X j  cos α m 
  Nv  
 Yj  = ∑  sinα m  ⋅ R j, m (10)
M  m =1  ρ 
 j  m 

Ako se uzmu u obzir svih N tavanica zgrade onda se If all N story slabs are taken into consideration,
jednačine (10) mogu predstaviti u matričnom obliku kao: equations (10) could be presented in the matrix form:
Q = ∑ aTm ⋅ R m (11)
m =1

Najzad, ako se i izrazi (4) i (7) uzmu u obzir, tada Finally, if expressions (4) and (7) are taken into
relacija (11) glasi: account, the then the relation (11) becomes:

Q = K ⋅δ (12)

gdje je: where:

K = ∑ a Tm ⋅ k m ⋅ a m (13)
m =1

globalna matrica krutosti nesimetrične zgrade koja is the global stiffness matrix of a non-symmetric building
uspostavlja vezu između vektora spoljašnjeg which represents the connection between the vector of
opterećenja Q i vektora nepoznatih pomjeranja svih external load Q and the vector of unknown
tavanica δ. displacements of all story slabs δ.
Dakle, na osnovu lokalnih matrica krutosti pojedinih Therefore, starting with the local stiffness matrix of
vertikalnih elemenata i njihovih položaja u odnosu na each vertical element and its position with respect to the
referentni koordinatni sistem, formira se globalna matrica global coordinate system, the global stiffness matrix of
krutosti nesimetrične zgrade. non-symmetric building is formed.

2.5 Diferencijalne jednačine kretanja 2.5 Differential equations of motion

Diferencijalne jednačine kretanja zgrade mogu se Differential equations of motion of a building may be
izvesti na različite međusobno ekvivalentne načine. derived in various equivalent ways. One of them is the
Jedan od njih je razmatranje izolovanih tavanica i application of D'Alambert's principle for each isolated
primjena za svaku od njih D'Alambert-ovog principa story slab (equilibrium of active, reactive and inertial
(uslovi ravnoteže aktivnih, reaktivnih i inercijalnih sila), forces), because the inertial forces appear, during the
jer se u nivoima tavanica pri dejstvu dinamičkog actions of dynamic loads, only at the level of the storey
opterećenja javljaju i odgovarajuće inercijalne sile, zbog slabs, due to the assumption that the masses are
pretpostavke da su mase koncentrisane samo u nivoima concentrated only at the story slabs, [8]. The second
tavanica, [8]. Drugi je razmatranje izolovanih tavanica approach is to consider each isolated story slab and to
(ploča) i primjena zakona o promjeni količine kretanja i o apply the Laws of Momentum and the Moment of
promjeni momenta količine kretanja, [1]. Momentum, [1].
Diferencijalne jednačine kretanja zgrade, bez Differential equations of motion of a building, without
prigušenja, sa 3N stepeni slobode (spratova), u damping, with 3N degrees of freedom (N stories), written
matričnom obliku, glase: in the matrix form, are:

M&δ& + Kδ = Q(t ) (14)

gdje je M globalna matrica masa zgrade, a &δ& vektor

where M is the global mass matrix of the building, and
ubrzanja. &δ&is the acceleration vector.
Matrica mase nesimetrične zgrade sa N spratova je: The global mass matrix of the non-symmetric
building with N stories is:

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 21

M1 L 0 L 0 
 M M 

M =  0 L Mj L 0  (15)
 
 M M 
 0 L 0 L M N 
gdje je Mj je matrica masa u nivou tavanice "j". where M j is the local mass matrix at the level of the story
Ako se koordinatni početak usvoji u centru mase slab "j".
(xs,j=ys,j=0), što je čest slučaj u dinamičkoj analizi uticaja If the coordinate system is adopted in the center of
horizontalnih sila na zgrade, tada matrica Mj postaje mass (xs,j=ys,j=0), which is the frequent case in dynamic
dijagonalna matrica oblika: horizontal load analysis of buildings, then the mass
matrix Mj becomes the diagonal matrix of the form:

M j 0 0
 
Mj =  0 Mj 0 (16)
0 0 Isr , j 

gdje je Mj ukupna masa tavanice "j", dok je Isr , j sopstveni where Mj is the total mass of the slab "j", while I sr , j is the
polarni momenat inercije mase u odnosu na vertikalnu polar mass moment of inertia of the slab with respect to
osu u centru mase. the vertical axis in the center of mass.
Naravno, ukoliko se želi, može da se u diferencijalne Also, the viscous damping could be included into
jednačine kretanja (14) uvede i viskozno prigušenje, tako differential equations of motion (14), so the equations of
da diferencijalne jednačine kretanja dobijaju oblik: the motion, in that case, obtain the form:

M&δ& + Cδ& + Kδ = Q(t ) (17)

Matrica prigušenja C je usvojena kao linearna The damping matrix C is assumed in the usual way
kombinacija matrica mase i krutosti: as the linear combination of the mass matrix and the
stiffness matrix:

C = αM + βK (18)

gdje se koeficijenti α i β usvajaju prema izrazima: where coefficients α and β are adopted according to

