Health Promotion Disease Prevention
Health Promotion Disease Prevention
Health Promotion Disease Prevention
Operational definition
Disease prevention
Primary prevention refers to actions aimed at avoiding the manifestation of a disease (this may
include actions to improve health through changing the impact of social and economic
determinants on health; the provision of information on behavioral and medical health risks,
alongside consultation and measures to decrease them at the personal and community level;
nutritional and food supplementation; oral and dental hygiene education; and clinical preventive
services such as immunization and vaccination of children, adults and the elderly, as well as
vaccination or post-exposure prophylaxis for people exposed to a communicable disease).
Secondary prevention deals with early detection when this improves the chances for positive
health outcomes (this comprises activities such as evidence-based screening programs for
early detection of diseases or for prevention of congenital malformations; and preventive drug
therapies of proven effectiveness when administered at an early stage of the disease).
It should be noted that while primary prevention activities may be implemented independently of
capacity-building in other health care services, this is not the case for secondary prevention.
Screening and early detection is of limited value (and may even be detrimental to the patient) if
abnormalities cannot be promptly corrected or treated through services from other parts of the
health care system. Moreover, a good system of primary health care with a registered
population facilitates the optimal organization and delivery of accessible population based
screening programs and should be vigorously promoted.
Health promotion
Health promotion is the process of empowering people to increase control over their health and
its determinants through health literacy efforts and multisectoral action to increase healthy
behaviors. This process includes activities for the community-at-large or for populations at
increased risk of negative health outcomes. Health promotion usually addresses behavioral risk
WHO EMRO | Health promotion and disease prevention through population-based interventions, includin
factors such as tobacco use, obesity, diet and physical inactivity, as well as the areas of mental
health, injury prevention, drug abuse control, alcohol control, health behavior related to HIV, and
sexual health.
Disease prevention and health promotion share many goals, and there is considerable overlap
between functions. On a conceptual level, it is useful to characterize disease prevention
services as those primarily concentrated within the health care sector, and health promotion
services as those that depend on intersectoral actions and/or are concerned with the social
determinants of health.
Provision of information on behavioural and medical health risks, and measures to reduce risks
at the individual and population levels;
Inclusion of disease prevention programmes at primary and specialized health care levels, such
as access to preventive services (ex. counselling); and
WHO EMRO | Health promotion and disease prevention through population-based interventions, includin
Provision of maternal and child health programmes, including screening and prevention of
congenital malformations; and
Health promotion
- Policies and interventions to address tobacco, alcohol, physical activity and diet (e.g.,
FCTC , DPAS , alcohol strategy and NCD best-buys)
- Dietary and nutritional intervention should also appropriately tackle malnutrition, defined
as a condition that arises from eating a diet in which certain nutrients are lacking, in excess (too
high in intake), or in the wrong proportions
- Intersectoral policies and health services interventions to address mental health and
substance abuse
- Strategies to promote sexual and reproductive health, including through health education
and increased access to sexual and reproductive health, and family planning services
- Strategies to tackle domestic violence, including public awareness campaigns; treatment
and protection of victims; and linkage with law enforcement and social services.