ζ jωi − ζ i ω j ζ jω i − ζ i ω j
α = 2ω i ω j β=2 (19)
ω −ω
j ωi2 − ω 2j
koji su određeni iz uslova da je za dva različita which are obtained from the condition that for two
svojstvena oblika usvojena neka vrijednost za relativno particular natural modes, some value is assumed for the
prigušenje. U izrazima (19) ωi i ωj su svojstvene relative damping. In expressions (19) ωi and ωj are the
frekvencije neka dva svojstvena oblika, dok su ζi i ζj natural frequencies of two natural modes, while ζi and ζj
usvojena relativna modalna prigušenja. Obično se za are assumed values of relative modal damping. If the
sve tonove usvaja isto relativno prigušenje, pa u tom relative damping are assumed the same for all natural
slučaju izrazi (19) glase: modes, then the expressions (19) become:

ωi ω j 2ζ i
α = 2ζ i β= (20)
ωi + ω j ωi + ω j

Rješavanje diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja (14), Solution of differential equations of motion (14), or
odn. (17), vrši se uobičajenim metodama dinamike (17), is obtained by usual methods of the dynamics of
diskretnih sistema. Uopšteno, postoje dva osnovna discrete systems. Generally, there are two basic
pristupa: modalna analiza i direktna numerička approaches: modal analysis and direct numerical
integracija. integration.

22 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)


3.1 Uticaj zemljotresa kao složeno kretanje zgrade 3.1 The earthquake actions as the complex motion
of a building
Zemljotres predstavlja pojavu naglog oscilovanja
površinskih slojeva zemljine kore nastalu usled nekih The earthquake represents appearance of a sudden
tektonskih poremećaja. To oscilovanje tla je potpuno oscillations of the surface layers of the Earth's crust
nepravilno (stihijsko) i dešava se u prostoru, tako da originated from tectonic motions. The oscillation is
postoji pomjeranje tla kako u horizontalnom tako i u completely irregular (stochastic) and it happens in 3D
vertikalnom pravcu. Međutim, najvažnija su horizontalna space, so there is the soil motion in horizontal and in
pomjeranja tla, jer su ona za zgradu najopasnija. vertical directions. However, the most important are the
Potrebno je još napomenuti da se nikada ne može horizontal oscillations of the soil, because they are the
pouzdano predvidjeti zemljotres kojem će zgrada biti most dangerous for the building. It is necessary to point
izložena, već se mora osloniti na neki procijenjeni out that it is never possible to predict with certainty the
projektni akcelerogram. Postoji više mogućnosti za earthquake which will happen and act on the building,
određivanje projektnih akcelerograma. Mogu se but rather, one must rely on some probability level and to
upotrebiti postojeći akcelerogrami sa iste ili sa sličnih assume certain, or the so-called design accelerograms.
lokacija po potrebi odgovarajuće modifikovani tako da There are many possibilities to determine the design
odgovaraju predviđenim karakteristikama očekivanog accelerograms. It is possible to use the existing accele-
kretanja tla. Modifikacija se može izvršiti jednostavnim rograms from the same or from the similar locations
skaliranjem ordinata vremenske istorije ubrzanja tla which are correspondingly modified in order to comply to
(akcelerograma), promjenom vremenske skale (time se characteristics of expected soil behavior. Modification
mijenja frekventni sastav akcelerograma) ili nekim can be performed by the simple scaling of the acceler-
komplikovanijim računskim postupkom. Mogu se ation values in the time history of soil acceleration, by
generisati i vještački akcelerogrami koji odgovaraju the change of the time scale (frequency contents of
karakteristikama očekivanog kretanja tla. earthquake is changed in that way), or by some more
Pri kretanju tla usled zemljotresa pretpostavlja se da complicated numerical procedure. It is also possible to
se sve tačke temelja zgrade kreću identično, odnosno da generate artificial accelerograms which correspond to
se tlo usvaja kao kruto tijelo. Ova pretpostavka je predicted characteristics of the soil motion.
prihvatljiva zbog relativno malih dimenzija osnove When the soil moves during the earthquake it is also
zgrade u odnosu na talasnu dužinu seizmičkih talasa u assumed that all points of the building foundation move
tlu. Zbog toga, uticaj zemljotresa na zgradu može da se identically, that is that the soil bellow building is treated
predstavi kao prinudna translacija temelja zgrade. like a rigid body. This assumption is acceptable because
Ukupno pomjeranje zgrade pri ovakvoj translaciji sastoji of usually small dimensions of the building's base in
se od pomjeranja zgrade kao krutog tijela i njenog relation to the wave length of seismic waves in soil.
relativnog pomjeranja. Because of that, the earthquake effect on the building
Metode analize zgrada usled dejstva zemljotresa, a u can be considered as the forced translatory motion of
zavisnosti od vrste primjenjene analize i usvojenog the building's foundation. The total building's motion
modela konstrukcije, mogu se svrstati u četiri osnovne during such earthquake induced translation is consisting
grupe [5]: of the superposition of the enforced building's motion at
• linearna statička analiza, the base, like the rigid body, and its relative motion.
• linearna dinamička analiza, Methods of analysis of building's behavior during
• nelinearna statička analiza, earthquakes, depending on the type of the applied
• nelinearna dinamička analiza. analysis and on the adopted structural model, may be
Linearna statička analiza je, zbog svoje classified into four basic groups [5]:
jednostavnosti proračuna, implementirana kako u našim • Linear static analysis,
seizmičkim propisima (metoda ekvivalentnog statičkog • Linear dynamic analysis,
opterećenja) tako i u propisima mnogih zemalja. • Nonlinear static analysis,
Referenti metod za određivanje seizmičkih uticaja u • Nonlinear dynamic analysis.
Eurocode 8 (EC8) je multi-modalna spektralna analiza, Linear static analysis is, because of its simplicity of
pri čemu se koristi linearno elastični model konstrukcije i calculation, implemented in our seismic regulations
projektni spektri [4]. U radu [6] su detaljno prikazane (method of the equivalent static load) as well as in the
sledeće metode linearno dinamičke analize: metoda seismic regulations of many other countries. Referent
spektra odgovara, modalna analiza i direktna dinamička method of analysis of seismic actions in Eurocode 8
analiza. Najtačniji rezultati, odnosno najkvalitetniji uvid u (EC8) is the multi-modal spectral analysis, where linearly
ponašanje zgrada usled dejstva zemljotresa korišćenjem elastic model of the structure is used as well as the
zadatog akcelerograma, se dobijaju primjenom design spectra [4]. In the paper [6] the following methods
nelinearne dinamičke analize, koja je suviše of linear dynamic analyses are presented in details:
komlikovana za praktičnu primjenu. Zbog toga su se u method of the response spectrum, modal analysis and
poslednje dvije decenije intenzivno razvijajale metode direct dynamic analysis. The most accurate results, that
proračuna zasnovane na tzv. nelinearnoj statičkoj is the most complete insight into the building's behavior
("pushover") analizi konstrukcija, [5]. Nelinearna statička during the earthquake actions, when analyzed with the
analiza je implementirana u EC8 koristeći N2 metodu (N given accelerogram as the earthquake loading, are
označava nelinearni proračun dok broj 2 predstavlja dva obtained by the application of a nonlinear dynamic

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 23

matematička modela: SDOF-sistem sa jednim stepenom analysis, which is, however, too complicated for every-
slobode i MDOF-sistem sa više stepeni slobode, [3]). day's practical use. Therefore, during the last two
Ova metoda je detaljno prikazana u radovima [4] i [5], decades, intensive effort was devoted to development of
dok je kratak prikaz dat u radu [3]. the methods of analysis which are based on the
U ovom radu, s obzirom da je matematički model nonlinear static (or the so called "pushover") analysis of
uticaja zemljotresa na višespratne nesimetrične zgrade structures [5]. Nonlinear static analysis is also
(preko zadatog akcelerograma) poslužio kao osnova za implemented in EC8 using N2 method (N means non-
razvijanje drugog numeričkog modela za analizu linear design while number 2 presents two mathematical
mogućeg sudara višespratnih nesimetričnih zgrada u models: SDOF-system with one degree of freedom and
uslovima zemljotresa, usled zadatog akcelerograma, MDOF-system with more degrees of freedom, [3]). This
primjenjena je linearna dinamička analiza. Dakle, dife- method is presented in details in the papers [4] and [5],
rencijalne jednačine kretanja višespratne nesimetrične while the short review is given in the paper [3].
zgrade usled uticaja zemljotresa, pri čemu je zemljotres In this paper, regarding the fact that mathematical
tretiran kao zadato dinamičko pomjeranje osnove zgrade model of the earthquake actions on multi-storey non-
(zadat akcelerogram), su rješavane primenom α symmetric buildings (using the given accelerogram) was
postupka direktne numeričke integracije koji je numerički used as a base for developing another numerical model
stabilan i daje potpuni vremenski odgovor zgrade za to analyze the possible pounding of multi-storey non-
zadati akcelrogram. symmetric buildings during the earthquake and given
accelerogram, linear dynamic analysis is used. So,
differential equations of motion of a multi-storey non-
symmetric building during the earthquake, where
earthquake is treated as the given dynamic translation of
the building's base, (given accelerogram), were solved
by application the α method of direct numerical
integration which is numerically stable and it gives the
complete time history response of the building for the
given accelerogram.

3.2 Diferencijalne jednačine kretanja u slučaju 3.2 Differential equations of motions in a case of an
zemljotresa earthquake

Kretanje zgrade usled uticaja zemljotresa tretira se The building motion during the earthquake actions is
kao složeno kretanje, pa je pomjeranje svake tavanice "j" treated as the complex motion, so the motion of each
jednako zbiru prenosnog i relativnog pomjeranja: story slab "j" is given by the superposition of the imposed
translatory and relative motions:

δ j, aps = δ j, pre + δ j, rel (21)

pri čemu je prenosno kretanje seizmičko pomjeranje tla, where the translatory motion is seismic motion of soil,
dok je relativno pomjeranje ravno kretanje tavanica. while relative motion is planar motion of story slabs.
Seizmičko pomjeranje tla u opštem slučaju ima Seismic motion of soil in general case has an
proizvoljan pravac u odnosu na zgradu. Ako se sa β arbitrary direction with respect to building. If β denotes
označi ugao koji dominantni pravac seizmičkog the angle between the global x axis in horizontal plane
pomjeranja tla ug zaklapa sa globalnom x osom u and the dominant direction of seismic motion of the soil,
horizontalnoj ravni, slika 6, tada se vektor apsolutnog denoted by ug, see Fig. 6, then the vector of the absolute
"" ""
pomjeranja tavanice j može prikazati kao: displacement of the story slab j may be presented as:

cos β  u j 
   
δ j, aps =  sin β  u g + v j  = b j ⋅ u g + δ j (22)
 0  ϕ 
   j
Ako se uzmu u obzir svih N tavanica zgrade, onda se If all N story slabs of the building are taken into
relacija (22) može prikazati u obliku: account, then relation (22) may be presented in a form:

δ aps (t ) = b u g (t ) + δ(t ) (23)

gdje su: where:

δ T
aps = {δ1, aps . . . δ j, aps . . . δ N , aps }
b T = {b1 . . . b j . . . b N } (24)

δ T = {δ1 . . . δ j . . . δ N }

24 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

Slika 6. Dominantan pravac seizmičkog pomjeranja tla
Figure 6. Dominant direction of seismic motion of the soil

pri čemu su komponente vektora b konstantne za sve and components of the vector b are constant for all story
tavanice. slabs.
Na osnovu relacije (23) vektor apsolutnog ubrzanja According to relation (23) the vector of the absolute
cijele zgrade može se prikazati kao: acceleration of the whole building may be presented as:
&δ& (t ) = b &u& (t ) + &δ&(t ) (25)
aps g

gdje je &u&g (t ) poznata funkcija koja predstavlja where &u& g (t ) is the known function which represents
seizmičko ubrzanje tla, odnosno zadati projektni seismic acceleration of the soil, that is the given design
akcelerogram. accelerogram.
U slučaju zemljotresa inercijalne sile zavise od In the case of an earthquake, inertial forces depend
apsolutnog kretanja (odn. od apsolutnog ubrzanja), sile on the absolute motion (or, rather, absolute
prigušenja i restitucione sile zavise od relativnog acceleration), damping forces and reactive forces
kretanja (od brzine i pomeranja), dok su aktivne depend on relative motions (on velocity and
horizontalne sile jednake nuli, jer je zemljotres prinudno displacement), and also, active horizontal forces are
kretanje osnove zgrade. Prema tome, diferencijalne equal to zero, since the earthquake is an imposed
jednačine kretanja zgrade, date sa (17), mogu da se translation of the building's base. Therefore, differential
prikažu kao: equations of motion of the building, given by (17), may
be presented as:

M&δ&aps + Cδ& + Kδ = 0 (26)

Kada se vektor apsolutnog ubrzanja (25) uvrsti u When the vector of absolute acceleration (25) is
jednačinu (26) dobija se: inserted into Eq. (26), one obtains:

M&δ& + Cδ& + Kδ = −Mb&u&g = g(t ) (27)

Relacija (27) predstavlja diferencijalne jednačine Eq. (27) presents the differential equations of motion
kretanja zgrade usled zemljotresa. of the building during earthquake action.

3.3 Rješavanje diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja 3.3 Solution of differential equations of motion

Rješavanje diferencijalnih jednačina kretanja usled Solution of differential equations of motion of a

uticaja zemljotresa vrši se postupkom direktne building, during the earthquake actions, is performed by
numeričke integracije, jer ovaj postupak daje potpuni the procedure of direct numerical integration, because
odgovor zgrade za zadati akcelerogram. Ovdje se koristi this procedure gives a complete response of the building
implicitni i bezuslovno stabilni α postupak numeričke to the given accelerogram. Implicit and unconditionally
integracije, nastao na osnovu ideje Newmark-ovog β stable α method of the numerical integration is used,
postupka. Ukupno vrijeme trajanja zemljotresa tmax se which is the extension of the Newmark’s β method. The
podijeli na izvjestan broj (npr. nt) međusobno jednakih total time duration tmax of the earthquake is divided into
podintervala: tmax=ntΔt. the certain number (e.g. nt) of mutually equal sub-
Primjenom α postupka na jednačine (27) dolazi se intervals: tmax=ntΔt.
Applying the α method to Eqs. (27) one obtains the
“ ”
do ekvivalentnog statičkog problema, tj. do sistema
“ ”
linearnih algebarskih jednačina unutar svakog intervala equivalent static problem, that is, the system of linear
vremena Δt: algebraic equations within the each time interval Δt:

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 25

K ∗δ n +1 = g∗n + α (n=1, 2,..., nt-1) (28)
* *
gdje je K efektivna matrica krutosti data sa: where K is the effective stiffness matrix given with:

K ∗ = (1 + α )K + M + (1 + α )
C (29)
β∆ t 2
β∆ t
dok je g*n+α vektor efektivnog opterećenja: while g*n+α is a vector of effective load:

 1 1 &  1  

g n+α = g n +α + M  δ + δn +  − 1  δ&&n  +
2 n β∆ t  2β 
 β∆ t   (30)
 γ  γ   γ  
+ C  (1 + α ) δn +  ( 1 + α ) − 1 δ&n + ( 1 + α ) ∆ t  − 1  δ&&n  + α Kδn
 β∆ t  β   2 β  

U relaciji (30) sa gn+α označen je vektor opterećenja In the relation (30) gn+α denotes the load vector in the
u trenutku t n+α: time t n+α:

g n + α = g (t n + α ) = -Mb&u&g (t n +1 + α∆ t ) (31)

Ako se parametri α, β i γ u izrazima (29)-(31) izaberu If the parameters α, β and γ in Eqs. (29)-(31) are
prema relacijama: chosen according to relations:

 1 
α ∈ - , 0  γ=
(1 − 2α ) β = 1 (1 − α )2 (32)
 3  2 4
α postupak je bezuslovno stabilan. Uobičajeno je da se then the α method is unconditionally stable. It is usual to
usvoji da je α=-1/3, tako da je onda γ=5/6, β=4/9, dok se adopt the value α=-1/3, so then γ=5/6, β=4/9, while for
za α=0 dolazi do klasičnog Newmark-ovog β postupka. α=0 the method becomes the classical Newmark’s β
Da bi se započeo proces direktne numeričke method.
integracije neophodno je da budu poznati početni uslovi In order to start the process of direct numerical
δ0 i δ& 0 , kao i da se izračuna početno ubrzanje &δ&0 iz
integration, it is necessary to know the initial conditions,

diferencijalne jednačine kretanja za početni trenutak t=0. displacements and velocities δ 0 and δ& 0 , as well as to
Kako se zgrade neposredno prije pojave zemljotresa determine the initial acceleration &δ& from the differential
nalaze u stanju mirovanja, to su početni uslovi
homogeni. Početno ubrzanje zgrade je određeno iz equation of motion for the initial time t=0. As the
diferencijalne jednačine kretanja napisane za početni buildings are in the state of rest before the earthquake
trenutak t=0 i za homogene početne uslove, kao: starts, the initial conditions are homogeneous. The initial
acceleration of the building is obtained from the
differential equations of motion, written for the time t=0
and for the homogeneous initial conditions, as:
&δ& = M −1g(0) = M −1 ( -Mb&u& (0)) = −b&u& (0) (33)
0 g g

Rješavanjem jednačina (28) dobija se vektor By solving the equations (28) the vector of
generalisanih pomjeranja na kraju posmatranog intervala generalized coordinates is obtained at the end of the
vremena δn+1. Zatim se određuju vektori generalisanih time interval δn+1. Then the vectors of generalized
brzina i ubrzanja na kraju posmatranog intervala velocities and accelerations at the end of the time
vremena prema sledećim relacijama: interval are determined according to the following

γ γ γ   1 
δ& n +1 = δ n +1 − δ n −  − 1 δ& n −  − 1 &δ&n (34)
β∆ t β∆ t β   2β 

&δ& = 1 &  1 
δ n −  − 1 &δ& n
1 1
δ n +1 − δn − (35)
β∆ t β∆ t β∆ t  2β 
n +1 2 2

26 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

Algoritam za analizu vremenskog odgovora zgrade je Algorithm for the analysis of the time history
ukratko prikazan: response of the building is presented in short:
Posmatra se nesimetrična višespratna zgrada Non-symmetric multi-story building is considered
izložena seizmičkoj pobudi koja je definisana sa akcele- while being exposed to seismic excitation defined by the
rogramom &u&g i sa dominantnim pravcem pod uglom β, given accelerogram &u& g and by the dominant direction
koji se mjeri u horizontalnoj ravni u odnosu na usvojen given by the angle β, which is measured in the horizontal
globalni koordinatni sistem Oxy. plane in relation to the adopted global coordinate system
Proces analize vremenskog odgovora zgrade Oxy.
započinje se rješavanjem diferencijalnih jednačina kreta- The process of analysis of the time history response
nja zgrade (27) koristeći α postupak direktne numeričke of the building starts with the solution of differential
integracije. Znači, u svakom intervalu vremena ∆t rješa- equations of motion of the building (27) using the α
va se ekvivalentni “statički” problem (28) i dobija vektor method of the direct numerical integration. It means that
generalisanih pomjeranja zgrade na kraju posmatranog in each time interval ∆t the equivalent “static” problem
intervala vremena. Sa određenim vektorom generalisa- (28) is solved and the vector of generalized displace-
nih pomjeranja određuju se vektori generalisanih brzina i ments is obtained at the end of the time interval. The
ubrzanja zgrade na kraju posmatranog intervala vreme- generalized velocity and acceleration vectors at the end of
na, prema relacijama (34) i (35). Dobijene vrijednosti na the time interval are then determined, according to rela-
kraju posmatranog intervala vremena su zatim poznate tions (34) and (35). Obtained values at the end of consi-
početne vrednosti na početku narednog intervala dered time step are the known initial values at the begin-
vremena, pa se sukcesivnim rješavanjem, korak po ning of the next time step, until, after successive solution
korak, dolazi do ukupnog vremenskog odgovora. step by step, the complete time history is obtained.


U cilju numeričke realizacije razvijen je odgovarajući In order to implement the numerical procedure, the
kompjuterski program, nazvan Zgrada_3D [9]. Program, corresponding computer program, called Building_3D, [9]
osim što izračunava vremenski odgovor višespratne is developed. The program, besides giving the time
nesimetrične zgrade usled zadatog akcelerograma kao history response of multi-story non-symmetric building for
zemljotresnog opterećenja, može da se koristi i za a given accelerogram as the earthquake loading, can also
analizu slobodnih oscilacija, odnosno za proračun be used for the analysis of free oscillations, that is for
svojstvenih frekvencija i svojstvenih oblika zgrade na determination of the natural frequencies and natural sha-
osnovu izračunatih matrica krutosti i masa posmatrane pes of the building using the calculated stiffness and mass
višespratne nesimetrične zgrade. matrices of considered multi-story non-symmetric building.
Kao primjer razmatrana je nesimetrična zgrada sa As an example, a non-symmetric building with eight
osam spratova. Osnova zgrade, sa geometrijskim stories was considered. The plan and some geometric
podacima i podacima o spratnim masama prikazana je and mass data are presented in Fig. 7. Also, 3D model,
na slici 7, dok je 3D model dobijen u komercijalnom as obtained from the commercial computer code Tower
programu Tower 6 dat na slici 8. 6, is given in Fig. 8.

Podaci: Data:

Dimenzije stubova: Piers dimensions:

b/h=50/50[cm] b/h=50/50[cm]

Dimenzije greda: Beams dimensions:

b/h=35/60[cm] b/h=35/60[cm]

Debljina ploče: Slab thickness:

dpl=22[cm] dpl=22[cm]

Modul elastičnosti: Modulus of elasticity:

7 2 7 2
E=3.15*10 [kN/m ] E=3.15*10 [kN/m ]
(MB 30) (MB 30)

Spratne mase: Storey masses:

2 2
m 1=...=m7 =1220[kNs /m] m 1=...=m7 =1220[kNs /m]
2 2
m 8 =1170[kNs /m] m 8 =1170[kNs /m]

Slika 7. Osnova nesimetrične zgrade sa osam spratova

Figure 7. The plan of a non-symmetric building with eight stories

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 27

Slika 8. Model nesimetrične zgrade sa osam spratova (Tower 6)
Figure 8. Model of non-symmetric building with eight stories (Tower 6)

Period oscilovanja prvog tona razmatrane zgrade The period of oscillation of the first mode of
dobijen korišćenjem komercijalnog programa Tower 6 considered building, obtained by the commercial
iznosi 0.920s, a korišćenjem programa Zgrada_3D program Tower 6 is 0.920s, and obtained by the
0.892s. program of Buildings _3D is equal to 0.892s.
Na slici 9 prikazani su usvojeni koordinatni sistemi: Fig. 9 presents the assumed coordinate systems: the
referentni Oxy i lokalni Sξη postavljen u centru mase global Oxy and the local Sξη which is set at the center of
(težištu) tavanice, kao i dominantni pravac seizmičkog mass (centroid) of the story slab. Also, direction of the
pomjeranja tla ug koji sa referentnom x osom u dominant seismic motion of the soil ug , as determined
horizontalnoj ravni zaklapa ugao β. Takođe je prikazan i by the angle β with respect to the global x axis in the
položaj karakterističnih tačaka konture razmatrane horizontal plane, is given. Position of some characteristic
zgrade. points in plan of the building is also presented.

Slika 9. Položaj karakterističnih tačaka konture razmatrane zgrade

Figure 9. Position of characteristic points of the contour of considered building

Posmatrana zgrada je izložena zemljotresu čiji Considered building is exposed to the earthquake
akcelerogram odgovara frekventnom zapisu zemljotresa with accelerogram corresponding to El Centro record
El Centro, iz decembra 1940. godine, komponenta NS. from December 1940, component NS. Accelerogram is
Akcelerogram je skaliran tako da maksimalno ubrzanje scaled in such a way that the maximum acceleration of
tla iznosi 0.32g (g=9.81m/s2). Razmatrana su dva the soil is equal to 0.32g (g=9.81m/s2). Two dominant
dominantna pravca seizmičkog pomjeranja tla: β=0° i directions of the seismic soil motions are considered:
β=45°. Odgovor zgrade je posmatran u ukupnom β=0° and β=45°. The response of the building is
trajanju akcelerograma zemljotresa El Centro (12.2s) sa determined during the total duration of the earthquake El
usvojenim vremenskim korakom ∆t=0.05s. Centro (12.2s) with the adopted time step ∆t=0.05s.
Na slikama 10-13, za zadati akcelerogram, prikazan Figures 10-13 are presenting some of the obtained
je vremenski odgovor posmatrane zgrade za results for the given accelerogram, namely the time
dominantne pravce zemljotresa β=0° i β=45°, odnosno history responses of the building for the dominant
vremenska promjena generalisanih pomjeranja u8, v8, ϕ8 earthquake directions β=0° and β=45°, that is time

28 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

i generalisanih brzina u& 8 , v& 8 i ϕ& 8 centra mase S histories of the generalized coordinates u8, v8, ϕ8 and
poslednje tavanice, tavanice broj 8, (slike 10 i 11). generalized velocities u& 8 , v& 8 i ϕ& 8 of the mass center S
Takođe su date i vremenske promjene pomjeranja u8"1", of the last story slab, slab number 8, (Figs. 10 and 11).
v8"1", u8"2" i v8"2" karakterističnih tačaka "1" i "2" tavanice Also, the time histories of displacements u8"1", v8"1", u8"2"
broj 8 (slike 12 i 13), pri čemu sivom linijom u slučaju and v8"2" of the characteristic points "1" and "2" of the story
kada je dominantni pravac zemljotresa jednak β=0° i slab number 8 are given in Figs. 12 and 13, with grey lines
crnom linijom u slučaju kada je dominantni pravac in a case when dominant direction of the earthquake is
zemljotresa jednak β=45°. equal to β=0° and with the black line in a case when the
Maksimalna pomjeranja centra mase tavanice broj 8 dominant direction of earthquake is equal to β=45°.
posmatrane zgrade u pravcu x i y ose (u8max i v8max) za Maximum displacements of the center of mass of
dominantne pravace zemljotresa β=0° i β=45° iznose, story slab number 8 of the building in directions x and y
redom, 22.6cm i 5.89cm, odnosno 15.0cm i 14.2cm (i.e. u8max and v8max) for the dominant directions of
(slika 10). earthquake given by β=0° and β=45° are obtained as
22.6cm and 5.89cm, or 15.0cm and 14.2cm (Fig. 10).


time time


angular velocity

time time
Slika 10. Vremenska promjena generalisanih pomjeranja Slika 11. Vremenska promjena generalisanih
u8,v8 i ϕ8 brzina u& 8 , v& 8 i ϕ& 8
Figure 10. Time history of generalized displacements u8,v8 Figure 11. Time history of generalized velocities
and ϕ8
u& 8 , v& 8 and ϕ& 8

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 29

Maksimalna pomjeranja karakteristične tačke "1" Maximum displacements of the characteristic point
tavanice broj 8 posmatrane zgrade u pravcu x i y ose "1" of the story slab number 8 of the building in the
( u 8"1"max i v8"1"max ) za dominantne pravace zemljotresa
"1" "1"
directions x and y (i.e. u 8 max and v8 max ) for the
β=0° i β=45° iznose 28.4cm i 12.2cm, odnosno 26.7cm i dominant directions of earthquake given by β=0° and
15.7cm (slika 12). β=45° are obtained as 28.4cm and 12.2cm, or 26.7cm
and 15.7cm (Fig. 12).

time time

Slika 12. Vremenska promjena pomjeranja u8"1" i v8"1"

Figure 12. Time history of generalized displacements u8"1" and v8"1"


time time
"2" "2"
Slika 13. Vremenska promjena pomjeranja u8 i v8
Figure 13. Time history of generalized displacements u8"2" and v8"2"

Maksimalna pomjeranja karakteristične tačke "2" Maximum displacements of the characteristic point
tavanice broj 8 posmatrane zgrade u pravcu x i y ose "2" of the story slab number 8 of the building in the
( u 8"2"max i v"2"
8 max ) za dominantne pravace zemljotresa
"2" "2"
directions x and y (i.e. u 8 max and v 8 max ) for the
β=0° i β=45° iznose 18.5cm i 12.2cm, odnosno 12.7cm i dominant earthquake directions β=0° and β=45° are
15.7cm (slika 13). obtained as 18.5cm and 12.2cm, or 12.7cm and 15.7cm
(Fig. 13).
Na osnovu prikazanog matematičkog modela uticaja
horizontalnih sila na višespratne nesimetrične zgrade, sa According to presented mathematical model of
posebnim osvrtom na uticaj zemljotresa preko zadatog analysis of the influence of horizontal forces upon the
akcelerograma, razvijen je kompjuterski program multi-story non-symmetric buildings, with the particular
Zgrada_3D, koji, osim što daje vremenski odgovor attention to earthquake actions described by the given
višespratne nesimetrične zgrada usled zadatog accelerogram, the computer program, called
akcelerograma, može da se koristi i za analizu slobodnih Building_3D, is developed. The program dominantly
oscilacija. analyzes the time history response of a multi-storey non-
U cilju ilustracije numeričkog postupka razmatrana je symmetric building due to the given accelerogram, but

30 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

nesimetrična zgrada sa osam spratova (slike 7 i 8). Prvo also could be used for the analysis of free oscillations.
je izvršena analiza slobodnih oscilacija posmatrane As an illustration of the numerical procedure, non-
zgrade, a dobijeni rezultati se dobro slažu sa rezultatima symmetric building with eight stories is considered (Figs.
dobijenim korišćenjem programa Tower 6, s obzirom da 7 and 8). First, the analysis of free vibrations of the
se radi o različitim matematičkim modelima. Zatim je building is performed, and the obtained results are quite
analiziran vremenski odgovor razmatrane zgrade usled in agreement with the results obtained in the alternate
djelovanja seizmičke pobude (za zadati akcelerogram way, using the commercial program Tower 6, especially
koji odgovara frekventnom zapisu zemljotresa El Centro, having in mind the different mathematical models. Then,
iz decembra 1940. godine, komponenta NS) za the time history analysis of the building during the
dominantne pravce zemljotresa β=0° i β=45°. earthquake, described by the given accelerogram of the
Analizom prikazanih rezultata (slike 10-13) može da El Centro record, from Dec. 1940, component NS, is
se zaključi da vremenski odgovor višespratne nesime- obtained for the two dominant directions of earthquake,
trične zgrade zavisi kako od konfiguracije zgrade, njene given by β=0° and β=45°.
krutosti i rasporeda masa, tako i od prirode zemljotresa After analysis of the obtained results (Figs. 10-13) it
(datog akcelerograma) tj. njegovog dominantnog pravca may be concluded that the time history response of a
djelovanja i vrijednosti maksimalnog ubrzanja tla. multi-story non-symmetric building depends on building's
configuration: its stiffness and mass arrangements and
also on the earthquake's nature, given by its accelero-
gram, the dominant direction and also by the values of
the maximum soil accelerations.

[1] Brčić S.: "Discrete analysis of non-symmetric [5] Lađinović Đ.: "Savremene metode seizmičke
buildings", Teorijska i primenjena mehanika, br.22, analize konstrukcija zgrada", Materijali i konstruk-
1995. cije 51(2), 2008, str.25-39.
[2] Carpinteri A., Carpinteri A.: "Lateral loading [6] Lađinović Đ., Folić R.: "Analiza konstrukcija zgrada
distribution betwen the elements of three dimen- na zamljotresna dejstva", Materijali i konstrukcije
sional civil structures", Computers & Structures 47(3-4), 2004, str. 31-64.
21(3), 1985, pp.563-580. [7] Humar J.L., Khandoker J.U.: "A computer program
[3] Fajfar P., Fischinger M., Isaković T.: "Metoda for three dimensional analysis of buildings",
procjene seizmičkog ponašanja zgrada i mostova", Computers & Structures 11(5), 1980, pp.369-387.
Građevinar 52, 2000, str.663-671. [8] Ćorić B., Ranković S. i Salatić R.: Dinamika kon-
[4] Folić R., Lađinović, Đ.: "Uporedna analiza Evro- strukcija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, 1998.
koda 8 za projektovanje seizmički otpornih kon- [9] Žugić-Zornija Lj.: Analiza mogućeg sudara nesime-
strukcija sa nekim nacionalnim odredbama", tričnih zgrada usled zemljotresa, magistarski rad,
Građevinski kalendar 2003, SDGITJ, str. 429-485. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, 1996.

Napomena: Note:
Drugi autor (S.Brčić) je zahvalan na finansijskoj The second author (S.Brčić) is grateful for the
podršci od strane Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije u financial support by the Ministry of science of the
okviru projekta TR 16017 "Razvoj i unapređenje projek- Republic of Serbia in the scope of the project TR 16017
tovanja građevinskih konstrukcija izloženih seizmičkim i "Development and improvement of design of building
incidentnim dejstvima". structures exposed to seismic and incident actions".

MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32) 31




Ljiljana ŽUGIĆ Ljiljana ŽUGIĆ

Stanko BRČIĆ Stanko BRČIĆ

U radu je analiziran vremenski odgovor višespratne The paper is considering the time response of a
nesimetrične zgrade usled djelovanja seizmičke pobude multi-story non-symmetric building due to an earthquake
sa zadatim dominantnim pravcem djelovanja. excitation with a given dominant direction. The
Formulisan je numerički model uticaja horizontalnih sila corresponding numerical model of the lateral load
na nesimetrične zgrade (diskretni koncept numeričkog analysis of non-symmetric buildings is developed, based
modeliranja), sa posebnim osvrtom na uticaj zemljotresa on a discrete concept of numerical modeling, with
preko zadatog akcelerograma. Model je zatim poslužio particular attention to an earthquake motion with a given
kao osnova za razvijanje numeričkog modela mogućeg accelerogram. Developed numerical model was used as
sudara višespratnih nesimetričnih zgrada usled uticaja the basis for the second numerical model to analyze the
zemljotresa koji će biti prikazan u sledećem radu. possible pounding of multi-story non-symmetric adjacent
Nesimetrična zgrada je tretirana u obliku skupa krutih buildings due to an earthquake, which will be presented
ploča koje se mogu proizvoljno kretati u međusobno in the following paper.
paralelnim horizontalnim ravnima i čije je kretanje Non-symmetric building was treated as the set of
ograničeno sa po tri linearno elastične opruge koje rigid plates that can arbitrarily move in the corresponding
predstavljaju uticaj vertikalnih elemenata. Ravno parallel horizontal planes. The motion of the each story
kretanje tavanica u horizontalnoj ravni opisano je slab is restrained by the three linearly elastic springs that
pomoću generalisanih pomjeranja odgovarajućeg centra represent the influence of the vertical structural
mase (translacija u i v i rotacije ϕ). Seizmičko elements. Planar motion of story slabs in horizontal
pomjeranje tla u opštem slučaju ima proizvoljan pravac u planes is described by the generalized coordinates of
odnosu na zgradu, pri čemu je dominantni pravac each center of the mass (translations u, v and rotation
zemljotresa definisan sa uglom β, koji se mjeri u ϕ). Seismic motion of the foundation soil has, generally,
horizontalnoj ravni u odnosu na usvojen globalni an arbitrary direction with respect to the building.
koordinatni sistem. Formulisane su diferencijalne Assumed dominant direction of an earthquake is
jednačine kretanja višespratne nesimetrične zgrade described by the angle β measured with respect to the
usled uticaja zemljotresa, pri čemu je zemljotres tretiran chosen global coordinate system. The corresponding
kao zadato dinamičko pomjeranje osnove zgrade (zadat differential equations of motion of a non-symmetric multi-
akcelerogram). Jednačine su rješavane primenom α story building, due to an earthquake (with a given
postupka direktne numeričke integracije koji je numerički accelerogram), are formulated. The equations are solved
stabilan i daje potpuni vremenski odgovor zgrade za using the α method of direct numerical integration, which
zadati akcelrogram. is numerically stable and gives the complete time
U cilju numeričke realizacije ovog problema razvijen response of the building to the given accelerogram.
je odgovarajući kompjuterski program, koji osim što daje In order to obtain the solution of the given numerical
vremenski odgovor višespratne nesimetrične zgrade formulation, the corresponding computer program was
usled zadatog akcelerograma (za dominantni pravac developed. Besides providing the time response of a
zemljotresa) može se koristiti i za analizu slobodnih multi-story non-symmetric building to the given
oscilacija. accelerogram, the program is also being used in the
free vibration analysis.
Ključne riječi: nesimetrična zgrada, dominantni
pravac zemljotresa, vremenska analiza Keywords: non-symmetric building, dominant
earthquake direction, time history analysis

32 MATERIJALI I KONSTRUKCIJE 53 (2010) 1 (14-32)

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